HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 5W. Acheson&Son Satur'ay and 1'londay BARGAINS August 2nd and 4th. OUR prices for those two days for desirable and season- able goods border almost on the ridiculous. Cost and value are entirely lost flight of for two days' clearing sale. All goods exactly as advertised and on sale Saturday morn- ing at 8 o'clock. We invite our customers to shop early. DRESS 1'IUSLINS. 1000 yards light and dark colored Dress Organdys and Dimity Musliue, in pink, blue, black, mauve, green ground, neat patterns and fast colon, prices were from 10c to 25c a yard, on one table, now all at one sale price per yard SHEETiNOS. Heavy unbleached 72 -inch wide plain Sheeting, regular value 22c, special, per yard 15e TABLE LiNEN. 58 inches wide extra heavy /nbMaeblld dice pattern Table Linen, coma endedlbr "sat wait. oder. 40e. fele price 30c EMBROIDERIES. 1200 yards white lawn and Swiss Embroideries and Insertions from 1 to 4 inches wide, prices ranged from 8c to 13c a yard, placed now, one entire table, at one price per yard . be 7: COTTON BLANKETS. 40 pairs double bed size American cotton Blankets, fast borders, in pinks and blue, regular value 80c pair, in white or grey, sell- ing two days at per pair 60c CARPETS. 3G inches wide extra heavy union reyerrible Carpets, beat color- ings and warranted fast, regular value 40c, clearing two days per yam 30e CORSETS. dozen Corsets, ' Floredore,' English jeou and watchspring tilled, lace trimmed, made by one of the moot reliable manufacturers in Causda, all size., 18 to 30, regular price 75c, on sale special.50c CANTON FLANNEL, 300 yards half bleached Canton Marine?, fine and soft pile, 27 inches wide, regular price 8c, Saturday and Monday .. bC SLEEVES and COATS. The B(;t'TERICK PATTERNS for Aaiun lust received. ora siring in large sleeve styles and tee loam .atom Slot mem fee. urea are also /bone Burtenc► shirt waist costumes should 5. looked .t h, all cur patrons W. Acheson & Son. COUNTY CURRENCY. \1' 1 ( . ,.Beam : R ger Mc tttr. has moosP ted a position as leoior In the Beak of Hamil- ton am16ton ('Linton : A young lady realdmg In tow., eighteen years of age, has never yet nese on a r..iroed train. Chatoo : A aria of Mr. Trewhill took • silos out of bee foo: reoe.tly by stepping on • piece of glace. tVloghao : Frank ('on,table le 111 with appendicitis. Thfe Ie tbe fourth tiros he Me been afflicted with It. Clinton: Mr,. An,,e S Prendergast, of (:rand Recede, Mich., hes been awarded her degree of mistress of muds. Exeter : l'.roy Brownlnr,`1.ody Bowden, Fred Sweet sod Edward Hooper left bait week for the Old Cowry. Ember : Flex pulling in the motion has been oomme,oed. Meese. Kellerman Bros. have 300 sores to harvest tele season. Wugham : Andrew Llnkl•ter hae sold hie brlok resldeooa In Clifford and be end Mrs. Llnklet.r will move to Wlogham. Exeter , K. Smith, the late popular teller at the Motion'. Bank, Hooson. nae mowed • o miler position la the Dew :Overige Book hen. Wlogham: W..1. Kennedy, formerly of the North Eod Grocery here has told hie bootees. as the Csnadl*o "300" and is moving le Chlcavn. Colborne M,. Duret, of ('olborne, wbo bas bees shippler largo quantities of bitch Merrier. bad, we aaderrtend, over 9100 worth ruined by the late rains. Whigham : J. A. Flack tenelvrd a sen,Dle stalk of rye from F•neraoo Mar. mea• eared etc feat three Iaohee, and app trendy had tot done growing when ptaoked. Broom!, : Will. Laat.herdate has mode ao engNemeot with V. Koeohtel, Seatorth, and will remain then In the old stand for the next year. H.'. a miriade hood. Hotm.evllle : On Saturday aft.rn000 the 19.h inst., Mrs. Fred For I, while preparing to go to Exeter. was suddenly stricken with appendicitis. Tele is the third at'.ok. lioderloh township; While drawing In bay meetly. Stewart McDougall. of the out Ii.e, had the misfortune to fall off the bead, and ie striking the ground his arm w.s broker,. i'llntoo : ('oanty COmmleeioner Chambers and John Molntyre, el Ashfield, same to town on Monday of Ism\ week. is order to place Mrs. M •Glwoi., of that township, fn oke Hove, of Refuge, Blyth : R. R. Corte,. who to. been con- aeoted with J. M. }Smitten'. dreg store for the put two years mod a half. left last week for H.Kerevllle, where he bas moored • situation In • drug store. Clinton : Phe Collegiate Institut. b. ,rd of trustees will the year ask tee council for 91,700, (.n fnor*ase of 9100.1 Thle is doe se the fact that the board find it n=memory to paint the sohool building. Kippen : Mrs. ;chafer, while performing her .1,meetlo work heel the mbtortuos to let • kettle of hot 'ewer fall on one of her feet, scalding It levy severely, which cau.ed Ler moth men for scans time Exeter : The Sovereign Flank has opened • branch to Enos,. The bank has leased I'. Fittons building opposite the Central and ha. had It remodelled and fitted up in the most modern and convenient man- ner. R'Iogham : Pert of the shipment. from It mgkam last week were &carload of cattle to Toronto by John Soott ; . oar load of hogs by W. F. t'.n.ton. ; • oar load of hones to Pilot Mood, Mas., by Carrie A Blatant. Clinton : S. S ('.near hu bem awarned the 000trar1 by the Public Works Depart- . men, for the uectlon of the new postrt6oe building and Is prepared to push it terward with all possible .peel. H. tender was �tor 93,500. Brussels : Fatty (oilers has been .oh. scribed by the members of Rr.oel. told Fel owe' Lodge toward the proposed home to be erected for • t Red or need• brethren, .las. Jonas pushed the subscription along to • euoc.asful lune. Morris: This veer .1..., RN), • former resident of the 6 b Ilse, living near Lone - don, North Dakota, has 250 scree of land under flex. Last year he had 1080 bushels of seed from 57 acres end received as high as 91.77 for part of it, Conetanne : is le our asd duty to record the death of Mary Ellen M.y, wife of James Parish, of Constance, which 000urred o0 Wednesday of last week. Deceased wee slot for only • few days, .nal her demise was quite unexpected. She was aged 43 years. (ioderioh township : While unloading hay recently Cloy Hick, narrowly escaped what might have been • , if not • fate/ Injury. The hay fork by some means 1.11 and one of th• forks penetrated the 1 Harvest Require= ments . . at the very best values. Our BINDER TWINE ii going out feat. We handle Gold Leaf, Silver Leaf and Maple Leat Brands. Buy your Twine early as it may FiOarce. Harvest Mitts and Whips, Pure Paris Green, Forks and Rakes, in stock, of the heat anality. be A few Screen Doors and Windows to clear out McKI3NZJE TBi9 FLACK TO RtJY LA*T *IDL *QUARK. & HOWELL ALL RARDWARK CHKAF. GODERICH. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. point el els .hes, sraal. the toe. Had he been e'ruok oa the head the result might have been mane wore*. Brussels Elwood, the fiule ecu of ()forge Barkley, was set emu by • oo.uh dog reoeetly while 11 • led was after aims water a► is uughborlog ramp, and the Ivi'* (nue suffered somewhat by the *woe's teeth. A doctor was called et 000', bad the wounds wuteriaed and dressed ead the little fellow appears to be doing all right. Kipped : kin. Wm. Coote-, .r., an old sod much esteemed resident of our villa,. met with . wrlous &wildcat • few days age. While she was •tleodin, the overeight of some work out of doom, she fell, distocatlog the hip joint. The aoolde.t will .eoasltt•te her keep(./ her bed for some time whlub will be eery try.eg on her, 000slderioa her •dyaooed age, oke being t. tar 110.0 year. B.y6dd cert. Howard met with •u sr- ,ldu.s recently, while defying to Chaim. TM shaft Dame I urs sod dropped on the hones heel, asu.lna the aolu.l to bolt. Mr. Howard, with Mus Maud Pullook and Mee Jobutun were thrown out. Wee Pollock was severely intake. up and Mr. Howard euet.t-,ed . sey.ro so.lp wetted and badly bruised fruit and arm, but Mee Johnston *soaped untainted. Brute's : Word was r.oelyed here Mos day last week of the demi.. of Catherine, D ov .1 od wife of W.H.air M. conn o1 Tor formerly well-known alt!,... of Brussel.. See had been laid up with nervous prostrs• Mon but her demise was quite •.hook to t.r friends. Mrs. Moes was 61 yeas of are. She .7.tt.4 here last mummer sod was look - log well. Mrs. J. Leckie went to 'reroute on W.dn.ed.yto attend the Naomi. Mr. Mom will be deeply sympathized with. they had no oblldreu • t ;triton : Voll. Kennedy, butcher, was badly gored by • yoump cow on Tuesday eveal0e of last week. It appears that he and amoral others were trylrg to get the enraged Meat foto the slaughter house 1. It'll when It became eomaaageabl. add memorial to breaktod away, and turoing ou Mr. Kennedy mocked him down gorleg him h&ally on the left shoulder mod &iso tr.mplog on him. He was badly bruised and uoeooecioo. for • shot time and It t, a miracle that he was not killed. 1)r. Mc- Kay was summoned and had him removed ro his home. It will b• some time before Mr Kennedy will be able to attend to b!. busk eta 'rho*omits was 'het the game evening. A SENSIBLE MAN. ltlytb, one„ host. 1.'. 1901 Macleod Medicine Co., Uoderich, Ont. When I went to Coderl.h April last o y GOB. sou waaldered bop.l.... 8offer.eg from • oomplleotion of disease., espe.i.by from kidney trouble and hoadeobe, 1 could not do any work. Indeed 1 could mot steal/Woo my.elt or walk steady. 1 wan so vena u,l feeble t L.t IL affw1d my no In ,ry badly. 1 doctored et Li II home doctors u - til 1 sou nearly goon. A faithful Ir.,,d persuaded me to try y. tar remedies, whish I did mod with the best sponse.. 1 home to Improve as sone a. I togas them. To •k • doee,.1 the Renovator to Uoderlob. 1 felt the effects of that (dose ell day and 1 th ak 1 feel 1t yet. My cure began with t' 1 onntinued taking your medicines until 1 *es ouret. 1 wok both the System Reo, - eator and the tipeoifia Cure. i owe my re oeYery to them. Today I em atroog and fl -sty, able to work 04 well as ever every day 1 never expected emits a obaog. I took the medicine for three mo•lbs steady with- out missing • this'. WN COWAN. Maolnod's Remedlca, establhbed la 1888 are the eoly medicines in Csneda which 0a51 sold on their merits without .dyer tieing. Address MacLeod Medicine Co., Goderioh,Ont. ANGLICAN S• S CONVENT ION. A t "fel Neetlwg In Goderirk Leal Taareday. The Meth annual Sunday school onnven Moa for the deanery of ROY 40 sou bald in So. George's! Smedley eohool last Thursday, with some sixty three delegates from out side pointe le atteadanoe. Th. olergymen present were : Rev. J. W. Hodgen., Nee forth ; Rev. W. Lowe, W,ogham ; Rev, Mr Tea Eyck, Exeter t Rev. 1". J. Doherty, Hene,ll ; Rs, M, M. Goldberg', Duneaunoo ; Rev. R. Elmo''', Blyth ; Rey C. K Gunn', Clinton ; Rev. H. A. Wright, Hnlmeavtlle, and Kev, M T'arnbuil, Uode rich. Tee morning seu'oe was taken up with the opening ser•io., a few words of welcome by the resident reotor, Rev. M. Turnbull, a brief address by Lb. 7ur10-dean, Key Mr. Bodeen', and the receiving of statistical reports term. the t•.rleue schools to the dasnerv. Tb* afternoon session wee balled to order shortly altar 2 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Hodgene presid,og,aod was devoted to the reeling and dncaulon of the various papers. Uoe on "Tbe R.ptism%l Ublig.ttoo," prepared by Rev. Mr. Jc^Dings, of B.y6eld, was read by Kev. Si. Turohu'l es the writer was unable to be present. This paper and the eosaioz discussion set forth clearly the cburoh'e teaohing and practice in retard to tela sacrament, and the ob'i,vien of the parent to bring his children to baptism and tc see that they are properly brought up subsequently. Mn Phillip., of Cloven, Med • well-wrltteo paper on the "U*sir.• blhty and Effective 'remitting to Church History." In wbloh ohs advocated more thorough attraction In the Sunday whom in the htotor/ of the Aoglioan church and the inculcation of a deeper Imre for her or dioanoe. This was followed by a paper by Roe. 17. 711 Goldberg, of Dungannon, on “The A t;. a t 1 ory e f 1s r and u I v• 9 Liturgy of the English Churoh, which dealt with the history of the ohuroh to England in early times and touched on points la her history ■ p to the time of the reformation, showing her to be • branch of the Holy (1•thole and Apostolic churob. Mr. Goldberg'" paper reoelved maoh commendation for Its oon- oee ,ratement of the .ase. A good paper on''1'.reot 1 Responsibility," prepared by D. Netts', lloderich, was also read and 4,,- oussed. Clinton was ohosen as the pose of meet - Ing for nett year's 000yentlon, and the fol lowing officers were elected : Hoo. presi- dent, key. J. W. Hodgeni ; president, Rev. C. K Gonne, Clinton ; etc. president, Mee Tunholt, Uoderloh ; rewording secre- tary Mr, Shore, Wlxgbam ; corresponding secretary, Mn. PhllIp., Clinton. A vote of thanks was tendered the oon,regatlon of Sr. 0eorge's ler their hr.pltahty In nr0- •1dt11g entertolement for the •ieitor., alter which the mnvaatten &dimmed. brl.g greatar rotas. for the mosey la. volved. Mr. Elford le .lw•ye ready sed willing to "'piens On methul employed tram start to Eoi.b, how the rno.buore work, what tied ..ruts the bait ro.ult., bow the .71 .k. are tr•a'err• 7 to (bale •lemur mother,'' the brooder, the alter, and • thuu.aud and ose other things. He oto show the difference to reettl a if leedleit ohwk.oe us mom. kiwis of l&1700e. Hs will ebeerluily &.ewer asy giestto0, and vu i ore mit always tlod him scour•.ou. and ubltglog. Canadlair poultry ,, just Melo- aim to be appreula(.,,lu th• Old Country, and farmer. and otbe77ik would do sell to pay come atte.7,m to the reader of the mime. The t,OvonIment is meet'.' "treat e flort. to establish a good market and pro- vide the Met mewll of tra.sportalieo. Io • shout time this toed of import amouot ....10.77 .wm. Aside from that, sur home m.rketr,.eob as Toronto, Winnipeg and bloomreal, offer good (worm.. Oa Tuesday of last week Mr. Kllord had 350 more little obloks ma the Ilebt of day. Aa• other leoubator le eroret•d to complete Its wink this week. The makes • total of over 1000 b.rde hatobeta 001 at ill's et0tloD, though it has been 1s operation only three month. 1,1'. Elford abo buy. ,ems for Iatteolog purports", and though he has "'tippet l time. he has .tall •bout 1200 at the station. At orreeot there are • cuE 160 ohickens being fattened, pert of which will be shipped this week to the faire •t Wolverhampton, Eoplaud, and Cori, Ireland. They are mostly ours Hooks •od Wyandotte.. The .t•tlon nsw ha. al.teen brooders and brooder houses. The.e ere the loyeotlon of 1'rof h C. Hue, Damietta, Poultry Superinteudent, sod aro proving very someesful. Though this, sea . on ha. teen acythiog but conduo,ve to the Nat result. In poultry raising, Mr. Elford Informs u1 that wlih item broolre be has leu very few. T'he speak. volumes Mien son task. Into c.,*.lderatlon the Dumber raised. A feed abed hos ala. terra erected whose the chicken► being fattened ere kept. Taoas are fed mostly with este and tour milk. Too young ohtcks have [asides More 0 diet of meet an 1 millet. Mr. El - 1.:4 bas hal 1 vte!te from other poultry raisers and bird Meows, and ell hey" rtpr. sd themselves well pleased wllh Ihs results attained. A SWORN STATEMENT• All olau& N.. au Emphasised NIe titre. Opt is .f /edd's hiders 1.111.. Uaawa, Ont., July 28-(Speciall.-Mr. George H. Kent, el 309 Gilmore .t., Ihla oity, had Bright'. diwese some elybt or sloe years ago. He Lad beta in bed L,ur month", gradual- ly grittier mese, and physician% could do oothieg for him Hie case had re.cbed that stago when be was Lotted sod In con- 70l.l0ne Jn fact be w•& Ito low stat the doa'on to .1 We K. art rce "venin' ih.t he could sot 1 le till mornieg. 10 Ih • tv.rrmity she seat for 1) dal'. Kidney P.C. ear 1 la about two menthe Mr. Kent was at work ..0 n. Re h.e made a sworn statement of the fate of the nue which hu bun oub'l.hed its the 1 mal pagers bete. NOTICE OF REMOVAL T Post once and Grocery Store 10 1'111 .11.1.01.E ,,. SA LT FORD in removed from this date to the more com- modious premises formerly known as the Maitlaedville Hotel." Th t large brink building has been thor suably renovated; aid a well assorted stook of good. is now offered for sale tor the con- venlence of customers tram the village and neighboring townships. BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN AS CASH Flour end Feed, ('rocker),. Hardware. Dry Goods, Rootsnd Shoes, Tobacco. Canned end in geese') all articles to be found In an 1.19-I0 date Orollers /tore always oa sale. JOHN WALTERS, Poetmuter Hanford, July 33rd. 1962. 92 It Ili' Huron nd Bruce Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. Sot 1„T.,n - 11! 11.11' HOLT, K.C. It..v1.t:He- THE ('ANADiAN BANK 01' COMMERCE. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are preporo.l to receive Elepanttn from Truoteos, Parents or Children, in RUMS of from Fifty Cents to Three Thousand 1 Mllare, and allow compound interest, added every nix months at rales aa agreed upon. Cheques are given Deport;tor., so that they may draw upon thoao deposit* at any time 3, Si and 4 per cent, 'tettereet allowed oa Deposits according to amount and time left. , a N,B-Parpuant to a late Act of Parliament married women and miner's have the right to deposit awl draw out motley in their own name. Hepatitis ran be sent by mail at the risk of sender. Remote from your houses temptation to bturglare and fend for the flame,. As the Company maks, loons •01141 on first clam farm property, depositors have the strongest security for their in- veetmente. TO BORROWERS. Thin Company if, prepared to loon on the shortest notice any Nam upon first clog; security. Terms ars made to sad borrowers, Straight loans and simpf interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED -For further particulara tall at the Company's office, corner of Market Sonars and North Street, (loderich W. L HORTON, F. JORDAN, Manager. President. W. PROUDFOOT, Viee-President, At t b. eervlce In the ohuroh In the eyes. Mr the Rev. Mr. Guno, took all his text, "By much slothtuloeas the beildier de oayoth." In hie oppllo•tloo of the text the hn.Ltlog was the formation of oharaler and the loeterlog of the .plrltu•1 life In the yning, which he wild did not '"salve the same attention as their material advisor - mem, It was lameateble that no provision war made In the pohlio schools for retie ours fe.trnotion has In the ahvenoe of think the Sunday sohoolshonld be made as effeetive ae poesilde and parent% should be brought to a greater realization of their duty to their children to the all Important mat's, of rellglner, in*trontlen. )ltev. Me. Tort - tell and Rev. Mr. Haien. read few ser- vlor. HOLMESVILLE PJULTRY S fATION Gratifying sessile frees Gtr Werk *thee s'errsed ew them t lrnm The r lln•on'.ew gra,i The i)nmin,ne poultry •(•(lain ,1(0117 had al Holm«vale under the man.gemtet 011 F. C. Elfnrtl, le proving en b. a great eee- sem. A v sit to It will repay anynes. The Ueverament has estahllehed thee. *Wiens net nn'y to find ant erperlmentally the best method of rabies lied fettucine p3allry, bet to demnwetnte that pon'fty raised ye IA. prnp.T mann*, ran he Implied teeth • geed mantle el profit. There are tow be• i tee mast•, 11 my, le the larmiug Gee that -•-f1H4WTFOR8 yI,.o nD STRATFtroNA, J. M. RoeRATA. T kANt:1, ,1oRDA)7. II Demme Was. Paouorow%. Halsor fioarolr. D. J. NA►T.T- P1111AP Hot.T, K. The POINT FARM, EASON OF 1902. OPEN THIS WEEK 1 The improvements at the Point Farm being advanced almost to completion, IM Rotes will be open for gnmta this week. The m*nagement wink to draw atten- tion especially to the Mlvantag.. of The Point Farm u a reanrt for pleasure parties from town. Every pro, inion will be made for the reception and entertainment of such parties. There is nowhere, a more delight. fat spot to'pend•a day or an evening, ami visitors will *Iw.ya he made welcome. The Huron, Brace & Otey Electric Ry. Co., Limited, ('.I1. lies 73. Godertoh, Ont. IBRIGHTS DISEASE le the deadliest sad gest painful malady to whir mankind issubject. Dodd'& kidney Pills will own shay use of Bright's Dbease. They Dare never failed la one single case. They age the NO remedy that over has cured It, and they aro the wily remedy that wan There are Miltsoats od. I1bdd's Kidney 1' P , boa and name --but Int ta- tiona as". dangerous. The orlgdaal and onl sure for Bri•ght's UMsasa Y DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dodd'. Kidney Pills ons fifty cents a box at all druggists. i i1 i,. i-- i OUR SHEET STEEL PRESSED BRICK I. an idealing, either for new i dings or i n,pr.,. tog o1J• I1 1e YERY EASILY ANO QUICKLY APPLIED, GIVES PERFECT WEATHER Pt00F PROTECTION. IS FIRE. LIGHTNING AND RUST PROOF ARO COSTS VERT LITTLE. C,,noid , it• fine appearance - its splendid enduring qualities -anti .light expense -and da1Je to ser .c 'our own o bet intcr,s by using it. Fullest 1.1.117..,7' information in our catalog. METALLIC ROOFING CO., Lltllna. 0701.0.1• 0.nur.0 ti TORONTO, CANADA. FOE -Al.'. 111' Lee & Sllophard 91tir ra_LP ETP :�•} CcsF,i. The Division between gaol and indifferent Drugs and Medicines is strongly defined here. The Indic lomat tlod aro never ordered and never permitted to form part of one •tock. Only goods of undaunted purity are offered to customers Our stook of Proprietary Medloinee 1, very large, Palos' are kw. F. JORDAN MEDICAL HALL. Goal! Coal! JU'4T RltrItlVeD a 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. This Goal le good for stoves and grates ;e sadly lighted and glees out a reran hear, 1 Car West Virginia:Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. M*sIllon Washed Nut 30 eta. per 100 Ib., or lSegO per too. GIVE IT A TRiAL. TUousooe, July 11, 1902 a Jordan McKIM'S Bl. Qoderich, Ont. A Summer Clean -Up. Now Is the time we Olean out all liners of Summer Deed., as matter obese prpflt, nod to some linos part of the cwt must go. We have • remnant table that will Interest you. Remnants of Drees Goods. Remnants of Prints and Muslin/. Remnants or S11ks and Ribbons. Remnants or Lace and Embroidery Remnants of Millinery at half price. Remnants of all kinds at prices your way to clear. Homespun, 50o -.Ns bays a big lot ' Skirts -A spsulal lot of new home nus me of 75. however, to Davy brown and Skirts, better made than you can have 11 greys, 52 to 54 lochs" wide, a t90O dome, anal •{ .two( the Dost of the mate/MaleWool. of •h kinds •t olomest otiose. 5001 TOR prim of ear special la $3 00 CLOTHING W• have yet to) much, and It mut be olear.d. BOYS' 8U1113 - Not the eholdy, thrown together sort, but East oitee goods mode la the latest stylea with good linage, at the prior you etpeot to pay for the obeapab MEN'S SUITS and TROUSERS -As clearing out prios.. 1h.y mu.1 go to make room In the maw .tock. MCK/M'S BUSY STORE. Every Cyclist Deserves Dunlop Tires Do you want the best tires. -Dunlop Tires? Or do you want to pay just as much for the second but ? Lunlop Tires for Carriages' and Auto. - "olid rubber rud pueu• gar&tiC. DUNLOP TIRE CO., LMITNI, TORONTO, S10000 for Sale. Having established sawing anti split. flog machinery at my Coal and Wood Yard • t the head ofs N Iwo .user and having a large •took of Cordwood on hood, 1 am In a position to tumleh first - clue Stove Wood promptly and at reasonable rates, Terme, Duh on de- livery. Gthoe, Nelson St. Telephone 75. . BARLOW HOLMES. J BROPIIEY & SON - THE 1.11A1117i1 - Nuns'&`- D'vTeetove.:aC 1V.moa\ratra. Orden easefully attended to al all hours. wtgat er day, Qarbee Mew. 1802 " 1808 L //S/TOWEL !�� ifji/e Is meeting forward. Winter term begins Jan 9, 1907. Our rates are reasonable, our omens of study thorough and practical, !fend for Our Journal and see what we teach. Students may enter at ea time. Two wo ooarsew oft e roll. Commercial and tlhorthas C. A. FLEMING, A. L. MCINTYRE, Pres.. fteo„ Owen Nonni. Listowel. McKillop Mntnai' Fire lnsnnoce Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW' PROP- ERTY INSURED, 1 Neter" of Property Ineurni up to January, 1901 /7,0401,e73.100 nrr,eP.I01 AND DIRRA•T•oitR. J. R. McLean, pre*. ; T. Framer, sloe-rms. ; Jas. Connolly. G. Dale. W. G, I'iro•dfcat, J. Watt, Jas. Kvan., J. G. Grieve, J. Henaewels. directors; W. O. Hroadfo,t, Sostorth. Inspec- tor of losses ; T. E. Ilays, tleatorth, oeoretary treasurer. AIi 1NTR J W. Yw, Holmeavilio James Cumming Egmnndvllle ; It. McMillan, Seaforth ; R Smith, Harlock. Polley -bottlenose pay aseee*rnente and net their o•rde recelpted at Mr. (;oats'. Clinton, or at McLean liras.' Palace Clothing Store, God. 'lob Wm. Campbell. 'loderioh, M•roh 10th 1902 ORSELL'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Eavestroughing, CAM Roofing and 1 Siding, Dairy Tinware, Iran Pipe and Fittings , , CHEAP. MiH-Wood FOR SALE RIIYNAS I CORNELL- UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS, Etc., tl'sst side of Square, GODERICH, - ONT. Night calls promptly answered. F. BARN NUMBS keeps constantly on hand and sells at the lowest prices Hard and Boft Coal, Cannel Coal, Blacksmith Coal, Charcoal, Wood, St. Mary's Lime. The beat brands of Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe Firebrick, fireclay. k will pay you to inspect his stock and get prices before purchasing. Omo. and Yards at the head of Nelson Street. Uoderiob. o all stats. TAILORING... 1 have received my New yews et Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for Spring and Bummer Wear. if you are getting • new spring malt, • light over, •eat, or enythlog to my line, i can please you In goods, tit and prion, g-Yteady•Nade (letalag la liter►. If, DUNLOP, ;um HELLO THE OLD" RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND rue ma ScraIltoll Bard Coal � IN TQM MARKET Al ('oat wefgh.d on the Market Beales where imam 5190 lbs. for . ton. WM. LEE. Olden left .t LZZ 8$iPSAB.D'S Afore promptly offended M. The al ove is cut Into stove wood lon4th and will be delivered to ail - part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or Left at rtsldence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. G.nlerich, November 21st, 1899. 63.3m A Great Snap --- is our (linger Snap, .t Se. • peaed, of which we sella barrel • week. This isn't our only snap• as we carry everything that can be found In &0 ao- to date ernoery store, and our pride are right. The farmers know that they can always get from an a snap far their preduoe. W• draw the line at se legitimate trade - everything goes : Min"t"ers or potatoes, garden staff or ohnloeet table Chine.. W• deal 1a all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Redford bleak, Oelstrleb rata DO YOU BUY CROOERIES? No one who buys (Iroceries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful busineup day. Our Groceries are of the heat quality, and the prices ere a* low 09 fir't-claas gcoris can be bought at if you ere not already dealing with us, make a trial purchase, and see if we cannot snit you. STT.TR=Y 13t CO THE GROCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE. 'floods promptly delivered. Telephone No. 91.