HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 4an,R'..xr el!YS ar..tr Mi.:a;a0,- , THURSDAY, July 31, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOFI ONTARIO Best Things for Men. The pink of the products of linen workers, in white or colors, 18(001 designs in mine's and boys' Shirts and Shirtwaists. Cool, comfort- able, faahionuble. Made from the most fashionable English and American goods. Wear well and keep their color. Prices, $1.00 to $150. TIESx''u" adds to the dress of a ms . She a ole. tie. 11 you have a aloe • U. other Imperfeeliepe i■ dress are sadly oyerlooked. I )or new •tock 10 strings, boos, fuer In hands. Imperial• and sero,• t. ttre,tly *dawn', and le meeting with a resat aide. Prices range from 100 tO pal 00. _- _ - - See our mercerized silk Uoderwur at $1.00 per suit, People who have meso le say It Is tee atomic underwear they ever had un, It la so soul and co nlortable, ed the pike Is eo rtdioslouly low for xaob good., $1.00. mea sad b•Ter of all deeegl SUMMER CLOT/1f INO tl.aar, aaa bo bad then siert and at e.'1 pries you may choose. We tee Meal cf all our odo1h10*. ln•pecOrm layltel. WO. PRI DRAM e Porting Fitting Ciotti , Hua. Idea's Clothier, Farnteber and Hatter. ght �i gnaz, U PV1.l.mtl1D EVERY THURSDAY MORNING OT'r. IlleSILUCIIIIRDT Oousxian. THURSDAY. JULY fa..ana NO SECOND PROVINCIAL ELECT TION. THE Tory press is having alnico time dunug Ile dog days in putting up Iolitical skittles and knocking them duwu. One day they bare special information front :the Old eourtry that Hon G. W. Rosy, just go soon as he return, to Ontario, will pass eel a'hurry call to the electorate and hold an- other Provincial election. Tne next day we are gravely told that Hon. O. W. Ross need not endeavor to hold another I'rn- tincial election, that precede3M are against such a proceeding, and in any event Sir OLiven MowAT would not stand for such a thing, as he has a reputation and • name to prewar ve. We'I, it in something to have a gaol wont said f r Sir (Wyse before lie dies. Usually the Tory newspaper pone left, only on tiro tint tombetune, and it is somewhat refreshing to wee eometbing nice Sir O1.lvca in the present caw, Put The Mail and its following need not worry about anotter Pro% Metal election, and then are good 'ant sufficient someone why they should not. W hi a the present hot spell lads there will be no crying de - Mend for • change In the political situa- tion, unle,e in the c"!u0ms of The Ma I. and In the mind. of those who take 1 b4 Mail seriously. (toss has a majority, and that jonty to conceded by our Tort' friend,. When the cooler weather comes It is quite pesbtble that If there are any bye-electlons -and both pantee claim that they can un- horse some of the other fel'owe-it is With - In the possibilities that the hoes majority will grow. The House will not need to be called together until the month of March, and by that time there will be • cumber of change., and the changes will be largely in favor of the (overnment, or all precedents fail. 14o that all this "Tally ho" ! talk by The Mail is merely poise, and not to be taken creep: with the proverbial grail of salt, Hut, say. The Mail. there is a popular majority of 7,000 against's Govern- ment, and without going in,particulare, that veracious journal think.. that it has made oat a c •se. Suppree, for arguments' sake, that the ' )pposi eon hal 7,000 or men en 20,000 of a popular majority and .bat not. hove; s majority of seats, of what avail would it be! The Mall doe. not believe in the principle of the referendum, the election of publ c melt, and why ohouYll that, argument bo Lrottel out in this case! The Mail knows that at the recent elec- tion in Ontario a Cave of Adullum was formed againet the Hon, (;solute W. Rau, and that in addition to the .traigilt Con( r' votive, vote the kicking temperance (:titan and nine -tenths of the liquor interest were 8110 arrayed on the fighting hue for W if 11. - Pine. How the 'scheme wag engineered it i. not our intention to say a1 present, but t he facts stand, Now lightning dome not strike twine in the same plan, and, knowing how the political fakirs worked the oracle at the lent e'ection, we ore sure and certain that the ('ave of Adullum in Ontario will never again Hold such a combination a. it hehl prior to the 29th of May tat. Such being the nage, The Mail may rest from its labors in the discussion cd another Prosincial election in 1902. The battle has bean fought and won. and the Hon. O. W. ROOOS is camping on the battle field, with his eommiesary;department, arms and un.• mond 1011logo d condition ,.ud Ilia linos of commuwl.'attun iutact,whi'et 1 is opponent., have been r, uted and have taken to the tall limber for four years mora. SNAPSHOTS -Now. boys, duff the khaki and put on the overalls and get to work. -"Make hay while the pun raiment' Int been the shibboleth u( (11e hunters for the last week or two. • - Mao foes; of New York, receutlt claimed that her jewels were worth 1300.000 but elle placed no •alae on her reputation. - The man 111 The Moon (publiohe,l week- ly 111 Toronto) evidently knows hitt Wallies.. and The Moon gives out a gaol many things that are not moonshine. - The man on the other side of the shingle soy that be is tired of listening to that por- tion of the National Anthem that gays: "Lang to rain over a." -Although no petition hu been fikel spired Ontsroo's Premier in the Courts we 'earn, to what we consider find -clue authority. that J. P tuRiesev is bound to continue to protest against the Hon. O. W. Ross. - Someleelt puhh.het that there had torn 464 applications for knighthoods from l.anada on the coronation occasion. The Globe says there were Ilse than one dozen how wasn't that d(gen about twelve loo -Even MAr•AnAtte, of Tho NAndon Rey- etreek, couldn't exp ess the contempt that nearly every one feels for the foolish ac- tions of the high -smoky -mucks of the B.C. judiciary. 11 they want to he respected they should re.poct them.elve.. -W. R. Ocotillos, of Lucknow, who watt 0110 of Ino libellers of M. I; esteems Id. 1'. 1'., recently. Iiam been forced to crawl under the barn and retract his utterance.. In the last i,nue of The Lucknow Sentinel. he get. down on hie marrow -bone in an all - including apology. --When the bronzed features of .lows R. Ronissov, of the Toronto Telegram, ap- pear on the 'lreetlt of the Queen City, everyone who doesn't know him is ready to swear that he is a returned 5 •nth African hero with the peachbloom of Hart's River on his sunny countermen.' Rut .Tolls isn't e0e11 a silver medalist of 066.\ T edeiath et Dr. H. H. II *acv, M.P., sg\Owen Mound, which was crawled by the Imr7Ling al a fly wheel in the (*intent works of which M wag one of the management, came --terrible kfe le ewnt,e., upon all who kris him. Young, strong and with the hope cif malty uwful years before, he WAR .tnekelt down, in the twinkling of eye. 'I he .leant of Dr. Ho1010 remover. from Owen Souhd'one jof its most enter- prising resident'', and taker. Irom the floor of Parliament one of the moot able of the younger 'nowhere. Ile leaves a widow, (daughter of Deputy -speaker Ma.xd..nab!, the member for Rut Huron) and two child- ren, who have the sympanthy of the entire community. Hot weather Snaps .... In Boors HOES No matter hew cool and comfortably you are dressed otherwise, if your feet ire not clad in cool Summer Footwear, you will feel hot end restless. Cool Shoes are a great essential to Summer comfort. We have all styles at RIGHT PRICES. For WOMEN'S HOUSEWEAR Women's Prunella Hoskins, with toe -cap, for only 50e per pair. Women's light Kid flunking, with elastic front, McKay sewn, only 50c. Cloth Slippers, from ISc. per pair up. -. See window for values in high shoes. MEN'S 000D8 we have all styles for MITI NO, STREET or DRESS WEAR, UN- EXOELLED in VALUE. Oar WALK OVER for Men and QUEEN QUALITY for Women are our two leaders. Nothing like them in town. time so a call and be convinced of our sterling values. . 00� ar• -F E. DOWNING, AIRING Red Front Shoe Store. Nest Jen, Wilson's Drug Store. WHA r 01 HERS ARE SAYING. 00 111 is IIProrvoatt. Toru•to Star : Oes reason why Radcliff (the batgmae) has ea lee bleeds may ba hie uaplwsaut babit of dropprog his aeyaslat- aoose w sudeles'y. a nINT re,O0 NItANTYIKD. B.antlord Expositor • In the preporatloo of the plena for the l'arorg a library In Brantford, 11 te to be hoped mere rrrrrd will be mad, to goo, mmodatloo than tooroameat. 1t is not desirable twit Mr. ('ararea's meetly should be expended on mere show. Let u u bays • pretty bundles', but let It be deelgo.d o• such broad and liberal lines as will meet lka,tlord'e library royalties/sate for many veers t0 °erne. AT'tils,: Tile it0TAi. YANII.Ies. Brooklyn Tra'imirlpt : Americans are a!- waye righteously lodlgt.•nt with English papers for dinettes to muoh specie to the muv.mr at of the royal homily. They eail It riot only a waste of 'pace, but they cell It by harder came,. Of oourse, Annuluses will see readily that cure Ie a wide distant tion between British papers ubon:vitae wbere the Prlooe of W ole. lunched y..urdey and Americas@ obroololog the Iwportsot foot that Kermit Roomivelt has • sew dog. Nc YLano t) taws Cttiz.a . A good story to heio told to Inland aunt a clergyman wbou jokes us mol many. His first curacy bad proved rather trvloy, owing to the presence of 110 moiety 1.11es, ah 000 eager to help blm. He soon untiedthe peigbborbood, 8012 t ome Line alter, meeting his soc,es•or, he asked bow did he gee on with the ladles of rhe Fardah. "1)ha11 right," we. the answer "1'heris safer ler numbers." “1 hurl 1 it In Modes." was the nide. AN l''T seerzsI'r. Guelph Mercury The Toronto Telegram Is rousing public opinion In Toronto oyer the out' n um. eentene• pseud upon Wm. flcAdeme, of The SCodon, H C., Payetre.k, for oou'emptof court A Line menthe', or twenty one month,' isoteoo►, rather, simply ✓ ates lb• mune bueiots, and Ws ween sentence is impoatd ria him without *lying him any trial by his fellow,. Some Ilmi should be rut on the ezer.:in of this arbi- trary power. As The Mercury hos said, ,1 McAdams had cot been such a rabid social - :et and agnostic, be would one have rut snob • seateso•, IN'Ty musts AT nowt. K. II iv 11e Intelligence/ : A cert' n minis• ret In this city is in the habit of eaylog sir k rig thine. Ile wee talk:og yesterday about the dory men owed to their Ism Ian li 1," he en 1, "had to choose b'-twren .t tailing class meetings and looking after my family 1 would choose the latter every time " The mural meant to be co''y.yod was that no mato is jaw died to rages log 1e env occupation, no matter how sacred, if by to doing be nevi olio the interests of the boys .111 girls who mill him Litho. 1ha may be repair to opposition to firs store, 'ypod rehgiou. sentiment, but 1t'. *cul mud common goner, last the same. 1.At'Rsl:, TIIAT Any.' IN rea1111A n.a. Woodstock S mined Rev:ew : The old boys and gig is who 1(01 sided Galt (1!eglote 1a the davit of 1)-. T elle have th1. week been hohhog • rt-3nloa which appears to Oeya been • th„rourhly end .ff.tr r11, Testis pulite persist ler msiotstulop (bat no oilier 'eh w1 otuld ever quite come up to that over which tee great doctor prr-, aided and it wee with no.lmuleted pleeeur, they t Mb w•, tk flocked b.ck to the rid so s as, Who save' hat Cie tesohlog profusion offers 0o poes.b i,tlee when a mart nke Dr. Tanis neo seem each au influence that the mrmen - tse of the d.ye spent In his shoo: are trees tired as h.rdiv anything ales is for th- whole of their lives by firs men and woman who tame audio him. g I A1A1A '.11011.1) 1e.. 111 can. Toronto Sitar: The tumor ls tevlved throe the Failed States is •b:at to buy Greenland from Denmatk, As we said some :m• ago, i1 (irteulaod le to be pot op for sale C.nadaahuuld al tend the •uotton, 11 eel to 'Indicate her. right te pet to • IN4ter property that 011.01.0 hands in North Amrtloa, Perhaps 14rool6nd ,s 001 w orth much, or maybe It would fetch mere at (011o0 thio .1 Arany Canuok c. ml 1 pay, tieing at present. somewhat land poor with wld. end uoimdrnte 1 regions already on his hands, bat he should attend ice tale, sod turnshrewd eyeoa P. It the Monroe dotes* is Interpr Med by the Wa,hmgtou authorities a. precluding Unmade fr. in the right of m.klne ,•., h a parches', this niter - probation .hoald not be u.u0tenanaed by u.. '.V. should the the since right as the neigh boring Itepul bio w buy out an I disposes. European powers that rota 0 a fooling on this hemisphere. TilIt YI'Itl.lr' TMT 01'114114, S ratfurd Recon : the striking oval mit- re ere to be reples.•bed with money to -he 11,100 of 1500,000 a week. This will out prnv,de thin wr•.h awes, bat taw - 1', ■n .oistenee until work 1. resumed. lo the trremowlnle the stock o' •n',hr mate 0001 le burns rapidly reduced, and if work Is rot soon resumed ooal wt!1 out emote, sear up to unheard of priori 'Ube @off will not be tl.e°.net@ or op,retore o1 the mines, bat the genrret public, espeeisIly the poor of the cities. the former will merely iv! - Mace the prioe ul stock on hand tomtits up their looses, while the latter will hereto fay or Suffer Infra the oold. It 11 not extraer- (noery that la this e0-3.1114 enlightened are ouch a .tale of nIT.lr. shoe rx ot,-tn0 Indio n5 rollout! be made .ufer through the .vartee or obsun.c) of . few rich men wilt unt Immo law to prevent it , rhe people of the Uouej Y a'es 1,,.st 01 their freedom, but they are the most e.' jest slat e1 to the mosey power in the elvlllzed wor11. A truly fru people would I0.let on the owners of th. mboes operating them or ourrenderio* them to the Ooveromeat to have them operated to the Interest of the consumers, who aro the great majority of the perp!•. What with ooroers 111 toed stuff •, °emblem In manufac- turer, and lock -ape In coat woos, the Uolt•d States today presents the spectacle of being no the tolls of the wont moony of mankind -the money power. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. Two 'rude Is Wealth. IT,.r ,oto Teles' am.) The men to the coy believes that there 1s • tenon. wander ler him If he could only get to the ooun'ry and k ep hams Tee man In the country believe@ that wealth would reword him It he °cult only get ori the olty as k..p boarders. Thee* theories may p r.t 1hir way to 1111uu0, for some people, but It was Dot by hemline hens er keeping hoarders that J. Pterpeat Morgan mad. h'o fiat million. Aar Jeaalbsw r. 4.s0,4. IHru.esle Post,) Jonathan M111er, the genial, wet' -known heavy weight of Ooderioh, wit have to Oaks • hack peat, ae a North (!.rol na youth et seventeen y.8rs has mime and In that position measures 6 Net '2 Inch,while he bangs down the 500,4. 81 shone 650 pound.. Lewis Lewsrk Is the name o1 this broth of • bey. Anybody Lewsets on will I,k.lr eta. More for the Dolan** of this mason es lees gatnrred up ny the undertaker. No Nan awatl•eslea. Olresnels Post 1 No .'•k• w•old Its mals If the powers that be apt meted 11 arbiter Holt, of Gode H ob, now eubetitnttog Inc lodge 04aeeon re 00oc005 of the letter's Inoue, to 1 ser maneet Seat noon the bench. We're felt 1t le our hoses for some time that he would 0002. tot hat ..i Ile 1s !melt, brainy, hesineu like and hrlmfnl of goe,shty, goal - Ifloatlone not always le 5aper8Aondan(• 1.es 'mon* thew who wear 1 he ermine. a Oona le aheppen, ti tehanged A preacher la a nslghhering town se a re. sent Manes, evening, smiled the nitieeaa down gond sad herd he late (endue, ea Saturday eights, wblakONSpels the delivery - STYLISHNESS for the ladies. COIMFORTABLENESS for the roes. RU66EDNESS for the children. We've picked our stock ao:ontiug to these ideas. And style doesn't leave out durability. Neither do s long wear sacrifice looks. It needn't and it doesn't. All round shoe goodness for every member of every (sillily. As low as $1 00 * pair As high as $5.00. bet all worth what yuu are coked 'o pay. - W. SIIARMAN boys as well a clerks and merohaou to wore Lp to midnight •ol nf•eo on Into the Sabbath to est their or ler all deli•. i0' The reversed gentleman I• on the Oa lit snack, and eihi's ill re is undoubtedly e lit l+change for the betl"r along Oda lire during the put year then fa anti room for Improvemen'. The troub!, can be rem. • died with very little bather if r 10lzeo will take an Intermit In ale matter as Ir- dl.Idu.ls and pledge 11 • twelves to 4o their hopping Gaily or early IS.lr purchase home themselves. It is a trifl•ng thing fog, sack e' us to do, hat it means a gnat deal to the merchant mad Joe ('\saber Ws. 11'nioage Iteoor.t-Ilerald 1 Joe Ch.mberlaln, eh Joe, Jan, Whoa ere were first 1010401 They said von v ere a I. beret. But the fiber roar • you wear. You thougbt tl • wav wuopen, The way you wished to go, Hu' the bin are up to fore you .1111, Joe ('bau.berllen, eh Ju ) Joe Chamberlain, oh Joe, .1.e, You're o'er,' far op the lid', But the plan, you've had your eye in Aoltber'e called t3 611. Nes you mann sit on dour,, in .0, And bur them laugh below - 1 h• dose Is bitter that yon take, .foe Chemin r.elo, oh .1oe OUR BOWLERS AT LONDON. Iapreeslew. They Ne•'e 1 Me 111.1. Yid/ Is (11s •'ere.* 410y. lf..rodoa Adrerttser,l Win i'roudfoo', K. ('., who Is one of 11 • Goderlch contingent has only one fault, aunt that 1e an absurd and utterly fount aitonlo. 000ylotloo that Gr a toh It the only torr In Amerlo. A Ike 84120.1 meeting 1.1' I'roudl 01 made on tummy:0 led speeok o, lo half of Ooderlch .e a meetlon plao-3 for neat year's town in. cit. A0uorl3ng o 11 Proudloot, Oodert h hu been for years • finer place thin Landon, Oot. , 1'.r Franc*, and Tuts, Ky. . can ever hope ti he. Pressed tor waited 0f (:oder, h', n0tagee a the scone of a tournamen'. I, replied that there were lilts bre.z'. the,• 'else bowlers Aeo.(•d, however, that ft). ,3 required •omethl.snOre Vali tao'.ial rhe, lake breezes on lib oh to bowl, and Mr I'roudfoot wee ruled 'ow of order, Ws I. Bow townsman, Sh. riff Reynolds, render - tog valuable amesianoe to th• operation e1 rulrok-ou'. -- John O.11's r r k, of 0-,'er:nt- •,jay• th distinction of having the *Ides. and th 7'uogest bowlers to the arses Mr. Mr.ok .Jordan le over s .verity tiro. and sen odd make a neat rho', wIrle Mr. Pell. Kiley 1s jest eeven;een and g,v s promlos o1 bong t olsver bowler. Mr (tato, the skip of th• riok, le oe.tms.'rr of (technic)+, and k sot - la•Iaw of the 1.t. Hoe. M C. (:.m• o • Mb•,it K•ynold.,theother m mberoftheriok Is, 0coordng to •0 enthusiastic, old howler from another riry, one of the chief al- 1,80(1en@ el the t •0rnemrnt, tor the letter •aye that he would come to a taunts mrol were he not sore that he would meet Sheriff Reynolds there. Mr. Kob/, 1101,een, who Is one of the player, In 1)r. Hunter's Goderioh rink, has 1' ` lw to oonteeled West Haran la the Coee.r- n'Iva Intermits egeloe% Mr. R br, Rohner, 01. 1' Ile says an election la 400 worth wlenlrg anyway, but 10 take a good man to 00 la • bowheg m .toh. respite with Ke1'retails Generally refer from o.t.rrb and should is. l'atarrboeme ioh81, r four times daily, and he oared. To. pleasant scanted ('o Oarrhazone vapor spread. through every err pumas of the breathing of gene, 1111 reaobre the vary root of the disease .t encs ; It kills the germs, pantie' and 01400.es the mueoa surfaces, .cid erect c item every vestige o1 oatarrh in a "Wort time. Pura, @eset breath, free from headache, .a•eming and Median* aro quickly derived 'r, to the ms of C.tan h ,sane lnb.ler. mplet• outfit, guaranteed to cure, coat. 51 00, trial sirs 253. Druggists, or N. C. Tolson & Co., Kingston, Oat. 1)r. IIamlltoses Pills stimulate the liver. HYII.Ot : dee. Reynolds (son of Jae. Reynolds) 0580 wltb an unpleasant aoofdeot recently. While nnleallog hay, the track broke, allowing the pulley to fall, age it atrook Mr, Reynolds cu the head, rendering him 0000neolou., and nuking a oast y out As 110011 as he recovered 00ne01ounsese he bad pluck enough to drive to town to blase the Injury demised and sewn op It was 1 vat y Moto oath for him. NO RISK... There Is absolutely no risk in purchasing your watches, fine jewelry and silverware from us. We guarantee safe delivery; we prepay charges and cheerfully refund money in full If desired. Our handsomely illus - r rated catalogue will assist you very materially and may be had upon application. DIAMOND NALL, Hetakltshed ate. RYRIE BROS., Tease and Ad•latde ata. TORONTO. STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP _ -AT THE 1)1,1) STAND Victoria Street, Goderich How are You? Do you softer from cometipo- tion 7 1)oes your liver need re- gulATidg ? Is your digestion I rpilble.ome 7 Do you gutter from headache? Ifso,youshouldtake • drelFvescentt Sat every day. Thi, harmless tonic and eyetem cleanser will regulate every organ and will remove all theunpleaaanlfeatureethatalMnd a sluggish liver. Your health and spirit* will be too improved that yetis friends will srarcelyetnnw yon.Memo* to take-_etptly bens. neaMemo*, Int 11e aero that you get the gasohol "f+ JAN. A. ttTRAC'R All title' "- tekeo over the plane and beldame nominated enaomisfilly for so many year. by his far her, the late D. K. SLr.nh.n, and Intends refitting the shop In the meet ny•te date man. ncr po.slble. He will make • .peololty t I all kind. of rnpatrle,, snob u Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements. Mill Machinery, Marine, 8ta- ionary and Portable Engines thoroughly overhauled andre- Dai red. Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machine and Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the specialties manufactur. ed by the late D. K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. Ostler wrtW for partiealara. 'Mono M J. H. COLBORNEICaT ?rodeo DRESS MUSLINS. For the last two weeks our Dross Muslims Hale has been satisfac- tory. We still have about two Hundred yards left, which must be cleaned out at any price. Hogue of these are put as low a■ 5 CENTS A YARD -JUST HALF PRICE, GINGHAMS Asitg Too we are selling regardless of cost. Just note thaw pieta : 280 FOR 150, AND 200 FOR 1200, A. job lot of Embroideries both in edgings and insertions, at about ha't price. A lot of new Dress Tweeds, Hotnespuns and Friezes from 20c to $1.25 Cosmopolitan Patterns. 'Phone 86. J. H. COLBORNE3 What is a Sponge ? Sims say 1t 1s the rkeleten of • Vabmer. Ins animal. Others°law le la Its veg.table king- dom. All class it as A NECESSITY. 1Ve ban • new alpp'7. Burraming relate. See our lases Iron Si to 25o. They ore worth more, Fine Imported Cigars. American Toilet Articles. W• pay special attention to these lleas, Try ere for gaols Ilnes as :- LYON'S TOOTH POWDER, %V MOLE TREPANATIONS. the hl b -°lies eat eepUa toilet art:else, I'OLZONI:5 POWDKRIO, TETI.OW'S. HOYT'S, SKKLEY'S tad many ethos Rase. WI( LEAD IN PKRFUMK9. Try he new ones, Flweder., Pink 1'eoey, Czarina Carnations, (Airline Violets, etc, We C. GOODS, Chemist, - BEDFORD BLOCK., When Harvest Comes There is a necessity for many things about the farm, especially BINDER TWINE. We are prepared to furnish the celebrated Plymouth Twines at the following prices. Gold Medal at 16c a Golden Sheaf " 1Sc Green Sheaf " 13}}c Plymouth Special 12c pound tt tt 5 IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. N. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderkh, Ont. Hammocks Our line of Hammocks this season ranges from 75c to $5.00, We handle the famous "Stag" brand, known for their durability and fast colors. A 34 z 72 Hammock, 1a11 colcrsd, with pillow $1.50 A 36 z 76 Hammock, full colored, with pillow .... ............. 2,00 A 36 z 76 H•m neck, fug eoltred, pillow sod Ampere 300 1 40 z 00 Hammock, full colored, blue or black, silk ware pillow, fringe drapery 4.50 Croquet Sets, 4 Balls, 511 Mallet, $ 1.25. Croquet Sets, 6 Balls, 611 Mallet, $ 1.50. PING POND Full set, wooden racket 4 ball Full set, akin rackets, 4 Full set, vellum rackets Sand Paper Rackets, separate, 50c. Wcod Rackets, separate, 25c. Be11,, 5c each, 50c a dozen. 1, a $1.00 balls 2.50 2.50 KIDD'S BOOK STORE Jas. A. Sachan Now. YOU are perhaps dissatis- fied with the bread you are getting. It Is sal..dry,lt._ won't keep moist like PAR- NELL-DEAN'S Bread that your friend next door is get- ting. Why not change? Our agent, Mr. W. P. Wes- toby, will be only too pleased to supply you, as he calls daily on all your friends now. Our agent is W. P. HAMILTON STREET. Bread delivered fresh daily. .Ga'v:.. •. .. - .. •._•�•••. ••�... ... ... :. • . ,_., ...a w.sx..xr_:.e.,�xF x.xrv,R.a• sax:z.a�rs.Y-aatl.^L`,'r.I.::a': a�da,:albf •v �.+.aa'1sr: .rA, e4