HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 2The Signal
m reetmeee
Dur D. iregllaameseT.
The recent Italian centum of 1901
enables on to form an ilea of the
etaalur of Christianity in that pert
of the Botta' 4Isul iouo, The total
uusuber put down as Christians war
1,923,319, of wh'nu 1,511,710 w ere
malt* ant 1,111,11(x1 letunl •r. to-
ecna lel; to the creme of 18)1, the
('hrhrtlan.l number..) 2,281,380, 10)
that there ham b'rn an Imcrenoo
«;urine the d eatle of 6389 9, or
«bout 2)4 per cent., n growth much
greater than float of the general
population. Out of the total for
1901, 184) 7J1) belongtel to European
nn I allied ranee, wh'Ie 89.25i wero
Fa1'arlans ant 2,661,359 were na-
tives. The in'rea,c of matte Chrle-
Onus. Wue 12 per cent. The ('hrl.-
llun fapul.ltton of In II i is about 1
pct cent. of the total. Online/11y the
enteral 1nereutent of the p,pula•
lion etceevl, the total number of
Christitan. returned. The Madre.
prerifenty contains 1,031,180, or
nearly two-thirds tae all tee. C'hr►r-
tlun's in Ines, not to the 0189091n -
t r see of the I et de e1d' Ito ie ribut-
\ cel n a fewer than 351,301,
11011h; AND eeetorltr rul('K,s,
The pr.,posalto build a barb wire
(epee between Montana and Can-
ada, tajlreep cattle from rtrnying
aa•lo4. the heeler, le causing some
flgsriag at Washington. The rout
1• to be boder o;1 the unutl tin', fence
lean, half by each, ant 1t Ir esti-
mated that tli lin tett Stator tan
Save considerable mono,,by let-
ting Canada furnish all a wile
ter the fence, the country in bleb
the wire 14 made tett Jug afterward
in mode The market report. 'hove
that when dealer, in the United
states were ptyrlg $3 70 to $:1.8)
for were, f. o. 1,.. In Cleveland. Can -
adieus i were plying 3325 to $1.35.
Philo wire wax quoted to Caned-
kinsat 311 per ton lets than to the
United States d •a'ers. The exp'ana-
t'on of them. differences -In prices is
that In the horse lusrket, on ac-
count of tho•ht;h ca/items tater, th•e
United States manufacturer has a
mon-poly, while 4r out MDs for th .
t'anartian tend• ho h'ts to briar hit
pricer down to the Idt:ni • that will
k op out the prod;;ct of British an 1
tier man manufacturer4. ist-,m'tt'u;
Chit 11 feet of ordinary larb&lwire
1,r ha one pouml, bbd tint our
tree will bo mead 071 11414 709-ika •
f. , about 1.40'),00:) hound,' of
e t old ,e n'
1 I nl dO,I.If Vaned./ itd L lA 1
obtain thin o ire from the Steel
Trusty for halt n e nt l••r IMOD I les'
than t)I • name wire will cost th •
I).,llel'Matra the ran ease 1170 0
on - Lige 'one job. There in a Imam
in lhlm fir th • Carl 1..l 1n fanner. It
Boise not hrt him to buy wire at
a lower ran than the farmer In
lbs United stet has to pay.
tztCANAI►I4145 r1'It14/'I A r)4I).
Whatever may the fact with re -
gaol to the oonlu t of Immo British
officers toward th Canadian sea-
dlcrs, the Latter hat no 0aulme to
eempinin of the 1moUln Arrow enul-
meat. regarding thein. `The London
Ntan.lard of July 2n.1, white tilt lalnl-
lrtg any Intenllnn to draw\ invidious
IUM'notions among the Inp•riul
totems, remarked that tloith the
wtalwart New Zealanders, nor the
einem and dahldng .tuetrallans, nor
the various colored detnchme t
fruw all parte" of thn won't. were
mote descrleelly popular than the
Canadian.. "The Dominion le, after
all, our grcratett colony. and ate mar-
vellous potentialities, RR vont extent
of hountiful territory, peopled by five
minket* of the rtunUest of sturdy
Britons, are better unler.too.1 now
thin they were at any rnrller period
of our history. ))'hat country could
fall to be proud of it Doug/Orr Nation
like this, witbit• prairies and its for-
rota ler fleets and harbors, an 1 great
Likes awl river*, and mach historic
towns ns Montreal and-(;ureee 7 Can-
ada Itself Is in n ma,I of justifiable
(talon. Have not her sons In the past
two ymr■ added another notable
page to n military IlIltory already
epl.•tell l 7 Th, heron., of Paartli,er•g
not ilrnkleaul aro no unworthy der
teentaante of the men who fought un-
der Montoalm an 1 Wolfe (for happily
Caned/an. an. of 110th nationalities have
borne their part In South Africa), or
of theme who were with Gentlrnl
Itrox'k In the glorious campaign of
1812-gloraoua. at lest. for Canada.
wh,ttever it may have been for the
Mother Country. No won der:that
Ikonlnlon lily 11011 been celebrated 10
the mrtrop ll■ with unu.uul fervor.
Mprc1atoso who were fortunate
riwwlgtt'-tw Oro to i'nennin:erne
ee*ter.lny when the North American
soldiers nesemhle 1 nt the Canadian
Arch to cheer their country ani their
Premier. ',Drivelled n Ronne of unpar-
nlleted Inteteit. The, Ilk. of it ha. not
110411* known yet In London, though we
may Mew tent Ovine such demonstra-
tion will Name nn annual event In
the littera"
J ambi the taller be dlroourage.1, for
it I. eaa,' to prone West quality of
brunt 10 as Iwpurtytaut u fnotor as
hese. Disraeli wee certalidy one of
tin• ablest wen who ever rat to the
Britoil Parliament, anti In the
npinkrn of .Iurttn Mt•lbarulry a great-
er Parliamentary orator (11.11 Glad -
atone, yet Ire bead w -as but 71-R,
1rcor1111g to Vie American plan,
lord Invelluaford'r else was 6 1-2;
the fluke of York's 6 5-8 ;Dean Stan-
ley'* 6 3-4 ; and that of the Em-
lKr r of Germany, 6 7-8. When Mr.
Ulatistonu died a Loudon (Kiper
etatel that ole howl was of excep-
tional rise. ami gave an Incident
which Mr. Glatlrturo told at Lord
itipon's residence, about a man who
could not got a but large enough
till at last the latter called to des-
pe•rathln fur au .thrrdeeu int. The
pallet of this trail tliat fixttehmeiI
have larger heads than Irishmen or
1;nglltt;men. Mr. Obuistone's num-
ber 81 loath ease 7 3-M,
A No. 7 halt to the average Eng-
lish size. Slr Walter Boolt's and
Lord De conefiold'e huts were of
this else. The hats of John Bright,
Robert Berns and Charles Dickens
were 7 1-8; Lord John Russell's 7-
1 -1 -all smaller Own Mr. tiled -
stone's. But the Gladstone hat wee
exceeded in Wee by that of Dr. Chal-
mers, 7 3-4. Mullet O'Connell, alhom
Gladstone styled the greatest (rlrh-
inan that ever lived, wore a hat of
the vise of 8.' The late Ur, Thomas
Arohhlaliof) Of York, store a large
elxo of 8, and Josepit Hume'. was
emphatically an abnormal 8 1-2. At
n meeting of the convention at Lon-
don University 126 (gats were meas-
ured, and it was foam) that between
40 ars) 41 per roue. were above (he
Engllshe.nrerage, between 25 and 30
parr cent. were root the average
size, and 31 per cent. were under
tis+ average.
MARRIAGE, -1'11011 I HITION A\1)
Ret. John Langtry;« 0.1e, of Tor-
onto, severely critlolzes the ,olid
of Alit. Bank of Montreal In forbid -
lig 1ts employees to merry while
receipt bf leen salary than el, -
it yl'ar. Until recently the limit
ham been 31,000 a year. Whatever
the 1 e of reasoning msy be upon
tiof the bank man-
whiche a t
agemeutois basal, 1t le Indeed for-
tunate for Canada that It 1s cul
applied all urouud, for If no young
1111411 i11 t'nnit4.i Goold marry wtth-
rm1' 1111 annuaal, income of 11,500,
(lin Annus returps would b1. Jar
MAW satisfactory than they are 11t
pre*'ut. 'However, ern is Balm In
liileud even for the b nk toys, 111,11
Rev. John Maclean, U, tells them
where and how to find It. Spsakl•ig
of Manitoba and the Northwest, it,
leelu . 1)r
(a ruse e1, home m
an n 11
Meehan .:.Ill :
"lf 1 tree in paver out titer 1
,venal rule that .all bachelors w
came not an I put 11p ahm.:LN mart
either marry in three year., or be
Noodle 1. It seems that when n
young 1111411 goon to the wort, oakse
he Rimier rirr be is willing to put up
with aimed any kinJ of e(lndith$ls
1 vleitel a Mork (nice upon 'zona-
tion to come, to ten. The man. 1 be-
lloYe.- WAS. a graduate of .Toronto
1'nivrrslty, nal had left a solar}'
down east here of 31,500 a year
to go .we.. He was •a bachelor;
there wan but one knife, one 0po:m,
on(• cup, an.1 no Hauser, and yet
be appeared quite satisfied. Now„
1t that man were'marrle.l, 11e would
have a different place. fur there Is
Inn better eivhllzer than a woman."
The chnnr011 of profit In the west
must bo pretty goo] when they
will tempt a young man to same -
don a enlnry of 31,500 In the east
The hank man alio wants a wife.
t'Itil the coineomitant extra (pion.
knife awl eup and saucer, hut who
i8 hindered by the $1,500 rule from
acquiring those "chili: ere," heap
only to follow the example of tie•
Tenn Dr. Maclean tulle about lime
g.h west to ltmrifee hp with the coun-
try. Thera he will be at perfect
liberty to marry as noon as be can
Eitel it girl to Moire his quarter
HriltIyn, and the life In n shack le
only a temporary pltnse or •,xisteoue
on the fertile prairie. When the
banks In Ontario begin to feel the
preemie of the (xotu, to Manitoba
farms. the rule which .o exasper-
ate,' Rev. Dr. Langtry will be nbi-
The English nod the Ameek•an hal-
terw unset different .lylee of moan
;moment, IbI Int ler being ono eighth
tram 1 trap the f(1rmer4 The manager
,et a big New York Mtore reported
that M lana Ince of 24 .mean each,
n total of 1,152 holm, there were
the folloobeg wises: 8 1-2, 3; 8 5-6.
35; 8 R- 4, 1 1 1 ; 8 7-8, 213 ; 7, 273
7 1-8. 249; 7 1-4, 16.5; 7 3-8, 75; 7 1-2,
20; 7 5-8, 3, There ere cella for hate
7 .3-4, five or Mx during Vol *mon.
and Oven) are many with 7 5-8 duel
wimp have hate movie to nrder/One
ttastoamw alw•wym wales R 3-8.
Perelen• laving large heaths sMmbd
tot Wray elm t thin demonntrntew
greater LMltty than Is p)IreNsed by
tteell. MINA *elle are smaller, nor
AN 01.1)-'11MICK 08 ATLANTIC
Mr. Fdlnund Tay lore of Liverpool,
1.0 r
line decided to retire from the
telelne0l after 51 years of
furtive Iorvlce, gives n summary of
th • changes which have taken place
I 1 him time. Before 11450, emigrants
were carried wit illy by nulling ehlpes,
prhiclpiley awned by American.. in
tloreeter-fortlne the berth's were five
1.1 n line on each side of the 4119
w-11lrrut any d111 1.n, on that pts-
set•gers nearest Hi. s:.ips tine had
to ecrnmbl, over the top of tlx, other
owner's of bunks. All th- baggage
1 110 111.111x1 to etnnrh1m In the mid-
dle of 'ttveea elockt. This beggnge
wren the 0:11/ thing emigrants had
to sit dxtvn upon. All the mere,
°omen and rh ),Iron wero le•r.1(1 ta-
geth •r. The Ilrat Improvement came
Whit n short bulkhead wan bulli out
from the ehlpi s i111r, and a narrow
pelt prnvkl.! nI tngwlde the b•rt110.
nn'. (d /h'• molls were then
enreen.d off, and her this very frail
whitey the *t,ipping a,ithoritlee. got
,in extra 10.. or 2).. per head. All
pno11Argerw had to conk their men
prnv'10) to.. The r111.,,er ,vn* In
d.cklinnre. 1'ree talon* were *erred
out la lee a week It wit. m nl nmum-
tog to lee p -role who were lotnlh•
ignornnt of cooking engaged In
nulinnry peeplratem* Mr TnyInr
overt waw n man revved out with pork
(horse and m••laSeen. H,' pent the chaps
on the fire nee p,urol the motnw os
over t1^01. As for the con'enienre.,
the nrreagemente wero meat pr1011-
t140 and emelltl1ns Ispat hon rlltnr •,
4111 4:211 age pip's Weep nekeolt n
The 10r1, /tsagldlp. In the Al-
lent le (rude were not much like
those now In oummissloe, for Mr.
Taylor says of the &trab Saadi.
which was the first steamer to
leave Liverpool for New York, that
roam railing ships could beat her
',a at good wind. It Was at first
thought that the carrying of oteer-
ago passengers In the steamerd
wtwlkl injure the cabin passenger
truffle, and It war not until 1833
that emigrn11011 by rttyemers Ire -
came general Mr. Taylor recalled,
with great amusement, the prac-
ticer of the lower cline 01 board-
inghouse keepers or psaeseoger
erluI i. 11'ht41 iui emigrant Iowa
fruw Dublin was due they, would
snake for tete docks with all ',peed,
awl, unwed with marine glasses,
would anxiously scan the Incoming
vessel. 1f 1,11e linpswiie1 to be crowd -
et with emigrants they would hast-
en off to the shipping officer and
have the passenger rates Increased
from 101. to 20s. a Lead. They
recited n commission for each pae-
*eager they booked from the ehlp-
ping a,mpahlets, and, pending the
sailing of the emigrant vessel, also
made n good thing out of the rue-
grant8 who 11tnppe1 at their Ware -
1101100w 'When t110 steamers
begun to carry rnigrunts one com-
partment war set apart for 1g m
ami another for women end child-
ren. lfu.ban•Io and wives were
separate] until 1854, when spe-
clef p,rowlMen was made for mar -
lee! couples. Another Improvement
was also effecte;l, the emigrnute'
fool being cooked for them. At
that lime the hulk of the emigrant
traffic was 1•:ngliali and Irish.
Forey(nere began to arrive later.
The steerage passengers of 10 -day
are (wetter off . then the mound
cabin In the fiftlea
Mr. Taylor does not thick the
Ain't In the rite of MON hum been
reached yet, though the big stealn-
.'ro can lose money faster than small
vessels. He reg 11118 the Idea of built -
Mg ships to cross the Atlantic at
► greater speed than 23 knots as
.a farce, because the coat wouel be
too great. **Unless ehtpbu'1•thtg en-
-cement discover come new and tnore
couomh•al motor power than steam
Ute ilea Is out of the question, as
the c0neumptlon of coal in the fart
Valera 1n far too extravagant.'",
Speaking of the proposed Canadian
fart mall service Mr. Taylor said,
-Its fate Is rho bankruptcy court.
rher. L no traffic for It to pay.
For the greater part of the year
the traffic with Canada 1x 'stag-
nant, and the Government won't
subsidize the service ■ufficleatie to
keep It solvent. BeeWes, there is
really no claim on Great Britain to
justify it eubsldy." Ho thinks the
United States have the facility to
bulk) steamers quite totted to Brlt-
ah steamers, but at greater cost.
heinit handicapped by the fact that
steel t* being used for such a Mul-
tiplicity of purposes, ant they can-
not get It quickly enough. Steel is
)now woof In the construction of
nearly every bull lin;; In New York.
Mr. Taylor made the remarkable
statement that, un. uent:enable, -the
whole "'erten) of business ores changed
three Helen durint; hes 51 yl'are ex-
perience. At on, tune, from 1848 to
1852, nearly the whole of the trade
between England and America wss
carrivel In American sailing ships
from the north ted do:ks.
A Berlin man bus b -en eenteDee'I to
five 'lays In Jell for kleking 11(8 wife
at the station as elle was leaving
by train. the charge being ''imped-
ing truffle'.' Now If he hail kles.d
4000 other woman they might have
charged him with train -wrecking.
Thinking Canadians won't blame
Sir Wilfr11 and hie fellow Premiere
for mot'ing cautiously and rulying
northing that might commit their
countrle, to the echemesof Empire -
building schemers. Canada must
control her own laws and her own
Tho Brnntfortl Courier H of opinion
(hilt tome people favor the runuing
etylo of penmanship ay against the
vertical in cause Its Illegibility uo-
era up defects in epelling!
Now. did the Yankoo lunthermeu
about the Oppori' lou bar uullrt'l t
against Rome pay the expenses of
the Importer) Yankee election
"purifiers" 1n the Into contort.
T110 Indus Wheat crop 1s likely to
he 11.'e per cent. lure than last
year's. That imolai to support the
prophets of higher pricer. Mnantl ii.
the ,utlouk for a great crop 11. Cite -
HAM 1s grad.
Tite'Torouto Ntar rtt(glgeets th.tt
our laws be made "ill Latin," 111.
ea to get over Jho dlffbult, of
learned Juges • r,o(lt, C in them mat-
ter. the exlrtenco Mf which no or-
dinary reader of English suspected.
Denison Hitting at Brillah free trade
1, meets ono of at certain old wor-
thy's '111811 1.t the windmill. Ani
fret, trtulo sccnm to have survived
Don Quixote Denison'. charge; It
e'oean't evon limp.
A Chieag!o schooima'am 1s suing a
M:411 for =50,000 for attempting to
kiss her. To understand the ,tate-
meta, please Int the emplia.bt on
'at tempting." -Wo' 48tock Stpress.
Ho thuuhl not have slopped half
v: ay. Had leu actually etulen the
law ib, might halo 13 v satiteld
whip the return of the geode.
Manitoba and the Nurtliwest want
20,000 men lo motet In taking "if
the hancet. Tho GOveramcnte of
too Provlade nod the Territork•s
ought to use Homo rare to prevent
the landing of a lot of men at points
distant from 'where they are needed.
There was Hume dlffloulty of time
kind last year.
A000rding to Idnrper's Weekly the
stoned of Fourth of July casualties to
date As: Khllee, 21; wounded. 2,378.
he nolse-loving celebrators of the
day are, unfortunately, not always
the trulfcrcrr by the fireworks or fire-
arms; often people who detest the
Chineso methods of mho%ing loyally
aro teatime of explosives. -
Pelle thirteen tarn are to ba neat to
represent Canada in the eel .tial
retort a1 the Coronation. Seri•1; It
will be possible to get twelve men
wba won't wend out a lugnbrlous wail
if e41r11 id not furulehel vvith ti
larkry, a feather bed cud a trkilled
. hef. Lieut. -Col. Turner, V. l'.. may
b • depended on not to growl.
De Barry ham lost his official hese?
The charges of grove abuse of hie
position were 1111p'y sustnlnol and
not even the 'pal" of his ft lend.,
with the gutter vote, coidd tare
him. On this side of the line at least
5, wi 1 h ave no iympethy.par s l,;h-
UI tlpmisgh.4rt, MAW.. it 0001 1)78.110
a ets4r per uaplta for education ; In
Springfield, 0., the figure le 3'elee.
The tart to other haltee titular elites
is thus rtalat: Ihtteburg 330.00;
Hartford, Conn., 853.80; Canibrklge,
Mase., $1J1140; Gra11d !tupelo Mich.
$23 ; Jeutdty (133.35. 1
A w'h moth to an Austral -
Mu rarity, There 1e a glumly 8pur0
011 tutu Mite crowed with toss.
('leen the moth wlrher to whldlle
it itrlkos there ribs with Its ',mea-
nie, which have a knob 1.t the
.311.1. Thu pwud M a have call from
the mile to the femalo.
A queer bequest Is saki to have
been male by a FrenOb geotloman,
elm le oredited with having shown
au interest 1n red-haired girls by
1001 We 5:10,1810. tile. animal intermit
of wideli stem M to he devoted to
pros Wing do%Tleet for them, but
their tror.ee court IN, ruddy without
WIN *41 of art.
The Rountan4►u Minleter of Public
instruction has forbidden the girls
In the secondary sehoole to wear
cornetts, anal Inas ordered that in ease
'4 refusal to obey the fiat the or-
ienting Instrument of torture be re-'
moved forcibly. 'here le said to be
a great row going on over the pro-
hibition, and the defeat of the Min-
istry le among the probabilities.
An English piper mention"; the
mimes of some ten noblemen who
are frequent preachers. Of these
five, are ordained priests of the Es-
te.bli-heal Church, and one ti a bishop
who is u "turd" i 11 his own rent,
Au-ong these peers who are preachers
is Juchuletl Lord Kinnaird, au ac-
kt.owletlgevl nuthiorf'6y on football,
tint not lues regulate and zealous as
u Lay preacher. ,
The Phlhtdelphlu physic aa, wh'1
atttn fed *AM '•, the P ttsi 1.'g mll-
leen/tire, In him last 11:nese, sent In
a b10 of $340.000. Tbeeexeoutors
wore not act may, and they de-
creed to pay the amount. The doc-
tor sued, and now the court has
elven Judgment far *3.)030. If that
(Vetoer woald pit 0.t, the maik t the
e tonic that he U!el he. might
coop become a m:lllonalre.
Numerous illqulrtee are ls•tug made
as to w•lat would be 'niter Edward's
lin me If lie were a cltixea of the
Dattel testes. 111. mot'her's name
was tiuelptt\aul site married n loan
whore fainly same wan Wottln.
Tlncrelorc MI1011111 hit most graclu.zs
tnepsty desire 10 1114101110 a citizen
of this country his paper. would he
made out to Albe E. ,Wett(n.-0111-
cage Chronicle.
The German Emperl r takes great
pride h1 a cannon of nelid gold, in-
laid with pre:lm. «toad,, which he
powwows. Ile value plrely.0' a piece
of jewelry is Net at 523,1h'Nt, an.l u
special guard watch... over it. The
lruetee8 of 111e 1leeuhnrg wl1n.•1nu,
who heti cheriahetl it for two cen-
turies, gave it to lite German llov-
crnment some tine ago.
Tee Mortem settlers 13 Southern
Alberta are g1.tttq exteatively Into
«deep raising. Tiley lave found
nutlet In DeWitt) CMtlmbla tor 60,-
000 n year, boot they expect moon
to have more mutton for (rale tluut
that market can oonaume. To mend
mutton from Lethbridge to Great
Britain 'wolves a hong haul by rail-
way, and it 1. .knhbtful If Alberta
could compete in the Breed' mar-
ket witch the Iroson mutton from
New Zealand and Argentina. The pro-
sect. price for nmol Yat Alberta In only
7 to 9 everts per pausl, het it le
hoped that a quality ono he pro-
duced wblch the In1nu(acturere of
()n'taree and Qt►ebec pan use: It the
United Htates (.1 green would knock
(aft the dirty on wool, the people of
teat r,r rirtry could afford to wear
1.onest Goth instead of elxwfdy, and
the sheep Irl the Onosulian North -
weal. world 1.e tenutted by the one -
1 14113
Abdul H:LtaW'a *theme fur a rail-
road Ir, m bnma.eux to Mecca, to
glto 111^ tloumnnde of pilgrim. who
annually tl:tt that Ware a means
of quirk tranu.purt, Is not proving
to be the 01100at that wart lotted
for. The length of the road 148 pro-
f clad is ',belt 1,809 mI'e, and r0:1
m 1 8 wale graded Inst year. The
eviler required Ie 11/46,000:010, and
the Orin Weer to net etlherrIIl1 eta
Irma too O&M VW world. The re.nit
ku1 been rather dlmtppenllag, niter
7$1,810,100 being •ulwrtlhr,l, and of
°11t sum emit $560,0(10 wale pwald
111. Tit, Ra11,1118 anal bill ll la Nue
peted. Yearn are entertained that
his (rotes for tin railroad Iv more
m'lllary than religion., rind cnptlts!
1. hare. Now the Rattan Is offering
'MOO, other rind gold medal* n.
lneenti 11 to .ub•otlbe. Ii yon hive
nope each you bed Intended to nee
tat winning a me foul* money b-t1Ing
on Ion mere von might *nb•crlhe for
$1:.0 or *3 0 .t et k 1n Abdul,' road
and get a gee! me•isl.
tom' m -ID with gentlemanly in-
stinct*; tom'th'ng Do Barry teemed
utterly to lack.
Dewey alys Manila was given tip to
the United relate" by excret arrange-
ment, after a mere &door of force.
(;on. Anderson, on the other hand.,
Nays he attacked In good faith with-
out any euip'cion that it wan an
'tp:•ra'bou'fe war. Anyway, it number
were killed In the attack, nal Deo (y
will not gain respect toy his et nook
that "We hail to kill a few people,'
as a matter of *bow. Tim Manilas af-
fair refloat', no gluey on him, and It In
no warder that the rmy oflbere are
annoyed by hie dI.obo tea
Military offlonet are flab)• to ear -
ere penalttcs fir abuse of their poel-
ttD(1s. i•n the Mer war Kitchener had
(gime Auetraliane slat and others
imprisoned for taking summary ven-
geance on priermcre. In_ U11e war In
the Il4IippineI we have Gen, Smith
found guilty and condemned to draw
53,000 a year for 111. for a elholerale
mustier order. Tee officers olio ex-
ecuted Nae order •were aoguitted.
hence no such dire punishment over-
takes them. Officer. have to exorcism
some judgmenit. I
Io Now York the other 4ny a boy
was brought to )ifn reflex being
twenty-firi m inutes In the water.
Time Is n roi@fi table feat, a11(1 should
encourage life-.nvnrs to perelst In the
nppl'o'ttlon of warmth and the prac-
tice of nrtlfir'lal respfratio;t In every
ease till no chance of retired remains.
Clan, the water -Idiot lunges, force
artiticl.►1 breathing by regtearly con-
tinual movement's' of the nem, and
chest, keep the body warm :4131 apply
(rotj:o to ,mist circulation. N,'Yer
for n moment cootie the hot entente
for 1•r0vathIrtg. Pedlars.' a fele mhI-
utes •will suffice, but 4141 not give up
ts.pe for hours. Cnsee are on record
where We iron e-tvel when at the end
of two hoar. the subject had not yet
begun to show vitality.
1f ,anything weer needed to con-
vince the general public that the
Wise (Mire 1to dealing unfnlrly with
Buller, It In to he found In Browl-
riek'p unmanly rooris In the 110.010
of common.. Challenged to glvr the
public the lef,rm'Itlon t(1 enable It
to Judge. between Buller and the
Wnr Offleos Ref Tapi.te, Hendrick
refine 1. *reomennyln1 1.1. refute"'
with further Innnnln11 obviously mil -
ciliated to give the parttime,' of
officialdom an opportunity for an-
other ;erten of Inerts at the gal-
lant old general, while keeping
from the public the (mete. BOOM'
people hewn no henget, the right to
arraign United Stole" offkdnldnm
for 11. dIgrrneeful tre.tmeut of Its
general.; Ikey hate their owe
doorrtrpe to clean.
18,01140 Warmers' ,l..raet.
July 1:8. -Tile reollpte of grain on
Ito street market were light ; prices
were generally stead).
Wheal--8tridy, nue load of goose
Gelling at 77e.
(Alt. -Were firm, one hoed selling
at 51e.
Potatuc.It-Thu receipts were large,
there war only • fair demand, and
the market war steady at 60'.
PuWlry-'Cho offeringa were fair,
the demand was small, towing to -the
hot weather, ant the market was
et tidy.
Eggs+ -Thu u'fer;ngs were not very
large, there wan a moderate Inquiry,
auf the pri'e0 were steady.
flutter -The Offerings were fair,
there was) a go id demand for choice
denim", anti tin market war ■heady.
1141.1 ant Straw -The reuelptr were
nu:,)), there was only s fair demand,
and 111e market way ideally, tau
loads of old hay selling at $16 to
$(7. and right of new at $10 to $12.
wen load Of atone sold at 810.
Dreamed Hoge -The rete pts wero
light', there was a fair dematel (rum
the local butchers, ant the market
wow steady at 19.50 to 310.
Wheat. white. 7S to See; ret. 72
to (sly.,. goose, 77e; rpr:ng, 87 toOfie:
or, 59 to Geo; barley, mall., 31te to
600. feels, 53 to 5tc; osta, 5144:
pea as 74jjc ; hay, timothy, old, 816 to
517: new, 110 to 312; rtruw, '10;
butter, point rolls, 15 to 17,• ; env Yd,
1::te to 14e; eggs, new laid, 16 to
(.)«neral Cheese Markets.
CownnavUle. Q-. July _B -At tin
weekir met at' of the Flit rJT••wD-
1)11418 Dairymen's Exrllange her.. to-
day sixteen creameries offetel 1.-
009 boxes of butter. rend YO (0(40(1'.
offered 970 holes of cheese. D. A.
McI'herron tought 317 boxes of
cheese nt 9 15-16e and 1)7 luxes at
9 7-80: F. Doekett bought 397 Mixer
at 915-16e MC ler & It l'y :0 Isases
at 9 15-16e; and A. L. Hubbard 100
taxes at 97-8e; all sold. James
Dalrymple bought 40 boxes butter
at - 19 5-H, • A. A. Ayer t Co.. 35
boxer at 193-4e: Meier A Riley. 34
boxes at' 398-4c; 117 boxes at
197.80; 210 boxes at 20c, and A.
J. Bryce, 1 093 bozos at 20e wad 30
Loxes at 19 3-40: • 11 Goll.
Belleville, July 28 -At the Cheese
Board here to -day 2;220 whiter and
260 colored cheese were boarded;
440 sole nt 10e, 1015 at 07-8e; re-
m1iodeer retuned at 97 Re.
Cornwall, .duly 26 -'Ib -,taw 2.0,42
boxes' of chemo were beanie 1 nt the
Cornwall t'hrveso Board, .1 091 were
011'.14«, 942 eo'orwi and 49 Am.dean.
All tout 1:0 h,ies Trees Soled at 97-8',
the Atwell)] at 93 -le Inst year 1,t
this ante 1.8:0 were sold at 911-
16o Ito 98 -lc.•
heeding Wheat Market'.
Following are the rho',Ing quota-
thinr at important wheat centre" to-
day :
Carla. Kept.
Nee- York... ... ,..... ,.. -- 761-8
Chicago .., ._ ,,. ... -- 71 1-4
Totedo .. - . , 72 5-8 72 1-2
Duluth, No. 1 Nor.., 73 71
Duluth, No. 1 hard ... 771-2 -
-Toronto Lure Stork Market.
Wirers rattle, doges. low can33 10 to Pi
do meed lam 4 '.3 to ee
do ems• ..,, 1 Y) to M
Ra here' l0 60
rattle picked 3 e, pp11
butcher.' moo. chime 4 Sa 1o SO
Boucher,' mots. (err. 1 :1 to 24
do common. 3 61 to CO
de bull. - 1 .vt to :3
Feeder,, hurt -keep , I.r) to 15
do medn.m • .I (0 to YI
atoekere, 1,001) to 1,101 lea 3 Yr to an
Nhch °ow., tech.... 13 OS to 1.1e1
Rhee,p• ewer. ;merlin 350 W 3 41
Iamb., spring, tech 3 let to 1; n,
Nee, vbde., per swt 7 m to 11 do
lingo. Ifd11. per ewe. - on to 009
Ho.s.ta( per cwt 7 eA to 011
July Vall.ren.
mei h4e4.444t'lew
of commercial failures for three
weeks of Jeer. $4,419.9274 against
35,071,557 Inst year. Fa:lurrs title
week In the Unite) States are 204
against 213 Inst wrek191 the p -e -
ceding week and 194 the correepnnd-
ing week Lod year. nal in Canada
17 satinet 2'0 lapit Werk, 19 the pr'-
n.'.ltng week and :-M Inst year. Of
failures this week Ln the Called
▪ 1x111. 81 were in lire Feat. 39 month,
b;: west and 16 In the Pacific Mtnte8,
and 65 report llnl!Illties of 53.0'20
or more.
Hrad.teeets' its Trade.
Toronto wholesale trade has been
moderately (attire lite week. 11.r-
p)rts from the country retailers are
encouraging and the turnover the
coming seneon shout. If preitent in-
dications boil good, be con.iderably
larger than haat year.
.It Montreal the past week trade
ham been benefited .omewhat by
finer weather contlltlonx. .1lthoagh
whnlsexnlr• trail.. cannot he mail to
he very active, there le ■1111 a fair
movement for the mid -glimmer.
At Haub'« activity Mill prevails
In 0omo circle*.
In Hamilton there ham been n fair
movement for this period of the 'me-
son. 4014111 since have expandaxl and
there is n ,lispneftlon among retail-
ers to order liberally for the fall
1rn•r,n. T1• tektite of fall orders
Olken so far 'this /raven Is prob-
ably, on the whole, const lerably
larger than nt the rano time last
year, and the prorpectx are that by
fieptcnber 1, the hereon. will be
eery marked.' Valles of staple goods
are firmly held.
In Lindon th1, week trade leas
been of fair ',lime for GO* 8en0na.
The retailers, are wilting more light
slimmer .tuff and they nre genre-
nlly well Rnthflet with the cahoot.
At Perini! Const Chutta this wok
there ham ie.'n a farther Depr.a'e-
ment In wholeanle trade.
At Winnip'g this week the hol ling
of the Exhibition gave coneidernble
stlmilue to wholr.nle trade.
Ottawa wkoletale trade ham been
fair this seamen.
- 14 (lung Change" et0eer801 In 111'
title and humors, hitt eldest son, 1A
Ching-hmu, did not live long to en•
joy hlr great position tine wealth.
The Pekin au -J Tien Twin timer
contains the announcement of hie
death hn Pe•in from kidney disease.
The title aril honors of the great
vipetrty now devote, upon a youth
of 10 year's of age. 11 one time
the Iw,y wy114 given n western train -
log and promised to become an ef-
ficient English whole'', 'but eer-
taIn occult tool nett -foreign Influ-
Mace, in hie 1001113 .toh,p,.l his end -
It Crolaet, of the French Institute,
telly of It (avant, Iia countryman,
who way on lair way home with the
mummy of an ancient Egyptian king.
Intercepted by a cuetuxn-house 411-
cer on the (lemma frontier, the pro -
femme tried to expiate the nature
of int baggage. Thls was a matter
of no,,s dcrible difficulty, but In the
caul the officer took a practical view
of the intention. for he 811.11, quite
gravely': 'Nell,'let 11 pay ne salt
The statement of Illehop Fallows,
in his putrhotle'wrmnn on the Fourth
of Jnly, that "George Welshing -
ton, who watt the concrete embodi-
ment of all that WAS LY) t In tin
revolutionary struggle, was re\ de-
vout Uhrletlan to the end of his
life," has re -opened (ho old contro-
versy on the religious belief of the
Father of his Country. In hie
early Ilfe he had it formai adher-
ence to the Church of England, serv-
ing for it dime ne a v-e(ttryman, bet
when the administration of no sac-
rament took place, bedew] of re-
0taLai0ls eat perl.ktog of Mow low**
',upper nn n good Christian would
have done, ile invariably 1080 and
retired from the ep ',eft. Ifni% Jtmev
Alm reromble, one of the rector. of
Go. I'roteptnnt F.pint o;.al Church In
Philadelphia, which Washington at-
tendril in his Inter yearn, affirmed
Ihnt Wnehington was n deist, and
the following letter remains the tem -
Hume)' of the other rector, itev.
William -White :
l'hlh►d4tpb4a, Aug. 15. 1833,-1)44..
KY. In regard to tho muhloet of your
Inquiry, troth rrpnlrr. 1114'' to tiny
tint fieneral Wamhingbnn never re-
eeirel the ('ommnnlon in the ehnrel*'e
of which f nm the par.n'hinl
I*ter. MrM. )1'nnhington wan an ha-
bitual eommunae.nt. • • • I hater
been written to by many on that
point awl have been obliged to arta-
wee them rid I Dow do you. 1 nm;
rrerreettnlly, your loonier eervnnt.
(Memoir of fllohopWhlte pp ti)q. 1:17)
Nett Resettles feet tf the ilo.l .
The levet 10111th' part of the Im-
am body 1e the Hp of the tongue.
Next OM) the Ilp., otel thea the
tips of me Hegar.(
A membra of Parliament le malt to
be oiroulattng about the London club*
n typewritten .copy of an epitaph
which he solemnly disci/iron I. Intend-
ed for John 1'lorrxnt Morgan and
should ho tnknn by Illy. .e n warning
not to pest h10 work!-graMdng enler-
pilaw too far. Tho epitaph 1s as foe
kews :
"Ilero lies hid Hoed at hurt Upon this
earth •
Ho now belong. to wheat he made
hie own;
He !weight the world for what he
1ho gt,t It worth,
And (het ones, more le running
thing* Meese 1"
WANTED --Agents
In every town In CANADA
t(r *NI (1111'
Proper thing for hot weather.
Rig money to nollve sweeten..
Write for pnrtkminr. to
The Signal
a 0Ur148ara
111 D. McUrLI.irl our.
Terme .l .wbeartpUoa.
One month, In dveno.
Three mouths, " .
Ma moottin
Out rear, -
1 14
I is
•dvertlsiag E.Iwe,
Loral and other a.ualsett,swi'.. 1h
yon ane tar dr.' lal.'rtao e. al 1 .1 n..nr, ,.,, hey
for each ntbwlaeet 1....ram. Kus. .tot! .y
a nonpareil a ale.
►I.LIraM card. K ell 111..11 ad884441, it no
Year .
Advertisements of Lost, round Pic,"
Olta.tlm,e '.'.o,ut\( 91ru .,leen• N',entrd
Ru•luen+ rhaer.• 3,.01* rot 11141, door t
Buse nu°p rail, 01 per mouth.
House. on nate and 1'21,01, en 0,10, tut la
u oerd O Iluse. 11 for lr.t mnua n. 6th. 'or ...b
w eu.tm wnnth. 1.r*.r our., 1a Pari,p 11lnn.
Aar special aotit a. (h• ublort of w►leh 1•,.
, remote the pecuul♦rr bwest.f sot
nal er eempan7. 1, be ecavedored an ado I..
Pato( and °barged a•gm,rdlctl,,
I.owl ui,Ucaa In nonpareil typo 014. (14 pj
word. no notice 1... than 76o.
Loral notice. In ordinary reeelrg Ireg l•,v
items per word. No refire for 1,- - (418
Nnt.oer forchurrhos and o16.r rehj1..$ au/
benevolent teetletle*, half rote.
iub.,,rlbere whets!) t. err«Ire Tex Rota
r.tnlarly by mall will 0oafs a favor
Oaatntner us of LL• fact al aa wrly a 4.t. J
N bra • 011.118e of address is dmete1. Volt
Lo old ..d the a.1, addr,ae should be e1,.4
rablleww'e 0.t1t., ^
L 8 1,. Tnool. of ftodert,h, k.. too n ,p
pointed Local •rr.40lln1 Arent for 1h •.1 ,..
.hip• or °alertrk, Colborne, Aetithi.I ,,
).mal po.tmaae1 over the dlntrtct •r.• •..,,
empowered to receive .ebeceptloas t, Tee
• IYxa -
AU eoa Paadeatbor moat b. whir.u..4
U. MUUI1•LI(U01.11f,
)TOO Ammo..
TebpM*I Can Se oodirtee 0.1.
THl'RRDA11 JULY 81, lugs'
+tit awel Istwena 111
i ~+ eon
led 7 w ry
awl gerwets ., 10.40 pia
MI awl Tx Frew. tit . ,m•
all ed extreme r •, r a.
Ix.d :o l'• r m
1!• NIr1301oQ . 8.9.11...11111 .18x741 groomer,
Room" opposite Ike Peet Osie..
Onld I11Ges, Crewe *p1 Meg. Work
/ pedant.
IS Tear. Ixpert.eew
N. NAR141 D.D.R. LD./.-1111:\TAL
I/. eurg.on-latest aril
ter all dentalnpe'rostraauton Allem at
stent teeth a «portal't Ofllce: a or. 1,r4
s4 and Ntwar* nes ttalea) Lslralxe es w ea
Telephone Na
r )' I,1111..( N 1 ,
halt. Moet sppr•re,l method. 1,, .11 d. r
ntenle o1 onshore d.rt1.1 ry. I.t.•t udlml 1• •
Liu Inlay
op.rotlour, and t run 11 ..nil i„
work both In gol•I and b. pnn'rinln .
attention p dd 10 prnrrv.11nn •.1 r
lo,lh. 1n oN'r rormerly- 14'11110 .l 1.. 1.
Turnbull. _ __
o1K1):-wt:. THY: r\Lrie-Li,-
demote. will oleo. ear mere. n1 I •
p.m, Wnhtrrleyy0 from Mny 1.. 11.11.1.
rewire. (Slglpeel,
1• M Mtvgr.
1104efMM, Nor 011, 11002 1r. Y H
LIMA 11,..
' CAMPION. Q11.-RAKRIlR'gk re
1 is Ow, Notary, R4:. Omov
. attar 31,117.4
'Hata, Uqnavw, Oo.ert,;k
hi. Oe. 1;10T,'v*xTrn.M-torr , "aM' f
loan, mens:w11a•41
' --e:7
arena. Ood.rte•, O•.*. :•1
PRr)i/OP0OT a 11ATlt, RAUUIBT1:111/
rnUr.Iol . notert"e pisk proton hoe
e t'ourt, /:c. (ee: .-rah .4. r•II
door 00114, .,Ae& 1411rams. r.. to hsM N
Will sat riot ot t.4.,..4. -
W. raOUDFOUT. L U. Ifni♦
'It 18008 k
07 Altera y. wolldtoee. .10 , (loderlet,
8. Dickinson. . Marie. °Arrow. 11 1t
HOLhH Nor.Notary otets •1.11 i .toil.lie
('hurt Hous equ*re. Money 10 1011 al I.,A
mower mooed.
CH"•"or, /nota yRand RrS,0RISTICIL ante
T'tya.ed•'. f 111.11
aft B. mnl.r et reK vate Neu la Ne rtoll1,
H e4.1, lire, retch. Private
m▪ ess wawa l per own.Inbrwt ParmrA
J O. WAatl..:O7ITat'1 w(*R*..: AMY
• enmalwlowow rev M►5at and r«+i.:
recegettenn. of bell. a1Rda .pe r .14•«01•
none. dopoetdent rr enlemn d.Naratl.e. le or
mer.rnIn`` •.r a•'t1118 emit or (xere.dloa M
the "Mb Court JueVne, tie roe rt of Areal
for 1h,tarto, •r In .,•y Comity or 4'1(,44 10
(bort. All Na,wm lens easefully and preer.4
•:ureter. fl..41enoo and P.0 de t. loot
d atum., lint
1141 ()NON'If)1.1NI1--A LARGE % NI. I I
A Ofprivatelandsfoftaveotme -et..
4.1 rotten and oxpeeM oat nr,l.rrl.-- t.0 .17.•
Apply 1n IrlrkMmna Uarrew.
_--_-- A t:CT10NRERIN(i.
•1'110MAn OU\URY, At;rylosi tat '4'
1 Vala.tor. Hrderteb. Ont. 1,'. ,.11- , .1- 1
to in any part et the enter,_ --
'TWIN 11801 Og8LR'
AL AC'.. ' ` 1 'I
d and (and t1•ln.ter. O. /fort h. 44,.1. I
lag W4 .u,mLlereble oal'•rl.neo n t1.• • •
8.lseerl111 ireAm• h. I. •.s a fo.ttt.r t., •. •
ahargre•.e- with thorough anti tarlI0n all cc.-
lieWr•1 Intreete.l to him. (h.tnra Int. -t
extgm's Hotel. or soot by 'roll In it. •d.1,,.
*Aerie' I'. O„ varefnll y attended to ', 'I
MOI, Coyote A eau
Ilt•>s1kl•o11 LCL :n)tL
1, . LANs, 0.irmi. GDS ARRI 1r 1
Now Lobas Is In the Hospital tYun-
dertna If Ise W IIb Die.
Prll't Jervis, N. Y.. July 2fL-Michael
Lobas, of 191 Aoruirmy street. ,1rr-
try City n summer bo tinier nt Gree-
ley, P.ke ('o'inty, I's., n .eta meal '•
thio heart of the rattlesnake muta-
ttl b n Inrtt•'
ratleenake attela a o 7)' '
'11ty envenom . Ho and ohne or
din m•'mbers of tho Green ng temp,
haat the rattler le a. 'barrel A
of $3 wee put up for the first
who dared to (eke the (make OM
the' berme. Loons made n grnh fees
tin reptile nail onnght It with his
right hnn1 about tome Incite* 1. 1"
the mak, hat lent"ng pnn',igh r' Inn
for the rattler to turn nal hue *I''
Index finger of his right howl, 1,4o 4
1,•s. bro,lght to Pori J. ry e i 1.t '.410
nee' taken to the hoveltal. 41). Moo"
hand and arm' to the 0l43
swMlen to nearly - double t In 1
normal else. it le believed, hoer ' r
that Ire will recover.
Mks to be Allowed to State Vtrlve
RegwrdIng L*Ayeatilh.
Lewwlen, July > -Oro, %Mee 11:x"
written another letter to WI'hnm
Itrodrlrk, the 15 rretwrj' of Hunte for
War, la wldeh he complains that Its
Rrodrbek eeewntunttel charge, In the
Honer of etotnm'.x wider were slyer
1,11e bv'nc11t ng,t est MO, awl to
whish he 018 ordered not to rl' I
1 n hie rommnnicati,n to the Wnr
8-cretary• Oen. Roller domande (lint
he h, nlkiwdrl to .tete his *I w* re
i gnrding Teed; omit Wm capability 1"
llokl rut agnlnit the poem.