HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-31, Page 1THREE "A 8 "
UOD•WOH, July 30 1501
Frit Wheat 9 BO to 80
flour, family. par own.... _., _11 I0 to 2 10
Flour.patwl. per cwt....,--...-r 31 to 2 9)
leen. ton..,.-, _...--. 17 00 to 1700
short& too .......-„ ,,.. -. _.. -0 00 to 2100
,tore lingo, per OMI 1 Ou to 100
Ity u, per bush ........ 0 60 w till
Buckwheat. per bush 0 56 to 56
U•a. a bush .. 40 . 42
l'.rley. per bush 0 60 to 60
Bay, ton r.ow 6 (0 to 0)
Potatoes. i bush.. 60 to 6'
Rutter. -....- 0 19 to 11
t'heees, Der Ih.... ,,,,,, 0 10 to 11
I•. sue. Noah unpacked. a dos.,-,0 13 l9 It
Wood-,-•_- _.._ 9 to to (0
Bides -
P ella
W re Hors
Dressed Rog.
R•oo0........ ,. ' -' - -. ..
Ham, per lb.. ........ ....._ -..
Lard, per Ib.
I,ressed )lest fore quarter
Dressed BpeeOrr, hlud
('attle, Ordl•atw
100. 0I
6 53 l0 7 OD
tl .857
U 3.018
t5 to 0 16
14 to 11
000 to 011
600 Lo600
3t0 to 10.
Auetton Sale
bctonp(np to the Kstale of (he tale Hua, JK.C.
Cameron, siluated in theTOnnofOudr-
rw4 and Village of )tayfleid.Ont,
('oder, nstrictloo• from Tke Toronto Goo
era Trusts Corporation Kiecutur rod Trus
tae of above Ket•te, there will be offered for
wile by publlo auction by Thomas uundry,
sucuo0eer. at hie aootlo4 rooms In the Town
,.t Uoderlc u. on
1902. at the hour of two o'olook r, Y. the tol-
lowiog lands •od promisee to the Towo of
Uderioh :
1. Pert of lot 878 on Hamilton street, about
311106 fat, on which ,e ..Id to be ereotrd •
frame Basrble shop.
2 Lot 6l8 Montcalm street •bout 1O,:.t00
fear on whloh b sold to bre erected a one
store? frame dwelling house 000tdnleg a
1. The folio wing vacant lots
1.1 I.ot 221 S'anwey street,
Ib 222 Kings .n street,
Ido 01 pelt
(el " 6113 do
Iggf 4 , *6 do
th) ' 659 Momtcslm street.
IN " 661 do
1Jr •' 671 Wo11e etre.t,
111r 3S1 I'Ictoa slroet,
4. Port of lots 11 and 12 in Concession ' A"
Maitland Itoa1. Township of Gderich. qqppw
Io top Towo of Go'lerlch, co waiting 12 ages
more or le s.
A'so the following vacant Iota In the Village
of Bay Bold.
1. Iota 698 to 700 loolodve on north side of
4.meron street and 743 to 715 inclusive on
south sole Valeria area,
2. lots 701 to 7tA loclu Ise on north side
('emaros stain and 737 to 762 inclusive o0
.0040 side VIc'or1. street.
3. lars707 to 710 inclusive o0 north side
comes, street and 733 to 734 inclusive south
side O ,rtorla street,
4. lots , 49 Lo 75410010elve on north side Via
torla t'rcet,
5 IoM ,66 Lo 760 Inclusive on north aids
Victoria street
6. Lots 761 to 761 inclusive. 76) and 767 oa
north sid. Victoria street,
7. Lots 633 to 316 inclusive on north aid*
('011.1+ street and 41810 G1 *elusive un .uuth
side Ula. street
8, bole 412 to 127 molted en south side
Gla street,
9. Lou 4A1 to 433 *oleo* on south side
Ola street.
10. l.u. 440to 116 Inclusive On north side
Uta street. ad 168 to 473 lnetdlve oo south
Ride Sas, street.
II. Lou 1441 to 149 tOclusive on north side
Gla greet, and 461 to 467 laolusive oe eolith
wide Jane street.
12 1o. 551. 556 to 667 lacleslve on west side
Aortal& unrest and 661 to 579 'scionv• on east
side Kllzabeeh .tr4.t,
17 Lou 610. 619 P2 . 622, 621, 621. 625. rat. 633
6U Ole 637 t. 662 (eolusly, 664 to t;r0J Inclusive,
6;1 to 6'J4 1001.0, e. on 43073015 Terrace.
K..h pareel will be put up suh)ect to a re-
serve bid, which hr been fixed at a veer low
fig ore.
Terme 10 per oast, cash at time of isle and
balance to thirty days. Other terms ani con-
ditions will be merle known at the time of
o*'.' or In the meantime on •pplic•'lou to the
The Toronto Oenora'. Trutt; Corporation.
or to Toronto, Ont.
St. U. (7AMKIt ,N.
(*denote Ont.
Publie Notioe-
To authorize the Gorpontlos of the said
Town to borrow the sum of $11.000 00 for cap!
*1 expenditure-, already d.bureed on ,c-
oount of 'the waterworks aa1 electric Itght
systems of the Municipality.
Whereat duriog the lean 1898. Rat. 1900,
1901 end I9b,. up to the present date. there
have been expended from the current funds
of the MupDlolpallty, for capital •ccou•t of the
waterworks sy stem and the eleetrlc 11.ht e1s-
tem. sums aggregating over 116.00010.
And whereas, under bylaw 8011995, the sum
of 55,000 was borrowed on the dewoturee
Issued for thew a lel purposrw.
And whereas the Ielesee of 911,60) 'urns
part of the floating debt now due to the hank
of Montreal and which Is riot yet paid.
And whereas Il Is expedient and neceewry
that the said floating nebt sl, tuld be reduced,
by means of th t Issue of debentures, for the
sum of 911.0f3 as afore.std.
And whereas the value of the whole rat
able property of the said Municipality. &c-
oord)ng to the 1..t revl.s.' and ngnal rod as
e twme.t roll, ls the sum of 91,197.41 3
And w areas the &mount of th. existing de
tomato debt of the said Munlolpality Ie no w
the enm of 1176,912.96, of which neither pry.•
c'pal nor Interest le Ie
And eh the total amount required to
be raked annually by upro''.t rate noon the
ratable property of the nod Mun(olpaIlty for
the perlmi of tweOt7 yyears, during which rho
said proposed loan .h.1) .tend, for the re-
payment of the tame, by equal annual Ine*I-
ments. toaelher with lntorert thereon at the
✓ ota of four per cent. per annum, Is the num
oflaIt ltherefcre enarted, and 1t In heroby
enacted th,t
1. It shall be lawful for the Mayor and
Tranrer of th, sold Town of Yod.rlch to
horrow trona any perwm or corporation will
ling to 10 red the ame,tba sum of $11.0Oo.for 1h,
Outposts alorees'd, reparable In twenty M1
Years with Interest thereon at the rets or four
per cent. p.r annum, and Io Irene therefor
rho debentures of the sald ('orporatlnn, In
mm" of not lees than 91m. each, whloh shall
be.1 ed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the
and Town, end sated with the corporate
seal, with colpons attaeh,d for the peyme tt
of 4.1*, et, w01,h shall hs signed by the
TrWurer of the said 'Town. end the lender
shall pay the mnnoy lent upon thn sennet y of
the mid debentures unto the braneh or fenny
of the Blank of Montreal at the raid "town of
Galerich to he applied specially to the afore -
sold purpose of red noing the flcat ng 1.01111,
of the ('orporation to the maid Rano, and the
said d,bentnre. and motions as detailed be-
low shall he merle psysht, at the °Moe of the
Hank of Montreal In the Town of Gderlon
on fns 31st day of Anoint In each year Ot 160
followlag en*
Y No. Principal I.tsre.t
1904 1 WA N1 100.00
4 1 111.17 11.5.23 f114•
fr15 145 61 109.60
l A;t 4 11a.b7 3Bt R7 a
11.17 6 432 10 377 06 41
1e11 a 449.43 ' '110 96 4 ,m
7 467.4) 341.99 .19
I9p R 114010 9i1.29 *
1911 9 606,65 911 RJ .I1
1912 10 993 91
1913 11 61009 912 99 RIM, *
1911 11 tris. 210.72 R A 60
1916 I3 MI.41 187.01 909.10
1917 15 M 19 771 •9 40
1918 IR 0M.97 144.11 g 4 49p
1919 17 09.95 Il ,02 11110
1971 10 i i* SR (.M >r
1921 1st 7TR 16 9.11 .M
911,Odl.nn 9 619.97 41&,107.97
911 And for th0er repay meet of tM..id sem of
p9 with lntoree, tlsnon there &ho11 b,
a4141tl ad levied , over and shove all other
Nd Maes elan the who. *table
wlthie thesid M .1 slity florins
tM 045 9 4k tkM Rytaw, yihi mid
sum of 1IRi.40 for payment of principal and li
2. This Bylaw .hall oome into forms od
offset when Cod ly parsed after having re-
oelvud the aeont of the eleetore
t The votes of toe citatory of the aid
MualApallt entitled to vote upon this Ifylaw
shall be taken o. the l2ud da) of A0goet.
1902. commencing at the ho .r of nine o'c1lock
l0 the forenoon and closing at [Iv e: plonk In
the afternoon. and such poll .ha11 be taken In
the various polling planes uudsrmeutloaed .
Polling Sub-dlvisiou No. I, at McOly moat's
Wagon Shop James Brockenrldge, Deputy
If et urning Oscar,
P0111eg Subdivision No 2 at Thom. Vid-
cates Fad 8.r., Charles Bates, Deputy Ite-
turning UOb.r,
Pullin[ Sub alvlslon do 3, at the Town Ball,
Edward Van livery, Deputy Returning Ofi1.
Polling Subdivision No f. •t J. H. Ituncl-
man's Machine tabop, John F. hates, Deputy
Returning OIfoer.
Polies Sub,divi.lou No5, at Mrs.11 alton's
Shop. K. R. Watson. Deputy kteturulag (gn-
PoNlug Sub-dhi.lon No 6, at 1trodle s
7urutture Store, Harry Wateeo. Deputy !'te-
t*r0ino Oflcer,
l'o1Ung Soh Divl.ho No;, at Denis Neville's
House. J Onlgte, Deputy Returning Umcer
1'he Clerk of the •aid Corporation sha11
attend at the Tow, Hall to the said Town on
Maturday. the 23rd day u( August, 4901, at
elovpn o clock lar the forenoon. to sum up the
Dumber of votes given for end against the by
law, and the Mayor shall attend at the sold
Town list) on Thursday, the 21st day of Aug
ust, 1W2, at toe hour of .leve. o'clock In the
forenoon, for toe appolotm.nt of persons to
attend •t the various polling plants. andit
the final summing up of the.. d votes by the
Clerk, on b.n.lf of persons Interested in pro-
moting and °potato,/ the pawing of chi. 157•
law, respectively.
Provisionally panel this 11th day of July.
M, u. ('AMKRON, W (d. MITCHKLT.,
Mayor. Clerk.
For Blale.
one and one-half sorry frarnedweliing.
to anneal road. 00)01 ve minute. wells
est of U. 7'. It. station, containing five rooms
and kitchen, pantry and summer kitchen. Use
half sore of grou0d to `o.4 state of un:tivtlon.
God fruit trees, apple.. pears. plums, our-
rants, etre Will be sold on ver, reasonable
terms. as °woer has left Loom Apply to M.
NKAWN, San Thoma+, Oat., or to THOMAS
UUNDI(Y, Odenob. 9321
The eubearlb.re offer 1.r sale thsreel-
denoe and beautiful ground. adjoining in the
town of Godericb, owood .od occupied by the
Hon. J. T, Oarrow, w001. about to remove to
Toronto, Tn. property embraces seven of the
floest building low in the town, containing/
nearly two .orts, and Lo anyyone cut desiring
so extensive a gardeu oouid De advantageoas-
ly sub -divided end sold as buildln d...
Possession at any (ime. lnspectton invited.
T,•rms one-half cash, balance 03 mortgages&
5 per cert,
Dated at Goderloh July> 21th, 1932.
93-11 Vendor'' Solicitors
Io the towashlp of West Wawanoab, lot 27.
concession 6, containing 300 acres, morn or
les, •coot 175 cleared In • wood state of cul-
tivation, gond fences, well watered, good
orchard. baldinngg. good. stables under barn,
12 h 8t, cooveolent to school. and churches.
Sold oo eat terms to suit parabaesr, Apply
to W. H. CAMI'nK1.L. We.tOeld, or W. A,
HARRISON. Lucknow. 90-3m
UANURY (M.res s weed. Appy. L It.
.•le, being` the peroperty of Mre, Robert
Whltel oonIalning 04 scree, being 000npated
of lot 02 in the Sib concession. and 1 acres.
part of lot 13 in the ith come..sioo. Oodertch
township. Th. • not claw farm ono le sau-
teed about four mass from uod.nob. Title
perfect. For particulars apply to the under-
Dated Snd J ply. 1501,
1 000cerlon 7 Colborne. 000taini g 100,
acres. l.ot 67, Maitland ronoseslon, God+rloh
township. oontalnlog 7.5 acres. 4(910 (arms
are well fenced and well watered : gond
M e tins and firatola orchard on each
farm ' nearly all under gesso. Sixty per cent.
of 1e purchase money may remain on
mor sats per °out. For particulars appl7
to T- RNB, Carlow. Nett
Sheehan ofrote for sale or to rent the
property at preeeat ooeuplet by her, on the
corner of Vtctorla and Hruoe streets, There
. a large concrete bolldl041 conulning dwell-
i.w !mute and store, with all convenleooes In
oonoection There 1s also a story -and a half
frame dwelling situated on the same lot
Tern. reasonable. Apply to MRS.
STRACHAN, on the premiere.
tTihat bia stone hour with 7 -roomed brink
ddition. situated on Pitton street. The hones
Is dry and warm, being heed throughout with
2 -look plank. It Is Bond sed .ub.tantlal. It
was built b the Iain
Sheriff Olbbons when Its hon prime
Not for a day but for all t me.
Tho foundations are •boot 3 feet thick and
will endure as Iona as the Pyramids of Kaypt-
A home eenkor or Investor who realizes the
potent'alitles of fresh paint and paper, whl0h
are In,xpeo4IY0, and of slave, whish In pt.e.
fully cheap, by a little planning and iudio!Otn
r.penditur. con modernize It Into an no Io-
date mansion. I *..ort moot strenuoualy and
fearienaly that a big return will nrcrus to the
wide-awake Investor for the bet of all rea-
sons that he has a broad and solid found.tlon
all read, to his hands. The .ams oannot be
.aid of • shell or veneer. I.et thous who are
on the lookout for a soft snap !avestigate, ID.
v,tigate, Invrstlg.-e.
Offersaldr.seed to
Hayfield 1', 0.,
all. r&osIve oro*Dt attention.
May 7t4 IAM. 81.1f
A Number of Important Mat-
ter. Deltlt W1th.
B ylaws. C.evere a Pert.■ of the 5.at
lag Debt, . C.utraet ,n Market Sa4)4-
1■g.. Kafeas 115* of Tow• Water
and .r ether rerpe..e.
Spsal.l meeting• of till 101511 oouooll wen
held on Thursday and Friday •0001081 of
last w..5, and a num bar of very Impurt•Ot
matters wen dealt with.
Oa Tnur.dav evening bylaw N ,, 31, to
tmewl bylaw Na. 9 of 1901, was passed.
la the latter bylaw It was stated th.t the
amount neosuary to be toyled la each year
our payment of ane debt created by the low
.1913,000 to the summer hotel was$1,200.61.
It was afterwards dteoovered that (be cor-
rect amount was 91,232.92, and bylaw No.
31 was passed to correct the error.
A sub-oommtttee was apootnted to ret et
11r. Smith a1 the •editor'. ottiss to oome to
a..ttlement regardlog the summer hotel
Ilylaw No, 32 to prov.de for the Issue of
debentures for the loan of $10,000 to the
summer hottsl,and athoriz!op the Msyur to
borrow the sum of $4,000 to oomoist. the
payment of the loan of 910,000 10 Mr.
Smith, was pard.
1t was resolved that Arthur Yule be
preseolod by the oouooll upon hu return
from South Africa with • watch and • nlvio
address and that the band be .ol.ged to
meet him at theet.Uoo,
Bylaw Nu 33 was, provisionally peseed,
and will be submitted to the ratepayers o0
the 2:: .6 of August. Toe bylaw Is ter
the purpoee.ol ooavertlag 911.000 of the
d.tug debt, reptesentiur °spitol expend -
'tures on the waterworks and eleelrio light
avowing during the put four or five years,
Into • debenture debt,
Bylaw No. 34 providing fur the 000struc-
boo of a market building, was provisionally
pooled, and will b. submittd t) the ra'e
payers on the 223d of Auguar, the same day
ea tee date of voting on bylaw No. 33. Tne
octet of • suitable bulldlog was ratlmatd at
94,000 or thereabout, and the alto propos-
ed . the old show grounds at the toot of
Haa'La atlas.
Mr. Muroey dles.oted to the passing of
this bylew on the ground that the ex plod
here oontempl•tel was exoeeslve, sod that
the town mould not afford 11.
'Phis closed 'l'hurday evening's bu.ioeee,
Oa Friday eyaobg bylaw No. 35 was
passed. This Is to compel the nes of wa.r
.opened by the town .ystem o1 waterworks
within delle05 limo.. Atter the 30th of
September of fhb y..r all porsooe residing
within the area whloh Is st present sorted
or may in the future be rervd by the water
mato,, nr residing oo upon whiob
mains hiss already been laid er may to the
future be 1aid, shall ase the water supplied
by the waterworks for drink og .n4 domes-
tic purposes. Provision 1• m.de for the
clone/ of wells within the Ilmlta mantioaed
and for the imposing of • penalty for Intra°
tion of the bylaw.
lneuranos. eta.
A NCR and nal estate agent, Of ice. toe
door east of t4 0.. Gederleh, Agent for the
leading mutual fire Inenrn.oe oompanles and
leading stock oom1eniee
Mercantile and mannfactoring riots t
owest rates. ('ell at osoe,
TV e-*6eoontant amt hn&.ranoe Agent.
Rook* and amounts made up.
ltntldlnge rented and ren. oolleoled.
Fire Inwnrano0 In R 1(4.14 and (7anadla
U8oe- In I'roni'0ot A Hyp' Wink North
treet Goderlch.
1 MURANO& and Real Rotate agent.
Fire, Lllo, Annldeat and Plate Glass 'neurones
effeetei on mutual or oaah plan al .west
,ote ,ceetbl0.
Be ' Knalish and Canadian companies rep -
res ed.
OM 3 • neat door to (farrow k (farrow. ifar
bier, Hamilton letreet.
Menti al.
and eureeon, Omoe 1. Donk of 1'orrr
nerd building, west side of Sonar.. Night
lie r readesco. 1fa1. et. W. I'nnnn 99.
1 ubllo Mottos.
BALAAR 03131w1TTRIA. * meting of all
the oommltltes to charge of .omen.
for the bazsor in aid of the hospital food h
o.11d for Thursday afternoon, July 31,5, at
3 30, In the law llhrary at the ooart bout..
Pr,•u'' HOLIDAY ,IS'r,r'r 9rtt. -11 Ir an
oouoeed from, Ottawa th.t Saturday, Aua-
aat 9.b, will be proclaimed a pebno holiday
in 7anada 1n honor of the ooroeetlon of
Klug Riward VII. 'Ihie will meso rue
A een& of banks and other plaoesof business
BROKR Filo Ax..-N.turday morning
Magnus C. Swanson sustained an aoforta-
na. •ooldenb whfoh will looapasltaw him
for 50030 time. He was ping up a .aider
at SI P.Mfck's war,! school, intending to
measure the roof, when the ladder dipped
and he fell to the ground, breaking his
right arm. Only two week, before hs tell
and broke Rome rib., ani between the two
lojunes he le Is anything but a oomfortable
!Situations Vacant
raat, le • small li milt', Appl to
MRS. 11. STROM). Part O.t. 97-34
Steady work for good men. Ss* i n-
perlenoeand wagesexpeeled The ()epsilon
Omce k Schott Furniture ('a., Preston, Ont.
92 2t
leg from the SIante. nvinw the ferry
withoet perm.nlon. .hnntle.. nr oth,rw(ee
trmousing upon .0r Mrt of the propertl w111
b• arrested and Drowontd.
1. C. ATTRiI.I.
Ridgewood ('ars.
er, of Ber116..xpeeto to be Ie Goder.h
shout the last port of August. 7111(0 A.
pima. 0. L. TAUdH
Agri,enUIINO 05,1(- 144' lark •Vs
A11 kinds of tlpsu*r nal Ry,glasoee nide
to artier. SpMfal •111.019• alren to Miln, the
(Odote by mall Mierdi7 &t.ndod to R* -
wars et 4.. my nam eeta s 1 emRplloy
191tra strfRllT W.. TORONTO.
naraoted. M.Asd l 1.
Organist and Cholrmeeter Rnot church.
Pupil of Mr. A. 8. Vogt. Plano, Organ and
Voice, Aogleswstreet. 91.11
Teacher of Fletcher music method, w111 re
eelv.• pup.. at her studio, shove Mr. Netel's
Insurance otMee, Hamilton street. For infor-
mation apply either at studio or at tendons.
St. Patriot a Wrest.
so.d,tloo. Thew are the dint •ooldeots
which be be has had la a oouupat.ion whirls
lotolvee the liabd,ty of Irtpue ret mishaps
A. the old taw says, comfortu•w newer oome
Nati '1'l'L"DAl''e EocbReroN, -Nest 1'ua-
dey we shall bale with ue the W togbam
union Sunday sobool excursion. A epeulal
train will !ears Llseowel, nailing at stations
from Listowel to Clinton, and will arrive l0
lioder,oh •1 10:40 A.Y. Reteralog the train
will hears Uoderloh •t 7 KY. 1:. (speci-
al that tine esourdoo will be Iarrly patron
and. We extend the visitor • hearty wel-
oome and hope they w111 have k most eojoy-
•bls day.
Tux Now STATION. -A party of (1.7'.13
ofiiulala, including Manger McGuigan, of
Maltreat, Supt. Jones. of 'lbronto, Traiu-
maea Lynch, of S:r•ttord, F:uxineer Hom-
ervllle, of Montreal, with clerks and seore-
t•r:eI. were at the station here last Friday
morning. They came to two .Bohai oars
and were hero only •bout too minute.,
Tbey wrought with them plans of the new
+ ration building to be ereold bare and
looked over the ground on whloh ft is to be
built. Nothing wan given out fur publlo•-
tloo,but 10 is exppeevvted that the oonstruotlw
of the sew bulldiog will be proeded with
very shortly.
NEAgi.Y, err Nor Qi iT*. A young goo
of A. C'. Stewart, six or woven years of age,
had • narrow *soap. fro m drowoiai Mom -
day afternoon, "Billy" D.ha wee di'0.e
kis 'bus horses tato the water off the bathing
basun, and some of the small boys wbo hap-
pened to be •round bung on to tho wagon,
but Dahn drove them off as the horses waded
into deeper water. found S.wre,0ow Byer,
wbo was one of the boys wbo hart been
beoglog on, In some way maO&ged to get In.
to water beyond his depth and was drowo-
Ing when Dene'. attention was called to h.
plight. "Billy" jumped for blm,pulled him
eat and shook 16s water out of him, and the
boy wan soots .s wool •n ever. But It wee a
close cell.
Too .Vg,*,' SroRT - The fishing party
returned home Friday afternoon from their
trip to the Brune Peninsula. They were
away two week% leas one day, and spore
having put 1s • glorious time. Leaving
Uoderloh eo the night of the 12 h, they
made a swtlt run to Johneeois Harbor, rs-
m•iael there • week, and then oome down
to Pike Il.y and Golden Valley for the re
malodor of the time. The fishing was not
so god as tut yetr, r regards either
quan'uy or size, but setll the party m.de
+ ams good oateb*s and brought home •
goodly number of the Luoy fellow., Be -
,ides catoblog bus, the seven •blotted
!arae 30antltteo of ozone and revelled en all
she sueeblo. thal was tc bs h•.1, and re-
rurned with all the benelt. soothing Irom a
Ire. l,dulgence io Iresh air.
Ar Tug LAKs FRONT.-Thesobr. Ko1f•ge.
en lbs way from Cb.tbom to ,lohnston'.
fl.rbor, was In port for several days last
week.,..Tb..oire Wanderer arrived S•t
urdsy morning from Ptne Tree Harbor with
lomher for the l;oderioh Urged Co. and
nl..rsd ler tis. north oo *fonday The
tag (1. 1'. Alolntosh S.turday morning
brou;ht In the hull of LAe sir, J. J. Long,
whfoh wan burned ort year at (.Attie
l'urrent. The boll wag rebuilt and wee
bruagbe here to have m.ahloary pot In ad
.;.bins built „ Ths tug W. 1:. Glad-
stone•rriyd from Wiarton oo Monday
with • 11obber loaded _with lumber for the
Goderioh Orate ('3. I, h -a- Gladstone 1e
'•king a teed of Hour and salt to Wtuton
for the Uomloloo F',.h Co 'I'L. stn,
Rosedale arrived Mooday from Fort Wil
I'am with 81,000 bushels of soheat,10,000 for
the harbor dour mill and 10. b.l►ooe for 10 ,
elevator, and cl..red Tuesday morning for
Cleveland. ..The Bohr, W, 0. Goodman
•rrlvod Moody afternoon from Claio•go
sol' h 22.000 bushels of cmc for the elevator,
and cleared Tuuday afternoon for Ale
Orgao.t and n*uai'nl dlroetor of North street
Methodist ,hurlh, teacher of piano. pine or
aao and theory Pupae prepare.! for all ea.
sminatlonl o the Toronto Conservatory of
Mu,,IC. WIII be Piee1ed to receive appllca-
t;ene f.em all those rotsirlwg •.eh Isstr,..-
tion at his new etndlo over Thomson's music
store, i7ee of piano Mr practice may he ar-
r•ngd for. O7t1
W an tend.
raroltore Co , Godetic , elm
basswood, green or dry,
ash or
Poem. to Lst.
l ,tr et at pretreat 000.pled M R, N. Lewis
w law offlcos, will change Into small store If
neoeaary• Or rooms over idles Cameroe''
e4twe with front and rear entnnoe, 1(. N,
LRW1i, 71
Teachers Wanted,'
S. S. No. 1'. Ashflnti and West W.wnn
Pah, for the term beglnnlne An.nst Nth. 190'2
Appllcat.s• will M rnnavd by Rowntry up
Io Aninet Rth. Applicant will Awes. stata
•*1et an. 3J0Oeldcvtl05e. Address WM.
RA(LIR, Secy I)angawn, Ont 911;
Tenders Wanted.
Tile LATE MRS. E:I.LIrrIT--On Thursday
•ftsr000u last the remain of ono of the
pioneers of the (Peorlot, the late Mee. James
E:Ilot', were laid 1n Maitland oemetery.
The demisted departed this Ills oo the 22nd
'her., at the age of eighty -avec years, her
death being the result of the ruootog down
of the system due to old age. Mrs. Elliott
Dame Irom Ireland to Ihls oou0try over
eighty years ago with her parent". Mr.
•ed Mn, R+bt. Hamilton, The family
settled first our the present site of the
city of Toronto, afterwards romlog west to
the Huron Trees. At ao early ap the 4.-
oeaoed married Mr, Elliott, •od they made
• home for themselves in the township of
I:o terloh. Three of their children eurvly 1
Mn, Wm, MuLeso. Jame., of Ooderh'h
towoahip, and Robert. of town Mrs.
Flintt w111 be tlully rememherei by
many of oar older residents who knew her
sed esteemed her, lm *Baton she was •
Methodist, and the fuoern servo' es were
ooeduo.d by Rey. J. W. Robinson, piotor
n1 Nte'orl•.treat Methodist ohuroh. The
p.11 to were Jo.. Whitely, Joho
W.11 s, Jantleson Reid, John MIIRan, Wwi.
Swefield and Robs Yoeag.
Tux CLINTON ESUOIt&IVN. --The j,'IiOton
psopls who org&ri .d Friday'. exe talon M
Uoderteh wen wood guessers- T y picked
o day Ibit west by without • r o storm or
even a shower. She t•rlw • Ivsd at the
4(11100 shorty b+fore 10 o' lock, with 540
pseleogen on hoard- Mort of them repair-
. I immediately to Harbot t'ark, which they
re during the dy.
players •000mpaoled
'conned music throuth-
w'n, contributing • good
bearers wird Hoory Horton, 1) Ycuddart, I HAND Savanst.l (', r. -Oa Saturdy
J, H. Colborne, J. C. Martin, U. W' 1'bom- Frank Stoadlll bad hl. right band wverely
gen and H, Morris. The da,ws.d's sopa
rod dau,(btere wen •1) preasut a1 tee
tumoral, oleo Mr. Rossell, Mr. Robison and
31rs. Thos. Morrla.
11ant'v A LARa,-Tho.. who are In the
secret are haying a good laugh at the *a -
penes of s certain prominent man of Clintus
end some youog ladles of Towo who. eoa•
teary to the rules and regulations of the
Lord's Day Allisaue, end somewhat to their
owu surprise and snitarr eameu',were guilty
of moth ug less haloou. than trad'uv bores.
aro Sunday. It happened last Sunday.
t'te prominent man with his wife drove
ov.r to Barfield to speed the day, tattooer •
livery Bono and Ug, The young ladies
from town dross to Baydsld the sato. day,
dllua tan. lour *omen of a operon Isom
• Uod.rloh 1 road '1'hs two horn+ wars
very mu h of a polar, and this w.s the
cause t 1 .11 rte trouble, W ben toe youog
lads vote re.dy to oome bomr, the man
to oh.rgo of rho ■tables Rot their rig .It
ready for them. ad they stated away,
Too bad nut guoo tar when outs of them re-
m.rkod that the horse Boomed to b. ill muob
bots auoditioo th.n whim they dru.e Lim
dowe,but c000luding that it was beotues he
hod Leon well Id In the meantime they
uo0leou.d aro thele. way. When the prom -
un mt wan 'tatted home he told tis, hostler
th.t the h.tness on ht' horse had been
chaosed. but being enured that the bit
mo. and th. bores had sums together hs
. totted off for ('liotou, ad on the w.y
yeaturd eertaln remrks to h.e wile on
too Bloomers of their steed and hie suspicion
th.t it hd not been half ted. Everybody
g,l home .II rltht, the glib, showed 0h.t
they could look after themselves id a horns
trod*, ,van os Sundy, the 1'. M looted
that he could tell one .et of hroses from
•uother,'he bonee had a change of stall' for
nue night, ad the nverymo0 .tr.1Rhtened
t Lioes ons afterwards.
A HEARTY RrA'RrTtUN.--Arthur Yule, of
the 244 (7, M. R., arrived oo the 7:40 r. 5t.
train oo Saturday and w., met .t the ata
tion by a lar;. a+rembl.ge e1 citizens. to
(ump.oy with another young South AI-
✓ to&0 Tetor*, JauN (;bow, who o.me to
visit Lis form.., nom, .n Colec one, Le was
drtvso m • carriage to the town hall, being
assorted thither by the Marine Band play-
ing sun.ble airy, Uo &frivol at the town
hall the Tenor men wen seated as the head
of the hall, where still another return(ov
soldier wan ietro4uod, T. A. Collin, &dor-
mer resident oI West A.waoosb and (lode-
rloh. Mayor is am.roo, who with ether
mamclpal rep *Wee hail received the
young men .t the station. gave a address
welo.mugth• yowls/ oleo b.ck to their
tome and country .oil expressing •ppreole
Loon of the servloes whtob they h.d reodr-
ed on the soon" of war. '1 hen, on hehalf of
th. town council, Its pre'soted Mr, Yale
with • handeem. gold watch, amidst the
tppl&use of the large g.tbertog. Mr, Yule
made • 5rltf acknowledgement of the gilt,
...using himself from making • speech, for
w bluh there were load ol.mors, on the
gmozd that he wasn't used to that sort of
thing. R, S. Vt lll,am I was then o•Iled up-
on, &L l pre',oted to Mr. Yule a puree sl
960, made up by subwriotlons from the
oltlzen•,acoomp•nyiog th.• presentation by •
brief address. Mr. (Neon and Mr. Uallia
were then o.11ed upon for speech.. asd
both responded, Mr. Glenn very briefly,
and Mr. (.,.11in at gr..tor Ieegth, dssorihtn9
some of the experience" through which they
had Rose• Cheers wen hesrtlly given for
sank of the moldier., the band peyed Uod
Save the King, and the erowd disp'rsed.
The three yours men were all members of
the Second l'anadian Mounted Rifles, Mr,
Glenn and Mr, Cailin, although both former
resident' of thi. d.trtot, the formsr of Col-
borne and the latter of Wo.t Wawanosb,
rblLted m the Wee,, Mr, ('allin Iwss Bn
South Alrlo& prevloosly with the Strath -
con& Horse. He was here oo his way l6
Runt bb friends In W.wanosb.
Aen, both 1( s er separate, are regnlrnd
for the erw,nlo. 1 the Non', street Methodist
Church, In the ear of reeder,oh Ont. Ten
dors a1Armeswd to Sled, 111r. D ni.l, Uoderloh,
will h. talon op he 6 p.m on Anwest 1210.
1001 NO twe4sr will b. ne,•essrllr *sa9(01,
O'lano and soaifloa(lnn. nle M .sen ►eA In
formation en* nod at the Invision Court
Oaf me. Wm*memt
J. A. rOWL1R, R. W 9( RRNZIS,
Arehltest. Seer ho.rd.
merle thole head,)uar
A brews bend of fifte
the ezoanion ani
oat their stay In
deal to the piev(ttres of rise d.y. The town
kitchen en thy'park, which wee no,tsr the
control of (4. W Itlock, proved • great
0007001 oat •t meal time'. and was doubt
les' full •ppreolated by the vIntor0. The
.odor on wag under the ansolcns of the
W ea7o t •a t At. Pal'" Soo is
e ho i e.
, 1
.oj(oo'. of Clinton. Rev, Mr. Manning
$.v. 1)r. Gifford &ot Rey Mr Gonne, of
the r«.poste* ehereh•., were all hon, .-
gether with other prominent workers of the
ohnrh..,and the ptoslckere were well looked
attar. The train wit for (Tinton at 6:30
o'clook, •ftist o day whfoh ell seemed to
AN 111,1, RRNIn.NT Dg,ART&D. On
Tueday, 22nd Inst , the death of Mn
Morrie. widow of the late Mak Morris
s0cerrr 1 at the home of her son In law, 31
1'. ;orgnette. after a Inn, Illness from kid
n y trouble. The deceased was born
solvent? one fat■ am near F:dlaburgh,
S ootlsnd, sod •t an early ago came with
her parent. to this oouotry, her maiden
same beim, Aen H.dd 1, The family
mottled le Colborne townsl hat later ro
moved to Wisconsla. The deceased, how
ever, remained here, marryleg the late
Mark Morrie. and they worn enta&ed In
('nlborn* until some thirty or more year.
ago, when they moved onto town. Mr.
Morris woe drowned the fame year. Mn.
Morris . survived by two sena and three
daughter.: --J. S. Morrie, of W•npoun,
Wis. ; Thee, Morr., of Crooke.o, Mien. ;
Mn. R, U. Roeseill, of Welker?Ill.„Olt, ;
wil0 whom the doomsed bad reoently b...
liviee; Mrs (Iso. B. Robles, of Petrol.,
O•t., and Mre. M. C Sweetie., r.6 town
Tee bereaved ones have the .ympathy of
all thole it owl. ro the Ise. (bed ny see
towed. The tem sins were ,n'ernd to
Maitland oeme4ty on Friday &fterennw.
Rem, Jas.. A. Asdwrson, pastor of Kane
■ ckarell, amerme44.9 the envies., Tae pall -
M tN r,Mrru Nn PAR,. --Over In Chino they
me mt.. anoording to the dlfTiotilty of
trayeling them. Another test might he
the degree of change In •Dene and envlr.n-
ment bo be found .t the rod of the mile.
Matured by this standard, Mens.aoot
l'ak is leagues •way from town, although
• drive of • few minutes wi11 tali. yon
there. Hidden )est behl.4 tie bluff on the
ootihern side of the River Mai,l.nd, but
with • broad outlook over the boom of
Lake Huron, le oils of the resort, which
mak• 4 oderlch and Its netghbothood • cap
rivaling spot for the summer visitor.
Eetabl,+hd tie or •even years apo, Meneee•
tong fork het Yearly Increased In beauty, in
000veoleoots •oil m popularity, without
losing any of the quietness and restfulna
wbioh 'hay• alw•y been distinguishing
leatur6l of the pl•oe. Mr. •od Mrs. Ham-
laok.re again the host and hootees of Meo-
eeetung, which ha• boon almost oon-
rinsously under their msnaeement &Ince 1t
was eebsbnshed, Mr. H•mllnk keep• hl.
eyes open fur opporlooltie• to latrodooe
Improvement., and eaob tear find• soma
thing added to the •000mmodatlons of the
resort, So far this has net been an excep-
tionally good year for the summer resort
business, owing to the damp, mold weather
prsvalllo, but all the oottaree at Maoes.-
tong are occupied, and only a portion of the
room In the hotel tomato, anbsk•n. For
recreation the gouts have the oholoe of ten-
da,Rolf and ping 90og,ln addition to the con.
v•nleooe• afforded for b•Ihloa and boaing.
The Rolt looks have • Donne of over a mile,
and soma of the residents of Meoese-
tung ane getting quite expert In mak•
leg the round. A good .pals onurb Nivea
opportunity for indulgence In one of the
hest game• ever Invented, and ping pong
can be laid by for • rainy day, Down t..
th shore of the take Is • floe • ton e
• ire 1 D..oh
with an exoelleot plane for bathing, and •
oombined boat house and bathing bowie
oonvemeotly loosed, A •team lanneb,
whfoh Mr, Ham)Ink has In preepen for
nett pear, will be jest the thea for matte,
tripe to tiodsrloh harbor or to any other
plate on the I.k• .hors Som• people --at
lout we.5memher ons man of this minl-
uoeslder that doing nothing le the oorreot
worm of holidaying, and there is no limit to
the extent to wheoh th. fanoy may be In
doled •t Menesetuno. On• my sit in one
of the summerhn..re cr on one of the rustle
benches to M found here and there 1n
the perk a.'I 000templ•t. Heron's broad
•zp.eer, or wren enraptured at the wonder
1x1 boanty of the sunset sky. Ab the
northern end et the perk f• • pool, •want,
•hdy grove through which tuns • pretty
walk terminating to • point overlooking on
ore std• • deep ravtn•, en the other
the Meeh one hondr.•-1 feet below.
The grove la • haven of Deane and
rest and rotator e,, and one of the
meet &ttrwlly. featurs• of the i'ark The
dasher In the .14y eon not find • better
spot In whfoh to forret the no.n ad rash
and oommotten of 0117 life. io conversa-
tion with Mr, H•mllek, we learned that 11
was hie Intontines next ear to .reel come
ad,ltion•I nottag*, and already he has In-
quires for a000mmodallnn for nowt year.
We 'net not font to mention (h•14.
0000.te00 with the Park Ie n farm .0:,-h
minister• to the well -holo• "1 the goes. In
the supplying n1 hs•b Klee, palm•
butter and new-lald eggs, and with those
tb.p, added -to the Isfloen,es e1 fresh air
and set of door 1He, there is no difficulty le
oultivsWa • great app0 lt..
Injured at tie organ Iwtory He was
working a sew and hie baud ouming to coo•
loot with 1t the lilllo dorm was takes olf
• ad the kpuoklee and the other dopers of
the hand wore badly out. '1'be dootor s
tryleg to uvr the *juted fi ,
Br01ED IN MAITWND (:twRT•aY,-- On
Sooday afternoon the remains of Miss
Margaret Fowler, who died a1 Akon, 0 , 00
th.22nd feet„ were interred io Maitland
oomstery. The d.oeae 1 wee the daughter
of the late James Fowler, of West Wawa
nosh, and had lived •t Akron for many
year.. The funeral took plane trom ten reel-
dsoee of Wm. Nlvio, • ouusin of deoe.ad,
and woe 000duoted by Re.. M. Turoball.
The pallbearers were Wm. Shuman, Jr. Jae.
Stewor0, Wm. MoNevto, Alex. MONevIo
Thos. Molise and Aorrue MoNevin, Two
two:here, Wm. John and Jamm Fowler, of
North D.kote, were present at the Inter-
W n.1.io REI 8LI. 1)ean. -0. Saturday
Willem Revell, who ter a o,umber of years
had been draftsman 'a the Survey branoh
of the Crown !.sods Department, Toronto,
pard away at lite Kew Beaoh reeldenoe.
lite wife died ■ome month& ago, and since
that time Me health ban rapidly failed. Ho
was 62 yeah of age, awl an .01,0 member
of the Sons of England. The tonere) took
plaee this afternoon .t three o'olook from
bis late res,denoe, 618 0•terio 'trtor, to
Mount Pleasant cemetery. Mr. and Mrs.
Revell will be remembered by I of
oar townspeople, as th.y were to tbs habit
, f making ommetonal visite te their trlends,
the Mimes Mu(11!Ilcaddy, of this town,
Ti1NR. Blterlliio MINT ('.stv6i-rkt,LY.--
Three Mab•ffy brothers, members of •
former well-known Purl Albert tamely, had
en uoszpeotod meeting here a few day& •go.
Norman Mah.ffy of Courtrlgbt, and Fred
0.hofly, who hal boon attending Queen's
Uoiverelty at Kingston, were beth In town
but neither konw the other was bele until
they met on the street. Neiman was
leaving for home on the boat,and Fred went
down to see him oil, •od they reeelyod
soother @uprise wbeo the third brother,
Rev. Albert M.ba4y, of Port Elpio, Game
oft the boat on which Norman was to
leave, 1'rsy,ous to their meeting none of
them had known that ellher of the others
wan In Oetterlob, Such a oolnoldence does
aot often ncem,
bite J. M Best, of Seaforth, 1e vldtlor
In town,
MI.. Jamie Robertson le vietttng trends
•t lbathatu,
W. I, Morrow anent a few days a1 Rldt•-
town last week,
Mn. Jos. Horton left o0 Mstgkay
visit to London,
Mem (lilby Is epeOdiOg holiday{ a1 beg
home at St. '1 hom*.
Mr.. l'aemore nee returned from a 1,1514 to
Luckoow and Wroxeter.
lir. C. J. Hamilton, of 1'ornwall, spoilt a
few days to town (hop week.
Rev. I. B. Wallwin, of J...rth, was la
Iowa Thursday and Fri4ay last.
Miee Ell• Fisher has retureed to town
. Iter •ponding sa.otol month• •t Jaokwa,
M lob.
Herb •1 hew Ysrk City, le
s eodlu a ke' holid• s at the old
p fe 0
R 1
Mies Asherman, of P0.rboro', a the
vuest of her friend, Mess Gweodolln Col-
borne -
Mn. Barley and M.e Taylor, of 1)e-
trnrt, are the guests of Mr. and Mn. W, ,I.
Mr. and Mrs. Thom. B.tes, of Brantford,
have been spending • couple o1 week■ In
the old tows.
Me. Edo• and Muter Fred Nelson, of
Ridgetowo, ars ..iting relatives here and
as l'orb Albert.
Our former townsman 1)- B. C•lbrlck,
now sf Woodstock, made a brief Tldt to
town last wink.
Min Ella Hail., of Ereter,'pont the pa01
we,k visiting trieods sod relative. In Uode-
✓ loh •ed vlolohy•
Master Jame. Sutton, of Hamnitoo, 4.
. oendlog hie bolldaye with his aunt, Mrs.
Brow., Huron road.
Mrs. W, U. (.ort and chlldrun, of Leaming-
ton, are vlslttag Mrs. Cox'. parent., Mr,
and Mrs. E. Downing•
MI's Ida Welsh, of Stratford, and Mis•
Lena Marr, of Toronto, are v ttng •t the
home of W. T. Welsh,
Mr. and Mrm. W. 11'.Kleoheo,nf Rnol,ulor,
N. Y., are the goes. of their oleo., Mr.,
Mo(lllloaddy, Weat .mase.
Mn. and tee Misses Frio" I,+lt E'riday
last pr r at.r, Uity of the Strait., to visit
Mre. Prloi. Boo, Fred, .0 the Soo.
Mre. (Iter.) H, Wigle, of WIn,lpea,
M•o., and children •re visiting Mre,
Wises mother, Mrs. Cox, Britannia road.
Mrs. Thos. McLe.0, of l,uoknow, ancom-
p•nled by her little daughter, hue keen the
guest of her slater, Mre. Pa nor., this week.
711ss !)ora Lebadle, of Blenheim, whohes
heed ytsitten In town, left for hum, vester-
d.y. a000mpanied by her oleo., Miss 1'hrl8-
(00e P,rie.
Mr.. Chas. Hawkins and daughter, Mies
M.bel, of 1Vlndsor, are visiting Mee. Hawk-
1os' parent., Mr..oi Mn. A, (I. MoDonald,
.6 1)onlop, and her sister, Mre. W. F. Clark,
of town,
Mr". MOLea.. Luokoow ; the Mleese Ethel
and Mary Kvele.rh, Fergus; MW Jessie
Kook, DNrolt-
braok Prettyy arrived Ia town lose week
from the the Kloodyko ad has bow re-
vlsitlar old *owes and soaking hands with
old triads, He report" time the members
of the llodorioh ountiay.ot to Dawson City
wen all well when he lett.
R. Holmes, M,P., Citation, wee In .wan
00 Monday, H• wee a000mpaled b his
brother-in-law, lid. Leavenworth, of Cleve-
land, O., who took the str, Owlltage for the
trip home, Mr. Leavenworth lsan old new.-
paps' man, having oo.duold • papa 1. St -
Catharines some yes.re Woo.. W• were
pleased to (earn that Mr. Holmes has al-
most entirely recovered from his reomit Ill.
une and . able to .teend again Io ban
jonrnsll.Ua and other duties.
A. re Mortoo, who has spent the Iwo
ehr.. y..n of Spokane,State of Wahtngtos,
arrived In towo on Saturday from Toroo.,
where he had been visiting his molber, Mrs.
Alex. Morton, formerly of town. His many
Irlends were delighted to see "Rob", who
briars limb him quite a flavor'of the br..av
West, H. le •coomp•need on Ub visit hero
by his brother Carl, who le attending school
In Toronto. Their stoy b necessarily
brief, and they return tomorrow to Termite.
Kemsut arrival. •1 Meo.etong Park:-
Mre, W. H. Cluk, Mies Mary L Clark,
Detroit, Mlos ; Mles Helen Louise C.lheu.,
Hartford, Conn.; W. Wllsoo, Mrs. W.
Wilson, Mn, A. K. Gordon and two ohlld-
non, Mies Edith Wilson, Mies L11a Wilson,
Toron. ; Mrs. MoNlooll, Terente ; W, C.
(lark, Wm, H. Clark, Mn. M.E. MoCerkle,
Mimes K. •od F MoCerkle, Itelrolt; L K
Shourd., Wellington ; 5. U. Reynolds. 1H.
trop ; Mies Fane. Orogory, i)etroil ; Rev.
H J Cedy,Alfrd Wllleon,Toroow; Mrs.A.
Adler and ohlid, Detroit ; Arthur Hobbes,
Mn. i'. M. Str•,barger, Mpneroes Strae-
burger, Missal Fanny and Helm Mtraa-
burger, Detroit.
August 14th Is. De deolued • Dubll° holt•
day, but ou every business day you pan have
fOur ta1lor ongg oeed. attended to to 7our per-
ect w•btaotlon at r. J, Pridbam's.
Remember the garden party .t Huber
Park tomorrow (Friday) evening, Admlsa-
lon 10 osots.
Jeebo• Amos Cole, Ethel, and ('hrie.pher
Luker, Exeter, b.,. been •ppolowd 000-
stble. for the ooanty of Huron.
Remember the meeting of the W eel
Huron Women! Insttt.t• next Thursday,
Aug. 7th, •t the Point Farm at 3 o'olook In
the alssr000n,
H. 1'offord was •warded the contr►ot of
reebinrling the St. Da,ld'& and St. Patrick's
ward schools, .t 9185, and Goo. W. Blank
that of p•:oting the St. Patrick's sebool, at
Jas, Fttzeibbo.e, U.T.R. bagg•ge•maetw,
rnoning between Stratford and Uoderloh,
toot elok here one day lase week and was
very 111 for • few days. 114 Saturday be
was sotholootly recovered to be able t re.
turn to Ola home at Str.ttord.
The gentlemen who oollooted the e.b•orip-
tioas for the testimonial te trooper Arthur
'Yule hooded the tut and money t.o te S.
Wllll.m., manager Bsak of Commerce, who
014.00 d over the l.n and found the sub-
scrlptloas to amount.961.50. A parse was
Dur*h•sed •1 • Dost of $1.60 and the balers*,
960 was banded to Mr. Yule Ian:oaaL _
The b.zaar In aid of oar bwpital toad
will be formally opened nut Wednesday at
2 r M. There are many plea rae surprises
and us,sual •ttrootton. 1n preparation for
the fortunate ones who go Io It, peel'.. and
beyond the magniteeot meow of •rtissls
fancy work and 106014 o, of plain rewl.e
•t wbloh the ladles Interested In the good
objeot have beeo ba.11y at work all winter.
At St. Peter's next Sandy the subject
will be, The duty of &tonding mw and
The B.ptist ohuroh to (ioderloh Ie aew a
dwly reoogolo.d member of the Walkerton
Aesoolatloo, the recognition ..rvlo.e below
bold .uoo.sfully 011 Tuesday •61.r000, and
evening In the Temperanoe Hall. Abeu1
tweoy-two delegates were 1n •tteedan..,
representing fix churches of the Walkerton
Assoolation and 1 others. The own-
oll of the Assootatlon met to the sfestooem
ad went through the otholal bunnies of
recogoltion. The ..rvfd In the evening
was Torp well ab.oded, with a number of
members of other denomla•tlou protest.
The opening exerola ware oondootd by
Rev, A..1. sounders, of Listowel, .nd R•v,
y .1. Harris, of Plat.ville. The..rmmi way
delivered by Rey. W. F,. Norton, Haps. of
the Bspt1.1 Home Mision Board, Toronto,
and was . olear enunolation of the dlsMne.
tlon betty... human influeno. and Hely
lihoet pownn. What the nharoh Deeded .-
d•y,he Bald, woo not more good preaohi.g or
more elaborate org•nlz.tton but more of she
only power that eau produoe • obangs el
heart. The• rlgbt had of fellowship was ex•
tended the ohuroh by Roy. (7. H, Emerges,
of Mount Forest, and the chute a 1k*
dea000e (.1. E Lewitt, Alex. Clinton sad
T)unesn ('ameron) was &Ivan by Rey- H,
Mr(Juarrle. of Tiverbon- Solos were ren-
dered by Miss Mo0o11 and Om. Lorca, and
the oholr was wlsted by members of the
°hole of Knox ohuroh, Rev, Dr. i)aelal
was Invited t* say • few word■ and trey,
.I. A. Anderson pronounced the bessdletin.
In. arrivals at the Patk9Hnos. - Mre.
W, A. F,Idridge, Mees Tbeodosla Eldridge,
Mre. Dulls ('. Dibble, Mlea Mary H Smith,
sites T, A. Wooester, i)etreln c Nerm•a
Mahaffy, Coartright.
Mrs. Oso, (1, ALokey and ah,ld, et
Cleveland, who had been ',lettlog the lady's
parents, Mr..anti Mrs. E. Graham, during
the pi.t month, returned home on 7 ueeday
per City o1 the Straits.
Geo. J•okman, of 111 taws, was up •t Nlle
visiting hes father and spot n few dye In
town last weak. He le ao old pupil of F'
.1 Prldb•m In the tailoring h..1000. no,1 U
now cutting m the °spotal.
.tames 1 ate. left Tuesday night per 'k,
l'It.tehnrgh on a ban doss" trip to the Hoo.
He wan •,-.ompanled by Ernest Mlttnn, of
R,dgetowo, who had been visiting •1 Mr.
V.t .' home for a few days.
.1, li. Runolm.. and family, who spent
the put month fo Sarni•, rstnrnwd to town
lest week and have M1en motels p pan
tines to remove bo Sarole Th.v wl l..ye
by tie eta. King Edward t.nday,
Mr. •od Mre. .inhn Actium and M1es
Irane loft Toesd•y moonier en a trip to
M•eiteha Tbey will v.11 J. T. Aoh0On
et Mord.. and other trleste In the I'ro-
,Inee, and w111 be away ..•oral weeks,
Mn Kloyon and throe ehlldren, of i).-
(ro11, are spooling a (maple of menthe 71.11.
leg the lady'. permits, Mr. and Mrs. I7rn,
Harland- Mr Kinynn was here for • few
days and retor.ed t,o 116ae115 on Tuesday,
Guest, 0,- lak•vlew Mrs. ('orlisle. Mas-
s O..rri and Malme 17art el., of Detrol!;
Mr and Mn. R. Bayley and son, el Leede.
1)r Beyis7, London : Mn Porker, Miee
Parker ad R, rerkef, 11617.11 ; Mn-
W►Ih.y sad two eklldrea, Weaddeck )
Th. Bores at the gun club's weekly shoe'
on Frldy last wen : H. Rataon. 12; R. R,
W..00, 12; T. Molklrmob0, 7; (leo, John.
sten, 6; Frank Pretty, 4; 1), McIver, 8.
Un Saturday atterno,n an loterrl te' ons.
test look plane on the tennis nmrle en
West street, between representatives of this
Uodorloh and Clinton tennis Oahe. O1 the
six event. flue were won by Oodertab, as
Indioated by the following soore
A, .1. Diokson and F,,1. Yha•oes (G) wen
Irom M. McTaggart and C'. Brewer ((J),
6-4, 6 3. P. K.ly and W. G, Klely (0)
woo from P. Fair and Tisdale (0), 6 1, 6-2.
Dickson (U) won from MoTaggar1 (0), 6 4,
6 1. Kiely (u) won from Fair (0), 6-1, 6-4.
:banoon (0) won trona 1'1.4•1• (C), 6-1, 6 3.
Brewer (CI woe from W. (1. K.ly (to), 6-3,
2-6, 7.5,
The besutlfol grounds of the bowling slob
on West Great are vtelted by gate •
number of sur summer visitors, who alma
times take a hand In the game. O. Mea-
ds, afternoon an Interesting game w.•
played In whfoh I Tater. took part.
The ept:Mslne rinks were n e190l5d as fel-
lows E' Pardee, Sarola ; L. M. ids, IA
t.rolt ; B .1. Motireger, Stratford ; J. A
()'('astest', ewe (skip) - Rook, Sarnia ; J,
H. Shirley, 1' H. (!omni, Uederlo► ; A.
Farrow, town ; W - Leee. town (clip) '11.
Name was well plyd sed elided with Mr,
O'Donnell'. rink ons shot ahead, Ile .sere
M1oa 14 te 03
A11 ppaarties gottl their sal. MI. palated al
tela oats w111 al. • free settee 1eoeree•
In th. I.t ao te the tithe of sale•.
FRIDAY, Aag, 15th. A•e11en ml. e4
desirable' residence en St. Geerg.'e 0,05..01
a1 2 e'eleok. ORAS. R. Meow, •gent. 1.
GOND*%, a.atten..r.