HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-17, Page 81
8 THUSWAT, July 17, 1901
All Summer Goods must go now. None to be
carried over into the Fall. If price will interest you
come and see what we show :
All reduced in price for this
Regular 15.00 for 13.50. , 1
w -
I ``r'-
Ready - to - weer Skirts
Black and Odors. I
during this sale.
->eoroy y--- - 1 -----.-"-..---1/my
HATS, etc.
Boys' Blouse Suits
Duck Suits
'Ict Reduced Prices.
Remeniber' sChairs
till dive the bClesoupons on
the and
Smith Bro's & Co.
The following 1. the list of esodidates
peened by the board of ezominers for 11 est
Huron,together with the muts olrtalaed by
*soh. The total oumb.r required to pots
's 550 marks. The ouo.ber of candid•toe
weal°, was 300 and of these 232 have
The following are the h.gh•et marks eb-
taloed to *soh subjec .;
..ding -Luz a hillier.... 49
1)rawlog-Leos Harland.... 42
Writlag-Luella Roseate. . 48
Dictation -Mary Doope, Nina Marshall. 50
Literal ore -''earl Hillier . 130
Arithmetic -Fried Hooper, Glwtl. Hill,
Elmer L.warn, Fred Tr.v.thl.k.
lna•ld Clark. Vora' Emory..... 200
Grammar -Lena Harland 132
Oeoar.phy-Samuel Bean 91
Cempoalties-Nina M•rabnl! 83
History -Ezra Oostreloter 85
Physiology and Temperance - Uaiy
Dtllif 96
Total--Nlsa Marshall 854
OODRf1CH MODEL 5.11001.,
Bissett Eva I ............. .... ... 815
Bisesbs Mauls A 792
Cam•ron Rv. M 661
Cooley Marlen 779
Fraser L'll an 643
Borland Lena M 791
Howell Myrtle 602
Howrt. M.rraret B 620
Low's Catharine R 642
Kaoz Rlancho. 623
M.:shall Nina 864
Miller Mary 551
McVloar Lily..... .... 674
Noble Sumo 572
Pollock Mabel 642
Polley Mary F 554
p oudfoot Jamie 1).... 567
Reeves l)oleoa 598
8.alto Etta M 649
8mltb Lula R • • 631
Straiten Katharine Lit 755
Strang Jo le M 723
Sotbetland ens - 598
Tref honey 1' rl 666
Tw.Sdy Marie 605
tweedy Lulu P.
.. 679
Wyllie 8.11. 61 675
Allan E.ao 577
Andersen li:nce '1 686
Roan Samuel
Rrydgas Rey
C.ntalon Willie
Duff Robert A .........
Dose M.Itlano
Fur Omit . .
Moir Andrew
Md:res le Albert 44
MoKay Donald
&urbsll Nnrm.n D.,
Ballow" Reehen .1 61
bounder. Walter 1, 683
Snell) Leone . 748
MIrang R. Preston 681
Tedd Loren 688
tt'rsthewey dohs A 669
Washlnetoa Harry C .680
Worsen John R...... ... . .775
noDEnli'I1 .111` MATE
Hood Ida 652
i)re Orlando 716
Doan John 815
Kiely William 11 595
Pane Jahn 1113
'\ITta r
Browsing Karel 009
Dew R in. M 715
Prays. V anewa M 764
'prattles. Amps 004
)I.'r.y Mary... 771
O'N e1I
Imes 704
QQwwor Mor) 674
*ewe Ver. O .737
seeders Ven 0 668
Swell May716
Weed Ama M 676
*r.N1SSf O.M. 606
ISIII.tt L+ttle
)'ellleh Edna
OarReg i T
Dyes Mee
Dvoe megrim
isApge tsy
Hooper Fred 751
Horrell Halbert - 657
Jose' Geri. 640
McPherson Offs 614
Soathcott ll'Ivis 763
Trevetbick Fred.... ,,...731
UcN,AIJ. P. s.
U.gab•rt Beatrice
Poart Frank
Voun5blat Wesbsy
Buobaaan Burn.
Stoneman Cut tin
Dl-w,ANwoN P. a.
Crawford Oliye
Sasahy Willa.
1.Irbeir. Start
" Kay
Miller I.irz e
Sheriff Rosa
(!lark Dasald
Phillipe Merida
Crawford Mary
M111r S'aut
Rssatt Luella ».....772
Pollock Harc I .. ..... 590
Cameros Millie 727
Holtzman' 011yl• 593
Brows Walq 714
Wray Wilbert 668
Trick !felled. m26
OuWolohr Kan. 775
Kelfrmts Ethel 700
Mame Tillie 576
Miller Tillie 568
Reetledge Arable 666
xnfICII P. S.
tiros Freda
H'nedtot ('heifer
Williams Kobt.
Mtdeb,ch Amy
Dipole Otto
..... 621
AeItYli .D.
S. 8. No. 1. Alfred Qaald
" 2. Nonni* Sullivan 661
" 3. Eva Dranien 609
Hector McKeez • 630
Joni Douglas .... boil
6. 011•e Cray 697
7. Borate liernby....
Doled. McKenzie
Nell,• Hlukey
Mary McDonald
" 9. Krone Rialto
bailie SInlb
Wortbv K116atrlok
12. E Ian I'rllohard
13. Whet McL..n
thn,w.t 14 merriest
Elmore PnlllIpe
Boon Genrpe
lb. John M.theeon
Fanny MoKenzle
6. Orville i)urnin
Edwin Kilp.trlek
M sy (Tolbert 726
S. B. Ne. 2. Dolling Dally 792
Mona I'ora 738
" 6. Broderick Jolla .772
•' 10. McDougall Mahal 676
Itouthuro Jauses..,697
'• 11. Regan N:ma,a 677
1. Danlos Amy 752
via$ W T.
Rickardeos Clare767
Rates Samuel .. 669
/Whoa!' Charles 734
" 4. Dolg.ty Earl..., 609
" 5. Lemont Jane 580
Elliott Wm. .656
7. Workman Hrhert ..... .692
13. Key. Rios652
14. Alai: Melvin 652
S. S. No. 3.
S. S. No. 1. Mctauvhton E:1... 626
65Il.00 Roselle 582
Mttohall W •rreo 699
Mitchell William .... ...696
(ollfas Motu. .562
2. Hill Ulestle 730
Emery Verne 733
3 Hegelian Homer (A9
robbele (lea 695
Saunders Cowl S 609
4. Amy Arthur 610
Moe look Frrm•n . 7'22
6. Lassen Witmer 645
lista Eduard 646
Sep. Seibert!. McCarthy Lso 555
Ryan Frank 618
Kyao James 650
t•stiontt •.
S. S. No. 1. MoDougall Isabella 742
Blatchford Frank ...... 571
Case Kerloald 736
Etherington Albert . ... 749
Uardiner Aonle 742
Paesmore Norman 585
Stewart Inert 640
3. Coup land Aetna 556
Doop. Mary.... 723
McCurdy Mther... 613
McCurdy Allan 614
4 Hooter Warren 613
Qaintoo That 660
Rooks Charlotte 681
Handford Hattie 581
H ' 6. Delbrtdge his 689
Md!es Outdo 593
Jones May 743
'' 10. Earl Alma 612
Weitloek Irene 715
wa4T waw'ANUr411.
8. P. No. 1. Hatue Ryan 550
0l•dys 1'.ntl•ad. 581
Mabel Wilson ......618
" 3 Betsy MoAllteter 575
Mary Murray .735
Sadie White 633
Or•Qcry Stuiiyt 655
Sop.S:bool. Katie B opbty' 604
W'''taus Brophst, 570
Michael l'ammtd, 583
Joseph Kicahae... 660
R,ote'em Inddy„.\, 659
1A'IT w aw•So.ill
8.8. No. 16. Wool* Cuter 606
R -ns P.ttereoo 621
S S. No. 1 Jeoole Caldwell 730
John Bwbanao ... 569
les enIKT.
S. S. No. 7 John W. Ca ... . 645
Yi .:ILI-lt KAY.
S. No. 5 Ado* Carruthers 621
E Iw.rd Breen
Mfr No.lie McLuro le visiting in Toron•
Mrs Hall, of Galt, as visi'nog her mot h -r,
Mrs. Rask.
W. Hrowneil. of Deo, t, was in town on
the Twelfth.
Walter Holmes of Clint .e, was to town
for the T..ltth.
MIs. MoLlourar, has retained from a
vi..t to Detroit.
Mies Maokey, of Rodney, to visiting
H•til, noniron.
Mise Outer. of Ridgeway, M No Asset of
Mory Sharman
Mies Benoit Farrow li home from Shel-
burne for • vacation.
Mies Thiry:). and Master Wilfrid Lewitt
are .I.iting In Ooelph.
Mies Itutrlpe McColl returned last wick
from • visit to Detroit.
Jona Nairn, of Se•fortb, was am:.og the
Twelfth of July visitor,.
Mis. Jessie '1'hom'or, of Berlir, is spend -
tow 155 holiday. at home.
Mtge Hurls. of Toronto, 1a visiting hoe
.uu.r, Mine Nellie Harris,
Will J. Pannone Le ependlog bohd.ys with
his brother Ed. In Detroit.
M. Jones. of Colbor.e, left Saturday
morning for Vancouver, B C.
bilge Campbell, o1 Aylmer. le %letting her
brother. W. Gleno Campbell.
M ,s 011ye Ver,,er, of Stratford, is spend•
ing hr holidays in Goderioh.
Will Turner, 01 Stretford, vleit.d "Nolo
Craigle, jr., during the week.•
3. Armour, of Woodstock, was one d the
12 h of July vl..tor. In town.
James of Inane, Ste*. ford'. Police Meg r -
trete. spent Saturday in town.
Maitland A. ttumbsr. of Stratford, was
•moog the visitors on the 12th.
Mrs. Donoan,on of Clinton, attended the
funeral of the 1.1e Miss Morris.
1). (:.nte!on 1,1: this week on a two
mootts' v.eit to British Colombia.
A. F. Murray, of Mttohsil, spent. couple
of days in town daring the week.
Mist F. lith Turner, of Toronto, is spine -
1 g holidays with her Ir.rnde bur.
Mn. W. C. Iiustor, cf Exeter. spent a
few days In to n during the week.
O Olson, of Clinton, • former resident of
Goderlch, 'pont the Twelfth In town.
Mr. aces Mn George Crabhe an I child
were up from Brantford for a few days.
W. E. Elliott left Tuesdav eveeing per
H umes Pittsburg for Salt Mte. Marie
Mir E. Dior, teacher, of Klogsbrldgr, U
visiting as the te.ideooe of 1'. T I)r.n.
Chao. Adair, formerly of town sod la'trr-
Iy o1 Clinton, left fat week for 'Toronto.
Moot* Jaek Kt.Iy, a visiting his nook,
.1 A. MoD.ugell, at Grand Rapid, M:oh.
Mr. and Mi.. F. Wright, of S•rstford,
visited their 'elm ivies In loan 0,-er Sunday.
Wooer Rshnrt.00, of ('hlo.go, 'pone •
few days In lb. old town during the put
.. .734 Mies h'de O'l.,•ee, of Si rat for 1, was vie
Trow the past wet k at the home of kin.
Mr, Wm Seymour, of Detroit., Is spared -
log the rummer 5n town the part of Mn
Mise Id• %illus, of Rrirs'I., has been
e peadtng the post week with Mies lila
Frank Masson, of Pittsburg. Pa • has
been spending • len days with hie Gndertrh
Mre ((.p' ) 1Aw5nn hoe been In Kinnard•
Ino attending the Inneral ol nor sant, Mn
Mise Flotsam" Rn5rleoe, of chloago, le
visiting as the home of her unci, .1. A
Retort eos.
Mi.. (san''•mares, of Mitchell, was the
f art el Mies Skelton for a few days the
peat week
Thee. Dowoey, formerly of Besfa►tk, and
now of I:Meter. paid • molt teJn•epe Kidd
on SNerday
Miss Fler.000 Tuner, who has Mas
/'aohleg •tflnseybrook, Ie sresdleg the
r•e•tles le Iowa.
Master (longe Marne. of 1 ',Mayflies, Ky.,
Is the goose of hie Erasdmchr, Mr. (leo,
Morrie, Oamtrla toad.
603 MM Agple Peru*, of Ciliates, was la
a. 1 Bngpe LAYS 714
Mol.od Me 699
Wolter Man. M 793
Oke Rise M 791
Heddle John . 644
Long Renee, J.... 632
Mehring Ray..., ..
Oke Leo ..
3. brown May.. . .......
4. Malley Evelyn
Malloy N +rman A
Msnnlsgs Reejamts.
McManus 1,11n•
Taylor Edna .
Glidden Moly
Mold . ' ellts.... 664
8 Minty, , ..b.41 M.. 673
nn itaten Toww481P.
S. B. Ne. 1 ll,llur Peart 811
1a held Irene 612
Hillier /lorry (1 636
2. Prose* M.ta.l 676
Ynill Mamie R 766
Cnamhen Harry 606
3. Lindsay Reejsmin 660
Naadabsrnh Wosley 604
6. Rees Altos 786
Rem R4wis 561
t Rutledge Annie
., 663
Mw. Balsrdsy and Sunday, the guest of
Miss Emma Campbell
Bart Pasmore, who hu been teaching in
Morris, nowt a few day• with friend. 1.
tows during the week.
Miss Agnes Hays, of Seaforth, and Mre
Hayti, of Barrie, were guava of 51 .•
Robin tome on the 'Twelfth.
Ulm Mallet and Mies Annie Hallet. of
Oudph, are vid0on at the reddeuoe ol C.
J. S Nattel, b.ySald road.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oliver sod son, of
Galt, are vidtlog es the borne of Mtn. 0
yer'. dater, Mrs. A. Saunders.
hi. ems Ruby and Effie McCaughan hate
returned from Detroit, to spend the summer
months with their pared:., here.
'!'h• Miner Stella and Gertrude Holmes.
of Datrolt, are visiting their u.o'e and
aunt, Mr. .nd Mrs R. W. McKenzie.
Mre. Codville and Min Whitelaw, of
Woodstock, were guests at the bums of
Thr. Harris for a hew days the post week.
Mn. Walter Willis, Mio, Libby Wilson
and Miss Dundas, of Seaforth,. were guests
at the home of Wm. Campbell on Saturday.
R. Holmes, barrister, cf T1rooto, was
nae of the Huron 0 d Soy.' oo0tlsgent,
and paid the county town a stet: last week.
Mre. Lod Miss Elwood telt Monday mors.
In/ to vide E. L. Elwood •t Moo.omio, h.
W.'1'. They may extend their trip to th•
Mus Lillie Webster left Tuesday morning
by toot to visit her mother in Howell,
Mich. She will also visit to Detroit .nal
W. 1). Ty., W.M. of Maitland Lodge,
A F AA M., is attending the Masotti()
Grand Lodge of Caoads, meeting at Wind-
sor tide week.
l:eorpe SWaoSan, of Ltutey Ile, Kentucky
Is In town at preset, having come to at•
teed the funeral of his •uob the lata Miss
Adelaide Morris.
H. 1. Strang, B. A.. I. at Galt attend.r.g
the sem- letenolal cel,bration of the loupe
Ing of ):alt Grammar School, now the Galt
Collegiate lontltote.
Mre. Clot ton M 111111am', of Grand
Rwelt, aod bar sister, Mus t-tmbert, of
Reed City. are the guests tite week of Mre.
U:esdb111, East street.
Hayden Williams, of the R.uk of Com•
meroe, Somme, 1. visiting hie parents,
Marayer 1t. S. Williams of the Bank of
Oummerve and Mrs. Williams,
Mho Coral Vivian was tome lent weak
from the Lor4don hospital. Mrs. Vivian
and Mies Coral are .ow vhsitlog the dormer's
d,ughter, Mr,. Brown, at Kalamazoo.
Me. and Mre. Thomas Trewin, of Chat-
ham, left for home oo Monday atter spend -
log ten days with the l.tter'e p , Mt.
and Mrs. 11 slier Hiok, sr., Huron road.
J. M. F old, B. A., left on Monday on •
wheeling trip to Toronto, wber• he will be
engaged In examining peon.• at the Ea-
oos'lon Department. Mr.. Field and daugh-
ter went by train.
1). Stoddart. jr., l.tt town with his family
for Guelph 'fueed•y last. He tack hie
horse, Intending to drleo .11 obs way. H1.
daughter. Oral, rem•ioea bobind but w111
go la • week or two.
Mies Potter. profeesion.I name, of ('hl
cage, and Mrs.:. Pool mud child, of Sault
Ste. Mine, Mich., arrived lest week per err,
King KIw•rd and will spend o,yeral weeks
•t the boom of 'hitt deter, Mrs. D. McIver.
A. Campbell, of Cayuga. • wet' -known
aew.pap.r mar, of Hald'mand empty, was
In low° on the Government supply boat,
Arabia', and dropped Ie, as he .aid, le tee
Prot i,ot Mo,illlcod-ly and chat oyer
Prow Anoo'atlon matters.
Mr.. ,lar. Robis.en and Mtn Adele l ft
on Monday to reel (5 at St. Catbarin.,
Wows Mr, K,blosoo In s•ni'loysd. We are
sorry to !nee thle estimable family from out
town, but hope tt.ey will God a pleasant
home to their new Im.tloo.
Auntia Chisholm has retarded home from
b'str p to London, where be went to take
part s. • mrm',er of the Canadian troops
corm:mio, p•eoeed.r K'. H• didn't
ase 41-.e coronation o' coots., but there
were many other tbirgs to be s'en, and he
improved the opportuotties and had • good
Mr. Mille, with her nor. C,mntodore
Halle, Mre, Mille and their little (Ienabler,
of Detroit, and N atter Faddy, of R. Ste/Maw.
Mich., visited I:,dertoh loot stook to their
hesahlul steam yacht obs "Cynthi'."
W'hlle lo town they were entertained rind
shown the beauties of Goderlch and the
surrounding 000ntt)+, by the'r friends Mr ,
Mre. and the Moose Pally, Mrs. Mill.
having been a v:dtor 11 the home of A. M.
Volk y k lien sbe ws. Mise E Idy of S'gioaw.
Gaol (nI• ) po'atnes at STSwAST'l grocery
35j a bushed.
Tea served from 5 to 7:30 this evaniog at
5t. Owerse'e garden party. -
20to2=1przeboo. .r: We offer 1,rthe
beat throe tube or bozos of hotter delivered
daring July, 5•. 4, and 3.. reepeotiney,
over highest market price. G. E. KINI.,
The bed quality of les cream, also this
gretteet yariety of true fruit falces for
sodas, are served at the Victoria reetwract,
%Vest et. Confectionery, Iron, cigar. and
tuh•oaoe. Cu VI 111.o K.To11, proprietor,
Telephone 70.
T' Huron and Brace
Loan and inestment Co.
Souciros-PHILIP HOLT, K.O.
We are prepared to receive Depositor
from Trustees, Parente or Children, in
suns of from Fifty Conte to Throe
T housand Dollar*, and allow compound
intoroot, added every nix months at
roto. as •greed upon Chorine* aro
given Depouilore, an that they may
draw srpon thew rteponits Rt soy time
3, 3i and 4 pier cont interest allowed
on Deposita according to amount, and
time left.
N,R-Formant. to a late Art of
Parliament married women and minors
have the right to dopoett awl draw ono
money in their own name.
Depositor can Fw sent by mall at I he
riak of mender.
Ramose from your houses temptation
to burglar,' and fond for the flames.
As the Company makes Immo only on
Ant rhos farm pmporty, depositors
have the strongest wearily for their in•
This Company to prep•rtld to loan nn
the ahortaot notice any ,nm npnn first
r•Ia•* mooting. Torino aro mode to 5ei
borrowers. Straight loans and aimpl
1110070.6(IRI( PURCHASED -For further
perttrulnrs roll at thaCompany's (Aro,
-moor of Market Square and North
St root, (lciderich,
Manager. Prasidrnt.
Ws. PRO11D11OOT, Vics.Prsaldent
WY Novara?.
1). J. N•mrst.
.T. M. Rosntra.
H. 1),'wLnr.
Rolm, Hnwrow,
Nimes. The Wool agenor 1a Uungadeun
for Tua Siunaa. is •1 the uAoe of J ll. Ward,
J 1', ooureraooer, to, whu cow recolvo
esus s fur subooriplluus, advert slug amt job
cow i. .n1 i authorised to 5111 reoelpte fur
amouu's paid for Dee sauna
TUESDAY, July 15.
('uMIau ASU 00180 -E115/0t M•lloogk
left ou Monday for Toronto alter visiting
11.1 Of nl -stud and renewing former ■cqual.-
tantos.... .Mrs. McNally and ublldreo
aro visiuog •1 her lather's hums John
13 il.y lett hers oo Monday on u vls:tlog
tine to friends at W hiteohotuh, W,ugh•m,
Br tousle, and Myth T Stotler., His
U. ()noir, Mr.. 11. Itiukls, and Mre. Goo.
Anderson I.It on 'Tuesday morotog for
Manitoba. Moo. B. J. Crawford and
Mrs. 11 McNev.s telt hers lost week u •
51511101 lour to faience, •t Klpp.o, Hens.11.
l oudor, and loge/loll. Ws wish thous •
pleasant malt mad safe return Mr. Il.
filch' tins or. hen returood flour bis vieltlug
tr ur tooth of lice, baying had a ple.s►nt
time Nolo. Duran., u taking Dar load
of stock to Manitoba A large number
cf cit.zeos of thin section of the comity were
•t Godorioh on She Twelfth fur the oel.bral-
W•b[aDA5.July 16 b.
Corlett AND OoiNu.-Mn. J. Bechtel,
formerly Mir Curie W hyard, of Hew ka-
villa, Waterloo Co , arrived here yesterday
on • visit to relativos .ad frlecd..... Mies
Verna hots, of R1pluy, Bruoe Co., is the
guest of her rust°, Mrs. W. MoNally, aod
seems to eojuy the oleic.
Noon: -Tb, 1'. S. board of trustees .re
renov•tlug the school hour In this S. S
. We re•rat to bare to state that Mrs.
S'l'ur. Croab:e, of Belfaer, reoently bad the
milortone to toll on the kitchen door step
and fraotund roe of her th'gh cr blp b nee,
which will p her going &round for
come time.
TUESDAY, Jaly 15.
Mie Elite L'.11.Nr has retsreel fro.n a
pleasant visit to old friends near Stratford.
Mn. O'Raffarty, formerly Mies Ma•y
Boole from near the Nd., le now on • visit
to her rtlattyr about here and In Godc-
✓ .cb.
Joseph MoNevlo was the first O:angemou
In Ibex emotion to net off to Gilder lab to seep
Otte b g turnout oo the 12.h of July.
Others of our olt:cens that weal 1.'r le
the day report a good time. seeing the big
walk and hoaxing the smoother.
11..r wrl'-known summer resort, the Point
Form, is under • new management this seam
eon. Joe. Goldthorpe, of S.ltford, •'silted
by Edward Van E:ve,y. of Goderioh, will
direct affair' th•re 'his summer, and •'-
ready there have bro.. a Dumber of picnic
parties. 11'e undershot l tha smuts a's,
arriving at that well-known haves of rr.t
and pleasure.
The b g eve storm .t Mon".ay night of
this week bas checked haying operat:on.
We learn that the ligbtntng tt:ock a Stte
post at the eetr.ace to A. H. ('lastoo'• be -
, :des k !ling three lambs ce.r ie belooglo,
to Mr C.uttor. la 1)aolop'4. R. WIiJsme
had a lamb killed also by lightning. This
Is the wood Die be has duet this moon by
the elrctrlo curtest.
Our farmer resident Mrs. Win. ('iultoo,
er , of Stratford, Ie on a t i' t to her son,
Alex. Some her last visit Dearly eight
years ego malt. a number of her noes soar
neighbors bare teen called away. '''hough
overeighty years of age she ba' grad heel h,
aod we ups she will have • pleasant to-
j+arn daring her &beeore from the Clarsio
City. 11er daughter, Mho Mary Cla•ten
ecoompaoled her.
Several weeks ago we notloed that tee
Rey. Mr. ,!ones. who was tormlog a Ilaptiet
Hot weather
No natter how cool and cowfortably you are dressed otherwis,•, jf
your feet are not clad in cool Summer Footwear, you will feel hot and
restless Cool Shoe. are a groat essential to Sumner contort. Wu
have all styles at RIGHT PRICES.
Womeun I Putin la Buskins, with toe cap, for ouly (0c per pair.
Women's light Kid buskins, with elastic front, McKay sewn, only 50e.
Cloth Slippers, from I5c. per pair up.
Soo window for values in high shoe..
we have all styles for OUTING, STREET or DRESS WEAR, UN-
Women are our two leaders. Nothing like totem in town.
Uive us a call and be convinced of our sterling values.
Red Front Shoe
Next Jas. Wilson's Drug Store.
oongre.atloo in Oodorieb. had been o.11leg
00 layered families that belong to the Bap-
tist .leoomineUonabout here, mud we nee by
the prose of Uoderioh that there ham been a
oongrevatloo formed In l:oderlob sod that
oar townsman. Alez. Clutton, has Lien
oh so a one of the deacons le tie Get of
tb« rtli1Iedote
e •lod to promote the wolfalo
of (he 000grcgstloo in rho Circular Towo.
Th • are .bout six from here to member
shl and there are others wto lo thion.er
fur re will ioln the °burob.
TUE.•UAY, July 15.
Geo. R.Jmond, of St. Augustin', is vlr
111.4 at Wm. Jones'.
Quite • cumber of our citrase were at the
Orange gathering in Goderioh last S.tard.y.
Robert Cumentoo, sow ol the L'tbograpb
Company's staff of the Forest City, 1s up
oa holiday.
Mn. Wm. I) MlCookey, of Ilarr:e„with
her eon George, is visiting •e her brother,T.
A Houghton's, at U•irbr•id and bee mister.
Mre. R, Sammrrsal, teat Loyal dur!nv bar
stay here.
Th. twe opening week' of Ju'y have sot
been fayorab'efor haying, and ani far very
181!1 ha been dooe. 'I'ne dowoposr of
rain on Mooaay n',ht put •II our farmer,
in • serious homer They fr., Olte they
won't be dose baying woe their grotto Drop,
come lo.
Oa. of Loyal'• youav man Misty bo It •
trap to catcb crows and lord, Deer • 00111
Bald °los' to • bush, and was rewarded by
oatohtor • big orow and a Woe mr. The
tramp that has been movltoit round et los
in that section however has not yet bon
oasrht to the wires of Heil cage, H+ le a
bit swat ter thou the bud•.
Some Ray. ate we awatlsa.d that then
.ad bees IC 1111 debate •boot sinks ea a►•
lesion well in the school yard. B of the
trot ,tree took a but wife a petition favor
of the proi•ot, lot only Mae ratrpay of
the reltlo0 signed It. Se111 time le a hope
that some of thoso.4.10.1 Inc pnjeat may
relent, and at time of wrltlnS we ',outsider
the ouest'on not yet deolded.
normal*, July 15, 1902
W', W. Hanging Is home trim Chicago
for . rook'. visit.
Mr. and Mr►. Tout., of Pine Royer, spent
Sunday with Irleode 1a this village.
The many friesde of Mrr. Ju. MoWhln
nay are pleased to learn that .6e i. Sewer.
Mr. and Mre. F. Schaeffer, of Milverton,
o.me up on Friday )amt to visit 1e'otives
M,esos M.u1 end M•bri Mimosas same
op from London oa Saturday, and will re-
main tot sone I,oce.
The people of this locality aro hopeful
Duet the directors of the eleotrio rule.,
will no: •banion Ib. tote -prise. .ow
tboagb the bylaw subjeotod to the ra,-
payers adhered a defeat.
7rsuaT, July 8 h.
Follnwisg 1m the report of the pupil. of
S. S. No 6, Goderich township, arranged to
order of mutt
Fourth class -A Rose, M. Mcllwaio, N:
Ross, R .1 1101.00, U. Melirieo, E. Joon,.
Sr. Third --M. Rose. J. Jubrstoo, 1..
Johnston, M. Beta, H. McAllister, G.
Elliott, A. Willi Ammar, R Orr.
Jr. Third E. Wlios, B. Elliott, C. Mc
Br. Seoond-T. Jo*nstoe, E. Wilson, .1.
Johnston, R. Bohan, R. Joboetop, M.
'Johnston. 1). Elliott.
Jr, Swood -Ft Johnston. E: F.dmeoton,
B. Mallwato, B. Williamson. R Mcllwals.
Be. Fors I -K. Ran, M, Williameos.
Jr. Part 1-(1. Mallwein, Rob. Mcllw.ln.
W. 1Ylltoa, J. Mobwb, E. 11101, E
Pleeb W. H. Rsu.. teacher.
rttttitmttttttmtittttttttttttttttmmttttttlttltttt!!!tt”ttttt! !! I!
'tool DOOR 1,1•T OE
MtwILTOS sr.
H1 ERE is our program for the 4th week of our great July sale, com-
mencing Saturday, July 19th. These printed items represent but a
few of the many money -saving chances this great sale affords. The lists
printed last week stand good for next week also, provided, of course, the
goods are not sold out, and there is many a bargain to be picked up by
people who shop here during July.
Will be kept fully assorted right up to the end of the season and you will be able
to get just what you want in summer goods just when you want it if you come hero.
Children's Hose, 2 pairs for 25c.
75 pains children'. cotton Heft). plain and ribbed, gr01
gaall.y, last hlack, will eve mealiest wear, n zee 61„ 7,
7j, 8, r.0lar 40, sad 25s, for J oly oak, 2 pair for 25o
20c Embroideries for 12c.
200 yards fine oambrlo aod muslin &nhroiderlee sad
Iosertlar,, firm, stroll,/ edge., mood nett -one, lest ends
y l:t1 a Ihst 101 1 at. 15', 18, sad 20t. for July .ale de.r•
5rg et per y a -d ,12o
Embroideries at 8c.
200 y'r 1. fancy ran brie an 1 moat n Rmbre'd•rie, aod
1 ..eru0n., ne.1 Die gos, regular 1251 and 2Co. for July
11 .1., per pard ..80
Embroideries at 5c.
250 yards Ember:Merlem and Ineertin.., mediom and
aarrow wi uM, regular 7e, 8r sad 1$r Hine, for Jets
male, this lot, per yard , bo
Lace Collars Reduced.
Lott of oar real 1.00 Collars to is cleared out .t s good
deal leen than regular prices'. All ore new gooda )hes
mason sod Imported by ourselves d!reot from the makers
In Blatant. For July sale coo *di sell
41 60 Collars for 41 00
2 50 Collar, k r 1.60.
3 75 Cohere for 42.50.
Crew, black and them Medea.
12c Muslins for Sic.
300 yards Amer loan 1)rer Muslin., sew des'gts this to:-
e0o'., In oolong of plat, pals Mae, awry, ossa aaa grey,
good vale. at 1251. for July sale, roe yard ....
E Dress (foods at 25c.
• 300 yards of woof Orris O.ods, In Mark. and color., Iola
in tho re, n•.r way at 33,, 40i and 501, clearing for Jedy
gals, per yard 26e
Skirt Lengths, $2.50.
More Skirt Iongt4e for July sole, hnmcspnns sod blacks, _ogg
in moot' end enough to make • skirt, sold regularly at
44 00 and 44 50. We want to clear them out before July
each $2 h0
sole Is rimer and you cin tette your o8oloe of the 104
Black Parasols, 95c.
Lodie. black Parents. good ()unlit y. (.at or.Iored tops,
on strong Irsm'e, steel rod and asor:ed ferny handler,
lipoid for .duly sale, ea,h .. .. .. ..... .... .!)Sit
Fancy Parasols, 75c.
15 only fancy milk Parasol•, 15e lent ones of lines that
would soil in the r,gulnr way at 52 00 end 4260. Wel
bought them cheap and our Joly .el•.prt.a wall bt,.e'+h
White Moves, 25c.
Weitf er orPsm lisle or t,ff,ta Gloves, dome fastesere,
w111 wash and wear, .11+11.1 vm!oe per pair
$1.00 Sailors, 50c.
Ladies' eztrs Anality sallnr Het,, rnetio straw and fine
blinds, regular 41 00, tor Jelly sale each 501
New Summer Corsets.
New summer Cramb. In all ths popular short and limo
style* Homy arra le now In stook. bight, thin .ed
biased with etr0oe wsteheprleg e'eel. Tyne ars the
MOM oomlort•hls Dorset von can buy tor rammer wear.
All sizes, SOc and 75c.
Silk Waists at $2.75.
Jost • few ofthose French silk \Valeta at 82.76 1.11 to
sleek. '''hey ars hoodsnme garments, meds from good
pNlly NIk, and reedy worth double the pries asked,
sweets' Mr .Illy sole, saoh ........42.721
and i'ATTRRN9
now in.