HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-17, Page 7Strikers Prevent Freight From Entering or Leaving the Railway Sheds—
Wholesale Houses Sutler—No
Cbance at Early Settlement--
yearn ster* Sympathize W Ith the Freight Handlersand Help to Luntloue
t•hleugu, July 14. -Tia wound week
An UrpregedealeA lrrreral Attend-
to receive, It. The -mo b ewtubliwh-
gado ltrduy, %% !tit L1),11Ut1 wen idne
ance lin I Ornate.
and 101111,11111119 dot it standstill. At n
Toronto, July live fires fnnrral Meet
deatp Ou ThLLrmdny morning war the
`�'ay at `u five firearm wit) milt
the conditions which obtained title
t,.riuK dor lentitllf the whwds. Nearer
tribute of the whulo to,ody of the
eltIsolid. it wan In tW►uy respcele
the depots were police, to protein I,
fr Jgbt litia,lors Laud Ihtir r,, ugathiz-
th,• well lin the warehoumem, tau., to
cotuble, the largest, It Is amid, aver
It,ld kit Cuuadu. Thera was the lm
{anvsrris'e 'Aitbalral stilts, Lite prO-
Official Announcement Says
probably 20,000 Men
are Now
lutged', epr °a fl aa'd In 4a in
rt'prrw evert• Aura
iut4 the city to toffee the plover dol
edmllledlf very grave.
tl„• strikers lounged about the
1 h,I l•OWWLLaII y, Url►Ilg.'Wnll and Ilal-
co Uea
8th t0 12th.
Out of Work.
thing to.
wa,rcely anyo Ed
`+teas, hldon1r of Iwalwr loud mdd•ut
uir.vn, turlu,l lent asoj cupltnlletrt but
dor 18 conte as hour, instead of 17 1-2
limKiler's Ufiiutl, uppulntaf mmwlt-
he ftwtww Of Lt vvus tike vast coal -
tourist of {sly,lu who waited it the
ru•m to visit the various ru,Jrutatls,
Strikers Prevent Freight From Entering or Leaving the Railway Sheds—
Wholesale Houses Sutler—No
Cbance at Early Settlement--
yearn ster* Sympathize W Ith the Freight Handlersand Help to Luntloue
lift Blockade -Non-Union Uants Have Little or N� Work
t•hleugu, July 14. -Tia wound week
lou attempt to sefiJ Out freight or
the fay, UouJ1),L) strike the
to receive, It. The -mo b ewtubliwh-
gado ltrduy, %% !tit L1),11Ut1 wen idne
mui►ts were all but chwe l duwu.
•Cho strike liar caualel them huadrds
and 101111,11111119 dot it standstill. At n
of thousands, of dollars ulreudy,
d,stame from each warehouse were
awl they will loan millions should
Itu keep freight from en_
the conditions which obtained title
t,.riuK dor lentitllf the whwds. Nearer
mourning eonllnue.
r111 t lust I.1 Well to thio striking
the depots were police, to protein I,
fr Jgbt litia,lors Laud Ihtir r,, ugathiz-
th,• well lin the warehoumem, tau., to
err, tit" te:tmster, to Lire railrtaadN'
Lilly possible dlrlurbuiwod.
and olhnd Dues or buslwew Is wughly
t �., I L non-union main brought Of fib
ettiwtted at coamlderably over
1 0 0(JU a do a
E Th rttlanlloa r
S• 1
iut4 the city to toffee the plover dol
edmllledlf very grave.
tl„• strikers lounged about the
PrarrWont Curran, of the frelRht
warrhuuwr, dor In their cars, with
h•at'dlorr' uukrn. slatarl lust atl'lit
tial the Wmmitteer lin-mttrruw
thing to.
wa,rcely anyo Ed
morning wtit I mt;C olli pay"writ
Pr•sident Girton, Of the Fr•Ight
dor 18 conte as hour, instead of 17 1-2
limKiler's Ufiiutl, uppulntaf mmwlt-
otslts, whir's Lite i-lilroads art re-
ru•m to visit the various ru,Jrutatls,
{rorlod to baavo orrered. H•, altu
Mated that tlae freight handler,; will
but We pruposltWn was further
mako no more overturem, and bean -
fronds the Ideas of the reallruad wan- I
ititair will ' reject nil propomitl ram
t,t;.-rs, land nu IlOpe w'ur exprcdrel
tvilch d1u11 out stipulate for the
tl,_,t la settlement wuul,i he retch- 1
p,yment of the wage stale as formu-
,-i t(rday, or even this week. The
Fatted b7 the union and the recogul-
wholeluaae ictuses made practically
tion. of tit.% orgunlatatiou.
,rut eon fur le to stand reverently
'is Steam Navigation Company's
,•iluut while theisle live hexarrur loud ttee
lung [lieu of nsturnore parted. At to
fawn June L'3, with - rd Kltehener
Cu11evrrvullvo estimate there were 75,-
Veollaie, Italy, July Its. -The C'tSt. ,
tX)0 peupde un King and Yunge
n:alf-part clghl o'clock tit)r mursing,
atreets. 'J'ho marred btandm, about1•rrt
dot the 1'erronua doer Will b. Cut
"00 men Lill told, atteudtd the
pnalouu (duUo•hal Iwli luwet) .)[ 8s.. i
funeral. In the Orange group were
lout ,.fid the a errn.uuy W ill be
Dhlrlct Mamter W. Huey, Humlltwi ;
?-i-tea-i w „u hour hlslf Will
Win. Nichulmon, 11. G. M. Of Ontario,
Mark'm Church, 118 metremi high, co l-
W'v+rt, U;&=.Itun, and County Clamp-
Gt, dor, Ills a aclet -1/e Is D41us
L,la Rev. F. E. Howl II, Ilanallto"•
W t•11.
Theme rlilefm of the order were ftt-
A (:teat W'elauuae.
lowed by difforeat dketu•bmenta of
O:vtngtinen walking four abreast, ht
till a bort • uvtar 1;:. u,
00 mtrg. Huh.
.1. Istel'rarte loud many members
dor 11a41iam net attendud..,Tbe proper- t
riot t«,k thre"uurtore of an hour
to paasal u A even point, tit we In front
walking four abreast. Both lin tie
t.mildWrs talk ng part and lin the great
(hro.iga attoteling At will ever rank
0110 of the llrexateset public funerals
ever hall L1 Toronto.
Great Tower of St. MAAS,
Venice, a Ruin,
, a ran ri pease,
it r4•p:arubiet.
, I Ju not flatter myself;' proceeded t
11,e Premier, "that the gall, he ham I
lift vain ho filled. limit the place 'lip I
her left must be oceupael, uml It In t
i., -the King ham desired file to I
it,, say beat to take that plDaitton that I
I have asked you to meet tau lo- I
.fay. I have ae(teptsl a great task
anal a Intnvy rerp)nmibillly,"crr-
bellef lin
1:. (stun
adv f u n0 ovurw
r m g
uta awn Capacity, lint bteause Inur
nate, dor at "at have ovary reasun
1.1 I.-Ii.•ve that In attempting G)
"arry to this work I will havo tilt-
nw.a lrhpurtant (JUAI a011i s
fader can have. namely, regaril for
:rail cun$idence in theme With whoa,
L, workn.
I cannot now prondae mymelf that I
1 'hail have the continued assistance
..f all illy collpaQurm. one of themomL I I
helwrtnnt of thein, Witt, whom 1 have I
b,•en n"N(claled all my puiltic:al Ilfc 1
anti who has occupied and demerveml
to occupy the highest post in the !
Ill 'uwe of Command and
FLtat,•, ban 1
1441 Dia that I cannot count on told i
further nmalslance. I mean thfiChnn- 1
, t Ilnr of the Exchequer. Nit, thou,th
i grieve to say 1 cannot count with
Lila) assurance on him further nm-
KimAalOce, I can count with altiolutC
co f . p
n i le one on iia goxo.l wish s In Aho
Iulsirm (lint are before am."
--•--.4' &fit* ju w.tim" Sir ktwor.et Miim-
iieach, nmbl np{daame, mignifivd file
ilder"'t by crylhg heartily, ' llemr,
hear: ,
^iof`in) a'lf;'coni lnunlMr. Bit lfour,
' I leave nothing to may. To all the
❑um1s•rs, trra.t all events to the
un•nlhpre of the fiction, of C'onamcom
hu 11170 listpning to eat% I have no
", wivla foul m, murprisem. You 1►ave
kn.nvn ma mr) well and so long that
i't.•0 were I tliLpxrarvl W dwell on tlla
lhll,g there In nothing I could allay
a hlnh coulJ dor ought to nitnr Us(,
rr•dgmMI. already lamg ago formed,
Vial, if I bc.v(I n)thltw off a poreunal
I:.hlnrn to any at the prpolent time
I-it.her have I any proeountcement to
slake. .
Chan;rs there atLLsl by
txor4►",luent on the Rrent clinnifo
whin), we have mnle here. too deplor,•
,tut tills In stet Lien cor:anion on which
"J,ler to dlacumm them or even think
'of them. An for the gnenllon of pollcy.
I MONI hnrlly troll yaw, that that ptrl'.cy
air the Unlonlat party remains now
Whitt It flan nllvnyn tort". We ilatP
lmA. the, mPrvican of A brilliant nsho-
calte ,of oils canon. Wet IlAve hast a
min aroand whom the srnthnpntn
i)el ammolMnn of tin party hAyn for
many term oryselallltal. Neverthr-
1-dod. I 1 wit would ,to wrong' in de-
etrllr, Ihn wrong to ilATA pvpn that
faintmt mlogaving in rrtgar,l to the
f1Nar(t eY t.hn nnu,an h" haw al) In1fR
It11d LID well nph►11. it amp prpaerve the
mll4,11n the faturn which Ms mover
carne' Mr. Bairour to th' loa d%rminkp HE DID THE HEAVY FIGHTING
oat s:'y ultb what prior. and it ias-
ur. he Woul l give all the amolatran tre t:+t., Jahn Sun.(
u li {ow "r. Tarnln;t towards Me* Publication u( tour der etch hap
mill r Ihn a tit, cont tie
111' lap to a new outIaurir pof abuse
nth . billsll mi+ to soy to yens Mr. u a tie(, unfortunate head of the
4altour, ihnt you will f.wl in Aum
, o ditvt u" slmtlly altachell to yon dicisenal who wr(rte It.
,y P,lsaClt,f&i,rplmhip Ain't puble re- It is a lone•eome tank to plead in
gurJ, next
flat fit offering you Ilia mitigation of hfuller'n offeiiefe, but
vappwrt he r•Iv he cuuy tp ak fab, it will be Aeen that ho did out tir-
o p I -letter, r •n
Dr W tp to torr e r all 1t) Ira-
whole Lllorral
h 1
the t
do tlho .lame
Ur[-irltlrt ji4 tiro H,owsFr of Com- churga..l ug:ainrt klna. Tia ruggoal-
;,. do l w•nr tattle, but it ought to be
After Mr. Cha er;nGl haul dells- read with Buller's explanation
be e, Iter ham statell
rr01 its tnens4ge t C.�"fcieace ds- salla best year. r. Bu
ppronl. that he th(Alght the gurridon wall
ri�luced to the Inst extremity from
1.1bera( of offs pinthrfa„• disease, a1141 Want of flood, and he
0.1 enterulp; the Iluam.r of ('ommons deeired to rellpvo WLILe of part tet
subeetlnentl: Me-. Balfour met with tier re'Npmmetbillty of a surrender.
L great rveeptlun not only from fella which memtsl to be this "reactionary
)i% n suppol t, rs dot from the mt m- result of the failure tar reallove
Ixerm (A the Opgesktlon. Th•• I,ih •rnl 1,odysmith. But White was given u
Leader, sLr Henry Campto-II-Min- clu(nee too 'offer fall alterna►lve Nng-
mtan, oes it half of haw patty, permKan- gpotio41 as him pumlticen and.eIrcum-
ltlatM kir. Balfour on tit+ honor h,• stances mise dictate., It Is eer-
full] r.retvel dol bprn;., call,rl Damon to taicly &at Incorrect statement that
form lan w ministratlon. and 'w'inli(vl '$White diaot)eysl Buller'" orders by
him mwc,,ns and pn,ep'rity, not only refusing to murrender." The don -
In forming It, but In (v,nductulR it. patch wwl•l convey to tiny officer
par. fla Vour, lyltel Wall N4 dt 'p!, Ile d,h7:i that 1141 rn4ght ter held Out
tttrrt,vt that lit+ rept- .urns nhnr'+( if fie alum, hot that he could hot
1: a.lntn•nt, expres(rl la b.oken term Cali on relief fur some time to
I gnttltudo for the kla,Inevm shown come.
Alm. I But attain we intent reme•mas•r that
Inter Mr. BrllArur palol 14, t4-111110- to he wan not in the same ta+situn me
�)et Bi 1"hatr 1.1 w dell her was jt Ill t
i la..Tis.-4als, lrrfd�,r�tp-L c r
,T. e.T'Ti, ,-__'A,1nry .nap le• - :in- Of KlmMrhey. IA)r.i Roberts ('lid Dat
e.orman, who declared that the Burry. It wan tau Inunthm after tae
further l'rrenler I 1 Inleruntlunnl gt)e4- Imattlo of Naagermfoatein before. Klm-
tb(aahad ait•alu.&Wi.`Kalh.ttnu Weir im*Ity waa r(aiiegsJ, whlla.feuw the
npplaup". cunfidtoce find npproviii. time- will-" Buller Ment him lnems:ya�e to
' 11e rne.l(t'.allon of Sir lellohnc) Hiekn• tit,• W7ar uff:oa until the rpllaf of
pearls endowd intenme murprlw• It war 1,," Slaw Jt It was two anal it halt
generally tnken to be nlmosl In m nntltn. During most of that limo
Imp,rtnat Ahan Lord Bill bary'e,nnrt• t;rnorall Ru Jpr *eta making the marnt
wan rpgnrdal Ia Mom,• quarters as rtronn(rtlp exertions. Ile did not, like
heinR directly duo to tram wrrrvt Is,- Gpta,rnl Itufm•rtok watt until he fund
portant itilcc which Mr. Clinmberltile n toltfficfently largn army to turn the
1vf11 have Irl the now CRIAllot. . flnnk t$ the enemy. One would like to
Itrdmond's Virvsm, know when iord ftobrrtm would have
then+ with General Rullpr'n force on
Yr. Reim end, leader of the Irloola the Ttrlt('11. and what Buller wuuV
pnlety h1 tilt- Honesn of W amonn+ leave n(slcmlpliah(vl with thn great
mall Ito a reporter of tin Airs- nriny (If IA)rd Roberts on the Moddpr
r•1.1tetl 11r"ll: ' it Wlil have a mire River.
immedlatei find material resalt -_--- -----
the" i,or.f oily' b,,ry'm retirement. IN BRITISH SOIL.
Rte .1fi,zopl IIt I Ifeaete wnm nn rx
e,4leil rherk o Ttlnmberinln, who, Lord 1'ennrr1rola'- Nudy Wilt b4
im naw I raet lenlly nil powerful. 1
do not r+gar,l the general {Ndltl- hurled N"ar Nolrinahmns.
cal altuation no being at all Chang- ti,uUtnmpton, Fwegland, July 14.-
(rt by raised Sillathltry'a dtmnpsfrwr m
U. A. arv/red erulnnr Brooklyn, iron
Rnoo from active life." At►nottipMn..fifty let, havimR nn bodar,
Several rrthpr ehar►gpn nro likely tQr, rpmtlMof f.emt i ilnrefofo, lift
to steer, inclining the rellrPment amtlpmn&dor (A Grp(►t Brltakn a
frf Earl Cad(rgan, the ('hit-( Ream- WAahingtow, arrtvad here thin morn
Lary few Ireland, to n Ment in the Ing. Tlra rand) wail Iaeslwl Bron Alto
(•nhlnet. 11 delottle Fall evaral honors Wer
speculation In alepndy rife no$ to pal,, tat tarn moaalns Of LorA llaunnm
what will be File %lichnr•I Ifielem- fotp. lilts wiles followed the marl
Reach's m(IrresM.r. The name ,if It. from the warmhlp to thA trwlv►, whlo
W. Ifnrheary, PrevidAnt r,f the itnnrl Fit Aricot for illowark-Upuso-Tran,
ref Aggrkullure, Is, ftp pu•ntly mpn- ( near Nottingfram, lvfopre tho funars
tdonod. will taRe Places q-warrow.
.,&"" a!r ' tabr' •cam nese 14.s -
Uukuuw,. 114s Seelulde. at Klchelleu I
lduutreal, July I. 3-11, rtraaego sut-
;Ide, which tuck place at the Itiehe-
lieu Hutu) Inst night, isyuasilo
Abdo authuritlod. A taw .rya dgu
twee wen went to the hot One of
Liss, A matt gp{aroully abuul 40
years of age, Jurorlbsd blmmelf us
C. Juh11rton, from Burton. Meer. Ile
paIJ for film atsoumunidatlon in tad-
vnuea, "fill wale uasigued to nue of I
tlw be•rt names fu lite hotel. When
nakal to rail him uatur lou the rata -
inter. bm. 111,4 l that be could lout
write, ..ad at Ids requests. the hutel-
keeper slYnetrl tlae "amu. Illy friend
then took him leave. The note guest
war a mewl of very quiet babitr,
and took most Alf Ills meals outside
Lit the hotel, only "ring lieu twin
dot night. On Buturiay afternoon
the landlord saw him to hid room,
Aided asked If h0 wall going daWll
to dinner. lie replied that he would
do so. Thin was the last roue (if the
man alive.
Latte at eight, an he had nut up-
pearu 1, the hotel people went to
film rtxmn, aei7 to their horror,
Luu,Jou, .l ul> 11.-1t is now Ouorld- fond the Lilnu'm corpse hanging to
crud prleneaally oertrLllr, in view Of a gar bracket. fie hurl au:arle Lima -
lie uatumboemeut mule tin -night, of une of the bel rheeto to hang
but KI Edward will tam crcwnal ldmalelf. The uuiel le waa will drrrs-
lK ext, Iliad a silver wvettch which h.
idaturday, Aug. 9. adipo the holding wore giver the following numbers
of the coronation our'ahuny ]lODUY, •'3,17• orad •10,176, Cantus. Ohio
Aug. 11, would luvolvo another full No Cl liam tilt yet been ontalnud fall
unit holiday, with that attendant tits- to hW Identity. ”
k;wttlon of general bumiu,'se, wWlu
1aulnrtuyr ora.Itnwel at($lvtuma"' °� TRACT STILL AT LIBERTY,
rlrtud dor Yoh teupidayr.
The fixing Elf tach an curly slate our
Jae ourt)uat:un is regarded dor tau fid- __
Utolwl glaaranttw of the confidence
al the King is phyAcladi of a cuntin- His Wife Thinks He Prubably
ounce dol firm Mujusty's rap.d rmuirea- KIIIcd Murrill.Akplu I .
Tow tact of the uflicLal announce- _-
lieut oo'actraug the twruw►liou us
Koq; L•'dwurd was isolated from the rIECORD OF CONVICT TO DATE.
Eaarl llarmlal's-t.Ifeet. Yrat Is all ful-
1uwe: "Thu Ktag■ mWiwal WINi*•rr
auttu thus. Ilia Majesty r progrees ham Tacumu, Wlnah., July 12. -Tracy s
wen Inraro rpeaLy au.l herr (iuwpu- ""if" lin T.lta,tln" had been ►uustua. the
aaUxi Lias was at first aullutp,atetl. *Vu011 by Aho uume of Ely, and Itt'en
in, M&JMty''s exoelletet wnrtilestluu •ie lou alleyway in Ute rear of Tacuma
as pLayell, a 7001lapicuoud purl lin 4vonue. Wan has [wen folduwiug the
Iron glog tin uncut. if the preteens. tiewrpo.aper accounts of the conoid'.
'ate of progress W maintain" and elgo4t, but diol:arer th:tl she ha* no
I alt more o°nll)lieatiun +irisin+, tilt- itlrlhur [uturewt fn Idhu.
oLukg's medical aeltpw•rr aro td Aho Thu fleeing ounvlct's wife wait
opiuiuu tivat His ylajemty would be shown the statement of Mrs. It ill,
able W undergo Chu fatigue of the Iiia,,, of Souttlo, at whose house
,uruaution ctlrtamony on a day 1- a- Tri.ey YLWpsl for several hours Ins,
.wex•u Aug. 8 uutl 1G. The exact dine week. ,
hill shortly he announced. The pro- Tracy suit to tho woman that a
Itwmiou through Lbrmlon, which %van .ow 4A) If "ItOr he erc:atwI u man late,
.0 have taktm pltacu lieu tiny fullow- him on the uutakirls of Portland and
.ug that otaiunalion, W e"ncivilud." gtavo him u newspaper with lite re -
!L Is Dualerattxal nkat tim general purl of Murrill's duplicity.
)utline dot Use progrmwme of the pro- When this was rimul to Mrs. Tracy
wwknl to Westminster Abbey, and .silo will: ,,You -snotty put It tltawu for
Lite rvrhaa to be followtIA, will out the 'truth that Tracy killed{ Merrill
w changed, but the pLgenot will be )lel dor ho raid ho did"
hexa dot some of its linlenrkrl mitt- . rt •y'e Iterurd Sl..re Nis N:sespr
Nriceuee. Thee dlsli►Ilm of tale pro- June $J-liarry Tracy and Dr►vid
gruwwu will be auuled by tae King M,.rrill, cunvk tr, esea lmid frotu the
himself, who will "leu decide to what hole m 11teultenllary, killing three
rxteal list actual eervaumony is, to tar
eurtuticd su ss to atohi fatigtw. Tne J�ic lot -Returned In elarkneme ail
King's p'.bysirlases advise tlsat the early mourndtag Lo kraal M. h: lot up J. W.
oerenitaiv dlauuid not exceed one Rolocrtn, whom they stripped of his
Ipcoi aid tikes could Yo mtulutted by eleltal•m, %fails ILLtpnm of horses ami
sacrificing Lite merwuvr, the litany, made their way. to Portland. Near
Ac. Utrvain they held up two nepmhprie
It is expected Me Cjaleen Alexan- tit Uro poseo ,un purmutl and took s
Ara and Cir Francis Laking, playsill-I baro' anal bafty.
tan -Ido -ordinary to Ulso King, with Juno 11-1, if I's trial) fur prase nal
Hie Majesity's nwumra, will acox)mpalry tired to" pursuerit from ntulstell near
Ore King un bua•R1 time royal yacht, Uervnls. , r
lire Victoria ars, Albert. It lana 11ot ,fund 12 -Broke Uiroul-h cordon of
yet been deckled allteUaer Ilia Jia- •,,-,is. militiamen in the night and ns."tit•
jetty' will gal lin mo
Purtoeut1r by rail their cant►
dor whether His; Majesty will be June 14 -Stole two horees near Ore
bn,ugllt to (ibeertmew to shorten the Kion City and rude through suhurbe
railway j(shrer•y. All Ute+ details of Of I4ortlland.
the moving of film liajia0ty will be June Ir -In bhp morning'vesehed
kepi secret. Lverybikiy except tare Colsunbla River and forced G.�orgp
,ZrIeiaiS Clsaeerned Witt tI d--e3T
'Sunlerlan'"-letter Burlingame
farm the railroad etallome, sod to ferry them serum, landing five
ov'ery precaution will be taken Lu Arlen "love Vannouver.
prevent public demonrtratiorw. Tine June 17 -At Salmon Creek ex -
royal yacia nv4ll probably be moved changed r••llots with {ors••, and fat
off Clowns, title i
le of Wgdint, taltu the RIdgrlarld stole two horses and coel-
cunsittirxn of Ile King's atttalth and tined their flight. '
t'ne wuathor juestify a cru Life. when June ltd -Robbed house or ,,Pat,,
We Victoria alid Albert 'my Ku t•(o *;Gu re, near Laepnter, while own-
1'fynu,u'cl, and lay elf tiro Earl of ey amts fat church, taking clothem and
Massa kl*clrmtre'a beautiful costate. $210 In caste•
Tl-nlg)rt's report of King Edward's Juno "5. Mole breakfast near
owrpitiuu mays Ilia Majesty could"• Kelso, Wash.
Ileal to make goust bead ay. Jane ::6. -Stole two horars, fact on
meeting owner dismounted awl gave
WANTS HIS CHILD. then back, .
_ June 29 -Yawned xtra-mr perose
i brie. Thrt Neighbors Splrlled tier guarding roads near Chehalis during
the night.
Away to Canada. July 1-Cdlvbts Leech on Northern
Montreal, July 10. - Whitt may Paclfie at Tenino, about thirty-nine
prove an Inlereating sue was miliv, from Taromn. Tracy left Mpr-
brought to the notice or the Su r- rill, waging Inter that he had kill -d
p, him In a dart. Biding one horse hp had
or Curt this aloof h ea a pets- wtolen until It wow disabled, lin stole
tion for a writ of f Ale corpus, another and p.•wwpd through Olympla.
9f New
mi t half of Alec. Leede, July "-Tracy held up mix men at
of Ncw York, to reoo"Pe {owaemson youth flay', near Olympia, and forced
of his eight-yp"r-old daughter, four, including ('aptaul Citric. or
Phoebe, teem one L. it allpgoMpannell, Large 1tarolene Innn•h, to embark
I,elaae, in nn affidavit, allpRev that with hum on Puget &real. Landetant
Yin chilli, whose mother 1s dergd, was night fat Seattle and atarltd north
IivinK with relatives in New York to Canada.
bout two years ago, wirn tilt!
July 8 -Tunny encountered the ad -
varied) of like Y• unkv tardily, who Werevarroe Runrd or the Seattle pose at
neighbors ant on friendly terms Cotlhell, rbc tnllea frord gentile. As
wlth the little girt, moved to Can- n result of the Ilntlle Deputy 3her-
ndn, taking w her with them. Heolal CO ill Charlene Raymond, of Stu,bbndmh
that i WnN only n few days ago ,,aunty, In dead; Deputy Sheriff "Jack'
Lint bre ettrcervled In locating them• W'illiamm, of Seattle, 1+ seriously If
ab Y w•aar table to take the legal steps Ila, fatally woon,dtd; Carl And:•ra an.
neoesrnry to Its recovery,. r as r r rp peter, Is, werelnietd by
Joi 1)avhl(on granted the Iv,tl- bullet Rrrazirepng rt ince. ReturningIb.o,
hon to lamp the welt, and ours. r n townri Seaattle 1n the s 4rutriee of thr
the r y, to b^ Vradtaeae u l ba on city he killed Policeman E. E. Breez
Montag, when the pate vt111 bo la- and Well RnWIPy, n deputy gable Wat-
vemtlgntef. ,inn• That night, It waw learned
Inter, Tracy slept In n cemetery.
TO AID CHEESE TRADE. ,ful; 4-8toln n horae land tmirgy i1
(h:e evade morning at it farmlihonme
Government Arrangers With R&U- in the oulmklrtm or Ballard. During
ways for Ito felgrralor Service. .fllot day plept and rental! In the
oltetwia, July 12,-t14psteiali - 7410 JrIj 5---sttn in n hurity. Ntltlt At
Department of Agricultnrp ham nr- ;oung woman, toren near Itothell h%
rangel with the C:alladian Pacific lby lease, In early iaurning; nr,w Tx•
and Grand Tr,nk railways to pro- lif-ved to hive teen Trac_. I.at..•1
vide it nainatoer of refrigerator Cara ct•mpAled u' bo,( at Merttknv Point
for the carriage of chee0ma on through to rosy h'm acromm the snared to Ma,"
-bille o at ng nn'oT on To-ftiT s pmen :v" -Ti-1rU-MT:. 1qp!ft's•-iMMprrMM- M, farm
to Montreal for export. no Tice- house, where Ile ixound and gogger
ptrtment or Agriculture pnOng the Id" haste. After ruptI 1 i hlmsel
Wisdom obarlta to permit tbts$ starts" with food and cl.ltbing, flrl tit a boat
to ia• started. ton -Ing hired twin to new him.
Shlpp•ra timing thpav cars will tc ,sol.; A-Ap'nt Hunday ht flit) wood
chnrgetl only the usual carload ralem. w Ilh hlroa( man, re.Aing•
Applitmtlona for theme refrigerator Jul. 7 -Going townrl Renton Trn:;
carp vhriul.l lip made throtaKh tin mol frbendae, anti hired man was lefl
wM1al channels def the local railway Mhdroldril and tied.
agent, or the dietr•bt freight agent, Jill.- R -Surrounded by INty drpnt•
as the name ,nay hi. "Ilam Degs1,rt- 'h'rtrfr ns. Charles; Gerald's lonsn, n
ment of agrlenitura draw not un- Renton, hast glare them flan tri
durhtke to furnlsh aearm, but u"l.v , ,via, ap n rent dour. As lin (fid h
to pay the Icing chargoo lip to cap ch l "n, H wi b� mon, woman nm
hundred care a week for the two totasol has I Hounds p were sent after hart
hot months, from the middle or July wb INI fine reel pepper along his trnl
to the middle u( September. whleh tlllrl the tiepin FIONtwas safe. am
The Grand Trunk ayatem and the d;all,, them until lin vvns safe.
('asndinn Paclrle Rsllway will IltLVP 'Cul; 9--H• Id up o family fat Knn
Prime a wreially improved ventilator ittwl got a stiff
rpvolrerJ for it ll 1
i V u IrrrM' nad provisions for n amp"I
earn ready thin month for remarriage July 10-Hormrt he stole forefoot!I
of cheexii Tflewe are taping fitted r n,I tempi of Kens.. Etter Pxnliftnatr•
with apes -Int ventilating eontrl- ,im,ta with rrrel,m of guard* nen
♦anceor, devised by Profpnsor Rob- (•„ytrl{fton and again pmenpAd.
Private There will not be any ex- 'Joel.., I1--fllippp(1 through cordon r
I tra charge roar thpm. dcroutles at Still” Crionk after 'e1
a - --- - oh•tnge of shots and escaped into tit
I Mill to Isla 06011se. timber.
W'nikert(w1, Jaly 1S'.-Roht. .Icahn- `- J
r sl on, a Pro at farmer tit Brant, It ham treen practically iatllad tin
npnr beret, wmm aeol.tentnlly killed (amrta L. Huglwlit will norvthnup h
• on Thnrstday by falling from re dutka as Mappotor of TvoronP
An it
I bpam In him barn to that floor, A Ile Rolwtola.
I dlatlenrit or 1'O foot. Mr. Johnattm The litate Ireparimnnt at Wan
WAP Al yparm Of raga nntt b1g111y es- Ington hna mnde formyl 1%wl(.ntle
1 tensional by w Iwrga pirate
at the Rrtteh Emhammy for t'
and ielghborsL sitradltk►m of Gaynor sat] Gr'of
e .ai i,� a f ,,,r ' ty <,f .., a, d �4 �,�� _ „ u ' lei. `
.. .. t , 4
-, — __ - __ ___._ t
: `
Cheering Crowds, and Utficial
Addresses Presented.
lease) Which Brought flim and ilia Stall Quarantined for Smallpox—
Generals French and Hamilton Spoke Also- Kitchener Does With
Prlaea of Wales to St. James' Palace—A `cease Seldom W Itnessed
Even In Wit Loodua.
fiouthampton, July 12. -Tito I':ot- I w•h+ch u viow of the returning lieu -
'is Steam Navigation Company's
1)ualuguhlaed l•riwrrges,
fawn June L'3, with - rd Kltehener
Veollaie, Italy, July Its. -The C'tSt. ,
out ooa,umrs, guneralas au.l other Wit-
n:alf-part clghl o'clock tit)r mursing,
purr in full uulforhu, Ain't nanny hLdier
owing to the fact Mutt Major Gur-
111 br+►utltul mum'uru dresrur. The
1'rio:ou of Walter, l 1, 1 Duke of UOOn
pnalouu (duUo•hal Iwli luwet) .)[ 8s.. i
suit%" the Duke ul Cambrtdg0t who
;ho stealner, had leen wtrickeu Witt,
td flow very IDirm, Lord Il alourla, U10
nuallpux, only Lord Kitchener aid
c(tinuuanler-dol-Chid,; lord Laun-
,luwat4 thu Foreign Secretary ; Mr.
Mark'm Church, 118 metremi high, co l-
Bru,priek, the War kkicretary ; tbu
)roCave tear been p/lueed lin quer-
lnfeste at LOAU lhlr Wurniug, and '
A (:teat W'elauuae.
iii dabeutr dor Sirrlaar of the E93,tatlan
Lord Kitchener fancied tit 9.17) u.m.
fa -ll Withto great e17arde auto tele
hritlaah Iaspectur-Oenaral of the Suu-
euro• from is huge thrung of People.
lfler u brief, official recepti,)n at
,Laid. were &Among Utuso who medem-
he ducked, the lieuernl dor driven
bled to greet the denertal. Wheat Lord
Kitchener '• train arrived, punctual to
hruugh the drroruer" an crewdeep
the minute,, a tnmewaxws chert
711e Campanile, which sur entirely
p;rpeteat the latest beta as he emerged
.•rewlvai an nJdrerr from tit Chum_
from lar aLr tit fail shook hands Witt'
er Of Cunnllerce, expreams, a sirs-
ttte l'rinctt ad Wales. Els stuud head
Lois of the generalship reeuuro and
and rfrulderal above nearly everyone
deauehed frusta the Cathedral, owl-
oat the plat.(urm, and lite workmau-
tfricLL, and h rn that the ' ce
oI C p
lupsed where It rluud and it louwl a ,
which lie had ac -cured would be lar -I
we, ,suit, helmot maulo familiar by
Items) of rui'e. 'I11e. Cathedral and
hie pictures. was In striking ox)ntrast
,ram eteuch of prosperity and oom-
Palace of the Doges are quite ,,are,
His Predeces=
°punct of bhp Royal Palace
ur ut''Lila
sduuKesl. Repairs un the Cam-
a reception lartod ten or fifteen
Astional drat whatever success had
panile were tit liu%u been commenced
;open achieved, was due to the rank
and Ther members of the Rttyvl
* lured there war *unit.-
to -day. It 1 a
ser in Premiership.
tUsu"e what land fix)" after the
parr u( IUs'' 11m runs are sur-
riestkhL and relatives of blroset leftloud
tun "I uUtun took reals in one -
ruuuded by it curlun of trou ay. Tltc
of the r ia dol earrls►gon and fullowild
h llltii,
Fronesnit lltloo
fir*t Intimation of danger was that
----. -- -
ewldea tap pe arance yemteral ay of a
lona l.tiony ale" sptntse, tie(- former re-
luugita dibal crack In the corner of
sl e•rh to Culle'+gucs is rAmter*O" At Neon To-day-Reeogabte 4 That the
the wall facing the clock tower and
. Took is Ureat, I,ut Feel* hoaNdtltles In the Pulare--Olber krsiga
the br•nkc u. two winduwe. .l
cuuewrl whhich had tweed prrnngt)J lin
- - '_ - _ -n _.--- -- -
tuna Likely to be �tlatldrd In-j--7Nk Era-Beid; Wifl Co-operate A I hough
Cilie" jHade on Ilio pitszl yesterday
INW lra(edtrm of the borough was
is, spite or hie ham Oil of "palaver,"
eveniaK war stopped by order Of the
Not In Office. \
Ole party wiero obliged to Inrrry
prefect, with tine ubjwt 'of prevent-
Lon,uou, July 1•L -.81r Michael HVIs-
lmren wunting In our ranks lin the
LuR a e, Jul rlho 4. phe r
t'ehiar, July ;14. -'Chu ruitlr all?
B ai b lots r(selgmd all l'haneclWr of
lJ'c Whereat Vitality d une
marl 7
to tame up for seniums
'1•l,rh u l to u h: ht of 100 trot,
the k:xcheyuer•
art m ooh
[u Uae arm* which have to r{wn Il."
: the piazza Di Fan laittrco and the
Welcomed by the 1'rince•
I.djohilug mltLarims are ouvercd with
Perluap+ never liar a chuup(a of
111cite-Iaearh'm Remark,..
dtlirL4 land ontdt. Some damage was
Prentlerehtp been earoted malth au
after a warm trlbatu to Lurd
iluue t„ the tial Sotito LoggAtess.
dlrlen•eatlon of business, either
klatlimlr.Ny by tilt. Dukit rd Devonshire.
or v4+tabule on the east stole of like
as accowpaoi.sl Aho
file Nle:ael Hicka-Bostel, rare anal
Campeutl0, ,
ublit. dor tivate,
► V
11.:111.1,:,- of lilt, seenls of office from
wtiJ then• war nu One whulu he WOIIH
leave "ern KhuHy and more roattlly
Tho Camp ni.le stood opl+oslto the
Lord salbttkury to A. J. Balfour. The
arctptt-d all ]ratter of Chu party
a hurch or catthMral of tit. Marks.
o.e•ur•oped finial ►o eff4 ut whatever
Opan the ran he land followcsi as
It woe fowttled In t18t3, restured -1n
1'3':9, provhle•d with a marble top
on the 8ta+fe EzalWnKe. That only
kaadur for more tlsan elven years.
But hurl Salisbury was a break with
in "1117, nn -1 In 1517 wan crowomd
.dlwr t harave In e
,`�vor --F 1-0 - failed pull,
%talth til fl r+ or,an atlgcd ,wariy
f:o• aniluun.+nl 's the Chaucellurmblp
life. Two yours ago tam food beggeet
16 teal hlg Is, trip
`dot Chu Excht-qu::a, though utherr are
for perimmial, and not for polltleal
rALmorr, to bo relieved from,office;
bule; on thi• eat *Ade of the Catnip:
n '. was n ee r•ndezvons'of the
uhs "
tat tie haul ooiwom.ted. at Lord tial-
Nobih. an I aftprwtardt# it waiting
• Itatra.ar$e Reaaarks.
lsleury's iz*t"ce, Up rt+taln It to the
roon for Allo guards during the ses-
The new Premier, when lie euttli
mml of tis. war. He ngrwfelt that tilt'
sloes of the Kri at count It.
the conference ricin of the Furetifn
ntutnellt Ima.d arm" when Mich poor
The tIOek tower stands o ln"4ta tiev
OIIKma 'ut noon, atix,mpanl,.sl try Life
services, sof :o• owl., ronder ouuld no
Uuko of Uevoheirre, Kir Michael
lunger h4 ureempairy to vice cullutry.
_ ._--
Ila:lwifcach, Lord Lunlou'lerty, anvil
Mr. Balloter tired bei -ii Rood enough
generals who acoompanlod him were
vlmdar (AleasloDm.
entertained at luncheon In the great
Tile pintform dot Paddington Rall-
balnlnetlnsr hall, where rovers were
:'oad station, when Kitchener ar•-
i til for fifty p•rononm. not Prince of
rived. Reeked effort. like a reception
uth••re, rtO,ivtal quite an otati..n,ai
to expreven a mining il•mire that- he
fico than P railroad station. It
Rob its opp.mlte. Among the guests
Were The Premier, Lord Shllsbury ;
1A.r d Lranmlowne, Mr. Brodrick and
,,rJanl pilins, wh.bn rows d( de'orat-
,•1IL rtlalrlllig and ch,' r-
rwuld conti11uo to act with him an
for War. The hall writ# hung witis
land been erected at all parts` from
plcturem representing war soenes.
4114: tills], When Mr. Balfour' to
Ilia ocdleagao, but achnitte! Limit the
twdstm the ntpel.ug all nine sttwtt
eircumrtarces mentioned realties]
__ __
All atpt cheered the new chief. Ad
I, all quiet wad ruwtorcd Mr. ',°al-
t limulberiales's Jlr.mdtat.
'Iris Uld General Nas the
tour referrer! lin lite Aum+ dor the r-
+w(al of cine(, who fur near
J. Atultn C'hamtmvll;n, 1'Inal,etnl
filly Lead been engaged t
Se•retal to the Treasury, sill his
Y y'
M sses With Him.
taa•tivt poitticnl left-. No done, ber•)I I.
fiath,•r with -*1 him to, say It our grettt-
ly dhlnppulnted ire war at the Intel
would grudge him flim well-
I ill---', IA ;a burr war
r a'I.I not lie present to wcl-
that if m
, a ran ri pease,
it r4•p:arubiet.
, I Ju not flatter myself;' proceeded t
11,e Premier, "that the gall, he ham I
lift vain ho filled. limit the place 'lip I
her left must be oceupael, uml It In t
i., -the King ham desired file to I
it,, say beat to take that plDaitton that I
I have asked you to meet tau lo- I
.fay. I have ae(teptsl a great task
anal a Intnvy rerp)nmibillly,"crr-
bellef lin
1:. (stun
adv f u n0 ovurw
r m g
uta awn Capacity, lint bteause Inur
nate, dor at "at have ovary reasun
1.1 I.-Ii.•ve that In attempting G)
"arry to this work I will havo tilt-
nw.a lrhpurtant (JUAI a011i s
fader can have. namely, regaril for
:rail cun$idence in theme With whoa,
L, workn.
I cannot now prondae mymelf that I
1 'hail have the continued assistance
..f all illy collpaQurm. one of themomL I I
helwrtnnt of thein, Witt, whom 1 have I
b,•en n"N(claled all my puiltic:al Ilfc 1
anti who has occupied and demerveml
to occupy the highest post in the !
Ill 'uwe of Command and
FLtat,•, ban 1
1441 Dia that I cannot count on told i
further nmalslance. I mean thfiChnn- 1
, t Ilnr of the Exchequer. Nit, thou,th
i grieve to say 1 cannot count with
Lila) assurance on him further nm-
KimAalOce, I can count with altiolutC
co f . p
n i le one on iia goxo.l wish s In Aho
Iulsirm (lint are before am."
--•--.4' &fit* ju w.tim" Sir ktwor.et Miim-
iieach, nmbl np{daame, mignifivd file
ilder"'t by crylhg heartily, ' llemr,
hear: ,
^iof`in) a'lf;'coni lnunlMr. Bit lfour,
' I leave nothing to may. To all the
❑um1s•rs, trra.t all events to the
un•nlhpre of the fiction, of C'onamcom
hu 11170 listpning to eat% I have no
", wivla foul m, murprisem. You 1►ave
kn.nvn ma mr) well and so long that
i't.•0 were I tliLpxrarvl W dwell on tlla
lhll,g there In nothing I could allay
a hlnh coulJ dor ought to nitnr Us(,
rr•dgmMI. already lamg ago formed,
Vial, if I bc.v(I n)thltw off a poreunal
I:.hlnrn to any at the prpolent time
I-it.her have I any proeountcement to
slake. .
Chan;rs there atLLsl by
txor4►",luent on the Rrent clinnifo
whin), we have mnle here. too deplor,•
,tut tills In stet Lien cor:anion on which
"J,ler to dlacumm them or even think
'of them. An for the gnenllon of pollcy.
I MONI hnrlly troll yaw, that that ptrl'.cy
air the Unlonlat party remains now
Whitt It flan nllvnyn tort". We ilatP
lmA. the, mPrvican of A brilliant nsho-
calte ,of oils canon. Wet IlAve hast a
min aroand whom the srnthnpntn
i)el ammolMnn of tin party hAyn for
many term oryselallltal. Neverthr-
1-dod. I 1 wit would ,to wrong' in de-
etrllr, Ihn wrong to ilATA pvpn that
faintmt mlogaving in rrtgar,l to the
f1Nar(t eY t.hn nnu,an h" haw al) In1fR
It11d LID well nph►11. it amp prpaerve the
mll4,11n the faturn which Ms mover
carne' Mr. Bairour to th' loa d%rminkp HE DID THE HEAVY FIGHTING
oat s:'y ultb what prior. and it ias-
ur. he Woul l give all the amolatran tre t:+t., Jahn Sun.(
u li {ow "r. Tarnln;t towards Me* Publication u( tour der etch hap
mill r Ihn a tit, cont tie
111' lap to a new outIaurir pof abuse
nth . billsll mi+ to soy to yens Mr. u a tie(, unfortunate head of the
4altour, ihnt you will f.wl in Aum
, o ditvt u" slmtlly altachell to yon dicisenal who wr(rte It.
,y P,lsaClt,f&i,rplmhip Ain't puble re- It is a lone•eome tank to plead in
gurJ, next
flat fit offering you Ilia mitigation of hfuller'n offeiiefe, but
vappwrt he r•Iv he cuuy tp ak fab, it will be Aeen that ho did out tir-
o p I -letter, r •n
Dr W tp to torr e r all 1t) Ira-
whole Lllorral
h 1
the t
do tlho .lame
Ur[-irltlrt ji4 tiro H,owsFr of Com- churga..l ug:ainrt klna. Tia ruggoal-
;,. do l w•nr tattle, but it ought to be
After Mr. Cha er;nGl haul dells- read with Buller's explanation
be e, Iter ham statell
rr01 its tnens4ge t C.�"fcieace ds- salla best year. r. Bu
ppronl. that he th(Alght the gurridon wall
ri�luced to the Inst extremity from
1.1bera( of offs pinthrfa„• disease, a1141 Want of flood, and he
0.1 enterulp; the Iluam.r of ('ommons deeired to rellpvo WLILe of part tet
subeetlnentl: Me-. Balfour met with tier re'Npmmetbillty of a surrender.
L great rveeptlun not only from fella which memtsl to be this "reactionary
)i% n suppol t, rs dot from the mt m- result of the failure tar reallove
Ixerm (A the Opgesktlon. Th•• I,ih •rnl 1,odysmith. But White was given u
Leader, sLr Henry Campto-II-Min- clu(nee too 'offer fall alterna►lve Nng-
mtan, oes it half of haw patty, permKan- gpotio41 as him pumlticen and.eIrcum-
ltlatM kir. Balfour on tit+ honor h,• stances mise dictate., It Is eer-
full] r.retvel dol bprn;., call,rl Damon to taicly &at Incorrect statement that
form lan w ministratlon. and 'w'inli(vl '$White diaot)eysl Buller'" orders by
him mwc,,ns and pn,ep'rity, not only refusing to murrender." The don -
In forming It, but In (v,nductulR it. patch wwl•l convey to tiny officer
par. fla Vour, lyltel Wall N4 dt 'p!, Ile d,h7:i that 1141 rn4ght ter held Out
tttrrt,vt that lit+ rept- .urns nhnr'+( if fie alum, hot that he could hot
1: a.lntn•nt, expres(rl la b.oken term Cali on relief fur some time to
I gnttltudo for the kla,Inevm shown come.
Alm. I But attain we intent reme•mas•r that
Inter Mr. BrllArur palol 14, t4-111110- to he wan not in the same ta+situn me
�)et Bi 1"hatr 1.1 w dell her was jt Ill t
i la..Tis.-4als, lrrfd�,r�tp-L c r
,T. e.T'Ti, ,-__'A,1nry .nap le• - :in- Of KlmMrhey. IA)r.i Roberts ('lid Dat
e.orman, who declared that the Burry. It wan tau Inunthm after tae
further l'rrenler I 1 Inleruntlunnl gt)e4- Imattlo of Naagermfoatein before. Klm-
tb(aahad ait•alu.&Wi.`Kalh.ttnu Weir im*Ity waa r(aiiegsJ, whlla.feuw the
npplaup". cunfidtoce find npproviii. time- will-" Buller Ment him lnems:ya�e to
' 11e rne.l(t'.allon of Sir lellohnc) Hiekn• tit,• W7ar uff:oa until the rpllaf of
pearls endowd intenme murprlw• It war 1,," Slaw Jt It was two anal it halt
generally tnken to be nlmosl In m nntltn. During most of that limo
Imp,rtnat Ahan Lord Bill bary'e,nnrt• t;rnorall Ru Jpr *eta making the marnt
wan rpgnrdal Ia Mom,• quarters as rtronn(rtlp exertions. Ile did not, like
heinR directly duo to tram wrrrvt Is,- Gpta,rnl Itufm•rtok watt until he fund
portant itilcc which Mr. Clinmberltile n toltfficfently largn army to turn the
1vf11 have Irl the now CRIAllot. . flnnk t$ the enemy. One would like to
Itrdmond's Virvsm, know when iord ftobrrtm would have
then+ with General Rullpr'n force on
Yr. Reim end, leader of the Irloola the Ttrlt('11. and what Buller wuuV
pnlety h1 tilt- Honesn of W amonn+ leave n(slcmlpliah(vl with thn great
mall Ito a reporter of tin Airs- nriny (If IA)rd Roberts on the Moddpr
r•1.1tetl 11r"ll: ' it Wlil have a mire River.
immedlatei find material resalt -_--- -----
the" i,or.f oily' b,,ry'm retirement. IN BRITISH SOIL.
Rte .1fi,zopl IIt I Ifeaete wnm nn rx
e,4leil rherk o Ttlnmberinln, who, Lord 1'ennrr1rola'- Nudy Wilt b4
im naw I raet lenlly nil powerful. 1
do not r+gar,l the general {Ndltl- hurled N"ar Nolrinahmns.
cal altuation no being at all Chang- ti,uUtnmpton, Fwegland, July 14.-
(rt by raised Sillathltry'a dtmnpsfrwr m
U. A. arv/red erulnnr Brooklyn, iron
Rnoo from active life." At►nottipMn..fifty let, havimR nn bodar,
Several rrthpr ehar►gpn nro likely tQr, rpmtlMof f.emt i ilnrefofo, lift
to steer, inclining the rellrPment amtlpmn&dor (A Grp(►t Brltakn a
frf Earl Cad(rgan, the ('hit-( Ream- WAahingtow, arrtvad here thin morn
Lary few Ireland, to n Ment in the Ing. Tlra rand) wail Iaeslwl Bron Alto
(•nhlnet. 11 delottle Fall evaral honors Wer
speculation In alepndy rife no$ to pal,, tat tarn moaalns Of LorA llaunnm
what will be File %lichnr•I Ifielem- fotp. lilts wiles followed the marl
Reach's m(IrresM.r. The name ,if It. from the warmhlp to thA trwlv►, whlo
W. Ifnrheary, PrevidAnt r,f the itnnrl Fit Aricot for illowark-Upuso-Tran,
ref Aggrkullure, Is, ftp pu•ntly mpn- ( near Nottingfram, lvfopre tho funars
tdonod. will taRe Places q-warrow.
.,&"" a!r ' tabr' •cam nese 14.s -
Uukuuw,. 114s Seelulde. at Klchelleu I
lduutreal, July I. 3-11, rtraaego sut-
;Ide, which tuck place at the Itiehe-
lieu Hutu) Inst night, isyuasilo
Abdo authuritlod. A taw .rya dgu
twee wen went to the hot One of
Liss, A matt gp{aroully abuul 40
years of age, Jurorlbsd blmmelf us
C. Juh11rton, from Burton. Meer. Ile
paIJ for film atsoumunidatlon in tad-
vnuea, "fill wale uasigued to nue of I
tlw be•rt names fu lite hotel. When
nakal to rail him uatur lou the rata -
inter. bm. 111,4 l that be could lout
write, ..ad at Ids requests. the hutel-
keeper slYnetrl tlae "amu. Illy friend
then took him leave. The note guest
war a mewl of very quiet babitr,
and took most Alf Ills meals outside
Lit the hotel, only "ring lieu twin
dot night. On Buturiay afternoon
the landlord saw him to hid room,
Aided asked If h0 wall going daWll
to dinner. lie replied that he would
do so. Thin was the last roue (if the
man alive.
Latte at eight, an he had nut up-
pearu 1, the hotel people went to
film rtxmn, aei7 to their horror,
Luu,Jou, .l ul> 11.-1t is now Ouorld- fond the Lilnu'm corpse hanging to
crud prleneaally oertrLllr, in view Of a gar bracket. fie hurl au:arle Lima -
lie uatumboemeut mule tin -night, of une of the bel rheeto to hang
but KI Edward will tam crcwnal ldmalelf. The uuiel le waa will drrrs-
lK ext, Iliad a silver wvettch which h.
idaturday, Aug. 9. adipo the holding wore giver the following numbers
of the coronation our'ahuny ]lODUY, •'3,17• orad •10,176, Cantus. Ohio
Aug. 11, would luvolvo another full No Cl liam tilt yet been ontalnud fall
unit holiday, with that attendant tits- to hW Identity. ”
k;wttlon of general bumiu,'se, wWlu
1aulnrtuyr ora.Itnwel at($lvtuma"' °� TRACT STILL AT LIBERTY,
rlrtud dor Yoh teupidayr.
The fixing Elf tach an curly slate our
Jae ourt)uat:un is regarded dor tau fid- __
Utolwl glaaranttw of the confidence
al the King is phyAcladi of a cuntin- His Wife Thinks He Prubably
ounce dol firm Mujusty's rap.d rmuirea- KIIIcd Murrill.Akplu I .
Tow tact of the uflicLal announce- _-
lieut oo'actraug the twruw►liou us
Koq; L•'dwurd was isolated from the rIECORD OF CONVICT TO DATE.
Eaarl llarmlal's-t.Ifeet. Yrat Is all ful-
1uwe: "Thu Ktag■ mWiwal WINi*•rr
auttu thus. Ilia Majesty r progrees ham Tacumu, Wlnah., July 12. -Tracy s
wen Inraro rpeaLy au.l herr (iuwpu- ""if" lin T.lta,tln" had been ►uustua. the
aaUxi Lias was at first aullutp,atetl. *Vu011 by Aho uume of Ely, and Itt'en
in, M&JMty''s exoelletet wnrtilestluu •ie lou alleyway in Ute rear of Tacuma
as pLayell, a 7001lapicuoud purl lin 4vonue. Wan has [wen folduwiug the
Iron glog tin uncut. if the preteens. tiewrpo.aper accounts of the conoid'.
'ate of progress W maintain" and elgo4t, but diol:arer th:tl she ha* no
I alt more o°nll)lieatiun +irisin+, tilt- itlrlhur [uturewt fn Idhu.
oLukg's medical aeltpw•rr aro td Aho Thu fleeing ounvlct's wife wait
opiuiuu tivat His ylajemty would be shown the statement of Mrs. It ill,
able W undergo Chu fatigue of the Iiia,,, of Souttlo, at whose house
,uruaution ctlrtamony on a day 1- a- Tri.ey YLWpsl for several hours Ins,
.wex•u Aug. 8 uutl 1G. The exact dine week. ,
hill shortly he announced. The pro- Tracy suit to tho woman that a
Itwmiou through Lbrmlon, which %van .ow 4A) If "ItOr he erc:atwI u man late,
.0 have taktm pltacu lieu tiny fullow- him on the uutakirls of Portland and
.ug that otaiunalion, W e"ncivilud." gtavo him u newspaper with lite re -
!L Is Dualerattxal nkat tim general purl of Murrill's duplicity.
)utline dot Use progrmwme of the pro- When this was rimul to Mrs. Tracy
wwknl to Westminster Abbey, and .silo will: ,,You -snotty put It tltawu for
Lite rvrhaa to be followtIA, will out the 'truth that Tracy killed{ Merrill
w changed, but the pLgenot will be )lel dor ho raid ho did"
hexa dot some of its linlenrkrl mitt- . rt •y'e Iterurd Sl..re Nis N:sespr
Nriceuee. Thee dlsli►Ilm of tale pro- June $J-liarry Tracy and Dr►vid
gruwwu will be auuled by tae King M,.rrill, cunvk tr, esea lmid frotu the
himself, who will "leu decide to what hole m 11teultenllary, killing three
rxteal list actual eervaumony is, to tar
eurtuticd su ss to atohi fatigtw. Tne J�ic lot -Returned In elarkneme ail
King's p'.bysirlases advise tlsat the early mourndtag Lo kraal M. h: lot up J. W.
oerenitaiv dlauuid not exceed one Rolocrtn, whom they stripped of his
Ipcoi aid tikes could Yo mtulutted by eleltal•m, %fails ILLtpnm of horses ami
sacrificing Lite merwuvr, the litany, made their way. to Portland. Near
Ac. Utrvain they held up two nepmhprie
It is expected Me Cjaleen Alexan- tit Uro poseo ,un purmutl and took s
Ara and Cir Francis Laking, playsill-I baro' anal bafty.
tan -Ido -ordinary to Ulso King, with Juno 11-1, if I's trial) fur prase nal
Hie Majesity's nwumra, will acox)mpalry tired to" pursuerit from ntulstell near
Ore King un bua•R1 time royal yacht, Uervnls. , r
lire Victoria ars, Albert. It lana 11ot ,fund 12 -Broke Uiroul-h cordon of
yet been deckled allteUaer Ilia Jia- •,,-,is. militiamen in the night and ns."tit•
jetty' will gal lin mo
Purtoeut1r by rail their cant►
dor whether His; Majesty will be June 14 -Stole two horees near Ore
bn,ugllt to (ibeertmew to shorten the Kion City and rude through suhurbe
railway j(shrer•y. All Ute+ details of Of I4ortlland.
the moving of film liajia0ty will be June Ir -In bhp morning'vesehed
kepi secret. Lverybikiy except tare Colsunbla River and forced G.�orgp
,ZrIeiaiS Clsaeerned Witt tI d--e3T
'Sunlerlan'"-letter Burlingame
farm the railroad etallome, sod to ferry them serum, landing five
ov'ery precaution will be taken Lu Arlen "love Vannouver.
prevent public demonrtratiorw. Tine June 17 -At Salmon Creek ex -
royal yacia nv4ll probably be moved changed r••llots with {ors••, and fat
off Clowns, title i
le of Wgdint, taltu the RIdgrlarld stole two horses and coel-
cunsittirxn of Ile King's atttalth and tined their flight. '
t'ne wuathor juestify a cru Life. when June ltd -Robbed house or ,,Pat,,
We Victoria alid Albert 'my Ku t•(o *;Gu re, near Laepnter, while own-
1'fynu,u'cl, and lay elf tiro Earl of ey amts fat church, taking clothem and
Massa kl*clrmtre'a beautiful costate. $210 In caste•
Tl-nlg)rt's report of King Edward's Juno "5. Mole breakfast near
owrpitiuu mays Ilia Majesty could"• Kelso, Wash.
Ileal to make goust bead ay. Jane ::6. -Stole two horars, fact on
meeting owner dismounted awl gave
WANTS HIS CHILD. then back, .
_ June 29 -Yawned xtra-mr perose
i brie. Thrt Neighbors Splrlled tier guarding roads near Chehalis during
the night.
Away to Canada. July 1-Cdlvbts Leech on Northern
Montreal, July 10. - Whitt may Paclfie at Tenino, about thirty-nine
prove an Inlereating sue was miliv, from Taromn. Tracy left Mpr-
brought to the notice or the Su r- rill, waging Inter that he had kill -d
p, him In a dart. Biding one horse hp had
or Curt this aloof h ea a pets- wtolen until It wow disabled, lin stole
tion for a writ of f Ale corpus, another and p.•wwpd through Olympla.
9f New
mi t half of Alec. Leede, July "-Tracy held up mix men at
of Ncw York, to reoo"Pe {owaemson youth flay', near Olympia, and forced
of his eight-yp"r-old daughter, four, including ('aptaul Citric. or
Phoebe, teem one L. it allpgoMpannell, Large 1tarolene Innn•h, to embark
I,elaae, in nn affidavit, allpRev that with hum on Puget &real. Landetant
Yin chilli, whose mother 1s dergd, was night fat Seattle and atarltd north
IivinK with relatives in New York to Canada.
bout two years ago, wirn tilt!
July 8 -Tunny encountered the ad -
varied) of like Y• unkv tardily, who Werevarroe Runrd or the Seattle pose at
neighbors ant on friendly terms Cotlhell, rbc tnllea frord gentile. As
wlth the little girt, moved to Can- n result of the Ilntlle Deputy 3her-
ndn, taking w her with them. Heolal CO ill Charlene Raymond, of Stu,bbndmh
that i WnN only n few days ago ,,aunty, In dead; Deputy Sheriff "Jack'
Lint bre ettrcervled In locating them• W'illiamm, of Seattle, 1+ seriously If
ab Y w•aar table to take the legal steps Ila, fatally woon,dtd; Carl And:•ra an.
neoesrnry to Its recovery,. r as r r rp peter, Is, werelnietd by
Joi 1)avhl(on granted the Iv,tl- bullet Rrrazirepng rt ince. ReturningIb.o,
hon to lamp the welt, and ours. r n townri Seaattle 1n the s 4rutriee of thr
the r y, to b^ Vradtaeae u l ba on city he killed Policeman E. E. Breez
Montag, when the pate vt111 bo la- and Well RnWIPy, n deputy gable Wat-
vemtlgntef. ,inn• That night, It waw learned
Inter, Tracy slept In n cemetery.
TO AID CHEESE TRADE. ,ful; 4-8toln n horae land tmirgy i1
(h:e evade morning at it farmlihonme
Government Arrangers With R&U- in the oulmklrtm or Ballard. During
ways for Ito felgrralor Service. .fllot day plept and rental! In the
oltetwia, July 12,-t14psteiali - 7410 JrIj 5---sttn in n hurity. Ntltlt At
Department of Agricultnrp ham nr- ;oung woman, toren near Itothell h%
rangel with the C:alladian Pacific lby lease, In early iaurning; nr,w Tx•
and Grand Tr,nk railways to pro- lif-ved to hive teen Trac_. I.at..•1
vide it nainatoer of refrigerator Cara ct•mpAled u' bo,( at Merttknv Point
for the carriage of chee0ma on through to rosy h'm acromm the snared to Ma,"
-bille o at ng nn'oT on To-ftiT s pmen :v" -Ti-1rU-MT:. 1qp!ft's•-iMMprrMM- M, farm
to Montreal for export. no Tice- house, where Ile ixound and gogger
ptrtment or Agriculture pnOng the Id" haste. After ruptI 1 i hlmsel
Wisdom obarlta to permit tbts$ starts" with food and cl.ltbing, flrl tit a boat
to ia• started. ton -Ing hired twin to new him.
Shlpp•ra timing thpav cars will tc ,sol.; A-Ap'nt Hunday ht flit) wood
chnrgetl only the usual carload ralem. w Ilh hlroa( man, re.Aing•
Applitmtlona for theme refrigerator Jul. 7 -Going townrl Renton Trn:;
carp vhriul.l lip made throtaKh tin mol frbendae, anti hired man was lefl
wM1al channels def the local railway Mhdroldril and tied.
agent, or the dietr•bt freight agent, Jill.- R -Surrounded by INty drpnt•
as the name ,nay hi. "Ilam Degs1,rt- 'h'rtrfr ns. Charles; Gerald's lonsn, n
ment of agrlenitura draw not un- Renton, hast glare them flan tri
durhtke to furnlsh aearm, but u"l.v , ,via, ap n rent dour. As lin (fid h
to pay the Icing chargoo lip to cap ch l "n, H wi b� mon, woman nm
hundred care a week for the two totasol has I Hounds p were sent after hart
hot months, from the middle or July wb INI fine reel pepper along his trnl
to the middle u( September. whleh tlllrl the tiepin FIONtwas safe. am
The Grand Trunk ayatem and the d;all,, them until lin vvns safe.
('asndinn Paclrle Rsllway will IltLVP 'Cul; 9--H• Id up o family fat Knn
Prime a wreially improved ventilator ittwl got a stiff
rpvolrerJ for it ll 1
i V u IrrrM' nad provisions for n amp"I
earn ready thin month for remarriage July 10-Hormrt he stole forefoot!I
of cheexii Tflewe are taping fitted r n,I tempi of Kens.. Etter Pxnliftnatr•
with apes -Int ventilating eontrl- ,im,ta with rrrel,m of guard* nen
♦anceor, devised by Profpnsor Rob- (•„ytrl{fton and again pmenpAd.
Private There will not be any ex- 'Joel.., I1--fllippp(1 through cordon r
I tra charge roar thpm. dcroutles at Still” Crionk after 'e1
a - --- - oh•tnge of shots and escaped into tit
I Mill to Isla 06011se. timber.
W'nikert(w1, Jaly 1S'.-Roht. .Icahn- `- J
r sl on, a Pro at farmer tit Brant, It ham treen practically iatllad tin
npnr beret, wmm aeol.tentnlly killed (amrta L. Huglwlit will norvthnup h
• on Thnrstday by falling from re dutka as Mappotor of TvoronP
An it
I bpam In him barn to that floor, A Ile Rolwtola.
I dlatlenrit or 1'O foot. Mr. Johnattm The litate Ireparimnnt at Wan
WAP Al yparm Of raga nntt b1g111y es- Ington hna mnde formyl 1%wl(.ntle
1 tensional by w Iwrga pirate
at the Rrtteh Emhammy for t'
and ielghborsL sitradltk►m of Gaynor sat] Gr'of
e .ai i,� a f ,,,r ' ty <,f .., a, d �4 �,�� _ „ u ' lei. `
.. .. t , 4
-, — __ - __ ___._ t
: `
Cheering Crowds, and Utficial
Addresses Presented.
lease) Which Brought flim and ilia Stall Quarantined for Smallpox—
Generals French and Hamilton Spoke Also- Kitchener Does With
Prlaea of Wales to St. James' Palace—A `cease Seldom W Itnessed
Even In Wit Loodua.
fiouthampton, July 12. -Tito I':ot- I w•h+ch u viow of the returning lieu -
'is Steam Navigation Company's
crui cuuld tea o atatnevd. Toho plat -
turns war -crowded with ,
steamer Orotava, Vchich left Cape
1)ualuguhlaed l•riwrrges,
fawn June L'3, with - rd Kltehener
iiwliti ludLau priucca lin rerplead-•
Lod staff on board. arrived here at
out ooa,umrs, guneralas au.l other Wit-
n:alf-part clghl o'clock tit)r mursing,
purr in full uulforhu, Ain't nanny hLdier
owing to the fact Mutt Major Gur-
111 br+►utltul mum'uru dresrur. The
1'rio:ou of Walter, l 1, 1 Duke of UOOn
lou, Witt) also was a p:Lwpatgor oh
suit%" the Duke ul Cambrtdg0t who
;ho stealner, had leen wtrickeu Witt,
td flow very IDirm, Lord Il alourla, U10
nuallpux, only Lord Kitchener aid
c(tinuuanler-dol-Chid,; lord Laun-
,luwat4 thu Foreign Secretary ; Mr.
tie staff were ILllowal to laud. Tile
Bru,priek, the War kkicretary ; tbu
)roCave tear been p/lueed lin quer-
Duchene u' Sumearret, Lady Hubertr,
Lady-, FrGloll; Majorl;eneral Sir
1'rlLlcim It. WiD941y who atsxeeded
A (:teat W'elauuae.
iii dabeutr dor Sirrlaar of the E93,tatlan
Lord Kitchener fancied tit 9.17) u.m.
:army and (ioveruor-4;enernl of the
Suatken, &Lilt Major -Jen. Slatin Pachea,
tie Witt+ accorded a magnificent sol-
hritlaah Iaspectur-Oenaral of the Suu-
euro• from is huge thrung of People.
lfler u brief, official recepti,)n at
,Laid. were &Among Utuso who medem-
he ducked, the lieuernl dor driven
bled to greet the denertal. Wheat Lord
Kitchener '• train arrived, punctual to
hruugh the drroruer" an crewdeep
the minute,, a tnmewaxws chert
rtrcetr to Ilnverley Hnll, here be
p;rpeteat the latest beta as he emerged
.•rewlvai an nJdrerr from tit Chum_
from lar aLr tit fail shook hands Witt'
er Of Cunnllerce, expreams, a sirs-
ttte l'rinctt ad Wales. Els stuud head
Lois of the generalship reeuuro and
and rfrulderal above nearly everyone
kUl which he heel shown I1 doth
oat the plat.(urm, and lite workmau-
tfricLL, and h rn that the ' ce
oI C p
like khaki wu(uem, with the largo
which lie had ac -cured would be lar -I
we, ,suit, helmot maulo familiar by
tug, and mark tilt) beginning of
hie pictures. was In striking ox)ntrast
,ram eteuch of prosperity and oom-
to tl)o glittering uniforms ant
uercbal development Utruuglwut the
w•a of mcd abs and orldrs worn by
Empire. 11n
out of thorn lin waiting.
Lt reply, Lord Kfltedlener de-
a reception lartod ten or fifteen
Astional drat whatever success had
mil Ler, when the Prince of When
;open achieved, was due to the rank
and Ther members of the Rttyvl
0x1 file of Use army• lie thanker,
famil drove off. After an'luterval,
tUsu"e what land fix)" after the
Lord h tebener and Generals French
riestkhL and relatives of blroset leftloud
tun "I uUtun took reals in one -
eoehi,Itl in Fsaut, Africa.
of the r ia dol earrls►gon and fullowild
h llltii,
Fronesnit lltloo
by Aho lir iant headquarters mtaft,
tlo t
In "Alono clamorous cattle for
hendest by rd Roberts, and an ad -
;len, Fren(si avid Grit. Ian Hamill
Cort, left t to station amidst load
lona l.tiony ale" sptntse, tie(- former re-
cheery from biose Inside, which
marttklg Umt they bend throughout
grew Into a dict roar all Kit -
heads irlisplred by Ube example of their
chener and file mpantons came In
right of the Rreat athering outride.
INW lra(edtrm of the borough was
is, spite or hie ham Oil of "palaver,"
dr,tderred on Lord KltohKner and
Ilia! General was o ext to submit
Ole party wiero obliged to Inrrry
to Attic prementation of elcoming,ad-
av,my [at orader to tenet their London
,iresmee at peodclington, and ulh-r
wmg&Kt•menka. The pr+ogredo of Lord
pwllnlm on him way to fit. ample Pal-
K►Lolvener and him afm{oalilons to
tree, but film r•pltet m- c t ns short
tltuar stalioar woad nrarkt+rl by scenes
,politeness permitted, an, a show-
uf remarkable eii4hurladem.
el evident signal of relief an the
Welcomed by the 1'rince•
pruceshican re -started. The route.
Iwotmlon .lulu 12.-Th4t Trina, of
throughout wam decorated with enp-
W'ealeb wrlweuesl L0u•vl Kitel,eupr dol
Alan nlamtm, banners. flags uJ
11uddingt4mes, oda-re an addremot was
atrILIIWrm with muttues of weleu e,
psrem•ra1e1 to Ube l;tanent. Thee las.-
the huame fronted were draped n
ter shortly after started for Hit.
troops Itnevl most of the way, col-
Jumeas laths,, arriving at 1.1-17.
ooilalt and Indian soldiers being nil[ -
'Ilia Greeting lin Lunduu.
lze41 um well um the local rt+Klmpnts.
London, July IL. -Lula Kitchener
)lore Addrtsaes.
reached I.undoes at 1::.418. His program
Al Vlctolla (Auto the Mayor of
tbrollogig file h,etntpwltm after three
tVemtmlfister gree .nt(d nn addrew to
yearn- ahmen'••p at the Wer war
the n(ttleanal heru, etpreashrg high
Wool 011e of the mom( Memorable of
ndmlratlea.i Or flim tennCfeln'e Rpnons,
of the pat
the sunny rtruarkable u,
ii.diamitabt..- energy and devotion to
three year-,. Thi,+ small peocemmlon
duty, unit Kitchener, with the brev-
uf unrriugers cuntatnlug the general
ity habitant to him, uttered ten
-anl ham ati0r, in wimple, serviceable
words of th•'ankm and drovo off.
vett drains, hacked spectacular leu-
The Queen Looks on,
turOe, but, evidently, the crowd wan
Shortly before the arrival of the
there in atm team or thousamw to eeo
procession at Buckinidiam Palace,
lire Ionil -of -the -hour and not a pa-
Queen Alexandra and the Prinrttmeen
Kenai. Frunl the, moment ht) Fut
.,&"" a!r ' tabr' •cam nese 14.s -
Uukuuw,. 114s Seelulde. at Klchelleu I
lduutreal, July I. 3-11, rtraaego sut-
;Ide, which tuck place at the Itiehe-
lieu Hutu) Inst night, isyuasilo
Abdo authuritlod. A taw .rya dgu
twee wen went to the hot One of
Liss, A matt gp{aroully abuul 40
years of age, Jurorlbsd blmmelf us
C. Juh11rton, from Burton. Meer. Ile
paIJ for film atsoumunidatlon in tad-
vnuea, "fill wale uasigued to nue of I
tlw be•rt names fu lite hotel. When
nakal to rail him uatur lou the rata -
inter. bm. 111,4 l that be could lout
write, ..ad at Ids requests. the hutel-
keeper slYnetrl tlae "amu. Illy friend
then took him leave. The note guest
war a mewl of very quiet babitr,
and took most Alf Ills meals outside
Lit the hotel, only "ring lieu twin
dot night. On Buturiay afternoon
the landlord saw him to hid room,
Aided asked If h0 wall going daWll
to dinner. lie replied that he would
do so. Thin was the last roue (if the
man alive.
Latte at eight, an he had nut up-
pearu 1, the hotel people went to
film rtxmn, aei7 to their horror,
Luu,Jou, .l ul> 11.-1t is now Ouorld- fond the Lilnu'm corpse hanging to
crud prleneaally oertrLllr, in view Of a gar bracket. fie hurl au:arle Lima -
lie uatumboemeut mule tin -night, of une of the bel rheeto to hang
but KI Edward will tam crcwnal ldmalelf. The uuiel le waa will drrrs-
lK ext, Iliad a silver wvettch which h.
idaturday, Aug. 9. adipo the holding wore giver the following numbers
of the coronation our'ahuny ]lODUY, •'3,17• orad •10,176, Cantus. Ohio
Aug. 11, would luvolvo another full No Cl liam tilt yet been ontalnud fall
unit holiday, with that attendant tits- to hW Identity. ”
k;wttlon of general bumiu,'se, wWlu
1aulnrtuyr ora.Itnwel at($lvtuma"' °� TRACT STILL AT LIBERTY,
rlrtud dor Yoh teupidayr.
The fixing Elf tach an curly slate our
Jae ourt)uat:un is regarded dor tau fid- __
Utolwl glaaranttw of the confidence
al the King is phyAcladi of a cuntin- His Wife Thinks He Prubably
ounce dol firm Mujusty's rap.d rmuirea- KIIIcd Murrill.Akplu I .
Tow tact of the uflicLal announce- _-
lieut oo'actraug the twruw►liou us
Koq; L•'dwurd was isolated from the rIECORD OF CONVICT TO DATE.
Eaarl llarmlal's-t.Ifeet. Yrat Is all ful-
1uwe: "Thu Ktag■ mWiwal WINi*•rr
auttu thus. Ilia Majesty r progrees ham Tacumu, Wlnah., July 12. -Tracy s
wen Inraro rpeaLy au.l herr (iuwpu- ""if" lin T.lta,tln" had been ►uustua. the
aaUxi Lias was at first aullutp,atetl. *Vu011 by Aho uume of Ely, and Itt'en
in, M&JMty''s exoelletet wnrtilestluu •ie lou alleyway in Ute rear of Tacuma
as pLayell, a 7001lapicuoud purl lin 4vonue. Wan has [wen folduwiug the
Iron glog tin uncut. if the preteens. tiewrpo.aper accounts of the conoid'.
'ate of progress W maintain" and elgo4t, but diol:arer th:tl she ha* no
I alt more o°nll)lieatiun +irisin+, tilt- itlrlhur [uturewt fn Idhu.
oLukg's medical aeltpw•rr aro td Aho Thu fleeing ounvlct's wife wait
opiuiuu tivat His ylajemty would be shown the statement of Mrs. It ill,
able W undergo Chu fatigue of the Iiia,,, of Souttlo, at whose house
,uruaution ctlrtamony on a day 1- a- Tri.ey YLWpsl for several hours Ins,
.wex•u Aug. 8 uutl 1G. The exact dine week. ,
hill shortly he announced. The pro- Tracy suit to tho woman that a
Itwmiou through Lbrmlon, which %van .ow 4A) If "ItOr he erc:atwI u man late,
.0 have taktm pltacu lieu tiny fullow- him on the uutakirls of Portland and
.ug that otaiunalion, W e"ncivilud." gtavo him u newspaper with lite re -
!L Is Dualerattxal nkat tim general purl of Murrill's duplicity.
)utline dot Use progrmwme of the pro- When this was rimul to Mrs. Tracy
wwknl to Westminster Abbey, and .silo will: ,,You -snotty put It tltawu for
Lite rvrhaa to be followtIA, will out the 'truth that Tracy killed{ Merrill
w changed, but the pLgenot will be )lel dor ho raid ho did"
hexa dot some of its linlenrkrl mitt- . rt •y'e Iterurd Sl..re Nis N:sespr
Nriceuee. Thee dlsli►Ilm of tale pro- June $J-liarry Tracy and Dr►vid
gruwwu will be auuled by tae King M,.rrill, cunvk tr, esea lmid frotu the
himself, who will "leu decide to what hole m 11teultenllary, killing three
rxteal list actual eervaumony is, to tar
eurtuticd su ss to atohi fatigtw. Tne J�ic lot -Returned In elarkneme ail
King's p'.bysirlases advise tlsat the early mourndtag Lo kraal M. h: lot up J. W.
oerenitaiv dlauuid not exceed one Rolocrtn, whom they stripped of his
Ipcoi aid tikes could Yo mtulutted by eleltal•m, %fails ILLtpnm of horses ami
sacrificing Lite merwuvr, the litany, made their way. to Portland. Near
Ac. Utrvain they held up two nepmhprie
It is expected Me Cjaleen Alexan- tit Uro poseo ,un purmutl and took s
Ara and Cir Francis Laking, playsill-I baro' anal bafty.
tan -Ido -ordinary to Ulso King, with Juno 11-1, if I's trial) fur prase nal
Hie Majesity's nwumra, will acox)mpalry tired to" pursuerit from ntulstell near
Ore King un bua•R1 time royal yacht, Uervnls. , r
lire Victoria ars, Albert. It lana 11ot ,fund 12 -Broke Uiroul-h cordon of
yet been deckled allteUaer Ilia Jia- •,,-,is. militiamen in the night and ns."tit•
jetty' will gal lin mo
Purtoeut1r by rail their cant►
dor whether His; Majesty will be June 14 -Stole two horees near Ore
bn,ugllt to (ibeertmew to shorten the Kion City and rude through suhurbe
railway j(shrer•y. All Ute+ details of Of I4ortlland.
the moving of film liajia0ty will be June Ir -In bhp morning'vesehed
kepi secret. Lverybikiy except tare Colsunbla River and forced G.�orgp
,ZrIeiaiS Clsaeerned Witt tI d--e3T
'Sunlerlan'"-letter Burlingame
farm the railroad etallome, sod to ferry them serum, landing five
ov'ery precaution will be taken Lu Arlen "love Vannouver.
prevent public demonrtratiorw. Tine June 17 -At Salmon Creek ex -
royal yacia nv4ll probably be moved changed r••llots with {ors••, and fat
off Clowns, title i
le of Wgdint, taltu the RIdgrlarld stole two horses and coel-
cunsittirxn of Ile King's atttalth and tined their flight. '
t'ne wuathor juestify a cru Life. when June ltd -Robbed house or ,,Pat,,
We Victoria alid Albert 'my Ku t•(o *;Gu re, near Laepnter, while own-
1'fynu,u'cl, and lay elf tiro Earl of ey amts fat church, taking clothem and
Massa kl*clrmtre'a beautiful costate. $210 In caste•
Tl-nlg)rt's report of King Edward's Juno "5. Mole breakfast near
owrpitiuu mays Ilia Majesty could"• Kelso, Wash.
Ileal to make goust bead ay. Jane ::6. -Stole two horars, fact on
meeting owner dismounted awl gave
WANTS HIS CHILD. then back, .
_ June 29 -Yawned xtra-mr perose
i brie. Thrt Neighbors Splrlled tier guarding roads near Chehalis during
the night.
Away to Canada. July 1-Cdlvbts Leech on Northern
Montreal, July 10. - Whitt may Paclfie at Tenino, about thirty-nine
prove an Inlereating sue was miliv, from Taromn. Tracy left Mpr-
brought to the notice or the Su r- rill, waging Inter that he had kill -d
p, him In a dart. Biding one horse hp had
or Curt this aloof h ea a pets- wtolen until It wow disabled, lin stole
tion for a writ of f Ale corpus, another and p.•wwpd through Olympla.
9f New
mi t half of Alec. Leede, July "-Tracy held up mix men at
of Ncw York, to reoo"Pe {owaemson youth flay', near Olympia, and forced
of his eight-yp"r-old daughter, four, including ('aptaul Citric. or
Phoebe, teem one L. it allpgoMpannell, Large 1tarolene Innn•h, to embark
I,elaae, in nn affidavit, allpRev that with hum on Puget &real. Landetant
Yin chilli, whose mother 1s dergd, was night fat Seattle and atarltd north
IivinK with relatives in New York to Canada.
bout two years ago, wirn tilt!
July 8 -Tunny encountered the ad -
varied) of like Y• unkv tardily, who Werevarroe Runrd or the Seattle pose at
neighbors ant on friendly terms Cotlhell, rbc tnllea frord gentile. As
wlth the little girt, moved to Can- n result of the Ilntlle Deputy 3her-
ndn, taking w her with them. Heolal CO ill Charlene Raymond, of Stu,bbndmh
that i WnN only n few days ago ,,aunty, In dead; Deputy Sheriff "Jack'
Lint bre ettrcervled In locating them• W'illiamm, of Seattle, 1+ seriously If
ab Y w•aar table to take the legal steps Ila, fatally woon,dtd; Carl And:•ra an.
neoesrnry to Its recovery,. r as r r rp peter, Is, werelnietd by
Joi 1)avhl(on granted the Iv,tl- bullet Rrrazirepng rt ince. ReturningIb.o,
hon to lamp the welt, and ours. r n townri Seaattle 1n the s 4rutriee of thr
the r y, to b^ Vradtaeae u l ba on city he killed Policeman E. E. Breez
Montag, when the pate vt111 bo la- and Well RnWIPy, n deputy gable Wat-
vemtlgntef. ,inn• That night, It waw learned
Inter, Tracy slept In n cemetery.
TO AID CHEESE TRADE. ,ful; 4-8toln n horae land tmirgy i1
(h:e evade morning at it farmlihonme
Government Arrangers With R&U- in the oulmklrtm or Ballard. During
ways for Ito felgrralor Service. .fllot day plept and rental! In the
oltetwia, July 12,-t14psteiali - 7410 JrIj 5---sttn in n hurity. Ntltlt At
Department of Agricultnrp ham nr- ;oung woman, toren near Itothell h%
rangel with the C:alladian Pacific lby lease, In early iaurning; nr,w Tx•
and Grand Tr,nk railways to pro- lif-ved to hive teen Trac_. I.at..•1
vide it nainatoer of refrigerator Cara ct•mpAled u' bo,( at Merttknv Point
for the carriage of chee0ma on through to rosy h'm acromm the snared to Ma,"
-bille o at ng nn'oT on To-ftiT s pmen :v" -Ti-1rU-MT:. 1qp!ft's•-iMMprrMM- M, farm
to Montreal for export. no Tice- house, where Ile ixound and gogger
ptrtment or Agriculture pnOng the Id" haste. After ruptI 1 i hlmsel
Wisdom obarlta to permit tbts$ starts" with food and cl.ltbing, flrl tit a boat
to ia• started. ton -Ing hired twin to new him.
Shlpp•ra timing thpav cars will tc ,sol.; A-Ap'nt Hunday ht flit) wood
chnrgetl only the usual carload ralem. w Ilh hlroa( man, re.Aing•
Applitmtlona for theme refrigerator Jul. 7 -Going townrl Renton Trn:;
carp vhriul.l lip made throtaKh tin mol frbendae, anti hired man was lefl
wM1al channels def the local railway Mhdroldril and tied.
agent, or the dietr•bt freight agent, Jill.- R -Surrounded by INty drpnt•
as the name ,nay hi. "Ilam Degs1,rt- 'h'rtrfr ns. Charles; Gerald's lonsn, n
ment of agrlenitura draw not un- Renton, hast glare them flan tri
durhtke to furnlsh aearm, but u"l.v , ,via, ap n rent dour. As lin (fid h
to pay the Icing chargoo lip to cap ch l "n, H wi b� mon, woman nm
hundred care a week for the two totasol has I Hounds p were sent after hart
hot months, from the middle or July wb INI fine reel pepper along his trnl
to the middle u( September. whleh tlllrl the tiepin FIONtwas safe. am
The Grand Trunk ayatem and the d;all,, them until lin vvns safe.
('asndinn Paclrle Rsllway will IltLVP 'Cul; 9--H• Id up o family fat Knn
Prime a wreially improved ventilator ittwl got a stiff
rpvolrerJ for it ll 1
i V u IrrrM' nad provisions for n amp"I
earn ready thin month for remarriage July 10-Hormrt he stole forefoot!I
of cheexii Tflewe are taping fitted r n,I tempi of Kens.. Etter Pxnliftnatr•
with apes -Int ventilating eontrl- ,im,ta with rrrel,m of guard* nen
♦anceor, devised by Profpnsor Rob- (•„ytrl{fton and again pmenpAd.
Private There will not be any ex- 'Joel.., I1--fllippp(1 through cordon r
I tra charge roar thpm. dcroutles at Still” Crionk after 'e1
a - --- - oh•tnge of shots and escaped into tit
I Mill to Isla 06011se. timber.
W'nikert(w1, Jaly 1S'.-Roht. .Icahn- `- J
r sl on, a Pro at farmer tit Brant, It ham treen practically iatllad tin
npnr beret, wmm aeol.tentnlly killed (amrta L. Huglwlit will norvthnup h
• on Thnrstday by falling from re dutka as Mappotor of TvoronP
An it
I bpam In him barn to that floor, A Ile Rolwtola.
I dlatlenrit or 1'O foot. Mr. Johnattm The litate Ireparimnnt at Wan
WAP Al yparm Of raga nntt b1g111y es- Ington hna mnde formyl 1%wl(.ntle
1 tensional by w Iwrga pirate
at the Rrtteh Emhammy for t'
and ielghborsL sitradltk►m of Gaynor sat] Gr'of
e .ai i,� a f ,,,r ' ty <,f .., a, d �4 �,�� _ „ u ' lei. `
.. .. t , 4
-, — __ - __ ___._ t
: `
Cheering Crowds, and Utficial
Addresses Presented.
lease) Which Brought flim and ilia Stall Quarantined for Smallpox—
Generals French and Hamilton Spoke Also- Kitchener Does With
Prlaea of Wales to St. James' Palace—A `cease Seldom W Itnessed
Even In Wit Loodua.
fiouthampton, July 12. -Tito I':ot- I w•h+ch u viow of the returning lieu -
'is Steam Navigation Company's
crui cuuld tea o atatnevd. Toho plat -
turns war -crowded with ,
steamer Orotava, Vchich left Cape
1)ualuguhlaed l•riwrrges,
fawn June L'3, with - rd Kltehener
iiwliti ludLau priucca lin rerplead-•
Lod staff on board. arrived here at
out ooa,umrs, guneralas au.l other Wit-
n:alf-part clghl o'clock tit)r mursing,
purr in full uulforhu, Ain't nanny hLdier
owing to the fact Mutt Major Gur-
111 br+►utltul mum'uru dresrur. The
1'rio:ou of Walter, l 1, 1 Duke of UOOn
lou, Witt) also was a p:Lwpatgor oh
suit%" the Duke ul Cambrtdg0t who
;ho stealner, had leen wtrickeu Witt,
td flow very IDirm, Lord Il alourla, U10
nuallpux, only Lord Kitchener aid
c(tinuuanler-dol-Chid,; lord Laun-
,luwat4 thu Foreign Secretary ; Mr.
tie staff were ILllowal to laud. Tile
Bru,priek, the War kkicretary ; tbu
)roCave tear been p/lueed lin quer-
Duchene u' Sumearret, Lady Hubertr,
Lady-, FrGloll; Majorl;eneral Sir
1'rlLlcim It. WiD941y who atsxeeded
A (:teat W'elauuae.
iii dabeutr dor Sirrlaar of the E93,tatlan
Lord Kitchener fancied tit 9.17) u.m.
:army and (ioveruor-4;enernl of the
Suatken, &Lilt Major -Jen. Slatin Pachea,
tie Witt+ accorded a magnificent sol-
hritlaah Iaspectur-Oenaral of the Suu-
euro• from is huge thrung of People.
lfler u brief, official recepti,)n at
,Laid. were &Among Utuso who medem-
he ducked, the lieuernl dor driven
bled to greet the denertal. Wheat Lord
Kitchener '• train arrived, punctual to
hruugh the drroruer" an crewdeep
the minute,, a tnmewaxws chert
rtrcetr to Ilnverley Hnll, here be
p;rpeteat the latest beta as he emerged
.•rewlvai an nJdrerr from tit Chum_
from lar aLr tit fail shook hands Witt'
er Of Cunnllerce, expreams, a sirs-
ttte l'rinctt ad Wales. Els stuud head
Lois of the generalship reeuuro and
and rfrulderal above nearly everyone
kUl which he heel shown I1 doth
oat the plat.(urm, and lite workmau-
tfricLL, and h rn that the ' ce
oI C p
like khaki wu(uem, with the largo
which lie had ac -cured would be lar -I
we, ,suit, helmot maulo familiar by
tug, and mark tilt) beginning of
hie pictures. was In striking ox)ntrast
,ram eteuch of prosperity and oom-
to tl)o glittering uniforms ant
uercbal development Utruuglwut the
w•a of mcd abs and orldrs worn by
Empire. 11n
out of thorn lin waiting.
Lt reply, Lord Kfltedlener de-
a reception lartod ten or fifteen
Astional drat whatever success had
mil Ler, when the Prince of When
;open achieved, was due to the rank
and Ther members of the Rttyvl
0x1 file of Use army• lie thanker,
famil drove off. After an'luterval,
tUsu"e what land fix)" after the
Lord h tebener and Generals French
riestkhL and relatives of blroset leftloud
tun "I uUtun took reals in one -
eoehi,Itl in Fsaut, Africa.
of the r ia dol earrls►gon and fullowild
h llltii,
Fronesnit lltloo
by Aho lir iant headquarters mtaft,
tlo t
In "Alono clamorous cattle for
hendest by rd Roberts, and an ad -
;len, Fren(si avid Grit. Ian Hamill
Cort, left t to station amidst load
lona l.tiony ale" sptntse, tie(- former re-
cheery from biose Inside, which
marttklg Umt they bend throughout
grew Into a dict roar all Kit -
heads irlisplred by Ube example of their
chener and file mpantons came In
right of the Rreat athering outride.
INW lra(edtrm of the borough was
is, spite or hie ham Oil of "palaver,"
dr,tderred on Lord KltohKner and
Ilia! General was o ext to submit
Ole party wiero obliged to Inrrry
to Attic prementation of elcoming,ad-
av,my [at orader to tenet their London
,iresmee at peodclington, and ulh-r
wmg&Kt•menka. The pr+ogredo of Lord
pwllnlm on him way to fit. ample Pal-
K►Lolvener and him afm{oalilons to
tree, but film r•pltet m- c t ns short
tltuar stalioar woad nrarkt+rl by scenes
,politeness permitted, an, a show-
uf remarkable eii4hurladem.
el evident signal of relief an the
Welcomed by the 1'rince•
pruceshican re -started. The route.
Iwotmlon .lulu 12.-Th4t Trina, of
throughout wam decorated with enp-
W'ealeb wrlweuesl L0u•vl Kitel,eupr dol
Alan nlamtm, banners. flags uJ
11uddingt4mes, oda-re an addremot was
atrILIIWrm with muttues of weleu e,
psrem•ra1e1 to Ube l;tanent. Thee las.-
the huame fronted were draped n
ter shortly after started for Hit.
troops Itnevl most of the way, col-
Jumeas laths,, arriving at 1.1-17.
ooilalt and Indian soldiers being nil[ -
'Ilia Greeting lin Lunduu.
lze41 um well um the local rt+Klmpnts.
London, July IL. -Lula Kitchener
)lore Addrtsaes.
reached I.undoes at 1::.418. His program
Al Vlctolla (Auto the Mayor of
tbrollogig file h,etntpwltm after three
tVemtmlfister gree .nt(d nn addrew to
yearn- ahmen'••p at the Wer war
the n(ttleanal heru, etpreashrg high
Wool 011e of the mom( Memorable of
ndmlratlea.i Or flim tennCfeln'e Rpnons,
of the pat
the sunny rtruarkable u,
ii.diamitabt..- energy and devotion to
three year-,. Thi,+ small peocemmlon
duty, unit Kitchener, with the brev-
uf unrriugers cuntatnlug the general
ity habitant to him, uttered ten
-anl ham ati0r, in wimple, serviceable
words of th•'ankm and drovo off.
vett drains, hacked spectacular leu-
The Queen Looks on,
turOe, but, evidently, the crowd wan
Shortly before the arrival of the
there in atm team or thousamw to eeo
procession at Buckinidiam Palace,
lire Ionil -of -the -hour and not a pa-
Queen Alexandra and the Prinrttmeen
Kenai. Frunl the, moment ht) Fut
apys+ared on a balcony and rrn'nlned
foot In Loamloat lO tilt. time of I'll
there until the victor of 8,uth
1Msappearaurce beneath the portal
African hail pLdeal on film triumphal
of Fat, JAmOd' ltaletpo he was the fib-
j airney 'to the St. James' Palnoe,
jmt far "f an outburst u( popular
wilie, Ile Atatet•ed amidst a final hur-
enthusiuem not to quite overrhaetow
rlcane, or (livers. Kitchener anti th•t
the dpmonrtratiotnt on previous and
generals who acoompanlod him were
vlmdar (AleasloDm.
entertained at luncheon In the great
Tile pintform dot Paddington Rall-
balnlnetlnsr hall, where rovers were
:'oad station, when Kitchener ar•-
i til for fifty p•rononm. not Prince of
rived. Reeked effort. like a reception
W ill:-@ occupied the central seat, with
room of the War Office dor India of-
IAdtl Kllrli.tner oat Ail.ie right and Lord
fico than P railroad station. It
Rob its opp.mlte. Among the guests
wuv cuvcred with re•d carpele, and
Were The Premier, Lord Shllsbury ;
with a profusion of flow-
1A.r d Lranmlowne, Mr. Brodrick and
,,rJanl pilins, wh.bn rows d( de'orat-
I,onl RJLgl:an, Ilia, Under-Bocretnry,
eel aUanda, vn,wdoml with spetctators,
for War. The hall writ# hung witis
land been erected at all parts` from
plcturem representing war soenes.
CORONATION SOLDIERS fever. Only one• man (•mc:tirrvl, so far
Still IN known. lin with Ivickrl Up by
4t n a Polytugucwn gunboat.yl lse y Were Well l's, Willie I. \ The newmplptrm here dpmanl that
Laudon• the lill3a t he abrLntonell, as no white
-'4uelaeo, July 1::4*11.0amrhip Tual,. man can live thertl, no title Its natural
gp, with the Cimunation AF0h nji= reps. r(onsisttng of rnre woods,
noir tx• m 1.
jI'�.�.-"��",'�' Dyna
lved at T n. M.
can't a'fa Listed, err m -
Tho local men ani those belonging
to the Lower Provinces were land- RAILWAY THIEVES -IN ITALY.
ell here. The latter will leavo by Tourlalm' tlaggrga+ Not Nate and
mpeeial i. C. It., at 1 p.m. The Consplulnls step Ignored.
\tuatreal and
western men A,
wulued un buurd the steamer and I Lundon, July 1:1. -Now tJhnt the
will lawl at Montreal this evening. I towrlat monedm in &Rain. on, It may
The telupbno debarkatloa win car- perimps bo well dor warn Insinuating
Had out very expedltluusly, lite vbLtorn to Italy that they mist Mt
steamer being dot the dock barely err their Rrlarl aKn6nwt railway
all h(a'r. The p"maaage across the t'hinvas, Who am A mtanli,g dingrace
Atlantic wits unnventul.'Thn olll_ to Use Italian rallwars. -
acrs need meet of the contingent An 'k:eaKlW:l ttwrrimt, accompanied by
who were m!val rontreaaliet mont lnm,I- his will", wilo was travachng from
lively the alilgo:l cable dempatehum 1'10411, to Genoa. rece•irved him rogim-
whlch represeot,d that Aho c(pnsul- tercet Itisigage three, hours after Ilia
ge•lit wits not well treated k)y tie,, (own arrival at Gen(ta. Tlhw trunks
nuthoritien mud was I•espnlful, du hunt tat -en ranis►okt41, the dresses torn,
cons,tquence. I Rank jewelry Cu the value arf X60 had
_ lawn abdrtrgeted,
•r ��.��3.'.1.' �e�� . in a rewerA reperrt, a Rritiol► Oron-
_.iWa.ILLati,IKOCH.-mul.Wast ImKtrMrw rrrlttrpripe lir
I Italy wen+ mt•nrminl(nrA, and were
Or. Grrnault flat Nut Yet Su/frred Ill very nwloh am the Increase. Ile find
F:Rertn Vrone Inoculation. mentonrrl titin matter In lib Oon-
r rrpt uril lean was ashnmpd
I MPurist, July 13. -Dr. Uarnault, whip of the fnrprolney (A his eempiallrta,
threu wee'ka ago Inoculated himself---
I with bovine Luberuulao;n In onlur to '- .
lest Poor. Ka+hA theory that the London. July 14.-FollowingAn thn
,ltapawo cannot be eommumcated from Inilletln on King Filward'a condition.
r anunnls lin man, IUs up to lien prpo- iAm tet ,at 10 o'clock this more,
ng, wt
. cot suffpred no III results, although Ihlokinghnm palace:
the term which was Inoculated al)- '
, pearm tit bit developing symptom+ of The king continues to progrpse
I the diAe•eM. The dontor' works as venllafactorily. file gpnpral ocriall-
Isnint, hln apprtitoo In gocNl, his aleep tion In rioMlent and the wound Is
peaunri, anti ht^ hralth,y anti robust healing well.
I npp•aranee Ia unchanges.. (84911ad) Tdreves, Lnking• Barlow.
If, ret the p.xpirwtion of two montlitt, —
t tubprcldoillm dorm not declare Itself, PULLMANS WAGES RAISED.
i, bit will reppal tilt- exlm•rinient by
cutting dile the fi•wlr anti laying the Coi,duetors(jot 111lOor ill:- Norethin■
As fwimonoiM matter under the Akin. The
,{ prtpnt npplinatlun Of the p lmonoum They h:vperlvd Thin Nnroh.
r matter was to it a{mA on tho arm thierngo, .fifty 1:1. -When ronduc-
whielt wean prepared leyLmparen of w torn Ile the employ of thn Pullman
if blister. COInpnny receive l their mu)nthly
'- --- wngen jowl day they fraenal from
e grtnnish (imrrlaton RAI,.ssmrrood. $10 to $1.1 more than they expect.
Madrid, July 18.--Thn 1sitand of Fer- owl. The rrsmpany voluntarily In-
nramilt Lha, ceded to Lap %msan'W, t ..••1•11 crpAsp l their wwgpa according to N
At by Franc two ye+nrs app•. ham throw it that length of aerviep. No requpat
10 off the Fuiranlieh yrik• •Thr rebels Ia►a 1 few laorp pay hn.l lacca prPlAit, .l.
I- anernl onl ntn the garrinon of I1N1 The Pullman ('v)mpnny inn recent -
men and cffkmrm.Iy InerPamwl the wages of nil
h- Fighting Ilan teen KolaR on filter do
a nare
sm of Its pmpMppx
yAn eppt the
,n the M•Rinning of May, tin Rrvaninh p,rtpra. As a rule, tha porterm.
In trrvnP� IopinataRra,lnRlly pxterminntrrl, thrrwtgh tittle, got mora n•nnv► than
a. portly by the onvagea and party by the eohductora