The Signal, 1902-7-17, Page 6/64v-
40t/AArt.40-tviV/-40-x4u.44-41., .4,(/`&11-slfr. #
el€41, .4A-4,41
• ,It wow as though rid had meson her
Saviour lifted from the manger to the
throne; from the crow to the right
hand 01 nod; that Iie whom she land
worshipped In His painful earthly
travall had appeared before her
flecked to robes of glory. waking her
for the fleet time fully awaro of all
Ste nsioo In having permit-
ted her to love Hint In return.
What wonder she tell down and
worehipped lflm?
Let none dream, however, that i
Imagine outward things mete soy
difference In the sail's Interior con-
verse with Its Maker ; they elevate,
but cannot widen It. Were it not no.
lied help the many who front the
cradle to the grave puenesm no such
advantages as those I write of ! and
had not Margaret ffendereoo been
depicted in her country house ns serv-
ing faithfully, I,ml`ht not have.
dared to draw her feelings upon title
ooeaslon. But what slat. had said
erstwhile to eolonel Bainbridge was
the truth; she would have Scorned
to desert Hie presence on au altar
decked In rags. therefore she had
earned the rapture elle experienced
"Faithful in a few things, who
weld grudge her entrance Into the
joy of the Lord? .
When eyhe ltitpti up her fere again
her bilstered, tear-1telnei. happy
fav', there was aglow upon It, such
as many, perhaps/. at times hills
show on that of His disoiptoe. I wile
*t111 lingering there, a* she re entered
tbo. deep porch, where Slider Misr
g�ret, who had been apprised to
f'ttar o her coming, wee wafting
to receive her.
The took exchanged between them
was •Ignlficaat.
"You like It." said tee slater, as
they clasped hands of true feflowirhlp
"Lit" It 7" Maggie's eioquenee failed
to etp re.s ell she felt. "Oh, Sister
Ma ret, t ran think sof nothing but
thee 'I Bove Him with all my Heart,
end with all my soul, and with all
my mind and with all my ertrength. 1
have peen the 'King in His beauty'
Blessed At. Ermenllda " ns kt ingly
she gazed hack into the empty
church. ".hall firmer forget the" oft}?
I am not the same rrenture that 1
One eel entering these walls.'
"Whoa are pm going to herein,.
one of um 7" Inquired her cnmpenion,
. mllingly. -
"When He pleases, Sister Mar
grttwt : 1 nr " He,. As you arc, nal
emcee move hand or foot of myself.
And het now I have a Itttle work
at home,' and them she detailed the
rlreumetane,. of Lady I'thel'. 111
neves and the probability of her be -
Ing touch dt4alrtsl Insecta.
"But you must come and ane na
before lesrIng Leonean." geld the
Meter; and Maggie promising no
cutch. they separated to their re-
' meetlye destination'''.
Thew happy loot that shone upon
her face did not mumps the notloe
0f Lilly Ethel.
"Yon like Pt. Ermenlldis!" she ex-
claimed, as Maggie went up to her
"Like Is bo name for It." anus Mag
gle, euthudaetk'nlly ; "I ant charm
end -delighted. I have bad such a
happy time 1"
"I thought you; would, every one
edrnlre t It so. Ar., not the windows
•lovely ?"
Maggie started.
I don't think i waw the windows.
Et bel."
"Not the painted windows", with
the history Of St. Ermenikln 7 Why.
where were your eyes? They are
c(ttskiered the beat things' there.
And the curved screen. too."
"The sermon ? IA that the part
• which divides the chancel from the
"01 conrw; it le all In marble, and
enter, I believe. from Italy. What
Color did the altar wear ten-day ?"
"Whet color? I do not uodeeretnnd
your, Ethel.
"Wm it welted In red or green?
Rol 1s for the martyrs, and
mints', you know, but gown means
nothing. It wears green every day."
"I am horn I rant tell you," re-
pllel Mnggle.
" Whet it queer girl you are! I
tlweight you were much es devotee. i
'nodi*ase you never looked at the altar
at all?"
"0 yes, 1 did," sold Mnggle, eager-
ly, "and at the painting nh,vp it -
the blessed Virgin holding out the in-
fant fenvionr to the people. ilot'
beautifully it de done! The citrus
*septet almost to 'rani (wt from her
nrme, and the expreelon of his
fere, tis, i could hardly take my
pyre off It."
'The lectern Iv generally rowel -
wed to be n Vert line pl re of nierk-
ma whim"
"i ,k.n't think I observed the lee -
" What anthem 41d they sing to-
day et the conseerntlnn 7"
" i don not remember,' mild the
" You haven't amen anything, and
Fac stent remember nnythlng. Why,
What were you doing all the time ?-
Maggie was going to reply . mite
etrngglet to get out an answer, but
pie Mukl not menage It, ee mite
**tooter? down anal keeled IAdy Ethel
on the cheek Inetradl.
"You might Jnat He well have been
et home with tor," obMerveri her
lnrlyehlp. pouting.
"I meet go some other day." said
Maggie. "and see the thongs of
which you 'pent. Tiley would give
lat. Infinite •pl.asne•e, I inn 'melee
you. Only this morning -Il was ell
so new, ,'nu sap -and -i was think-
ing of tuAmething else,"
"'What else?" demanded
Maggie 'Invent for a nhnment hy
the Welds+ ne thoegh eneertatn
what to answer. and then, without
speaking, left the mem.
(?UANr1F;R Xi.VI1.
The reel of the day pommel very
qnl $tlT, for Meemle was more
titmghthtl than nentnl, and lady
Ethel dosed. or seemed to 4o*.'.
sway the greater pert of the et.
tsrSoon tips her bed.
"Ile 411(1 not tell me, Ethel, but i
gutsed It. it was very. very sad:
tout yam emea41 nut foretell curlers
quenotr, Wad It is all right now."
"AU right now 7"
In her surprise at the Amerika'
Lady Ethel Mayo(' her teens to lift a
1t. i(a1 (nee .4 Inquiry to her friend."
"With rnga.rtl t.. anole. Ile knows
now why h1e eon was :threat from his
.tying had, and such things hove ta,
more power to vet him."
"Bot he cannot know that 1 am
"Why not, deur? 1 believe he does;
end thanks God fur hos death, If 1t
Lues been the MOODS Of changing your
state of mind. 1)erar Ethel, you don't
half know what a ening soul he was.
Ile never had all unkind thought fur
only flying creature ; Is It likely he
wool' begin now ? Why do you cry
elle t You will bele If ycu oan't cun- au.l then Dr. Chalmers
will be angry with me.'
Yet still her face was bowed upon
the pllhow, !sidle her trembling frame
gave evldeftoe or her es:melon. Stud
Haggle felt the time to weak haul
"tit het. there la rcomettdng fur -
1 her. lunar .elf -rep reaches are not
all for }
s to m
your careless
recite 7
unlet A deeper wound than that
is troubling you. Why not give it
vent r„
"Olt, Maggio! you must guess what
it in. Ole was angry with, me -justly
angry , mill 1n my resentment I tit-
mdterl him upon hle tenderest point.
1 add whet was not true. and drove
I um from hie house, and now -cow" -
with a falling voloe-"l am so miser-
able !"
"But, doer, I thought you did not
care for tom.'
"Not care for him! not care for
him exclaimed Lady Ethel h7e-
tsrtcally, ar, 'darting up, she threw
her arms above her head "I cars
for tetra as my life! I would die to
bring him beak agaht' I am thtreting
to hear the amend of his voice or
feel the touch of his hand; but I bare
driven him from me, cool I know
that I shell never we bum again as
long as I live. ltd the child, .too
-tic child -I omit' never post in Its
father's arms. Ola, Thomas
Tdomas !" eat with hidden face ah.
rockets herself baokward and for-
ward In Myr bet.
"Thank Clod saki Maggie, sol-
"For what ? For utter m miry 7" In-
quired Lady Ethel.
"For the dawn of hope.' replied
thin other. if you love him, every-
thing to vasty. A word will bring
him bask to you."
"Oh, Do!" despairingly, "you do not
know wlutt paeeoel between Ir, Mag-
gie 1 i told him that I bared for tame
tele else, tont he will never forgive it
or forget It. I sold i hated hlm-I
hxtol Burr -hum whom I would have
died In the same hour to serve ; but
It wow all my wretohed pride. and I
am rightly punished d fox It. 01*, Mag-
gie, my heart is broken ! I shall
never, never, be a happy woman
again !"
"!lush ! hush! no 0x11, 0110 sty edr
much ne that ; no one should dare
any it while he lives."
"But so lar OC, and In that dread-
ful ollmate ; he may never return,"
"If so, you will not be left alone,"
"I may never have the opportunity
to tell him I aim sorry."
"It wtU bo told hum for you, Ethel."
"1 may have to pe.. my life with-
out ae.elig him again."
"But not without One who loves
you far more than Cousin Thoma s
does; who suffer' with every pale ex-
perienced by your heart, and echoes
every repentant dgb you heave. Oh,
l':thol," with clesped hands falling on
her knee& beside the bed ; "oto try
to believe that Ha 1. by you at this
very moment, hearing every word,
rending each thought, and able by a
breath to fulfil your dearest wishes
if you Make them known to Him."
"I have forgotten H1m oolong," said
Lady Ethel, In a low voice.
"He line never forgotten You.
dear "
"But that nu►keer 1t so much hard-
er. How can I go to Him rust be-
cause I want something; when 1
never remembered Him In my happi-
ness? It seems so mean."
"Nothing can be mean, dear, that
brings ore to Hie feet. And It is so
sweet, while kneeling there, to think
that He knows everything. There is
no occasion even to speak to Hint;
our tears ore all the explanation
that lie needs."
And then seeing that they etlll
streamed down the cheek* of Lady
Ethel Maggie bent over the repent-
ant girl and toot her In her arum as
though she heel been a little child,
and sweetly tinned theot all awry.
"Dear Ethel, do'l't cry any l ,re.
Everything will come rig'lt In time;
i am sire it will. And utow you t
let me ring for candles anal your ten,
or you will have a headache, not be
unable to sleep."
Anal mourning a bright. cheorfal
contenance, she coaxed the tnvalld
to eat and drink, until her former
composure was restored, and she saw
her drop off tranquilly to rout.
But the next morning, as soon pm
Lady Ethel'', toilet was completed,
Maggie caste dancing to her bed -
ed.. with pen, ink, and paper, and
place) them all before her
"For what ?" die alike), to gesa-
Ine .eirprlge.
"To write to him, dear. You meet
write at once to Cousin Thomas
;eel tell hen to come home. A,word
frt.= you will bring him beck again,"
But Mnggle haat been toxo prectpl-
ate, anal I.ady Ethel shrunk from the
premien!. In a *oft moms mt she hast
nnkn.wlelgeel troth her fauit and her
rcpcntenco. but We was hardly pro-
perty" to pnt n sent to thn confeeslorq
encu a remnant ot the (Ad pride rose
l.r•hlntlwr It.
"Oh, no! Indeed I could not."
Haggle's fnam 11,11.
"You will not tell hum whet von
teekt to me ?"
"Sonne day, porhape--when he has
written to me; but surely It le his
pn rt to write first."
D, toti"TiSltglfls ile will infer yen
onre to heat from him 7"
"He has not askdd me yet. And we
hnve not even received the news of
his arrival In Calmdtn."
"1 know the address+ of his sweetie
who will forward the letter to hlm."
Bel stIll Laity Ethel del not nt
trwmpl to tike either pen "r paper
from her horde, and Maggie new her
errand for the time wee frultieni.
"tiny 1 write to him. Ethel?" elle
Inquired. niter n short VAN ileo.
Of course. What has my leave
to do with it? He M yunr enamel."
"Yes I lint you know what i mean.
May I write and toll hien yen ere
i11, anti lonely, and in bed dpletts,
and that he meet crane home T'
"If yak like" -after a slight hest-
tntifws-"bot nnlhing more, remem-
ber, Mnggle I Now pewees me."
"'You ohnll reed my letter." was
her answer, 'mad owed roe tear It up,
as eeeema egreeenble to yogi. That le
a fair bargain. Is It not 7 And now
1 meet go end write it, or It will
not h' ready for tomorrow's mall."
in another hour she retnrnef.
(To be Continued.)
(1w.11, VA n11. tlels morning when l
eel np r It nmglrt f'.I pot le meet of
Il,e .Iny petering golf, (beneherkuwew.
lett nuilor hrr'akfawt 1 1hnnght Net-
ter of ei 1 Ilea really tole tire)
Purr 1,.11 you that the r.esw, that he Mime Kewdliie--Yue; 1 elimuki thirst
woe fon late to sem his father was two ttlrwrghto In otos day wood
-beeanse-basanee-I--" make you turd.
1t wag dusk when she finally roue -
el herself again; a soft air war
creeping in at the unclosed win-
dows, and tint figura of her friend
was but Just discernible In tine dim
l.irly Ethel turned upon her beat -
ed plllowr with a deep -drawn 'algh.
aotuething had affected her; she
was more low-spirited than uete1.
" How Tong the .4tye are, and how
ten -ellen •an.l silent everything ap-
pears! Why don't you light the
"To, soon. le It not 7 and I thought
that they might wake you.'
" I have been awake for hours!
What are you .kung. Wigle? You
een't bn readlne. though you have •
hook In your Ment.'
• " No ! It Is to, [lark. I was think -
leg, Ethel!"
Of what 7"
"Tho sermon which I hoard this
What a lively etubjnt't!"
" It wag very interesting, ae you
would acknowtedgo had you heard It.
No short, and yet son practical, and
to the point. It Was on charity. noel
tin erroneous, tanner in wbitet sense
people translate the word. The
preacher saki that. doubti e, there
erre many women ;xesept who, In a
moment (4 excitement, world throw
'a bracelet Into the offertory bag or
bestow the shawl they wore Myon" it
'merger. who weak' be incapable of
resigning the enjeymrnt (0f an hour
to order to set a good ezaaple or
Tratify the wishes of another! Bo
rue. Is 1t nut?'
" I .Lae Hay it 15," with n yawn,
"only Iherr not mush faith In ell
that mit-denying business, and people
ptetending that it glees them
"Have you dot 7" The remark
',truck Mscifie painfufty, remember -
lug as abe did how often het eimsln
had ghees up hie will to Lady Ethel's
std sought no return. "But you
roust often have seen and admired
It, Ethel! 'Mere le nothing est love-
ly ae unselfishness!"
"We were not addicted to prae-
tieing the virtue at I.atly U1ere-
dotes." .
"And T have seen so hath of It t"
saki Maggie, musingly. "I believe my
deer uncle- was one of the meet un- I!restores that" lluot 'ever
To this remark there WAS 40 an-
•"I have' been thinking si week of
him to -day," she went on, present-
ly. "I wanted him inlet. Armemildrt's.
Ile had ' never attended any bet
country servlees, you know, and
fancied nothing else would +gear..
him ; bot bo was so thoroughly
good and unaffected, au ready to
believe that, la religion, everybody
=et be breforc himself, and so
nnhIous to promote the glory and
honor of Owl. tont 1 am etre he
would have altered h1. opinion. He
could not but have acknowledged
the grandeur of what I heard to-
,Iny, as a flbting tribute to the
King of kings, and his heart would
have thrilled and melted under It es
Imin. dint. Dear unole I"
Still thore was no answer to her
olw,orvatlons, but Lady Ethel turneel
restlearly about, until ear face was(
hid from view.
"Of connect i can't expect that you
whetd fellow mm," oontlnuod Mag-
gie; "you only so little tf hum. but
i wish you wouldn't speak to me
of him."
The words crime so abruptly and se
vehemently that her companion
"Not of my uncle? Oh, Ethel : sure-
ly you are not cherthing resentment
for hum 1ILIL Itemtmtber where be is-
-and that he can never vex you more"
"IL la not that 1" The votoe whloh
spoke was broken.
"Not that 7 poseur Ethel! what have
I mink,. to make :AM cry 7 You rnnnot
lselleve that lir how not forgiven ; he
who ftlrgave your over sine over again
before he did,"
"Did he? 011, Maggie!" end round
Damn the penitent nrnnw to clasp
themselves abut her neck.
"Don't sub so. (herr ! don't soh so,
or you'll nowt my oalmness. too. The
(-oonelon for that U all peat. HO will
never feel nnnnyance or vexation
"But I -I nyvernbnll forget," maid
laaly Ethel, weeping. "Lits hart look
Ids best words, they haunt me day
and night. Do you remember what
they were t 'Dots Almighty hirers you
-.and-and- your children -11 you
have any "
"Well, dear ! they ought to com-
fort Ineetead of distre•aing yon. He
nwntioowl that nesse lightly
it wan it prayer he preyed for yon,
ansi you must halve belief in its ful-
"Het I made him on unbappy' 1 was
ro-so-rate--alel-tuu'htl to hum'
And than lin ,fled without my having
mien him again. I did not think he
"But not without having forgiven
you, darling! He talked so often
of you durbg the Iasi few da),s, 1t
seemed as though he Intended you
should hrnr how entirely ha had
forgotten your behavior."
"Whet diol he any?"
"Teat ha wan erre yon hied en
mnoh eteeting worth beneath the
crawl of pride raised hy your artifl-
rlal (rtne,ntkrn, that It delpeoglel on
your hoidbatturo Jl•llcireemews sure
thsr you turned out a good wire er A
lwei one."
"Hew little he knew of m. ! d am
net teanhnhis like that."
And that the greeetegt Measle*
tied) aonl.l mend yon would be children
belay hander to pull down your re -
Nerve; holy vokbeg to dlatreet 7enr
attention from yourself , and inhy
wants to realm Ton grow Teter sel-
11.1. I Ppeak plolnly, dear, am he
melte , don't 1pet me (Mewl yen "
There wgntil little fear of shot,
If (sone might kedge from Lady Klbwl'a
Mw, rnntlnned weeping
"Put, Maggse--do von knew 414 he
and people agree that Scott's iiutul-
MOO of cod-liver oil is the lest thing
to take for "doo't feel well and
don't know why," especially babies
-they like it ---men and women
don't mind it, but babies actually
enjoy it.
s..• ren ser sastre owe ver re
.eery • •.w.[ •w1Y,•., 1• •.h.
tee nn4trw•
A Stern Chase.
The Truth -Yee, I'm In Nosiness for
myeelf, but I don't germ to be able
to meet with any euecied.
The Rage -Nobody ever meets with
Heu'ceee, young mac. He 'nude over-
take It.-Philndelpltla Prete.
Monkey Bread Soap removes all stains,
rust, dirt or tarnish -but won't wash
clothes •o
Iler Nystem
He - Kew. table seems to understand
how to mauage her huabetrel pretty
&4he-Yew. Sho tete ham have her
own way In everything. -Life.
Minard'm Liniment for Rlteume-
Dogs In Fraser*.
According to Le Journal, the dog
tax has had little effect int reducing
the number oP dugs' In France.
There are at present at least 2.-
040,945 of the caning' race In that
COttntry, of which 1100,000 ore pert
siege (ohuens tie luxe.) Last year the
tau: produced nearly 11,000,000
francs -about three francs per dog.
The proportion of dogs to Inhabit -
:tuts reeler In "efferent depart-
ments. in Hume the proportion Is
Kruger: for 100 Inhubitaute, Ili otber■
sixteen, and to others only three.
• 1)1sill(
OSC �bOmmu C
It Is n+ lu klupun.iteu to enumerate
all shut Oleergow bur dune fur the
worklttgi there, but it may with
out esu atlon be meet that It
has dope ut .verytblug poi. bas.
Homes leave been erecter for them
In every part of the city, and these
aro rented to the poor at au 11
Moist nominal rate. Willows uuJ
widower* have two w•ditequipp'(d
homer where they are hoarded for
atrMing sum, and babies are ear
ed for by city mate.' wh.le the
breed -whiners are at, work; and, of
rourre, these hooses, etc., are not
charities, Penny (two cent') bathe
are provided by the municipality in
all part's of the city where working -
titre retitle. Muu,cilia' tramway'
take laborers to their work for
from one to two cents, anal munir-
ipatl ferrite' carry them to their
'hope five miles down the Clyde, if
newswire; for two cent*. At night
the municipality provide tree con-
certs. free !scrod*, tree night
'reboots and freo equr.eew In buriceds
and technical studies. There Is ale)
a free e[npltryment bureau. The clly
bast torn down laundrette of thou
'Ott lan of (hailers' w'orth of raker
ler stmt the wortingnten's children
knight have play grotnide. And that
city provides free gar for the ail-
leye and even for the hallways of
the poor. These may be ',ailed ape
Orli provision' for the workingmen.
and which they enjoy in addition
to the other beneficent blooming.'
po%Wed for all -the 01(11eua of thl•e
model'ely.-Zicottinit American.
Common sense tell., w that the way to
rum nruralgln palne Is to apply the remedy
directly to the swat ,.1 the trouble. "The'
11 & 1.." Menthol Plnrser Is guaranteed to
g1.r quicker relief than net other Masker.
Kmew the Koper.
"Have you ever tuts any experience
In ttandllog high grade pottery 7"
noted the Importer of an applicant
tar a Job. •
"No, sur," replied the applicant,
"lust I pan do the work tall right."
"Suppose," suet the merchant, "you
alwukt accidentally break a valuable
vase; what would you do 7"
"i would put It together carefully,"
repllet the Job seeker, "and set It
where the wealthy euwtomer would
be murd•to knock 1t to pieces again."
"tonslder yourself engaged." hold
the merchant. "And now tell me
where you got onto tlmt trick of the
trade?' .
"A few *hart perm ago," answered
the other, "1 was to the'weatthy cuir
tomer' class."-CWcagu SPOIL
Mineral• Liniment the. beet Hair
A rreupt *rower.
" Out In my dtstriet," mays Repre-
.I.rrtativm Seidler, sof Ohio, In the
Washington Post, "three iN n very
'lever preacher. O-wl day a men who
does not think tee; lt of r.•Ilglni
()Haight ltewo111.I stump the preacher
w'Pars>n,' he sold. 'what le the
beet way to heaven
'Tarn to the right and then keep
strntght ahead,' replied the preacher,
without an Instant's hesitation."
Millard', Liniment cures La Grippe.
That Clerical Sport.
New real Herald.1
There are no OWPar words In the
Japanese language. which makes
It evident that the Jape would
novler be a autres• as goal' players.
New Ysrk ('ealral rad Iludson River
Tas above name Is a household
word •nd the euterlor exeellsnce of
till read should be sufflclnnt to at
tract moot people, but now that the
rate 1■ the same to Now York and
points east as by other Tines no
farther recommendation should be
sought. Everybody will tell you It
la the test.
Necessary (coarse.
New 1'Ork Pun.)
Madge -Ikea your mother let you
read hietorleal novels?
Marjorie -Yes, but .he makes me
study history an an antidote.
Mdnard's Liniment la tbs k st.
Farls In the lase.
Rigg. -1 hear your friend Simkins
has takes a wife.
Briggs -NM a word of truth In the
rumor, i gossure you.
RIggn-Thron he nln't married t
Diggs -Oh. he'e rrwrrltvd utIt right
enough ; but Insteetfd of tilting a wife
a widow took hum.-('hloago Nowa
Stops tb• Cougk
and Works OS the (:old. .
Laxative Promo Quinine Tablets rem a eold
1■ On• day. No rare, No pay. Pilee 715 rents.
A HOO16 TO HORa1(MLW-Oa• bottle of
I.:ugll.b Spavin Liniment completely removed
it curb f my horse. 1 take pleasure In
recommending the remedy. Ira It theta wtth
mysterious protnptn(Nat In the removal Irons
homer of herd, .oft or calloused Iuibp.. blood
opens, splints, curbs, .weeny, stifledr
tit.:0111;F Rene Farmer,
Markham, Out.
Sold by all druggl.ts.
Good Thu 1E.4 10 Fat
FroYLI Y.ta,....h 1..bblt.,h a
,.b.n e.�ey...r.IM if Y.Y....4IM
Natural Flavor
Food Products
ate r e0...r. ms.t. .a i,
. e. The et e..l.-e..►
.. enol .r -f y ..tinto lar k. k..�.
1 n nr
...r... 5.,' ,.........t....
y.otnr sea. 1 *apply •• veal rant, .w-..
•..k�re. w to k.., af..7n elk 1 l kg ta.
lsss�ae.g,.m�%a�lt..� k�.b4.p. M f,' Ili . •bs.. iet tiefito hook ow N
r•s MMs; res►»�r .r6,he wore. r*f.l
1.MV. LltwLt. 1 LINNY. CNIC.AOO.
e 1
`I1N1111111 g1:a:::l
��sseesueSa�55ew��.�.ldwr,ae1 Maew4mrlf
Meng *lcus* ram,".f Ill 'r ►
welt ..' ' 14.Ae rah«Y Nee...
e4.i'.. erase., ae • t•n, q,
te•, of! ,.e.t. ten I. .,'' re A
S nark .i 111.1 ,,. ' .'..1. gee. e1
%Hera 115555 e•se ew. gsweili, Seems a
A Itargaln.
IN. Y. Puna
Hartel Proprietor -If tho wtfoke
rompany puts up herr 111 knock off
25 per relit.
Prose Agent -Make it 5(1 and I11
retch a 22 -pound trout and nee the
sen serpent.
Messrs. C. C. Richards A Co.
Dear Sin, -While In the country
last summer I was badly bitten by
mosquitoes -so badly that I thought
1 would be dletigured . for a couple
of weeks. I was Advised to try your
Liniment to allay the irritation, and
did 5o. 'Nle effeet was more than I
expected -a-. few applications com-
pletely curing the irritltlon, pre-
venting tlwe bites from becoming see,
KINARD'S IINIMENT is oleo • good
article to keep oaf the ntosspuito(e..
Yours truly,
W, A. OKE.
Harbor Orltee, Nfld., Jan. 8. 1868.
•!lila" Was dors.
, llloaton °lobe.)
Nether -Johnny, what awful lan-
gun go!
i..hnny-W,II, motley. Hitakespeare
urea It.
;Mother -Turn don't play with Ism
any more; he's nolit companion for
Take Laxative Bronco Quinine Tebl.ts. All
drug/kite refund Ili. money If It 1s11s to"cam,
E. W. Orove'• signature bun each box. let.
Mer Llheral Pastor.
I Yonkers Ptete.mse.l
Patience --l. your minister 'iberal
In hie views?
Patrice -Oh, yes: be often
preachrm for two whole hours.
There Is more Catarrh In tide section of the
country than all other diereses put togrthwr.
and until the last few yearn Was minima"' t,
be Incurable. Forsreat ninny years gine-
turn pronounced It a local slayers and perm
crlbed local remedies, and by conwtently fall.
Ing to row with lneu.I trentm.nt, pronounced
it Incurable. Primo. has proven catarrh lobe
ronetttutloeal dlwaw and therefore re-
quire. a ronatito tloanl trenttnent. Hall'st.'n-
terrh Cnr, manufactured bT 1'..1. Cheney a
e.o., Toledo. Ohio, le the only ronalltntlonal
mare on the market. It le taken internally In
domes from 10 drope to s teaspoonful. It amu
directly nn the blond nod moron surfaces of
the ey.t.m. Thee offer one hundred dollar.
Inc goy rose 1t tall. 10 Corp. fiend for tires.
lore and testimonial*.
Address F.J. CIIENEY a CO.,Tolydo, 0.
Sold by Druggists -75e.
Hall's Family_ fills are the Leet
Every Woman Should
That I?of. W. 1lodgaun Ellis,
Official Analyst to the Dominion Gov-
ernment. has recently made a number
of analyses of soaps, and reports that
"Sunlight Soap contains that blgh
"percentage of oils or fats necessary
"to a good laundry soap."
What every woman does not know
fs that fn common soaps she fre-
quently pays for adulterations at the
price of oils and fats. Try Sun-
light Soap -Octagon Bar -next wash
dile and you will see that Prof.
Ellis is tight. He should know. 206
Fly Pads
One 10 cent package
will kill more flies than
300 sheets of sticky
fly paper. Clean and
T10.11e of tits Thee When K1•aing
` Was G 1 he Merry England.
(From The L.ancel.1
131r Franela Jeune and 11r. Jostle.
Oorell have had ported outride the
two courts, of the Probate, Divorce,
end Admiralty DItInlorw notices to
witnesses' calling their attention to
the fact tit's they may be *wore In
the Scotch manner before giving evi-
dence. That la to say, they may he
sworn with uplifted laud, repenting
a euleatin intocatluu to the Deity,
Lenges of tuktug a book and klrsiug
It after llateuiug to a form repeated
Dy a minor uffwttl of the court. Tile
notice to which we refer it repeated
outside' on• of the courts el the
Chancery DDIelon, and we Alive every
trope that It may beou.he twist:mal.
The Strength .f Mother Lots.
Ilmndon New..t
Murderer Il1ce's mother ell/ snake
another attempt to save the Illi' of
her eon. (tray-haltre l beyond the
to hon though all the world be
agnrnst Ism, for he is still her boy,
and no dente was nue•o her pride,
In the long ago.
r'elennonr snakes are limpidly few In thin
countrr, bet rltuglns bugs ore men,. Take
Perry bark.' Painkiller wltb you on yoga
varntion and ung It free whin bitten by
notion,. Ins",•te. DIrntlone no every hitt no
A Letter '1 haat Makes tee Lt Nplrll
It hat It hackie lei threesome.
The following letter was sent by a
1Eiu.uiuu!ppl man in nnewer to a ma-
trimonial "ad": "I 'pelves my pho-
tegraf with My Full Deneriptionu. it
shows the features are nachel ne
can bene. only It '1. to Dark ; I am
very lite Complexion, Orey eyes,, Or -
bon hair 8 foot high, weight 1.16)
Lbw. inclined to he hump ehoulderef;
Muskier Mtn and a widower 24 year
old, with .t Common Stihool Equn-
^tten, but nee Mot 1,011? 11, -httnlr -tO
Eon" TAIelnees, am )Nrtctly Morr•l.
don't use Tobacco Nor Whlekey." He
10 setuofis to have ear understand
that her "Age (lomple'ktlons, wait
end ,All Melte me to ate., Kind Loving
girl. I hey Only one Thing to Offer.
And It In Neither Lamle Nee (old.
But s letrong Arm and True Hat•
and *111 Lay Down My Life for the
Rite Girl and Be happy, for I ani
Tired of firing Alone The Girl that
Repels my Hart and takes my Name
for the item/under of fly i.If I will
Snake Ifnpp}. for 1 am Hnn'Ing n.
Olrl that 1 can ddlpdse and Marl• a
Angel sof."
HAM. JOON D.vndla 1'.rnnosr
TM report for 1501 dowel rensarkael•
fermium over 19(M, 1n 1IN following Orme.
1.0 Matinees Increased by.... $ Aan,7.5
Premiere Inenme Inermee4 fly 09,117
rote) Ineome I NMne Ihy 42.571
As..t. Inrn..ed by 41,055
lunr.nee In fore. Ineree ed by 1.500.4,,
continent/0 Yule repel... nett nne.rolle• ler
dmpilelly end Ilbernitt, Agents greeted.
(11:(1 P wv1Olew, 5 HAS H 711,1.1*.
Ossetia m• wiser hes seamy.
ISSUE NO. 29. 1902.
]tea W1r snow's appilieg Mona o
always be use4 ler V•,
e, moo wee
dM te'the a/ is the twee r� for inarrhmii.
Alma Ladies' College,
Preparatory and l'ulleghur.tudl.•n • unite'.
rlty made angry, our url ; Uon do0„y,
llc ensu.'.; rout mwndal. Superior 1,,, 11 age
5tf0n5 stall, brnitklrst loeutfun, pini ,.L
home ltlr.
W goad In the Niegar. Peninsula, W
Wfuoua, It miler from Hamilton on leu
ways, Lyn &arm In all, 711 of *Mott le in fruit,
aao.tlr psSilOnrp.ateer beWul M add In es perry."sl w
divided MeeMeelots et is to nl .'reg I.c suit per
oher% nils le . deckled bargain r..,
Ooo . P. (k bol :somata
We Wive for misty years coutonded
that the oath bar kissing a book her
b.otltiug to commend it, while 1l is
hasty uud may become a moan. of
pr opagatioa of diocese , uud welt•ve
sera with regret that tlnr 'statutory
permissiotl to *wear in the fkwtee
laetusuu •war, as a rule, .not kusewu
bi witue.res, uud frequently, ills,,
that judges, t'oru.rerr and ;tingled ra t es
were ig1,oraut of it.
The form of rweetring by kissing a
book le purely one of curator. Thera
Is 0O direct authority for It In auv
act- of -Parliament. or rule, or book
of practice. The date aloe of Ito Ia-
troduction Is uukuowu, but than le
not because it lute been lost in the
Wets of alltlquity, for It--ts-'Yrtlrly
certain that, w recently as at the
end of the ueveuteenth century, if
the form exedra' It %vats not In any
general use. It tut' been pointed out
that ('oke in hi- Institutes waken ne
mention of kiseing the bok, but
writer sof the "corporal oath" as
t named beenuwe the witness
touched with hie handl a portion of
the Scripture*, and thug aspect of
the oath no doubt survives, In the
familiar warning of the amber le wit -
nesse to .remove glove before taktttg
the Testament for the purpose ut
kissing It. it is also observed that in
the "Book of Oaths," of which an edi-
tion was published In 1689, there Is no
mention of kissing it .boot. flow the
kissing originated Ie. we believe. HI -
most ns much a matter of apt eulnitun
a. la the date at which 1t became
frequent or untrersal.
The Laying of the hun,l on the Coe'
pea In awertrin,t Is, no doubt, of great
untlquIty, while the laying of the
hand on the altar of it deity In inv..k-
ing the deity to iso teters a ktrdenPnt
for promise Is older then the l:uepels.
Th. L,,Ing of the hand on :II • t;o-pe .
tui. 1!s lin gelid in other conferee Iae-
&eks I:tig1 in 1 Tor leasing or Ilio beck
Is, however, we belie%e, peculiar to
r'engl.M or to, England and
Debt fel, ant IL is not quite
easy • to assign Ilk origin to the
kindling of rrlio• when we apparently
find It Introlnced In England after all
veneration for relic(' bed been swept
away end made illrggal.
11 to worth noting that English peo-
ecp1e were more n(kik'te1 to kissing
, olr't' than (hey are now. KI .:b.; as w
forun pf reilatetion wee no common
'among th"m that It exe'ited the Inter -
(.ft nne mmamemwnt of forelanere.
Fi'.iamne refers to 11, nod a Ifueger-
Len genI man who limited London
end moved In goal society In 16(18
wee match Menet with the way In
which men kissed Indies when they
greet del them when ilnngnrinno
would he Ye slut ken linnet. Even
Fr.nrtmlen In the mhklle ages held
kleslnse an a metelsrtt y of the Fngllnh
nellon, mulch am we remark npnel it
now nsnong the r'rench. 1t le, there-
fore, et least po.6ihle that the ki'n
bdvrlowcl npon the hook In taking an
meth WY not hart, been so muoh n
king of veneration we n form of salo-
tntion or acknowledgment by bodlly
contnee s,mew'h'et more eeremnbluue
tJi,n mennal eontnct, but *till not
newoeiatal with any great feeling of
TO prefer, to you that tit
flows Ointment Is acertain
and wtrntute tvr* for each
and every form of belting.
bleedingand two.rndtag pules,
Lbw m.nmwelnrere hien mnannteeed 1t. 9aa too
Umnnlalw In the
fret. uiO4 ask 'Our nrlgh-
bon whet they think 0'1' Yon own ow It end
last mane, trek 1? no. yowl. ,1IM a het. at
dr asrlwa,r,Rawwlt (Nr.,Te,o.i
Dr:Ohase's Ointment
Berrien Mud Other frolt. 1114 ruutm h.sI„n .,r
will buy F.O. IL point 111 .hlpuurut, also nut-
ter, Mtge, Drkr1 Appkw. Poultry eel 011 011..r
form produce. forges Irut•e ...Mite.'
W EMT E RN FIt1 IT a I'Ituht'r l:
Cur. Turk nod WIIIIam6W., Mnrket ntldg ,
Ottawa, nut.
The qunllty shutters hum Md's'e,, In
Ocean. tour money bark Iliot satlsl.- ler,-
Seol: a I.AF1.AMt:,
Acosta, Mont r. ,,
11111 ■� A WILL CURE
nlmf Ully alt
hreat hung,
t ightne.a of
We chew), walling away of flesh, throat
troubles, consumption, coughs, catarrh,
Colds, pneumonia and pleurisy.
A 1A�l'U rill BY IiIAIt to every sufferer.
Put -Mo is for sale by all druggists at
81.00 per large bottle, and 15 cents for
snail bottle, or direct from
191 Klrg til. Kest, Hrl.11lon, Ont.
WA/1T RKLIAHLK A01':141'r.
to seg WM, eslibee. hekting powder, spire*,
e.MaeM. do W e.rele►ren . You rin ike
roeq. °faN
kirs wasted. E,c4brt teen„.,
•aeras new.
A glrl'w education slime,' b••
MOM laity womanly- iitting
her Aur the home and for 1. he'd
Influences an well. Moulted
College gives su.•h an erlurn-
'14y,. Its ((('11 *let for utalrtwe-
)attoe and g.'uernt1 .tidier, ale;
for muni, ,nod art, are roil
blond with n Christian 'new
life that maker for eniturrel
and stroll; womanhood.
Calendar on app'l'lathe, from
Mrs. Wells, Principal
Toronto, Ont.
at Hell ,tng .11,er
ware and your nther
bright twetol., t:h•.•
idg ryn stl I wale... t.ilrer deluging
Orr. No .lued h.n.d.i n..t hang (4, ogle hot
Iwnstllnily proper." rh,•mlee l ..df irnh.'
rintb PAs.-
.2":e nr 4ntggIel• and
dealer. Ity well Wong
MONARCH NF1:. OO..Rt./atharl.Kont_
Write Mr tidal .:titmice, --- - - -
With our perfect system 07
tilling mail orders, no
matter how distant from
,is, you can purchase a
watch just as satisfactory
as if living in the city.
Send 1_ ot_ C2L_5_ -learn
01)1 valuta.
par monogram watches
eel particularly attractive.
r.wr''tf•4a, d •'d, A.r.t•''�e
led RtC•MONO 1'5(01
sour o
/• ' 0 /J '
�• NEW
..•/1/-0, 12' - IBSON MODEL
gee *hue lawn, front
tastily arcked mod front .nd 1.,:1
Whom.' wok it.mimq interna..
Made to y..u, Y.n,wa and d.lirerad
anywhere 1n C.nada for 11 m0.
Stott sort measure, Mot too nate
▪ "e hark front arm hole to seen
h ole apd lewdl,h of W.V. under
.ren. Satisfaction prrM
Cole:Arno Ire, win. aAw •e for
Id. postage..
etteamerw lenyd, Ha
!Atari I p re.
Toronto TAO p.m . T emays, Terars-
dayu end *third yen for Roy of
Qntmte, One Thome% loin mho, Rep:de.
140. iAwrenoe! to ontreal and le.
tenaneduat. ports.
Very l.uw R ea of Mingle and
Retu r Tickets.
rl)Rt)111)-It(IN1'RKAI. LINK.
Steamer's leave Tororeo at 4 p.1'
daily, except Hurray, for (ihnrlrrtte.
Port of Roolesster, One Thous,' nil
Islands, Rapids. fit. Temerowee, 110n•
treat. Quebee, Murray Tkt7,'radon/on.
sognenal Riser and intern wiIAt•
H. Foster Chaffee, Western Pee
meager Agent, Toronto; Thos. Henry.
i Truffle Manager. bloodroot.
Always Invite: en
your dealer sup-
plying you with
They are mennfaalelred toes taus MOT of le%TERIA1.14 by the
I(OST SKILi.ED w(wttees.