HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-17, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THUMDAT, July 17, 1902 7:5 W. Acheson&Son JULY POSITIVE BARGAINS. For July we have arranged s very tempting list of desirable goods at certain- ly very easy pricea. Prices in many casts have Made the values quite out of the ordinary bargain offering. Cotte and inspect and be satisfied. Dress Goods. 300 yards 46-ivah black Lustre, tine Bilk finish, pure Mohair and iu neat, styl eh pattern', rsguler prim, 63v to typ July mete price 25c 1.,0 pain American cotton double Blanket..with blue cad pink borders, full double bad mica, regular prim) per pair, 90e, selling at ....... .. , . 60o 50 dozen ladies' Vests, ribbed, cotton Lisle, closed front and button front, ,,hurt sleeve and no sleeve, all "lees, regular 15c and 20c, selling at .2 for 25e Muslin,. 1503 yards handsome American 36 inches wide titees Organdy Mus'ini, in str'pes and neat spray and sural = effects, pinks, blues, browns, grins and blacks, warranted fest oolors, regular 15c to 20•, at one price, per "1 peril 'Cc *2 00 Laos Curtains for *125, 60 pain Nottingham Lime Curtains, 64 loth.s wide cul 3t yards long very fine quality, in floral and scroll designs, suitable for any stye rosin, our 52.00 a pair curtains, to sell •t.. $1.25 White uilta.-40 American 4 -ply crochet cotton white Quilts, full size, regular 21. 35, et 98, W. Acheson & Son. COUNTY CURRENCY. _ _ __ . the sad news o1 On death of his meter, Mrs. p rwia, elle of 04 3114L44 MID. of Coelmeferd, Oat. Mn. Irwin has been lo poor health for over • suer. She was taken to the Toronto I hospital !set winter, but tie duelers held out no hope sod she returned home. Death ram. to her on July god. Kut N airmen :folio Ross, prloiptl of the public 'shoot at Edmonton. Alb:rt., son of Tbo•. Roes, of Feet W.w•co,h, a .t present .lilting among rel•ti•ss end friends In tide neighborhood. He men Iy resigned m hie poeitlon •t Edoutton to accept ,Ire 1' mention of.up.rloteodeot of odm:arien 1• the ukoo territory. The eatery is $3,000 per annum. God.rlon township : Richard Baker, of Gee 16 h oon. tad tbo infidelities to hare a horse erak.d oo a tenet post the other day. The •aim,! was In preterit oo the farm of G. Mair, of Godsrioh township, and in try- ing N jump n fence alighted on • pointed limos post, disembowellog Itself. 1)r. Free- nse was wiled and sewed up the wound, hat it isdosbtt.l if the horse eco be saved, wt Sorth : Harry Ss th, ter years • well - knows figure about Se•fertht�,, died to Dr. l)ooa's bo.pit i, Clinton, on 9atsrdev, 2R.► ult. He had goo* there to here an opera- tion performed. Fie war • natl•e of comity (Javan,inland, and was eighty yeer•of age., His only relativo to this part of (he od est gy is • niece, Mrs. A. Worth, of Henson. He left an esti✓. said so be valued •t shone �00 f .too : tQ hole lending cattle al the station the otber day Thos. M *son war Ito ltd 10 the leg by ere of the stomata, ,c, 1 had the small bone ttereof broken. The lotury wee dressed by • doctor, and "offer - log very sev.r.'y .s be war, Mr Mason determined to go on to Torooto with h1, mettle. H. went and deemed of tImo,e Imo, sod refereed home the following dy, but not without experl.nol.g 000desr•bl* pale o. the trip. Most Denote would be setl,fied ' to remain to bed with • broken leg, without doing soy travelling. Morris : !'hoe. AthNn. late of Maggie, hes g000 to llr.vsehnrst to t1y the tttsp.tal treatment there. Wlorhem: Wye Wells. formerly gt Wlogbam, bar eiders] the malnmoold m- ute •t Callahan, Florida. Brussels : A date root will be placed on Melville manse as moon as the slaters ere through •11)r. Holme■' resid..ea dire, A handful of barley wee Dulled from a sold o. J. A. Frain'• term, 3rd nos., that measured 5 hese 1 lath 1n Iagtb. Pommel, Primalp tl Ctmeroa 1. •t Toro ,to taking his work as one of the 1)epersmeniel e,.mmen. He will be there for •ooupleof Ender: Mies Edith Surfers lett last we.1 for • trip to 1) , Colorado, where she will yleit her brother, Harry. for a foe weeks. Wiseman : tieo. Ansley hes won the rad model far ge 1 proficiency In the business deportment of Chatham Rud.) C,Il.gr. Wingham : M. C. 1).ckeon, formerly die- trict pauseper agent of th• G. '1'. R. at Toronto. hu been appointed agent e) the otmpaoy at Washes 'eaforth : Mies Annie Darrow, who tom be.. •trending Seatortb Collegiate Insti- tute, be, returned to her horns to Web - wood, Algoma, for the holiday,. tioafurth : F. Gotteridg• has et .red to circa oat Silver tweet, preper•t'•ry :o tea execution of the draln.Rs work, of 0, ' town. Her hu • large bores of men .t pori. oe•forlh • Rev R. t\ . 1) civ of i Irunge villa, well koowa here, ha r.oaived • null from the ooegregat'on of Knox ohurob, Hamilton, ea aooce.eor to Rev. Lunge frame. Hialeah : ,John Lo.deborcush, who has berm carrying on • furniture and undertak- ing badness here, tor the put six year., he. disposed of the business to Valentine K'tech tel. Hensel] : Wm Kyle, of Dntir,Hey town- ship, had the miefertune, dortng • recent thaader storm to have two bones tiled by lightning. They were to the stall standing H de by Edo. Seeferth : Ulu Lizzie M. Dorruee, who lou completed • (mon• at the Normal a.Iool, has been engaged as warmer In sohool section No. 6, Hallett, .t • salary of $3)0 per annus. Grey: cam. G. Hen and Mies Elizabeth l'Iarenda. dasahter of Retry Fogel, ail of G rey township, wer• united to the holy estate ot matrimony by Rev. R. Paul, at Vaoterle Cottage, Brussels. Clinton : A son of A. 0 Patteson had the mletortone to not the sed of • ray file in hh foot with the result that a mtld form of blood polwoiog has developed. Thnogh able to hobble around he suffers oonsideiebiy from It. Meter : Mies Laura Gregory, daughter of Thos. t)regory, J. P., of Sewn ,lou grad- u ated from the Toledo olty hospital, stand - Ing at the had of the elope and obtalolop 95 per cent. of the possible mat Ire In the ex- amination. Etat Wawanoeh : heed Hayden had the misfortune to have o,e of hie hereof badly Injured • couple of week• ego by • sharp erlck mentor in behind the shoulder sod Doming nal at the oat, making • hole • foetlong through t;odrrlob township : Wen.Sterlleg re- naiv ea t5 d intelligence from tell! • 1 m lel. son Ales , in Gardoer, N. D., on Saturday, June 2R'.h, that hie daughter, Mary Ano ett.e, aged twenty -Two years, had posed sway eft,r a lingerring Illness. Winghem: J. .1. Conubogh•m, who will be mature, ot the new iron Works company wee In 'own laid week. H• •,oeots to be bank In shout two week+ to remain perinea - tinily. A number of men .re likely to be it work soon preparing patterns. Hraceseld : On Wedewday of lot week the remain. of Weedily Rathwell, who war drowned In Lake Krle, arrived at the ora- tion, and were taken to the hem• of hie father, Mr. Rothwell, on neo. 2, Stanley, the funeral taking place in the afternoon to Rtlyd', cemetery. The sorrowing parrots bays our sincere sympathy. f:orrte: 'John Evans, of (iorrI., receiyed Riy h : '1 he following ie a despatch horn North Ruy : "lir. A. ('.ckerllne and her little lour- veer -old daughter were learned to death se the r boats about twelve eines out he the country, and her five-year old boy was so badly 'bond that Men 1e little hope of his recovery. Mr. Cwkerlles was absent from hese, and when Mrs Cocker - lite sod the children retired for the night • lamp was left borate/ no the tebl., and it Is supposed the !amp ezploi.d." The shove r.lers to the family of Anthony Cuokerllne, a former resident of tido neighborhood. Mr Coekerlme is a brekeeman on the C P. R., sari ora' away os du'y when the unfcr:oo• ate accident happened. ROBT. M'LEAN WAS THELE. Mle o1 l'el. meat's Morose In Terence- Rai. rade al 411 Prices. Cul. Dent, who for • year or two was r one of the market for hones, is now, Mace Ike pesos settlemene 1e South Afrlos, on the ",onr" side, sod some of the Silt odgieg he. dropped from the steed, which wee purchased for the use of His )isjestt's lrnol o ('0. Dunt na+ been hold ng • male of intended remounts 1s Toronto, end so tonging to The 'Telegram the .vent was sot without Its emuetog features. This morning',, sole say. The Tele- gram, began In the rale .cd the attendant,. of buyers small. When the .louts lifted, however, the crowd thlok• ened sod the bidding become Arbiter. toddle • emelt woolen ticket office to the Immer?- iate right of tho •netioneer, and feat In front et the ofboo of the ezbtbitlan sup.rlateodent e1 Nettle, lee Oaotem. 0 hoer Somers. with hie het. most of h!s hair, and his cost off The horses pot up this moraine were lets In f.v.ur than were talose off+red yesterday. They were Wooed to show their paces hy • toll man, who wire his hat on 030 side, crooked • long whip mod made penooal rr- mark,.bout the nage, there remerk, being Intended for the private ear of the crowd, and bolo' of en eloeding Nattering ohar.c- ter. The top prints rewhed 1515 moralov was $102. sod the bottom 113. The horse whlob oiled for the latter espoodltere war trotted up the eoaloeure with solemnity en the part of those anxious to .ell. and.mlet much merriment on the pert of three who dido's care whether the British Government ever saw Its mosey .gain or nolo The outburst Harvest Require= meats . . at the very best values. Our BINDER ---TWINE ie going out fast. We handle (cold Leaf, Silver Leaf and Maple Leaf Brands. Buy your Twine early as ib may Icarte. Harvest Mitts and Whips, Pure Paris Green, Forks and Rakes, in stock, of the best quality. dM A few Screen Doors and Windows to clear out. McKJ3NZIE & HOWELL IRK MACS TO BUY ALL HARDWARR CHRAP. EAST SIDE SQUARE% OODERIiCH. of mirth was dle,inotly prejudicial, and whoa Mr. Headsmen salted losocenily "Hew moat?' the reply oases lost ant mud eppereotly alter little caloulauur, "'l'hlrty saato." 1'h• horse looked as if it w.■ quite 1.- dder*ae to the grins ovo&sIeued by the rack hk. appannoe of his frame. Hu trotted up sod down, sad 5:e skis did orediteble wink to preventing the Donna from befog austtered at terse. Co'. Dant, who hid hum Immersed to • Grit noire - leper. beard the people laugh, and whoa he looked as the bore It was as it he had sever sees the •alma) before. Too first bid of • .arloua kind wee 15. sad the hone finally went to • wet who war so lmpr.wd ooh Its possibilities as to pare wlth an no lu.ky thirteen. A new looters of the sale wee the oaten more buyout of • few. Numbers of horse. more knocked down to James Sundt. of Waterloo, R. MuLaan, ot tlodertoh,,end William Harris, tie abattoir man. Many tamers were iouud the enulosnre, but were vary chary. The borw, purub..d woek. ago, were In many lnst.niu ebe worse for wear, and (ot0,10 farmers believe that • sag of broncho etralo,wh.0 ono. he 1e reduced eutholeutly to pees for s boot-jeok, nos Dever be quits restored to plumpnser. Only one diopute oeourred dello/ the morning, whorl • ilu.druped whose hopes of tr1Dg • war hone had beep rudely daubed W the grosod, was sold to Mr. Mclean for 157. A wrathy bidder claimed the bout. "We must put it up again," said Mr. Henderson. "No," obj.eted the wrathy nae. "Have to." The hone premed again and the bidding b.oame lever.h. Thep toe rose to 570 sn1 the man said, "Now will you be good?" The other would .o, be tree( and mar, d liars were afoul. F.n,lly Mr. McLao got the berme for $72. The sales ao to 12 30 ware: - No. 161 at 143. 162 at 125, 163 .t 120, 164 at 130. 165 a'. $29, 166 at $49, 167 .t $50, 169 .r $23, 170 at $S6, 171 at $40, 172 d 152. 173 at 530. 174 at $62 175 at 169, 176 at 125, 177 .' 126. 178 sr $30, 179 .1 135, 180 at $35. 181 .t 137, 182 es $7a. 183 .e`538, 184 at 546, 184 at $76, 186 .t $25, 187 at $64, 188 .t 134, 189 at 138, 190 et 127, 191 a' 145, 192 se $60. 193 at 125. 194 at $52, 195 at $35. 196 .t 1661 197 a'. $51.198 .t 145, 199 .t $27, 230 at $37. 201 •t $30. 232 .t 132, 203.. $31. 204 at 140, 205 at $13, 206 at 130, 207.t 137. 203 et $50. 209 at $72. 210 .e 125, 211 .t $102, 221 at 125, 213 .s $31, 214 at $47, 215 at $85, 216 at $33, 217 •t 173, 218 at $54. COLBORNE• July 3rd, 1902 Colman met in the toweehip hall, all the members present. Mloutes of last menthe, read and signed. 11. Morris laid a com- plaint with Ile council 'hat the pathmestrr an h1s division removed • culv.rt sad thereby ceased damages to hie property. Moved by Roa,erteen, seceded by Attrill, that the oompldtoe be received a.d thet the wpoed inverti.ate the matter eti the ground. Curled John Seeds presented aa'acctunt for eerier ter oemetety fence and shovelling graved, $12.15. Morel by Robe rigor, eeoonded by Attrill, thee geld .o count be pelt!. Carried. Moved by Hill, 'wooded by Robertson, that the Inspector ot .ozions wee le take action to outs where oomplalot hoe been made and also notify all [tattles OD whore premises be finds weeds to out the sante Carried. The 5, Iowlogao c.•u.te w, re pald,v zWtlll.m Johns, mower, 339.05: Willl,m Johns, dl•ch, 13 : Thome 9l,tcbell, In'.pectins, $325; Mnototp.l World, staru'e labor I lie, 11.90; Wm Yrom.o, reps ring bridge on boundary, 11 50 ; Joteph Thompson, r*pa'ri.g bridge, 15 : Albert fln!dthorpe. cedar for culvert, $9 05 ; James Jones, road work, $13.62 ; .1. .1 Moore, 40 rode leooe around cemetery, 120.17 15. lock', 12.04 ; Andrew Iten.et', gravellerg, $22 ; ,1 ..ph Bell, Iospeoting, 52.50: Arch. F H,rtnn's team on grader, 53.50; John Barker, building culvert, $3.257 John Htrker,repelnag culverts, $16. Cousothsdj,oroed to meet .gal. August 4th •t 2 o'cloek r. M. F. W. Mcbowsotr, ' ROYAL MUSKOKA NOW OPEN. CwrN+ Are Arriving Dolly at (believe 0.r seer teeer/, The oposing of the new Roy•I Muskoka Hotel, oo Lake Rousse, fttn•kek• Lokee dl.tnot, for the season of 1902 hu been s source of sat;.taotloe to the proprietors., and the reaery.tloss mut hay. boon m.d• up to the moment for .000moddton •t this rumen &suture the sumer' of the venture. Guests are arriving dally, and by pelt week hoo- dr.de of people will be enjoying she beanrle. of Msekok• with the sd•antege of sojourn, log in one of the best summer hotels In Am- erica. Among the guest" at the hotel now are prominent people from Buffalo, Cbioage, New York and other American ol0le., es well u many remedies'. The Ontario Government, in oonjanotleo with the Greed Trunk Railway system, Is onntboe.ng the policy Inaugurated last year of restocking the Morkok• lakes with par ent bur. The first carload wee deposited in Ltte Rowean, June 20. and • finer lot of base hays seldom been peen. Let year 10,000 fish were transplanted foto the north ere lakes with much emcee's, The fishier t hYeer In the Make s lakes b good, rome.xe 11.0t cttabes having been sed., the bass running from two to four povods, and plokerel frem two to eight poandr, rhe Ageslalsg raise .1 ■be.m.tl.se. Swollen, aehlog Uinta. muscles are stiff and sore, every moment accompanied by pain. The most potent remedy le Potton s Nerrlltne, which has five times the paln- sobdu!tg power of any other propitiation. Apply the Nervllloe copiously, rub 11) co well sod then bind in a hot fi%nnel bandage This will mare the worst arse In • sheet time. Try Nervllles for Rhemnatiem, n euralgia, sm.tlaa or lumbago -It's all right and only oasts • quarter. Dr. Hamilton's P111. ours cr nstlptloo. Torenli+Craved Exhibition. The pr'ze lists for Toronto's One] An nnal Agricultural Krposleloo and Industrial Fair, which this year will be held from Sept..lot to Sept 13:5. both dotes lneludv., le being distributed. It is compiled on a more than penally liberal wale, several materiel •Iteretb+n. e.4 additions having been made to (5, 11vr stook sad other Mas - . e.. In foot. there Ie Abundant evidence in the prise Ibet that the exeentdre are res. Mead that Toronto Exhibition shell amply mabotaln Its reputation As the best annual Mir In the *helm world. The premiums, with an uncommonly large number of spec - t.1 prises, aggregate tntween thirty -flve and forty thousand dollar", arranged with an eye single to t1e en.'rnragement of the interests ofthe reentry. to Industrialex- hlMts as well as In live Hook, and repeatedly In the dairy doperement, the Fair she year will wnredly be ahead of all Ito predeoe.v- n n, while as regards entertainment the single eneavo0emont that the meet Ki•ally has been engaged to prodoae his wonderful apeotwle,"The Orient," the% for years ettreet.d moltltodes to Olympls,in leaden, Eng , ie oaf iolen1) to stamp It •e of the highest *lase that matey pan procure and art devise. There win also be many other feature", star attrserlens In themeetyi. that le Toronto will he found on the one pro, gramme. Prize 11.5. end any other liters - tare or pertlenlars required, can be heti by achireetelng H. 3. RIO. Seesatary and Man- ager, 32 Klee Serest, Rut, Tornwro,Ooi, Anner4Ine Inc de.at.oh from Ottawa the likelihood I. that Thanksgl•tng Day this year will h. Axed for Neem her 20, .1. thongh In deference to the whales .1 the besieges community 11 may be pit, off moil November 27 Peep,* who wish to enjoy the holiday would like N nslehr.te 1t oath er In nny.mb.r, or In the pr•o ling month, whim the weather is mere favorabi.-pat of deer.. SWEET -BRIAR. The wonderful display of flowers of the sweet -briar Goshen along the harbor hill has been the atiuuretiou of visitors tins stastxt. The 3141011 has been delighted by the fulness of blowout, and the fragrance hes been uurteeposediugly rich. Uursug the pest fortnight it iuok,ol a,, of Nature along the hill -side was en fete, the bright flowers ehowwg hiihatttly upou tine dark greet) loaves cf the sweet -briar bushes. M Thus. Mc(lilliuuddy, of Toronto, has been inspired to write the folluwiug, after wit ueesing the beautiful 41:01113: THR ewRUT-aaiAR ON Tile II ILL. Oh, the sweet -briar um the hill By the harbor and the mill, N hure the uanouu points above the woAleu stair' 'Tho Lhere I love to rest As the sun sinks iu the west, And breathe again the riwWy..ceute.l sir. And wherever I may go, in the laud of palm or snow, lar memory I shall carry with me still The many happy hours I have spout among the sower., And thehill. w fragrauof the ,west -briar on the '11m there two lovers walk, And oh, the Louder talk They breathe along that scented hill -side 0 While the msldon'e happy blushes Match the lutes on the bushes Of the twee' -briar growing there so rich and wren. And oo they plight their word A listening, tel! -tale bird Singe out the banns with many a joyous trill. God grail that all their life May be Ives from care end strife And u fragrant see the sweet -briar on the hill. An old roan oft is seen By ,hat htlleide dolled green With the stunted sweet -briar that he knot) e so well ; And the odor -laiden air. lake an oft -repeated) prayer, Sweet memorise of by -gone days will tell. Fur it makes him think of one Alas, forever forte, Who in the silent Lily sleeps so still ; Yet &bete her quiet grave Thorn ruay be found to wave Sante sweet -briar that has grown upon the bit'. 1LUEVALt. TL'L.DAT, July 8. Wllll•m Sanderson, of Toronto, is visiting friends here. M.o. Maggie 1) meat, sf Toronto, Is visit. tog her parents here. Maes &doggie Rrbertee., of Wroxeter, le victim" rsl•I .ves here this week. Mr.. George Haney and Iwo children were visitiag relatives at Sesfortb. Toe Moms. McKenzie. of Luukoew, •i dted at Robert Menou,b's this week. I)tolei Mao [)ncId. *1 Palmerston, visited his cools, George A1.otuaald, this week. }lir. and Mrs William Stewart and little deugFt^r, rt 91 id, 01, are visit•ng 1• the village. Mr. Dtvies, lumbar, Inspector for the Koeohtel M•nuf•aturing Co., Mall la [hat- reds today, Mrs John M.clo'osh and children', of Molesworth, vetted her parents, Mr. sad Mrs. Thomas Coultas. this wools. Mrr. Juh• Fewostt sod baby, who have been visiting to Owen Sound for some time per., reter-led home oo Msaday, Mrr. I Rev.) Rogers, Mies L'll a Rogers sod Mester Fred Rovers, of Fordwleb, visited friends IQ Bluevals thl. week. Alesuder Messer hes soured • rood po.Ition with the Sawyer Macey Co ., of Hamilton, sad will leave inertly to begin his week. --- - Mike bad !two to the employ of • largo Ices looedry for lorry years, when it wound op its business and rh• works were eloped. hest morning he met els neighbor I'•t, who esti. "Oi hear, Mike, diet yrs le out of worrk." "Shure, this 01 am, Pao." "Were yes. long there, Mike?" "For forty years. me bboy ; but, betwane the two •v too O: knew that 1t won't • steady job from the day 01 went .hero." -Hooton 'Timer, A good Story is told by • poerothoe clerk Inc. Oatarlo town who war behind the wicket one day when • pretty, hut, opulent- ly rather shy young lady oam• op to h'm and meted 1f there were soy lettere tor her. "Would at be • love.letter or •n ordinary letter ?" he asked, "Jost an ordinary ons," she said and the clerk shu1H•d through the pile but oould find none ad d to her. Two or three minute, later th• young ledy again appeared. "Weald 1t be too much trouble to von, sir," she asked, her feoe sof- fused In bluebell, "to felts a lietle look through the love -lettere." The POINT FARM, SEASON OF 1902. OPEN THIS WEEK The improvements at the Point Earm being advanced almost to completion, the Hotel will be open for guesto this week. The management wish to draw atten- tion ospacdally to the advantages of The Point Farm se a resort for pleaenre parties from town. Every provision will be male for the reoeptlon and entertainment of such parties. There is nowhere a more delight- ful spot to spend a day or an evening, end visitors will always be m•dt welcome. The Huron, Bruce & Grey Electric Ry. Co., Limited, P.O. Box 73. Goderloh, Ont. Coal! JUST RECEIVED 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. This t;net le gond for stoves sad ara.er 'm easily lighted Yd gives out . "twee het, 1 Car West Virginia_Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Itlssbllnn Welshed Nab 30eu per 100 1bi, er !$13,150 per tee. - -RINK 1T A TRiA1,, Wm. Campbell. Godevktb, March loth 1902 31, 1d &soden are simply kidney disorders. The kidneys filter the blood of All that shouldn't be there The blood passe through the kid- neys every three minutes. 11 the kidneys do their work no impurityor cause of disorder can remain in te circulation longer than that time. Therefore ifour blood le out of order ,your kidneys have failed in their work. They are In need of stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all three the tines. and meat imitated blood tttedictem these is Dodd's Sidney Pills 1 i I I I I I 1 1 t I i ,rj T i OUR SHEET STEEL PRESSED BRiCK 1, on ;,Zealing. either for new 1,,k nga air 11111,0,111g uW IT 11 VERY EASILY AMO QUICKLY APPLIED, CITES PERFECT MEATHER PROOF PROTECTION, It P1RE, LICNTNINC ARO RUST PROOF ARO 00041 VERY UTILE. 1'. ,de its fine Appearance - Its splendid enduring. quiditie.- and .451 expense -and dank to .orfs )our own best interests 5) using it. Fullest dews u( inf rmatiou in ver catalog. METALLIC ROOFINC CO., LIMITED, wwoI..aie etaauraot..rer., TORONTO, CANADA. rblt -AI,k 111' Lee 81%101 The Division between goal oodhndlsertnt Drugs and Medloines le strongly defined here. The Indif. ferent kind are never order.',, and Dever permitted to form part of onr stock. Only goods of nadounred purity are offered to ouatnmen. Our sleek of Proprietary Medicines I. very larSe. )'rices are Iv Ir. F. JORDAN MKDICAI. HALL. 11 Is movieQ forward. Winter term bogine Jan 2, 1002. Our rates are reasonable, our coarse' of etude thorough had trend for onr Journal sad "es what wea teach. 8tudeats may enter at any Cline. Torn octanes of study, Commerotal and ShorthAn (' A.p►riLSYIN%, A. L. McIINtoTYRE, Owen Bound. hb.towel. ¶osiSi. ilakory. JordBaock. n Mc K I M'S l Uoderich, Ont. BARGAINS IN u m mer Goods. Balance of our trimmed Millinery at HALF PRICE. Special Value in Muslins, -All the newest in the market. They should have been sold in June, but the bot weather prevente;l it. They will be sold in July. Prices will do it. 200 pounds of Wool, Berlin, Floss, Fingering, etc. This season's colors. Prices are right, some 24c an oz. 75c Homespun, good color, 50c. Elegant Wrappers for $1 00. Beautiful new Wrapperette, only 10c. See our Bargain Table. It will pay you. New Idea Magazine, the best Ladies' Magazine in the market, and the price is not IOc, bat 5c. McKIM'S BUSY STORE. Every Cyclist Deserves Dunlop Tires Do you want the best tires -Dunlop Tires? Or do you want to pay just as much for the second but ? Dunlop Tine for Carriages and Auto. - solid rubber and pneu- matic. DUNLOP TINE leo.. LIMITED TORONTO, Shorewood for Sale. Having established sawing and split .log meohlnery at my Coal and Wood Yard at the heed of Nebom street, sad having a urge stock of_ Cordwood on band, 1 .m In • position to furnish first classStove Wood promptly .ad at reasonable rates. Terms, mesh ss de. livery. Office, Nelson 85. Teti F. BARLOW HOLMES. J. BROPIIEY & SON - THE LRADIN,l - unerta\ I vreetore.otant\ Y. moa\mer a . Order• carefully attended Me er all ha■ra. ■Igbl or Mar. Q metier atreel. 1908 + 1908 LISTOW1 i have bought out D. CAN- TELON'S Baking business, and will keep on hand bread made from the beet Manitoba flour that can be bought. I am introducing ail kinds of bread : Vienna Bread Whole Wheat Bread Graham Bread Malt Bread Currant Bread Stearn and Cream Loaves Twist and will make a specialty of Pure Home-made Bread Thi', bread is made from hope end malt yeast, which is pronounced by the medical health officers of Perin and 01d London, Eng., as the moat wholesome breed, and they condemn the forced -raising -yew process that is used hy bakers in factories as being unwholesome and indigestible. - D. J. CURRY. WORSELL'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Eaoestroughing, Metal Roofing and Siding, Dairy Tinware, Irian Pipe and Fittings .. , CHEAP. Mcltillop gdllap Fire Issanuce Co. rARM AND ISOLATED TOWV PROP- ERTY INSURED. t sValae of Property Insurel op to January, 1901 -. mt,eM,Miose °n ot;RRA AND DIRR4.T(t04. J. R. McLean pre..: T. Fraser, vine.erns. ; Jas. Connolly,b. Dale. W. O. HHrouitoot, J. Watt, Ju. i owns, J. O. Grieve, J. Bennewels. directors; W. O. Hroadtort, Seaforth, Inmper to of losses ; T. E. Hays, Heaforth, 'sOretary• treasurer. AORNT*; J. W. Yeo, iliolmeavllle; James Cumming Rgtnondville ; It McMillan, Heaforth : ft Smith, Harluok. Polley -holders can pay %Assessments .ml get their nerds Pooeipted at Mr. ('oats'. Clinton. or at Mels•. Brea' palace Clothing Store, Oode doh Mill Wood FOR SALE The above is cit into stove woofs ben=th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. • PETER McEWAN. G,Aferich, Novemher 214, 1899. 53-3m RHYNAS & CORNELL UNDERTAKERS= EMBALMERS, Etc., West side of Square, OODERICH, - ONT. Night calls promptly aasarered- H. BARLOVi HOLMES keeps constantly on hand and sella at the lowest prices Hard and Soft Coal, Cannel Coal, Blacksmith Coal, Charcoal, Wood, St. Mary's Lime. The burst brands of Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe, Firebrick, Fireclay. It will pay you to inspect hu stock and gut prices before purchasing. Ohio• and Yards et the bead of Nelson Street, Ooderioh. o all Sue. TAILORING... I hams received my New Sloes of Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. If you are getting • new spring salt, a light overco•l, or anything in my Ilse, I o•n please you to goods, hl and price. rrtead,.Nade l leleslag la clerk. H. DUNLOP, T:« HELLO THE OLD' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THE HRtiT SCrfflltOfl Bard Coal IN THE MARKET AI Coal weighed on the Market Reales where yon'get NO0 lbs. for • ton. WM. LEE. Orders left at L36E h sEsTahhiyS Store promptly attended N. A Great Snap_✓ is our Ginger Snap, at Soo. a pound, of which we sell • barrel a week. This isn't our only se.p, se we carry everything that can b. found 1s an no. to dab* 'rectory store, and our prions are tight. The termites know that they clan always pee from Ds a snap for their produce. W. drew the line •t oe Legitimate trade - everything gees (llaa.ware or potetoee, garden stuff or ohoioest table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO .s Redford block, Go I.rleh DO YOU BUY CROCERIES? No oho who buys (lroceriee can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on *eery lawful husines's day. Our (Jroceritn am of the best quality, and the price* are as low as first-class geode can he bought at if you are not already dealing with u*, make a trial purchase, and tee if we cannot suit you. STTmT)R.7ZY az CO. THE GROCERS, WEST SIDE SQUARE. E3Goods promptly delivered. - Telepbooe 1fa 91.