The Signal, 1902-7-17, Page 44 TBOBeoAT, July 17, 1902. Summer Beauty and Comfort . Requires the right kind of Shirts. The Shirt Waist Man will find in our stock that which gives him pleasure in his appearance and makes him comfort- able. The Man Who Doesn't Approve of Shirt Waists will find our stock full of good things for warns days. Summer Clothing and Furnishings throughout our store. W • O. PRI DRAM. We hays just received aao'ber shipment of boys' Shirt Waist., wit tb arc so popular this season. iglu Signal, u pveu.® EVERY THURSDAY MORNING NT B. NeHMAI lN11 OOHER108. THURSDAY. JULY 17. 11Ma THAT MAJORITY OF ONE. THE Globe and The Mail are dis- cussing Rose' majority of one from every point of view, and The Globe feels quite a pside in having that ma- jority of one on the right side of the le Iger, even going so far aa to express a desire to know which bright, par- ticular star in the 49 is the one in question. Thu is what The Globe says: There is one matter in regard to which we confess to feeling hurt. It is the tx,n- temptuous references mule to our ma- jority of one. I1 mus% be said that the Liberal party has never telt no warmly towards • majority during its whole glor- rone career. if the party toald dis_over which particular member it is, it coull strain him to its bosom in a manner that would be Dome intimation of how Liber- al; feel towards him Now, really, make- believe aside, would not the Opposition like to have him? Of course, we are modest people up in West Huron, but if The Globe is really anxious to know where Roan' majority of one comes from we can truthfully soy that it is from this neck of the woods. As is well known West Huron was conceded to the enemy, neck and crop, by all of the Liberals outside of the constituency and by not a few who dwelt within the walla ; our good friends the Tories were cock sure that the Liir e sl race was run and lost in this riding ; the Alliance, as they called themselves, were wide open in their belief that the "Ros.erendum" had knocked the bottom out of the ballot - box, so far as the Reformers in West Zircon were concerned ; and last, but girt leant, the Whiskey Tories -wino are a goodly tribe -were eatistied the* the wool was pulled over the eyes of so many softelell (:rite that the al- leged temperance sentiment and sound Tory politics would carry the day. If West Huron had not been oalrried for Liberalism against all of these disconcerting conditions there would have been no majority of one for Ross. is it any wonder, then, that we throw back our head, heave Out out chest, and feel proud t A TORY CANDIDA TE CANNOT BE INDEPENDENT. DURING the recent campaign in West Huron Tne SIGNAL took the ground that there was no room for an independent man atnong the Tory candidates. Force of our Liberal friends, however, were gulled into the belief that the impossible was possible and worked for and voted for the WHITNRT candidate in the rifling. For the edification of our frionde who Wert carried away by folly on the oc- casion we now submit the policy of the Tory party on this particular line. It wasenunciated by RIcnARn BLAIN, IL P. ,kr Peel, and enthusisaticatly mama es the meeting of the On- ♦arie Conservative Aesociition held fn Victoria Hall, Toronto, iti me(liate ly after the election: In his speech On the election of officers at the rAM- ing Mr. BLAIN, as reported hy The Toronto World, said : "I need not esy that the iwrition es •avant became (1. F. Matter, who for- merly occupied it, ha ween fit to differ from his parry. Yon we') know what the citizens of Toronto did with him for doing so. I SAY THERE IS NO PLACE iN THE RANKS FOR iNDE- PRNDENCE AND DIFFERENCES WITH OUR LEADER, WREN WE ARE FIGHTING FOR ViCTORY. statement This e b w Y made not only fn tete presence nisi. P. W unsay, the leader, hot JAMRP MITY'NRI.L. the de- feated oandidele in West Huron was sloe present, and approved of the etteranee, for we are told that the re- marks of Mr. BLAIN were unanimous- ly .Nrioraewl with cheers'. it will be remembered that Mr. Marra. was at One t ime leader of the Cosseervseive party in Ontario, bat WAS deposed because of his attitude on the temperance question. Now he is thrust into outer darkness by his party, by a unanimous vote, because he, who had been leader, dared to think and ect inde- pendently on the referendum and one or two other issues. And yet it was drummed into the ears of the electors of West Huron that it would be possible for an inexperienced man to go to the Legislature and act an in- dependent part where an able parlia- mentarian and a former leader of his party had failed. The temperance Liberals who were caught napping on May 29th will be able to do some serious thinking along this line be- tween now and the next time for marking their ballots, and we don't think they will ever again be caught with such chaff'. SNAP SHOT S. -If Rata doesn't reeign ,WHITIIY will have to be r.elgned. . - This time The tilobe's majority of one appears to mean something. - The Mail can work up a collision more easily than it can get together a coalition. - The political situation will have a chance to simmer during the legal vacation. -Tho Provincial election of 1902 will be kuuwn as the Whiakyand W at,.r'n.mp.ign -The coronation contingent will he known aa the contingent that didn't coven - ate. - Keep your eye on the Heron, Bniee and Grey Electric Itailway project. lee a winner. In the matt er of protests, it was HAMLAT who said, "Methinks the lady doth protest too much." -The Mail is still in a state of mind re- girling the elections held in Ontario on May 29th, last poet. -303 ratepayers in Ashfield said by their votes that they prefer riling on elec- tric cars to walking or trotting. --The two grand old political parties are either working up an elegant crop ot aaw- off. or are deviein • a fine harvest for the g � party lawyers. -The Lscknow Sentinel admits that that village and vicinity were the chief oontributors to the defst of the eleotrie railway bylaw in Ashfield. All right. Lucknow, the electric railway company will see you -later. - We learn that the Mayor of New York hes begun a aeriee of weekly talks to the people of that city on municipal snhjecta. We observe also that the Mayor of Toronto ham been talking weakly to the Moulders' Union of the (preen City. -The Hon. WILLIAM MACDOC"ALL was on one oecaion elected to Parliament by a msjori'y of one. When uldrea'ing the electors after the returns were all in, a Philistine in the crowd bawled out, "What about your msyot ity ?" The reply was short, sharp and ,ln-ieuYe : "My majority is all right ; it in tot large, but it is eminent- ly respectable and will serve its turn." Cheer, greeted the statement., and Mr. IIAcnoroArl. had the privilege of sitting s full term in the Nouse, and doing good work for his cvmetituenta. WMA r 01 HERS ARE BAYING Its (RRATt.Y 'TAKTtxn IIKR. Noottlsh American At a dieser party were p t e young widow sad a newly- m.rnrd lady, whose hosl,snd, a Hrn Iib officer, hod lately beet ortered to L.die. An old military yeetleman wee asked to take the widow to diener, hut uefortu nattily he was under the Impreselnn that his partner was the Rawly married lady its they wero Droning the hall the yoana widow, fatting h.reelt, sald, ' It is vo'y warm here.'"'Yee." replied the old geatlemen, "lost not nearly so warm as the place year hothead bas gaa. toe' ARt VOP Ai.0REh or Yot'R iweritairc ' Ottawa Citizen : Ars yea Insured? Some men'hiek they are till they have occasion to resort to th• oenrte and thee they die °over that things ars not what they seem. Ancording to a reeenl deetslon a pelloy 1s Got in fora. *Ill the premtem he. been an Wally pend, even t.honeh lbs noliov hes been Issued The plaintiff le the owe was the Doherty Organ onmpsny of Cltntne, wallah Maimed $10 000 tn.aranoi nes lea pplant. "11 m.y strike BOT.," oommata the Ilam Ilton Times. "that it Is not quite joist that this onmp.ny whleh would have had • valid Maim for tte prsminme, and whtoh by Its settee hi tuning the policies showed that It was willing to honor the needle e1 lbs In• gored, shook' thea sws0rs re.pemslhlllty, but that appears t.er be the law." Tomer,' "Are nr Doren IT. Ny.Wd.r, 1a Weskly Nun : The Shah e( Pests as • violent ►a Romps Is svldeutty THE SIGNAL : GODERIOII ONTARIO gtyiug koehle to the master of aeremoalss. 11 tole, some time for the Nast to learn the naooera of the West. Bull see what friendly h,teroouree with Europe hu done for the Snell It has done in his obis what 1t did la c se of J•pe°. He hes made unity reforms, established Into 'duoattoo, eo.ouraged his nobles to seed their sone to Europe to be educated, lttroduu.d regularity and economy into the system of taxation, granted hie .ubj,uts a free pias., and Intoned mercy Into h's penal code. The pegs male of prupag.tl0r European oivl6r•tIon In Portia would have been to pick • •; 1 with the Stab, Invade and devastate his dominions, and "paint them red." We see to this uses. as In that of Japan. 11a1 then are other than jingo methods of propagating oltil oatloo. TIi [la MAtu'LLIt.1i nRnx•', Toronto Star : At • meeting of Ootano ('oo.ervasoYla Ylotorla 11.11 'saintly Mr. R'.ohard Blain, M. Y., lu,k • promin- eot part. la the election of tthoers he rowed to displa0. Mr. ti. F. Muter from one of the ma presldeooles ot tl.e Ontario Conservative Assool.tto0, and The World reports his remarks as fellows : "1 need out say soy that the pueltluo is vacant be ciente U. F. Marten. who lor¢orly 000sp'.4 it, has seen fit to ()Hier from his party, 1'ou all know what the tilt, we of Toronto did to him for doing s.. 1 say there le no pieta in the ranks for Independence and offereooee with our leader when we are tlrhting for victory." And we are told 1011 Mr. Hlalai statsmeols were endorsed with cheerio Mr.S. H. Blake will read the re port with Interest,becauie In the samereport the same Mr. Realm, M.1'.,secundiog another resolution. is reported as saying "that such met a S. 11 Blake, K. 1. , hod other good, thloktee, honest Liberals bed become die - gusted with their party, and had 'Imported the C nese." Tao oew mounts, if there are any, have now their marohtog or- ders. Mr. tis hltney tolerates no iodepei- deuce or differences of oplaios. A YIu,TL'T A0AIN.T T116 1•Altonl'. Woodetork Sentia.:-Review: Canadian papers republish from • C'bic ago joarn•i a parody on Gray's Elegy by `i 1'Kiser with • subjeot that hes already supplied so meob materiel 10, lbs alleged humorists ot the °ailment, that 1t is begi.olne to pall on new.pap.r re•dero-the operations of J 1'. I'ierpenl Morgan. Hite 1s one of the versos: Some mate, Inglorloos Y.bush, wile never booked The oink •t Muote Carle, may be hire, %There broken pickets from the ftnae si street The path that once was often trod and °leer. A man who would take u poem Tike Gray's Elegy and turn it ls:o vele, Tike the above should be given six months in i .11. 1e titers to be nothing sowed In our len/aegis ? We can see nothing humorous In twist icy sum• of the noblest lines tint have ever been written and I are among the moat pr:oe• lest p.ss.seloos of the rate into twaddle of tis a sort Mr Kiser le to • close with the man who tit uks It • great j.ke!o sled Into an sr. '.lieu aril put red paint oo the noes of the moll beautiful and meat highly pried states in lbs plaee. --- --- THE POPULAR V0'TF.. Woo1.'o,k 5,otinsl Review: This task •bout a popol•r majority .gainer Ile K NO Government it hardy worth whtleo.t ciog. The malteds by which the tot..l yo'e is .:ompoteJ, particularly in th• treatment o the loth p,odeot vote, might be severely crit o ria', but that 1. not oeceou: y. The fur Is tbat we do not elect our l.giel't urs by the g.n.ral rote r tho Provlooe, bot by c instil ueocise and unless the oonstiteeuo'e• are oerved up to suit political purpose,. no one has any right to draw boy c000lustoos from Its total figura, Io Ontario pr.,vtc- o,al politica there ha been so attempt at getrymaoder. The riding. have been so constructed that there v ,ted together who hays had common Iptereste as residents of • nonny or tf the same s.otloo of . eouoty. British president has been roil oh, followed. The A'rerlcan par ty devioe of the gerrymander hu only oow been lotroduoed in this etoantry and that was by the l'.,nieryative adminletratlon at (J owa, As • rails ot that measure In 1882 while tit. Conoerv•tye esti In 1)1 Mhowas 138 316 and the L beret 134 555 lea then 4000 differeoai, there were 54 Conservative end 38 Liberal members With 4800 difference to 1887, the memters et034 55 to 37. l0 1891 there were a Lib era! popular m.inity of 1000 and 48 Con- e rvative and 44 Liberal members. to 1896 Psi Libersls had about the same colonise m.joruy es tit. Con.ervablves bad in 1884. nut they had only 47 members to 45 Con- servative., a majority of !.. where the C:en seryatlres hal 16. In these results there was oeu.e for oomplalot,hut boomer(' spec flu astloo wa mem to bring them shoo •. 11(1(5 11KA1'11 ON tKI'K TRAM!. London Spectator : All free -►rollers will rejoice at the *mashing blow dealt to the i.III ho s of the °Not loo N byS r 1 uhasl W D H-clo-B,ach In the Haase of Common.. After his speech It Is !mpeseth's to enter- tain the n•,tioo than the (ioyeroment bave any lot.otlon of meking oouorssions to those who tulnk that we are bleeding to death biosuee we do so largo a foreign trade, or to those who regard the inestimable ad- vantages of a tree and open market .e equivalent to being turned Into '• damping ground' for foreign anode. The bl..dloi,- to-deatb theory Sir Mloh•el flicks Bach an.wered rub and for •11 by appealieg to the growth of the Morten tax and of the sayings beak deposit.. t'ar'p'. who .re bleeding to death de not per on weight As to the notion that you use keep out menu featured articles while allowing raw mt- terlal to enter, the Chanoellor of the Rr- obiqu.r wan tonally explicit. 'If anybody looks through the list 0l our imports end xnnrts and oan draw the lin• httween raw materiels and m.notaotur.d goods, he w111 be a much cleverer men then 1 em.' W. iml "r', ft r exampl 1-9,000,000 worth of [either. ill mai her s raw material or a manufactured as►iole? We oaeoot farther eammar.ze Sr Michael ifiokr-H.aoh'. speech. but we must oonera'ulate both him •nd the Government end the nation on the manly an•i unequivocal denl.ratlon ms.'e by him en /he question or proten(lon-+red made by btm, b. 1' reread, to We u'p-.clty es Chancellor of the Keoh.g,er, and tepee - of the (l.bie.r. Thal ties, leclaratlon may to same rztent reconcile ((Grob/oder. to the impoeltt.o of our own AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. ImprevIng (7) Ten...... ('et. Marys A.go..) Howe rr it 1. It seems to me 'tie only noble to he good, Or heing b.1. to have good Yields Who'd say that you're m!enader.toi.d, Nerrak t.r the aespb.rry: Denda. (tanner. It wee an English ehnrnh bishop who said 11 .t Ord could here made a Netter terry than the .trawb.rry but never did. The Strawberry .seeon Is practically over end a spl.edid season it has been, so that every. I.sely has had his share e) this delightful fruit. But respherrloe are not so had, and Imre they come. The strawberry le dead; fent Bye the rapb.rry' Weisel llsepeed to ,labs wsumaker. IRmoardlne Itevlew,l Constable Pett pet wind of him 'soaped natty, Jolla Nanemeker, item (ioserinh, lees week, and Immediately set forth to r, - cover him. Hs 111 so and brought him to Klnoardiee. where he was trial Inn esnipl.g the ousted, of a policeman and omens! ted Me was taken to Walkerton nn Friday hy (Inn.tahle Prete and tried summarily by .Indy* Harrell and released on enspead.d ssntenoe, rerersleg; to Kineerdiee with (.o.tahle i'ratt. New aleam.r fee 'be n.wNaN■ iI.1 Sec ((loll Iigwnnd nalietle 1 Mr. imam Clark, monoses e1 the Daubs - STYLISHNESS for the ladies. COMFORTABLENESS for the pea. RUGGEDNESS for the children. We've picked our 'lock according to these ideas. And style doesn't leave out durability. Neither do It long wear sacrifice. louka. It needn't and it doesn't. All-round shoe goodness for every member of every (amily. As tow as $1 00 a pair A. high se 55.00, but all worth what you are asked to pay. W. SIIARMAN Ion Fob Co., says the new steamer which Marlton of Goderlch 1s hutldtog for the company to replace the Hiram R. Dixon, whlob was plaod on the Lobe Superior service, will not be ready for launching until early In September, but w111 be ready for the Ooiober ,aeor. The new craft w111 be • staunob vessel with about flee fret more beam than the Dixon, though a few feet shorter. She will have plenty of pow - er std to every way to be adapted tor the putfcolar business of the conpny's North Shore fishing Interest.. Nr .NUrkell'. aright. Bream. tSeaforth sun.) K liter Mitchell of The hod.rlob S:arwas s Dison of ailler at this ot3ee on S.Iorday Isar. Mr Mitchell was the Co.senativ. oandldste Tor West Heron in the recent election. He informed us that a protest has bren filo 1 against Mr. C'amsrco, the Liberal eaedidete, sed le vary hopeful of the '.sal s wh'eb ars exproted to fol'ow. M•. Mitchell was misrepresented ty the Liberal. to Gee electors to West Hoon, hence his defeat. We have n,t tit• Iso, doubt but that Mr.Capieroow•Ilba vnseat,d end that s new election may be oohed. la case this tenure, Mr. Mitchell's majority wit be one to W proud rf, not • mere 'roll• of 21, his opponent's mSioite at prswot. MR. BLAKE COMPLIMEN TED. Hon. E loud Bloke is ,shrug mush orals• from cenire;toal sad shipploy j euruals in Great Britain fur • IL minutes, speech he made in the bongo of Commons on she steamship trust. The Shipp OR World say.: "it le somet Mow •paroanbiog • miracle to get anyone In the Honse of ('om- mons to talk sense shout toteroatlonal aommerc at relation., sod shlpp.og engaged in the oversea tr.de. And the little 'pt.oh of Mr. Blake, who followed the geol.l Old itepo.slb'e Mr. James Lowther and the leader M the (louse, oontaioed more eaourate Information, sound principles sod wise crowed than anything that ha beet, sold In the Haase of C.,mmooe to the same spew el time for a geo-rot oo." Ooe postage is Mr. titaki.speech. which ei thus approvingly rl tarred to. le se follows• • Whs' hal happened was a tribute to and an aokn.wledgmeot ot, thesnundoeseof Ern tali policy with regard to the carrying trade. What hail happened was that the Americana had bought • lot of Eogheh ships for h•if a math Iran as they were worth In order to carry on competl'ioo with (treat Britian. Taal was what the team was •I)01 (Cdee of "No.") He thought so, and ho thought It woul I be found out when dividend day came. Not- wlthetaodicg this Frust object Item, the right hon. gentleman de,lared that we had destroyed tn. true gods, and set up false dole." 11 ought to preys a pay Ing bu, nem for Hrltisb shiplalldere and owners to .ell veseels at 150 per Dent. of their value. 15 w 11 tike time, but they can puled new °nee to comps[• for the ocean trade, and n Is net Lkely that ocmpetltlon oo the high 1031 our be meshed out permanently by any nombinatlon of capital. There oan be re) tariff wells to efeatioally restrict oompetl- lion In title oase.-Guelph Mercury. A WONDERFUL CASE ricked ep ■ Rewnlspr see by se Dolma Oared Per Nobe■d s Llrr. Ottawa. Oat, Jahr 14. `lpeolal)- Overge H, Kent, of 309 Gilmore et., was dylog with Bright'. (hews,. He was in the yery last et ,gee, and the physicians had given him rep. At hat one 'ironing the phys ecios told hSo wife that he could not live until morn - tag. W bile wetohiog at the bedside Mr.. Kiat happened to wok up a paper °entwining an advertise Hent of e acre of Rr.ght'e Dr' by Dodd'. Kidney Pelle. A m.esen,er woke ■p the • Cr', . gat end prnrnrrd st)'+f of Tyed"'. Ridney Pale, which Mr. Kent began to take a1 en0e. He oommenced to Improve, and he was well end at work in tw, menthe. If. h.. n,4 feet a day i hrangh ,knobs .ince. 'I'sa' wall year. aft. KISMET. Two shall bre bora the who!. wide world apart, And speak to different tongues and hays oo thought F:.oh of the other'd belay, and no heed ; And thew o'er unknown seas to nokeewn lands Shell more, s.oapleg wreck, defying death, And ell onooneolously shape every art And bend each wandering step to Otte one end - '1'hsb one day al she table they shell meet Ara bang rhe pleg-peeg ball souses the net. Terming News 11e R.reor. The marvelous cures of lletarrhoenne nes belmg mnoh talker shoot. Thomann! are daily reongnleing the exeeptional merit of tyle simple inhaler treaImem, and Instead of running to the 1lnotor with their winter Its they pr,teel themselves by (iatarrbneone; al kills *olds In the heed le tea mleeles, ymiokly relieves catarrh, bronchi' le, 'thins, lung troubles, and mires even though all other remedied, have failed. %elarrhrrone le very p1 , safe and oenv.elenb to nes. Ile hest reosmmesdetl.n M Its mermen. sal.; Wy It Islay. Prim 51.00, spall Nes 25a., at droolats. Bestreyrd by Wilt slog. Kincardine, July 9 -At three o'clock thts moroicg the barter light, situated on the end of the north pier. was wreck ty ligbtotog and burned. Upwards ot 100 pilot. of coal oil was to the building, and th• efforts of the firemen were uoavlllag. The steamer Pittsburg wee unable to enter the honor during the promises of the fire and landed her ps.seagere by insane of rho yawl boat. Nose resells of Impure Bred. A Liotohed, pimply, dlafigured 1.0., ferlmz of exhaustion, wrecked nen es, headache and a dull brain. The proper our. Is one Ferrerooe tablet after each meal Fern zone ocean and beaolifies the oompl.x'on by making rich, pure blood. It restores tits eufeebled brain end unstrung server to • healthy vlgoroai condition. It invigorates all the physics' and mental power,. and Brines strength and an.bttlrn to the depressed. Refute a eobstltote ter Ferri z ice -It's rho best tomo, rebullder and loripor.tor known. Prins 50o., al druggists or Polroo A C,., Klepton, Ont. Indigestion and nervousness areoften- the result of hurried mala. bbeys ttltervescent Salt, stimulates and tones the digest- ive organa enabling the stomach to digest perfectly. Those who suffer will find Abbeys Salt a perfect corrective of all stomach disorders. Dys- pepsia cannot be cured bydoc- toring the effect. Abbeys Salt removes the causes by enabling the stomach to do its work pro- perly. -A mild laxative. At all druggists. i STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP -AT THE OLI) STAND - Victoria Street, Godard JAS. A. STRACHAN has taken over the plant and holiness onodnota eaooeesfnlly for so may years hy hie father, the late D K. titr.ohan, and Intends refitting the shop In the most a•-bo.date man- ner passible. Hs will make a specialty (1 ell Mods of reoalrlep, Ranh as Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements Mill Machinery, Marine, Sta- tionary and Portable Engines thoroughly overhauled and re- paired. Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machine and Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the specialties manufactur- ed by the late D. K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. Oall or wrlb for psrtoalan. Jas. A,S1pchil tie COLBORNEca rYro41tI'h1h1dhIJ. I Dress Mustin and Gingham Sale. The balance of our Dress Mullins, all titre season's goods, will be offered et from 20 per ceut. to 50 per cent. discount. Every yard of what there is left must be sold at some pike. There are a fee ends ot Uinghams, too, that must go, no matter what they bring, for we will carry none of them over. W. hays • few pt.ow of lyhl Print., fast Dolor', worth 100, khat you nen buy for 5 Meow of oolored Samosas or Roane Satin., rooster pries 26D, for 4 pl.oe. Dress Goods, worth 20o to 25o, for Laces. 8c 1Sc 1 Sc A large assortment, new and fresh, from 10c a doyen to 150 a yard. Cosmopolitan Patterns. 'Phone 86. J. H. COLBORNE Something New .. . TEA TABLETS A pure Tea Extract to tablet form. (tae is hoe water immediately makes • cop of tea. BOX OF 200 FOR 50e Jost the thing for picnic and oatupiue parties, lave 1 krs, ala. W. bays LI1,1F: FRUIT JUICE, most hea'thlul of summer drinks. Remember the Crows* point of Importaoce In buying Perla Green Is rte purity. lo Delot purity is oompertively uasoo..ssry and meet of the green sold a adulterated tiers Is Bargee. Pure F:nalisb Perla Grua, and you can rely on It. 1t cost. you no more than the poor s uff, Land less w111 dt. Insect Powder. Hellebore All kinds or Fly Papers W.;'C. GOODE, Chemist, - BEDFORD BLOCK. . r When Harvest Comes There is a necessity for many things about the farm, especially BINDER TWINE. We are prepared to furnish the celebrated Plymouth Twines at the following prices. Gold Iledal at 16c a pound Golden Sheaf " 15c, Green Sheaf at 131c Plymouth Special 12c fa as At IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. N. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware .Store. Goderich, Ont. Hammocks Our line of Hammocks this season ranges from 75c to $5.00, We handle the famous "Stag" brand, known for their durability and feat colors. .1 34 x72 Hammock, full colt red, with pillow 51 50 A36x76• H mmock, full colored, with pillow 2,00 A 36 x 76 Hammock, full oolered, p111ow sod drapery 300 A 40 x 80 Hammock, fall oolored, blas or blank, s11k warp pillow, fringe drapery . 4.50 Croquet Sets, 4 Balls, 511 Mallet, $1.25. Croquet Sets, 6 Balls, 611 Mallet, $1.50. PING POND Full se', wooden rackets, 4 balls $1.00 Full set, skin rackets, 4 balls 2.50 Full set, vellum rackets 2.50 Sand Pepor Reckete, separate, 50c. Wood Rackets, separate, 25c. Baha be each, FOc a dozen. KIDD'S BOOK STORE YOU are perhaps dissatis- fied with the bread you are getting. It Is so dry it won't keep moist like PAR- NI:I.L-DEAN'S Bread that your friend next door is get- ting. Why not change?,. Our agent, Mr. W. P. Wes-‘ toby, will be only too pleased to supply you, as he calls daily on all your friends now. Our agent is W. P. es1oby HAMILTON STREET. Q O3ZEir/ICII Bread delivered fresh dally. $