HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 7,.
1. _
. 1'
��� a Wreck on
Mountain Lake,
(].'Irl It '. tor. A. It. Niml.w.0 fit th.•
m,•u lift, cowlroyr tarn(•(] tllefreyes
N. Y. RijilWaye
Lust Control of Gare on the Steep Uradi --Electric liars Crash Together at
New Castle, Pa.—Boulder, Cal., Also Itesports a !tall Street hallway
Accident—Boller of a Tug Bursts
Off Navesink.
%nlsleodam, N. Y., July 5. -At 11
deal tet flat- hlnatNry of the Ibuusyl-
yrlday ultfh.t a frightful &o-
vaafat tk Malatning Valley LlmtrL:
r,dr"t lap{wed vu the Mountain
RatilwAy, between here &kill Youngot.
lliwal laot Ilight.
,,,it.. Rahway, an electric road run-
The (]anti: J. H. Noedl•r, of Edhl-
ni„g Atxmt five miles tlurUl of Glu-
to a summer resort. Two
Fatally In 5ju el: C. F. Martukrff, Of
,arx were emnlrlg down, itis grade,
Trrurltmt, N. J.
Twoc&rn, each carrying nearly loo
o,am, behind the other. Tiro motor-
plraengerpo, crashed Ugpetiler un n
),,;.n flint cptanrol or taw rear car,
curve, neur. Edinburgh. tour roll"s
:tlml it ran iatft th, rirrt oar, tcicr-
`veal. sof plus city- ,
ug it. The curve tole for some dim-
In a barest Vemr !•nub.
I.,,,..„ tvll tlrl truck, and then left
Col.Chautauqua Jlannrl n ace.lr
i,,, u,aAk alkl overturned, fulling un
float dere
iho latdw-.II t". who were crushed
line lust luitiit, , uuowuntlaa aur
killed and tw•t my perfttrua injured
,uul,-nu+tUh Eleven Ierouun were
Three earn Were' heavily 1(-aded and
Lill. i Land ;ire injured. T4w,ro were TU
broken anitorktiletrail
tds car. Tito know
"I's fhain
huM! it
I,,, .a,•Ilg4•rrl
sillL is a complete ,,at of dead. all
rurhe:l flown thea hill with treneert-
dour %clucity, overturning at •%
of liluveruville:
beard in it*' track. The neptor c»r
Nal. Filwsrd J. Baird, aged 6ri;
wa■ twllly wrrelnrl, and it wan hl
N,wm 'it -eta Baird, Aged 3=; Mira
this and u{uml the platforms of
Marga t Main, aged :L' ; Mr.. t or-
rather Marr that intent of lire seri-
non ice. !Lan; Fitwwrd Davlte; Mr.
O11m accidents occurred,
Filw.Tit I Trevltt ; JUT. ';-I( ; Mrpo.
.Mar. .I #,maser Illl,llttfdr droll eetlrn af-
Je"a. i�luy; tilwarA, atm of Mr. and
ter b•lilg taken from the wTrs.
\Ills tiaMy ; Ile ulm/fkullfhml womn,t•
lea huller Ilursu.
cilli til! e and Htmerldaa m
r ed
' a 4U y-
s t
York, til i •r )
k, J ,. A tk ulcfa
far..” a.
term Higldan.lN of Nnverink rayw
Klerlrle C. i/. Collide.
when w'h)n the tug Hercules w•tN
. •Ariane, PA.ly 5.-011" mom IN
toff "cotlaret Light,thip title# morn
d..nl, .x1s fatally Ihlaurwl nn.l more
llog INunl In, tifa#, had sLgualx '.a a'
ih. t it PrAm9• cf alb ri aro perk-Upoll, .'I
!lying, melantng titian h••r Holier hail
Rev. .1. Llvlagsloue Couldn't Sia dl
Flour More Year. in W'ludsor.
ItIII v. James Livingstone, Who
preuulaed his farewell aeration Its N Ind-
--,r oil buuduy prior to leaving for
1'utroltu, rail in
tUu course of hill du-
Il%era tale ;
"Su uuu knows the "y,tent of any
Inborn h/•y atilt I could net, think of
uldertaikung tine ramu work fur an-
other four yeurm. Although the stato-
Went w:ty sou rprlmu you, 1 would ru-
Llllr take solicitor its the grave. ply
Irtstaratu bar belau a greater respon-
1ll,llity upoit m, linin you call real-
Itec."Tile statumwtl tit Mr. 1.1vfug-
rtamletient hu "would rather be in Ilia
gra vu than append. another four year*
Ill W'letrur," ciollcl much oommunt
In 11 ir*Iric. By nanny l,f,oplo it wits
taken as & threat reflection on the
UiLy'r mural u011lhtUn.
"1 don't know whether Mr. Living -
alone war lit naI'ntret." says Mayor
`tuythe, "or whether h -s remark wits
tutxiolar{roted. If ate meJtnl the st:ate-
muttl all It stands lit bio English. he
Ii:ul skis right to mitko It. The major-
ity or the Ixruplo here are quite as
gl•ott tar Mr. Livingstone."
Rev. lir. Livingstone rays titat he
%%apt miliumli-rrtoUd.
"Il to futleoshlblo to wake everyone
utklo•rrtnnml what ono slays in the
sumo way," wakl Ito. "I tlilnk that
the INY)llll: of W'llkloor are quite he I
1,1"sr1 all those of 11111,11,11) other towns.
Tho Wolf I meant U) convey was that
awl(] 1 have forew.ul the amount of
work told tho little leisure 1 was to
lune )file,', I would have rhruuk from
Llan Lark.'
itev. James I.ivinlcstono fx maid to
lel v, mosrbvl 1,0011 eup'er duiing his
fixer yfvnrm' sojourn In Wlndwor. He
thought law was a'mmrl to Increase the
num1wrm Irdrf,nllely on Monday nllrht
Istria when he received it trioplw,ne call
Hilt is ofouple wait Olt the Way to
()ae ptr"emage an. wtmhot to b- mar-
riell Immnlhttely. lflmtelad Of ooP
exxlple, many "couplem" 1"ionging to
laps ehnrv•h arrdvell, brin(ting with
them it purse, or kola which w•aw pre-
wrntof to lir. Livingstone, fan.I » full
weft err cohimt, it girt to Mr,r. I.Iving-
mtonr.-Rt. Tboman Times.
Imre as a result of the worst »rub burn, with futithtirr.
fwenty-one Killed Because
MUUNTEO RIFLES SAILED, Rev. A. U. Slnrpsou Took In X5,1AK)
_ in l'uruuto.
T..ronte, July 7. -The annual coal- LOWBOY IN THE JAWS OF DEATH
�i % t't 11 Hundred Due at Ha:' veirtirml of the ChrkirtL%n anf lliseiuu- _, -- ,
any .Allinnoom', whivis haul Im,nl its prtr ' ( hit'ugo. 111., July 7. -Pali_- atrick
gr, es lit Stuhro P:u k ifunng tit,- week,
I oq urn b'llowitag, u Wg herd of nut-)
fax I ill$ INUlltll. lural yes:rrvliay, until nus market- try
t Largest mlrnl%n,itry cohtcliuta till JAILIHIxI,IPd lie the stock yards
Lt eco up ill ciulutht, vis., $5,6(X). O; to.hly. Twenty -unit of the . ani-•
ME] WITH SEVERAL LU$;ES thin lit. .168 wits salrcrlbotor iahc met death In ill rush The
(ntawa, July 6. -Tho official nn
taront"anent of the hom%cumtug of
b-_30, 4th, 5th and 6th t'unudlan
y4wnted Witlea was received titin at
tenNsow lhiough a message to the
ewtt.•rr:ar-Gen•ral from taw General
at Wort Natal. Tho mein satlel un
jiffy Lel unto kre to
in C»nada on
.Ju4y LWth. Thermo mon did not well
:troy fl, fining in Huth Afrkvi, but
tit. u' ,Il re aaU b, taken A" ins eY11
1.11 Sio,a.n of what Mir tip "in wonkl
Asns,- b, oat. Au -1 a o doubt they would
Iwo• ;,(,tulthd lhems dyes as cre-
di4ab;y apt th., uolDerm of the other
rt'ltllte ala Italie, dean`.
Altlsmuh tkwy Jan. /.m{NY guar
ii, wuvh a long sen voyag.• &tell had
F r
n w
-a>,,n, , ty tnnt++Q warn t 7 m
(.rll-d back, thry return minus set-
rrAr of their comrades. nae Was
kL:I„I at sat, one diel oat ,mucid ship
from sickness, and uW bur died nine,-
ttvir mtuy In Ikwath Africit. Several
Inv,` ill*, suffered from tilt' dread
rotrrk- finer, anti are title[ danger
,Nen; 111 lit Port .Natal. There fare-
., 11 al.amt 1,U.P1 mfvl of thew,• four,
r.'gunrntm In Afriaa, sad about one-
quartorr sof the ufficer.i Ilial/ll•a ,k)
s.,t appear an the list relit. Tait -y wdi
%#,r,v probably lease Mat tielitter
Inert of the p-e•s• IL WPPk In the
tm.,pahlp l'orintbiitn. Whole aha lands
of H;IIHax aI of ill,, Csultollalrm (x-
('e•pt a few salt) hta%e J,lmd British
rrgnitplats nal till, B.atth Afilean
ronmtalminry will hit home. The m. n
lose eh.• I'rstran will n) doubt rewire
a i;reat welcome o I the►r arrival at
Th.- followhwt in time lint vent to-
dn% .
Thiel Regllnn•Irt-1.1put.-LLL. Y. A.
1+. Hlllimmn, Calptalns C. T'Van
Mr nhentir, W. 11. llenlermm, H. A,
,hekenxir, W. W. Namsayth, K. C.
t, ,--Ili, Lieute. U. 104"I.A;, LL__Hiil
I. If Lett, Ya B. P,ttWrsntl. A. 1:.
I;h„ %, 0. N. :Sparken, V. W. Odium.
W. a:. Bishop. An`I W. P. Butcher,
'Ill",-cnmmisseoneJ offlwlrs and men,
Mrs. I I
Fourth RPgimpnt-Lieut.-(til. itou-
k►ntrr,- (•aptnitkw lfnrfilmr, f;fwal,
1'thpo•, find Ihtnuing, Idents. Lawlor,
(lt"nart, Sully, Willimma, Dirk., ani
PA1,11a•oa, non -claim misonfoue•I off►
Perm retool men, 1,06; `lkurge.mi-lln).)r
klla,dt. f
FHitf, fteginvirnt-Lieut.-Col. A. P.
1Lmlmmell. ('aptnitas 16 K Atri,,k-
Innd, A. W. F1trainge, F. 1(. ItlRlpy,
i,h,Ita. F. Crlo•nn, L. H(r,p,r, I% Ray.
eel, W. R. Natela, J. R. 4argp'anl, and
q'ogennp, 111tirgPou-Lient. Thomas.
run-1,nmmisslonel offirpra and mea.
.1ref ),
I'li%lj, Rgtlmlent-Lient.-(Yvlw. IT-
t\Mug "Fill Gordon, CaptalnR 11niacke
"tel 111,4011, Llrnts. U.00ls•r,(inrtmhor,•.
CTadh"rn, ltobiona, Irvine, "loillev:tll.
llrhiuley and Hfllaind; non-rom
miNmto)iel officer. aart men, 4'24.
Tr I,- Trrspotipnlar■ were dincharFvld,
I0( ,,cry 200,4NN► t•a.Rentire a-patly-
and 70e1 Trainee.
1'''"' .filly 6.-1'#tris Is an4m to
1 I**t That tee lightest NFififk In trill
w or 11.
Three M to hs crwnNttenelool to eurry
f1," MrlTT0htan Reahlwsy.over the
R'1iI' tseatr the (Twit d'Auateilltx h,
onp mean.
it .til oalrmikesterl that the hrldpre
Ill iii 11"lee to mwrtaM every day the
ImOften.mr. "ember of Revph Mundred
-train rarrydogc awn lnandrrd thou-
"I"I 11NOO tlgrvw. Tits -11i Is nmler
late r]trpptkovta of Etlglnear4 Blenvenne
amt frptto.
The TPervtd tiff the Point Alexan(kre
will than lav healed,
t(anforA llalnr [),IIs-. -
PANa, .Italy 4. -Ab n puhlM meeting
'"""I by Mmyt)r Bror►n. la ,l her,-
tnldglit, a l'I111enA' (nnktniltre wag
'T"'inlrol to Taiga w land far the
henofR of JoNh4M Sfturont nn'l MR
1". fainion, the pQtv7ydelnn In At
tenlnttee ration Rnnford. drelwreli to.
Molt flint him patient wan mend
Lnrevery .ley. anti he kx)km for him
Wtr,v rmnvory. for. 141aton doeR not
"a' nf•RAM Sareford'R crinlltlnn an
arrlon., nor f10rN he floater. hal the
onhenI thrfuQh nIf ch the man pnmt
`r -m
lght vM Montt In anwntal col
+tai ly p.tkl lit alt(T the Anunal Mik-
wenn wait me terrible that stock-
Irlrusar et.4lTtrr, tiellun 1 by 1'reri-
wvvrd )•t O" ea, tine raee of the pmmt-
(].'Irl It '. tor. A. It. Niml.w.0 fit th.•
m,•u lift, cowlroyr tarn(•(] tllefreyes
m,orulsyc mice, and the reula]nder
uwuy- Only raw nearly loa.t hie life.
%;am Kevell I. Use, Itftere N)11 meeting.
1 ill) h"r[ "011tillned more (hill 6W
TLu tartan 111ahom1 leu sontiariVliutu
fila 1.
A cloned gale e:sunrd- the trouble.
d tll/lls), on of $A(l•a, ono u( I Ash
oven of *.'two f th0 rnl,port of 'fill.
ihorlly after 10 o'cl„ck in the
Morgan. n mfar.i nary' fn t Oman, nue til
man ning the hent wait drrcrn up the
aJ:wal, one of $_. one of lid. -A), mina of
%Wxor•l b. 1•,nglug to Armour St l'o.,
nalf0 arra wrvfleat $ t0. l,aet year
ailb John tjtuun riling lea inMre, and
the, maralmulry collo tion lit Toronto
Intelkiing, wheat the gate to An
trrtallnt $ I,OIXI. Rev. '.. W'. 1'lulpott
Ai nlour pen wits rew-h-A, to flpug j
In announcing the tola rtatooL am an
it open and let tiff, cattle pater In.
alln.tratiexl u; the aplr t anlmathl;c
The ltntf-,in-at the ground level,
tho gisers, that $15 Naar from A
being reuchal by a c'hutc 30 feet
youth, sunt rrprerrntnl the !tha(
11 Irngth, with a mharle desopnt.1I
nwtney he luul narnod. He lead an%e,l
Qu!nn did tit)' to open the, wicket,',
rtl tot tmty' it new .lilt of clulhflR, tlrltl
bit the• amnlalm were upon him In a
on Paturhy gave $7, of tho amount,
-Anrulxae before he could du so. if"
WUh A ►Hite to Slay that he VOuld 4% tilt
rptirre! h ^ national. and home. nail
a llttln longer for life wilt. l,titer he
rtier tw-k a Trrr+e Iedip to anfety.
.put the 4-1hrr s14) 4m44w,eelNwilre
Am a rmtdl l4utaui wa+tioriiplalty-tach'
PLUIP, WILh n montrrr11ktum to the of-
and lit$ ren►tnal was *o badly hurt
root tacit lift • coul,l MAIL till next
that It ha -1 to be allot. '
year bor that new cult." Tharp were
"11111" ldlrkin; stnnther cow puncher,
too srmaetk,n•Il lnrihnt.ln eonneett n
who will+ rlraisting Quinn, alit) au" -
with the giving, newt n member of pf'f•-
loluerl injurler. The callln rumllpd
Ill,- why paileing from the Ir rumark..
,town Iulo the bl,K,ked thawaage, Anil
weTn prrvmeat In tyro ikofx, or home-
lhosw` b h n I, Ming unable to clop,
thing 4-1 Hunt nialurv, were disalpr
trampled those ahead under root,
the f.l•&t 1%t- ,IL XcllaR 4WWn. The
terrifi(vt b"Ilowing wan heard all
Hired Mae. Lost Small J4une and
mouRht to Kill Illn%srlf.
Priew"luu. Ont., July 6. -At the
farm of Mine Mck,nsie, ahonl firer
Hall.- «Lilt of thin village, Alex. Grant.
n latutro•r. 1:1 yearn of nice. In It tPul-
pprary tit of Inwulity, ninon an A( -
tempt to commit ",,icllloo hast night
byrutting tilt# thr,wit with it ra11,r.
it Ia .lontolrui if he will recover. He
hill# lepen dePprodenl over the lush tit
n small rum of monpy whlrta wan
mt)Ievm oat of file-poePkt u few dnyn
81 X0. .
over the yards. Houle .or the Cattle
were lmpnlef] on their own horns.
Ilih1. n rupb cow purfrherR came from
:ill anhw of tiff- yarilm on {Honkie. The
reur of litv herd of cattle was driven
bark, nit 1 t)foek that find eacapwi
by J•Imp.ng funnier were corralleil.
The choral• of tile. slnnlprde was
nlmply tilt, failure to g•t the gale
open In time,
Word oat the Postal Card Which 11as
l'uused Difficulty.
Tho palatal authoritlon of Crest
Rritaln are fte\Ing trouble with the
wvvrd )•t O" ea, tine raee of the pmmt-
card. .`everra; attempts Imtve been
311oclalnx Calmstreuhe In Settler',
mndo to avoid ambiguity. Boys_ the
'llome Near North Rimy.
Ik,mtmt Transcript, "Tar, address only
Nfat'tln flity, .filly (1.-\ars. A. Qrok-
to b, w-rhttpu on thin elder." was
*•Nine anti Iver little. I-vv(wold
hell to bar thin Mao of a typowrlter
daughter wore burned to (]path )ate
far a printing pr~, vellloh wain not nt
F•rielny nWift At llw'ir INaim•, :%tariff 1'
nit trip inir•vrtkmt of the post -office.
miler fast In t1re eltuntrc, airl Iwr
Tho "only" ham maw (sten dropped,
Illtlo 5-yenr-t4d 1m,y wits mil ithimy
Its doforptaml to a c,.rlonlal prmeflent,
Inirtvrd LULL tim,re its wnrnll INop, of
nnil tfwwe in ato direot priAdbitlon
Mn recovery. Mr. 0r,kerlllm, artto lib-
agaimft Marrying the letter over to
neral fawn Interne. amt w11i•u lira.
me, face or iho pxrt-card ; yet the
Ow4terlinn ruR1 eltildn•n r(•trmi for
cr,rromp lydorvt w'ito trice that plan
tleak nitelpt a lamp was left Imirning
Will hardly Isar blfvwe.l by the recipl-
rent thM lith'#,. 1ww{ it in miliny,mtml tilt'
eel, wtno its fLnot it p'nlay. The paint
Lamp oxpkak•d.
nutlmoritl,n faf tlllm crrintry wreatlefl
- - -
with the name problem. Iiix attempts
('loadl"trat .Fear Allmndale.
he%%p heel) mnde to fitirl a brief, ele-
Toronlo. July 7.-A alour]liurwt tau,
gl►tat mise' useamblgttw114 legend. An
lJu) Gnunl T.Tlnt Itnllwv%y urn* ,11-
tatrly p,nrtnl caul wale itnwritee(L:
Nothbig knit tho addrom can he
httvtnh• flrmtolimnetl it Largo wer.0im of
track yr•mt, rdny ufterrtpon Unit wr•r_
plarvgl on tldm idde;' w•ltich was rwi-
leswly Irrt•rffvrot with the through
ther true Inner elegawt. "Nothing but
tau, add Taw to be on thin tilde" %iner
lrieffkr fan the North Ita,v dllolon. tar
i it. rrmnll of (lie w;t.hnitt IffirX 461,11141te
wig'°o' k'taw+ptlxet, Ilut It looka[lrlual-
over time lino rrom Toronto to Albte_
rtv, Ark1 talo next ohne land "Write
(till• wan r`1111rety ammp oteoled. lit.-
(wily tdle Arir]nvrm on I hl. aide," %% Mete
pairs will not ia• complel,•d ho -fore
WAN ah),mlell t" nil larding lino type-
writer. Write toll, afkirolw tmly (on
nomm. lime ie.tny. Trn( to fa%er alit*
t111a midn. taw mewRago on the other,"
rrtper ill via
ih!lt1l. 1!'L1fAv l►!
,,,.k Rplovvn hrnnMt.
, nowt wmeprrrrapHy rrltir,lwavl
an being tariff chimmy anti nmbigneua,
Tawe the wvml "nMy" levan dropped,
w•ilirArl muolt Improvement. F'Inctll,v
i;rIm'-pItolf-a-Mnoltneft Rare lip Cha
.tppnbetmenla Atrnoureeed for ()is-strvttlglo
to M, origlgrtl, and nlmply
turd, ( xrlelun and afellset.l.
ndnptril like French Anr11rllnerment
Into "T1etn mi(l% river wddrelrn (Mlle."
Ottawa. Jif.ly 6.-71me (101wrola I;R
- --- --
au•tlr elrrolelelon the np)polntmentn of
K. H. MoKA,r, fat W'fxrLA ock, to is r]r-
prty Jurlgs for hit, County of ox-
foal ; L. A. Arnktlh, (Wtmrna, r]rplty',
K011 de Oft worrP Nmot to Dere/d Ilia
)Millie for ('Tarleton County, nal T.
Vim lfe'a`41119.
1), tifwlpnr, Wellattl, to he deputy
lowitl4in, Jnj; 6. 'nip Aetlest lirthe
Jnnlsim for W'ellaral 0"untY.
ccenptw. dr 1:% Warre for, divorce
Hon. it. (1. (yirnrll, Rrrlivilor-Opn-
fT,nt her hnrbaud on ntatntory
pral, Ovral F:. it, (U nr•Tml, Rrglmlrr
gnxlndn ham been pamteTml nn the an -
of tht 5btpremp Olmri, mite Apppinlrel
5, rendf-i Ilett foot time i-rohntw and
KirrR'o (tnerwrel.
Diwiren Court. ilr• rrwnntenw In a
daughter of (April Brantley.
Tito earl hen laid an r,ventfnl
carepr. He ivnn Iflonllfiwl with tke
Stftnds on N .nae to Abbey Will Not
Hurlry rMmpvnnlew, wail n war efr-
,ent In vith Afrlra, a cap-
tilt I In then arm,', n lr)trl proprietor,
f.on,,1 on..tnly 4. -The Pall lllnll Ow-
,nail an orfNnlfna fit AutomuMls ear-
lettp twya tit., Intent nVort that has
chills. Hloo w•Ihe raised at one time for
rfR, hml the orfl •P rof tIotnt nrwopiFer
t hp ar"tltatloe of her con)nicni rights,
"t if th,• king M m-
and the crn•ta granted man otdar In
prorp nP h'thrrt,e, the roien,t.,„n sal l
her fame, teritthat earl deflmal the
take place daring the IRAs wrPk in
maaria. The offPneP of deeartlon was,
therefore, eatnblimm".
Thpr,dore, the wtnnda on Ill- .hort
TMP oranMrRm, In hoer original rtge-
rente frons Reek nghAin 1•.11 lit - telof
t lw'1n» MAY, the Art rata .,
it 1t, Md Fd
.tln,tar Abbey will not Iw re-
Iml Skim rkfor" was afterward . Ith-
moved at presorted.
Ll,%wll• re , f ,
A Young Man's Fatal Attempt
to Reach a Raft.
Druwolua Aveldeats Reported Virus --
I lj,.Ill..so
rumt'u,.tlr.un .,.it W'beatley--Warmer
Near lAudsay Takes His Owl, Idfe
-Itrak,nntnn looses His Llit
While 4:uupling liars.
Toronto, July 5. -Tho lion yester-
day claimed nuotlter victim, when
u young Erlglirhmaa camel Win.
Goddard lust hill lite in an ut-
tempt to reach at raft tillitbsg it
short dietanou [rum rbure. jutldard
war citable to swim, but tried to
reach the cult by waseling. Ile was
not, however, familiar with the
akturo of title tied of the, Loa, and,
therefore. unwittingly rteptred into
a hole 15 flt'et derep.
Gothard cape to Clatiad:a a Low
weeko ago from Arllbritlle, sumer,-
w+tehire. Eatglund, , and Waal ellgiag-
tat ss a luburler at talc Ike Valley
brick wurkti. lie bcard"I W Ilh K -1 -
ward Wilcklim, of Tcdmortleu. %;ed
terday during title Wxxa hour hr
ae,ormpauiel Gieorge Andrews, if
fellow -workman, to taw lower mall
r e to
( to t1 w al r
dam ilii 1 went Illi ri
bathe. Andruws, tempt Nwiw, lint
Uoddard" could not. The raft war
tlt(tating towards the centre of
the river, so Aldrewr ftWunl out to
it it
continued swimming along
With It. The fatality that followed
warm the result of G(Nldard'r ul-
tnmpt to rc)ofit his compitnhfit. Tile
buly was retrutrlered.
, I -
UItoW'NIU) IN 1'111f THAIIILi.
W Illtanm W'b&IcA and Juhu rrsukllu
,loth Loso Their Lives.
Clufthutn, July 4.-W'illlitul Whlaluta
wttr crowned int the Tla,mem four
m les below here last e\eulug. '1'b,
utiforlunato young maul rnmr from
l.e,miugtoit yenterday morning to
work for Hubert Buff, fta 1Gale'lgh. Ile
worked all day yesterday, and In the
eveoiug he went to thv river with
Fred local and Niton other young
boys, to tar►ve a bath. 41nforlulant•ly,
le could Ix,l invent, an -1 u' potroug
six -melts tAlrrenl was running at the
ltme. He ventured out a little lou
far apd glut bcyupd bis depth. He
cried for toile, and young 1'ex,l, rel -
hag Ills dnrngrTun pxrol,lon, swum out
to hum and caught Ilam b; lila arm.
Wlra1••e, with tilt, lmstltact of it drown-
ing man, t'Uuglll ycullg 1'04-1 around
the wuldt, cud they b oth disappeared
below the antface of ilia Witter.
After thug had been under the water
for u few oew ds, lleel cam., up
:%lone, gulping for breath, and, w'hth
,ourklerably difflcuiV. reached th-
Amure. W'h:alml, however, was drown-
ed. Eff„t4s to loo.ito the bid, wer,•
John yntnk.ln, a ma,on, who went
eta t.tUaiug yistertlay uftern *n In
MoGregors Crook, sic nul:•w from
wasr daownred.'T-rarlkl if w nm an
expert swilumer, Ind bud crues,nl the
creek moveral Lanleek. O t his last trip
he callal for help and lnxtaully wink.
The holly was nco%ra•e1 about two
Isoure Litter. The deeen"e•1 was f rom
Marine City, cud J\o�ng a nephew of
W.11. R is-n,ou, of Bol fly.
DUOAt'NED Al' W'11F.ArlIkv.
Venlure►unme Lad (lot Beyond Hie
. Depth.
W1lattley, Ont., July 4. E%erltt,
ilk, 9 yenr-ld sou of J. J. W hit*-.
with at number lo( older lads, write
swimming til the lake at the m,uth
of Muddy CrecA, w.tll his tourin,
named La Marotta, it lad nbtut the
mime nge. They uttempteel to fill
low the office- imoys out to, the lar,
shout ton toilet from shore. The cur-
rent being very Ntro,ng from the
creek swept thems lift their test and
carriol them nut over the bar. Ar.
tlur l.rt Mara li, the father of one of
the Inde, nearly lost, Its life In tilt,
attempt to wave them. and di.l fuc.
cad Ln saving his own Ron, fisher-
men with their h%rtt raacblug totem
Jim he WRR abut exhuuntfill. The
INaly of young White wam found
&batt L'.30 th'.4 littera ,on near w bore
the Iain went down.
I%AVKI)'Ili le Hol''S IF K.
Lindsay !fall's PruntpItl a- Prevent-
ed N lerownit ,
Lil"tR'ly', Ont.,,Inly I.- kMtly Iafte'r
:f eiola•k thin nflcriwon, a 1(}ycmr-old
rtlm of Mr. tiewrg(i King.aimn near
liming Ills life by drowning. Ito wild
wataldng tilt, dredge working near
Kennvty ilia Davin' mill, when he I,at
MR balatna% 8110-1 fall -.In. B.dng utanlrie
loll awlm. he rapidly Rink. Mr. Thus.
EBlot4; who enter the Aer•blcmt, hurrirvt
lit the wenq illat after de%'fng mevi`rltl
timrw, wtocavted In bringing the bery
to tip aulrtinem. Anselattt by n few
by'stttsutl•ro, they ndminiatered lirrol,
lrcntmmit, IUKI Iwpon the lad rallied.
lir. Elliott Ittnde it l,ravo feroeue, and
wl")w•nl much gnilantry.
rot tiler LlndaRy Man Morris Uemth at
J.II-1.0 A. Ifni., July 4, -Air. A.
Tramr,far, Keilt .trroe,rrrel%rvl Intel-
ligence that Ilia mote .john, vmpiny„I
no Irrakewrrknn on the p. 0. it. ant
I'ittmIn rg, uuol hl■ (LoJalh, lin result
44 nn necidenl, In that r.ity on Ti wa-
,[tr,v mtoniing. Mr. Frame, was 35
yearn fair] anti nnmarri.,l. If” wan w•pll
known In Linlw•)y, henna, f•mpinyrd on
the til. T. K. here Par mv,rly 14 ypwrs.
OUR Inneiral temek pinen today in
rtttaburg. . ,
iIANORD HIMIelt.l.lr.
Well-to-f)e Mar mer, Newr IAtelf,
Neal", Tal;ea s'IATP,
Llmlat►y, Ont., Italy 4.•-Ifvhher T.
Warner, A wlrll-known farmer, To,
Winter ahont five mIMA from Little
Britain, whirifaltter) tlniclf/r on W'efl-
nPeday afternoon nhotlt 5.A0 p. m.
On Wednradaly Mr. Warder was an-
slsting the hired man In hAying.
and abralt 3 o'ntork In the after-
noon he hilt the flpM, telling the
men hp would retnrn Inter. Inwtewd
of returning hea arcnrPJ a rope end
mmnmlttsi thin act In that barn. The
Maly wits disaovef}'d abort 6 p. m.
hwnp(hter to w beets. An ingstepit
wma eonwMored unnecessary. Mr.
1%',.t I,t was 39 years of rage, and
well-to-do, wan on)nying the 1s9t of
health, ,but Int4el rather t�dl,n-
ettnly Rt times. 1P loaves a aemill"
bat Ito fatally. ..
OttawaMan Killed.
Brandon, Me, if., July 4. -Alfred
HAllcr war rrustset to denlh lam
night at the Electric ll,mpauy's
wurkr here. lie stepping titer the
big telt he waw (augtat and carried
to the flywheel, where he was AI -
must instantly kllle,l. lie come
from Ottawa, ,
(-.It Ills 1•hroat4
Seuforth, July 4.-WnIMr Rutt-
ley, 5a yiearr U' age, lint demented,
out hie thrfxat with u Tailor retail
Kilrearline, July 4.-11. (tlemari,
pork dealer, ted q cities cull for
file life the other morning, It ap-
pears that atrycbitlno had been put
un Wina• Make fur mice, and• while
starting the fire, Mr. (hlpmnu
th.xlghtlesrly pick,(] It up and ulP
it white waiting. Notiving a bitter
tAste, he mentioned the matter to
him wife, volition It wait discovered
that the a#tIge war pr volike 1. He ran
to s1 doctor, who saved his Ilk.
Entertaining the Poor of
London at a Dinner.
London, July 7. 1 a. m. -The king
will probkbly go for a yachting
cruise, when he Int* gained sufficient
rrtrength to move about. Tke royal
y1wiet ''In now il(' I'to•lnmoutk dock-
yard, and to befog prepared (tit' the
King s us 1:, oar:, !t It required.
UUluer to time Puler.
About sate -tenth of (he population
of metruloditan Lon.lUu enjoyed the
king's huepitality, anti at 1^net
eighty lhuur,llrhl ultendunta waitel
c l hundred ottwts
upon them tit Igh oil f
in the twenty -utile but•ougbst
The largest eumptuy of diners at
any one place war at Fulham, whore
the Bl.hop of L,In-lon ruid grace
.,ill the Palace unit 1'llnc"e1r of Wi lee
were sopm:tatono. The gee %test som-
ber uakler is, single rotor wits lo,uftl
at the factory of the London Oen-
eral lhumilros Company, where Pr;n-
utlsr Clirl►llan was warmly received.
Thirteen memberp of the royal
ftc}}mlly were indefatigable In vleit-
,5g ss many cluing placer as pon-
The sump general omicr was fol-
luwirml at the eight hundral dlnlnpro.
There were two courien, one with
it cholco of four or rive kinds of metal
anti vcgelubles, and plum pudding
for a sweet, nal tile• b:•er, aider aalt
ginger nit, were served, cad every
guwrt haul It 1/11arter of a' pound of
,tho"olate alit u souvenir coronation
mug• Thpumin,im of welt -tit do wo-
men waitt,tt upon them, and elgut-
evn hualred uaut4clanw, singerm, ro-
citers and other artiste entcrt an-
al them. , -
To every man wits presented a p tek-
ugo <4 e4rcrettem and another of to.
bn000, lint theta WILK ILttir nmokirlg.
Thermo were prolonged entertain
tuelita tit mom thnn half the din
oers. Arthur Roberts leading the
Way At thn gtvrat hall of the liaw
ctxtn4s an 1 the grounds of IA)ndon
Honptlnl and nearly alp the concert
sirmgnrs ant music hall artlrts of
iwmtdon orferlitg their profeaslonaI
n-ri-Leem. Mini of the processional
pprformerm had the goo•1 taste ter
appear hnndwomely dressed, Its
thouch th •y wore entertaining West
Fnt dntwtnrr *uooana Inwtend of the
poorest p op:e of London.
-------- Tilesnm- ur the Hllnd.
One of tate most Latereating
rax.nrN wain the dinnf•r for the blind
at Bury gtrret MLwb:i Hall under
thoi medal patronage of the King
and Rome of the must ramwonnhle
p&oplo of B"!gistrin. A large eon
family of bllnd was collected from
fatally dhttricta, anti aftpr the din
ner there wan a merry INur, In
whk`h the sufferers forgot the pa
them of their lot. Mrs Perey leoao
van ming for them. Mtn. Martha
Gieluw, of Newfork, glove A aeries
for Alaham» p'antatfork entertain.
memtm, nrtl there were. comic recita
!bons by the Rey. Herbert Marnton
1 h'M,l pro•nch,•r, nn,l H. 1, Mt,nrl,s, it
rb•rgyman, who wan nearly Minot
hiplertroloment Preferred.
The entertalntneutm provided for
the Kingn six hundred thousand
gtlemtN were Ilnjoyed even more,
hoartlly than the excellent dlnnera,
and maNatx, and clasine were Maught
into Nympathetic touch lit tile Blom•
of the interrupted eoronatlon Vs-
,fihera11oIIS__ ,af-_.-_W01tai
Council of Women.
at. .1.,1111, N. it.. July 6. -On Motor -
day morning the National Cuutidi of
W'ommi heard it report from Mrn.
ifullfa;k on dfe'ller pro%othnn of wit-
omen rend r.iultrpn, nod from Idra.
MaMaughtod, of Monlremll, sou htdeam-.
trial find (file rtrtK, whi, h nm,Mlg
other things ref•ommvnlh•d compel
rvey tenchi.ng of drawing In 111111111
pot.faUrtti. Mrm. Baxter, fit SfrlttlP, find
Ntrw. Deitnln, of Halifax, aupp,rted
Coal firgulark,irt" of tiff• report.
Tin, t•fonlluiit•e o.m Duukll•IpouI
1(,sne (startiteoo rrir,ried that n
I.hatn nand of $711:1 find horn ralme•d.
Materbtl wn" Pnplltvi tar Minkhob over
%itlRnon- argil if,, villa, IL-LIla_.avtu'k_
pT"fawcrd by thewe werkeem #tied ,Holl
war( *11,13f111. Thin patld off the debt
field 141, $794 for the Duukhub -tar
witrkurr.. _r . ..,-,-- _.
Mrs. (limaningn repwrried for the
Ufmnmllte• o I the Care of AROed 1•rstr,
and an Intere0-ting ,11*.ao%ivn fop
1 ,well, In wilt, It Mrs. 4klnner nal Mr -4
Amish, lost .,folia Ella Machnr, Kingw
to i, land Mrs. Dennim, Hn11f#tx, 1(mk
Mro. iromter premented h rcy►ort
t.v icerninat women on PMCwr) hoard.
New RrunPwh•k In lhp fastener ppm
% w
Ince, ltlu Mmcteen wrwrMn Pehoftl
r4gttmlaalofaero. . Thr ragw,rl stated
duet rmnwlllingnfw" to( equitable wo-
men to npl•t•P ITAP oar' of the obertA.
A "WL ore perulr]outw literature
over" imvNentrvl h; m
MTN. ('nmings and
brl,`n; d1"enwRed.
Mara. L il•il:uv Trp )sol nel on Immlgrw-
tlfw, rrromrq"nri1nR tint application
law domewtirr bo -wont to dltfert+nt
(runrlim nhroRel. "'to Pnggnnrtood it
lralning mrlwrri till thin tilde floor imml-
granta who did not imArrmtnnl Mneme
IteM mark. Lady Taylor Pp.ity highly
oil' ferlanders now domp.Ale servant*
LI the nftprww)n tiff vlolting (Jpl•-
Wales ware the Kim -lite of the of
Jnhn InAleN at R rlpnlr At Unachow
ter Btneh, Alrant five mllen frv%ak tit
"ity. "#my worn 0 Ml /eyed In hurt
farard", And tit* wheal,, nnm'•Or pre-
a.ot was about two Fufadred
Caused Death or Injury to Many
in the United States.
-hicago Weporls Three Killed and One Humodrod Injured—New York Had
a Hundred and lwenty-five Accidents—Mew Killed or rlshned ---
Buy Blown to Pieces at St. Louis.
ClAchago, July 5.-Thrife persons
Martin. 20 years of nge; William
were killed awl more than 10) injured
W'alnecat, 19, And FAwaTl Ryan,
in the oeltAwntion of title year'■
`10 The force of the explosion man-
Bled them externally, as well asin-
Ffrrlrtil in C'hlryugo. Of Umt,ee all tin
Internal Injuria,. All were
klllert rceelvod 'lite fatal wounds from
unconmclous wheat anslmtanee came.
firuurmr, wt111u tWettty-two others
A maul who Is allegfiwl to havegiven
lujurevt by and stray but-
the bomb to the bottom was arrested.
w•cro guns
The bomb which eianae,l the dam -
age 1■ knfatrtl ns n "Corton 4ignal,"
The desire to have Rome unique tun-
Anil eontniuetl mone than three
chino with whk,h to emphasise their
poundP of powder. It Is aged on
enthusWsm Nal to the Injury of three
ocean stramerm enol Is considered
1 arsons while Ula cannon cracker
dangerous when not properly mnn-
Ipula to d.
;ukltd fifty more to the limit.
Several unsuccessful eff(w'ts were
A number of men were arrested for
made to explode It with, bricks. Flo-
dlreharging flruarmr In the city line-
ally W'alnnoott volun,la,reA to rx-
Ur. Fifty urrestr neve mute on the
ploxle It with a llgbt ll match. The
boya g&Uwrrd arourat nail Walnecott
Wert skis Ukulele.
dropped the match into the cam The
hew York's Quola.
paler er flicker"] an instant, and
,New York. July 5. -At {poleoe haul-
turn the trcvtnh exploder] with terri-
qukarte)rs, 1:,:.i smiderlts due to the
flc force. Till, r"p,rt War heard a
taw) (sof etplusl%or ]ill celebrating IMfe-
mile away. Ttie buys were tfarown in
pmnklenoe Ieny have been reported
all directional,
luring the ictal 21l hours.
A Hoy Illuwn to Plecea.
Ktrity bullets fired by reeklon"
bt. Iada. July 5.-TAio premature,
enlcbrnlorn injuret three persrus so
explosion df the Jnr of t•hlonite „f
1 t l fen all sit
w,rloue Is&l f r rod
7 t y
ttAlats t , i
earned In nes c t or leo.
die from their iujurka,
k.tpana, 17 years of Mgr., has result-
Fclr young meet wlere terrihly lei-
art in !'Ire boy's death, qnd the Neri-
Jured, thrlr'e possibly fatally, by
and Injury of two of hie companions,
the explosion In Bra)klyn•)Arly to-
Frank Flwo%, and James W'dan,L
Jay or a big bomb, with which th,,y
9'ea.ug Klohmev►'" loft tilde "ns en -
were going to wind lip their cele-
trel,v hln%ll awAy. Tare brym were
brathrm. The there bellevot tohave
using the potash M lieu of fire -
been fatally Injurai are: William
Aost Gorgeous Scene Ever
Witnessed in London.
A LotWon dmp-tt('h.-A mc,ne moor,
brilliant than anything ever offrrtxl
imperial gtlPsts, and more gurgeoum
than anything over before attempt -
all in 1.4oakw, was pre"entad ;It
till- Indilt Office, Whitehall, U) -night,
whei: the Prlluoe tr(m W'nlrti, in the
count• of the King and Emperor of
Italian, rt•aeiveel tiff- timunge of the
ruling chiefs of India. The entire
earner quadrangle of lhu great
builllltg hall oven tranmfurmetl. Jim
Tough pavement nun aovere I with
it w("Ien floorllag, that wan cur-
lw.tlfti in erlmmem. overhead with
stre•lchrrl It magnificent .tar-
Npnngle,l Nheel of silk. .around the
former attics alt• militia ledges were
Wildcat under banks of flowers and
waving patine^Al 411e *nil_ .was the
soya dens, With it crimson canopy,
aurmowwtol by crowns rat each of
lift four corners. Tile arrangement
of tin storm oat thio silken sky war
Aotrouowically correct, dory being
plu(mti its they appear In the East-
ern hen%enoo. By it cunning arrange-
inettt of lights thin artificial firma-
ment resembled the soft, Palo inky
,if nit Indian night. The, entire
,puulranglr•, usually dull grey ntune,if
metmal to be it glittering martelo
palace. Loorking from tlse floorup-
ward the highrr p,rlloa of the
arclulecturle became indistinct an it
luminuur hese. The magnificent
co ort uppenrird to be out of till
pr(rymti titin 1p Ito Actual :rife.
which wan dup to cke.v'er tIt#tnipula-
Leun of tilt) lights.
Tho Prince til "'alcor was drevJldd
lit the uniform of late Admiral. 71ho
Princess of W'ulrtl wits In white, nod
wore It penrl o filar and diamond
!tetra. They arrival at 11 oaky-k.
The Duke or connaughl wits attired
in tile. uniform of a field mitrtdral.
He ocrompanlcal Life Prince of Wales.
The latter ns,mveol the: anti.,.'
chb:fm, shirking hands with ,romp,
rout tout•hu1K the swords of others,
meabusg thlit lilt king n0replel
the uipme of the, wword than offered.
The numil ,mbinge intermingling pre-
s"nt.d its most mtriking spgaarle. The
Fast Irtlbins appeared in gordealy
1ohirm fila,] mtudder] with Jewel.4,
fno%nol "m.mig tile- import brllllnnt of
Fngl sit women, nn,d uniformed of-
f1ceiP. The M-tharajrth of Uwallor
worn it turbsn encrusted with jew-
elm and breto"Ir,tia of dlamonls.On
film back hung It mhleld biasing with
I'Welm. Rasa M-ikonnen, the repre-
.rntntive, of Enlp•ror Menellk, of
Aby"Rlnln, warm premenl as a gfi•nt.
He worr it beiul-dT,ew formal of it
Iran'N tnnnp, nal A brenmtpbate fat
velvet intrrworke.l with gold. He
earrlewl it obiold aril an Intmenne
mwo"J. The night's entertainment
,oRt sno,00n. I
hsrp Nautber of Troops to Take
' Part In 1t.
It hu heipi deeldel to bring Into
fAoondon, to line tlw streets on the
eco,nalon of iAird Kltehener'A home -
:POO envalry Rolf 10,(1(X) Infantry ex-
clusive of the garrison In London
11111111 tits troops Iratm .Wlaulnur anal
111fwOxlslow, the whole making n'
total of more than 1 .,(NN) nren.
The• entonlnl tTpopn wiser Tarn•- fallen"
from Stwlth Africa In the Bavarian
are to be rrtalne•1 until after Lord
Kltrhpnrr'n arrival, and will, It i«
nkxleratr,red, haver a place Inthe
Gerglral's rnerptlrm, in wblrh the
Irtlinn And nither ralnnlol trepop"
may #also participate, •
N'orxm,I and 411,611A In)arod In )tun -
treat Car Areideat.
Mfantel,Al. Jnly 6.-A ppadiar necl-
dopiest lunplw•nf,l ,vrmtterriny .in it w root -
mr)ntpi. mereet ear, the rewnht ,if whirh
In than w M'rw. MOUllum Arwl her
ehtld, living at Wowtmexlot, Are Moth
toadly Inkirrel. Wimps the evar wan gf)-
Lrmg wt A lapid rate, 111w• trolley w trp
hnoke. ant the cur (ramp to w (lawn
atop 'Milo *vans«I a Paige, and the
powolle marip A sou Rb) frrmn the fear
lira. Mefwllum'" Meld Real notwnglfd
In the wire, anti Mara Mo-Cnlhsm, in
trylnw to as we Win nhtld. wAa ]inII
tPmnaad by the IIvP w1re. Mrvlhwr RrM
ohlld were removerl to their real.
dance. ,
%" .
. *t
„ »,
Tracey, the ortogua Coavlet, Akal■
(eludes Parameters.
Aeattlr, Judy 6. -Henry Tracey.
the Orn" convict, has again eiim]-
forppie pursuers atter a display of
great daring. After his battle (me
Thuralay night with Beattie offt-
cers. life HIPpt flat A cemetery on tho
outskirts, and on Friday procevolaWl
to it ranch, seen 'Tied food unit alept
in the wood& that day and night.
Early next morning Ito appeared
Ott Meeodow -Point And com{9pllpfl A
bap- to row him to Maallsuu Polnl,
12 miles from Htrattlp.
He IAtxlieef near the hobs for
Rancher Johnerm, whom Iw force(1
to glue clothing And dix days' sup-
ply of food. After rormAining All
risky, he trnund sand galfedthe tlohn-
rrrn faimely, and made thlelr hired
man, Anderson. carry tNp hundlpa
foto Johnmon'. rowboat, ;nit in-
deratm In time hoot at the earn and
started down tire tiollnd. The #@up-
rlon In that be will pruhably
knderarot, Mnk titin+ boat staff
dlmappewr Into the wlldernew of
North W'AahirgRton.
sheriff ('urlahie ban chartered a
tat and prtme In pure,lit.
Apparitions Visible, but Their
Origin Very Human,
M title, July 7, -Fur the Joist twenty
da)w groat laxoftemeul tear reigned Its
that Marches of Arkoua. It wits ad-
at'rtol, with every ctppwtranco lo(
probability, by mo vera) peopbo that
also Virgin lLnry hall atopeaT.l to is
young aliolohe*des" on the Mouutatin
Uf Starelpt, taaur Ancona, and haat Iphd-
dew her to have a church built aunt
ded sated tau the top Of the MUmellttin.
It wan swat long before the news
haul &praAd through the murrounding
auntry, an 1 wean implicitly uccrptd
as true. Imo%ctvtl thuuaoukl country
women start,-[ fin a pllat'rimage to the
mourrWin. The halt. the lame Ani the
bled wave dragged by their relatives
nkmge the .tc,p sWpe, it bei\mic con-
fidently hopal that the 'mutterers
w4uk1 ile minteulounly curer) of their
w)veral amatpintnlm ural Inf]rmitiPe.
Tho soenex witnewoml reminded one
of what talks pIAeP Al the Madonna'n
Marine Xt LoW41M. All work in the,
"VighlnMhood wits wutrpptslpd, and ties
crowd or devout tm•lievprs grew r.o nn-
f.rmonm tittlt the, nuthoritlew hrrnmA
of riunivly pro ooi,nplel. Eery woreblte-
tmY ►wfmlpphl money. gawlw or via [kip or
rao'Uf`w tomo lay at the feet of the holy
Ti#@v,N mermerl to be ern remommove to
,inaulol t91w motility of the, vlmlonm. At
flight R rtsmlwr tiff little flame#@
sparklo(1 oil tlwe mfroaretelln, and an
Inwtge of OuT lady tvvally apla•Arpd
again anti etRalnc
The w,rl'hevNlirfn knr►wIn,g that
there natual IM extmethdng matte than
the pllpwnaturwl Al wetrk, ofmtent-
el thrinhoplvem to time beginning with
keogdna nitre or lace order, hoping
time, wrmneti4irg wvruld turn up. How-
nvvr. At IAmI UingR Rrntltn(•d ranch
prolportion#@ An to Iwxrrmn It Iniblln
rnonnee. And It w•wam decided to talks
"w•rgrtir, wrntwnrrP. Witih /great Pe-
rrpey, A detective memmnpoemismil by
Mx carafaioevr•s, worst to Mount
Streypt, wlpore the miraclea totals:Pieter, arwt wnrpr•InnA tfitren men In the
very Act of wr,rkirgt on tlm credulity
,at it large multitude. Tbpy were Im-
mt,lbltely arT•slell, and all the toldn
of their treete found In their hands,
prinripally a large hwtp corprrl with
wtill e paper, attaelwd to a long
pile, mini iafMrned wattles relorrd rib-
1a)no Arid Innumeerablw rnaRrlea,
vrr,ftaevt Aunt plcturwa of Wife saints,
%vbtch worn woM At ratwitoun pri"s,
The rage for the pioun duppa far rx-
veedPd t4or edea laid rbvw,n by thein
roverrf Nalntm, and tiles carabinPPrm
but nems trrtuble In protecting t lo,
mirarle-workvera, wRan, howpvpr, will
spot ply tbPlr trade, for Rome (imp to
eramw. Mount Bt rretA last sort mernfix l to
her uncial tranquility. -
W en'1. I. for Kahlbillea.
Mr. Jorhn 0arnlp, of Parts, oars of
the hprnsn who did no match for
the reearup (d IiRnford, who was
ImprllNme I In the well, written that
Expevaltnr that he will not gn to
Torono tto appear in five Mnamav
,11, Anti that hoo In not In the
h„rNv huskiness In any form. no awl
is allwnt ROWIPIAt" dpnllna to
para tlarmeelvns wlthnr In Tfwon.
to or elenwhorm as a public show.