The Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 6ro
y►yy y -
"Lndy Roes Nereid oh, the old
eeerrerow ! What a mercy 1 escaped
" Mr, amt Mr.. Trevanlon ! Tlhnnk
you ; 110111) 01 that tribe for me!'
"Colonel MarAliall ! Whet effron-
tery ! I only deuced with the man
once! Here. Iuube, take tlhetp all
downstairs' and put them In (he card-
1'oket. I expect It will be a long
time before Itrouble myself to re-
turn thele"
" It Inert be a very uneatisfartert
eta k, paying calls deur,' xul1 Mag.
gee, Innoneotly.
L•u!y Ethel
• 1 think it generally falls to n
manta's lot, though. Men alwoyi
shirk visiting."
"1e Lady Ca'r'bon in town, and
yeah, little brother?'
"• Yee," heeltntingly, "but 1
often neo there."
"He is quite a balm still,
Post 7"
About three years oat."
' Oh, what a nicer age! Aren't you
very fond of. him?"" 1 can't say ISM. You see, haw
mother and NIILe�__are not the best of
Limier, Msgr. Do you knew wily
I an 1117 es Dr. (:hnlmern told
you Y,
'• From over -fatigue, le It mot, and
perk/tee a little worry .xnbinest with
1. 7' said !gaggle affect4ontely,aa slue
lei! her band on Lely Ethers,
but that In not nil. I em
ageing to Leave n baby."
Maggie had been lo.r✓ktng ee.rnestly
in lite lace the while, but nt three
wools she rose, and, dropping her
hand. turned audilenly away to the
"Indeed, deer 7" the word were
cheerfully delivered, though the voice
was rather strained. "that Is greed
'owe! How Wailed you must be."
She thought she hail been no••neI1ed
to the marriage of her ooltsln, but
tide 1'Rwmation staggered her.
Why 1t that a women, by sheer
wtrengt of will and steady purpoen,
inn bring hermit to contemplate the
fact that the mint she carps for has
preferred another -can even force
herself to bo a friend, where .he hes
beer a lover -and yet have no firm-
irm -bees to look on children burn of pooh
a. union?
She can let the man go! If he Lina
lost hie love ter her. with what ob-
Pet Model she seek to .tnv him'
lot him wet r'IAiwhrre, If s.' It
i'(' ''• him ; but let It be ie silent
Leine he gem to ! She does not say
eve, pertmpe she hardy dares ter wieh
It, belt It le the natural language of
her heart.
If he finds greeter pleasure, warm-
er looks, more nomtrtant love, In the
embraces of n otraager, elle ie oon-
t.•nt ; but may no sweet child WWI
the unhallowed union to bind their,
Norte Irrevocably to each other.
For children are a pledge-• sign
-a token of affection -which no
other thing tele he -and the man
who ran look upon awoman an.)
forget mho lm the mother of him 0(f-
epring. 1. len. than man, he is not
deserving of the nano. It Is a memo!
sal set on her which should for-
ever preserve her frost the Might of
oddness, anklndne**, or neglect ; and
wonxen, who have faith In the honor
a' men they love, know, it to be so
Maggie would root have altered one
phew of her existence, If she could;
pita Nut no wish hue to ere tier teoa-
mlrt (happy with the woman whom he
loved ; and yet at the thought 0!
this new life on Its way, .he trem-
ble.!, and grew het end cold 10
1 only tell it to depict her re-
roltNllon. Thin wee nature ; Rod she
was natural from head to foot ; but
there wee a stronger power with -
Ire to overcome it.
"I am not mune about teeing pleas-
ed," sold lady Ethel In mower to
her lama olservnt4on; "it came on
me es a greatopt-prime alai I think
1 have bean rather Lorry since than
otherwise." •
(lh, don't may that !" r.prtrit Mag-
gie, quickly, nee the thought of
her erwislin'ei feeling., when he 'hrived
heat' the news, (Whoa mese her
mind. •'It dill be etch a Teeming w hen
it °ears! Think, Ethel, nt n little
creature-" here ehe hnitel for n
m'nneut, bet .mly for a moment -"all
tour own, to love you and leek up
to yre1 ; there Doul,' be no greater
hnppineas 1"
Lady Ethel's bred heaved ; oh.•
was not Insensible to the prnmpect
Laid out before her. only she waw etlll
It little too proud to confrere It."
"Weld, I don't know ! it will bo an
immense trouble, and I feel very ner-
,o ; nal--and"-with a quivering
lip f nm all alerts, you see,"
"skit you will not bre nl"ne, then,"
mei Maggie, °Mlftok'ntw,
Indy Ethel ks.ked away.
"At n11 events, It Ie Inevitable '
mon replied+, niter a pause, ere, It'm nn
IW' gletmbRwsc Menet lt•, Memete 1 le 11
net nenrly time hr tea 7 1 em se'
t hilwt t "' and her willing messenger
Hew 1,, give the required orders.
The deem ellpperi trnngelll,.v gee d-
oor ftnorther. Maggio heel nothing bit
go. .1 n.v'onn le to mend to cern/thaws,
and Ledy Ethel erineswel In
et rom'gth n rid drvotl,rn to her lin.-
Ir.rsl'w ausin ; ) et she wee selfish In
herr grntltnfir.
Reared In en ntnesp lore of movie
Mooing, mat erenertnrned to moire!
everything and In propor-
tion nm they ministered to her er'tl-
relation, who seemed to Imaglnn that
Naggedn enn.tant attendance in Iter•
eictroent was empty repaid by t !IRAN
end moltlpttrd Aloe could not
go out herself. ant therefore, It nev-
er Wreck her that her mime was
enffering for want of exernlse, and
It was not wife Dr. Chalmers bort
'�w�r"r�t�r�n to her nn the atrhjeet, tont
0114. Mkmd Maggie If Me did not think
welk world do her gems.
Maggie was enduring a alight head-
ruthe e,t tits moment, foe emit to en
nbeManee of fresh air and elem.
aloe, .he howl felt the dome es -refine-
ment to a T.nreten bMronm more
than oche easel to eckrnwledge
het elle deobtnwi to avail herself of
Indy F•there refer till the narrow
"Th rnrrnw will be Aund*y, yon
Mow," aha said, with no .mils, " and
then, 11 yos can spare me, Ethel, i
"(Nt. not" exclaimed the girl,
'armee,. "Indeed, I don't believe
tt. Whatever ehe is, Aunt Letty, he
loved herr; and how could he have
done less than ask her hand In
mortis/et? And if 1 amu 1101 rale.
taken," with a Tight .mala, " liras
Ethel 1. oowiog to the knowledge
that be loves hens too; au l when
that mourn It will be all right
again. What a happy day, Aunt
Lefty! We shall here no more talk
about regretting then."
Amt Levity turned and regarded
the dear, boned face that was teem
tag op bar for a few minutes without
h. sy darling !" she exclalmed,
at length ns she took the girl In her
mem, 'lied biros You 1"
It wow not mlhah to say, but the
three meek, spike volumes from one
beast to the other.
Whet; Mico Lloyd was gone again.
Maggie felt *t first a Uttle
Brakfest was on the thief', but son
baA no lnoilnall,m to sit down by
herself. for her kulyshlp waw stilt
mal.rep, and the Large Mouse termed
Went mei deserted.
N' kbergie ant down to think in-
M#111 thn(Rhl d her o•nuan We-
ighed from this pleua,ult horn" whker
had been peeves -eel for him by 111a
father's bounty ; r4 ilnw much Ile
might be suffering ; how much be
tolled upon to puffer before the dis-
cord whleh had separated him from
all he loved ws reduoel to harmony
Yet son felt tbat, with se, deter-
- mined and resolute it oheracter as
hies. that happy end would never be
non.rmpllMied until hie wife remelted
him of her own free well, It was she
wM, had Inflicted the wound ; from
her heves alone orold come the rem-
edy. ,mud to effect a rernnoRlatlou
betweso then -wets the great wish of
Mnggte'r heart, the nim of all her
prevent acetone.
As atm set there that manning In
the, •dry arm -chair her coulee had
been used to call 1.1. own, ehe de-
termined to leave no stone unturned
that might attvapt° the cause for
which she labored; to bring all her
effort.' to hear upon that end. and
to M. petleft, watchful, and trust -
Ing ne her aunt desired her to be.
Rb. might Inoue to the dub$ect an
muter am mho thought fit, but Laity
Ethel tensa he, ton fleet to breach
it. All son hat to do was to Invite
her -ennfldencs, and pray to be en-
nhkal to edvlee her right when ..1153
received It.
With Oils intent, It wan n happy,
loving Dice oho took Into Ute bed-
room when Lady Ethel's bell ens
head to ring; so lunch, eo. that
the other coked, with all aagornese
tont did not pass unnoticed, if she
had reward ding news.
"None. excepting that the clock
line Just struck half -past ren, ant
therefore I hope your ladyship feels
refreshed by your aught'. revel "
Lady Ethel looked disappointed.
eel,, yea i Leel touch strangler,
thank you. But is It niftily so late?
I hope that you have had your
"No. I waited for you, though I
*m not quite sure I shall be wo po-
lite another morning. May 1 help
yon In your modem 7"
"Oh, Louise will dr It, thank you
it, wUt be such n trouble, went It 7"
with an Repenting eltnre that 'newel
to beg for an answer In the nega-
e Of mune It will be, a masa hor-
rible trouble; but all children are
that to their mothers, i .hall be
your mother till yMr are well, you
"• flys are the fleet I have ever
had," add Lady Ethel, despondently
"'rivet lo a bond between us," re-
plied Maggie.
" is there no e1 her 7" atekel herr
friend. " )h. Maggie! 1 dreleint twit
sight !was *len0 again, and It woo
mmeh a blaming to wake np ami re-
member roe were here!'
" Well, let me prove i nm a Nom
leg. by combing through dile king
hair without making yeti en II out
You must Int mo plait It ter you,
Emily Ethel-
' Ethel," Interposel the other,
"Ethel, then-dery Ethel, if you
" Dear Mnggle," .'th1 herr omen'.
wife; and tho girls (both under
' twenty. remember/ threw their arms
round each other's neck and re-
cline/eel a hearty hies.
The dray panted la petty, MnggIe
taking hp her mtetlen nitogether In
the elek-room. and wbether she
worked. road or wrote, rarrying (01
her lain,'. neem Indy Ethel a eye
en that ehe w** remit/int eewnpmn3
Dr. Chalmers looked In neon them
nn('edeclared lila pDatlnnt•e telae to
be twneh wtrnager, (alai a few 1/enac-
tlnnw with reep.rt to her on !Hee
gle, in whom he seemed to hay,
implicit run4ltenee. and dinnppP*re!
until the following eMy. Wltb this
exception. they s*w no one; rand
Meagk'. who hail heard ro umeh of
the conrtnnt remit of gayety In
which her tol efn'. wife engaged.
and the. barge circle of her fashion-
able argnslnteince, was sltrprllel
to find tont no lady moue to silt
with her for a few minutes, or to
✓ iser her ftp with prognoeticntlons
fo a gnh•k recovery. Iliad she been
111 nt (7anshaw., every fermnr'i
wife for ten mile* round would have
J,*ted over the moors In her spring -
cart to Iretulre If the "brew young
I.atcty wee non richt Vet y"
It 1oor true that purpple rattn.l. f'Ir
*1 the oloom of the *fternowm Lords
bought up a salvor full of .i.,ting
rnr,l.. but the untlettering rem
menti with which her maitre's
turned them over, die not seem to
Intlmnte there were wily mite term-
ed friend* among them.
"Lady Kltehener 1 and about time
she ctid mill I It'd n month since .he
dined hers,
"Mrs. t`armtrhaal1 a filagree.* for
any one to lino e her cerrlagemuted
lag at the door 1
"MM. Eviller 1 of emirs. the met
tally the why end the 'ehwrrfore
Off peleetbilg r'
le he
Mould bet glad to go to Marsh. 1
have a friend belonging to the sis-
terhood of St. h;rurenllda's, stud I
wane to attend ()lure' there."
"St, ErmewiitIa's "' repeated Lady
Ethel, "why, that to ours church I we
always go there."
"le fart the service very beautiful?"
'lilt yes; there W spleodld music ,
tend a boy In the, doter with a voice
like a. throat. But horribly hard
°haled I advise you to take a ■pawl
or rlo►eth(ng to eat down upon
.tied 3°to haver a blend among the
winter.- thews women with black
Mode and things? How fenny 1 1
d.. not know any of theist, but 1 will
order .mho carriage to be ready at. a
quarter putt ten to -morrow to take
tau there. But not twice it day,
Maggie ! i can't metre you for
more than the morning aervlce, and
I'm mare that's long enough for any-
b,rly." e •
And .tolled and promised not
to be encroaching, while her heart
b •ut faster at the ides of worship-
ping In the sante church as ulster
e been un -
e x heel be
1 1 loll h
al tibia
,to may a word about her Coueln
Tlu,th,ut A score 1 tuner lois name
had been upon her very lips, but
Something la the Inc.' of Lady Ethel
!nal restrained her. They had spo-
ken of Cranalawi. of ',melon; of the
bees* they lived In ; of the child that
was expected ; and yet the owner, the
ulster, the husband, and the father.
wast a forbidden uusbjecct.
Maggie• felt sometimes an though
ohs could not bear It ; ad though mho
mist tranagrews all bounds to plead
the cause of brut who could no long-
er plead his own; s though she
must tell Lady Ethel Dither to give
him her eff.ction or withhold it from
herself. It seemed so cruelly hard
that of all toptc■ spoked of between
and child, run down -there are
hundreds --lucky if you are not one,
And what do you think they want?
They want rest and a change,
and can't get either. Pity 40 speak
Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil
15 almost rest in itself
.a.• n* raw .wrs ss. h. 1•,
eines • News ars.311g
.. line's
pa W fa4N tl.ta
'Ike Iced of Duchene
Comes now Professor Hamilton, of
ehe New York Museum of Natural Mlle
tory, and deposes time in his opinion
t:onhnm will be destroyed by volcanic
ruption. The trouble may not arrive
for age.', and then again it may crake,
its appl''arunoe to -morrow. The pro-
fessor std lost
vs Omit Manhattan Mined
Long island, Staten Island, stud
prvtly much all of New Jersey are of
tolannie origin, and ho say/ "They
will all be tota'ly destroyed by the
genre forces. The olel lava streams.
now sogdUleel rock like the Palisades,
are Mable to break int ,again to per-
mit an outlet for the Rres now Im-
prUoned7Ity nature."
them, his name ebonki be the only
Isle forbitkten. Itut the remembrance
of Aunt Letty niid her last advice
root rained her.
Maggio had the nttmoet faith In
Mho Lloyd's good sense and counsel
She hart toll her not to force Lady
Ethel a confidence, ao.1 so ehe wait-
ed, patiently aol in hope.
( eltppoee 1 may ask for your
pew "' said Maggie, the next more -
tug, a• she stood by Ethel's bed,
drawing oat her gloves, amt walting
for the earrings to come round.
"Pew, my dear ohlkt ! yodll get
nothing so comfortable 0* a pew
et Elt Eemenlk1a's, I can proms''
von. Iia and alt down In the first
rugthrinttomwl chair you w'e, nodi
conebler yourself lucky it you have
riot a .lrea.mnker 0a one side of
you and a Newsreel! reel! on the other.
That's the worst part of these high
church's, they let everybody in.
without the slightest regard to
ooe s feelings, and you never know
neat to wbom you may site
"The rich and tho poor are met
together," said Wiggle. smiling.
"Just so," reviled Laity Fahol,
wit1'urt the least conception of the
meaning of..tlat rmue, "met I mime
you I stare sometimes had the
shabbiest people possible put
next to ehe. But if you go at otwe,
dear, and get tato the front seats,
there will not be an much fear of It."
'I ant not afrald," said Maggie, as
she kissed her friend and went down-
When she found how near St.
Ennenllda's was to Ourao n street,
ehe was alefort ashamed to have had
the carriage ordered for her ; but
elle wee quite ignorant of London.
and would have had to ark her way.
leerides. the church, which was a
large solid structure of dark red
brick, stool hack from the dwell-
ings, In the thoroughfare It oeoupi•d,
and by a stranger might molly have
been passed by, though Its deep bell
gave srsncrous notes of its proxim-
ity. it war approached through mars -
wive from gates; ant Maggie Hender-
son had coarsely set her foot with-
in Its court before the stillness of
the plans fell on her, and her heart
meld, "this to the gate of Hearin."
And if .the felt we without its
walls, how lnlch more no when she
had entered them? The chnreh was
ikon alrrs,st dark. for all its glass
wee stained, and In the channel gas
was llgbte.t even for tire morning
*orrice but Maggie had no eye@
for anything tact the numeron* wor-
shippers already soetterel about
the *erred bullcttng, mei engaged
In preparatory prayer. 811' longed
to Join them ; to feel herself one with
them In purpose as she was la spirit,
nee timidly taking up her station
at some dinettes from the altar, nhe
remainei est to all things earthly,
tenth the rising of the congrega-
tion roused her to the knowledge
that the stalls were filled with
white -robed choreters, and the
ambassadors of Chrloot were ready
to fulfil their mtesioo. Maggie had
nersr witnessed swab a onagrega-
tion ; and as sMe 'Kesel up sad saw.
mot only ties setting*, tot the aisles,
'roweled with sager fame all turned
toward the ohancel, the verse flash -
.d *cross her mind. "I was glad
elven they weld into me. We will go
eta the hong, of the Lord."
She heti ne•rr nem mirth Joyous
anticipating tonne In ebl'ob before.,
mom more solemn ones The pried
knelt , every knee ereepiel .inti-
tsn nosily upon the dome floor of 8t.
Ermenllda's, and for * few momenta
the silence of death pervaded the
•ase trullding. Than somm000ewt the
nor+ Inc,
There ie no need to chant the
praises of our liturgy, wbob every
church aoknowlelges to bo as nearly
perfect an It is poulble for human
work to be, bet M*rgeret Moncter-
son tract not thowgtmt It could be rea-
ders' as else heard It thea
Bapttly, but nwtjswtloally, It pro
hurled, without hurry and without
hc*ttetien, yet with an amount of
reverence owu•eyel by every look,
*awl g"wtur., and position, whloh was
ere entente! as ft wan ^pp/trent
MRgglm Iletened t.' It all, am though
eon had been to eons happy h ly
deem . It ws trot surprising, too
wonderfnl at filet *emcee to believe
certainly le adopt an nor n awn
right Nil hi ge AI the two tends
1s,' ehorlstor. *flowered each other to
the psalms -the gkelous organ, whi-
t.lee end .w Jtymts platntl•e or sol
oven, tallying with the wort* they
sang -they .mom.l G. anqulre a new
mooing In her ears, and mho took
her part In the remorse.* with the
keenest pleaseire Then risme the
l,nwns, sneetnetly and .Ieelst•ely de
11 vowed . the gkwlnas Te ,)sum and the
happy Jubliate, the trier preetlral
manna, the mmismn Oreo, followed
he the d111 mitre •0lomn ('nlehratton
Maggio heel .etered At Fement:Men
With the lntsstk,n of nomnrmnnlnating,
tet when the smtneet rano her tour
ate failed hew, and Maw mold net go
tip ter tow altar. An awe had (ellen
en hr senses, a midden new appro.
e•tntien of the Motesty en Hlgh eel
her own lIttIeeem : and she could
only fall upon her knew and woe
elite, while she prayed to hp melee
more worthy of that privilege Rot
..m.rtlrtg tears fell on the nhetr oho
loaned Against; tear. wrung from
her by a bright deem of Ms love
amt for IagratituM and yd tsars
that thanked H1nt for their naw•
Ing Aho load loved Film all hew life;
rel now. lnv1Ag Alm no lslls, she
ghrwevl and trembled Is Hes pree-
rowelite e* she hail Myer Anne before.
(To b• Continued.)
A Public Omelal's Pad Itaperlemoe
With Kale 1)ye.
,A preeminent public official began
to 'Amoy lager of Widower, and thee
rather surprlseel hl4 friends by ap-
pearing wlti a 'leek, well -grimes -4
crop of dark hair. t'or stem time
no one suspected a seg. But a few
(nye eget be appenrett with the top
of his beast covered with the metal
dark bn1Nn hair, but it 'harp Itno,
from the ties of the earl, marked u
strong contrast, for the hair bi l rw
tate line was of the bright gulden
hue whh'41 le the pride of the "chtm-
lew l bendear' '
It war found out that the sten
tura trim enteral hair was turuiag
grey and draftee to hake It snatch
the wtg, tau he later&. 1 In u port p•tri-
tem warrancoil to dark'•° the Wile,
and In the secret of his own res en
s.polled it. But, owing to some
ra ego olumical combination, In-
stead of molting the silvered hair
.lark It meals the (lurk hair gel+len,
ttlni aU tar ttw unfortuaete men Zine
(curia nothing that will counteract
the etrlklng'routrant, so he 1e com-
pelled to endure no email amount of
quaffing trout his friends.-Pbiladel-
phlu Iteota'd.
There 1s morn ('utnrrb lis this .tell°■ of the
country than era oth,•r dbw"w put together,.
sad moil the lust len yenrs w.. sew +'•eel to
lot lururnbl.• Fora snout many leen doc-
tor* pronounced It n local disease rad pnm-
erlbe,l local renenlle., and by roa.tautly fail -
Ing to curt with In1411 I run tm•nt, prnuuorw,l
It lueurahlr. Mrienee hal pr.rearataRh to be4
a constitutional Cora. and therefore i -
qutrc. a run.tltutlunal treatment. all's('a
larrh Cure, meaulectuml i1F Fel-Chime
Tole,lu, Uhler, b the only rnuatltu ttoual
I tare on the market. It it t.keu Internally lu.
1osta tr„m la drops to a uo.p000fol. It meta(
directly on the blood Rad mer•••• surfacer of
the ryutem. They offer one huneree donee.
for any ease It fa11s to curt. Mend for 'Ince.
Imre end• testimonials.
A1ldrew 7..7. CH EN EY & ('0., Toledo, U.
Sold by Preee lets -75r
FondlyKP111. are .Ire heel.
Not Very Mar Weems.
'(,visa' throolc dal
Recently a pastor was preaching'
to children. After asking many quem-
tlour and Impresdhlg on the meet of
too eblldron that they must be saved
from will he asked the question, "What
b sin ?" A bright little boy, otx
year. old, quick as thought. replied,
'Chewing, emoking, cursing and tear -
leg your pante"
Mfuard's Liniment 1n the best.
No l's..
tee Y. Sun.)
Richmond -How about that new
health food you invented 7 Is it on
the market sat ?
B oneborouglm-No, I've given It up
I find that all the good Dames have
been mid
Minard'r Liniment for Rheuma-
Its Test to Come.
131. Y. Journal of Commerce.)
In the morale of time compulsory
nrldtretlon must reduce wages, and
its popularity with the working
elegem will then be far Iran than it is
In New Zealand at the present mo-
lucul, where It promotes Intlustriat
pence by raining wage'; but, accord._
lug to the New eouth Wales Cominie-
sk,nr, the roonomie• conditions would
Noe retired wages 011.) Way. How
much cumislleor3 nrbltratlon writ
promote Imlus.rl,l peace when wages
Are going 1100'11 15 wholly unknl' 11.
But the most r.rluus eupeet of the
matter Is that .tstnpulsory arbitra-
tion means that the witues to be paid
he A Manufacturer or a railway com-
pany shall not be fixed by itself or in
the open mnrknt, but by it third
pru'ty, and that every MA m1's right to
demise a man whom ht• soirees 10 1 m -
ploy no hongo'r in .i1'Jeet to ret now.
Ferbspv an I•duet vial community ren
gun along under such a /oat,•m, hat
none'�s.�Ltrr holo steel the experience 01
Niw 7.Tnlnnnt ems not even create a
preenmptkre that it can.
An Iwgelrer .n.were.l. 13 hen you apply
••tor P & 1," 41rnt Plaster 1.. your lame
"Moulder leave the printed cloth In plate. It
Drotart" your lint sea. wille tot pis"4r 1,10,
the pain and •tlfluesa out of yon.
Flops the Cough
and Works Ile the Cold.
.baxntly. Brown alum eine T*blel. cure &cold
Monday. No run*, No pay. Price 115 rout..
What made your linens
r, coarse? Common soap I
Sunlight Soap saves linen.
Tended 1'helr Owe Druaku
INalund Science N.ervalue.)
lor.1 Arebery deviates Quit ants
Beit maintain their .M,rlety 'nuke n
greet dlstlr'ctlon In their treatment
eg the Intoticrttld stranger and the
fellow cilium who. lase eucs'umli 11 10
his blan.Uehtnente Ile inebriated fflty
arta twenty-five from one nest and
twenty -fl r0 from another, and pot
them all into lite nest from which one
lot had been taken. The Inhabitants
al often took the lielplere &trangert
atilt, threw them into the water ;
while thus who were oll►sens a the
neem were c•trried tenderly array
Into remote corners to recover from
their festivity at leisure. •
Salisbury e■ Old Offender.
it Andre ('brsnEle.)
"Lore °allsbnry tete other day of-
fended many citizen* of the Mailed'
reepere by alluding to It as the'E)ng-
luah' empire. Ills Ipeeoh In the Lords
Met night In moving a vote os,
thereto to the arttrty end navy con-
tains more mot ter of offence. We
hear (id the 'Crown of England,' of
Enftggllohmen hevonl the *raw,' and,
Reddenl perhaps of all, of 'the t:ov-
ro•crannt of England.' 1')etriotle Soots
anti Irtrdanrn mot take comwelatl.n
from the fact that Y the uncle tan-
ned to the Honor' of Lade, the
nephew to the remmnnn maintained
n correct attitude throughout, )tr.
Balfour acknowledging wlt:h due
elephants that our d'row'n, rsmr Em-
pire, and our troops, are 'Brit -10h.'
Menem. C. C. Richards & Co.
Dear Hire,-Wlolle in the conelry
Met mummer I wan badly bitten by
mosquitoes -era madly that I thought
I would be die/figured fee et couple
of week/. 1 was edvl*ed to try your
1.Inlmeilt to allay the Irritation and
,*111 go. 11he effect was mere than 1
expeoteti-a few application', com-
pletely eeriest the irritation, pre-
venting the bite* from becoming wire,
MINARD'M LINIMENT 1. °len a good
article to 'owe off tee momqultoss.
Yours v rely,
W. A- OKE.
Harbor Orem, Nf1.1., Jan. 8. 1A*A.
One hundred ,.illi'n bottle. of Painkiller
used alum. I'err) Davis made the Prat. 1111•
Ilona of rtumn.•lrate)hw Road other ochreeun'.1:
whet) a record Ind) )'ears! Harr n hot lie
nlwmyr handy -you will not regal It.
1e New IAmotes Time.
(Toronto New..)
Mr. Henpeck preemies that the
marriage we•rvlce rimed! be altered
we that it will read : " Who 'taro
take this woman 7"
And the bridegroom eha11 answer:
" I dare."
New York Ventral sad Iluelson River
The above name Is a household
word and the enperlor rxr,llence of
the road should try infflelent to at
traet meetpeople, but now that the
rate la the same to New York and
polntl rant as by other linen no
further rernmmpndatlen .lanai bi
sought. Everybody will tell you It
Ie the best.
Innards Liniment the beet Hair
As LlUle aa Possible.
I1. Y. Sun.)
KiN'ker-Thos 'bathing girls count
be street of the police,
lto+ker-slaw aro?
Knocker -They hate to be caught
with the gook (0.
ask les Ws 'alae' Yat, ,q
Au M:a
Lever's Y. Z (Wise Home Disinfectant Soap
Powder is better than other soap powders,
se it oleo seta u • daaanfectanL
lye Study of the Art of
.1u ethnuetive study of the art of
)rculauuu tele beim publlrhtel lis Lou-
don by (Jrwtatoplter NI roe. apropos
of which the Ltaltkru Chronicle had
IOW 10 say :
Thing* that happen under Due's
%pry tarso Are preeleety the things
It doer tart occur to us to investi-
gate. And. V we nuts suggest an ape
Nen)prlate portmetatettu word, Er.
yrop'mews h►mself u eery learned
anti auetertslaing kite@turian. Wilma,
teen, Ye a 11.01 We cannot accept
tier French cynic's, conextremen of a
kiss to torr hulmaws bullet of the
average duel as a definition. 141111
tem doer tiro "Dictionary of the 1)111,
her Philological Sudety- know about
lt. "A prenduru of the mouth against
a bode !" 'teat id Just Ute a petiole -
meal modesty. Mr. ?Vetoers' sneered
war far snore iwttsfaotexy. Learn to
wpM_I Lt and ties go And do it. and
ytu ca.m qo wktivut the definition.
However, dlvinuu le ester than de-
finition, and in alar matter other
languages put us to tee blush. Even
tee Romans had three words to ex-
pren the dem, anti according to the
nature 01 t:a. recipient dlrtrIbuterl
"o.OWa, intens and rearm,"
lint in t•oglleh tier WIMP word
lute to .do duty for thw
pene uepho'is
peek at his anus' forehead mil the
Orton ruptureur salute of the ac-
cepted lover, (Orphan gives u ire-
mrtltlonns choice of kixree, for Irr,
eerier lute found over thirty vari-
eties mentioned and defused ill (i.'r-
e ul dlctionariee, though he liar
mol noted that the lugieul fallacy
of crone -division is perpetuated.
For example, there is no resew'
why a "Liebeekusse should not be
a ' Murgellkusr" and a "1'amtoffel-
kurs" at the same time, through the
eveuhhg doer seem a d110reo npirro-
priato time to kites the lady's slap-
per. But the Berman determina-
tion to leave 00 gap In language
is triumphantly shown to tho word
"nochkumen"-which menus making
up for keeper that have been missal.
1)r. Nyrop, having settled down
to work, proceeds systematically tis
becomes a proftsmor and differen-
tiates Messer liner love kisser, nftre-
tiouatn time's, the Kier of peace,
the kis. of re,pect uud the Mee of
frlonlrhip. If the urns Indulge 111
auticilatton .juu.ed upon pant his-
tory we mhodd predict that ulti-
mately the fleet divleton will re-
main in puaaession. There have
been epochs when the drlltief
world was a mingled inferno and
paradise of kissing.
Till the time of the Renaissance
the friendly kiss was greeted Ito
France, especially among the up-
per classes. Ill lois "Apolrgle pour
lierodote,' Henri Execute writes
einem; are allowed Ie Frame be-
tween noblemen and Indies, whether
they du ter do not belong" to the same
family. 11 a reeofhigh-horn Anne Is to OH S U M PT I 0
(.mulch and any free of her acquaint -
411100 comes 1100 tenet, In accordance
with the erase prevailing le good so -
(Toronto Moon.)
Wanted, -Well educated young nem
-University gradunto In mo dr•rn
language* preferrrel-to write the
Iexeial notices for newly -rich 'Cor
onto family. Must have complete
adjectival vuoith•'t',.ry• Box 152
ENGLISH SPAVIN 1.11111/11110112 removes
nil hare, loft or calloused Lump." rind It'm
When from borers, Blood Mpavlo, Curls
Splints, King Bone, Mweeny, MtIMo, aerobia
More mod Swollen Throe*, Cough., etc. Mor
15e, by one of ane bottle. Warranted 111
most wonderful 11lemish Cure ever knows
Mold by all druggist..
Mor M lrew.en In Roan,
By way of rveM roast will 'what ex-
tort. In Fillntwr alt. It wee is l tel one
that the largnwt pripnrtien of the
London fire-r'nginew are tier email for
the Mlirre M the work Reminded of
tr'a'm. TOP street hydrant's are oleo,
too 1111111111, .31(111 n thin& 11,1 a J Incl,
street hydrant twing tukpown in
1/111100 while 1170'. were 'lenil.11
try *11 the prinrlpml Melding. 41
Fiilntiergi' In London the 11 .forage
Alneveter of floe hy.Iremen .a. L' 1-e
In. The pts from tlmeen*Jorlty of the
(Ire-eneglnes we're lilac rkllenlotlsly
e mail The evertage was 7-Alr,h , and
a .A wetter fermi a nettle of
merit. dlmsmaineu Metres It rr*ohe!
five or mix abriee lo Awhile wee et
tis better than .petitln!IJllnbargh
alt t110. ermines ore fltteel will, jet
rf 1 1-t he. while the power r,
grows are .prevldwl wire s let of 1
F4 In., In diameter., -London Mall
Good Forma.
"Hello, Jim! Where are
to row 7"
"O1.. north for the .3tminer."
"Ain't you a bit early. old men 7
We haven't had any hot weather
yet, y011 know."
"But, my dear fellow,
become Impatient ; elle
batlime writ,"
70u off
my wife has
loan a pew
Tnke Laxative Promo Quintus T.hlete, All
drraglata Meed the money It it fella to run.
E. WW - Urove's signature loon each boa. 45..
Real Unkind.
(('hio*eo Newer
Tom -Min l'a.nay is posing an a
bud In society this winter.
Jack -Bud of what -a century
plant 7
Mlnarder Liniment cures La (Tripp•,
Masrl.ct hart la - W- hose Name the
I.Irense Was ]Inde Ilei.
Former Lieut,-(lov. John (7. t'n trr-
wood, of Kentucky, told 11 dory at
the Canadian Sudety dinner at the
Arkwrlgtrt Clnb Tumidity night Menet
a negro in Ms employ who was mar-
ried fewer or five times, every time
reeelving an a gift $5 from hie em-
ployer. The elxth time the fervent
appen red Mr. Underwood meld: "This
ting lute gorse too far, Ham; this
time yes (Mire got to get married
M the meteor farm. I will get you
a !Orme from the County Clerk,
whbh wiS east $ Lee, which sum 1
[ will leillr, from the $5 I am going
on give you."
Sam demurrer!, hurt finally con-
sented to have the Berner procured.
Ile ell Me Of Mor. Un.k,rw,old'. 110IMa
In the evening, awl when the certi-
ficate we,& real to him it r'ontained
the name of "!ferry Ann Jones," the
name of a woman Ham bad been pay -
Wm attention.
Land make's, merrier. Mary Ann
7.uen ain't de wonu,n it's Harail Jrn-
kltw i wade to marry."
Col. Underwood rrptbd the' he
would arrange it *11 right and wo old
take .tit another lieenee, costing *1.-
(.o, which town he would darted Olen
from the $3.
"Thiel I. getting toss ...enemies.,"
erlel beam. "i t'Ing y.MI better (rave
de proper ilke It nm. I did waMer
merry Merit(' Jenkin', hit dere ain't
•i.tll difference 'tweet' dem, we 1
reckon I'll take Mary Ano Jones die
(Ina",-iboltnlo Courter.
1'. proem .e yes stat 1+a
T1,.'. Ointment le %cartels
and Khaniate core for m'ar'k
and evert form of Marina,
blwwdln rersi prokrnding ones.
tee ,00nereetnras- have guaranteed It See tee
(1stnetel. In the dally err. mal ..k roerrnttih-
ken what they think ter 1' Yen can nM It awl
get alster moon heck Ilesd (Me a he,..5
1611 1*4 r. .r 1mired
Ca, T.wun5*
Dr: Chase's Ointment
..-w..,," • 110.1111010/ r+ear
assess. se•peestat r elt
rsbwr 10l.04910w.,.w w..►., .11
000, 01111.00• 14.0 /.tier'r ens
r•nw.*,we.. w...., ll
tot. .I int worts .••' haw.- 101
•t 5.,e. Of -41,n. r.001.11.. 11.
t. M rw• raasaa earee3 5,•M, he% a s
ISSUE NO. 28e 1802.
Il.rth% end other inane on co ulmlealou, or
will buy (1.0.1d point ul rldpnleut, also !Int.
ter, Laau Drb•.1 Appal. Poultry inured o1!.r
Innen product Corrr.pundetree sollrl p,1
w mer t:115 t'hl'IT s' I•Ituhl'('F: re,
COT. l oNk a us, N' 1111am 11tr., Mnr►rt Itl,lir
041410u, tis,:.
wr no. "(Wu /or n !hatted qunalltr „1
DRY Mt'111'4. -- huu•,ll+u,•
delivery. Knott. y ouresnrtlty uud (oho e
au -es Fleece MTKEKT
nt clenuloa *liver-
wort your alter
is Idly
ori ►t
tete fOLIMH1NIi FIB It F: mks stye. tae
drudgery And maker rllsrr rleaalua n tar,.
aro. Ntiliy pepp.INs, nlwmkwtoo use too tin.
lantutiI .slf.µd4l,I, i
rhoth.lnPl ,' ter "
rluth. Plitt :• r at druagkt11 nod notl,,,
dealers. By mull trim
MONARCH Mie. 00, Me Oatbsrl*M taut.
write ler trial remplea.
e".r" Training. )
TH E beet epmligrel M tenni
Training coma• in Caulu1-)
ti 0110 u' the mnfly adventngre
of (*.rod to L''yp and young men
al toll Reel Willi Li Soho 1.
Taken with the umiak H gla
School dello' 1t effete, n
practical training' of great
value to every y,)ntll
leturk•nts are preplrce, for
Universities, S 1.'1••e noel Pre_
fissional Se'hlmiw, noel inte-
rnee I f.'. The ntnst,rw ere
tithllcIl- .y: tr.ehusl men, tine
the allied in under ea rnr•e1
Clriatl'nl Iniluent'rs. A largo
endowment nide* w•alrrn1'
1:111, egos powetble.
Kent for Calendar to A I.
M4('rimmun, M. A.. 1'1lis, ipei
Woodstock, (Marto.
Ely Pads
The Original and
only Genuine
e'ety, get ma even If she - to *h-
oorts+l In the rlcepost M>(votlon, and
hien him on the 'meth."
And yet people wonder that the
Church Is not mo popular as it was:
Eradlnus, too, as 7011 may read in hie I
"I:pl.tolnu Famllieres," came stcrop
much the same *ort of thing to Eng -
keret "And U your have once tented
how del'.cate these tones are, and the
.M'I:clotienees of their savor, you
w.ydltt want to ire Miniature to Eng -
hunt for time and eternity. Wheel', a■
Fronde 00011 wrote in quoting thin
paso(tge Iprtecnrlttr'ly, Is pretty gust
for a priest. But In the year of esteem
\�'oIoria'a smoothen customs Nut al-
lSerel: • t
"In 1817 Mr. Thome ?Overland
',refight an action rtgainmt Mhos Caro-'
slue Newton, who had bitten • piece 1
snit of hie nose for Id* having tried 1
•to lies her by way d n joke. TIu' .
defendant wan aeontittad, an.) the
edge laid It .'owq tlutt 'whets a man
kissed a woman against her will eon
Is fully entitled to bite his nose U she
see pleases-.'•
it 1. well to hate this recorded, for
nothing 1s ra111y Reined until 1t ham
teen deckled In an Englleb law court.
Th,, coerinaion of the melte? la that
in drenying net -- or, rather,
preheat, a prnctiee which Is green -
ally bingcon'Ined to lovers, to whom
it. mm;' 1st' eft with coufelence.
Prevented and Cured•
pour marvelous free remedies for a1
sufferera reading this paper. New
care for Tuberculosls,Consump-
tJes, Weak Lungs, Catarrh,
sed a rundown system.
no you cough
Do your hinge pain you r
la your throat sore and inflamed?
Ito you spit up phlegm?
Does your bead ache ?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicates
Are you losing flesh?
Are you pale and thin?
Do you lack stamina >'
These symptoms are proof that yes
have in your body the sees of the mol
dangerous malady that hes ever devu
tamed the earth -consumption.
4....m lay:trod to tee* .fist this mean will do for
you, of eon ars ova. by .00na for e
■ns, the Few" Few Preparation. *1) he forwarded rod
at r.. 0. complete d,rerrw'a• for ,..e.
TM Star"m Stiviere is a nominee owe foresees.
Sion. that ,...t Malefic.. disease, and for •I( 1.enr•,
77 .,all's end P041.'.. nerp.1' ,.ted by 1 nee .•1
Flesh, Co.erhs, Caurr► Ae+,ethm., Bro•w:hdu a.d
Hest Troth
Simply ...•e .o the T. A. Strome Chemical
Cdeerwny, I.,mit.d.. Kin Street Wee Tams".
lair' ..,e� . .idle.,, and the free
Mrs. Window's hustling Syrup should . ilia (the Slocum Cunew 11 he roomprty sent.
stony, be need for Children Trrthlne. It Persons in C.n.4. 'ng Slr,em'• fro ftrr (e
soothes the child, .oftenathe 'a•, mortal wind Amanta. pay�ewes .:11 p1.r send for stasis Y
cook and ie the be.t remedy for Diarrhea. aired'. Ymtio. the Nps.
LIBBY Luncheons
Neer, the predate Inher ripening mita Tars
aka end ern Ilse ta..,..).ryas Il left
�. •1.p„t lamp to Ibis...'
Potted Ilam Reef awe renin.,
01 resew. Haw,
real twee,
Deviled Naos, 0rlsaat aedr,
Silted !Intoned 8.ef.
A ltv.1.n1 Flower rand. vwubi...d
eh/ewe. T.wr eraser 4..44 haw Int•.
Libby, Mcaelll d Libby, C1ee•see
'TIM tie Yves Goon Turn. 70 stay' son
5...) lows r.. w...
finest In the Niagara Peninsula, at
WW lnona. 1n miles from Hamilton oo two rail-
ways. Ile &crew In ell n M which 1a In fret%
men', coshes Will be sold 1n one parcel ,.
divided Into Int. nt 15 to DI worn. tc .nit our
hexer.. TA1.1• is decided Isere -Ma AAdrrw,
Jeeethee Carpenter. P. 0. box 1110 trunci*
Rtfnmerse Neve Herniae' 1 p w.
Toronto 7.:4) pm , Trestle, w, Ttmrs-
tlayw and tintor(1sys for Bay ref
Quint... One Times/ad Island., Rapide.
Flt. Lawrwlre to Montreal *art In-
terme' port..
Very Low stales of Singh. Rad
Return Ileket.
1'')1(()X10-5I0NI'RI1AL LINK
Kemmerer have Tornado at 4 p.m
daily, except 1Mrnday, for (7hnrlol1
Port of Rochester, One The/ mane
Iolanda, Rapids, Kt iataremee, Mon-
treal. Quebec, Murray tiny, Teremete,
Magnnnay River and Intermedla,,
part It
M. F'o*trr Chaffee. Worthen P:t0
ereyger Ascent. Toronto; Thos. Henry.
Traffic Manager, Montreal.
Always Insist on
your dealer sup-
plylag you wllh
They era mannf.Ptnred frogs the MIT of MITERI.ALA by the
Yn*T fin ILIAD workmate