HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 44 Tavafi•AT, Jab/ 10, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO Your Summer Suit. You can tome here anti *elect • suit, acid wear it the earn et ening No such waits sod ,lelays as • tai ur may give you, uo such prima ea he sill charge you, but a suit tilt'. will At yup faultlessly, wear Patii- fectordy Mkt save you money. Before purchasing be Burnam! leo cur aOth Century Brand of men'. fine tailored gar - mead. at 110, $12 and 115. We are solo *genie for the '20th Ceutury Brand meu'u file clothing. 'rheas are without doubt the finest ready-to-wear clothing in Ceu- oda, merle of good materials, fit perleetly cud reulu their shape. Inspection invited. Three Days' Seale of Pants. JULY 6, 7 AND 8. Owing W the unfavorable weather, we find that we have too many light l'auts on hand, hence tbisode. 14.00 Pante tor $3.00. 3. 6 Pante for 250. 2.50 Panto for 1.911. 2.00 Pants for 1.50. 1.26 Pants for 1.00. Fee our special mole Putts fur working then al 75c. See our special mole Pants for boys at bOc. W. Ce PRIDHAM • Perfect Fitting Clothing House. (lents' Funtieher McLean's Block Itoarly-to-wear Clothing. htt IS MISUSE= EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ■T M. McImII.UC T 0101311111011. THURBDAT. JULY 10. 1000. GODERICH IN SUMMER. BEYOND question Goderich is an ideal summer town, with its wide, well -kept streets, beautiful elevation above the Lake, proximity to the beach, healthgiving lake breezes, picturesque avenues of shade trees and ample acooinmoiation for tour- ists; it is a place in a thousand. For fishing, boating, bathing and wheeling there is no finer location on the continent, and the thousands who annually find their way back to the old town each season te-tify amply 1) the fest that there is only one Goderich on Lake Huron in the wide, wide world. And while the foregoing can in all troth be said of the town, it need not be taken for granted that push and enterprise is not to be seen in ever) part of its commercial and business actisity. The storekeepers of the town are up -to date and wideawake, the manufacturing industries have in several cases a reputation on both sides of the Atlantic, and the names of Huron's sons from the Lake Town can be found registered in place and position at the Pacific coast, ,a far- away f3oubh Africa...Dd at the coron- ation gathering. \ But the peculiar location of Gode- rich is such that, while at certain points the hum of industry and the bustle of commercial life throb at their best, not half a mile distant are situated beautiful breathing spots where the toeriet may rest himself in quietude, to all appesrauce as far re moved from the busy haunts of men as if he were in the heart of New On• tario, or down by the sounding sta. The additional hotel accommoda- tion that the town has had in the put year, in the shape of I lotel Gode- rich, has proved to be a great at- traction to tourists, and we are pleaecd to learn that the reputation of the new hostelry has travelled to many far away points, and brought trade this way. We have the location ; now let us all give the glad hand to the stranger within our gates. WHA r 01 HERS ARE BAYING• A P,MIR. 81. Themes Times: How • woman goes to work be button op • dress In the nook 1. •1 wary, • prdoaod mystery to an onmarned OILS. WHAT "AVIb RODS Simms Reformer : Had then been en• men datellery In Oaten* to whack up for Whiteley 11 would have berg all up with Rego. 1116CA0w1 OF VNRIA.ONIRO row.IUDiC5. H•ealltea Speotater : If • Chinaman oom• salts • dl•bollcal crime the mob Immediate'? Inmate 1M attention to all Celoamrn. Rat a Oanedla oommlts the erten. nobody at. taepts te pettish all the other Cnadicos for Me crime of one. Why Is 11 thus! NO 1'01.rTN'IANw IN .JAPAN. Ottawa (:Riese : Von eaunot swear at or abeam aeybody le the Japanese language, says an *Rehaop. The worstoa ten say of sybody is that he In • 'fellow." and 1 Tett want to •xprees your very, very prated InAlgnstien, you shout, "Chore, Mere t" M 6Nt7FA(TrRten AMM"NITION Stratford Beams T That story about the P,Leo Edward o.unty pallets bate, miss- ies they sere all the time lotto erpree *Moe al Toronto. Is still tele/ the rounds el the teeriervatlye weekly prose with mein. meats Isttmatiop orook.Anees ea the part of %be eleeti.. officalals. Wonder 11 D ever will be eerreetd. It Ie .Intel•r how moot eta be mad. of swtbla, whoa le camas N trying t• baud up a ems for the Tory party. MORrrAle wooD re nrreieo ON Rk Thomas Times: M Wed, who le • peember, bet does net want to be galled "Mm..'' has hd another $1,000 Oohed en to Me salary sad new rots $5,000 • year for wile kissing M Plymouth ('onion aUesal oharoh r Olevelutd Re demo's ebjeot to bola, imbed "Dr." H• was p.peler In Termite a Are years age, but tem n head N ernes Me mit Weems N molt orttlolem from members of W desk Mere. it le said. Anyway, be le • Mayer sad glee member who ese tem torsed • 16,000 salary. A SOATTURn1 Mot. NW York Peet: Admiral Dewey'. /IrsMmom leafage the 1.w .. e HIS Comerlte 'els Phlilppl•sa •eahlebga beyead dlepwN M. epedaea @hareems. et tee a eallad Will of Yaellls. Me gas a ismul•d the oily absolutely, bat the Spanish (]eeernorlimiest wanted • little 0rlag te sal•eble imperilled "h000r," and eo,toobll e Ms opponent, Admiral Dewey eery politely .ad Jauntily "killed • few people,".s be puts It. Apparently no battier could destroy a dozen squirrels with Ica oompnnotleo, M , he •ipreened uo regrets for The American eeldier. needlessly killed In the land attack. I'erh.os with him, as with the respeodble geoerals, the high rewards bestowed upon the leaders of Ib', alum battle site.,., badowed the casualty Int, Vet this la ,,to. of the •obtosymeae of which we were se proud in 1898! N,rT MI a .1 cititiOI London Advertiser : Attestloo 1s called to 18. degree In which the five leading re I'glous denominations ti. C+o•da b••• memo - Mined their relative proportion. In the lest forty yeas. Aooesdtag to the ceases es - taro et 1861, 1881 end 1901, the Dumber per hundred of the pepolatlon atrash.d to the •r nous religious bodies has been : 1861. 1881. 1901 Roman Catholic. "142 41 4.3 41 50 Methodist.. 15 29 17 1N 17 Cl I'restyterla• 14 27 15 63 15.68 Church of Kn,tend ... 15.06 13 35 12 67 B•ptMt.... 644 685 650 Others 4 52 656 6.58 I, this ca.,•otion TOGuelph Meroury remark* that It would neem that la ('.ods, •t lever. the people ri a whole lied gismo hood, deeemlaationelly, at least, to Poul'. io{000tion, -lot every man •b!de 1. the same calling whereto he was tailed." ' O111 TOUCH OF NATURE-" 81. Thomas J.nra.l : The Intones interest displayed by the people of O.u.d• iia the moo of the young moo who was entombed in the well at farts last week Is one of them t,euden'e which ooaf -m the opinloos of optimists that the world is getting tetter as It ' growing older. For four day* the thief theme of reanimation Ibrou/boat this 1 roe' tos was the awful predicament of S•ndtorl,, -id the hopes that were crprss•ad for hie root' seer, as numerous •• the provers offered for the Kin{,'. recovery Men bays tome to uo• sneolouely pat thea - Solve. la the p' of of the sufferer and some enol'-11I,ht though is may le -to store the pains .adored. lo the Ltt few d.yr thousands of hlebly ore -+ zed and sec ai11.. ponos. were In Imo. tattoo •t the bottom of the 1'.ria well, sod could feel the pressure of the quicksand upon their limbo. Tb s Indicates the development of the sympethetlo aide of bum• t esters and is aa &Drury of the growth of l eft to log of brotherhood which le the 1 tele of I h* philo- sophy of Cb. ,t4en1/y. As truly as i bey sympathized with the King t. ate .til orlon the (7•oadP't' egple.ympalhvd wit the well digger. .bowleg the u.lvereePty of their interest In the 'dilated. Tilt TIAI'NINO PROFESSION. d'r roof • News : Out of as at0udanoe of over two hundred Maher@ from .II par', of that Province who h.,. Some to 'l'orooto Ws summer to attend the Teacher.' Sum mar School, only eighteen ere nee. 11 th s 1s any criterion of the relative number of male rad roseate membe-e of the taooblog prof...ion to the ■oboe's ot the Prot oo•, and we belie,. of 1•, the profession is Moog abandoned by male trtohen at • rats wh oh tndloates that to • very few years there w111 be practically •o male a )obers avail- able even for rho larger oity .oboolt. The reason ot this wholesale abtadonment of the teaching profession by men le that the rite et wages pald theaters bas not, kept pare with the ever '-uoreaeiog oast of 11• ie. The asses paid in rural schools an l small that no Sot sg men with any oon6dseoe whatever to Ns •wo ability cr ray diners t get along In the world woad tl tic of t- rope .g the position. that offer. Even in ate schools there are but try few of he leathers paid a salary einBholen% for • ma M d•otoliy support • wife end family even tboagb to may have spent rho best yess of hie life In the profession and Is arm..1 with the highest nd beet clam of gaollticatlon There on be no doubt about U that men ere being slowly but surely driven out of the teaoblog prof noon In Oatarlo to seek a Ilalse wag. to other walks of life, and their pleas are beton taken by women who are saltless to work for the smaller wage. W Ithoot des log 'n s uy way to reflect o pen the qualifies' loos or ability of the . mall army of wemn teachers Into whoa. bands the daintier. of the future a clop of the mea of I l,noelo is 'lowly bot surely ratline them can be no doubt that the anomie el men teachers will work serious Injury to the education system of rho I'ro- vIsoe. lo the prima./ claws women, perhaps, mak• that best and most suoon.•tel teacher', but in the higher grades, with pupils 01 maturer years, women Nethem tall short of what oagbt te be the standard la the yery Deo wary element of dlsolpl to rad le that Missile b •l view which le n ..entl.t 10 t bey's early train' te The bey of today Is the man of tomorrow, and the time ',surely coming when able pitrleg dame le air educational eyst•m will tear ample fruit to the detriment of /he oomtng generalise of nee '1 the Provisos of One trio. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES• A Smoot for a. Neese, I.e. Clinton New gra. 8 Sl..., of GoAeelob, end •sada, Mies Sloane, are vldtieg at R. 9. (Cooper's. Me Sloane 1e an mole of "your Oar Sem," and is lase as popular with everybody as OIL• Ma's (merles me. A allrvies 1111 .tea. Sort. Rleoardin• Review A onmm.tlna was mused le the Metho- dist church, Pipe River, last Sunday sere• leg, by she Boor dropping down a Mee. A arena, segsme was preached by the Rev. R Hehbe, 11 Wls,ham. A• AI Mwssl ..leafed meaner. Wlartea Kobe. A ge.d ening I. told The ROM by • mem- bo et ens of the lime Heed Amebas of Ite peeler, whlob oemrrd m • RMd•y s.ralag remade 1• ears : W wait to Marsh ea sisal, the paster presidia". The •p.sIsg hymn was eves wet and the epee - Ina prayer .s offered .p. The Ilwlptare was Mee read sad seethe. hying, when be that nrp t.. of all, the hemdNNies wee pro - SIR WILFRID LAURIER. The London t Eng Daily Mall's Bketeh 05 the Premier A 1 oleo Mare In la. Krplre el rreaeh tidal■, 8.t Strnglr Allocated le $rllmb Iaelllall.o-Toe a.aae- lbae of at. (.1.0 al 4lutr.rter. Dade: the beadles, "Th. Orator of lm- port.l:sm," '1'b• Loads* Irene) U. ly 14.1* of done 21st Iter • Dopy es whlob we ere In- debted totem, -me sakoow s) gives • readable share of the Camarillo Premier, who malt t ains the high pl•oe 10 the estimates of the British public whlob he gained at the time of Queen Voiotia.* pelage'. The Mall my. A mu of retsina rase t.asblog loyalty to • British people beyond themes, `Ir Wilfrid Leaner Is a a'y ase figure •uw, as he wee al the Ut•sood J Hie career sad plotereeque pl•oe to Do Empire have a sew slgntficaooe In the light of what hes happeaed derive the last throe years. May we lope that, after a war eo bitter, oleo of Menem blood ted Mmperaseat w111 agree t• forget! le 1I possible that a "silent tad I,.. rio. c.0 Iwro ta Wgaa zealous' lo for the Respire which has remitted 16 In the aerobe • and goer rbe 1t! Sty Wilfrid Laurier steam =tuns us today, and the doubt loess power upon men's mtnda. His assn a000were rebels. They loaght under, P.plaoeu. Hie people still speak their own Magee, Lad keep their own Ideals. But more thee soy other .1.1.5man of the English (..lealee, he has fired the mashie of Empire. A gTR1a1NO PIkWNAJ47T._ la hit sissy -fins tsar, 8-r Wilfrid Laurier to fall el *Moieties tlad magtetl.m. Ta1l,wlt8 • handsome preemee and a alroogly iatetl•otual fare, he is less like • Fresobmea or an eater tb.e hie Ilkens••r suggest. The ohms shaven face, clear ud penetration eyes, firm lipr, powerful, and straight neck enggget oommend. 11,1. eyes aro blue, and rot wide .parr, his bale Iron grey .ad long. The brow, high, broad, masterful, elves gravity to • min always dignified ; yet the features In repose do nes oenvey a trait Ides of ale mat. l)oo rare chareoten'tlo, which Mr. liledetoo• 6.d In the same wag, lea sweet, magnet stalls. to Sir Wilfrid Laurier It reveals an astable obaraot.r, and somehow . ag1..te hie far from robust health, II le the foie of ea orator unmistakably ; but as M hit rice, you wool! say & Soot of the type el Cnrlatepb.r North. Only • Isco ear out detect the Freooh •ooeat. H• le 'mauler!, polished and urbane, with en may b.arleg. HIS OINTI.iNken ANO TA,T. A C'aradiaa writer who knows blm well says that at heart Sir W ilf. i1 Leaner 1. probably lees of a fighter the say other also to Uasadlsn publlo life. Ho prefers to win .11 his vlo'orlee by the arts of p ate. A forecast stark upon blmself woesds him M the heart, bat 1t doge not novo him to reorlminatlon la kind, far lege to vengueoe. Hs hu hardly Byer been knows even to debate tO a' ter a bitter word, although two years ago hie support- ers goaded him to maks an nal.ught opoo the °ppoittles leader, Sir Charlie Tupper. The 1', ymlee undertook It rdaetntly ; he sat down le • hlably-eksat state, Imo medl.laly'.eft the House. tad did nob re tern for three day.. 'Laurier,' •:pialned one of lite Cab'net elterwsrda, 'onnot beer M make an enemy.' " That le ore of the a rots of 131. popa- larlty. It helps to condo how he. a Ro- woe ('atbollo and a ? rnchmao, bas as large and devoted a following to Methodist sed l'rmbyt.rl.o Oatarie es hts great pro deota.er, 81r John Slaodoodd. HIS 1'01 ITV AL 1'Rlwn What is the motive el hie patriotism • %Vey dirt he propose • piece of Calif Meta Iatlon .n ntir•ly generous, and why has be nursed the esa'Imne which moved U.e- adl.e. ot both mom to pour out their bleed in south Afrte& ea rarely ! Slr Wilfrid Laurier ono' answered, that question btmeell In an eloquent speech at Montreal. "1 am of F. each origin as you all know,' he said. "The blood flows in my veins of that great oaten which exalted la turn the admiration, the leer, the soy. nod the hatted of Europe, but its indifference But though I am proud e f my Frneh origin, 1 love l'oglend, and 1 love Brltl■h Monne Mono And why ! Bemuse under the b.r near of "t George my hallow 0000trymer and my.ell of French orisio lave found far treater freedom than we could ever have hoped for bed we remained subject to Frenoe. "If 1 wanted amulet and precepts of .rt I would go to France. 11 I wanted philosophical oeun.el, I would ,o to Ger- many. ermany. But for metes n1 government, for all economic principles, I woad eo to the lend tf sound government and sound con mon venae -Old b:ogled. It le from that Ind I take my theory." "ler ant,' he said on another ooca.lon, se little Republic of San Maine, ■o prlo- Mp•llty et Meauo. My ambition 1s to be t titian of a get Empire." A MAN OF Till MOUNT. The Premier of Canada risme to power with the Liberal Party alter eighteen years to oppoeltloa, at • them what ale meed of the whole salon was attuned for his optimism and broad outlook Till then he wee little booms In England, but M had mode h1. o.reooallty felt from his fine .skean upon the political stage. Trained for the Bar, he went tato Perils aurae In 1871, last after the ooelderatloo of the Dominion bed boatmen's minds open • I destiny. Louis :ceche►t., the Poet Lsereate of tb. Fermab mos 1. Cada, baa described Ms maiden speech, wh'ob rat ev.uyme In Qatari loqulrtue "Oast eat wt stranger ' "The effect was magical. I on slmaet imagine that 1 still hese the thunders e1 applause which shook the gallerl.a whir, at the oleos of • 1rap11 , pa...ge to 0 . speeob, la whloh he had made the long, sad totems n1 our fellow 1oantrymso tolls. artog to the rated stele. f4'e al.wly past before the very eyes of his hearers, the orator hurled at ahs t,o,enmat of Ills day him seathl■g allusion to Me celebrated salute of the flounced sari the one Ilon dlemlaeed, the rev. geatlema having torgottn to preach hie eerau,n. Whether he made op bin emleslee the nett *outlay by as •ddr•ire el double prepertlone,ls not told. Alwq■ • fl; Is are elsstmmt. At. Thomas Times. Rey James Idylwpteoe le told M bay, married over a eh/sassed Deno*ee deers his residence is Medea. At 12 per couple -- the mistimes' pries -it was • pretty sang d lltles te hie stipend. Perhaps. however, le bad to take an 1 0. 11. •oe.Mo.ally, ea De.. Hind, of 8endwlab, le said to beim dost, from Imesenaloee groom,. New Atwell a1Memeb fasslph •Nerrary.t The Rallies arreerder has boos ean.lder. Ise the deo eamtioe. one names et the fel:owing e.d efee,whlob .111 be eeneerrd le by stay el Oulph people • "fa • oily s doe le • veritable sa e.., ant while ■easy worthy Mtieea parol.% In having emblem shoat them, yet they would he thought mash wortblee A they greys eo the pmeties. The ha.« mewl to frost gare•eo, laws' end newer bade amorally is eel nppreeat.d nor udwntood, Mier me Muss be pew- ees mob a Ming. The eves that is only peeelble tea limete4 extent, for the doge seen fie err rather nein, them for the owner ft is • pity Mee maim M oar beet street are set Ma. Jwrr•td. litotgad, we ham lath Neese, shsttlsg Is beautiful nrdew sad lawn." STYUSINESS for the ladies. CIiIFORTAELENESS for the we. RUGGEDNESS for the children. We've picked Our stock according to thew ideas. And style doesn't leave out durability. Neither does long wear sacrifice looks. 1t needn't and it doesn't. All-round shoe goodness for every member of every family. As low as 11.00 • pair. As high as 15.00, but all worth what you are asked to pay. W. SIIARMAN doomed gladiator, or attoleol Rome -'Ave Caesar, morlturl M salutent.'" la dee years he was • C.binet Ml late, and whoa Kdwerd 81ak• relinquished the Liberal leadership there was no {notion ea to who 'Mould take 11 up. What followed le In ey•rybedy'e reoolleutloo, Istantly his tame was world wide, for be struck • note with which the Empire was palplur- lag. Hotta Life. He 1a not food of society or oily life. He Ilkee to get away M bin home as Artha- boom •lll'. Mme, Laurier, • lady of hie own rune aid religloo, exerts • strong Orinoco. open the cooties. and form life of the wide territories of IM Northwest. Bet the wields 111a the gnisteet way, rad It is u her home thet_yea t ee her best ' Home le where 1e. Thee is • pleas. ler air of comfort acid democratic simplicity . boot the twc-•torted red brick louse item -ling on a little 'twill In the midst of park lands, mach of which 1s left in prl- novel ruggedness , ud simplicity describes the life of the Premier and his wife whoa, (reed from the heat and dust of the Ottawa sweeter, they eeoape to the calm of able rural retreat. "Any day you may find them seated la the piazze, • charming feature of the well• planned C.sedleo rsstdenre, receiving the passing guests with • dignity and kindly hospitality wbloh owe notblog to attune - done surroundings ; or It may be you w111 see them lletealog to the prattle of merry obtldren,,afore whom, bevels no family of their owe. they delight to gather about them " 'there, moo., their own people, tie Caoadlan Premier end his wife ars kind o.Igbors A French freedom of int•r000ree marks their life: sad tb• mon whams name le greet wherever the Bag tiles Inks as the vdbge 0.6Wer fora ems. 7 HE TOWN COUNCIL 1' atmp.rtaet Meso■ of the waatrspl Legislate,. Mayor Cameron being .beset on bseio..e, l'ounotller Thompson occupied the ob.ur at the town mooed meeting on Friday ern - tag. Councillors Knot, Marney, Humber and McKim alto were present. A request from A M. Todd, chairman of the °ranee oelebretlon committee, for per rel..leo to err, 1 stands for merchants on tb• `square, was referred to the public work. oommtttee, with power to act. A claim from the captain el the eche W . 11 Rounds for demurrage was referred to the water and light o•mmllt•.. The •l•Im was for 1.50. One oounolllor remarked that theme claims were becoming too oommn. A statements Irom Mesas, Dickinson & Darrow of rents callected by them for the town was sent to the finance roominess An application from Constable Phalen for an increase of 15 • month In his salary was referred M the epeeist oommlttse. A oommunlo•tlen from the secretary of the public school board asked that the town relbe the tum of 14,000 for the panto* of making the oontemplated Improvise -sate le the hearts. sod gaoltary arrangemente of the Ceatral s•bool. Referred M the ■peotal oemmletee. Eoglneer Kelly asked for repairs at the power house end for come supplies. 1 hew matters were referred M eemml►toe. A .MMment from the manager of the Rank of Montreal showed the tum of 11,788,45 N the credit of the tows .t the bank on rune 30th. Amounts under d1. count -ordinary •000ae1, $22,000 ; lead Im- preyemeata, 123,027 22 ; hotel amount $6,000 1'he following .oeoanta wage retorted to the dosses eoemlttee : N. D. Roagvle. herdwar.. $3.80; Jas. A. Stream -,sew street •prlakl.r, 1128 ; J, H. Worsen, r. - pairing. 58.45; John Forman, Ynlresl, wires, 160 52 ; National (Jarboe C. , Cley• land, O , earueae, $12 ; (lartakere Tkome,n Pipe and Foaanry Co., Hamilton, pipe, 0211.91 ; H. L. Wstnn, Bowen for Sentare, 15. A petition from employees of the water and eltoktc light plate set forth reasons why they bettered they were entitled to treater remanaratlen than they are re- ceiving for noir services. The work re quires experience and skill ; ball of their working hours are at night; they work twelve bean a day, and reoalve the "me wanes as erdlnary laborers for a ten hoar day, vlr , 11 ?S. They asted that thele dally wages be .tressed by Pe oente,er that the., pay becenaledcm the basis orate hour day, giving them a prepertlenate eters ameuat for the additional two hears. The water and light «entaitss was Instructed to report o• title petition. A Malin of Lyes R Shepherd's for sena work In makly the sews, oosnsevlen with the summer total was referred te the entitle works oemmlttee. The speel•1 oemmIttes reported that they 6d authorized the lemeeg of an safer fee the nm of 1100 asked for Sy the Twelfth of Jelly oslebeatlm oemml,tee; the geld sem to be expended for advertiel.g the tows and M be ander the npervlelen of Cents tillers MoKIm, Knox and Mareee. The r1. pert was depWd. The report et the 0eates e.esllle• recomemo ld the payment el • het of se- emata, sad was adopted. Cmnelllee Mammy Mated that the hospital heard asked that the ten hay a few men feet met Um lot oe Reath street to he deeded fee the hospital 1n order to mak• • .effidait road •Il.wamee. The tMMer was referred te the epeel•1 aemlt- ta. The seawall thin odlmleed. AN IDYL. We have resolved the following Bees from a Detroit writer, 1r"esamably tae of the recent ashore to Ooderlob oe the Grey- hound •soursion. While not prete.dmg to be a it'd'. of good poetry. we seem to per- sslye something of the spirit et Walt W 0H Man la these lues, •ad as • sample of what Detroit o.n produce we cheerfully yield them • plate Int oar columns : IN TIS VALI 0► oubattI.'N Caarminp .alley, sten amid the deepening shade• of Ido Aeoosd:sg settle lead through grow and silent ways to solitudes sublime ud h• fowl} ; The river 'kirted isle rad sinking sue M tee coram lake betide Approtoh to maaelooe Inronuptible, whore never demonise for earth's weary way, The pilgrim orormore may dwell meet power aaIy. W. J. A. P.O., of New York City, ls spending two weeks 811.4.7. al the parental b. me, 34'011"6.5 ACTS IIENTlr O�y59 011)R Kra o ' BowLL► • GNSESCTbAt. 0150E X01,05 04E5 Si MOD: 01 OVERCOMES S�PATIO 4 NAgRUAI GOPNEPMANENT%X ,ITS BENEF•co GE>E ECTS,, ML Buv THE GENutNE-MAN•F'D BY (auN NIAFI6SYRUPC <, tSVIt M/wA/•C w v0 t• J n v C! "T Cat �`o ''t to v e• e79 Sal( Br Alt DRUGGISTS P9ltl 50c P(0 WOli . STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP -AT THP, OLI) STAND - Victoria Street, Goderich JAB. A. STRAUHAN has taken over the ekes and hasiness conducted noou.fully ler ee many pearl by his father, the late D. K. Strnha, and Intends refitting the shop in the most up -to date man• Dor possible. He w111 make • ■poolalty of all kinds of repalrise, each as Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements. MiII Machinery, Marine, Sta- tionary and Portable Engines thoroughly overhauled and re- paired. Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machine and Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the specialties manufactur- ed by the late D. K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. (y.11 or write ler wile/dare. Jas. A. Slrasiau l'I• itcoLsoRNElcukTnrodscel •WARM WEATHER C000S• A large assortment of plain black and plain white Lawns and Dimities, from 9c to 50c. Great Value. Colored Dress Mus!lns. .. Both American and French makes, all fast colon, from 90 to lot of 15o Mullins for 121c. Laces. Vale and Torchons from 10c a dozen to 20c a yard. Insertion►, both in Vals and Torch ca', a large assortment. 30o. A A big range of ladles' sad ohll,lrea's summer testi, from 5o to 50o. Cotton Bootery, its .1.•. ted prime, from 51 to 40o. The lmgssl stook of Prints we ever handled, from 5o to 1211,. (Cosmopolitan Pntt.rna for sale, 15o, or 2 for 25c. Fashion Sheets for June sad July. J. H. COLBORNE Something New . e e TEA TABLETS A pure Toe Bekaa to tablet form, Udo I• hot water Immediately makes a cop of tea. BOX OF 200 FOR 50o Just the Wog for Ocala sad campler parties, 1 sealers, oto. W. 6..e LIME FRUIT JU'l('E, mime bea'tbful of summer drinks. tefneakr the Crows* petal of Importance la bays, l'.rl. weep le 1N parity. lo paint purity 1s oomparllvely aaweoeseary and most et the green 'old 1a adulterated. oar. le Borger's Pare Kotllsh Perim (:rose, and you o•a rely on 1t. It mote you no more then the poor 'tall, and lees w111 do. Insect Powder. Hellebore. Allkinds of Ply Papers W. C. GOODE, Ch mist, - BEDFORD aLOOK. . When Harvest Comes There is a necessity for many things about the farm, especially BINDER TWINE. We are prepared to furnish the celebrated Plymouth Twines at the following prices. (fold fledal at 16c a pound Golden Sheaf " 15c Green Sheaf rt 13,ic Plymouth Special 12c tl .. It IT BUY THE BEST. N. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash hardware Store, Goderich, Ont. Hammocks Our line ot Hammocks this season ranges from 75c to 15,00, We handle the famous "Stag" brand, known for their durability and fast colors. A 34 z 72 Mammoth, fall colored, with pillow 11 50 A 36 z 76 Hammock, full colored, with pillow ............ .. 2,00 A 36 z 76 Hammock, full catered, pillow and drapery 3 00 A 40 z SO Hammock, full colored, blas or black, milk warp pillow, fringe drafty . 4.50 Croquet Sets, 4 Balls, 5ii Mallet, $1.25. Croquet Sets, 6 Balls, 6i1 Mallet, $1.50. PING POND Full set, wooden rackets, 4 balls $1.00 Full set, skin rackets, 4 balls ..-r..-,r-r-, r , 2.50 Full set, vellum racket. 2.50 Sand Paper Rackets, separate, 50c. Wood Rackets, separate, 25c. Balla, 5c each., 50c a dozen. KI DD'S BOOK STORE 444,084,0,0,0011, onmeninimioi j We make it a point IF 3 to cater to . . j The Tastes 1 1 Thin we have done in the bread line by 3 making the bread that will not came in- • dige.tion, that ia not heavy or soggy and like dough in your month, hut bread that you can eat rad know that ▪ it ie henefltting yon in every way, I will M glial ▪ .134151)C° 61� to exit nn e C yon and leave 4 . i. you a wimple loaf, n1 which �w ac the result will eF r mea,,y- - mean a steady customer for me _2,1 1 W. P. WESTOBY, 4 AA* fix hrieN•Inu Steam Mimi Ca, La 1 �1'�TTTT�1'�TTTTT ITTTTTTT'PTiP0M1TT .• of the People flLt: W bF My Store is on Hamilton Ist-