The Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 3A SURPRISED DO .)TOR
Sain aCase of St. Victus Dance
Could Not •be Cured
stud On• Day sea Fouad t he Patient
treeing •.d Learned That Dr. We-
il.ttu• Pink Palls hat succeeded
t% n, a Other aledlulues Ilad Failed
'171,, sufferer from St. Vitus dance,
e„y1 ii a tulld form, le pouch tabu
t'llleal, but when the diet toe ussumur
1;11 aggravate.' farm the patient W
gestalt} stn helplerr QM au haunt, nue
Imo tube wutehed with oa much care.
bt, Natio Melee 'is a dimcare of the
penes., es., awl wust be treated through
yhrun, an 1 fur lista purpose there Is nu
other ui dlulne le, the world acts leo
rpsce!IIy as Ur. WUlieuts' Pink Pills.
roue: of Oita atatement Is found In the
lure ul Mira Loulee Luf(uuan, whom'
beamed at 1'ouuober'e Mille, Opt„ who
was cured by these pule after tau
e:o lure had tailed to thuuftt her to
Ale last. Thy young Indy'r mother
t• IIs the story of her daughter's ill -
pies ab follows: "1 do not think It
pu,?lblu any cue could be afflicted
with a more ere•vere form of St. Vitus
0101u -e then that which attacked my
t'aulrhter Lo a • lfer arms anti lege
w w.ld twitch and Jerk, her fuce• wadi
drawn and flnally her left elder hi.-
emu- numb as though paralysed. Two
et, .ere attended her, but their trent-
nu to. did not help her but do
R• h w steadily woire. Her tongue be-
gone. intoliell, her ep.ech thick au 1
13, .t,l:het, Ctrl rhe could neither
',til. mill nor stand still. Mho could
e,L1wk1 aI» th:tlg Ju Ler haud.atvl'it
Wee memoir) to watch her all the
tulle tom we feared ale would Injure
berme If. 'Tlu' tart lioctur who it t-
101.1041 her told we she would never
Ret b• tter, tint It waa thou that I
.!a. arse]•• to try Dr. Williams' link
led Ater she bad taken two how'
Ag-alt. tt�Lif. it 411L41.41.AILJ4. AIL 444t.JLL�tJt iLJLJt•�t ib�t �l J�JI.ii•itjL �
London 111R
These are Time' of (tor eousness
111 the Capital of the World's
Clrcatcst Empire f'ashluns
and People
sr ar err-or-71717171?r Ir7rvrveirri r-fr7rvrvr7r7P7r eri r7r7r-or'rr-or'T' or it
"What 1s eo rare as a day In Juno,
Then, if ever 'come perfect days."
Po sung James Russell Lowell; bye:
this year the perfect (Myr have been
conspicuous by their absence. here
we aro In mid-June, ulth the longest
day In sight, and the weather In
town le Noveutber, bitter, ruulues.
1 watt Invited to see u Pastoral ploy
In lovely grouwle. Of Ooutee It war
postponed indefinitely. The Gruu 1
Battle of Flowers, at Earlacourt,
alt of the French cliaritu,s, in Lou-
don, hue kelt ehared ,Aho same fate.
buoh a disappointment; all the es-
gelalto flowage had been beet from
Purls, the decorated carriages, nae
motor., would hate beelike real treat
to Loudonere, who hate nut mien the
Flower Battles on the Riviera and
elsewhere. Of courau It is uipre,ce-
dented, and of eourew w.: believe It
will clear up and be lovely before
next week, se, we try to be . lifra•k
Tapley lab, and lurk for the elivsr
cloud lining. Naturally all Aur dr&'w
ealculatous halo beta uproot this
leafy June;•' tf to bo well deemed
means to b' suitably clad as regards
tewperuturc, wo must keep our -
Alry .uaemrr Cet..tluaa
In their .tlrrue paper wrappings pro
tem, urid go about In "tadur-nladee,"
se.o•uald Ate an Improvement In her with a fur or leather boa convenient-
. tnn'tltIon. \ Her appetite unproved, ly al hood, and a cloak awl umbrella
wile could Mlrep better and the 1 us near ur possible. Oily cue whoi
epuruae were hoe erten'. From that!Ay 5 the slightest utteutlou to the
on them wail a marked huprovemeot ;lawn of hygiene or values her odnrtl-
In' her corkllticn, and one day the tutlun 1.1.1. by hor thin ralm•'nt
.,u•to' Auto had sale she could not with a gentle sigh and prays that
get better c.tilul wh I' peering and the summer days w:a,' event their
luau I her ironing -something she Iagger.1 stnudufimhe behavior, lint
lev.t rot been aIle to do for months t onao au last to worm our hearts in
this, t ho lits lonoetu of the year W.•
are naturally feverishly 11111110014 to
know what the weather Mork has In
store for ur next week. Asrttet week,
the time pate excellence for the dlepdaw
el uuo ar healthy a girl au you will of lovely garment./ on smart wee -
1 told 11110 1t wait De Wllllame' Pink
Yule that wise curing bei, and he
sail, 'Well, 1 am surprle.d, but con-
tinue the pine, they will euro her."
Ell •'tool In all right or ten boxer, and
fund anywhere, and site bar not sincemen. As this year It heruldr In Cor
bad a eyiuptom of the trouble.'" °nation tide, it should be an unusu-
If you are weak or ailing; if your ally brilliant function, .o many in-
n tees are tiro! and Jaded, or your %eresting and well-dressed foreign-
(be.1 to osit 0 y'ondl en,. you wet M• err being present, will wit to Lm
tie, to too lir. Wlltlame Ptak Pills, loelinr.r of the r:'ence on the ;Rival'
%t h t h aro an unfailing cure for all at A.rot, which b uiwayn like a trau-
the,ltied nerve troubles. But b' susnt Mut parterre of gay flowery. Our
301 get the genuine, with' lhn full t'uiluners and M.slwtee on both sides
mace, "I)r. Williams' Pink Pills for of the Channel have been eagerly
Pule People'' on the wrapper aroun 1 tieing wills each other In producing
.very but. wee by all medwin, den I.
new ami original mcxlrle with which
yrs or scut postpaid at 40 oeots a box le, bedeck oxer M.nxlsinos. IThe ex-
on ..ix boxes for $.M) by writing dl- "3500 rth.'rstl creslone of lace
rig t to the Dr. Wllllanue Medicine and usm 1 ne de rote are all In
Co.. Itrtx'kvtlle, Oata r'ead...,err, tut 1 know that every
our who is tenet obliged to dream ac-
cording to royal rim nand late pro-
%ldetl Irer.elf with it m ere anitetne-
tlal "ooronatlem" coefi.m-, In case
of weather em ergelcios, to be ac-
ceiapana(ed by a smart, but useful
coat. Mealy of my frbetxis, who have
excellent sent■ on the eol.mial
stands, wen others', tell m' that
they have net et derided w hat they
pill wear, 'waving wietrly provklel
A 1'Iwire of t.a, ueenl•
Dying Man's Thirst that Could Net
be satisfied.
Yost read about that fellow down
In hell looking up anti asking for
water, whys (11301 Of leer lit'ott,
telling of the long of the Ituraltna
at Martinique In I.esiie'r Monthly
for July, well, that is about am
Dear as 1 can come to describing
it, but everything that hnppena,1
latleks 1n my mina) 111.00 nhthtmnro.
1 can teal 110W one of the pws0••n-
ge•nr, a mein, lying nn the focaile
de'k, ladeouMy scarred, crying for
water. When we ave it • to him
be could not drink It. It would not
pass down hps throat. lie was
crawling around on deck on hie
helves and knees calling for water
suet nt tart we were afraid he
would fall overboard, so with the
eminence of another man, 1
br.light him down to the mein
ile•k. As mash a1e eter he gut there
he caught sight of Thompson with
lila water can apo 1 tit ones lwgnn
to crawl after him for water like
e. dog. The man's tongue was Itt-
teeny burned .set of hie heed. Me
arms were cruelly ' urn.d from hie
.1had'l, rs to 1111 (Inger ends. As he
1.y there moaning Atloid in mor-
tl agony ora of the senora hap-
penrl to pot n bucket of malt
water near hint. Thi man plunged
his right 'erns late it to relieve the
w elling pain. .1t once hie ekin
hr kn pitrnlght round hie shoulder
nisi stripped off his n rm till It
in keeping watt either winter or
to miner days, eunstrensi or rain. V -e
W I II Rev 13 good deal of what now
goes by tie item, of coronation red,
but is In reality very different
from the crude shade alone under-
stood by the team by early Victor-
ians. The new shade (alienating irom
Parts, really, is a softer. paler, ros-
ter reel, w'llcb le charming for a
gown Le ire entliet'y' ter as an nc-
tvmpanimene, or "high light," to•a
'apirisa black voile ormilk sueha,
Pepe•ettthly suo,dd the latter be plen-
tituiny bedecked with old -looking
fi'my point d' Alene'rn. A roe -rid
parasol, or a touch of the lovely
wain shade In the hat, makes a
Iitaca cuete.m' .really attic, and Jelle
addition of a lace pole -rine, or fiat
ruffle. mnloew Its rutwPen doubly sure.
Alt otn:•relate onintrrrntleg dark
cotetnm' may nowadays be 10 rosily
given a certain cachet Jost by et
few toua'tes, such as a very up-to-
date aleeVo for Instance; anti Its
wearer is at once looted nylon as a
mull) dove. woman.
I Akins of Ascot,
a friend of mine, who can stand a
grant deet on color, la to wear a
bung like a Ittdy're otu'ra glove ('Arislan gown, which will look love -
turned in.ltle one from the tip. of ly 1111 the lawn if the day be kind.
his Negros But the worst .-urn' It Is In this sem • rose -ref, a 'liken
were Internal. Thu' fire '11,1 not Tolle, anon.' skirt haw flat gradeat-
eeem to penetrate clothing but Inc tut
Whittle Games you may dlrtover. es
Uwy are well known 011 ,loth sides
of the Herring fowl.
I will tell you of Ono more Ascot
preparation because It may give you
Soule Useful Ides•
as a model -those of you who fancy
work, and thee you will ba tired
of the wbJ:eot. This. then, Ir a fine
t eaurltarout ivor) -colored can-
vas, made up on white taf-
fetas, hemmed wbt11 numerous
frlllwgin. It le interested
with a light lace entroleux arranged
In graceful, undulating rows around
the skirl. Thai Licca, which is about
three itutl a half 111ote'r WHO, lifts an
Irregular w•elk,peel edge, but Its
beauty bee In lar having Its flower-
devicee embroidered In dainty color-
ing, wee orepit roarer In soft ptuk are
nth/ghat whit a running light Toting°
worked le, the tiny green rococo rib-
bon with tho tendrils In gold thread.
only part of the derngn at worked, the
rest left in Its filtuy ewe work, which
Ir ohannitig, awl sttiewr the shining
silk ua'rrsklrt through Its thin
matter. The bodice le In keeping. I
thunk I newt not describe It more
minutely, but will have. your artlttlo
Mkt (luck Imnglnut(Onr to follow it
fur VirmatI ver, nett mayhap to im-
prove upon It _I
('uroleatloa Soaveulrs
Aro a real drug In tho market. We
areimply luutstatevi with them, all
the Lig,eliops having brohght nut il-
lustrated cards, more or less firtlrllo.
with plcturee or emblems of Royalty,
which are sent ler (tontine relive rq-
mitxlers to their Yttriums customer..
ivloh day the window, display new
articlee suitable to the oecarlon,
whleh certnlnly go from the suhllmn
to the ridiculous. in tote high-toned
order I nt'y tueotlon the Iloniton
Lean brought out lately in a roso-
It may be that with t111'
oeasattou of noetlutien In South
Afrial, anal our gramma' and
just treatment of their let.+l
Doors, whom they cert& Iy hindered
rather than Inched. it. en-enten,W--
they feel they can forgive us much !
Anyway, we aro well pleittivl that
their prem has ceuu0d (Non troubling
awl Jeering, and trust that there
may ben lung, long truce.
Paris Art
Talking of French, we have had an
epidemic of (brie animates these
l•iet few weeks, ff regular bouquet of
talent and charm, for each In her way
la unique; delnly, Idrd-I k.• Reyaux',
Int t me cm luaus! JellDn.' 11 iding. and
note the dhlne, gttlilen-volved Sarah
hert.t'If. You can't 10110 luxe much of
a good thing, of course, hut, In my
opielon, Pont can linte tau much of
Freueh pays, with (3 . it one eternal
theme, whose' eub)e'et la sten leen
ncco•ptable when Clone Into Lord
CIL'tmberinln Enhli-h. I thank the
moat delightful way to ,M,ountee
these' faw•lnating comedienne., Is Off
the boards, that la, at the drawing -
room•nts, b:asaars and
shows, nt which (they have been
tetanus' their ale 1,1 the most charm-
ing way shape they came to duwky
London, gtiing a nolo of brightness
and (earner, all their own sad foto
cleating everyone w'It1. their eiqule-
1te rl'othes, gene -lona, .ympathet le
manners, end hnpee/el a rakes. Not
oro of the three la beautiful to my
mied, but -)w, v much better!
At the Alhambra
the murk -talked 04 Cleo de *erode
Is dancing, but I do not hear much
of her. I once mot nett to her nt
a long e• -vice In the Madeleine in
Parts, and I coater her pretty face,
with her oft. h:lir and the eyes of a
Raphael Mudouna, quite disturbed my
to ea' that they tutee Ir,1 1¢--3111r13
each other and Ante over 1.116
w w-
ngemeul of a small leu et wear
.11et:,1.01 off. lix/o after, tliver.w•(ol,e
to le 11 Irma that the yew)* ITT.Age
had dunmped, hat tog taken with
11301 u quantity of the fenill,)' plate.
The uwuer returned at •., is
found he could get no iuf 11ti 111
trout the gardener, alio It In
ofettigu on the ground.*, te' d the
fact that the liege hunt dints area,
the bride HMI brill,Yrxun L•fI,
for their new utx)t., nod had,
It. the blpe•t interim, looked after
1110 M: u,p1y •xuelua
The eight he arri%osl Mr. D. sweet.
at midnight, to see the pug(f {tand-
1(Ig ut the fort of IIP. b•'J, tMialking
mournfully at hate Itnaeter. '3 ever
dexebtiitg that he really had uru-
ed, he exalalned : "We 1 1 • W _ hate
you to say (pr )ourself
the silver you 'took 1' Th oath
turned and quickly left til teems.
Mr. B. followed stud „ol se 1Ir ler
an old elm troe In the park, where
the page suddenly diweplr'll0d ,end
aur seen no more. \Phew moruilg
carne Mr. B. wee'. to the eerdener
and toll him to dig up (h'• gruuud
at the foot of the big tree, which
nue the place lute, which tee youth
1111[1 weasel to v'unish. 11.Yn they
Luted uut the silver, but lit* mur-
dered body of the page. Mr. B. anti
the gardener, at Oben graaptttg the
situation, and •urp'gtiug the old
eerwuuts, went to their lune :and
directly he waw theta, Mr. 1i, stud,
without preamble, "or it Walt you
who stole my ala nturolerel
the page l' err taken Meale were
they (hat they could only armee
ural plead fur mercy, nut ltltctnp'-
leg to drily their crime. I do not
know what putl.chment woo mete 1
out or them. hut. no my friend con-
c{uded, " the poor young peg"
brought them to "unite, :w 1 %indi-
cated him'elf." (tent s-ClaIr.
•ks narruwtng eff toward,. (Ile - -
burned the exp,ePd fiesta merge- {}+stat, et s mole. narrow, satin rib-
been 1.11^ w,al • ,,Laile rune round the
hem whien is eat tip In Vandyke/1,
33 oil r1 very Iron frau frilling Ive-
s moth. There In a deep araolet pf
golden network which rests partly
on the pleated bodice and tenoendr
clown tow•nrl* elm hip,. whoa 1t
1e toissl irdo -.Vandyke,. .Aged
with it deep fringe m,ide of
little stmnds of narrow black rib -
10)11 velvet finished eith a tiny gold
tall The bodice% has a pelerine of
old blonde taco draped roan' the
Moulder., the none lace forming
honest Words of Advice From
One Who Knows.
Aieeme Vouua Lady 0peaks Strong
Plain Counsel to tier sunmrtng b1e-
lrrs 'rens them Iler Own Kaper-
leuce es Proof. mittens below the very full sleeves,
Ellud River, Ont., June 2B -(13p'.- which droop gracefully front the
°Lee -Anyone who might to -day Kee elbows, tl:ough that' are flatly
Lues lenity Lkldcll, of this place, for pleated nt the top. The lace pe'Irrine
the fleet time w.nihl flue) 1t Irani to lute a tiny nwhing of black silk
adieus that only a few mutates ago mu=le edging, foleewing the ceri-
se" sue all Int'nllLtutors of the Coate XV. design In
Albin LLklyI neuffte01 with Female 1 the lace. Thin totter' of black hying
11.viknc.s and Ilaokaclte, and for repented at the mitten wrists, is
tweeter was so Ill no to tome nnabie to most effectively employed. The
woe,' to her household duties, the hat Is n large artistic affair of
slgtit'st tart ts'I.,g too mach for e'er niche) tulle. all black, with lovely
in her wank,anl c,estItlon. Mindere rf ostrich tam arranged
Shu was terriLly ran (krwn, and no- above and beneath the clnrvIng brim.
ftu,g sP inu.l to do her an_ye good or Amrther quieter hut equally elite As
Iifhore tie' tato .RgTi1 UI'relle(-tiu she `" - •110ek iw ef'...tlle., Masa crates.
Anal Dodd's Kidney HMI. From 4i,, trammed in An unoomm0nfasnn
•'"e.1'•'"e.1'beginning they seemet to Help with seven of bawl,' fine supple
lr grey
her, and although at fleet Oho Im-, worked with steel leaillettuf.
pr+rv.'TPnt *ns slow lila, pereie.eeel Thio idea of Fleeing heavy materl
and gra'nnlly grew stronger, till to- els on lighter onem Is Dame lenshion's
'Loy slur 10 It bmttevr health than rhe latest "Ifitigh on ns." it
L.1, ever knowu before. )band. Hove lereakl.h
\11.0 "'melt la Tree grateful for her than It looks. however, and In the
rent ,1keel* de•Ilveranoe, awl strongly (Mus" of th's dream i eon answer for
rhoe.n mend' 1nt.ld's Kidney Pills to ail Its being aecceeoftd. The Alert wan
lire Luly aeyanlntanoes who treed fully frilled at the bottom with the
help. Wan tine given for puhlloatlod grey crepe The Itemised t '11'. which
a very strong IMlee of reoommerahi- had one of the new and up`quttois
nee, In which eh* says: Ilttln haeutinee behind, w•am trimmed
"I would plow( henrllly amp eon- /tense with the wt,el-vr0rkee crows-
aA1.i,tlouly Adeleo all young women bands which filen f0rteaet hrneel"ta
1riethlel with Flatalt Weakne m Ut 'itch tip of the full Beeves There ryes
Any form. to try the remedy that a little inner ehimewittn nn! naw)
airnl Ins• after everything elan had n•..lor.ieeVe• of white Well .roclu•t-
f,eil.l. nae that remedy Is iexld'. ifid- than which nr.thing 1' more modish.
any 1' 1'o. The hat te a piquant .hnp'• It, grey
"t'ee months et atime I was so 111w wino ntrnw, draped with white .11k
nn.3 ""ell i tonne Imp,u.ihl• mine net fnrtt,'r rrnamenle.t with
nt tom to my honeebmld stupes, my a hilt brxneh of true-to-life rherrleo
!w* pen to antes something dread- et which two saucy hlaekhlnie fire
el- Now i feel etron.g nM better elalntlly welting. The grey tnffetn.
Men 1 roar lt4, noel ikwld'n Kidney peraanl In rmhrnbterewl with hunch,*
Mlle eel it all They are wewth their ,f eherrie. 1, 11'1 enteral ',hoiden In
WMg1Mt to greet M any y"nng women penile. net I til • 1 •:.d s en i .folk. nr,
.effieing fie 1 naor} to antler. of green velvet not chenille An the
'•Thos hull me rp w.met.rfnll. not iviy hnn.11,• per•he• a Mark dicky
ala* epenk ton highly of 4tral!'a Mrd.
3C4In.y Plan ns n mlvlletne for seek Tie •• two ?Hint v ,netsmen will be
wgaM1' - wore by two pretty omelet, dames
shAmruck-and-thistle design, and alter
',erne oyster white when, which 1 baro
neon on a model for an Empire even-
ing gown, worked with these national
floweret', 1n geld thread. I turned
with pdsltive relief to It lovely mate-
riel at Liberty's worked with golden
Napoleon wreaths 011 wh t''rein. this
was also farhiondxl Into a tea gown or
F:mpiro gown, the short little bust
iwaing nlgefl with n little golden
fringe. The fleur-de-Its, too is very,
prevalent ; It Is a charming device, '
and there Is not tho Most doubt that '
to spite of our patriotic and entim-
nlde sentiments French goals and.
French patterns aro very much to
the fore. We feel less guilty In taking
advantage of them In all their good
tastefuln0sa, however, since there ie
at present ft hnoin In the "entente
oordlnle" between the tun vloo-vie
awntrtes. It mn7 be Canned by our
sympathy, pecuniarily ex preened, in;
the Mnrtitdquo Attestator, It may i.3 ,
that the coronation fr.11%ttiex will
prove bcuefleh al to Fretteh trade,
('0m0 as a *Mange of Hope to An
Tired and Worried Mothers.
...hoses whore Baby's Own Tab -
tete %leo noel crx/1 anti fretful chil-
dren are unknown. The little aneo
are croon Nerviest, they are ailing,
and these Tablet,' aro the bent medi-
cine In the ,world for otomarh, b•cwel
ant teething trxtbles. They will
snake }carr bohy well and keep It
well, anti they am g'naranteed to
contain no Ingretllento that can
harm the rmalle•at, wenkoot Infant.
Mothers everytahrre roe theme Tab-
let's the higlo'.t Mre. R. Me -
Mantel, (ook.towa. Ont., onye 'My
hnhy was much troubled with ro-
,tlphtkrt and Indigestion, ane waw
very reetlal* and pveviih at nlgltt..
1 gave her Belly'', Own Tenets nnd
she t. now regular an' reale well.
I akar find that the Tablet" new a
great help during the teething per -
Children tnke them Tablet" Inst fin
nendlly aft randy and unshed to n
powder they ran be glean to the
,tvltngiiit, feeblest Infant with none
jet good tomato. Said hy all dealer*
w 00,11 ((,roat p,M nt 113 neat* ft bee
lir wrlllog direct to the Dr. Wil -
11.1m; Medtrl a C'), Rrockvllle, Opt.,
or scket.etad7, N. Y.
tt Il ler W onrn,
,"I otantot tell Jou whist pleasure
you have given me by soaking we a
birth uy present .f these two votive!
Evirry than 1 raw them In Gua show
window of the tun -cent ',torn 1 wluhrl
to potence& (him!' -1'liegeette Mluet-
ter. ---
MaudtiWoukl you marry a. • man
you didn't love ?
Clara -Nu, indeed ! .
Maude -But suppose) he had a mil -
Clara -Oh,
� '
Clara -Oh, then I'd love lilm.-Chi-
oalpo News.
Wife -Oh, John' - I don't think you
will live very muds longer.
Frugal nuearukl (a ick matt; -Ilan
tho doctor told 'you anything, about
my ort ndiUon ?
Wlfos-No ; but he handed me his bid
today. _he
we were at Washing-
ton we maw the 1'remklent Mango .e -
0000y. •
Reale-Dkt you, reolly ?
Nell -Yea; he was dining at the
same bortol.
Hoax -My wife - bought n new car-
pet the other day, but we had to
send tt back.
Joan -What wan the matter with
It ?
lktnx-Thr pattern wan so lout
that the baby ooutan't got to sleep
at all."
George -Women are atilt pnnhtng
their way Into all Indnetrien.
Jack -That's en. I have jest been
'Uncharged to make way for a wo-
"Yen have? Well. well.
yon going to do now ?"
I am trying to marry the woman."
Mather -Rarely, - Mr. Roftleigh !isn't
going to call on yeti to -night -
Daughter -Certainly. Why not ?
Methor-Why. you know the parlor
furniture hasn't:` come back from the
upbraid peer's.
Daoghtor -Yevt but the Mg arm-
chair leaflt't sent away.
What era
i7!rre�� et?leeter d ci f erre' ;idP'eetetite isAA eede%ema!
011Tio4r€4`'i.rfe-6440 i�r4/.i-r.4+dEitJet.eeeSr =?sir'ieSrr?.eerofore pre. 4>
wWch can bo destroyed by the same
Destroy twit caterpillars by
Arraying the tree@ with poloony, as
given In either tlujnber 'L �r 6, .!1 -
ninny the young caterpillars are
rotice1. Ali tents should alert to
cut off end deetroyed early before
the leaner hkle them.
Green fruit wortam should be
treated to No. 6.
Canker worm can be destroyed
with 2 or 6 as ►obi as tho cater-
plllarlt appear.
Thu apple aphis can be destroyed
with R fir 4,
Pae Insect■ attacking the wood
aro principally the flat -healed
borer and the round -headed borer.
and the boast remedy for both le
u regular treatment every June,
hunt before the time the eggs are
teruully laid, with deterrent uranium
latch all No. 5, or the seam with
crude carbolic acid added le, the
proportion of one pint to lour gal-
lonp of the wash, to be appll.'e
with a largo brush to the bark of
the. trees and trunks find larger
Iambs When a tree Is infectrvl, the
teetetlee l by�the the
grub boringe maybealit
pusher out of its burrows and by
the punkin, discolored appearanctp
of the bark. By meting throtgb' aha
bark the grub cart,. be [feet roved. If
it has peeetrated Into the wood It
can be killed with a piece of stout
pliable wire,
For the oyAer tlliNl blast -louse.
la�i'I ch 8.
There are setters! other kinds of
scale Insects whites occur upon the
apple, which may be treated In
the Immo way fib the oyster shell
bark -burs.
The woolly aphis is seldom a seri-
oue pert In the east, but It Is very
tr.ublesomn In British Columbia. The
boat remedies aro to spray til• col-
uales of three white dormy Ince on
the branches and trunks with kero-
mine cmulrfon or a wash made wltb
one pound of weetioill reap In five
rehires of wetter. For the root col.
onl"o remove the nurfncee volt to a
depth of mix inches for a fua7t or
two around the trunk, and dig in
tobacco ,trust or refuse frim a to -
bacon factory.
The coddling moth la the parent
of the dewtructl'e tipple worm, so
well known to all growers and eox1-
'rumerr of apples throughout the
world. In Enstern Canada there is
does not mean sprinkling or shower-. only one reradoar brood of the Insect,
Ing. "Sawnying' means apphytng but west of Toronto there aro two
liquid.' by melutn of a force pump brood'', the latter of which le by far
ntul spraying 143Kt1e with noon force the more dcatructive. When there le
al* to break up the liquid no tiler- only ono brood, t.pray with No. 2 or
o'aghly that It falls open the plants No. 6 three or four time,' In tbs
treated as aq somal inlet or spray. epring, beginning immediately after
[intros you carefully spray and not, the
fl dery haveThatlfallen.aat
Is re-
wlwlnkla yea carrots get an 0300 die- 'l aired. When there are two broods
tribltion of Ilquldw, therefore you bind the trees In autumn with 'drips
canMlt get the best results.
of burlap, Wlitope of hay or any
"tree protectorf'
RPmedtes nru' numbered for easy No. 6 w'lll dewtr)v, aloe, many
reference and to avoid confusion. Other enemies whlnll feed on the
1. Kerosene Emulelon-Dissolve a
foliage, se, to as cankerworms, rant
half pound of wltalo oil snap to one ua(i'rylllnrs, lea(-ruhloraand the like.
gallon of rain water by boiling: take maggSpraying Is nachos for the apple
from fire. and while hub turn In two relied rt. The remedy most to be
0311041 on Is (1313 prompt destrnotloe
'cations of kerueene (coal -uta) rind1of windfall' no as to prevent the
churn briskly for five minutes. Before maggots going Into the ground. Tbla
using add nine parts of water. eon best be done hy keeping a maf-
" Parts Oreon-Ono . pound of i Relent number .f pig', sheep or other
Pari., green. one poin l of froeh lime, stork In the orchard. The penning
and add to :x10 gallon' of water. up of poultry beneath Infested Deere
For dry appltcatton, take one pound ham been found a moat useful pre.
of Paris green. with 54) pootnds of ton.
flour, land plaster, elated limn, or ' The Han Jose Beale.
any other perfectly dry powder. The Ban Joan scale in the moat Mf.
8. Whale 011 Ebap-For young In-
sects' (orale) -Use ops pound la five fit nit insect that the fruit gramme,
gallons of water. ' 1 have to contend agahnut, and
Four Aphis -Use one potend to eight I active experiments are still going on
ii.p.irtment el Agriculture, Ottawa.
Toe tl'nalxl fur Catadlafl tippler of
abut quality sol in good conaltloi
it u:u etrr-ilwre,:oilier ane, cud le,
l;real Bennie the mark.•t upp'urs to
be u,limltel. whey tilt. prurient" fur
uptang ten.1 kola stag an extcpet%e
triple with other European cuwitrfee
are equally promising. Canadian fruit
gritvcre, paukt're, ural elapprrs are
cthWrterl to ser (Mit the Iron that it
exported le well and lionetely packed,
01kt that It 1s of ruck a quality, that
the tient:10d chilli Iwo 0111) olual our
moat nauIgutpe etpeetatioue, but aor.
than fulfil the desires of the must
hopeful growerii.
The apple grow& tr anxious to get
the moat Out of lila urehu,rds, but
o,netlwer vin•uuiruuncer combine to
thwart lite well -Intentioned effort„
tout to help hely out of lily'Ifflcultler
title article is booed. The Department
tows takes it hand In lighting wawa of
his deadne.t foes, pro els d he Ir will-
ing to wield the cudgels provided fur
his 'woos. re
Iclgbteen Insects.
There are 'four kinds of Insect ones•
micsngalnst whom the apple -grower
Iris to fight. There are those which
detour the foliage, those which bore
In the, wool. there which occur lu the
Iwark, awl thole which attack the
fruit. But ail Insole Gall within two
causes, wttich can he *Pparated by
the nature of their mouth -parte. In
'the intelligent use of renoeties u oon-
eideratfun of this point ay of the ht-
nto5t importance. In the class
oil biting insects, whip tunve
jaws with which they consume the
oubetatce of their loon, much no
uuterplllarn, all that le nooessetry 1s
tp piece on the food plant Winn Pd-
rvtkxte material which will be eaten
with the foot. For sucking Inrectr,
which in.teud oef jaws have a beak
or hollow tube with winch they suck
up their fool in a liquid form, much
as t;in plant linter, ',reletting mutt
no newt which will kill by mere Amer
tact with their holier& For borers
In the wemel, which cannot be reach-
ed by these remedies, preventive
meawurrr may be taken by which
tho plenty, aro rendered distasteful
ter the mature Inserts when seeking
a imitable place In which to lay their
eggs. For tide auras@ various al-
kaline or strongennelnng deterrent
waeltem'may be used.
It, cannot be too forcibly emphnnls•
oil that the ep'ration of "sipriytng"
Itentedte• to be feed.
___ gallons of anter. to discover a remedy for this peat.
"Gracious! Yon Inok thin i" ex- Fir San Jose $este-In wtntar use
U t to now the two treatments our
tat. panne' in one gnllom 0f water. 1
clnlme)r1 the first moth. 4. Totetcoo and temp Wash; for"� espertw have found to Rha the brat
"Ye.," teplle( the other ;. 'T hint pinntrlh'o or sown - wawa to hot result. are the spraying of trees in
repaired death by etarvettO, omit
I wan wetter fora foo t»urs t0 pounds of winter, or before the buds burst with
ineked up In a bathing shit about a tohncar loin%'P■ (larme-Karan w111 dol; n %Mutton eonet.ting of 2 pouwds of
month ago. and my food was ex- strata off awl told 2 pou.udx of whale' whale -oil .swap in oI. gallon of
haunted to -day, when I escape(." oil soap. 'stir mite all 1, ele„, , water, 0r with 25 td/ 80 per tient.
- -- anal dllule to 40 gallotnw. Apply earl,v . application of enmity petroleum and
Crawford -Aro you a good hides and two or tante time.' at short in- I Wittent
of a girl, old man? (ervab. These are facts which are of the ut-
Crahshnw-A better judge never 5. Alkaline wash for Borers- ate- i moot importanee to apple -growers at
drew the breath of life. In my ex- duce soft soap to tdwe conelsteacy thin .e0son, and .re the asc:.rt'tlned
pretence I oman deceived in only one of thick paint by the addition). of n reettkw of years of pxatl.nt study, re
. strong solrtion• of w'teldng '(ata in
e'Mmh, nnrl experiment on the part
"1Vhlnh one wan that?" water. If applied weer a hru.h sur- of Dr. Jamin Fletcher, the entowola
'The ono I married." Ing tow mining of n warm day, this gl►t, Mr. W. T, Mneoum, the horticnl-
--- will dry In a few firearm and ((wirA a purist, wnl lfr. Frani[ T. Shutt, M.
Mfimmn-Why don't you get rid of tenaeoun ocxating met teaMly dl.- A., rimmed. nt the Central Experl-
the attentions of that p'relitent lir. solved by rally mentfil Farm, Ottawa. Ind other
liavergala 6. I'nlion04l hoTOeftllx mixture for parts of the iominion.
llnnghtcr-110W, I should like to
fungi aril In.oel, 011 fruit tress --
tnnwT IXtstdve 4 pored" of copper sulphate Drlhlag Drollery.
Mamma (firmly) -11y reserting to tbhwurtonee by .ospvalltW It Inside w 61'swr-How does your wife Iib
wooden or earthen 'Pallet cowlalnlpg
n entnreg of (33811'. 4 or b gallon* of water. Attire 4 that lady who moved In next door.?
Danghlrr-TM1t, mAmmn, I do not
d0totlon.. Start 1i/eked art }rang and want to marry him. ponds of frawh Itmr' 1t. /mother Ver- I Rustier -Oh. all right I Shw hasn't
eel. I1 than lime when slatted In lumpy, no many gown,' an my wtls.-Cnlnm-
pretty, laud her green vellvet frock It 111111111111 be euworset ruined tiergh worse
Welched up with ermine, and a blg ( F►em the "Smart Set.'• meting or a flys' r1PVr. Pour the cop- bus Btat" Journal•
guru picture but shading her fuse ,.They any the fleet year of Mariam] per aulpArete eolutMn In'lo a barrel, ---
rh nn ng Mown to the ground. !tory t Ufo is the hardest of all.' or It may be dissolved Its MIN to the '
rhftrmtn little srcteenth century tiro. Crowell.-li}' h(nrAlanA is nem -
'Well, here warbled lately by a "Well, why not :'Tey see somax•h first place; half fill the tassel with tlnnall,v g0errnllta; about trlflow.
of tagh other. f winter, roll the rinekewl lime. met 41 Mrs Marrone-Well, my drat, the
oincewu of Yurlm Brenn, fill Alin barrel leas one has to quarrel about the bet -
tette water, and stir thoroughly. It
1. then ready for um.. Stock sola- ter.-fihaongn NPwa.
tlonn 0f dtwm01vlx1 copper sulphate and ---
of limo may be prepared and kept MFS. iktn'ter-ilenry and 1 ol-
io mearate covered barrel' through- 1 tendert the opera Inst night. We had
out the epraying season. Tdnn mein- a box,
titles of bloewtowe. Itmn, and water lira. Rlnnnt-(IArnmolw, weren't
should he carefully trailed. they? I olive yon In the gallery oat -
7. temper lM1lpAtatP Solutttm=Thta in Ittg something. --Richmond hlrpatch.
prepared he ataaolVln` ens% pound -
of bs, luestuain 25 gallnn--
o of water.
An roam no diaartival It is ready for i Mrs. Whyte-Mhe learned to speak
use, true must lee cant only before French In Pix wrekm.
the meds Open. Mr. Whyte -et- wander how long It
'I he I'nraele• ae he Fought. I will take the folk♦ over In France
! The wrnrrwt ,,,iw.tipa nt the apple to learn to understand her.-Bomer-
rvUlw Jmarnnt
French ,ger, at n drawing -room en-
tertainment. You inn like to have I -
their names -"Mignon, Alter:„ cols si Which do you like fetter -money
la Roos" (Coateh'y) and "Au ,Toll or nobility?"
tee, in a white tittle loefrock witha ' "Well,dollar, but I wnr-
.hlp arnsovegn !•
thick wreath of plat rose penile- I „ n
with gllsteuing dew (trope on them ! What's the p'ally for bigamy?'
round rnd the dreotl„tage and him 1 "Two motherly -in-law 1"
rad edging the little globe -shaped ---
aren't,. 8.,1110 pretty Iden" 111 colored Summer Hotel Clerk (to brim and
pearl have come over from Paris. I ins -D1' you wish a northern
hare seen fano mounted In it, which or a fouthent expwure?
look lovely at night, and there 1* n Belle (binahingly)-Ohse
, plea, aur,
pretty wort of tride,cent trimming no expul
ere at all !
of It called "firth senleo," which look, ---
well on evening doming of net. i do The wife -Oh, George, I've lost my
not know how the pearl la dyed, .but bathing wall ! What 'Moth 1 do ?
tt has a lovely m ensile poen. and -_The Hmebe t -Don't say anything
for the dress trlinmingw the Peale,. about It, 03431 It won't b, mimed.
are fn.hloned Into Jlowere and foil- ---
MM.. BIM. towagep•iprr)-Dearest,
nor I wmarring*44em.cs etre only two.
.lollare, while divorce pip -r.. cost
flier ;tion'h
' ?'` -
age. I naw it on thin crepe mater-
iel., widget looked en 1f Arolgneot for
ohne n-ondl'rhd raxtr•rn prinreemn.Aniline.'1
Aniline Nightie renown, en t't h.'rn:� 1,
yet brtilnnt, wee their effect.
thin wt•: h, I may mention the lovely
jewelled Imre boleros shown by the,
Inventive 0Pn feran Dinneen] ('nm•
ground The la worked nr
wYl{i hrtlllnnt, In the mesa r rmer-
ltely fine (lenges or tracery , they
iron, attacking les•
foliage, are the
nye-spettoct hoe-m'rth, which can be 1 ---
iestroyel by sp reyin,g early with n ; "An' den Aunty (nano he same
strong Parte grieve leerier [wrnoi.tlng (Sewn de ehimhly - "
of one pound Pacts of Perla green rend ! "ieean ha grit hie fawn all Mark wit
treat Ilmc, In 1llU gallone of water:4-11 A
Mr. Bier (also re.etIngr-R"nrth t'hw cigar Daut
ne-h.rer, the platnl ' "Wall, he rbran minA !et when he's
more. rose -bearer, and leaf rollers, all of . a ooUiu' on milled ehillan.•' Puck.
Truly Things of Beauty
and world glorify any evening b d-
one. in front there nno delleate
chnln, and drops or taorrls to
(torten them aertt00. They are
fairly mostly, hut would be reit
,.o'ful and Foreoeelingly becoming.
The new !Inert and diarist/n(1 clog
erele0• shown by them are aunt ev-
wilntte, and wont! take In an et -
port hy their lmrtrous color and
To wander away from the path
of dram for An lnetant, may i tell
you a true dream story, Intoly n'-
tatexd 17 00030 friends, who haee
011 oM comntry Tuune In the eolith
orf F.t.ginne 7 It happenot 00111r
yearn bank, but Is atwmlltelJ au-
thentic. The creepy went abroad
for a time, leafing the Mauer In
charge of two Md we'r•ent.-a luta
lee a".1 ho' ,•'c ..per -and a page-
boy. 1. Itl:e ..sae tee fora* wrote
The Burning, Stinging Sensations Token Away and the Raw flesh Healed by
Dr. Chase's Ointment.
141 Is not at all entente{ for chllelren to suffer grently from eoseun,t, ft fors elf Milting statin Moen," hat K
frequently hnpphne that relief Is very hard to obtain. aml teeniest In likely to leave the oiteect n lifelima
Vbtlm of thin akin trouble. Dr. I.hnee', Ointment hes proven itself a tlulok relief aad promote* ours for this
Ailment. Take, for example. the following Geo":
Mr. ('. Wiley, win 1.11114H03"1 1131 doper by the Krnnely & ibevlo Mllllnef Cbmp•.ny, Lindsey. Oat..
states: "1 oast Dr. ('Mort'
.Ointment Ointment for mien i on my lilt " girl ammo few yours 13.03, anaeon d wn smite,*
shoot a thorough fin.l permanent curse ghe lin( eirtlerfsi for conlellerat 10 time, an( though we tried a great
Winne reme.tien, Dr. ('hose'. Oinementwna the only prr'paratlon to prove ef(eetive,
"1 cannot wpak too highly of Dr. Chase's ointment, as It certainly rffastea a preptpt and permanent
mire in this mtge.
Dr. (thaw'. Ointment is remarkably effereire ao a treatment for sore feat, avid every form of Ian irri-
Men .T Rernitonv Allendale, Ont., .fates; "1 ran reeommenw Dr. Menne Oirr(mrsls n' a wire rare far wore
feat. 1 neon a great deal inee my feet, and here been. troubled for wase time with Mwtfllg and blistoera. My
tom, were often raw anti very p51101nl
"1 haul trawl nv'arly everything retownovenrleel for .ewe raft, brit Dr (lo..". Oltet mop4 is the only remedy
Phut Ale to.. any real good. It isnot h, the bnrnlrm and 'dinging, and t1Orreigely hostel anti mired the mess."
1)r (^wase'' (tlnim.n* 1*, we helleca, the meet .dfeeeitIvo and moist • orottgMy an'tofarti! treatment
that wen arm. anal for norms. en1' Orenet and Itching elan Glosses awl ...uptlona 60 omits a boa, apt .1
dealer., or i411 arsatlt !tattle • OO., Tnreeto.