HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 2BVMT TRUNWAT YORIIINO
1f D. 1(oGm.tal7dmiY.
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The Signal t~w (rf file efforts others. Joshua three years tater, wsler whWh file tVhrn n sick mon begins n, hanker ady mesrngemi have poen watt Altlrugh Maxim" Gorki has been
vnuford shared with King FAward rale 44 liquor wits matin a l;uvoru- for 111" tobmoaxlo, he'd ,til right. Tho Al. -fm Tarifa to Ceuta, opp"to lap known tar a writer only eight years, The Signal
the Kuper a,"1 prayers a .the people welat awwwhpuly, Cruel to for nal Ie dattmrat that King Edward asked familiar, curt report liar It that the word orlUo11aa has hewn devoted to
■ rsdlaar .d thdr locality, anti of a good part writtou down a failure. Not Iluwu- fur a elgar lad wwok,+1 1t Ir worth experimuaals has been malidfauto••v. film than to any Russian author ax- s ruruemiaa,
, N ! lathes Honor to the res ulall), however for the scheme has a wlole autumn of dootorr• bullrtinr. - - oept Tulrtul. He in only 33 years of STRAY TBl'unl)AY YORNINd
THIrI AY, JULY 10. lila:.
r4Kw note K T'0 KUklllalt.
A Bostat d6opateh outliner t
d,tteme for buildWtg a mllwtay Iron
Port Arthur ton lAilme superior to
Hamilton llde.t on lite Atlantic Cdwm
or l.abrad,.r, which port Is Iilltl 1111114
uetrer to Idverpol tlwu Now furl
I& Min J. J. Hill Ir sand to lr killer,
ended In lire pn)jact, anal the pxwtsl
bility of lgsdfllg tmwli of aha g
of tiro Northwest to market by tiff,
allow ,cul slw)rl notate Ir muggeslod.
Tlo, distance fr,um IN -rt Artirur t,
Hnnulton Inlet, as flop crew flies
to (wily 1,4410 entire. It Ir veru likely
that valuable minomis will be foul"'.
fn lsbraelox, mind It is telt impodmiblo
that goad agrioultural land rxlste
in tine Irlwxplun•d Interior. Almnat
rrrtainty, them -is wealth Ur the for
, lots gd,tRNtot ouwnry. But If tine Wcs
is to laj a111t a shirt grain route
from tato weak, the Atlantic terminus
view a cilli of at
111 Probably too In Ulla f
1►n Y
I.awrenor, scar Uhc Iniad of Auli-
cowlf, Itstosul orf In, Ifannllton Inlet.
as the mil orientation would than be
1dWrlonal., anal the "roan voyage not
tlatorially Ion`tNenett. A good many
of limp oho deduatohts about the inhos-
pitable clwrweter of Northern Lotn-
add. aro ditappterhlg. Hamilton, Inlet
Ir in tikedanm latitude, as Prince Al.
bcwt and Eduphowton. and it touch
farthr,r south than lite 1'wace ]liver
%'alley; wlwme match excellent wheal
I" pndluced.
J0!41ll'A t±A%1e0k0IA GASH:.
The entombing and retwne of Joshuu
Sanfonl in that well near Perim twill
go down in I,x:al history :w that --
marking events. The cireummt•tev •se
of his ent.mmbalont alms the nal
herculean shown by re, many or him
fellows In trip #(fort+ at remeue cer.
tainl) domene to go down In Ionil
story. There have been few more
remarkable oAcupts from death,
many taw aulb rased of entombment
are; Ito(] great was the relief or the
public when it who learned th:tt
the- "I'm h-exbaurted man was dare
on thaweve
1 I.
But there have been ■eine very
arkable caMt of entombment awl
rescue. Dr. (letter telly the mtory
of cane wisteria took phare in the Car-
rick country, a rough hilly dintriot
an the Crust. ccotul Of ble•(►tlaal, where
a little bol of the great Scottish
#nal field ham gof jammed Job) the
&tees dries of the valley of the Ulr-
van. Vhtitonw to the quiet klrkyanl
of Daally tare shown it clone hearing
t hr following 1 ndcriptiuo :
In Memory of
JOHN BI:v1tN, (OLLiF.It,
who wan roclos(d in
KHgmmude ('oat -pit, by u portion of
It leaving fall,n In
Oat. 8, 1835,
hati11K been twenty-three days Iliut-
---I er of UII on rolli' al wee. , lead
without a pirtlolc or fool,
Hes lived three daya after,
having quietly expired as tic
- --- evening of -- - - -
Nov, 3rd,
Aged 60 yearn.
Brown wow entoulbtiod by a "crumb.'
he ha, Ing gone bank to get his jacket
"Tho jacket IN a new one," raid fir,
nes he hwatenl.ml back Into the pit
as him comrades were leavinlr am
filet )u, t)frlr legal would carry them.
an.l ,an for the pit, I've been_ In a
rnldh Wore now, land havh Wrx;
through, as' I'll wi�l through clow."
But rM he got bio lisp entire
roof raved In, and for some days 1w
waw given up for dead. The "crush'
took place on Wednevelay, .not On
8111114Y the mdnlatrr of flip everltirk
funds a powerful appeal to lila Pro -
pip not to give up hope.
em: the work or tunnelling to
we" began 01, the twenty-third clay
after the accident the workmen got
through the ruing and into the open
worklogm l,nyond, and wimp of (firm
were nearly frightened out of their
wit* by honoring a groan. e()nc more
veenturemomn Liman him fpllowa &d-
vatced and said, "Jt that's your axis
groan, Joan Brew -n, In till. nater o
G(d gee anlblflw." Anti In a few Noll
Intent they were b(parithg (hrlr old
comrade le, the light, convinced that
It waw indeed hlmmeir, and nen wool#
lriek of 1Mn evil ons, of whom they
&tad mnois In dread. Hnrw+n-m firms
word" ware,- "Ute too a 41rk&*; and
tlen1►hi bs�s Ve bar Iwoe laws
eehning." He hall not If&ol A bits to
path., and for ereects days )ort a drop
to drink, nitdoolugh hav a,nld . hear
water running near him. Hlm4aelr and
beard were matted witi► tine coal
fuwtgum which galhl.rs In lhet)ils, and
him fleah limit tiro apprerais,e M all
mumm)'m. IIs Cram waantrl too Phock
Ing extent awl wvw very twoak; but
If*, had never givoa lip 'tile flop" lot
rpmeur, &ticHopeful woofre-
-very, ii - ng : was ,.kJ1, he ry 8,
erys, wtt" 7
will throwlgh title I've a queer story
to tall yon." But ite(WAN not to "Win
tM1h)ugh." TTie exhausiLkxl hall been
too mtieb, anti he exptr•el three daym
altar tm•ing taken out of lice mine.
Th. luquedt Mileowed that almottt av-
ory particle of fatty matter In the
body head iw•ert offtim rmorl, but it did
not succeed In cr.nvlucing thr simple
and mepowwtitioum pmeoplr off the cls.
lrlct that there vino nothing u11 -
(many abort Brrrwn, the doolor min
held flip profit ul"rtent being shako•{
h) somata "If he had ,open join feel,"
lUry bring anvinced that Brown
mast pole had it oloven bu"f f -
it is Fret namy for deny of as to
tatwY fwrrw,•Ivra In t1r powlllon sof
S"nforl, fast at tlp, bottom of the
well, watt, ties chances of toning tnr-
1..1 by a second cave -fn vat any Mo.
rneeot. How long tar minulon ; count
have owned I Sgt pavhapo th" stralw
was almost t M gnat on 'mately M
that t►rvn,v till not frllfrww•wlen strovp
to fraction the victim, or -who, on-
able- to do anything to 31PIp, dnold
osly slshad by and pray for Una wife -
a) ,an .
r,irra Tlmy deserve elle tussal bf the
lluMane f4DOWY. -
1)000INIi TIIK AUT0110H11A".
Tito qulontlon of automobile speed,
although il�as been under the aru-
sldorutlou Woutwortli Moiety
Vouard, in lad yaet of much vital In -
tercet In tlris community Its It to
Ito places Wimere touch vahWien are
mora. numerous, &1111 withers popla-
lieu it more cwwtted. le, I'll ilittle 1phill
nn ordinance Jaw been Introduced In
tilt. Select Council for the regulation
of twrewitum vehicles lin the 0Ity'r
lughwa)m. Tho Ruconl rays It Is de-
signed that those conveyancer ■hall
I*, onnbjt-"text to tile' ,rune Ilmitallor
ave to mpeud that are enforced In re-
gard le, vehicles drawn by horses.
lw.IK exporiwe:e lute rendered those
wild fren{uvot the shoots fanilliar
with 1114) rate of motion of horses
atrl laruers. Any infraction Cif the'
spool ordinance waruld be cot opicu-
onr by reins" of the attendant
anis) of sstiftly oletlesrinlg hoofs, and
tlriverm aveareful of their hereon Invari-
,mini v krd•Is on t Ito if c ride on hen hold-
inn tom, refuse. A home owner will
drive it 3.30 trotter through the
sheets year in and year out without
any occarlola for public alarm or
police latorfereltoa.
The crruadderulionr 4hat make for
Public safely In the cane of horse-
drawn vehicles are lucking when
Aram-pngwlled machiltor of o►w•
Pattern or nnother come insist the
werrunl. 'Three Independent motor
urrluged Lire unhampered by pre•ce-
Jout and uetuleraut of regulation
I"heir chlef ndvabtage o r exbling
mellao{r of highway trail p'rtatl„u
o it ublld Paha u U
d In th t fur b
.:ata of speed over it cundderable
iistance. Those who vend and those
alis uw them dilate eloquently and
xptnlslvrly upon their velocity and
. rcord-bremakhlg qualities Whether
built to Imitate a spidery runnbuul,
W on fantastic liner manifestly
lsigupel to promote celerity of
motion. Ilia Important anti control -
hug element le, their fat"&• fa tle•ir
.bility to mnko twAve lir firteoat
miler per hour where a hormseman
would be limited to one-half that
nate. Title Is rel forth as a berhefl-
rout and up--to-date improvement,
designed to expedite business and
increase the mum of human enjoy.
went. It is expected, of courwo, that
flu+ c.numunity will become accus-
looned evoalusally to the racing spend
.,f that new c4tritnnce ; will learn
LIP dodge quickly and "stop, Ilok and
Iimira" when uslag the highway af(olt
--tum! tills will be prigrems.
IL Would be) of little use, of course,
to point out to the, detotcen and pro -
motors of horowlems cnrrtages that
till, highways were mado for the Path-
etrIW, nwrt for Ute exploitation of novel
tliphanceo fur font travel. The aulo-
m. bills!, mdfusod le, rapture over his
uahc OF,;..m_ AG wood teasoa nlW-
ht" arrow -like flights should evoke
publ.c reprobation. If he who makes
two Wadva of grand grow where nue
grow before .be a benefactor "f him
kind, how much more drsrrving to he
what )film elived the problem of going
4 two or them+ mallets where slower
couchem travel but ,anti S As a eorol-
oury rroult■ the claim that high lapsed
"n the stroote must tri, porntitlort,
that men and women travelling on
toilet must koor a sharper lookout,
and that any, utletsnpto to interfarp
with these now eonwtdtionn ore in
4m. ligntlon of the wpirit or tae times
'anti calculated to injure seriously a
pllaaeing divmolim and tt propperoum
i•umdnesm. Who, Indeed. would on -not a
tr)rm-lo•am entrrin►Re If It could lrvavrl
tit. fowler Llan a horses?
There in little or no douhl that A
motor-drlvivht carriaRw cats, ae lgwed-
rd on ties streets more safely thea,
for example, a team of thorough-
hretl hcrnrs or a troller to wagon.
Expert manipulators of thr Machined
luavo given mainly illuntratlong (of the
raw, cerinlMy and celerity with
which they can he controlled. But as
ail auttKncAdiiStA are not prolfwtsional
'•ctwuffeurN" we, also are all pedes -
triteness not actnaate with a sixth
.aenme of impending danger. The look-
--it hnhlt ham to by develolmd. The
Irve•I cromelaig for tie ministers ¢HWav
bate Iwrvomr lens or a menace to rift -
null limh mirwe w generation has
horn a ducatwl to a kintoi ledge tet
itm dangnrm. i)rmlging the electric
wtree•t ole", thuillt still a riots art,
is Isprpoly A very ournmon eccom-
plimlltnpot. In course (if time the au-
lonnobile Marine, will become n part
,r( Tatman nature, and rate man, wV-
metn onr eMld will crown w road with -
,mit flrMl soarming the horlson for
:tutomoalkw All that people twee IN
time to learn their leawmw mind that
+mall ho on clip font rellown will Pure-
ly I"TICeree. A regulating ordinance
mt!tht tow axed rest "M W,,.rwgslvo
prlarliel0-tl.n mile@ an iavur flip
,Prat year, 15 the lrrevead, and go am
yon pslrano thereafter.
Fill'; RUSSIAN 1)kIFIK M0710Pt11,V
Ruwsia's experience In the matter
of a f;overeimrnt monopoly of the
traffic stn Intoxicant@ to worth a little
wtutrfy to any Man who wished to ar-
rive &t ten Iftrptgrnl orvencladlon on
broulirld( a great increase of pruflt to
the Gtrverument, bmause It had le,-'
Creased eounumptiun of sprite.
Dr. Gabriel Maroon, who has sludlod
Utu c.lArrimeut intimately, gives the
results of bad Inquiry without forming
" v"ordbt, but the drift of bin obmr-
tatone Points unerringly toward
the (luaclustuo that the present plan
it it rltlalake. !font ltusdaur olri nk
lewalry' a beverage made from grata
and containing very little, alcohol.
"Tote Ituwlau posionafit," ra)r lar. Hur-
uuu, "nature r drinks or gets intuxle,ale,t
wi wattedlayg, but only on rtunlayr
oaf holklays, but then he generally
drinks, until ito Is uexuly deed." It
it almost dinctouratting to read that
"Ute higbLT classes of ma:toly In Ftue-
ria drink still mora than the working
Ieopla," for while class for vial,,
tbin in true in other countries ui:tu
Ptd"rtu, in Russia the peasant drinks
"uu'lll he Is nearly dead;" se, that
to drink tine more the higher elabper
meant go about like raving lunatics
-if Lr. Marcou'a rlatemeut is out
utcutwuloumly exuligerated. H4)
writor the State liquor deptatound
flow they are rogulat,ed .
There are uu tablmr lir chairm. Not
a bottle IN In might. 'I'hrea dlff,er-
eut k1a1A of liquor, measuring 115
degrees, 90 degroer fault 40
dogrogr arle not Than latter id
vodka. The salesman, or oftenderthe
mnleavi'ou,an, is employed by the
State. The eumtomer comer In, buys
him bottle, pays, and leaves. live le
vot allowed to drink any to the
Place. Theme placer are Isp•,d from
S u. in. to 8 to. m. No liquor is
.,lot to intoxicated permunr, child-
ren lir private aoldierd.
The disepetisury featuro of the
1tur►laa liquor motie)Ili1Y
it itml
mater it efrmpulsory for Lite -un -
tomer to take We bottle nosy,
Into Int* home or to some out -of
the -way corner; thid at the outset
of hit spree, perhaps, before ho
reache4 the "offend drunk" slate far.
Marcou (lrmicribe*. There Is little
Publicity abut him drinking. :tall,
we should be jonatifiedIn assuming,
very little "treating," 'slid se, :t
vert amount of secret tippling. By
character nal Instinet the uveritheor
Russian naturally In not ,uten'It-
tioun or entertaining in Ilia drink-
ing, and the State liquor selling
rystem does not encourage him to
lake him stimulants openly.
Not only does the syntemon trial
break down alt the point whern the
character of the R.us4 comes lute)
the @equation ; It Is fatally weak in
that If It does IMI feet to elimin-
ate the element d gain from the
arrangement fair the make or liquor.
No (ioveroment syartem that makr!a
It an objpct for the dealer or
agent to puah sales will 'be a voc-
crat That feature defeatx the very
objet of taking the traffic oat or
the hands lot the private cltlfien.
Congress Into voted vAmmitM1 to rmay
Parr-Am,•rionn Expoilitiotl 00da, ,on,)
Bliffnlo In toastihyg hIT Klod luck.
If Ilcdynrd Kipling had linen with
um le, Junto he would probably bab-
ble about "Our Lady of the Itain."
A French commlltlee Is reporte•t
to be "about to +execute a bust of
Kruger." Had they only "execulal"
the olginal two or three y-3ard !ago
the world might flavor gained much.
A Ruffolo woman, mother of 15 chil-
dren, Is ailing for orpourntlun, and has
forces allowfvl Interim alimony of $.. #a
werk to mhMmi. herself nal children
And stank 20 to SS cents a pound !
Kruger, we are told, is not de-
jirthed. . We should expect Jilin le,
fuel more contented, now that bid
fellows are not being wiaughterol
to early (lit him whined, and film
gods: fm safe.
Now York Public Sobnolm now in-
cllrle a course, he sorJmming In their
oaarriculum. It in a good Wing tie
learn eco. HamllUmfe iwtdas am not
tent muclo palrnd@te1 by the fads who
Alwuld learn to swim..
A Coltman In New York ham Inversive
tin aulomobllo which generates lit
own eirclrk•Ily whllef It raps --so he
overs. It Is on the plan of the to.%
Orator statemen who ga+nr ante, thorlt
Own gas while running for offlem
I' est Stryn Is said to far a
C., lin k,comotor ataxia. nor
his death s mnrpos of to he mrrely
Is. question a short tlmf-. Gatt
lymph Is tried In the hope ,tit
"t;ayrog the pn)gwps of the dlmease.
The C. P. R, matpa. of land tart
.1tim- nanuntk,d to $92:7;7_
n, rrngv Par" brltag It'i
Thip Is on Ihcremep in nor we
ore 400 per rent. on
June. 1901. Tim title I* ti►wndA-ward now.
The rerprit ratnw d
id not omiagp tiny
fkrod to thin nomck of the woods, pmt
I hr f#armprm any warn shall have a aro-
.,ad atrawlxrry crop, s►n,l th" pr,@
revile for all other varipllpm of trait
nor mplwslld. That ruln Ivan worth
many do3ard to the Niagara Pen
ina uta.
the flubjetnt of how to drool with flip
liquor prol,trm. Jutrltdng from the In-
, t;rrmany Is trot now the bhgry It
f-wenatlon &t hawk. Ihp #attempt to
eamvl to he to ,wear Itrltloh atalraln'll
.11minlah the w,nmnnptlon or holuor In
She Islas her own Irouhlea rat honor,
1hIP wny tins provrt to he n fnilure
nubl the "made in Germany" lunacy
Tim reatrAlnt of pttternmlUm, Inntenti
In ,It on rill. (itwmany In now facing
of ranking the people drink Iron, flip
a dlhclt of $10,(100,00() In hew hudgpt,
gwrs to haveopstrietLl with the re -
Alla th0 future cora not look lorry
dull, la oharaotpristlo of manklml
l,riglit, As revwnuon are doplining.
"verywhere-4t. hits Indme(i ten In-
coldest drslro to do that whirls the-
A atm anuses thrMteener Tnronto.
Ilfalrrnal Inflaeneo has aimed 10 roe-
1 It Is nN►w fPArml thwt tar indulAtrkal
vilest. M the el.tperto report that flip
, F.Ipolstkxl may htvn to he nhandonM
experiment twgnn in four Oriental deo-
this year, owing to tow lack of lolled
pelrimentd of the Rumanian Rhnpelr" nn
Inge. T1s pvvMPq t IN foot. A rdewsAut
.Innunry 1, 1R9% wet nttpnked over
onr to mANIF w'hoaw rrvanno In largo-
thlrt) flvp mora gorrrnmenli'
ly derived from the show.
Thr ourporotluur vootrol{ar1 b3
Morgan and flim amwcfatos pay if
eorporailon taxes $130,788, whlct
meeld all the n,injhfug expenses W
that State of NeT,Vermiay, which is
suer! the charters. 1
A little girl In Toramslu found not
returned to a iitmlford w"man s
purse omtainlug fw, and war of
fored $l as a roward, whioh war do
eluted. l4rhapr tow chilli foared thnl
u tdw. took It the toviv,or of the puree
migilt here an attack of hear)
Swiss railroad poply have had s
rather diwouraglnK etperlonee will
U. S. kwoultutive exngfnw. After tilt
first year's trod th(•y were so mtcl
of the titan in the s,hokm that they
ttdve been takes, out lir nervh,e. Tho)
were masse .to mall. ,
Into stow French Miaistr) line belgner
lite enforloememlt of the recent
drastic 1&w regarding monastic In
slltutlons. Already it In matt] orders
to chow+ 1:10 religious icatitulloue
which have u
e 1 a e tart ex nt rmerf to tit(- w
Ilavo been Insisted. Tlteuc tare likely to
he some lively times nl►evad for total
Governeneint. -- --
A otory comos Iro,a rid. Levis to
the effect that the t'. 11. It. mauve
ger land ciferfood J. T. Wllsun, Pre.t
debt of the Trainueeu'r Brother
howl. $3,000 u year and a ►01111,
(If $:45,000 to enter tear employ of
the road. Whitt uw,k,•s it hnrd to
bellevu Is that Wilm n tr rots t(
have decllged it.
The antl-0trlsrlian Chinese one
Afloat it again, hut'the, Imperial Gov.
ernue+nt seems to have prpfitetl ,by
Its experketwe with flip flowers, nud
In moving promptly to pwdsh the
guilty. Would It twit le well for the
mlwkmary bodies to time a little more
race as to tdre Io.cafltlen In, which
tory expose the dofenlrelsw enthus-
iast ■ sent, out thore ? -- ,
Mr. Clark, "f the Kloadtkd Illtiter
lbwmiota, has been making w•holpynle
chnrge, of corruption against chill.
claim there, ill in now defendant
In dome Interlestlng criminal IG)el
uuilr. Clark ought to quit Dawson
#atad join the staff of *o Me 10ntarko
Tory paper. They get more 'All -
tale; only an ooehamional tine {;.els
hie nmr,► Into the Ingal uOnme.
t,(ifWrmo i Toth' $15,000 to pay
McKinley physicians. The amount
Is tA) be f eltarsed Wider ellrectiou M
the S retary of the Trrasury, and
Fill) Mone? is to it paid to :anyone
who was In the Government service.
That provision will exclude hr.
Rixey. After all, did tier murgrono do
the Presldeni 45 cents worth of
The silly dsease7n Is upon as. The
pester rprlmhtg news mi r ss can
Noab'h ark In Northern• Alaska, pre.
nerved by petrirnctioo even to the
refrigerators asst xnfes. - wbeNaer
the dynamoo nr,R- In working order
and the Monte rolls for !hie #auto -
matt piano playrr one still fit for
use In not stat& d. .
t\.11lgbua Sanford b Said to want
becorge It minister of the Gu9
Pet. That Is a worthy emblllon
Provided lye Is adapted to the work
But It is better to be a cap lith
well digger than an incapable
Preacher. However, if he is ion.
,Irseol of the spirit hp might do
dorso- than turn minwionary. He.
hits pluck arm] endurantwe.
UrraAy come from the United
Statein stories of death by lockjaw,
the result of burns by Breworils. The
Fourth of Jafy will probably mark
the beginning of many Intel, cameo,
Bt1rn@ by flreworka are always of a
dangerous character and require
great (-tire. That paAmonoud chemicals
11"0.1 ILA explosives aro not to be
tnlflee(1 with.
Tsar Ontario Medical I'ouncll tins
dr•rtdel to put up the bars anolhrr
notch. and ffxpn the stnndnnd foe
Redress" to the milady of m'mdMinp ng
honor muatrlculalion. It also (lis:lp-
Proveol of the iomt,taM arlm lives
mmflenl unlvermity orurep• reports
mending that the fill[ minora -1 �nrn••
fie taken after the arts tlUarnle. The
vowing seen appear to be Invading
time melloal prowprve.
When Mr. John Carole, the Paris
1 contractor, who workel wv hardtop
try to ranch the man imprlmm %l
In the well at Parlm, wi•nt down
t., Uhl. bottom unit talked with Kill -
fiord through the first opmiing mail.-.
and came top and Informed Ihr
h„ anxloug crowd how tksato "Iff,gl
call..wJlat-_ thea, aMW-& t -.a8 -4th►
newtspoper hien gest tit@ story, bot
the Toronto World beat out all the
r newspapers. by _Itresebting,tha
coo♦ . motion An in,ving taken pl.uvto
with It*W. isn't ghat rather yPrl-
low to
VMrxnrl.l Id A flpttlblir: Britl,h
fiulnna In the dvprn10"roof is mon.
(arehy. They lip Iddp by polo, and Ilio
fmg►pde of the two countries tioghnt
to Itnv" equal rltghlo, IlbrrlkoP )tali
Porurlty of sermon shawl Property. Port,
lnnlpnd of lhnt wp flood the mPvathllr.
In a mnMtnnt hraWl, w new revoes-
t km, InPnrrerI Ion, or rple(Y ,n on Il a
haodo rvetry thirty days, fix InIInMt-
arto hardly gelling time to 'tat
klr.dlingwo n,I bet w,en hot t Mm , white
"n the Brltl,da eide of the Ila, there
to stability, order reig1lM anti the
prop!" AlAnT Promprrlty. it'hnt dopm
Iiimiroplmm stand for In this rag" 7
ArlmirAl CPrrern, the Rpanbsh none.
@@mora ham turned his Attention to
star task of ri%fineag ltlgnor Marennl.
Fit• ifaw hlventM w new oyat"m M
wlrrl"mn teptgraphy, which th.
Spanish Goveram@nt has taken alp
A study of British condilluns lewd.,
tine Xw York Journal of Commerui
to rIe tflat there wy*sslrofiger
ben wand republloanlmm In Eag-
Iat l years ago than Iberia Is to-
ddy, That Is probably true, &fill
not without reason. The People of
Great Britain have had u ohauc•!
to compare the t/rst republics with
their own goveranxt•ut, and tit-,
oomparisnn had not been helpful le,
republican sentiment. In Brlt,tfu
the people rule; the King Its merely
the representative of the poople,
TIth+ Uulvorelty of Blrmingfam h&@
created a faculty of business,
which lag to begin work with
tale opening of the university
year. It will furuitds a three yoar
wars" in lallgaaagom, history, ap-
plied aeiehw:e, bnsiner■ technique,
commerce ami acotubting, and will
comfor the degree of Bachelor of
Loom morce.
Pouf. Roberti uta hidden a wart
Ing to 0matandian fruit packe
against careless or lodou
Mt w•U
a d
In shlpmwrt of fruit to England. TI
repnlatlon of the country Is to
large extent at stake les this ma
ter, anal care earl honesty will I
mueb for on In the Britldh marital
Cline, dishonest whipper will do mil
more to damage our reputation th
ton iweeeat shippers can du to Cul
it uµ
Colonel Arthur l.ynm h, who is light
Ing fit the l.00don court« for blot sr
in Parliament tar mrmb•r from Um.
wily, Is a native of :antytheadnle, e,1
of tiff, ,numerous smaller gold fb+
in the vicinity of the lamrww Ilallara
-Chicago Chronicle, .
Most people will be murprimed
barn that Lynch is "fight Ing for h
meal." He is ante behind hhrn i
I.onolon, and the only Ilgtitlug he
likely to do for a while to fights
to emcapw at long term for lnlason.
age, was loan In Nijbl Novgorod.
IaR film father olid Mathew before be
was ,clue year@ old, and mint out to
make his way in the world at a very
burly age.
John L. Scadder, a Jersey City
('ongregaVonal preacher, wow) 1 pro-
babl)' be In danger of mbtaktug Ham-
Iltou for Heaven If lie was dropped
Meru whru the girls were on par-
ade. Hear him describe his Wan of
all &figol ;
Talo kind of an angel 1 like to note
weighs not lase than 130 pounds.
Her waist is more than five Itches
In diameter, tend her fiesta. Instead
of being pomhed upon stilt+, are o0
u level with the root of her feet.
She Int am straight toe an arrow; alio
never hits byrterWs ; she 41erps seven
hour. null a•njoys every moment of
it. Sit#- haw u clear head, it pure
heart and n cheerful disposition. Shp'
im a real woman -nothing arllflcldl
lir aen11nu,d about her. She Is a)
Matisse. uo aprd.ycy or uarlcuture of a
woman Site to jest what (I.al meant
hrr to bi' healthy, hourly, and per
fovtly natural. - -
rm e
t- O
It? General ('aeeso Markets.
I. B441srllle....-iaF7-----Sth.P,
cit were, offered A,48S white and 44:
an ro!Ornf, sales at 91-4c.
Id ('ovi•angvtlle, num., July :,,-To•d-1!
"-3 crfampe-Lees oflerM _,:;Ol boxed o
latter; 89 factories offered ','4
lovas choose. Butler Ill 1.4 to 1..%c
t- Che•ew 91-8 t) 9 1.-160.
It Urlllaa Live Block Markets.
1 -
he Lom3oc, July 5.-ISp cll.l)-Uiktl lo-
b Trade to dull. TPda v AM.•rlenn e it
t r
t I are def Y
(poo at from l l to l i . If
per pown 1; irfr,gerat•.r b'•f Is e:r'i
to at from 111-4 to 111 -Sat p•r Ib.
I" 1'aroutd Iraramere' Market.
is Grain receipts on flip street tiro
le let 'to -day were YOt) bu•h.•Ia unit'
nR ('roes were steady for vihrmt an
firmer for oats.
Witheat-Wan steady, 100 bu•11^Ian;
spring selling at 78 1-2t, -;,r bumlwl
The new settlers on the pralrlen O&tdl--Were firmer, hill bu+h •I,
are building so mady houses that iselhhg at 50yp: per bush#I.
tho Rat Portage saw mills nne budy Hay-Wms steady, I load rel[Ing nt
night and tiny turning tat lumber. $ll per ton.
Straw --Wan •leanly, 1 load sell`.nq
The Cartadlan Pacific thus secured at $b per ton.
back freight fortin which Beef -L easier, choler careaseee
b fur more profltublo aha haul- -11-49 at =7 to 4411.1111) taper x
Ing "emptier@." tftlewart Lyon ■ shop of 50,.
decided that Carlmd:a will butes fl i+praJ 1•Imbg-Aro iii a Ill. ehiap r,
at;lc to id%c,
million Inhabitants in the year Wheat, white, 73 to 85r; do rrd,
L.000, and tho majority of them 7i to MX:; da gooey, art to 70c; du.
will be located wepst of Lake '3e,- spring. 87 to hOe. Rave, lig to 0=c.
Itarlcy, malt. 53% to a.yta I does feed,
peritx. GI to "s. hats,. 48y toAPenn.
7t Nit% Hay, ttmothy, $11"M il_.:et;
The Colonial Conference in to go oto. clover. $8 to fly). Witter. pound
oil, nolWitlwttauding the break in rolls, 15 to 17:; aka. crtxks, lSla to
the coronation Programme. A pre- 14'. Eggs, new I.a1J, 11 to life.
llmluar7 meeting time he""s held mud Terminate chemistry Produce.
till arrangement mredhr to dtocunm Butter -Priors are steady and firm.
,Tiff oww In a good dr_nnd for anything
matters Irf interest toalleoucaornu•l. eld,lce, pMpect:,l! for d+III,•s, uthcn
Perhaps by July 3rd, the date ret offer free•1: In tubs find pnlla Cream -
for the colonial exodus Irvm tun- stripe are of eat I v good d"M-%all'
,gat, the Premyers may arrive :at Cromer) prt,itm, 19 1-2 to L'O 1 -So;
rho., 0011-1111, 19 to 19 1-:.,c ; dalry, taut
an understanding of the cheese Pilch rho.,
pa l+, rh,l..o, 13 to 16r : M(,11mem
entertains oil*new- i mpenalPstic la to 14c ; pound nolle, elydca, 15 to
61,111ta' Rom, Cal, to making th
experiment of charging the cost o
waiter in the general rata and Irvy
Inge We Water lax. The- Mystrm ha
been five years In on", and the imopl
would not go b:tck to the double til.
") mtem. They believe It Is not win
to dlroourage the use of water, sew
the)• filed the new system more ecose
tunical because the (•obi of aa
Ing and adlecllng In abolished ; It
wives flip consumer the annoyanc(lit,r
of (l,rale )Ilectorr' calling; It 1m
It dtn)ng Incentive to bgaullflealio
Of that city, .for houmell„Iders fie
Ioager gnadge water, for lawn" and
gnrdene; it Im Fault wasteful brute
tho conewnmpr never tslievee that lel
Payment in fixed by his ,•onsumptlnfi
and it b•nefite the very poor and by
pi.00uraging them to be cleanly Impspg
the community fret; from disease,
Tho glory of oho capture of Manila
h1. dep(irtdl. 11 Ilia t,attmtmy be-
fore the Senate PhAlppinwm Commit-
ter Admirnl Newey mndle the p)sitly .
Ptatrment that Manila murrendered
tt) him let ill- time Ile .oink Lite
.9p etaimlr /feet,. and that he would
halo oecupled flat -,city at once If
Ili- hall hail 5.001 tropn to gnrrimon
it- %Vhe•'1 fivall;o the fu" -trial mnrrender
Was made, Dewey Maid, it wale ill
porminw-f• ..t a .prearranged peau.
Thr 81 41 11 641 commander dpmnll,k!d
I lie mf Milk a:,ee of an attack to salh,fy
to IM Iden" of honor, Yet In that at lark
fivn H. H. "I'llio Were kfllnl and
forty-five wounded !
The, Synoml of Huron decl&rp , for
the adoptlon of mom, Pynlem of path-
Ihr• ownership by which comp,•t1Uoh
Would be remuredo aalooas b UMO
hone(no of refrionhmtont, manngrra re-
trive se fixed walary, and at prrcpnt-
ngr of the profits frons tool. but
not from Aleohnllc heveorngn, it al,o
i7elirira(f•iT the treating billet. Thr
Synod Mrro the evil of that psrt for
the (Mthentmirg myntem which gives
BT tn"lgttVP'TU'W.rennn ifieialeie of
llgcor. -No Government ownc•rahire
plan Involving that will Provo matlm-
Thp Phllmlrlphlein Itrror,l Ilio.
noall) takes off a prom llon,st
confrunpornry. "ThnP nn rmtrrmp,l
Pe-f0ortlnnlmt rontrmtvornry rrmarkm
anent tha British dntlen on grnin
and miar: 'They nrA n so, on
rims; thrs It -wren" the romt' of llv-
Ing to fill.m:tmmrm; they :err im-
rle,mr+l 'skill's a praluct or t;rrnl RrI-
train, An1`grt an pwotetletp .blllpm.'
.innt an! TlPIwmr ieritinh dnfle■ tips
poor to to rr
ohnvool by oil content
perary at lhp rli9k nngM of vision.
Wet the Dinglpy twrlfr, which Im-
rtoxr unmproad f&xem come foo,, and
ahirh Inrrm*PR thr comf of living
to the mamon by Its bwrhA►o,u ,I"-
lleea nn wonllon tattletale and sthpr
nmemairlen, Id noon on near that IU
rnnrmltlpo *rem to he totally oh-
worM to the Protectionist vlslos."
lfk : large rolls, choice, 13 to lac;
medium, 13 to 14c.
F,gge-The market Is steady, w•Ith
e A 1pwwl drm'sud and plel/tlfuh .Afer-
f lags at 15c.
- I%vtntoas arp etrond lit tris ad-
" vaailcM prices. Urmtanl Im goiml. Ttne
I offerings are very mum 1I. Old ono&
atm soiling at $1._5 p•r bag own•.
Now (mice are trurth $LC5 per
e bualarl.
I JArwdtry-There are very light of-
ferings and the demand 1n almost ull.
Prices bre intently at 10 to l2c for
- tarkeyd, 00 to VOc for chicken#, toad
$t per polar for duarks. -
0In1•r1 Alar -lie 1:1 -fair demand steel
' sAfredr at $10 on, truck bete for No.
1 tlrtenthr.
n trial d Ehraw-Offerltlga are Ilbprwl
, ILIA demand In falx at $5 oh, track
i here.
se Toronto Irrull llrrkrl.
P filrawboorrt-a carne 1•e, allnrwt too
Inlet to hau lin to-desy, shall r.i. eft
from 1-2 to 21-2e p•r box. They
are still of Root also and totality,
though soft on account of the wet
wrather. Otlwr prices are abaft
wtety. We gtr)tP: Appleton. per holo
ket. M. to At ; Initiation, rotor bunch,
Sl -:'PO to' $".25: oriingpe, $7: Flor.
flies,piaettpplea. So a Oi 4:!M, $ t.":, to
$'t. -O p r Crude, base. are•_ t d, nK to
alxp, a. to 14c; tomae
tos, 4 bnnket
r carrier. $125; strawbrrres, poor
(puart, 81-L to 41-_'c: cherries, per
bao-kpt. B.e to $I:.s5; ('al furnla ap-
r'eattw, $2.50 per crate; CAllfarnlmi
pmonellpo, $2,50 per camp; watermal
rend, 8.. to 40c; Rolonrlherrtea, 5') to
WN, !mer hevJYet ; root ellrraotr, par
hnwket, 75e; mapberr!ea, p,r bull,
rereato I.Ive Blook (Market.
Ell Port cattle, choly, par ewL SitM 1g$ A a5
do mrdlam / « t0 S p,
do mon 1 to to Is 00
Balchere' rattle, ploked...,._ 5 rI b S fin
Ba U•her: cwt,le, 'holes. .... 1 M to S 25
Butcher' rattle, fair..........., r 75 to 4 2e,
de Mort3 m to I CC
do bulb 2 66 to 3
Feeder, shornt"ll, ,� ..., tic to Stir
An rendlum . .. x10 fat t PI
etcekerq Las, in I, ieo iii:.::.:. x 71 to i too
Nlirh row., ea'h YI b l0 45 Ohl
Bi... Dfess& par rest .. t 10 to x At)
Inn, he, eprt.,g. smell ............ 2 to to 1 Ila
Howl,: rhoiee, time, rest........... 7 00 to o fq
Il"Woo Itlit. per cwt............ a 75 to Out
Mune fat, per cwt............... 4 73 to o M
Bradstreet@• ata Trade.
Trade at Montreal continuo.• mod-
orntooly active. 17100 Is pappelnlly
i sloe nr the dpm&nd for fall goods,
for hich on
largo orders had bra
inkr•n. Volition of sto pipe are he -
Ing writ mnlntainod, &till while there
hag been no farther advan•o In the
rwtrps thin went tits mannfacturorn
In many lines plPltiveiv riff -tom to
milk#- price ronrd,wiona, anti In Pomp,
en Ar.s ora unablo to guarantee
Pwnmpt delivers.
io Hamilton the movempnt In
wholemnle Irnde rlrelew conlintpm
rnlrl'y goonl, perppr•ially In fall gno,lm.
'flip Porting trrAn head not drvPloperl
an spwr•Inl activity and as a rp !lit
of the unfwvoraton wo&ther for light
mummer goods, It woo not pvprr,,d
that the- demwnd would Impw,1vp e
much till bright, hot w"thoor rail•,•,
wtnrka to tell morn broken 1nto. 711P I
reporter frown travellrrn'on lhn con-
dltlono of trtulc In the country or,,
very fnTor&hl" *not IIIdIrAte A large
movement it p 1
■Y U. tteuxLlrtvuut.
Tere.e of eebessdeelda,
►«ikm w4rauN......... ......�...
1 114. •
[s oA« ,. l
yeg. ....,, .,,.
1 le
Advertent" Rat«I
Legal lid shot tea.ral mitt s,t .en,6,r., aM
der Lne for it,-% 1,t..-rtlo ,, %,I l t n.n(a P• r lino
fur ea.:L sub.rnueat hwor.l ,h. M..4,1-1 he
a nonrp. r,•11 «told.
Hit. luou oarde of ria ill." and a i'lrr. M pn
Adr tAlmoments of i,owt, Fpur , a r. M
mtawtk.ne V.a.at Nato. .logo Nk- Wt yln4
lues+ ('hamwe wap4ed 1.04 eit.i,.dlur t
Mose none roll, 11 pot - __
Houere on nate tontl ,4 on 410, not y
expend f lines. /1 for Md h. r . tt
Sequent uinoth. l.ar�r e, ie pr�1,•,Jif ,a,
Any asocial tones,e� u pr ,E, W tp
:zn.ote the peensyatoy yf h,iy P:,p, l -
dal or nom n t. pe o0
y. y. •
ca!�� n
wont and crarlre,t g•wa.Ml,,rly, "d eon lM
Local ..it. r In nonpar�dl type ,me ea,.ut yet
word, no not tole Iw tltato tb,.
I"Al nuticoe, to rd.hart• readsp g t7Ge •we
*onto per -0.
No noQop for Ire. tlea
. bar,
Notioer f,or rhnrc►ee end *Ili"rolljtsw and
bMevoleut Lwtitut.otr, hof raw.
Mnhenrtbdr+ who fall M rernlloeea Plnmq
regularly b7 mw11 will anter a t Per ,y n,
Qoaluting lie of We tad mit m *tori, &,t,,,,4
Pmflblo. •
N hem • of mnse d ad.dr+ 1e deelmd, pia t
We old lidw the soad ration, should W abate
►rbltp►✓s Nolle 1.
T n
J. 0. lLaep art, of Odder A
k ►eat
Printed (weal Tnvelllag Anent, /lir oho,, Io•an.
4sale of O,tllerioll, ('411110-1.4t. AALd.!d h, d
�f A watroed
L,oat p,pl,nNthr Over the district ore eine
empowered to receive .atwcrlpat", la. Tim
AJ2MSMsg.Napeae morel a eAA raAatl
--. D. Youll-I'l,'Csn,y.
THE •1@m AI
wasphow fte OL Gedwlrl. 7)ea
TUATLld.dlfi t1VIDa.
tend.....,.... ............. ..
sitIll I and hP",&............. ...... 1.w
....................... 7.N r u
Nall ami llevhw........ ............. Made eta
Nall and Caprees...... I............... r u • na
Moll amid Kemerling. .................... 7 •a ,_ e,
Niven lig r n.
At. NiUuollsoN. L 1). P..
DW"At p/R@w01,
Roomy op It tie feat Omco.
Gold rilli.r. (.... and Waste ww► e
earl 2. Porte"&
Y. YARt D.D.P. i-D.s� PXNTAL
1 . ME-I�toet "A &per*.rd India- tt
ter .11 dental opovatlrna rr•r, a !.A ,f uLa
natural awhile a eperlall . ()to,.: ter %..aet toad I•gow taP st� Iraratwo" M ,toe
`N'- . RAVIIF.N.'M11. „Ip.nS. DBNT1.I
h mnrsrron. snores„r to Ihr. f U. Torn
hills. 1,1 .t dpprorr,l mrtb.rlr, to ,.11 drp,tn
Nirote .d modern drnihrtty. horindinr ` n
Inln Inlay o m•rmtlono, nud cron w.nit 4ndc•-
work Imth 1a &old milt In p.,revI.In. ol"-I .I
Att."nom Paid t„ prvwrvAtlun f pato, .1
,.rthNI -+.410 f"reerrfy. Ile• 14p`f .fry -_r'
errl►'F--N'F, -v if V, I' N LERall;% Pr
1 dentl.te, will, le.r..at,.M.r.al l„•, I... 1,
y m, wMwwge)a Ir,nn Nmy to Ortoher n,
rlrer. Irlle"e l t
1. N Ytrail
(in11MM:NA7atb.Itm_ -W. V. HAT", •
A.ae. a1.
.CA►11.1ON. 4f!.-RANlthl kR W •11
A -ie altar. Nrtar/. h..: oa0.tm over lead, 1
Rate. mhgmam. tedtor4•h. -
X11O. JO-fN"T0.4- ItA1NU14T Wt... _-7
. 4111. (-*Mvbt.4e... a: .I --ore) o
IOan. (hW,w. ( e'. HaetutoM IL HI- Aeod .
erecta, (Jndertrtt,h..` YA
PnROUDlrxrr III HL -A IL lIAlt1tlMIiv
ealMdom WKA"m Mb11c, be* one la I,,.
VarlUme Ito),^. der. Office: N rnh sl., n. -rt
yydoo�rt*MXAIL phis& PMvhts rurwL to lead A'
k0 R.C. ff/t �' A
1)IVVJ48ON k (URROW, RAitl1lmTR1fl
ANorn so.. 9lan store, etc.. (iodatrlci.
6. 1.. Dic_klnrom, Otaorle. Garro w. LL11.
Por. Notary Pit . stn. thoce raat.id,-
('onrt ItoAlmr agnare. )coney to loan at low
rale. Of Inlxrw„l. ,
ll�i teltax antar7 and eoaveyaasw. (Mies
an Remtlton etreot orpo,,MO tie 0.1beirra
Hetel, Uoderloh. Private tends to land no
.ertg.a.. st 1 Pse OML lntsrs@L Fwmed
enh@e e.at@L I .
d O. w ARM d 04v&14%CXII. At. AXv
Je ream•.Maio.er for M►je4 mad rnef%tPe
ro,:*e;Waau,ve of ball, &Matt a we hN.ointo
d"cel drpoAUrtme ever solemn llowlnntihnh b e,
01loervrn16604117 wetter. @sit Of Im'Ker4ins M.
the P71.h ('curt of JrsUan, the I. oal't of Appo1
for ouserde, of in any ('ennty or Mvtelwt
Court. A 11 t, a-io*oU toe wardulny • nd ere n ye, f
exerui.d. Reelde sail /. O. a44ron lire
gaanon. Ont XLIW
nt privnte flhndmtOr invetrmentmt los
ret fM.em ,mall ,•xlw,-" on artlLekam tlortttattr
A paoly to Iticklnroa k Oarrew. _-- __
A V CTWW RRltl Nti.
at Yslmglor, Ooderlrb, Ont. SoW intend, -!
to in anis Vwrt of toe @lane r.
IRN RNOI OR\LpAL Al. ,r &'XXtoad tend Voltmeter, ("art b, ., I n+r
log had a %Wdemble ext+ tenoa n the s...,
U„wereiwg Credal to 1. is a r� 1)I m ,.) Ik
pkerlane w-tth Mum .git eau cat th .11 a*"
nts.lor.a mtrnated L, him. 00, n fort M
P.eom'. Roush, or will Dy mall IA lib acid;
odrrleth P. O., earMnlTy at;add W. ll,tf•1
Moxa (7I unty AaHloneer. lad U
-MA"IAOR Wtl 2Vi&: --_-
(ossa 4lgdrirleka004L Al�tely
Western c'r-ops Its Danger of It. hod
1troll no)ell. ____ -
('hlragvv, .fill; 7.--"11 lhp rale can-
linnrm a fent Playa longrr thea eet'opq
through flip middle wreckers shall
tersotern Stated will be damshgfrl, toad
the loan to tho farmer" will ile bf-yon•1
,ltf"fa t eon •, twat torif:
United States Weather Bmnn•au lathe
nlght. While he wan PrwnklnK rp-
port@ were corning In, allowing lh•tt i
't WAX ralnhus; practically all iiF%T-" ""�
he middle weak, and that many at- j
'Poly flo Mrd Watemi hall teen 114-
1,.11 by arf Inch mord or rosin in alis
vrevlonn L'I hours. in Vbirvazro lhn i
valnfnll w,am moral than an lit, !I 1'-
Inniw is wnr or the 1•111,.r mnff,•rorm.
tit thr,"IKh the interior. nv for ,:oulh
am fh.• ohfo Ritrr, Ihl• rrirml arr
lnodnl Porn flrldw. whrn1 fipldi.
•, rndoww, twist tared nml Kar,lrnv have
fern farnrd into Inkrm not rr,ntl.
idly the millet rovnrntde kin I of
rrnibrr will warp Ilio agricnllarwl
ountlow from heavy Mia.
I often ng fall mina win. -
tper . Prinrd of staple gohmis elft -i -AN PAlmam, -to Y R. - firmnr•
. Kllchrr
tlnnp firm. ani (ten. French, who serr rptnreliner
in Winnipeg thorn hag before rwth- tr'EnglindfromPorthAfraon,arrleod
or "morn Activity in wholPYtlo traM. Immo at me
tn-t this venlna. Both are
The ArIPr nn I brtghtrr wpwth"r hog In goat health. They wpre struck
dllmalntM that 1lemand. the retail
with oto tolerant In" Whrn they
own now hAust Anxious it) have "darnel of tho King'o Illnpod nn, the
nrderle tmmhko4l for the fall Krx►I PPtmVot)cmryft of the coronAtMn. The
1It Pacific toast trolls reonfr-e, no Mval ant military gwrrnnrm I,onrd-
rorrBn to td thn trwrtsgMvrt awl eveltr)mM them.
g rtr&ebt,o"t'm repart.• (tom. KIIflltower dirt nett eftmr Aohnrr.
trod. rftntln nog in dhow some Im - ("fr e)fflaioloN on the tritnogmtrt tip-
ProTrmPat. Mlnnfartnrlrt Anil mpr. 1(Hrftmhl tlhr Trangvawl ng w "p1rnolf(1
tobe eneng. . certainly aplNfwr w y, Many of this will return
W M elov111pf.
, .
..r+•tjkaiaok:.wh&and .. A•.-••,rilkll..,'•s;,,..t1.Am ..oat - =-;c ,w".,. r.� "I'll amrrlc,iiiaF ` -..