HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-10, Page 1THREE 'A8"
Ac --',r8
0005asost. July Y 1909
Yal1 Wheat o 77 to 78
Flour, tenon,. par owl.,.. -.-2 10 to 2 10
Flour. potent. poor cwt__.. 17 330 01 31
Bran, ill fou,. -- - - - • 10 00 to 1000
S horts. a ton •--. -
eloreeolnn. per .wt 1 00 to 4 00
Itye, per bush 0 60 to W
Buckwheat. pot bush0 ti to 56
Oetr. Poob boob. .-_. _.. 10 to If
... bttgh... .. ........._..�.. 75 to 81)
barley. per book .. 60 to 60
Ray. 0 ton 00 to 00
Potatoes. 0 bush„ 85 le 35
arttr, __.....-.....__...r If to Il
(theses, *or Ib._. 10 to It
F-rtl•, freak eapsotd, • dos.-M to 19
W. woo ..•••.e.• �.. _.•, 60 to W
aloes, ••••••••• MONO .-.. ow� 8) to 01
Pelts 11 to 50
Llys Hem 60 to 60
Dressed Hop `�. - 00 w 8)
.--,� „� 13 w 18
Ham. Per Ib.. .........._.....•, 16 to 16
Lard. per Ib. 14 to 11
1)r.w..d Be•f, tore gamer s0 to it
Dressed Beef. hind hint 00 to m
('attle.Ordlanry 1m0 to 0000
Notioe of cnangee mast be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
most bo left not it ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisement.
.00epted au to nor n Wednesday of
each week.
Teacher of Fletcher music method, will to
nett.. pupils at her studio. •boys Yr. Neft.Ia
insomnia Midas. Hamilton street. Yoe int or
motion apply either at studio or at le edema
HL Patricia'. areet.
rOgaalet sod muMaal director of North street
Methodist oburch. toaober of plane. pl.* Or -
gen and thenry Pupil* propane! for all ex-
aminations of the Toronto Conservatory of
Mun1c. Will be pleased to reoelve applica-
tions from all those reouirl•g ouch Instruo-
tlon at his new studio over Thomson'. made
More, Use of piano for praotloe may be ar
ranged for. 67tf
Public Notice
log from th. Islands ming the ferry
without permission, .hoodoo. or otherwise
newest upon soy part of tba property will
be and prosecuted
Ridgewood farm.
411 triad. of Spe.uolss and Itys,tlasse. made
to order. Special nictation given to fitting the
e Orden by mail promptly attended to Be.
ware of mortise using my name, as 1 employ
0o tnyeIlior egret. whatever.
8at10fwtime guaranteed. lietebllehed 1873.
Rooms to Let
A. street at ,resist occupied by 8. N. Lewis
as law ahem: will .hangs Into .mall store 1f
y, (h rooms over Miss Oa.r
e ters vjth fr,ot and rear satranoe, L. N.
For 8410.
- m• OR TO RI.NT.
Io the township of Wast Wawanoeh, lot 27.
000ceeslon 3, eontalsl•g (106 acre, more or
ego. snout 175 cleared to • geed .tate of cul•
tl.at»on. good Ponces. well watersd, wood
orchard, buildinggs goodatmbles under barn,
12 by81, conveolent to .ehoole and churches
�olon easy terms to suit purchaser. Apply
to W 11. l'AMPeLLL, Weetliel't, or W. A.
HARRISON, Looksow. 613m
In Mt. Oe0rg.'» ward. Appl to 1.. r.
salla good order, 05 lights. Also •
gooatity of axioms. L. L. D•NCilY. 841.31
rale, containing 61 scree, being camomile,
of lot 12 In the 51.8 ooncre.fonand i teres.
part of lot Nin the /th non,• ooton. Go derich
township. Thls a first claw farm ono is .Flu
W ad about four maeo from uoderbh, TiUe
perfect. For particulars apply to the under -
Dated Ind J,17, 1002.
oonnosslon 7. Colborne. ooetalnlitg 104)
acro% Lot 67, Maitland ronoaesloo. Godtrloh
towo.b p, containing 76 acres. Bath farms
are well f000ed and well watered; good
0.1141,.o and first cams orchard on mob
farm , nearly ■II under gross. Sixty per cent.
of the purchase money may remain 0s
morta;awa et 5 per omit. For particulars apply
to T. BURNS, Carlow. 116tt
Strachan offers for sale or to rent the
properly at present occueled by her, on the
corner of Victoria and Brum streets. There
is a large concrete building oonaloingR dwell -
tog honey and store, with all ,onvenlenoes to
connection Thereto also a 510,15.16-a half
frame dwelling &tutted on the acme lot.
Terms re•.o,able. Apply to MR8.
A?QAOBAN, on thn premluw
Bog umd.r Ix.rpets, sta. Apply at Tnu
Bois •i. OMs..
That big stow house with 7.ronmtd brook
addltioo• sltot.d on Plo'oa street The home"
is dry and warm. being lined thrm,ghont with
2 Inch plank. It Is RAM and substantial. It
was built b the late
Shrrtf filbbona when le him prime
Net for a day but for all t me.
'rho foundationo ars about 4 feet thick and
will endure. as long a• the Pyramids or Lgypt.
A home seeker or investor who realises the
potent'slltfeel4ppf fresh paint and paper, whloh
are lnexpenel•e and or glee. soh oh le p'nr
folly rhr.r, by • little planning and Judicious
expenditure can mod,rnin It into an unto
date minion. 1 assert most strenuously and
fearleraly Mist a big return will aerate to the
wld'tawake Investor for the beet of all rim -
'moo that he lass broad and solid fnnod atlas
all ready to his hssdg. The same cannot hs
said of • shell or veneer. Lot those who aro
es the lookout for • soft snap loreingio, 10
castigate, lovedBa& e.
Wars aidressM to
Bar Mold I'. 0.,
Mk moire manse attention.
Mar 718, .2162. 81-0
Annual Homegathering of the
Huron Old Ldoys.
Tae Largest Watvdos let et Toronto
Maroattes-Weltered b7 • sheet alal8er-
leg-The res es el Ifs Day --
ap*rtbes, Games and mwsle.
Toronto Globe Repo, t,l
Mulortb, July 5. --Thi. hu been • groat
day for Huron county. Her MAI aol k+ r
daaghtere have carts home again. 'rho
home folk hays gtther.d hen at Sselorth
to maks merry with them. It has bees •
striking reunion, •od every put of the
.00.107 has beno gprecewtod sod likewise
almost .very •*r( of the Provinoe. 4n -
forth has enterIaln.J roya'.ly. In the Vic-
toria fork bor ora►on .paned their mouth'.
la 18. •►bl.tlo holds her stalwarts displayed
their stre.g►h,sad there oleo her strong men
r.;nlo.d to run • roar, sod her dooms to
oomem.moratl lbs amnion promoted Oa
Huron (Yd Rut.' A.00latiuo of Toronto
with • band'mm. *ilk banner, and after-
warde nomta•lly presented thou» with tho
whole tow,,that the visitors might Dome and
go as limey .heu'd ask. Them. The hom•
folks gathered hers early. They toms
from las sod near, fr,m )(oxtail to Ei.t.r
and from (fortis .,.o unto th. boundary
1 re, and the band Make of w.lome to tbo
old boys and girls of Burow bwpok• mors
elogosot!y than words the folia.es of the
heartbeat. 'Ther. le 'emends' about the
people of Huron, that.ta0aoh, pstriotlo,
fervent splrlt that was strong »• the hoe of
those who follo,te1 Tiger Dunlop Into tho
waded traol and hawed for themselves
Domes In s forest. But It requires ao.o-
oadoo such .it this to mow It fairly aroused.
Toot.plrit h.. boon .e.o today. and the
expression "Hureo blood will tell" mad no
longer be regarded as purely ..ntimeotal.
Most of eke old b,ys and girls 0•m. from
Toronto, whale the Humes Old (Lys' A.
mmtatloa is one of the largest of Its Mod.
A .pooll U T. R true of ten owahes,
mutilating upwards of 600 person., left the
Cg»on Stmt on at 7 o'clock, and when they
reached here the crowd to weloome them
woo so great and their Incoming so effacuve
that It was w ly likened to the descent et
an army(. Numb.re had been takes on .t
Pukd.l., I :uolpn, Berlin and 5 retford,00d
whoa they •11 poured out into the midst 01
the throng awaiting them more goal so ar-
ray of happy facie teat 1m seldom wen In
this g.e.relly usemotlooal, basines.htki
tow°. The homs band dra.k op a medley
et patrio'e air., sod there wam evn a deg
fight to improve IM. hour.
Tho mount.° from Toro,te was the
largest that the association 4sti ever held,
yd with .o many people aboard there was
■ o oy.rorowding, se often c ntrgaea0 upon
.00h an uallog. To. Crain crew, 4',ednator
Mclir»de and Brakemen Howard and Halpin
were old Hurol Boys, e., it ts needle.. to,
. ay that everythaog was done for the com-
fort of the massagers.
Tho following wars among those present :•-
Mosaic E Floudy, 1'resldoot ; Dr. Moue,
Vee-Preeldent ; C. A Smith, Treasurer ;
K. A. Walk +r. S.er.tary ; E, J, B. li000an.
J. A. McLaren, 8 T. Church, W. Presd.r•
gast, J. R. Lyn., Walter Scott, 'Thor.
Soon, H. Glares, Gs,. Rano.. C. C. Roe..
U. M. MuUould, C. R. Cooper, J. 8. Mc-
Kinnon, T. Motllllieoddv. '1. W. Gibson,
John F. \lactate°, H. Rothwell, Dr. J.
Heade rain M.Fsol, A. Whitmore, H. S.
Soott, 1)r. 4tobory, F. 0. E.gle, 1)r.
Keefer, H..4. Crawford, B. A , O.
noK. As-
d.r, M A , H. Ciar�e' WJ O. Mo rag -
f ort, 4, Dao, R S. P°la , M. Morro.,
W. K Knpere, 1)r. Duman, T. R,bso.,
W. P. Mackay, 1' 4c.tt. M. 1, W. Mc-
Taggart, P. N. lioldlborp, 0. Cowie,
Ed. T. Croaker, Fronk Sweet, F. . Kiog,
W. Powell, Robt. Paye., K F,Iogtrald,.1.
That train was met at Str.tford by Mears.
J. L Kdlord. and M. Y. MoIAan, of Sea -
forth. and at leao destica'lon by the local
oomntitter, the 33rd Regiment Hsnd sod
eerm of mounol intantry. the offi (bus of
tb..onloip.iltles of the eenhly, a oomptny
of !noel militia, the midst corp., the brigade,
r.prwentative. Iron; the edue.tioo.l le -
siltation. of the oouuty and an immense
uruw& of people.
As aims as the visitors had detrsloed •
prooee.lus was folioed. hooded by the 48th
Higblaidere' Band. whloh marched up Malo
street to Vlutorla Park, where the meadow
and pre.otatioo of Gm. Hag were made.
110. Kurd Doan Hodglos presided, and with
him on the platform were the Mayor, Messrs
J. H. Brosdloot, Ultimata of the local oom-
matte; J. L Kdlor•o, Ssor.tery; W. K.
Pears, Treasurer ; M. Y McLean. D. 1).
Wilmoo, Jam.. Utllwpie, E. J. Hamilton.
F' O. Spading of Wiogham, B. B. Goon,
James Beattie, Mayor Jackson of Chalon,
ft Men Millar, D:. !impiety ct Bayfield, H.
Cloow of Ooderloh, J. M. Bost. T. E.
Hay.. Dr. Campbell of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
F. Hulmsteed, E Foody, Thomas MoUllli-
caddy, 'Y. Prendergast, /limb MasM•th,
Or. 81oso and S. T Course
TI. ohalrman .poke bristly, atter wbioh
the Mayer rood • olvio •ddnos of weloome.
Short spaniel., but bright and w the point,
were delivered by Messrs. Mcl.v.o, Holm -
email, %Vtlwo, MoGltliouday, Preod.rgase,
Moodath, and 1)r.. Campbell had Sloan.
The •pdeobus were mostly of a patrletio
nature, and any uriousuess that may have
boon prompted thereby was quickly dispel-
led by toe bumor.u$ remarks of Mr. Mg-
Udlleuddy sod Dr. Campben.
The banuer, wbioh oo one gide bore the
Caton Jack, mad on the ethos/Ms inscription,
"H. U H., S'sIorth, July 5, 1902," was
protested by hill. Misses Verdin Bose and
Hazel Roberto.
Mr. Foody in hoosptlog It saluted the
ladies most gallantly, god tbeo .aprs.-
sed an appreciation 01 It on behalf of the
hollowing the oeremool.s too vlsiiors
were entertained at luncheon in the d»der
rent hotels, after which the toms watt d•
voted to various forme of entertainment,
Morose,, football, tag -,I war and races being
the principal attractions. Later In the
atom.m and eveofog many of the •Ultors
dispersed to "does porta of the wsetry,
and ince: 't them will mono N ►bar Imam
oo Mon 1•y. As mance• feature was a
straw bat hrig.de et Toronto and ilsforth
boys, led by (fluff and Duck of Tomato.
to the tajr,f-war Tuckenmith was Aron and
Hullett seuand. Tis football match b -
tw.eo the old boys from Toronto ani as
mprompts team of home boys resulted F. m
tie. Tuomght the 48 b Higblan'1on' I6,ud
of Toronto .00rt•toed woe of tae largest
crowds of people syor seen es the Athl.tio
gro»ods here. Toe ',anode were piJtur-
e•qudy dsoorated with Ch one lanterns.
OUR NAME comm..
Composed by 4. T. church, ot Toronto,
and real by him at Seaforth, Ont., on the
occasion of the third anneal excursion oT
the Huron 014 Boya, July 5, 1902
Blew, blaw yer pipes, ye pipers twa,
Tool wool yer horns, ye bandsmen a',
Cease not yer drumniin' ;
We're hams again frae far atom',
An' welcomed hal like king. ai»' s
Al our hone comm'.
and Surgeon. Omoe 1n Dank of ('om-
me,,ro* building. west side of Square. Night
Ile el residence. Llo st. W. It/wool/8.
I1alor and punsant to the power of Mn
Mwtatned In a certain mortgage bearing date
tee 27th day of Ileeembnr. 14.1. and mad• to
th• rooter. mod w8lrh will ho prndnced at tk►
Mmo orate. tame will be sold tea Pohl 0 anee
Hort. by Jelin F rg*roe, see lino? int e
Common, al Hoed. 1s. tow altars of AAAOf
no To*Mm7. tap 15th 4., of Jolt, 1904. at ll
m'olook n.Ow, the fo11ow1ng valehls property.
namely • lass BO 1 M4, ani 4 all, In thn
villagemad .1 Bayfineld. oontw.n tot one mors
and a
t; pen 1810 pr.party t ter lea I/ story frame
hens.. anon a Igm. barn. There are several
Aa4Ioottm emit inns on too land TMu le • dear-
TOrass t Teta rest on the day of pale,
seryBei helgs within see month Mae -
For farther 995 rdinn • r to 11 a alto-
JMO9ititk day of o + • LIP R01.7,
soder', Patentor.■ a tatl.riek
Insuranos. eta.
ANCR and rod setae agent. OMoe. tae
door east of P. 0.. Ooderloh. Agent for the
leading mutual ere Isoutane° oom ,sole, and
leading stock oompanles.
Meroantlls and manufacturing risks t
owns rates. WI at .Moe.
Aeroflot/int and Inmoronm Agent.
Books and accounts med. up.
Buildings gated and rents oolleoted,
Flee Imuranoe In British and ('radian
OMDo.-In Proud foot & flays' omoe North
Most Ooderloh. 11-tf
BURANOL and Real Stoat, agent.
Fig, Life, Aooldeetand Plate Mlasa Insurance
.Retied on mourn or cash plan at lowest
.ate ; oellble.
lien ICoglheh and Canadian companies rep
rem ed.
OT as next door to (arrow & Darrow, Dar
lator. 1Jemfltoo 81,1.1.
You Can't Afford to Niss This Trip.
Young People's Christian
Union Society
or THR
United Presbyterian Church,
Tacoma, Wash.
First -clan tickets G, Vane over and
'Victoria, 11.0 , Seattle and Tacoma,
Wash , and Portland, Orn , for
$60 60 for the Round Trip.
Ainn las )cl.on, Roml&nd, RoM,at.
Trail, Bandon and Kaolin, R.C., aid
Nookane, Wamh. for
$55.60 for the Round Trip.
Going July 10th to 20th, inclo•ive.
Final Return limit Sept.. 15, 1908.
Smolt .brit rharg* via. the) magnifirtont
('anufian Paries: Steamora between
°wen Moond awl Ft. W d.iam.
For boil particulars apply 10
Agont U. P. K ,
Vs sat 4trw+t.
Our bleatin' tongues can never tell
Tito feelin'a in our hearts that swell
Our bosoms hivh wi' pride,
As here we meet wi' Huron's clan
Like britherw greetin', every man
111i. lass beads.
Wi' tanner. Audtin' on the air,
An' nhormin' music everywhere,
Auld friends tae greet ;
1-er wools .n' acto has made it clear
We're welcome .Flair than once a year,
Toe drink au' ext.
An' poo we're here we'll love nus time
In (akin' doers yer parridge fins,
Like cravin', hungry loon,.
A hint or twa 'afore we start,
An' that is this : 'afore we pert
Count a' yer spoons.
For there 4s gold folk 10 our crowd
W ha nater blink nor speak aloud,
Whim eyes fill quick wi' lean,
Who'd never stoop toe tale yer purse,
But what I deem w muckle worse -
A woo hit souvenir.
An' poo I will nal) keep ye talo,
Yell ken we're luigm for the plate,
To show our micht an skill.
Noo just a wunl 'afore I end
Ye've poet us nobly frierad tae friend,
Win' richt good with
An' may yer days on earth be fang.
}'er lassies sweet, yer buddies stranv,
Nae grief tae rack ye ;
An' when yer covered wi' the vale
May He who (a' the folk goy) mule
Tho Do'n1, tat' ye. "
Rielly xD A Altos'1Vm. Lane, mood,
any of the Oudeuuh Horticultural Scanty.
hag reoelyod from the Canadian oommlwios-
.r to the Paris expos.to m of 1900 the medal
awarded so the Sooaty by the exposition
authorities. Whole It is •wstd.d w • "gold'
medal It looks more like brow... but sayer
thele., it I. very handsomely damned aid
will bo so I.Nrestiog souvenir fur the mem-
bers of (b. Soddy.
UUU/aLW wN' I.4TALI.ATION. - At the
mooting of Huron Lodge, No. 62, L.O.O. F.,
oo Monday evening. the following odioere
were metalled by W. F. Clark, Past U. D.
0. M.:-1'. G., H. T. Edwards ; h. 0 ,
N. I). Rougvie ; V. U , Cha.. ghenhard ;
rewording smereaery, U. W. Mynas ; fit -
Maid 'monitory, W. F. Clank ; treasurer,
C. A. Naito ; 1. 0 , George W Illnms ; L.
8. N. 0., Jame. R.Id ; R. S. N. G., Harry
Low Onicco CLASSING EARL.. -The law
offaeo of Ohs lows during July and Agan
will oleos at 3 Y. M. .ash day ox..pt Solar -
day, whop th.y wul dose at 1 o'olock. We
are plsa..4 w woe that oar legal practition-
ers are thus warthog o8 tJw soo.tltutlooal
oollap.s whl.m would *theorise be the end of
tbo'.r ".treuuouu llfs." .re.. who go to law
during then next two months should row up
early in Ike morning and gee their business
done In otliJ. boon.
Rev. W. W. STOInART IrvTAt.I.CO.-
Rev. W. W. Stoddart, • wsll•koews Godt
✓ ich b,y, 1s low formally In charge of the
Prosbywrlan 000gr.gatloo at Leb•non,Kes.
luokv. At o meeting of t6. Pre.bytary os
the 13'h alto 0e was examiusd and ordained
in • mlobter, and installed as Doctor of the
Lebonn uhwrob. T'8. install/31m s.ryase
w ere bold l the presence of a lams oo0gre-
gatioa. A few evenings Tater the ladies el
the oburoh tandem .• reception to their
new pastor.
VITAL STA?Itrce7 volt SIX Monyns -
Dariog Oho six month. ended June 30-h
int 36 birth., 26 deaths and 2: marrlame
w ere rerutered with tb. town clerk, Of
the deaths unit was •t the an of 91. another
at 00, and two others were cc •,entrtsns
The average urs et Manion of demand
parson. (lust ball of the the total number)
was over 74 yams, and of the remands':
four was infant.. 1'hm figures furnish a
g ood mdla►los of the hoalthluloees of lbw
commuuit y.
UonsLane* lee Tooted, who has bass tseohing
in eke H».sall p•blio sobool for the last awe
year., ham resigned b.: position with • view
to ahead».. the Normal College at Ilam.
tints soil arm. before her deporture for
her home in Underlie, aka was p d by
the oholr and Y.aos l'.opla's Colon ul SL
Paul's cbereb, Hensel. with an allreee so
pronto' appr.ol•t on of b'r service 00 a
.birch werkwr, /000tapaoled by a baodseene
Htget.r RAM.
( oIJ.v»IAr0 INNT O't'TU BOARD. -An oddi-
ties of $50 goat mode to the .clary of Mr.
Field, modern 1 ge master. •1 the moot-
ing of the Collegiate Institut* board on
Tsoredy Int, Mr. Fight will now remise
81 000 per annum. 'rho beard dlr.ctn
that lbs town eoonc;l be regoeeted to levy
$2,600 for the purposes of the lastltuto.
Tbe following a000asts wort ordinal to w
paid : Kidd & Co., stationery, $18 49 ; W,
Garratt, drawlog ashes $l 13 ; W. Poetla-
hw•Ita', dc., 25o.
N,rriot To CuRRrA1'ONn[NTo.-SWIM Jley
lot Om rate of postage on book and news-
paper manowript le two oeots for ths first
four o00ose or fraction thereof and one neat
for *soh •ddltlooal two (mooed sr fraction
thereof. This mom that oorrelpondeno
of Too Sn.NA1. will now hays to pat • two-
oeot stamp on their envelopes, wbioh form-
. rlv oame for one cent. Oerrespo.d.wte
will please oomply with the taw regulations
am fallen to do so will make this office
liable for a double charge at the postoftio.
£..ul ('owpelllln at Ilse (:. C. I. Mies
Jet -kali and Mr WIgbtmsn WIn.er•,
The following 1. the result of the eompr-
tltton held as usual at Ihs sod of June at
the Collegiate Institute for the Pivot' Adam
son memorial eshel•rahip.
For the form 111 malh.mdlo•I scholar-
ship awes modldatss oomptted, and of
theme throe obtained the required standing,
namely, 40 per 00.14. on subjects and 67 per
mot. of the total. Tb... ware lama J.c-
kell, of l'eboree, 80 par sent. ; Clara Bear,
of tows, 74 per Deet_, and Henry Walker, at
West W •wanouh, 68 per oent. The sohetar-
shfp therefore goes to Mie. Jeok.Il.
Far the Form 11 profielwwoy isbolarshlp
therm were lour omdidster. Of there three
.I,talend thin rrqulnd st•ndlogo namely •
Gordo%'Vtghtm.r, of Eset W moaned", who
Mem tt.r .obol•rship with 73 par sent., A'-
fred N'ytor, also of Ent Wawanotb, 71 per
mot , and ('hnstoke, Asdar,oe, of Mail, 58
per Debt.
1'he prineipal Itm oertlfled that the wie-
ner. ars fully eligible, and hove an exeelle•t
teaord as students for the pet you.
Hon. (l. W. Roes' malority In 4ha Log -
!naturals .adored to one by the deot&en
Mr. Jinn. Mao'eoaan In the Lennox rr-
(want, givng the seat to Mr. ('asoall.o, the
Coasrt&'dye rndtdat0. by • majority of
three. Judge M•eloanan .leo rave jodp-
mntt la the North l irsy impost. eooHrmleg
Mr. Me6(ay'. (Liberal eleotion. this 1s
the came In which the Conservatives male
ohsagee that the blot• had been tampered
with, • ohar•o to whloh some color
wag loot by too remarks of Jodie
Morrison at the .sorsa.► Mr, .jo,tlap
Maclennan, hawsy.r, oomrs to • deferent
eneoltt•Inn "i am an►Me," h. mall, "with
rreat newt, to masa with the learned
.1a4ge that there Is okay samosas tat the
McKay cremes ware made after the rant at
tho clam of the poll. 1 think they were
simply not observed In tko harry of most.
log, whits tho oress.n ter Boyd, b•Ing sew.
.p(0000.. nomad them to be wanted for hint.
The same thing etaotly seem. to have
sen.rr d on the re ,neer, when 88..led •,
without °Mervin' the two .rosin.,,, hooded
all four bdUote as Hoyt ballots ►n Me4tmv's
as,+sl tnrtt.t•min.tte., when two of than
*mo•ped the Data of tA• agent s'a•, and
wen not disen•*,erl anal alter • monad ex.
•minatlnn by thn agent of Mr. Roil. 11s.
dor thsse eureent.tsnese it apposes te mot that
taws i. hardly roan .yen for • mplelen
that la. mark. eempi•hed N wire wade
atter As coasting et as yeas."
• long and .ever. Ill..... Mies Morris wag
taken ill about five months ago gotta rheu-
matic' fever, god after • period of terrible
suffering interne 000yalsetant, only to be
• tt•oked shortly after with poeumosl•.
Although greatly weakened by her long
111,... she seemed te bo again on Me way
to recovery, but during Monday eight ohs
died suddenly and unexpeotedly from •
failure of the boort. kits. Morels was the
youag.t daughter of tbs late (Morge
Morrie. By her minims and amen' her
friends her death w111 besiowroly mooned,
and the regret will be dwpeoed by • reool-
Isotion of the sutLrioge whloh ohs so
patiently bore daring the .losing months of
her life. Tim fuoer•I will take place from
tae residence of her mother, Cambria rood,
the (Ybur.dayI afternoon, •0 3 coolo,da, to
Uolbnue oemel.ry.
Firm YgaIN A'.o --The Glebe on Moo-
ds), rt published the following amo.g •
number of paragraphs form its issue of July
616, V.152 : "A publ'o onetime of the lob•bl-
tam e .4 the uolwdCountles of Huron,Perth
and Bruce wan held In Go ltrlob oo the 29 h
ult. to ooweldor the mortis of two boos of
railroad, one eonneot101 (:odertch with
liu6,.lo, vis S r►tford, Perls and B-•olford,
and the other wMeoting Terooto with
(lederlob via Guelph and Stratford, and t o
ddo mino which of these roads the uol'»,l
000ntles would .urp.ro. '1 h.m wore about
1,500 people prompt, Emit Loe was •b y
represented. The Buffalo line was r.pres-
sated Ly the Mayor of teat stty. Tho
rernto sod Guelph Bushy 1)-. Olaf k• ..d
Mr. Darman. Mr. Jose,, 4.,mmlsstooer of
tb. Cau•d• Company, wan appoltad chair -
mu. A resolution was adoped to
favor of the Buffalo and Brantford line to
God.rleh, end also • nool.tlon requesting
th. Wudon and (buctl of the oohed
..antis to take stook In that line to tis
amount of sot loss than £125,900."
AT Tilt LANK FsoNr.-I#t•tnees .t the h.r
bor has ham quid the past week. The Keg
K award and •M. Pittsburgh haws oa11' d, • d
lbs 0silrage was slue° .d is on time Ise:
Dight. The City .f the Straits has had a
mlekep. 4ae was takag an exenrdoe from
Detroit to C'ev.lawd of the 4th and ran on
a mudbark to Loki. Beale sod •1 latest re-
port hail not leee, reoa.d, The Pitt. -
burgh 6a4 • good pa.siger list on her
aorta -bound trlp Tuevd.y night, and left o8
quite • number hove. The King Edward on
bor Int trip up bad on board a party of
res Tway ofHJl.b Mukha way to the mooting
of the Canadian Faslght Assomatloo, whish
was hill at Sault Oto. Mu e The officials
joined the deamer a1 vanou■ ports on thi
way up, and the committee meetings of th•
assoutat»oo were held on the boat... Tbo
steamer Myles, Moab left hero Thursday
*toeing for Fort William for another load
of gram for this port. wont ashore on Shan
gotoah Island, near Thunder Cape, on Sun-
day morning .bout 7 o`olook, In the very
hoary fog. She was lightened and released
by too eu.mb•r.. Energy and the tag Su-
perior, and hat gone to Duluth to be docked,
as she was makleg some water.
Ino R. U. IhcNI, Ar RAN'nn.u'o.-Con-
•iderlog 18. essoellog of the holiday
ow;og to the King s lamented tllosu
and the o.ssege st non Arrival Flt moot of
the smooched ezeurd000 parties„ tka pleats
at Rnn■furde grove under the auspice of
St. Poet's 'touch was very eq.e.eslul a(atr.
The weather was fine t.od • very e0joy.bld
time was spent by all present. The visiting
prlsto were Rev. Father. Ronan, of Mit-
chell ; FegArty.of Dublin ; McKeon, of 1r.ob
town : Curooran. of Seaforth ; Nortbgraves,
Seaforth ; McMenamin. Clinton ; Haien,
St, Aagu.tioe, and MsoCormac, of Ashfield
Key. Father McKeon was a°eompanbed by
twenty il, altar boys of his ohurob. The
spa.eheo advertleed were dlopeused with,
leaving the ptooioon Igoe to patronize the
other entertainments provided. A dancing
platform had been arse'sd, where along
dano:n, wee Indulged le to tae motto prc-
vlded by an onhestra from Ashfield, and •
,.ries of sports was suooes.tul'y °srrled out
to the cricket match the Crescents woe
from the Iroquois, and In the baseball
match*. the Short'es and Coronations wore
the v'otorloas Mame, winning from the Iron
Dakota and Maple Leafs, reopootively. A
■ombeir of girl.' and boy.' races and d High
laud danomg coolest were oleo looluded in
cher day's program. The Marine Bond fur-
alsh'd excellent must. and Piper Dolan
added to the 'Mormon with his must..
I'.uyrr.T IN W ru'T HI'a'N -On !timidity
• petition against the rotors of M. 0. ('am•
eros as member of the iwgl.!etare for West
Huron was 'Morel In the offloe of D. Mo.
I )ewhld, Local K.glstrar of tie High Court.
The petitioner Ie J•mee M1wh.11, the de-
feated modulate. in addition te the usual
charges, the pet!ti.oIncludes on' to the
. ffeot that Mr. Cameron is diequah4ed by
reason of his •oo.pt000e of an office under
ileo Crown. Maitre. Bristol, Cawthra &
Bayly, of Toronto, ars counsel for the
Ther.day afternoon the mortal remising of
John ('leodenntag wore laid •way In Malt -
411A coastrry. The doceas.d passed ar
way on July I&, as the ages of forty.thre*
yearo ito had been ill for about a week
only, following a psralytio arch*. Mr.
Ciondenn(ng was a oarpeater by trod' and
was re.ently employed at Marlton's ship
yard'. If' leave. • widow sod one son. Th.
Modal, which took pl•os from the family
realdeoe.. P*Im*rstoe strait, was node. 1ho
auspices of the Canadian Order of l'.restore,
of whloh the deoeased was • member.
Tne HURON OLD Rom -A number of
termer reddest' of (30Aerleb wen 080115
the Hero. Old Bays 'she v4.11ed the soon/7
o0 8 starchy to Monday last. The 8.j,rlty
of them took In the Seal0rlh reception, and
report a hearty hospitality no the part of
th. psople of that town. In foot, Seaforth
did all posolble to make the visitors feel
that they owned the town. There were
shoat 600 excursionist. from Toronto and
ueyoral Ointment' Moen out from Seaforth
and vtdnity to see the Old Boys sad that
Highlanders. About fifty west down from
Ooderloh on thi morning and %Porno°.
Ir', AI.r. Rhnlr.-f'orporation T'ameter
Rosin is well pleated wick tOa noir
waterloo ow which the town his naruaod
to 81e .barge. (1s says that, while It hold.
1 hnndredwdtht more wa'er than the
old env, 40 to easter to draw. It thro.s aha
water shoat hall as far again as the el 1 pee
and the pipe Milch toads the eproklee le
larger, so that be can toyer more ground In
the ammo time. Until this week Natare
•trended very efficiently is the watering of
the streets, but for the n.xt two month. we
may hay' to rely npoa ,lohn Itesnnm, and it
Is • satisfastlon 1, know tint het is en well
equipped for the Yolk. A. everybody
knows, the new wagon was bait at the
9tranhan work., right hers In tows, when
Ike haat street sprinkler' Is tap world are
tor submitted the mama of the members
for approval, awl road the ouve0ant. After
dteonuluo, • uummitten was appolated to
prepare the bylaws. 'These war• shortly
presented sod approyed, mod tit. election of
OHimrsfollowed. TM,orpaolz•tloo monist*
as fellows : PMtor, Cher. K. Jones; doaoaoe,
Jae. 1: L.wltt Aba. Clutton and [Moran
Cameros; trustee., Wm. Hawley and Goo.
Lore* ; Church ol.rk, ('has. E. L.wttt;
eeorstary troasunr, Mrs. Duncan Cameros;
Susday School superloWodlot, J. E. Lew-
itt; organist, Mia. McColl: usher., Thos.
Ma(:uhanddy. jr , and ('. 1:. Lewin A
oom114(14 a of Om pastor, olrk, J. E Lewitt
and W. Hawley bays the arrangeneuto for
ths reougsttloo foraloes 1n hood. whtob will
b. aonou000d Tater. Next Sunday 100 pas
for will oonduot the morning awvloe ; mud -
;eat. "Loy* God." Thos. Mo011lloaddy,
of Toronto, Is .opooted to preach in the
Don's forger the sports Thursday eveetog
-throe bicycle r•oee, baseball matoh and an
exhibition one halt mils by K. E. Smith'.
mooing bone, Logan leudem',.
The eooree made last Friday evning at
the gun olub moor, at fiftsei birds .sob,
were as follows : F: K. Wataoa, 12 ; W.
Rutsoo, 11 ; U McIver. 9 ; N. 0. Ro0•yle,
H ; H. Rumors. 8 ; Capt. Donley, 6 ; Wm.
Chandler (Toroolo), 6 ; T. MoD.rmott, 4 ;
L. Cuff, 2. The .tub will hold off 1aa regu-
lar moat next week uunl Saturday morning,
whom tby will assist i0 the misbratlon of
Om Twelfth by haying a shoot •t 9 o'clock
In the morning.
To goys the yleltore to town on the
Twelfth sums sport, It E. Smith Imo
god a program of, hone roes to take
p1•m on the traok at the Agricultural Park.
There will be four rases, looladlog • match-
ed running rats bdwoeo Wiltrld Limner,
owned by F. Tbateber, Hamilton. a wdL
known Maser, and Lomat Laudeman, ewoed
smith & Co„ Ooderloh, The oondIUon.
of ►h, rain an : list two heap in throe ;
first beat, four •n 1 a halt furlong. :
eeoond beat, five furlongs ; third
Mat, 11 sios'm•rt', hal! mile. Weights for
age, 117 pounds. There has boon 000sl.ter-
abie rivalry between those two borate this
season, and the &C0 141- uld prove an exolt-
Int event. Another very intimating smut
will be • baodteap reee between a rasnlog
horse and Alia. McIver on a b',•yole, Mo-
lter 8eaoog 250 yards haodlosp In ball -
mil beat rose. Toe programa is .s follow',
Running race Wilfrid Laurier sod Logan
Landsman ; 2:28 trot or 2:29 pawl -purees,
$150; open rue, Ayr-dgblbe mile--porse,
$100 ; bicycle vs. mooing horse. This will
make • good afternoon's sport, and the op-
portunity w111 ba appreciated by many of
the ndtorr.
MOv[MINT .-At the meet-
ing of repn•sentstivas of oonoty law
library as.00lailons he'd at Toronto last
warm H. H. 4tratby, K.C., of Barrio, was
elected °bah -man. and W. C. Mittel, of
Beller ill*, seoretery. After considerable
dlr'•usoon resolution. were pawed dealing
w th various eubjeote of law reform, and
referred to a 1. l.i.tlye committal, among' -
,no nl Matb.w Wlleoe, K,C . D. Guthrie,
K t' , t(' C. Mlkel, A.11 ('lett.. PhtllpHolt,
Y U and Wo+. Proadfoot,K (;. Follewlne are
the rwolutlone wbioh wore passed • "That
the bill prepared by the o,nveoatloo prr
pond to 1st roduoe In the °'tams Loses!. -
tare next melon haying In view the Boone
Int of oonyeyamer., should not ba premed -
.d with. That the local judge of the high
court should have the same power to actions
brought in his oonoty es • high oourt Mage
slttlag in single mart Toon judges' galor-
le, should 60 Inoreawd. That gone
arrangements shonlf be mods whereby the
revision of than Dominion stalotie. now In
course of preparation, should he furnished
to the legal probation at a redaoed price.
That all should be given by the Dominion
to county library annotations. That exam
Mations for dlsoovery should be taken
kw by court officers, and too for onpi.e he
✓ educed " A proposal to abolish the nfTinee_
of shut ff and division court clerk, and di
vide the w,rk and nee among other officers,
on defeated.
('51.7[0 17 A R1II.w'A♦ WRRdw - A any
mot ewe le that et Wm. Aig1., fermorly
o.ndnctor on the Wabash Railway, who
has Centime Insane as the retool. of • railway
wreck 'soma by eke cathedra of kis teals
with •.ether a .1.y,le ea (rood Frill'', 1 tot,
Throe *minnows were killed, and .Itke*g8
no blas woo att•eb.4 to Alale for the
a.rtlAent the .hock wrought en 6'e .,'nd to
000h an 'That that 11 beooms unhinged.
Ha tow mat to the essltsrlsm at Uaeloh,
hal gr.w worse Instead of better, and last
week is, was aims by his hrelher, Cee•
dieter Matt. Alele, o1 lioder(rh, to Sl.
Thema., an that gape might he takes to
have him cendsrred to an agylum. Rig
broth.', who has b*.n with him as mash se
possible &nee the •oldoot, ont.rt.ins very
ditch. hem of .b rsonyay
Tomo F.ARI,'"tN taro. -Tao death of
Miss Adshsde Marra, w01ei *eesned
s aely Tae.dsy M Ihs sad .etlag of
As lbs above Is • matter of publlo coo•
°ern, and many inquiries have been made ag
to las present status, 1 love thought It right
to give the following .k.tob of the negotia-
tion. :
i1) We reoelved the otter of $10,000 for
free site and $1,000 anneal meltaasnoe,
Morels 140,
(2) R..olstioo el oaf t)sleslt •ooeptlog
the offer with in coalitions, April 3, and
Rene April 12.
(3) Reply from Mr. Bertram objsoting
to the "preamble" In our resolotloo, loader
which, les claimed. we might set up •
"sohooi," and thus divert the building from
Its proper purpose. Hi also soolond a
form of resolution for us to follow.
(4) My reply, elating that the form was
acceptable, with the) exception of the tart
»lease, whloh read : "chat an tassel levy
"dhoti hereafter M made on th. taxable
"property of this to sofliu.snl In amount
"to oomply with the above requirements."
1 also explaloal over again that no levy
over halt • mill e&u be made, and 50umerat-
ed ago o the other soaross of l000me, mark -
log the total up-ksep to more than $1,000.
I suggested the following anbltlta(lon for
the last clause : "That hereafter there shall
"In annually approprlated and paid out of
"Ms taxes and inoomit of thio manlolpallty
"a tom sufficient to amount to oomply with
"Cho obeys regalrenenu."
(5) Th• following litter speaks for it-
3rd July, 1902.
1)[141 Sin,- Your lotto, of Jong 23rd has
been referred to me, as Mr. Bertram is
' tending tee summer with Mr, Carnegie In
Scotland. Tho .hangs whlon you suggest
making In the resolution of °enact' will be
eatlefwtory to Mr. Carnegie.
President Home Trust Co.,
Hoboken, N.J.
Nothing now r.mtise to be dons o0 our
Dart except • new r.olotio0 of Counoll
with the emoodgtlon suggested.
The clause au am»nd.d w,ll allow tho
oou0oll to vote any tun ot money out 09
the g 1 fund. as an addition to other
maintenance for the library, and thus im-
plement the 000dit»on. mtlaohed to the gift
As this last pats the reception of tits
money beyond reasonable doubt, dl'oussfon
Is l0 order both as to the alto and the maim
A. J. M ooax.
1; ,mmenoleg mere holiday St. Georg.'.
rhareh Man,tay oohed win meet In the
morning at 9:45 mstood of In the •fterhooa.
T'hbs meet w111 oontloue doting the
summer month',
At the pre-tommonloo ..rale to Knox
okurck last Friday evmnmg .1.teeo new
members were r.o1Ted into lull oo,nmaflon
with the ohoroh, eleven of whom were on
prefs.dnn of 18.1, faith.
The &usual An Moto Holiday ecboet con'
volition and met isonal mooting of Huron
will be held this year In (iod*elob, • stook
Iron next Thursday, .1uly 24th, in the
school hoose. The monolog will ha ,taken
op with t►e opening eervtoe, °halftone's ad
dross and the removing of r.potte of the
yarlo.. Monday sebool. The .nhjeets for
disowning at the afternoon uMmnn are:
"18. Obligation of Raptlem," by Hayfield
Sunday ..bort ; "The i)aglrablilty of F,t-
motto. tesohleg In Church History." by
Mn Ph1111pr,Clinton ; " 1'h. ('heroh of Fair
land ; Io Ast gutty, History and Liturgy,'
by R.v.M.0oldberg, Doepsonen ; 'Parent -
e1 R..oew&hility]'" by D. Neftol, ftodssieb.
'1T.ro will abs M • inestior of th. deoery
'kept*, la the afternoon. At 7:30 in loo
avnmg there wi'I he it choral servlet le the
oberot,. Rn. C. Uneno, M. A , of (7110
ten, ♦111 be 48. preacher,
Tim work ra►r4e4 0e by the RapUste In
(led.rloh slam Much has malted In ab
nr/nlraslea of a Baptist ohwros, '18.
memMry met for the nasi prayer meedeo
last Witelasedity and afterward' eesdeted
Me cedar al orpalsaMee. Tb. sedate.
We 0011.40. Point -W. P. W«Ioby,,. 4
First-olw Farm for Solo -W, A. Har -
Hato, Luakeow 1
Wboo Harvest Comes -N. 0. Roagvie4
July Bargtlao-W, Advises ik Ben 6
A Consoling R.Hootiou-W, A. MoKlmb
Darden Party --Ladles of 811, 0..rge'e
Ubuob 1
Aanuuoo n$ -Ladle of North
Cboroh. 1
Third Week of July Salo -Hodges. Bros 8
Cloonan Sal -Smith Bros. ....... d
Hot Wootton 8wpe-E. Downing 8
C. 1'. K. Eicurelow-Gordan Hesdsrs.s 1
Asnoano.moot-Gordan Henderson' • • •. 1
THE vote in Ashfield township on
the electric railway bylaw on Tuesday
last was against the bylaw by a Ma-
jority of 60 voter.
The vote polled over the township
was a particularly large one, and very
nearly reached the number polled in
the township at the recent Provincial
elections. The three polling divisions
on the Lake Shore gave a large ma-
jority in favor of the construction of
the electric line -200 for and 83
against. Dungannon section also
went strongly for the road, but
Lochalah, Fjnlay s, and the Lucknow
subdivision voted strongly against
the project. The vote of that portion
of Ashfield tributary to Lucknow wan
almost • unit -100 against and only
3 in favor -and this was brought
about by the active and organized op-
position of the Lucknow people.
Their opposition in this case was oer-
tainly short-sighted for the construc-
tion of the road to l.ucknow, which
was practically agreed to in the West
Wawanosh bylaw, would certainly
have benefitted Lucknow to • con.
siderable extent.
The vote which stands at 366
against and 306 for, although not •
winning vote for the Company is con-
sidered a satisfactory indication that
• large number of ratepayers in the
'ownship are to favor of modern
methods in freight and passenger ser'
vice. This is particularly the case on
the Lake Shore, and we understand it
is the intention of the Company to
apply at once for a sectional vote on
the West side of the township from
Sheppardton tq Amberley, after which
the work of construction will be pro-
ceeded with at the earliest possible
day. The line from Dunlop to Blyth.
Walton, Seaforth and other points to
(:oderich will not be interfered with
by the action of the Lucknow people,
but will be taken up in the order
originally laid down by the Company,
(if course, there will now be no ne-
ecessity for submitting the West Wa.
wanosh bylaw, and in the event of
success devoting the proceeds toward.
building the line to Luckoow. That
is now out of the question. There
will be enough work to employ the
Company to its fullest power for .note
time to come. The cost of construc-
tion, which will be raved by the dis-
continuance of the proposed line from
Dungannon to Lucknow will be in
the neighborhood of $100,000, and
the Company can all the better turn
their energy to eecnring a sectional
vote to aid in constructing the road
through the townships along the Lake
Shore road. The element of con,
current construction on the east and
west side of the township will thus be
taken off the hands of the Company,
and will materially assist in carrying
out the work on the western line.
At a future time the development
of the road on the eastern side of the
township may be taken up, but in
the meantime the best efforts of the
Company will be devoted towards
constructing the Lake Shore route
and Belt Line.
20 to 25. prize bnttnr I Ws offer for Oho
best throe tubs or boxes of butter delivered
during July, 6o, 43 and 3, , respectively,
over highest market prim. (1, 1:. Ktoo,
W Ingham.
The ladles of North street Methodiet
.hatch *111 hays dining parlors oo Saturday
to the two stores In the Dunlop block on
West omen. Meals will be serval at all
hours, •t 25o.
The host quality of los cream, also the
greatest yerlety of Mao fruit aloes for
arida., ere sorted at the Vloteri• restaurant,
Wait s0. Cnfnotlonery, fruit, olgare ard
toteoom. CI**.. HLA»'K'1TON K, preprtetor.
Telephone 70.
Cnadlan I'ar»fio Railway .heap .xeur•
Mons to lbs NorthW.t, tickets sold July
1518. 1902, good for return until kept 16th,
1902. For full particulars 'awarding rates,
sleeper., goo ,apply to G(Rno4 H►NDa son,
agent C. P. K., Was street.
.d?. (i[nw»g'. (IA11t0RN PARTY. --The Iod-
ise of St. (ieerge's eharoh w111 hold their
I gardoo party on July 17th on Oa
beeatifgl 'rounds of Mr. Oswald Corti,
Tree will be served from 5 to 7.30 o'olook.
As attrmoely• work table. fralt, ice e►ss8,
..wills, NO, will len among the features of
the sysesiag. Marino Rand In •ttndanoa.
Admission to ground., I0o ; tea 30o. All
ars oordlally btil.4,
A hand al five plans has boon &ding
the town this week and regaling too eltlse.s
with • varied repertoire, Melodies elwefos
anti ragtlmo, patrlo(o and sutlmentel air.
Considering their numbest", the 111t1• hand
does very well, as • well-known mambo? el
too Uoderloh Maine Band nn testily.
This young man. who 10 pitted with • re
marhably quick oar, hoard th.m playlet is
front of the Hotel Bedford Tuesday eves-
ieg and mono noshing; across from the *these
side of th. Aquae with his More seder his
arm, evld*stly seder t8. Imprsseln that
the Morn hand was one. Wan Its Ala
covered ►40 0140458• be p..d an. sad his
remarks .bent "dot lost i''8i?01y Mod.'
sr. Leet reessd.L
The Bylaw Defeated by a Tole N Rs, le sea
--• wit ptgwrea,
Following 1e the result of the v0i he
Asbfsld on the deotrlo road bylaw
For Agaisat
No. 1 -Dungannon 81 19
" 9744's. 13 84
" 3-Uardloer's 3 105
" 4 --Pert Albert fig 35
" 5-Klwg•brfd5.. 96 (y
" 6-Molntosb's 9 78
" 7-Amberly 46
Majority ooziest Bylaw
306 3661
HATS. '(n Tuesday, Jul 1.t, to Mr, sad
Mrs. IL 1'. Hays. • doughtier.
W 1I•LMR8, le Chicago, n s,
the With of Jona
the wife of Chao. W11sr.. of • daughter,
MOItRI4R ('OOPRIL In ('Union, on Wed
nesdw July fed. 18at tooea
rd.... of
loo hrbA02 ds mother, Mn ( 'hrl•tee. Pen, ar.
by Rey, A. Stewart, Mien ('hrlss.aa a.
pee, 10 A..1 Morrish.
TlGRR. re O.It on 8a,Aq July 6th, at IS
Queen otnet, to Mr and Mn Mdwapa J.
'fish.l?ortnmrly of (roderleh and Wieg
ham). • da0g0t*,
MORRIS. -I. Ooderieh on Ta.aday, 1e1F
a tt. Blot. Adslald• Imola. yow men d.rtS►
ter of the lat. Maori* amoral16arr1.,
ThamoralMU1&k. 0p1�.0py1 hiss tilers*
/ease of trot taetear, Oa.8•4.t t
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