HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-3, Page 8! 8 ; Tduiuniy, July 3, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. SUrII'IER GOO D S A L E Bargains in Dress (foods and Silks. Bargains in Clothing. Bargains in Muslins and Ging- hams. Bargains in Gents' Furnishings. Bargains in Neck Ribbons. CE Bargains in Millinery. Bargains in Ladies' White Underwear. EVERYTHING T REDUCED - PR IC ES ! Smith Bro's & Co. PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMS. List of she I•drslrlera Nes and Glen Wk a dad. Jr. IV, to Sr. IV. -Delle Hesse, Arden Aiken, Leslie Iaketsr, A jjlalde Nairn Oaaa, To:obeli, L zz:e Correll, Wille l• A Demme:lestlon si sed -Aootbir Rate- payer, ' and • report of the Roman Catholic picalo are uuavoidaoiy crowded out but • will appear next week. • LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Wootton, Flo McDonald. Dolphins Nairn Ids Thomas, (Aaron.' Young, Edrls Ty. Catheter if'Donald. Florence Muriel, Geo Garrick, Ella Rob neon, Ethel Ross, Robt. 'Vibe', Mae* Heck, Mary Wylie, Willie Elliott, Harry Belcher. E 11th Leonard, Kerry Reid, 0111e Reberteoo, Gladys Whitely, Ethel Platt, Tremeoeer Thomas, Zemlya McDonald, Annie Ltweoo, Hestrtoe Merriam, BLit/setae 1'oaog, Bella H sett, N.u., Colborne, Myra Morrow. Get I'rldtam the tailor to 'fix you up in: • natty emnmer suit rood, for the big cuisines tion on the- Loh. • The engine works has been shut down this week while •took -taking is in progress. To• corooratlnn road moobine has been. doing tome work o0 Wait street, nod obs ,road is lo much better condition. Regular meeting of the town council to- morrow I Friday) evening, and of the public reboot board next, Moseley evening. A protest has beet entered sealoot the election of H. EIIber in South Hutoo. M Y. McLean, Seafortb, u the petitioner. TIII0D 000a. Grade 111 to Grade''1V.-Martha Hc - G Intent, May Tburlow, John Sal.berrv, Effie Sutherland. Pearl Knox, Hotta Clark, Olive Smith. Eche Veateor, Cassis Camp- bell, Edith Alec, Frank Craig,L-rz.i Clark, Bruce' Reid, Mabel Mo1onald. Dan alobol- ses, Viola Pennington, Jack I'roudloot, Margaret Lswsoo, )fella Howls. Rutdle Johoeteo, Robert Carey, Once Clark. Reg- gie Matheson, Hugh MoGalrs, Alb,rt Kq... .haw. Sr. 111 to Jr. I1 -Ora lister, Beale nominee, Melville Rhymes, Nellie Uraham, Jona Darrow, Frank Doty, Matin Kerr, Klee Sparks, Marton Fraser, Vera Killen and Phoebe Bsaoom, equal, May Stoddart, Helen Shepherd, Enures Hooke., Francis Dietrich, Flovent 10se1ogsld, Harold Sparks, Archie McGillivray. John McAuley, Laurier Dyke, Gladys Plitt, Stanley Mar - r0. Angor M,Dooalc, K•w. MrUdl'cu Idy, Hugh Daviduo, Sam Audiows, Berry Mo t'teeth, Willie Walsh, Niue Sharma, Gor- don Alla.. t;rsde 1. to Grade ;11. -Mand Beacom, T'eomss Elliott, Cull Stewart, Wesley Gilmour. furl McGillivray and Jeoole Nierholeon. noel, John !Wood, Hattie Belcher, Nellie Henderson, Gordon Drink water, Elea Kerr, Pearl Duff, kettle Vanities', Vlo o Johaetoo, Beetle McIMn, Murdook MoDa.sld, Bert Murphy, Roes de Nadu, fear/ Evans, Harold R,blase°, Ages Kirkbrld.. Grade 11 to Gladioli! -Agnes Ilamlltoo, Chester Elliott, Morrla Masson, Reggie Plate, Clareoo, Stewart, Willie Craig. Mel- vllb Anderson and Eleanor Walker, 'noel, Gutty Mttoomge, Emerson Evans, Mamie Tsemp.00, Archie Tom, May Thump.eo, LAIN Roblaseo, Clothe Smith, Harold Jehwloo, Myrtle Meanie Allan Marshall, Elmer Wells. Dorothy '1'anoo*t and Nell M•oaulay, equal, Eddte Wakes, Frets Its - Ile, Maggie Molter, Mary, Scrimge•ar, Grace Vivian, Altos 'Fraser, Ernest Batu, Willie Barley, Roderick Leonard, Gladys Hoggarlb, Gerald Hays, Floreno. Sallow*, NT. canticle. Sr. 11 to Jr. III. -Irene Prldhom, Grace Warnock, Joe' Meanders, Cora Blair, Mead MoGrattes, Harold Ma•d.', Jean Rhvoss, Delay Fleenor, (horseThurlow, Perot' Ram may, Annie Mcleod, Harold CAmeroo, Eddie Detrlch. 2T. Davin's NARD, Sr. ti to Jr. Ifl.-Jack Swart', Jeaale Kerr, Tom ('lark, Ethel Wootton, E,rl /Elliott, Lillie MoCres*h, Minnie Joboetoo, Clayton Pe.000k, Reggie Dunlop, Dolle Howse, Pearl Wilson, Ciir►b 11.11. r The Huron Old (Boys will forgather at Seaforth on Saturday next. We hope the reunion will be as suoowful as former ones have been, Mies Florence Connolly at the reoeot ex- awlra•,oa of SL M 'a College, Tor- onto, took tirat-01w hectors In the depart- ment' ot piens, S,,rlpture and ourntic tops f J. H. Worrell treated himself to a trip to the northern part of the oosoly this week and came back with cootraotr for putting to three of his up- c- tate domes A portion ot the milieu Moog the steps a* the harbor patk to brokers cff, mod should be quiokly replaced. Aoyone oomlog alon, there at night minbterily fall c•t1 the steps and be badly burs. The beech st the feint Farm, wbioh has always been 03e of the attractive features of that resort, 1r to excellent 000dltion this year. It is one of the fittest stretches along the whole lake shore. the only way In *blob the new G T R. tlmet•ble affects (loderlob erayellrrs Is that the early morning train Nevis' tbb station now reaches Toronto at 12:10 P. r„ tostead of at 12-35 an formerly. A meeting of the West Heron Women's Institute will be held a: the home of Mrs W. Slake, Colborne, on July 10;r, at 2.30 u'elook r. tt. A large mttooda000 of the ladies to the neighborhood In particularly requested. The Cr•eoent cricket club organized on Friday night and elected the following 'Aunt : C•pt•lo, Welter MacDonald ; manager, Frank MoOaw ; secretary treas- urer, Redmood McDonald. Tb. club lo• eludes a Dumber of clever and entho•lutic junior players, and we wish 10 • sucoessigl career. Alex. McIver it arranging for • 000plu of bliyob ranee to bo run on the evening of July 10:b at the agrloulturml Mrosode. Then will be • five mile neodu sp and • } mile rear, the latter to heats, both epee. There will alio hr s bseseall match the same eveolog, If eatlslaotory arrangements Das be made, '1'be eveuiege program will start at 7 o'olook. Admission 10 oents. Tim gun club oelebrated Dominion 1).y with a 25 -bird *boil at the club groaadr lo the morning. The day was lair for shoot. ngsed the scores were as follows ; F: R. W•tsoo. 13 ; I. Cliff, 5 ; Oeor,s Johnsto0, 2 ; R. Frlrzlay, 13 ; Frank Saunders. 12; Mcliermot•, 14 ; H, Ration, 1N ; N. 0. Rougylr, 8 ; F. Shannon, 13 ; W. Footer (Cdoton) 10 ; le 1). Gratia, 1( , F. Davie, 17 ; E. Castellon (Clinton), 16. The slob will hold etc regular weekly shape to3nor- row, and neat week will probably shoot o0 the 12.h. 0'. ANDRE.'* want, Sr. 11 to Jr 111 -Orwell Todd, 1.'zo, Green, Norman MoKay, Mary M°Leen, Janie Mo(; Ilicueldy, Re*Ia1J Stanoombe, bus Clark,Rsta °horde end Miry Settler. I•od,egaal, Fred Loy., StellaMacL3od, BORN• SI.AI11AN.-Io Kamer. on Tuesda June lit,, to Mr. and Mr,. 1'. W. Madman, a eon. MARRIED. MOLMRl %CRS'S. - At Sault Rte. Marie. Out., cm June Not, by Rev. Charlet Piercy, William Arthur Rolme.. of -troth Ste. Marie, sed Altos Morrie. of Ssl'ford, Ont. 1,EDIED. C July ittNJ000 Cba• oeoIn l.ghtged 43 Tuesday, en•,. WRIGHT -- At Winfham, on inc. eith. Helen Gray Wei ht, wife of W.O. Wright, former:, or Ilawkcebury, aged f11 years. TRRMAiNII• - At Sneer, on June 2110, R. C. C. T, *melee, H. eic . aged 77 year. The jubilee el Trinity University was ob served last week. and In oonoeouoo with the event the Uolverdly Review ment;o3. the foe , wnton will iot0rs.t many of our readers, that the late Vee. Arohdesonn Rt e 000 too." • prominent part In the Isymg of the owner atone of Trinity College htty year. ago. Us was then rector of Sl. Oor1e'e, tloderloh, and drove nil the way to Toronto for the occasion. The Review elm notes the interesting c0b- ,ideooe that In tide jeb11es year a •rond.on of the late Arohelotoon Elwood, Geoffrey 8. Holt, is organise to the College Mr. and Mre. Philp Holt attended the roovooatloo last week. B1iNER 6AM=011ONE What better companion at the summer home, on the yacht, in the .amp ? It will Ring or play anything, or it will tell you a funny .tory, or play a waltz, or lancers, or one of Sousa'S marches so you may have a fiance. Nothing Rile the hill like a Berliner pram-o•phone. Prices, $15 to $40. Write or call for Illustrated Catalogue. Sold on Eley Terms if desired. CEOHCE W. THOMSON & SON, QODERIC'H. JUNE BRIDES. nertw - at1aNNON- A uut•t but pretty wedding was odc- brat.d at bleb Dove o0 'Thursday, est tbe reeldenue of Mr. Shaa000, of Clinton, when her eldest daughter, Maud, became the bride ot W. E. Smyth, of Detroit. The bride was becounnely attired In white silk and Darned • bouquet of welts rover. Mese Mobil Shannonmeter of the bride, acted as brld.smald, whsle the groom was supported by H. C. Ju',, of Leaden. The nappy oouple left 0o tte att,rou00 train with the good 'rubes of their many friends. Before 5001.11 up bousekeupleg to Detroit, Mr. and Afro. Smyth will spend • sport time sej y - log the breeres of the l5Dlur 1e0,,. N .51011 tl'aLROy. A quiet wedding took oleo* at the reel deuce of Mrs. Wm McElroy, Blytn, on *V.dosedey of tut week, wbeo her dough - ter. Mazy J , was united to marriage to W. C. Walsh, of Leaden. The oeremooy was performed by Rey. A. McLean, to the presence or the resat n rue of the 000trantlog parties. The bride was attired in white organdie, with lace trimming•, wearing red, with ureoge blossoms, and carillon • bou- quet of rout- The bride was given away by her brother, and the wadding march war played by Mtu Annie Wiled', eider of the groom. Presents wars received from Chi Dago, yy oodstook, Toronto, Loudon, Luck - now, Heigrare, Furdyoe, Hepworth and Bleb. After lunch was served the happy oouple left on the alter0000 train for thea home In London. e '.R f'HOLL-111'k A quiet but beautiful house weddlog war solome'zed at the reeideooa of Too" Murdock, Hensel!. on Mooday motor, when Mr. Murdook's'Idiot daughter, Amy, became the wile of Dr. Byron Campbell, of Zurich. The bride, who was charmingly 'inbred la whets silk organdie, trlmmtd w.tk loaertton mad ribbon, and earrylog a bouquet of white rose., entered the path r on the arm of her father at 7 o'clock to the strain' of the wedding maroh by her slater, Fera. She was attended ty her sister, Ethel , dressed 1 t ptok dimity. with s bou- que► of red roue, while pretty little Miss Roth Kann!. made • dainty maid ot honor C. W. McGuire, of London, assisted the groom. Rey. Mr. Jewett, of Hensel'. eft: otal.d. Dr. and hfre.Campbell, who are both deservedly popular, received many congest'. 01►tory messages during the eve.lnr, and the 11105e cumber of handsome present* received from their friend, in Hensel) and elsewhere will ever remind them of the warm plane Ih-y ocempe, 1. the ccmmunity Amid the oo•gra1ulatiooa of their friends 1L. t'empbell and hie happy bride left o0 the 13.30 r 1t trete to spend their honey- moon In New York, Albany and other #0111111040 cities. 1:1111,11N-tiasT•RaoN, On Wedaseday of hie week ,luaeph C Griffis, gsolat of Huron comity, took to himself a wile 10 the penoo of a Donde* lady, std To. 1ttoN*L begs to extend Its congratulations opoo the harpy event. The Dundee Benner give. the following amount of the etiolate : The merrier., of 51.. Ella M. Mutersoo, eldest daughter of the late 1'. Masterson, to Joe, C UrthO, Gode',ch, took place at 7:3t) yesterday morning at 80. Aoau.1!ns'e choreic', Monogr Heenan performtog the yen zit one and oels- broting mar. F:.rly se the hour we., there ...a • large somber of the frlends of the bride present, mainly of the fair sex, sad a few bachelors strayed in to gat0er pointers on the °omse to be pursued on 'ace 000641ooe. The bride, who nos gtyeo •wey by her brother Mlohael, wee beautifulty dreeml io peat! grey oohmere, handso eery trimmed with silk applique and embroidered oh d.o, and wore • idk chiffon ruff around the neck. with hs: to 1051014 the dress and trimmings, and Darned • white-,overed prof er book. Her sister C•thertoe was bridesmaid and looked charming in white organdie, trimsed with Insertion and law, 'wring a bouquet of pink roue, and ,wear. fog a h.t trimmed with ohitfon and rooe•. The groom', 'stere.:e were looked after by his cousin. Joseph I/.Iron. Dan eg the amines Miss I:rette Hcurlgan sang an "A v e Varum" by M I lord, to • very aoo.p t ebb meaner, showing that she posseoeee • vo'ce of rant. and •weetoeee. Mies Brown pro sided at 10s organ as soeempeottt. After the ceremony the newly metr!el couple end their intimate friend" returned to the home of the brides mother, where breakfast was served. The tads was the recipient of many handsome present" as tokens of these teem in which she Is held, Alter breakfast was psrt•ken of and the newly wedded oouple bad received the congratalettans of their Moods they lett •mid showers of rice on toe noon tralo going east from Hamilton. The bride'. travelling dress was yore handsomely gotten up of brown bro•doloth and hat to match. On their return from the honeymoon they w.11 reside at Goderioh, where The Banner follows them with the beet of wisbes for • bright and happy 11f•. rtRRLTr-NALKILD. One of the fairest and heel!. et of the daughters of Uoderlch township was last week oanled away to grace • hone to the o.ty of London. The young lady was albs Mary Rests toe, daughter of Mr. and Mre. John Salkeld, and the lanky mw Is Joseph Merrett, ot tondos. The oer•monv wblch united these two for life took place at soap 0o Thursday last, at Maple Grove, the home of the bride's parents on the Hayfield road. About sixty gusts were ueembl•d 011 the leer, and hen, odder • floral bell, with the son shining bright'y from • blue sky, the words were said whloh mode one of twain Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by Mee Clara Sharman, and the ceremony was performed to the a000mpanlmeot of soft mus, payed by hid Doty. The bride war given away by her lather. and Rev. I),. 040f41, Dutor of North 'Greet Methc- dist ohoroh, was the c8irlatl.g clergymen. The bride were a dress of Dream crepe de .Aloe. trim nod with ohlffou and silk •ppl!- que, end oerrled ctcom trio.. Mase Rota, the bride a Meter, mad' a chamber/ brides maid. Her gown was of pale blas silk, with trimming of cream 'Dearth n and Olaf , abet *he Darned • bouquet of white roue. The rr0nmsman we. Stephen Mer- rett, of London, brother of the groom. Little F.rslyn Greig, of S-aforth, lo a dainty Areal, of white, mals • pretty newer girl, bunco a butte of ferns and marguerite•. while Muter G•de0 Denied, In • sailor salt nl white and blue, manfully discharged the (lulu of ring bearer. The brief ceremony having boon 0000luded, ooegrato5ttems mut good wmt.ns were in order, end the party then sat down to the weddioe breakfast, whloh was served en the lawn at tables .1 rnrated In different colon. Th. 701481 party drove to the 0. T. It. station In time for the 3 15 (rain, which here Mr. and Mrs Merrett away to their home In London. There was a iargw neither of friend' and aagtats'aree. at the station, and the happy oouple dale amidst erneroa•. shower' of 8,..,. and cot wishes. The bride'. going.away gown was a becoming tallor- made suit of oaetnr ladles' cloth, and she won • bat to match. Mrs. Merritt le ad. mired end neloved In • wide olrol. el frl.edr, an) she leaves Ooderloh with the *Inure wishes of •11 for her future h•ppl nser. She was the recipient of many beautiful wedding elft& and the groom ores ✓ eoeleed a number of tangible tokens of r• w ard from hl. l.oneen friend., Inoludieg an address from hie fellow -employees of tbe London Pelletier A Lithographing Co , •o• oomppseled by a beautiful oey1 Meek. and h•nd.,me gifts from the sieff of The Far ewer'. Advsoale and hie Sabbath 'wheel oleo•. Tb poem's flet to t h• bride was a gold !oohs set with diamonds, and to tee hrlde'ma!d a eenturel of pestle, with opal centre ; 1 e the flown -,Irl • brood.•, and to the pans a rine. Amend thou Dreeen1 at the wedding were Mss. Monett, the More Morten and Mies Partway. of Landau ; Mr. and Mn, J. M. Hest, of Sealerth ; Mr. and Mee Joseph Coombe. of Myth ; Mr. sed Mrs. J.nlebne, Greed Reed ; 'Themes and BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine -St., Montreal. M,•. 4newdm, ;mow.,; the Mir., lea •MANUEL BLOUT, Gemmel Manors* for Canada, I ant Maul. Salkeld, Wilmot sled Frank Salkeld and Wm. Monteith, Stratford 1 Rees and the Mow Jeakw, Cllaton. 1 HE COLLEGIATE IN51ITUTE• To. followiaa are the peroent•ges of the total obtained by the pupil* of 8.divbtoo of Form 1 at the reo.ol promotion examine tion Joao Tom .::: . 73 Irene Straits 45 Chester Htewtt...72 Frances Wiggins .44 Emma Young ....68 Robert Cralgle .43 With• t'roualeo1,68 Nagel* froodtoe1.43 Gracie Rbyoss....64 Coll Carrie. ....42 Edna Hogan 64 May MoDosstd...42 Rita Judea 61 Y. P. Lane 42 Allis Anderson. , .68 Lydia Beek 42 ,lames Culbert....58 Lewis Atoka 41 Isabel Prowdlwe.. 06 Lillian Noltooald 39 May Daff..- -...65 0. MoOultouddy...5 Herten Smith - - ..55 Caswell Kumbal137 Reyes Elliott....53 Theresa Crooks. 37 Ar bur Mo Lean,. 49 Luau O'Connell36 Gertrude Morrow 48 Miry Kidd 34 Lotus Robinson. 48 Nona Craig 33 Ethel Sutheeleod 48 hies Utabsm... 33 John Lalt...... 47 CHURCH NOTES. Ua a000uut 0f the storm last Wednesday the Birdies poetpooed too r insert's Woo until this week. July 2sd. The subjects 01 the sermons next Sunday are sneouooed, for morning "Deily Bread" and la the .vearog "Filth in Chalet." '1'be sacrament of the Lord's Supper will he dispensed to Knox (Mural next Sabbath morning. The preparatory service will be held o0 Friday eveumn et 8 o'olcck, when Rev. M. C. McLean:ma, cf Klppeo, will preach, raw members wi I be received sod Dards distributed to Intending oommuo:- minis. The collection oa elabbeth will be oa behalf of tee poor. The naual Children's Dey servloe was itaM •t Koos church on Sabbath morning. A large collection of bsastttel plants and flowers loot their beauty to the cburoh, and he children also were earth adorned with • bouquet, The sermon by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Anion 03, was au table to the°ccuton mod war ettentively beard. At the oleos of the *twine the omlioosl anthem wee Many, and the congregation robed a [Inked 00104 in toteroeselao for the life of the sal oted king. AUBURN. Tt'tiDAv, July 1, 1902, Rev. J. L. Small, w Il deliver a sermon to the Forester fraterulty In Knox church, Auburn, on duly 13:0. A'1 to bre;bna are requested to be present. LEtBURN. MON fay, Juoe 30.h. Min Blackford, teacher of No 5, will .peed her holndeye at her home Dear Sea. forth. She will bare • Mese of scholars for the entrance and Isavioy. An artesian well has been sunk to rte school grounds here. the trustees doing It In reepense to a petition that went retina .moor the ratepayers In the •ectio0 There were only two who did 000 ergo the pet! - tion, BENMILLER. MMoNDar, Jinni 30 tit. S. O. E. PP -me. wool pl c'e of Lodge Raroa'apla was held at the beautiful home of Harty Morris on Thnreday after noon, June 26-h, and was largely &heeded, •!though the weather was cool acid thr•atenlog. No matter from whiob direction people came they ooeld see the large onion jwk flying over rate residence. the after 000u ecu spool to playing games In the large orchard, great intermit being show• in quoits eo1 bueb•11. TO. supper, elite' which was d on tables built for the purpose by elr.Morrl•,was such as only leog• luhenee'e styes and beet Nit l• can propels, the tables preening with their load of °holes b.kiog. Alter We the a.e.mbly war treated to s short bat spleodfd program. Miss Mc- lotoeh reolted In her usual axsalient manner, epeeobee ware delivered by 11 li.ilietijkod Gime, and rho Nile orchestra played !selections of snob charming music that It seemed to effect tomo people'. feet, Rev. Mr. Wilson, who was preterit, had another eneaesm.nt 'bleb tot k b;m •we y in the seeming and dtsapp nutmeat way ea pressed a' not hosting an bedtime from blot. Votiol thanks to the oroheslra and also to Mr and Mrs. Morris for thsir hoepitallty were paned,Mr Morris replyiog to his moue) able m expressed reeret ar the state of His Maj.•ty'e health and hoped for hie speedy recovery and all joined In skein, God Save It, DUNLOP. MONDAY, Juae 30 01 are A O'l'0000r, *rem near Seaton h, le the gout of Mrs. Tobin. Mrs. A. A. Williams and daaehter were In (;odertoh township last week tor several days. The gardens sod new fruit In neon now tipenlo• have quits a number of winged violtore, who are met with tittle's of shot and *hell. Herbert Motile Is Week, Ala bare, .John H. Barker bricking In hie boas* sod Chas. MacNe 1 hoe laid oat. neat entrance to kb house from the road. Miss Greco Tewson, who hoe been • sta. dant •t the ladles' Presbyterl•n college s1 (,to**, retuned home oo Thnr,doy last for the midsummer holidays. Qolte o number of our residents ware at the pronto held in Renslord's 50006 In (lode - rich lex kid of the funds of the R. C. church of that town. All who went trim hers speak of • very enjoyable time. Lull week Min Geo, Young, of Auburn, one of Oolborne's pioneer residents, wail the q uest of Mrs J►•. Clark, of Loyal, who with bar hots* visited her deter, Mrs. T. D. Stewart, one of ('olborne's pioneers In ieeborn. The latter. • Jars. otrole of friend. will he pleased to know, Is new re. westing from her •oold.o/ of 1 weeks • g0. lttrORR►,'T -We regret to say that as w• were closing up our iteme for lest week • repel reonhrrl no verbally th•t then. had Nee • berth to our midst of • sen In one of our tenet ., and without ■ny farther le- y:thy se gent it in to prose along with some tuber kerne. Wbat, wee our eurprl.e t. Ieuo os the day of bane of the p.per that we had been misinformed. We hope the parties We ratted will l.rtnee the mtsteke, this beiog the first time that we hove bets In error In reporting s dnmeetio event of thle kind .ludog our connection with Tut FtileAl, fir neatly twenty-two year The school' closed for 00 11001161 sommer holiday. on Friday last, and no Someday and Monday the preoeptnv, Mies Cooper, The POINT FARA, SEASON OF 1102. OPEN TI -HS WEEK ! i'he improremente at the Point Farm being advanced almost to eomp'etion, the Hotel will be open for gweele this week. The management with to draw atten- tion especially to the advantages of The }'oint Farm as a eneort for pleasure partial from town. Every NiptioqiNaga be made for the reoeptttm anrenteraentertainment of such parties. There im nowhere a more delight- ful spot to spend a day or en evening, and visitant will always be made welcome. The Huron, Bruce & firey Electric Ry. Co., united, 1'. (1. Hex 7.5, Oodsr1oh, Ont DESIGNER The Huron and Bruce Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. Soucaruw-PHILIP HOLT, K.O. Bashers --THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are prepared to receive Deposita (rout Trustee*.Patuuta ur Children. in mums of from Fifty Ceuta to Three Thousand Ikellars, and allow compound iutereat, added every six mouths at rate* as agreed uputt. Cheques are given Depositors, w that they may draw upon those deposit." at any time 3, 3; and 4 per cunt. 'utensil allowed on Deposita according to am0u11 •ud time lett. N,B-Pursuant w a hew Act of Parliament married women and minors have the right to deposit and draw out money in their own name. Dspoeita tan be sent ley mail at the risk of sender, Remote front your howler'temptation to burglars and food fur the flames. As the Company makes loans only on first class farm property, depositors securityhate the strongest security for their in. vestments. • TO BORROWERS. This Company ie prepared to Inn on the shortest n06toe any sum upon first elate security. Te nue are made to sari borrowers. Straight loons and situp! interest. YORTG AG FS RU RCHASF D -Fur further particulars call at the Company's obits, corner of Market Square and North Street, Galerich W. L. HORTON, F. JORDAN. Manager. Preeideut. Wu, PROUDFOOT, Y'ic'e•President. DIRKCTO d : Lo&D ST'aeracv-va. .7. M. Hosiers. FRANCIS JORDAN. H. DCNLAr. W. Paou ,DoT. Haney NORTON. 0. J. Nam'. PHILIP Hot.;, K. held her entrance and leaytog classes. The latter will be to Uoderlab ca .'edosedey of this nosh for the e:aoattone. Yw Your Summer Suit. YOU 0111 0001* here and soleet a suit, and wear it tate same evening. No such Waite ar1,1 delays as • tal:or may give you, no ouch pnuns as he will charge you, but a suet that will tit you faultlessly, wear satin lretorily and save you motley. Before purchasing Loewe and roe en rour 20th Century Brand of meet's fit)e tailored pr- omote at $10, $12 sad 1115. We arc solo agents for the lhh Century prim' Wawa bite ,:lutheue. 'these are without doubt the barest ready-to-wear clothing in Can- ada, Waite of good m•tertals, 8t portectly and retain their shape. Inspection invited, Three Days' Sale of Pants. JULY 5. 7 AND 8. Owing to the unfavorable weather, we find that we have too many' light !'auto to hand, bents this sale. 84.00 Pants fur 83.00. 3. 26 Pants for 2.60. '2.50 Pants for 1.98. 2.00 Paull for 1.50. 1.25 Pante for 1.00. Bee our special mole Pante for working men at 75c. See our special utole !'outs for boys at 50e. W. Ce PR/DRAM. Perfect Fitting Clothing House. (Mote Fut-metier.-metier.Mcl Louie Block Ready -to -weer Clothing. Cooper will spend her holidays 10 Clinton et her home Obese- During her temporary absence she will be me much ssed by a large elide of friesr ods, pticululy the young people and members of the C. E.. of which Mei was the president. The guest o0 of hating ao artesian well sunk to the school yard la the theme of diecuseion among the ratepayers. Several of tee leading rate- payers ars "googly In favor of the prop ,gal. A yetitiou to the true.ces for the well may be Immolated shortly or • public Weeden may be called, wk. as to have the well sank during the holid.ys- At present all the scholars oomph a of the •drool water, and se went for a pail of water to t hs artesian well grumble loudly in hailer, to carry 11 about hall a mile there and took. The artesian wells the' bevel been sunk at Klage- bHdge, Sbeppardtoo and later as No. 6 eohco&, Lisburn, bays all Delon eaoosesles- Now the Duolop school think they should have ole*. Tbe well would have to De gook only about • hundred foot. COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE. A Financial Institution lucorpurated under Ontario Joint Slo k C.uupenies' Act by letters patent, capital officepaid up 8100,000, with bead office lex To- ronto, will appoint a representative for the ouuuty of Hurst. Nomec tzlmut tunder- take to canvass the county thoroughly, large and small towns. Income (commis- sion) from $3.000 to IR 000 per annum, at. cording to ability displayed in incur ng business. For particulars oldroi Box 200, Central Prue Agency, 'l'urunto. 11 I TZLarrosa Ne, u, 0 DG E N C B ROS. N 7.d es welt 05• ■A111LTOS -0T. OUR GREAT SALE • 1 IS now in full swing. We print today a few reminders of its many money -sav- ing attractions. You are not likely to find goods of equal quality selling at prices to match these. Two causes combine to make these July sale prices. The first is the pur- chase of many clearing Tots and lines much below regular prices, the other is that all broken lines of summer goods must be cleared to short order. The qualities are good, the values big, and here are some of the prices. Up -Stairs Bargains for July Sale. Our big new Carpet and Curtain Department up•stairs contributes its share of money saving bargains for .duly sale. If there is a single article in this list that you are thinking of buying, you cannot afford to let this chance slip. Where else can you get values like these. Rugs and Mats. a lines of reversible Mats at bargain prices for July. Austrian, Smyrna Rage, reversible 16r31, regular 450. fur July tele 23145. ruttier $1.2.5, for July sale 26154, reviler 8! 40, for July sale, . Bargains in Window Blinds. At 27o. Gon I quality blinds, loll length and width, mounted oo strong .orlon u rollers, Drum, light and dark 1,een, special for July, each ..... ... . 27c At 35o. Mines made of good (minty cloth, monotsd on Woos spring rollers, *omelets with Wogs and poll, regular 453, for Ju'y sal., oath ..... . . . 35o At 450. Blinds node of 'cod quality cloth. mounted oo bot sprier rollers, lace trimming, complete with pull, Dream or light green, replied' 603, tor July gale, each ...... 45o A Bargain in Curtain • Poles. 450 Poles for 33o• Msboganv and oak Curtain Poles, hitch- tyflnlebed, heavy wood rings and 330 90o „8100 moaotlogs. reenter 45c, for Ju'y sale, Union Carpet 28c. 50 yards able 1'uinn Carpel, good weight and pattern, will wear well, regol•r 37}0, for July sale..., Union Carpet 75 yards besvy Uolonmutant,wove', good mutant, ezoellent wear, sale 333 28 39c. Carpet, closely reversible, will special for July -.. .. 39, All Wool Carpet 55c. 75 yards hoary ell wool Carpet. made from elute "idiot varus, good pattern for sitting room or bed room, regular 75; for .duly "ale 56e Linoleums 70c. 3 end, heavy Snatch Llneleune,f.11 two yards wide, regular 81.00 quality oluring ,duly male at per running vied 70o Lace Curtains, A Third Off -- We have about 23 pairs odd lace Curtains, no two pairs alike; they have been used as samples, and have become slightly soiled from handling. We will clear them all out during our July sale at !,oft regular prices. If you want a bargain in curtains, this should be your chance. Half Price for Sailor Hats. New hats, every one of then}, correct shapes and good quality, marked at half price because wo bought a quantity and got them for a good deal less than most stores pay. SOc Sailors 25c. I $ 1.00 Sailors 50c. IAdlea eolith strew Sailer H►te,n.west f Ladles' plain and motto straw sailor hats *haps, black et whit., silk chime blank or whoa, new .hmifond spee d d band, geed vol.. a1 503, 1or ,duly sale ejna1ltlr, regular $1.00 ooh 25o July eel*, eneb nand', fag 600 Men's Rain Coats $2.25. We have just a few men's rain ('oats left in stock and want to clear them out at once, as we are going out of this line. That is why wo quote such a little price. ilea'. rale Costa, Rood qualities, sewn and gummed seams, doable Nitwit garments,owe,with or without owe, geld at 1M 00 and $4 50, nleaNeg ea, Niels S2 25 Embroideries, & and 12c. Some embroidery bargains for people who shop here dur- ing July. At 8c. 200 yards fancy cambric and malls embroideries and Insertions, neat d.- signr, regular 121 and 203, for July raja, per yard.......... ..... . 81 At 12c. 250 yards floe moans and umbel° em- broideries sad fourteens, last ends of moms lines that sold at 183 and 20o, for July sale, pie yard........123 English Cotton Flannels at 7cts, 250 yards English oottoo Flannels, pat- tern suitable for waists and drowsierrete, 8 patterns to oboists from. reg- ular 1213, for Judy We pr yard..., 7o 25c Cottonade at 15c. 100 yards good quality heavy weight oottooade, regular 231 -'and 2531!.e, special Int July sale, per yard 15, All -wool Tweeds 35c. We want to clear out every yard of twee(! in the store, and to do it during our July sale have made the prices less than half regular. 125 yards all wool Tweeds, suitable for pasts or sults, do•k onlors, twit paw - lar 753 and $1 00, for July sale paw 36a Children's Gloves 10c. 75 pair ohlldrea'e lids and tsff.ta Glevr, black. whits and colon. regular 90o and 25e, for July sale, per our 103 Ladies' Silk Gloves 15c. Ladles' celeriac' silk and taffeta Gloves. Ise. peers of lines that sold at 263 and 30o. °leering at per pair. l6. Children's 25c Cotton Stockings 15c. 75 pairs ribbed ootton hese, feet bleak, daub's kne., opium, heel, • rogalar 25, siookine, during July, per pair.. 15e Ladies' Hose, 2 pairs for 25c. Ladies' fast bleak cotton Hese, doable herd, tat dye- geed gustily, ter July, 2 pairs for ..... 'ibr I.11'1,1" HODGENS PATTERNS now in, R Yl �. `,,tiro, ra,hr3L s, .rv.. ®,. ....-. 1•..e a:.. ,,. • .a'4 .. [u ..,..¢ ..art •