HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-3, Page 7mP 7 GREAT BRITAIN'S .10Y TURNS TU SADNESS. people Greatly Startled try News of King's Illness. room the entire days dialed with u few Justified in •yl at the d)rweat metuborr of taw royal family. The (atter* who came to taw palace time there Aro no Instillationsof the as occurrence of assay nidi, aild should ll, the course of the evening -ion- toocoagplleatiousr file MaJe•ety touted tbomrslves with driving up *may be restored to health and live to the outer gates, where they tlmauy years to occupy Glu thrones alighted Road walked In to inquire Dr. Troves says that the King on at the equerriust entrance for the June 1811-h found Ills temperature ele- latest news. There they met only 1 voted, and thert+ were sweliings Mild liveried vervauts and mLuall knots of tvuderlerm In tow right Iliac result. rep,rtor*. With the exception of these Thews are slymptaxeur u( perltyphlille, ealler* acid tole noblemen who have the eutrloe to the court. but during the two following days everybody everybody was rigidly exciu,ted _ _­ the palace by the yuhuu. Lard tlnuawI to fild,lt tin work, which they will only have to take doss u to Y " 11roy, u director of theBrltisll'9Oulh (f� tiro v,rollel4,n, lust on the eve of Afrlcuo Comisuiy, Is ,among those 001110" from Queen Alexaudra war •� having entree to taw court. lit, said lam, r.,r,,ma,ny, canoed the ulmowol . to R repremeutativw of the Adwo- W.. .Pet nt Lluydr•' In taw coronation clot el frees to -night that lou had! 900-1 lupe* for the Klnr s reoowiry there uupies` of lbw slgnewl oedlclil falhe & m u of rympnthY from the Lord Iduyur, ,it'll that he was mere every Engllah- event. Thu olds given were 100 to spree,, Ilk, +vildflre. The totes of thou- Luau was deeply touched with thed a.io 'Juceu Alexandra tele rt' est: "Hill T Plc �� sympathy of the United In S asu,l slit ocWpant* 0-I Ute 0trcetr under the •uddeu front of BacklogtLat 1'aalace. The oxfutustlou, and troablss arising from till, lalrspesil. When an abmew forms In po,rltyplulltee It Is probable that the risk to life in at unou raised to do tier cent. Bell found the dexuth rate ll, 87 onset of abscess which were ssuL trantal marginally to be 48 per coat. Fits in lilt Analysis of 176 fatal caner foulal that the day of death •war lar forluwe : low, eon I. Deaths on the sectio.. day ......... 4 I)mtliu on the third day ............ 11 lxw the on the fourth day ,.-,,.... 7 I►ixathe oil the fifth tlay ...... .._.. it JkleUls on the sixth day ............ 'o Iloathe on the seventh day ......... 12 Imillion on the ehth day ............ 1:: IAvttlir oil this oath day ............ 6 huttlis on the Louth day ............ 4 fxs►ths oil the t+levoath to twes- tieth OILY ............ ...... ...... 7 In fourth'to t,lghlh week ......... 8.5 "It will be uoticed--and the matt -•r -Irye AP81011si rel *lode In the Abbev at Rehearsal—The official Notl<e of this piewaitealamity, although, Lord 1 is ImplxK+tut In connection with trivat- ilo,tponcmcnl Growds (lather In the Streets Work on Stands Grey added, "much kfud exprwlous of treling are only what I dtouhd t merit -that only A per coat. die within 48 h(uurm, &lilt only 22 per cent. before+ stupPcd -._sue-ls May List Back Hotly—Readiny, the Bulletins, expect after my rpuent pleaa+nt . 1) the fifth day. The highest death rata .urrleys In vain: Abbey gathered In 8t. Paul's Lathe- experience of American hcdpltality,", 1 clouted between the SOyenth Aall days^ hecl,I;gi, Juno P4 --Tile mudden ah- • In Hilal p:lrt of Lo orlon stolidly ron- A Mlr,nrre M'ruru IhP Queen. Crisis.1 flmytl—M. Louis Joseph Janvier. eighth lotnu'r••m" nl Of talo Iw,mltxonsment of tlnuawI to fild,lt tin work, which they will only have to take doss u to Y The first direct expredrfon of ose", couulul premiers, foreign en- m (;.mbllua oil Ibe KiiiI Marc. tiro v,rollel4,n, lust on the eve of -mor - row. 001110" from Queen Alexaudra war •� A brisk bumineas wall eke^ latest lam, r.,r,,ma,ny, canoed the ulmowol At' about 1 o'clock In the arterntxoa of Lcelmrecanted t Aekeowl t1µ' l,wd Mayor W.. .Pet nt Lluydr•' In taw coronation evn«b•n,utl,il everywhere. Tho new" there uupies` of lbw slgnewl oedlclil falhe & m u of rympnthY from the Lord Iduyur, • event. Thu olds given were 100 to spree,, Ilk, +vildflre. The totes of thou- bulletin were posted on different initial of the rallhug rurroun,ling the a.io 'Juceu Alexandra tele rt' est: "Hill T Plc ( tltj 8 against the event occurring, or, to are the tochakl ail expression, the asu,l slit ocWpant* 0-I Ute 0trcetr under the •uddeu front of BacklogtLat 1'aalace. The Mnje ly Is pryirewlug tarorablj-" fico Klass 1. Ileum, or *mull lutemthne' rates of the risk of the King living Nddcnly altxxd still /rowel which had beep so numerotim . 1;"uo patient. 2. Opening of up{wislhx ..IAO untll Junto 26 ruled at 8 per cent, rlR,ck, uinl gn4+(1 At Otte aiutlhe•r to the eurller putt of til" day A ftavornblc tnotur meletlunoxi b y - cum' premium. MAny thousands of pounds dread of wJrt aught come haling I'-[ •y that time dwindlel to a few Several of those at the {malate today . J. Vermiform Appendix. I Nterilisr wens underwritten on this ,Weal ape 1. 1111 1,islUl day and tiUllday' I")- but It e„rbNtnntly.-,ia,reaa_ leg number of fn"hlunable c•eu ens fir Kin • r 6' Itchtptaldllty to Lilo de- torts te,gimen fuvolval. -,lie Jr un ex, 4. The caecum. basis. This allows to wheat an ez• tent puhlic notervousness had grown nett veil" disoulwlug the r {x,rtr of P sate of IN"Ing carriages dPmcende,l to c'liVat p•Itient." said a peer who hull 5. •Aroelxllag colon. l,9 Ir'rl iootted lino otlowm r iuu of to vert,lln clrolea � ►vhgt's aline", and though the car- road the bulletinm. Just 01,011 oqo Of Lite members of the lalPul folds a[leoteoi by taw iufl:%m- ♦ _ caao"uuhiWllty, detail sial rouroutt Ke , [ rurlt Disapps,IntuK Propll. Royal fumil he Y• "Ile dot o ry, unlike it told mud ekPos out worry, unlikO mutlu4 o A8 TU IN+CKANCk. Irum wl,act, they came precluded oil- Il, the covrre of the early after. noon it'll bulletin from liuckioghnm m:u.y !loyal p•rs,mal;es. This eonsJd- - '"- comspaulr• Will 1,060 Only If the King tirmdirbellaf. there was a dispumitlou Palaee allncVnCITIC that the opora- s.rably helps the duotore la their ell- 411 the ominous symptom" diwLppear- I IHPR. to doubt the sturoom, Kral wi,ou the tion had hopes mucce"ful, tluat a largo forts. to pull hint through, . \VttJr.a tad. When Dr. Teves saw the King The rorditlon of the King's health po0titc, catollortoal detlLA) war Of- ul,«c(wa Ilad here evacualo„1, mud you tiger n041 Uduoer ptatlrut, the Kung's progress up Co tWw ri('1It ewe on Saturday illy temperature war toarwere aythe In of uuumual Intereart to the dermal y fieially Issued, tl.e wort dlrmisstd flint the King's cotalltlun was st- Isfactorv, was Imrutrf would lw0hubly permtt the doctors to normal, anti dwellings Kone. Ito be•lleved there would ht' a ra d ph+ Insurance (!ho as heing unfuulidexl. IIo murrl,ul:le, Lite and posted al the various p lute where people con- la' more optimistic. but they are care- full avoiding nn Y y pocing. ty of 10- PI I y. It was only while i too guard Lot)- who look >p,rlul risks is) guard through doss L lure through alropl,.iy slut li:mbagu were lit' gregatc(f, stet shortly uftersssrdr a rplrlug prrm+alure roJuldna.'• tar. Tr Ur. Trevor maw him again, that Lho again, that stpnet the Ivosmlble tx,tltponclncnt .d the possible hungruaaladbrrdlaclhdaed in tileclubs court official Iufurmld a represents- humor. I doctor■ begun to be suspicious that moroeation cerem ,fly. One London dra%thlg-rovmr, nasi thuwr dfs- Live of ties Asmoclated Press that His lir a',.urr.. tt(-r0- might be s lathe right lilac firm of hhouranco brokers, J. DPfriee ah«I tll/tn rveafld the mturies haw Melody war rusting satiofaetorlly from Frea{uolut rumors of the gravest de- seriptbn region. The temppeerature on Monday 4 &Palo, four months ago placed cu,swat tide effects of tin anatertbetic. have obtained circulation war 10121 degrees. The swelling rup- among Canadian Ilia- Insurance coul- lhe KIRM. even quits recently, tell- The King treated the Idea sur Ute Op. Ili London. One of the most loe+rmintent Idly increased. The operation showed tsinioo t20000 of thin slaw of risks, has b,lial that bte would nuv_ erILLlua very lightly. hi" great col,_ rivivest the Story that the Klnj was that an ahmatiew of very large due in amounts from 11,000 ap wards, ;)Or @rated lite to tit' or'owmo. cern being for Use disappointment of Ms, mufffrrlug from cancer. When quer +bol►( lay at a ootimWerablo depth lour Taerohto co )Orltivlg Iw,J- er Vu the stock exchdttgu the ef- people,- , "Title, however," Added the official, on this mulyect this afternoon, lt,r1 Frirclm Knoll a Y . Lilo King's ptl- fill. l,vodun I1•,rd. Iclea ' R'blle intended to protect nRnlnet level of tie distilling Lauer Was tin- Prlc,r, w eukened, led it) ••war entirely Iruavuidabif fur u r to ".it(!".itsecretary, sail: 'l mfv9 you my Trio businoss section of London Is kw" through postponement of the ,,dint,. a lull Of total( a lwnut• tow last moment the medical utten_ won't of lonor that tan Kana has no slow to r(:oover from the stunning ef- mUPOnatlon, this Policies do not cover cun.A.Wisw dalitr confidently lw+lw•d tie pati- OnDeasr. He never hAd a symptom of feeds of yesterlay's (developments. thin directly, but o:hly Indfroctl ..0-a a Geo'I bhlbJeet, cal would lie able to go through aL ainccT, and thoro is nix. malignant While the barriers arounot Wertmin- through insuring tllA KillIlio until . YuJumty, under ordinary -will- all events the more important of Lite growth whatever In connection with Ilia ster Abbey have been rrmoved. the I After rte ^cnonntion date., with priv- 81s tmm:«, war uyt lu,,k,R1 npuu all a 1,'twxl coroa4tfou ceremonlem.- Snalady.' I decorations are being completinl for liege of extension of tiro pollo fur y ,.ptrject, for u1mrl►Liona, and though 1'rPrrs t •rd Ilor Knife. -__— -__-_— - also hiug pnmsed succewtull,y lhrvAtgu It Ill understood that the opera- . the .aural, it. Is DullevW that four tion wall performed by Sir Frederick � ,or (n„ tterka must elapeo+ louder, he Treves, trio correctly diagnosed the ..it ba dile Lou, undergxP tris arduous coimplalrrt, alai Is a P{K-eisUst in ab- -___.. LIL•,ra ill Tile iuruuathou ceremuulal Them&,r(;-1140 iiate can yet be IL II- do,mleal Operan tio«. -ltlanyof theforeign nprerpnlativeto _SO%,ql,�VM%0%0%0%4&q&lpq6O%�"%,'%Al�,'fto%,4bO%AWW" 1,,. ,latest for curt. t.,9 out the wrens- called at Iluckinghum Palace this taw• Official aultuuucementr of III,' afternoon to make Inquiries about kiag'r -s rhvud Illness were made to tale King r condition. ' puWtc bowler um spceWly es possible. 'Phe Prince, of N"ales 11 " beau at Announced to she Abbey. fluke of CototlauR t has beenAnd thefre Word %vita rent ll, Lite House of most 0f the time today, couggior, and Ilia) acting Lore! Ubum- The Queeu•s ALaaiety. bell ei, Lurl ChurcWll. persuuull, de- . a tt kratr,b-W tie 1,Laaalun House'. the At Q o'clock this evening Quev•u I- ' ,,C40 elRi• lel r a,leuct• of the lord Mtaynr, Alexandra'to _--tmrribiji - upset - aid -- + - - n m-w,.ai•,,r regarding Uir MaJt•rty's nervous. The royal gran•I party were driven to the $ + ` dice«", sial lit tldw mong-mfngs row - INILice feew � hrarr;il t4 tie t•.,rot.+ttbn rerem(aiy In York iwume mhortly after I Weloe.k. � !!! / 1\erlmro-U'r Abl,ry, the Birtwap of The Prhloe and 11rincem of, Willem ` 1 'f 1iowiun, tie Itil-bl, )try. Arthur In- ' remnhle I . at Bucklugham I'nlssce 0 4 +♦ trim. lit 'ti" ro-quemt of lord Ember, throughout the ttfteruuun, roc, h �a tle 'J. -put., g,,%ernor of Win.lour Ilia the vaoitflhg meml.•r" of the ♦ ca«tl•, mad, ;I statement ,to fotJwc royal familiew, who drone up au F rill ..I I/ato t., alhake a very mall no. royal carriages to the Inn --r court11 I , l`i,ume,mrut. Thr King I" Nuffering , yar,l. Princesr fleury of gittenturg from tel dlnemm which make* an arrlveO Into and entered lite {Nalaer, 1 opmttiva u(v:esmury to-duy. '11w s1muM unnotical, through it jars-" - n"vn,athaa, Llurd,wo. les postponed.'' vote door. At meat 3.:01 {r- In* Itar •t { -- Tlw-Liilea, riquestt.•d tho oungre- Prince mail Princess (of Wales left - plks:1 to join ht this- Litany .,lit of the 1Nllnee to ., an (wisest t•arrnhrto, t the n,ronaltion service, and pray for looking decidedly more cFlet+rful -_ -- the reovery of the King. thea when they entero d it, - ---The timtetrl t'eeryouement. Orpat consternation was canoed by the rumors that the King wax f - � Wring the eouroin lit the after- actually dead, Rud the-vi"It- i Iloilo the k.arl Mlan•h;,l, the Duke Ore at the ambasmadorm' el,- y ,tor Norfolk, ioruml lite following trans^ were greatly relleved when 11 notice; '*Tit(! Earl Marshal has re- they hear -1 the truth. It 111111 been -_ � i/ rey el the JCing m colualands to rx. arranged that Sir Frederick Tmves U +t 1110 Moo Mln" Jcnty'deep st,rrrow and liar Thomas Surlow are to • � O that, owing to h," Rerioum Illusion, elPeP At the 1-1,104+ to-afght. Kir .f c tilt. owwmtion ceremony must be J(R"•ph Lister Will ul.er b, in ,rt- / f- 7 psrtpnu,-I. Tito cekebratons in Lon. Leawlanee ou the p/tlent - IIli$#cv,p t - down will. ht' eons'"•tluence, tee like- Inc. '/ � mare ionet{".ao.J, Wt it In the hiIla'm Illi: KIYa.•ti IHt+N;At%h:. . ,i '� / ,•,,rRp"t ii, m• that the C"lo'bri; ,poll les / � the coli try Shull be livid 4a .it- Ur-I:daam. of hew: us k, on It amt i � really arringuel," Tic king also expremrelf to the the 1/ rr.11uil. p/ii,�� , / that Itis Lunt Mtayur his ip the 11:IJI'Rty'M dulner tip file boor of New York, i t e Kin til. t'yrt.q let ,tarn oxpin mewl Lao King's Illn.•sR mud HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. le"xloo ht' not postponed. Nothing the operation todisly me follows: Iii" y,•t been deelded, regarding tile m(Aemonts of this - foreign • Vertyplilltis 111 lugnmrnnton, In- In - elusllng fire forming ' IMI% t quest,. The first intimation with of an ataR•ors, of the tlrRuo•" nrund the vermiform lip - N�L�•w�WrN,�"%,I�,ht•�NHWm"%Os which it witio received by the ape- pl•tNiix,and hence Iterilyplt.lIla Ir hard Pahl .Llnbameador of the Il. S, was to distinguish at once from million - the n„tice of pobtponemeot of the dloltid. UbLa ly au) oprratlon la becer- state dinner. Rttry its (aseerthao whether the np- __ - ----- - l.uwatw ?tat e." Mouse. rowidix Oar til., murroulwlinl; tlerue In Willis+Iskovl Ilia own opinion of the the Iwhcfit, til -morrow ,aril SuMlny, Lho for cue It im und,rgt.ewl that the mlieclnl dlscwim 1. In the i;ing A dagm there fR pmliahty fill abNCe*r Sat the hind of King i osis,, the srrcretary, who was "The year. of the crowds, Tito demolition of the y The Irrmtrnnce with til" CntMdltn amhai'marlrrr. ne,l royal guests will I'll rrtun, tO thele res+�totve cointrf^" oust the lnrgr intrwlinr, wher^ t,e verml- taidn w I feel to -tiny, retollo,d: Klnic M n man well on in year", who 11t$Wdd ham begun, aal pr(>!tr(vlRes ecrmparllrs tram effected at the rate slowly. The hotclearil provision dont- sd tot' for n pollev Ili L1,000 ut'lll all no more definite In de in 0) N o l low-ra- form n ndlx ie ins. nal then ,ria- fora 4t�v was nn Lnand the me'thin. haiq un'1rrRone a very actions opera- Ton can J11.Ige, MR well As f.' ors are hit the hardest. TtuOnands nild,ight of •1unA :1016, or until King of I OOndd of PerlRtuabl" foal of tile, ! F.dtrard'a 0-d t:µ' re the Opera- d Wt -- pity, tacaume the nh.l•Pms had to lof• Accor,ling to Nair Frederick Treves, crr,nntton. In raise the most expensive vilriAties are crowd- I P lrnonntton did not tr)a n place by O"t"J,IP Of }tuckin ham I'Alace em K must- at and emptied of It" cOntrntre tt'hv performed the oiw ratLm on King Ing every rPfrlgrrator in London, mldr•lght of Jung O:h tIo *Willey am ermr7n" 'thrhngm of lr•oplo eongr•'- or pas Of conrx,/ 1 canuol my what further than the ntorrn(alM wnR.Il�Wew- F.d%risrd, lord blmsvit one of tile. gr•r•atPXt IiwlrvK "argtr,nw 01141 "treelal- while orders roe many torts more, I rigid the right 44 fllttlitr inmlran0e tulagrnphically cauccllod yesterday.' file a6wrkwl of gata"I ,ince early morninK for the, Proof Say, rte surgivwan-that Is, ll, lots upmra abdominal troubl(w, the u,ot more than twelve will remain a bouton of litigation or moaltltR Put", of witne""Ing the arrival of the F10eild ambramsallore who wero Whalt PxtPilt the inflammation had air- holiest that. art of the King's 1011 rhanrom of death In atmos of r pert- at R pr velum of C10 p,r rIX,;•th for t1,0pp. compromise. use, Thr ontAbli s of the fneve 4bp r.�+PIYP.,1 hes ale KI QItP-9a 0-gnnd tTnd(T rrlllnaly OIMI1mRtnnC"R hl, typhlltlq tvh"rr nbrce'sRrP form, nq In that rf Klug F•dwnrf, are nlomt one , kPnahlr w(�dt r•rmi r•mtahllwhIDents liner , 'nil, inrurnnre co mpanfe" will lope ulrrndy antwxoraosvt fast tilA.y are only In enRv,'of the death +lay. Large namterll of foreign ought to r000ver in three or four ll, three,. The ornail bull•l1nx any or King willing to share the losses 'If their E,hvnrd. ►Pyre"entiLtivoR Actually arrived, but this "haa rt wn their wt,clim, total after rvor►very it wouNI f,wir wens more before' levon that Qtr obscene ll, tlls instance. wagpatrons, who had given large orders ' ___ fts• delivery to of stay was nor tocol, inotairlr" were made &a., once pertw(er Ile --Ill SionAhlw to perform his Paxt n oa• t""fully evacuated. We Frederick Treves also (lrolares -morrow and Friday. N h:,t tt TO Uk,A l it hat311 i' TI111S8. Few of the caterers avalle«l them- th" nety" of lila M(u Jeaty'd. serious In the coronation rrremony that the period waren denth I" awrRt nelnt0 of ingurarlam, Lho recent) of -'I -' King Kdwar Rtatr of health wt'" ctrrnlfltlmf nnrong "T),r Kluir'w trvuhle Is In Ilia right Rkel to occur, if at All, 1R from the Y f(Tal L!0- da' rate of ton I'm Career Nearly ('lit y per cent. be- till' w"allinK lhoasnnds. At the allies low down.' fifth to Ilan eighth day. Us- slim ex- Ing conddrred too high. Many propri-' Shore on sevaral OreAaiona. r"rlv,im pnlncrm And at the Grom- 1'„il,•ut•4 almost 1•rmgrrnm. prpmpfw the oph.lon that the knife Mors of reviewing stands were thus On the follow;ng fsoessloml the King vesrr, I:l"okinghave, Carlton. Coull Mrnnwll to the King In WINK on "J'aottld not be rr•Ilortel to until sev- pretootvl. But the Important "net► i hay been within the reach of death alxd other hotel" where the foreign net well n" could b^ riap:ctod \Ph,'- erRl daye have PlRpsrd from lh" nil- lion rem"InolAgto whither the money and ban enenpld each time: r"IRPRentatlrlis aro istayIng the newR ober the phymp-lanm were looking for twarnnce of the mvmptomn uelevs pled for Rent" will necessarily lie re- I While n whoolboy at O� fort a bout crestal the greatest dlemay. Roval nignv of (Ippell(lleitim when til^y til" came Is n very acute on.•, In furwlrt. Only A few went* out of nearly In whs'1t he was rowLlg was over- - toorriaKor were already drawn alp la foun I the• nbm.wolov, or wholhor n sup- which aartrfeni Interference is npre•m- h ilf n million were so1.1 w•itit any lope- I turne'1, He Ruled hilusrlf by swim- revullnoN" to take, the guests to the plumeiltltry oprratlon may 5r? roe '"try Immei atcly Jadlang from the dintinRld"hei eirle proviso on thin point. all am lu:hurs, r.oPpti"n at the Ince, hist the San- glilml in tole course of 11 few alloys, ornli,lonR of this phyal- The mnnuracturerm of melnl* Anil r iJpon returning to Fnglnn,t, In 'Sent .I lit! "lbkoer�' anrlewttc(vi ldl" tit^ Patient line been trmporaraly •• Inn, It may ba am11nmed that either Rouvenlra are hluily hurt. One of theme 118110, niter him shift to the United 11"1""t-v"a illness the to, from pal n, anti thyro are no the King's ((xlsittlon Wad developed Ballet that tem m1111on medals, dated State's still Ciinadi,, ills %pynge was all prpp►rs- tMnR far file o1a,� Indications of an immediate, r lapse very muddwQv-in which came mortal- .ron* A and •Inne 27, Already rtrnck. I too delnyed by storm" that war ellpps - eemeed. 1mr1R( TlfrrCq f{i"s o7ilnt;ei Willett emmtover rrv:h,m ltcswrrlwgo 0 p,•ritonitlm. The theory genr•rnlly nes •POut v iia Ila Iq very pmlanhlP-or rlRc he base «Lt ascan .cors adrnr$l wpTo, twrir vAlurlPR.. dllogciher. Luaolon'q bum►nrgR togs were Bent In spareh of the %%ar Rldia � g ro, the crowds was moot pro- ""rot"',] ennnot be pronouncevl oat of imme• oft' a nn h1 1 phylilrlans finve been I" Incalculable, And the p�opin of "Tri Ji;'Jj'iari li{liici0-T lj�rhoil raver fl Trnlfle seAmed momrntar. S p11ralysed, aad lb stilts danger before the end of the attempting to •'patch up" their for Hite werk'm PortRmouth. where preparations In- ohrrrateneol to rostilt fntnli•v. If R Ilfop wan long tie fmrP the hell wa.oh. tawl_ilhat under moat f_wpr. Pntl tit eerrmonits. .. volving a big expenditure h•od boon wall (fe -1 red of. hilt wnm saved effect of the startling Intelll a g neP war felt. nhln condAlons convalencenee WiR� - )'bP Ir.11!"n l/rdf. al .internal. tnncM, kyr til" nwvwJ review %rte sha_ r .lhraJgh y =CotmislY tYbbJng hint with dsrgr erow,IR quickly gnt.hrret mratnd Rlow. 31P111/'NI 11"pr rot. Th" RrItIRh Medical •iournwl say": Ply cruwhn]. . IrtriR h-vrlM. brandy. In 1876 while tf r , g r-rhooling In the Mannion House, whore the nffl"hnl notice lov .I.IIIrmNtn Medical Iwaprrm "peak hole -fully Of "Since the operation the progretaw of the Kin IIAR been aR RatlafaeLory g The m,reetm of Lamina to -slay Poem- IM1iR, a tlgrr oprang upon til,• Pr:nve'm Plephant. His wag It a a P'slfer Inxtnetsr, who first nonnted f th+, KInK'a chaeta•, of reco%ery. The that r,i)et aw renld ht' hoped for. Hie Mla sty Pit deserted, compared with th" be- Ilio wild mavetl by Colonel White, of haw Rutlo. RTPp11 and rpa.l out the bulletin, ►trltlah Mrv1104tf .fahrn,+l statism M by too 11Pwne not of danger, but ginning or tette w-ok. T110 chief who it lips] the beast, wnkh "Ilene".wt'" r(r,PJveA with rP"dwetful this op"rntlon on the King WAR Per' format hl the ordinary way, the ter mliould tike my�pteme pursue. the hitherto h►Ilm•Id there In point of Intereat were 1lncklncham Pnlnce Anil Fleet F\tre"t. At both to- In 1808 he slipped and fell on a ll,Ihe rlminn Aping, maitO In the lament alta Isn't Mosel rt,nsn tp lope for hie restor- ralltles crowlm of people surround,rl mtairwn y, a'galnfhhntr An Asset fent to him knee whl,•h threaleufvl to mnke !+t til. Tie, "trretw, ns filo Orta wore rIrk tett llle nPcPm/ Which "do'^e l lay at a ton0ld. rR! 1•• depth atbntohosttil OanRtothe nAt-P ora of the aflwtkm and Lha chat. rP o bulletin heard anti an xl wuRl v ixwlght numrrond "rxtrAn.' curl- him Inure for life. Within n few on. 1►' ems more tact more congested, and live amI /vMa of a very Jam" nae. The matter evar%u%ta1 had a d •rgvme tie-I,t seter of lite wargioAI drPming umdd, Inevitable .A ons filet In thin connection Is that months he haul completelyrecov- oral. holiday crowd enncontrat- el Inln KrwapolrPading awl rv+rn.ld- rlAmpomltion. R" that It In Pl are We in lbat onnvalrReene" will be mom•whatt prolo►rrged, Into we as,m" of the outlying mithort"1 half no general tultllsatbn or the p )Rtwrne- On April 4, 1001), while ton rontr 0-P to Copenhagen. 1IR II""extra"." Most cif the pr(- file nPpaPphtIV MnJrsty ham Mrr•n,•, wlt0 nr!mlrnhl'' c(.Irngr. Prvery Paffert'ig In the hop4 are glad to tm•lirvp trrtt If no c,nnp11- ration, aria^ Overe Is on, reason to f mrnL of the coronation till the yowl- shot was Sit by A half -1 rntlrt youth named RI rklo, at felt dasttd and or ly npPa(e1ntM the toll ►md"irt of (tf not Almapprdntin,, Ills m,alrevd". fear tfiat recovery will twit be a+>♦- dents real thw rnorning papers. The demand four res Prtp m In this citmy and the• Bronstein rnllwny atittion. Two to w"n• fired, both e>< chat they read. Anrk ThrabIRMR"wt'llreMtpletrly'rvnelow0"I Ihnryaa /illy Wnnh,•d out, two lele. The ciodillona M the P n, In tin• In til" nearer n yebefore nh- whlrhmlar- ell ell their murk, nrl the atan(M Prected (M tot "j,;'is, to "Stably le to view 1h0 �� nal large drllvnge ttlheR were Intro- arch AIM* IVs operation, Illleh M to awR11rR 111" ImrRPone that lewlw•d 1h1• wllelp PII all, hole A v before rrneh Init 00 Meter fringe London. \Vh'I(• IIJlm of oGern, In't 10- WAR bt bin www Mlnting (oroeatkPs Proclamation, WAR Rrrdunl!v staged Anil the wonnA packed w it) :In t'srplie orange.. Having regard t" the the alliterate wan (hie Le tine, of those In(IarernatMnR R of Til^ general lewt-offle,fl In orrrl+lr(I,sar„I y tin rr(ARm, and two of them rhar¢ef diR"ontinaed. Tile Lo"1 Mayor fAaA that the 'ttocew was Rotated nnexplainrd vrlllcla Are known to ()Cent with re- with tele came. Mlany iwlvnte meP- tape" hl" horor. Tho horse renredand lies InRtnaito,l the d'orknN•" to derstolirb the otandm In rental d within the alvf"men, It In, of rourver, 'm{,rORlhle to dnv Rome eompllentMn marl v frequency In tiRitwo neighbor- It tile h(rrwl tllA vprmlform ap(s,0411x. it mages filed ventP,rdlly em.S►d not ton t'rangrnittevl and wren not (tell it threw, him to the grotall. He wow only slight) hrulsevi. y tilp Yaownlnn Ilotear. I n • t iP r n. 1I Ilv tion 1 P K near y lh ;we 1 o'elenk r• n At 1 res t r n I t may y o,( of tom, til to n e ( wait t lie A 'v onto It art1C w RPatwe 1141--dalo. He ("I is distil by just ton R!r- Andes of fahnmtrm+k i(. (ant WI -sale (",,Rill lof which workmen %tP^' I., ",,Rill P g I» Iron the AmaatraloRtw, el RE night the rrffIII bulletin Role (r) that the King %vnR m11tlnK aMtls of meet• oar• wl0h. rn vin or g r mal- Iglat nd gnnv til. Having regard ter "PrTlt Iltlw," onyx dh. Ha wtlno, I rrit hlatnaP and Il, 1' Hawf YIBrHe mumta"r wh'h• Ili(, yn,ht walla on n trial RpIn lba and R►tn�^"IIT'sv wt'" 1110:'RPA with Rfttht_ Ines"all progress. tilt• fact that the RIMmNMR wall nit- "womkl Appear to be titer must (sial WAR n glucal of F(Ir Tbonoas Ltp- ton; the hoist wild naught In asftuall hewaheye Wore yelling the .\bout the Pool.re. natert within the Abrkrm'n, It la lm- In the alndtis yvwuliq awl ilio quite 0-M. An! the mast and rlgging went over, Kt""in,,rmevat nor 1hP portprmpment M To-nlght Queen Melissa ira, who pnsolhlo to O&Y prat No=, compllea- Itat Tb,, e"rwmn 1 enemy of Aaath are A Impor fluor the life at the bast and L'oromotMm, bbmt tho wotlramwm had be" IN the vicinity at the Oak toll will mot lot arts*. ws towel sus,; p t .u. I Lel, t•ullspsw, @optI—SO Vt bM gleets. -.—._.-_-_. ,SERVICE OF INTERCESSION INSTEAD OF CORONATION. Impressive and Solemn Scene 1 in St. Paul's. Proyers for the Welfare of the King of the Orestest of the World's Powers, r Who Lie* Sorely Stricken--- tied `ave the King I"—Envoys WhoN M Will Have to Return to Their Homes. : + Luu•dou. June 1!6.-A1 like hour wiv in !M i tWomobla-8sllor Dun lgnucn► Out- 1 the King Should have been crowlied 10 "'61 -,Poore, 4 n trrrnt and, dlstingulrlief gatherfug, Zanslbar--child All. i alm'mt Ideetical with that Which t3urcla--�:en. Lase F',etrovfteh. Kthiepin-Rus Makonnen. s wredd hu re sat in Westminster Hu+KlurAm--senor Dou Leon Vel - .urrleys In vain: Abbey gathered In 8t. Paul's Lathe- les- 1 drill. 'nip approached to lite cattle- Uuatrmnla-8onor ))on Fernando ll:chael. drat were Ileal by allent throng", Crisis.1 flmytl—M. Louis Joseph Janvier. surgery In the (-olleg" of Phyollcl- thiou li wl;l,•h drove peers and peer- Permla-11. It. H. Morxtra(1-ed DOu- a ose", couulul premiers, foreign en- m tell. ly gravy because of his t,lvaucwl voys, nmbussstdorp anti members of f'uraguny-asnor (ton Elweblo Hu- a this House of Commuum, +111 In sombre chill, hicaragu t -Dr. Fernan,lo Ranches, 1 clothes. Il, the Suave about A thou- Minister fur Forestall Affairs. = sated of Rite Weatmiurter Abbey Liberia -Baron de `Stela. V tlket-Iwlders, mnial women, wero 8,iarp-The Crown Prince of Slam. Aga 1. 'append 1 x.'. (ton Juan Lues. IN W4LtOdUruguay-Senor tail. onteneglso-Prinoe Danilloof Mon" Bllorlly beforo noon the till; west- Mfexico--iKenor Dun Oulllermo 49 " It ern doors were swung open, sunlight Lando y Eveandon. _ ', strenm•nl ll,, and the Duke lir Cum- Morocco-Knid Abderrabman BNt =_ operation, shoat and bloo,f potation. "If the King Rurvivem the britigo, Ivaidug heavily cal the arm Abelersedek, Governor of Fes. i enera-T, walked to the chaacel. of allg -'- Am Iwtlt'oU'eWck struck there isruw A 9prrl.lht'r 1rlk. from tho fur end of the uu%o taus Dr.Mlyrou P. Denton, the speciullot clear Suter of the ll, gylieeoullgy siod Ulu anaosthotc expert for lira Bull, Jolty B. Walker Opealrtg Sentrares of the 1,11.Ry. and W'elr, had this to say yesterday chatiAod by four of the cathedral altenloori: clergy. Thclr tosses were hl Such "If the King has porityphlltlm then UnitltrU that they seemed to t•mnOale lie has what We call appAndicitl"• Tito Inflasomatlnl may be jn :Ile icomm, from ouu powerful vulce. The choir capeum, but Lite inflammation there look up lila rrmiwo11reme. At ouch yup from Inflammation, in elle a P plltktioa the procesmlon, headed by P011dix. Otte If AdAcent to the other iiia cross, ttolvaueW a few Steyr unit and idle pritmary mutt was, you may then stood mall until the redtw,ilse depend upon It, the appendix. In tills Wild er,mpletexl. Thtuisigh the kneel- country only n very few of our op- lug vougmgatluu the choir udvaueed erAttona for Clio r m,ral of the nil,- udix have a f t I t ti to the chancel trtepe. A all of till, clergy folluwed, and behind them were too blshopm ill, gorgeous rubes. Then came the Are',blshop of York, slate Moot Rev. Wil.lam Dalrymple MncLuLrnu ; tine Archbishop of Can- terbury, the 2[wt ltev. Frederick Temple, and the Lor1 Mayor, Sir Jtw•epl: m C. Dirdale, tile e4wiuratlon, Ln full state, bringing up the rear. Very lospremelrr Nornlee. With evident feeling the choir sang the three Psalmry of krrtercer*loo, at - tor wlAch the Bishop of Stepney, tau Right Italy. Corm, (torsion Lang, read Use IeooOna , Isiah, chapter :)8, verme 10: 1 sail) In the otstting off of nnv ,lay,, I d1a11 go to the gales of the grave; I soon deprived of Idle re- „hduo of may years.' TileBimltop of i. m dcxh, the Right Rev. ArtimT F. W. luagraa0, from taw, +sluar steps, read till) wayers. "O Lona, save taw g ar King,' rant to the furthest recess of the donne atwl braiRhl a whole-oouled rempotwe from l'Iw,haa coir .l the c,ngre tion. '190+ antlum &lad the singing of the hymn : "'!luny Arm, O Lord, In dny's of O Nis its rt rung to heal and ,are," ,trid Tesla 51, concluded the short ms,r%lec, wueresuptxn, the Bishop of I,uhul,n, ourrouloled by Law, &tell- iisuops Wad blsla,ps from Like altar at,•p", 1mprlng walvely pro,nced thebeuud lc t iota . lio%ved In forayer. For a few ImAtionts complete hiI- mice reigned, and all hot ds were 1",tvetl Lir prayer, after vv9dell the alm vet bll.nd Arclabop irtwof Can,ler- bury was or aifully led down the Steps, Use proawfmWu re-formLnnaand Lilt, coeUrrgatitau went out into the ihuulgbl, Kill !ly dlrcumsing the worhng of t1S% latest bulletin from Itickiughum palace. Nmultancously Is missilar servicewad conducted at St. Mloirgarot's Cliarob, Weslmrlt• tlr. it w n" largely attended by LUbinet Mteisturs; peers Rad members of the House, mm f Commode And wan conclud- ed with singing "fowl Save the King." From India, Autotralla and Africa, everywhere where Itriototr cangre- gateil, todegraw announced the be,ll- Int: op f impressive, supplicatory net - victim. pe a a Pr it ().1. Town years ago mart of Wle opera- tlollsl for the all m oval of tine appou- dix, as porforq.d In Lngland, ter- mtllwtod fatally. Now they hate ollangal all that, aald Wo*t of the patlendo get well. There i0- one thing particularly In tlhe King's favor, the alhaeothet Isere lit England are the bort in tine world. I "The Clover -Howitt mAthod of , giving anuestbeticr originated In England. sive use It here. Ur. Hewitt devised a Machine for mixing ultrous- oxide with ether and that llillaehlrte it used ll, England and the United States. By the two of It nitrous -oxide, or laughing anal. Is mixed with the . eother eir"d the pettlerpt conles out the alresllietb in much better rho than when the ether alone waearoW. Unleea a me" onildltlou was fcnlad Ivy the m+'r'Keorhs tie scrams results . of this, operation treed be looked for. ihrt even If such a cotxdition were found, sold t91e reaglon was proper)l. 'walled up,' as we say, K may be tak- cat for gmji.ted Usat the King will \ live," Mlttob of the Success of the opera- tion dopondm on Ulu, way In which the {laden: ocaor not from the other. If ho awakorol wLtecut nausea, half talo Intl. 4 %%on, because Ibe wound I" not stralnetl by Iloilo retching. If there are no oompltoallo,rs, the Im- tletrl may leave him bed at the end M twenty-one days. Ttiven the per" (wt convaleocenee located and title pall- errt may go about Ida ordinary bud- bile,ir In almu.t a mraostla after he tiaw got out of hie tied. The proceed of recuperation de- pends, of course, on the general condition of the patient. if. before the operation, hie life has been well ordered and regular. the per- f lot] of convnlescenee IS shortened. Twit o(rmmorl complication+ result- ing from the operation are pne11- moldA Anilpleurlmy. Tito former usually develops. If at all, within a week after the operation. The age Of the patient had RompthonK Ines with the result of the opera Won. May two bean -%Prlous. IIT. J. Varela Nagel, consulting r 11lrgeou for the French llompitat, New York, exprended the belief that the King* aliment might be, it less serlous matter than the ordinary case d appendleltis. --- Perityphlit]o," sal,] Ur. Nagel, ' L:NVOYB IN t,ON11I "means an Inflammation or that _ part .of til" intestinal esinnl star - who Will Iliete to Perk up .till Iia rounding the nppeudlx. Apl,rndlrl- ' It0"'0' tile, In the general meaning of the The following ,aro the mprelnf Pn. term, would Indicate an Inflamrnn-l ioyr fen London, who havo find their tion In the appendix. .urrleys In vain: Perityphlltle Ili usually of a ra- -United States -Whitelaw Keld. tart -hal character, rand by removing the affect/"1 `iuwta-The Iiotrcfltalry Grand Duke part, the Inflamma. Holl disappears." ' ll:chael. i>r. Frnllk Hartley, proreomor of Turbgr-Turkluan Pamhn. surgery In the (-olleg" of Phyollcl- S(+xu-Contra-(tothA—:1'ho I)UkP. of allow nail Klirgeone, nal,J he consider- 'Ytxe-L'otourg-I:utlra. sill the KLig's condition particular•- Saxony-Prinew U,orge of Saxony. ly gravy because of his t,lvaucwl Spain -Don Carton ' do Bourbon, I age and Ilia corpulency. ••There ars Prince of the Asturias. two wflI saW Or. Hartley, -In Mwedrn and Norway -The Crown which perityphlitis may develop. It Prince of Swelter anot werwif. - _ maty Arlan fit the alinnam, anti to ------ .- R/sum Ria --The Clown` Prime of that care would probably extend ammanla. ;; _ _ tip till, nppeudlx, Then agnin It may--------- - Porttegnf-TNA ('town Prince of Por- tie lit tinmrnutoi extending from the Aga 1. 'append 1 x.'. Netherlands -Baron Snrtemn de Dr. Howard Collins Rnl,l that, in II eating. tits opinion, the chances wens In onteneglso-Prinoe Danilloof Mon" favor of the King's recovery, al- :emagro. though he would probably not rte YOnaoo--The Hereditary Prince of ` Able to leave him hell for rix weeks Monaco. MocklPnburg Sirellts-The Heredl- nit bast. lie sell there were two - Ps"Ible elensnnto of danger to the Lary Mite of Mreklenbura-Strel:tx. LuxeIDhurg-Count d'Ans•mtrogrg. operation, shoat and bloo,f potation. "If the King Rurvivem the MncklnnbltrK Be.hweiin--Cnuot anti operation t 1 for forty-eight hours," dak) lh. I Villinghoff• Italy -The Tulin and T)Wtltlrr"-Ot C011111a, "the danger from shook will lde ife)KA, hnt►ernt." - -. - t ont.A. _ Austrin Hungarl« - Thr Archduke Frudoie Ferdinand. Not „ ColliplrlP Opermtlo". HPmme—Thr Granod fluke mare. "111; I Cot itenprally undrrmt,"I by Greece -The Duke of Rpartn. rrvi.drrw M the neml-offlclal account Bavaria - Prince Leopold of BA- rf tin, operation that It rarla. (ii•rranny-Prtnrw Henry of Prusda. was names "arY to remove In. section ,it the France -Vice -Admiral Orrvalm.iowef I Itw4f, Rud that even If the KI'Ig I)enark-Th" frown Prineae of Den • rl mart, I radars tweet the present crisis talooxlhpr methanol operation will be + Wnvteml wr - kP Ito Albert R of A''ar- I Mere calvary raw w w 7 n a A s h Iw able to bevnr r m L ml meg. ft. it(•Ig:um-Prlunw Albert of Belgium. Lord Llyda4, one of the yhytHdiaes China-Prtlinw Chea. In attendance, remarkal to a friend Jnpan-Prinep Akll,lto Komlifwkl. to -day: PaTrat - Primp Mohammed All "Tile oprratlon WAR the most Merl- - Pasha. one to which w man of the KInK's Ecuador. 8 error Dan Ftom,,ro Maris. age itnil pendltIon could tie RohjerlaM" Argret(nn-Prnor ik,n J.'. 1,. Ilia- ThPY tank what 1n dracrit wd mingnes. an note II01111oprnte ehneee. Not to operate Ifolivin-Arnor hon Avelino Ar- lopant Pertain death within move. ,forty_ HKlat honrR. and there remA►ned Lha Kin Warin("Itvndlere Professorpnl(mlh"" Torquato ('nrlo GlRnnlnt. of prolonRlnjo, If not saw - ft(Ilrnderr-fob. Tirlfnrl 7,rtlrllvnr. Ina, Ilfp by thn rmAlemal lose of the knlfe, Thatomalblllty Ihjn Carlow tt, Can- they Res It wnR their duty dam o1l1rrn--t;enor t0 do. ril--\f. Joroptle Neil,", Bova ---•V-- ttlfil-grout .1" TInRo /t/1nR. The U. lt. (�o ♦arnment will ImvltowIhrnnialeran RofpiIM-hlr APtrwtly tseI foreign KuTrrnmenb to Nmet deb-' (*fwta Rlea-41r•nor Crinanto Mt(:- •mire to the laterslttbl11tm1 DN911W Olen. I Congremd which somtiamrm to smote. , Kn►Jel-11 1. if. l'1 (tial Knit, In 9ebtenllaw for a fixe olloiyofr Lunn. Printed of Lal Tams. rpm,