The Signal, 1902-7-3, Page 6ADVICE TO A BRIDE Don't tall• all) eh:Ult`.•s ill t'r, unisol .S }lilt n, 1r ru,l lite lilts Idtrl MONK( IN l'F:VI,t)\ T 1 4Yi'st.'i' 1*** i'1)i't- -rg'tl ftikftZ'********** I$ 464444.4646464646.4460645414644446164441 40 THE EARL'S DAUGHTER Th(it Mrs- Balubrllge should feel going to leave ue, madam?" to Mire rattier unwilling, topart with MaggioLloyd. Heutlereon, who war her right Itaud, i' "Yue ; -I only came to deport my at the vey time when eh.• wort heel- niece here lu gaiety, and paw the tel heir, nod for the eaku,uf her rows night at tate bowie of an wife. wnI net unnatural. She lease old frt,Rd. Tomorrow, if all goer ;no malice toward Lady Ethel. but she well. I will roe truly Ethel before I owkl nut forget toe• haughty man- return. Good -night. my darling r nor is wldcti rho had treated . her and, with a farewell aalutatiow to huebafl l's family ; nor that It war due Dr. Cleilmers, Aunt Letty re -enter - to her miaouutluet that Colonel Bain. -cid !Lit erteclags• bridge was at that -hour an exile -7 you come-uptetafro at once?' from his native luteal. inqulrtd the doctor ; and. laying And It was hard to believe the liable her bonnet and shawl, Maggie uteesuge tuul been dictated by the followed him-ltutwlthelaudlug a wisher of her daughter -in -low. She c-rtai.n fluttering at her heart - laadl not cared for them in health, for elle hardly knew what sort of why should leer thoughts turn In welcome awaited her -to Indy their direction whew rho needed it Ethel's' room. sick nurse? and surely, were the "I have brought a present," saki caw seuergeut, It were fur wore Dr. Chalmers, gayly, se he pushed the reasonable to expect rutin mewbsr door own, 'what will you give me of iter own family should Ito to her for U.?" areirtaacae. Mrs, flails braise. -fid not '1 am sure I dohs know," replies ilia' the idea that AGe4;giu eludld be a voice. se weak and weary aha (Werra! from •oue piaci°, to another Maggie hardly rocogiused It as that to milt tiro cohvenience of her cue- of her ooimin'e wife. "How does the sea's who; and prrhupa to meet tint,' go, Dr. Chalmers! le it hate 7" with fusel' ur Iud►ffere•uee fur Iwo "Jura about time for the Edinburgh Weiler. She local half a mind to stay 'null to be in, 1 'should think," le - answered, ▪ could out spore her. gee. eed, with a sly look at Mag - But gentle Auut Letty row the gLady 1tbel heaved a deep nigh. matter 111 a very ditto/rent llglit, 1 dual el he ed will cumu tu- Dr. Chalmers' was u physician of sight, 1 age trying not to ezpeet high repute, who would not have Lacs; It would be fou much." heedlessly alarmed thew; and If the "Well, perhaps rhe had better gu i eeasity coukl have latell n wet beck again" tie continued. nearer what reason hal lie for In- "Oh 1 has rhe arrived 7" curring the delay cuureuuent 011 4(11 A faint tutor struggled into Lady appeal to them? Sale War quite sure Etle're lace, which deepened to u that it was ddaggiois duty to go Au blush as she turned and caught eight 1.yo1y Ethel's aid at once; hut if her of Maggio standing In the doorway. sal tor she elto could herself. ,pare her. Thwt ttmld look u( •►Lame appealed Jr goy an re nearly to the new-cwmrr s could lover louk lu Deanne' (ace Heart than nny botsterou4 welome agate, If ttauy neglected to offer to ,ould have done. It was w, etraugely him wife that asrtrtuuce wttiell they afferent from wleit the lied expected wore ready to extend to every poor 111 a„awment Lady Ethel's numerous woman about Crenshaw!: dffencoe, her pride, per coldness, and Upon which Mrs..UnIubrklge. with unsoctablllty, were blotted (rum her eunwwIiat of Impatience, said "if ne mury ad ITIth a sponge, and re- t war the view tie slate' , t u u r tusk L r 1111 mb•rin oil her or•eent weak- of eak of it, Margaret had batter 'settle neo, 110(1 he only interest which Oro queetlou for herself." .from the ret, nisi against her In- .tmd Maggie bad but one opinion eliuiitlun, elle hal taken In her t the subject; that rhe rbuul- ,',udlres wife, qhs sprung forward and auswee-.tar she did --111 the airtime- knelt by the lrwbeide. tive. '••D.var Laly Ethel! I Caine as Not that she eutertainel any string quickly ai 1 could ; I ale so grie.ed td, desiretravel se th to rn a ward by her- (int you III I' self. ran.1 take up a powitlou in the lady Ethel eturteal up to greet her, faslik.nuble circle of which they Lull and Maggie wait eurpris.'d to see low heard that Lady Ethel war the cellthin and pale she had reown; stilt tae. Oa the contrary. eke prospect nmor' surpris,.l to furl her arms ea -h S•dl+niiiyed her. Site, too, had dde ie! around her neck and hear her pailful melamine of the wounds the prowl girl sobbing on her shoal - her• girl had recklessly Inflicted till ,1. r. her uncle and her oo uiMn ; of the '•. 01,, Maggie, Ie,w gavel of you to father, who for her•o*prlrc hod drawn .rome! but It wile the doctor rent Ria dart brenth b�f0re Ile NIW hl` for you -i never could have clone it ! 0017 child again ; and of till' sem. Do you know all ? led -dld-(blonel driven from England, the comforts Bainbridge tell you?" o him home anti the embraces of i ••Kush ! bush! y,v-partly ; but hie wliuw.d mother, rendered hop' you must net epoa.k or think of much less and almost desperate by the mut thhig. now." cruelty of the women who had I ••1 cannot help it ! I am thinking inverts to love and chcrieh him. •u' it night and day," mho walled ; "1 r e w which. Thr erre not the tla.ught w think of nothing eine." 'humanly .jtewklug, would hate In- )(Jiggle Henderson, afraid lert her elinnl her heart hover,' Lndy Ethel. emotion should do Lady Ethel amt, fortunately' for both of them, harm, looked round for Dr. Chalmers, Maggie'N neniti t was "etuutOJ by but hr hal disappeared. higher nNdlw•'s than those of this Try to calm yourself," she urged, world ; Nati hod *he been allleprlsee4l ea she dlrentwinel the white arum to h eitnte, she had het to throw from her gook ,"i nhlk conn to Nos If duo ginner. In the der'etbn of Aunt Lefty to sneaks up her mind. 1 can cheer you up; but company Ir a "Full measure. pressed down rte. badbthe sbegignal for eamy t willIs to running over.' *h1<pr•rrd the cl.lcr. m rhe signal tears, It will do you lady in her enr. and Noggin turned mare luarm than good." at 84100 to Moo. Baiabr ! What Is there left for me but "Aunt Unto, If you are willing,' ...Hy11?" said Lady Ethel, mourn- "Aunt rather go. Ile loved her so ; folly. much, ntrl-:and, suppose the should Faith In Godl All will urine right b. (setting after lilmt" Its the end If your do but trust Hine! "Little chnnre of that '1'm nfrnl:L � And now do you know that I have hese travelling for ten Lours on nothing but a bsrtet of sandwiches, atld feel uncommonly hungry 'Y "Dinner le waiting for you," meld Lady Ethel eagerly. "1 ordered 1t "or eight o'clock. "Dinner 7" with a comical gesture of distaste. "What 01 by myeelf "downetatrp 7 Might I nut have a cup 108 Up 10 thin room lnsteed 7" "By my beddde 7 Would you like it no!" "Of course 1 would! 11'hnti have 1 come for. but to he hy your b.didele?" 0011, that would be delightful!" and Lady Ethel's eyes actually ',perkiest at the Iden ; "and you are etre you will not mind?" "T shall minl very much If yrnt send me away," was Maggie'e anis-- wed; and then Loot a was summoned to ahem her to her room, and to take the neceNsary orders fur their projected n1,.a1. When Margaret Hendereon had changed her travelling deems, end re- turned to Lady Ethel''s gide, edit, was struck by 111e anlaaatlua with whlolh Mho wax directing her nsald to lay the tea -table. "Tell Wells to sent up some dishes' from the second course; and there Is no guava jelly. Make haste, Lim- ier? - 11070 is 710se 770ndnYllon r "I hope you are not making n11 these prepnrations for nip, Lndy Ethel," weld Meggie, hutgliing, "for m3' appetite 1s n vertl' healthy one, nnd will -lake kindly to anything In the shelve 0f food." "For both of ate,"'replied the other. "I feel as though I coda eat. to- night. it Ie woch a comfort to have run here" And therenpon who commenced to "peek of her Meese, dwelling on each detnll, as a women fnele it 'etch a comfort to do when who has been fretting by her.elf. and drawing axe h.r friend for wympatlty at every turn. 1 • "Dr. (-Ilalmere nays i shall not Iwsve my bed for weeks, or perhaps menthe. Can you Imagine anything more dreadful?" "Yee -many tltlaRN," NAI.! Maggie, rb•erfully; "to be eonfine.l to It for life, for Instance " my dear, said Mrs. Bainbridge, with n sigh. but she offered no further opposition to tli o idea. And the next morning liingglo Henderson. with Aunt betty (who Inshited. at ell events. upon "toeing. her darling ante within rho doors of Curzon street), e tnrterl for London, where they ar-- rlvod in safety the same evening. Lady Ethel'', carreng" had been wafting for them at the elation. atxl when they entered the house, 1)11.. ('hulmrrs met them In the hall. "Vila is rdtnl charity:" he salt, Plinking hand's with both of them; "that poor ymng creature upstairs is terribly lonely ; It wit! put fresh life In her to hear that 7ott are come. May I ask which is Niles Henderson 7" "This Is my niece," replied Aunt betty, ns she MINIONS M:tg:le for- ward. "i only accompanied In order to protect her, and return tomor- row. She is much the x:uue gage ax Lady Ethel, and I hop,: 10117 be of use lb cheering her." The doctor looked eritienlly at fila fresh glowing color. clear complex. 1011. and bright eve's of the coun- try girl, and deckled that hie im- plication northward had been a groat. suocese . "Strong coastltut'csl," he mkt, rnentnlly, -cheerful temperament, and plenty of brains-thnt's the arti- cle for ply money ! 1.1 this n sj ecimen of your rearing, madam7" fir eon - Omani, vocally, "for of e. e, it dews you great ern lt. 1 wonder what pew.. of der Loddon bales would give just now for n Ill tle Of that 1110)m 7 YOU aro not often troubles, with head - /when, Miss Henderson, or 1 am much mIdtaken." " Not eaten," she mall, smiling. " No! nor hrnrtachos, nor vapors, nor hyaterlee, nor nny of the threi- ennl-andone n,ntplatnts into n'hlrb our girls ,laneo and dram themxelves down here. l'oor Indy Ethel Ix n specimen of the had effects of over- exertion just now. Ellie Ix very low, eery weak. rind very .Iesteindent, and your elieerful ronnparty will el o her morn guRxl than any amount of Idlysie or !Wider. loll know how to laugh, Mho Henderson ?" " When there Ie dsrcnak,n for It, iko tar." "Oh 1 but that would be too burl- " Ay, ay laugh with thorn who Nie -1 shonlrl laugh nil We.p with those who "I don't think yon would. There weep! 1 ran revel off yeer rhnrnc- are mnny who lien through It." ter lite a book ; you're 01 'sympathy ! '•(kxxl pe.plc, perhaps , not .loners Bet Just at present 1 want you to like myself. You don't know what i go on Another tack : Leidy Fthel Is am, Wiggle." 01 tears, nal you must be all smiles. "1 min wen what you might he, and I)o yon un eratend ?" what It ilee In your power to be - "I will try air." come," rejoined iher eompenlon, with "Arid you will seoored. Yoe are not a smile. "Re are net always the best Judger of ottesalV 1, Lady Ethel." Still, though they talk familiarly atml cheerfully togetber, the prin- cipal topic which ongroseed both alai@ seemed by mutual oonsent to be zooids'. Neither had courage to mention Cub,uel Bainbridge, and even when Maggie spoke of ('ran shaws, the sudden 'flush on Lady Ethel's cheek, the quick dropping of her ey.ds.lhe5, or nervous motion of Ser hand, stowed that the sllurtoa was a painful ono. They were still engaged over their meal, wlwu Lr. l'h.liners, peeping into tl'... room, was s0 surprised to hear the altered toner of Ids pa- tlent'r robe, that he Jestingly declared that he should discontinue his visits, now that Dr. tlealersou hall arrived, "All that you have to do with this n•belllueu subject," lie said In ullu- rlon to Lady Ethel. "is to keep her quirt. and maga her eat am much al 'roe can. And the sooner you can per - motile her to go beck with you to Scotland, Mom Henderson. the bet - ter.,• But at this suggestion the subject of it colored ro palufully, that the doctor saw that he had mode uu error. "Wo must neither of us alt up lute to -night," onset Maggie, when ho haul departed, "for you have excited yourw•It more than usual, and I um very' tired. Shall I read to you be- fore f go. or will you do that for yourself ?" "'tend T" repeated Lady Ethel, in- t,rrogatively. - t'Ft,w-I1t1Ae,• Mitd'het friend. as she looked around for one. "Oh, my dear I don't give me any of that, for goodnew' mike! l don't believe I have looked ail.- It fur yeara" Maggie Henderson stepped short, arta earnestly regarded her. "Nut for ycure 1 -not when' you pray ," "I never pray 1" The assertlsn was so defiant that It was stet in silence; but after the pause of a few minutes, Lady Ethel. glebe/mg up at her oowpaa- • , New that it was bathed In tears. Fbave 1 wild you . " "Nut to hurt a broken voice, "Who then ?" 'You know, Lady Ethel ' Yuu know as well ae 1 do. There is no need to tell you." She was right ; and to the Interval that followed there came no refu- tetbie of her words. If you don't pray to Him," Maggie went on. presently; "11 you never take the tnnitta to ask Him for what you want, or ttntnk Him for what He give., I don't wonder that everything (doer wrong with you. How costa It be otherwlse This appeal was made eo Amply, L I e d with each n r of tK rest ss. ata that It carried no offence with it ; but neither did It gain an answer, except each as was ounveyext by to- tal dleness "Oh ! Lady Ethel," .cried Maggie, earnestly, as ehe threw both arms round ber; "try to .peak to Him. Try to realise that He Is here. c'ose by you, ready to listen noel to sym- pathize, and all the remainder will come easy," "1)otet call mo 'Lady Ethel any more," whimpered the other. as she embraced her in return. "1 want to bo 'Ethel' to you, Maggie ! I (eel mome- Iluw as if a iLter hal boon scut to me!" 4 And Maggie felt that to have met with nu reputes was something gained. agything to hurt me," said Wiggle, In (.7IIAP'lElt XLV. Ludy Ethel slept so much later on the following morning than she had been used to du, that Miss Lloyd was compelled to return to ,Scut - laud without eeeing her, "'It la Not as well, perhaps, my dear." she observed, after beariug Maggke's account of the glowing welcome which she had received; " my presence could have added 001111ng to Lady Ethel's pleasure. and might have beenthe mewls;of reviving disagreeable recollectlouw," "Then you won't utny to town another day ?" said Maggie, wist- fully. "No, darling, don't tempt me. Aunt Lizzie was very goo;' to let you coin. remember, nog I am sure 111110 cannot spare both of us at once. Hes Lady Ethel made no mentlou of her husband?" "\ot tiro slightest, after haying once spoken his name, In arklug If he had told use of their dlsagree- mont. Is It not strange? .and yet olio seem. so to shrink from any approach to the subject, that I am sure her silence le owing to tlee pale tt gives her." ' She will speak by and by, my dear, but do not try to force her cone- denoti. With a proud nature like Lally Ethel's the least eocr nehmeut would mime her to retire within herself again. You must waft, and watch, and' hope," "And write all the particulars to my emit Letty." "Oh. yea, keep us well Informed of everything that gores on here ; and If she m.'tnlfeets the tent Inclination to cleft um again. remember how glad your mutt l.lszle and myself wreild be to receive tier. And don't overwork yerreelf. my little Maggie; we can't afford to have our right hand laid Iq). O'1 n sofa." Wlgglo laughed at the Idea. "Fancy me upon it sofa!" stretch- ing out her firm round nrm. "Nu. aunt., If I fall Mok of anything, It will ton of too little exercise. like Mrs. Ap- pleton's ukl spaniel. I stall be afrnld to walk out In this crowded place alma. It woaW the ms so to be al- ways trying to keep wt of other peoples way." "1(01 will have the oorrlage, my mane." "Oh !"--with n shrug of martyrdom --"fancy llrlving about In state by myeelf. rind all the swells woadering who that rel -checked co entrUled- looking creature stuck up In Lady Ethel Bainbridge'• bar (niche can be 1" I " Maggie, i will not have you spmtk of yourself In that farhlen." exclaimed Mims Lloyd; "besides It Is not the troth. You heard what Dr. Meitner.' Raid last night -that the London belles would give half their fortunes to linen such la bloom as retire." "XII talk. auntie, pat ticulariy when they can bay 1t ready 'mule. Anil renll7 a natwral nolor doss look coarse. Yon shoukt roe's m7 akin be- side LAd7 Lthel's, now, aunt," with meld sertouaness, "eh* M very Invely; i don't wonder nt retrain Thomas hnring had no eye. for roomer one etre," "Nonienee. my denr," replied Miss Lloyd. rather Impatiently, for she had not yet recovered from the pain of erring her darling rehash's! for hnottler , "looks hail nothing to do with It. Dewetty 11I proverbially skin deep, and I am more It Nee proved en In this Instance. i dare soy y(mr poor (nettle has often re- gretted his headstrong choice." (To be Coutbned.) Tots of men who never n0r0mplieth anything take It swat In hrngging n hwtl Ih0(r ancestor., The Clime to fight consumption, with Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, is long in advance. If it threatens, you can resist ; and you may overcome it. Don't be afraid ; be brave. But tackle it : don't waste time, 5st.• ..w rs .ar•.••we . *COTT • •0011.4 , - , • , wr rOaotrre- 'free to 1411 Word. IN. 1', iun.1 Whe-U had known that you would refuse ei let manuua come auul vlNit ur, 1 shuuh4 urt.'r hut', married you. Bal band- Well, didn't 1 telt )'uu that I loved yuu fur yuurw•If oboe" Don't grin, wad b..r It, When r .Ur old for, rbrueitttt.11l, g,'1. Into your inuaelr., `,111 the warming. Wlu, ougnrring "'1'141 11 a 1.." Menthol Phulrr oft tin• won +put. rod blo.,.nI relief cows. at 0,'" flew .,r' of . ub.tl W ton The Microbe Question. 1)1.111 real Slur) A microbe lingers in a kiss, you my? Yea but he nibbler in n pleaeaut way - Rather time In the pipe and tele- phone Better to catch him kirsiug and be gid. Mtnurl'a Unlit cat. for Itheu at• titin. Must Cultivate Patience. IOrlm.by Independent.) Mr. Deacon, parlor for two years of the Melhodlst Church at Stoney ('reek, Is guar. bond-hy, Mr. Deacon ; you were a mod maul, but not it wire our. In theory you were right. 1n prac- tice you were w'rime. Your beet efforts here laughed at. alit) what was it m!}}.r.lity .erlous affair to you has only Nport for others. you wanted 10 do a I ft of good. Mr Deanon, un, du It giddily, hilt yuu forgot Hutt in 4.411-11ulgl'e Ore taade slowly lu th Ir world. Minard's Liniment the bout Hair £est yrer. "Team, Idle rears." A man does t ,Ilk,. to be 1010.1 tou solemnly; heretic I think a woman builds wit in her Heart an altar to an unisex' got and leaves her happlest hair to teal away and wvrahlR • Mammal tenderness s Is saidto respond .. 1 pn to tans 1 lu nut fled It so. Rather. •11\should say that a man's devotion fides under salt water, like s !lathiest shit. provrng unserviceable In the very element for wbioh It Is suppoed to 1.o adapted.-"ronfesMog of a,. If Joos ('eatery. (14144.4..+•401.44+0 THE "FORIET" A1BIT. res. guw,.'e t. **acral !'ft pad ralued nearly every day for a UL 1 Mg. George Forguron'e cellar wee floated, the roof of hie house had sprung a leak, it 114 everything In the family pantry was lu a chronic slate of tkiutpnlwr. - At, List Mr. Ft -remote' hired rome men to dig u 01111.rn. "Make It a large one." he staid. "a hundred barrels, at least, It Ir a pity to let all this rain water gu lu waste." 1 The clerteru was (owpleteml lu due time, uovordlier to order. But It kept on milling(. 'fie Stereo l'.rent,, "Jululu)." rail hilt father, "yuu !nave disobeyed your mother &gale. tutee out with me, to the barn.' JWunn3 complied. There wet a .woodelitel on the promisee, but the Meru parent pre - turret the barn. Hu bent lila disobedient boy across Me knee nal pruoeetlud to puulsh hum to the ordinary method, "0!t, that !noir 1" renewed Johnny. "I know It, wy mu, r.'plled his fa- ther, "11 hurt. you twluack !) a great deal worry (whack !4 than it hurts me (wle'ck ! whack !i, uud I'm glad 11 tkx:e." (wludck ! whack ! whack!) ad Lha Heater ' ''you rein yle than you to."-l'Idcagu A 11008 TO noosedtix-1tnr bottle f I:ugll.h Mpa.-h. Liniment completer,' removed o curb Iron. my horse. 1 lake Matsu,. le m-uwmrudlug tl.e remedy, no 1t aloe with .uretrri,u• pruiipt he rIn the n'niurrl trout of haul, .alt or r.11uu.w1 comps bloat eon. lu, .1.111sweetly,llalt., curbs, sweetly, •1 See and eprulnr , UF,uat:1: (OMB, F.rmrr, Merit bete, Ont. Gold hr .11 druggNb. '1 he Poor Young Mari a "Mr. AnIkneh," 'saki the trembling young man In the thr,vedtrxr.• cult of clothes,. 'I have come to irk you for the hated of your daughter." t The rich beaker wherle.l around In Machete and looked at the prestmeo- tonus youth. " fletiry," he snide have her, and I will see that she talc ]lets you in letter rt l.'ive here ntcustomet Tribune. - ' The '1 kuughtfel Olrl, IN. Y. Cvn.l Madge -Bogy Ir golitg eom..where with that young mac this e.enl'tg. MarJor.e-Yrs, going to sit with him in the hammock. Right after dinnar stir went up stairs and put on • dark et'irt waist. Steps the Cough and worts Off are cote. 1.ntativeBromu Marone Tablets ren arelit In tow day. No cure, Nu pay. fries 25 cent.. rho Need or the Hour. IN. Y. Sun.1 -Mrs. Crawfortl-1 suppose you find a Hat rather close quarters after hating alwnyr Ittel in a house'. . Minerd4 Liniment le the beet. Mr.. Crabdlaw-Ye., indeed. 1 ' don't know what we .hall ihe unless I'm o• able to find a combination e Where Doet a . (:n '7 'Mamma, when you Immo!a snMYe where dues 1t go to 7" "1t goer into the ads, dear" "an1 when irlmetbing away , 14/1.1)uu due't where .1005 It go!" l .:on't know, ehild. bnn't bother mel. ''More It ge back t0 where it came from, materna:' "014, 1 suppose so. Run out and., play 'Then you've got to sneeze It some time, haven't you'' •,f oppose so.' "If you wog to sneeze all the sneers ail you hinside of yuu, woukt you vineet0 any more, or would there be new sneezes to --" 'Willie, 1 wish you would be quiet."' "What keep., the sneeze from com- ing out when It starts?" 'How do i know." • 'Why' le It, nnmma, that some pea- p1e say 'ke•hoo' when they enneze, and rome say 'k -.lupe?' "Willie, If you don't ---.''"Johnny Dickstein mays if i give him a penny he'll sneeze through his tor'. ('an he do It, mamma!" "No, of course not. dear." "Row do youkno whe can't ?" • "IIOr'anse---. Willie, if you don't ertoT• bothering too i shall certainly "Momma, whist 1■ a sneeze?' Whack! Whack! P in long table nod folding bed, A d.wg.roa• drink In impure writer. It i Rtlppn/r. I.ring. MI llarrl.u•r, rrnwp• and plrn•In do In 1b. Counteract. the elrrt• . f Tod wilier with leer t Peen' i it lar Darla' Painkiller.wearer. 'fa knees.. It, ir It In your grip wAru you trn.el. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. The above name Is a household wont and tho superior excellence of the road should be sufficient to at- tract moat people, but now that the rate le the same to New York and points east as by other lines no further recommendation should be• N ought. Everybody will tell lou It le the best. What He Wanted to Say. (Frankfort Kee.. Itevl.w.1 A few days ago Mr. 'realer was nbeent from him drug stole for a few mluulem and left 1.1., wife In charge. A large Norwegian who smoke Fnglleli with difficulty entered alit! said : "ill owe de firm ten 0ent0." 1 try well," replied Mrs. Taylor ; " Just pny It to m;,.•, and It will he lilt right " Tho Not'wegien made no attempt to produce the .-nln, hot gnzeel'steu,- ilv nt Mrs. T8)k.r nisi reps'atenl: " HI own de Gni ten rents" " Yee, 1 heoxd too may t h,i t iwfor.. Now, If yon n,r.• ntrntd I will give )tot a receipt tor IL" MIitord'e Litilment cures La (irlppe, Young Britons on the ('orneatlon, 1•kmle nmueing schoolboy views of the coronation have been gathered from eompelt loner. A ts.y of 10 writes: "It Is the privlIetge of the lord mare to wash and drums the king the day he in erowntl. the Arrhbish nrp of caterberry will ,o.k the king to say an oath And whets{ he has dame this he will wash the feet of 1. poor pcepul And rhea up an ointment king ", Another boy says of the King: "Although he 1e n rooter, he le a clover man with tock. HP I.• such re.pek for himself that he wrote a new prem for the (brune- tlou eollwl (toil Rate our gremlins King. his maJPrety will sing this blmaPlf wile he Ix being erowoel with pmtperdnlss In westminrtpr abbey:" A third ;north mays: "The prisons will be emptied on Coronation An) ; the prisoners will "Pr the erownIn* like riepektrllde people end then go Mot hnplly to prison egaln." We are also tokl that "The Duke of Norfolk, who le n gold dirk. will net off pkwib.. nn4. sr the prime duke of F:nglned, will reP that evsrythl 1. nice and It41nr."-Poll Mall Oasette. Still Hope fur Hies. IN. V. Hun,) Phe -01, George, i mw a perfect dream of n bonnet to -day. IHe-Ttien please dont wake It up. Messrs. C. C. Richards & ('n. Dear litre, -While le the country last rummer 1 was deadly bitten by mosluitoese-w0 badly that 1 thought 1 would be diafigurrel fur a couple of meets. 1 WAS edvieet to try ytnir Jnt»olt to allay the Irrltatlm, end did so. The effect was mire than 1 exp0cted-a few applications e,in- pletely curing the irritation, pre- venting etre blte•st from becoming more. MINARD'a LINIMENT le 'deo • good article to keep off th. neestsltoee. Yo urw truly. w, OKE. Harbor Grace, 7.111„ Jett. d, 1SMN. 11111foaa of 1'Ineapples. Dealers, do not say "pineapples," telt "Mope." The art of abbreviation Is perfected In America, and no roue coerced abbreviation In ever mimeo. d.•rrtood In the tlasle The Morro Castle brought from Havana .3,- 015) barrel's of plt:e's in her cargo, the Scilicet 15.000, the Mexico . IR,. 0'4) and the Monterey le0(1). The e,:ilentr of n hnrrel nen from 74 to I20. an overage of fav 100. and the lines weigli from :d 1-_ to 1 ' pounds. Time we have within less than one week receipt' of pineapple/I amount- ing to 7.0011,(x)0. 1f they averng.' 7 punt's each the total weight Ie 40,- 0000(0 pound..The fre.ght U nbout 71) rent" a htrrl 1 .11a ch m^aOot n rev. moor of 019.00!) for the etenmuhlp owners for '1 week'& hoot of p'nrs- New York Loreto. TO CUILK A COL/) 1,1 ONK DAY Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tahleta, All .trnggl.ts refund the h.nne, If It (811+ to sure. E. W. iiroce'a •Ignnlnre In un eac1, bo,. 15r. The Woes of .lane. A dear little IN.y whose winter home Is In the Oranges In New .lersey, an,J whore Hummer home In at Glen Sum- mit. Penn., reit whose identity shall riot be further dleelosed, attended a dome school Inst winter and, on an ,ieenoton when ri,ttorn were an- -meowed, took part tea a epetre. In their honor. Thr exercises rom- primed recitation.. by the brighter telethon. and atnrig them title dear Iltt}e buy was ratted on. De recited In perfectly geed faith the following, which he had learned lw caught from an Indulgent nurm• with semi -wet- test! Instinet: Jane ate• rake and Jane ate jelly, Jame went to bed with a pain In her - New don't get excited, lern'b he Waled. For what ,lane had wan a pain In her heed. When the yosing.ter told of this' to tel. entirely RurprINed and *WTI *- whet RI,rlrknl parent., they asked him "What did the tevtwher say?" 1(e replied . "She said nothing. 11111 hut turned nrnnnd and looked out of tele wln.kew. Mit the m'hetare and the .Ialtor. wanted me to say It mania" Brooklyn Engle. DR. A. W. CHASE'$ 25 CATARRH CURE ... C, pphia ten,k� Alred M fay dtW..d Ilealekwku4xr. r•)n.. 11..etr p"ape. wet.. le the ,knee and permanent corse Catarrh anti Hay), (row. An dealers., or IR. A. W YAWN Ca. T/R'r/ w How to Got Rich. Take a quantity of silica costing one-fourth the price of ell ; mix It with oil, and sell the compound to the public at the price of pure oil : offer " prizes" with the compound to make It sell. It Is such a compound the public get when they buy common reaps. In Sunlight Soap -octagon Dar -the public buy a pure and well -made soap. S1tp- light Soap reduces expense by prolonging the life of the articles washed with 1t, which is much more profitable to the public, than com- mon soaps with "prizes." 204 Hu; Inese. (Brooklyn Life.) The Vied ry'man-I have been rip - pointed by our committee, idly, to 01 - tend you a call. The enlary will be double your present figure The Clergyman -Ulu. I cruet give you my awrwer now. I shall 1111 te us pray for guldence. "We multi hate the matter settled nuts.! "Well. can't plait give me, say, a three -days' Option 7" Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant --is strongly reoomntended by the medical profession as a safeguard agaiuu Infectious dirwis& .• THE BIRTH OF A BRIGADE. Lord Kltcheuer Methods./ shown In South Africa. A writer, r.klenlly au Officer, who wet Lord Kitchener, presumably fur the -flr+l time, at Ile Aar,- tamale a ISSUE NO. 27. 1902, gee wluYOw'r Hootldng byre .huu;l always be urea fur Cklldree Teed, It soothes the 111114. eotteurthc uie • ,�, nm4 sotto sod is the bed rernodr for Uiwn hen. WE WANT !terrier. nod ...tin, crud• on ruylul..l„,i, ur ,• n1 hey F' 1111 poh11 ,f •Illpinent, :1.,, INT. 4. 1, I'-bs" 4111, 4 pplles. Poultry null ,II ulll., P p. nasus,. so,IIc11. ,1 11'1•:8'4'1•.1:7, i'li( rl' a I'HUUI'e F; 1 4,.r. f ori '04 W tHlaar air., Y., ,.i 1441x' _ 11(1,.1 �,, .1�1 1"RU1T YARD FOIt I'AL4-ONIC Or MI anent In tl.e N:t.,,prre Peniwlul. e Lunn, 10 u.11w from Hamilton un two 1614 ways, 17) storms In ku 13 of whkh 4 In frit atoeLly p00.p00.11041.•Wlll W mid In one par t oi divided oto lot•of 13 10 0) aorta u 414 ps, tttr.7�K i. a eaathar Thl:arperlwr1•,deol,P.d U, lyrrhoz togln, Itis (*1110 NO DIRTY HANDS. ('Iran your ,.11, , warn. gold, h, um., Wk., with BLEGTRIG POLISHING FIBRE No powder urollwl. to Oe', lust 1.1 Irk rub. blug .vIth 1).•0'! r- edcloth. Polisher like 'orales Peke 25e at etrUggiuta or by nullfro MONARCH MIO. 0414, at, Cat harbor•, Oat. Trial sample. Ire*, Trude .upplhd. • ry r ADA graph:o weed -picture of tklp dealers' to Blackwood : •'‘Vi. feel hes presence but le IS O(tt long before we wee him. • • • That eoid blue eye, which le the bastllek u1 the Hridlrh army. • ' • A round, real nest crate: hat puffy face. Mquare lend with eIaJf cap rot squarely 111)041 it. bets,v nuostaches covering a somewhat muuue mouth, at the .no - meet itwllued to emlls. }.yes Just Any- how , heat), but not u1 ,'rpow elan* eyebrow" In fact, a eery urdleary Glue u1' a man hen part his prime IGard1) a figure that you would have ri•marksd u hear.befur g ilt upon her hitat -1ul 11041a1e, 11 n war allthe u dlrnppointtug discovery. The General wan ' pacing up Wei Juwu, a ith his hand. uq his Ido', quid rltxewr pointing backwerdr. teasing gua.d-neturetlly to a ou:ouel man who was evidently lust off 'trek,' and with hue overgrown gait and ponderous step the great Kitchener slid not look bull as impurity[ us his travel-slalue.1 cumpla u to u." The eb.ef woe explaining annothhig t., the colonel. They payee up and dowu together for 41 few mluuto., then slopped_ and the cou.ersathon was as follows: Chief -All rIght ; 1 alit soun Med yuu a stall, Lel me see ; yuu heave a brigade major ? • . ltrluncl-lm', but he es at Hanover road 1 • t Chief -That's all -iglu ; you will collect him in good time. You wont s chief for your staff. Here, you iand he beekoneal to a culuuel in pal- pably just -out -fruiu-England kit. who wadi'tendltte( by'; what are you doing here? You will be chief to the 'staff to the new cavalry brie g affe ! New Colonel -But, air- ('htef-Tlaat's all right (Reverting le his e r I r lout attitude 1 Now. you want transport and supply ("- ces. Sec that depot over there " tuudding hie head toward the De .tar 'supply depot 1 Ito and sulked them there -quote me as your au- thority. There, )ou are fitted up; you can round up part of your bri- gade to -night and be off at daybr,ak to -morrow. Walt ; you will want an intelligence officer. 'Here hr swung round and ran his eye over the mle- cellaneous gathering of all racks assembled on the platform. He sin- glel out • bedraggled nif.cer from nmong111 the group who had arrive,' the preceding slight In the .an of the Ill-natured Afriknnder guard.) What are you • , Iw e �' doing t r (bflret-Trying to rejoin, 511. Thief-Wbere Lav• you come from? Officer-lleelfontthn - cun•alcgcetit, sir. Chief -You'll do. You are intelli- gence officer of the new cavalry hri. Rude. Here's )nor brigadier; you will take ,,r.:er, from him (Turning again to 'ler eolnn•l, and holding out bis hand): There you are; you &refit- te(1 out. M n•I )ou, moor out of Richmond 14. 4.1 to -morrow morn- ing without fall. Oood-by ! And so a brigade came into being! MTavr or Orn, l'rrr es Tet.rnu, ilia I.t'LA. (COUNTY, FRANK J.d' . mnkew oath that he la the senior partner of the Sr,,. d F' J. t'r,YNr a 4'u., doing bndnw In the City e/ Toledo, ('unity nnd 51.1.0 ,reeNla,n nd 1bu t •nod anri will n,r the mum ut ONK. 111'NURSU P01,. I.A 1RH for each cold , ern r11044. o1 IAT that rannot Iw rnr..l 1..- .4.• ur. of II A1.1.'0 l'ATAfRN FRANK .1. l'IIF,NKS. Aware to before ensn.l .nbreelbed In my w pronee,tatrr,th On! of December, s .11 ,10P/1. { 0414!. A.1% IiLFUMON, Notary Public. Catarrh ('are la taken Internally and setadlrertly on the blood and mucous pnrMre■ of the system. Pend bur tenemenlwla, tree. P. J. ('HENEY a CO., Toledo, 0. I41" Sold by drmgderta-7 4c. A Good reellmorlal. _ tea. Y. Ilerald.h _ sin i.auterhaeh, who 1. Men- tioned nit a eanllobtte for Lieuten- ant Governor of New York sante, lose two sous, who are extremely proud of him, and who talk a' great deal abstt turn. "You would think," 181.1 a friend ,e• the fnmlly tee other slay, "that those I.auterbaeh hope were Nnylug n runtInuone prayer. They begin every other sentence wltll 'our father,' Dr. Carson'sTonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters Made from the furmulA n1 nn rrnlneat t'an*dtnn phyelrlan, who Ana fowl the preaerlpt tun In Ides pray tire fer many yearn with moot •ntlwta,-tory rw•,lta A Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Blood Purifier. Price so cents per Bottle- l'.nnlly you yon ubtniti Ihr pnyara- Ilon of your h,rel drnrelet, but 11 rim -annul obtain it in )cur uelghf.or. hood, w. will wend one or more bot- tle. on receipt of price Iter• per hot - tic) carriage prepaid Pamphlet .rat FREE on applletatiene. THE CARSON MBDIGINt: COMPANY 1050470 Our Illustrated Oat Oa gee Will aid you in uleelion of bridal presents. brides- maids lavers and wedding rings. We have some neat pearl crescents at three and five dollars. Pearl pen- dants from ten dollars upwards. Wedding Rings, 1S carat gold, five, levee and nine dollars. AMBROSE KENT&SONS •u., ie. 44. IEC vONG( S' JU'.,'"' Sal KIMONO S. w (S! .wow,. PUL -MO J IS HIEOM 4600101E Cull for L Oi..umr• bun and ...I throat and lung troubles. One dose wort relict. One bottle often cures. A 1011 WWI I11OTTIA to every reader 01i11.'. p.. per. PCL -Mo is for sale by all druggl.l• u 11.00Pn large bottle -15 cents tor .n .II size, or it may be ordered dire.t 1- a THE PUL -MO CO.. TORONTO, ONI. t :AL . _ ��_�w,r f!s+r i' ‘24WMtc;*111 11 I t l'i 5. a.' X11* • a. I Lo 11 A Bushel of Flies Killed with Wilson's Fly Pads en actual tact. Nothing else will do this. Ile e •V 1010ll1eo : isi.l N•w,.M11.• • . .1.-a auk., ."stall MM.w.r. •try•.,..n..t .II V r,.. own. New, w Nan Y+,n•,.utear .ur►., W .an..ewe tbd.. 10.•••••111.••• t.01-.....uhM ►west N,,,.n4 tl V • Kay*, I'itolryrs .t.u•I.res IT, 111,I1 re Paella aweuret,s.rwm.es.e,a► HAMILTON- TORONTO - MONTREAL LINE... Steamers leave Hamilton 1 p e, Toronto 7.30 pen , Tuscany,., Tl days and Peaunlaym for Bay , I Qulnte, One Thousand) !,lands, Rnprdi. 1st. Lawrence to Montreal awl in- termediate ports, N-ety Low Kates of Mingle and Return 'rickets. R. L 0. TME ONLY LINE RUNNING RAPIDS TORUNIO-NIONrRlA:, LINK. Steamers leave Tnrmit° at 4 p.m. daily, except Monday, for Charlotte, Port of Rochester, Ores TIiouanhd Islnnds, Rap;d., Mt. Iaw'ronee, Mon• treat. Quebec, Murray Hey, Ta,loeeeaa,- Sagltenay Inver and Intermediate poste. " _ H. Forster Chaffee, 'Western i'as se.ngrr Agent, Toronto; Thos. H.nly, Traffic Mnnager, Montreal. CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 110'.. JOHV Ilnrhl:Y 1'114:.11,6, 1 The repl.rt for 19x1 allowed remnrcnbIn Increnee. over 11100, In the following item. ePw comms_,, 1...reez A ... / 1400.7,'.! Premium Income Inere hy '11..513 Total Income Increased by 42.571 Arrta larrerred by 43,919 lnruranee In fere, Increased by 1,8119,40e Continental Life Toilet,' .re •n.xrelled In. empllelty and liberality. Agent' wonted. 060. R. WOODS, ('IiAS. 11. F'I'I.LKR, (lemma' Ynnng.r Mprrolnrr Ne Profit In the lklllppines, IBednn Poet.l Our trnde with the PWlippinea for fifty yearn will not *how a eomm.•r- elnl t.roflt to offx,t wins we h••'• already paid out for the Income' .ubjitgaton of their Inhabit/tete Always Pedal nn e•o■r dealer sup- plying you with E.B.EDDY'S WOODEN WARE PAILS and TUBS They are mamlfeeterdd from the DF:'iT ref MITF,NIALH by Ihn W)ST RKiLI.ED workmen. AREA propl The Aimee* poste* stoops Landoll, J •IeU 11 I',•m I' 11 t the emoted the 4'' 'm°' twudenlutit spreed like 1 mods of 0e pJdenly etc mak, met 1 sdeut dread pert. 011 W ('IPI.•' t. ar l tee King's it esestautlal /rum nhie11 Wit disbelle to doubt 11, porttoe, can 141411113 Isau r• brant spool''.) a king s mala and dra tv ul cusrll'g thee the hi1141,_ t grated him 1 .r live to4 On. the • feet of the sse(iete. 1 coaster wit. Nut Hlr Mui 101St, ..ill* 1 ,ubJ..'rt its ilio Ewa p the ordeal. or file iv** will be ebb LtL✓n ul it Tnen'f.re, ' 44)1!.1 for tan. (.11044 kuBJI: r 0' 1 puWle !Willa Asm01 Nunl w'.( C nenioar, u I5'11a111, I...! hrartl. to ,4fk1.11 rrrl :1 me,•ra1''4' 111101•, ttL4 114'41'14:11 04 1 WeM mlheti Loudon, IL Ecom, at t the Jowl nn 11 , mal "I have . t rMmrrmenl free an elNYa t let, tYKV ba t lea pntioa to the oorouq tae 110o1e1 ---Tee" 0 Wrung 1 noon the of Norton mike: "1 ceilte•I the WWI -ilii that, eel the droll !optioned. eon will, wise pee rarerot h 11 the as ready Art . The kit Lori May Bakst y'R 1418101, b Ince 3 et the AKA. w▪ hich it elkl Amba the nista tate dins It is nt amhetrendt return to ■ ) 5.0)11 rierired t thttldJ, nrmnrtg- T gated sin portant o the •p(01 'd) he ,,e, Go -any, I reprecntr the •h'rt 1141.1, Tnq the DMA sante of h the will t'arlotia p oiler, Ids ✓ ad talkie tepre,o nt ereatel t N6arJap,'es reedlnem ratpptlon Peet .11ir Majesty's tloatt for OR/DP ov emeeirt. Ily pnrrtj G),,, the hitcingen Large ar.Nlnd t the offlni I'48,. It, ton Step wnk•h w tllrnee. The bfrornet and Iho el inln 1 ant the Pia nppnl w111 ho th, Rork i all tl'lee 11,. r.np rms. iti Tits J.O workturn front res in PIs, shote it were ec.1 the road' If 'be e