HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-3, Page 44 TuuRsual, July :1, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIIJH ONTARIO This Shoe law osutht Ott towr. '1'h.. Le so feistiest - able •hope or style, � . Idea of ties Dees is stop tool a sot first 1•uad 10 .. (largo Qv tiny. " W e erlrl- stW-otbtre 1mltate - ad what* thry o,py oppear000e ad sake they otaa.l *p- McO "Queen Qu•t. 1 y" In style, fit aod etagere, The Always SNOE,r /MA/EN '!'heir stylish elegance, pert.ol fit and ala .It te ease h the established them se fever• nee with fashionable women everywhere. ( )oe pair cf "Quote Q malty' and to ymakes you • permanent patron. All Styles, V i.7 C One Price, aV a7 La Senorita. SEE TMA. T . s TRADE MARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY 3)10L Sale anent for Walk Over for Mee, and Q.nett Qaatuy for Women. R pairing. Shoemaking, E. DOWNING, Art In Ewa Reproduction of this style Shoe, NEXT W I LSON'S DRUG STORE Ike othgnii, 0I runes= EVERY THURSDAY MORNING air n. ■.SILLLEeHEr.T GODIRICH, THURSDAY. JULY 3. 1113?. WHA r 01 HERS ARE SAYING. e0 TRU WHALR TnitRW atm Ort. Pbtledslpbi• Record : • Good morale', Mr. J.nah," r.markrd the whale affably o'H.w de you foil the mornlore' "Rather dawn to the mouth." replied Jssah. A HOPr1.IAOTASa. Toro.te Wotan : Den McGillicuddy :s trope hard to irons • lady Into aurorae• • 00.lraat welch wall remain ar3oiehed loom after the last pile has been dr:y.t In Ood.rloh harbor. w111T Tull LADIES MSMD, Mail and Empire : By • reoet 00nvent ion at L,. .►ogelu, called to consider the node o f women, It nes been der died than the most prowl*" rigalreneat o1 tb.p•titr mol at the pressor time throughout rho world Is pockets. .l CST "g!tlrlSu" THE LIDGRALO. Brantford Expositor : The Royal Temp- lar gets • good deal of satisfaction rn, el Ohs damage done by the prohibit tonne to the Literal mod:dates la the rutin prowl( - Mal elootien•. We do not find, however. that one •lisle Iles 1e puhlshed .bowler how the oou a of prohibition boa hoe. se- vaood by tele aampalge of rutin, milit and remmee NIIAMIND ST.AD. Montreal Sof : %Vs ors In receipt of • letter from W. T 8••ad, addressed to "Teo Mannino EJltoe, Btu. Hestreal Gonads C 8. A " The writer a the editor of the well - knows "Review e1 Reviews." Leeds,. Roelsat, Parc-. SATOS SitMEio", (. 'C 1t P. r . art. Sulsgtb E.pultw : 151a gold test seta IiMIW,Mldo. Dame singly. 1. may oleo ba goad, le the espeneooe of Mr. 14. lJ Cameron, o1 (ioder oh, streak• of Rood fo. - Sane are o.tlo3 1n .bowers. Lot Janney he was Wooled mayor of 1;od.noh by soots mattes. 04 th. 29th of May he woe elected M. 1'. 1'. for 1% eat Huron A dew days of terw•rils he was crestal . K'nm's ('o0050', wsd s•w the •aso.ecan.nt comes from Ot taws that he has limn sppototed a member of the onmm!sston L r the oon.ondstIoo of Ib. Dominion 8tototes, W'• congratulate oar fraud on hie toed fortune, sed we bays me doubt he will prow* wortny of the ion Adman rho- npoeed la him. 04101 rERTIle3T QC g.TIO!1. Lltobell Reoordar : Why were the pre - metors of The L borst,r offended at the postal out het Mies booms* the latter r,fae.d to allow toe sheet to to throat b 1h• mail. es abs terms 0.0 117 •.corded to regular p.bhesbloeo' lied th.y any grounds for •1..o.! \Vers they honest In their olalms for snob termsDid they not know that (bore. pull oatlo■ was only a oempat3n *hoot' W•ii not th.ir . ff.ut to yet it tbr(tssb the med. on r•gol.r newspaper tonna as droop,lye and dishonest as their demotion in toe charge. they published about Mr. Rees' Was Om whore thing int • dmoention, • delasloe, and lesoded to be a ..are T Did 1t redound to the moths o1 its prometors, or te Oki W. C. T. D., ander when* auspice. It was send to 1e publteMA' okttkoRM'm wORK Il 0111 rOR((rrrI't Wharton }:ohs: Who*, a howl le tonne .rade by the Tory j remote boo...• four ballots wore. found In polling sub division N. 9, Mt. Vleee0t, l0 the North (trey re men., and oeunted spoiled for 11'. although counted es mood ler 0.,,, b, the deputy ref u,nn g I.8icer, e'a(m'ng .h• y were . polled .Iter the elm. of tl.e poll, though Hr. McKay was elected without them. Oso I• led to weeder ooh.► they wield An and fay If rroate1 •s t.h. 1. Mrsl• had Men In North Ream when Fro.0,rn trot h,5 an k hes the peomet'a, when hellnt bores wore brekes spa sed a low only of the 'Allots of an entire polling ee'.- li,lalon oil 1 be footed. W. line/toe than the •henderl•r sad rearing et the Con ..r,.tive Inreda would pat tint volcano eruption' w Mt, PAIN last month Int, Inslinlda inc.. Tito 0011,0 111.1'010 ARr .non RD. Iter: The Mail s Brantford Rt rid Kr- pin pub Whet stetla l.' .1 mei 'ruin Mloed to Ibe 'Aunt O Ammo • lae'Inna f..r tbo paroossel showier Mak Mr. What', * Malawi • majority of tho pannier vote. Its week Is ibis, as In 'Ahoy weirs••, le, h owever, man'f.a!ly ■ ante. F r re mo. o. la the city of 0. taws It moos (•omer•atly• majorities of 624 and S76 rorpn*orvely, s'- tboatb every dearer bed the p.Ivlle,s el voting for two randldatoe, and It la mon feet Shat b.) one of the above figures shout! b. Mlles. le Smith Renfrew. the m•jnrif y of Ho.. Mr. L.t.hlord Ie plumed at 500, whores' Om offish' figure* are 874 f. (South FAINT, the Llhor.l maj ni y le oedst- . Mmd by nett ly 200, walls 105 vete of 1,100 or more met for Mr. 1) it Rem, who roe as an Indsp.ndsut. Liberal le North Or lord, is entirely emitted. In the above le . Waw ales. the (thief Ceheer•atlye no,.■ Wheats Ib. Littoral party net of scrim 2 000 votes, and w• have no dovht • olsea.er.t.ey of Is figures aoalA give farther evident' of 10. a.fau0ess el IM sett- s. ValuNe Ad•ke m ■NO..tlrs. FAS mete •porl.gly, and eke yer, little ,pear, Avoid InteTleant., Italie awe, From SSmpw.ee, (Irlek wet., abundantly, and al. were rely e. N.rytlin. 65 • gn'rk reliever tar resonate pennon Role, live liars g leam ger lbws ordinary rem.dlee, N.r•its,. • prim toyer ph Is simply horned 4.11.1, it • gggw, ales •1Mttea, 1.ml..,., sourel,ia, sad nu gods, whether Internal or •trer1•'. tarp b.t/tr, pries 25e. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. ._ People getting out or alseardlso. IKlnoardloo Itetlew ) The Krog E Iward, Umfrage sad Pitts- burg made tteir usual tens eatryire pie angors and freight. Tb. O.&l..r. landed twenty -9r• pawcogen on Moseley •,d Ono I,n• r•uort• 4101e pess•eger trod from Kisoardl•• than Goierlob sad Saa neap loo own bit eI. Why 11114.'t 1 ser Pal • Waith le IGT (Klocerdlee Review ) When Messrs. Campbell and Grant weir drilling • well last week near Luso' In Air - fie1J • @norm current of air was found to be laming from In hole wbeo the dr•lle were taken out. The 1 rectum was m moot that • IeI-_ hat p'aood over the pipe was blows •loleutiy or , sod when the pipe was over.d with the Mtn le was Impoes,ble to hold lee current dowr. 11 the hat or is 1t 110'9 mmpressad al.• • Seem 1■ 11.'1 •, Il1 otos Now gra 1 Pr. -f. Mena C.00pb.Il, Uoderloh, who has about fe.ttean y uptight town, a t ••n le Myth and • large ol.ss In Uod.riob, le sp.ak. nit 10 a Clinton N,w Era repor er e1.te4 that a revolution in mono had Ikea plain and • greater Impetus to scholars b►1 Men giver, anal more a otbesi.an shown by them, since the iitroduotloo of • local •zsminatlon of moria to Ooderioh, to •Cili.- L1on with the Toronto Coos., v.tory of Morar. List yer &men ocr'p•el the of- poriunity and wrote on it, •n 1 this year Melee, nearly double the number, acd Mr. Campbell fey, hs will cave fifteen h motif O , 31 7101. •tle0lms, •I nen (^ninon New 3...l The Orad Truck has made • ..umber of eh•oge. and Improvem•et* In ,orwuo parts o t I:♦ ...retain, Lot there is nos thing 1t has n ot done- mpro•ed lbs sonic. in acd our e( Oo.1., tib. At pin sot ono noun... roach the o,•untr town Wm* 11 or 12 A Y Tote would sot be so had ,f pap!• bad plenty of tin o to t ras.50t Oasin05 when t .57 got there, bat ea Ilini but train le 3 15 ► 0. It to morally imposibl• to do mach bee nes•, o. - le.. one romans over to the tett dtr, woion vee► dew oere to do. What muds to be done Ie to have • tram leave Oudot ich •o hour or two later. A. toe 3 15 tram 'e • way fr.301, and otiosity hoe oonotderahl- spar• time •1 Stratford before coming back 11 looks to the ordtaary Ly min 1 as If part of tats time m'ght be divided with allow eh, 00 the great advan•ags of the novel mg pubho. HUSBAND AND WIFE. St Hrppolys, Q ten, Jane 30•,0 (Spoolal). -Mr. L. A. 1'.9010 and his good wire have Hot kindest telaes to say shout Dodd's Kid- ney Pill.. Mr. and Ain. Psqulo hays both been til. The former woo so sick Oat he was 01 - able to work. He had1 r k Jo•y trouble: , w hiob g.v• him great pain. Hie wile had had a similar troub:e some time before. and had been ompletely carrel by Dodd's Kidney rills, and wino Mr. Paquin found Inman( very 111, he thought he would try the rum dy his wife h.4 found so •.lasb'e He says : • Wo are ho h now 1)010. well sad able to de oar stoic as well as ever. "W• keep Dodd's Kidney Pills on h.n", and Geo them occasionally 1f we eel the n oblest lndupositios," INTOLERANCE IN CLINTON. • 001.1.1., re...reeled for Ulu enppood AI- talsde 1a the ste,sl [I•eU.s, ICI tion New IC.. I :(into tis• ren. tit eleotlnr, Rev. W. O. Hos mon has been the subject of Immo stroll' adv.... orlt i them by Corset uttvss,lo the 5r. lief that h. had suppo-tsd the Littoral oaedf- dsto, sod, therefor,, ted voted sgdnot per- hibltion. Why 0. should trot vo'e r 1 he 10o0,h► beat er s000rdln` to his owe jute. - meet, dad not mem s000rded litre, but lits atwitter• jumped to . 000lasinn withent any knowledge of how hu voted, sod mad. common!, according', During his rtoidonis herr. Me. Hew•on htm maintained. peeltlon m Ono)..Iy n.utrsl that •lay few knew he bad any political leonine@ one way or the oth.r. H. had t."need • poli tlo•i mentl0, of •.y .ort, hat not discussed politic*, and has lupe bunter •b•olut,ly w oof therefrom. He tines De'ieye, however, that the Raw (i mint M. done more for temper tore then M-. Whltn.r, and Iog.ont, should 0505 toted that way But as • matter of feet he, did no.. In m Inver puhllehed over his own signalers h• star that Mr. M,toh.11 remind no 'frau,.sd therefor*, the **inure and hostility 1' inlay e d tewsrds him bee been absolutely Onwar• rant,td sod u j r.et6.tls. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. .101.1 (iA.AnfAY MAnAZIMg.--'1'h• Jely Canadlan M•e.zlne Is • Aright, reedehl. n amher. 11 -ands. a number of •tortes .ed bright deaorlpt vs srtlelea Fr.nn'a 0ele.e, the sporting wilier of T.. Tumble Olnbn, wrltss el "Horee• Retying In Canada," and ale ertiolo is il'notratn.l with tome notable photographs. Frank Y•IR, gine "Mom• Reined*. , of N,Ill.m Lyse Mac. limn.," with sem* yoked' III threw Norman Panorae hes en InterYNng petiole. 501404.6 "The War and Canada " Fred M iris dseevlbss the m..klnnnto and bees fid Mg of O.-,tr.IO t,.r n Dr (1 Stioltriot toe's of the esiy 0oo.*Ine on wl.ioh Mer 01 t' (rid 1 toner was del.at.A when molting perllars..mar y timers. The "R endery Roder . f Aaetr.lia" it flu seh).rt of a sot' written (twee wive sbeleh. C.rr.nt ma's a1 home sad abetted are aatlolstoly diner bid by.t.R•riflero MrrROM•T WAnA•IMI Alen Review 1011 .Jr1.1. -The m.atales Moline Ste afry.elgfh volume w ►h • twin ',veinal@ and Cum Mao ■em0.r fo bas ..It lllnstrat.d & miens en "The 7.,t,..• (' ' 1, Q i.h.,." 'in lrJr goon." **f Northof s.sel•1 Ittoree) M dolsgatee ,n the Omura! (;..f•veaee, sad a "rookie Gement of •' Harvest on ens Prairie." Ate Am.rin.n mi sinew? •en- trleates • stewing tribute te t0. "ROSPA Se .t Prima Rohs 1. Mentions Arta." A spale.ketea sad purn.ltare gloss el that • 11 0 twun," the Int• Mahon 1V,IRaso Taylor"lo.l•sd sad I. People." "Tae K.,1 (ion &tee of Chaise 1) cleats,' ' Th. P• o e1'. Art la E riaort," sod other .rtlules are well illustrated. We'1 writ.. .torten are "tyle.w 1',utimor.'. kl.m.'ry R, tom," by Ile. J V 9frith, ••11,ase to Cu - brenoe," and ' Asa It boor's $ re." N ,w • • rood time to wbwrlM for this yeter.o C.uadleo mootbly. T,arooto : tl .lham Nrieas. Montreal : C. W. Gat•. Belles : s. F. Ilse A't. $2 00 • year ; 31 00 ler s:t month.. S,'stovaa's 10. July --The July timber o1 Sor.Doe.'. Mot.e'o• h.5 an article, ' '1'b. Matin quit Pompeii," towrWd at 10s lint po .Ibis moment, ',yid!, describing the ap palling diameter at 5t. l'..rn. I', author. Ur. J0m. , Robb Church, of Rauab Rider tame, accompanied .0. relief ship Dixie lo al. c.pa0;ty as Asstetat Sarg•es, U. 8 Army. Dr. Church saw •verythlog, sad pictures net only the t.rrlole desolation bat roma pother to Io.taooee of lam ly life, which the ruter revealed. He •l.o guru a some w hat no•el exploitation of the Immediate mum of tae disaster. This article is u trlklogly pets mal l• its Impreselou. Sara J.•nnett• Dino t0, • 7, nog Commas who s row years ego mode • sudden reputation Y the writer of a Dr1. 1 ant book of lend, married an olfioal I. India and 1e new Mn. }:r.r.rd Cotes. Lv1 whiter she noom- panled Lord and Lsdy Cut no on tbe4' famine trip through Burma, the tenon of Kipting's famous song, •'Mandalay." Mfr. tares elree • • brilliant deeerlptien of tis trip, with to many st.a•tge Oriental pa750ts in honor of the V ciroy. Another article of .p.olal tannest to Comedian [Adore le by Arthur Bootleg, "fee Abitibi For B, ',Lade," 1a wbicb the author o0rot toles his adventures on • j .Ganey nom Lok. Abitibisoa'h to Mat'awa. Toe dation of this combat of Sorlhcer's 1. eroept:ooslly goo.i. PREPARE TO SIZZLE. P rognosticator Mika Gare 11 A is be nee lisle flesh. Following le • mammary of Hicks' format of the w for July : A V•00. disturb Done a m.tral on the 2nd, .•c'sodiog Its to. 3a.00e beyond the mtddl• of the month. The 'Gots el ib s Foam period will be very marked dant glb. rrgular Vulcan storm period encoding Irwin the 4 h to the 10'0 Oa ami 4 b .ad 810 moos 1s at her .ureas de;0o•tton mortis, le per onto, and at new moon. Then* fas's, added to other existing cooloto. for.badow • warm were of 51ea0 intensity. . hew stets of bat on .tris prose •., • high Format. of atmospheric hamidlly, and a m• Waked storms of tbaadtr, wind, r.ln and 0.tl The 10 0 day of July Is not • r oily was btu the 1 nits of a 'storm period, bat it 1s ti s dots ..o which the root c o'er the eniestlsl,gu.to', and Is covered by the uumbatd a fi,.coe of the V n ,s sod Mer - 0.,y periods Hecoe rhe resew 0011 storms due r0 01 the 11 0 to 13 h .111 most pr.h.bly devrlop on aod touching its 10 h. Kroere city warm weather will ea of pilot to the norm cola nation, .t 101e t. me. I'O. oppwhioe of the planet &Caro fall. on the 17 h, Gad or 1 ea fr.0aeat ad minors' electrical storms .sear to break s9 the 000• out ratio* of molar energy. • prolonged Term of lolec•.ly worm w•unr will continue throa,rb an the central pert of the mouth. 1)., Jane 10 h, the date of the ,anal sod dense a' ng 14010.5 to many (mallet., ens pas••d 1..w, Ur sus end the sun 00 Jo'y 17 b we w,11 pass betwwo Saturn and the Alio, bed en Aua.5 h, we will soli In lar. tws(n t0• sem and gust Jupiter. If so de n ot b••• each • br line up order during July and August, but • prolonged heat with h elle eieeurol p0eoomena, g 1 sod dimwit wl 1 prevail over most parts of the monis, op to the September tgul0ot, . rid the pt.. at anomic etas of uorrat will 11- p oioog d The coat .I V.loao et em p•, .at nor tis. mons b corers the 15 is to the 20t-. Mt., ro t -al on this 17.0, the day t 1 (.c urn. op9.,,l Ion with OW b aod Yn, 1te may therefore impost woe notable 4).- u. 0...,.. hstwreo Wtdoesdar, ale 16 n, and Monday, 20th. II thew disturbenoee Jo not take the form of he ry electrical e torm., phe.emaal hen will p seal and rest oto perturbations will probably cntmtnstson .4 our the 20 1 1 he 22nd to tM 24th Ir - clusiye will bring a Isatsoa from 01gh te a otter b rumbler, 1be temperature will rile on higher reading., sad storminess, with irritator, t0Natoai0g clouds and r•'• la mat y 1 ,o.lit'mo, will 1 n 0.101 1. all reaching ti,. colo imolai It 640111 on and to.oblag the 24 h The last storm period fur July will ooIm nils Curing the nosing days of the rn'o•h, low barometer, clouding* with p-eb.l.le , ate and th'.oder storms being to 4,005)1. Irom west to out as July Roes oar, MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. A,nrl01.13. Council mot Joo. 23rd. memters all pre.at, minutes of previous meting read and approved. ILA following •oo0ote were geld : John Cowan, rewi•103 washout aod two calve/as, 5. R. 9 sad 10, 311 25 ; 1) Mc(1:11, diel■ on boundary. jh; Jas. Hsck.tl, repairing oulv.rt, 1) L and 5 lin 9 and 10 $2 25; .1.1e• Mollee,o•oriegculvert, a is 4, 1.5 25 ; J C Daltow, towl.g water. lobar teams, 16 ; M. Mobtyn, delimiting plat k and analog hill, 310 ; Nod 1)sltos, repairing 1.11 at Klnrebrldr., $5 ; Wm. (;Ian, repairing two onlvert. S. It . 3 and 4, v5 ; Tho. Ral, 5radi.3 8. R. 9 and 10. $8 50; W. Hwa.. repatrins torn* culverts D. L., $3 25 : Wm. 80n*kleten, rotative; (i0(5.1t S. it 3 and 4, 51 50 ; Wm. Mc- Qnold, repaint./ bridge, oe. 6, 50s ; N J. MoKenzl•, noosing ditch, stn 12, $4; H. Chamher., gravel, $11.44 ; John Fialey.es. 5hovellin3 Rnve1,34 ; 1). McKey • e, shave) Iinq gravel, 1375; A. Knyd, Gravel, 13 60 ; A. MoDooald, shovelling gravel, $2 62 ; H Horny, g-avel, $12 32 ; F,1. Johnston, g'ad•ni. $10 : W m. ,1 emcee, culvert M K 6and 7 $65e,,; Wm F.rnn4, rep.irir g meow feuo•, tit; R A. C.rrlck, evnohen,o es coll 1, ►'e roll, $4.55 ; and e atery .e collector. $80 ; W. Trslooya_ re pa'rlog culvert S. K. 6 and 7, 51 50 Com - oll adjourned t • meet again August 16th, W. STev ragas, C ark. 3.5sm. G■ se serve Th Ja .t testimonials cosolo.ively prone that or ham can be permanent y curled by inhaling C,t•rrhor -no, • v.g.table 5n! r. pi lc that dos, rel. At 0000 the germs otuna' the &seams. (,atarrheron. gives •mmedoat, tell.( to the diureses. mush Gori .off ,oet'a, l0..3100, nukes bre a hint 00.y sal repelar and inures nndlatarl al . leen. Caatriot rnne owes as bola that do, tore are Deable even to relieve, and can care yen. Too Ustorrbrznne inhaler a mad. M bard rubber, am Into the vest pocket, eon M ,..4 at work, l0 church, in the street, In bed -any please- at any Woe. Twn months' Iteat0.n*t (t.aranteed), prlu 51 00 ; trial s se 25otDraggle., or N. t; lbl.es A Co . Kln,ttes, Oat. Try i),. HamlItes'e Mandrake 1',i).. K. O. (Jilpl., of SI. Mary's, writes that although w• bay• a god crop of apple. Avery year, this to the apple par in Oa' arto No. Is Imo nam to .•an 'inventor the oro., If t ,r r,•ehardi.t will "..ke a ,0.1 stooge Mar oh and 'skit of Ih• fete appl.., to 105.5tent alarm% of apodia, the treses le symearaisee, and eat cot .1- the mistral nal Nat bear erre t tris 1, you will ant have se emu .ppb.. Mit more 00rrele, and tk.y .111 0. worth 06050 pit hirrel." M:. Uflple has vied into way 1.., 1„, r year. Th. MIIor of es 'sebsag' had. gays Th. Mmrrlabe•g Reratd, writ .n on a lag sell tonal wiih eonvtedng bag's on the 'objet. of trailne with bowie morohent•, het whine on the rreod• d I0• town Ms eaw the mer- nIaat• writing 1.11.,. on Maly powder how heads or setae same) mediate* hill heads sod mete of LM0. vel., 50•slnpee prmer.d fres mete obese -John prl.1log hoe** net of tows, boohoos 10 was a Ii/IN 1ba0por, be west haat' to the alto esti fore rip Me offset. It's • poor role that domes'i work bate war. 1 STYUSINESS for the ladies. COMFORTABLENESS for the ala. RUGGEDNESS for the children. We've picked our stock according to them ideas. And style doesn't leave out durability Neither do a long wear sacrifice looks. It needn't and it doesn't. All-round shoe goodness for every member of every family. As tow Y $1 CO a pair As high as $5.00, but all worth what you are asked 'o pay. W. SIIARMAN OF LOCAL INTEREST. KODr WASRCD ASHoRr -l1. Moad.y more or. Jetts 22nd, Y Alai K.yi, 5r., of Lwrtr, was walking along the b..oh three mites south of Polak Clot ., he found the toady of • mem, whiob had e• den'ly bean washed ashore. The b dy was Idea'ified as that of Alex. MoA.I ay, of Soulbamrtor, who had bees washed overlord from t1 • mhos oar Wbit• 0.t, Capt, Sp -.e., to Nev•mb.r of loot v••r. The widow wee at ono ommoutootad with aod t' e *mimed and identified ale holy. She was prandial to Mr. Lloyd for dleco•erin the body, .rd giving her toe mournful ..uaf.otioo of bar. log It properly interred. DEATH or Al FA MonRI+, CLINTON -04 Tbar•d.y MOW", lest Alez. Morris deed . 046.017 at C intoe, at di, age of eighty four yews. He bad resid.d 1a Manitoba for year anti returner, ooly • dew we.ks age to spend the remainder ' 1 his day, In Cllafnr, where he hod lived 1 afore go n' to the Week Mn. Morn s survives hint. with the following members of their family ; Mr. A. Comb, Mrs. T. Sams and Alex. Morrl.. of Clinton ; Mn. J Yule, of Linde duh ; S1-.. Roby. Johnston, Monti•, Ya. ; John Sed J.m.., •111, of WanUol5, sed 0- ergo. ot West Superior. I),,oea e wee a atanoh L boon, a zealot; Presbyterian, sod a man respeo.ed by everybody. I'chuan Tag Asiar..tietr Korn., -There sppe.r5 to 0e a se Icing d••.r0.loatioo to hose ►h• loos' nese so.e0t ro:1 oubliettod, m that ova ry estop yer c.e yea how Me admhbor le rated. The Matto* Rcv!ew .•y.: "11'e bell... It wed! b.. on of lbs moo p polar and ben. floral mo•es t}at mould aeg5ge the at cation of 1.01 muoloip.l lembl•ters, and Ito sly 1. go roe a mooed of ortolan ty cod ewer to put it Into frr'e The •.ara•mrbt of a moolalp•l ty la the groundwork on wblah Sha whole financial superstructure revs, and y' t 'a may one* se departure of .bo•o'pal m •n•sement r, - csiee• lees attention, or hat Imo knows.. about It by elthw ratepayer er councillor, than the amusement of the different proper• IJss to either villages or to.nsbfrr. The at./ j -'o1 Is worth thinking oyes. t'Im:Y Z!:T k1 Jt ME STOUR. _..,ludr- moot Das bene riven by Mr. Ju.tlu Slr et in the case of Adria ►e. Rover, which ear tiled at the .swot Aos zee bee. TMa'io was by .lana Al.., the widow of WI 'o m Alla dammed, personally mtr•II y d as rt friend ot Andrew Allan, the intact son .td sole de,teee of sand 1V.Il,em Aller, sod t r•n•or t, said Jae AI'an of toe len 1 le noeslloo to sot Olfaction of dower, to ria ver p0, eu'oo of flit, sores of Ian 1 In the tow, . bhp of lluwick from 10. defend..et ter ant trader a Immo from the dsoas.d. Prolate of the will of mid Wtlll•m Allan h•• toes granted to T. Rlloble. The plaint ff5 con, tad that W'llllam Al on i t h a I lel lm• caald only make • luso eat jeot to Ms .110'e Ieoboat11 right to down', and that • Rey 0-. death and after a proper assign - moot to the tad tee f h -r dower, h. r 11.14 , oder such assignment prevail d wain., Ili, tonaat'd right ander the le.s•. T is defendant ela'me title ander the luso, and farnMr nl.j -o a that no proper •wtgamenl of dower 0.0 base made to the widow, to ounce Ott t s motor, T. Kifoht', was tenant of the Irish ale. ad Iho.for• the s-ly person who oou1.1 •u'go dower, and that even if the dry u• A. Allen were t 1 the f. eo hold, h• home an l0 loot cou'd not by deed sedan dower. 8'wsahrne v. I.r14h, 1 Tenet 402, 410. • n I s o 4 oh 127, R. S 0, rebored t. Held, Ibis under the e►i 1 •rotion, It I• clear that the who!o•lnn.rlt.coe of the testator vested is the .reout.r, .o4 that, tee butane ap-.n hie appnls'm.nt the 'tenant et Ne 'toehold. H I', 56r, t hot when .n •t or ,or mils .(td oentvy• lad to pry d. h , he i• er..f.rr'ng iso se- a'. 0.0!510 1e vetoer ," 1 in-, and not moray emitting • statutory power to all land the tttlo to which I. yes el In tint herr or de•are ; and that, thereto-,, the wale minion who c aft sash., dower le the w9lu w here, was Ili• t/orator of dro..teaed. A!.•. n.l', that Me mother haying thus ion right to rename p Ion at the time the action or.. o. m nenoed, the geNtlon whether ter ti'l• not .ffeetal by the subsequent assent of th. •teoe'or no.d n ot he ern. dere'', atom It e.nent relate hank to 05 10 g •e 1 Of • title then. Aotloo dismissed ware nwu. Thirty days' sissy.... Plmplea, 005.105.. and Skin [minium,. How tans gbtly, Nomaleei even dbgett- iog, and cumin, very mortifying to the sufferer. They an merely an evidence of Impure, poisoned blond, and lawsuit! vitality of no eten.enla y organs, which 0n be quickly changed by t.kio, Ferroroee Jur most.. Farr, r ,ria ninnies the blond of •II Delon, r and anpt one, makes it rich in red 0ort0•oles th.e 0.eaest ►b,m.elvoe In a he•ILLy, ru1Ay rnw'pt. now To have • pars, ..fe *km .n1 gond romplstlon simply ase For r, zone rryu'arfy. Price Mo. per hoe, or els h -... 4 r 32 50 at dniraaa, er N (2. V„Syne A Cw., K tenter, Ont. Try Int. Homilies Maadrabe 1'111a. DUNLOP. Trr•DA►, Jere 24, Mao l:th.l ('o0.mt.r, alio for Immo loan poet h.• rssld.d in (TI,•.•, w.. room .tly mper'ed .1 I;eown Point, Utilise a, le W.1 or Aspple. After • tossk'• wedding .rip to Mllwsuk** they 1.tern•d to Chimes, wrote Ih.y mar I es fear. rookie. Ulm Aline beaming. of Clamps, with Mr alum, Masons W 111.,., le •1.15403 hey parents kir. and Mrs. D. ('.mn.lrg. Mr. and Yrs. Thee. Tiohberoo ,I•i,ed i rends and relay'** at l.wetsew this wait, Cesllemes, It You Are 00.ld, Sate P.of. Do•onweed'a art coverings to wigs sad toup.s,, worn 04 tbouoaod, of heads. They area protection against oolde, catarrh, etc., and giver • most Doi oral aod younger •ppear5em to the boa. Ttyi,g os and demanstiwing the superior art of thou free of chem.. If. w111 Wet Ih• 11•dlord Ho'al, Uoderitib, Tbar.d.y, Joly 3 d. Remember the date, Prof. Taube end Mors I. Shan T.abs, notion.pert•htt'. Now if there Is scything wrong with y,nr sight don't 1,1'414 to 0000611 them. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of cCanges mast be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not U ter than Mon- day noon. Carnal Advertisements .00epted no to nor n Wednesday of esoh week. Old Men feel young when they start the day WIT H bbe%s Effervescent Salt A teaspoonful of Abbeys Salt in a glass of water shortlyafter risingwill keep you in perfect health. It purifies the blood, keeps the head clear and stomach sweet. A positive cure for chronic constipation. Recommended by the Medical Profession. f STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP -AT THE OLD STANI)- Victoria Street, aoderich JAS. A. ST 1tACHAN has take, over the plat and Mosinee con(tneted mooeeslolly for so many you. by his father, the late 1). K. 8truh•n, and I.te•ds refitting the shop to the moot op to date man. nor possible. He w111 maks o •peelalty of all kinds of repalrla", .00h as Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements Mill Machinery, Marine. Sta- tionary and Portable Engines t'croughly overhauled and re- paired. Pipe and Steam Fitting Machineand Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order All the spe• lalties manufactu-- e(f by the late D K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. (Ja11 or write for particulate. Jas. �. Stra�hau I"''1 WARM WEATHER GOODS • til A large assortment of plain black and plain white Lawns and Dimities, from 9c to 50c. Great Value. Colored Dress Mus/Ins. Both American and French nukes, .11 fast colon, from 9c to 30c. A lot of 15c Mullin. for 12;c. Laces. V.I. and Torchons from 10c a dozen to 20c a yard. Insertions, both in Vals and Torch or., • large assortment A tar range (1 ladles' ant oblldreu'• summer 1 ot11. from 50 to 60e. Cotton Hosiery, all sizes sod price., from Si to 40o. Toe Surest stock of Prints we ever 0.3dled, from 5s to 121t. Cosmopolitan falters for s.le, 15a, or 2 for 25o. Fuhtoa Shoe'. for June and July. J. H. COLBORNE Something New . . . TEA TABLETS A rare TY Kttroct ID tablet lora. Ons Ie hot water lam. thusly makes • cup of tea. BOX OF 200 FOR 50o Ju•t the throe lar ilea o and or mea or part's.. trovellt r., e•0. Re lave 1.111}: F-KCIT JCR }:, most D.• tblul of tumour Oriole Remember tie Crania= point of Importance In boyier I'ule 1;rr.0 1e Its purity. 1a pales purity 1• oompartivSIy 110000e1sry and mese o1 t0• green sold a adulterated. Ours 1e Berger's Pure Hanish Para Green, and you can rely ea Is. It owls yea so more than the poet e'sff, and Ito .111 dc. Insect Powder. Hellebore. All kinds of Fly Papers. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK, . You Can Pick a Lock Here That Can't Be Picked When on Your Door. All Sorts of Locks at all Sorts of Prices. Some are expensive because of the care with which they are made. They are safe' wherever used. Put one on and your property is safe. N. D: I RO UGV IE, The Cash Hardware .Store. Ooderich, Ont. Hammocks Our lino ot Ifaminock. this season ranges from 75c to 15.00, We handle tie famous "Stag" brand, known for their durability and fait color.. A 34 z 72 Hammock, full co!, rad, with pillow .. . . . . A Z6 z 76 Hammock. full olor.al, with 7111.0. A 36 z 76 H.meotk, full olored, pillow sad drapery A 40 z KO Hammock, fall colored, bin or blank, mit wasp pillow, Irian drapwy $1 50 200 300 4.50 Croquet Sets, 4 Balls, 511 Mallet, $1.25. Croquet Sets, 6 Balls, 6u Mallet, $1.50. -PING PONG Full se0, wooden nickels, 4 ball. .,_,-•„$1.00 Full tet, skin rackets, 4 balls . 2.50 Full set, vellum rackets 2.50 Sand Paper Wickets, separate, 50,-, Wood Rackety, separate, 25c. Balls, 5e each, 50c a limen. KIDD'S BOOK STORE ili44'0 / j 1W1�/1�11�11�/1W1b111111r1�11�11�1 c 1 - c StrawberryFSea nF �is on now, and ii the question is IF: jeA What can i get to Improve C their taste?" IF IF 1 F 11 Parnell -Dean's Bread is their only coin panio n• F Once tried, never denied. i IF 1 IF ili Our delivery wagon will be pleased to coil on IF you. C 1 F F W. P. WESTOBY, Agent, T F iTAMtioim R n1rRr, OORKIt I'll 11TTTMW11T tif'ftT/11,rNfPTN1..I! TTtilevTTR