HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-3, Page 3A Maroon%gram from Parts tells ar that ulI negligees and eutierwmtr of ever, permlw.iblo sort will be fiat- l.hee1 with little rlbb.Ju's, ens pieced wowed the edger end the border" Got they act. am shirr totting," and trimmings too. Thu latest rar•tere are of elartto In the round -the -leg style. They ore 1tuhooldered,witlt pink elk rower and there Ir a narrow "ruffle of chiffon aloes each 'flie•r° Is such. little need of stucty- lo,g the ((tubbier :u underwear tinker leant a•methIng new, Nome- th''ag to °ne'w ed}.eattivu. It is, thrre- fuov, with pleasure that one p•rur••r . ucr•+,Ont )f the I ugerlo of a Purls brhie..0 Tvutig wumau who woe of the princlpo1.s at the wedding he Cuuuters of t'erlgord, fur - Midi Murtoi. e Colored Underwear. 'Chia tog %vom in has built her truu.rewu eutlre! . In theme evenly tees, pin and W.io. Uue cau get moo at.d tree,,, Iwtlrl,es cud Rocas umd tel• mow • (1.l"'ettu silks In these lvlrr", cud the I'nrle bride bought them exclust v toots- . h all her tor - ...a there Ir 4 thing white. Thu trimiul gr Ito Pink and blue l;.terle are white toe, but *lits is thirsted, outlined, co `ed nod trimmed will narrow %lotto eh rtetwur ur i. to h coarse threads u lilts silk or Jnr,• burn, to mike 11\ trona and pr.'ltr 1., irlrnndug your next d,•rwewr try title method of the lice. diet 1t be ae 1 I.utrlly face or an Imitation, follow the plan of outlining th wee with GOUTY., wash sHk. 110111 la u ruwdug stitch a olio. you lotto Itniebed note 1. LIetotal appearuuoe the lace will It is.11 kook curiously like net taco wnh appliqued figurer, and tise beauty of it Is that It will launder u tiwuraud Otiose as well after the treatment, au Unit themeowed*lute of toot lace will be letter than the fust. I prltlooate there are so many 'mottos *last one might call for au lutxla.uwtU4a supply of spaue lu which to record tient 11e petticoat wll;o ttw uppor part ut Jersey slut& is still W esteem -to but it Is Items Lod away until neuter weather. A..d uow there comes the our with the uppor of ulbutruea la pale yaUuw or I.gal bine ur delicate pink. • Stilt 11a:.uel will do, and the flaunel part (.ower coli -10 the kueee W.& Matte :chose. Turn three is It deep fluuu:e .,r .,II( sewed or buttoned un. Dunne Petticoat Ideas. Lila Wheeler Wil. ux *•halm» to hear Located the butival•d un 001111V/ 11111,1 deewreo -Mat site dol it to avoid a pr:. In Ler p•trse front laundry Lille. Out auw from motor the rear thou , Otago ttre etsrrr that 1t wan the n1te-- slat luuught ue the counters o( War- wla, a human- who for originality In eiresd Ir as reswwuel as for her beauty. The co,wtess Ir tumour fur hs bitwliomu petticontr and car- rier always a trunk of them, even ou u S•alu,tlay to Mo ieday aloft. It come a little odd, almost 11K1r11- o:ute, to speak eo opeuly of the pt.tlt- to..t a( u llriblo part of tine'. ward- robe, fur always it has twee a sub reao adjunct, or partially ru. But the hem skirt ho. banished contrail - :tent from the petticoat, and the fact that It Ir to trail, while the calm, Oat Is ip'I.I up, brings It prominent - I" before the puiol.e eye. dot herr, are some W the petticoat novelties: 1t ie made of moire to match the uw.rP Pheet waist for who. h there Is mesh a vogue. It le made of taffeta to match Gel fad for the silk dress skirt. It IN made of mull and lawn to go with the wash dresses. It le la white or pink or blue or yellow, according to the tune of the light wads dress, Or IV Is le brow% or black or navy blue, or deep gsrecs* or scarlet to go with the dart silk or cloth gown. w of t of uu- reuling carps and fig - Go d HAD TO BE LIFTED. A tielpleaa Cripple is Restored to Health and Strength. toms Rack Had this Man a I .-Iseeer ler a Lang Time, but et behrlite Fated it (.ure,'1'kough Given Colby the Doctors. Napnnre, Ont., June 10.-(4pccial.)- The tkidlors told Simon Warner that tthe,, cvot.1 du twilling for him. Hr had tool many medicines and treat- ies -tits with to good result. Ile wan a leeiplcsa cripple. w II le purr back, mkt for it long time lila wile Ir l ltd lift him In and 0111 of had, the twin In iL1.11/111r wu. NO very Ne%err 161 this Pztvrtnity n- friend's advice weaved him, This man had eafere,l with haricot -he tthtrartf.'bot beet /wet completely cured by Dodd's Kidney Pale: time when lie heard that air. Warner ell. p' bead he went to hie h sn.' and recommended this medicine Rn him. . • Mr. Werner and iia good wife were at Ttret Inclined to be 'somewhat .ktnbtul, Mit here was the evidetcr that Ilodrls Linty Blau do cure Leone Rack right fedora their very eyes in the person o1 tho man who had ben curio. Surely it meet be true. So after Nome deliberation they de- OkIOI to try, ntfd now they are very 'much Veriest that they did so, for In a short time Mr. Warner's back - fiche had vnhlwlwrl. Ha grew grade - 1)117 arranger not Metter, and et pr.'.ent enjoy', the lest 1111 -round good &*villi he has had five many year". There Ie nit a trite- of lama 'ark remitting, not a .Ingle symptom. and the lirlplr.e nisei whir um.ve to be :1 bunion to hlm.rif and hl. wife Is now strong, and n ethernet to hle faithful bedpmntP. ile nays: ''We have toil In alt about tw1nl ' - flve box.., of i 04(1'. Kidney Pills, and gdven tome OW1L to our neatal.Orw. i M that when they nee a hot they Rhreeselves nee "dwelt ne *hens to tomer rronemmrss1n11on$ n111 ten are. alae certainly highly reenmutersl 1.1"40'15 Kidner P111. n. n more mire for Tales Reek, for thr,,v enrol mw, omit PotR Mord of a worse para." e The fancy fur matching the petti- coat to the drerr 'skirt le 1st the In- oreas., lit spite of the fact that all the better deem skltlr hove their talk drug skirts there must be a petticoat uaderueath of precisely the lame color. Not oily must the tone oorreeputd, but the material must mate&. With a elk doom there must be a petticoat of .Ilk, but Dawe FutbIIII wMeperr loudly that with the uluth, the pongee, tete )Koplin. the linen and the uio.ro there should Lea peltieout of the rswe ,tuft. The entire cloth petticoat Is a 111- tln too warm, but to It there .alt be added a deep flounce Gd bilk, r4 that while the under* part It oa.hmere or veiling. or wlustever it may he, the outside Is cd 'Ilk. This arida ,*tly a Ilttln to the weight bit much to he wearing qunlitlPs. There are petticoat note. beside these. The Trimmed Skirt. Just why or with what ettlltariae purpose In slew it Is not known, but the later! I-Oleosit liklrta show- a trimming to Imitate tow Dater skirt. The, Sportier' 1kwure: yet -toning to the back ; the Uttle chiffon pialtit1 f rhlr- rel down tete middle; the 'bandit of around the hips has been carried to the extreme knngth of Laving speo- 1Lhy detl*ei pe ttlouats to entu toe ttw nauoth, a141404 111 of the spring drew( skirt. lu order to have ar little as pow bible unwed the hips, the ekeletua p ttkrwt has beau Introduced, writes :ut exchange. Tile 1., mode of vertical "'tripe of entlu ribbon about two inched wide, and placer their own width upart, with nothing to fill In the ',puce* thee left. 'there ribbon( extend from the waist to below the kree, where the mo -called skirt fluff* to a foam of silk and lace frills to miff out the volumtuuur foot of tbo dre*s rktrt Io the manner novo. uK,dl*It. Another style of ekeletnl skirt has the vulumlroute silk ruffle Ott the base, but the upper part cut out lu strips. The woman who cat- gut afford ribbon can produce the sumo resifts with a little additional labor, by hemmed strips of cotton sloth, terminating h1 ruffles or flounces ut the bottom .rf the skirt. The Well.l)rererd Woman. A we'll -dressed womdt Ir not noses - terrify expetutltely (Weaved. Clothes nay be costly tea) well -made and yet (bo general appearance of the wearer le auytking but ■tylirh. There 1. a great deal In the way clothes" are put on. Some womeu are 'away' neat 'end dainty to the lrulallent de - 1101.l Others say that "re torte as tete getters) effect le good little th,hlgit don't hitatter," 'aye the Phil- adelphia Times. It never occurs to them thtlt it Is just the attention "o "little things.' width makes a please {11g general effect yoeslble. The 'sweetest bone' 111 the world, all tocke,l alk turd loco" and a "darling tittle rose toque" are pretty to wear to a matinee, but they are rut butlabh' for work, • BLACK AND WHITE STiRTPED TUCK F.MBROiDERiN RED (11E11 RIES. 'ditched silk and the application ,of fioworr aro all note,' in 111P petti• (soot as le the outer sitar*. It ie a charming rummer trouts an whrh has a petticoat for etas: .!r•.e, trinru'-d to !nitrite the outer Mort and either exactly matching It in material or harmonising with Lt. 'rho prince's petticoat. while the moot (learnt/le thlug to be. found in underwear. ham rte objection from the Mandl) ant of economy. Being all of a piece. a eomhinatlon garment, It must be laundered all at once and the corset Dover and petticoat are treated to the tubbing, all of a puce. Thle le very destructive and the princess comes apart et the waist limo, hist where the etrtttn and 'dream M foe tub aol the flatiron urn felt mien. For the Ironing of delicate Ince' there i. a hoard which can Ise mode nt homP. 1t differs from the ordi- nary board 1n that it le very heavily pj,ttdde'cl, and the lace while it Is Ironed is not flattened. 8o with the piques and !Inane. They aro Ironed upon thin padded hoard. The Iron matt ho it VPI Meavy one, not too hot. Thi' priers the pique e mrsnttdy. but (torr not flatten it. At ter it Is Ironed the ribbing 1■ still risible. The t'ogue for Kid. Thn vogue for kid has touched the room robe. Kid belts In tan color and In colored lent -hers ere ala.bead with gold taste•.Inge , Host yokes of Teri are even, Met west so frequently. The kid necktie Is worn with :he ahlrtwulet, and there are cunning little kid pockets to hang on tfoe belt, and kt1 *Tine, rnnatattwg M n high, straight band fnetr•ned with a luckier. Kid will be eery- faehlo.oabin, troth in stale ani enem. L and In Ilae- ✓ ia the kid hats are coming In. It would be n wise woman who, looking nt true newest room robes, would steelnre that the balloon sleeve was not to There le No little differ- ence between the hill sleeve with its overhanging shoulder and the genie Itte old-fnsh(oned balloon that It takes an expert to NM' it. end even thetl he will fool Maisel(. A handsome Toner gown of selling, resPOMino elhttr'.e In Its finenrr., had Yell' fall .lr.'vee tint were enlr- rPd at the wrist and finished with a raffle of lace. The upper`,part 111 the gown had the OhMroglnn finish with wide pinata turning &}.1•k toward the shoulder, and these plait* were so built that they actually overhung the 'sleeve and looked very mach like the fatal1- 1ee sleeve cap. The Ppeu!elt. 1. certainly worn and doahtie.s the day of the orlon lined sleeve. le not far off The Akrirten P.'tleoal. Tke desire for a sleek, sem fit 'rhe time to Stat "Ni(ncy,' 1111 tkn stern rent, as ho eeache.t for the butter, "I ought Jack Iia,dtaway kissed yob last night.' ' Nonscnee, father," responded he pink-cheeke I daughter. "SVIiy do y think s,?" "Wit, Salley, as 1105.01 the par- lor arfor door I thought I heard you say: 'Oh. stop,' " "The Idea? 11 Jack were to kiss me do you think 1'! tell him to mop?" Sic-i'm eery every, Int I can never bo your wife. He --Oh, that', all right. If yob aro cruel enough to rorese my offer then you nee unworthy of a love so groat ns mins. therefore I do not love you any more. Gobd night. N. Peck -My wife has had such a cold for a work that she can't talk shove it whisper. Imtfiforth-Lneki boy, you. "I don't think. Say, were you ever pored at In a whisper for a whole hour?" --- They had been keep!ng company for eight years. and when be finally proposed acid was nerepttri, In the ardor cif hie enthusiasm he exclaim ed: "Darling, you are worth your weight In gond.'' With nfmtwrt cruet fncettotisnrue she rrpllel: "That le saying n deal. for It wan an awful long wait." BABAS' OWN TABI ETS Cure All )Ilnor 111,, and Drlag Jay end. Comfort to Ifaby and Mother. Dimas* attacks the little ones through the dig.'ttl.P organs. Baby's Own Tablets are the beet tidings in the wool 1 for 111! bowel and stomach troubles of elr.11ren. They act quickly and gently and always cure lrollgrxtlon, colic, constipation Brno dlarrtror•a. They are also a great help to teething children. Mrs Gabrielle Barnes Six Mlle Lake, Ont„ *eye: "Haby'a Own Tablet* reached mit just in time. as my baby was very 111 with indigestion and bowel trop bit,. amt I am happy to any the tab Into relieved him atter n few donee. Ile Is now cloing splendldiy with fiat it Tablet now nal then when he ie reetl'ee. 1 nm the mother of "'tight children rind into tried nearly nil (he, old remedi.•s, but have never fouled a medicine real to Rwhy', Own Taltleto-" The TabIrts are guaranteed t000n tale no °pinto or harmful drug. mot rrnuhrvl tin a powder they ran be given to the emall.at, feeblest rhlbl with a rertelnty M gond re mite. Rohl by all drneglet., or sent ppoas+tp'ttl at Y1 oriole a hot h,r welt Met direct to the Dr. Wllllanaa' Medi of Company. Brtvlllw, Ont., or M. T. MONTHS OF PAIN Caused by a Tumor of the Breast. Mrs, J. M. Timbers, of nowkesbury, tells Mow she Obtaluea ktellef After Uucters lied Failed. (From the Post. Hawkesbury, Out,/ Mrs. James H. Tlwberr is wen ktwwm to dearly everybody la Hawk- eohuIy, %ankteek Hell bud mar - roweling awutry. tate wur born in t'aukteek Hill, but (ince her mar- riage, twelve year's ego, has lined lit ilawkeelwry, and is greatly es- teemed by all who kuow leer. Mrs. Tlmuen' le use of the essay thou - eat lido who have prutel the gr.rtt value of Dr. Wllllunri fink P111., coif giver her ttt{.,1e�rl.uoe fur rim benefit of other wlfererr. site says, -While :merims buy fleet -Jilted 1 fere.l from u nursing tumor under the left breast. The first symptom wee a slurp polo followed by u growth, which grudually tncreured 111 rise until it beeauie ur Luys •ai an mot It war caaeduigly painful and cause me greet buffering. I °ourultrd is doctor, vv110 gave Olt wedtcitre, but 1t did we no good. Then 1 conwlted another ductos, who said 1 would It1tte to undergo an operation. In Use meantime, how( ter, tilt, tumor broke., but would not heal, and so a result 1 war feeling very much, rut duwa, At this time my alteretturi was ill- reoted to Dr. tt'illlates' l'luk Pills, and I begun using tree. I soou felt that they were gltitlg me In- creased strength, bud after using a few boxer, the tumor disappeared and I was as well as ever 1 had been. My health liar since been good, and 1 cannot epeak too high- ly of Dr. N'llllutar' funk Pills." There pills cure troubles like the above, because they make rich, red blood, and drive all Impurities from the ryitem. Through their action out the blood they also cure such troubles as anaemia, heart palpita- tion, erysipelas, scrofula, "Meerut - none, 'tweet/Oleo), Rt. Vitus' dame and the ailments that make the Oyer of so many women wlrerabte. The genuine always bear the full name, "Ili. Willlnnor' Pink Pills for Pale People," 011 1111 wrapper around every boy Sold by all deal - err In msllolne, or sent postpaid at 50 cents n b„t, nr 4 bo.ter for $O.50, by addressing the Dr. WO - nevus Medicine Co. Ilrnoksllie, Ont. 4-441+++++, ++++++++4'4'+++4x+ jZt $ :..........+11•11011•44444•444114.1100.41, BAIR LOTIONS. iiu,r lotions hr,' cul minimal/le at all timer, and it Is quite possible to use too many of them. A lotion to the hair is like fertilizer to tate pians, and rhwld never be weed constantly. Motlthly applications of good ton- ic, weekly shampoos. Judicious bru•rh- ing and slugeing of the suds which they grow brittle and have a tend- ency to spilt, should keep the holt In excellent conrlitton. There are areverul good hair ton- ic*. in the market. but care should be taken to M'lect one „wihicb does not contain a great amount of al- coholic properties”. Too frequently the after rerrults of the err of al- cohol on the hair he overlooked. It it very drying and rhraLels the root. and glands. - For hair that Is dry and harsh there 1e no batter lotion titan that given by Ili. krarmus WHsoy. Here it the formula : Eau de cologne, eight °armee; tincture of cantharides, one ounce; oil of English lavender, one (calf drachm; oil of rosemary, one half drechnt. Rub this Into the hair at night. two or three times it week, until the hair begins to revive under the treatment. After that do not use It oftener than once in two weeks. For dandruff, there Is nothing which can quite equal an egg sh.em- )xxn. 11 111 made In title feation Yolk of ono egg, one pint of rain water, one ounce of rosemary Heat the mixture thoroughly and use it waren, rdbbitlg web into the 'scalp. After 1t has dried, shampoo the hair with soap shampoo and warm water. More things' are wrought by prayer Titan til• world dreams of ; there- fore, let thy voice Rte like n fountain for we night aid day ; For \what are men better than sheep and goats, That nO(Ir1N1 a blind life within the bra If, knowing (loth they lift not hands Of prujer, Both for thehpeeires rind (hose who call them' friends? For 'n thn whole round earth le every wry Bound by gold, gold chains About the feet of (rod. (I ' t ' . e-Tennyeon. Trir A fit JMMLR Y t'VflEiT aom'Ij L The Broker's" 1Vtfe-What kept rig downtown 0) lite today? The Broker Vete trpewrlter. "glow, I. *he?" "Well, i shout 1 may not "-Yonkers !bagman. SOMETHING NEW IN SILOS. 0 3000000000000000000000000000000000O Much ham been writ tet regard to silos and silo, bulldhyt. , numerous phos have becit publlttes but 111 ac- tual eaperlevaoe axone of them , has proviet eutu•ely rallrfaetury. Omar are too expensive for ordinary farmers, otll.•re err cheep, Tutt last ouly u few poem. The flyurrl/ones'. eau Is outs of the uheuprst aorta, and It a were not liable to UUIIOistee wm ewanlnt of rhookage of tiro staves, ami the .Yprtndou °f 11116.11011 hanpr, t It would be very eatlrlactury. There le now a prurpest of these disadvantages being overcome. A n umber of farmers in the United Stater bees adopted the plugs of uelug wooden Ituupe. widen cannot shrink or lengthen endwise. The Imide sheeting 1r of on .lnch Geur- 1 glu pile, which alarm. to be the beet ilii kind of lumber for silos, ,on account of its nun sttl•Inkable character. It is ea full of pitch that moisture has practically no effect cissa it. Thin lumber hem been recently Mid down at Ottawa for 111:7 per 111.. and at at that prloe should he one of the molt economical our farms r( .4,111 use. The fundatk,n of this new sort of silo Is In Its wooden hoops. six Inciter wide, and made of itnll Inch elm lumber, sprung arottfd a form, and built up with well Idpprtl joints+, uaksg a trifle longer nail each time, until the hoop has n thlckmess for the three bottom lwope of five lay. ere- The "'meaning five top hoops require only four btyerareaeh. The aver a silo will not require more than d) feet of lumber. 'toed 40 pounds f wails, for the hasps, which n a ea and ulokl de and q y•M altouW'hot oust mare *lieu 31.-5 each, or `10 for the lel. Tile 1■ a gond deal teas titan the colt of the usual hots &OOPS It llgi. .1 throe - cornered Iraqis Ir erected at the exact outekle eircumterence el the situ, nod t11P Mop* pieced In posh ttots and fntt,•ued. The tiniest of the silo is than pot on, 01111 nuwtIJ be of Inch Georgia plus lumber three luohea wide, matched mat nailed to the hoop., the game ar the floorhig. When this lilt- ing le on wltftl, twenty Inches of the starting place, atop, and put In 2x4 studding. up and down between the letup* on each ride of 111e door for door stays and Jambe. Make rho doors of tho sena' lumber as the wells, cutting them In to "julnte" on the Inside of the hoop.. 1f tete silo IS outride tire barn. It cau be covered Witt) tarred piper, aed cheap siding, ruts both up and dowu as a protection against frust. The roof and foundation le Nee Haute as for any silo, and the outride covering could be of any Sort tho Owner wlehod, or it might go wItlsout siding, the same am any other tub silo. 11 protected from the weather the wooden hoops 'should last for year', and If at any taste the Inside Iluing became "dosy" It might be lived vv Ith tarred paper, and thou sleeting. thereby making 1t serviceable again for u number of years at =Mil cost, John Gould, the well known Ohio Dairyman and Farmer's Inetltute lecturer, wtt0 has 114'11 a number of these Nilo* lu opsra.lduto thinks high- ly of therm t'. W. Modems, Live chock lbmmtsrloner, • s r.....,....,...........:_.,................,..,...„.„,,,„1C+. • INJURIOUS INSECTS ti \Al Z And Common Farm Pests and Their Remedy. Al Department of Air allure. *hack soiutlou of ooppor rutllrate and There in no kubject of m e Im- limo wash may be prepared and kept portaoce to the farmer at (h pees- ler .eprtrate covered barrela through- ent moment than to be Inform . how out the spraying erasion. The o)unn- to deal ra p taws iubhi annual un .• e i titter wf copper •rulphitte, limn and and to grapple with his a'd water should be carefully toted. other foes In the most effcetise am roonomkial nominee. Pur potato -rut tee Mx Instead of Tho clover n of borer le b'.t treat- four poundal of copper sulpahto. ed by a short rotations and the Ifesslau Idly. pi sighing down of Infiwted fields ae e remedles for Hessian FLV aro o wn as there !r a pretty goat la sowing, the burning of all refu,o growth after the limy bean out. elth during winter or before spring, The but remedy for thhee green coo• ploug ng down the stubbier deeply ver evil Is early nutting• or sum as posellsle after the crop 1N Among roots tool vegetpt,lor, cab- cut,su to place the insect's rodeep bags wormy ars a gardener, common enemy beneath t earth that the dellcute of the market gatdeaer, Int they (Iles when they etuerge, cannot pyr can be extermlaated by donors with reach *lir se ace; or t0 run a har- and lime rum (which Is Insect powder) rtrvv oveK the acids ar soon as the end Ilene or some other dry diluting Mibntanoe. c?dpt b out, a0 to start the vol- It1 turnip Helie duet with one untcer crop fro grain which has pound of Parts green mixed with oft dropped In halves ng and Induce a poundal of flour, land plaster, slaked growth or wheat on the field sooner lime, or any other equally dry than otherwline wool be the case; powder. Mut when It t, found tat a young For root maggots of - cabbages, crop of fall wheat le . my lightly oaullflowert, radishes and onions, Wrested, it Is pbt.lble , stimulate many experimente have been tried the growth of the plants b a light with mon' or teas suecers. On cnuli- application of nitrate of sod The flowers and cabbage.' Dr. .lame. wheat -stein maggot may be re ,tedled Fletrlher, the DOnnNrion Entomologist. Ire the snore way. lots secured the b -.t results hy using Thn best remedies' for checking he the Gough tnrpaper diets, For the The of the wheat -stem saw - other ornp. car mlcturo. have 'proved of greeatatesee are the burning or pltwgleing deepst prnml.e. of all etubbles ; also burning such The beet remedies for turnipaphL' straw as le not used by the following art- spray tt.g with kerosene earth- spring. 118.1 summer -fallowing In June soon or whte-oil soap solution ono c•tsry other yeoir pound In six gallon* of water, at If the reitds lot.to not been treated r ,JJ - colonies first appear -la {a, pea—.mit fumigate" rnoo .August alto wt bleafter R Ploug•ttas down deep ldaulphlde'n■ roan as powlble titer Lv the tops as .nen as cut (roes the the puna are ripe, roots as eager AM found to be Fe the Pon -moth etkl one pound of laid upon Obese In large quantltter: Paris green lo one hundred gahuni The pear leaf 'dieter ratite (an ens- of water and add ono pound of whale - Ur be kept down hy the, nae 04 the oft pomp to -awry twentyflve gal - lime, salt, and s)Ipernr sprue lilted ions of the mixture, and spray. In winter, blit It Is difficult to ex- tettninate, and will reappear It Flahling the Cut -Worm. spraying be neglected., For lite variegated cut -worm, the For the mealy plum aphis spray rent moth of wiich In England is wall& whale -oil tutap arKl quaeelea - one pound of snap 1,, 1'44"4311011., known tee ;h" 'y i ureterwing,' Dr. of water. FIt'teiicr hair !mina either id these The red turnip beetle attacks ter• rcnntutl'c siecowsful: The banding of nips refits§res, and the hike, and the . freeitly set out annual plants with bleep remedy is to .pray- or dust lbs tinge of paper or, tie ; or the poison- phhte attacker with anwnieal pal- hvg of tate caterpillars either with eons. In tiro same W11,1' as for the { imps 01 freest) aetlreetaativa tier! in oolornilo beetle. I Intimates and, after bring dipped In A Fur the eapctrvt4ttss lactim sprly mixture of Paris goon and water, or other with either keromene emnoisn,n or whew', distributed at short In- wbale oil .cap. tut -1111m Over Infested larsl,w•Iren the Poison Enemies. For scab In potato's., sok the tub- lumbar duties*the art season Is tub - PTP either for tore hers O, a ■elalono 10'ow•n 11. the poisoned Leap renswl tion of pig ,,,t nrtmere ref commprcinl y. This was fleet need s,ax'ssfully oh n Forstmann iFo.rnraldn!rotiel, In fifteen lar Usti - gallons of water: or for an hour and torsoaceto roma yetarx ago In l'atl a. halt In a solution of two ounces fsrnha as a es reedy epithet traum- a)! corrosive .ublimate In sixteen gal• hoppers in vineyard's, saran which Ione .4 water, When dry cut op for ' time it 1110 coma morn 05541 more into planting. Formalin Iran the advent- torn, owing to Its efficacy and the age of teeing neither pinominns nor f meta' with wbioh 11 can he prepared corrosive. (brrnsive sublimate is a' and appll«i. This mixture canardsfatal polars', 11 takon internally, and merely of bran, molgtened with 11 afro co,,..mo w metal.. The so1utlon eweetr•ned vvater, and Parte green, should, therefore, be m'u1e In wood- mixes( In the proportion of one pound en or glazed vessels. All treated seed to 50 pounds of bran. In making this s cold be planted, And any solution mixture the moat convenient method left over remold he poured tato a t. to canifie1 is small quantity with holo In the grouted. I the rweetenexl ttrxter, m fete 0utiter of For flea -beetle In potatoes mar fon' ,',user In a pal of water. and then pounds of hluestone, four pounds Of tuft more dry Lame -mall the whole la aneiakwlen Ile, (o r orunoes 01 Parts 1 almost drq agate. Aft the Paris grPrn green and add to 40 gallons of water. , Is added to the brae without damp - It ',like with rernorknble cut-wormr app'ter. A modification of dale remedy' which liar given the greatest satisfaction In British ('o IN.sove the rower sulphate (by sus- iacing it, the rnpldlty to tbuttote, even In this penttlug it In a wotdeii' or earthen dry mixture, when It Is Mitred. 11 It termed containing four or five or lw drr1nd to use taw. palv0n us a wet more gnikens of water). Rinke theatry.lirntbn, mon, wvater can Iw, li' a 111 another vessel. if the lime, ' relied until It In of about the same ah sinker. 1N lumpy or granular, It cuns.Wtency rte 110111,111.1` : lilt, If to be . inn iso ?trained through coarse • used dry, dry brae meet bo mitered seeking or n fine sieve. I'o.,r the l!, until the mitture will run throtaglt (topper lhllphnte molution Into n bar- i tin finger. easily. This poison may rel, or It may be dies)Ived In tbls - than ise applied to the land, (later In the first 11b� ace; half fill the barrel' neotind or lxettvecn plants to be prot- wdtrh water. •411tH the Waked lime, fill tested, or a row of It may be nth the barrel wit water and stir.thnr- (151115 to tin"-firtniCi3f ITV, Pinta rd tenthly. It is th hpl reaely for use. Ai in thnt manure. For tomato t•af blight, 01 soon as the dlrela.e Ir dbawtervd, use Dor- 1.11111,111Y ourd.sux mixture, the formula for wblot lite given It the remedy for flea -beetle to potatoeet Arsenical sprays. Wimp the June beetle or bugs at - tuck fruit trees spray the foliage with arreulsaal pdsone. 'rake, fur bedews s, one pound of white arsenic and dt'rulvs It M atnitt four quarte of water, then use this entente eau - tom to (luck two puund( of good lams, and add enough water to maks two 'polities of tide stock int.ture. Thoroughly atlrt (lie material before u.Ltg. Arron ate of lead oar be applied to Ltrg.' quautltier without injury to the foliage, 11e110e It 1r very useful agates' beater and similar Insects that are hard to pulsus; It ala) adheres to the foliage a long time, There are throe important fungus dl.easee of tho sugar beet for which remedies 11114-0 been found. They are rtwt-rot, loaf -spot end beet -scab. The first can be remedied by putting st ty to sevnnty bushels of ate - .Inked lime to the aore : the ■s000d, by the use of Bordeau* mixture, and the third by avoiding for tits growth of beets any soil which, durlug sev- eral yourii previous, lute prudu,.ed webby beets. row V vtey.+evnnrvwease a CHATS WiTH tet YOUNG. We sometime* soy of a woman that rho doses tier work a* well as n Juan, to that It oannot be die- tlti guished from a man's work. Thea iuundr like praise, but It Is T aiby blame. Something has been lost. Distinction 1• the crows of work. 1 am no advocate of a narrtwer Ilife for wosuao% but of a lite which shell be broad enough for her to unfold her own nature. The worst slavery Ir that which makes a wo- tare proteid to be a mac. Tho strenuous life for a girl fs it form of hysterla. It le a function- al disorder. It sacrifices strength for stets*nos. tiup1Kwe she Ir at college, itudy- ing. How atoll she get the best in- telleetual results : Accuracy of per- ception, breadth of vision, dellcttuy of tmsto, respect for truth? By dis- regarding the balance a her like - Nicol cud mental nature, and plungicg into. un 'mate, pursuit of epeelal knowledge, a fledgge competi- tions tor marks and humors and prise. ? The achievement, what- ever It may be, will hardly oompen- ovate her for us) for its probable coot. Poise is more precious than penetration. Learning may be a climb, but wirdtlm Is a growth. The Mot that we know 1e 1)11 harvest of u quiet mild. The 'sanity of rr•holarshlp depends upon a normal life. The /Meet woutun'e college Iw u college for women. The best girls In It are never Imltathen boys. - Henry Van Dyke In Harper'■ Bazar. For + Lucky Daisy. A cap of beautiful old %'alsncten- uow, with a quglnt ruffle of lace. A Wring of amber and crystal de niche battle, with a double heart, furteuer of scold, A maleic of pure white Liberty reatit1, trlru,nod with open work em- broidery and rutdtetpen of chiffon, with a largo lace hood made of n lovely old Oahu of print a I'ulgullte te1eriflced for the occasion. A lint of white mull, with white marabout feathers and rosettes of Liberty" wttin,-N. T. t'ummere al Ad- ertlecr. tamale' Head of Good or h,H. "If women were more .erloue, tans- laded, Intelligent. unselfish and lov three-fourths of the de- pravity el sin which make life a curie woo disappear. The fount- alu-Tread of . hal good or evil, u( vice and cram or of honor and vir- tue, le In the 'rune, and the wile and mother ma or unmake the home.' -Bishop fiti ding, of Peoria, at the Charities afcrence. The Shawl F'ad. Wstnee leave been taught that the snug little Eton wu■ the thing. They have been ed0oated Into thinking the bolero the beet mndlum for showing at the shape. In do little blazer and the cutaway, the Norio k and the box mrd* they have seen style and cote - fort. . , Now It in the shawl. Away with the Etna, the blazer, the bolero, the Nor- folk and tin hoz coat. Away with ji'tckots of all kinds. Tice shawl's the thing. - :- Now that thr shawl has been ne- er/Ord as an article of summer wear the girl of Angus* 1e reconcile' to the Lime that she will look very like her gra isitnot her. Thorn are ahawit of all kinds -- crepe 'howls ■tripod with satin, elik Nlww•le embroidered with tootle thronds, c+amltmere shawls with great designs nppligmal upon 'them, and shawls of knitted silk ant wool. These are only n few of the many varieties tai shawl offrrat for the Inspection 1104 nholao of this girt who goes forth to buy. In tho wdtnwl revival It has been diaooverre' that drapery makes ea womnn look Mender by lengthening her lines. It loan been deckled also that the 'Howl makes her more grattefal by err to:lolling Iter in a clonal Inert end of out - tieing her simply, as in n ovoet, it has been totteet that tin 'howl given her en Oriental look, event though oho be a blonde, and that It trannformstht Mirky brunette into a w otorata at an Inetnnt'■ notice. Rlnbhs-ipjrn Newlywed habits that her marroage' was it failure. slrsbba--Achy, she. a"ttn. very happpy itlubhs- 011. 1111P 1. now; but durlug the oev-rrnony the bridesmaids got nil mixed up lit OM Stiffeeleiton and the► Icrtom forgot half Ma response.. THEY REFUSED FREE MEDICINE. Avoided the Lumbo man's Hospital and Cured Themselves by Using r. Chase's Kidney-Llver Pills. lumbermen prove their confidence In Dr. ('linea by buying h1e rrmwllrs not warm them instead of the hospilnt treatmetit nipplird them without omit. An Interesting letter Mr. John i.. Hickey, now caretaker of the Pui,I5e west Iltgle 4e1,00ls, Trenton, /int., stater: "1 env. noel Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pi11r and found them the grrvatcot medicine i ever treat. 1 used them whon In the. lumber onmpma and believe by keeping tbo kidneys and bowels regular ntvt tie' g.tteral health goal that tlwoy protPl't a person frOm catching comtagin►ts dose:'see• which err 10 common In the ramp*. "I have neon hnn.1rteda of men liming Dr. ('hewn a Kidney 1.1 err Pill. 111 the Itmber ramp". They nny them by the rkw•sn when going In, rind to show how 1g11o•le bnith they have In them they troy there when they could get their medicine for nothing by going to the huopttnl naunp. Dr. Chaim's' Kidney T.Ivrr 1'IRv keep my Ilver, kldnvye and bowels regular and my health good. 1 would not think of bring WIthtnit them." Mr. John Orr, hrmheemen, Trenton, Ont., antra "Through rtpo.nre to all Norte of weather to the lent - her onmp, and RN R. relmlt a the mtrn.in or my work, i hemline a sufrterre of kidney'lhiw,P, which 111 157 MOM took the form of vivre 'revere Prins across the hark over the kidneys 111111 *town the hips. When In tin woe'I,milting down treat tbeae i•aln+ wewtld come net mew with sorb farce that I would hnvc to give up work ardf return to ramp entirely envoi 111 "Finding thrtt n nnmher of the boys In canon nve•t De, time", Kidney Liver Pine, i *teethed to try tbPsr. and Add et with eplcidld merits. a* they thorn hey eure.f m"., 1 feel eke m old self neat, and own work goof as gtl ex the nevi one. r am grntefnt for (h!o -etre, Andhcnootly believe that Dr. Chase's Eldney. Telver )'idle nr, ern• greateat medk'lnn there Ie for IN Iney disehee." 0o. Toronto. roto"'. keiney Liver Pills, One p111 a I'ol', 1 . 'tate a box. At all easier., or Frlmrwso0, Bates r 1