HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-7-3, Page 1rad Net MueT y1 aatILTeg ar. THREE a eA.8 r r AV'TS ARE ACTIVE AGCNTs WHIN PLACI IN •+ • i JU1V E 28th dial Cannot and selling in all depart-, s not far to seek, nor tsonable goods have i. To these we have a season of remark - cheap, and because nant lots, which we ►rices that will posi _ ;very line mentioned 1 t much over-worked July, until the goods as for July Sale. linen bargain is always table to housekeepers. are some of unusual less, new anti perfect I, on sale for the first for our July sale. The aro new, the qualities the prices money -saving. 1 54 loch half blotched t.bl• bat, Good weigh" and quality. 1 be ouo.iderad extra good •al 25o per yard, spooled for July balf.bleacbed table Damask. final pattern with Forder, • e 1 bargain tor July sale. per yd extra quality heavy bean table ark, half bleached, • real good !ole, epeeist for July sale. .... 37o 72 Mob pare Ones Damask, •z l nod qualities that "old to the 4 ar way at 75) per yard, • Very al b.rga'e for July at ear yard. 50c FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR --2889 THE WEEKLY MANRt1 REPORT GOotiro.4. J one 15 110: rail Wheel 9 75 to 70 8 lour. 1•mity per owl......_1 10 to ' 10 moor. patent. per owl .......... -_1 IU to '1 Bean.. tog .. -.. _ 17 00 to l 00 shorts. a ton .......-.--.-.- W 00 tot 00 Screenings. per ewe 1 00 to 00 Rye, per bush........ ,...,.....,, u ell to 00 24u0100ea[. per bash 0 55 to 50 petapbash /S b 17 ...........�_. oboe1.bo.beak ......._..�60 to 60 Harley, tpor00 bear - 0 to 00 I'oL$ o too 30 to 10 0 liter. r bush . r_ l3 to 11 .,iter . .............. .�.._. t ser per Ib 10 to 11 Eggs, Mesh sawlike& p dos._12 to 13 Woad -..... _.. r-•• i l to 0) H ides, •.••----•••• 50 to 0) Prlty - 41 to 50 I ere Hors 53 to 50 locoed Hoag. 00 to 8) l3 a M Ilavoa• -. �. 15 to 16 Lard, per I0.• .... .._..._.. _.. 11 l0 11 Inwood Beet ton 4a•!�r 00 to 11 Dressed Reef. hied 00 to 00 (tattle, diport 00 10 aro .ordinary 60 to 2u Situations Valiant. Ur asAplGENERAL vast. Apply o MR% A. LLAN• noon n GENERAL SERVANT WANT. ed. Apply to t4IeS ROU°VII, West • beet. 1K ualo. MISS les COLBORNETimberTeber of Fletcher music method. will re move pupils at her studio, above Mr. Nattele Insurance otaoo. Hamllt so street. For lutor- metion apply either at Macho or at residence. St, Petrie& • street W. GLF:NN CAMPBELL, O rganon ad mueloal director of North street Methodist oburcb teacher of pI aro. Aloe or. gm and theory °opus prepare.' for .11 ea - laminations o the Toronto conservatory of Music. Will be plowed to receive •pp,lca tion* from all thew reaalrina$g ouch tectum tion at his new studio over Tbomwon's ramie store, Use of piano for a�Mlos may be az ranged for. 6nf Publics Notts* WARNING. -ANY PERSON HAI H - mg from the Wised' adog the ferry without permission, *bootleg. or otherwise 170 Ii'IIP ssi°I1tl upno any part of the property wUl he at rested and prosecute! re C. ATTRI1.1., Ridgewood !'ore. 1m Sateen, 6c. d. cream Sateen It is • regular goahIT, and would melee good g Heoau.e this shade does not reel. rat It 00.r doting oar July at psr F•N .... ... be een Skirting, 35c. de fancy mereeo okirtleg. real quality, wall make • handsome ,ervioeable skirt, wiggler 60•, •1 tor July sale air dren's Tama, I5c. IJr.o's ferny 1'.m-. assorted ei and m.terfst.. regular 25, and ler July sale each ....... ,... 153 's Peaked Caps, 19c. men's peaked (lay, lost we in stook, sold •t 25, nod 50o, my sale, mob 190 0 Corsets, 25c. SIZES 18 ANI) 19 ONLY. '. standard $1.00 ('emote, slam, 3i 19 loots ooly, for July Dale. lair 25: 's Collars, 5c. n'. linen Collars. re.u'sr 15Jand 15.111, assorted styli*, olesrlsg sch . . .. ,. tain Muslin, 15c. le fancy curtain Maslen, tine q.•). white .round wleh yellow and s1k ombro!dery strip., regular for July sale. per yard l:.o lack Cotton Spools, 3 for 5c. leek cotton Spool.. 200 yards of thread on rack .pool, nearly all 40, olsarlsg at July sale .. .3 for ho arasol Bargains. .nay silk Parasol., Lesorted les and patterns. the regular oleos!. prloe le $18 00 per dozen. bought ,hem cheap, std for July sale e.oh will be 754 ck Parasols, 95c. .wbl.ok i'araaol•, strong frame. ,I rod, top that will not ono or o roily, speolal for July, each950 •asols at $1.98. 1 Value $3 00 Parasol., strong frame, steel , patent runner', silk top. hand is handl.. of:reirl mad miser. Mar $3 00, for July tale.. . $1 y' ton Chain Carpet at 45c. Dolton chitin CCoji L. the filling pure wool, the warp fitly Wog 50, le • 00'' w C.a. glees ezeel. wear, 0". govt.« n o.Sy, regular for July sale . . AS. Brussels Carpet 30c. ds In•o IS u tete C pee 27 inehee pend go+li•7 e....8 ,TO patterns. kr 7,01, for .lar y u It r yard ..101 k Shaker Flannel at 8 I-2cts Ards 36 snob plok flanselet6e. 'y weight, fast rimIr, ep)olai for sale. per yard Rio ets at 65c. you bought • n9 good ma - .1 as is in these sheets, by yard, the sheet length I(1 cost you 85c or 90e. Tuly sale wo give you a t ready to 11RO for 65e. shoats. /nod quality twilled ,Ing, heavy weight 2iyde. yid. 4y4. loop, wNo h,m nelh sods, 111 for Jot, male, '•eh 650 BROSP l)ROF tl. L. TAUBE l £Nl rat-7111Mo ORtetLN 000 520 lPKCIAI.INT All kinds of Speot/Wee and Myst/lame' made border Special aiteatlo0 el ren 13 deti.5 the eye. Orden by mail promptly attended to Re• ware of parties naiad m7 aunt. as 1 employ O o trvt lien .seats whatever nauefaotloe 'guaranteed. E.teblisbed 107 t. 151 RICHMOND STREET W., TJItON f(1 Rooms to Peet. F• UKNIIBHED HOUSE 10 LEL' FOR Jai, gad As.vr, Sear Harbor Perk. Ap- ly lis. 186. Oodrlea. 1'114) RENT. -800319 ON HAMILTON 1 street at pretreat occupied by i. N. Lewis as low offices: win eb•se. Into small store If .eoeeesry. Or roosts ovate Mir Gamma', More with front alts 111111, estnnoa S. N. LKWII. H _. e - - Por Salla. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS /OR SALK DAN6yf °"ge'o ward AMA/u I. F. ACKTYLiNK GAS MACHINE FOR rle In good Made, 33 lights. Aloe • tastily of fixtures. I.. t. DANCKY, 711-3o VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY FOR rale, oon'a'ning 61 acres, being composed of lot 12 In the 5th .xneemloo. and / Serie, pert of lot 12in the Ith concession. Oo derlch township. Thie • first clam farm son U sIto- s4d Shout four miles from .,ederlah, Title rperfect. Forp•rtloul.rs apply to the under- imed Dated Ind July. 1991, PHILIP HOLT. Oederich. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO LF:r. That oommodlou, eminence on St Petrick'. street at present oc3upled hy ►. W'. Doty. I'o.sewelon mer he had io about two west•, Apply M MRS. M. M HAYS. 2 TVo FARMS FOR SALB.-LOT 6, concession 7. Colborne. 000talnIng It ) scree. Lot f11, Maitland eoneeesloo, God erloh township, containing 75 acres. Roth farms are well fenced .u4 veil watered ; 'tool hafting' and heat cans archer.. on each farm ; nearly ail ander groes Sixty per cent. Of the purchase money may remain on merlins.0.l percent. For particulars apply b T. BURNS. Carlow, RAO Ft)R SALE OR TO RF.N1'. - MRS 8trsoka0 offers for ..lo or to rent the property at present oocnoled by her, 00 the oorner of Victoria and Brune streets. There is a largo oonerste banditti/ containing dwell- ing hoose and store, with all po0yeoienoes In oo0neotion There I. also a atory•and a half frame dwelling situated on the same Int. Terme reasonable. Apply to MRS. $TRACHAN, on the premises. OLD PAPERS FOR HALE, FOR PU1' Uag under carpet,, eta Apply at Toe Sloe AI. (Moe. Zbie jowl. TX -1-23 NEWBPAP37R, OP HVRON OOVNT '- LOOK AT YOUR LABEL l IT SHOULD 'BE MARKED PAID FOR .;.1902 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : JULY 3, 1902, D. M°G1LLICUDDY, EDITOR. RAILWAY CAMPAIGN. Huron, Brune and Grey E1eo- trlo Railway. P aNle Meeting* at Pert Albers. Laekn.w, re , Grant's ..d kMe.0-tau way to Sas 1. Lwrk.•w .. lee goat and Aseberley e. the West. The first publio tusetleg In 0000ectloo wit 11 the Huron, Ilruge and Grey Elsetrto Rulway o.mpaign was held to the Fores- ter.' hall, )'ort Albert,on Friday, Jane 27411. !'here was • good attendance of the rate- payers, .n.) 000nldsrable interest to the disoussi.,a wee manifested, James Cr•w• had eras uoa0lmously elected et „Orman, and •ddremas were ghees by Messrs. 6106411 - caddy, W. Lane, W. Campbell and M. U. Cameron, In favor of the project. The too. Mlle to result from the construction of the rot.] were strongly,put before the audience. and r.esiyed the ledoresrueot of everyone 10.1.01, with the exception of Geor,le H.w- klu, 1%8.0 took the platform wale. Hes re marke did not meet with the approval of bar friends nod neighbors, .ae be was "milled down' to unmistakable moaner. Tb. Indications ars that Part Albert nod nomlty will give • .trope vote la (••or of the rellw•y bylaw on July 813. LU('KNOW. The second meetio5 of the campaign was oa Saturday, Jape 21tb, at 3 o clouts, Reeve Albu 1' tn. oh•lr. U. McGillicuddy wog the hest speaker, .god stated that It aims,. was the intention of the oemp.ay to bring the railway to Lu_koow. He expl.lo"d how ooetalo br•nolu were out off or short- ened by the r.ilw.v oommlttee, and t0•1, the member for West ifuroo Dot being pre.e01 at the railway oommlttes meetlmg, the Zine from Nile to Luokoow had bees "blue peauilled" •t Dan8annoo, Howe•er, Hoo. John Dryden, chairman of the com- mittee had intimated that appltoatioo to oo0tmu. to Lockoow would be removed n ext session. nod it was the Intentloo of the railway director", to apply for salsouun at the Orel npportuotty. W. Luke and W. Campbell gave stat,saoa In oaoo.ctioo with the protein and strongly aJvocste'I the construction of the road. James Heys!), .1 Irlckoow, •oined the . otlmat of that village, when he said that echoes the road came to Luck.ow be woul 1 oppose it. but that it • guarantee ware L yon t I u bat the road would be carried to t that 00)1.4., he, and the lob•b,0ante teosr•I.y, would do .verytbin4 in their lower to promos the prrjset. M. 0. Cameron, 11 1'. P., stated ihot there would bo Da d.ttioulry to procuring a guarantee ria the Ione Iodloated by Slr. ISryan and said t0at 11 be were in the house text session be would take care that the ablator wee •n,ead4d so that the looe would extend not only to Luckeew bat Intim( sorts it 01aee1119 The meeting was brought to • alma In the moat b., moolous manner, Sines tb. Luokoow mestiog we are able to uaoabo0 that the necessary guarantee for the •xten.lon of the *Mottle railway from Uuu,(•.noo to Locknow hoe been g vso by the president ant directors of the 11., H. & O. Elentrlo Railway Co. DUNGANNON. Saturday evening Net • well &Heeded msetiog was bald la Gay's bell, In the in- terest of the Elestno H.IIw•y Co., Coon- oillor Barclay 10 the nhair. Addresses to favor of the toilsome were given by U. MoGulwadiiy, W. Lan., W. Campbell. Joseph Beck and M. 0. Cimerah, M. 1' 1' A number of 90estioos were eked and aa.wwr.d eatista.tortly, Meer which an eommeitlo oommltt a wag to !mod to mat oat the Tote ori the 8th of July. ORANT'S SCHOOLRUUSE. Oa Woodsy, Jane 30 b, a meeting is the A'I' PBIVATF. BALE That b10 stone hottaa with 7 -roomed Krick addition, situated on Proton street. Toe hones le dry and warm, being (toed throughout with 4 -inch plank, 1t 1s 03lld and en hs aotlal. 11 was built bythe late SheriGibbons when In his prime Wet for a day but for alt t me. The fOnndatlon, are about 3 lent thick and will mortise.. se log,!( as the Pyramids or Egypt. A homy aeekey Or In realer who reel Ieee the 4otent'dltles of fresh paths and paper, whloh aro Inexpensive, sod of etas., wb oh le Dane fully cheap, by . little planning sod judi01001 espendltore can modernize It Into an 00.80 due mansion. I smart most etrenu0Qppsly and rootlets./ that • big return will *eters to the aloe -awake Investor for the best of an rea- son' :hat ha has a broad and solid foundation an rr.dy to bt. hoods. The same cannot he said of a shell nr veneer. Jet those who are on the lookout for • soft snip isysetlgate, le rMliw.te, I0•rellga'e. Duel. Mdr;esM to THKO. J. MVGRHOUSE, Hayfield P.O.. nil, lowly" ,mace/ attention. Mae 7M. 11104. 11 -It MORTUAOK SALE OF VILLAGE PROPERTY. Under sad pursuant to ib. power of sole setalned In a cereals; mortgage bearing date Me 27th dal of Ii.o.mt.,, a"4. and made to the a, atm.. and whish will beprodw'M at the Um* of sale. there will bo .old by gold o e.0-. tion, by .loan F Nowa, •Bo lonser, at the Oommero alILn1. 1. In toe villas. of flayfteld, 0e. I nesder.tbe 15th d., cf July. IDM. at 12 dc'ork owe, the following valuable pproperty. Mm.l, : 1.114 411, 116,.44, 11D and SM. in the 0114 village of Hayfield. contain 0t one 111011 604 1 'nlar4sr. 1- pen 18Is property that Is • 8144017 frame t'r'ue, WOO a frame barn. Then are woeful ehnteefrolt.r'oe on the land T.O. 4• d..tr- *hie pr0party, Terme -. Tea per raton the dal of eel., sod the toluene wtthla roe month there - atter. For farther1pulire apply to t 0 ant► eloseor or tot oe n.Aerslerned, hated th'. 1841 der of Jo to 1004. JOHN FERGUSON. PHILIP 1101,1, Auntlpaeer, Vendor's Ito tetter. 1)aylide. 1, 31 YWdekh• jidodidlal. D- Rw. F. OALLOW, PHYSiCIAN e•f Ie AaiN stets � In �Hest ofN o e u ra"y ij je, ight st. 11Y, "•'Set" p, Physloal Culture. THE iNTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL. CULTURE, ROCK 18 LAND. 1LL fhb wonderful sworn of pb7•f al culture will wive you •good appetite and a d'Kn eeon to match 1 You oa0 enjoy every moment of your 11$0 and ,l.ep soundly at night, Nemo't head.ekee. Constipation and other disorders disappear. Age makes no difference, 1 •m forty-ee"en year. old myself I'hysieal cul- ture to •pc me healthy. Everybody who hes aced It praises the syste9m of exercise used by the International School of 1 'hy sloe' Culture. However badly run down or weak you may be It will make you healthy, No medicine re- quired. A few lady .,Penta emoted. For full information address or roll on J. E DRY() rEle. General Representative, Etat et., Oodertok. Notices to Creditors Int 1 the eleotrlo railway we. held in Went'. sthoolb'u•e. C.anoillor John Mc- lotyre oouupisd the chair. Addressee were pito a by U. M.Otluouddy, W. Lute, Jwuuh Beck sod M.U. Cam woo, M. P. A Dumber of questl005 were asked by the members of the audtesoe and satld.ctorly •Dowered by the member. of the rw'lway deleg•tloo. Simnel of the audience were »lied upon to express their oploleos, nod the remarksmad• by Outsold Bryd, Maloolw Mcl)uoald, McKay, J•mteseo. F,olayeoo, and others, were favorable to the scheme on oeodttlo0 that the line did riot stop • Kmtail, bet wool through te Amhsrley. D. McGillicuddy and M. 0. Camaro°, M. P.P., assured We aud,srce that it was the lotto• Won of the eempany not only to build the IIOe to Amharicy but to extend It to Kia o•rdise, %Vtertoo •ui Oise Sound. Toe ■ ecaIeary gu•rarte•in regard to the Am- b*rley ezteosloo would be gloom a'• mesh log of the provleloual directors 'blob world be bold In Goderiob on Tassd.y morale,. KINTAIL. A well-ttteaded and eothodutto meeting Im favor of the deotrlo rallw.y was held 111 MODouala'e Hall Tosday eventing. Rceye Dalton of Ashfield 00000led the chair, He hoped that every person who had • 90estion to ask would present it at the meeting, as the fullest Lad freest di.oue- Moo was in order. Personally he was In Layer of the road, ita be believed It was time that this northern section had • good railway service. W. Lane dealt with the goo Hon from a financial point of view nod ezprenod the opinion teat • davld.od on $50 000 worth of stock would more tbao oompen.ate for the annual Interest and slaking tuod, and ttus says the •leoton from any 111.tioo 1.1 00 - neattu0 with stock taking. He commend- ed the directors for their eotlo0 la carrylo5 oat the prellmivary work thus lar at their own 6195 es. Major Beck detailed the proceedings 1. refsreeoe to 611 lir its 1111,00.s forhe read, and for obtaining • charter from the Levitating. He ale. gay" his impudence In u000eotloo with tae Metropolitan road ex- tending from Tcrooto to Newmarket, and claimed that the proposed H , B, & G. road would run thr.ugh • lar tetter and more prosperous coition of country than did the Metropolitan. D. Mc/i,lliouddy detailed the causes that led to lbs inception of the present project, and believed that the road would be u.. of the best pylog Investments in the Country. Catitalur were w11(10g to invest, but they were anxious to De wowed toot they hal the sympathy and support of the people in the.eot,ou tbr.ugb white tae road would pec. If toe.ib rd of the cost of oeoatrno. tion oould b. mot loeal),. there wool 1 be no d,HualtY in obtaining the other tea. -thuds outside. The mum cepethie• that took stock would not be oat of pocket for the twenty years that the debentures rap, as the di,idead• would mon than compensate, ✓ od at the sod of twsoty years on • div - dead of 8 per vont. an *000ity ot 14,000 would to deviled, which would pracitoally keep up the highways el the muaio•paluy for ail time and thus save the Megaspore $2 50 on every theu.0d dollar Dot. He was in a petition to say that the road would be extended to Amb+rley should the bylaw carry, and that at • meeting ' f the directors held that moraine the oe.ssary guarantee had hese given. and woull be pi•.•ed in the hands ct the R.eve of the 100.0541(9. M. 1;. ('.moron spoke along the same lite and said that as A.bfi•14 went on the Be of July so wouldtgo the other moofcipelttler. II the people of Aeb6eld wanted the road, they 000ld have It by identifying themeslyes with Ir. If they failed to avail themeless of this opportunity, they owl not hope to hoar of anything in favor of railway com- mu0loatioo tor the nest twenty-6ve years. A strong committee was formed at the aloes of the meatiest under the sapsrioteod- •noo of M•Inr Beck, and it 1e believed the. this diyldor will give • large vats in laver ul the bylaw NOTICE TU UREDl FORS. fn /he Mutter of the Rafale n/ George Jamie sow, tate of the Village of Rowlett', County 01 Huron. Preehgfrr'law Minister, drrragedf. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to 'The Revised Stemma( Ootarl0 1897. chapter 120. the. all crtdIors and others having claims morainal the estate or the maid George Jamie - eon. who Mel cm or about the I lth dal of februar7. 11 1, are regnlre4 On qr before the lith day of July, 8092. to .end n► Dost pt opnld or deliver to Messrs. Ingerso 1 It Kloge'one. St. ('at hayloft, tint„ sollo(tors for Wm. Jami,. boo, admiieed, theiror of he esters Christian andenrname+f the . aid dreal dreams and drsorf ptlonf, the full Dan lealars of their olalme. the statement of their arias. and the nature of the .0a•er,Nm, 40 any, held p7 them. And further take anti e that .'ter 0,170 Met mentioned date the mid a4,ulnletrator will rewod 8e distribute the assets of the said de. cowed •mane the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the elaimn of whloh he shall then have notice, and the mid .dminis- tr.te1 will not he liable for the old swots or any part thereof to any person or pontoon of whew claims notice shall not hare been rective1 by hlm at the time of ouch dtstrlba tion. Dated the I18h day of June to10. 0xt.9ULI, t KINf4TONI. 22 Ontario st. 8t Catharines.. (Int. eollolt.ws ter O.prte Jaminson. adminlatr•- tor of the retitle Of (]gorge Jamieson. deceased. Ineuranoe. eta. 1HA9. !;. !HAW, GENERAL INSIJR- 3) ANCE and real estete went, OMvo, toe floor east of P.O.. Uoderioh. Arrant for the lading mutual sr. Iemirenne Dorn ?voles and loading steak .pmynnl1. Mercantile and manufacturing rifts t oweet rata 0611 at oMoe. _ _ UTR. KORKRTSUN. • Aoneuntent snit loeuranos Agent Basks and wnonnnte made np. Hn1litIngn rented and rents 00110ete.. insnr•noa In Sottish and ('emotion lea In ProeAfeot g Hay• .elm, North Mame 6e4erteh, 43 tf ' J. T. 5AFTli1.. (iI,NKRAL IN• • OURAN°S art Real Ifetet0 agent. AeeN"atsd Plate Glans Insnrsn0e Ie11p i Owl or ash plan .1 lowest ed Re ttt$Sg(20b and Canadian companies works - Cor ioohu art the fire grater. There were . Dumber of pseuegers un board, who bad rather 10 unpleasant cline of 1t, tactual probably unaware CI the real oo0ditlo0 of .Rain. The Orelfreas lost about four hours on the trip, as she oat due here at 12 0 cloak, end would net have been able to weather It lough loner. Sb" was run up into libellee water, gut the leak was re- paired, and Friday afurooe's ale uootioned her trip up the take. Some of the pas - wagers to the mimetime had goes to their dstloetioua by rall. ('voToxe AN0 lough Rsvtnoo Kok/or-re -The outgoing receipts at tee pore of 1Jod0- rtoh and its oetporle during the year sadism Jon• 30th, 1902, were as follows Uoderl°b $13,222.16 Clinton ... . . . 9,608.66 Wtogh•m 6,44923 Kincardine 4,498 02 9eslurth 9,357.78 Southampton ........ 3,472.28 Luokoow, P. U 6.43 Tat•! . $47,014 46 to the preeeding year. *.ding J one 30, 1901, the oolleetiooa were $34,426,39. Iaureas, $12.588 07. The number of entries during the year jest 000claded was 3,179 Tbs rootlets of intend revenue at Goderiob for the year oodles June 30, 1908, were a fol- lows Oa imenses $ 170 00 " spirits 1,617 05 " 03111 2,220 00 " oleotrio light inspection 25 00 $4,032.05 A LETTER 10.0.4 Vol a :4.-J. H. Tigre - ley writes 'Cru St.reioi from Yorktoo, N. W. '1' , to wbiob pian• be wear some time ago on leaving Goderiob. Yorktoo, he sap. to • small town ot 1,(00 population, nosily situated to a fine farming dutrlot. There are • oumbsr of wealthy farmers In the dutrlct, owning from 640 to 1,700 acres. The land le being very rapidly taken ap, and !n the ne'ghborhood of the town home- atudi0g is a thing of the put. The weather lately has been unfavorable, ani the rains have oleo so treaty that reacher. Ilvfo5 ata Mottoes 010 hardly mat to tows. Tt it population Is of . very cosmopolitan ohmmeter : it is maid toot In the town and viuioity twee :evan different ton4011 are spoken. Mr. Townley was amused by the customs of the D oukhob era. To, man hitch Ihemselyes to their wageoe, their re 115100, ft seems, noticing that borne, shall not b pot to this work. Fourteen to six- teen MOO will draw • wagon loaded with twenty pyo begs of ft Aar a distonos of forty miles, making the trio 1r. one and • hall to two days. Though there are many of these pe•ptr, the luh•bitaow of Me town aril immediate T.oioi•.y .re must! from Ootarlo, AROUND TOWN. Onbral,u,w Dlrrau-r LoDng.-Theas- ou.I meeti0g for district No. 15, 1.0 0.F , was held .t S,aiorth on 03 eloesdy eyrn.rig of last week. Five latices were repr•s•oted, the Uoderioh delegates being Jas. Reid awl Hy. Reed. Bro. Gibson, of Laub, was sleeted D.D.O.M., and tiro. J. C. Steven- son, of Chalon, district secretary. At the oo°oloeton of the bestows of the meeting the visiting brethren were ectettained at luncheon •t the Omen's hotel by the fluor - berm of the Se•forlh lodge. DomioIe2 DAY -Them we. 00 Dominion Dty oelebre.,ton in Uoderich, and the day was a very pilot ono. the display of bunt- ing was about the only onward demonstra tion to honor ot the day , among the f1.ge which were hoisted beth, that of the C. S. Coagulate. The stores. of ammo., were closed, hot eon a of the f.etorles were work• log full blast. It Was almost an Ileal day in point of weather, • loot that In itself was enough to make It remarkable io these drip• ping time'. to the event'. the Marine (land played on the Siloare. It le to bir hoped that another Dominic. boy will no; psis without a eslehration in Godarloh. se west to�� w t °arrow. iter - AT Ttu LAKE F R.,NT -Th air. City of the H:raitr, of the Brow. Ila made bar drat .all ori Friday evenlof, and denoq the time ale was to port was rutted by many of the towoepeople. the City of the Straito is the tartest pogoeoger boat oallio4 here. She is fitted up a very handsome et,le, and le a first -flew boat 10 •vary raspier, Her leugtk is 268 feet and beam 68 Zest. Her oaptala lean old Goderiob man. Capt Chea, Molotosh one of the veteran. of the Iakee. First Ufliwr A. Roheruoo, Second 081er F. Hammond, Ohl. f h:i m poser J. M. Sorriest, Flat Aseetent Engineer Bert McMahon. P Geo. Mason sot Stewart M &M.rsen are the ether Alamo . . • There are now four steamer oeliin regularly at Uoderioh, Th. City of lbs Straits tut the 1'.ttsburg, of the Brown line, running from Cleveland t. Hanle Ste. Marls, mod the Kist/ E lward mod °wtfrag., of the Algoma Uantr.l line, sailing between Toledo and the Soo. F:aoh boat mekn • weekly ro.od,tnp, oslh.p •1 Uoderioh both ways. The Coy of the M;raita goes north Friday at 8 P. and south Tuo.day At 8 A. r, The Pittsburg goes 'torch Tuesday at 8 P..4. and smith Saturday at 8 4. M. Th. King Edward poem north Saturday at 6:15 1'. .4. Lad month Thursday at 9 A. M Th. O.afrags goes north Wednesday .t 11 P. M. and south Monday .t 1 P. M, The King Edward takes to Parry Sound on her route. The err. Ho,e4ale arrived u0 Hao,.v with 82,000 bushels of wheat from Fort Williams. St.. oummeooed to unload at mhduight .t the big elevator, and cleared le the 0Lter000n for For William Th. schr. Katandin arrived Sonday from Thee - salon with a load of lumber for the 1)ym.nt yard. Th• Kong Edward Moody morning took on 600 bogs of 6101 from the harbor mal for Parry Sound Th. eche. Tndman, hgh', was 1n port from Sandy to Wednesday Cspt, Lawson was on the way from Sombre. to Joh°e ldaod,The ate. Topeka arrived Tuesday night from Cnlos4o with 70,000 bushels of corn for the eley.Lor, to he shipped to the New Eemla•d States. ....Tie air. MO.. To.. ley eveoing brought in 41,000 bushels of wbeet trom Fort William. 7.000 bushels for the L 11 & M, Milling Co., and the balance for the elevator. Moue o1 TUE Mack CATs. -'1 he •warda have been made In the "Bleak Cat" pater. competition held by Mesas. Holgene lir.. Qolte • number of school pupils gent In glomera, and • considerable .mount of girls oallty is sheen In the various forms wh'ch Grimalkin Is mode to assume. 'rho pictures ars displays! In one ot Maine. Hedger's Brae,' wiodowst.cd,needlees t o a ty, the window u'• groat o.ntro 01 attraction, The piotare. were all sent to the Cheatham wholesale •een's for the il:ack Cat hosiery, who .warded the prizes as followcColleglaie lues' ate p°pile -no, Hob.Cr•igie; 2•d,Owen MoGilhoodel I. Public ecbool pupil/oleo low Harlan 1; 2,d, Nils.' Card. It wag intended that (11t pr see "heal! be divided between the Pupils 0t tows and those of the country schools hat se the 0000(1y pupils did not show mash Interest In the oompelitlon, sad the Collegiate nictitate pupil" sent In .held plotarw, It wet deol ted to rq.k• the awards as indicated above. Mach boy or oirl who submitted • plrtnre remelted • King Rivard f,rthlnp in a.oeyenir setting. R. T. or 1. DISTRICT MERTINii -The semi-oonual meetlnrol Huron District Coat- ed, Royal Templar" of Temp.nnoe, war held at 1YIo,h•m Jun. %4. The Dutrlot Ceunelllor, Mr.. Cohn (ampbell, oowooled the ohsir. There eve representatives from lioderioh, Vales, Wmpham, Exeter, Sea - forth and Farquhar. The morning 'earl, n was taken up with aplelotlog committees nod 1 routine bosloe1.. The after. noon session was coiled le order at 1:30 P. w. The report of the District Heotetery snowed • membership of 278, and the Du - 'riot Treasurer reported all bills paid eqi • A DA9utnnov }'ASSAeg.-Inst Wednee- day Dight was • stormy hoe on the water, and the Itr. Ose'fnge had • rough pusses ap'the Take. In add it on to the large goat - tides of water ahipre I owing to the rolling of the rebel, the pounding of the us forced her to spring a leek In her larboard bow a (maple of hoar. before her arrlyal here, and It b.o•me . abetter of $ray@ (mines whether •h. would be able to riafte 14a pert The St 101.1 eerrfed a het•y load of Iro'gkt both In her bold sod on dock. ooh*isllog largely of salt, loaded at W humor for Sault Ste. Marie. There as also a finality of sugar, veritable., stet , and half a demos hones. The sweeslly for keeping all the pump. working. °onpled with the *sot that the -entre Rn mold not be nevi as tth.re was ton monk water In the bold, left as al- to pller lead«t°ate'topple of atesm to pro- pel the treat, tied et the INt every to save the steam had to be adoptid, h. dynamo eau stoppd, and eaten el the Detre wog threwo overboard. nattily, abbot fear .'sleek Thursday morale/ the vessel atered Ur limbo?, w111 wily 'West .l.Iy psw•ds el abeam a0d with Ibr raw weirs aka by tb. Dieter. ftz.oelloo. Opt. Wismar( FAIR, furl DON -Tab year Che•dal' favorite exhibition will be 0.1d from dept. 1210 to 2010, • weak later then lot year, and following the Ottawa and Toronto shows, gritty s0oeeslve seer lbs .tanagers of the Westoro fair make • move forward, and this year will be ori szoepIiou to tn.e regard. Preparations are bolo, made whloh will keep the old " Western" well to the trout as the meet eouoeestul as well as the loading lira stook and Agricultural show of the Dominion. Now and loterestioe features are being tatto:mood for the (ir•t time. lows important changes will be made ,o tee atr.nromoot of exhibit's In the novo u well am In other departmsoa. This year will see the ,htroduotloo 1n the art gallery of m•.y works of .rt of boor merit, by the lading ulrotant the country. A large ezhtb.t 18 steered :n oo0ssg00001 of an Improvement to premiums In that department; artiste of note have already signified their io4ant1,• of inhibiting. I: 'a clod fo t'ly expeo'sd that the machine, y anJ agrIOoltur•1 Imp'emeot departmeat• w 1. be well filled, Mm" of the ler4e.t m1•al.0'1lrefe of the (Jotted Saots have in da app '01t100 for space, .holt bar been •L.t;,d them. A Dumber of Canadian ma rel aotur.rs are •1.0 anxious to exhibit. Doubtless ohs growing agrto0l ural wealth of oar 0100807 offer• great t.duo•mente to the manufaatarior oonceroe across the fine. I. est year's uoparal.11ed rooms. In the Into •took depart- ments will no doubt be repeated. Exhibits In the various okapis mere se numerous that titillate's .,.01d for other purpose' had to he Larne 1 Into stall., as well es . 000mmodatioa provided outside lbs ground'. Toe prorpeots of goo 1 oropa tbrougLout oalario ahouid toad to maks the Western 1.'r of 19)2 equal to soy that have been, as rorarde the produate of bath farm aid dairy It Is somewhat earl/ to ✓ efer to the aperitif att'a,'lona but we are *attired tba the mu'Atemeut bare already moored some sbr1Uleg and highly sensational . e:obatio featares,,nd the list is far from be- ing oomple'.• yat,a fud let will be .dyrtled 8. ibis paper Tater on. Ai 1. usual .t this time ea 112 year, the of1t3e staff are busily ag.ged to m.tltoi prize lista and other ad writ slog mater throughout the Province. The .corettry Whom, us that he will be plowed to mail lists to any Jos making •pplioat,00. A copy of rho 0.147 revised mop of western ()Aerie will also ba mailed to arty *Atheists. I is a moat *omelet" map, haying a full marginal index, with railwaye.ul statics" speol.11y marked se that pl•o a ow be sus ly found. The map hae been 000yrlgbted. Kaon school throughout ()memo hog been furbished with a luftimtent number to supply sash room. COMING AND GOING Mu. Nettie Cowan I. vuit,ag to D,tloll. I). Mulrer made a Irep to Buffalo ebb week. Mus .J000le Lawson is vim tog n Detroit. Will. Hawkins, of Windsor, le •islting se Dr. Clark's. Geoffrey Holt le bomo from 'Trinity Col. lege, Turooto. Mum Etta Burry vidted friend. at Wing bum this week. Walter Maodould has returned from Upper Canada College. E. H. P.smore, of Detrote, made a brief sadist home this weak M. W. Howell visited his hems near Brantford over Sunday. A. W. Hadden spent several day. to Alvinaton the put week. J F: Beet, of Seifert, was els of the holiday trotters to town. Mrs. P. B Crewe, of Cllotor Is visiting her mother, Mrs. }'ridham. Mrr, 1). Johnston and son. of M.Itoo, are visiting their relative. herr. Will Blank has returned from Detroit and Is working at the organ factory. Mo. May Hetaher, of Detroit, is lee guest of Mrs. Logos Mclh_n.ld. Mina Loo's. Andrews h.. returned Lome from Zurich for the school vacation. M at Mary Oberman Is home from ler oohool at Ridgeway for the holiday, Min Emily Bachannn, of Klogsvllle. Is home for the summer school variation. Miss Ethel harrow, who teaches oar Grand Brod, is FIRM. for the holidays. THE H B. a• G. VAC rim WOAD. (something like $2.50 on eaoh $1,000 FOR over a quarter of • century f of assessment for all time. 1 In addition to the benefits that would accrue., as above stated, at the end of the period of twenty years, there are many immediate benefits outride of proximity to markets and the advantages for passenger traffic. Amongst these are the following : Outside of the steel and iron that will be used per mile for construction Were wit'. be an expenditure of some $6,000 per mile in ties, poles and labor. The furnishing of ties and poles alone will cosh at least $4,000 per mile and will provide • market not only for every tie and pole along the line of road, but also for • large portion of the ties and poles elsewhere in the municipality. In this way the township by taking $50,000 stock in the road will obtain a market for $112,000 worth of ties and poles for telephone and trolley service, which will thus put in circulation in the municipality during the year of con- struction twice more money than the township will have to pay to secure stock in the enterprise. During the time of construction a large portion of the wages of the employees will be spent in the municipality, Bad this will be no inconsiderable sum, and will prove an immediate advantage to the ratepayers. There is another way in which the taxpayers will be greatly benefitted. The carrying of passengers and freight by the electric road, which is bound to keep up iits portion of the road allowance, will materially' lessen the wear and tear on the public highway, u it will be safe to say that not one fifth of the vehicle travel now necessi- tated will be in vogue when the oleo tric line is in service. In this way the repairs to the roads on which the cars run will be much lessened and the statute labor of the townships will be decreased to that extent. In the above we have briefly put be- fore our readers some of the innumerable advantages that will result to thesubar• ban residents should the present pro. ject for providing railway service in the northern townships be endorsed by Ashfield on the 8th of July. The necessity for better railway transpor- tation facilities in the northern town- ships is apparent to •11 ; the benefits to be derived trom such a road are in. calculable ; the amount of stock taken would be returned three times oyer by the money spent in the municipality during the time of con. struction ; during the years for carry- ing the bonus the interest and sinking fund would be more than compen- sated tor by the dividends from the stock ; the cost of keeping up the township roads would be minimized by the carrying of freight and paasen. gars by the electric road ; and at the end of twenty years the dividends from the stock would materially assist in paying the expenses of the munncip, .lily. These are good end sufficient reasons why it is the bcunden duty of every ratepayer In the township to devote sufficient time on Tuesday nett, July 8th, to poll his own vote in favor of the enterprise and to see that his neighbor does likewise. there has been as agitation in Huron county to better railway faeilitles. Time and again efforts have been made by the people of the different sections to get together and formulate s workable scheme, froom one cause or snottier diffbuterences •erose which hindered the work from cowing to a succeuf,l completion. The Huron Jr Ontario, the C. P. R. to Guelph, and the C P. R. to Wing - ham have each in its turn come be- fore the people, but in every instance the shaping of affairs was in the hands ot outside railway men or promoters who were not conversant with the re- ,luirementa of this part of Western Ontario, and the result was anything but favorable to the success of the project. cwt year a number of business men and others of (]oderich under- took to look into the advantages that would accrue to Huron county by the construction of a belt line of electric road which would serve in a practical way every township in the county, and with that object in view the ser- vices of • competent engineer, N. HAN805 (:RgsN, of Montreal, were se- cured to investigate the scheme The result of the engineer's trip through the county was a report in favor of the project, both for freight and passenger traffic, and acting upon the report • charter was applied for and obtained at the last session of the Legislature. In the interval • number of the councils of municipalities in Huron and 13ruce were seen and franchisee obtained for right of way and other privileges. Recently capitalists have been in duced to look toward Huron as s field for railway investment, and we learn with satisfaction that there is every reason to believe that s large part of the capital needed to construct the road will be supplie.l,on condition that the municipalities interestexl will show their earnest desire for improved transportation by taking a certain portion of stock in the enterprise. With this end in view the Company has entered into negotiation with several municipalities and as a result the first of a series of stocktaking votes will be submitted to the electors of Ashfield nn Tuesday, July 501. The amount of stock called for by this vote, as will be seen by the advertise- ment which appeared for several weeks in this paper, is $50,000, the interest and sinking fund of which will call for an annual payment of $3,679 for a period of twenty years. Should the railway pays dividend of 5 per cent., the annual payment would be reduced $2,500,thue leaving only $1,179 to bis levied on the township, which would represent. an annual tax of only 75c on each $1,000 of assessment ; a 6 per cent. dividend would decrease the ennusl payment t3 $679 per annum, or 36 cents on every $1,000 of rum - moot ; and an R per cent. dividend would wipe out all payments and place an annual surplus of 1321 in the treasury of the municipality. At the end of twenty years the township would be free from all ancual pay- ment., and would own $50,000 worth of stock in a paying enterprise, which would be earning, accenting to the statistics of electric roads now in operation, from 8 to 12 per cent. per annum on the capital stock. Taking the minimum, R per cent., as the basis, the municipality at the end of twenty years would not only be free of all in debtedneiss in connection with the road, but would be in receipt of $4,000 a year annually, a sum that would almost keep up the roads and bridges all ever the township. and thus mince the annual taxation by Walter Baohanan. of Toronto, Is 'pend - Ing holidays in town for a week or two. The Mime. Ina and Mettle Salkeld, of Stretford, are vl dtior their relatives ben. MIs. Fred Jehoston and daughter, of Salt Ste Merl., are •Isittng Mrs. Stlrhnp. Mies K.e Oundry lett Monday morning 00• visit to IJtt,ndge and other eastern po:ate. Mie Quesnle Robert.aoo he. returned home for the holidays from her school near Exeter. Robe Immo, it , of Toronte,'petit • few dove the week iulti0g th• old home on the Huron road. Miss F in• (Jame returned home lad week, haying finished her term al treater In Grey township. The Misses in Touted ern home after completing the work of the term at their reepeetivs schools. F..1. Mayotte, who I' now employed in a Toronto drop store, spent a few days to town the past week, o./.h Oltenia. on hand, Report of temper. tiro (lrstg rate: daughter F:velya, of Ince o0mmitt0el In refereou• to the matter Seaforth, hs,e r•ourced home alter 710";1110141 of prohibttioe se connected with the vote to of t days to town. he taken on Dee. 4, wo would say we regret Mies Belle Jardine, who has been teach (h•1 the Legislature did not ere fit to print 105 at 1) ..hw, 0, is fern tor the variation the changes In 1ho conditions ukad for by as het horse Is A.IBeld. the vote taken •t the •rest convention held 1)r. and Mrs. Ju. Rohn., ,t Omaha, at Toronto, Feb. 1902, and would recom N•breaka, .re unities Mr., Robins' mother, mend that we .bide by the decision of Me Mr• K..t .1,..t Ontario branch of Ile (lunloloaAnises. 1 I Tobe, of 'lite Fres Prow (Arno to be held In Toronto, ori Ju'y 29th,asto 10. amino we a Iedlvldaais Leder, qa•e us s call let work. He cense •hail task•. ('.reed. Stn. et the refer : up to vont his people In Colborne. We are pleased to note the •babe formate Wm. Hogarth, of WIn,13eg, heshesn•I.- In mea benh4• t •' ol! wo that It •" meg h • grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, not larger. Nn eounotl ins duobtrled and M`arman, for a few days lhlo week. one new 000n,t1 hes been nrgan'ted, In CI u' Mts. K 0, Rnb.raeo and eon, Muter Th. iNe r Cor u oaWillett Morton, of 7i ratford, are , ultlog sA to eemmehicactte wis000c,h theliGranead Slrrnlarytrmct- at the maidens, of W. R Robertson. re the oomlo5 et ler. and Mrs. Davidson to Mre. J. Cam lc and Mir ('lark returned•hie dlainrt to this month of OJte1wr. i o. Aa/order to Detroit after yletttna rna- wa. with 1151.1 th. dutrlot aovopted the reelknatloe of Mr Jacgai, grow, D Knot flaw In loom for the put four week•• P Ssoo•t•ry. Mire h: •nohale we. appoint. Mfe D41't1 ,lardlne, rf Deeganaon, la ed to the office of remoter, and war lestroot- •oma► nn .n ezloo4.d tour to Toronto, ed to forward the thanks of th'e dial clot to Wht•by, Othaw• nod tithes *Stearn Points. Mr Jaorin.0 for hi. very of5'!ent and 8.4141. John Blttmae, el Ih• staff of I'be Malt lul servlo.e 5. serum ary, •8.r. the •ympsthy Reverter, whn with SDP. Rittman was of the members in hie sat Inlet". M., and ylslllne In town. gave Tux Smoot. a mall M. ,•, nrgsnl"raid ere for the Royai batt weak 1'.re.sepl1)an, wereIduap rid Gild d the Irl*' Fil.orwoo ('onnnl'y, who has hoes meeting, also t•yorsd tie with Instrumental &boodle, 8. M t'. 7ollege, T0r0211yo, and yowl mast° on the mandolin an 1 guitar returned last week to hes home in llod.rloh Ur. M,('.Imm gave as •eroll.s0 r.pere of ((mo.blp. the pro.eed,nge at lined (titled In F. nen John Beer, who hoe boos MO the angle• try. Mr, H, !'ark, Wioghnm, was •genie work. staff f, r some time, barone to 5.040 ad 1. i) ,m .tt.04 the inion Allison Cooler Bte. Marl•, taking the ser. 1�1nEdward no Hon to he held to duly. A hearty vete , t 8raday nl.ht. than►. tree Mindere' the m.tab,re of Winq ham soused for their kind ebeepq.a and Mr. 0nd Mre. It V.Mo.nr e, r, end geestethospitality extended Mthe ddegstes Mr.. Nrn to Anhesne, Mr. Kend MreMU M. (Ton the tartans oonnolls. The wenn. Elliott attended this prohibition eon•eatlen el.sed to meet •e the soil el the D.1,8.1 le imn4e. this week. Cessolllor, at • time and prros to b. Aced Fred. Hostile, N the Beek et 1:emntere.. Ob•them, fet'm alp of tM G"Mel.h Mate►0 swot • oouple of day. In towel last writ •IdtIng him friends here. Philip Holt, K. (' . •rd W. Proadfoat, K. (J.. represented the County iaw 1.1b - Puy Asoolatlnn et the meeting of lawyer. held 1n Toronto Mile week. Ilavld Brawn, of .1. 1.. Morrison Co . Toronto, has been •isltl,m In linder(ch dm los (h• past week, the anent of Mr. and M1.. Jog. Boohoos, sr., Chores street. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 20 to 25o prize batter ! W• offer for the beet three Labe or boxes of hotter dellrerod dart's, July, 5e, 4, and 3e. respoollady, over highest market pries. O. E. Kona, W Ingham. Mr. M• KIM'" change of •d. was revolved too late for this issue. He ha 300 yards of 54 int h all wool hemespoe la plank, gray, oa.y and b ,whlob he Is .elfin, for 50 oasts. yard. The beet finality of toe cream, also the greatest variety of true Irall jelo. ter sodas, are served at the Victoria restaurant, West et. O onfeotlonery, fruit, agars and tobaccoes. ('IIAt. H1.At'KN•rotrg, proprietor. Telephone 70. (lonkal.R LIVRST 9700E --Yoe eat *Nom dollar. If you boy your boots and Weeds at the Uoderioh bargain store. Another snap thfe weak --120 pairs of boys','yenlhs' nae ohlldra9 Wow, reenter pew. 75o std $1.00 per pair, your oholo. for 50o ; and 400 pale, of mea's,wem.a's and miaow' shwa, rogal.r price $1,50, $1.70 and $2 00, year chinos of this Int for $1.00. No aene.aoe, this 1. • genuine cheap male. J. W. HttorvyRlrlt. Mr.. StrInoy Maloomson and daughter Dorothy, el 414.. Wsetminatar, R. C , are emitting the former's mother, Mn. Wm Rnhert.a, and w111 remain hen for several months. Rev, i), M. Rnehanan, of Lanark, eau In town Wednesday H. is sp.ndtng hie venation wheeling shrnnrh this part of the noantry. H. 'cited friends in Elated and vlolnity. The Wawa Henderson, .f Windsor, wars wesenrere on the dr. Kleg Edward Vneday nleh0, and remained In town • few days be (ore proofed's, to Reseal! M ♦Jell their brother, itev. 1. S. headmen's Mee. .taw Btrnnth Oft as Friday for P,raet(erd, ober. Mr. Mlreeah has hese w.wkbg for .ems elme aed where they will make Coed, haute to tutors. Mn MMeegh .Me ewe me et bursas la Mat ol17. AUCTION SALES. A11 parties getting their Dale 6114 rotated al tale oMoe winks., • frees Bolla 'mer/.4 in this IM nor to the time of sales, YATl'Rnay. .I.1y 5th. --Attrition sale of good., ohatal. and *Rats ae my wetisa room., Hamilton street, at 1:30 r..4. en the •holm date. TeoMA. Un.nav, Iuo0a..r .Indgs Street has elven indrawn' In th• ease of Doherty vs. Millers' Bad Mannf.otor.rs' nommen* (:o. , an armies to remover $24,.52.3 70 In repeal e.4 d•m.gw dent by fire to the plaintiff.' property at 4 11,ton. 1'he property was Insured hy Iwo policies Isned by A.fesdanr, het the prem. lam' had not been palai, although the de- fendants had reinsured their risk. won, that no oantrael *elated hollows the pieta tiffs toed ddad.ete fee an Iw.0,5sa for the vicar beeissing Slit October, 1901. Ala timeol8ml.,ed with soots, W. &'v..4. Gederleb fee ,brei . R . llluwhr0 IG