HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 88 TiiutaLAY, June 26, 1702.
000 D S
Bargains in Dress Goods and
Bargains in Clothing.
Bargains in Muslins and Ging-
Bargains in Gents' Furnishings.
Bargains in Neck Ribbons.
Bargains in Millinery.
Bargains in Ladies'
Smith Bro's & Co.
The shortest roof to absolute satisfaction
In sallor$o leads to T. J. Prldham's store.
wk.. the best fitting and most stylish gar-
armenu are to be had.
Division Court will be held oo Wednes-
day, July 2nd.
Remember the ploolc today a1 Raoetord'e
grew*. A good Ulna for all.
Ben. Allen hes purobas.d James Itoblu-
e os". raldaoe a1 the twiner of Newgate and
\'wtoria envois. be price was $2.500.
Tb* garden party which was to beheld by
the King's Daus1ters on Friday *mow of
this week ba bas Indefinitely postponed.
I Jas. Breckenridge bis received a diploma
from tee Glasgow t vhlbttlori for halt shown
fo essnectloo with the Canadian sectiom of
the eabobitloo.
Remember the date, Pref. Toab. and
Mia Whoa Tanbe,optic.l specialists. Now
11 Mere is anything wrong with your sight
den's forget to oonealt them.
Dr. W. F. Clare hu bought from 1).
Stoddart, jr , the house and lot as ►be nor
e.r el'tlotort• and Newgate streets Dow
occupied by E. Metro. The price pard was
The Samford Herald'* oorre•p.adent at
Mitchell wrens : **If you want • Rood west•
tering art, get the Uoderlob lied. We
have one In Mitchell and It does good work
No charge 1.r tete ad. '
T. Leckie, wbo has hem 000neatt.i with
The Clinton New Era for some years, hue
reaiy.d an appointment to the railway
earl service, and Claude L. Fisher 'ammo is
him as assistant editor of 'rhe New Era.
A lad named Herbert Everett, employed
•: fres organ factory, had an ootortsa•te
aeotdeot on Ts..day. While wishing at
Ito pony planer he had the tips ot tee two
middle finger, o1 h1. left band tango off.
At the recent mating of the C. U. F.
High Court at Owes Sound, Wm. Bailie.
of Dungannon, was again appomied to the
mow lye committee. Tate i. Mr.
Mr. Batlt.s third year es a member u! this
Tb* play la the Jackson trophy comp.t.-
tien was oommsnoed IN the howbeit green
on Tetchy afternoon, when k rs• tlenl
Reynolds played W. 1.. F.Itu1. Mr. Eliot
won by • mere of 13 to 11. 11. D. Drat
and J. Galt •aso played off, Mr. (linos wln-
. 1ev,
The exoonl•n to the Ontario Agrloultnral
College at Guelph on Friday took 160
people from this .tattoo. Altogether there
were between 1400 and 1400 peeple' from
Hama at Guelph, and se then was an ex
minion from Hstdimand the someday there
was a big orowd at the college, the largest
so ter tine year.
Among the militia aotloea pos1116k.4 at
Ottawa last week wee one announcing the
doors** of the Card Huron regiment to
eight companies, ot the uniform establuh.-
meet. The preset of the re I.
ment t, 412. This natice means the die-
h•ndmene of e0• of the nine oomp.nles now
eemprlaed In the regiment, but which one
is not sneouend.
The St, Aagoatlne Catholic 'church picnic
took pito. on Monday .oil was attended
with s000ese There was a large atnod-
eec. from near and far. and • gad program
of •moesmente of various kinds woe carried
out to the smjoymeat of all. A number of
Geduld) people were preterit, Including
Mayor Cameron, M. 1'. 1' , and James
May of our readers will be Interested to
the aneo00ament e1 the wedding 01 Mt..
Duffer, who was 1, r soots time In oherg• of
tie minatory department of W. A Mc
elm', store Mn. The event took pias on
8sterday at the bride's home in Themes
villa. 11. 'mem being Chas, Sheppard, of
Bothwell. Mies Amelia McLean, of tetra.
was erns of t he goats.
The rain again prevented the band from
playing on the Square last Friday eventing.
Tuesday *venter. however was 8e• and
the band made IM &ppeer.ues and rendered
a prevent that woe bateotd to with
pimento by • Tarte Kathatpg on the &!"r•.
The opening tome was "God `ave the
Kiep," and the program was aimed at 10
o'clock with the same air, w Wish had •
peculiar and paths:to e(golfotoos while the
telegraph DelleIl s were annoonotog the
Bt•ges of the monarch'. ostial dines?.
• •c;od Save the Ktog ' '-ss ay we a11.
A (Mildew's service will be held In Knox
church oexl'Sind.y morning, the occasloo
beteg Flower Sunday, or Calldreo'e Dy.
At the meetlov of the Synod of Heron at
Looden las week Philip Holt, K. C., was
appointed • member of the eteoonve ons
mltt.e of the Blood.
Mrs. C. M, Bezze hes noon vt.ltmg rela-
tive. 1. Clinton.
Miss Kate Campaigne left Tuesday mo, 11 -
las to ytsit friends at Elora.
Mn. Carleton left on Meted.y for a visit
with her slater to Amberley,
Narciss M. Cantin, of St. Joseph, was In
town for • few days lest week.
Mtge Jeannie Megan, of Stratford, Ie
'letting friends to town for • few days
D. Stoddart. jr., left on Monday for
t:uslph, when he hes secured • silu.tioo.
Mr. sod Mrs. Arthur Andrews, of Detroit
were 'moor the visitors to town last week
Jos. Doyle, of the Bask of Hamilton,
Wtogsem, to .pending holidays to town.
Mao Laura Brydges is to Neils at the
Holmseville lawn social tNofrew oiealsg.
Mn. Celia Campbell attended the R. T.
of T. district mottos at WI•agbals oo Tues-
H. K. Jordan, of Brentford, le In town,
and 1. being heartily greeted by hie many
Balsa Clare Reynolds reamed home this
week from Toronto., where she was .ttead-
ID, soh•ol.
Mho Bertha Switzer is vintlog her
brother, Dr. Alfred Switzer, at Grand
Rapid*, Mtoh.
We regret to learn that Robt. Holmes. M.
P., Chatno,ie .uf.r,•g from • mild attook of
typhoid lever.
Harry Pasmore, 01 St. Louie, Me., la
spending two weeks' holiday* ea a visit to
the o!d home here.
John Williams returns Itils morning to
rumen'. alter • pleeeant fortnight's visit 1•
the old home here.
C.pt.and Mrs. M. Baker and children left
Tuesday MOTH os on their return to their
home 1. the Northwest.
Harvey Howell and David Ellie, of Bal -
fain, were here this week •tteoding the
funeral of the late Mrs. Ella..
Smoot U!rvlo, of Amherst 'eland, bas
been speediest a few weeks with his blether,
David Girvan, of West Wawannsh,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Andrews, of Cleve-
land, have been 'pending the poet tee days
in town, vistring their relatives here.
Jas. Roblo.00 war home from St. Cath•
mines over Sunday. lite family w111 remove
to ehat Sty In the mores of a tow week..
Mrs. (Or.) Howell, of Vestoouver, It C.,
who a vatting her parents in Godenoh
township, called oo bloods In town last
Guelph Memory : Mian Miller, trained
aurae, and Moe Fraser, of Coderloh, •,e
spending • day or two at Mr. h: Denier.,
Glasgow and I.•verpool •tree-.
N. F. ('hmch, who has been attending
the Central boobs.. College at Stratford.
has gr•doeted, and returned this week to
hie home In Goderlch lown•rhip.
Moe Jessie Straiten, who premieres, her
profeeelon as • trained none at Hoeheeter,
IV. Y., is a the parental t esidenor, St.1).vd'e
arrest, for • dew week.' holidays.
The following are the guests •0 Menem
tong Perk : Mr. and Mn. U 8. Fres
Muster Willis Free and aura, MN. C B•
L'Hamme,hru, Cbv. L'Homm.dise, M -r
has aught the town
Thera is no feshion•
.ble shape or style.
.o idea of newness In
shoes foal is oat Bret
lound in " (ween
Quality." We oriel_
bete -other. Imitate
- and while they
copy apparonoe and
Wee they *meet p
preach "Queen (Joe!.
Ity" la style, fit .oil comfort.
'''heir 51711.1 Organs*, perfect fit and shook to fees biro eelahli.hed frern as faces•
Its with fashlnnahle neem.s sverywhse.
LA Senorita.
Koss aad Mater E1gor L'Htunnedleu,
Mrs. IduUorkle, Masses Margery aad
Dorothy MoGorkle, Mrs. U. L Fox, MIse
Feooy Morrl•os, all of Defeat. The
Measeetung hotel bas also had num
draper pertain from Illytb and from town.
Mia Ida Welsh, of Str•tlgrd, visited
Uwlerlob nod Detroit last week, and oo bel
return borne was a000mpaoled by Mist
Wooer Smith, who has moos been her guest
in Stratford.
Mrs. K. B Smith and daughter, Mn.
Ellis, have returned to town for the sum-
mer. Mrs. Smith ■pout **vera' moo the it
oeotly to Msaltoba, where she visited her
sister, Mrs. Hustuo, of Minium.
One pair o1 "Queen 'leanly" sold to
you makes you • permanent patron.
Oice, ' C
One PrPrices *D3.a7
8 de sweat Inc WalkOverfor Mee, aad
On.eaQuality tar Women.
Guelph Meaner y Mr. and ire. Cray, of
Uoderioh, were to the any oo Saturday
v Dung their sone, M F. and Thoma., o1
this city. Mr. Cray a eighty and his wife
Is eighty -lye rears DIA, eod beth are bale
and hearty. Their neo, M F. Cloy, Is still
cun8ued to St. Jceepb's Hospital from a
fractured Iamb. It will be eratlfyleg glees
to hie many Mende to know that be le mak-
ing rapid progress towards complete recov-
The follewtsg are %oats at Hotel (lodc-
rioh : l; H. Baird and family, Toronto;
Mr. and Mn. W. 1'. Crater, Houston,
Texas ; J. W. Boldwir, wale and daughter,
Detroit ; Mn. F. E. Rankle, Moss Katha-
rine Joy. Chat E. Lyon and family, D.-
troit ; Mire. Israel Russell and three
daughter., Taal C. MoNed, Aoo Arbor.
Moob. ; J. W. Walcott and family. 1)..
treat ; Mt. sad Mn. W. C. Brough, Gofr-
rleb ; Col. L. H. Heil, U. S. A., aad fam-
ily, WWiogtoa, 1). C. ; Mrs. Teyiotdalr,
Toronto; K. H. Connor, Detroit.
To the Ed tor or Tntc Sw0At
Sig, -1 see that • petition has been sent
to the Teen Council aoktog for •pother
bundled dotter■ to subs dine A. M. Tedd
aad the other members of the committee
for recetviog ate Orange uutnloolets who
Will to here on the Twelfth. 1 think the
effort to fake •octher bun lied dollars out
of the town treasury is a oh.eky one, it -
dad. W all remember when an eli.rt
was made by Kee. Father West to get $50
from the *,omnia to enable him to draw a
crowd to wetness O'Connor the oarsman row
in the harbor, when the council objected to
the rxprodlture, oo tbs vrcuod that nos.
~torten taxes should not be 11iv-Lito ser-
iatim enterprises. If that decision was
twist thee It a rleht t,day, •u 1 the council
should sot give one pent towards ills
Twelfth of July oel.bratloo. The hundred
loll.rs already Nivea by tbs rimmed is one
bandied dollars too min h. KAra•ArgIi
years of labor end study to be able to net.
root the errors et retribution. You bate
tweaty-ulne years til my espallooe at year
seem. .od also • lady epeulall.t es %etrelt
too. Came rod see us and get your eyes
toted. tome early as you may square a
mooed testing. l'um.It.tiou Ira. Fur re-
tereo.ns and testlmouubse olroulers. 'l'or-
ooto address, 254 Ktuhmood street West.
Moo oes. June 23rd.
Ur. Freemen, of Ilium', spout Sunday
I.1 Wm. Elliott's.
Aeolversary ~sloes were held In B•th-
I el on Sunday last.
Einem Jordan was the gust of her
( slater, Mn. Currie, on Sunday.
Misses Barmleter and blot/ongoll, of
Atm Arbor, are guest. of friends to this
We are pleased to Taro that the Masson
of D. Glidden, is recovering rapidly. 1):.
Burke, is • Willful atteudeoL
(tame Rumor whispers that ItubI. Mor-
ahan, jr., says life 1. too .bort to go through
alone and is about to take a partner.
At the baro-r.tslog of Alt x Cox lest wet It
• row of scantling tell, some of which struck
P. C.nte'oo Cut fortunately did not Injure
him seriously.
Remember the dot., I'rol Liebe and
Mr.. L Ulan T+obs, optical epomettete. Now
II thele fs anytbiog wrong with y.ur sight
don't forget to consult them.
20 to 2Eo prize butter : We offer fcr the
best three fobs or boxes of butter delivered
dudes July, 5^, 43 and 3c, respectively,
o'er highest msrkel prlo.. 1;, K. Key,.,
Th• bat quality of lo. cream, also the
greatest y.riety oftrue fruit jetties for
soda, are served at die Victoria restaurant,
West at. Uoolaotlooery, trait, oig•rs and
toh.00a. CHAS. BI.A,'l.sroOli, proprietor.
Telephone 70.
Special cheap sale all this week at the
Goderioh bergalo store. A job lot of Poole
ant oboes will be plao.d oa the tables
in the centre of the .tore, and all will be
offered at • big bargalr, and the b.Loee of
the luck of .tet:ocery end featly goads af-
ter this week'• sale wall bo tMired en bloc
•1 a low ,ate on the dollar. We want to
mak• room for soother stock of boob and
o boes. It will p.y you to attend thio chap
sale. J. W. BRODIRIt-o
Corms; -Prof. S. L. Taub., manaf.otur•
log optician and eye •pal.' et, and Mia
Lillian Taube. graduate optlolan eod
. psoulist on remotion, of Toronto, will be
at the Bedford Hoare, G. derich, from July
Rth to 12th (,ritllglsivej, Dungannon oo the
14 e, 511 Blyth on the 15tb and 16 It, and
will tat eyes and .nit,lassee to all defect
Ivo sight. N. matter what is wroog with
year eyes cows and see us and it you can be
n utted we *an rn.ke the glares for you 1
.m one of the obs..t opticians In Toronto
and hive been established since 1873 Oyer
seventy five thr uaod oases b.y• been neo
cnulally treated by m., many oases where
others have foaled. The advantage 1 have
over others is that I grind my own 1
and as making spectacles Is a proleseton and
science, as le salting spectacles. le regains
W,e•xeo/y, June 25, 1902
R.bart Keown, of t.uderlch, visited m
vicinity this week.
Thos. Million 1. under the care of 1)r.
Turuunll at pressor.
A number et the members of Morning
Star Masoofo Lodge •Headed Amos • reloe
to Luokuuw tut Sunday,
The Calow Ltterary 5' city purpose hold -
log their anno.l Pont. cn S.turdey, June
2d:b, as "Point Ferm." All •ember. are
Invited to attend sod bring their fronds.
TC110.0Ar, JUDO 24, 1902.
The sonnet simnel children's pionlo will
be held here oo S.turd•y next, the 2140.
Tilie Huron and Bruce
Loan and Investment Co.
Sot.ictyun-PHILIP HOLT, K.O.
W. are prepared to receive Deposit.
from Trustees, Puente or Children, in
sums of from Fifty Cent. to Three
Thousand Dollars, and allow compound
interest, added every six months at
rates as agreed upon. Cheques are
given Depositors, so that they may
draw upon these deposita at any time
3, 3i and 4 per cent. Interest allowed
011 Deposita according to amount and
time left.
H,K -Pursuant to a late Act of
Parliament married women and miners
have the right to doposit hod draw out
money in their own name.
Deposita can be sent by mall at the
risk of sender.
Remote from yourhoune. temptation
to burglars and food for the flames.
As the Company makes loans only on
first clues farm property, depositors
hate the etrongeet security for their in.
This Company is preps,sd to loan on
the shortest notion any nem upon first
class security. Terms ars made to s1i
borrower. Straight loans and eimpl
particular, call at the Compauy'e office,
corner of Market Square and Nortl,
Street., Uoderieb.
Manager. Pre.idtat.
Wu. PROUDFOOT, Vice -President.
Loan STIATHCORA. .1. M. Ro.g,r s.
>hr>rmakln(. E. DOWNING,
Art In
IfytsO aapedsNba of this Byte Shea NEXT VI IL9t)N'5 DRUG II1 OKR
1 . .
; Com_
Fs is COM/NG
Itl; .\T
with every kind aid etre of LADIES'
and GENTLE WEN'S W I .18, TOU-
FRONTS, S W ITCH EB of all long hair
to every length and shale
His ART STYLES are known and
worn by all desires everywhere
Be sure to visit his Snow Rotten at the
Hotel and nee his new designs.
He will, free ot charge, demonstrate
by fitting you what is the most suitable
and becoming to you
GENTLEMEN WHG ARE BALD about.' investigate and we hie
FEATHER W EIGHT TOUPEES and WIGS worn en over 66,000
Please remember Day and Date :
Thuradaic. July 3rd, at Bedford Hotel.
What better companion at the
summer home, on the yacht, in the -
camp' It will sing or play anything, or 11 will tell you a funny
story, or play a waltz, or lancers, or one of Sousa's marches so you
may have a dance.
Nothing fills the hill like a Berliner Oram -o -phone.
Prices, $15 to $40.
Write or call for Illustrated Catalogue.
Bold on Easy Terms if desired.
E. BERLINER, 2315 St. Catherine -St., Montreal.
EMANUET, BI,OUT. General Manger the Oonada.
TIlLt0rae\R Mw. 1N,
sad Nes trier e1
Values in Seasonable and De,bendable Merchandise that Cannot and
Will Not be Duplicated
WE wind up June and start July business with special selling in all depart,
ments. The reason for these under -value prices is not far to seek, nor
will the telling of it take long. Many lots of seasonable goods have
come our way, priced considerbly less than their real worth. To these we have
added all broken lots of our own stock, that remain after a season of remark-
ably brisk selling. Because we bought some of these lines cheap, and because
some are the last of spring lines that are sold down to remnant lots, which we
want to turn into money at once, they are all marked at prices that will posi-
tively save money for people who shop here during July. Every line mentioned
in this advertisement will be ready the morning of
Saturday, June 28th
They are bargains in the truest and best sense of that much over-worked
word. The prices stand good for that date and throughout July, until the goods
are sold.
Remarkable Dress Goods Values for July.
No question about the style or quality of our July sale
dress goods. Both are right, as you will see when you ex-
amine them. No question about them being genuine bar-
gains -they are the real thing -you will agree with us there
when you see them. Here are some we will have ready on
Saturday. There will be many more that will not get into the
papers, for an exceptionally largo dress goods trade has left
us with m'lny broken lines and lots that must be turned into
ready cash at once.
• Made up of the last ends of some of the season's
ing lines.
Lot No. 1, at 2&c a yard.
1 end black Onnad,oe, rt gator 350 • yard,
1 sod b'aok Grenadine, regular EOa a yard,
5 ends one 11 pattern fancy D;es. Goods. suitable for children's w ar, were
501 per yard,
3 ads light tatted Detre Goods, 54 Inches wide, suitaole for ok re. were
60o • yard,
1 sett black obevinl Serge, 40 locba wide, all wool, worth 403 • y•r 1,
3 sols til wool Vag , to shades o' grey,
1 end black and white Dress Uoode. gettable for waist.,
1 sad myrtle Serge, hard wonted Haled. all wool, regular 403.
best sell -
All at
a yard
Lot No 2, at 890 a yard.
Is made up of r( pieces of fine dress goods that sold at 50c,
60c and 65c per yari.
1 ad navy Serge, all well, 80* quality. muter 603,
1 art 1 grey homespun Serve, all wool, 36 Melee wide,
1 sod green Serge, 46 Inches, all wool, reveler 603,
2 ends hoe all wool D:be'go, ongrey and one fawn,
1 end brown Serge, all wool, tine quality, regular 6Co,
1 eod fawn drat Serie, 8oe quality, all pure wool.
Lot No. 3. at 50o a yard.
Comprises s ends of fine black and
that sold at 75c and '5c per yard.
1 end wrest obevlot Serve, 46 Inches wide. suitable for 'try's,
was 85:,
1 end navy Crepe d• ('hen., • heeutifol summer dream
was 753,
1 cod brown wool Crepe de Clime, sold at 75,,
1 end 1•.n Amur*, make. • handsome molt, sold at 7
1 end brown cloth Beelog. 54 Inch, •II wool, sold at R5-.
3 ear's of wool block Drees Goods, that mold ,t 75c aad 8S3,
All at
39c per yard
J for July Bale.
colored dress goods
1600 lard. • 1 dark aad 1.tht trials, got to.1 r
10- err,. 5 and droner, me.rlog
G nghams at 7c.
900 y • rb. 1 •cy ohm:tied Gingham.,
p 'to .n suitable 1••r c tildren'e ei ee,
spec'al for July ab, per Toed 70
Scotch Ginghams at 10c.
203 yards S.oroh 1:inch0,0., pater).
All -wool Homespuns 68c.
3 ads homespuo Suiting., new goods
just 1r, erltable for skirts or 'tut-,
gaol quality, m.d'um, dart trey and
black, mune& ler July gale, per yard 68o
fabric,I All at
50c per yard
Ju'y Sale.
Skirt Ends at $ 1.25.
3 only .kart !tech*, black Homeepar,
54 iooher. spec'al bargain for .duly,
length .00ugl for a shirt, for 11 25
Skirt Ends at $2.50.
If you want an odd skirt this summer here is your chance
to get the material at a price that will save you at least
the cost of the lining and in most cases a good deal more.
15 skirt 1•ogtbe, Homespun., Tweeds and featly Bleak., in ends Inn'
eae.gh t n a *kW, worth to the e.galar way ken 113 60 to 11.60, *blow
for July sale, mend for 12 50
58 -in. Coating Serge, 90c.
One end navy coating Serge, weight
heavy enough for snit., all pure wont,
arra fine gaabry, regular value$I 50,
for Ju'y sole. 90a
Silk Grenadines, Jaly fie ici R.fOf
A 1•.v skirt. and dreee lengths of Week
(ireoodioes lett In et.ak. liberal pries re.
de,tioos he. n been made to clear them out
(ludo, aur .1nly .ale
I Very floe qua!Ily .,IL Grenadine, hand-
some striped pattern, regular /3.00.
for July Belling $2.10
Good quality silk Gree•nloe, raised
stripe., regular $1.65, ler ditty sale .$1.2b
Serge, 15c.
0.e end of wool Sorg , 36 iooh,oudinal
only, replier ::5 •, I -,r July ate 15n
Wash roods for July.
Some real bargains in wash goods and cotton dress stuffs
for our great July sale. It is not, likely that you will find
the equal of these values anywhere.
Prints at Sets. F,
.eitehle for artists or 0,11-I,o..s . ser,
legwear 201 910'0l.., f. r July eaIe.
leer Yana 10A
Foulards at 25c.
Regular 40o.
Fanny merrort.ud en, inn feel•,Je, in
.ppeerooc• equ$' le leotard a Ik and
wilt war setter, handsome potters
and color nee, ns too firm*, alike,
',Witte 351 amd 403, tar Jely ale, rel
yard r2b.
Gowns and _Skirts for July.
Just throe lines, two of Gowns and one of Skirts. ('rices
that will make you wonder 'low such garments can be made
for so little money.
Dower mads of English cootie., yaks .l tock. ,nal Insertion. nook end nufft of 2
Innh cemhrle frilling. real v.!.. $I (10, .p.o-.l for Jot, sale . , , . .. 690
Gowns made of gens quollty English Gott .e, don We eerier* shoulder., front n1 hem
stitching end took., etllnr eol'er and miff. 5 shamed with 1.1 Inch o•ethrio em•
heel/soy, oaorl button., good vale. at $1.00, epeeist for July ..Is 69a
Storrs male of gent quality F..gl.h ent.tre, seam. dowhle awe, doable frill, Inner
of 4 inch 0omhrin, anter of 14 len. maths with toenhow itr..Hew, sed 4'nen
So, ohne homes batten, a real wad skirt 0511.50, epeeist foe .Tely male.... 11 19
Linens for July Sale.
A linen bargain is always
acceptable to housekeepers.
Here are some of unusual
goodness, new anis perfect
goods, on sale for the first
time for our July sale. The
goods are new, the qualities
good, the prices money -saving.
One end 54 Mob half blotched 1.110
Damask, good weight and quality.
would he oonsidertd etre good v.1-
ae at 25o per yard, special for July
ale 1v
60 loch half -bleached table Damask.
new final pattern with herder. .
spectra bargain for Jelly .all. per yd 3''
56 'Isola extra quality heavy hien table
1)•ma.k, half bleached, • real pond
50o olote, epeciol for July este. ... '.-
64 and 72 loch pure I nee D.meak ex
tra good qualities that .old to the
regular way of 75, per yard. • wiry
.paial b.rgaia for July at per y•rJ
Cream Sateen, 6c.
200 yards Dream Satan It Is • regular
1213 quality, %ad would make geed
IIo.rp Beo.uw Mi. shade does not
sell well. ru'. it so.e dulin* our July
ale, at per yard ,, r
Morten Skirting, 35c.
50 yards fancy moreeo oktrtleg, real
gold quallty, will make • handsome
and servtoable skirt, regale' 60'.
spools' tor Joly ale
Children's Tam', 15c.
25 children's teeny Tem-. assorted
styles and m.tetiot., regul.r 25, and
50•. for July sale each 11:
!'fen's Peaked Caps, 19c.
30 Doty men's peoksd Cape, lest we
ha'. in stook, sold at 25i and 503,
for July ale, mob 1
$ 1.00 Corsets, 25c.
12 pa!n standard $1.00 Cornu, sizes,
18 and 19 Inob no1y, for July ale.
per pair 25;
P'en's Collars, 5c.
150 ma's linen Collar., reeu'ar 153 and
203 taahty, assorted style, clearing
at, emir . .
Curtain Muslin, 15c.
40 yards fancy curtain Moshe, Hoe qual-
ity, white treated with yellow and
Wee edit embroidery stripe, regular
35•, for .loiy sale, per Sud l ,r
Black Cotton Spools,
3 for 5c.
1000 black cotton Spool.. 200 yards of
good thread nn molt spool, curly all
No. 40, clearing at Joly ale .. .3 for So
3 Parasol Bargains.
25 fancy ■ilk P 1., assorted
styles and potterer. the regular
wholesale pekoe le $18 00 per 40,50
We bought them cheap, aad for
our July dale eaoh will be 7b
Black Parasols, 95c.
2 dome -black Parasols, atm/ frame,
steel rod, top that will 1101 Dal or
tarn rusty, speotal for July, mobtats
Parasols at $1.98.
Real Value $3 00.
Blank Para.ole, strong frame, steel
rod. patent meagre, silk top. head• ..
some handl.* of;re:rl and silver,
reveler $3 00, for Joie rete. . $1.Y/
Cotton Chain Carpet at
Heayy mottos ohalo City, t, the filling
le et pare wool, the warp may Wase
aetsew, to. as. re'. 4 ..* $OM .a..t.
leas wear, no.. Peale - a oily, regular
65o, for JeIy ale 451
Jute Brussels Carpet 30c.
75 yards lrtr. It easel. (3.•pot, 27 mobile
wide, yowl go.bi•y seed ;nen patterns,
MOW. 600, for J. y sato. p r yard 303
Pink Shaker Flannel 'at
8 I -2cts.
2.50 y.rds 36 moll pink fi.aaelolM,
heavy welghl, lag .o' ir, 'postal for
July sale, per yard R13
Sheets at 65c.
If you bought ns good ma-
terial as is in these sheets, by
the yard, the sheet length
would cost you 85c or 90c,
for July sale we give you a
sheet ready to use for 66c.
White sheets. wend gustily twilled
•h•t"inw. heavy weight 21ids. wide
by 24yd. Ineg, wi,'e 1"rn nedh *ed,
special for Joly ale, earth 65e
now in.