HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 7_ . , ;. ,. , .. m _- _ - -- - -,patched to the eoeOe. • sfovr t. MR NTO CAR STRIKE of the Clank ake whips they averwry TO O steal wuruJ LGo yvulbr uuilatiud ID ' the olX•ratluu to wake butwr time than they all ILClpLLOd the Whlaeig ��-_ __.. TROOPS ORDERED TO RULE TORONTO. til the amts would whttu they streak MAY BE SETTLED. rho greased uother ItkK. T - - ---.— __ _ --- About d unlock there nus &'move- _ __ - - -- -� DD _ ._- -_ -- - --5 thea approaching procession to veer Went on the tart the police T the rituutoll, anti they ldrued anti whipli ludleated runt) evelupuceutt N OF ���10� ��rren hutxtrudr to tGr barer to alt- ural rile oruwd gauje, gutkur a ofCE\J■DNI It uurn the pnxeI%IDgr, Ivor taut W[tg beture . roar LvarSF'ouluea% I% Ilia u,e vlub. hextrJ lis the dirtuuctl, sod u Iotrol A l� When the police reached thew ibtl wince, . escorted g tllgh11 mutatedas pulfcrmuu, moving rapidly, war entire street for a dlstauce of three seen coming up Yuuge rugs+ They /� bl«kr uCouwl the 1Xtrur war filled were promitod by u half dtnen UICy- Just Before Noon. with a ole hill; packedweb. %o tilstr,whoCurried tDe lleA that DISGRACE TtiE CITY4 g�Dt UoulAhtg Iprt nu tiros. Hr the patrol wukuu fille.l with Charged on this crowd, and, rtawl- mutl who hut) euwe lis from the uyt- Ing tfi hW stirrups, he swung bb ride to take the rtrlfiorr' plaaur. heavy rldlug Crop over the Gnsds of Tho w un owl Ism esw,rt movwl the Dpuuplu. Him men followed him ex- rupldly, t 1 after crOrrlttg Bluer The Company Will Nut {tecugnlse the Union, lint Agrees to a Urbvance ample. unit the sudefenne"r or their street, there wirre cries of "duubr," Committee of Its own t:mployees- -Will Pey t8 eerie ss hour to Une utwifir and the freeuo,u with witch . (urn them over," **Kill them I'' A they appeared to use their wtaptttw Yeef Mtn and 20 Cents to All Over One Year In Its Employ- board resulted in the eight well wllhlu LLD wagon,uumber of probably, abe , found ext for k,lge incredibly short Lime driving Gael n the l , Bred poo round marks in of Trade LaboveQ Hud to Bring About Agreement. snob cif of least four thousand. A the wewuted policemen. Constable Clove obxenor would boyo seen, holy- W'durtl ncnirewl a unity wand In TOruow, June >r11. -The street car (Dore. Thu cavalry began to ur- I•„rite Utterly inefficient Permit the (lobs to \Vrrck fats and Buildings and Thrcalen t_Ite -- A Few Arrests ever, that. Iwtwithstuuding the the head, CLltrtublu , was strike it settled. At txton A. E. Anew vivo At 5.L'O, tluu first trate bearing 'struck la the leg ael a ruck uuutq rho London Hussars, 166 strong. Made Nego:tatWns for a SetCement Renewed ----Toronto Disgraced by .5 cries What Would Tarnish fact that the motmted officer. swung and J. W. iuvene, or title tiiourd of They were delrulltle,l at the cattle their whip. vigorously they struck a ILLI” ding ppluco fu the cuutro e- y the Name of lila Ilosl Disorderly of U. S. Cillos - -The Niagara Camp Drawn Upon for '1'roups Men very few blows, anti really frighten- mother offber's back. The expea- Trade, ancx,uno«d Lttet an agree- market a marched to the fir he N ill b: Served With Ten Rounds of !fall "rtridge Each -- - strikers (abject to the 'troops Being Allowed enel the rioters rather than hurt tatiou of the crowd was that the moot tied been reaotfet leu all Lite 2noilOrio'Pilo ns. g train, bleu the thein wagon would go to the Soollard main points to dispute, and that the 2ral Dragoons. Piot lis about Strout eatrurtee, but It turneat fie o'clock, and took a considerable on lite Streets. Nose "owers of hioues. strike was practically netted. The time to detrain, the unloading I& - once Wtvlag tlw stroet cleared to{ Yorkville of exasperation and with a fill - tear O[ exuetreratlou the mob, agreement wldch conceder the ld oi11Ut•,# for tem horotee bring rockier. Toronto, June E8. -Toronto ham rho evening there was a oruwal er-( had grown lis the meantime, and at them the regular constables Wert which c;uw►wrod probably 5,000pcv coitr asked for first year mon, and Tho thlnt'train, with the tluveruor- ,ar,ly passed through so exciting n( timutewi at 10,000 to L2,Ou:) Im+ot- the corner of Ile urard street, it mob utile to kooli the crowd lir check, awl pie, ruche,! dawn the street with the CU cents for all men over one year's Itifl nil's Body l:uant and Mounted pie, tae ntreeta in tl►e vicinity being of rtuuC three huOlred, who were In the patrol wel;o.t war enabled to ee uvideul lnteutfuu u[ preventh0g the Rlflur on dtofunlI h+44d not been re- ,I;ay fi" its p+gple spent yesterday. i black. lis the went there wan also an exceptionally ggly mood. waited ter the space Lt front fit til" Wares. melt entering the tarn, if possible. rervleu will rte formally signed tilts iaorle: in rat 12.'00 The lnteallon ,1,11t. tiabbi calx wets broken foy fi large gathering of people, while I iii stance, openly displayed, for the It drew up In front of the building, rhe wuuntr.t eeoort were too quick Afternoon early, and carr will Iw run was to move the cavalry at 1 soil after s few moments well, tilt o'clock to the Yorkville b:trne find a�qurs of violence of wtllch thousands I on rho down -town rtreelr, lard• � IurL three Darr. for thymi however. Five of LGrm Isles tat t!s aftervoun. cularly oil Yonge, north or queen. owon. Juuer, Helton and Budge- small door opened aril little Gudh gradually dropped back until the C'omdteiuttr of Aaretalrat. to prepare to guard the care if no of I"ople were spectators and In settlement had beep reached. u largo nulutwr of yuuug teen, du- row were xUuply driven from their frightened un men, drummed lis the coin lenly wfia clear of them, and, xu•i- ,%1�Ich many hundreds took part. The ,. dell; Indmet to make luixchief ha -1 'stn t Jenly wheeling about, faecal Uro 1s 'There r Ift3 a t,r.t attt-mpt of tRre Street Itallway upputtuuity been offered, were Torr uud forced led for fe ret liver. 1 Y' uulforwr, wuinto fiat fn vin Thu omoul tie the ,neo fur i Iia e, • u Lie »rid Ol►mtxsl InW +he waguu. Twuof thew appealed to rho subway � crowd nod urdored them to stop, uiacu commlLtee will be petal al y r1f• Mr. Amer at 12.43 auatxtncexl ulr al:p�arance enYn g the crow) t'uwtt•r eiy to upers' Dare since tale congregated. The eventttg pnwat -gain tender for protection, and thea - As the car tens pnxstrrg rip Yeotga ooglris�ct and a commietve of employ- -that too rtbteIDeht that a definite, wIt►tout tlu ryru,ut lnddeat down_ aad the Ilan drew their bower lis yonur krhrratton of the ,strike earl on y .tel teal up the Oranti Trunk tracks street a crowd of young frllowr ren nen will steed »a an hitermed►ary netllemeret told been reached wus Y town, however, ;Lill to before mid- prvparut off for u cash. Putrol Dr.ver aL u rnplot run. It the oar, "hwUug "xOab," ,reroi.ture, it that the agree- - rer- tietartl&l mondltg w Uta slgual for tttgbt the etrr,etc herd resum,d tbtllr started whipped co d lie borers spit Anil other Opprobrious epithets at between entployeer who think them- t g Ca.u{itr) IS»dry 1Juft. rtnrtrd west, and an ho dGl ru the melt[ was not et suets a complete riotilyr slat wad rent rad at Inter- woutel uppearaboa. On. men, U,aido. luafoectur .IduutuD'r 0alrrr wrongfully dlrmirecJ AnJ too form ns at [Inst auuuuduo_ Jsmor Quigley, themyturmuu on ulr wan tilted w1W u trrrtext hell fit tg company. 1400 union will not be CO. Buchan ttnnounce.l that the Lair tiKoughout the Im froeR Ot Cavalry order d taut. the last cart was forced W bring stoner anti br:ckr. Four accounts, man summary notiuu In lie ur two of ti,u three principal car rem of the them arrestedofm.larl ttmnrthsr{)f ter; ren raised in title matter. Title Com- Ottawa authorities had nndorved c„minauy, suit brat ap awl to be At 4.80 Wolk Col. Buchan tele- him uwAur to a staalrtill, Aird while drove their horn” through the crowd n•mul[der for a few minutes. The `tb graphed to Niagara Camp, nyul-l- still leu the ear war struck by a and ingde A lace for the wav"ctn to uamer of t4lorcl aarerted were Tit,, puny offered 17 oeuLr for first; year his arrangements, and heti Offered. M, x.•riuud 1n ted+ cyrr of t e cottetl tbnlnR 700 mounted men, the detnt!e large rune. H* 'etaggorCJ to the Income, and the remaining escort span, 1J sur muu a tv flvtl years' if uecersury. to send on the Ktugs- mar lbetl, 46 Blsmsrek averwe, mad service. 20. from five to too years, ton Pial.'. Cattery. The use of ar- tut+d authorities of the el as to being all faROWe: sidewalk, and wink the blood rtrenm- closed nrouttJ ft aril beat the crowd Floury Madill, 11y5 �kelnlont street. llllery, however, would ie u last warrant Uta calling out In til atter- 1st Huswrr, Locxlun, 250 mea. Ing from kir head was taken In noes- beck. Tile elites tt( rile illre fun re. and 21 cont -or afus tun Yoarr. tad Dragoons, Niagara District• 350 riage to the office of Dr. Rowan, 791 oelvefi the Lull tomo of the (untied&, 1 Dad r tris \v Illi'►. The negotiations for settlement retratrt_ uam,tl of 1,400 soldiers w9to aro o iii men, Queeu street east• where ativerul and the men Inside crouched flown An attempt was matte to rush contiutiel swat of the night, antiwerr Dilworth Cruse+ Orley. on the floor. Piles of broken stone. through their rank, Cud the Outcome 1.43 ,m. -It he said clow, that a rant for duty title murulrtg. No snake Goternor-t:rnereI'm Holy Guard, 150 atilehem were re{uiroJ w era up rhtl the muteNal for new exlucreto side- of the contest was fur & womeut or resumed a4 the Board of Trade at p. furca Gar &Ler Galore bee ream Ort men. . gush lit him head. 10 oolock tilt,# morning, being con- Ifilch had occurred In the strike no - force Mounttml ItifleX, 5U mf D. walks, turnWiced ammunition for tb two doubtful, Ono or t%vu of the r torr npru tlw strict. of Tor. a Mr. N'. Il. Moura, tarridt-er, the vee- rluterm, unit for several blot- til+ rowti gut through, ant), realizftlg eluded Junt before noon. gutlstions, find Unfit D. Dilworth, re- TGiv (once will'cuum by three mD''- rotary to Mr. ltacketnsfe, who had Tit(, company made nu attempt to Imp, of peace. illi& &rents of the iia clot trafD", tracelllnq by til r MI'hl_ nro wit,, kept ap oa the wagon. An :het prompt aetruu war neelww&ry { Y P presetting rive International ifOIUD. beau on the front platform of ono of Immense crowd ran an far its Church rate curio this morning, the civic o idle settlemeat because It proc-d that thousands of ptxtple lir Run Central to R'rllanJ, sly the T., Lhe carr, wus rtr,rck by u Urfck lis .o save lhr[ruelvus (torn being over- g' PP>t fT. H. al Ilnwi lla rind th thetreet. and, balm( outer the impres. whefinel with the rush, the pollee- uutlfOritfev having notified he of- does not recognise the union. Dil- uw City, dO actively rympathlwJ the Inc,,incebut pluckily continued file mine that the wagon had turned Into den took the ofleodve awl began ficial. that, no protection could be worth it anking for ►nstroutionr from 1'. R. to Toronto. Thr will de- work throughout the tiny. y to force ttLtl crowd back. Tice utob Riven until the cavalry arrdved the union headquarters, and meso- ,%ith the strikers as to entire) 1191- 1f the flee station, it the tilled Court y t in• prc.buLly about 8• 'cluck, If urrldn Not lis t.uu. street -"d made a demonstration ID rehbtutl, those ru front pcltig pushed from Niagara. Tho men of lherelty while, it 1s uixlyrrtuod, nothing will Idy the efforts of the puller to of ear n earlier, at the Cattle Market, tit It,fautr regiments mumterrcl at T be done to rv•ci tate a conflict be- n passagcl k,Wzough the streets for St ,halt Avenue. It may be doubt- Btdure Wu reserved orales Sergeant front of the station. inspector Hal; uDwltnt by those txbrnd, and the px} Y Cg r W eI, the way, whether the fill[ Maol•'arlaue, or the 'iiiltun uveae& ordered out the remaining reserver, lice itaI to urn their whips. As seen o'clock, some ldTO strong. They were tweyn the troops and the mob by op - tie carr. y dtuttun, urrlvl b the Com u}'r offi- and the police, again charged on tit; I" the on,wd raw they had deter. held lit the armouries fie n rew-rvo erating oars. stye lit a 7!1(1 men enc io sop- '1'nr I:iuusK 1{eglmr. pUf"1, certainly. the proportions Can- OLLIr, As.lrtuut t3up.xtuleu.lcnl l:wuu crow) and drove It back to Toronto nllnetl man to dual with the weaker- - -I----- 11;V1 -- � , --- o'. Sunday u, ,rulmg, shortly siva not be ferufsf.f,t as abucr, fur some :,l:+let, tlstc, Sir. Sloure, awl. Los lmue- and Church streets. The mol), nn .inoef ones began to retreat. Soutc nisi hgtOt, crov.,lr ba•guu to gutter or the o rp+ were wank. TGe int Had- to tLafhuoe, dceided that it woull lis gererf at the pollee In giving tele note ,tool their ground but only for a princesses physleally are the Cour. (all w e use an of the other em- of the patrol wagon to move the econd, 'The mounted meD wa.t«1 FIVE IUCKV CONVICTS. bobs; but tincts&, of course, am atter_ ,mound the tbrer priwllal ear Wirua sura, fu ,nstnn�e, are very little y y no breath to give a ercuot orAe•r _ of tike comically, Ili Aoucenvuller over _00 ttionR, • awl bnLe only Pluyees tn.lxngrr. owl dro:dnJ to run noD-uDloa IDrD, this time stoned tl:e ticrm or AL'rineu, and his galtath- a%euue lis the weal , Klug street, about 180 horree. None the lend. coo motto e.trs Out, of rho uaru during constables, but were finally forced to wove on. anti the argument, of er, the Pope. Is unalterably op- betiu• the Dyfu, In the oast, Cud Turk- Its (Dere II be of Lurmhlnble pro- Unt tLay. _ Sir. Sltrakmrzicl drove to ,disperse. t black intake wIlep deftly wlelde,l loped to any much Intermarrlagpd. %.Ih, uveuutl In els north. levy few (ptcrtlon, Wrough rho oruwd in ua open \k o- \\'neck a Hrau, proved lrreelatlble. In ady one In- In thfe,mutter the Yope's -vluwd will W d•, ear reported fit uu ui those rut, &till the mot), Lu ng under the fin stones war thyro any Indication of l provAll over all others. l y !'he C ly morglfnrats. An lit^ 1,hadu%w of eight begun to To be Released From the prcwion Hutt ha wus Sir. Keatfirg, a desire to prelung the unequal fight, Thor are msufferLa oho prier& nem b,rrr, and those vrhu dill so were int lou dyad became more Ix,ltter- At 6 or1«'k 'ol.'Buehan Irwnesl or- rho Gouerul SLuager, greeted him twl the dtardy young men who fit- galore In the IwprrLrl house err Aum- ;.,,,•lel with ebuutr of opprobrium. anm. The male twrlloa J,rtfetl ore Penit`•ntiar tris, but, unhappily, fl, 1 •+,lou rarer like ckely of tit,, der" to tit,- the atv Does. s slot- with licattr allot hirpea aiA-thor, looted and yelled. and tempter to entry on rho cuutro- y. 1D v, that house I- td y _ notonotu for the Dumber of its con - ,i, k•• rm reat"ied will' the sten and low"; to ruruiah TOO man, fir Sul- titwtur were still meg . InuD, for rrrey mew the attempt Aller a d«lend. _ Jeered n t the puifa-. The worst loved: m:wy rtrwk til arriuge. lurpectur rpp0etlon. No attempt ass matte innvert es. The royal house of .u,,,..lcd in IudurGlg llx•m not to humored {art of the crowd, however. ltncnria awn dhow 'at teller half a „i..i t fur dui l„ the barns. Ge- Qvern'm (Lan Rift ;SOO man, vibes} rue atgh Lhu oruwd owl to drlLe lin: a come mob, sur m►cb lila gathered leu u cuc:wt tut jU"t cart `' dozen rinacrrees worth ID rant and y' Royal Grencilern, 'Oo man. ecaugla William Brown, of 45 Munro road had become by lhix tlmr,fur- FUDR UFE PRISONERS OUT. P Y H1,•x tilt- mull w'G•o n+malneJ ffdUdul fid Itiver street, with frunt:l{1ed on rnited In religion to wed AI[Oamo, 48th Htghlnollern, man, street, wllo haul twos standing uu rat. torr back th:u, the Ihte of Ynnge 5 , tit t.. the catrap+tny, weir n number y t King and eLurlm street, and dery .til UtLawn. Janis ' :.-Thorn will ort flto .tr kt+brrnkrrr, brought U1 from No- 4 Bearer Compri y, enter Mn- lLtruns street, aud, It is integral, had Areet, and emboldened by this fact but Lhir partk+ular family W well a plxtalte the mato .eutruuce of rat y known to be neurotic and anaemic, url,••r eltl:s, vnrluu.l estimated at Jor Fotheringham, Is a O ee►11ef out. tt•.e leading to the volleys which the mob grew Aen+er nC told nl In 7ul J.tU deldcer lis Cauot)a ►u the / I barna f lila •'s Ilonur, but tGc five man -Jolla L„m ::O to Bos men. The first riot- Thu first dr the three far trains a -m^ fruw that direction. L'rowx was At exactly P o'clock tm,me ono hr lot] alckile bfeame lhreutemag, 6 In view or these and other elreum- nceleol to convey the mA+ heti troops ru,Wfst Into the h ntr and kept under eeeiginaW Hooper, John B,ipiisio \fir- mtan:e., It would not be very our- , trwk place In ('0111tertlntl Lvith rho tut me.ltlorlerl !Grew n XLOW', At the Ktrf'trr”' ffrrdgwnrte-re• Wane,ha.,dl'rcwOel,TnOlCitai\ewQ)n rfmtng If, tetter ell. Alfonso RhoulA 1:,,• :a„n►ug of the cats from life from Nbigara wan in re. Inemm be- guard, cul Poleefaun 4oblidon 41wrL- Which broke a window n•rtr no of lurk%df.+ av-moo Warns• and re+mutted i fon+ nightfall yesterday evening. ly afterwards are- stall Benj.imia Fill- the Jour,# of the barer. The rotund q'he strike rr In large ahead ra headqgath-uarters litd from tial Kr t e tea will he! They ar lata u anis from some rvobtlet MaIXth a u,.mGer. of nla.- T ev .!iti apt h•nve, honey r,. un- kul, fit 485 e�,ue•n street art, artl ag. lfiw= RI:Ard P L end) atonud the ell eke Grndqunrters fit from rho pt•uitentlnry. Tbry err of til^ Spanish aristocracy. But, to ^stn•`.,, &of_4s -.-Awls+rvr'x-$all, yesterday. . e.Ather wag -term or life prisoners. "r atD event. Him Majesty will be ad- ,Ioe%e Wild mG rt injurfe” to ill-- m•+n t 11 or 12 o' 11 it* Ttx,tatv0,uk, of @00 King street east, strati n effect un the crow•dy. Tb;,, . Y _ )e y ft1 K The 'klrike Committee, who aro dl- fur tort a hint of tilt) goad fOrtullO lis loweel a. reliminar look around. amt they }duel Drown In loo fusses D y e,Im•rnting tin curs. -- \Vun1 Duero from Lo Grurs rtroot Irte sllet,ce. sit Inn almost cdm- f•cct1oK� !ttu strike, were on hand store for thrive, ham n)aabwl the cure _ %c:ar for tel lust'It A Oar \vrrckrd• INcIDF.N I's OF rltF. DAY• P - veral people trial early toy, receive reports from the Ot the men elleoted, but Lim news will I TiOo stint reriwu row of the Jay, j __ _ th&t the crowd there were wreckhtg I ,.MILLION F L the three carr which h:%% been desert- 8ltrame," eOmrohe' laughed, andAtten f►fferent etOromlttemr and frofn the be, broken to them to -morrow by the DEAD 0 P AGUE. hfiaeca•r, took pine& brtwaeif d and Crst Find Riot snit Felice t%tic y a cheer .broke out, artl a abuwer u( men who a )sit on ricket drily. 11'urdouruf rho Ltrtllutloor In whbh Litt At the liraud Trunk crusting, uud f JU uYluck around the Krug street Ixralrlrne. earl&& wax directed a6'alnet fine Mr. Mockensle organized a corps of building, find every tinkle of faMik In view of he eatcceer of the man they are 000flDwi ear burvrm, and a,[h Kbrg rtrurt, oust I ,,Iowa Leland and burn employees to � Gtr In paralyzing the street rail- liol.c ur and Narbonne ere in King- __ of the Dun. There the mob wrecked Th^ 1}erli°e not a crowd vnrhtasly �•f;taem, .very fthttd nlrorr the ,bort, way eervele, there Leas naturally Awn 1'e,dtenliary, Provost In lit. estimated t from 1`5,000 to 15pr1 t!riuK In the ours As the crowd was I lrrocuked another cheer. Tint reatrlbl,r 7 t ev,-ry - car ,,hat came Out. of the m•rwone Pt:rt the most exciting lattlo coming more atoll more dwstfie 1'o- Lrt of too crowd made their Way great sterlay ate the union mart- t enitica ll a n Paul, and Non uD and hi'r0m, and anther la,U/ Gert. at 1 II em:tn ChltJs climtm+l Into the Car -lou Y 'ng yestentsy aftr•rue(w, suit the Kennelly in 8tuny M.rtcntalD lrpfteD India's Startling Record Bast two mutormen, James ui ie � ed the day at the barna on Klnq lout of the cruslf, and many of them g y stroot Bart. The crowd stone4l rver,v ret t wUlt Mr. Mackenzie, »sal Ute mr:n am more couflflr:ot d ultimate dill• Manitoba. Illenllw)p)r It an 0ttawt► „ d T. Whitehead, and Mr. W. H• at theked lama&, w Of ollora and King succose then ever, muu who wan ser attempting LO in yearn' SIIice September, 1896. Asr tout 8u orlulen:htnt sat be - More, coefldenllal secretor of will wort niteuptot to kro to work, p at the jui.etbn of River cud KInR fm rtrmonmenl Tor ntlrm Unq Uo y wrrotarl cyrr car sent from the tit'ep til,+ tau officers. As vin udtq- streets nevi Sumach find King streetm, snrmltng 9wlloh o/nu. P P President Mackenzie. Tim, running of S R drown her wife. Previously to that ho __ horn, ars( prevpeilrl Duro the Arm- throul un1 he had a mounted DollOer- i where they wen) sate fn -m flying During 8(etturda n these can from the Klug street cast min ri,, ng un ratolt side of the cur- Y lRht the points, was tried fur ptolronluq S[r". Mato{ver, ar harns and the u 1 tam r of t'lnnon of n mervir^ bring given. stoner, but cohld 'rat the cams time g ix - ri:tge. A err that the wtone-throwing„ wnteAl the building. S •rgt. Sterile, which turn the—switch tri o trucks, taut wet■ aoquitilexl He ►Cts tyo.lt (our - V I- trm,b coil inced Life r ilvial..-,f tae An (virlor ria Began in the morn- 536.600 VICTIMS IN BOMBAY - V ).lis that the wilco could nisi 11eg the oruwd lroRnn to gather on oenaefi u 1 theca were Mlle ofrJeclloD I w1lo had previously to wear stolen from the oo�oen of tern yeatrr m the penitentiary. At rho y King strn,•t, artl b 7.:'Otic.ct iter& from the pwd to the rescue of the H Y leple°ire`s for Broadview sweetie and por'eoaeu aroun- alb. rrotectlou set Jct, rat to war- y r rv•G forotment.m, found It Imliorilble to Queen Avenue Limn fir the hint tDole London, June 22 -A Uovrrnmt)nt ill q cars. Ry a direction of Mr. MtaO-, King and Ihtfferin rLreels. Agenue ext tern public Interest. ttlnco Idm Don- wlnteloent r art)l[ the eottditioa r.(:,l Ntrm In rndculuring to aper- we're about 1,000 'men and boyar gr -t At the spot tclteuI. rho XI ower ale.' Rc«wr11ng1/ 'rho declmlrn was OrOwdel lm•lore thp� rhpAw. There kensfu uu.l' u :IrY a strong guard o('� *loner�eArnr, owing to the donor• road and I:Ietor street., Yonge �►nd r0otlon be hue written many letters I Ot Italia In r�umpeci to the plague all-.- l rat rd defer further attempts wnm iffr movement visibly lnoil,lo, add Iwlbr 110& til a r%vs at the Gram!' mnemes of of hm-kor" of- the roadway, :lm,r ntrvets and King and `M r- w the press and, to hid friends to the from its first outbreak fit Bombay ur seri the &Ars until then at rou,cl_ tit,! crow4l hall almost dq,ldrd tont Trunk or-nra �t N n•pnln•,l sufll' w)x),, ercmitit;l/ Indlffereelt to tb 'mrlrne "treats, King .treat nnRrth�@ ithpe or Arousing pubHo .}l in I. to September, 181!8, to March. Lw-'. tier Dom a would not sttrrtf t to If! fly Iiliow him to Inc operated dae er the ran, Kingston road anti the uneLlon of Narbonne waw eoDvlct«I to 1 ehawd it total int!, and In fife m,•,uetlm(• lir cotiaen- p y P g' Y grerrlated hi rt J Lf mur•derleg n brother. The crime e4f re+port«I deaths 1191,. the filmwyIl thus fit a sleek give a mes•':cn wFen the -bore at the nit,! U116111 to lL barns. I Ing w -here they stood. Kier; and Qopen streets., (reran too disease during that per- Milowas committal at Lite instigntiou of ical of 5:1(x,1100 It the Bombay ' s►de fid for ege opened nmd n ('nal. Police N kr t' Police Arrive. bate enure of tor, man, arrested int his i y 1 twos e:er barn, whore ton hpwt (rp{tortun- P' p rent., hath of whom rub.e- tort nn+I ('ollfyir motet ear move,! out. cbu .gel with stealing A switch point deucy and 351,400 ID other ports fir tit? u,u1J b+ nHunhnl fur prntrectlrrR Motorman T. Whlteltea(d. who hae It wile IU Deice before the last A few minutes briar& 10 jl'Clenk 1" Wm. Marks, of 193 4oraeren ave. 'levelly died In the peultentlxry. In Indlu or a total of 852,000 for the IIt,m It wife else, decided to make n lam, lis the Rrtcbe of the company cur reaclita the bar howev-r• find Knit ^ne shouted, "St(rrm the born. nay, n conductor A private dr- view 4 extenuating cfrliumatancee --*mind for military protection. j the mob had rows t 6,000 people, therr'n scabs Lrrsldp." An ugly nub Narboltw's sentence was tomronteot whole of I%rltielt Iridin rind thena- Place the electric .yntem was fnmtfoi I- g 1 P g Y teeetive, A. F. Noble, made the ar- to Im rdpunmr•nt for Ilse. Narbonne Live Mrtrtb•m. Making allowance for Anthorities'Art. ad, n:M who was formerly In thin em- Ther. wits still a deeulWry wait mndn for Lite doors, unit the po- rest at 1.35 tri., &ml then handed P , tiuiracel in• unreported deaths :t in Tim rant or the day war apt nk, In ploy, of the CI-welnnt Htrert Rallwa I stunaL-throwing, cud Policeman linemen gatherer! togother, prepared P- toot served L't y •ars, cm)t Counting f 7 , Markt over to Policeman McClelland. cnlcultitod that ,L mllllon died dur- rarryInr out this programme. At 3 Company-, wan In front: and motor- Outhrie saw n young n nnw-d for a hard flight. At tilts mt►tnoat op• rt'rnimelonn, n«i is now rorty -eta In the ria! mentioned. ,irinck,�whlle thousands of strike mnn Will ltm Furrier was acting rah ,(~I)li Chrintle voids a stone In I portune rcanforor•mente, In thoshape The emAfoiterr of the Street Rallway years (d ngoi Idea eormfuct during lit- fm syn, tbwhil unit Of elltsens Kener- ecuttOctor. Thr oar had rr•nchr-L hit Grind. As the officer ap roached or eleven orffcerr, mrrhel In the la- Employees' Union told the roan at the Cerorrellon has barn erireme•13. ring the firer three mov,thn Of lea . film Christie ran 'and there was no trol wagon from polies headquarters. afternoon mans meting that hail for Kvmtd. Prevost got n I.te montorice ISOs' the rlenths reported in lire pally attx,d at the toren eentrom o! King street before the in& new Of &saltie cluime the h a caltt i They alighted wrest or aackville Lit, prisoner I.am been absolutely re- for a murder ooturn'tted In 1881. It Bombay Presidency were 62,667, ih"Lt{Flapoe, an anzbum ewnsultatiou ism npPeacnnex. inwtrad of turning K �Y ruet'el. was dorm at the instance of anothrr, orrmprrrxl with 17,8(M In the &lesser Lvam held, e, whish it ties c Ilowlsod, towfirde Yonge etrret the Oar started lot to Queen street. At tit , c rner I street and oharged Late the crowd, period of 1901. Other for the R'Oelide&. of 13um+iCh anti Quern etreeLe U til- which began to brook up. They were who, lies siaee died, lie ha. nerved ponding P Parts .hnlgf• McDougall and Mngirtrate rfo caught hit@ man, but the cro slow to d '�Ulher ArfePle. cars• exclusive of remtee!onm, Of Itldiet show •a corresponding in- kin¢mrfi-d, the Police Commissioners, A V.11ey of tstonr.. disperse earl poRcesclly -1 y PI which owl J(Ylnrd In the Purewdt, el threw &torr&& at the pollceme+n. Tim tour men arrested during the »m1 In 48 years Old. Ir gw0aluct In crouse, orq)eclnlly lis lire PunJaG, i, 11 I Colontol Buchan and Deputy Chief TMrty police from the Wilton eve- oil it, around him and wt(hmplr_( Other quetaw of policemen from vote- morning riot, at the King street the predtentiary has b„en excellent, where the derathr in 1900 wFrre 515, xt,rark, rrpe. resenitng the military anti nue station, under Inape.efor Gregory, to release the prisoner. Guthrie tons eectlorm, w•trh Inspector. Childs beirmr wire Witham llsovin: 4.11 Mnn= Thoma* Newton mur,le'rm1 a twat• In 1101, 15.245, while in the tlrrt thin police rewpJotvely, were pre- kept the strike Rytertathlmra and the woukl probably have received rough rid Gregory and Sergt. Willie, Join- to street; Thunias Cook, S(1 King Ianl)n In u -quarrel. He \he's of a month## of 111x: the figures have ,,lit. After an hour's conference, orowd ort loop rklnwatk. Mit could not tr+dltmeat, but at the uf)portene the fray, arwt "oil 'tire crowds stroel eumt; Rennie Finkel, 48L� 1'11sa'onotr, exeltalile dlrmporltion. risen enormously. The deaths re- f acing which alarming reports proverot a volley cd stollen 'Intl brick- moment the petrol wagon, which w re flying In rent Onrne.t, though Queen street cast, And Joe. Christie, flint the crime was Ott premedltit tell. ported to March alone numbered eerie from varl^tin parte or elle city tiotm from being fire( at Lire car. hold gone to rescue the Care rat the Me ' still pnuwed Oc+camiefnally to 114 , Dnke atreet. They are Although convicted of mur(l•r, hr 42,788. _ _ - , Within a Minorite after ton oar pilot end of ,e line, returned. The t1rro ■twee&. Six mounted officers charged wlth disorderly conduct, WON given the bprw"t of ext"truat- Of Ifs regarding the Increase*,it In the number 1a P DENISON AND THE EMPIRE. of Inwlrar anter, 1t was drobterl Ur rpeac+llyd King street, every window driver whipped her Noreen up and reach 1 the &nerve at ten minute& Thon,nn Fecuey, of 1&1 Esplanade ;rat; clroumatnnrrr and &aux eJ Ule , had been broken. Motorman White- reached the corner, anti twelve lit- past 1 , and StrilfAnapector Arofll- strept cart, was arrested at night Knblowr. lir wan sentenced In 18.Y8. tail out o strong military force to R m•eruwn the rioters. Ther faros, as hexad, although he had toren hit wev- Ibcemen, with their bntv1w drawn, Ira1d, trait nrrlve+d to ton mann- ;ind charted alit rioting. Thum:ca stmt haw, therefor-, spent 14 year. premier !+,dduu•a Iden -Hubert faf- wilt the soon In greater detalt else- eta! times• rtnet to Gla car and tumbled out and attacked the limo, t tYharge of rte whole force. hl pr:ttrn. Iii9 bcftnvbr behind ill-, Ibbr+lw, c+f C6 Hrueswiek avennf•, ami f cbnel Kcnnrfl fen aad Iseeebon. whg}e, canelrty of L400 mnn; 700 move” It .lowly along until the Don cr-tw•d with rent vigor. The cut Tla- lumn mart quickly olearel tits lard one bitln i let• }� 7 g ig 7 Ilenry Madill, ant 1(y5 Kicbmon,l ntrerk LarMan, June al.-1Premler f3rfhlon, cnvnlry ensists l on Lite NtoRnrn Wd9n, was rraelte,(1, thin trip being their wet luto the mus in roars k1ACkesl of the mrd) (rum the road- weR eonv'otM Of IDn0*Infighter {n y R R wart, were nrremtcl nteo and charged lir.timh Columbia ant wan given n or New Zealand favors a nubscrl under a conkinuoun fsslletde Of ntwnrn. i,e1,I reached Guthrie's nl!io Juxt In way, and t1 tr «,mradr. oumpletetd %with disorder) common, and 7iX) mon of the thn•e Y condoler. city Infantry regimonlw. G+I. iAfchnn When tlfa bridge had been passed. time. The prlwvaor wax half�arrl9ci tee work by raping 0rerycme mor-. Ilfn erntrnee. Hr lura nerve,! tan lion to Imperial Aefetice. Ar to a Sed - At, otter made nrranRrmonts to bring It in said that the power wrari resect to the petrol wagon, nn4 the three Ing along t1w dr.walkn loading from t'clnAUfup rat itis& 1 Jurrd, rrnr. In stony M-rontnln PrnitrD preference to Brillrh gtxxln Mr. Setl- At, navels force to gement on throe leo acid butt, the motorman and act- men • arrested dome tbnre before the section. By o'clock the crowd. With niereneo to sumo observe- Mary. __-_-- -___ don says t11at, while not demanding a Ilk1 Inst conductor lay chhnvn on tiro floor were brought from .the sheds Hold were almost pletely disp^rwe,l. duns Iaufe In lhefurvgOfng stater direct return Britain oould wlth- ml),r.fal tralnr, timed to arrive In Tot- or fide car and let It ntn. The crowd 1) aced with him, anti In a few min- anti no dlmturhan aRtetwnrde cro- mint, n any toe stated tient Dr. IMMEKSI'D IN GRAND RIVER. out dislocating herr fiscal eyetret give aMqa�,,t�o� rat wlx o'clock this mornidg. wan still occupied wftift thin oar when Utes till fatir were' locked a rat tl cerrpd. Itryprctor Gregory wet" _- C:arlada, a p eilfer•eniae In army and -uiZ. will detrain at the Cattle liar- P S itown u, who drexrrd the wound OI Lop nide doors of the stied opene-I Witton avenues station, atntck on Vice should with a large 4yaiKl»y, the• mtrt)rt rnhlw,ty empktyee. He•►ttwawl ltit.u,.lu-C:all_rt Lsa.At1 rfuvy cotsLra ts.and la other ways. kr•t, An,l too pointed along the [felt ngeln and a npcond motes nirpnrrd. atone, but not aort,nrml, U,Jured, while - The f3etturd'Iy ifevTesi_-day may" t nr. A\ reeked. hart Ia the hast end, stated taxi nlCht r -mist Conventicle.. bine, which In the morn choice by ft was; in elfnrgn of Motorman K. n nntmlmw of the men, r eeivei pajn- rhtl til• taw bion noelcel a e;ul 22 . -The Bir Robert frlffen's published ton company for the attempt to op- 9nlc)mon and Conductor .f. 11. .Innes The corm that warn retmnef to h,1 br9►se)e. P dolt, June, 2L: -The tau do n' coon - rill(" cntm to-dny. Top 7110 In- T3,o crowd had grown vtnre dotrtng. the barn worn wroctet. Not n stns wouM, app r- htly from n stonq 9 firgu mint Ii app r t of of the P M•nor Nen la)err iVlioll hr iuw slltchel n t venttov of the 8evenlh .Doty Advert- nrgumervte In support Or prpferen- fnntrymrn of tor, city regiment. will alxl many In bile front rant )o1noA In of glmrw rrmnlnrd In any of them, Just before reaohbng Yen a street "Utah" Int,, neermarr The !man tlwte- eldel here this evening oy the tint trade nil created by OOI. Om. T. �e•'1fP1R to rt■eR}vg at tT1P Krmrttlrm. tfin nrtlrlr ref wem+*s wMie+it.psavlous- lke.�uolors.Jutsi bc4Jt tampered. with, g y 4ry Denirwt.01.Turouto. strengthen& the a &Dail stmm, tni"ll t Wit TNrRr`url11 ff -t"Vff;-_.T'ifit ..lTmirv1r, . W"Ir�ry ffsr'gw-inpelMg Tho mimmoun Issued orders the mon ly eame front the rear. Tile wlntlown the roper to the trolley poem out, "l.nt, wo,t through the front nrrtow, .J.1 tlerL nR,ord rho wound as lib l tor, main trot, which v:ln tnndec nate Patter's position. SIr Robert, It rays, 10 report at 6.48 this morning. And were smashed, but Ebkxnon retroed the cuxh'.on torn ap rind Aemtroy- ,and elLher til lune yr the IawP to rove dangerous. y to boll ell who muu hl otdmiemlon• PP fall" to A rrCtate the foot that the t"R ade of ,tell cartridge will br on Lire current and rushed through ed, rind the woodwork smnwhed in. P R R now brminy"m bron ht within the Eat- .- the mutoral a's pe" .cul Lllg 4l.tJJp slrspl ruilwuxDailecsit was. ielugx all lltrpugh (!axle bAen g "(west. to thin t)rk1p. a gamh from which ton Gland rfo 1. flat:d Ltst night that Mr. Moore con- rorcrAdul. This afternoon tJlirty Dtreaonht uPP-, than atmpt NRte for file Vlnlrrn•a c'onelnues. Both Of the tDlr`n ntefk+ ton trip •IAKINti MEN OUT. A policetmn Jumpfl rnl each end 1 tines.( tNttking for moron time rafter ppertomr were birptize.l by itnmernton any loins Wr►t Might follow the rJlnlo- to the Woodbine without bring ser- the car, and It turner down Yonge im•Lrg mtrrok. , In tltr• cold wnt-•re of the Grand River, ^+►tion of present tra(ln arrange- Whilo these preparaton wmere rte- mealy injnrvd, but'fat t'llat point nn- t\ folio the Crowd shower firlck. anti 11CCOMgsanifmd by a yrll(ng mob of The ane.cult o❑ the r,tldier ockril +,l the onllnnnce being wltnem.ed by Monte. Ing',;:,,In by the. authorities for the other rrowd of sympathizers were Stones. young reli,r%v@. Opposite No. 5 Police , f Watordny afternoon. He wits fir- lheu%an,br of PeOplp. r. - preervrition of Ina moil order, the h, walking, and tfio non-unlon Men Station, a half brick threswn from the ti ly at tho orifice, of the 1), (t. C. rel It In the dnteton of the Adventlrts SAXONV S NEW MONARCH. Company wax busily engaged In had practically an pollee protection. Thn pickets maintained by the other @life of the street went Al•,t^ street nal wits returning to forni n chutNi here, and t^ thin -_ eoWPIltrnting men for the op•rn- 'fie men of one of tire car er ernwre on frtriker•m no'clock •{rorted at 1 o'clk th•tt through trip car and windfnts, and Immorn On turning flown titrnohnn Pro a arpnntor ham been atmtionet In King George Chiefly Kaswu for Hill ton or the Belt iAne enrol thin nrrlving were dragged from thrlr 0i11(, dinn(rot had been pasmel Into the barnm h a aide door, sold )net rfort1l rA ire w anotMr rock ,Lyssa k wnm Rtruek freed behind, for and tent meetln ot will b(+ held morning from the Yorkville Tnrnm, cars. arwt t,vro jumgtet otnrl ran nenxre y went through the wLrMaw. At flloor steno' t'Oket and trampled lett. And for sevort weeks. R Slllitery Tseteit. This was net neromplimhexl w•bthont the fleldw, being followed blr a hon- thin war, taken by thin strike+ sympm- there wan another damrinitralbn, fain of m taken away. CdA. Buchan, g > B,•rlin, deep L'8.-'1�0o-new Kin of hf'ri eerloun trouble. The men were dreel mien anal bei thisery to mean that there were at but npithrr the mrrtcwmfrn nor con- on twing askevt about the circum- Saxony Im chiefly known for him ulltl- t"Rnnerl from the ilonepmcnllen and V,Afer of 1110 .a. Iii able non-union men still It[- (rector werw to Mc Intimidated, and atnnor, stn ,d that there watt no pro- IN SEARCH OW A Bi"Of. ti►ry tawtps, and cenntdrrate treat- KhIK street enmt harrow In lrt:►ce In Lhr mntntlmr, rat Intrrvnlw of hMte the KInR atrnrt IAtrnn rile pollom treverrted ally Interior- vlrm[m nttiro tion, Bed tont the nm- -- nn•ntof private soldiers. lie wan cum- f",trol wngonm, emrorte.f by a The railwayauthorities derolefm,l, Alfonso \\ til vlake s Tutor of Vero- mender for thirty "troy elwme two artlnntem, three other enrm however, til t in view of the fact mac' wKh the pnitrte. Till■ Oar had mttill nos .I No n unpmcokeL y ytmtre of thin 11:th R pneeo of utwnlel lmllep.. in rmrrRel fr(Fin the "hrdw On King an mwp•eiallc rmsR+t) trip. lave motor- %,•nn CapAsola, army corpm, which U Aaxony'a con- f•neh rmme they warp followeml by thick, there waw no miceping aeenm- man worm fin K Imperial armlow, mond nrper.lnl mark for mtm- ter. crit to lhm Im irfnldrrdn Of Meyeliere nn'I at ver- etrret Thgv wpr. en otlnrKf or mlrlation In these barn, ton mnn Ch11A'm I ly nremm1.d. ie►ndoa. June S2. -I► ban been ar- P[nrry Waldron and H. finr.•v..inm�er wiles. At Oraegr ncrnon {t pea a&- wternly pit (town the maltreatment l'mlm lm,lnta the wn (mot wrrr v1 r- should D0 nioved :u the Yorkville Inle(1 wit(, a ber�avy lneilMlr, which pttuwn, June 21. A Dor a was ne- rnngrJ that King Alfctrteq of rtp•Lin e -'ml colonel. No aerlonm lOT Ilolton rind Josses BalKerow, nal ahefm, ThrPe Baba were er•rnrndnnf Pfinll make n neer of the F:rtrn nn of rddlerm by otflerrw wort aovrrnl,v in man Qnt] J mel W. AJkenw, All of till] nn grroter dmrMge Wwtn breaking oidentndly ernmatrrl', tin fruit early ri prlltrhed Imtty brutalitlrm eon thin mwmh to have Ancon doer, hnw,vp> the Irolirp nuthorltien rurniah,vl m & few morn of Ude whole nes that yf-ater,bo fOornloR•'(l fi+ Dan eMFI on tats next. P.rin mnlnl,v for tor• IRtrt of atltx►Iterne and nonoom- man worm anfely I'm"] Ott there bring wird ernploynex of the cam- mounted Rutird of eight men. Tihew@ were left it made the eiremilt frf trim ,d Diann m ilonetter hni imi and was p,lr{m>-m,+ Of malting the nef nwintmner rind lhO I rea 1110 Yorkville barns. Pmnv. and nil Nip One reg,llar motor- men pnrn.lel with their n•volverm, twit . bpir+g frriquently b1cMked by tb@ Inst rout on a tahln .awlyting the nr- of pn'inepe"e" eligible mntrlmonlally. iilimm6ArMwflt+jnWO�rm1nH1Rt11�rattrnol rel The (isturbrtne,es were renewed 'nen (nh{xetor Oregnry halt Pont nwl nm they started rat n gallop for orowd. bat muccol"i In mekling rival (4 the Coffin. in olsfrwvaoep or Thom yoanir Keng's frail ptfy- 11rter ,lark Inwt night, oaprinilf fu It me-n{r,• for the Police rererrra• the King mirpet barn elle w.tgnn, t Krrne attention, when the Vorwarts front of the King rtroi hnrnm, the tlrouth, h r' the, ritem candies were place of fin%l which brae long cornet the four nl him rnnnnnnl h•inK Pro - or. which were two mnn,�f0 Its) with dlculgeA 10. �Jirfrt the corpse nrml IlRhtrW, One of nn%I��t)', to It hnprrnllve, for loo t%Irmtowm of wit" herr rM.11a,r1 by tirely ennble Io ^Onlrol the crowd. ry,%olverm, find Its Porn t made an firps.lna this fin s. th(;wr- met (Ire to Lire ourtsbnw at an pool of hill dynasty, that lir mhall Tkh" King to a capntrh- m,tdrinn, %,dlrys of stones thrown by the '(alp mon In ehmrgr inpt e of the Inter earn ;ra� nveleadp. This, was about [)tiring trip afternoon It was forno ,,,I)olning wdrtlow, and Tddore fife motto, with n robeat prinerem of &,artl playing the piano, ha. growl tanto moil ProhnIt,*.ly not Ir. than 2400(1(1 R1AnnKPA t., rub the gPentim In front 7 oclo k rat pliaht, and king atrewt, that strik0 eymprtthlzprw %ypri moernr%rs, who worm In anothot mp- nn•I healthy onork• e► nit technical finish, and oftpo gives P'P„Plf• warm on KI rrtretort rant. of 1 ^tern mad owllag to the, fact from Rhrrb(m,rwp to the btrnw, was grensieg the street railway t rack" iri m,mt, reallserl tho trlanger. tilt, Thcan analifloatbfW are by no I !n"Mcnl pnrtiew st his hcw0ap, whprm 11,0 kremter p%rt no gmr,tntor04. thnf no line' rot turn the mvii erne ird with peoplp, 'late onfcm)kprrw in Tannery Hollow, and a ooupir Ieith ehaanldT was nblWp. It wa" mrnnv t-ommon mramg tbn rplgnln hp Dull him dmnghbwr• the Principles A"eu,nd the 1orkvlll* barn* during all of tirrir acre as swot. The crowd a__- - t- oo17 emmod the sight Of Cf mounted polbemne ween des. toned taRoedbN to reeve the corpse. families W Cvrope. Tie listhlltle, play data A d •