HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 6�A�r sN V I'' -vis
.4.474./�ji •�,
"Monsieur de L000rrau," rite eJ-te-
ulated at last, "I think that in this
clatter yea have utale a •light mgr- 1
Her tone of trolly galled him. 1
"Yuu may say my. Lady Ethel,"
he replied' .'Intt Ln Ions.not bowed_td '
tato you1r
r Ortt- agntnwt- mT-uwn -1s.--7 112'
termite. Mistaken, whet' I have hail t
opportunity to Interpret your every
word and look fur a m'. tte pert. t
and obit kuowlertgo that nd Line
among your Humorous ivindrerr haw
been so honored by your °pee pre-
ference as myself!'
0hu oovered her taco with her
hands-tr subting hands, that al-
most refused to be held In that po-
"Oh.jOn _ere
right." site anr
mournfully; "you aro quite, right ;
1 have nothing to complain of -1
hare brought One on myself."
" /low multi love err 7 • he maid, en-
tlluebortically, "or full to -read the
heart that lents fur It's 1t le nu ;
such easy matter to ooeceal our ,
feelings, deareet ; spite of ourselves, ,
they rhino out of aur eyes. 1 knew '
yuu krvted me." • I
"011, Int, sty iii,• rho exelraimed, i
retreating further trent hum with
each word. ' Xaderal. you are quite
menet. 1 rare for -fur nes ane!'
" Exeept tnyeelf,e he an.w,tesl, i 1.1Ill
a 'Mlle of tonfkiiroce. "Come, my
deer girl, you have teasee* me hag
enough. My memory is not w eliort
.that thrive quite forgotten a certalu
balcony In Park Liaue. where the
oiler women I ever carol for told me
she loved me In return. roll have
but to repent the mese %rorrle '
But the oar :l leg:uuv hnral Ise.tri:-i
to lay on her way rested by the
expression of her face.
"How dere- tL r you men 4
r n �i 1'T �irr
" le It so !Aloe a reenembranae,
"Tho bitterest I have,' 'ai the :
qui•k answer, "though net f the j
you not 1
1 U• u v r
1 r rt, t e.
m L1.t n.
,ne1ur. 1 do not biome yen'. +w
Lim Insult of to -day. beenu•,o 1 k- '
nowlevlgt 1 have brought It on
Hoff l
if .
wee shell not 1"loon tit 1
house until you learn the notiveEint
menus. t od-rev rvih'i i -'u,• "
Sha tnrnrel trey File tdt•n, send tar
n trsunrnt nlsw,et seetto..l as tlsu:;h
oho wont•1 faint : lar to hamtlelsere
self before another was a now top !
difficult wed( ion for Ltd), Ethel
I eonfe r.,"-_ etre- -snot mg lye -
neatly, while silently Ile "wallet for
her explanation : " 1 ouufews tiro in
my desire to trluml'h over Lefty
Cleveiton, and for -for ons tither
reason, I.,have 'teetotal id you to
associate more fuml7Ltriy With MO
of late than 1 should Mite done; Ieu1
I never dreamt yon would pre'olae to
go so far as ti!.."
"You though;, In fact, Ihnt 1 Kan
matin of memo or nee' other rule
stance. not generally tentelere I :n -
flammable." he will, .etreaoticall"'.
"1 am nfrtltl i thought very lit-
. 11" about the matter ; ur, U 1 e11t1,
le was n not tit.
i• 1 •
n 1
octlanyuu Im-
ngire, monslce,r.'•
'May 1 tisk 1,1 which. tit n'?'
Nita did not immeti .t -i v reply. and
from the rapid m;aunerin whlell her
twruom rose and full beueath the
flimsy materials of her dress, he
understand how great an effort It
wan to her to speak.
"1 em going to tell you." she .:alt,
presently, "When -when you de-
arrted me, monsieur ;�'ee, deserted
- -a
there --oto-cif-fief wont er it -
and 1 rnslneeel heedlessly Into my des-
tiny. I took as much misery to meet -
ter broadcast in the family 1 en-
tered an you had endowed me with
and that was no enroll amount, as
I have little need to tell you."
"Yon !eyed me then," he exclaimed,
\itriumphantly, thinking he perceived
Is advantage.
-Execute me," she replied, "1 dee-
el you then ; the love died on the
ening 1 saw yon with my etepr
:t th 1Wan(I Ouraie on her--" 1 '
.meed ; tett Lady Ethel went on
t heotlrig the interruption.
treatment what'll t you say
sire circumstances. 1 de -
'it treatment would yo,i
mo foul 1 lbra)me y011r
equal to the emergency of wee
ties it.
!f your conduct la noble, mo
elver," site eze..aimed, angrily, "Ile
yen titre er from wore than tit
which le rseepectublo ! But if )
word.. are intended to convey a
proaelt toward that matt -in w
vomit you are no More wort
to sit than my footman Is to take 1
ease before me to this drawing-roo
---I ter/ you that I would not clean
ray husband. little as you think
him, for the bluest blood that ru
in Christendom. He le nut noble
,lour acceptatiuu of the word -lou
trig on you and on my ate-Irwoth
and others like you. 1 can eery, the
OW! Ire le not noble -but he 11
the noblest budy, the noblest bra
Use neblort soul, -of aay lean w
walks the earth this day ! And
lite. hen! Beavon is my aline
til it 1 love haw ns much an ever
loved mer! road t have wronged hi
tied driven him away ; and 1 am t
1110_01 miscrebl- woman that tion et
made; fancy haw tamale 11(1(0 bite
Birt exclaimed, in u sudden totr.•nt
iragertrta., ns with clasped hauiis s
started forward and regarded ' 1
tnnrytti In the face; "frtne•y to wh
pitch of rkwpuir tide lMtrting line r
(hated me. in it l cue hunilrle nom
before yon tartly, regardless
everything but to preserve my Cal
lu him l"
Yoe; It was true: Lady Ethel h
humbled herae'li at length ; and
(hit hour ahc oommeneet to rise.
"1 am sural I our only too glad
bone It," rcturnsl Victor de Lace
row. in it voice of the most atudi
Johtrueas ; 'bet, unties' the clrcut
starloes, wltt can I aka but often y
my. heartfelt o. regretulatluos?
cv, i s:nreely be etpected to purs
ft -
e -
sand briaLbim bark again."
"'Idol -You elft 'remora yourself fro
my ler•sewe; i.h, &Oil, n'ttled at t
oontlneuwl saruaim of hie tone; "au
i wua>I be-at•me., m' eJalrur. Vot
t1. tt
1t, aglWl(r1 m.,, pail 1 feel UI
"1 here no pl antro e• c -pt In fr
1,wing peer n1•0to" he nuswrred
''/Ind f'.er oho ev.m" rens in, Led
1:11 4. f seine not b r•w,hlt you again
rn with ! A n center's* lnaliuntlan h
eft Ih• event.
• '1!e !s g'n'!" i1' soil. la it Its
tepee .1 manner: nes 1h,• '1101 of t1
h. !''.r re :oh•d b •r ear ;'they er
' nen, new- th -r't If net ane- left
11er', wbtt, a bewildered look. tin
h• It,rltee. ' h net love •bay L»
wilt• s..1 never *tense Mick to me'.
i.nly 'tit '1. niter mnklier ono or tor
fe'Pftf» to-cr+lstete lair cq
ibrlim nit fnlnthig to dho gmun•
that nn'
nerved ?
Wive given
wife In only to revenge the alight
oast on me b. anothotr? Tho trent-
merit i have r elvest, 1Dwbeur de
Llog.rns, in un litigated love and
t enderneau."
"Yew real 11 lova • t leaves yeut-by
yowreelf-alone ate unprotwetrd-to
!s) the shbJ-rot of ort allows resorts,
end the objfet Of uud - 1 admire -
(tea 1 love gttatrls Its t , re. Lady
Ethel, In a better way th n that 1'
'Bet it- 4s• -user- ow* 4
left "' sora Aulterl i' rel ened ; '
Alia to It. I wombat him on by
rued itnpntattams. I Kati 1 r'Id n
him--thet -f-hod- merriest
mere c erre-Wen •e. T "Id that -tit
Oh. mor fled 1" cried' 14147 Ethel,
nusld"nly breaking down, who burl('
Iris f:,oe In her lintels and burst Into
trona "1 hive let him -my dearest
and my Watt -forever; 1 nbah never,
never Wee hem nnv more 1" alai for n
few moments there was no eland to
1*' heard In thnt npertment fest her
tiersuitrnlned and chilling soh: s
Victor de Locarrne arse the hat
%hloh he carried In his hand.
and vlgorouoly commenced to smooth
the nap beneath the Influence of lite
kidders palm.
"This la deeply Interesting 1" he
obsr'rved, presently, When Lady
Eth"1'e emotion having perttnlly eul.-
*lal, he thought he hnd some chance
ref bring hen rd. "1 laid no Iden that 1 T
morestenr entre marl had mule resell km
an Impression on your heart, er I I M
alight have hereiteted to convey them lis e
aPntlmentm of my awn to ,rnu. filet ill. an:
you are dunhllr•ww in the right, of
Lady Ethel ; to prologs' eevotlnn to not
the man she hes marri, I I. nl,rnts 1101
the 'ant respectable. If net the ar'
Mont plPnsant, Cense for n women i `'m
Id purely.. Arld In your came 1 mimed
think reapoettebhllty was n. much as .
you ennld aspire to" A
The ceerce insbneatIon dl I not ea- tis
paps her notice*, mad lore made her chin
It most tertianata-•b•it benign, d•
a;rlag to Petri her Indy'r wL•brs oft
rule" ct t, t6.; trim Meg of a 101
eer(, ea eel at th a •h.s,r :r fa•w at it
tate +.f a ra.ir-L watt r,o ail 1 e,t m.. r
lily t'' h -r appeal, ventured to pn
h' :hr•.1a,d1, nud f.xut•t her metre
stretch eJ upas the 1l•ior.
'l.;a r Lad., (:th'1'w Ll;tors mf ;ht hnt-
b.'ni ntteu•led wltb urr,y s.ri me c.n
sa.Jm-c •e, 1.,r t0 argil tit r (1, 1 uta
nue 1 q.,bkly pr•a-uru,l +s 1 tame 111
c'lvey.>I ii'r tel her room, unlike he
Lunt r st L.cka, sill did n l r.ge;l
c as•Iusno. from 111. till 1 ,thaw
herr ono is it :t by I. beds'
Midas r Vi
g 6
The first things which
Jeltent to hos returning denote 0-ert•
tie)pre.►ure of b:r fingers on he
wrllt,, and a general perception
strong (whore and hying very ceel. Io)nt the h,:r1 ❑red breast.
":'hat l+ the matter 7' she sol
In a (lightened manner. an die apes
l tryes--lttelul,led_1ts_tttt►f t11
recumbent posture.
" Nothing -nothing," replied t1
mini tone.; of the physician, no wlti
gentle rarer he repluced her Lin th
bad; "you, flare been a little faint
that b alt; but ,yon must keep quit.
fe,r ern hoer err Mrs
Lady Ethel th-ew herself back upon
the pillow.. with n sigh.
''I feel terribly weak. 'lave I bee
waren than usual, doctor 7'
''Not that 1 know of , Mot r
mlwuld bete toll me of their,' attackacyourbefore, to which your mold nays youWily, very subject. 'hy, what bnv,
you been doing with yourself ?"
" I nm snore !don't know. Just the
name as other people."
''move you been dancing much 7"
" Yes, pretty well.'
"And keeping late hours?'
"Of tourer,. Who keeps early ons
In London ?'•
'And exciting yuureelf In other
sum ys 7.,
o'Perrbaps so. But what has that t(
ekty Wit* my fehittng t"
Everything; and 1 non going ti
lay strict enders on you to •give it
Lady i:theles eye, opened to their
wklset extent.
- y s 'Nil tlll,T "111111fMtlitrTtdtw,
and' going out altngethr'r ! What
Itonereuse, &Actor 1 It in not the end
of Juan
-"I/ It were ihv beginning i>r Ifny,
my deer 1.ndy Ethel, It wrnd,l tee the
saran thing. Vow thealth requires per-
fect rest. and yrnt mind oteeerve it."
'It la bUlJt silde," she ante, queru-
Mly; "you might ne will tell me
to sat nt nnce4 1t bluest(% kill me
@mein shit up hero all alone."
may 0111 more than one If yltu
!nate,' replied Dr. (balmers,
gra v of
Afore than one! What do you
mean 7"
f man Lady lithe!, that If.
against my vice, you prrsiet in pur-
suing this col tent round of gayety,
you will be on treble, not only for
your awn Ilfe, stn that of your chi d."
"My cb,I,t 1..
It • en •therarw, gi' who bud never
own a11't It woes tbear that onc-
e title front n we 's lipu,wbo hnd
n '1040"-1 t11• h!eteelntt of brothers
1 ;liters, and (with the exception
the ('..tnie/A of Clevelof'a eon)
'ern brought to (tont/let with the
y Inlet n -n., .if , h,klh,rvh did Not
m nt riot 111 though capable of
ieedioteen,, t1.' prrespect epme,l
b fore her by the tin•tor a words
Ly chtl.l?•
picture mate before her mnhtal
Inn of tiny Made to eluteh and
1 to Iles; pare (yea to gate Into
her own, anal trembling feet to toil
by her skis; of something very
distinctly traced. It la true, yet he
lees, luring and dependent, wit
elicul.l ,belong to her alone. and e
her by the holy mune ,d "taulhe
eel at that thought the evil apt
that bad mu lung pesseered her he
r prea.( siege stud (Jew away, and t
woman dione out it, her true solo
"Oh, 1)r. (Zalw, rr ! are you qu
-quite sure that it he true?'
Springing up In bed aa she silo
It nth orlm+un checks, dlkttetl opal n
Jeart.d Imp+, sate seemed to deme
home further proof of this woad
ful ' re'vehttlon at the phybicie
•' Yew, quite lute," he answer
etsitIingly , "prove you not suspect
It ? ([ewes. Lady Ethel, yuu must
titins again : I crtunot allow you
excite yourself like thla"
But to hte surprises rhe turn
IMOD her pillow and burst Into
tlUod of tears., Oh, where was he w
would have been so proud to he
this news; who r woukt have Il a BpC
poured her with solicltode and ea
'supported her Courage when It droo
el, nud nursed her with more th
wonutn's tenderness'! where war t
father of her child' dhe robbed
bitterly aro the wide gulf wit
stretched between them. Menta
ant) physically, became apparent
her underetauding, that the ve
°enter of her being *seemed to
ettrrod by the violence of her et,
tion. And, tatted with the hop
tessneas of their reunion, there ca
another feeling. a lower, narrow
yet etlti natural senile of pro(an
sbrinklag front the trial which
evitably awaited her; for. borer a
reared In sensuousness, Lady Ell
hest never yet beset taught that serif
control le virtue, and W:w a ve
oowerd It, the face of pain.
Dr. Chalmers. hail tint( too mac h e
perience to the treatmuit of tendril
weakness to attempt to check Ji
teary; bet ar soon[ as they had giv
place to low, gasping Nubr, aid e
tend turned her pallid. stained fa
to the light again, be 'old a oord
to her lipe and bade her drink it
"That... a good girl!" lir Auld, in
paternal manner -(he had known h
alntoist from her birth) -as she eu
iidinevely swallowed the contents
the wine glass. "and now 1 out
isare you Ile quiet and try to go
Weep. or you will be ilk"
Dut,pne. word, doctor," haying h
white hand on his; "will It be ve
coon? I feel so horribly afraid."
The question made him smile.
"Pooh-pooh! there'd nothing to
lafrad of, and It's a lung while
louk forward to yet. 1 ellen Iia
you as.atrorle amt saucy again
ever before it happen/v. d see tit
Colonel Bainbridge hem arrived
(iIcutt+t. fa any time fixe,( for li
"1 deal know -I believe not," el
answered, faintly.
"We shall nave him home fa
enough when he hears the good new
1 warrant. And meanwhile I ea
not allow you to live any longer b
yoareelf. You must -have some w
.man to May with yuu." "
'1klrMder." have Lopiee ; no one could
"Kindness is all very well In I
way : but you want o,mpaey. Lad
Ethel. and you w01 keep up you
epirits- to come and remelts lie
ante your husband })ins you °gni
Now, who shall I seal for ?"
"Olt, I'm sore 1 don't know!" wit
a despairing little sigh.
"Lady edea ?"suggested the
"Most decidedly not. We never
speak to each other." "Newer
widow ?-that's a bad sign. lad
Ethel. Yonr aunt, then. Lady D'Eyn-
"1 hove not seen her for years."
"Isar nut Colonel Bainbridge a
mother toying?"
'Oh, yes l -but I could not ark a
favor of her," returned his patient.
with a midden shrinking that was
very patent to her hearer.
"No sisters, then, or cousins?"
"NTo 1- res, though, stay! there Is
ane -bat I",)tm not euro if she would
no•ne to me," said Lady Ethel, natter
tho•Ig'rte lighted upon Margaret Iden
"'W., can h t try, and the uwel Is
really urgent. Let me have the
laity's address, and I will write to
her at once. If we are expeditious,
est t • ave
the country past."
'Mae ilender'son, Cranebaws, Borth-
wick ; bit, 1)r. Chalmers, I really
don't feel eisti fled In putting her to
eo Much t:o::ble. 1 darn say 1 ehall
get on very well alone, ami -and -
IC to ani my own fault that Tani lett
so." In a towered key.
Dr. Chalmers rooted upon the fair,
d face laid upon the pillows with
1 tense compassion. He had known
L y Ethel Bainbridge, road, wil-
fni end determined, frau her very
chiklhoorl, and had more than once
enispected that her married life was
Hot n happy one; bit her present
mood war quite a new pliant in
her character to him. Iie could
not: -understand the eulslied tones of
her voice, the softened expression In
her face, the tears standing on her
eyeleeltoe ; •he did not lout like the
sone girl whom he hes( been accus-
tomed to attend ; and Jilw heart
warmed toward her, aLi young and
fragile and beautiful and left to ut-
terly alone. Muhl it be, ea she af-
firmed, by her own fault ?
"However that may be, my dear,`
be areevered, "I alone ate reepenwible
for the step we have in contempla-
tion. You are under me charge, and
1 consider the presence of 11 female
friend to be Indiepens,Udc to you;
anti 11 Mees Ilendereun can no co
We will find soon, ono else. Mea
while, you mist try to go to sleep,
amid 1 will look in again tide even-
Or. Chalmers did not write to
Crinahaws; (or, his object being, as
soon as possible, to conveys relief to
Iiia pallet's mind, he telegraphed the
sllfl with U1 and In lm
mediate a lroqueftion of n woman's pre -
melee, begging her linebnnd's tnm-
(1�7r to IM rile know et ewe If Miss
Ilenderson could be soured to aurae
Anis when he 4kited Curzon sheet
nt ten o'clock the 01111n evenhig, and
found Indy Ethel free from emotion,
but still very weak and sorrowful
and leered, he showed her the ans-
wer which hail reached ben !Janda
an hour before:
"M..at glad to hft or use ; will
travel by ',arthro (rain to nt irrow.'
Waren my Kennon fell off to sleep
that right the telegram wit• 11 FL -
deemed') her pillow.
1)r. ('halmerre telegram found Mr*
ftnlnhrklgw, her Melee, and 'meter, idle
at ('-rasa awe • for verba' deley, un
thee part of henaeboiderl and de
menthes In Birmingham had pre
vented their vaciltIng the resale nes
slevellly an they hnd Int"hd'•,I and
fox• the moment there were fielded
opinkine on the nrlvinabllity of naw
wering in the nftlrmntive.
ern be ('o ntlneed.t
see* fellows hate t0 be be ml 1
inter le keep ehrnd tie lr ere II
t rieh whiner weeps with
nasi laugh,, with the other.-ibrti.
Knew proverb.
11 you
are lean -nukes, yen are lean by
nature -you need more fat.
You may eat enough ; you are
leasing the benefit of it.
800tt'a Emulsion of cod-liver oil
will help you digest your food, and
bring you the plumpness of health.
Especially true of babies.
ase• .•e rets .aou sem v, Se
NM? a p,� a.d A•sei «ill ds jatsfa,rersse••••
'1 be beerier rud the Hist.
The other day "un the avonoo,"
Washington, I eaw wad's crowulug
glory, a Panama hut, ticketed 1n a
blurt, "$100," It resembled an in-
verted potato pot, plus a elm, and
had b!g dents. as if knocked about
all 1 worts of Weather.
.t grave and
reverend servitor. whose, eyesight hi
not so keen as it teed to he, and
whoop tauter, run tete the bizarre,
read the '•$100- for "$10," and, step•
pleas Juulttlly In. drpu ited two Y'el.•
un the euunter. '•It's a hundoad," said
the dealer. Tile.reuator nearly drop-
roppub down death. "t t unrlred dottara for
it hat I" he gaited. "Oreat Roots 1
Thaler far too steep. For too. steel)
for m.'. What woo!, the ml.rus ray?'
bit' ambled met nt n gait- verging
on :!.40. -New Ye rk Press.
Meuard's Liniment Curer Burns, eto.
Ito*' rte Non Fume.
Otte/1100g of lutggl-, the Porton
Journal drafts the exper.enue of u
favorite ii0ii 'who wits-aeOuriomed
to rpe•nrt- his b'uuateew 111 Wilton,
Maine. Thege he "used, when, as the
custom ens, a fnriw-r "011x«* a crit-
ter," the liver. sweeteretols. kidneys,
01a.. Were thrown rtwny. lie offeree(
to purelwse (hese: delioeaele., Lut
though he got tie retie, the ' sturb7
farmer scornei lei.. Keifer/el gull,"
Not lung ally; he olservee.l as he
walkuol through the village he wall
the:0y•tGenre. of nil eyes, niel ens ful-
lowalAy it wunderine if lot t o:miring
crowd, elderly of the young. "Attu,"
thought ht, "I cannot ewes* any
fvmr ; my glory ay :un nater had fol-
lowed me even to thin comeler hem -
'eq." and he aa■ mightily puffed up
til: het brcrhenr,l silo. yokel shout to
smother : "[till, there goes the feller
whit eute Innards."
Wearies Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Pampering the Thrust.
"Yeti, 1 know -another cold!' said
a doctor. "1 do not know what tme,ti-
cal tom would' do if it {Yell not for
you women.' And he turned to
the creature of furs and wraps, smiled
one of We appreciative .mules, and
continued - "Remove your bar,
Weave! i)0 yon realize that the/deli
collard that wnmt7a wear *email
their tuck are resp.tnsible for nearly
all the cults that your x04 geld? It
is No, Winter an 1 mummer alike
you 4. ill Kunst Upon Wrapping 1P your
delicate necks le heel retie, trivet,
cloth, linen sir ebilt ,u revering. if
It be not title, lvhy 11 144 a yard or
more of •tbboo drawn tightly about
the necks and nate:rally the melt
gets tender and over -sensitive from
the fancy ),anlage'+ and swathing
that are forever about it. With the
first draught three is n cough.-
the areae si.. th
t carter 1e soapoll ll sit raga -
a Om,. Purr w :,h•r is .tante.•, he s•• dl•-
1usb.a,xs, rima,• ..•riot:.id t1.. • 1omnrh
read b wrl.. 1',•rry Datil fa in killer lune
everting of Seevieuta le M_ngtaad.
Thu Llncolnnhire hiring fairs, whirl'
aro hell lu the tarilee towns sit the
county every year during the month
Of 31ay, have. Just been eemdu.teet, ant
show n stunt tenr(•ity of 'women
servants -a atilt .• which has t,ertmte
110re Mel mire pronounced during
the last few yietrs. t:lperiercel ser-
vants have cummntvirrt higher wages
then prey:oasly, alvei many ml.treeses
are rout without mahte- Male'ser-
vants Ite ve nisei been .care.',
New York Central red Hudson Rover
11.11 road.
The above mule le a household'
word and the eup'rior excellence of
the road should bo sufficient to at-
tract moat people, but now that the
rate is the same to New York and
points nett an by other tines no
further recommenrintbon should be
sought, Everybody will tell you it
1s the best.
The Gardeners of Paris.
No lees than 250 gnnlr'nern are
employed pair i,1 end year out 10
watch over the flowers that ren
der Parma It • xqutslte, says The
Sketc:i. The Auletel ('onaet•vntorI:
where they rue rill pro.Juced. le. sap-
Ptintente•I by m'n who are eoliths
nolontlete in in,• art, and It Is rare
that the designs in the gardens ere
spoiled by a tti,hrred (!ower. With
the Incoming f aprtflt-they are
sending out fle,vent by this million.
Worthy of tae Hest.
A trtrrry is told Li( one of the old-
time pillars of a New England church
who brit out firmly for a long Owe
against the Innovation of an organ.
but when he finally yielded did see
without reserte. From tkileut uppw-
talttoo he became the snort strenuous
of all the cougregatlon as to the flue-
n,tJpg ul time ihetrumeet to be pur-
utit to me you aren't cousirt-
oru. relit One economical brother,
reproachfully. "heroes month ago yuu
cuuklu't spunk her.Jdy enough about
trireme and now yelu go to advocat-
ing extra etpella,• in getting the best
that's to be hare"
"Ree here," .rad the deacon, grimly,
"if were going to wurrrlilp the Lord
by m eohiner•y, !don't want to putter
round with any eeconil-rote running
guar."-Ytatth's Companion.
Cheer up. Yuu who hats `ret e.1 under
the torture sit rheumatism. lieu used not
sutler another day It you uttl law "the 1). t
1.." Menthol Plaster. Iteuerhes hellannuti-
llon front stn Jofnt« and resells• Ir.
luri.t on lite genuine.
l'erel.teuee mons.
In a talk to wurlillgmen the
other day Bishop Ingrain, of Lon-
don, sold : "Rumen nature slwuvN
reminds hie of the story of tit-•
two frogs that fell Into is pot of
cream. 011.• Of them !loan ;tare lip
the rtruuarle as n bail y,ix and
without tenni ado sank to the liot-
tom. The other, striking out with
all hie Ia1Rwe and perreveruig, event-
ually found 'dingilr reetitlg upon a
put of butter churned by his awn
efforts to get 'lite head above the
level of the erealu.'-ideelte'e Weekly.
3fy mare, a very valuable one. was
Welly bruised and rut by being caught
it a wire fence. Hume of the wouwis
would hilt twig although I tried many,
different mcdiclues. 1)r. Bell advised
me to use MINAltn'S LINIMENT, di-
luted at (trot, then .trusageer ad mho
sores began to look better, until, at
tor three weeks, the sorer have heal-
ed, and beet of all the hair is grow-
ing well. and Js not white. as Ie
moot always the care in horse
wounds. . F. 11. L**YCET.
We) mouth..
Knew What Was Coming.
Ileupeck-I dread to start home
with my wife.
Itenpeck-i)klh't yuu hoar how
sweetly elle thanked sue wile° I tol'I
tier she aietukt pot have trumped
your ace. -Ohio State Julienal.
MI'liard'r Liniment Relieves Neur-
I.ewdlnit Up to It.
Bobble --Yoe know aria preserves
out it, the 'entry nut you told me
rote to wit r
Mother -Yew.
lkrbblo-1'enl know you said they.'
mute re • siek 1! I .-et '4 m eles't yes?
Mother -tee. w
Itrrbl,ie-W'"Ip, they dldai't.
Monkey Brawl Soap deans kitelien uten•
oil., steel, iron and tinware, knives and
forks; and all kinds of cutlery.
Ills Reasoning.
i e u. o
It was a the Light tort err this battle.
Pat W/1.44 tellil ti
a Int Ili. comrades rulrndre vvhllt
hn ens going to do on the morrow -
Ile wind! show then how to (ethos
was to be .ee0. Tows J. ava a be
(aims crawl.n.! in os. It,, hnsdr and
' Well P.tt.' , al) a comrade, 'Orlin.*
hitt yea beet? 1 tI;ought JJull were
song t, show ut how to fights'
-Width." • said Ptµ. "I thought 1
would rather be n coward for_ fir
minutes than a corpse for the rest'
of my IUe-"
Idinard'a Liniment ror sale every-
Coronation (3as Illosainatbons.
The extensive use of mu Illumine-
ttou at the approaching coronation
fertivltles in place of electricity is
elurprlringly universal in these days
,d electric e(gne. a...11 would seem
t hnt ,e nugunt an institution as the
iiank of England would certainly
selopt electric incandescent eget. to
decorate he track building. bet, no -
cording to English nmthorl1la,,, this
outlining' of that building will be
done with gem -Jots perforated to
.how "lennmcrnt-4e Jets. 01 eight "Thus
lic,v show., IJaitiell conservatism
with a verminnere, thus'gh In tide
velintry gam ItlnminntIon tvouldhare-
ly le Pon,i lere,l Dither effective,
convenient or Rafe.
Take Lata the Iironin Raisins Tnhit.. All
Irn;Rgl.t« refund the money If It tails to carr,
E. 11'. tiro.,'. danatnn• hoop each bus. l..-.
Warshipsareeherthed With Asbestos
to Keep the Sailors Healthy.
11'heat the fatly turned to Melding
rutin. Of revel it wan remarked that
laden/ some der;a' Fide id•opte4 for
'1'hte iN what 311., emote Slrp!,en- offsetting the effect of hent con -
ton, of Ito Harlington Road, Aberdeen, ,lensing on the metal It would be
earn When writing -to the proprio- an1y a' nuttier sir a short time bee_
torn of St. Jacobs 01, ties,- remedy 'are all our u'fi:•ere would be suffer -
;Titbit cured her : Ing from rheumatism.
' I w'aa eery bad with rh;•somatises.
I omit] not put m+ elothcs nn with-
out ercb:tg nut, Inlwaye had toh'1vn follower! a few years ago and now
alridatance to dress myself. I et- there is not it 'single pion of wee 1
tralaerl a battle of St. Jacobi 011, of any size to be fund In nn officer's
Lrod attar ism einteii7o Were loom 1 II room 011 a modern wnrnhipl. Jia
• eeps hie
tot ucmore wrt-fr'i, -sotto V% need the a,tw (('botflies 1, eleryel tai Inn11 ! none kwhile the
I n nide to du int 'work Civ metal. Ifloor, ceiling and walls of his apnrt-
f . • Id reonmmwld Anyone troubles! meter are of this risme metal. vttgee
with rumatl:rn to ape 8t. Jacobin the adoption of the 0011,1 armor for,
VIU' f'" , ' the Paden of Warshlpe a great deal
Ulm At nn
'M h non's repot sol��J,*��Itinn of t�•t>eibl" tl(ul..hreel .PrJirrlenFad, la_
TO a very eon ran 0 %vilnl IT snaking hebitnhie the quarters
Wee before hP haul MINI lit. Jnrr4,,, ro1.17- net to the entente covering.
O!1 ; therm eh was practically help- The heal of the room condensed on the
1'!! ,c.tn o Iy-, Ohl.ntctai awl in a. very. abort lime
m pain, �en•l �tho rx repent would be on the hoe.
Tile intro Iu:•tien (d metal . Hrtlrr,
tnbb's aril other pieces of furniture'
hot resets le a ° roe M
ntilo to do her ork. S.ereely uueh pitnl die with it brad cane of rheema-
.teleose nm this 1 most convincing ti -m. This 1. now Rennie' ag•ainet
(kat 81.. Jneube 01
'onquern Pain ., b 'tit
ee1se place'! next to the metal end
held In place by a frpmework. Tolls 1st
fettled to Athwart) the mindere In n
'attafagtory manner. ('are to 11,11110taken to see that the berth. are
not built ngain-it the outnl,io of the
veered, but ngaiuet one M the old.
walls. so that the sleeper wile been
four an possible from the metal that
(*mess In centnot with the 'meter.
URI • y e u
('arson*. \
div 31. 0. N.) \
near to my heart 1s my native
Inn,(, the fo'Orlte rh1d of a free
Morn rnoe, now making her first
ointer, rvunnye upon the stage of the
world'o nrtion nhd playing her
part with dignity and grams.
.\ soul of n pout; n anal of Acad.
inn tears. fair t'olumbian limpet',
awl it larger Heston of It greet fu-
ture northern land; each Is her.,
Oh. 11y Mr 11 true love. soy 0011n -
try : dear to my heart as heeven's
light 00 dnrkenevl (yen; dear as les
the tender flower growing in dun•
gown wail to the prior prlauner;
l o-rpl thn tHinto aT my ',,welling
Never trill I forsake thee, dear
Iotely In,,l. nor pro, n faithless by
n000111iflg iter 11arlln(( wage 0( thy
fair e,etnie loan greet Republic. 1
Inve for then; ,nm1 when the great
/attire 11er hentily epee my heart,
i eel breathe my Inst w.th head
raatinig upon sky sympathetic boort♦,
or a rdlonthing it ne-
$100 REWARD, $100.
Thr reader, of t hl. paper will he pinned 1n
Morn thattherelt at lento one dreaded d la.ass
that. ■Clime bila been Nt,le to "are In nil ora
•engoft and that he (1. inert' Anil'. 4',t.nrrh
Can' le the only positive sass now known to
the medlrnl fraternity. Catarrh, being a Co.
•tlettlet 11 d sonar,nlrcs a ronstlt,m tient
trenlment. !teat's Ca et Carr 1e taken In-
ternnlly. Retina, dlr.eta upon the Mand rind
mnrnnm mnrfae.. of the system, thereby dem
troy hot the fnnndntIon nl the 41ware, and
giving the mimeo strength by femme/ rye
th0PO1•f.ifniben uadrrletIng nn tut. In slain:R
Its wart. The proprietor. have aomsib faltll
ie IM rnraltve power* that they oear (n•
rndrM nouns, tor any wtm• that It tale M
entre Mend for art nt MstlAnnlals.
A4lreee P. J. re EN ft/ aCO.,Tobin, 0
For Gold by druggist*. Tee,
What shrunk your woolens T
Why did holes wear so soon T Mi., wtrYtew r Neighiii three 1
Yuu used common soap.°""• be °"$'°' `''"dr." r°''' t!
rootbw obhll wfte iedv urn , Cur, . „1,•
Cate mad 1. the lied remissly fur 11hirrh,w,
ISSUE NO. 26, 1901.
&ak ter Lie Ceara•■ sur, w
•••••••••••••$4•••••••• OOe s ♦N
Tito terrible catusteuplle of ti
!Terra luxe directed ettcutlun t
sit her voluutu)cn, of which( about
thiamine' are kuowu. Of theme, 8_
sire 1.uw' active -Those 11041 quie.een
aro out all extinct ; any ones of (het
may, at ally time, renew an actives
whMett, ems ear air es L Ori u, tis hu
rtr•p.nele,i, Vesuvius Wtl14 lipus1:1011'
be the au -trot world us axtluet unto
(1114 prr.ud ad lit" 414 L1'potlull u
l'o tlpell• Front 1806 to 11:11 ' x111
tuklutu was ugain quitseeut-.fur
lig it periu.l int three eenturl.Y.
The iukanoer of Inland are bit er-
petual uctl(lly. t:t11a, Vesuvius LID 1
titn,mboli are 'tow luterueltttenty
ta/+ltvr. The tuleasuem of .gip tin ween
very astute in the Prover -r,. ut fear-
tla. to 1811. Thi .stars., .the cs-m4r-
lee, the Cape de trete l.lirni Ir•l
de t.ourbuu, the I'hillppine•s, Java.
Japan, liawau, a(exl u t'entral .tnt-
oneo. -1;Z:titular and other tits t"a
along the A.le., Terra tb
forgo, are ouuutrier ton.,
nig 1o'Canuer per1etonhy nr.,
Tut, .tsurrs and the !Jewell's', Ishu::,l.
are, in fact mtot ,ung but vuk'iit,
rising form the ern. .tlnska contains
severalactive volcanoes, anti the
`er'h-weeterll Stater of the Patine
itrclueSc munutaine that h., e,• be-
come quteroeiit In eery recent titmice
g•lalrrc at a netp of tot' world Ott
winch the volcanoes are mnrkel will
give& vhLJ Idea of taster dlotrihullwt.
This is not a random nue, as u 1w111
will clearly teem,
/ju+erecent t ulnaowes t hat elm b •.
corning aa'ti�'e u.unllr give w+treing
by earthquake,. Tiro was not the
ease lu Martinique, however. The
crater begins by pouring oat huge
volumes of nook,. comp)rel of games
nal torero awl then come volutin c
usies. ltttmlce, and every now and
then toll -yo of Incuo,leceet porous
stbn"r-lap bit an 1 p0 -s Annus. la'bu
lar waterer of white-hot lava ere
thrown out In meed like forme. er-
eompudesl by rzl.lesIrv• mounts.
Thenen the diu'Io above the ere -
(.'r Ugh tat its.ih 'e to 1 the clouds
themselves ere illuminated by the
glare of the Inve beneath. The lava
itself may be thrown out by expel, -
Oki t or It May open wily. through
Lugc fl.wnre, 11 the nth. of the moun-
tain. in very tlol,•nt enlpll'tns f0-•
whole head of the mountain may hi
blown off. or the mountain may h'
:leen spirt ea at:Krakatott. The
%Menne. ,reties are 'met out in vast
quantity. and. bainu light, are
carried to ettormoliw di.tnneee.
The ashler of Veiel 114 111av,• fallen
in funs rti 1 r
t ( r. ashes rt,
T f t .moi
Tee Y
Vincent in 181'1 that -tem -al the whole
sky nt Bertmein w: til•..- front Sum
,stw,t lc 1glint5 were cnrrled 70.1 leis
mer m'hw tf1
11.he•. fn,m Krak it•i:a I1 18"M fl Ilei
the upper Mr at'1 proWrc4 the rel
resents 0f that year. which
continued for month.. The grommet
prnlueto of a release, --are deadly.
In Java the neighborhood of an ac-
ture crater haw neon friend cnveriet
with. the den•I belie, of wild nnimnls
-tigers. deer and the like. It was,
hist dotted. Warns of nnxlonii sots that
kilicl thonleu"to at et. Pierre. mottle
feint Iden of the rucrgy of volcanic
forces, may be had by considering the
pressures n(' R*1ry merely to main -
win a column of lava at the level
of the en,ninit of n high mountain.
'Pennine to :,710 metre,: In height.
.\ preranrie ,.f a.bosit 1.1101) ntm„w-
pheree In neceset'y to make the lava
flow from out lln critter. The Mar-
tini lie volcano n
g t sun 1.143(1 metres;
high. end -the premiere Was, at the
ndnbmnm. 400 iitmoepheree.
I ('Iran yr 11,,r -
an•, gold, bras
s„ motth
rousnlnG f IBRt
• Nu powder urinals!'
• ti. uee, lust bMr rob.
bltemyett with lbs .n•p�,r.
t• e,irl.Uh, l',dblirt ;Ike
u musk. Price .?! a nil
dal Ills or b • tun
jj,vl1UIT yes Hit )Olt PALit Oeig ttF TR%
.l' nest to the Ni.. 14x. Pe thitett, tl
WWW Wow.. 10 ham mesa Iiteculltee on two n
wars. kill sorer la all 30 01 which I. i„ he.
meetly patches W til be sold lit olio lenn•ul ,#
divtd.d luta tutsol L! 4 Ila aures lc .ai'
����esee..rr,, This is u decided besiege A.Idr,
Casae Uerportrr, P. O. bus til*, 1. thou;
S/b rti 1
NONAIOK 1111:. CO, Bt. cal Karla... n,,,
n Trliil samples fem. Tree. au • ,,. ,
Y -..
Slops the rough -
tied Works art the told.
Loin Brametolnlre Tablets ears 00061
Is one dny. No rum, No prey. ['rice /6 veto..
The Meat or Reality.
Visitor to.tqunrinm-Witt you kind-
ly tell me where the tank contaln-
Ing the imitation /male are koc'ttt+17
lttendaat.-Nevp,• heard of 'em,
Vlwltnr-T41nt's aura, o 1 They told
my wife at the fur stone her coat
ween made of initation meal skin. and
1'.1 like to see One of the animals
Attefldaat.-Oh I balls). John, firing
this old cat up for the gentleman to
look et.
Ye prove to yen AM De
and &bertha* cure for eneh
and evert form of Itching.
bleedingand era.rild lag pile*,
the cestnimetneve have guaranteed tt. Seems.
nmontal• In the tinily pre Ind Flak your neigh-
bors what they thins oti,
If you have any need in
the Jc wary line,00 matte.
how small. Our catalotuz
canteen Photographs o
many llpndrrds of our
popular pr:ccs -copy e. .41
be sect love free. We t•
guaraotersafe delivery,
prepay charges and ch,::_
fully refund purch.e.e 1
money, should yc:: d.:
to trade back.
[er.J.'ciU e1'M1Mi1i'"1"'"'1
m•ar• .r.s Jr
YONOE '' e.rars.
lelLie''SelittO geelS'rr.
If sere...., vailt spir ay'it.iesiw•rfir..--
t 1N. vnwM wslu se relatrer.;.
. n., „r know r (rind ilia{ Is .MieKsd, ars s, - l ,
Ms 1,1.1 hr(tle ,snit vL.a."k Trismus., t.l. 1', et
Del'hr venpk bet •Ism Jame,.he nt t.3 ,., ,L r ra;,t. t•,, rt.
arsrest Pel001,. s Idrw... 1t has ..,revs r:erre eras.
1 Ih,ng.1.. has latae V.tt* w r;t,,,.,...moon 1 ,.
Urp� and gree n.me, pest sad +u 1 .,t,1 .., 1•, 11 l
UEBIC CO_ 178 Klea lir. Mur, TORONTO,
A 10 cent packet of
Y Pads
has actually
Killeda Bushel
of Flies
Bo Imes • 141111•rt
Irkkhareor. of s4: ftse hem
4•444,4. Ilskeeise•wer-etreere•to ell
wee, err *ess 1.1.44 Itirtowts
Veabowfteafetivo. 4,08.44 11111......, 04
for Inc P.1.1
IN, I 4 yrs. 1441110111 esseines,1 YAWS lees, 1. 0.
Strainers leave Hamilton I p
Toronto 7.30 p. Tuewilaym and
Friday -is ; on a nil after Juni! fn
Tueedayn and Thuralleyn and :-'at
untays for Bar of (antral% One 7' ate
rine distends Rapids, fn. Lawrence '0
Montreal and Intermediate pert.
Very Low Mlle& of Illuale sled
Return Tickets.
On and after Jane lital steam,ra.
leave Toronto Tunedaye and Thurs-
June 16th daily. except munfIny, f
Clutriotte. Port of Rochester,
Thoitennil Dien le, Rapider, St. Lau -
rence. Montreal. Quieter, Marini
Ray. Tedrow fte, feign, rmy Myer ;did
Intertnedlate porter.
H. Fender Chaffee, Western PA Fr
Traffie Manager. Montreal.
• ase's Ointment oft
Don't tun. Glumly pellet on yeur
house, or the fleet Meet of Worm erd
rein or len nuremer man makes It 1•0k
Overby. ( heti, paint with bo peta-
1 toe le dear p tint.
le the purred paint, the redr-i I
boot known In Canada. Medi fr. t
pureed materlari:-Thusule rigid, le, ev
nigke It look floret/test bright I:, .e
right price for the been Oust g.0,(
DTI* UN A Inarft end net for 144)4,1, -
LT -7T leo. II, 1,1tre Mowing mitu
beautiful hempen.
Paine Mbyte. lititink. IR 12
Always Insist 411
your dealer sup-
plying you with
Tiber are manefectetrel from the tylineT ‘TEIll'iLo 1, the
lit -AT SKILLED work mew