HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. TRUaioAY, June 26, 11109. 5 W. Acheson &Son Bargains is Table Linens. 200 Table Cloths, 2 x 2i, pure Irish linen and double damask, slight- ly imperfeot, but almost imperceptible, handsome quality, regular value $2.50 and $3.00, at each $ 1.50 140 double daninsk, pure liuea Cloths, size 2 x 3 yards, regular value $3.00 to $3.25 at each $1.75 Cashmere Hose, 25c a pair. 34) drive women'@ plus bleak cashmere How, medium ws'sht. seamier feet, double sole, *sera ephued:b.els and toes, fashioned, ease Si L, 10, regular val- ue 40o, at pts pair epeot.l Parasol Umbrella Special. 3 doses ladies' Umbrella Parasols. fulls ze.'later•l wood handle, steelier Mtmmed, saver of *ilk and wool, frame best queer and patent spring, regular value 12 75, ol.arlog .t, special ..... Ladies' Vests. 20 di ren bailee' white hole thread Ves& with half sleeves and Ntevelaie. finely 6nleb.d and ribbon trimmed, feeblest/Id, our rerular 25o goods, apsolel Juo• olwnov sale at wob l.i,. or 2 for 25, Carpet Special. 800yerd. Kogluh Tapestry Carpets, 27 loohes wide. *owlet coloriegs gad de- dgss .5l to a dozes petterne to uboo.e from, •ztra heavy quality, regular boo and b50 tonally, .t per yard, epeoi.l Phonates, of Matthaei, Mrs Jobs Mao- Uo.ald, of Goderlub, and else William Greediest, of lluderiob, were willed hurt, but she U muob better now, we u• glad to lay. Maltese Fred Jebostoo retuned home law week from Swotted, where be hes bee gels, es soh .ol. Mrs. John Celery and two di Idreu. of Wtogbam, yblted former's the slater, Moss Hood, ea Tuesday. Mn. Wm. Diamond and little daughter, Floreaoe, of W logeam, visited at 'Dittoes Ouulta' last Thursday. Mr. sod hire. Waiter Burgas mod ohlid- ren, of Mitchell, visited the l0rmer'd •an4, Mrs. Dentel Lewis, last week. Mre. (Rev.) West and little daughter Rhone returued on Monday atter:• moots'• olds with her parents at Whitby. John Uudiner's saw was badly injured )• speoid Lialu that went through last Wedoes.ay monolog, and io ooswqueooe 25o had to be killed. Joseph Pugh shipped • c•rlted of bogs to Palmerston on Monday. sad Duff and Stewart reo•Ivwt • i uload of British Uolum bits 'Wages the same day. Jaok Stewart out • gash In bis foot us the cuouler gave to the mill en Monday. He was tickler/ some *derive out of tee way and sookleotally hit the saw. Whitfield Jermy., ot the Hlusysls road, who has bees Ili for some time died ou Monday and the fu oral was held from U. Methodist obutoh so Wednesday afternoon About forty guest* wore assembled a1 ' he residence of Magnus Steno., Mhrns. t• wiliness the marrlags of Mrs. Spenoe's dew, Mise Mary It onion, to S,muel Plastow, of Restos, reor Wit. Rev. W. .1. West, M. A , the bride • pastor, performed the sere. away. '1'he bride was dewily d d to w►ue mu.)iu and law and canted • bouquet .1 fusee. Toe groom's pretreat to her vies • gold watch and oh.to. 11r. and Mrs Plastow left on Saturday for their future home, sod carry with than many widow for tbetr bspplossa. 11.59 454 Bstterlok's Potter's far July view all 1' stock, sad July lamb ou ,beta le aid free for all saqulrera W. Acheson & Son. THE ASSIZES. • 11th• or the Etas Mean id Jostles .ekes ■r. Justice 5lreel, Mr. Jostles Street presided a1 the 'tittles sf the High Court of Justioe lot week. Tor Bread jury was composed of the follow - Ing T. F. Colima°, 3salortb (.berme') ; Rlobud B. Bewley. Montt ; M•ttbew teeter, Stanley ; Freese@ Doyle, Nutlet ; John Elegised, Hollow ; James (demo. 9', Helens ; Wm. Hill, Colborne ; John L,.p, Asb6e11 Hugh Mclateeb, Ashfield ; Ifaoeld MoCorvle, Cltetoa ; leaois MoUee, l'.borne ; Peel Reid, Ashfield ; Edward Smith. (ir.y. Thee being o0 criminal boelors oefwe the Cour*, His Lordship was pretreated by the Sheriff with the ourtom•ry pair of white gloves. 'There were fury sad Iwo sou -jury owed o0 the olell list, and mew were disposed .1 as fo lows Rook et al. ys Trott -An aotlou regard - log the administration ot an estate. E. F. R. Jobatoo, K. 1. , (Toronto). and F. W. (:ladmas.( Mew), ter pills; W. Preud• foot, 14. C., fes deft. Oa •wouot of the sheens of defendant's hatband, meld to be • material whoever, the trial wee powwowed t0 the art Au toes. Allan vs Raver. -aa potion for dower. W. H. Rieke, K. C., (Toronto). for plff. ; Alex. Shaw, K (' , (W.lkerteo). for def. This ewe was tried without • jury Jude meat was reserved. Smith vs. Soh000hel•. - Aottoo for damaree to property by a 11 rod at Pere Albert. W. Proudfoot, K ), , sed R. C. Hays for plff. Peelip Holt, K 1'., for deft. Adjourned to next Aimless. Doherty vs. Millen' and M.oufeotursn' Co.. This w0. an .otter taken by the well-known organ manofutorsr el ('.leten against the company named on • alum le wsorettoo with the last fire .1 the Doherty factory The plaintiff olalmted psym•ot of pollees ameaotl.r to 18,000, whiob defendants alleged had lapsed aad h ad net hem legally renewed. Messrs. l'roudleet & Hay. for pled ; Walter Bar- wick, arwink, K. C. (Toronto), for delta. Ells Lerd- shlp devalued with We jury. Jadgmest was rewrvsd. Nestle vs. Grand Trunk Railway Co. --- This potion was taken by F. G. Nosh's. of Seilertl, for alleged o.sligeece, wkiob allowed an weeps of steam irom the piper renewing steam for heating purposes on the (lompeoyg passenger (towhee The plalretff was getting oo the trate at Mit okell, and he °l• eyed that a burs) of stews from between the oars blinded him sad he f.11 between the station platform and the w oos of the oar, lajorle' his lege. E. L Dicklosos for plff ; O, F. Shepley, K. C. (Toronto), for delta '1'h. jury was out for over throe boars ooa.iderlog a wordiol to the owe, but was oosble to eeeee and was dlsnb.rrsd by His Lordship. Monter et. Marne. - Action on a promlesery note. H. J. i). Cooks (Hensel!) for plff ; Meese. McPherson & Davi 1.01 (Stratford) for deft Aottoo Waled be- 1wDea the wiles out of sours. MoN•bb ys. 7•tlll•r.-Aotlon for sxoes.iys eels of l'gser to the late Alex. MoNabb. The ddsoda.t w0. •1 toe time of the gale of lienor • betel keeper In the village of Brus• sls, and it was alleged that M.Nsbb, while under the iafosnoe of liquor suppled to him. tell Into the cellar of the hotel and was fatally lojared. The plaintiff ergo the daughter of deos•.ed. O. F. Blair (Bras sole) for D) . ; W. M. Slool.lr (Broseele) for deft. N. edict for plaintiff for 1250 teed own. Taylor v■ 1)oups,-An action for breach of promise of marriage. The plaintiff lives n ear Klrkto., and the defendant was and! meetly • msrohant to Leta J. 0. Sew bury (Exeter) br DpIff. The defedaot was n et represented. Vsrdloe for plaintiff for 41200 and wets. Fowler ye. Hug111.-Aetloe for ap•olfio performance. Meters. t'roadfsol & Hays, for plff.;.). M. Bert (S.alorth) for deft. T1le settee was tried without • jory. Jodi - moot was riven declaring the arreement In e vidence to be the true •gresment between the parties and ordering that the same be speoliwlly performed. Defeoileate b say ares of the .oboe to the trial. Matter e/ title referred to the Leoal Matter at Gods [le► N report. DUNLOP. MONILy. Jot. 23. D. Met.rso, of God.rioh, with his well- known hoisting •ppu•tas and staff of men, was r•t..ng A. Allen's farm billdlog and putting new .tils under it. What with the excuntcne both by wets and by 'awl and the picots• .t Morrtedale sad •t the lake oo M.oMaooue' term. bet week was one of p:earur• to a greet men,. to the •bassos of po.tma.ter and Mrs. Folioed to attend • wedding 1a Uodertob township oo W.daeeday of lee week, Wm. Fulford, of Leiburn, ably dtsoharged tt.e dueler of merchant sad postmaster pro tom. PORT ALISER1. Moop*r, Julie 23, 1902 Miss Alice Rarities. acme up teem De - Molt for • few days last week. Mies M. Graham, of Gederlch, Is viedeg her soot, Mr Kendal Graben. Mrs. Thor. Joy, of Nashville, Toon., is bre on an *stondod reit to relatives. Mrs. Sohoechato and daughter, Margie, here returned from vette' 10 Myer ton. Mr. end Mrs. Jas. MoWbtooey took In Ibe exournoo to Detroit ad report • pleasant time. Rev. Mt. Rutherford, who preaches In the }'rerhytorten oburob here, •tteoded the general •oaembly to Toronto. The garden party In o>emotion with the Forelimb church, Arid oh the rpeoloos pound. f Mr. Fester on W.dssed•y last, was • de. aided sinews. LEtBURN. MusDAY, June 23. Rtohard Foley and Wm. Folioed were o0 ea lowere.tiog trip to Swlortb last week. IL was so nice that they overly missal ►hs ween train 0p to Uodsrlch aril then with szoesdbrly quick motion they reached the harbor to tree for the night excursion on the lake by the Greyhound. Both will go bens te Seatorth 1 i July, the lather a of so tar. On St, Patrick's moralise to the yotr A 1). 1867 our now bis resident, Geo. Kober, wee seen bemiring a fern -gate to a young elm tree at the north Ed. 01 Clue moot farm on Hubbsrnat row. Alter a per - led o1 thirty -6,e ►Dare Perot' Stewart, with hie Noe Wilbur, and Samuel Potter 4.n the moroloR o1 Buns' birthday out down the sow sturdy elm with long saw and e., savior the nett as • ihopo.ng block, with the iron binges to. Uogb'tor Doer any day ea see the block at Mr Stewart'.. He teak one of the Vogels to be sawn at that "away'', while the remaloder was one op ter firewood t1LUEVALE. 1'cgs nA r, Jose 17. We are glad to see the improvement lo 1he trate servi05. Mise Barber" Thynoe, of Arthur, le visit log bet soder, Mr.. Hailey. Mr. and Mr.. Robert Mo}'breon visited relatives at M000ton this week. Mrs. Frank Paterson, of Wingbtm, netted relatives here on Tuesday. George MacDon•:d had men employed on Tueedav moving hie driving sherd. Mr. sod Mrs. Thomas Cools.@ vlslted relatives •1 Molesworth oo Toerlay. The Allows Plastow, of Rooton, attended the wedding of their brother last Weiner day. Mrs. Wm Stewart vieitedher daughter, Mn. Martin Masten, at Corhettoo last week. Rev. Mr. id of( elvie, of Wroxeer,pr.•ohed in the Methodit oburoh last Sabbath evening. Mn. John Gardiner w0. rialto 111 last weer, and In c0oo.gsenoe Mrs Fred Mc- Cracken, of Brussels, Mrs. Christopher ----Fencing Barb Wire at $2.85 BEST NO. 9 COILED WIRE. American Fie Ideal Field, Frost Field and steel Oates. SCYTIIE8, SN ATM, FLOES and RAKES. Alt the very blst and the price is very low, considering quality. We aim to get the best, and do get it. SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS are fast genera wit h us. MISSION OF SELF-SACRIFICE. Now Lo Dieter Ills Will - ape■d Two Years abroad. Rev. U T Currelly, M. A , of Toronto, a • well -know n student and graduate of Ve- tere. Uotprsity, aid • former Hester man, left on May 2 oo • quest as rom.ntio as that led by S r IJ.I•h•d le search of the Holy Grail. Mr Currelly intends to speed two year. aid • hal( to Europe, principally to Fanwood England. etulytog the cow dation' of Itis moos the common people, to order to satisfy his own thins for eootologwel informs, ion, and incidentally to obtain materiel for his 4 h. D. thesis In 0000ectlon with the department of political science of foroo•o Uc'yenity Mr. Currelly is of strong physique ; lib frame 1s hardened by the r gore et pioneer mteeiooary work ob .slued to lits two years' life a a trnelllor Method:et promoter in the Caaalian North- west. Relylog on hie splendid physical fitness, Mr. Currelly Intends to become a Lborer,.od will work for his hulas •0100t the peasare of Fr•oce and •rtiz.ne of L .- doo. Among other gosstloos which he pro poser to Inveitlgats is Ibs oft repeated query ; "Why do the cemmon people not go to church !' Mr. Carrell,/ ell study Om question In Prow first of 511, where the •nt.-ohuroh fwlie• rete high among the masses leen os soul lire among the sub merged tooth 1. Loudon. where only 6v. Dar tent. of the population attend obutoh eetv.oes. Mr. Carrells. is by trade • wood wryer, but If this fads him he le sure h. will be able to prove himself a laborer worthy of his hire Ls some other depart meat of mamas' toil. In the panes' of his labor between the French and tee Bogllali ex- perlaoe., Mr. Curiosity Intends is spend ell months in the dreamy v.meephere of Uz turd. HOLLYWOOD PAINT is the best and chrapest paint the customers can buy it spreads well, looks well, and best of all, wean longer than anything else. McKENZ1E & HOWELL THII PLACE TO BUY SAO •IDI •CUARL. talusble Adel,. to Ale.ssetle,. Eat meat ep.rlegly, and take eery little Ayold totortr sou, keep away from dampness, drink water abundantly, and al. ways rely oo Norvilloe as a qulok re'ievsr of rheumatic peloe. Being fits bmes stronger than ordinary remedies, Ner,iltee'e power over pole Is simply beyond belief. It surea oleo sol•tioa, lumbago, neural/1s and .'1 pain, whether internal or eternal. 1. srge betties, prioe 253, POLITICAL POINTERS. The Liberals of South Oxford bold their annual mestlog at Mount N:Iglo oe Friday. lir. McKay, the lets member for the rrdine, duoosed the causes of his defeat. It was sot true, he said, that the detest wa.dos to lank of exertion on bis part. A vital mstter •t I0ue woe th• problbltloo question,' and he was assured that he had loot 400 votes of the Lthsrel prohibitionist. He had loot ths.dupport of tis. I.goor men as wall on account of his refusal to pledge him sell 40 follow the 000rw that they asked. He oou d prove that meow had been sent foto the riding by sooh ca as Seagram, Walker, Corby and 4 oodrham to fight him. The Liberals have decided to protest Kart ad West Hamilton. They have abundant oedemas of crookedness on the part of rte (oeserrrlves In the recent election le Cowie Bruce the returning olfiow 0000lu led the duties •tiaohing to hie position with aaoh despatch that the 1: berals were de prlved of their legal privilege of securing • reooan., whlob might have resulted io • Liberal gain, as Mr. Hugh ('lark, the Con- es votive oandldate, had but • majority of Bve votes In Muskoka Or. Brldgland, the Literal, lost twenty ween voter became two deputy rewrote, officers did not sign ballots with their lawful initials. Henry (J. Orey marked ballots "H. (J ," and the judge holds that he should have signed "H C O." Wlbfam MoN•oghton initialed bel- low "W. Mo N.," and the indite holds that he should have signed "W. M." it these errors had dons lojo►y to the Oprodtion Ili• stead el to the hovernment party, there would have been • great outory ageinsl "the mahi.e." These thing@ would have been denounced throughout the reentry u Weaned villalalss.-Toronto Star. OF LOCAL INTEREST. thereof. Pretreat robe, est owl for four ounces. MerubaorlL.e or mueeltet.e rue now tar is g I, mcle hug otatioi sty and Mask books, dry good., groceries. hardware, sea, eb•11 he .ubjeut to the rale of W. ueot.NI' the first two curious or fraubiou mereul, and two wow ler teeth addittsu a1 two snouts or hewer' thereof Peewit rale, owe oast per suave weight or trauUuu. Oe all matter 910.405 betwwo the Atha mod Yukon distrait. and soy otter put of the Uoeialon (,10595 60" as as paid for at the letter t$0 of two wow LW 00.000 er fraotloo thereof, oiroulus 001 • load o5 two ouuos. In weight, and saws papers from the etcher of 0ubleatlso), 11,. postai rates shall be double those °barged ea the wee sissies of rustier peeing in ass) other put el the Domlolen. The library of the Collegl•te lastituI• has received a valuable addinoo from tb• pro weeded the reveal Fol Kennedy wooers, in the shape of • set of volumes un Ne'.ar. Study. 1'h• books, seven to number, are handsomely boned and beautifully diners% ed and will be of great and permsaent •slue to the oohed. 0 "Craft must bc vcilcd, but truth tors naked." Poor shoe must bc highly finished to veil defective material. but good shots need not fur to bc seen in their naturaI leathers. The cost of abnormal finish Ls put into unusual service and valued by the Iters (through then price on the sok) in - "The Slater Shoe" welter W . Siar al, Jr. • Sole Local Aged. CORONATION DAY JUNE 26. DOMINION DAY JULY 1. Return tickets will be issued between all stations in Canada; all stations in Creeds to and from Detroit and 1' rt Huron Mich , AND TO but not from Buf.tl ,..N Y., Black Hot•k, N Y.. Niagara Foils, N Y , and Sus. pension Bridge, N Y., at Single First -Class Fare t-:uo 1 going June 25.11 art 26th. returning from destination on or before Jew 27th also good going June 3001 and July 1st, valid for return until July 2nd, 1902 Single First -Class Fpre and One -Third Goal )going June 24t11 to July let, in. lu sive, valid for return on or before July 3rd T ckete and all iuformatiou from agents Grand Truck Rai.way System. F. F. LAWRENCE. Town Ageut, Uuderich, JAS. I). MciX)NALD, District Paaewuger Agent, Toronto. The POINT FARM Near Ooderich, Ont. N ew• SCALS Olt PORTAL RAW. --Ge and after July 1 a revised sale of peewit rates will t• charged on mil matter ocher than letters or oorrespondeooe 'Ids following ars the new rater compared with the old :- Oo Isgal and oommroial pawn and other matter either wholly or pertly In writ tog (extent the matter mentioned in the n ewt eneereeding eeettoe) the rate shell be two wets per onn^e or fraetlon thereof Present rate Ike game. On manuscript of books and newspapers, and on three dorm mewsof the Dominion and l'rovinelal Governments and of ma.Jolpal authorities n ow eubjeot to the one tient per Imo souse raw, the rete sb.11 be two *onto for the first four cocoa or frailties thereat and oee soot for ..oh .ddltieeal two canoes or hellion thereof. Present rale one sant for sash two seats.. t)o all meter other than sews papers, wholly printed or Ilthegraohed (winding olroolare, oawloges., pamph- let., books, oto.), the rete .hall lee ono oeol tor e.oh ewe miaow or trestles thereof. I'rwsat rats nee tent for lour oonoes or treaties. On maps, prints, drawlers, eogr•vlsp, phetegrapbs, plans (without speelfiwtiey), sheet mese, vleitinr dards (not wrlttee), printed forms wlthnol writing of any kind, be - tautest, sotomelegicel and mleralogioal specimens. Eke rate .hell M two oasts for She first four ..neer or hetet ion thereof site erne wet for web alditlo.al two noadw or treaties thereof. Present rote one est fes sash 9 This well•koewa and popular summer resort will be conducted during toe oom i0,4 season under new management. Re parr, alterations an! improvements are now being made to the buildings and erouode, and the latest and most ap- proved met/ole of ma.•gemeot will be iwrodoced. The hctd will be open the first week In tole. For terms and further particular" ad- dress The Huron, Bruce & Grey Electric Ry. CO., Limited, Iwo miaow. Steeds, matting• (het not set Bowen), halbe, root", 1od11ag plaudit, Wows or pare and palletise and @metes of merehandles .hall he eahjwt ALi. HARDWARE CHKAP. to the rate of two omits lite the first tour OODER/CH. eek or legation thereof, wed eco cast fee sash addltionetl tee mese or trestles P.O. Box 73 Oodertch, Ont. %mood for Sale. Hewing established "awing and split. Clog m•oh.wry at my Coal and Wood Yard et the hem.' of Nelson street, and hiving a terve stock of Cordwood on hand, 1 am In a position to furnish first. Wass Yin•• Wood promptly and at reasonable rater. Tornio. oasis on de livery. Office, Nel.on St. Telephone 75. F. BARLOW HOLMES. 1009 'tb02 a, LISTOW i(J--G 1s moving forward. Winter term begins Jan 1, 1545. Our rates are reasonable, nnr coarses or stud thorough and praloat. Send for our Journal mand see who, we teach. 8tad.nte may enter •1 any time. Two courses of study, Commercial and Hhorthan C2. A. FLEMING, A. L. McINTYRR, Pres. See,. Owen Stun'. Listowel. Goal! Coal .1114T 1(IWEIVh.0 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. Thls 4)oal lo good for stoves and grater a wally lighted and gives out • tenet heat. 1 Car West Virginia:Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Mssillnn gashed Nue 30041, per 100 lbs, or $r .iSO per tog. Orr --(AMC IT A TRIM , liotralga is Rheumatism of the face. Uric Acid len in the blood by disordered kidneys kniges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause Is the same aa in all Rheumatism - disordered Kidneys. The cure la like- wise the mame- Dodd's Kidney Pills ARV 4i, • SRI VINIF A handsome steel siding for all kinds of building' purposes ; supplied either Galvanized or Painted OUR ROCK FACEDSTONE in fire and damp proof -resists all weather conditions is very rea- sonably priced -and can be so easily applied it gives universal satisfaction. Find further facts about it in our catalog. Metallic Roofing So., Limited, soh 01.5..10 Manorwotsrw.., Tsrento, - - Canada FOIL -AL': BY Lee & Silepilard Wm. Campbell. (lederle1, Marsh 10th 1902. \Or; TI1 rf) Mlir ICur.'. The Division between good andhodlfirreot Drugs and Medlotnes is etroocly defined here. The indtt. ferent kind aro never orders! end Dever permitted to form cart of nnr stock. Only goods of uoduuo'.d purity are offered to cuatumere. Our stook . f I-roprletary Medtolne• le very lure. Prices are 1. w. F. JORDAN 9 MEDICAL HALL, Desi -q. Bakery. I have bought out D. CAN- TELON'S Baking business, and will keep on hand bread matte from the hest Manitoba flour that can be bought. I am introducing all kinds of bread : Vienna Bread Whole Wheat Bread Graham Bread Malt Bread Currant Bread Steam and Cream Loaves Twist ' - and will make a specialty of Pure Home-made Bread This bread is made from hops and .analt yeast, which is pronounced by the medical health officers of Parte and Old London, Eng., as the most wholesome bread, and they condemn the forced -raising -yeast process that is used by bakers in factories as being unwholesome and indigestible. D. J. CURRY. WORSELL'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Eavestroughing, Metal Roofing and Biding, Dairy Tinware, Iron Pipe and Fittings , CHEAP. Jordan 1 ''1looderlch, Goderi/int. I( I �' S . nt. TWO ABRCAINS =OS= - and - CORSETS HOSETwenty dozen, secured from a factory's overmake at under prioe. • They are fult fashioned sr sinless. We thought they were good value at 121c, and so did you because you bought the same hose freely from us at 12ic. The lot of 20 dozen, as well *0 • few dozen we had left, to clear at IOC CORSETS • • Ladies summer Corset*, short waist, straight front, at 25c Ten dozen heavy weight jean steel filled Corsets, 5 clasp, its drab only, nicely trimmed, extra value at 50c, for 39c Together with a few of those short waist, straight front, at the same prioe. MILLINERY BARGAINS. CLOTHING BARGAINS. M°K/M'S BUSY STORE. Every Cyclist Deserves Dunlop Tires Do you want the but tiro -Dunlop Tires ? Or do you want to pay just as much for the second but ? 'Dunlort Tlree for Carriages and Auto.- solid rubber and pneu- matic. DUNLOP TM( 00. LIMITED, TORONTO. J BROPIIEY & SON - TH1 L'ADINQ - tk\�erla� Dvreetort'wn(L Orden earerally attended to al all hears, ■teat or day. eaebee street. WOOL 1 arrprrpared to bay this season's ollp of Wool, as usual, at the-- BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILLS for highest owls prioe. or to et• chew. for manufacture] articles i shell have a large aseortmeet of Homespun Cloth for Lacher Dresses during the reason. Tres success I had Inst year Indaoer me to go exteodv.ly Into the msoa- faoture of this artlole of olothiog. JESSE GLEDHILL. RBYNAS&CORNELL UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS, EMBALMERS, Etc., 14051 s!de of Nears ERICH, - ONT. bight calla promptly sweated, P. BARLOVLIIOLMES keeps constantly tgla b.od and 50110 at t he lop/map toes . Hard and Soft Coal, Cannel Coal, Blacksmith Coal, Charcoal, Wood, St. Mary's Lime. .1 he b'.t brands of..,.e,.ee..,. Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe, Firebrick, Fireclay. It will pay you to inspect his stock and get prices before purchasing. Omce and Yards at the be•a or Nelson Street Uodertob. o all Mese. TAILORING... I bays received my Now ybeoit of Suitings, Tronaerings, etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. 11 you are getting • new .prise mall, a light oven•o.1, or aaytbiog In my Ilee, 1 oan plea.* you in goods, Ht and price. Witeadyltade 1'Is4klag 4. 'leek. S. DIINLOP, TBELar'T HELLO THE OLD' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL WOOL ALWAYS ON HAND McKilkp Mdnalj Fire Insnnnoe Ce. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW'. PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value 01 Pvoperty Ir mret up rn 'armory, 1501 es,e4t,f.6.M U►r4CM.HM AND ntRRCTntte. J. H. Melees pros : T. Fraser, vtoe-Eras. Joe. Coanoll , 1'e. Dale. W. O. Broadtail, J. Watt, Jas. f(lv.as, J. O. Orleve, J. He nswele, directors; W. O. Hroadtoat, Hoafe•t h, Inspec- tor of losses ; T. R. Hays, 8eaforth, eeoretary- treasurer. AGENTS J. W. Yeo, Helmeevllle; James Cumming Remondville ; R. MoMlllan, Seaforth ; H Smith, Ilarlock. Policy holders can pity assessments and get their nerds received at Mr. Coati. Clinton, or at 1110140411 Bros.' palaee Clothlog Store, Gods rich Mill Wood FOR SALE The at ovo in cut into stove wood jen,lth and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day es ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at rreidence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. G orderieh, Novels. 21.4.. 1899. 53-3m THE REST ScrallIoil Bard Coal • IN THE MARKET Al (foal weighed on the Market Heals) where you get MO IW. for a ton. WMw LEE. Orders left at 1.33 al azimays Store promptly attended Ie. A Great Saap_... le our (linger Seep, m1 hos • pound, of whish we sell a barrel a week. This Isn't our only soap, as we carry everything that win be found In an apo to -date erowry store, and our prices ars right. Th. farmers know three they min •Iw•y, get from us a snap ler Melt produce. Ws draw the line at 50 legitimate trade - everything goes (il.esware or potatoes, garden stuff ay ohoiowt table Chine.. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & 00., Re Boll bleak. Gsler10 DO YOU BUY GROGERIES? No one who buy. Groceries can afford to overlook the bargains which we offer on every lawful business day. Our Groceries are of the best quality, and the prices are aa low es first-slaga weds can be bought at If you are not already dealing with us, make a trial purchase, and wee if we cannot suit you. S'TVRRY dr, CO. Ti1F GROCERS, WEST HIDE SQUARE. L'lloods promptly delivered. Tgllpilloee 19o. 91.