HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 44 TECO/DAY, June -26,-1903. THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH ONTARIO 'Some People Have- - An Idea that they can be comfortable by divesting themselves. cf clothing during hot weather. Others buy warm weather gar- ments and are always comfoi - able. We have • well selected stock ot light weight articles, such as Straw flats, Neglige Shirts, Light Coats, also Coats and Trousers, in light and dark grey Horuespun, with stripe. 'These garments promise to be very popular this season and cost very little money. a Our unloading sale of Children's Clothing continues. for one week wore. We want to clear our tables of all Children's Clothing and have reduced the prioe so low that it ought to claim the consideration of all shrewd buyers Don't let this opportunity slip. You may not get another like it for o long time. Our reduced prices range from $1.10 to $3 98 per suit. See the new Ping Pong Tie, the latest creation iu Neckwear. W. C. PRI DRAM. gut Aqua', Ie PUILl.arD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ST O. Me1IWt.D.T QODSRiCH. THURSDAY. JUNI 16. 111011 l THE TOWN COUNCIL. A Little Difficulty Regarding the Carnegie Library Project. A. Addlile••1 edge A.krd ler the Orange telehr•ne■ The autos .r Mattlaad feretery Failed no Older Seal- ■. . Seeere the (.aaell. The regular matting of the town 0000011 wee held on Friday evening. 411 the mem berg was present 'iamb Mr. Humber. McKenzie & Howell wrote again regard l eg their offer to keep the watering out iodated 1f the town would allow Them to have an .dvertloment on the out. No satiate was taken. A requisition from F.nglar Kelly for two more wheelbarrow' for uelo•dlog coal from boat", and also for some plank to run the barrows on, was sent to the writer and light committee. A ommuiloation Item Jamin WWbell, secretary of the Deet Northwestern Ex hlblolen, miles that .rraogemsote be made for the proper lighting of the ground' and hellfire's oo the evenings of the fair, S.e- amber 30 and October 1, was referred to Wm water and Itght oomm,ttee. A request from Mrs. Emily McKinnon for remission of tau' WAIN Dot to the come of einholen. A t ommunlo•tton from Mrs. T. H. l'retbewey rsgardlog dog las was seat 10 the same ommltte•; edge • 'Mei moniostlo• from R K. Smith la regard te taxes on his stook whloh was burned out last July. Messrs. D.cklosoo & (Jarrow notified the oounoll that an adjournment had been made (o the oast of Mol)onald ye. (toderloh to the sittings of the County Conti, on October 7th, and the ewe of It.deliffe ve MoI)oseld had best adjourned to some day this mento raey.nlant to judge and counsel. The Mayor stated that In each of these oases an offer of settlement at 550 had been made by counsel for the plaintiff. The epee,' committee were authorized to close up both oases If they considered this step advisable. Swd'tori Stokes wrote asking that re. pairs be make on St. Patrick's street. The matter was left In the hands of the public works oemmittee. Mr. Muroey sir 1 that it should be understood that the committee was to be call.e together and that the work was not to be done on the order of the .balrman 'one. Chairman Thompson re boiled that the work of the ommitte• hod Wen done In . proper m 0 theorist. A petition for eiastru lights on Cayley torsos win referred to the water and light eommltlee. A petition with some elghtyliv" sign• teres asking that the grant of 5100 made by the oounell Iasi year for advertising purposes In ooenotloo with the Twelfth of Jay oalebratloo be aopplementel by an addition' errant of $100, war refs •red to the ap.elal ommlltee. The following amounts were referred to {lis finance committee : Gartehore-Thomtoo Pip. ('o„ Hamilton. pita. $211 91 ; James Mortises Bram Mfg. Co., Toronto, 'applies, $5 37, $13.29 and 51 92 ; J. H. Woreell, repairing ram, etc , 19 54 ; W. A. Mo Olymont, oarpeoterlo,, $12,40 ; 0, C. Whitely, relief, 18 25; A. J. McDonough, oiselrlo damper regulator, $12.5; M. A. Hanes & Co.. Cleveland, O , 604 900 tone Boal, at $2 75, with tesnranoe, $1,668 28 An immune of Roht. .Johnston for 17 eleotrlo light poles, al $3 each. $51, war sawed 1t b. geld. The report of the finance onmm'ttee. rsoommeudtng paymvot of • number of •c - senate, was adopted. The waw and light eommittee reported Mist I6e oommi tree 1.d rec.lved tenders tor tie unloading of • cargo of coal into the town Boal ebede and 1.8 awarded the .on Nan to 1'. McCarthy .1 30 cents per ton, '1 he report w.• •Aopted, A dlpeuulon regarding the duties of 16• iso on ot Maitland cemetery was "nought ee by Caunolllor Elliott, who mild he had been out at the cemetery and found teat eery little work had been done sod that the plane was to a diegran.lol randiIioo. He wanted to know 1f Mr. Newombe was g ot supposed ea put In h1' lime at the ciente fiery. Mr. Know, who it ohairman of the came. eery oommittee, said he d d not think 11 was necessary tor Mr. Newcombe to put In all 61s time there. The Mayor said there heel been a g 1 eomplalnt and the oommlttee should he galled tOr.ther to look into tut matter. Mr. McKim very pointedly asked for Itformatlee as to Mr. Newombe's cloth's e nd If he war not paid to do this work. Mr. Thompson said t6.1 In past years It war considered the .50011'1 duty 1e do the work Is oneoentlos with the oem.tery. The committee was Instructed to leek ate the whole matter and retort at the e exl meeting. Mr. Mnrn"v mired If the auditor's report h ad been rewired. The Mayor replied in the eeg•tlye. The Mayor we. lnutrn.t.d to glee sotlra, at the earliest date to terminate the sereno m.i1 with Mr. Dunlop regarding the ar- mory lease. A deputation from the pDehilo library heard, ompo.ed .f 1. H. Worsen, Judge Doyle, D. J. Nebel, J. K•r.l,han sad A. T. M ars, B. A., was present and sow lavit• ed b. address t6. d»e•ell. It was expleened Nat a blush had .eenrred is the carrying wt .f the Cita se • library prej sol Ogled to ea ohjs.Msa salsa by Mr. Bertram, Mr. 0•sseal✓s repressataNvo. 1e the form el Ike res ialee gamed by the e.n..tl in tee. (*pilot Mr. Carnegie s offer. The preamble of the raotutter, which was drawn up by the .eeretatt of the beard, contained soots referenot. to claa..e of loetruotlon In various lines to oonoectioo with the bulldog propse to be erected, that Mr Carnegie's tccretary mistimed to be afraid It might be turned Into a school Intend of a library He sent • form of reeolutloo whloh would be salts factory to hien but One e.natelned some claimed which the moaned' u_uld not swept, and Mr Moore, a.s.rotary of the board, consented to correspond !other with Mr. Bertram and get the k:nke straightened out. There seems to he oo real disagree- ment between the pertles the difficulty being simply a u0.0llon of the form to which the offer of $10,000 by Mr. Caroagl. 1. to be aooepted. There w no further 1)0.10..„ before 16e oouno MARINE BAND. To the K4,,or of Tie Six --lo o,orda,, wait •Donal custom 1 orave the use of your valnab'. ewe 1. s prment to our 0(1.7,,. • few f.ote regerdiog the band --Its progress Auris..' Lb* put tear and lie present position. It le not the pur- pose of thle article to deal with the hnancas, se this 8e1d is oo, aired by the trea•uret'e report In another column. 7 he progrs.' ot the pest year hes been tali ly mUd.otory. bet oonsder•ble dlthoulty hes hese met with through the removal of players, whloh 'wearies at the preeent time with fewer skilled men than for some time. Every effort will be made to "apply these de dmenole.. Some time was alio lost through the roigoatloo of Mr. Jordan, but the management feels that to Mr. Buingthwu'e they Lav, beep fortunate In seoorlor • suc- cessor who w111 prove in every respect s tlefaatory,and a oo0tinuaooe of proep.rl'y and progre.e may oe08dently be expected. It Ie to 1e regretted, however, that • larger 'lumber of our members do not turn out to the I motto," for election of t fli rare, etc. Everyone who contributes the sum of 51 Ie an snout! member and much streagtb might be added to the work by more ready attendance and heartier participation of the atsa.b.r Inetsomen's. -Two Dew saM, an alto and a tenor trombone, h.•e been added during Oil year. Present equipment, Including clarinets and a piccolo belonging to Lbe town etsnds as follows : Cornete, 5, aka bores, 7, baritone, 1, Car mete, 5, tenor trombone., 2, drams, bass, 1. pi000lo, 1, tenor horns, 2, drums, snare, 2, near horns, 2, -total of 2h 'Those ars all is lair condition swept two *blob are prep nosily neglect. BMldse •boys the leader and Mr. MacVlear play their owe 0 etrumeots. It will be a great servloe to the band If elms employer of labor oan find a way to bring In a few skilled performers, tenor or ornet pl•yrre preferred. Flnenm'ly, • great effort Is to be made We year to clear the solety oompletely of debt, end If tee annual subeor(puoo le as good as it should be this may be a000m Oohed. Thu done the procuring of • beth ter uniform will probably be undertaken, es well as the exohange of "omit of the ioetru m.nte for higher grade. This w111 Dost 5200 to $300 possibly, but oar bend 1e a credit to the town and mast be made more so than ever. For the hammer oonoerte we are procuring a large assortment of the mos, oatehy and up to date mune published and a le hoped tb.t the public will enjoy these popular entertainment' more than ever. Itis to be regretted that more out of town eager/meats are not procurable, as they do • great deal to keep op intermit Our o(tlzeus might runlet In this matter 1 y putting In • word for our boys whenever 000•alon offers. Bespeaking hearty support, \ours truly, W. C Go1ne, Manager NEVER 100 OLD. Yearn se Renter to a rewire. Pnnof any Y0.e.se. I'1-ATRIVIr.t.e, I)at., Jun* 23rd. jetpeolall. -Mr. Thomas Lok., an aged gentleman cf ibis village, was ooavinoed 16.t he wee too old to hope for a reelect ours of • disease of the kidneys, whloh made hie hack .o sere that he could hardly eft up However, he doweled that he would ti y • treatment of i)odd'e Kidney Piffle, and he purchased one box. Before the arse box a as finished the pain was entirely gore, and he was a well man. His gsner' health is better Mai 111 bas been fnr years, and he seye "One box eared me, and 1 bays N pain In my kidneys moos. "1 thank (;od for Dodd's Kidney Pelle," THE WOMEN'S INS rITUTE Report Presented Ar too Cerrelad, al tee Ahnsal Mee...,. The following report was submitted at the annual meeting of the Women's lostl- Iwte of West Huron by the e.or.'ary, Mrs. Colin Campbell, of Oo4erioh it affords me very great pt to sub- mit to you my mono annael report of my nitiolai seta am secretary treuorer. Before eoter'ng upon the "object matter of this rt pert, I desire In behalf of the members of the t1 eel Huron Women's Institute to thank the Department of A,rlooleare and the Farmers' institute for their kindly Io tenet and for their financial support, which hays made 11 possible for us to oarry en the work of the year. I also desire to express my eine. rte sorrow open the Ian our orgaufrsena has seetalned in the death of our late preeld..t, Mrs H. Klford, of Holmseeille, who died April 9.h, 1902 She was a moat soere ..fol and eeerg.tle worker ler the orgeale.tion, and Mr cm unit' and advise willhe ateally Wesel .t this annual meeting. Referring to the growth .f this •wool. tion. I think we may 0.ngr.tal.te oerealves on the rumness we have •ohl.y.d. Twenty "even ,nembere were en the roll a1 our first meedse a year end . half aro and today we hays one hundred and twenty. We held eerie. the year thirty two meetings, namely: OOderieh, q ; ileal..lith township, 4 ; ;gingham, 6 I Holmwvllle, 4 ; )(Intel!. 8 i Colborne, 2 I sad nes al esob of the Billowier' plow, Cllotoa, Loodesboro', Bel. grave, St, Helene and 1) , Tbs Dumber of addresses given and papers reed was 71, w►lob were listened to by 1676 •eau»u, an avenge •ttendanoe of filty•two. There who have attended the mretlage have received week benefit dlreutly from tit In formatloa received and indlrsotly front a soots' point of ' 1ew. W• have been muob benefited by the literature sent out. by the Department of Aertoulture. The aim ul the eesoolatioo for the pest year bis been to stimulate throughout the district an Interest lo the subject of domwtto solitaire. 1)o- metlo soignee must coyer many subject*. 11 must not be reserloted to mean simply foods, hygiene or soy other eagle thing. but it must loolude all that makes lor the health, the ooentore, the well b.log end the surroundings ul the lomat*s oI the highest tastitatloea tepee earth --16e home-beo•use it 1. from the country borne that have oma and shall Dome our broadest -minded men and women. Astaire eon Re tared. Tboue•nde of teetlmoolals 000clunvely prove that asthma ow be permanently mired by Inhaling Caternctzooe, • vegetable anti epclo that destroys at 000e the perms oaring the diseaset,'.terrbozooe rtyes immediate relief to 10e dletreulog Dough and •uffoo•Iing •ensetloos, mates brmthlor' easy and molar and Insures uodtetatbed deep. Cet.rrfozose our.. asthma that Jo - tors are unable even to relieve, and can cure you. The Catarrhozone inhaler le made of bard robber, den into the vest pocket, tea be used a1 work, In ohurob, In the street, to bad -any pls.» -at any nine. Two mouths' tre•tmeot (nuarantwdl, price $1.00; trial •z. 25ote. Druggbte, or N. l. Polson & Co.. KIndelLOo, Ont. Try Dr. Hamilton'. Mandrake Pe11e. AJOKE IN A CHOIR 1l Reined 1•e R..leal Slteet el One WOMB -Cars•49 el the l emm.0Ma. Rumors of • chole eruption at the Flat Presbytert•a Apra, Detroit, bay, been a8wt for the past few /mks. Some of the pillar, of the oburch •re sol, to be `rumbling over the 000duot of the choir one 3uoday 00581 recently ; but those who .re mid to b, the moat outspoken dealers they bay, a model ohoir, whose 000duot on all ocomlow 1" moist d.00rom. Nevertheless, those who were at church on the Sunday gusted can •ouch for the truth on 16e following As the well-known goartet arose to .to It war the crudest display of bigotry we the opening hymn, Sem �I.de, the hese•, hay. seen In many moon. We are willleg wee seen to raise bis program towards has to open our oolemm to any reasonable Dom• nom, and.rter a sueploloue muff, burl the muhloatlon, but not to 111-advl,.d rantop, innocent bit of paler yetirmertly on the no matter Irom what eouro, they may em - door. This motion excited the visibilities of seer. Aad we wish th.t:Celbollo peas the omit rake end sopruio diger", who, af- would glee us oometbing like The Mao trona ter one or two Inaudible guilds", broke Glengarry. 1t le a story and not a oolleo- down and began to laugh, in which they tions of descriptions of sonata. tacked on to were joined by Mr. Slade. Then Harold a controversial o•tsohlem. is a Mean and Jervis, who never before in the history of fragrant with the odor of 16e toreet ; paipi- the ohurob hes been ',town to laugh to the toting with lite ; a ohronlole of Presbyterian oho.r, suddenly broke in the Ilse be was prowess by laud and sin, Ralph Conger heroically trying to da1.6 alone, and the hes woo bls.purs booestly. In open oompe whole quartet indulged 1■ peals of mewl- title°. and we aro not going to abet any ale meat. There was one member of the oho r, however, who didn't even smile. That was the organist, G. Arthur Depew, According to the testimony of • witness, Depew war furious •t the condom of 61. quartet, •od heat all hie lee to make the aol.e of the big organ Dover the laughter of the soloists The ocoed of the:hymn sae rendered by the congregation and 1)e - pew, but on the third the oboir 11x•0 I need 10 the Ayala. It is raid (hat many of the congregation were sti Lick with the humor of the situation, while others were choked at the 0neenely Malty of the choir. The real o.ou of the ophe.vel was not known until the Deet meninx Theo the 1.oltor, at the Io.ti7atloo o1 11r. Sl.do searched the choir loft and found a pieoe of limburger sheers ender the basso'• chair. Pimples,lWlebe. sand ekl■ araptioae. Hew tlasightdy, somatic et even dlrgust• cog, and certainly very mortifying to the sufferer. They are merely an evidenoe of Impure, poisoned blood, and lowered vitality of the e'ementsry organs, which o•o be qutokly 4b•oged by taking Ferrozons after mem e. Ferrrr,oe cleanses the blood of e11 potaota and erupt Doe, make. It rich in red oorpneolee 16.t manifest themselves In a healthy, toddy o0mplezioa. To h.7• a pore, soft skip an I good oompl.xlon .imply use Ferrozno regularly. Prins 50a. per box, or slx boxes for $2.50, at druggists, or N. C. Poison & Co., Klagaioa, Ont. Try Dr. Hamilton s Mandrake Pills WHA r 01 HERSIARE SAYING• 1.0a5 ay OV.R t'O]fIDlYCI. (;.It Reformer: The explanation of the defeat of the Liberal eandld•te 0 Scutt] Orford is seen In the fact that there were 1,376 fewer vote" polled on May 29 than In 1898, when the Literal was "looted by 674. 01 to,.. the great majority were Liberals, almost the complete Tory yote Woe brought out. It wart a Olean crape of "lot by ev.r- oonddenoe." '1 he (Ion dyes woo by solos to the polls to • mag, whilst the con• fident L i»r'" stayed •t home. A GOOD WORD FOR RALrli Com 7011., Catholic Reord,-Some time aro we n- os red what purported to b. • oritlolom of The Man from Glengarry. We tore 10 op. dices casTer on � LIVER R 10.04N BOWELS GLEANSeS CTU M 151 5 05 SES R5• li {eve OVERCOMES NSTIPATION NAB Tial. GO PERMANENTLY. ITS BENFFIIL GE EFFECTS, IAL BUY THE GENUINE-M.:r+'F0 EY €1POPN I \ Fria.ltS‘I'VVI) t0veStVrt1e Csl, O N.v. {Oft SALE toe. D"•'JYISTS P81C( 50t•Ra 5OTTJ, tempt to deprive him of say glory that us., to bis, Our former townsman 1). K Clue, of WooJetock, ws. In tows Zest wok ea bum - nese. TO ADVEHTISERB. Notice of mangos most be left at this Office not Later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes moot be lett not lr ter than Mon- day noon. 0..eal Advertisements accepted no to nor n Wednesday of each week. STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP _ -AT THE. IIID STAND - Victoria Street, lloderich .19v. A. >TRAUHAN has taken ever the plant end cooduoted s000wefolly for so saw lean by his father, the I.ts D. K. rIrsoban, and (mends refitting the shop la the moat up -to date mag Der possible. He will make a specialty of all klode of repatriate, each .e Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements Mill Machinery, Marine, Sta- tionary and Portable Engines thoroughly overhauled and re- oaired. Pipe and.Steam Fitting. Machineand Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the specialties manufactur- ed by the late D K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. Call or wilts for particulars. Jas. A. Slfadlian MACHINIST. !rttttttttttttmtttt! t ?tttttttttttt ttttttntttttttlttlttttttti tttlttttt2 Nuts a CEO. W. THOMSON & SON WE have been in the Bicycle Business ever since a Bicycle was a Bicycle, and never be- fore have we had such a variety to make a choice from, nor has the value ever been so good. E STEARNS BRANTFORD RACYCLE I11TCHELL E CRESCENT WORLD HYSLOP E ADLAKE CROWN Etc. Also a number of used Wheels, some almost as good as new, at • low prices: If you need anything in Bicycle Repair' we carry a fon litre, and our repair department ie .upplirel with .'1 the E edluipment nereeeery to turn out good work, sol is in eh tripe of a fleet elan repair man E In the Piano and Organ Business we are no novices. 'tor thirty years of et perienee ie w efts con 'i.lerable to you. }fare ynu seen our Dominion Pianos and Organs, th. beat value made in Canada, also our • Worlltwlth Pianos and Goderioh Organs. EEKrimif von do not tntead us to buy pen now call on nit and ww e will be pleel to ohne, you what we have it is our loudness to rhnw you the 'superior point/. of our inetrumeiet.. We h*ve a few gond .*conal hand Organa. E In Sewing Machines we OM aril the White (rotary and vibrator). New Williams Standard and E Queen. All impelled with the latent attachmente and guaranteed for ten yearn • We marry a full lino of (loiters, Mandoline, Violins, Arcoreleon., Harmonica%, String., Sheet Mnsie, adagio Rink., etre if pm do not lion to town write and we will he plaavvl to rend yno ratalogise of our rondo, or M roll nn you a a a surprisingly a, a a E GEO. W. THOMSON di SON, EWEST SIDE OF SQLMRE OODERICH a a a a a a a I•"��' J. H.`COLBORNE G,, �,I IWARM WEATHER 110008 A large assortment of plain black and plain white Lawns and Dimities, from 9c to 50c. (creat Value. Colored Dress Mus/Ins. Both Atuerican and French makes, all fast colon, from 9c to lot of 15c Mu.lins for 12ic. Laces. Val. and Torchons from 10c a dozen to 20c a yard. Insertion., both iu Val. and Torcl oa-, a large assortment. A tie range cf ladles' and oblldre's summer IMM, from Sob Kg. Cotton Hosery, all slaw and prices, from 5.1 to 40o. Tee lareeet stook of Prints we ever handled, from 5o to 1210. Cosmopolitan Patterns for sale, 15o, or 2 for 25c. Feehtoo Sheens for Jane rod July. 30e. A J. 11. COLBORNE Something New s. , _ TEA TABLETS. A pore Tea 8atrace to tablet form. AM to hot water tma,rdl•tely makes • top Of 1e• BOX OF 200 FOR 50o Just the thing for pico,o .ad camping part's., tray el ler., el.. W. lo,o 1.1UR FRUIT J('1('I.:, moat 8,r' thfal of bummer drinks. lamb" the Graining --giant o1 Importance la buys*, {'aria Green 1, its purity to paint purity is sompartivery anasoeesery and mss,; of the green .old I. adulterated. Oars le Berger', Pure F.o.11.b earls I;rwa, rod you can rely on It. it orate via no more than the poor stuff, sad lase will du. Insect Powder. Hellebore All kind. of Fly Papers W. C. GOODS, Chemist, - BEC FORD BLOCK. . You Can Pick a Lock dere That Can't Be Picked When on Your Door. All Sorts of Locks at all Sorts of Prices. •Some are expensive because of the care with which they are made. They are safe wherever used. Put one on and your property is safe. N. D. RO UGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont. Hammocks Our line of Hammocks this season range* from 75c to $5.00, We handle the famous "Stat(" brand, known for their durability and fast (•olon. A 34 x72 Hammrck, full colcred, with pillow $1 b0 A 36 it 76 Hammok, lull olored, with pillow .... 2.00 A 36 x 76 Hammock, full colored, pillow and drapery 300 A 40 x h0 Hammock, fall colored, blue or black, .11k warp pillow, fringe drapery .. 4.60 Croquet Sets, 4 Balls, 511 Mallet, $1.25. Croquet Sets, 6 Balls, 611 Mallet, $1.50. PING PON() Full .o•, wooden rackets, 4 balls $1.00 Full set, skin rackets, 4 ball 150 Full set, vellum rackets 160 Sand Paper Hackett., Reparste, 5tic. Wood Rackets, separate,, 25c. Balls, 5c each, 50c a (107.011. KI DD'S BOOK STORE a 11t11111fNf1�111t1Af 11i11t11i1111�i11il�i� j� t��ftlu�IttllttltilttlrtlltNlttlrWib E . Strawberry Season . is on now, and the question is " What can 1 get to Improve their taste ? " i F Parnell-Dcan's Broad is their only companio n. Once tried, never denied. 11 Our delivery wagon will he pleased to call on -' you. W. P. WESTOBY, Agent, y NANIl.1v1N 'cII. T. nutyRRr•n TTTTTII'ITTTTTT 1iTT11TN"P TT44°141 1 W. Bar; 200 Table Clo ly imperfeol value $2.50 140 double da $3.00 to $3 Cashmere 30 dca•o *noes doable sole, es ue 40c, at per Parasol L. 3 doaso ladies' t trimmed. oo►. value $2 75, of Ladies' VI 20 di ren ladies' finished and ri •leerier sale . Carpet Sr 800 yard. Bright .1ges sod to a and 650 push' Bene,bk's P.tb Th e ttllag or tee.1 ■r Mr. Jest's' Si et the Htgb Go To. grand jury I tag T. F. Cobra Richard B. B /SIMM, Stanley ; John i'igleed, Helene; Wm. I Aebflelf ; Hu Ihoald MoC:orv1 ('.born ; Paul Smith, Orgy. There beteg the Court, His 1 the Sheriff wnl white gloves. 1 Iwo sou -Jury oat tome were drop° Kook et al. ye leg the admloist fi. Jubsete's, K. l;ledmae, (Klett toot, K U.. fer abeam of deism • material who' to the pert Aul, All.s vs Revd W. H, Blake, K. Al... Shaw, K Tile ease was fel meat win reser vi Smith os. E dama,.s t. pr Albert. Wm. P Hays for plff. ; deft. Adjeerse Doherty vs. M losurasse Co.. - by the well -kw• ('.lntss r claim to eoseol Doherty fetter payment of pal whieb defendant b bees .d set b i'roudlset & Hal wiok, K. C. (Tor ship dispensed was reserved. Nelle ve. On This sotlos wee Seeforth, for a allowed an weep conveying steam the Company's phased! win ea obeli, and he ol• from between tb fell between the * teas of the oar Dickinson lor DI (Toronto). for dal over three boar the Duo, but end dlanb•rrsd by B Monis ye. promlesery note for plff ; Meader (Stratford) for twee. Ike part'. MoNsbb ye. / MIs of kern to The defendant liquor • hotel k e lle, and it wee eider the (ago him. bell Into t ear fatally Soja daughter of den eels) for olff. ; dell. 'edict cost. Taylor vs 1)e of promise of m n ear Klrktos', a meetly a mere bury (Rreter) I n et repreweted $1200 and 0001 Fowls,/ ye. performance. for p1ff. ; J. M. agiles was tr meet was Flew e vidence eo be the parties ant imein Fen Bat WI at/ COIL BE Mc, "Ma • 1 11 "STRKTI.Y le IT " - t = IIS ti STYLISINESS for the ladies. COMFORTABI,ENESS for do sea. RUGGEDNESS for the ckildres. We've picked our stock according to thew ideas. And style doesn't leave out durability Neither dors long wear sas:ri8ce looks It needn't and it doesn't. All-round oboe goodness for every member of every family. A. bw es $1 00 • pair As high as 55.00, but all worth what you are asked to pay. W. SHARMAN _______ As the well-known goartet arose to .to It war the crudest display of bigotry we the opening hymn, Sem �I.de, the hese•, hay. seen In many moon. We are willleg wee seen to raise bis program towards has to open our oolemm to any reasonable Dom• nom, and.rter a sueploloue muff, burl the muhloatlon, but not to 111-advl,.d rantop, innocent bit of paler yetirmertly on the no matter Irom what eouro, they may em - door. This motion excited the visibilities of seer. Aad we wish th.t:Celbollo peas the omit rake end sopruio diger", who, af- would glee us oometbing like The Mao trona ter one or two Inaudible guilds", broke Glengarry. 1t le a story and not a oolleo- down and began to laugh, in which they tions of descriptions of sonata. tacked on to were joined by Mr. Slade. Then Harold a controversial o•tsohlem. is a Mean and Jervis, who never before in the history of fragrant with the odor of 16e toreet ; paipi- the ohurob hes been ',town to laugh to the toting with lite ; a ohronlole of Presbyterian oho.r, suddenly broke in the Ilse be was prowess by laud and sin, Ralph Conger heroically trying to da1.6 alone, and the hes woo bls.purs booestly. In open oompe whole quartet indulged 1■ peals of mewl- title°. and we aro not going to abet any ale meat. There was one member of the oho r, however, who didn't even smile. That was the organist, G. Arthur Depew, According to the testimony of • witness, Depew war furious •t the condom of 61. quartet, •od heat all hie lee to make the aol.e of the big organ Dover the laughter of the soloists The ocoed of the:hymn sae rendered by the congregation and 1)e - pew, but on the third the oboir 11x•0 I need 10 the Ayala. It is raid (hat many of the congregation were sti Lick with the humor of the situation, while others were choked at the 0neenely Malty of the choir. The real o.ou of the ophe.vel was not known until the Deet meninx Theo the 1.oltor, at the Io.ti7atloo o1 11r. Sl.do searched the choir loft and found a pieoe of limburger sheers ender the basso'• chair. Pimples,lWlebe. sand ekl■ araptioae. Hew tlasightdy, somatic et even dlrgust• cog, and certainly very mortifying to the sufferer. They are merely an evidenoe of Impure, poisoned blood, and lowered vitality of the e'ementsry organs, which o•o be qutokly 4b•oged by taking Ferrozons after mem e. Ferrrr,oe cleanses the blood of e11 potaota and erupt Doe, make. It rich in red oorpneolee 16.t manifest themselves In a healthy, toddy o0mplezioa. To h.7• a pore, soft skip an I good oompl.xlon .imply use Ferrozno regularly. Prins 50a. per box, or slx boxes for $2.50, at druggists, or N. C. Poison & Co., Klagaioa, Ont. Try Dr. Hamilton s Mandrake Pills WHA r 01 HERSIARE SAYING• 1.0a5 ay OV.R t'O]fIDlYCI. (;.It Reformer: The explanation of the defeat of the Liberal eandld•te 0 Scutt] Orford is seen In the fact that there were 1,376 fewer vote" polled on May 29 than In 1898, when the Literal was "looted by 674. 01 to,.. the great majority were Liberals, almost the complete Tory yote Woe brought out. It wart a Olean crape of "lot by ev.r- oonddenoe." '1 he (Ion dyes woo by solos to the polls to • mag, whilst the con• fident L i»r'" stayed •t home. A GOOD WORD FOR RALrli Com 7011., Catholic Reord,-Some time aro we n- os red what purported to b. • oritlolom of The Man from Glengarry. We tore 10 op. dices casTer on � LIVER R 10.04N BOWELS GLEANSeS CTU M 151 5 05 SES R5• li {eve OVERCOMES NSTIPATION NAB Tial. GO PERMANENTLY. ITS BENFFIIL GE EFFECTS, IAL BUY THE GENUINE-M.:r+'F0 EY €1POPN I \ Fria.ltS‘I'VVI) t0veStVrt1e Csl, O N.v. {Oft SALE toe. D"•'JYISTS P81C( 50t•Ra 5OTTJ, tempt to deprive him of say glory that us., to bis, Our former townsman 1). K Clue, of WooJetock, ws. In tows Zest wok ea bum - nese. TO ADVEHTISERB. Notice of mangos most be left at this Office not Later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes moot be lett not lr ter than Mon- day noon. 0..eal Advertisements accepted no to nor n Wednesday of each week. STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP _ -AT THE. IIID STAND - Victoria Street, lloderich .19v. A. >TRAUHAN has taken ever the plant end cooduoted s000wefolly for so saw lean by his father, the I.ts D. K. rIrsoban, and (mends refitting the shop la the moat up -to date mag Der possible. He will make a specialty of all klode of repatriate, each .e Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements Mill Machinery, Marine, Sta- tionary and Portable Engines thoroughly overhauled and re- oaired. Pipe and.Steam Fitting. Machineand Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the specialties manufactur- ed by the late D K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. Call or wilts for particulars. Jas. A. Slfadlian MACHINIST. !rttttttttttttmtttt! t ?tttttttttttt ttttttntttttttlttlttttttti tttlttttt2 Nuts a CEO. W. THOMSON & SON WE have been in the Bicycle Business ever since a Bicycle was a Bicycle, and never be- fore have we had such a variety to make a choice from, nor has the value ever been so good. E STEARNS BRANTFORD RACYCLE I11TCHELL E CRESCENT WORLD HYSLOP E ADLAKE CROWN Etc. Also a number of used Wheels, some almost as good as new, at • low prices: If you need anything in Bicycle Repair' we carry a fon litre, and our repair department ie .upplirel with .'1 the E edluipment nereeeery to turn out good work, sol is in eh tripe of a fleet elan repair man E In the Piano and Organ Business we are no novices. 'tor thirty years of et perienee ie w efts con 'i.lerable to you. }fare ynu seen our Dominion Pianos and Organs, th. beat value made in Canada, also our • Worlltwlth Pianos and Goderioh Organs. EEKrimif von do not tntead us to buy pen now call on nit and ww e will be pleel to ohne, you what we have it is our loudness to rhnw you the 'superior point/. of our inetrumeiet.. We h*ve a few gond .*conal hand Organa. E In Sewing Machines we OM aril the White (rotary and vibrator). New Williams Standard and E Queen. All impelled with the latent attachmente and guaranteed for ten yearn • We marry a full lino of (loiters, Mandoline, Violins, Arcoreleon., Harmonica%, String., Sheet Mnsie, adagio Rink., etre if pm do not lion to town write and we will he plaavvl to rend yno ratalogise of our rondo, or M roll nn you a a a surprisingly a, a a E GEO. W. THOMSON di SON, EWEST SIDE OF SQLMRE OODERICH a a a a a a a I•"��' J. H.`COLBORNE G,, �,I IWARM WEATHER 110008 A large assortment of plain black and plain white Lawns and Dimities, from 9c to 50c. (creat Value. Colored Dress Mus/Ins. Both Atuerican and French makes, all fast colon, from 9c to lot of 15c Mu.lins for 12ic. Laces. Val. and Torchons from 10c a dozen to 20c a yard. Insertion., both iu Val. and Torcl oa-, a large assortment. A tie range cf ladles' and oblldre's summer IMM, from Sob Kg. Cotton Hosery, all slaw and prices, from 5.1 to 40o. Tee lareeet stook of Prints we ever handled, from 5o to 1210. Cosmopolitan Patterns for sale, 15o, or 2 for 25c. Feehtoo Sheens for Jane rod July. 30e. A J. 11. COLBORNE Something New s. , _ TEA TABLETS. A pore Tea 8atrace to tablet form. AM to hot water tma,rdl•tely makes • top Of 1e• BOX OF 200 FOR 50o Just the thing for pico,o .ad camping part's., tray el ler., el.. W. lo,o 1.1UR FRUIT J('1('I.:, moat 8,r' thfal of bummer drinks. lamb" the Graining --giant o1 Importance la buys*, {'aria Green 1, its purity to paint purity is sompartivery anasoeesery and mss,; of the green .old I. adulterated. Oars le Berger', Pure F.o.11.b earls I;rwa, rod you can rely on It. it orate via no more than the poor stuff, sad lase will du. Insect Powder. Hellebore All kind. of Fly Papers W. C. GOODS, Chemist, - BEC FORD BLOCK. . You Can Pick a Lock dere That Can't Be Picked When on Your Door. All Sorts of Locks at all Sorts of Prices. •Some are expensive because of the care with which they are made. They are safe wherever used. Put one on and your property is safe. N. D. RO UGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. Ooderich, Ont. Hammocks Our line of Hammocks this season range* from 75c to $5.00, We handle the famous "Stat(" brand, known for their durability and fast (•olon. A 34 x72 Hammrck, full colcred, with pillow $1 b0 A 36 it 76 Hammok, lull olored, with pillow .... 2.00 A 36 x 76 Hammock, full colored, pillow and drapery 300 A 40 x h0 Hammock, fall colored, blue or black, .11k warp pillow, fringe drapery .. 4.60 Croquet Sets, 4 Balls, 511 Mallet, $1.25. Croquet Sets, 6 Balls, 611 Mallet, $1.50. PING PON() Full .o•, wooden rackets, 4 balls $1.00 Full set, skin rackets, 4 ball 150 Full set, vellum rackets 160 Sand Paper Hackett., Reparste, 5tic. Wood Rackets, separate,, 25c. Balls, 5c each, 50c a (107.011. KI DD'S BOOK STORE a 11t11111fNf1�111t1Af 11i11t11i1111�i11il�i� j� t��ftlu�IttllttltilttlrtlltNlttlrWib E . Strawberry Season . is on now, and the question is " What can 1 get to Improve their taste ? " i F Parnell-Dcan's Broad is their only companio n. Once tried, never denied. 11 Our delivery wagon will he pleased to call on -' you. W. P. WESTOBY, Agent, y NANIl.1v1N 'cII. T. nutyRRr•n TTTTTII'ITTTTTT 1iTT11TN"P TT44°141 1 W. Bar; 200 Table Clo ly imperfeol value $2.50 140 double da $3.00 to $3 Cashmere 30 dca•o *noes doable sole, es ue 40c, at per Parasol L. 3 doaso ladies' t trimmed. oo►. value $2 75, of Ladies' VI 20 di ren ladies' finished and ri •leerier sale . Carpet Sr 800 yard. Bright .1ges sod to a and 650 push' Bene,bk's P.tb Th e ttllag or tee.1 ■r Mr. Jest's' Si et the Htgb Go To. grand jury I tag T. F. Cobra Richard B. B /SIMM, Stanley ; John i'igleed, Helene; Wm. I Aebflelf ; Hu Ihoald MoC:orv1 ('.born ; Paul Smith, Orgy. There beteg the Court, His 1 the Sheriff wnl white gloves. 1 Iwo sou -Jury oat tome were drop° Kook et al. ye leg the admloist fi. Jubsete's, K. l;ledmae, (Klett toot, K U.. fer abeam of deism • material who' to the pert Aul, All.s vs Revd W. H, Blake, K. Al... Shaw, K Tile ease was fel meat win reser vi Smith os. E dama,.s t. pr Albert. Wm. P Hays for plff. ; deft. Adjeerse Doherty vs. M losurasse Co.. - by the well -kw• ('.lntss r claim to eoseol Doherty fetter payment of pal whieb defendant b bees .d set b i'roudlset & Hal wiok, K. C. (Tor ship dispensed was reserved. Nelle ve. On This sotlos wee Seeforth, for a allowed an weep conveying steam the Company's phased! win ea obeli, and he ol• from between tb fell between the * teas of the oar Dickinson lor DI (Toronto). for dal over three boar the Duo, but end dlanb•rrsd by B Monis ye. promlesery note for plff ; Meader (Stratford) for twee. Ike part'. MoNsbb ye. / MIs of kern to The defendant liquor • hotel k e lle, and it wee eider the (ago him. bell Into t ear fatally Soja daughter of den eels) for olff. ; dell. 'edict cost. Taylor vs 1)e of promise of m n ear Klrktos', a meetly a mere bury (Rreter) I n et repreweted $1200 and 0001 Fowls,/ ye. performance. for p1ff. ; J. M. agiles was tr meet was Flew e vidence eo be the parties ant imein Fen Bat WI at/ COIL BE Mc, "Ma •