HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 3T- - ;LONDON 6OSSIPGOSSIFW FASIIION NOTES. By ; Pre -Coronation Events and Styles---Home-Coming of Two crIANTY ) Canadian Officers to be Celebrated. CLAIR .irteTer, eWrlflir ir7rwevr-ns' ir7r'/r-,r-,r 7s' Ir -sr-irr Erriff`' 7rwi ri r-or7r Juno 7.- tlatl to rehato, 1 can alto you no better newts of the wea- ther than last time, when, U my sttwory falls out. 1 begs my eau - eerie with a true Brads( growl. We have every exceed for grumbling, fur tier mouth has proved the truth of Juno.' Lowell jtustell'l words', '.May Ly a p'uur fraud of the alm1Uau." It Iwo heed a humbug from first to lust, one lute had the laugh on us anti wade us feel decidedly foothill; here we have sat patutttlly, with "ma- uler raiment seedy • ''ad walling for .ay propalioue fnough for It tube ,afl, to wear it. Winter clothing ,:..i not set nil to look fresh and e:1) .1011 Corset' many weeks' beyond its 1,).,,tt':•.1 Ilfetim:. itaukuttooraes sod rc,ateuets feel fade trop" in the mud et May, Out we feel grateful and k n toy to thew faithful old friend's. .tor truth to teU,- tacos baa hardly bier. a due o11 whitb we have not requited their net -ales. ser Part fait -fr iende have fared eo beterr; a letter just received de- se•rib^N 1'o:ttecote-WhItsuutble as a work of continual guise, •If•,wnpuurs cud. fold Snaps .o loch have spelt all the outdoor roti -rings to wheel oue look. for. ward at this gee', brlgbe, fete time. eke polo gathering at Bagatellc- .t:rh urn generally -was u dead fall- en, ad far aro eillooment and pretty fro he want; tree, -the ploy wes up rt to 1110 ma. but only a few enthu- :leotie sportsmen. etsd in rain coats, cnrel to look on at it: Generally the 1u.ely turfy lava Is covered with lounging chair+, filled with elegant ino::.lainea, clad in "trot yo qu' 1t y a e elite.' The "tune with the Tennis' Tourrament nt l'uteaux, no feu :or players or spe•tatur$. Iloweve•r. toe doe not want to be like Max terell's • Woman 'Whit %Vorrlew," n11.1 we ewe a gleam of comfort wetted 110 front Hwitzcrinrlrl, whom re- ow•ue 1 weather prophet --for the mo- t rut hid name esoap:'s me -promises :a warm, dry June; he 1:4 rarely, If Wrong, and June le at our door; for the ('ozonation, we have founded on tratllttuu ami 01.. to L- to expect "royal wea- • Peace 1)ner r no. but with qulver- oltatimg wine., it , Lovering c, Testiest', over.traug. Who can wonder? Though rho hue virtually retired to ei(aoe herself in the ehutlow of the Remarkable Case. TOLD HY MR. Oki IN POST, OF ORUMIDUIi, f1AN11OHA. ttuffrrrd (.rerll) fur Kise Peers Orem Itneueurlluu 1)u• ter• red sorry medicines retied le help Him, Het He Out tee aught bledlolue at Last. Jabot, for many gown. have loner (F rem the Echo, Dominion City, Masi vests anti °revolt of soft white cut- Rs•eutly while chatting e ith u re - too lawn or ilium, with Irlrh lane porter of the Echo, Mr. Orin Po at, a well Oisuwa farmer of Grumetge, throne, she will atilt be the guiding emir. It luoke so fresh and dainty, Mare., gave the following story of star 01 the little Kfug y ears' o' goat ruUertug it um that ray, thoroughly appreciates Sir who, they this suowy touch, and Is a relief to live the eye which fico iso logaeerl un mother. the various, totes of ochre, sitting, must palet ul mid; else sere-- umeti •m Mr. Port salol: "Tilers, arere few pee - or siert Karertwluwen(s• or "dirty -lune" color 1 Ascot will In- par, w Iese they have been snwllniIY There have he 1101 of smart j deed be a "ceno of beauty and faeh- pie, mit cau uadurrlund now ouch l iuduor eutertutnm a lit Perla. The i ton this year, seeing that we have so 'suffered during tlluse fire rearm Isom "Figaro' gave a huge "Five O'clock" ' unmet unrt strangers In our mid" midthe pain of rbeutuatbtu, 'Cheri' were In the Mahlon do t ltlemaoiant, to and that English wowed never fall timer whole 1 wad whitey unable to which there war 'Hello' nu ' umolum ato ,lea their dua1V work, and to merely ulteelpt gatlierum" of ae, smelt . Paince Roland ruts amt dtplo' Mort Charming Toilettes t0 move my lamb. caused the.great- Parte,t 11.. Duc deMontmoreu y, rev. for thiseoccarlon. I maw a fascinate� aLU seemed yeltesevutlallo to cure ''rat Ituoilun Printer act Princess..,; lug frock in very light biscuit -col- me. Thin 1 tried ,'erne rel alternated with um.ptdlnblr 1141 Mee. 001 many,' Orel 6u•.• cloth -molt and delicate as metk•1ues, that were Maley iy recom- very many membero a the 'Cool matin or panne. It had a Louie XV. mt'rled i01 this trouble, but they al - fiver' of Parislit "moiety. 'l'o meet meat/ whose walrtcoat war moat f ort- so faded to arena law Ionised fur re - them, to rest them, to amuse glnul, being competed a criss-cross lease from paint. 'Ali thr ee mtttlleiees theta, corns the King,' of gong! trellleing, coutsxs.d of cloth -baa", fueled ms' mfr after the other, I.be- from the Montmartre quarter, I about one ana half Inches la width, gan to look upon tee trouble W in- curable, and war almost lu de.palr. At this time some friends asked me wilily 1 did not try Di. Williams' Pink Pills', ated 1 decided to wake at leset one inure effort to make a cure. I knew my case e as not only a severe onne, but from the failure of other medictt:oe a stubborn one. and Ids- termmeat that thc pine should have a tela trial, w I bought a dozen boxes.. I took thew notoNutg to directoI0, asrl,befure they were gone there was a great improvement in my condition, but 1 wad not fully cured. I then got anutber half dozen boxer, and by the time the tied of them were emptied 1 had not au ache or a pain left, and was oleo to do a gum! haul day's work without feeling any of the tor - tun, That bad for five year* mads my life miserable. You may say for me that 1 do not think there is any medicine In the word can equal Dr. Williams'. Pink Pelts as a cure for rheumatism. It Is several years since my sure war effected, toil as i have never since hal the least "Ian of the t- ride, I think 1 cau epeuk with au- t...rlt.y." When well severe cases a■ this are entirely cured It is not ourpristog that Dr. Williams' Funk Palle have made .ucli a great reputation throughout the world for thecure of other diwo res due ta•poor or watery blood. Paralyeir, Bt. Vitus'' device, a aeml•t, oonouupl tun, dy spep.le, ptlpilalion of the heart, nervous b•ada• be, female ailments and neu- ralgia are among the other U•Wblen they have cured In thousand" of — weer. Only the genuine pill will cure-subttrues never cured any- thing -awl to avoid subs(itulee you must see that the full name, "Dr. Williams' pink Pills for Pale Peo- ple" is Inc the wrapper aroun'l every box There palls are sold by all ' dealers In medicine, or will be sent ' post free at 50 Dents a box or six boxes for *2.110 by addressing the 1 Dr. 'Williams' Medivine Co., Brock - title, Ont. A LATE P.%RIK*AN FANCY. the robot ctwe{mtrlrun with their owstry'r humor ; one supported un- der tlutt burden, preserved through those danger'', utel pe,rwltted I.y Almighty Got to return, bearing home the Iturele %tach eo many brave cumrtutee have died to oow• but no your 'connection Ili Fowey has given you a claim on our goal -will, so we you will -.-- find a special sarumth thlr gath- IstorntaI ou About (du.tego Crops for ering. We trust you 11 accept SUM drrr Yeedlue. this reeugultlun from an uuelrnt - - The losers that occur uuaually to taws, which tar not been unfruit- ful of warlike roue, but will allow eats' farmers' (rum the dryilig up of the thought of Its' brave pad, to their peolures 1u Jule, Augur', and dignify el o present greeting It no- September ahwtlJ lettuce every cluck omelet 7W. We wish you a long life mumu to grow a few sorer of green to CI) )y the goon fame you have feed. In met soarer 011; perroual wou; and that eo much of it ne you exprteuce with fodder l'laul0 w111 may hereafter rp•n.l among we may enable a farmer to tst.'rtula which be pleasantly cobor&l be tato re- are beet adapted Ir. hi* own tamale collection of today's welcome and objection ltto so-111ttg lute[ the chief been that home." 1 um sorry. Indeed, that the sere- time to too linkable to be employed n(mn.y cannot tare place 01111 day for UM purpose. But It le laxueuniug sooner (or the Canaille's twill go very evident that toe high pik1.4.1 Iambi one day later), ex, that 1 could tell and with valuable heels' or Hooke we you It was a "felt "eeutmpli,'• bit cannot afford to neglect our stock you w111, I know, urnleretand anti during tho hummer droughts. Kum[ join In *clotting the brave officers touggrowth etf tu118110 e nu to deet" lorhe tion awl rumluer aunt! Tuck. feeding are worthy of ouusldensllon. In anima out this work It le ncc•'r- setry to know hove many head of nmtmal. 1. it desired to feed. The fullowlug t'tituat$ haw been elude of the land required to produce suffi- cient green feel for a cow for one day. Of Lucerne or otter clover, a-4 of a square rod pew day ; u( barley, rats and pear, ree, wheat or millet, 1-2 a opium roil per day ; or turn or sorghum, 1-4 of u square rot per day. The above Ir u fair estimate not a day's feeding" on hind In a good saute of cultivation, mud with nu allowance for 'immure. No cow can` iaealblj conrums, 1 a square rut/ of rye, barley, utas sett teas or mallet in a dity'r feeding where there le a p,•texl strong growth. But ujlow- ing tlutt lit' 011044* ertltuute 1* ap- {eoxiiuntch correct, we find that one Hero of theta crops it sufficient to feed a cow for B20 Jaye. The amount required by other kinds of rook can be calculated un this baser. It le always beet to make a liberal allowance. There need be nu wavy-, tines any aut-plue can be rut awl cured for winter forage, or ploughed under trr.gret•u muuare. Next 1t will be urceseary to con - eider the most sultable kuul of crops to grow, and the periodos at which each will be available. For general feeding, rye, closer, rape, porus and mute, (etcher, willed, rurghuw sett corn, will be fouutl most satisfactory, and the let named will cover practi- cally the whole tenon. It sown In the fall will provnle the eurlleet feed in the spring, but as' grass' Ir usually abinwant at that tine, this crap Is not so likely to be needed oiler.' a complete ',velem of tootling is prac- ticed. Clover. where it will grow well, tutees next on the het, and %ill funtirh an abuu.laut•.e of good fete during the latter heli of June. Lucerne, ur alfalfa, where that roll rout climate are favorubte to 11. growth, Would be given first place to the Rat of soiling crop'. 1l can he cut shutout us early in the spring as rye, .ctrl furnisl'a1 pt Icuet three crops per season of highly nitrogen- ous food. 1t Oa grt•auy relighted by all Made of stock, but sir opt to cause bloatuig U4atreleoely parturetl. In the routsern parte of Outariu, It SHIRT -WAIST BOXES. generally Rtaudii the wetter well, and lasts for )care without re-tooti- ng. Receptacles tor a Favorite u'g. It should be Rowe in the sprang, to clean, terry well prepared greund, Article of • either alone or with a Iigh'- 11u1•Ae The dirt -waist, that has become crop wheat tor 111 wleant Oaungwish seed the oils+ pwerwament feature of feral- to the acre. It it a little slew In nice apparel, though it has m°t1f1- (abider. a foothold, and should nut cations frons season to season In cut be pattered the final year, but after and trlmmlug, hie developed a neat that It U very texlaecuus Of life, sod fur a convenient place where they withetntslr droughts remarkably may be Intl when brought Sumo well. Rape may be gown about the from the laundry. first of May on rich, well prepared mil, for early feeding, and additional To stretch out three shirt -waists, sowitge may be trade at Intervals properly laululered, will take up the as derlred. It 1s' advisable to sow whole space of a bureau drawer, and rape In drills two feet apart, and a good deep one at that. cultivate au for turnips. From ono A eblffuoler drawer 1f so shallow to two pounds of seed of the Dwarf that a well stiffened wallet scarcely Emeex variety should be sown to finds room there, neither may one the acre. If drilled in, or double the hang up n waist and expect to keep amount If sown broadcast. Rape pro - It In shape. d0ce41 large qumttitln, of green feed To overcome Lids difficulty the fuel in one of the hest footle for keep - midrib waist box has come into exist- lug animals, including plate, sheep and ence to answer the proverbial "long- calves, hi gird condition. • 1t 1n not felt want," and while they are offer- estlefuctory for mtlleh core, owing ed by manufacturer'', upholstered to Ito teealeney to Injure the flavor profe0etorwlly In cretonne' and other of the mllk. printed cotton", the average woman Oats' end poem mute one of tar Ir clever enough to contrive a shirt- very beet 101411111E dupe fur general waist box for hrreel(. •growth, patkuIarly for feeding Oet n clean wooden box from your dairy caws. whey rl.uutd bo town grocer, one about. 32 laches long and no, early In the 'prang am the ground 12 ter, or larger If more than six after, permit, and at Intervals there• after, at the nate of about three weed.* are to be kept In It.• Geta ixn In wblcln cannei anode two b.j per acre, sotto 1i parte, or awe bushels oats to uuu tIf peaty. • have been packed, or sone other Vetches or term' are new grown perfectly °carless staple, and take In Canaria to a conelderabLe extent, care, that you do not got n soap or ewet•ially by tktlryrtwm. They are ne''hue box. likely to prove of value, not only in Line at withparer, plain or fancy, Onterlo amt Quebec, but in the Nas'I pub the ltd on hinges, and then cover tune Provinces rand British Colombia the outside with cretonne, In box and the meet 1117 well. The common .4 FOR THE STOCKMAN. 51, GI Moses. Ment Bin and Lucien Boyer. In and out of which climbed roes" who aro ever •vrlo.me.l aud•houoretl tirade of • rose -pink chiffon, with by tin Partrluus. They aro about to Oliver of green panne applied to the tour through the world I.ko rent tootle It was evolved from a Parir- .••wto ns If It co d not ut.tkr its mind TroulruWure, singing their fL)oinut. bon'•atelbor." and 1 aware you there Mop- to settle down eornh.rirdrly, oliva }-iw)<chateronr; ittrtgnitenglbtir Oath- -Play rose -wreaths had a delicioue home' and all. It rep) our mindrl bout,. Tuie ,Ontertnlnment wa■ a ',,fH'ct. ,t torrlbe oI old Aleneon lace the orily comfort I.: t at Kitchener' Imam pimple whose menses signify tut• 111'MIA nerves ou the 1/ et 3144, not eplentBd soel-teff, et rieht reels' adieu pearl rend the n each sirs, hanging S p p• I.n Renrf ends' down each sada of the is a1 the hetet, and trail -e see In the tgiteetetl1 awl fortune. I aou't stip- frent,'and the sleeves ruffles were London deader, that Col. - ,u.4teete pose they w111 lorget during their of the Caine lace, Tide lattice -wort 'luso .out for his wife. - long journey the clapping and au- or trellising effect Is quite the rage, le Rehire to Preis. -pewee which mael' the rafters echo Sometimes a yoke of chenille lat- rn the elu,rtwrapl r:tai ui the acre- . •• The most celebrated all belt, pup T. ticiug appears on a long coat, or on ',hate(' woman there Jost new ie'La _ to op Hines. of tiro' portant- a tea -gown. little flowrets peeping unlbert,' not that anyone 0' 11 these. t" to be a suits evening, but e' 11 between the bars and filling roma sy her her uuloriety, aur she h -, the pro{•ramnuo is ell far a deu.t sic- et til.) sireres. Another Ascdt crea- ti, -n shltering un the brut of ex- .rv: well, a '•oettret of IYelichinelle"- 11 en is of the most d.11cately painted psnntlre, More or awe., for Cho p004' .for it helm leedeb. out that such %ell- silk organ.ly, mo.lnted on white taf- ' thlety yeurr. A w.on.11 of talent and k,pwn-tattrtaleart iii, 111,e. Berany, !etas, time (fridge pale violet Orchids i0.t itative power elft oertetnly to f the CWnnlie-Frereetise, and M. In exgnislLusr'Il hntiv. - es l p of the - whet a pity elle 4111 not turn her r rt to (h•• hips Is "ort of yoke of to- --' , .Liriuls de \!oitd.r:le'r, Moneitur Arab Ince, quite plain fitting; from for upt:Ludo for dume$tic ecorome•, Gtvrge ilurand. newt Ink 't@ 1Jteuue- - It fan )tette sheaved flounce*, nine at • Elmo knew better than to put all her ,titre -three well-known society none the book, seven In front. each edged ego* In Axletxuket. do 100"1 '''''l Mlles. Sendrinl , au i Zambelll will with a bending or trou-trou, with eh., feel a trifle Insecure • In are of t mu) dtaree In the. Interval-IMPft promim;•m, polo mauve velvet run through it. ',eerier town Rhe flew to anothrrwail for theguest:; of the .1u•laceme pew:times very far allele, for elle lThe yoke and a ore bop.'' he ._;teed seen to legit ler and Matta• Art' Club, Arab leer. Thebodice nett puff. of -tew«aar, Beek a rsul$Iraele repeteice1 roes i'rettt I roctto the IICPVeM of the muslin, the "'ult- rfi•r all. How suety mho enjoy In -r, hare been t o'.4.:,11 101, vU l'.h .kirts -teen" twain of lace. The toque of •lev,•ly art treawur 0. herpxdatatt of loexlfn.l 1 ,,,r0,...1..,t. m. to ray, we mauv) feinted tulle /MN a white __hvtt-I, her magieairent J••wcl', wltl.41.11 no 01.1 • hitt the eel -tilt lck, I'aradloe aigrette and a spray of the terror of beteg confronted at any "everyday" dresses Just riot .oieti 4' orchids. moment by a genddrme. the shame grouo•1 ell ruuml, quite ns' much itt 711 Welcome a :.uud:au Officers.netthorror of Olecbo.ure and pun-! the front ell. Melee am at he back. To -morrow I &lope to 'twist at a pebment 7 - ! Tilro are out With et `ort endows ceremuuv %:doh may be of Interest To turn to it pelegisanter subJ.'et.l sprang, which mikes thein , to out to Hamilton -lane, as the heroes of in the excitement en 1 enthusiasm ehvrmingiy term 1 the feet. I eve the affair are more or lee" connecter) seer ter own great coming event. ne.ny of the th'eker material.' ill with Canada. There is to be a home - e.+ have seat real Intereot in the ac mole with the plata backs'; they a o coming welcome •glren to two young res*:on of !est •tralnett as they were n few e411 officers, just hack from the front, the Little l•hsnleh Klee. I efete't ), batt RIL racily ell round the eel etre little town In which I find 1 heard a charming account from al hips, with nv darn of un Inc fullness. reel/ is to be en fete, and decor- rienti whoi+e husbtnl le in the Rferetl T('tnner 0F4ta.rluls: e'10(aa. code, etc.. at with triumphal srehea and bunt- ygnard, and the hitter had one' Krnerally lutve 001011-•, or treble, box lug; the street., the houses, the he very newly heeled stump". Peo- Pleat" at the back of the waled, and eidpr nil yachts In the harbor will ere dellglrtel with his dignity ------- all be espied. and in the evening will tick, and notch' touched by- he Illuml tel. I believe (rapt. Iian- ._lil' 'er," devotion and anxiety a mson W11e n t born in ('nnadla, but ode that he\elicnd l wle golden opinion". \\ 1 mutter tea larmdian, nod "o I thank TO v map AIM Ioo1R eareworu and le !Js cousin, lieut. Chisholm Apple - be Adams, ate) .teases the honors with him to-mot-ron•. Illuminated ad• LUMBAGO_ drewte.. in Ineok fora are to be pre- sented to 00011 at the railway sta- tion, where there will be a great turn -out, we bone, to greet the .4 pie and �, heroes, who wtll probably have to A Nova Scotia Man leas found `(* ti 9'- i submit to being dragged along tete a Sure Remedy. s" ( \", rwtrryw, 14-'17 street", In a carriage, by the appreciative natives of Troy ( Isles That Lumbago V a be Cured +r. Town 1 Mrr. Quiller -Bondi (?l who has -rte Himself lied Oa red for moi) i.. a ` written tiro addresses, has Just given Years --Hope for Apparently ogles:` ' fit , me ogles M lase to send out to you. Hopeless toren.• They are as follows: • .I Address. "To Capt. Clout's !Litwin Boerne Hansen : "We, the Iil.nbltants of Fowey, as friends and nclgibors, desire to offer you our happy congratulations on your safe return from South Africa: alai: as Englishmen, to express our €eon's ny i'bint, N. y., ,Tofte i fi - t r lel).-Mr. Gavrpfe S. licl.augehlln, of titin place, clalov1 to have foetid a rowdy wlticic will cure ally tram of Lumbago. . Mr. Mc1 0ug(: lin hltra*clf has been a great sufferer wltbn tent disease, anti has sought, relief an very Matey treat - meats and remedies,. Matey At tart, lxmevdr. he demo 001000 \ _ HA1114IK6 WITH WHIMS. a medlelne w'nlel, cemp!etedy carrel _ hfmand , ctwhich he claims eery nut- �t y A (hateful Mother 'reit. How 11,r ferer from Lumbago 1(1,011 be told -.4 l.11lle Boy Was Cared. O. oHe says: // Mem, A. Banes. Rowaaton, 11un, le *4 -wee-tns.Ur.i wee, Immet Nwalw - / otiether 1ap4tx Mother who titalak•. for 25 years or nv ore. i. i ort UeteM it 1 r �� l �.�y Baby'', Own Tall, t,l for the health +t'nM "1) severe 1 c maid fast turn. my- 1" of her Troy. The Ilttle fellow be- --O In'l came the prey a worms -that corm ".1 sllgftraliot cerl l or Ieetro41i4ilnat w.iu : r-!.v-��.' ✓4 t)( etwldlx,04. 4Iia rowy..elwnks Wort bring on a (eyeful nit tock and give Jtheir seine; haw little lege and arms m1' awful ecame ekinuhie e ,ea loot their pato. ' b I ascii oriel itytuy medicines and OIQE OF T7TF: Qi1MtpF1t RATE. "torkln and he became .tekly and treatment", 1n1t never found any- poevixh. his Weep was n•atIeus and 'tieing to do m' make good until /feverish, and hie food termed to do heard of Ibdd . Ki.M Kidney PR. • very thin $tuffs-orgendlee, Mons, or him no good. ills nnxloum mother al - "My brother, who kept a lath fatlatele-show a hunch of gathers. A moat despaired of 'teeing him back grocery store, and mold nom, meds- very pretty little green not white again to goal health. However, she (.anew, told lure tent he la•l heard taffeta -with IroeiI etrlpr" and n heard sof naby'" Own Tablets and that they In 1 curet a great Olney ►ort of ribbed surtnee-lutd cro0Muy gave them to her child. and now she 1*'ople of Ltmg hno, aril ie. 011( 4ed flounces nti I tools, 'operated by .my": The Tablets made a wonder. test to try Nem. - I:1:'ok Chantilly (n"ertton's. The bodes ful change In my little bey. All Ogee 1 eeneneosl a treatment, and in hada bra*" notsev lee top+ of Chan- omof worms Ttnve disappeared. nod lo' a Rttnrt tine, all the pale left my filly emlroi.l.•rr•1 with the sweetest IR now In the bort of health. I can bad( and It bonnet am etuvt and little wreathe nor chiles ruses•• -imbue, h'one0tly eny that Ilaby's Own Tnb- with greet' leaven. The 1 Il hnen no- equal an a care for strong as erre. let's "Wonderful to arty I later Ind no flat of Illrrlm fnI1P - deice. off tiro terrible Inlmistiag) nmol white tree (fulp,ire, had n black Bnby'e Own Tth!eti are A oertaln 'nT'm nml white l'nrtullse hint felting neer core for MMI the minor alimonta of "It ei resew' mit^ yeare sheer 1 wan tin side, and ehrt,,x o pule green vel- little once. *net as oosstlpatlnn, owed, anti I loam fetid me -attire; co!Ic, 4011 "tmmneh, Indlgrstbn, df about it, foe I was afraid It tl In vete under the bran. The green and cert nn, simple fever awl the Irrlta• t'eme took, and tlat.t I would have white *tripe! n inahndr had a moat tion nreompnnying the setting of In keep on wing the 1111s id order realistic 'ne prayltof 41111 11cl nrime teeth. Onnrentsed to contain none of to he well. green nestles;the ptl"nnense opiates fouled In the ",- 'Bat erne T nine sal 'Mini it le Rome Ing ('n"Lite'-• for early 'summer. Minor collo! "soothing" mrdIeIsee They forever, cowl knewy Vont f ere safe of the thinner frock. are made with are for rhlldrw•, of all acre. ani di.,. linreale1p tide pxtltlic mlatement. n Ix•rthet of Ince round the bodice, soiree to water can be gee.. with "I belleve Dnlite Kidney l'ille will net Trivet (inlprtfrs le the thing ton abrotutn safety to 0 wew•bern tithe. attire *ay Mae M 1,umhagn or Lama meat poetess yourselves of If yell Mold by Aratglst. at 1111 cants n hot, tAaaR for they helped me out and hnt•e mete try yo,t, for It, give" a or Nrst p,atpali tea receipt of prlee ttauld have 11 gro•h worms cachet to a really novel gown. try addraa"Lntt th•. Dr. WIIllageV Well BD.stilles It Hoisted the elide of the NW Cotap $7. BragktUMq Oso, ,d::.r .l••." t , ISN'T. IT A NEAT ONE? A WAIST FOR SUMMER. Let Bon Ton gives this design for a rtyllrh mummer waist, to be built of black ,uogas.'hne and silk, of liberty and prl'tted chiffon. of embroidered albatross, ete. The model is In shir- red murlln with collar back, bretelles and eleeveN of coin -figured India milk, showing u cream ground and it. aleck dot. The sleeves are of the seek, with the whirred cuffs of the chiffon. nl.a 11 Melt" ' e ' go,.-! fettles' toy the salter. to te..g :.t 'Ile. Jewesses tetrayanl in i. 1'1 1' ..1 :1111 Jspsfees purple are tie. 1. 41 5/1101100 Yuen, whoa 1t Acre N.* w, 11 IN the growl etarl.Iby for fah ice butt. An- other very valuttl 1• fel, 1.11 kr plans fee the southern part of Canada l' m tti imitable t fore utour latiturly de. ti le mIt elua1W not be sown until the weather luta teenier settled andarena. the land that has been prepared i mime way ns' for our01 11 sown in drilla like cern, three posies of see will be ample fur an store, but U btvwtb+wted. more will be required. It le slow In atartine% but, aftur 11 Was attained 11 liclgltt of a low Irchee, growth W very rapid, and the crop very heavy. 1t W greedily eaten by Mock, but, like corn, It le carbon - (.011a19 It: Ile nature, and some addl- tlunal feed, ouch al clover, ell -cake, etc.. should be added to balance the ration, Sod t or soy henna tare been rather efxteuiwivole grown for fodder In the Southern Stater for some years, and are gaining pt,t)ularity In the north no will. They produce a great am- ount of r ch foliage, growing to the height. of from two sad ono -half to four foot. branching freely an.l pro- ducing numerous woolly pods, eon - tainting two or three round, yellow, benne now about the same as for omen on a flue.. deep, firm and more.- weed otelweed bxrd, In roves about 00 inches apart, Witt on the level, from two to four pecks of seed to the acre. They are 1 kely to do well in southern Outarlo and In similar latitudes, al- tlagii they have ntnt oar yet born Iitoted. un ace fit of their r'cltntew in protein, and their nitro- gen gathering ability, they aro wor- thy of attention and trial The yel- low stay tut" been the most eatlefaet• tory of ell varieties toasted In Can- a.Ui.-1'. R'. Holston,Llve Stock Comemiwahurr. plaits, [making et enshltes for the tont that may be stuffed with excel - dor or fare. For shirt waist sults a much long - fel box le required, the length of the mklrt, in fact. and- title fixed up a" a I.ox (souch, with plenty of pillow,' on It, adds to the appearance of the Ic r,all classes of farm stock. The r.srru ; nr.d Ulf) comfort of having ' gv,t..rt drtw(xnrk tp the moot ex - encs laundered setts kept unfolded tenwtvo tultivatton ts: the vetch In sense of the patriotism which sent In(a room receptacle Is not a little I Ones ki Is the high priest wheel for 7011 out to fees the petite end under- one, surely. I tin %seri. Nt pr.wntvt petrels it will go 11111 tabors of arta great war, now On the inner side of the bet IW prdbably tm' fnnitd beet to eow Irapp(ty drawing to a close, We he- tack a lomat, narrow collar holder vetches !long with preen and oats, Iteve that, but for mucin examples as made of cretonne, In the shape of an nt the rate ie rune •bushel of your", Chia vI.torlou. close, 'which tenrel e. It Is no trouble to make �etchea seems at 'length In sight, had been els one lel 111/ o peau[, and two bttirrne far longer delayed ; arra we believe and bold the little protection col- will orf due p00 acre. Tarim op for also that a nation which ran cotfnt /ars nicely. produce nn ett•e11Pnt crop for tgrnn YIdN rlevotlon in Its mons owns Mtge box for "htrt-wul"t suits also July uml ttugaat feeding and will a r .erve Of ■trengt,h wisest g,iaram- givers room for the best white dress. naso effort! gond purture after the fleet rutting, tee. 11, under timeagalent the envylaa if e notltvr plant Hint is curly. of all mortal foe". We would asaoei- MM. A. -There gots that Mrs, Ti. Millet la l RLP wrenlveo In that gratitude which Itngforti. Ohl you know that she had pnrttcularly (fusel Iry n 1•atch mop. you tee! texvarde flim wenn Imo" up- Ido her huwbamii It ''stn amannllmr+Y be rrwn setae a held yew amid warfare amt sl. up -aa. Mee. Z. -Ora -ken, nol Hoe she real forego crop of pone and onto have been no required std you the life een token of tOwgground.d. amt 1f you 4,a. ntrelet to yoto reentry and Ir left him ? Mrs, A•-1'11"; Ido him 111 the drug there I" In!ffi ^nt pprraaoisturr sleet veersaerrto yiP41, If need were, store while elle prleee some Ince.. 11. it •wilt yl d n role prop. sir ,v.wn readiIn her eenlcP To your honor you M- You couldn't get him In a bargain early Le ,tenor let the rate df athlete Pored Ulla tarot gaertfloa; In mercy rash• thirty pound"' per Horn It will (tu- tored it was not exaetel. Willing to Ale -- HOUSEHOLD WISDOM. 3 The following recipe Ir tekeu from 'Murtha's culruna In the Chicago Herald; '•Puree of pear 1s' made of a pint of shelled fresh green peas, boiled rapidly In a plot kind a half of water to which a small scored maiden, a good 111x04 sprig of mint and n rprlg of parsley have been added. Wilke tender drain dry, time rub through a heir sieve. Return the puree thus ubtauled to a clean ou- umelled saucepan. Add to It u pldoe of butter the sloe of a walnut, two cookepuonfule of cream, it eatspuon- ful of white pepper, a third teaspoon- ful of salt. Stir until smoking hot, theta mound In the centre of a lot platter. A half mogul of the cooked pear may be reserved, reheat. -.I to 0 teaspoonful of butter and neat - treed as u decoration over the ntouuded puree. Dried green pens may repluee the fresh peas if the littler are not in season. First wash thein well, then soak them in cold water for twenty-four Lours, before erring vetch lone leen mo'.t gener- ally grown, tart recent experiments' go to show tlwt the ILafry Vetch will yield a non":Iarehly larger n•tnottnt LK gran boiler per acre In Ontario. It is very dee.Frathle for ,R)Iling purplemeg, empeclnlly on dry ,tletrlete. It 'appear" to bo •relished l'es'sons who cannot eat pineapple uncooked wilt appreciate hot pineap- ple. The pine le pared and cut in dice or picked in pieces, and throwu Into n boiling syrup long enough to be thoroughly heated. Servo hot with boiled rico, or with ublusgs of creep twat. For a recipe for glycerine Jelly fur the hand", sand r nail polish, take two ounces of glycerine, mid thirty grains of gum trngacantll, dlrrultetl In four uuuces of water. Perfume with eight drupe of rose or violet extract. AI - other recipe calls for six uuuoes of glycerine, one -MI( ounce of glucose awl ono draolua of gelatine, dissolved In three ounces of water ; add some perfume. For a pulhft fur tho nails, take one-half ounce of pure oxide tau, thirty drop* of oil of laveoder and anrmtuo enough to color. Rub on the Halls with a, polisher. Cucumbers should bo prepared la the only way that makers them fit for human food and gate for the stomach. After having been out thin they "Mould lie In water for three or four hour. with enough salt eprtuklcd ever tram to remove the pw1e011. Half an hour before they are to be estate they can tet put Into lee water, and olds w'111 entirely restore their fresh - new aodcrtspne"s. Tido, with the ad- Jlllou of a little red pepper, they will agree with the twit confirmed dye- poptite-Bun. OBSKItVA1'I*J118. A good leuband le but the evoluttols of a good son. , Keened band wives are etersettmes very bed bargains, Mit recom4hand ItiMlxtnllr always are. If Uhe give« him good dinners' ad - moat any woman. may win tale love of a gourmand. Verbal restraltrt 1. ipldoeu prao- ticed by the illiterate, but always' by olio wise. The Ilar's Ilttny begone with "he- ewech" and mile with "deliver." InerpLratlont like death, always semen utrexpectsxl1y. l man win daterstn doge and a wo- man Who hates children are eu.pto- Lome characters. The law of gravttatken "eeuyt 14 eerie,' when one sees the heavy- welgests rtes In the world. 'TW not that exon ere l,we grate - tut than wvemmert ; it le only that they are more sliently so. Not art, but artlflce, Ws a textural afftnity t0 the erratic, iAsininity and affinity are words badly mligla'.t. Men are wotalrodr beings nntfa ttu•y are ca1101 iipon to endure pate or heel a sartorial hefted', where- erpen they are miserable being". Maley a numbukuU bo" been rated[ a "age because he know- hot enough to i,old his tongue and wag lite head. The fever (meads we have, the (ow- er elemlPS. for England's lnereese, you were - eimeen rather to labor for It artd • to endure. You return to Pale Nervous 1111 i I d With Pai n ms isavHig spent a plwre•l of yeurr ydnitrha but having i spent it well In proving yourself rt man. To your henceforward thaw home of your. In England .hall be From a Skeleton of Skin and Bone Mrs. Edwards Was Built Up to Health and Strength the more endeared. find we trout By Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. that ' In the later year. of a life as proeperminer contlnuPd as It has been usefully ley(un, you may re - Mrs 11. W. Edwards, 113 McMurray street, Brantford, Ont., describer, her coati It. follows: member with whnt warmth we we!- •' For rive years f have "ufferel euro that[ surd. can tell from nervosa' headache, nervous den -m. 0a, formed you home to Fowey on (hie sod exlnuotlon. The pules In my lead weml.l et time" atmo"t delve me cruxy. Ioomet not deep nightie Mt evening In 1.re!. and feel that the would walk the floor In agony, until I fell exhausted and uneonselnu,., and my husband would have to promise of thM occasion has been eery ms' hock to bed 1 , amply fulfilled In n good -will at -"IR ,enetime. 1 (-mall take no fool for freer slays at a titres, and experienced terrlbl t tending you all your days." It^ gnawing •ensa- Tn 1.leut. t'hlwhnlm ApplPbe Adams: hone In the Rtemn:h. bid tinge In the weal', end coated tongue'. 1 was pole, nervous, lel-Roble, smelly ex - (be I hl.hn m A• of be Ad and hewer', wee redeem' to a mere skeleton of skin and bone, and my heart would palpltntr a0 I hough It the We, hlIn hoxxl, btd you wPM.xnP wee abet to mt,p beating. My grenteet eufferIng wee enumad by the dreadful pilin. In my bend, neck and tR 7 leek. end nil til. was In melte of the lx•ot efforte of three leading doctor. of title city. and offer you our hearty 0oagratn- For the peel nine 'months 1 Invo 11ee1 lir. Mane'. Nerve Fowl, and for a eonslderahle time i have IatlunR on your wife return from not experience) a headache, or any of ellee. symptom. mentioned abovFrom mere skeleton thin med- Routh Airier". Merely as English Irene hue built me up its flora not weight, until now i nm strong end well, do my own homework. welt men, we we 11,10 weir -risme to nn coot for two hours wltho(ft feeling tired, nal nm Thoroughly motored to health. TA It any wonder That Englishmen who offered himself In w* ode fail to exprrae my grntltude for this" remark/Ole cure 7 Yon can use 'the. to.tlnxuial for the a national emergency ; one of many benefit of other saff • isIla et and desisted Briton*, who it wn.M be impressible, use Iielleve, to pro.lura stronger evidence to proso the vomit/oriel tower of left ib.Ir horse under no .'nmpul.hm p)!, (hoes'. Nerve Find a0 a •ywtem-bnikler. it feminine the very essence, of the mown potent re0tara- gave that of pnlrintlmm. to fere Mow of natnre, and Is certain to ho of benefit to you. 50 Wats it box. S box(% for $2.541, at diol deaf - the danger" and brave the border' era at Edmoneon, Bath h Cb., Toronto. et as arduous war, sot oouatlnl