HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 2_�� The Signal ' the German Empire in 187E Saxony Lar _8 dt•lsitlom e"n In In the Reb;ltitag. , 1114jo Into King married Caroline, a in resicrao I dhaltghtpr of Prince Gustavus Vasa, .1. THUnaUAT Ko"1F(O t of Kwetten, anti will be .s,wceeded on Lir D. Moou.t-s•vuur /the SollhnNto by lite br other, - c _ __ __ i,.mm= PrllwGeorge. THUVRISDAY, JUNE 20., 1Princeson Thp Kax(Moo meutfoll0d by Ptolemy In this meet„sl century were a small . - _ .__ -I tribe. The wired it 40111110130`11041 to Pills+ 41.Oltl'INl) All-K. Alfre•l F. Jury, of TordHtto, Who had beep for Ike years acting nnn la- migralhm agent tit Liverpool, fouwl u~ things to Interest him fit told tutti' 1, Eoglanl. its thuuCht flint the moot dieoouragntg thing in the 1 have been doritod from liakalraua, or scymilanm, or frau Saha, a flint knife or m►wrt sword, mud the ex- ploitd of the early lisxonr were chlef- .IN.at ltt-it. Trio llernuanb Iteemun- slurf ure eunridered the original In- __ __ _ _ _ __ _ N++++++N++ Cupeda to shipping mmol to 1111la-. I delphl+t. Nova Scinto pnd,lr by the CURRENT COMMENT tarilt Canada's exports of dom not"I mer- alauedide for the last eleven moutlw Will Col. Lyneh IA -11 In dxourt any were $172,925.9i6, as compared with of the tall stories he entertained the $155,118,252 in 11)01.. TIWt is a correspuudeatm with uttout hid prow- hr•ulthy growth. est In fighting against the Hritldh? I The American Review of Reviews How could 'Whltuey hope to suc- ceed 7 Tile man who seeks to advance hid own Interests by dedtroylnif the reputation of others doer not merit success. I,eydr bad qull, talking to lnter- .iefondm the tortuie of captured ene- i inled as "a military necessity;' The ►Review of lte%I We aboull have fluur- Jnbed about the year 1510. It might jhnvo been a leader of elvlllzatlou ,then. outlook Loh Groat Britain was the iiiAr i)F;cLIhiNG Illltl'1, KATIE. %lewers; Kruger ham not, for forty - falling away of the Workmen from' the llltellw:tual standard of a gen- I Tbttms goof peogile, many of t1hem eight hours vent out a statement eration UK-). When Mr. Jury war a Dili bachelors and spinsters, who have of the tuteutkrllr of the Almighty. Evidently the weir 1s about over. o young man tit Fugiaud themechanfes been losing sleop over the decline In ;ill to 29 in tike same period. In and Uriihmus bad afevelopod, to a very the lxrtb rate of the Pro%ince, tint - - .- ---' — marked degree, the debating habit. lndeed of lite Dominion, will probably There is a great outcry about the Lc the workingmen's clubs the de- bo surprised to learn that decline Ll acureily of farm help Jost now. 'Cir: haler and "ring soagm" alternated, births aeemv .to top the rulo nearly help seems to have decided In many one Satunlay night being devoted to all over the World. Those who have eased to help himself by going Into intellectual development and the looked with horr,or on Mr. Mallhutil farming on his own account. otber tun "ring mong." Now every J&L. much-ouleundertaxod theory of 'hatu- Palma tit llatiu liar [r red untuy war"ditagpoug"day Meubau- rail anyl prudential checks" will in al1lnn'r��el�sWe/nt -- a U. S. rascals In Cuban pr(snnr. Ws' clubs formerly dabbW otmusider- %tiny of this mbowing fedi like sitting down unit doing mums quiet tfitukinll Une a Sim would probably uppreci- ably in science, anti were schools of us to the rituatl nu and flow causes, ate the trot if Palma would under - Now these , odly nail they any by so doing get rid tuko nit to allow tile= to leave the ever Thortlilugn were Inardly ever heard of. , Tb -re were and exported $Z i.lAt.755 to 41uut inland. wait home intellectual movement lis of at good deal of misconception slid cro renatd tmfor( for oae'd self and i .,,.r'm Llmlly *'Tit,- railway, of n feed. (lie agricultural districts, fur more ul'necessary alarm. We pare become Mr. Clergue has orders bwke,t for mo llumi In the urban. if one were to accustomed to regard France an tow 100,000 total of steel rolls, whbh Ike Ua factory at this noon hour, and "terrible example" of a nation going ro ll pl•lydttce at the Sault at the hook At the newspespord. the suit. I Lie doge by roaaon td a low trrth rote 1100 toted per day. He toed chasuics were reading, he would pro 11nbl3 final that in ninety-five names rite, and rum•, of um have wondered o not need) to fear the United Slates out of air hundred they were de_ Iw%v things have gone oil so well milli Truitt and I•ts prior -cutting pulley, vourh,g horme-raring' Intelligence. her no they evidently have under the (of these 170,819 herltn ( gem' a L rg lis _.181 The rest of the paper -public affairs, circumstances. Now we must face time Canada's foreign trade for this political and general oewm-wan care- fact that Great Britain, too, ham eleven mooths of the fiscal year, ex- lerrly thrown away, fwd all that - shared it the ominous decltite. It eluding coin and bullion, totals $348,- wmtw thin ci for was the racing news ' Atilt the oxide exu the various horses beemb to be :a feutt re, of the life of 705,1185, un increase of nearly r' aml tits) results. Klreret botthig hadt[to age. $38,500,000 over the preceding year. increased to a most alarming -x- What areflip enures? -for to know Thor Is certainly the growing time. t4-11 I. 'nip aewrboy Pitt lnlr hair-! just this effect of the change It 1. to itAvrest runs parallel to Use de- Penny or penny oU bile favorite, the `wa.11 to reek into the rdamnnr (hero- There were 424 perroos ul Cauada worktuati lar mhilling to flvo shill- 1 mgr; even the workingmen's w'lvso for It has been pretty well P Y proven In 1901 for ever rdon convicted 7 !o i were b' ginning to gamble.''I have iso moral prejudice ngalnst horrerneing,' multi Mr. Jury, "but" I do not want horep-racing to become a national i,minslry." In the winter time fo.ot- trtll replarel horme-racing its a pre- { text for hmlulgence In the gambling omnia. Mr_ Jury did not need to go buck to England to find the devotion to pport, wlml the oeCleet of more ser- ous cad useful Intellectual dlvershna, which he deplores. He might nota the same tendency In Canada, nail he would find abundant evidence of It P he a art I• 1 d to 1 t aral that reason@ of crime and plenty u meammium, of fruitfulness among this l.,w•er uulmaln, and mouse phhux+ph,•rs leave tried to fit the analogy to the liuman race, and with more or levo \uccess. y. Ne)'mrarck ]tail lately ex. umtued %arkmd mouomle, financial dual-twe".1 causer lltut luflueaca the birth-rate. Some ofaahist results ure I oummrized In what follows. He be- lieves, lit Use first Place• that the birth -rule will always diminimh w1th the increase of "civilization." with progress•' In n couirtry. le Use- of d rooken se ne. In On r Ontario t O Portion was 560 to 1. Ontario it tits sobereat province. The Liberals are Dot afraid of what the closest mcrutiny of the votes andrl the manner of eonducting the elec- tion will show. They are in (topes that the recount In North Perth will give them another supporter. Woman's rights still oommant re- spcc•t. F.ven the British Government will net •carsick the coups of the milllnere who Dater to the coronation 1 r- the Un to S .Pa. or. Mon azue, many the birth-rate was 42 per w o$,rl i ermtmw wit,h(xat children ,000 persyne In all these who vl.i((4i Australia Ins( year, re- 1,000 111 1875 ; In 189.) It was 36. crown, even though tAg huts obstruct teal le , e- Po r ext h return that h orx. rue!- 1. England a I I aid the rule i u F d ml leheol from Me view tseerd. Of sl8h Mg table all lite year round at the ;ill to 29 in tike same period. In doll -up men have been given 17 Anttpa:ep, and that nvmemblagem of France It fell from '�K to :1,5.::. The In lite rate. This Is the msores[gnlfl- fifty or alit • thousand ed le towit- y 3 D m nate of diminution Ir therefore kart atHl :'Pyeur sentencers[ Das Moiup., low a race were by no mean* rare. it France. B.r=e of the economical1 Iowa. That sort of thing may fond u Il in easier to loato the n• fi than .enures Influencing the birth-rate aro to dl/oourage the In dustry. In Call - to premcrlps a remedy for It. gi%oa iso fullowa' Lida Llou tariff hold-up ay n demuuJ - Firs( -The increased coot of living, to be regarded no the. only limon- VORKIGN TICAPK. or, more accuratel; , the increased t pure patriots la the land. 0cab• of comfort Am a mutter offset _ _ its the Ren mouthe or the current it fit Iaot certaln that the _cost oft Lonl Stratheona's letter, which lie- fiswl year C:atuuliaus imported $39.- life Load increased, but our require- 1 companlel him $[:0.11011 gift to the ^2h,287.wdwth of gotxla from Britsln mentor [lave become greater. Aged and Infirm MlniNtein Fund of and exported $Z i.lAt.755 to 41uut 8'toud-Tile sb•pire to inner.. lis -the Prembu yterinChurch. shows that coutrtry; importf-I $1141,951,136 from cro renatd tmfor( for oae'd self and i .,,.r'm Llmlly *'Tit,- railway, of n feed. Ica hoe a somewhat keen cease of the United BRater soled exported $55,- if- limitslots offspring In preoportloll humor &Lost can enjoy a practical joke 931,138 to that country; total Im- to him rgolmm." 1 even when it to on himself. ports being $18_, 8 am 508.1fii ex- Third -Thu desire to establish one's ---- Wrtw $t71,013,111M*ur esport■ to %reit-"kyr" itf+r Ti prureif by I curtuuv statistics. 1,1 France there An Intdinos clergyman has begun h Britnin are almewt exactly equal to wtre ::81,:153 heritages In tb•dlrect i crusade against early marrlagod. He ,air the United Stater. Ione to dhlde 3,169 millions of francs ; drolares no man should weal before tt7a1 nrw we cit to do about it t t coil gni going (of these 170,819 herltn ( gem' a L rg lis _.181 30, and no woman before she Is 25. Wets We buy from the United liQ tates "- 'Pountr.v mllaunr. were allotted loosed o to one or two- -hildren ; 73,691, i church are threat - The women of threat - ening him wit fib alt pets of vengeance. canoe that hail for sole the amounting to 916 millions, were • dhided between three or four rhil- I loafs )its scheme 7 Has be a job lot things can want. >Zunnttlics, quill- dren, and ;14,548, amxlnling to 412 of "over 2bYf' to work off T ties and prices bping equal, we at I lens were divided boirtween five or ' would much prefer to buy from the Britons what toy from no, last "th•+re more children. I I British Columbia Is coneWering ti Is no sentiment In bupinedr." lions•- Fourth -Tire reduction of the rate bill to aboljsh chum tr and give Pe y ever, the emiditfotln mny Cllangl'. to itAvrest runs parallel to Use de- Idle l�lYfter lawyer u free hand. The The development of elrtricit from yp y crease ht blrt4i rate. in France this birth rate welt, In 1A7'2, 27,8 Ontario lawyers are aloe to d[scuNm water powers In Cannda may re- duce our coal hruorls of $11,;163,- per r , 1,1r00; It 1NW, 23.6; In 1SIh), _2.9; the queglllou of removing all rules 000. When the works at the 'fault fu 19M. 2t.4. The three per centx. 1 agnitist "free cotltracts with cli- nlxl Sydney got going right, we cent., oil In 1871 about 5 1In per ; cent., tare Invn(mlent ; fa 1880 Hlita'• That is a prupoetli to lie - ►hall riot newt to import e4,79_,- 10 $' 721 worth of Iran and steel, and :1 about :( 1-2 per, cent, ; In 1890 about i grade the profesnlon. if we tare not till mistaken nbout 3 1-4 per cont.; In 1900 less than trip pre-eminenor: of Caua.la'a pair 'I PPr robt' The Prlsbyteranp have dons well would reiourcem, we will not "I- Fifth Increase of taxes arid to reduce the reprementatlon at the tir.up to import $I,.)4s,d9:f worth ti( An Increase the tariff this Indirect effect of the obligations of militaryservice must Moo be con- General Assembly. That court has paper. or soerfetence on British product,, rhtered.grown I Gan large for the Rperdy tran- m4lit modify the prevent coondlllmi" lilxth-Thin Pntranels or women In- •action of businpw, anti the cost of of trade, but nothing we could do to eompetithm with men an wage It line beoofde it serloun matter. The without grave damage to uurwlvPh earnerm. In France Lhere are now I delegates should ler fewer and their would bring Cnnn Tian ImlNlrtm frorli Britain tip to an equality with olf 3,3:41,1481 womm who are thinking leen of maternity, ea limy are more PxpPnses should be That is a paA Impurto from the UUlted• Staten. or Ilan In4ermted In their professions; reaew0nable proposition. or t-adets. There are 1.861,591i single l - `- _ - wennen, 1,808,83h familiex wlttu,ut It Is sold that Simp. Humbert, the -- WiIN-4144t4l•400-a#-X/N11Y. Albert lirlsdrdsh Asguat, King or IAexuny, who died on Thursday oven hag. was born April e8rd. 181A nn,: Dlooeeded his father An the thrune October 16th, 1878. Tim People of Saxony are nearly all Protestants iut the Royal FamUy In Rofeam, Cath - of lie, Avgastua Frederick 1. • the Strong (1694.1781) hAytOg beenme a CatimiLo to qumilfy himself for tJie throne, of Polss,l. film warfare with Charlex XIi. caused Raxony to he Invaded by the Sweden, and the mub- arquent wnrm with Pr11mmla, vorwe tally the Heven Yearn' War. entniled still greater ,ll:lnaterm ullo i I ho cmin ay. Frederick Aurcu-0im 1:1. Ele•tor of Haxony. w10 wast murnum.vl The Joint. deellne-d the theme of 14oland Haiti ro saran 4o-Johm--44io, oomAiiMa agalnit the French Revultluon. flat after the declaratkon of n%nr ngninat F'rntlr-n he farrthHleirt lin rrrnitngrnt no a memhor of the German Empire. In 1A(M lin jvtnel 1'nlRmin against France which rrrulte•d to Saxony IN•ing rongtaord by Nnpolvon, who Irow noorormed the ctmoitry Lnto a kingdom. King Fredr•rlek .Auguntun was a %amAal of Napoleon And a prisoner of the Ria mlan Emperor, and by the congremp of Vienna him pn*memAlon* were reduced, part going to Prum- min and part to Runpin. He wan onweeedP•I In 1827 by him hrnthsr sint,hony, who joined the 7.ollvprpdn, Hall wag m,secee rd in 1A36 hr his nephew. Frederick AlIKnAtum, who 01.1 wlthnat bri In 1N34, and was mrw:evedrd by blow bromler John. father or 160 King Who ham )tint passed away. in 1AAA. (Ialto"T tank the .tAp of the Anstrlanto And wan invH,ted by ti1P Prumaiaap, Ifir PAyment aft hargr IrAipgnnity Intoner eotnprlle,l am a ro" ditiva of peace. dieing brought into eidtnrrn, 3,4100,000 dtvrerrced nr wld-( grant I arlsinn ewinlller, Ingra- w o$,rl i ermtmw wit,h(xat children ,000 persyne In all these I Gate•t hrrnPlf into Nie eeonfl- ategenrsiolos. CA t d•g0 rte A. . donee of ex-Empreas FAigenie not The Lotxkrn News mayor: "Turning 'driraudod her out of about a million i to the. hirthm whichP ralmbrail 9'LT,- tt•o franca. The Stil man'A fortune 176_ In 111011, td10 most prominent tact I must have suffered much from injn.;l- that mswts sto Ims the continued decline sawn Investments. In lite rate. This Is the msores[gnlfl- Fndt dealers and mldioperd mmld de cant when taken In connection with well t0 acquaint themsel%em with the the Increnxe In trio Marriage rate. !pian dorim or the Act regarding the Tile fact 'givwm furiously to thlrik.' tlacklig nail marking of their pro- We- arp In the Veldt of apeaktng of ,incl. Air. l'. .1. Carey, of Cobourg, the French nm it decadent people who tin heevi tapps)inted Inspector of Fruit ha%eawxed to Increase and mwltlPly. tit Telronlo, and an effort 'will be Dat the lnhlh In that a declining wivule to bring about uniformity and btrtli-rate In not fw i lar to Franc-." After till Ontario need twat wo r e•thforce the act. . y y, 14►blem won't go (put of fashion ,vel a wlhilP. A lan ilrPd well -feel and welf- rneired dtfidren are worth more titan f1m 1f0w1ir1Rf ,11- R! rile hair by avoidable dreemsom and neg. fact, wlvlle hrlf of the rwlmeiinder grow it to be ertminals or a burden en Oteir fellow/. Hent v Clpwoo, in him financial let, U -r. Pxpresnem surprise at the terms grantdrl the Ilopre after their pro - longest remintu.nem. ile thinkm "Notch a Polley of generosity ought to tae- coinpllmil much in wvftepning thean- lmmtitire rngrndprmt by the war. 1111e period of re•ednotruetion pro- lotmet tv iso a steamy one; hal If thoi lslmo spirit a llta•ra ity and roar deal - Ing IN cArried exit, the firwro can have little fault to find with their eOn- gnrrora. They will Noon make grater progress atilt proowrity an - der itritlah rule than it offer their own Thr N-ra unfortunately mtood fixedly In the tv" Of All advance- ment 1hpir defeat pormit■ eivlllslt- mon to go forward, for whorsv•r flip Britlsh tire richt• thwrr IN pgnnl cin-wiliinity to all, regardless of na- tioaallty r' During it Trent limit to Wept t'Ir- ginin, Gen. Fltzhugh I." met an Old crnnrade In armn who regardwi itim with wOmr disfavor. "Wilott'w the• matter 1" tamkel the General. "Out with It" "Well," said the ex- roafedprnte. "1 want to die at least an hair before you .to. 1 want to be In the other work, when you arrive there• joint to hear what General Jabal Fairly mnys when he apes yrxt In a boar uni- form." Brhtnlu IN repreitenlal to lop nntious to obtain cotton grown on the moll of her own colonies or dependent -i", in- *tsw] of Importing her stpply from the Cniled Rtates. Rnapin hna gone in for that pprnies of Inlepensteti adtoring it by a heavy eu@tomm tax on the foreign cotton, nn.l the result is, ao r,r% tient her peopla have to pay a high lwkeo ror cloth. Thera mny len great PORmlhllitlen In the pmt► dtlartlon or cotton In Egypt, Routh Africa. Northern Australia and India, host a Into on tion raw material of 0,1w Of the greatest Industrlop of the k1swicen want twit toe tolrmitad. 7%0 prrytnet of the krnme. Willett nixie It@ m-nrki4 In forliRrrWeuntrh%p, depends "Pon obeap raw material. Tile United Stator Senate ham -%otdxl against the oloctlon of Seoa- torm by Im4mlar vote. That it not u matter of wonder. Many of It, might as well vote their own extinc- tion as vote to leave the choice to lite people. A Witkoebarre j.i,lgo falls ruled that the Interment therrw oof the lastly of a erimtual ddaw nut desecrate a cemetery. The caebt arose out of the burial of a man tylia while serving a sentence fur murder, cum- mittod emlclde. A bronze statue of Marlette Pasha, the Egyptologist, made by Denys Iryeeb, will be placed by the 14yptian Government In front of the Museum of I!:gyptiau Autiqul- . _--. . tier at tike Kaaren -N11. ._1 Vnited States liniment. cue- vloted at Munda of embezzletumt, lute been sentenoed to two yearn Imprlsocmeut anti diamismal from the army-. But things art,' different In the military courts vvlth thu officers who murdered to ma ny,men, women uu ! d children lis cold bloat. They are held to be guiltless. No wonder tbp President Im dinaatiefiel. r. e Thr are n Ica• to f twisters heard from occasionally across the line, but tho great mashes of the people are gradually Ila%'lug their minds dlir ntweed Lir regards llritain and Brit- ish fooling toward the United States. Arad as tho two peoples know each otbrr better they will like each other more. Talo tall -twister will follow the -Woody shirt" waver Into tho limbo of thing* t teful awlvain and guaf- wlll and kindlincan %%ill take tint phage of hvilonsy and suspicion. S,peaklug of the mlHi'ma of the term "English' for "British," the Halifax Chro:iicle sayb, "Whatever blunders may be made by ignorant or savage Iwoplee they shoukt nei- ther be repenttvd nor lodger toler- ated within tine Empire, for they are highly offensive to puny." It contends withrenson that "we sholuld be all 'Britons' or 'British,' " and English. Scotch, Irish, Cana- dians, Australians, etc., an the case may be, afterward. lkdogna's two mgwur leaning tow- . rh, the Garimendrt and the Amend 1 1. which hire more startling than the tower of Pisa, are aafe. A rumor itas started LhaT they alksiFed slgnh of weakening, but it commi"Niull of engineers pronounces them .is poled am ever. The Asinelli tower is 315 feet high, and Ivan Ixilit In 1109. The Gartmendu was buil• a year tater and watt originally taller, but In now only 1:x4 Get 1111,11. Its inclination, how- ever, In greater Linen that of the on tower. The Ill listiue for jIay telly of rliild labor In the V. 8, cotton mlllm, n story Cult ogght to mtarllo our rather titlf-oumplacent nelgLburs. It ntiyR boym And girls, from mix years old cold upwards, who work from six to the morning until seven at night. standing on their feet el•_veu or twelve hours it day watching lice threads on flying opludler and tying them when they break. In m•toy m llp these cldldren only last three or four y-eare. Many of them dip, :arid of dome who survive many are withered and ■tunted and canlwt be taught to read. Winnipeg Is to have a new agri. cultural implemalt warehouse and laathine abort, a branch of it large lis concern. Mtin expo 0 o tic rn. Mr. K •nasion, Prehtilr.lt of the M.nneapr,lh Thresh- ing Mnehine Co., thlnkn that W,v,t- em Unnalla will coon be buyingmorr agricultural machinery than the Wexterit Statca. and he rays: ''In Ps- tablimhing it manufacturlug tlusiless Ort the other mule of the line we feel p"rfrctly Independent of tariff lawn that may, b:! made in uIlfler country. We cont do business on both eldes of the line irrempretive of flow lite law. makers of ogle country treat the P.01, to of tile other." Tilht Ilan the right rhw. It ham puzzled n go oil many 1rPop11" wily United States manufactumra should noel protec. tion from Canadian muuufa G1ALV0rs. argil Canadian mannfncturerd in the anme lute Used protection front Unit- ed litatd% wanrtefAe+lureem, whit- to,tb WPM exporting their surplus pro- dueta to the neutral markets of Eu- rope Bial other continents, The Ottawa Journnl, plonking of Oon. Buller'n work In S ou l h Afrlen, any r "It mumt tlow be very elear to everybody that It was mlility for- tanftto for IAldymmitlu, not to Rpalk of the edfmt on low enmlmaign gen- "nilly, that Rob"rtp' progremd north- ward drove the BoerR nwny from the b•Iengmere.l town, nn otlwrwime thorn 1n no knowing what w-oedd Ila''. Itnp- Pe"oed." Our Ix,nlosimp rrnry might havn Added also that it wan furtim- nte that Buller'R aolnmand, lied hand and foot by War Office red tape and Prf"Pnled tram milking any tin, atrnlght Ahead movempnt, was able 14) 110111 the flower of the Hoer army while Robert* went. mmlrNl to Ihn ITAsl nerd had a enmperatively pnpy. %Iclory. Roberts did not try to .. fore" a Way through," as Buller wells ordered to 110. ..'r `.f ," - - 1 1lI - : %.� t+tt....r++t+++4... +tt++tt JWHY THE,MEN - J DON'T DANCE. I t ,r+" ►+++ 6+661+++ ►t+t++tit+ U daue4ug to be numbered among the hot arts 7 It almost neem• su, -0 the London News, answering Its own qurrtiun. Not. of course. theatrical danelug-that flourldhes lhaeWiluut the length atilt breadth of most of the London stager. But dant-114 Liss a farbion and ballghing ad one of the au!epted duties Of it West End hoatesr !rave both of theta been gradually dlrappeariug. Men go to daucos, hang about the doors, are coy or fastldlour, elumter together - and don't daum Girls, keen for a WAltL abound. They are visibly, In majority, banked, like geraniums, In a conservatory, round the wally, or grouped In oorners of the dancing room, and trio men, gatherld round this doorways, survey them critical ly and abstain from exercime. Tile Clr.v go Iwfuo discontented, con- scious of the slight, rather angry; elstperons ure Indignant, and the Irorloltsblo Io.tems vows she will give only dinners In future. What Is tow ouumeP Well, the slump In dances first slowed) itself some seven weight years ago, and the cause Df It wan-tho Flu. Dance after dance had to be postponed, until people gut out .of trio habit of giving dances, anti men got out of the habit of dane- lug at all. Girt took to tenolr, to fencing, to hockey, and wadi they were ludepentieut. All the same, when balhgbing re -commenced, In%ltatloos were freely- accepted, a fresh crop of young gkrid were opining out, and ev- oryNdug was to Ru on as it used. But In lire meantime, dancing men luul grown scarce, the diminished numb. r knew their worth, they gut fastl l oe, wldmslcal, ooncelted. And then matters went from bell to worse. It got to be tins fashion not to dance, but rather to twit it out, and go tk,wu to supper. And then a fashion new started, even more fatal to the pn,gtects of this young girl oumlug out. Young harried women took to going to ddane.•s. I)sneing men found them - dancing men tire, such perverse not mals-1nf1nite1Y more at ratct1 vetqa n tho girls. .t@ n rule they dnncei hot. ter ; they were easier to talk to or to be sllent with; they were Pleas- anter to take down to suppelt ; they as were letrouble. But it Is not for tier married daughters still -tams for those of her friend"• that u hostess. Witlu slaughter of her own out, ant with others o� the brink of coming out, gives a dance. Her sons, too, tune grown de•Iftwh on tier hands and won't take their alntere about. The case to very bard Then, again, to add to tier trouble@, the war Jinx carried to South Africa so many Lie- alrablo partners. Men are more "d1if- flcult" than ever. The chaperon L surely to be pitied. arld the Hostess who deriares for dinners to be ex. cos . One clmance there d er In for r the revival of dancing. Posxlbly the new reign may bring It again jnto fasilon. The King'm '10ourts" at Buckingham Palace may set the example, and -young Ctrlr coming out In the Toro. nntlou mpaaon find better fortune titan their ,dmterm. Chaperonm, how. ever, are not hopeful, aF"I compinln bitterly, not against the dancing men who won't dance, lent tagnlnst lite young married women who are euro to pick thtxn all up. t>� AIMIE SiOWIL SAW THE DEVIL. 11 Many ywary ago there dwelt In an "until clay biggln'," situated near one of the 800ttlrb county towns, all eccentric, sour tempered old btohe- lor, called Jeemle Stowlw He came Into town at regular Intervald for the purpose of vending peat tint] "fat slick, which he wheelst in a harrow Jecalle was rarely -to be mean lis good humor, and his face, being full of wrllkles, amply expressed film tear. lr•r. It was generally bellevwl that be had never seen a looking -glass, but a trio of wags had thsir doubta, and resolved on testing the truth. Ac- dwrdingly they balled Jeemle one day mud asked film tit accompany them to see a picture In a furniture deal er'd window, to which propomui he ad - seated. The only ubjpet In till- win- dow was an ordinary bedroom mor ror. While the three waga stood asldo Jeemle Stowle gassed at him - at -if, with file usual ill-natured grin, as if life curloslty was Insatiable. At length, however, he left off and lf[- qulred, "Fat tail the picture o"'" '*The dell, roan, the dell," said the three• In It chorus. "food; meld Jeemle, making hill b•"t grimace, while taking another book, "bels just the ugly, III fnurt creator' I tapn 'Im to be i" People who are ht love with them- selves-have hem- setveihave no fear of rivals. Some fellows have to be fast In outer to keep ahead of their credl- tam ! r : i t THE MARKETS i luseni., I.......—, ",rlavt. Juno 23. -The rain p -c%enle,l the marketing of 91-4.1.1 lift. murotnK,an I P r art t marmot, Ula ,- rtaafpts oil lh e Limit - fore were all. Mutton Is ca f .r, stili /g la the war- koa At Gra p r IIx, an -1 veal Im from %e to Is, ea,acr, at uc to HL per Ib Wheat, white, 7: to 0 c; red. 71 t , We ; gnome. 6s to 70c; ri•r.ng, 67 to Wil! ; rye, bbl to G -C; barl.-yywalt, 51 to WSic ; feedt. 5't to 51c ; dent., 1 s to 50' ; ]rpt1�. 4 �j - , luny..thu h- 1 Gu, $11 to $i a"w cla:cr, jN to *10, straw, $7.51) to J118.:r0; butter. pawn I roll1. 15 to 17,t; tacks, 1_1; to lie, Pim +. n 1 4 iw tall tu` 5•. 1 I.e.dlnX Whrot 4d,krt-. Following are the cfosiog ,luola- ltona tit Important wheat ceatnvs to -day . t;apM. lsPpt. Chleafito ................. - 71 7-9 New lock ...... ... ...... - 1-4b r ales. ... .-... ... ... 9 3-4 T T o 7 Duluth, No. 1 North- ern...... - ... .. 751-`Jb71" Duluth, No 1 bent _ 7eh - l.hoeee t.wrket.. Bslevldle. June 21. -At illi, mth•t- lug til Tho (town B uili h.rkl hors to -day there were offered _.805 whito ata] 380 coiured.; _,035 old tit 9916c. IW at :,ya•. Corawull, June 1. -At the wrn- witil choose But, rnI today o', 174 +t+i.tttttttttit.tt.+t+l+4 chd•c•wl were buonlesi; 1;LW were ti wblto ant 919 edurad told 'car .1m- I` WORN AT zj encenu. All ssA I on the board, white tit 15-8c, aolorol fit 911-16o and American at 9rlc. Laail year tit this A WEDDING date 1,536 white sold at 93.40 #slid 534 colored at 9 7-9c. t+++t+tt+++t+titt+t►tttttt l,erlsrlre 11 IT -AWT -N getaules. At a fashlonabloswexi.ling a f,•w Business was Coal lo_dAy, with .bays sago the young mother of u br.le the supply of strawberrled -large, in her terns worn it gown or cream pricew of which are weaker. Ttu-y 1Aok1 44 6 to 8c per quart. herries, i ousselino de note over yellow silk. baskot. 750 to $1. Plueapples, case, The mousseline tie s,to was Inset with $:123 to $8.50; do.4 eneh, d to 14, Lion figureH and with f► rafinel em- lkivanne, $I.L'S to $2.25. Orange% I roidery of roses done in Dulcet pink Suriento, box, $t lis $4.25, Lemon/, Mismlla, j1.50.•to 11:1.50. Cocoanuts, unull• sacks, $4.;,13 to 113.75A /cunning through the embroidery Cal,bagew, crate, $1.'2,. Too*atoems, was a Low'knut dreign in pule blue 4 -basket currier, $1;:5. Curumbers, velvet ribbon. There were high crate, $1.50 to tt_.75. Beason, %vax, flourit" of Ince on the skirt ant fin- crate, $1. PPalk basket, 30 to hitting this CIOAO chow eleevpm, awl .35c. Nate cions, each. 4bc. a/eonl the nook A Inco cravat Wild like it fonr4n-haat low, with long, iu:03 •, Idvn y",:s Alark!t. full ewle of lace. This sty to of cravat Export S. ebOiM PW OWL is 30 toll 7 00 on 1N dressy a gown seemed novel, n Join ............ -.... a Sar to s W and it was certainly extremely tali- Ruu•b ' ...lite: eYod.. a A0 too s W coming. Milo b tike -wax plain, with Be,, cattle, c a to to S N1 close alelsves, the elbow ruffles HI an en',,tuts, falx........... I w In 1 00 the rmmlw of the cravat making 4Vhe o o"Namw. 1 N to d M only fullness. du cows ..... ............. 3 W to i a Y do hunts .. ............... x W to 3 L Tito brldu'n gown haul no especially Vied.". .hurt keep............ 1 Ida to 100 novel featurew. Torre was a pretty du medium ... 3 to to i W nrrnngrment of tulle putts an t o 3tocssrs boar u, lila Itis...... ) 1; '0 1 ro Millis news,, each 35 00 to 50 01 nllge. tolousoms about the bottom f 3beep, ewes. Per ew. 115 to i u the pkat, tinct thn same trirnmkn P- Iwmba, eprl,g, eenh............. z w to i w pattnl fa a fbltu. There true n At- H„s•. rholce, per vat.......... g d lite 000 Hog-, light. per rwL 1 U-4to 0 M tempt at a court train, the Via re of Hog. fat, per cwt ....... ..... g 6., At. *a moot of the w•Int,T weddings, ut lite Toronto ('oeatry Produce. tulle veil was 1`1111, and fell Pr the dross almost like a Aecom robe. Butter -The market Is quiet for balloter. 7110 demand for _choice Among theid&iadva this sen- dairies and creameriex l Haled and son, there, is one whol new that Use offerings of three sell well. Prises se,�e to hive airpttaLy a great rite- aro steady. QPra n Success that 111 r [Nth p o l,v Creamery printm ............ Igo to 2M co:ntinne Into the autumn. Thin Is )lie do. solids ...... ... ...... 1110 to 19%0 Ova or jahat-liko P(rpetp on the bnek Dalry tube, choice ......... 13c to 16c of n hkirt. The latest Idea for pop- do. medfuto ...... .. ... 180 to 140 tilllonn In rufflnil hip pieces uniting do. Ib. rolls. choice ... life to 16c to make a ruffled point b%fdnl. Thin do. large rolls, choice. Ibc to lose point is revtlly atrufe ter two jabot do, mpolum ...... , ... 1.4c to 140 Pleoop. T;d@ anlme idea has been car- tt Eggs -Tho market Id steady at rlyd Out On. the took of a skirt In the j 14,re. Dana ld IN good and the of - way of drap•Ty, long enouglh to reach II fering , are liberal. to the bottom of the skirt. The gown 1'Otators-Are In fair demand and on which It appressed was le Rome til" market Is 'slowly. Caro on the thin •flet nurtertal, and the block with track here are quoted at 75e. Pota- jrl•ot drapery wap y mighol ole- teas out of store @elf at Aso to dtrtm oat anInep. 'Hilo drapery mllfht db step ncoordfn to also o: lot. 0(1Q rMlloeml tip jabot sash piens• nkat the g 1114n.A IY a_eontlnaatlon of the I P-IkI-Orfertag/are ligh/ and do. J .I of -like 0nnttalis nlrPn•i. In vol, Plead Is small. Prloeo are ateady Wlklle pootllllon effectm nre inrreasing, i ab 100 to 12c for turkeys and bon they Are mosft of them now cont.aed ito W)o for chlckenn; duckso $1 pair. to the rltlrt. As the awxon advances i haled HAY -111 steady, wit It a one @Pas fewer jieketp with attached fate dprtOmlld and liberal offeringA Al bOagosa-=ad-4De@s4wito w(lA Its 611- $ilii cis 0reek hrro for No. 1 tlmothy:" lion fffewty. Baled Ktrnw-T%Prn Is a good dot - marl and offerings are plentdfal at WK9 MWTAW $5 oil track hare. Bradstreet*, ism read@. Prof. 1)ohwrly, of 414PiPh, Shown There In rather more Inquiry for How It May he Killed Out. seasonable goo "s at Montreal, the hot weather having dtmnlated the That wild mulrtnnl can be kill:,] rdemand for sorting parcels. The Oltt wap fully demonstrated on the retailers In the rtontry are now farm of Alfrwl FOLAnn. Bearhvllle, experiencing A better demand .m yesterday afternoon by Prof. Dqh-Ith,t approach of the holidays mor W7, d the Guelph Agricultural nre comppllel to sort stocks In view College, to whom In due the ertrlit of a onnUnnowl Coot Inquiry for 4 detrlalngr n rheap and pfffietive summer gmxls the next few weeks. methol of rlddirW Canada or till* Tin trade Ip likely to rontln0e In Pernicious imi it wan d mon- etch Cowin inter than usual thin ntrnteal to the antlmfartlon of tho" year, owing rte tho cool weather nRxpmh,pd that it WAntlon of eOp-'which was experienced In May and Per mttphnte, or common hhlfwtons, the enrly Part of June. mprayel on with a alirnmotor, I Buolnpns at TrvrOttto boat week has w,ruld Pffectlally rill a (armor of shown Home isprovrmont. In whole - this pp(Mt. sail* Mrclps there hnn been n Ilrtts- Prof. iroherty hap been for yeare demand the latter Part a the weak Pxroprlmenting to crbtain n champ for Porting pArepls, the dpmnnd in methal of destroying not dwtly this the country Among retailers for very prMlfle wMIII, Dat other* that iamsmonnhle groda being larger now, nrw renally detrlmental to snveess-�Pnymentet are fair kyr this tlmP of fill aMl prttfltnble farming. the year. Money Is un•hangerl. The c'rNrt df k1111rW WIM wlnstnrd l Bnsiii"W Al Pactfir teAst elties 10 by this moot ini is alxolt 750. Per .Improving. Values In some totalling aero. "'Ist wh%mm ll a aerie's Of nil- PtnP10 prrxlWts have hewn Ad%e1)"pd ject leorwmf Were Coven IN F,A*tprn Intely. t "Initatitlnn in line. whmli Ontario, And thin mine mAny of ehrw d admlttsdly have hPrn higR!r the fnrmwrpof thA dnPtlOn Are ria* lectin Ippe kren tial prle"R have "dot1i too.-1/oodstook fte- end rs-/staWlshod as a poyltfs The Signa! aruatniras EVERY TMIIR8DAY MI/Ilkllr.lt my U. 8110091.1JCCDI Ir. . Torero of dageerq-911". Oaf kaon th•In ad r.a.s ... ... ......... if ill MI brae mouth.. ._... ............ at.,n,o:hs. D Oueyear, ......I ........... . Itq Aererilsind Rst.sr L.sWSMOtbw,+aa•ael alvn ,. e. ne,.e., 11, line for Xr.t ln.• Kin.. a., t t o -us .,,. or o.ch euh. outmt lis-.er6i m. 1l•Nvi....l ny a nunppaViroil e. ale. B,ulooes card• of .tow ll,m and sa4or. 1: par lair AdvertiaomentAof Lost. rouml, S r..r,r1 Sttu.Lions V...al 44a.%,I:a*s cancan ,nj Bu„Inm. Chaise. Wentrd, Dot exlswd:ud 1 Untie neap - rail. $1 per Nepath. Mouses nn Sato &tail rand. en !Isle, hot to oal.ed m 11114W it for Ord m•nyl,. Sb p• r ,b. w vont mouth. Lars rad vis.,. pr,• ..,,,,,, Xmy speolal so U• o, the object of Wi, ,,I. to promote the p.,-u,,Iery be.af!yf tiny .l+i.t. cal or 000pmay. In W eoua+dervd.a adv• r1i-a meat and nl•arsed a,xonll, ly. Lnoal Doti oa to non parell tsps me e•. rn w word, no net ice Iona than 15c. 1,ecal ooUrm in opt-me^y readlna tvlwtwe eoeta per wor4. No noun h�r Ir•. tow.+ , . Notice. for chur, ►ss and etber pelf ttsua sLj benevolent Institution.. halt rate. + eullamenlere who fan te rerelre THU pill.,% rerniarlyby moil will confer a fAser a•7 s,o quaint,l,r us of the r.et at ss Osis • d•v..4 possible. When . ohsn*e of a.ldrsss L deelrw4 l: -I We old rad the new .ddrem shoul4 ►u ai.a rabllshnr'e N.U... J. n. Le Tom". of Goslerl.Il \mss born Lip pointed t.00al Travelling Arent fur til^ T .tv4. of liaferinh, Cashiered. Ash0esli ld d Volpe%a w a uoeh. Loo.l poetmaelefaorer the ALttMcl.re.t.n aopowered to reecho .vt,ecrlptions k TuA �w.at_ AU..=maweatione moat be sAAreaasd D. MWit Licuuttlr. - . Tns SlosA TelepblsstldNM OoMrteh, frog THUNUIDA1, JUNE 26. Iter trDAVMXLXNG 991DS. GRAND TSUIIl iAILWAT. AURI .a .... I... �..... ....Ilia 4.416 ell and gxpr.A►................ .. LSD y I. Iced ....................... . 7.Y I Mail cad gxprW lu� DWAwr. J14111.1 aeA Its,p"ss..................... �(1call and Itapreso............ ......... MtxeA ........ D KNTINTRT. litNwHOI,80N. L.D.n_. IT 1 t1l"AL aeMre't. �Roo,.��mv -P -it' tike fast Reda. pG.IdaliWlne, Crows cad beidAe Mork e sry= 9xpwiesee, M. MARKIL D, R. R. L.D.X.-DXXTat TJe Rnrlfvon- l.staei wi Nj 61-1 ott,• do s oma rr• ,v d 1•.. for all tan W U M ape Net unl teeth a epod**L 7. U:Nda• d . t ill. K and Ill - Imp etalr.J. Iatr. n.. • 0b A . e Telepbate Na OL MeY IfAy1/F;N. Ir U v I.. t" I'' . . Rnr@ron. au.•rr.eor t•, Or .1 %! ball. V+..1 ,yq,ro.vd nl"14. lis n', yrs r t g Ineludlri ,: 'mss ,u .d moil n d n 1 tr . a r Inln 1nInY „ rrn tion., nod •row,n tial w.,rk both In Holl and In poreelnhs. .oration paid to pn•eervatlun ill „ leel h. JAL W sI kamorly. "Waviest t,y , Turnl.all. _ _ `117'It'F.— w'F., THF P!te1F;R4l1,\: 'Ientl.t.. cam rlrronr oar, -r it I- pin.. Weda+.layfellow May In Ii.h.b. rlaarlve. 1.4mwl, 1.. )I. Nd, ci Ihm� h. May 6111.1!10:;. w.v 11.,1•, CAIWI4ok.-a1�A n6RkI4tt:it-.w•.: F. al}ay Viten. hoc UXkx •.:.a ;r,..: ,. N&U.1gnari Oalerfek. ai0. Jo,Nare.- 14 It HitI.'i1, - ♦ naw. • ""*.tone . t. , T. , I..n. Omaae: ( Ae. He. sG,04 sad rt...... obloON , ONxieL, 13,.4 J ROVdS�0OT a HATtF.!;� RARUIRT P setltnrmn% itntn.Jr rlte tn.tr, pa i 1:e Maritime Coot• oke. ()floe: A .tt,h JiL_to•.• . door ",axes of cle. PrIrN. fumed Idlest] M liswRPROUPFOO W. Intermit. LC H71v� ------I=--- - - Dilh'KINaO� & GA1tROw, MARItI++TF:It- AfAsrnry■. ,toliritor%. ete., Gorb•nl•h L 1. Plrkin.on. _C isarle. Uarr'e. I.I..It. PHILIP HOLT, g-1-., HARRI%TKr,. I . 1•or, N,rtary'Pub e!. etc. /fittest„•. ('dart H.uw-p n,.re. Mo . Money to Ie.n �, , tike. of Interne+. CHAR. 8ZAGr.I1 - RARRI9TICB. eft:► Ichor, notary and {,�o. loysaolr. Ofhn, H flaijod.r Krnd otic rvodn to lead r,aA Howl. O,tderlch. Prl rate sMmtmaas�a pt A par o=L Istawt Pnrmrrl I O. wARU.d O!tT[vASfan.Lkr_AN: J. eensss\al.wer far t-k"V1t g .24 rareivea rwvra Senna of INIAL a17Jav1 s .• AU'Ose U—s. dop.s.luere or me earn dwlmralle"s Is sw ree.wrn• N .( per .oi law. snit of prere.Alsg in In '..l C1rrt of J ueuee. [be (,.met of A►rw kyr 00L.6e. no, Is any CNnty of ruled" Goon. • II t- a vo sodsove earst.11y and'... -V olownta4. flea,desoe u1 r. O. ndir.r-1Na famaes, OUL SIM -1 OA= A" t4mtt S"M II M1ONEY TO LIOND-A i.AROF- AMOtST of prI%ate hinds tow ln� rAment at My e.t roles and evpe .Lie ml wimt rinal MrIMWP.'• Apply to UL•.kln.On a (carrot, _,_ -- _ - - AIICT'10NVERINH. 11 HOMAiI OU?fDSY. ACCT10Ng6R AND y41n+ttor.004morleh.01.1, e"IW41144404"d to in any part of the e,mnty. J-- KNOx .� OgtRAL Ali '.$, ,k`e 0HN sn:; Lind Val.Nlar, Ood-rl L OA. ; . leg bid .tcddemblo ext,• Ione@ o LLS - tloonwrlrtg trade, he M ,s a pp.illoe I', r» M., rKtee wits, Libor•„; \ eati-/a.t tun all nae+ mllrl•nu intro*ted in him. Ordrn kh e1 BexY•n a Ra til• or Beat by mo:) v fit. #A,! polerleh P. o., carefully attended to A711) KNOB. Cost , Asctloeeer. LMt-J WARWAGD LICI NW& ��-�- We�ielsfdu OaAUMa=.Os/L Md:1r,I TILE WAY NOW. ' Ito, you t.bink ahl Im going '" marry f.•,rd IM Rrrvke?" "YPry likely 1 nnderat.nn,l 11, 11 Nie rxp•rt ae.etantenl who hna here going over her fnthpr'n books ;19- report.•,l very favorahl.v t., 111•, inmr,l.l,lp" A mill mr.1 H wife, are AIWAT- „ want of something. -Italian pr"` s1tb,