HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-26, Page 1a MIMITI tnnmmtmmm
THREE ""A'8"
Munielpal By -Law
BY LAW NO.7, 1902.
WHSRRAS The Huron. Hruoe end Ory
!Dectrle Railway Company kayo spelled to
the Tow n.hip o A.hlsld to take five hundred
• bars. of *took of 1100.00 escb I. their roll wer,
and It tea been Aeemed to bet In the interest of
toe people In order to secure the construction
end operation of the sail railway by the slid
Company that $.59,001 of stook should be tonere
In the said r.11wy. *object to the
terms and condition• agreed noun between
the Corpureuuo •id the sal t ltallwy Com-
pany. Fetch lOrms and conditions a'd horeto-
•ftcrset forth :
And whnreae, In order to provide" for poy-
men, of th gild $ 4.0 1 of speck. If the same
• hall be su rlbed for. H will be eeeeeser to
u.au. debenture+ of the Township of Ash$ id
for the sum of 950.000, payable as herein tr'o-
•Ided when the conei tions herelnafte con-
tained with regard to the issuing of such de-
bentures are fu1Rlled
And whereto It b desirable to issue the said
debeni ores •t one time. and to make the prlo•
clpal of the said debt reparable by yorre
sumo during the period oft went, years, being
LLe currency of the said debeotares ; oriel
tb,I to est that the +got ei lel amount p )
able In .soh rear for principal and interoet In
respect of saki debt she l be u nearly as
possible eeusl to the amolot ro pay.b s to
web of the other nineteen u ear• of ..id per.od:
Aad whereas the total amount regulred to
be raised annually by special rate f r period
the said deht .,d oterest as bcrelabefore
pray lded 1e $7079.07 ;
Aod whereas the amount of the wide rate-
able property of the said Township of Ash-
field Oceordag t0 the lest revised aese.emeat
roll is 11.MM7JtA1 1
And whereas ti. s,e b no onhstsnding or
,.lanae debenture debt of the said munlctpal
Therefore the MOuiolpd Connell of the
Towoshtp of Aeh Moil en•ou,s f allows
1, The corporation of the Township of Ash-
field shall take Ave hundred shares of stook o'
$10J 0J each In the Huron. Bruce and Ore'
Klett nc )tailwa+ Company pon the fulfil:
meta toy the said Coulee, of the terms ane
oonalUoae hereINfter est forth w1,h10 the
t tae hereinafter epeoltet, but not otb•rwis',
such stock 11 sobocribed for and Issued to he
paid for by delivering to the Company th®
debet' urea authorized by this Bylaw.
2. It shall be lawful for the Corporation of
the Mid Town.blp for the purpose. aforesaid to
Issue debentures of the said monlolpally to
the •mount of $50.000 le sum. Of not lest
than $100 mob, payable 1e "Rou•I lar, alments
mot. paling o•er a period of twee tl ears from
the dos when the debentures are by this B)
law autberie-d to be issued. mach deo to be
nut later than the first dy of July, A. D.
19M, the debenture. to bear Mterest at the
rate of four per tent per annum from the date
thereof, p.yahle on the first day of January In
each year. oouporntberefor to be atacb•d to
mold 0.benteree.
3. Bach of the said debenture• and the
coupons, hereto attach red aholl bo sloped by
the Reeve of the.&d township or by some
..,other person •utborizel by below to •ign
-. same and by the treasurer of said Township,
and the clerk Mull attach thereto the corrppourate
ses1 of the said tow.ohlp, upon the faldltmeat
D the Company of the sold terms end eoo-
dltion. wttbla the time heroine' sr specified,
and such debenture, when so elgced end seal-
ed Mall be deliver. d to the emptor In the
manner hereinafter spe:Ifi.d In 9.ym.ot for
the file hundred shares of the crmtal stook of
tits Company tatoo by the C,rpo»tion an
der this Ebylaw when such stook has been sub-
ddrlbed for and hob beee duly allotted and
ta+ued to toe Towreblp Corporation
4. Therm Matt be raised annually by special
rale on all the ratable property to the said
Township of Ashfield daring the term of
twenty years from tM- date when the said
debentures are by this Hylaw authorized to be
wooed. the sum of $7$79.99 for the purpose of
paying the amount due In &soh of the sold
veer• for principal sad interest Ia respect 61
the sold debt
5. Th. votes of the go ell'Ied •Ireton of this
mcoklpontl shrill be takes on this Bp•w by
the Deputy Returning Omcer. hereleafter
named, on Tuesday. the Stn day of July. A.
D. 1902. o.mmeho,ng a tree hour of nine
o'oleek In the morning and oo0tiomnI until
five o'clock in the afternoon. .at 1h, under-
mobtloned places t
Polling Sot.-dirtato0 No. I, a Hsmfo-1's
Barber Shop. in the V.Uage of Dungannon, In
the sold 'township of Ash1el1, by Andrew
Dnrry. I eeputo lbtuoing O®cee.
Toning Subb devbl°', No,'1, at Ylnley's Soh,ol
Holmm. ,u the said Towo.bip ret A.hO.Id, W.
Mot hen. I tepnty Return I ng Omoer
l'ollinlr1ib,divlsion No. 3. at Sokool !louse
No. e, to the said Township of Ashfield,
Kenneth McKeoale, i,eputy lietuning ()f-
l'oUlog Subdivleloe Nn 4. at Yorrester'e
Hall. Port Alberni" the said Tow0sbit of Ash.
Old, William B. Hawking, Deputy It.eturain,t
p omf.
' Rei,intt Srtn alvldot No. s, et Schtol Ron•e
No. 1, In the said Town"hip of Ashfield, John
Attlee, Deputy Retuning,. auer,
Poling stub -division No. A, et Itotlb M.:1n
tomk'ed well log house Lot.. Con. 12 Weotern
lnvieion of the ••1i Township oI A.hfield,
H11Zb sr,Intoah,ll.puty Retornlner Omoer.
Palling iubdiviilon No, 7. •t Helen% Hnu.c
No. t1.2 ln the sant Township of Ashfield, itob'.
Hamilton, Poverty Retaruing Of ice
2 Codeti-day, the.5th da, of Jnly', A, D.
1102, the Heevo of the said Township shall at -
teal .t the Township Hall in the mold Town-
ship at ten Vclock l0 the forenoon to appoint
perces to attcod st the varloue pollinr Dlaees
mtsn,ld and at tM final summin 00 of
vote by the Township Clerk on behaif of the
tersn.s Interested In the promotion Or 00
posing tla Deesalfa of this 1 ylaw.
3, Tbe clerk of the sa'd 1 ownshlp of Ash
Aeld •hall atten it the sa A Township Hall
at ten o'clock In tam forenoon of Thursday, the
10th ny of Jnly A, D. 19)9. to •um up the
number of votes given for and omens% tete
futures° that property owner. mar hove free
e ooess to their load, the .1,11 o' ooastruollon,
the weight and kind of ra 1e to be asei. tit•
Interfereioe with the fences, noetic.. or
wafer -course*, the pemuue leder tae sell
railway Lor the permed of oulrerts. brl•tg 01
sod drainage, th removal of a tow sad loe,
sod dlepoa ng of same so as not to Iuterloro
with the publlo bl41 hway, the maloteusnee of
the roadway &discont to the Company's
tracks. the ere,tlo, of poles and wiring. the
etre/teeming, oone'runti on and menteaaaoo
of new culvert" and bridges , the opening of
the road way when neoesstry nndrr and vit t
Dent to the track by the minlelpau•y, by the
property owner and by the Company shall be
settled and &greed upon with the Muelolpal
Counell of the said (Iorporation before the
Company shall do any of the sots, waters or
things &bore nwtl)nad,
4. The said Company also asrest that they
will carry all such freight as trey be offered
to them and to construct and malntaht freight
aiding, at convenient polo's to ba agroo l on
with the es d Munlolmel Coursoll for loading
such s Oct and freight as my be offered or
whloh they ma♦ be lnulred to carry
5. During all such time a. the Corporation
ruy be holden of capital stook la the maid
Onnepauy. the ttsa•• of the sail Cerporatiu0
for the time being, shall be,e: °Mole& director
of the said Company.
s The vote of the Township Corpor•tloe
upon their stook at any meeting of the Sher.
holder. Of lie Company •hall be nut by the
Reeve fur or oa Dobai( of the Corporation un-
less some other pereou &hell have been ap-
pointed by D law o^ resulnrl- 0 of theTowo-
ship Couaoll to a,t and vote on behalf of IDs
Towa.hlp Corpporation at such meeting, and
la reckoning thhe votes coat at any .barehold-
ari meeturg thesame shall be computed ao
oordeg to the actual amount paid upoo the
shares voted on. and not on the number of
o uch "hares
7. No et .ek la the sold Companyy +hall be
subscribed for o0 behalf of the sod Townsblp
Corporation uotll a bola.. has beep posed by
Council of the sald Township and agreed to b
the saki Compare deMloe t►a loo•tl iii and
route of the said rsllway and ills terms and
conditions on whioh it shall be o;,ersted sed
the portions of the roadway upon which they
shall run and suob other matters relating to
the railway N the Township Corporation
mar In addition to the matters herein tot
forth desire to regulate.
it No pasaeager ears stroll 1 e used by said
Company within the mild 'Township limits u0.
lees tits w of modern type and approved of
by the pyo wnohlp Counoll.
I. If the Compa.,y shall be absorbed by. or
amalgamMed by any other (ompacy. or p0ss
nods, the control of any other Company with-
out the tormnt of tae Township of Ashssld,
the said Corporation shall be em Idet, at their
option, W be repaid by' the cornpany the sum
of9i0,010 paid for the oapllel stock in the
C inpany subscribed fur b, we Corporation
and to have su. h stock surrendered and con.
celled, and shall have la that event • Ir.. Ilea
ore all the •gets an 1 propert i or the Comptes
for 10* r.payruest of the sold sum of $00,0,0
and Interest thereon from the lime the de
mane of reme7ment she I be made.
1". In oa.e the mild township Is damilb1ed
from tame to time with the rate charged for
freight. pass• goer rata. o: In [be oorryit.g out
of any of the conditions berelnbetors mat
forth. L is agreed between the said Corpora-
tion and the Campene that each of the said
p.rtles •ball appoint oo arbUmitor for the pur-
pose of set tilts any of the sold questions and
In *seta the slid arbitrators fall to agree the
Judge of the County of Ilueos sha11 appoint •
third aroltraloran 1 the award of the said
arbitrators. or any two of them. shot' be Root
and shall beoberved by the sold parties,
"W. SrOTHtR9,-
BY-LAW NO 7, 19)2, OF 'l'HIC TO V N-
For tan nr 950,000 of stook 1• the Haror,
B -see .ad Grey Klooten: Roil say Cempsoy,
Limit of, will b, held as follows :
PONT ALHERT-Friday, June `27th, at
8 p.m., in the Foresters' hall.
LuocNow-Saturday, June 28th, at 3
oclook in the afternoon, in the
Town Hall.
D(J*GANNOK-Saturday, June 28th, at
r- 8 p.m., in the Temperance Hall.
30th, at 8 o'clo':k p.m.
KINTAIL-Tuesday, July 1st, at 8 o'-
clock p.m., in Macdonald'. II•tll.
Sad, at 8 oc.ock p.m.
July 3rd, at 8 o clock p.m.
Everyone who ii interested in pro-
ntotiu- the project is invited to attend.
And tate notice that tbs above 1s a true
Dopy of the proposed Bylaw whloh bas be't
taken into oonaider•tlon sa4 whach shall ne
anal y pawel h'the Goaool, of the Musioip
ality of A.bMl 1 tie the event of the went of
the elector/ Moira o,talne 1 thereto), after
one month from the first publication In the
"Huron Signal'• ne wisp tper. the date of wh,oh
first publioat.00 war the 19,0 dy of Juoe, A.
1) - 1902, sod that a p dI wilt be held and the
votes of the eieotors of the sold muolcipality
will be taken thereon on the day and the
hours and places 11.ed le the Bylaw above
written. "W. Sr,11HMIS,-
Situation/ Vitoant.
ed. Apply to MI89 ItOUOVI6, West
housework. Apply to MRI. J08. K1i)D.
Teacher of Pletcher music method, w111 re-
ootv,• pupil. at her studio, ..here Mr. Naftel'.
loaunoce offce. Hamilton street. For infor-
mat ion Haply either at studio or at u e "Mance.
Ht. Perloe • street.
Organl*i a,d musleol director of North street
Methodist church, teacher of piano, Igoe or-
gan anti theory Pu ils prepared for .11 •0-
•minations of the 'Toronto Cuneervatory of
Mu.lc. Will be plowed to receive Apolloa-
tlone from all those regnlrlog •uoh lostrun-
tioa at hl. new studio over Thomson's music
store, Use of pato for pr•otloe may be ar-
renRed for. 9711
The fotlowm. are i M tern. and conditions
eakt Huron. Hoene and Ore, Klsotr a It, loaf
Company' ante C,.rnpkoritlon of Ar TOWoohtp
of ASA told onAer lib H/law b hcrak• d, -
colored to be e.blert theretoend he nmonOt o'
•'4,9[0 to be p0 d for snoh stook when riub.
o^.Abed for and Issued IS to be p eyable t . the
said Railwe t'ontoany only to the moose's
nod at the time net forth therein, and not
ethrrwiee, and no part thereof shall be psld
to the maid ('ompany except 1n acoordanoe
with apd upon faplllment of such terms and
1. None of the dehan'nres mentioned In
$ e (mooning 1ty110 hall he Mired tntll the
said railway has beam fully 'nmpin'ed for at
least one mile Itto eke esb1 Township at each
Bald railway .iibi a built fr m the To •n n f
Ooderlch to pewee, 1r t e Tews.M. of (:ol-
Mrne, end shall from there roe • line to Kin
ban, In sail Tnweshlp cf As oield. and from
Duni. p to Iltiopynnon along the foal when
40 reare*.tke Nit#, wl.lch divttlat the Tann
*lisp of A.hl.Id from Ib. To,nethIO of We.t
Wawanosh Iberh of said 1.ues ate to be built
recurrently. When one 0.1's In nuc' r f rald
directions hes b'en full oomplmted the sal
Ave hundred shares of Moll 'hall be sub.
w11.MA fo^ and allotted to maid Township
wtteteuran said dehenturai .halt bs tesnad
end $&,ono there et for e•nh of sold m' -es shall
les handed ore to the said Compily, and as
•anh additional mile thereof in each of *ld
Alrwntlons 1• eompleted are additional 93,t 10
f the said debentures shell be handed over
le and Compote'. and when the sold H dlwp•
N folly oomoist• and In runner' order from
Undmrteh to KIntel and from Hnderloh to
Dungannon. with the dally tervioe herefnafler
toneeshell bet ha letn overt to le the &sold ta11
way t 011101 ay.
2 The o+1d Compton, shall oommnnee to
boilA the seed Hrlway not later that' the 1nl
Ay o&July. A. 1) It rt. and ikoll have the
lame fatly oom00nod and In operatl(m on Ar
before the first day of July, A. 1).. 1' t4. with
Aa'.ly oar .ervloe for pareensrn and freight
o(- t 1.50 than four roan or train each way
pee, for the whale dle,annn from Oedorieh
to Kht 1 wan from Oodarloh to Dungannon
The vera. hours at whl A soah oars or
train. "ball be rna tote settled *,A agreed
•wem betwmer the Townehlp (Iouncil' and the
(Ms y• Time to he the eseene0 of tit*
t. Th. said ('.mpany teethe, agsw*m 1M4
I o trunk .bat not m planed on the *ravel or
trovensei portion of the read been *leapt
whore nenewrry for or0.sle00 0n4 through
villager anti that mid frank, oo1M. switched
mad wire+ shall M, so pla.'nd Io te Inferrer* am
little N pesolbla with the tromp 00 th . high
wy, norm or along whlnh 1ts railway mot b.
ee0etrietM, and that the inwati•,n 0f the
trmeka ea any hghwy to be deo&• the pianlea
wf swltnhes or tinnnts, ae laying M teethe
teroSweR tMroaA, the ohttrintloe of the roared,
j vldhM prttiate nitille. Irpr' ed 006
Notloe to Creditors.
Yubllo Notloe
wanted Very high wales paid Inquire
et D. r. ff AKLINK, Meusmetaeg Park.
fn fiat Matter of the KmInelr 0/ (berg, ,/emir•
goo. talent the l'ill.peof H,y a ('con/y
el f/oron. Prrnhylerinn Miaielrr,
deer. sed.
Notice 1s hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Sratuiuof Oatarto' 1597, chap or 1911,
that all creditors and others haying •lalma
against the ...tate or the said Oonrse Jamie-
son, who died on or about the I lth dar of
rehruary. 19:0. are required on or bulore too
1(th day of July, 1902. to send by post prop old
or d•llver to Meter,. Ingeno'l R Kmrstone,
Nt. (atharla.e, Ono, rolltllton' for W m. Jamie -
m en. ad minl,tra'or of he e1tsta of the sans
4mn axed, their Citristlao and enrnames. &d-
eem and deecrlptione, the fall par lanlars
of their claim., the statement of their no-
nonet.. and the naurn of the securitlaa, If
any. bold by them.
And further take notl 'n that of ter such last
meutiotted date the said administrator will
proceed to dlstrlbute the &mets of the said de-
emed .mens tee parte* entitled thereto.
having reg•ed only to the claims of whlnh hn
shall then a nc'Ice, .nd the said adminhs-
trater wilt fret Bette Ser IM meed Moet. or
an rt the-. o any perm,n or perloov of
t ver n
whose n
Islet. o Inc
shall ore ha bee
reeelve+el 0y him at`thr tine of each d.a ribu
hag from the bland" utlog the terra
without permission, .booting, or otberwiee
trespessin upon ant par. of ibe property well
be arrested and prosecuted.
ttldgewood Pars.
All kinds of Speotaolee •td !yetlasses made
to order. Special attention given to attire the
Orden by mall Dromptly attended to. He.
ware of parties Wing my ream,. N I employ
0o tr•relliny ogrets whatever
Satldact ion guaranteed. Retabl'ohed 1871.
U.ted the 111h A• Jone 1304.
22 Ontar. et.
St atharine,, Oct,
Solinitorofor (tears' Jami an, admtnlstev
tor of the estate of r Jamieson.
deceased. 7-3t
1. the Molter of the Ridnl- e of Hep wtksr-
ford, late a the Township of As ld,
fn the (10119 o/ uron
Rooms to Let.
1. street •t present 000upled by R. N. Lewis
as taw omces : will change mto small store if
neosMrj. Or rooms over Miss Cameron's
stere with front and rear eatnnoe, K. N.
I0Wld 74
For Bale.
Under anti pursuant to the power of sale
oonalued 10 • cousin mortgage bearing date
thetrth Sly of D,oember. li 4, and mad, to
the ren tor, an 1 which will be produced ar the
tame otsale. there will be eo'd by publ-c aue-
tlon, 07 Jahn r reason, •no lo0eer, •' the
(I mmerc .1 Hoe 1, to the village of Hayfield,
rn Tuesdy. the 15th rev cf Jolt. 1902. at I2
o'clock noon, the following valuable property.
name( : Lote 415, 11&'19,, 399 and 363, to the
cell vlllees of Bayfield. containers on, sore
• ed a-inarter.
Upon this property there Is• Ilottory frame
house. also . from• b.rn. There are several
choicefru'.t true on the land. Tots ba desk•
ahle property.
Terme -Ten per root. on the dar of sal•,
end the balance wfthl, ( tee month thert-
• tor.
For further p%1.00 %re .pair to t,e enc•
tloneer or to ter• uodersigned,
Dated thle 25th day of Ju,e, 1902.
t0otloneer, Vendor's 8o'leitor,
Hayfield. !g 3t Goderlch.
Notloe le hereby 'free, pnnaant to the ibe
•4.ed Statnua of at.o Ile, Chapter 11 .
that all creAltor• and Otis. having el•Im.
*galnet the relate of the sald Itneh Roller
ford, deceased, who diel on or shout the IRth
dy of Mar 1902, are required on or before the
Sib day of .iuly. IAt2, to •eoA by post prrpalei
or deliver to Masora Dickinson h Ostrow. of
the Town of 0 i1.rl b. In the (bunty of
Huron, solleitors for the execrators c' too sold
demoted. their (THetlan and .unemoe, ad -
drosses and deserlptionr,the foil part loners of
thole claim*, the alemsal of their &connote
end the Yens of the esanrinen, 11 any, held Ay
Ano ferther Iske nollon that afar soah last-
mentioned date the sald exeontore w111 pro-
nesd r0 dietrl note the &esna of th. donea.ed
among the parties omit;M (horot0. having re
garl only to the nlalms of which they shall
then hole oot co, and that the meld ezm,,m e
Rett not be liege for the raid were sr any
port than. M to aey ser.on or perenne of
whoer. rlaima note* •hail ant Mre twee re
rotated by them at the time of such dbtrlha
Demi the 31st day of Ma lel.
Snlielt re for William Irwls 0.d Martjta
flseet's, IM MO* a of Hagb Ruth eM,Ade-
That commodious re.lden,e on 8t
Petrick'' street at present °coupled by 0. W.
Doty. 1'ossesiton mar be had to reboot ton
week*. Apply to MRS. M. M IIAYB. 2
l oonneudon 7. Colborne. containing 101
acres 1.ot67, Ma,tland eoneeteloe, God,rloh
township, eostainittg 75 acres. Each farme
ars well fenced and well watered ; good
buil linos and firer o ase orchard on each
farm' nearly *11 under grass Stzir per nent.
of ti,e purchase money my remain on
mo'tgde at 5 per cont. Mur particulate apply
to T. BURNS, Carlow, 830
8tr•chan offers for sale or to rent the
property at preemie oocuole' by hoe, on the
ooroer of Victoria and Brace streets. Then
lea tarse oo,eretc bolnding a tmtalning 40o11-
iog house and store, with all convenienoee In
eonneotion. Thereto a'e, • story -ami -a -half
frame dwellfog situated on the same Int.
farms ren,00able. Appply to MEd.
STIIACHAN, on tin premie.•.
Ung under carpets, oto. Ap,ly at Tits
Buoi4L 0000&.
Pk:ra9t1t1 SUR THR'I.ILe?H.-A meet -
log of ba.loe.. mea was held on Monday
eveomg to further the •rres(SmiOte for the
'forcith of July oelabr•tian In Uoderlob.
Committw wee struuk to make • oaavass
for funds, • plan of street daooratloos was
mapped gut, the reception et the ruitlog
lodger and cttia.re was arranged for, and
ether d,Mlb 10 0000eotloa with the cele-
bration were attended to.
ap.ctal mestiog of the publlo .obool board
woe held on Monday .7.01.0 to ooasld.r
the scheme for Impro•lop the Central school.
After onoaldertng various pion+, the baud
dw(dod tIP•..k the Iow0 oauuctt to pau a
bylaw to provide 94 000 far the proposed
lmproyemeats, wbloh ,aolude new doors for
four of the rooms, new aaah •II through the
school, a new roof, and a oomplete eyeom
of heating and sanitary plumbul.
Ntyrnc■ or Aerial., Messrs, Dickinson A
()arrow, as mona.l for the town of Dods.
tell, baye boso eeryed with sotto, of ap-
peal by F, Barlow Holmes io the action
known N Holmes w. Town of Uoderlob,
No 2, the oust lnvolvtog the ques4la0 of
oh. right of the 1,two to borrow money for
outs In the former action of Holmes vs.
U.d.rtob. l bs appeal 1. to the 1)Ivleion
Court igalast the judgment by Mr. Jue'los
Robertson to favor of the town. The town
we11 doubtless oppose the appeal.
Hain A 1'LRASAIT 1'Rll' -The Greyhound
returoad from Detroit about 1 O'olook Fri-
day morning with her load of tired but
happy pleasure maskers. The trip was •
mo.t plessaot one, the boat and Its appoot•
mento, the wether and everythloe .lea
being all that oould be desired, The Berlin
and Stratford bands lurnbehed music on the
boat and as both are asoallant bands they
assisted maorlally In making • good time
for the psse.oges. The epeoial tr•ta for
the east left (loduloh an hour or ao •fNr
the arrival of the boat. Tbe Greyhound
left on herr te D,tydO at 8o'elock le
rhe morning..
Ina CORONATION Pi.Trotrcn.-Tb..
ling news of the King's serious tlloe.e
rlyed '1 med•y morning by oable. 1 hs ill
nee. with whiob Hb Majesty has been
.411 cud b perltyphlttle, • malady closely
resembling appendialtls. He underwe0t an
operation ore Tuesday, and lite condition
singe has been 0s satofaotory as oould be
ezpested, although there te et111 owe for
grays antlety. The coronation hes been
postponed Indefinitely. I. oo0ecyuenoe of
the K100'1 illness the holiday to bave been
obrer•ed today has beep revoked and the
coronation services announced to take piece
is the Iooal oburshea today and on Sooday
next hay* bees withdrawn.
"G11Aaiii a SUMMER RESORT. ON Lte■
Hcao-m".-TMs le the title of •oow folder
Issued by the Grand Trook Railway dealtog
with 10. ,.eort. o0 th.suon, shore of Ltk.
Huron. Naturally, (loderioh oocople" the
first pl•oe in the Ino, and view. of Hotel
'.ioderich and the Point Form bptel are
promt0e0t feature. of the pamphlet,\ There
.re • numbs of other (l,d.rioh •tewe, and
• desnription of the town drawlog attention
N Its attractions for summer tester,.
Klooardtne, Port Eight, Sooth•mpto, Nor
cls and Port Huron each oo.upy a space In
:be folder, whiob b attrsctlyely printed and
will doubtleee to • mean• of diverting •
greater .hare of the u0rist trafo l0 this
FRO,1 AN OLD Suow'Rtnca,-Ws wen
pleased to recely. the otter day • tow hoes
of apptealetlon from ear old friend and for
mer forewoman James Thomson. along with
• renewal of subscription. Mr. Thomson
write.: ''I can't do without THR SIt:NAI.
I have been • oonetant reader of 1t vino*
1852. I am better pleased with it oow
than ever. I 000gra'ulate my old friend
N. G. Cameron on his election : •Iso oow•
gratulate Ontario for having G. W. Ross
again •t the helm. Prohibition has nothing
to fear but everything te ga'n from him."
31r. Tbommoo's letter was written from
California, but he wag to leave the next
week for hi. mummer hone at Bowesmool,
North Dakota,
0I•e.Nl4O AT THa PotsT FARM. -The
management of the 1'olnt Farm innounoe
the opsoing of this popular resort thi. week,
this lroprovemente which hare been gnlor
0o being almost completed. Greater •t•
teotio0 than formerly will thio year be paid
te fie tonal trade. Pleasure parties from
town are Invited to make the F.rm their
objective point for a day'. or yanlnv'o
outing, and special provision will he made
for their oomtnrt and entertalnmeq$, It Is
sounded th.t the advantages for a pl
golet time •t the Farm shall be shared by
u many people as possible, and a. the re-
eort t•.o bo easily reached by boat, by
carriage' or by whesl to Is etpued the
many a little j.uot by land or water will b*
directed that way during the ooming sum-
That big stone houre with 7 -room, 1 brick
addition. situated on Pio'on street. Tire ho•nee
Is dry and warm, being lacca throughout with
2 -Inch plank. It is ++ltd acid .ubatantioL 1t
was built by the Iota
Shr-IR01b0ons when In his prune
Not for • day but far all t me.
The foundations are abont 3 feet th:ot and
will endure as long e, the Pyramids M Kgypt.
A home seeker or Investor who reolizes the
pote'ntelitles of fresh paint and paper, which
are Inezpens;va, and or glass, SCh oh Ir ptne-
f»111 ohcap. by a Ittt1. planning and urlialuu,
e.pendlton. can matinee," It into an are -to
date rn,nelon. I avert moot strenuntsty and
i return will acarus to too
wide awl eats Nye
wiAe aw.ke Investor for the brat of all rmo-
sone that ho hes a broad and solid found +tion
all ready to h • hands. Th, .ams oanuut toe
sold of • she11 nr veneer. l.et those who are
on the Iohhent for m salt .nap tnvevtt9ite, 11-
ve.tigats, loves.) o e.
Offers • tdr..r..A rte
lee Med 1'. 0.,
wit. recelve ,r 'rapt a'tentlon.
May 7th. It It. RI.0
Insurano3, etc.
ANCR 0.4 real *elate Meet. Oslo., toe
door east of P. O.. ooierloh. Agent for the
lading motile firs I nmrAao. Dom tants, and
'outing stock oomi+nte..
Mero•ntbe • ed manuf•otarinx rl.ks t
oweot rates Call at °MSoe.
Aon°untant and inenranu Agent,
Boake rind amount• made op.
Hultdlnta rented and yenta oullrmted,
Ilre Inntran,e In Hrltl.1. sad (lanaAlan
Comp• nles.
t)Tee- igel I'rou,lfoot ✓ti Hays *T eo, North
treat OodtMoh. 4941
P SURANCN and Real Rotate agent,
Ylre, iAfe, Aneldentand Mate Olw insnrure
iRoetel on mntaal or path plan at Iowan
.ate , owdble,
Pet Rngllah and Canadian een9•t!es rop
res .4.
0111 31 nett door to Carrow A Darrow, Her
1..r Ilamlltes Street.
that la every way is • oredit W the town,
• 0d the nsw oasb register 1. but -an ap-
propriate aocompaolmeot to the handsome
Iurolsb:ngs throughout Ile whole store.
A Caeca Ouera -Oa Thursday attsr0000
• review of the C rllsglale Institute wades
corps took place before Lt. -Col. Peters, D.
O. C., Loadoa, at the •erloultur•1 ground..
The oadeus turned out over forty strong. 1■
oommand of Capt. Keely, IOW 1st Limit.
I'rnest JorJan, 2nd Lieut. Chat, Lee,
S•rgts, P. Tye and C. Mynas, and Lorpe.
E. Horten and L, Knox The rsylew
1•ated an hour and •1 the c000lusloo Col
Peon eddrsteed the boys •red •zpre.•ed
his entire sati,faottoe with the w.nner 1■
which they had dots their work. H• oom
pllmeated (0. company otfioers for the
tfli neat way 1n whluh they noodled their
men, ood said that mroh oredlt was due to
their toe rao'or, Capt. Ur•nt '1 he ceps
marched to the station and gave the I). 0
C. throe ohers as • patting salute, 901
Cnl. Paters agelo &thieved them 1a hie
espial msnocr Wath t6• exception of lir,
Thomas, whiob Is etre nicer in numbers than
the f oderlcb corps, the (1. C 1'o are the
hest cadet oompany In the distraot, 0ooerd-
log to the D U. C., and it is • dl.tiuotlea of
which ib" members •rid all cooneated with
the nor p, may well be proud.
AT THS Lata FaoNT.-Tb• air. King E' -
ward was an Thursday night or the
southbound trip. and want oerth again
on yotorday night Tbs err,
Greyhound returned 1 o'olook Friday morr-
in7 with the 1)atroit etcanion party and
lett at 8 o'clock the e►m* morning for
D,irolt,....,. 'The sir. Pittsburgh ooa-
menoed runoing last weak on the Cleveland
to Su.lt 9•e, Marie route. `She will make
weekly round trip•, calling •4 (ioderlcb
Loth ways. She we m twloe la.t week
and called Tuesday •vening this week oo
the way north, 1'he sea ('ity of the
Y rats 0.11 ran with ►he P.t1bureh no this
route, and will maks her first call hero t' -
morrow (Friday) e•cai ly, .t 8 o'olook. .. .
Th. err. Owitreg. also made her regular
calls dnrlor the week . ,1b. ser. Myles
arrived on Sunday hem Fart William with
37,000 bushels of wheel. for the slsyoMr
ant: 5,000 bushel. for the harbor fl,ar mil'
She obared on Monday •f er0000 fir Sar.l•
be load hay for Fors 11 ilh•m. To.
solar, W, H. Rounds arrlved Suod•y with
600 Loon of coal for the town power house.
The sohr Cortsaod• osms 1n Sunday
for shelter. Sbe hod • oargo of coal for
Algoma Mills, and 1.11 Tuo,day morolog
for that port.
ANoTNRR Jook Wzubivr -Oo To.sdy
morning St. Peter's.harch was the soars of
the wedding of Miss Mary Lennon Griffin,
e ldest daughter of Joseph Griffin, governor
et the Huron county gaol, to Joseph B.
O'Loughlin, of Detroit, Mlch. The
marriage cerermony was performed by Rev
Father West and was witnessed by a large
000gr.g•tlon. The bride looked groo.tul
and stately to • baudsom. tailor -marts suit
of tutor ladies' cloth, with white silk wals4,
and hat to mach. She was &elated by her
sister, M'u Winnifred, who was prettily
dressed In white dimity, trimmed with
white chiffon and Valencanoes lace. The
pride bore. bouquet of white brides rose,
..d the brldsemald oarrled pink rosee.
Tbe groomsman esu Wm. O'Loughlin, of
Ashfield, brother of the groom. blobs was
oehbrated with the aa.bteooe of the choir,
Mrs. Keely presiding •t the organ. A.
nolo, "foo )'alms," was rendered very
sweetly by Mrs. J. I). O'Cooeall. At lbe
°000lusion of the mans the waddler party
were 000v.yed to the resldeoae of the
bride'• father, where a sumptuous brook-
l..t wee served and congratulations and
Brod wishes were tendered. Mr. and Mn.
O'Loughlin lett on the 2:30 P. M 11.10 oa a
brief trip previous to settling down In their
none at Detroit. The bride was tb• re-
oipient of numerous beautiful and valuable
weddlog gifts from her many friends In
town and country. Among those who were
portent at the wedding were Mn, 1lsona.
goo, of I'.trolea ; Mr.. Lennon, of Mount
Carmel ; Mus Mo( snm, of Buffalo, Is. Y-,
and Miss M.uan, of Stratford.
MIRE I:(V'1Nn/III. HTnn1NTN. -At the re-
oan1 examinations of she Uoivenl'y of To-
ronto Frank R Munro, a graduate of the
(loderloh 4 oilrglet* Instilute, was maoeas-
feI i0 the third tear examination le arts
and took one of the Alexsnder Maokenele
scholarships In polluoal Joanne. H. steed,
second 1n Ihs first -Mass honor list Ia
pollttosi soie0u. Other former 4l. C. i.
students who were.aoomsful were Mist R
M. Utckeon aid Mies J. O, Diction, who
t sok the third year arts et.minatfon, sod
.1. C. Mseton, first year In mediolns. Mise
t );Ivo M. Ituohanae, In spite of her dies.,
completed the greater part of the first year
in arty, • very .ndltoM. psrlormanoe coo-
.ulerlog the eiroamstances under whiob she
wrote. H C. 1)aolop was s000e.eful In the
rxaminatlon for the degree of I'hm. H.
V , Nn --
Hu. ■a W:nit. Mr. eoA Mn. D.anls
Nevins, Wittl•m street, celebrated the
twenty-'iftb anniversary 0t their w'+ddiog
• n Wednesday .venlog, 11'.h lost. About
forty relatives and friends gatherer" at their
i'cmeto join In th. ts.tlyitiee of the happy
nco&loo, &moor there present icing ('.ter
Dolan, the Irish piper, who piped merrily
during the seining. An •:refine diener
war nerved .t 8 o'olook, &Iter whish &d-
d.emen were glyan by R. Phrase, Wm.
Tigne and J. R. Kelly, exbenlIng rostrata
Itialons and good wlahu to the worthy
enaple In whom honor the party had ae-
ssmbl.d, The remainder o1 the .venlog
was spent in d.nolot, singing, etr., and the
ptsass•t R.th.rl.R broke np at 1 o'clnok.
Mr. end Mr.. Neville rec.ived • stmier of
vaia.bl• gif e as memento*/ of their elver
welding A.y.
they were obeerlly greeted by the whistler
of the 0,100 faotory and sagles works, with
whloh Mr. Clara le 0000eoted, Lod •1 the
station there was • lupe party to see them
off. Tbe throwing of rlut was dispensed
with, and flower petals were instead
showered lavbbly upon the happy ouaple.
Tb. bride is one el our moat premier young
Iodise, and eke reoelred many ban looms
tokens of esteem from friends 1s town and
elsewhere. The choir of St, Gsorse'.
church, of whiob elle was a valued member,
promoted her with • beautlfut ell•er water
plt.Mr, •ocompeal.d by a kindly -worded
addrw Toe groom'• elft Co eke bride was
ea opal end pearl rine, end to the brides-
maid a pearl pin. Om their reetire to town
Mr. and Mr•. Clark will 000upy their hand-
sets* resldenoe are the Creeosot, and Tits
SioMat., with their many other frluids,
wlsbes them long life and uninterrupted
htpploe m.
FARswar-L Auuaa.e. - The Howarth
League of North street Methodist oburob,
whloh 1s losing one of 11. most worthy mem-
bers In the person of Mie. Mary Salkeld, at
rte meeting tut week presented the young
lady with the following address :
To Mies Mary H. Salkeld.
Knowl•g that you are soon to losve n.,
we 0annot let the 000u,00 pass without an
some disarm giving •xpresstoo to the feei-
ings which move us 1n oontempl•ting your
To say that you have heeo ono of Its
moot sotire members la to 000rey but •
feeble Idea of what you hoes beeo to our
League. Regular io •ttenaanoe, atw•ye
ready to lake part 1n oar mealais and to
Five generously of your time and talents
towards the oarrying on of the many
branches of our league work -and all this
under olrcomeaooe• which might well h••e
lormed • 'amenable excuse for much les.
•Dove partiolpatioi-you have not oely
been a loader 1■ the aotivlties of the League,
but you base set belote us • lesson of laith•
Istnees, dll genoe and cheerful self morlfice
to the eervioe of the Master that bas b. e0 •
stimulus to our own efforte. We 000ld cot
tall to nae that you were glyIng cor Soolety
• large rlaoe In your bout and mind, and,
seeing this, we could not but bel ourselves
• warmer, • heartier end • more reel toter•
est 10 It.
We have noticed also your Interest to the
1abbaib school and In other departments of
Christian effort, Io which your real and
good judgment have beeo of ergot value.
Hoe beyood these maollestatIons of the
spirit whiob prompts you so te •boated in
wood works, we have been ntrecgthened and
uplifted by the impres of torr personal
oharaoter. In al1 our •a.oal•tlons with you
we bare ruralized how *areeet hN boss your
desire to learn and to do your Muter's will
Io a!1 things. \'oar oonsuot •dbueuoe to
.verytbiog that Is good and true and beau-
tiful, your unoeastng devotion to the highest
Interest. of those •bout you, the sweet
humility and graciousness of your daily
walk and conversation -these Imre not only
endmared you to ue but ha•e, we trust, pro-
voked us to the cultivation of • similar
spirit of truth and charity.
W e •re thankful for "your work of fait0
and labor of loos" amongst us, and wt pry
that you may 1.0 continued to all these
graces. and that 1n your new home you my
find many opportunities of serving eke
Master whom you delight to bogqor.
May God ric`ily bless you snrryoure, •ed
keep you always In peaoe an 1 iov.
Tbe address war signed, on bebilf of the
1.'•gu., by Rev. Geo. Daold, pastor, M
W, Howell, president. end olhms. Mise
!Salkeld made a fitting reply.
A Po.Rr ARTHUR WRrDINo.-A pretty
wednlnp was oelebr•ted ie Pore Arthur •t
the reoldenne of Mr. •red Mrs, ,1 W. Arm-
strong. on Wednesday a(arocoo,.lune 1110,
when Mies Lelia hurry, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. ll. W. Berry, of Luokoow (form•
arty of Uoderloh), and A. G. Smith, of Port
Arthur, were uolted In marriage. To the
strains of Mendels.,hn'a weddlog maroh
the bridal party took their pl0oen fn the
trout drawing room, beneath • bower of
aaroatloos and rorn,. Ree. Mr. Murry
perfomed the ceremony. The bride, who
was escorted by her t•tber, looked nharmlog
-o a gown of pals Frey silk poplin, over
turquoise hlue •Ilk, trimmed with Venetian
applique of ore•m and gold,wlth large ptot0re
hat, and oarrled a shower bouquet of roses.
Thr bridesmaid, Mlr..loule Soots, of Look.
now, looked lovely in • gown of plok
liberty silk, trimmed with white eelk apt I
gars and knots of black velvet r.bbon, wllh
black picture hot. end oarrl,d pink roses.
L'a1• Lalla Armstrong, u maid of honor,
looked yery sweet In white silk, trimmed
with 41...,., and oarrled • basket of sweet
peas. Dr. Brown supported the groom.
After the dejenner the bride donned her
travelling suit, of dark .actor bro.doloth,
t-tmmed with wblte, end white ahlp hat,
trimmed with foliage end lag. The happy
onople took their departure midst the
good wishes of •11 present for • trip
ttirough Postern Ontario. The hostess
Mrs Armarona, wore her weddlog dress
o1 whit* silk bargalme, trimmed with Ism
and chiffon, and carried arlmson roeu. The
bride'', mother's dress of black silk grena-
dine and man•. was very handsome. Mn.
Dr. Forbes, of Duluth, aunt of the bride,
was dressed in bl•ok .nd white 1 •
cal rd .e
lame Rower hat. Mu+ Rir.he Moiutoeb, of
Luckoow, was dreued In blegoe voile,
trimmed with hock inserting, end carried
red oarastioas, Tbe beid: a pro mote were
exceedingly handsome, end the many teautl•
ful m rte received from Lnoknow showed the
popnlartty of the y. uoe lady In her nodus
A HANUVrMR. (1AgH RromNT.w.-I)ne of
the moat elegant and up (e-.1ate articles et
hesines furniture ever seen le this tnwe-
melted, Ill eqn et wield he bawl to find le elle
large eitlse--ts .h• new o.eh register *hlelt
(leorge Porter here plasm/ le Ale book Herr.
The machine, whtoh is a very handsome ono,
I. meant.d on •n sleet et nat rest of
ga•rtared oak, beautifully finished. The
working el the regl.tsr and the details fo
keeping track o1 the bosinee+ tranuct.ed are
very Iegeninnely devised, Mr. Porter
haying had the resistor mad• especially for
the regllroments o1 his own buleeers. For
_ _ teatene*, Ikore le • .penial provision foe
- ---- - )redid; stamp*. another fey Opera Hanes badness,
and *soh clerk hu hie owe nosh eempart-
DR W, F. °ApL LOW, PHYBICiAN I tet the raastar bat the &me tome as
•ad denten&, .14. h Beat N erdsmeat to the *tate and • splendid hued
: hal erg, Ms 4 tsp, I t here eentMvee•, in last a matt eAleleet
y t ssNeeos. Mt/a M. t►. aow1t1, wtema$s .naur. Yt. Porter Ian a Owe
HirroL GOD:Rrt ii. -t, ow the (loderloh'e
new summer hotel bas been opened. •
deseriptioo of It may be loteresting to some
of our out -of tow0 readers who have not
hod an oppottunity of 7bit,og It. A S1c-
NAt. reporter had the privilege of going
tbrouoh the hotel the other dy and made
a her soles of what he sow. One of the
first thing• that tette the eye as you •p-
oroach the spasioue bulldlog le the wld•
verandsh extending along the whole front,
promising • pl resort for the hoodred.
of gue.ts who will pus through the portals
of the Hotel (lodeaoh as the esaso0e g5 by.
The m.lo eotraooe opens loto a grand hall,
• t ono Ode of which Is the business uthoe
•red at the other • refreshment .tand. The
mato stairway also leads from Mile bail.
To the left a she 4rawlogroom, • bseutlful
room o) splendid size, being 42 leet sgoare.
Still It Ia not too tarp to he oozy and home
Ilk., sal with piano, oouoh.e, firs•pl.oa,
plotures and other furnishings It Is really
• very oomfortabl. and Attractive room.
io the worth wing, leading Irom the draw-
ing room, are sight bedroom., •11 furnished
In • very compete end attractive style
Th. bedsteads bore and through th. grimier
part of the building are of iron and brass, of
very neat pattern, and the other furnishings
• re equally handsome and snhetsnttal. To
the.&t. of the entrance hell are two good -
sired prlvats lunch room,, and cert to them
Is the great dlniop room, whish, with Ito
.pr••d of dainty Iloeo, Its pretty table for
Mahtngs, its oabloet of H.vIland shin•, and
other accessories, presents a moat lovltlog
•pD Th.rs 1s •mole room bore for
seating 150 people. Off the tlining•room i.
the waiters' room, whish the reporter no•
flood was supplied with dishes sutliolenb for
• heavy siege of hungry people; the kltohen,
• large, bright room fitted wltb • McClary
double . and other up-to-d.te appllan-
oes for onoklig ; the pastry room, storage
room and cold storage room. Every pro-
•I.lnn .arms te be made for th. preparation
and cueing of • first -.lase bili -rel tat.. Oe
the eeoend floor are forty bedrooms. about
half of whl.h are doahls rooms. They are
all oloely furnished and eaoh room has a
• ood sized .Ici.et ; ledeed, In oomporton
wt h ells •coo od•tioe • d
mm rte I ed 1■ the
ordinary .ommer hotel the Hotel (ln Ierioh
b palate' in all lar •ppototmeote. Hand.
some floor rugs, handmade oomforter.,
pretty wledow outtles are nM malty to
be f unel In .00h resorts, hot they ar. sop
p11ed here. A ladle' parlor on this floor,
fnral.h.d with elegant reed furniture. and
little place at the Beds of the hall
Htud op wIth table and Melte, w111 h.
only are l menvenlent fur reading and wrltieg
or testis,. The h•leony over the main
r.tranoe will be soother &Meetly' resort
with Its fine yew aver the Iske and the
landenaps to the south, The third 11,e
has same of the mnet onmfortahle rooms Ia
the hotel. th. ventilation b gond, end every
thing Is ►right and ln•Iting. 1':•oh floor Is
amply provide% with toilet rooms. Th.
hotel alegath,, hen anummo4atlon for 170
MIs. Mar. than half of the rooms hay.
already boon tak.o for the whole meason,
and In a week or two, with warm weather,
M Smith and hs staff of ssal.Nats
will h.ve • large household In their oars.
AN i.TrRFNTINr 1VInnlw,. Yesterday
morolne, et 6.30 o'clock, the wedding of
Mies Mtnnle Alexandra Hell, tld.st dangh-
ter rf Mr. anti Mrs. H. W, Hall, to .lame.
Clark, the well-known capltelist, was quiet-
ly odebreud at cit. (leorge'e ohurrh The
church was prettily dennrated with out
flower, palma and other plant,. E.rly as
the hoar wa•, ►here was • large gatheleg,
mould* of the inw fretted geese, to witness
the interesting ceremony, whlnh w.s pir-
fmmed by the r.,tnr, Rev, M.rk Turnbull.
The brill, who war given away by her
father, was very benomlerly •toured In •
tailor -mune Salt of russet brown 1oAin'
cloth, with waist of tooksd white t•Rbt*
Her hat was In shales nI brown, with erowo
e1 rrees , and She oarrled o Invaiy bunnh al
brid.l roses. The bridesmaid woo her sis.
ter, Mies K. Kathleea Rs11, whose reign
w•. of white organdie, with Valenobnesa
Dao* ►ed Ieesrtlen and maey'sekfers. NM
wnr. a Mack pir'ers hat end sawed pl•k
roses. The groom was stppereed by W.
1. Horton W. A H Ceti, organist o1 Ho.
rhumb, pt.y.el Mendelsohn'. wedelise
maroh .ed other appropriate mesio. Af
ter the ma mnmy the putt pre -
muted Imaedl•tely In the (1. 1' R. eaten,
alb.,. Mr. sad Mr.. Clark Wok the 7,1h
trate Inr • kip te Hamlltee, Tereato and
ether pe)lat a Oa Ow way 4. bee 01144.1
Two Farms for `Sale -T. Bores, Carlow.. 1
`Strictly In It --Wm. Sharman.... ..... 4
Qomlag-Prof. 'Taube S
Do You Bay Groceries 7 Sturdy if. Co. b
Strawberry S.wn-W. P. We.Wby4
A (treat July Sale-Hodrees Brea 8
Mongan. Sale -Philip Hou...... . , 1
Hous. for gale or to Let -Mrs. M. M
Hays._. .. . .,.,,, 1
Anooaooemeut-(1. 11. Kier.... ... , .. 1
Que.o Quality -E. Downing 8
Publto Meetings-durea, Brno* and Grey
Kleotrlo Railway Co., Llmlted , 1
A$ our readers will see by our adver.
tieing oolumes this week, a series of meet-
ings will be held in the township of Ash-
field during the coming week to (ume the
Huron, Bruce and Orey Electric Railway
A■ is already known, • charter wall
granted at the tut session of the Legisla-
ture of Ontario for the construction of the
Huron, Bruce and Grey Electric Railway,
which is to run from the southermoat point
in Huroti county to (loderich, Kintail, Kin-
cardine, Southampton, W iarton and to
Gwen Sound, with a belt line to ran from
Ooderich to Dunlop, to Smith's Hill, to Au.
burn, to Blyth, to Walton, to Seafortn, to
Clinton, to the Hayfiekt road and thence to
Goderich. In addition brooches will .:-
tend from the belt 11ne at Smith's Hill to
Dungannoh and Lucknow, amnecting with
the O. T, R., and from Walton to Brussels
and Wroxeter, where oottneetion will be
made with the O. 1'. R. and C. P. R., re-
.Tbe first part of the line to be construct-
ed 1e that between Ooderieh and Kintail,
and from Galeriah to Dungannon, the work
of which witl in all probability be proaeed-
eed with oimultaneouely. Thus tar en-
couragement ham been given to the projec-
tors by the township councils of Ashfield,
West Wawanosh and Colborne, where are
rangemente have been mule for the submit-
ting of bylaws whloh favor the taking of
■ tock in the slectrio railway by the muniol-
There has been an impression that it war
not the intention of the Company to carry
the branch line from `Smith's Hill beyood
Dungannon, but we are in • position to
state that such is not the case. Luckoow
is the eventual terminal point, and with
thin cod In view the W est Wawanoeh coun-
cil have drawn their bylaw making the tak-
ing of stock by that tewaship conditional
upon the road being constructed between
Dungannon mid Lucknow.
Commem'ing on Friday evening at Porb
Alpert, • stoles of meetings for discussion
will be held in connection with the railway
campaign, and during the nut week or tea
days the organization required to get out
the vote on July 9th will be vigorously
The necessity for railway communication
in the unaerre(l portion of the county is ap-
parent to all, and it ie believed that the
present effort will be sucoea'fuI in establish-
ing a firstclans line of communication
throughout that section.
-The election petition now hag the
-The Hamilton Spectator is still whist.
ling on i1. way through the graveyard.
- Some fool newspapers tried to pin
angel's wingn on one M*,u **i' L. Sher•
PARD • few yearn ago.
- -The mkirtalance candidate in West
Hurst is still worrying about the "chastity"
of. olio oI hie platform supporters.
--We haven't noticed one sympathetic
word in The Star about the defeat of Pro.
hihilionist M in North Toronto.
-Up to the hour of going to pre(em The
Star prohibitionist has not put himself on
iawrtl so far as the prohibition fight on
whet. 4 in connerne(i.
SATI'R,,Ay, ,Daly 510. --Auction mete o1
pods, oh•ttel. and offsets at my •entails
room*, Hamblen street, at 1.30 r w. on the
above elate. TenMA', Uolebwy, asntlee.r.
he card of thanks of JAMES Mr'r,'ittrs
k'e Star i. one'ol the finest speoi•
naffecte.l hypocrisy that we hays
Rea(t it ; it'' rich.
-A '1 • , tb man who hail to walk Irom
Kew Brae 1b\kis business, a distance of
over flve m Oe, ion Saturday laat, when
&ekorl hi. opinton d( the strike, tersely re-
plie'I, "0h, it make. tae tired."
--There was a ti er n it wam t 0
h u ht
that men filled rep with whttkoy became
very talkative, boo the Aw.erIOame in the
Philippines have now demnrtetrated that
the way to make a man tell everything he
hww. is to fil1 him with water.
NORTON 1. (Mateo, ne Jae* HIM, the
wife e' 11 Horton, of a sn,,
FLRUTY In Annlh.mppton. nu Tnesdy,
Jute 17, to Mr. and Mro- W J. F'enty, •
OR SROLM - Is L.io erriw ppaw the 110 et
e.e, the wire et James Chwelm, ef a
Following fa s statemeet by the trooau919g
of the Uoderleh Moaleal 9 c
o rely of Mos tee
oblate and expenditures Cres May 30, 1901,
toJase 1. 1902 .
Steal PTV.
My 20 Beano' se h.nd $ 28.94
Town groat*, July sad
Jaw. 10 - Lake exeerolon (ek. fol-
Isere soslall
Moabite' sah•crlptiees
W esbmlo.tee °heir
40 00
1v P5N1ITtIRrn.
inetnmeate, meele, re-
pels $ AS. i9
H. K. Jordan ,.1sly, 11eo. 1(x1 00
Mr. Bassinethwait* 2600
W. C. Pr1dh•s, repalrleg
nite 5.48
Ae•dry7 .xpeeduew 15.46
.1une, 1902 -Salaam Ia Measeter's
hand. 37,75
Cam.. A. Nem, Tessoul a