The Signal, 1902-6-19, Page 7"COL." LYNCH IN COURT ON CHARGE OF TREASON ­_­ Nature of the ---- -- I Charge to be Pressed Against Him. the Vengeance of M{s Pursuers. (nal G.mPlany, near lhrtage, 1'n., I'reseniatlon of lase by Sir Edward Carson - A British Citizen Who Took Up Arms Axeinst Ilis Country and tivasled of ties Doings -What the Detectives Who Aorested film Found on tittle -tic Is Remanded W Jail Till June 31. self: the exiled people to return, as f,otulou, June 1.1 -Bow street Pre- for the lk,uth Alrio+ut Republic, tele lice court was cruwiled to -slay. The Order to deloud and malutaiu lir Lynch it too took investigation Into the charge of high the cloth of alluglation ler it the treason brought against Colonel Ar- full burgher, the certificate mumbling thur Lynch, formerly of the Boer him to do" well its to accept n twm- nrmy. who wag elttateet Member let miwiott from tire Trunbvan Govern - mem I. LJuuh then rallied the mo -call - Parliament for Uulway Ir November al Irish brlgtada, joined the Invading lust, anti who war arrested at New antsy tit Nutal, and leaned au appeal, ,,,even Wexhmnrday, on landing there .ilpiwi "Arthur Lyn, -b, Colonel, Irlsb' from F'ral ot% was bgule. Urd. Ly neb llIg Irishmen to "biNt gallp, Inellu cfriends of the aoouruo] were ued other thetwo p u The Hon. Charles Russell (second pruaaut, son of the late Lord Chief Justice. The Solicitor General, lair Edward Baron Rundell of Klllowen+, repres- Carson, opened for the pro"cution. sooting the defendant, bald that LYtw:h haul faced the proceloding" like le o referred luleily to Colonel L tholl'e y a tnau, What he banl dune IIB had .Australian Nationality, residence In done openly, and he desired to farill. Isms, and departure Wouce to the tate the Inquiry are m* -h are poi nlblele. Transvaal In January, 1900. K.-n,auded Io Jail. rhe nature of the l beige. After the pollee hail furnidoodett. deuce of the priaonor's arrest, dur- ' The cans for the prosecution;' raid bog the course Id whish Detective ,lr iilwani, "will be that use urriv- Inspector 11'almh testflcd to find. ,ngin kouth Africa. Lynch took ser- Ing In Culone, Lynch'■ pocket a %Is- tice with the Transvaal Guvestiment, Ithig card of Hamilton Halt, lntro- ridsal a reglment, of which Ito acted declog Colonel Lynch, of /,he Boer ,a eomsmauder, Its fight in its ties- army, to three Americans, it. S. iuiif, and actively fouCtit ugnlust I$My, ((JJolted States Miskrter at mica. Buller's operatiuua Lynch was flame, $wit31erlaotl; Herbert W let Protorls January 251JI. 190D, unit floweret U. S. Minister, Teherne (now "roto W the Transvaal authorities, Minister to Venezuela), and Profes,.or notifying them of her desire to take Rlcharb.ol, of the American hehocl Ill) nrmn. Jan. 18tIt, lit- signed a at Athens, and some, te"timony' lend fi.•L1 oorngt'm certificate, dencribing been presented regarding Col. Molotov If as ars Irishman, it British ruts Lyarli'm presence "ole commandos' in J.Qt and As tcern In Australia. But Natal, tilt, prl,otn'r war remun,hod to he deschorad his w itngne" to fight June 2L -CYCLONE AND TIDAL, WAVE SWEEP OVER HE, have already due rtadur,Nl uuseiher ..IS,- Coal And trot, puthoostetn, at the Uly- Assassinated Russian Minister Exiled 60,000 Persons. Succaasar Proposes Permit Hudson Coal Company, this morning. flit to list Exiled Ones to Return ax i'af as I'ALSE, OF COURSE. blury About Destrucllo■ Of BOuad- ary Marks a Fake. Ottawa, Jana a8.--('0e013e1-A s - port her tooan resoolved at the mount - Oil Police Departmant from tluperise- tenittemt C01141,41,11(111411let whbh lie Stated there it not the allghtest truth In the report which WAS widely uircu- latetl regarding the doistroyl11g It hcuruo bory moon on, nim. A massby Thu "Ame, of R sptrrky made the reftidarlt us to the destrWttuu of the supPowsd houtitUry muuuIn"at. He team a dimerop- utablo oltarrwter• and, was rule out of the c ouutry for mol ,lug liquor to the lndlaus. The boundary being surveyed let the time WAS the cue between British Columbl:a next the Yukon Ter- ritory. Indiana travelling In parties eroot small monuments at their camp should any m• mtax of their party die. It Ir cost unlikely, therefore, that the .bnetruotion of one of thele firm gave rise to the rumidsr. Supt. Constantine afro retportis by wire the loss on May 8th of Inspector Walker's gtu►rters. COAL STRIKE CONTINUES. Dynamite Resorted to to Terrorize Workers. MINES EXPECTED TO FILL UP. Williesblrre, 1't,., June 15. -Tie first violence by dynatnite during the .strike occurred yesterday motni0q, when u churgo was exploded at the house of N,amuel Applegate, a SPe- uktl policeman for the operators, In Went Husletoo. - Applegata ties three moues working at the Cranberry colllery of Cuxe Brothers 4 Co.. and had heard, he m .,ya, that tine houses of twenty- thrme men who did not sympathize with the union movement were to be dynamited. half -an -hour after widnight yesterday morning, -fie ex"on bis side porch, there was a terrifte expludion at the front, and het rushed dere, to find the porch shuttered and the windows blown In. In the front on the ground floor William Stecknr was asleep and was thrown from the bed. Upoetalrs were Mrs. Applegate, her two sons and two toughtorr &bit three other girls. They were badly shaken, but not hurt, dte-cicer ran Loaf► with a re- volver aal fired in the air, while at the al,me time several neighbors, awaketlbd by the shoot. also fired. Homo wow several men disappearing down the street, but they were Dot rewcogteised. The dynamite lead been exploded by A fuse !ally fifteen feet long. While Applegate and fitecker were returning froth the Cranberry col- liery whither they had gone to re- port, they were twill up by two men filed t)teeker waw relleved of Mm re- vo,lver. They mode no resistance, an four other arned mento Stood close by ready to asalet, If seoeasary, to over- powering them. blow Destruction of Property. Patrick Gilday, President of tote Central Pennsylvania bituminous dis- trict of ttu• United Mine Warkers of America, came here to get Preddeot PosslbW—%% Introduce Miller Measures it Ne Lan -- Chlcsgl, Miteleella eonamat to continue the f and Pasha Murdered by Order mtrike against Use Bushman Shaft Murdered Narrow•l cape From the Vengeance of M{s Pursuers. (nal G.mPlany, near lhrtage, 1'n., All Quiet at Wllke•bsrre Te -day ---Company has Extra Ouards Out to tern] aboo lire flaaneAsl supwrt of the Ftombay, Juse -A bad eyellune, 4 self: the exiled people to return, as ""toorial ovganisatlan. He received tleeoalpa by' w�vs; tree Jr dura act dsr¢g to tdterit tl r toils. Asked as to bow ,he miners eE- view let the fact wSpt P 0 over Ku , the principal hntrod Inspired by, M.�plagulue. it Is Wald tlwt 1'lehww 1" lrocllnenl to ti,sit�tl Pa ha have Y practloally reached "eaptivtt toswn of Province Of 1 (e el'�&dert the limit of lista resources In this re Nhndo. tile ReAadopt ctdlonlster oderr thees R1ori, fee replied: "ley the slow dea- whotrsale V%pulslnas, .Slip of (Jounit Sheremetleff, are still traction of mine property. By Uoat I mean that '1f they do not St. Petersburg, June 16. -An en- Iliwills the Clear. give the more the hours aml pay they ask umpratiou or tis persons. Includ- havrd P,uni Ari,graePr. for Lire mo -n will not consent to go 41g working people, expelled from j Chlcug(s, June 16.-9hut bre l,it Into the Infuses and preserve the up - various Sties during the `tont taro pursuers and cut to a doasn plaeem locations. The collierles will fill If the Liehtenburg, by It man wh+mrr he Irad shut, through strike is not notion endesrl, and the acid a hair years of the admilnlstra- tore b(mrt after a dl,•Kjv�rote fight, miners will begin to squeeze or cave Ston of the Pate M. 9-plaguI the Jc,mePh Haddox, colored, took refuge ten." , r( dtinster of the lnt'rl(x, w wap rear the grounds bur"uu.nt.ing Harlow' Higgl oho hAm'e residence, Twenty- eerie. It Ifs. Bund egress oa g.,tir forme tela Opponents will opumider asmuinated, April 1 nth, draw up Heith street and Michigan avenue, SHOCKING SCENES, by the Instructions of NI. %'oil Plot we, la rt night. Before, the police discov- — who sueoeedevi M. `Lloinguine, pie s "reel him hl(tl mg -PI ice Ile m:ad,s Motel lfa oda m; Toile of Volemnlr Dlsaeler tile, elooruotts tnlal of 90,1)[10. h1* ['"cap`'• Ha l.lox frid mi it awl I• I,m. St. Vieeent. UeWet Nur hleyu Wuuaded _A Task fur Mlluer. $i11M Robert Fulton. al.«, a iored, n" Th., I.urrur of thin uverwbeiming U. Von I'lehwe erns JcdJed to elven the result of a fight over a acid e• lllilulty CaII Ila utederuLdx,d best title date so far as posglble, and per- tan DF:WfST 31AKLS A SPEKUH. at Wilkesbarre, Accepts Defeat as the K 111 ut wilco WIIIVldwnl caner of suffering are - _- -._ __ -- -._ __ -_ _-.— TEAM DRIVERS WILL HELP. mn,Kl.,l dot used dw,orlbed. On the CLUNG TO BOAT Wilkesbar•re, Yes•, June lb.-'Jome FOR DAA, d brake On Bottarday too slogan ac el wuspin might. Jere kept his t"land lei St. Viaotsnt, where sixteen hotels were k41e� atml many were erely wounded CLaries Robiaeun, a have already due rtadur,Nl uuseiher ..IS,- Coal And trot, puthoostetn, at the Uly- a(IU, alta the idrtueh' Lire exLeudiug cum :doe u b cheering words. He fearfall wounded b fire, I haw ewme Hudson Coal Company, this morning. who Cowe ILL. Pio appearance, of General Dewet tie W now In a hclapltal Witt, a At the cuwp at N'hyburg wait Lhu rig- Put s coxal ole the end of the pike thing* mu pathetic that 1 lope I There had been trouble at the oul- Poole a signal of distress. -way never kook upon such Reeve" of uer men, women by thousandsB At 1 ,ap the Illy of Colllrtgevoor) again, *rum all dda•ections the Terrible Experience of Three p hove In might, atpl Captain R.' D 'distre"e, maimed, bandagerd, areeping and liverwl aft addream. lie eat ly ap- Foote w the signal of limping victims of the voicanu'a fire Owen Fishermen. utal low d a boat to the rem ws. were com.rI4 into Kingstown. i saw Sound When brut ht to the deck of the a native and hi* wife, butte of them '1't, -Jay's I/ea eiupmenl. steamer Pa and l.9aremont could bt4stered and awotleu with the flames ---' unit stand thout assistance. that mwept-from La Soufriere. walk CALLED IN VAIN-FW-WLP. Grept. Foot treatei the rescued lag slowly along, leadlug a little burro. on the burro's back ley worth, but God has divided thus. men with eve kindness, and they wan a - arrhod at the bomev yesterday largo basket, until w till" three lit Owen &hind, Out.. June 1a ---The nfler.(xon, nfle presiding through till ch.lJreu. They were buragj ►,o sIonmer City of Collingavo,A arrived an experience tie t few have lived horrloly that at first I could scarce. In poftt at 8 o'clock yesterday after- to relate. ly tell what they were. Yet they noun towing behind an upturned sail . -- worn still alive anti the pcl,r father bo t. Connected with the IndJent A FATAL is k(1R. and mother hoped to get them into tm one of the most thrilling etc,rles Suite, was wout"led (luring the war. UeWet b.0 not been his wire for two Kingmtown Ito that they ,might be /,f the Oecergban Bay. -'- Orrick a Disinfectant In Mistake foo Raved. The father told me that be Pad had five little children when Oa Woolnesslay at noon three fkb r- mon, Thos. Jones, Andrew Park also] Wa he had started out from his home to- n ix) of seventeen, named Ronald y -ai►a, lune �It:� i'enntrk. ward Ktngmtown, and that un the t'Iaremosnt, all rPoklents of Owen of the Innocence firm of Pennock way two of them had /Bed. He noel Ills wile heal stopped tip bury them lit mnd, were willing about eight miles frvan Cape Corker, and absent thirty A Marsomi, Elgin street, met a mud- and had then moved slowly forward 1111ea from this port. Shortly after Sou and wad death early Ude ern- with the three which still lived. The itho trio luted d►nner n tlnll&Nt bet g Ing. He arose about 4 o'elor in burro was b4letered. too, tarts limpet with his wounds. And when rnught, bPtwvrea the cl-ot and block, lite morning to take a drink (if I thought that the Imiand of Ht. and jammr.l the halllardt. A ngnl►11 I'( wind at the time naught the enter nn•1 timed a glume in wh eh t ytncent Hurl on filo Islnnd of Mar u some little craft and overturne,l lw.r. All there wait n diminfectnnt. .Aa as hP dlmeovered hi" mltlnke Ir unique there were thonentnds cW such three of the mcup:arita could swim, gnvo the alarm, null Dr. Freel2,lld oltuatson" of the bltteremt mufferingn 1 M•gan to small:e the fearful rex field Clambarod back oil the Side of Rhe Upturned dorxit. A 01mn11 PrICP. I . Itud Ilv. O'Rrlen were P(xah nn hav', Brat, the horror, which two great D attain-Amr feet long [vat act sub- kaerged, that• but wPrP nnnble to beof nay avail. Deceased was T6 yearn of ny�e, nn nanous tend suddenly Inflicted on n iappy P".pIt.' and they mat on cun6 Lig to each other all through NVod oil resident or the. city nn11 ins one %who Ten not visited et. nesday afternoon and Welnexd&y mnn relatlres herr. Y Pler a In its rulns It Is Im poetlni• /, t. Tboy o4ghterd the tug (Clog for nit to convey any keep at ell evurly In the morning, telt were not GROOM LOST 111S WAD, of the torr Its dartrhtct.'on. The. eloal of gni and fire find sand swept not Iced. On TIItirStay .fon -m feared the bout would sink, and, climbing lint F-orlonalely tie Slonuaed to over the elty So quickly that of over the rfodP, wont under the water, hold the Itrlde. thomn realete t from the ahlps none were b11ad1M. One poor mon, who in Nvhe lo - r'e be •tbxvl until l e had mer n I h a x lrlcnted aPvrral ballast bngre with fi Aylmer, June 14.-M'r. Yorke Her et in the hnapltal and may live, �an Pik- Jessie. T1dN inside tlw boat more par and Mines Farr, Mala hlde were all his face burned away mxcept tele eyes. One .,barred body was found (a",pont, but «,Id and hunger were quietly married on Wednesday a(. with n pnlr n( gold apentnelet nil isouinning to toll, ,,wool it wan almomt enrnton and came to .Aylmer to start harmed on Ito mane. A bird wan round Im{xlerdbde fur Jonet to keep his com- on their honeytnoon trip. Mr. Harper In Its cage, dears, that with Its gor. 1-11lont awake. hal $190 In hit pneknt book and geUgmly colored feathers untouched. Ihorirsg Thureelay night they sight- thought he had piacetf It e(•curely In Copper sessions in,Ilreit(ate Palen melted e■1 the Ilghts of sr•verul vewres, Pat hip hip pocket. anti ran together 'ea molten rop- were unable to attract attention. •Pete hs pay P(e t,vIlner per. Mook were simply heated. Ac On F'rillny the pangoo of hunger of rigawhot nusrte a change of alga nt piPrcw'a cannot hooka were Lound In a demol" w wore r'ge terrible that the men re- , t livery. Mr. torsl Urn. Harper Ptarteit Imhe,l hlhh'ge with anwmuw;hPd prtges. P rtel desperatelthe rthe enP tae larj(.1 ter lie. Thomn01, nrnl when urns Now the rnlno tivt- iinirt after the do mwlhing nut of time '•Ont, Shrum Mr. Harper reit for ISP cash wtnet am attempt tempberllrs .lortrw naeA the alta pule for adv- A. Ghana that It cant game. T11P eatn mnphnthnforp y ,•rel hours, and then alsetered throe bride and grimmer returned to Ayl- There were thrmsnrodo on the streets, raw paRat. Them, were eaten mer, but, were unable to final any lying eervrao each nther finl In heaps rnven(at O wtn Friday evening the O wl.enmor H. .lerwit }l o the truce of tie mlami14g wallet of money. Many were thrown down on their backs with Ilytn and arms sit retch" dlmino0w, Chilled with the cold and the Nothing ;taunted, they got a new (rat. Many lay on their stontachn Pxpnenre, [lnretnont'4 innate and stpply ulskl IPfO tilt morning for with their hands at their unarm, as fnelo started to swell. 17e fell Into Queue• she land ref the habltant. thcurh to temp out the qua whleh n stupor, and wonld have fallen 'IRtere In no trainto of the mirminit was k4lhn4z thein AOndredm n( mo fr,rrn the old@ of the bust hint for ItMns7. Mr. ll"rwr Ptw,ppwl at sev. that'/ were fond with their ehil J,mf.AL oral plaeem I14 Aylmer and getting Is drop. The nhme-reed folly of a yonnu All thrnv*h the lorw honre of Frl- AW runt of the boggy ten thoasht girl wan frwnnrl, bar h>arr•iv ri.mped day night Jim" watehed him half. tion m(wuey hail p,dle.l o0t of his towanl the image ref the Virgin. -A nneonsnloae compositions. NIM the pootPo. K McKee In Ledle's Weekly. gffl�[ OL- ILI MIRbt 11-k ..t„ Alice, caned. leu f and Pasha Murdered by Order Good Terms. Sultana .t --- All Quiet at Wllke•bsrre Te -day ---Company has Extra Ouards Out to Protect Workers the Pawtucket Street Railway -Strike guldiers 8. Jai 15 -Hou. A. 13orkse, SURRENDERS Ilse world to collect data on tele I,ohdvu, June 18. -It war aonoune- made to start, the pumps In ties not- ed Irene today that Hill Trali,vaal lit -ries of the HUMIllehraa14a Coal Cu. Boers Surrendered yorterday, bring- B. SI*xlne; leader of the OypOaltlW let ed Hog the total of auretauderd for all Ir It very large butcher of armod the coloustles up to about L_,O()U. caul anti iron police In that vbiu- Munlrred to Order. Ity• ' 11 lent,&, Juste 13,-TIme Mit tag a Newlatndland, le 1n flue dt.w. Ile Zeitur, to day states tsuat F1oael g says that souf„doratl000a to V$ully a Pbrlim, w410 was recoicytly banished question of forma, afud as - to Damaecur, has leen murdered In ernhmeul Duly cut artaugu e,Uuouv- With Eight Hundred Men at aryl tart be & practicalglwril°° Feast was recently a teigh official unless Laurier mind 11rcuster Bund we tdse StAian'r retail. :turret ageuto &a roe to mail,, R so. He doer nut Liehtenburg, Wells* Mr. Hund to favorable. Tile p:otr agalne► Abdul liutmld. 00 the Premier still seeks to snake a fishery Ilioisiust evideme Uw 4ultan had arral,emeltR between the colony and — - the Utiltwl Stater, and If he one to Laalesatr. coeds, confederation will be tmpor- DEWET MAKES A SPEECH eerie. It Ifs. Bund egress oa g.,tir forme tela Opponents will opumider New York, June 13. -Charles lit, tem an tbdr merits. Mr. Monerae rays Use terusi1 must _ _ be generous. The a,lotty would tie- the .American District Telegraph muted a large price, blit to wDrVItl It. N'arlul 't'1'heir Ylbarko the N olueaur lie major fru extutiag party In the bupporl and Arcepfs 11001ert asIhe oddony cawid make eouledenattun nit Will of l'ruvldeure Neitkor Issue. ___ UeWet Nur hleyu Wuuaded _A Task fur Mlluer. SHOOTING STAGE REACHED[ Pretoria, June 11.-tient.rulDelarey __ Iter burrtsslered at Llclitunbeeg, sheriffe who had discharged fire. T}tatlryaal, With Ytx) we°' Stfike Troubles Seem Worst DF:WfST 31AKLS A SPEKUH. at Wilkesbarre, Accepts Defeat as the K 111 ut friendly. Muyor Fitzgerald called on Gov- Provideree. TEAM DRIVERS WILL HELP. Lorion, June 16.-Dat.patchea re- mint!+► withdrawn. lie considers Its ueivod hero fruits doatli Africa bteuw Wilkesbar•re, Yes•, June lb.-'Jome that the surrenders of Burr. are Pru cetahllg with the greutert go_4_ men lying to ambush scoot and rrv- will. This total tlf toe uuutiter whu erely wounded CLaries Robiaeun, a have already due rtadur,Nl uuseiher ..IS,- Coal And trot, puthoostetn, at the Uly- a(IU, alta the idrtueh' Lire exLeudiug phy'sut colliery of the Delaware t eery pumbihle klu.iuuw to the men Hudson Coal Company, this morning. who Cowe ILL. Pio appearance, of General Dewet tie W now In a hclapltal Witt, a At the cuwp at N'hyburg wait Lhu rig- rifle tall through his right lung. cul for a great dlrplay of euthuaLiaze. There had been trouble at the oul- 'A'hetia he arrived ut the cowls, Lieu- vasa at utlue ourrun,led eras bewet s ° leery earlier In the night. of uer men, women by thousandsB Pardee A W. flava offered a re - ward ler a Uel for ilea ffereddters ward sod eh+l(/nu, who s[rttgglel and to rebuke lin hand their date. Derringer• one of Che 0131 a kuru. Ho mtwutexl a table tend do- l �D wtiu held ley young Applegate slid a compatdmi eater time assault, liverwl aft addream. lie eat ly ap- soil rubbed them lel a watch and plg- ptauded tow stauueh rup{.urt t lel the till be !n cuartody. T9w other live wolneu Laid given the burgberdur- have DiA been captureJ. re lag the war, which. Ito ald, fled yet greatly etea%uurogext this ecu 1s the '1't, -Jay's I/ea eiupmenl. field. Continuing, Dewet recutµ- WIlkerbarre, Pa., Juno 16. -As far mended his bearers to owe loyal to the All care toe h+sstted the atrikerm' of - new Uuverumeut, and maid: 'Perhaps fort, to have the fire bonds" &led IV is I.altl for you to soar this from bassos strWw today were not ley worth, but God has divided thus. ,other are great a Success as was expected I sought Until there WAS leo more hope by lire union. It is generally beltev- of upholding °ler Dauer- and. however ad the number who wont out was out bitter it ut14y be, the time le"cow great. uume to lay down our sewn. Ar a Jumper Clark, of Toledo, Internit- CW i ithw &people, God now demands tiuual President or the Team Drv- that we be faithful to Lour umw Gov- ere Association, who came here eeumeut. Let us bubullt to Her tie- lust ❑Ight, saw President Mitchell. CINIOIL" Clark says told union will doeverY- Nulther DuWet nor Mr. Hteyn, fur- thing Pueslble to help the msteers. mer 11residout of List- uruuga Free Another bhoutlua. Suite, was wout"led (luring the war. UeWet b.0 not been his wire for two ahA 'There was a general outing af- ab yesars. tray near the William Colliery The Repatriation Committee, which ler the Lehigh Valley Cost COW (ream been formed to assist the Boers Pliny at Ihiryea shortiy after mid - tie returning to their farms, has It gi- night. No one war hurt. Reports gt,utiu task before it. Tau uoucentra- are eonflictittg. ResxteOts of the Lion camps will be convicted into bop- neighburhoo,l may Several coal no,) ply despots to provide the returning Iran police tent the "Allery after burWiers with the connote to rebuild midnight, and were attacked by it unit restock thdr formal. The wives number of men who were lying In anal families of the liners will, it de- watt. They managed to board It Aral, be malntalnel at the expense oar for Pittston, It is said, with - of the Government while the btirgb- ort being 11 jured. All this to denied Ins are preparing Use farms for their at the office of the Iw•high Valley reception. C'esa►rany, who any momn Itall:tno Two tohouaand of the National having a eelebratlon fired revul- SCOULA, who fought upon the British vem settle during the war, well immediately be dialed Wit, nod enOlt scout will to pruvklerl with a and rnabhrl to return to Ida farm. m. KING SUFFERSM FROM CHILL A reek for Lord Milner. ___ New York. June 14. --The London Times' correspondent at Pretoria, let aught it Attending Tattoo a despatch to thn New lurk Timeei says that It Is evident that ore total at Aldershot, rurresilered will be near the estinu►te Of 17,000 tnado by Bulla. Tile great friotxtldness wltlab is befog displayed btrtweon the Boer" and the British Is NOT THOUGHT TO BE SERIIIUS. luxloubtally duo to some extent to %ho revulsion of feeding which dame naturally afteer the extreme obseolm- London. June 111. -King Edward to - forts of the campaign. There 1s little day Is suffering tram A chill, which qu::sLJo i Lila► bad there been to nego- baa prevented Iiia Mktlesty from lit- tiutiau for ponou tine war could not have baSted many week" longer. The tending to -day's church parade of Eve re wore ev.dent),y' appronohing the the Aldermhot garrison. fart staged of exhaustkun. The rug- The chill came AS a result, of his ge.inesr of misery cummartdue, is al- proionKed stay outdoors last right moot Indemorribtblev and to see Boer upon tilt- oactialon of thio torchlight warriors scramble for sugar Served tattoo at Aldershot. Ill?( Majesty's out by the authorities, anal eat it chill I. a aught one, Accompanied like bread, was enough to convince by mywptoms of )umby(u. Duo oI their previous privations. The The weather last night was ex- ouly persons against whom the Bows tremely cold, mind It rained at,{nter- aro Inclined to show any feeling are wads before their Mkajeatles left the thoee who served In the National bilgade recreation gnhund. King TW- "Ith the end d nell A' are ward returnee) to his apartments oramory Milner, pr inning Lord Mllnea are chilled from the unwonted exposure. or rpr up on Query gide, raps dly springing These reports of Ilia Majesty's Ill- 72to n,tion T9he orgnniza.tlun of civil government neer have naturally caused Appre- over the vast arenas, though it has bendton, but there Is apparently oto long been prepared for, means a reason to anticipate ,erluus results. grim rtttlt of work. The repatriation An authentic statement from Alder - of the Boers and their settlement on eho't this evening in to the effect Landme such are British disbanded Minot King Edward Is slightly lndhs- troops are anxious to take will in- posed, but that his Indisposition is rolvp work the complexity or whleh It not, or a Serious nature. Is almost Impossible to reallte In Eng- Sir Francis -Laking, physician -in- land. I I ordinary t s Ilia Metj,•mty, was aum- nnonesl to Aldershot oaxly this moru- THREW HER CHILD TO DEATH ills• lie Prescribed for the King, and —recommended that "day be spent Ihntented Mother Drowns Iter Girl In perfect golel. tineen Alexandra end Herseir. n-ald Who (Rher members of the Royal $l. John, N. B., Jane 15. -Wend party attended the services at church batt m renlnerl In the Royal apart- ouame by fuller to-nlght of li sad case of adicldo and munlnr, will h occur - men[" f(rr the root of the tiny. rest On Thursday, altar Grand Falb. It hear bene learned that the King Morn. Dennis Cyr, it young widow, ax,lor let the afternoon. 'Dila In con - look hfT hills, boy anti girl to the Mderel n Knott reason ftar hoping trick d the Fit. John River. Mile that Ilia indim"itlon In only tem - threw the girl, AXINI •rel into the porary. No official bulletin concern - rushing; water, nrhl then attempted Ing Hi" Unjeoty'n condition has been to delete Use boy, agent T, for A him- lusted. if King Filward does not tlnr purpoen, but he freed himself sad attend the review to -morrow the ran hone crying. The womnn then Prince of Witley will receive the met. lumped lie hermelf, and was enrrled utesr list the troog01 In M•hnlf of Ills away. Rhe was hi poor circum- MujPerty. Stilettoes, ^Ml demented. _--_ LOST AN ARM AND A LEG. A LtTit.IE fWLtN*_ floggage: berher 1'Prrlbly lo)ored of lcsselt Visited by a Downpour Which Toreato alar Ion. Threatens Ventre. Toronto, June 19.-A mhaekingnaq Harrow, Ont., Juno 16. -The heav- eblP-tt (N•eurrwl at the Union Fits- lost. nates whlcli ever fell In this sea- t a r Ism horUy raftew ., o'clock Yeats-r- W t Win >[ the O11 Iatr 11 tart IIPIU .el Y y Ifs' afternoson, in willch Jam"Ste- thin village yentPrvlay morning. AI- Tensrm, a hlnagnge ck.scker, 28 years though lire rain insisted but little of age, all Mut lo -sat his Rte instantly. over art hour, milli a quantity of and nith.nrgh Iti,pos are now held nut water fell that the Targe lfuvern- iy the medical men tint ten will mur- merit drains were wholly Itienp:Ible ♦1vP, he will Ms f(xvlor bereft of his of 1larrying It away. To the west 4141 north hnnlrala and bumlr#tN d IPft arm and left lag, both of which across or fnrm 1ruvis are still cover - we r nmPnhtnti.l fit the F.mergrnry wt with water, in many plA6e41onr Htrepitetl. feet deep, It Is ;Pared that 1911#101 Thr unr(wtnnatr man well taking the water drnlnm away quinkly the the numhor r,f morns ease nm the flat- ,,rope, bergely corn, will b:� utterly talo train wn* entering the station. rallied, ;n Prieto of the village 141,10 - Not weing it, he strppr"i haaklyanln, walkse are floating and lawn are a,nd In it trice hail lte,n struck, kknork- c.ovlor•Pd. Ad Clown. and tPrribl,v mmngleel under the moving train. Dr. Chamberlain wan In the otntlon at the time. He (flee milli Is Hopefal. bust chrrkal Ilia baggage for a dies- Toronto, June 16. -"Ton had. but dint point• and was In the act of it can't be hoped" wee what Fred. hurrying to lultch his train when him Lost Rico wild net Ratardity. when his Attealtirin was drawn to the sent- counsel. Ur. T. C. Roblnet(te, K. C., dent Blving up all thtoght ref tile, rlmite,l Won nt the Jill anti told film joslrnloy, he attPndost PAolveni►vn en thnt the tanprperls Crwhrt at Ottawa til the fitntotlamit arrlvetd from Crinrt had rrfnoml to hear him appeal. Rien litrloet Rtatluen to take him to this atlll h(opee for A c0msnntatdon Of tmargessy Houaplttal. bis sentence. I . BOER SURRENDERS TOTAL ABOUT 12,000 TO DATE. f and Pasha Murdered by Order of the Sultana .t --- All Quiet at Wllke•bsrre Te -day ---Company has Extra Ouards Out to Protect Workers the Pawtucket Street Railway -Strike guldiers Prtserve OrJrr Arrests of Rioters—A Treasurer Arrested Charged With fraud. Ilse world to collect data on tele I,ohdvu, June 18. -It war aonoune- made to start, the pumps In ties not- ed Irene today that Hill Trali,vaal lit -ries of the HUMIllehraa14a Coal Cu. Boers Surrendered yorterday, bring- at Nanticoke, but the engineers quit work clitwsrt U1 a body. There Hog the total of auretauderd for all Ir It very large butcher of armod the coloustles up to about L_,O()U. caul anti iron police In that vbiu- Munlrred to Order. Ity• ' 11 lent,&, Juste 13,-TIme Mit tag a 1'remldout Mitchell wild to -day that the strike was complete. lie Zeitur, to day states tsuat F1oael g ro se•nteA hit# assertion that the Pbrlim, w410 was recoicytly banished ruigeeh►ton in West ,Virginia in to Damaecur, has leen murdered In Ilwirly complete. teat pace by urtlor of the Sultan. She Pawtucket Strike. Feast was recently a teigh official Pawtucket. It. I.. Julie. 13, -Tile we tdse StAian'r retail. :turret ageuto luhlltiu iiwAwting the local authori- deoouluacedf flim tam a )mlrticl}Innt in tier tiers to maintain order, owing to the street railway strike, oleur- p:otr agalne► Abdul liutmld. 00 the el the streets tot -day of all debrim, Ilioisiust evideme Uw 4ultan had INirlso of which hell been placed on llime ituprisuns.l, end letter tlanllilled the tracks to bleeder traffic. The to Laalesatr. street railway company was not - t larged With Fraud. Ifldd by Gen. Turner• it, command New York, June 13. -Charles lit, of the troops, that the lines were 81tiveler, Stooretatry and Trearmrer of unobetracted, and preparestiuus the .American District Telegraph were made to send out curs. The Coulptuty in this city (ter many spirit of the irrewpunslble element, y(SIr N; Wile arrested to -day, at the to whom yeste•rttay'r turbulence IN direction of District Attorney Jer- attributed, seen)& to have submide.l. oa(-. Ifo 1s accused by the corn- There it it, strong feeling [among all ptuly of specelatiuns for half a dosen of ilio citizens ttgaitert the deputy yeara, annseunting to between $16.- sheriffe who had discharged fire. 000 and $17J)OO. "to came wait re- aruw during the strike. The feel- rerred ts, the.arated jury. big towards the militia is more 'rise I:I mal (oat illae \Irlkr. friendly. Muyor Fitzgerald called on Gov- WHItesbarre, Ila., Jone 13. -For the ernor Kimball today to have the fLrwt time this week there was 14o mint!+► withdrawn. lie considers Its strike demnunstration at Use Lehigh presence as contributing W disturb - Valley' Company's William A. col- ancem. Ile mays he will guarantee liery at Duryea to -stay. Tette ef- protection to the earn. "The uffl- forls of tore miners' Waiters to have cera on their beats, together with their tarn beep t1w jmeaee were sue- masful. The attempt to ■trout a div- the specbtls can protect the cars," kion superintendent of t1ke Lehigh Valley ClosaWany caused thecone- tela Int.[ Tho first en car non from Providence pony ,to set extra coal anal iron po- wit" without guiLrdd on board. The lice about the ootliery. In oonsplcu- f'trl"Pel linea the streets along the our places to -day. It to tQba com- rlmltl'. Five arrests were made by panty's kikenttlon to take no mors, the soldlers. Roane, stones were dIlanceo of havkig Its employees In- thrown, and the driver■ &till con- jured, ducturs were biggest, but the out - Late last night nn attempt wan bursts were quailed by the wldiera. COHO.N GROWING. WILLER ON HIS DEFENCE. tirltLk Mooufarturers`to Naroa►slife ...- -.- Industry. . London, June 16.-TJso I.anoasRlla'e Muambers d Commerce and the .Ar Slaughterer of Unarmed Fili- smclutloss of Cotton Operatives l pjnoS ltlterviewed, held an Important joint meeting I here yesterday to consider the - _ question'of encouraging the growth Lor cotton throughout the Empire. I MADE SAMAR A WILDERNESS It was decided at the meeting to ' trrquulze it British Cotton Brower"' Hlau Frond s u, 'June 18.-M+sl•,r L. Ab OChltiorl, to foster the growth td cotton In Brltimiu colonies and T. Waller, U. S. Marine troupm, by protmetorates. A guarantee 111111 Ger the must intereating perrunago of £u,000 wisp subscribed. A com- to reach here let the tran >rt W-ir- mittee was also formol and em- powered to send experts throughout I rnn,wluchblought tlie lmatt e-ararrtrl rer luent of the fighting ninth in Ilse world to collect data on tele - fitntry Into port, expresme(1 emphatic Improved methods of cotton multi- views hi the mal ter of tho war In the vatlon, to acquire land for exper- PhiRppbnem. hmentat stations, to establldh pin.n- "you can't stop the revoluLlou In tationw and to instruct natives In the Phillppinem unlead you take the the mothats of cotton culture, and pevertat• measurer," said Major Well - to maintain cOttun exchanges to ler in an interview, facilitate buying, selling, and trans- "You would hate to am your • porting the crop, wounded &red dead mutlllatrd. Iortm- not describa the fearful condition In SIBERIA FEELS FAMINE. w•Ih °h we found some of ole bodies of awl untler any command, who were morslerorl by Ins erroctom. I re- ileiplrPs ('rowels are F'IorkReg to celvt-tl both verbal and written or- Irkntsk. derit from Oencral Jacob Smith to At l'e•terdburg..Iunr 18. --Thr. Ina• kill all Insurrectorn who weretaught tlnnrld, or who refused to durrentler. inn In ]+Iberia is spreading with let- ' It ens the only thing that could be crooning Intensity. Reports; from ,:ole•, rod I teeter questioned General lrkuterk nhow that nn imorm01 I Hmnyt'd orvlerm, with one exception. I umber (ref famine-drlckAn people Thim exeeptiort I refuse to state. A fair estimate of the number of nil - are flocking to that city. They are I thea killed by the men of my oom- camped in the Open, without rebel- mand would be four to five hunter d. ter of ally kind, ore clad in raga, Thele Were all killed In battle with and ars dependent entirely on pri- the exo(ptsoa of 11 carriers, Insurreo- vnto charity, which is quite ln&de- tov At heart, who were triad by (junta to cope with the dtetrema. The courtmarlial and shot. Tbere wall latest crop reports from Rertorn, Olde' 0140 woman Blot lead "Ile was Northern send Central Russia chow ' only it ghtly wwin led. She happen,mt the conditions In those parer of the to be in the breastworks of a fort empire to be flourishing. to.*, more were storming." Reportw from Orel, Kleff, Kazan I Ills dark Byer snapped anti Ms uoa- and the provinces In the northwest trite twltc ierl at the mention of the nae ratlhfactory. Oil the other hand. Island that General Jacob Smith bad the cond)tlons nre Very bad in the. 0144t -red 444 to aesivort into & 1„owl. Trope -Campion torrltorlem. owing to Ing wildernesses, "I left hamar a drought end locusts, which will lie. howling w"ildernexte. T)l„y tried to ctwmltlate Government relief and re -1 make It that for u”, btit we made sowing to the amount of u00,000.It a howling wlldr-menme for them." roubles ($250.000). (cattle plague' "WeAt any more of It 7” also prevalls In the stricken des- "Oh. I'm getting to be an old man trldts. now." $int face relaxed,. "1'm In my riffles. VIOLATING FRUir MARKS ACT Beeddc01, they've ianrrenderel, and it's at, over, It 11 Always all n►UV when they enrreihier In the Philip- Ths Inspectors Report Fraudulent ptne4;' anal a ioaheaetie athlle caryed i Paek.,ae or tauten Fruits. 180er his military moustache Ottawa, Juan 1 .7.-13everal lu,spee- torr under the rrult merlin act bna•e i OFTAWA MAN DROWNED. reported to till, Depvtm•nt of Altrl- cullurv, that htrawlN•rripm find olh•r Capt. Poullot 1'lonexed Ireto Cagil to olmall fruits are IlAag'aold In vnrioum Alit hrowillna tripes conlrem, packed In much le Milli_r all to vtulatn the, inti[ marlin act. Large Ottawa, June IJ.—(�Il talo L. H. P a nd Solid berries have boon found 1,0111 oft, await -known rerlJe14t of Ot- piu►osd on top to cover fruit of xmnller LAWll, wait drowed in the Rldeau miso,nnd p(wrer quality at the bott„m lYS ulai 'on Sntur,ianafternoon while Of- t,bat. bostaL tr tri Ing to rave his Wove, Alice Lor- Lor- _ , .. _ _ Dlreelionm have been Imwrv( to "tTte ae*-v-- -Taws -a- dtnllo . fats..- . kiiMr -• - hlmpPeters to onrurce the ler,wLlons I.ormger wall Waiting In the canal, tut the fl'alt m.Irka art egnient frntid taint boyon•I her dt th,and when it? ttt tim p eiktrrg M crmnll frefts-as vW 11 tlnkmttl herarlcd were �P heard by COD- lain P(soll6l, who was el(Milk on lbe as Against fraud In the pack- Irl/( of nppl,-x. The lnopeetorw will bunk. He managed to reach the girl, %bolt the vnrl us 0entro" from time ra ol k t Imr above the water, but Whelt to time to ca out tfume lnPlrrc- tions. help name to her he sunk. WiP- IIAIntir-AMPy', a yumhg man who saw a _ the Irl Pt rt, a K I in the KK 1 w to s r, jtemp/*1 In and rescued her.1 DUEL ATM UELON FIVE LIVES LOST. a1111Ponrlre and 19romlasnt Lawyer F:xobrnae Pistol 6ll►ola. H-allfar, N. A.. Juno 15.Liifforma- Barre, Vt.. ,tune 18. -In addition to great property damage term renehM here yrntprrIlly (ere :1 do -1 canm,.l by the clondMlretn over till* section Inter (bit Sunda at Mi•oynnl, neat' bit. {'b.rrP, Sllqurl'.on. Tluo prini•iprtla here inn[ r.lght, first rnllrond men Lott tllelr lived, a frPlKht train L. Dernmme, it miGlonnlre, and n pro- minest mpltaliat and Iltwyer of Mar. on the Crinten) Vermont having run Into Is tinlgne, washout at Mi,1(11 ex. The dend are They wont to the fk•Id at 9 WrIl1Pk the Mndiletor, the ""infer rend fire - mon In the morning with thelr seconeld. and twin brakemen. Tllf, lVll"'"lkl River rome to This wenpronm were revurvers. one niton eMl(h wan firm Tlhe Inwyer'a spring fre01hPt pitch, andsevernl brldgwer bullet prorated the millinnalre'n 1wred wore washed away. atoll ant him ear. Deign mile's shot lodged _ ___ nt his advrranfeet. ry's feet. 4Q0O Toa* of !Neel allies. After the ex(491ingv+ Of 'glints the t1wyer Propom,O to him 11PPwnent that 61"It Ate. Marie, June 13, -No steel they become friend". IIeg:14.rt refn,Nntf, rolls havo been "tit to Ottawa, though 4,(100 tons have M•Pn 1`011PrL OR, they portal Pnerew., to meet again under the credit. 'Air. Clergan It waiting till he baa 10,_ rem —