HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-19, Page 6I I Ill 1,\.-AA1\-Ili uwontdellcluus Itd•takfurt 'I`on In the world.
stepmother should not luive It To her he proffered gladly nit
ln, her power (w she Usougbt) to tltone that no other woman haat e
p[to°rut at her for beinlf deserted by had the puwer publicly to site
'OTor And husband at the came time, from him, trauafurmlikg himself 1
she should not say that rho fond n holder of bouquets or carrier
attea(pted to number Victor de tmnttew, Into A converwtbnalist
LarArras among her ring of antellltu., It dummy, a partner or a wall flow
aryl fallemt to Mo to; but dhe alkeold Just an the humor struck his ago
live to see him at tent kuo--Hhome pension tbat he abnuM be.
attentono for which the (-(„intro„ Yet, ttNNlgh j,ady Ethel prof"
Would give all that Nie, hwkmen-meed - to enjoy lite society, though who t(
peesset on her. and cart lawny an falro pleasure in 'exer'iaing her a
tow than worthless. Vor title was nutd gntoast on ono hitherto cons!
the estimation at which aIle bled t•1 invulnerable, and letting h
learned to INIId thign. Pride and frienolr sew tow she ootild turn a
the love of revenge were stilt buddy twist him at Iatr will, site waw ne
At work In Indy Fthel a h0srt, ntrtl by teo warmer fecltng to t
prompting her to, trifle with' her InImiit of hey amamemeunt than n
cAlaracter-with the good, nems of .Ir, to anany I,aely Glevednn, a
hor hltsbeiNt-an& If sir went too, fill, het her humbatwf hear (as s carr
even to make ahlpwrork let the happl• hater rhe was certain let• would he
era. which still remainool, to. her, that tin Jttiienitiee he had teen
Rut It was aft excltrm4•ut -A (]is- ulkim Mor were lr)werl"w to aft
from the truublew whiell. 111•0 e(luaalmtty.
though unacknowledged. prowned I'copir talked. of noorwe.
heavily upon hoer hnart ; and latdy All ttw• w -,IMM lot her acqualnta
Vibef went to for it no h"edlesadv nw and 1•allecbaily therm who line, "
tit• akilpr, rushing into tenttle, Nhnte' Uk)Ir raise at the Slarqulx And fall
him ,yew to the probability "I bring tot AttPACt him, were pr„perly gamete
LVOtudled ew' left dead ups the fit•ld, iso\I nt her behavior: and ev
Qtr` laughed sail talked, lint after- men-th000 lenient Judiftem when
noon, In her soft, rippling way tune pretty woman In put Into tiro priso
..f her great charms wet& that, unex- er'” ,fork-biyran to any 1t wan
citral, she never laughed or talked fit grPat fifty Hutt Baltttwidge, abou
a knNl voloel, its th-Nigh she had bw•rn holy', flu hint Risen him of how a
thse east conLentol creature In ex- I fairs were going (in at home
latence; anal when her guests nl- I And U ilio putilic was imperttne
limited to hpr huxtatn-1'r sudden dt•pomr- "poo tiro subject, the Countem
tare in terms oaf pity or vurprhre, ane 1 Clevsdep was perfectly furious.
ready with nut answer calk -tainted, in To watch Ute attentions of her ad
seeming, w tet -ill things right, mirer dwbat111nR day by day, unt
Ills abteraee was not to be fo,r lung; . they rouRive'1 Into mere commor>pl
CAACM01 BaJabrtIgo ro,falrod aehnnge; ;NsIltaaesaom, "htdowm of their fov
lit" father's death had been it „hock ''r selves, was In itneli tvfficleat a
to him; And. for hf`r pnrt, she waw Kravatioot; belt whin xbo maw he
glad to know hit waw not compelled Aral monopolize without making th
to rem lin do Ii.onsk)u. To posts throuuggh ,.,Lot effort to retain tllsaau, hr
the rc•muluder of the swter,n w.11tld rage knew m boutor(1a. To Nave cage
hav't beri' nn aggruvati..n our( ,.is 1•r•"ly Etbel pass through tho agon
tral, caul ha could return when h1 lrini; gradations of fwpe and fes
cbuw.. and unctvtainty and immponrw, the
"Bat did you not long to tit able she had (kMo -herself, before sh
to go with him T' inquir•oot one lady, e'Ould allure the marquis from he
who. conal-tered spplratt ,n from her "ick"' and to allow that her effort
heartland to be living dcuth. if ftnnlly sitmoodul, could only rill
"Culemel Batnbrkige would rlpl Minato in ier ruin, would brave bee
allnw mw," was her hostess' reply ; e°me sort of consolation to I,ad_
"the eltin atl,, the hurrin.l journey, Clevedon'm wicked ienrt ; an allevin
And probability of hls early return, tion, though a nugatory one, of the
were all against anuli on Ilea." !lietppointmo nt who was enduring
"I supposes no. But low yon wit; that, bapplly for my heroine, they
ecun.t the hours until you ser, him was no match solace lo the future for
again !•• tl„r pte•pnttmther, and the uounteme
Lady Ethel turned her face away war quick enough to porceive that
-thn old sickly srnnati..n had erupt thjug;. ns;ir- e"rl•,t burden evidently
over tier a.+hr Ihrtnndl tie her friend a N"LXlral set times on Liuly Ethel'
.--.ssamrka. Whit Would.ahe not, hove follicle It was m lungou tlotvuacted with
given for moth happy amfArnce: 'Victor do Lacarraw, wlliude pertlna
' Must nen realign oursrh'e•s to mime "Jou"attelttions situ treated with per
yfNI at the, opera?" whimperM Victor jcetoft*natlg-frolal. atmt returned
list hrr k"Aw. ---_ nnr with fr)wnr than dailies.
" why sho dol you ! I stall pr("bly Put tie„ Mr.rtulw had "rived at that
go oftener than before.- 'Kalea of him amatory fever when re-
" what a pleasure to bear you Pay pulse'* lied ill effect except to ren
so ! you (k) not Intend, thea, to shut thlr his t"tr"ult morn ardent ; and
your"Plr up from all society T'• haw! Lndy Ethol ch(-HnhPd a d".Ire, to
"Yat certainly not I lie) you con late MvP441"'ulaOn him for Ilia former
wady me Addicted
to "twory reonflue- c")nluct (A) her, who could have found
rant Y' ho bMt,•r oq'i,ortunity than thiN to
" Anti your friends may INMetimo•w tako It in, but hwr thoughts at that
claim trite honor of Being tuimlllod Ilmn were all dlrocted in another
herr 7" quatrter.
'• My frlenln are nlwilym welo om" " Stan waw neither well nor happy
replied I,ndv Fabrl. though who ik►y attar daY rhe foreed herat•If A•
tlm,ught a mnmrnt aftrthoug !lulu ,Ir1rn Anti walk and talk ane neral.
ant` might trace nnalr bin a nw)n• and evening attar evening shot draft
predict answer. gcTl icer tired Ilmba through the mu
And, ArrllmtOnj0d to Ion courted by line of fnahlinnable pleamur^ ("O
Inminnntfons and Innne•n,k-.. the on11M1 tient awaited them, but hall
Marquis do I,acarras took filter tion time who t►(NIld have been thnnk-
words for mucic more than they weer tut to r('msln quietly at home in.
IAtanded to convoy. fid'
And ytt Nue oouW not rest At night;
CHAPTER 11,11. wrnrr AN her life made her. and few
the hrhurx that rho spent In bed, milt.
It nen" Joni! when Colonel Ituta- gf.nprally latnrotl them waking: she
ixkfgO started for ate cast. LoAAr)o waw foil Jammed
fancier and un
was as full as It could bre Knot the rvtry ern*atkona end hrr appetite
Beason coeaWorol int Its hrlgbt. '►cemnd to have vanished with ire
D"jeubcr., 1lotnnM.nl fr.-ted, •'ill r�I(�'prr Of alrep. Tho (lernrkn meld,
hnmen,' dinaror-partir", And dancing- lwa,l.vn, her•ame quite Alarmed on the
parttom followod enoh other In rapll N»nn, of 1wr mlwtre"s' hpnith, fns
moonces"on ; ,Pvcry Imp�r Of „ery day i,adc ]Ethel find fainted "rvrrnl tlmr.
was fillets up, by thin fadek)nable, during the, past moonth nod grorwn
world, with some fresh scene of fully. nn thin an,l weak theI mr,re then
anti wlwrover mJrib was k)uclsataadr storM.eoe(rettail"n hold been held In
yohth and hrauly nowt Abundant, the 'Nervantx' hall as to the pro -
was to be met the brlde and Brite prldty of giving Dr. Vital
mnrm n fort
Of the r,nson-Lady Ethel Ifoln- ynt. h►nt upon th sohl.et
Edge Still, th" object of their solir•Itrwdr
F.verywhprn, that Iw to Any, with war n,t anxlnlm about hermelt. she
thrtezcegtiun of Laly Cleveulon's re- knew that she felt Ill at timem. nal
unions; ant AN til- two Indira Clad was oftcrne'r fatigued than Ant. )lilt
refullel to "peak to one wio�iwr "be attrlbuto•d the nnw"leowne change
wince the dev of their quarrel. It to the joint of the weather Ani the
was not "nrpriolLng that the count- Ilio of elelt"Ment whe wan leading
Oft rigidly aWltnred to the resclntion ani often affirmed that an soon a.
ywhlch had town the primary caaxe the wlgawvn WAN over she ahould N
of It. quite -oil again. She wan an•np
Flew firmness, fleet Its drawtm►aks, trgnrvl At thine to,vVid to keep her bo•A
bows%or, for she found, to Iter an- Ull nhnut noon, a clrftummtnn,n whieh
AOYawoo, that the Marquis de La- was vert ('ntlmly attributahlr to the
carrn" could tw as obstinate Am Phe Int^ lone" the Indulged in The fart
was. and, brissuxO Mr fair step- hoping that, when downstairs, Indy
daughter connect to grace her saw- i UNPI mi"sed, and sometlmwo to a do
anaablira, toe) Oft"D Abntwttst(1 MU14011 grrn U1at waw )nmniipfortahly painful
fmm them also, In oder to .pond Ulc tO hrr, all thow• little fond rarep and
"Toning In hanging over i.ady F.uwl N atto itkoan by which, winre thr mil.
Mall at the o,l)ena or dancing at Intact of her mArrlioge, her life bold
14-do.nne On hrr at a hall hewn wnrmuwf,.d
indmA. the- ronstancy with wllkch She mt"wnel the bright, genial glnnre,
ice will i e11 M hwr wnrJwty had, el• bar, nftm 'ilmt•rirnrrted that Rad wM
r•vady prOTnlled comment from half oxrm"(i h,n• at every fro,tth mwwlJnR;
tJts *Qwa• Lha chair and 1`001.stool newt for hew
as- Iff Leg for Ten Years,
Complete! Cured after using the contents of
3/ ttles of St. Jacobs Oil.
TRFAF: nrx-1n glee In met"hr11 Ih* p1>rpxt of A irw/g letter of thMkn-
RIving whkth Mr, K murl sto•phens, of I,81, spun I,nnr\ Wert Brum,
wilt, bear Pirminghnnl, wbltr•a to no h
This mend, in in underwent an ufferatlon At n trading Hompltn[ in Ille-
IM!40ulm on Ifo • 1 nth okay' of Alnye INN7, and rcmninod In the Ilcr.pitiLl twet
Tom th/ nal four day", itnd wFL1f then .1bwNlnrtrfvl WI th a a117 Irg, And told
Rin tro"lbl" nen" Inenrnblr. Ihr thea wrap to the Itlnokwol sanitarium for
t4lrcp wreks, foul left lie "'Orme p>,In tlnn hef(vr" the operallon. lip was
atterkl0l u'flifr• at hOmn by four tiifferovnt oMatorm, who Unfortunately
failed to ei en r, Ilei a him of hit, t0r rlhle muffl•rintcs, th", Ptnet enusp (it
which thpy' wrrr nnnbin todingro"o•; hilt A frlen(i nlNa hood watched pity-
1ng1Y during hill terrll I rnfferinK", hngg("KeI one dev, an a Ind resnureP,
tltnt h" oh("'kl rah on mt../ncoha oil. 11trn:1•'t1lnKly, nn) "',lho"t, o)efMrno",
hP all000rml, the roil to two npplir•l, stud atter the first npplbnllon 1plt m
WWI r,bo.Tmt from him p,Ill that lw was gnKA w111ing to true a Cnuro, or
till« "no,frrful prt•liternllon; an,l It i" with hnirlf.•IL thn.nkmitlring hr
wrllro lo) no tie it tion eontrntre or three AMT A half belittle" of tut. JAeehp
oil er* P"aly rxred his diff 1"9, nll,,wing him to throw away hip eruirh
awl walk ng nlher as n lin rrtars us to ,any ,ar him friends anti life ohenalat
As w"c'"'s .i hl" wonderful reeuvPrv, and If nn,yon,: donnas thief mtdf,
OPwrl we nods desire than tie write to thin R(ttll(m"n obw)ilnnlned, And
we fire /ern tient he will confirm In arebs prsrtltnithor what w h
ovnveinlnlwe ; the news, poltfoal or I
olharwlae, which she was too 1411"
W glean from the papers for herself,
above sit -a,h, remorseful. blI,."- r(•-
'uorertul memory 1-at"eve all the
kLad arm arownd ber wnlet or hand
upon her sltrulder. and ih., warm kiss
la14] upon has lips.
on how many o(lcadonr had she
Harked that hatwf away, or turned her
own race to ave state, and bow much
would the have given now to feel
I"•rwelf a prlrtxter In his grasp:
Mhso dkl not way so, tart she telt
It , cowl It reyu,re.t but tsar, More
turn In Fortuaer wheel to make her
Ove -01y a)ufew "Jw, was enamored of
four husband. AAaI I'ortune'r hand
was on the ttru.
It was a warm, baby, sleepy, af-
tOrlwxrt toward the close of June,
the, heavy alr that stole tato the
taus", laden with the soentetl broath
of fluwering et(w:kr coni mignonette,
haul It, power to star the amalleet
It atom of that uanvall-awnings stretoh-
tri eutrosr tis+ windows; the whole
town seemtwf elumberLag ; the nolle
of whetele head neared ; the dogs even
fount It was too hot to hark; alto]
five pl.vsiant drlppfng of the, tvatPr-
rarts upon Arae btarnuig pavement"
WAN tow, only sound which made it.
rrlf appaxeilt,
l,ttdy Ethel, having drooled herself
to visitors, wile lying, clad w u with"
muslin wrapper, option s rota .n tart
drawing -room ; but neitlwr trick
#mt 'tor work was in her hand.
♦0r she haat been ftp late the eight
art IN'torre, at a brilliant entertain -
oto, ment given by mum" of her aristo-
ut crack; friends, where she hit,! k)ok-
or ,,,I s, benutlful, and aoUdevoI no
er, great A triumph. that onto v the
M' tltgbeet persona ed In the realm
tl stn ted her
neer] tad g rem every woman
there, a(NI, dancing with her half
ak the evening, appl'ared unable to t,•ar
Ir" hinaeft,U from her smiety.
tlrr Yet it 000ld scarcely have been
er of this nutters
nil t1g eircumrttiaaoe I
I Lady Ethel was dream-
tu ing now; for, se her
he ham) lay back upula the cushk)nm of
ni the "Ofa, two Lean had stolen from
nil node her closed Pvellds, and were t
or •tandlug on her rM-rk. art liuw mllent everything apporel-
p''A bow -Altars. she wondered what
ect ')'lock It WAN 1n India, and if tit,- .on
0001(1 iwmafbfy shine brighter there
than hr wan ahining over I,onlon.
ace• What nomow.nse f As If it .lgniQckd !-
of f�)Mnr] itafnbr14lge faced torr,, gone a
141 mouth ; by that time he count be In
t1 Hengal. What a distance I They could
en have no, Irg1t]mate ransom thenceforth
a fuer ('orm,� itling that they troubled
tt- rale it001jter.
a Alw, him) FPCelvel no onmmunlention ,,
141 from him fitnee h" quitted England;
I- . W d: t,
hi't wow, hruf not "xpertl?H It. What
at ennkd tet, have U) sty 7 She allpiromPd t
he upver wtolkl writs to her again.
of If aloe died, and she often wished
that she were deati, there would be
--=---� z- tL O
"IF ALeemauy p rprlsed, NOi Not Nol Not ISsUit"NOS 25 7902Ge aingThorn are Wauy parte (>< the noun- This word !t acrd lour Uwes by ' � ,wp
cry where the Jury ryslrm b lm- Prof. W. Hodgson F;llls, Official -
fierfectly understood. but It In not Analyst to the Dominion Govern- Mia WtoYow'to tiootlMns ��r�g skoWd
vfteu that the mlsunder.rtandtng agent, to reporting the reatlt of his Wway. be a -d for IbIdtreo 'lM�tag to
from an Sickness, no nuitte'Qr prtmluoem uaything as, nulusing lir nn as Clyses of Suullght suay. amt►es to child, «,(trwathe uq�, ears alai
,p yy •f Incident,
rs@ortod by the 1 Atlanta n�N No nsayualdlad fat that marl salwantfe We ►r+re�edr for imasalaea
what stlrt, begin w,th a Litt —H—(� __—_.�__ _
Scotts Emulwaste. I
sion of eod4iver A cult ltiama or war our trial No tree slits!!"; that mesas no • .B.riarshiif& Co
oil In one of dlyldoos of the (!fly damage to clothes or hands. tot King ht, Kart, lialmilloa, out.
I Court rec . A country lad, 17 or " No loading mixture "; that mulbas wwN r 11KL1A111.K AQRN rs
It is food, and more than is ysew. age, was p't on the every atom Is pure soap. to sell te,t., C,,Smn, baking )owdwm, .pi, r.
food : it helps you digest what- �fwuud to t Icy. He gave hl■ test!- No adulteration whatever '; that rxtr(aeM rte.' U. ron"wwrS. YOU a„„ ,u,,, ,
4K worry. �u hIM ir,.wunt.d. Exrnhrnt trrnt,.n
menus In -sic low a Luno that the means pure Ingredients. r„a•»t t n„w
ever food you can bear. Judge, pointing to the Jury, said to Try Sunlight Soap -Octagon Bar- -- ` AL ------
e... re. 1.04 w.- ... ne.... the boy: and you will see Prof. L011h; Is right UtU1T rAHll rUlt eAld--0Ni 0/ Tit m
Sean a sow •„'•"IT.. "mean ilk that trees n saasG let the Niagara Peninsula, .,
Sea /'Ar; all eggtal► "tip” tp gentlemen He akaitd lana. J{p� !soma, let n,llar frau, amfl[oi, m two n.11-
Ca.11 hear YOU.” way\ 110 ao.w io.11 le of which is t” trial,
"Why." marl the wltuetr, with a � _--,.. .. --- - Evident p-,Jtsa Will be wld In ane va, el or
Don't Pity you oil. Evldrd Into lou of IS w In "eras to sus viae
Now the proved It. beaming anile. "are they Interests) akawr. Tb44s a decided hergala A,ddre„
"hrt,ry ['hid Her Own Solomon" L 1n Po'l'o Case j" In him new book "Worts anti (t 11.. 0a,miubr, P. O. bull as taou"
I►sys," Huulillun W. Mable wartir Ontario
a text that way come lip for dive -ill- Never And -11f vnur hark IN Stirs And wore him Irlenlot J(gnihat self-pity. tie '
Rifat In ro,uu of rho clubs ,after the ,fire oo now•hraerir. The molnrat you pays: "We begin to lefty ourvolver, i
rolor Plot u " tier 1). a I.." Menthol 1'le.trr tier to look upon °there lir un e'lerellm
yuedun Is d1##lxo�el of, paw lwttu Iw•irtn. w ., ,and, In» Ane talar., you And un r d luetic, to la g
that tittle Misr Kohisecant hat argued an all right nu.w• rull"titutt-s- rlbility for (our failures tone u ue
ared won a curet of her UN n• Tbr (•Ualfurts of 11101110. permana or eircutne[auev. We roue '
Ittilr girl ivat a tuurh-lavlovod Soot come to think of our"elvem :to mar- I
Mrs. Bright -1 don't und.•rrtand• tyre and victim##; we build up a
doK "oar• time book, wad res^Ally Henry, about (life wrrel.vim tel••• 1
fictitious otual worn for &act a r; we i \, /' �01�•V
raw It rltllug let a carriage wllh a Kralpb)'. HUN' would 1 know whin create unreutl werrows and !,ear un- W
IWmtrunu•ly gowned uutuan. The I %'&a gof'Ig to IDN' A '"["rage, unit real wrongs. %'a slid by ceorrupt-
r(u•ria a "oar Now would I d ng a to know alta! FLY PAD
g gulag tory rluWly,apd Ing and drbilltntjng r"trs0lvoe to
net"' the pavrweut, and lice little it wap• i[ I did Kat It ; and flow rush a d ere that we cease to have
girl delightedly caller! her pet' by w°uW I kiww til,kthiug about it t a olear vision, a truthful tongue or
flame. With a widen of Heary (hooking of her over his y put the result
Jury, the a loyal heart. To
annual epruag fro" the ielik1e, ". paper)--G000l Lortl!-9auurt Set. of a course of self-pity In plain POISON
t'u'ning to little Mmw KoJlhiaat, be- --- ^ speech, we deceive ours elvor ago long THE BEST
Kau Jumping about tier and licking Nuard'm Liniment Cures Dandruff. anti *o Per"Intently that we become FLY KILLER
Iter lanrtw for •herr Joy. I - chronic Marr to ourselves and chron-
"You can't have wy dot;, !lift ager;,' hubllme Nerve. le mlanderers or others; and it Ir
'Alled the womatl Crow hrr carrlagc. The moot pbenonorml case of nerve Jill Awful thing to beetwtte an lu-
ith,ch hod now drawa relit beside the k"mvn ,m the Atnerl-an continent in carnaate Ile in a universe which to
t!rf► reporte,l froom YYitrhlta. A rug poddMer relentlessly truthful."
"But thin is my dog," marl Ilttle rallel mevernl thoom tat a hoose and
Kim Kohl"AI, fooatd tlm people- away (Film home. NObndy I" setae all the time. Thr most
"No. At in said the wo- Prudrot of 11" will ok-Ca"Inawlly eatumlrr-rip" CONTINENTAL LIFE
my dog." AL Tart be wrote alwl pltulyd this' „r over-rinee fruit In Sumner we du nut s if
nation. - - -- _-'-- -- fKAW on trite ek)or: • UAdumt-�-Klodly Orr tunic IJ Perry havls' Palatiiker n At hand
"I'll !"rove that it -[a m1ne,•' replled remain at home to-mOrrow forenoon. to cure the cramps. INSURANCE COMPANY
title Misr Kolllaaat with the Moil i walrt to sea you a rug."-Ka(mas
tent u( detertnlAatlun and Justice. City JourvoLL• !'root Posillve. Boni. Joss 1)arus"...... 1'•Rwns"r
By this time Quite a crowd Of ch,l-
Ar.yn afro [wimple -by h:al cull'•atoet. WhicasoNrwal t arkaa:•
In washing wmlkns std 41Antlslt, Lever's The report Inc 1901 stowage
121-1 the gtrL with the dug in h•'r I "I angina's you set a gourd table," tnerrsses ovrr 1110), b thr tulle Items;
army, faced her Antagoulat ad a law- I �y �P (a powder) will hs foupd Tsry remarked the man, who was ")k-
Vew implore" Invermwrtl br..., I a ),i0r,
Y f(urrr n Jury. rtiAfaotwy. d Ing (lir butard' Premium Wu our lurn•xmpA by a ,al;l
'Carrs your dog stand up and beg?,, 'Well,' retailed the lanullndv,"U1r,.e Tntnlinrem.lnrn•.uo,.tl,y...... 49hTh
sold she. , The Oath In Norwry. r'f MY rrgubw boarders are laid up Arrow►crew ed hr.... 41, Se
YoN,' Wmwwered the, woman, with tile In"ur„..,elolore hten•w.)edby 1,x1"1, a
Probably the tsomt curluur Tuuro- cwt
''('an he Jump through a h(o)p?` _ t'ontloe•t»I tills 1•ollel"s an mane it
"Yee," Arun O"th IN adaglulatered hl Norway. Yluard's LinlmentCures Burns, eta. edmplletty and llhrrwlity. Aw"Is wanwl. '
"Cas 6e Ifs down and play, deed?" 1Te wltn,wr rulrrr film thnmh' ria tdlsu. tt..W(N)Dt, CHAS. H. YfI,LEk:
"Yrs." forefinger sig and his middle while
thfinger. The lleoy's Repartee. c:etxral M..nsaw" Amerrtary.
"''art he dance on file, hind feet!'' Tutees signify the Trinity, while the
"Yes." larger of the upliftel fin atpre Is sup- While seated In the demaN•ratie - \
"Can he way his prayers?" r pt,red to represent the tout of the cloakroom tit.- other afternoon sena WILL CURE
"Y,.." witness and the smaller to Indicate toe Mallory, of Florida, called a
CloNktg her arms tight I% abort tics lar Iasly. Irage to him. Thr, hay had a boueh of PULMMO difficulty of
oK and starling to will nNay, the hair rrtanling straight up from Mt breathing,
$I00 REWARD, $104.
would rand 1n the Tlmes, Il the am.
to please her.
r ant" were sharp enough to
The, rendre of t hl" pn,w•r w ill I ppl.,tmed tO
thatth«plant Irnmr ourdnw.Irldi.Ase
put It In. " Lim, ha 1 -- and
wienrw i.,u been able to cure In NI its
if he` --If Anything warty to happen
cud that Is 'Infant, Hall's Catarrh
e t0 him—It they ware never to—to—to
Is the „lily ytia alcr rare now known t I
r --' And tmy* the twin tears, flail- intutnln
IlQira �, nh lr»etian therm tltuPiro.-
lig themiielvea dialxlged from their
meu. Hall', I'uterrh (un• Io taker In.
position by a couple more, roll")
arrluq directly npnn the latticed and
goals down tN,r cheek" ant settled
.urfnew of thr q•wu•m, thereby dro-
t lie the coRrere of her mouth.
Ing II.r f"unAatton of thr ,]I--. anti
th.• pntmnt stwexth by I...Ildlne up
At tale )IOLture, the drawing -room
r door was cantio11ely puxtwmi npnn.
r",,at I to t lon,rMa„r1■unanaturrin it
work The pruprw.t,,m hm—e mr,•h.fnith
'Pray. don't Int ma dlxturb you,"
Ito curative 1IOnee. that they offer f)ne
U,•llnn far
paid the soft voice of the' Marquin de
any ,nee that It falls to
"rad for llot or teerimo,dale.
a l,acarrar.
"but what are thorn tall -lase drops I
A,1,1 w F. J. I'llENEV &I !,.,Toledo, O
Lady' Ethnl sprung to a slttkng
by druggnta. T:r.
"PPrb'Wo you dhi," due Answered,
.,#undoing her rani across her wet
•A pleasant one'"
"119la depend! Ve•nplr hnve much
different Opinions. monsiowr."
"8M►tl I divine Its mubjmt T"
"If you can.,
' one -ere dreaming or co, air
wt i
Indy Ethel colored; whe had not
Imnglned that he would really guoes
liar enrolltatioun.
"No harm If I worn," she -an-
ww"rid, lightly, an her thoughts
flow to Bengal.
Harm! who ways no? Not my-
self. moolot onrtalnlyl I should he
lite faint person In the world to
hlnlo" Pru, i ady F:thel."
"Indeed! Have you bernmp nen a,l.
voratn for conxtanry, then. mon-
slur r'
Ito Mt Ilia lip.
I feel that my One unfortunate
mlelakn will never h, forgiven In dev
your eyes. nor ammume a dlffor"nt ami
roloring to that with which It was
first tnvewt*d by your fancy."
But thf" was a topic whinh haat and
twromn dlmta"teful to Ills h.•arpr.
" Errtlmn me, mnnodeur ! it ham
horn both forgiven ant forgotten
!')ng ago, and wet have, atrrnel to toe
DJwrt frtendo. There Is no orcALejoN
in revrort to It."
" Anti yet It Ms left Its sting be,
Moot It, hady Ethel.'
"If no, It b n ding totally un-
ronneeted with Itpelf," she Answered
pr(atlly, "and one of whiryou pros
Ably know more than i do.'
' Ton cannot deceive me thus I" he
wxoln[meet, pag"rly. "Ethel I you
orled lrlumptlnntly
forehead. "nonny," maW the reoator. I tighinesa,J
"Well, my (log (ain't. Ile t" mine Took.
I,ax"tlrr an,mlo (Joint." Tablpt". All
"yon' should nests that cowlick to the client, wasting away of flesh, thnvt
1e9." dn11I/la(w
ryfund ties euary It Il fell" let CUR.
fin down, or when you get tuarried I Iroubles, consumption, coughs, catarrh.
And ebe Nun.—C'htcago I•;venimg E.
w, (i love's simantun bun ewb box. 93r.
•your wife will have a good place to colds, ppn.»eum(wtia and ,deuri,y.
•G;rob." Now tow` relator in as bald h ',1110 FREE BY to eve sufferer
11 `a')) end or troluble then, and All tills
trotting, jen14upy aari sunpleion, he
$I00 REWARD, $104.
would rand 1n the Tlmes, Il the am.
to please her.
r ant" were sharp enough to
The, rendre of t hl" pn,w•r w ill I ppl.,tmed tO
thatth«plant Irnmr ourdnw.Irldi.Ase
put It In. " Lim, ha 1 -- and
wienrw i.,u been able to cure In NI its
if he` --If Anything warty to happen
cud that Is 'Infant, Hall's Catarrh
e t0 him—It they ware never to—to—to
Is the „lily ytia alcr rare now known t I
r --' And tmy* the twin tears, flail- intutnln
IlQira �, nh lr»etian therm tltuPiro.-
lig themiielvea dialxlged from their
meu. Hall', I'uterrh (un• Io taker In.
position by a couple more, roll")
arrluq directly npnn the latticed and
goals down tN,r cheek" ant settled
.urfnew of thr q•wu•m, thereby dro-
t lie the coRrere of her mouth.
Ing II.r f"unAatton of thr ,]I--. anti
th.• pntmnt stwexth by I...Ildlne up
At tale )IOLture, the drawing -room
r door was cantio11ely puxtwmi npnn.
r",,at I to t lon,rMa„r1■unanaturrin it
work The pruprw.t,,m hm—e mr,•h.fnith
'Pray. don't Int ma dlxturb you,"
Ito curative 1IOnee. that they offer f)ne
U,•llnn far
paid the soft voice of the' Marquin de
any ,nee that It falls to
"rad for llot or teerimo,dale.
a l,acarrar.
"but what are thorn tall -lase drops I
A,1,1 w F. J. I'llENEV &I !,.,Toledo, O
Lady' Ethnl sprung to a slttkng
by druggnta. T:r.
o pooture. Show had considered her-
self reoRe against all witnresem, and
the present lnlrusurtl did hot seem
to please her.
1 toll tlr, servants to any 'not at
trpme,,'' "he uttered, hastily, the
tears still glistening on her eye-
to Mont f hope," replier' the
mearquin, who was qulok to notice
the trace.[ of her agitation; -but If
my presence Is unwelcome to you,
Lady Ethel, I will go."
(bmmon Courtesy forbade she
should dismiss him.
'It roes not slgxllfy. monsieur. Pray
be -At-] ; but I hardly expectM that
say one would take the trouble to
call on an Upprewiiwn an afternoon"
"You cannot be In earnest when you
retry pretty tale Ir In a black
talk of troubl" to mil;" he maid, an
Iwo drew hilt chair benole her notch;
"but what are thorn tall -lase drops I
aro, npO0 your cheek ? I must have
Intorrupte d a reverie. Lady EttWi.'-
"PPrb'Wo you dhi," due Answered,
.,#undoing her rani across her wet
•A pleasant one'"
"119la depend! Ve•nplr hnve much
different Opinions. monsiowr."
"8M►tl I divine Its mubjmt T"
"If you can.,
' one -ere dreaming or co, air
wt i
Indy Ethel colored; whe had not
Imnglned that he would really guoes
liar enrolltatioun.
"No harm If I worn," she -an-
ww"rid, lightly, an her thoughts
flow to Bengal.
Harm! who ways no? Not my-
self. moolot onrtalnlyl I should he
lite faint person In the world to
hlnlo" Pru, i ady F:thel."
"Indeed! Have you bernmp nen a,l.
voratn for conxtanry, then. mon-
slur r'
Ito Mt Ilia lip.
I feel that my One unfortunate
mlelakn will never h, forgiven In dev
your eyes. nor ammume a dlffor"nt ami
roloring to that with which It was
first tnvewt*d by your fancy."
But thf" was a topic whinh haat and
twromn dlmta"teful to Ills h.•arpr.
" Errtlmn me, mnnodeur ! it ham
horn both forgiven ant forgotten
!')ng ago, and wet have, atrrnel to toe
DJwrt frtendo. There Is no orcALejoN
in revrort to It."
" Anti yet It Ms left Its sting be,
Moot It, hady Ethel.'
"If no, It b n ding totally un-
ronneeted with Itpelf," she Answered
pr(atlly, "and one of whiryou pros
Ably know more than i do.'
' Ton cannot deceive me thus I" he
wxoln[meet, pag"rly. "Ethel I you
ktm,w flint you are not llnptly--yo1
nnnnot d"ny thw truth to me,.'
" i hay" nn wish to deny It."
"ASM thni I am file cnn"e, the
LMSO and unpano11w1,1e, cau.w."
'• I am glail you tato Drown to view
thn paxt In Its trust light, monsieur
Rul i have, anfrirlent rawanns for my
/Inlonppfnwsw f4f Sym will hay" it t4tAt
IAm unhappy) without laying tin
I,IAm- on yowl My lx"wnnt poodtkMt is
allrlt"itahlw to my own fault "
" But frown thn mn"rgn"nrrw Of
whinh I world rescue you at the
Iw•rll of my life. Ethel, there intent bee,
Mt further mfa'ndprorteoding between
not. We have misdeed our happinrula
oncst; let ux manure It for the future
F'o- your woke, and in ardor to re-
Irtrv" my folly, I wcen" twat'" every-
H, i
thing ani Mr" everything Only
any that Tern will nre.pt lot. proton -
fkm of my love Agalnot the htxrorm
of thn pit In which my hlinrin"m
plunged you."
fd" rose from him chair nen he was
xpmktaM with the Intent to gain
her Skle: but she mpp nus.. nyp, not
tie oonelurled. ane) hip eyes fapt hers,
M t
•e•� i ,.
i Ice
{ OF FASHION. a in
iTlrn1.ea f/a , tenor
-it- I w
t are-
flat b'better, tll(•y ign, a pang w'n,v
tand hPJping one to put on a good
bettor, with their aid one may
have on a fre)eh front and
unwilted ato rk, two item, In
favor wlllah must not be Ig-
fronto may be of fine, Witte
`11, plaited, and embrolderot ill
FA dodo- Or they may be In colors.
any rune therw'n a stuck attarbed,
I n little butterfly tie, all Diose lU
same style, I
hu Ilrrry Veils.
tralght from Parra -,)tae the IatPmt
Is. They m.•amttnt from one, and
n,celghthe to two yaMd In,k`nglh,
go by the name of Du Barry.
retry pretty tale Ir In a black
I. do mesh with, a s11Kht white
and n delicate las, al)pbf-io,
along thn edge. Tier" are hem -
Spinster Meanings
When a man wants to may aomn•
ting parteularly Idiotic ile Lwitin
thus: "Thinking men are now
.)wJng to brllpve, etc., ear•„
A man thlnkm the women who re•
utlned single for his take in thr
ifort wonderful woman Oted o•ve,
utde, hitt the one who team remaine.l
unit, for some other fellow it
*ntally backlog.
Jealously in a humrand is more often
NIRn of self-love than of wife love.
Yen regard f1AttPry Ane truth and
•nth na abuse.
The weak conn has friends, the
trustg man moimirproo.
Tulp drinking mnn W often wpnk
Ad lovable, the atoll ecoloum man oft -
n ectrong and dempicahle.
A man never dkpinym him gr{e,r ex-
-pt when he hopes hip hat.
The anger' art, masculine; they are
Minard's Clara! for Sale every-
heRs, _
A Joke on J.ord Kelvin..
it it raid that in one department of
Ili life Loni KOVID, the Pallorat Brl-
sh acieutist who wan
recrntly 1n
mertea, did 'Not tmtrriafly shine.
T1'in wax hl" prefessonal work at
la"gow. T:•le greatest mea have
evluently' pror(.1 to be poor teaole-
rw-that is. teachers Oil the elv►
entm of tho mcirntr wbpr"of they
ere tuaRt"P. On ane uecastnn I,orl
chin t•11,1i Profexmorr Thompson,
ft GIAor)w to recelve Uw honor of
kAgh,thoul. A kuhrtltule prufrreor
r'aonerl I)rty took dtoty for Sir William,
P wmply antiefflrrl the students,
len air YPilli;am returned as the
ew knight sour-ele heal written on
ie tKmnl: "Mork ye, Bible it It
cis tine nay, for the knight com-
h• when no man can worst !"
as a doorknob, so the hest he could PUL -Ko a for sale by all drugg.at. at
day war to ■01.10 when the boy said, 1'.00 per large bottle, and 15 cent[ for
Innocently enough. bort with a twin small bottle, or direct from
kin to its rye: "YM, sir: Is that the THE PUL -YO CO.. TORONTO, ONT.
way you lust your ►air f"
AY mat'*, a very valuable one, was
Iq,tty bribiowd sial cut by bring eauKlvt ('man y .... r .".-
alt A wire frince. Fiume of tole woondN wan•, ff,q,l, hru.,
wvi11.1 full meal, although I tried mUny' rte.. with
drtfwronit raadltinrs. I►r. Be•N advised LUMIG
til• to lie. Mie\ tIRI►:v LINIMENT, tri- POLIbtIIItG F16Rt
i1Uod at firmt, tt,,,n strvrvdwr an the %, I11.r..r(,nu.l,
aerell bt•Kall to kick better, until, at t„ lir, u.t ,,r k , t..
ter threw weeks. the acres have heal- bunR wi 1, u,ri,rrpnr t
rai. and test or nN the hatir is gTow- "Irletb Pnnsh,•ank"
ills( well. mill I. not orlllt e, Mw IM fto.eM. Prh+ 2rr nt
afro twists or by mall
m...lt ALwtiy'm flee care In hteror lr„n.
"t.ulal.. r. if. I,ifl'('E'T, tauNARCH aura. Oo.,at.cathariftes.o.t.
Wes buou,th., Trial .an ,lee Ina• 'frw,le Sa lard
-lohmay Wes Right Knioua► --
-11011110111Y Wee
T,•uchor--In the wentenes. ., /Mary
milk■ the ioow," what Ir Lite wont
tx,.r 7
Johnny -Cow id It noUll, feminine
grittier, and stands for Flury.
Tencher-Wlint rwunsenee ! Wily floe.
coot, stand for Unry 7
Jo,henv-3, Mary ran trod LO the
["doraced by Yost et,glisft eftodloal Jsrrsels.
supplied to firitbh so111ors la South Afreos.
For all Tlartet aM `u1--drbles, tr.w s,
a►so•uss. Old 3or•s, Wagon, Wows, sfln
Otsusos, ro.ow,• fif-Oos, Sun Joelots.
ahern.otlsa,, Lrmelrs/e, Sp rslt,s, arulsoa.
011-9. Cuts, sero rest, Pike is
sold by Druggists, sec. rel it often.
Tae Old Soldier.
Yea OAS In tile. palace!" exclAh♦
fit the old toifier with the woodpo
-- - 1 .
Rtw►mers lamru kiamNton I Jr. �,
Toronto 7.:10 p. m., Tuesdays and
Frielityn; on and after June 10th
Tuewtnym and Thursday" and sat -
ordure for Bay of Qulatr. One Tbou.•
rot imiAnln itapl-1m, M. Lawrenon to
Montreal Anti Intermediate ports.
Vol'y I.ow Kates of llnale end
Return Tickets.
On and after June 3rkl ptenmers
Maya Toronto Tuewltya nod Thorn
tiny" aM Bntunbtys At -1 p. m fr,nr,
Juan 111th dally, except tion iny, for
Charlotte, Port of Rorchrriter. Ono
Thousand Ialandx, Raplda, At. Law.
r"nee. - M(eatrenl, Qucta,,v, Murray
Bav, Tard(twisc, FCaguMtay Inver nn•i
Now York Central and llwdao■ River leg, reTtaitin/t blue hat'tlafirld of intermediate ports,
tChei Chlffs o tf)(1, k a white, H. k'ostPr Chaffee, Western Paw
dam* ckrts Of blank and what, Railroad. /dettyatalrW after A IAj.(w ')( (thirty- gf1aPr ARpnt, Toreato; Thos. Hen
vet/. With these IOTW Tell/4 which The above mm" Is a household five years, ail kN)IISAsf About Illi n,
thrown back over the face, ors) work) and the aulmrrlor excellpneo of I "'hall never f0FKet thin "pot "' Traff.o Mannger. Montreal.
ears the ntmnl small face veil. The the rand ehoafA be eutficlornt to wt "I slfpposP," 8AkI tow, atmrwrr, ole- NO NOMOVIII / n/►rot Ia-
eLe of the long yell tall /tralot at tract moat people, but now that the merving ton f•ra.rilon, "that in tlir ........i.I
the iack. rate IN tho name to New York and rpr't where, ytiou lint your Ipg whit, m..wse,..e—hr.O.,_.!,*If ,
fViAing for your cotintr ?" u...,., w•«.,r1w..f.r....1".. V
1'wlbrelta 1',.Ilrrm. - _- -- points rent an by Mher IlCen no J ,..ary. ra.woot it.rn l w..A.,.It -
ox ohne pan"rvvur trktek milk cloaks further r1•rv,mmprodation "houlA be No," mnkf the 4*1 poldinr. "1 loot "`•"rh.—bre" to'w'.e•r.' �
Tww..",Y.ft- volatile 6111, , 11
v0913e there's a uh,le crop of Col- -.,ht. F.verybaly will tell yon a my IPjr In a aaTv-mlll to Kanaaa on the t -.,,.l lb,..n.,,.,.,•.,..,, r.,,, «.
s tit lace and batiste and lln*n, And ,s the best. , I11th of May, 1877. This is tie, place lir a.,s, srt«nr- ,...,,n..,,, Yr'
vt'hrre i Rot ararrvA and run Uke the '~•lure. IFAS sr'satee. r.rs.te,
shade running fres deep twine to devil."-0NcaRn Tribune.
it o. Ia none• Gurlm lire lace IN Ap- 'rwnla'm Iwt�t. --- -AS Loser H" odes.
d to the material. la inhere the Here are a aaluple at Ittiark Twalu'a
en or batloote to, ripplied to the taco. Ibttnet Inaxtmn: We never (Night to MInArd's Liniment Relieves Near- frorenrestar. t
nmcunts to the ram, t41pq, the A�v w•rnt,R vrltrm pmplP Are. looking." MRIs. .Wrenn yonnor mnn plotyx him firm[
p, efr(ular collar being ro vole,- "Nn rml gpntl' p)nn would 'tell the Rnm" of cwrdx for )nnnPy or bete
room a" l(i Win the name of um- nakwl trail, In prewence of '. leg." (wl 41 hors, mire he I", generally
Ilia rise Itself. Many are mr•r•l,. ,This I. the tripe he f,� Thlrnry One's Nn•w. nC. lucky If he Moes and on-
tly, al)d "W am so cold of meth oensed frierkl : •'IIP did notlfl a dr He wasn't a very prosperous ap- lucky IIt rte Wtna
p°Mee/ap twaring p•twnn, loll 11M bartender
(IgUre An to ],e, pOdli♦"ly Weird. Intl!r,(gfII1K Ykte tte belgllt Pll alb "''an
Whit. u" $%I'll@. bre virtues,"pubs- hndn't ##"I'll to site, fond talked to John, Stops the COagh
pe(aking or loo"/, cad eo;pee ally of 711. man stood rat the end of the
DR. A. W. CHASE'S bar talk] gaged (town the leftgth cell!- sad Works OR the Cold.
star colorp, thive's a (Matin'lion. i% cn11y. Flcanlly he ask*d: "Witt Stan Laxativeltrmm"ymwlseTahNta -
Ito lace' 12 not Omen used, "ave for CATARRH CURE 25�'. + til,1 me n drink I[ I tell to one day. No Curr. No Pay. Prles'Jtl-lraar.:,---.:. - -
on a white drrxt. Thai Ir, nn all- ... Tne the _
to dream or eltmek of lace or want, is sent direct to Ila dlwsed 1,•ngtb, of 'hie rwlnter -I',., thrba -`- ---` -
ty[ trlmmM wllh Ino" b An rlg,ur, p.wby th. Improved He err, inelastic TL The Down of Common tlenie.
for trhnnting n calor one shade lir H•,h br okra. a.er, enr,y Tow," "aid ] hr• te�rkPwp•r. Htl.tawlt journal p --*gee, sop, dmpptn/, h„hs The vldtor reacher! Into a back RmckTlh" rat
thee. ranging from cream to, brown, I hr—t and pmaIensu!) "!urea pwkwt, palled Out n two -foot rote ' "iNtyerx have fat" to
tttr,toio most
10 „111 of the
►tern C". is t7 a F"' lo.er aid twgan aleaalrpment, 11Pprovn of n bonum of 8_0,000 for
the two mat m(xLi/h of the Inter- I kh• It 'I or.A. yV. Cla"r H,• 11,(1 1'1ld alt rote down fiat onrO alt" astnMlshment In thele town of
rrt]late that/. MMlei- Co. Trine sd 1sYa (w twfre when the d( a hat factory. Hamilton ratepayers
--- pprnsPr of cheer nw-antl•v refoled to wet iiay
Two Noels of h1Glrtm. � Very U••„r head. _--- rtOpl)el hum. pply tlw) nwar-
hrre's really nn a"tying WkMh ” Ho rr," he mall. "nrcOr minA n In
C!osmpnnj of eldraRn with s5o,-
rt IrnJOYm the'grentent y hand at 12,81 AA)rl An herr ,ones 117 (1110 to erfnlhlllldt A branch In Hnmbl-
Iort,i va "Ot fr uen•t all
ht. till ri I guano It's our Mo.
con•ul.u• lir til,• mwny7(oro.J vwrl- tml Y rnme Into tie" mar- all right, elf rlghi,'• t^"• Tli(aee are refigure of uomnrm
Both are gr(mtly in evidence. keel, "von In Lo1MOn, hat a fpw .tsar ## awnsaa
AN ce" 00" triFOWins Iw tie" st.ApP aur'), wh"n the freehold of B4 Ch"ap- --
wtraps or Inaertlon thre orel Purl- NL1'e tv&A mm, tfte Hum it r.aifdge(1 - --- - "---- -- — - --- -
bent axploll" the srhpme. tine N -an at the above rate per are,; THE B. W. SHIRT WAIST ~
tietllarly IOv. ly t)Atiale IN flurlr tA1"? Im to xny, w Pinen Of lrrfunrl ! * f. ",tad Aleret troth fnetory to wrwnr. (inti3 ,•ne In t.•rme,lln t.• prnfif
trelprd a1 10 naQh and Mwry, err*, a1M 'bat MU1.1 by cove;al by an ordlD- ; I'I,w 4eali,fta •aa earl.k.lve nnA are runt M A. hnA n,ept thmnlrl at,,
stores are met ta.Rethrr with Y'w1, ary Penny p)wtAKe, rrnlJstwl Na 11-
1 -24 -not At MI a tract prieck for a-ttn,an• w•Isa -t. Tory pr,)tulnr order.
blow tyhich pre" Amour the Yn n- p„ktry rive.-nlxths of a est"arp ,,it ur Dollar Special •nr^nJng In h rears mall tr, all V,,.n
ted rents. A tucked flounce I/ met on A,nttw to Rr,tb� (,dumb o
thin po(s)t. or amRBt" to attain. Judging from The late■'sly M, bntnA arOtift r ager t, dip okild. n hnndanm.
tlN, ground TMA04 00cured on lO Corn- rnnfl"n Fin.• nettle lawn raga with taro", Lr1maM with Inn nein. Gond
As In Rrt. lull, which 'ITP, Or r{x ,v par/ a vMnr nt s1.An, oat 5"e•Iwl prk* 0Loo, U.�r}I)wr with n rasppy of rnr
Ma nrr umad in Aar numlwr RO era- HI,rina end nnmser (Atalove'. A dollar Idol l" "wally not
Of Ilsrd L42,ti00--tfint Iw to may, at send bn■t ##.„mnn, a,,Oo, bnA unArr •rmo, •Isp ill rnlln r,NnRRtie
'". 11 hull• rat ,{r,•aarN Ater "ilk are- tie• rate lir pra,tv,xIly AC515, A rquarp of .bvre umdrr —not. nnA mrwd ionolly i „shw heck Iw'a.-Il r. w.11 ■r
Ilea, ,tut theme, note are of Any foot, Or ,E2,1,i2,(y2R per arre-thor, warn..
mbr of r)rto, 1 -hough the nquare A- many otlenr (inhs.in.blo, vpotm In "PWXAI,Wre IN l_xnl R.• wR.9.
"It. or one, with even more aldew to tbP city worth their area !n beaten !BS H.
BIM iEBBBTB)1 00., IORlilI1L, QQL.
P h1"t new In d,•mand. it nerves "d, hilt 11 to wonderful how prlc.e,
for Token ant pan"Is too ane, to fail away when the sit hat root got
O tea"nrscea bwo,mt" idler 'If appliM a hvgttag" on a main thoromghfarp, --
or vOwpol TJe KreAt rrpnch Twenty-two peen In for A plan„ of -- --
mpmnkrr" lope " A frrpnt d"Al ore grMnrd me soirinR twelve Inches by Always Insist on anl� 1
)ilea e• Jrr■.rp. in Intrlcatr np- tw'ep I trtr•hew wOt 11 (IOUbtip'YI he a your dealer sup. C p ■ T," S
tele and ala an n fonnlnllOn for I pprrier tient tven,)l tempt even An Irish plying you with 4 Be G ,ham•/ T
lace appU,lne," An, chiffon f1w- I landlord to rnrt with hip prop.vrty.
Ivry. .-IAoe,ion ()trod Word,
It one* that hw hal made
nn error. -r--____ -_
tarty t'.ap war drnoRty nKltatM; PAGE METAL GA scene
trot It was tM rmOtlOn rnnswgn.•nt M eM esa
bw In
on ang"r rather than On 1Ovw, and to, ere. we'*1„" nnw, 1,1/ht, ski V
Sort • hea-7 maw nw Y.• "A rill. k. al .dm
try IOOk *111 gMm• ahst fnrb"ad° arnl. wtMeet m•rsln ahem k) t. no* tic
him to approwrh how n*wrmr. sew..1111 !amt • Ff/.wmw ei nos., ar" *"a• t
(Til 1.01 (YwntbnnM.l ..1 are w farad ar.h heMh,w.btoh ane. libels Itss
--- - 1 ,Wt witty Tla.
11a� " AV* �"t Yt*1 rmn take A Iary swan to ".it
;1 but you can't gala Mm wvtk.
We w.arM Isis LM. .MetV wAb,--.m,,,";;`-.—.1.11`T1
M nawwrlfar!• F
»•N O•wenssmwa
TTev Are nsknUfnrtwlrwA frena thin R.Wr orf i 1kTr,RJ.tJLa by the
A1111" ' Ah II ,Et) nearkrpoa
-lohmay Wes Right Knioua► --
-11011110111Y Wee
T,•uchor--In the wentenes. ., /Mary
milk■ the ioow," what Ir Lite wont
tx,.r 7
Johnny -Cow id It noUll, feminine
grittier, and stands for Flury.
Tencher-Wlint rwunsenee ! Wily floe.
coot, stand for Unry 7
Jo,henv-3, Mary ran trod LO the
["doraced by Yost et,glisft eftodloal Jsrrsels.
supplied to firitbh so111ors la South Afreos.
For all Tlartet aM `u1--drbles, tr.w s,
a►so•uss. Old 3or•s, Wagon, Wows, sfln
Otsusos, ro.ow,• fif-Oos, Sun Joelots.
ahern.otlsa,, Lrmelrs/e, Sp rslt,s, arulsoa.
011-9. Cuts, sero rest, Pike is
sold by Druggists, sec. rel it often.
Tae Old Soldier.
Yea OAS In tile. palace!" exclAh♦
fit the old toifier with the woodpo
-- - 1 .
Rtw►mers lamru kiamNton I Jr. �,
Toronto 7.:10 p. m., Tuesdays and
Frielityn; on and after June 10th
Tuewtnym and Thursday" and sat -
ordure for Bay of Qulatr. One Tbou.•
rot imiAnln itapl-1m, M. Lawrenon to
Montreal Anti Intermediate ports.
Vol'y I.ow Kates of llnale end
Return Tickets.
On and after June 3rkl ptenmers
Maya Toronto Tuewltya nod Thorn
tiny" aM Bntunbtys At -1 p. m fr,nr,
Juan 111th dally, except tion iny, for
Charlotte, Port of Rorchrriter. Ono
Thousand Ialandx, Raplda, At. Law.
r"nee. - M(eatrenl, Qucta,,v, Murray
Bav, Tard(twisc, FCaguMtay Inver nn•i
Now York Central and llwdao■ River leg, reTtaitin/t blue hat'tlafirld of intermediate ports,
tChei Chlffs o tf)(1, k a white, H. k'ostPr Chaffee, Western Paw
dam* ckrts Of blank and what, Railroad. /dettyatalrW after A IAj.(w ')( (thirty- gf1aPr ARpnt, Toreato; Thos. Hen
vet/. With these IOTW Tell/4 which The above mm" Is a household five years, ail kN)IISAsf About Illi n,
thrown back over the face, ors) work) and the aulmrrlor excellpneo of I "'hall never f0FKet thin "pot "' Traff.o Mannger. Montreal.
ears the ntmnl small face veil. The the rand ehoafA be eutficlornt to wt "I slfpposP," 8AkI tow, atmrwrr, ole- NO NOMOVIII / n/►rot Ia-
eLe of the long yell tall /tralot at tract moat people, but now that the merving ton f•ra.rilon, "that in tlir ........i.I
the iack. rate IN tho name to New York and rpr't where, ytiou lint your Ipg whit, m..wse,..e—hr.O.,_.!,*If ,
fViAing for your cotintr ?" u...,., w•«.,r1w..f.r....1".. V
1'wlbrelta 1',.Ilrrm. - _- -- points rent an by Mher IlCen no J ,..ary. ra.woot it.rn l w..A.,.It -
ox ohne pan"rvvur trktek milk cloaks further r1•rv,mmprodation "houlA be No," mnkf the 4*1 poldinr. "1 loot "`•"rh.—bre" to'w'.e•r.' �
Tww..",Y.ft- volatile 6111, , 11
v0913e there's a uh,le crop of Col- -.,ht. F.verybaly will tell yon a my IPjr In a aaTv-mlll to Kanaaa on the t -.,,.l lb,..n.,,.,.,•.,..,, r.,,, «.
s tit lace and batiste and lln*n, And ,s the best. , I11th of May, 1877. This is tie, place lir a.,s, srt«nr- ,...,,n..,,, Yr'
vt'hrre i Rot ararrvA and run Uke the '~•lure. IFAS sr'satee. r.rs.te,
shade running fres deep twine to devil."-0NcaRn Tribune.
it o. Ia none• Gurlm lire lace IN Ap- 'rwnla'm Iwt�t. --- -AS Loser H" odes.
d to the material. la inhere the Here are a aaluple at Ittiark Twalu'a
en or batloote to, ripplied to the taco. Ibttnet Inaxtmn: We never (Night to MInArd's Liniment Relieves Near- frorenrestar. t
nmcunts to the ram, t41pq, the A�v w•rnt,R vrltrm pmplP Are. looking." MRIs. .Wrenn yonnor mnn plotyx him firm[
p, efr(ular collar being ro vole,- "Nn rml gpntl' p)nn would 'tell the Rnm" of cwrdx for )nnnPy or bete
room a" l(i Win the name of um- nakwl trail, In prewence of '. leg." (wl 41 hors, mire he I", generally
Ilia rise Itself. Many are mr•r•l,. ,This I. the tripe he f,� Thlrnry One's Nn•w. nC. lucky If he Moes and on-
tly, al)d "W am so cold of meth oensed frierkl : •'IIP did notlfl a dr He wasn't a very prosperous ap- lucky IIt rte Wtna
p°Mee/ap twaring p•twnn, loll 11M bartender
(IgUre An to ],e, pOdli♦"ly Weird. Intl!r,(gfII1K Ykte tte belgllt Pll alb "''an
Whit. u" $%I'll@. bre virtues,"pubs- hndn't ##"I'll to site, fond talked to John, Stops the COagh
pe(aking or loo"/, cad eo;pee ally of 711. man stood rat the end of the
DR. A. W. CHASE'S bar talk] gaged (town the leftgth cell!- sad Works OR the Cold.
star colorp, thive's a (Matin'lion. i% cn11y. Flcanlly he ask*d: "Witt Stan Laxativeltrmm"ymwlseTahNta -
Ito lace' 12 not Omen used, "ave for CATARRH CURE 25�'. + til,1 me n drink I[ I tell to one day. No Curr. No Pay. Prles'Jtl-lraar.:,---.:. - -
on a white drrxt. Thai Ir, nn all- ... Tne the _
to dream or eltmek of lace or want, is sent direct to Ila dlwsed 1,•ngtb, of 'hie rwlnter -I',., thrba -`- ---` -
ty[ trlmmM wllh Ino" b An rlg,ur, p.wby th. Improved He err, inelastic TL The Down of Common tlenie.
for trhnnting n calor one shade lir H•,h br okra. a.er, enr,y Tow," "aid ] hr• te�rkPwp•r. Htl.tawlt journal p --*gee, sop, dmpptn/, h„hs The vldtor reacher! Into a back RmckTlh" rat
thee. ranging from cream to, brown, I hr—t and pmaIensu!) "!urea pwkwt, palled Out n two -foot rote ' "iNtyerx have fat" to
tttr,toio most
10 „111 of the
►tern C". is t7 a F"' lo.er aid twgan aleaalrpment, 11Pprovn of n bonum of 8_0,000 for
the two mat m(xLi/h of the Inter- I kh• It 'I or.A. yV. Cla"r H,• 11,(1 1'1ld alt rote down fiat onrO alt" astnMlshment In thele town of
rrt]late that/. MMlei- Co. Trine sd 1sYa (w twfre when the d( a hat factory. Hamilton ratepayers
--- pprnsPr of cheer nw-antl•v refoled to wet iiay
Two Noels of h1Glrtm. � Very U••„r head. _--- rtOpl)el hum. pply tlw) nwar-
hrre's really nn a"tying WkMh ” Ho rr," he mall. "nrcOr minA n In
C!osmpnnj of eldraRn with s5o,-
rt IrnJOYm the'grentent y hand at 12,81 AA)rl An herr ,ones 117 (1110 to erfnlhlllldt A branch In Hnmbl-
Iort,i va "Ot fr uen•t all
ht. till ri I guano It's our Mo.
con•ul.u• lir til,• mwny7(oro.J vwrl- tml Y rnme Into tie" mar- all right, elf rlghi,'• t^"• Tli(aee are refigure of uomnrm
Both are gr(mtly in evidence. keel, "von In Lo1MOn, hat a fpw .tsar ## awnsaa
AN ce" 00" triFOWins Iw tie" st.ApP aur'), wh"n the freehold of B4 Ch"ap- --
wtraps or Inaertlon thre orel Purl- NL1'e tv&A mm, tfte Hum it r.aifdge(1 - --- - "---- -- — - --- -
bent axploll" the srhpme. tine N -an at the above rate per are,; THE B. W. SHIRT WAIST ~
tietllarly IOv. ly t)Atiale IN flurlr tA1"? Im to xny, w Pinen Of lrrfunrl ! * f. ",tad Aleret troth fnetory to wrwnr. (inti3 ,•ne In t.•rme,lln t.• prnfif
trelprd a1 10 naQh and Mwry, err*, a1M 'bat MU1.1 by cove;al by an ordlD- ; I'I,w 4eali,fta •aa earl.k.lve nnA are runt M A. hnA n,ept thmnlrl at,,
stores are met ta.Rethrr with Y'w1, ary Penny p)wtAKe, rrnlJstwl Na 11-
1 -24 -not At MI a tract prieck for a-ttn,an• w•Isa -t. Tory pr,)tulnr order.
blow tyhich pre" Amour the Yn n- p„ktry rive.-nlxths of a est"arp ,,it ur Dollar Special •nr^nJng In h rears mall tr, all V,,.n
ted rents. A tucked flounce I/ met on A,nttw to Rr,tb� (,dumb o
thin po(s)t. or amRBt" to attain. Judging from The late■'sly M, bntnA arOtift r ager t, dip okild. n hnndanm.
tlN, ground TMA04 00cured on lO Corn- rnnfl"n Fin.• nettle lawn raga with taro", Lr1maM with Inn nein. Gond
As In Rrt. lull, which 'ITP, Or r{x ,v par/ a vMnr nt s1.An, oat 5"e•Iwl prk* 0Loo, U.�r}I)wr with n rasppy of rnr
Ma nrr umad in Aar numlwr RO era- HI,rina end nnmser (Atalove'. A dollar Idol l" "wally not
Of Ilsrd L42,ti00--tfint Iw to may, at send bn■t ##.„mnn, a,,Oo, bnA unArr •rmo, •Isp ill rnlln r,NnRRtie
'". 11 hull• rat ,{r,•aarN Ater "ilk are- tie• rate lir pra,tv,xIly AC515, A rquarp of .bvre umdrr —not. nnA mrwd ionolly i „shw heck Iw'a.-Il r. w.11 ■r
Ilea, ,tut theme, note are of Any foot, Or ,E2,1,i2,(y2R per arre-thor, warn..
mbr of r)rto, 1 -hough the nquare A- many otlenr (inhs.in.blo, vpotm In "PWXAI,Wre IN l_xnl R.• wR.9.
"It. or one, with even more aldew to tbP city worth their area !n beaten !BS H.
BIM iEBBBTB)1 00., IORlilI1L, QQL.
P h1"t new In d,•mand. it nerves "d, hilt 11 to wonderful how prlc.e,
for Token ant pan"Is too ane, to fail away when the sit hat root got
O tea"nrscea bwo,mt" idler 'If appliM a hvgttag" on a main thoromghfarp, --
or vOwpol TJe KreAt rrpnch Twenty-two peen In for A plan„ of -- --
mpmnkrr" lope " A frrpnt d"Al ore grMnrd me soirinR twelve Inches by Always Insist on anl� 1
)ilea e• Jrr■.rp. in Intrlcatr np- tw'ep I trtr•hew wOt 11 (IOUbtip'YI he a your dealer sup. C p ■ T," S
tele and ala an n fonnlnllOn for I pprrier tient tven,)l tempt even An Irish plying you with 4 Be G ,ham•/ T
lace appU,lne," An, chiffon f1w- I landlord to rnrt with hip prop.vrty.
Ivry. .-IAoe,ion ()trod Word,
It one* that hw hal made
nn error. -r--____ -_
tarty t'.ap war drnoRty nKltatM; PAGE METAL GA scene
trot It was tM rmOtlOn rnnswgn.•nt M eM esa
bw In
on ang"r rather than On 1Ovw, and to, ere. we'*1„" nnw, 1,1/ht, ski V
Sort • hea-7 maw nw Y.• "A rill. k. al .dm
try IOOk *111 gMm• ahst fnrb"ad° arnl. wtMeet m•rsln ahem k) t. no* tic
him to approwrh how n*wrmr. sew..1111 !amt • Ff/.wmw ei nos., ar" *"a• t
(Til 1.01 (YwntbnnM.l ..1 are w farad ar.h heMh,w.btoh ane. libels Itss
--- - 1 ,Wt witty Tla.
11a� " AV* �"t Yt*1 rmn take A Iary swan to ".it
;1 but you can't gala Mm wvtk.
We w.arM Isis LM. .MetV wAb,--.m,,,";;`-.—.1.11`T1
M nawwrlfar!• F
»•N O•wenssmwa
TTev Are nsknUfnrtwlrwA frena thin R.Wr orf i 1kTr,RJ.tJLa by the
A1111" ' Ah II ,Et) nearkrpoa
It one* that hw hal made
nn error. -r--____ -_
tarty t'.ap war drnoRty nKltatM; PAGE METAL GA scene
trot It was tM rmOtlOn rnnswgn.•nt M eM esa
bw In
on ang"r rather than On 1Ovw, and to, ere. we'*1„" nnw, 1,1/ht, ski V
Sort • hea-7 maw nw Y.• "A rill. k. al .dm
try IOOk *111 gMm• ahst fnrb"ad° arnl. wtMeet m•rsln ahem k) t. no* tic
him to approwrh how n*wrmr. sew..1111 !amt • Ff/.wmw ei nos., ar" *"a• t
(Til 1.01 (YwntbnnM.l ..1 are w farad ar.h heMh,w.btoh ane. libels Itss
--- - 1 ,Wt witty Tla.
11a� " AV* �"t Yt*1 rmn take A Iary swan to ".it
;1 but you can't gala Mm wvtk.
We w.arM Isis LM. .MetV wAb,--.m,,,";;`-.—.1.11`T1
M nawwrlfar!• F
»•N O•wenssmwa
TTev Are nsknUfnrtwlrwA frena thin R.Wr orf i 1kTr,RJ.tJLa by the
A1111" ' Ah II ,Et) nearkrpoa