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TUURIDAT, June 19, 1904. 5
W. Acheson&Son
Bargains is Table tineas.
200 Table Cloths, 2 x 2i, pure Irish Buell and double damask, 'light-
ly imperfect, but almost imperceptible, handsome quality, regular
value $2.50 and$3.00, at each
140 double damask, pure linen Cloths, size 2 x 3 yards, retular value
$3.00 to $3.25 et each $1.75
Cashmere Hose, 25c a pair.
3) dcr,a women's plane Meek oasbmors Ho... 11110111131 welebl, seamless beet,
Doable Dela, extra Iphoed•keels and eon, t0.hloo.d, uses 81 to 10. regular *od-
a 40J, •t per pair epeotal 25o
Parasol Umbrella Special.
3 dorso ladle, Umbrelu Parasols, full etxs, natural wood handle, sterling either
armored. Dover of d1k and wool, frame best quality sod potion spring, rogalu
value $2 75, ols•rlore at, epeoisl $1.50
Ladies' Vests.
20 d, ren ladles' white Inde thread Veit. with hall sleeves and eieevelsee, finely
finished and ribbon trimmed, fashioned, iter regular 2S4 good., spate! Jae
oloorlov sale at •sob 15J. or 2 for 25J
Carpet Special.
800 .rd. K.li.h Tapestry U.rpete, 27 10ehee wide, newest calories' and do-
'ethosDoe la a dosser pattens to uhoo0, frum, extra bevy quality, regular 60,
•ad 66e timidity, al pet yard, sp.olal
Dltterlsk. Patter.* fS' July sew all la "tock, and July fseblon stoats In sod fru for
all eogotren.
W. Acheson & Son.
Morrla: DIIDOOO, John sod Colin Mo
Artbur left last week for • trip to the ()id
Brunel" : R. Little, of Toronto, is hero
look log after the thinning of the sugar h ole
to this localoy.
Wtogham : Freddie Smythe had about
half of ooh thumb token off with ilio break•
or at CbapmaI'e mosey last wok.
Gcderloh townebtp : John L nd..y, of the
Hnron road, had the .11stortene to get •
hone badly cut by a barb with foace.
Zurich • Charlet, M'toem.ker, of tie Do
motion hotel, bas e,Id his fancy delve(
bores th Mr. Maio., of Blyth, for $150
Wlogham : Th. many friends of John
Curr!». the well koala anotto0eer, will be
sorry to bear that he is very sen•uely i11.
Cl oto* : Ne ,ton Comb. formerly of the
0. T K. here, ba hoes or•eg.d u ca,bi'r
from 8*. John.', Stroh.. to Ki as Mathew.
Swtorth : George Weir. of Laogdoo,
Dakota, mime hen Tuesday of last week, lo
'tweed the funeral of his brother, John
Bru.eels : Mrs. Weak. (nee i'r c.) a ora
time resident of tarp, is now Beteg ht
British Columbia, She was married In the
west tat April.
Wiegbam : Mr. and Mrs. W ursomood'
mend to tows lee week from Myth T. er
will soapy Mn. M. A McDonald's °otter•
on Shaer street.
Morrie : A, 0 It tam, formerly of Sun I
shine, who removed to Ooder,ch township
1.44 spring, has horn 0om.whas disabled by
• barrow tojuring ea of his feet
Ot el.y : Kev. Mr. D.vidsoo, formerly of
W roxtter, now located at HL1., In Maley
township, and his w le are away to Soot•
land N . pletaore trip for a tow months.
--LM�e t Wmneatly. Ktlr, jr., neatly dim
ot • three year old belay drurbt
oolt, for the am of 8455 Mr. Kyle says
It tarn good hones to brier to the dollars.
Hansall: On Wedosed•y "wooing, Joe.
4 le, 103004 lorty guests were prolong at the
bride's hone to "ranee. the marriage ot
Idles Katie Palmer to Geo. W. Miner., of
Climes : John McDonald who ts employed
le the stave mill of M R, A J. Rao
lord, •t Stapleton, had the ml.tortune to
lose the first toe dears of ble right had
below the hree joint
MoK01op : Thome. Aroblb•Id gate o
donne 40 about 200 tnvtted guests neatly.
Thio wee the largest and one of the meet
socoeeefot parties that ere have bad In Mo
Kulop for some tine.
sytorth : pate. May Kemp hes reoel,ad
the.ppaja►icor of mooned direotrsee of •
lads. soilage near Montreal and will se.
name the deals of the poettto° after the
mid anomer kolldaye.
9e.forth : While prlotle'og Lanese, on
T•eelar .0e0ing of last week. Ater. Close,
of the Loyal hetet, was struck to the eye
with the 6e11 which horst an artery and
eomp'etety oloaed up 11. opt c
Wingbarn: H O R-11, whe bas entered
opu hie duties es o..t.ent suportoteedent
el the Gonda rumour. Mnulatur.r.,
with beedgoartere at Woodstock, paid a
brief visit to bb home hero reveotly.
Brussels: err. J. A. MoNaehtoo has do
cooed • handsome silver m.dal nod clasp to
the Rraerele bootleg olob for competition in
singles, the winos, of thio model will so to
Clutha to °empot• for the freakiest silver
Seaforth : ,;oho Sonar, et flatlets, brought
1n twelve stars the other day and took
home for them the neat sum of 11,150
They were dandles, and war. p.rohasAA by
Rnbt. Whiter for sh rant to the Old
Helm..ville : An event of unusual in -
tars' reneged Wednesday at the home of
Key. W, Ayers, South London, when his
leen dsayhto• wore married, Mia Mamie
to W. H. Crawford, of Santa, ad Wee 6
SD. 0, [fr. R H Render.00, 1, D S. 01 h
Toronto. The double ceremony 004 per o
formed •t 1 o'olook by the bride; father,
Rev. Walter Aare, In the presence of a
berg* circle et friends. The family us sell
kuowo here. Mr. Ayers te.ng • former pas.
tor of the Methodist ohurob.
Lood..horo : A', the home of .Joseph
Lyre. north of I4o vUlsr., a ea y plemosor
.vent took plsoe on Tborsd.y morning,
June Sin, whoa hi dsgeter, Mlle Susan,
was united In matrtmooy to Ila Lawrence,
of eon. 13. Hullett.
Bowls : K e are scrry to hear that Mre.
(Rey.) (bbbl.drok, formerly of Bruserl•, u
to • privet• heapttol in Toronto with
nervous prootr•tlru and rheumatism. Hi
msoy old blends tore hope for her speedy
restoration to attains ns health.
Goderlob township : lire Wm Herbs to.
posed away at Urslton, l).kota, o0
the 23rd of M.y, at be age vI sere.' y -
•'*ht .years. D.ceo..d 1, suet ly fielded at
rtderd on." Corner, ' B yd W road, aad
hs two married daughters at Blyth
Seaforth : Tb• doth Is anoouno.d .t lir
g ine, 01 James H. Henson, sheriff of Wee'
Aseiotbola, whish look oleos o* Saoday.
Jule 8 h, the result of • psrelytic stroke
some months are Mr. Benson was • Doe
time prominent resident of 8.aforth.
H•u•eala: Reginald 1.l.tcher arrived
home from Cbloago on Moaday of last
week and will wise his father In the mu
gement of hie business. H. took a course
to optic" before leaven Cn1migo it, will be
qualthed to lend • hand to his mother 1n
tale (upturning.
Seafortb: On Wednesday, Juaellib, the
residence of Robert Deck. Bedford Patk,
Toronto, wee the setae of • pretty worth's.
when Mus Jessie Oldham, daughter of the
Iota Jacob Oldham, of Hsamayllle, was
married to Mannan McCallum, of the Soo
forth Milllie Company.
tl'rngham : Dana Meaner., who le ew
plotted with H. K Aad & Co , was hurieg
nom• carpets cls o1 the doorway over tae
store • few cloy. age. Ho in some way loot,
his bol•noe sod fell to the pavement. In
0.4.11 he broke hi, left arm and was bruised,
H• will ho laid op for some weeks.
Clinton Charlie, the baby bey of Mr,
and Mr. Thee karK.oz s, was tajorsd by
their Sr. Bero•rd dog with which the
yoaog.ter was playing, the deg I• jumping
putting his claws Into the b.hy'. (ace and
hadly scarring It. For fear that enythlog
further may result the dog was d.troy,d,
Londesboro : At the home of the bride's
parent", 37 Elmwood •vs., Loodoe, on
Wednesday. June 11th, Mae Maud Mtff.tt.
e'des1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8 A
Monett, formerly of Vara, woo united to
mems., to tt K Falr, te5oher st White.
aura. son of Rev, Mr. Fair, formerly of
Canoe : Mr.. Stephen K'herI.geoo, •
highly reepeeted lady of the fourth canon
doe of Debora tewe.nip, dropped deed at
her home Thereto? evening. Deceased was
•bout 'tete, five years of ase. Heart lei lore
is teenaed to be the Ganes of her death.
She was in apparently good health op to
the time of ter death.
St. Joseph Mr Inbe.u, of St. Joseph,
and several others met with an accident
reo.ntly whsle engaged to tearing down an
of 1 barn to the •idly.'• The roof oellapeed
while the nen were at work Ioddo and It Is
area wonder some wore not killed. Mr
Labesa reeetvrd come bed bruise. and will
be laid lap for some time.
M.Killop: John Goyenlock, of McKillop,
who has been to Manitubs eines February
Iwo, has returned home Mr. Goyealook
was disposing of a let of horses whish he
took with him from here He says pea -
pato aro not very bright .0 Muotobs tela
epilog, as shire has been too much wet
weather. Interfering with seeding opera
Brussels: Simnel Cr .wlnrd and Min
;term were oolled to Point Kfined last
week to attend the funeral of Mrs. John
;rowfor11,wboee death 000urred In Sarlaaw,
Mlohlg•n, on Jena 1st Mr.. Crawford
• d only been III •knot two ears, the
orating of • blond newel being the name
4 death, Mr. Cr.wf.rd's many triad@
Wire at
American Field,
Ideal Field,
Frost Field
and steel Gates.
HOR8 and
He. w111 sympathise with kilo Is hie I HEAU OR TAIL ?
'fits following sound south from Tee To
MUNICIPAL COUNCILS• hroatu Star 0,0y well be pondered over t y
AruYIU.U. e..1Y 300•g wan
Canon mot May 29.b, members ell pi. I when • 700 g man plays hie tlrsf game
of ward. for money or 1 0's o. • hoer» rose,
eat. The lollowkeg a0oou•te were told
James Webet.r, work on boundary, $2
Jam.. R Haokert, under Maio, 8, R. 3 .ad
4.16 60; Jobo F.rgusoo, reports( chive**,
8 K. 9 and 10, $1 ; Joho opt di
road, 50o ; Jobe Mollie, plank, $69 85
Geo Hu.ar, two oder drat.•, aid Lou
oulrerte, $7 00; Wm. Rothe, three loans
of gravel, 31 50: w. P. geld, rep.lrlog
milieu, S R. 3 and 4, $2; Mn. McLNn,
stoblonery, 853; Thoe. Lassa, r.palrlag
oolverr, 4. R. 3 and 4, $1 60 ; Menthe
Wal.oe, rep.lnug oolve,t, eon 10, 1:. 1).
MtLeeo, repairing oulyert, S. R 9 sad 10,
50o; Ned MuKeorte, rep.irl.g ealyrt, 13 R.
12 ad 13, 11 ; M. MoUoeald, plank,
$161.16 ; 'l'bos. W all.oe, repairing oulyert,
ons. 8 and 9, $1 ; Wm. Findley, repairing
subvert, eon. 4. $2 ; Jos. That, repairing
culvert, a R. 3 and 4, $b ; .loosph Ames.,
repairing culvert, D. L. $2 ; W. .I. Hell,
repairing oulv.r,, 9. R. 9 and 10.82 50 ;
Wm. Yeoomeo, repairing culvert on hour
dory, $1.50; Jame. Cornelius, rspuring
°elvers and bridge, tie2; Geo. Johnston,
repairing culvert, 60'; Wm. Johnston,
repairing culvert. $1 50; W. Steel, moor -
lox hill, 9 R 3 and 4, $3 ; N. Witham,
rile ditch, 1113 75 ; J B. Graham, tile, L R.
113 Court of tandem •pored at 2 o'clock
r. r., then bolog two ..wale against the
.Hs..m.ot roll Mn. Peers. owner of lot
5, oo.. 4 K D., appealed as betm wood
woo high, Patrlok Moran, owner of W.hall ly
nos. 8, R. ll , "rotated at beteg eawead roe
high, 0.610,40004, reduced 1100 00 each a'.
ter "Flitch the roil was .coapted a rot tad.
3 o'olook r a . oounml resumed. A depot,.
,los from U J. 8, No 11, pr.sent•d • to 1 -
tion attog the °caecil to 000ser.t to ohapge
.n boundaries of old school Notion.
Moved by John lIclotyre,aeo•ndod t.y John
Bok ey take they .oastier the demiud
roadie I.y petitioners from the township of
A.b8ald justifiable to rtg.td to beuedsn..
of Union S. 8 No. 11, of the Lewitth'p of
Asb4eld and Colborne, ant consent to hays
the Nasty .ppoist,r:,ltr&tors to deal with
the goration. Next 0000eil June 21st.
yVr STOYHIMs, clerk.
.craws. epee U, Wee Very gook and now
We Is Very Wall.
9'. Einar. Qu.., June 16 h (opetta')-
Mono Je.o Horton., of •hie plac.,for mer.y
yd•r• was this yutim of a earth!" malady m
tae kidney', whleh gate ti n greet pan and
Heh.11 to get op every herr of the nght,
and atter having tried may mediolne■ he
about meds up his mird that IN sever
moult be able to End • sero.
ilowever, • friend advised hien to uy
Dodo's Ktdny P.tl., and after tighten •
ehort treatment 1 • foetid himself completely
cared. Ho sys :
"Dodd'. K doey P.II» are good. I know
this beoamps not long ago I outfitted very
urv.ely with kidney dlsem, and used to
hays Lo yet up many Lima during the eight,
end oar I am well ud ono shop all night
without tieing.'
The Owslook I. Wealera Pagano Orchards
-bapeeter M noel. Report.
1)aswa, ,1an. 12 --Acting Chien Fruit
Impostor A. MoN.tl, of tbs Department cf
Aerial, ore, has returned frc no an important
tour of lospeenon of frau grvwine dietnas
ID Western Uatotto with good ores. He
report• that pronpscts geaenlly 0;• or
tremal7 gcoi in apples, plums, grapes and
Irmh g Ily. Thee is • surprisrog de
areap to noxious Insects. There will be •
largo orop et settles, wbioh remain quite
uninjured by the frost.. Tte only fruit at
.11 retarded Is early plains, and they ban
.offered very tittle in Western Oatarlo If.
visaed the auntie" of Middlesex, Huron,
Perth, Orford, Brant, Gr.•y, Durham and
Northumberland. 'rhe °beep feature that
steaok him, &pert trona present fruit pros -
picot. was that grower 1. Midnles•e,
Perth, Oxtonl and part of Hureo do met
G iem diepooed to plant mew or renew old
tree,. '141s le ceosddered regretb'e, u
tb1re.n 0o better apple district', not 5v0o
•100p4tsr the famous Annapolis V.11.y, N.
ti Hs found to Grey, Durham sod North
umbellate healthy yomog oroharde spring
log op and the eallltatere paying. the at
most attention to pruning, grafting and re -
stocker with young' trees, and g 11,
improving the quality of the fruit. Io the
course of the tour he lectured at 1,sding
centres, sod afterwards eaempli8.d the
varieas ways of morn efeo!ually oleartg
any fungi and noxious Meats. lo thio
respect one point Is specially worthy of
n otice, namely, the diferent» bet aeon
spraying, sprinkling and showering, arid the
salmi mita of the u.. of the fora Dump.
Dying by Maw e
Although net always sw.ro of It yet
thoaande die by .1rw degrees of o•tarrh
It first attacks too nose or throat, then the
lunge, end finally spreads all through the
system. Gstarrhezon. is the o11Y remedy
that will Immediately p the spread of
this awful diatom Krery breath from the
inhaler kills thousands of germ", .lean the
throat and nose, aids orpeotoraton and to
heves the pain across the eyes, Catarrhs
zone eradicates 110517 vestige of catarrh
from the system, red is highly reammend•
ed ales tor bronchi's, asthma, data". and
long trouble. Pride $1 00; trial sire
. 11 druggioa Polron & Go , Ktngetrn.
Dr. Ham -hen's Pill. oar* btltousnee.
The gauge tweeds of He (Jolted States
Lake Savoy chow the fellewiny masa
store of water for May, above ea level :-
Lake Sapodem, 601 78 leaf, Lela" Huron
and Miohlgan, 579.71 feet, and Lai' Erle,
571.95 tat, These engem show L.ke Ru
leering to have been 0 17 feet loser than
dueler the sawn mate last year, and 004
feet lower than In May, 11395 ; Lola. Hnron
and Mlohlgan were 0.07 feat lower than
during same month lain year, and a s•m•
alsr•tinn that they were in May, 189.5;
Lake Fr o woe 0 55 fat higher than riot ng
same month last Seer, and 0.38 last higher
than during May, 1896.
For many yearn the centre of the N.h!ng
operations in the northern sootier of the
(:e.retten Bay has boon at MipI.o Island,
enme ten miles south of Kdlerncy. Toe
Dominion Fah Co, claim they hove the
timed ender leve from the Dominion Gnr
ernmont and that the terms of document
give them nomplete o0etrol of Its shore
All the very beat and the price is This la'tepoted and some of the fi herme,
very low, oonaidering quality. we who have boon to the haft of rola to the
bland for yeas and tieing It ae a have are
silt to get the beat, and do get it. now dein, en and dimension of their catch to
as opoealt.lon anoern. the Wo senor Fob
Co. The 1)om,nt0n Fah Co estmally oh
jrots to anmp.titnri using Squaw Wand as a
bud. of operations, and same time age gave
*flambee. of 8okermee not ,se to moa.. No
attontloe, hnwayer, wee taken, sad now
writs have been termed against Alf. Bent
*notary, 11 Malcolm, T. Driver, .i. Sroh;•
and Mre.S,OMe, who (viaducts the boarding
hnase. The eases will enme op for hearth"
at Gore Rey on Saluday, Jona 28th, nn
loom an taller date should be dea'd•d
Open -Wlarten Kohn.
are feat gellera with us.
is the best and ohrepest paint the
customers can buy it spreads
well, looks well, and hest of all,
wears Ionper than anything else.
is Tour Rack Loamy?
Does It hurt to stony or bend down
Have yen a hoary ey du11 pain In the hone of
the spina' iI so, tho hatremedy le N -r
'dine ; It well InvIgetare the tired, ear*
mesel.., maks them apple and strap Nor
villas w111 drive net the pale and meka yen
well In no Urns. Nothing en grad as Nee
•litre foe Inwh.g., 'tiff nook, rhwmotl.rn,
ALi, HARI/WARR CHKAI'. euar&Ido and "Mottos. Roy a 2..e lintel' of
l'el.en'. Norville. today, and icy 40.
GODERIOH. Dr. RastaWO'• Pills ear* one»tlftatlen.
be t., .serest y •psektog. uckv it he lu,e•
and unlurty tl be .mea His drat experience
manse • deeper rope a OD pa Alm than he
is arse. of. 11 be wine on hi. 8r.t aortae
it tikes a lot of suMr.luu it L...•• to t..oh
bio that be is play.a with tire. 11 oe
loses at drat, he heads the autioo.
'1'425 mw who does pot gamble, or bel, or
speculate is otter moved with say as be
lame of the easy 4als his 5cqualotapas
bavo mode while he wee addle, two and
two together In his tfli.,e 14,4 1f be has
n ot Ihclr gales he has not their lose,,, nor
Is bits mind dl.trasad as thele must oo.
Stoutly be. H0 is butldmg • haloes@ that
will maintain bleu permanently ; they are
trying to pull formate out of 1,48 p.aslpg
Vt./311e the minds of young men are filled
with esorlee of sudden gain' acquired by
betting sod stook dealing, ft e worth whits
to all their attootlon it, the two Dugas.
Oa of them is • .eoeessful hu.loes mu In
• Pennsylvania town ; the o her was yester.
day sent to Control Prison tor six mo0t6.,
Ooe stunk to buatow ; the other followed
the roost, expecting, oo doubt, io learn all
• bout the horse, sod make b!g money. Hs
was arrested on the ob.rge of pocket -pick
iog and wrote bis brother for fund,. "1 •m
sendins the mousy,' wrote the brother,
"but where .re your nee Irick 'needs of
whom you tkt.k ■o much!" Where nays
pooh friends .Iways been to dtntl.r cues
from toe d.y. of the proJtral neo until yea
tend., 7 }',,ung fellows will not lutea to
Nrmonlzlag on oils gaestioa, but they
.h...011 a .t mus the •igoalosnoe col v. dente
that ha,pea within lhelr own kp.wle st,
showing that may get dated to pieties
try.og L. jump therms to redden wealth.
S.m• time ago it era decided to hold th.
•maim! wanly 8. H and C. B. *aeon int
at Blyth, on .lune 1819, and • an able pro
gram was prepared therefor. But eurun.
stoma bare is los 0 eaotime news wbioh
mak• ! t neo..eaty to .bangs ibe timeol meet-
ing indefinitely, ad it has baa pcsnpr..4
until sows time la September.
"A bad workman
quarrels with his
A maker of tricky
shoes, blames the Re-
tailer, for over pricing
them, at -w-Eat they
look like.
Ot,sery a the Makers'
responsible price on
"The Slater Shoe"
'arineyear welled" J
1Ym. Shama, Jr. • Sole Local Agent.
S1efluorl for Sale.
Having establubed sawing end split
,leg machinery as my Coal and Wood
Yard •1 the heed of Nebon street, sod
►eying alarm stock of Cordwood on
hand. I am le o position to furnish first.
chose Stove Wood promptly and at
reformable rotes. Terme, ash on de.
ufltoo , Nelson Se.
i'elerhoee 75
keeps constantly on hand and
sells at the lowest prices
Hard and Soft Coal,
Cannel Coal,
Blacksmith Coal,
Charcoal, Wood,
Flt. Mary's Lime.
The best brands of
Portland Cement,
Sewer Pipe,
Firebrick, Fireclay. _•_
It will pay you to inspect his
stock and get prices before purchasing.
Oeloe and Yards at the head of Nelson Street.
of all
Wet side of Square.
Night calls promptly answered.
Goal! Coal!
Jtl!'r RK(FIVK0
1 Car Massillon Washed
Nut Coal.
This Cal 1s good for atone
and grates -'.e easily lighted
and gives out • 11.00 hair,
1 Car West Virginia:Lump
2 Car Scranton Hard Coal.
Mullion Washed Nal 30 ate.
per 100 In., er
0315.d0 per toe.
(1114; iT A TRiAI,,-
Wm. Campbell.
Ged.rfeh. March 10th 1902
One of the most danger-
ous and repulsive forme of
Kidney lliaeaso ie
for which Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the only pertain
cure. In Drop.y the Kid-
neys are actually doormat(
on, and the water, which
should be expelled he the
form of urine, flows back
and lodges In tae Dells of
the dish and punk out the
skin- Remove the filth
which pluQ e op the drain_
Restore the Kidneys t0
health. There le only nee
Kidney Medicine
law 'Nor
A handsome steel siding for all
kind sof building purposes; supplied
either Galvanized or Painted.
is fire and d.urip proof -resist all
weather conditions ---is very rea-
sonably priced - and can be so
easily applied it gives universal
Find further facts about it in our
Metallic Roofing Co,, Limited,
whol...t. pannus slurs.,
Toronto, - - Canad.
7011 SALM: BY
Lee & SVepVard
The Division
bei ween good andhndtflnrrnt
Drugs and Medicines
le strongly defined here. The Wit.
(*rent kind are never ordered and
.ever permitted to form part of one
stook. Only goods of undoun'od
purity aro offered to coalomore.
Our stook of
Proprietary Medicines
I. very largo, prices ore bow,
West -St. ilakery.
1 have bought out D. CAN-
TELON'S Baking business, and
will ko.•p on hand bread made from
the ()pot Manitoba flour that can be
T and introducing all kinds of bread ;
Vienna Bread
Whole Wheat Bread
Graham Bread
Malt Bread
Currant Bread
Steam and Cream Loaves
and will make, a *pecialty of
Pure Home-made Bread
This bread is made from hope and
malt yeast, which is pronounced by
the medical health officers of Paris
and Old London, Eng., as the most
wholesome bread, and they condemn
the forced -raising -yeast process that is
used by bakers in factories as being
unwholesome and indigestible.
"TrJordanckMc K I M'S
xosE - araa - CCT
IOQjte . Twenty dozen, secured from s factory's overmake at under pries.
u .11a4.• They are full fashioned se runless. We thought they were good
value at 124c, and ao did you beesuse you bought the Immo hose freely from u s
at 121c. 'Irhe lot of 20 dozen, as well as a tow dozen we had lett, to clear
at IOC
('(11D([,"j'(` htedies' summer Corsets, short waist, straight front,
CORSETS at 25c
Ten dozen heavy weight jean steel filled Corsets, 5 clasp, in drab only,
nicely trimmed, extra value at 50c, for 39C
Together with a few of those short waist, straight front, at the same price.
Every Cyclist Deserves
Do you want the best tires
-Dunlop Tires? Or do
you want to pay just as
much for the second best ?
Dunlop Tiro. for Carrtsgee and
Auto. - Bund rubber and pueu•
Ll 0ITx n,
- 701 Ln4Ullru -
V vv.:cum oX D'vreetort"and
-VA eMOaXr(aVeto.
Orden carefully attended to 00 all
hoer., eight .r dal,
gee bre street.
1 am prrpored to boy tide seasoe'e
ohp of Wool, •e areal, se the-�
for highest ash prloe, or in ex.
change for manufactured articles
i shell have o largo oa.ortm.ot of
Homespun Cloth
for L.dlea monose during the reason.
Tn..uooe.e 1 bed enol year lodges"
me to eo ertenetvnly into the menu -
facture of this article of olothlog.
_ _
Mckillop MutuaU Fire Insuruce Co.
'Value of Property Insurel. up to January,
11101 �.. `.'t,Ms,i7s.N
0FFI(;Rlte AVO OIevimite.
J. R. McLean, pees. : T. Fraser, vloe.pres.
Jae. Canon O. thole, W. O. Rro•dtoot, J.
Watt, Jae. Evans, J. U. Urlevn, .1. Reeoewels,
directors; W. U. Rroottott, Seafonh, Inspec-
tor of losses ; T. R. Hays, Oeaforth, secretary
.4 W.' Yeo, Holmesvllle; James Cumming
K*mondrifle ; It. McMillen, Seoforth; R
Hniltn. Herlook.
Polloy-bolders can pay assessments and get
their cards recelpted at Mr. Coate', Clinton, or
at McLean tiros.' Palace Clotbin5 Store, Uode
Mill VVood
The above is ent Into stove wood
ien,ath and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
O.rinrieh, November 21.4• IR49. 53.3m
OneeMlllion x, xx, xxx
Cedar Shingles.
Cedar and
Hardwood Lumber,
Cedar Posts,
etc., ctc.,
at their mill here,
Thodek Lumber Co,,
Mal 73rd, 1902.
1808 • 1.1309'
t. moving forward. Winter term begrime J.e,
and practical. Moeour 00 cower
f sdt O
Journal anti see what we teach. Stude.0 cora
enter at any time. Two poalees of study,
Commercial and Hhortban
Pre , O»0..
Owen Mond. L1.4owal
1 bay• received my New TSMC
Suitings, Tronas
etc., for Spring
Bummer Wear.
1f you .re getting • new eprin4 salt,
• light overeat, or anything In my
I osn p1w* you in goods, tlt and Woo
Liteadyrtade ('lothing In .tock.
Scranton Hard Coal
Al Coal weighed on the Market saws
where you get 5440 lbs. for . ton,
Orden left at L2E It B8>♦YBJSD'B
Sten promptly &bended to,
A Great Snap
Is oar meteor Moat, .t (da a
paled, of which we all • barrel • week.
This Isn't our only soap, .g we tarry
everything that a0 he found In an ID -
to -date grocery eters, and ear pion
are right. The tanners know Thee they
can always gp.0 from u.. e..p for thele
prodnce. W. draw the line all aim
legitimate trod. -- everything goes t
(ll...w.re or potatoes, garden stuff .r
ohnlo.et table China. W. dal In all
of them.
Bedford block. Gtd.r4ok
IS THE PULE TO GET We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, hut a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in s scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
fulljaesk rtmnnt.
Eavestrou hing,
Metal Roofing and
Dairy Tinware,
Iron Pipe and
Fittings . .
Telephone No. 91.
ST .7 W az co.