The Signal, 1902-6-19, Page 2The Signal Is resumes STILT THUILDAT MU Iteleo By D. MCWLLll•ODDT. �IPllfitiU.lY, JUNE 19, 11Ky.3. KNUUli11 t:1.(►Itii' l'Utt ALI.. epeakhgg of the vote to Kltuhener a eouteutpornry ray.: 'Before he and Lonh Roberts took command of the troupe in South Afrta, and made out s plats of euwpalgu, the ..tar of ill - lurk aerated to follow the Engbelt generale, but lite tide cave whoa Lord Roberta, bricked by Lured Kitch- ener, t ouwled up General Cruej`r and 4,000 omen at 1'aurdehsrg." is that eutte (air'.' Before Roberte and hitt heurr went out to take eow- walul uo officer at the front eujuyed w free haat. The War Office -which meant Lord Roberts and h4 a.rdcl- ale•-IoW out the plane of operation Mal iasteted uu their being adhered to at any euet in men and wateriaL Even when the IwpoltslbUUty of forcing a way through the a dlereetiwated and strongly eutrenehed Beer army in the Tugela Mouutaiur bad beeu demonstrated. Buller war peremp- torily ordered to uoutiuue the tor omits. When Lotd Roberto mune out 1111 old nut attempt to Justify there orders by Joining in toning a way through ; he Ie(t the gran war- r.ore to hal.( the Boer'. ht check, and himself with u huge new army made a detour and struck ID trout the weal. Without detracting from the mer - Iv of the work dame to Robert.. ur Kitchener it should b't poe'.Ible to show faituc.e to the generals and the mein, oto, tied tip with war' anne red tape. bure the brunt ol the heavy fighting of the war. hurl muds.. It comparatively easy for Loral Rob- erta and hie rueeeeeor to score a vie - tory, Juetiee should come before getwrorl t y. LICK 1'Hl: HAND '11'11AT M1101l:. Rev. Dr. Carman told the London Methodist Conference at Sarnia that "Ito was worry for the attitude of both political parties I t this regard. ,He war persuaded lex hie owe mind that if .the Government had rout - milted Itself to straight butter.. on the temperance and prohibition quer lion. and had gone to the country and suffered defeat, it wonl.1 have received honor In the country, arta there would have been a rolweter mural fibre la the country to -day Whe+tber tate fico-runs•nt would, u• der the clrcum.tten(PU, have leen defralel was a que.tioa, hat It woul : rant have been defeated twice on that (slur. The Government larked morn! fibre, and It wee pitiable to see the utcikin of both parths on the liquor question. • • • Mr. Rob 'erased to have given the runt truffle all they asked, and, Dr. Carman saki 11 0111 like opl.ibn the liquor men had ■imply turned around afterwards an I (1' melt him ; they (Ili not stand by lam. Bot who could trust them i Ho appraise to the Conference to reflect he Little n' posstble on the thing' that art badnd, and reach forward, preaduR toward the high mark of prohlbetim and aobrtdty In the land.' The Ross Government could not afford to be defeated once on the Prohibition issue, for Torten in of- fice have a way of fortifying their position which make. it very diffi- cult to turn them, out. Mir John Mrtedonald got into power at Otta- wa In 1878 t5tt the policy of protec- tion, but ile put another card up hie sleeve to play In 1882, namely, the gerrymander, end in 1883 he backed thee up by his franchise bill. while depending upon McGreevy and !An- gevin to supply the sinews of war. The Liberal party of Ontario oouht not afford to allow Beet( to be need as the playthltig or the toel of the prohibitionists, even to gain the good opinion of Dr. Carman. It may be tree, astir. Carman nays, that the liquor men did not stand b; Mr. Ross In the Lite election• But what about the proldhitbonlrtl7 Tliry put up men to several cwn•li- tnentcle' for no other Iorpoui titan to defeat the Rob candidate, and to g ive the Premiersldp to Mr. Whit ney, who bad publicly declared hie opposition to prohibition. They thin. Joined hand. anti made common cana with the very element they now pro- tests rotests to be anelau to fight, and they would !ike the nuntatance of Liberals who may or may not be prohibition - Mtn. One good turn dtrerves alt other, bit what sort of a claim dirt the prohibillonlet■ .rtabllah on May :,'9th fur the gratitude of Liberals? hit ei l; WAN I' 1"1' Al' 1 i1 1. Putt K The Loudon Outlook ridicules Ile dalliutiQ11 from Mr. Chnrnbnrinln'■ (Ue Ldngham sorroh of May 18th that "the day of British free trade le fast coming to nn enol, and that 1'rotnc- tlon MIA Mttttaflern rare to tabor its plane." it points out that Mr. ( ham Ioerinln salt) nothing et Birmingham which ho heel neat rail before. Rix Years ago, when addressing loth the (:anuria (hub and the Congress of the Chambers of Commerce of the Em- pire, he went far beyond anything hi now wive. ile then osoured the Con - g reen that the Drilled] Empire had retched n 'britleal adage" In Its hls- tory, end went nn to elaborate a proposal for "the creation of a 7.011- %arelo or Customs Union" In which the oolonlen would on {heir port nbllsh duties on BeltMh exports, so ns to permit n free interchange of comme.Ullrs throughout the ItrItieli Empire, while. Great Britain would on Ica part Impo.n "moderate duties" on eerteln Artbeler of large colonial pro- ilueOesi, much no "grain. meat, wool. 'ttgrtr, nad nib. r artlel' • of enormous( ooresumptIon In this eo.ntry,' when they reach Britain from ontelde the Finpbre. Almost immediately the pro- posal was rep.el(ntrwl by mom. of Mr. ('hnml.nrlwtn'.eMlevnguee an being the expreedoti of his awn stews, and not the views of the Cabinet, while with equal promptitude t( was planed oe dole side by leading colonists as bared ;114 an impossible condition -namely, the abohtluu of ouleulal duller upon Ilritleit goods. Six yeasts hav• come awl gone and Mr. Chamberlain's ee- reullul condition -the condition of free trade within the Empire, a ouudi- tldot without. which, as Me himself le reported to have then said, he would not touch the proposal with a lair of tongs-rin:tine it.. far from fulfh- meet no ever. Canada lar, it le true, mince that lime enacted a emelt turl(f preference for Britlrh g.tuls, while the whole empire la■ been bruught Into fighting lino In South Africa. Lot the committal foots remain the thole to -.buy a• In the summer of 1896, aai Mr. C'lamb•rtain 1■ only again hint- ing ext Ideas which he elaborated itt vain elk years ago. The confltlo u wide!' Mr. Chamber- lain considers e.,rential--the free in- purtatlon of all Britlrh products Into Canada ---Ir One that many Canadian./ have been Wichita,' to overlook. while persititing In their demand that Bri- tain teemed grant a preference to ('una,fiatt grain and other products. Ilow• would It effect Canada? With tits duties removed, there wuuid be nu inuereare of import■ from Britain, nail the coneumerl in Canada would enjoy reduced pricer. Buying sure from Britain, we would naturally sell more to Britain, and uur producers of exportable product. would have -the benefit of that enlarged mar- ket. Our railway and slipping In - tercets wou4rl Aare (n tine advant- age. It might hit some of otw menu - lecturing Willett ries pretty lard. Toe net kur of C'attatllan w(sullen and e.,ttol, goodie complain 0f Brltlsll competition even now, when thry have a considerable terlff protec- tion, sial they would feel the pinch a gO.wl deal more dodder the Uliam- berlain arrangement. Under the principle of the greatest good) to the gri•atert number, It might be deemed advisable to let Meuse% industries riiht ur swim but there is still an- other eourkierathtlm. The Canadian Goverment collects a gout nein', dollars to emaciate duty on. import• from Britain, and oiat that source of revenue cut off by the tutiverees (1 wouttl be necessary to look for money in some other direction. Britain un- desr free trade has had the income tax, the death duties, etc., to de- pend upon. In Canada tie Income tax oar been a perquisite of the utunicipaIitles, and the death Julien go to tie Provincial tsexeurler. The Dominion Govern went might tut ('hineue tea, Bra• sutra coffee and German meats, sod there would be a few other pro ,acts 0 foreign countriee that could ..:end additional lmpusta. Some of our, imports frofn the United Stater weuld .till omni In anti supply rev ,eine, though the duty were Irtoreamed 10 or 1:. per Bout. But, with all an ,.tete from Britain on the free Iirt, ,he Canadian Finance M,nieter might nave to resort to stamp donee, a and tnx, or rime other source teat Id tot thought of under prudent Mr Cumtrtancer. We may be sure that Canadian re pri'rentutivee at the Loudon ('on( ,trentce will not take any leap In Om dark. They will keep lit view the whole rlluatioo, and weigh the dues uivnntager aga(net the advan• tngew, while Wsteeing to the pro - ;tootle of Mr. Chamberlain ; and If they COMO bat to Canada without ,necking nny preferenttat arrange. .uetR,• they can explant that they ,were unwilling to pay the price de mantled. . MIL 11111'Y OV IKh(I' ll E. Lord Salisbury's advice to refrain .rota taste lei deet ling upon new quer none' of Imperial policy camuo just in .testi At the ifoar,l of Trade (unfer- ence hurt week, a reNAulbit (hat the Dominion of Crania should pros' its nu .tnnuel appropriation fur the general life:toe of the Empire pruvokel nu indmntel dlreuasiont. Mr. bumble, of Peterborough, ()Wetted that the rais- ing of Iauuey In Canada fur that war eitest of Brent LIrltaba menet taloa- ,ton without representation, and he mow al in amettlunwt "That Canada, bailee expended in del oounruotiou or tranecontineutnl railway■ Vail sumo of m(rtey, thaw raiways toeing nineties for military ,turpusea of 1110 umpire, 815* bsviltg at lieu part done her port in .elf -de - mice, 0151 lusting In the South Afrl- u in war mundeeted her loyalty by •ho contrlbutloy of mon nn1 hoary', ,1. may be seemed tial rho can be relict upon by the mother country of only to maintain an effective airy terve loroe ext tome for self-defence, .ut that she will make common came- with ame-,uith the mother country In time of ,cul ; nal it Is not now necessary, In Ire u( her utobevelopedl condition, to pledge turret( to captldlituree for muiitary and naval expellees which might cripple her In her course of de- . elopmittt," • ' Mr. Margot), of Montreal. thought It would be suflbeks t to request Sir .t ilfrlt l.rturinr to Impreer upon bis colleagues in London the proverbial uyalty of ('anadlana, and that Can - ...In would In the future, its In the pair(, keep apace with the occaskot .(Ir. C'ooksliutt, of Ilrnntford, would not advocate sending a dollar of Can- adian money to the oofIer■ of Greet Protein until we tad a vole* in the etpetditure of that money. Mr. Itnn ford Evans .aid $rltaln was not *pending a oi'flt more on her navy be - clause of the esteems of Canada. The true principle was that Canada should provide for the defence of it. own Interests. The debate wits not concluded yesterday, tend Mr. Kemp. of Toronto, heeled the Chairmen the following notice of motion, which, Ire wolf, be would move to -day . ' That tide oonteretwe desires to place Itself on n,Oord a• holding the opinion t lint the time las arrived when a plan of nA val and military defence Mioul,l he constd-real ; that nny money appro- priated for much pirptue• from the Dominion exchequer nhonl( be under the control altd (erection of the ib- minlon PArllamt'nt; heel, farther, that Mir milliary and naval !slab Ilebmr'nts should be At all tine. anter the control of the Parliament of Can- ada, whether for previee et tome or In other porta of the empire." CURRENT COMMENT 4 SNNNM* 1tseee ..laude tat Heouuuls oust mOuey, too. "Amid again. we say, keep soul ' Now watch that maturity grow. Cotton mlllr to be enlarged. The country lir all right ! So those 'tonin of ballot outrages In Lennox were all pipe dreams DeW et baa surrendered ; W h It o ey will lay down hle roar by and by. The Tories are toeing their taste fur recount. They should ■tl:k to crow. Yea, title country weenie tu toe wor- rying along pretty well under the Uri( tariff. And Mas day • geoeratlun will arise tliRt knows not the s.eautug of toll -gates. Alas 1 that "m000poly of all the ()overt meet printing"! do near and yet so far I How uncertain are thine?, 8peoky. Now, If our friends the Oppodton want any more recounts they should not delay. We ere waltiug for the next course. If Kruger will send back the bul- lion 110 run away with, hie deluded fellow oouotrymeo will try to worry along without him. The recounts rhgw that the Tory origami owe the much maligned de - laity ret geeing efiloere apex:ogles. They did their work with care and :mewrtlalliy. No, we don't tkink Whitney will give Toronto flue or slit more mem- bers yi4 awhile. The rest of Ontario will have a say lit the affairs of the Pruv,noe for four years more at any rater Can mu of the Tory organs so loudly cursing the numbered ballot (which Is the ballot timed In Great Britain) point to a tangle instance is which its secrecy has been vio- lated ? Not gree. Thn eviderule that there was great cure on the part of the deputy re- turning officers In the discharge of their duty bas been asmaddening to the Tory organs of scandal as the failure to make any gain. In the recounta. Leslie'. Weekly placer the total cost of the Boer war at !pale0,- 000,000 and .peaks of It as "stag- gering.' Why, that's Daly about as utuch as one U. 8 Coogree wastes. And the war coot has not in this case been "wasted." The billy talk about the Boer war .taggerlag Great Britain slows how little some of the United Stater writers know about the empire. It lute Just boon a training run for the Old Man, who was getting it trifle too hit and lazy. That's all. Lynch, the pro -Boer who was elected member for Qalway, has been arrested and 1. now In durance elle in Lorton. We Mould not be sur- prised if he went back on his loud boatel/Lc and admitted that he dei ell tun fighting with his mouth. We In Canada think we have a good army of leglalators, but we aro not In It with Australia, which lots 7.11 me•mb•re of Parliament for a population of lees than 4,000,000. If many handy make light work the Australian member ought to have eu Hairy time. At it Baltimore feet the other day the guests were treated to 17 yeiritonst pie. The report says: 'Paul Altland ate an entire on. himself, declaring that It Aaa the flnw,t Melt he had ever eaten.'' But It probably hoes not approach in Matinees of flavor the erow pie which Is Mr. Whitney's staple diet these clays. Of eouree, in event of a world combination *Calmat Britain her food supply might be endangered by reason of the refusal of other na- tions to allow their people to well to her. But in event of such an un- likely thing happening, It might be vary difficult for Canada to wend a e mpty. Tho combined nailed' of the world would be hard to dodge. 'The Bay ()Mete Methodist Confer - etre, reports a decrease In memlter- ithip, but an internam, In all the church fume, What's (bit obi mew shoot the land where wealth aoe(imulate., but men d.o'ty t A. little more attention to the gospel, and 1we rocket about pro/d1.11lon, might pro.luee A salutary e[fe IL Lir Cite ell Trapp w doll have i• h'.ok to his Innre s. Mr. Tarte pr.Betet Inst night that Canada would) have n polurlatl in of 10,000,1000 when the next commis is Laken. 1s the original Graft R/retoher prepereb to see Tarte alhi go him ton better 7 Roos' mw)irtty In Wert Middlesex le offirintly ateted at 014. 1.1 18118 It wile 151 ; to 111114 it bas only 112. Roes wears test where her . best known. Red that fellow, W D Me - Pherson, of Toronto, Kone ,.,it hoof made a few more of hl• ruffslnly markm upon him, Rows mnytrtty W011111 probably have reeetted 1,000. The Tory shrieking about ballot - box stetting has (wet 11' W1.11 1111.11 out The sin i me baroi mod. the cry rldlnnld,ts. The organs know all the times that It owe (wise. TheIr other yarns &bent .tort ion ernatk'l neem were equally .h.erd, they were In- tended to serve the puronees of the ennipnlgn and rover up Nilo lark of p.11ey of the Opposi t ton. dome of the Tory organ.. do not were to take kladly to that tartrate wleli Whitney that If he ouuld .ueoeed the "Southam Byudloate" was to have "a monopoly of all the Ouvern- tuent printing " The 1l lee. cannot forgive Mabee for giving that snap away. L, any scheme to get Brltslu"tu tax Iver food for our benefit It will bit well to avoid the clumsy and trans- parent expedient of trying to make leer people believe we aro action to her Interest, hoping to prevent her being expiated to rte chaaoe of hav- ing twee food supply cut off In time of war. Don't try to bunco John Bull In that way. The Ottawa t'ltlsen says the Lib .roti )(mrnalr are we.tketiing 111 their ouu(ldhasuce tit t'iwwler Rover. Where end it learn tlat? Probably from its imagination, Gtr well being father 01 the thought. Let the Citizen keep its head pool est ;watt tweets: Auer will Dome out all right. .1 few days ugu Michael Devitt cele- brated his lifty-rlxth birthday. He began wort it.. a child of 10 In a L+wcurlilre cotton mill and lust hie right arm when 110 war 11. With Its. Purnell and others he fouteled the Irish Land lasagne. While he was !n Auetraliii in 18'93 he war re- turned to parliament without teipo- sltltrn for Feud Kerry and South Mayo. He resigned from the limier three yenta ago. Thu Brockville Timer 1.. attacking Lnur err amusing him ol discourtesy to Great Britain and disloyalty. it says. "He doesn't represent Cana- dian sentiment. He he tau much In tear of hurting the feelings of the F rench Canadians or the Unite] Stator. He coudderr them before Can- ada." Trying to again stir up race pre)ud!ee, eh ? The newspaper that mete partisa'i gain In that way is u very poor Canadian. Bir Wilfrid's l'anaillanism needle no defence against ooh attacks. Mr. Jury, who has had every op- portunity to learn the feeling In Great Britain, declares that -Can- ada'. preferential tariff Ise made a deep Impewri,m upon the com- mercial leader.' of the Empire.' That bit natural. The preference haw donne more to bring about an in- creased sentiment of unity thou all the tariff kicks, accompanied with loyalty guff, that here been alined at Great Britain lit quarter or it century. In talking N. P. nal free trade within the Empire eft one ani the ramP time the Toronto World Is doing the "split" of Ito rather er- ratic career. If It be true, as the Tory organs contend, that the Can- adian bepeficlary of protection le being ruined by the reduction of the tariff' against Greet Britain from 33 to -231-3 per cent., how are they to be expe•tr-d to Neer for the entire abolition of the tar- iff t And the World has been one of the most abject N. 1'. adorers. The war 1. Not quite over yet. The b]'avr general who fights In the edi- torial columns of tit; Toronto Tele- gram le taking a few'whack t atBul- ler by way of glorifying Roberts. Some people might suppose that Bul- ler earned droent treatment by bold- ing the hoer army In it. prime, while Roberts, greatly reinforced, got round behind and male away with Creel,. Huller will be more fairly judged by the army and the people lhau tai the war office ring. The Howell organ, the Belleville In telhgeaeer, It ro.rowiag over the 1:114 tribuGoe of •eats In Ontario, which it alleges given Mr. Whitney the worn. of lt, If there be anything In the organ's aswertiouw as to the vote, it lo a matter incblentgg to this curtest, ant not to the dletrib% tiro, which was eminently fair and which to Tory hate heretofore had the hard hood to seriously chal lenge. But In It po.sible that the oomplatuug article is by fir Mae kensle Bowel', partner In the gross infamy off the Dominion gerryman- dere, and the man who led the brute majority of tho fionnte to vote down a measure to place the Dominion 141 distribution In the hands of the Judiciary, then taking It out of purr Goan polities? Surely If Sir Mack had leen or known of that nrt!ele• he would have had it suppressed out of sheer self -shame ! The other day Judge Dunne, sof ('.hits tiro, h1 dispduing of the cane Of n clerk charged with emllrsslpment, dleroveral that although IIP had hien nolle•ting large sum. for the firm h{r salary w . onry IOC a weal- He expreened his opinion of the case In thin way: " When Moot gentlemen nek n nine G) like much A re•spin*Ihlr pusitlnn rat muni n small eui la ry and where lie In called on in the performance of hie ditty to collect such large nneeinte of money, knowing that he has a wife and two amen chll leen, yin are .Imply inviting him 10 com- mit n ..Acne, .r at intuit etpoting him U. temptation Icannot peruot him try be moat to the penitentiary. i will fix the nmrtent (1f the etiortnge tet *F14 and srntehee him to the comity jell for thirty days. 1 ?relieve Went( le a grind man. Ilad hie anlary tmv•u even $3 more hr w.dthl never hate i. u n expootil lot temptntlin and the •Ir'nrth of the Int ttnant to re.mmlt n crime would b uve linen tont nn him " Now. mympnthy for the Ill paid servant ehrdil i not levee lel n judge tai etpweve on opinion an ambo"mice if right bleed bit not namime (bit tfir nongtnnv wen mean and all that, le the I hrv,ry t.1 Its' eel rap that n man who gets $17, 1. to be expeetml to Meal, wtlle he who get. env fan I or $110 Mott he held rigidly to the ordinary moral Dods? !t was gravely decided Met week by JutUoe lettreau, of Brooklyn, tbat a wife may bit her husband nu the head with a rtuvell(ter without be- ing adjudged guilty of giving suffi- cient provooa(ion for divorce. Mira Louie Hartman deemed It neceearo to regulate her spouse and whits do - Ing at employed the domestic imple- ment named, giving bite one smart rasp on the head. 'Theo his stemma threw him downstairs. Louts ap- poutel to the court fur relief from such a strenuous home We, but 1,18 humor gave trite decision noted above, holding flat the assault did no( es- tabilrlt uruelly within the 'ensuing 01 Wu law aff.tutlug limited divorce. And Nuw 1 hey \ever Speak Mr. Parkrbp•-When it Indy tells mo it Ir her birthday, and I know rhe 1s past 33, 1 bud It is beet to oh:ue the subJecit instead of asking lav btgexv oke sae (r. Wee bkd.ybu-What a coincidence, your speaking of It ! Tide happens to bu my birthday ' Mr. Parkelxpe (quickly) -Oh, irr- deet! Wltat lovely weather we are having! --- l'runtitg Nlrawbrrri.a. Here le the way 01145 housekeeper ti nays cans her stirawberrtas so they ..hall keep their shape and Odor as near the oetere' as p(smrtble: She Idle the can half full of ripe berried, toseee b1 after Ham anti of the sugar which she has meaegrerd out for oat, can, filly the oats with more berrlee, and adds tha other half of the sugar. Tho Dover of the can le then put on and It la {Aloe' In a kettle of hot w ater to bull. After they have bolted Imfficlently, (111 the can, which prob. rabid fader a little Of b:'Ing full, ea the berries aad sugar ha re eetted, with boding water, oaten ahogld be kept aleayr at baud when oaoulrlg- -dart(lord Courant. Hoene I trew...Inking. "Yes," each the woman with the bene Coat, "1 mace It myself. For a long ttmy 1 tired to wear reedy -made things, because I could not afford to pay for expensive tailors and I would not have cheap ones. Finally, how- ever. I got tired of that scheme and decided flat I would try my own hand. 1 had never sewed at all, and so was not afraid 1 plouged boldly int armee( with tissue paper patterns and a lot of pine. 'Lgte first thief(I made wan one of these black lacb cloaks which everyone wore ro much last stunner. r. ;t wee made aver white elk amid nes a deckled success. That gave me courage, and dace then i lave mode all but the moat rigid tai- lored suit In my wardrobe and I Tend (bolt 1 cave enough on the waists nod opiate and fancy skirt. so that 1 min afford the ewelle.t tailor to make that for me." --FR. From Ikleir's \'leo. , A 6 -year-old member of a Har- lem family of five girls bas been the innocent cause of much fur - prise and etnnusemeot to her elders lately by reason of many droll remarbe. A few days ago a relative, on n New Year's vela to the faintly, told of therprogress his eon was Inakiqg In his fret year at puhllc school. The little girl had seetulagly beau Interested tet a gtrlatnete doll on (bit ll.floor,r nib; bar fatper's knee, but n0 e00ner the talk seemed than ibe 1 op at the visitor and ea: Have14lou a little boy. Uncle 'Yes, Elate. And why do you ook r' A look of happiness spread over ENIe's lane, anti brueh:ng hack a goklon Burl with her hand, rhe u dl l eery deliberately : "Well, indeed, you're a lucky mart, Uncle Will, for there're a ca•lam'ty of girls in our hone," -Omaha Bet What Blue Pay.. Indicate. The blue eye Indicates love and sen- timent. This eye blouge to the temperate or colder regions, and 1s nitwit-tate/ with temperate eh tractor They may glow wlth'•love, but they never burn with the cpnsuming flame whirh marks the torrid' black. They have nm'able dlepoettons and tastes that are refined, are mentally active, e nd u.unlly of a versatile intellect. Tho fight eyed races have always attained a higher d^gree of client - tion than the dark Ane*, and that which hot Is tree of matinee tell be found the setae la Indtsiduals. The eyes which borrow their tint from the mummer sky, dazzle and be- vvlller, wheth•:r flashing In worn or melting In sorrow. The large bine eye In (het type of purity and peace, and thrills, the heart rat it single glance. It has it meaning that you can never forget, end an elpreurhgn which tells of the trusties heart. It is the eye which linnets the lover's dre:.lq, and www, iderhnps, beep praised by poets more then any other color. Even the p.lsalonless Wadsworth has told u.: "Those eyes, watt and enpaelone ore a rlimdlnss Skye, whose azure depths their color emnlatee, must needs be (encore/int with upward looks-pray- er'i tolePte.. servlee," A Mire's Infurnre. John, the mlu 1 suer'• Sinn wt l.lnt- rathen, and 1 were enjoying our morning pipe, when, in the nbeenre of nny more Interesting topic, 1 sake) him If he smoked mach, to .►blob, In broad ForfarsbireScotch, Ne replied : Ay, I tak' a guld reek." suppose, John, yon could not give It up now r "Wee'," he replied, "1 wn.lna Mo- to Ii'to gle't up" "Bat you could not give It rap. could you 7" "Oh, 1 cud gle't rap I ba'o up'' ']tare Mout really 7 is it bag *lane 7 - "Ay, Ay, It's twit year since," "And did Mout give It up for long 7- "I gie't up for sax month." "Ami what nettle you begin It again 7" "Wept, It was my wife male me begin actin.' "Well, John," 1 'mkt "1 am gin 1 'OM I01SP emelt a sensible wife. like jihat thought you might be too old n tion to give up it habit you had acquire) when young, and that yon might apple' sixpence a week le many it worse way than on two dwllle11 of tobacco.' "1 en etinnal In this strain for some, time longer In prides of the uitselflshntsw of hill better held, whom i thoteakt 1 dteterterl don stemm- e d amfle, and n *llsht twlnkl. in JO1an'• eye, end then name the re - ma rte - "Pm nae hurt sure that *he wad hn'e been ewe ready makln' me ink' to the pipe Again, hat she tilt's • bit blew Merger, and when 1 esti it np she had to gle't op, anti she wanted to begin again harwl The Signal le ,V.L W ■Tiler THU1t4DAT MORNING IT D. m•IIILLWOUDDT. Terms of Nb..rtpaM., O.,. stench. is whams Throe YYulks, Ds month. 1111 1 w Ow year. „ A.rrt1tag ta*M.. 1as•l use other oasaal adv-tiime•v, Ih roe nn• fur MA loerrto .. an 1 3 c rats ''r 1144 tar .sok.ubeatueet 1440,0 w. Meaaared its a nonpareil wale. Bola••• wrda W.1. IL.r and udder. M pe year ♦d.•rtwaat1sats of Lo•a, retard, Aintree Situations Vae..t Masa Joto w' anted .d.4 Barlow Chastest tWeatv4, not •a.w•Jt4r 1 lines none; soil, ;1 per egpa a. Hous on 1te1. *IAA Varese ea halo. eel t• exceed l Ilee& el for end repot b. /Os err, •alt e meent otos th. V rade& la proportion hey .Motel .antra the obJeot eftawelch to to o. promote tic• psttlary tet ray b.di.W sal or compeer, in 1r• •e ad reran' meet ud oeavied • n Iy. Leant eoiLw to . Sri& new seat pd weed, eo mob* Ism pa L..oel mortar 4 limy reading tips ism oesb per word. No .otic• ser In.. Uma Inc, pother for obertk.s awl ether repileus so/ hes•rolest inetitatloes, half rate. Sabeorlben who Ali be receive Tins Pima ✓ eauiarly by ..0 will confer • avow I.y so e,alnting as of the fact at .e early a drat• 1( possible. Wiles • change of .ddr•.m 1. desired. hod • eld..d eke e.w .darer should 4. gi1e.1 r.biI.i•r'. Meuse. J. e. ter Toasel. el Uoderiel, ars Gro .) pointed rn Local Travelling at far nyye Vise flops of (Mderick, Celloorne. Aeolied ...d W • w►eook. Local postmasters over the district aro aid empowered to receive .alaorlptlotu to. Tae . IYmAL AUeemmaal.anetu ma.1 4e wet rowed D. Me011.L1('UUDT, TRI Sear♦a. !Welke.* 0.11 M O.4•rlek, Oak Tlf7'Itia)tY. JUNE i11, 11et:. TTtAVELLIJXU StIDIL Olt iND TRUIt& RAILWAT• A/arava Weed 11elhand M dmai g1,,,. 1.11 rex Mired t w r.' Mak tied 7z ole.* lair pat. MP AIM Man had tapr'aa 1.15 a.w goerses teew lead 116 p.m DE8TII$TIT. 1I• NICHODar?ALLBON, L. eUD.S.. Lll Mww, Renata spsoelu Ore Pet Osw. Ooo1dFillies. Crewe Velars Werk e sD-.1 t Teem' s:p.rtmes. j M. 84518 I1Rn. LD.L Dg AL e luq•oa-hart • dower m. Bila err all d•etah oporatbe P Ogoo le. 1k• fat oral t.•tk • Ome• or. WWI IK alto Pewees .ter 141,...4 e. W M Telephoto. Nall. Y. HAYD114, U.D.N., t..D.N. 110..7 At, 11 • Nargw.A, ....'edit.. oto Ton• bull Menet spprn.nl ,terth,'i• he ail depart- nwvin. wf modest d,'iiIY.lry, Iwdudhtg Innes` 1:111. {•Illy al trttlutta. toil crow ti nut brick, „ wre loth Iiu e goad 111111 In i'.rtvInl u. Special ntleatlun paid ter prover, lotion nt natural Petit. Li "Ott itnrrrly ect•IWkl by tar. Tana. till. oTle•I:- WK, THE 1NDFR11DINBh • d•ptI.i.. w111 Hoer our ,meront I ,,rlr•k p,m,A,..>odrtredayy�• from linot.. rtrt..hrr Ido. rleiell]Ilittnit " M. Si-.ue.d.,t 1. M Waver,, U,ulerkk_MgMh.l+.uy w 5 11 d ettr,. 1. eAx. L' CAMPIOY, (ZC.-BAKKIPT6tt,wHJ tt .• oer. Notary. to Ore• over diets 8.11, genera Galeria& AIl. O.sitJO:lNSTON- bAKlt l•:'1 kit Il s,r ar. ('wuroloq.U.o . ar. !�•.: 1 :. loan. Oat e, Cot. lietlluys sed [It .tn•Ir•. stoma derleeieb. 0.4.• al ROUDPOOT a HATS, IIARMATE RS ealiators. wotlonre pr. Wlr peel, lyra 4 Ht oboes. (doom, ac. (Mier: rib ui.. assn dTUTAL omen. !•..utak.. ►'anal to land M bumf ratty Merest. w. PsOUD 1. R IQ7o • IIIICAtbNe0N tOAk(JB.IRR18711(l.ltori y.. 1(ulleltor•,ItW. otc.. 0040.5 1.. L. Dlcklmwn. Charlet O.rrow, LLD. EMILIE' BOLT, [.C., 8A1;R19Tttt. 501,1 ▪ . I or, Notary Public. end.! Omoe testate t'0 .0 Houae square. Money to loan at low rate. of Int-r.Yt. CRA1l. 511A01R - BARRIWTK!L AM. lotto.. eotery a■d ereyeaor. Omer es Heesdsa ta. street eDpette 14. catboat. Rotel. trellerlok. Privet* tends to lead s� �� t mat. .t. 4tw,t. mew O. WARM/.(ONYX( '♦S n(R,as,AMi J • enmel04 eer for %alias sod rename% r•o•.1.mooss of bill, ard•.1 . or .Siren& thou. dep•mltlona M *demo dealers time is se . Nnernlwg ear miles, salt er pl..sllag the High Ceurt et J rethink W. Camino( Appeal Mr ()Marta, sr 4 any Ceuy or Modes Court. A U keasaetle.. sere/elle end premedIl executed- haeldeao. sad P. 0..44, s Dwa g ammon, Oat. f1Y1s( i.941q 4ble 101111QfANC5. La ONIV TO LtND-.t CAINIS AMOUNT Tl Or p,lvote readi its tnvMtOset at low net (etp •ad exp..... w Int-ckus mortgagee. Apply Irkkin .un t tl•rrow. AUCTIORRCKINU. I Val HOMAU OUOdrMNDpRY� AOrt.C.TVIOYYR SAND uator, b, 5•Ir.8mnde4 to in an7 meet tae 'minty. - - - --- 1 i114 KNOT OSNIRAL AC( 1101 ERR al and Lead Valuator, Ceded 4, Old. Mar log bed sad mobil e1rerteeo. -• Lb. me thetevolog e. h4 le Ir • r.l:lue W dY t O., win 19, again*t 13 last (vrck and eta.�/. 1th Won,usb r4-betl•t6 all sees ?I.! this work iest year. (1•.imuw o.Vast•d W bink. ?AV kaon felt a1 le stow. Hetet reee t by mall A ab_ mirebll P. 0., earur'ibi, .tweeted to J 11101, County •ertinnier, lsL' u Jack -There gees Ml.r rhe stressed to kill r Ned• --titre. Her father 14 a Loehr, • TIE MARKETS • lar tine t'r:e,rre' !Unreel... June 17.-Urutaa reeepte a are little larger 0.1 the street market the muruing. I'rluur were• ntraaly for grr:u awl earlur for out. Wheat was steady, _01 bh•br(e ext width wiling at 411 to etc pie Wsh„ 101) bushels of real at Tuc per book, anti Lou loud. of guoro at Wu pet' lamb, &late were easier, I,UJI Larbrlr wil- ling at 48 to 4'J 1•2c par bandit -4. Hay war eae_r, six loads it.40.0 at 1110 to ✓<1.1 parr too tut %:moths. Straw war curler, two bade ril;l,.�\.. at gel to $8.50 per cwt. - Wheat, whl:e, 72 to 8.:c, red, 7'J to ads) ; goose, 418 to 70c; rprLig, 67 to au; rye, 130e; barley, malt, 54 tg Ito 14.1; du, feed. 53 to 51; outs, 48 to 4911,R; peas. 74 L-.1. hay, the,. Wy, all t0 4l':.51.); ;lover, 74(4 to 111); strew, $or4 to $8.50; butter, 10. text.., 14 tu, ltic ; do., crocks., 1.31'2 to tee; agape, new baled, 14 to L;e ; 'I'urouto ( outetry i'ru,luee. Toronto, June 15. -Butter--There la it good Malawi for ate choice grabs of uretamrry and delry, and offertugie ere quite large, though nut of the ;ho:oe grades Lreassory, priuta, 19 to :too.. Creamery, eoliths 181-2 to lip. Dairy tube, Shote,, 14 to 15c, teary tube, medium,. 1:4 to 14c. Dalry pountt eche, idol.. 1 14 to 16c Dalry targe rolls, obilco 14 to l:io Iktlry targe robe, mtsUum, 1:1 t., 13 1-80. ljrgs-Thiry lea goof (remand for win and the o'fer:ngr :are 11tr t 'l1ie Itrloe 1' r;tvtt(,t at 14.0 per doles Potatoes -The market 1r steady, with a fair d,•ata,el and medium of- fevin , Cars un the track here era quoted at 17''.4 Potatoes out of Store sell at Poultry -thirsted le very' IIglit amt offerings are enaree. Prices are al- most mowlu,b. Turk ye arc quoted rat 10 to dao and ehlckene at 60 to 9Oc. Baled flay -le stesdy with • fide tkeettdt and gots) offerings. et #1(1 to *10.23 per to h for o,re of Nu 1 'limo. thy 00 treat hers. Baled Rtraw-ttrtnand le steely amid 0Pferhngs are plentiful at $7, on trai k berg ...molten Wheat 51a•k-t•. Folklsvlitg aro the clo•ieg qn t 1bk.nr ul Imp.ortnut wheat centre. iu day l dada i (:aeh. !'eget. 76i. T.Ae•oho .. 811 73 't 4 Duluth, No. 1 forth... 73 ::-4b7D:.-n Duluth, Nu. 1 haat dada. 78 1-4b - Hred•treete oa reads. Wholesale trade bits been fairly no Live at Montreal hat week. Owing t t the excellent progdtete in the ern part of the. Dominion, as web n. le the wear, the growth in the lie- slick Industry and thn actltity n Ulf` v.irols mtnufacturing Industrie the outlook for trade is very brighr. At Hem Ito., this work. as evert art to Itrndetrrwt's, there has beer. a falr movement In sonennnhle gun'. The weetther has been rather 'seethe( any expinsion In trade In such lines. Lot retsih•rs are le king for an ealiv revival or the dent vett. Fall order,' Aro coming In nb•ely now. The out- look for oracle 1n very promislng. Increase! business with the Klon- dike has ohnrvtc(erlxal the mews- t"nt■ In tract" at Pacific Upset centre" (bit poet week. There le a feepnR tint the ('rovinert 4 not get- ting Its full .here of the Yukon trade new, and e•Rorts aro helot( made to (rapture more of It, At Wlnnlprie the post week. ne re' ported to itradstreet'le. there has been an Inoreanal demand for fell good.. The crope nor coming on, nkrnly. nidi the prosp.ete for trade are good. Ilene dor. nature.. Toronto, Jnn1:1, 7 p. m. -The towel number fol Millirem In Canada thi. wet k. as reported by R. G. loon & MADD AO■ 7,101 "kVa W....a Id'erbs .01.1 4E (iRAIN ACREAGE IN THE WEST lex, r- o.d. Its All trop. At•rordlsg to Stoulton. Gu sent 11.11.11. Slant real. .font. 16.- Mr. F. 111' 'fhempate, mmnager of the Oglsle Mi11Iug Co.. i.imitei, line r.eelved the fed. rowuig trot, hull•'tln, from Mr. Itnhert fewer e, Of the'MfUlltetI O6Y -rnmeut, Kiting the Intent Ilgin•nr of rex` ren gr gVheat gate Barley ...2,039,0A0 725,0110 , 3;:9,790 li .rennin In nil grain .rope, .328.t49 Painted With Ramsay's Paints PTURE 1 .lan7 NrMNo r.w - 2 an seer nmo-k w hs GtaenabIs+ .' mess .retrp rWm '1 cedtranasutp•a.•os man Uest•ra-mo..il.I nh.r*i.ra.tft ihtw .Viw Lea L • t ion nt 11 lyy Aetc r Sierra•.. bald m7 An.5.10,e red m what the rum of I :FA* •s•kf•rp�ae(wtsirv.R� �6"vr�II "Oa Mw L the wiei t,uIu,t,n4l ROOKn.it ualur. npenn end Ito1'uro, CSA.. CUTTER. 11111 R..t t/t4 rt., Paw York Cllr. )f have nn .t.. Mr sorvlws•eerrl oily brae Maw.ome. tri.•, J • Think It over when yon house, Tf arena a lot. Ituy 111 1•, Wilhite you can p?'t ; pellets m:' web holt on n reputation of trip, years' "tending. Buy RAMSAY'S PRINTS Thr. bets ground, the purest r'e,r• tbe'tron;fwst MIi, nwuln to Lrnnllr, ihr 110110e, to present -re It, to ,t„• I' n Uttnl emonget It. nrlghtnrs The n la never anything uhehby melt( hetmr pnlnted with Ramat 'a falai. IPrnip ns n oared nal ask for ROOK i,l:T leo. 11, 1•'R1F Rltowins ewes of balntlful home*. A. BAMSAY & SON 1140NIIRE t T.. Paint Maker% if t'd. 1842.