HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-19, Page 1THREE " "A S r r A V'TB ARg ACTIVE AOQHTS WHSN PLA(:Y IN THE SIGNAL THD DMADINGI- NDWBP.A.FHR OF HURON .00VNTY- FIFTY-F1FTH YEAR --2887 LOOK AT YOUR LABEL ! IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR ...1902 GODERICH, ON'PARIO, CANADA : JUNE 19, 1902. D. M°G1LLICUDDY, EDITOR. Multllolpal Hy-LLw future so that property owoerd may have tree _ anuses to their loud. the (lass of constructio,i --- the weight and kind of ra la to be used, the BY LAW NO.7, 1902. FORTAKINO iSOM10 or STOCK iN THS HI 3013, BRUCE AND ORGY ICLICC• TRIC RA1LWAY COMPANY. WHEREAS The Huron, Itroos as4 Grey Alectrlo lollway Company have •pulled to ' he Tow aahlp of Ashfield to take five hundred nharss of stook of $ ) 00 e►Cb Is their rail way * p uoV o order to secure the constrootionj and operation of the 1014 railway by the meld l'ompany that 1450,001 of stock should be aksn In the said railway. •uh)ect to the term• and condition. agree4 upon between the Corpuratlos and the said Railway Com- pany, wblch terms and conditions •-a hereto- attermt forth ; And wtorese, to order Ic provide for pay - hell be subscribed foe it will be ne,es•ar to issue debenture• of the 7'owoehto of Amlrfield for the •um of 950.000, payable as hereo pro- vided when the condition• hereinafter e•m- tt.l,od wI b res ' to' the issuing of such da .rod wherrn. It b desirable to Issue the meld debentures a one time. and to make the pen- Ipal of the mild debt rotatable by yearly mums due ing the period oft rents ysnrt. heioa tl a currency of the said dsbeotores ; said yearly sums being pooh reepeotive •note with the interest that the aggree(.te amount pay- able in each 1 ear for principal and interest In respect of acid debt •hall be as nearly as possible eons' to the amount m pay•b a in .•ash of the other nineteen , ears of • .14 period; And wl cress the total amount requ rod to fro raised annually by spacial rale f r patios the raid debt a .A nteree. se heroinb:furo pnvided is $8379.vJ ; And wher•a0 the &rnouu. of the who's rate- able property of lel said 'rownship et Ash- field 4+oordlne to the seat revised amassment roll bel. 6$',450 ; And whereas trete a no oulatanding or e•iatlig debenture debt of rte said municipab fly 'Therefore the Ilunlolpd Cnunell of the Town•bip of Ash Brldsna3 .00 tallows 1. The corporation of las Township of Asb• field .had take eve hundred shares of •took o' 910.10aeach in the Iluron. Bruce and Ore, Klsolric 1allway Company '.pon the (u!fill meet ty the said ('olopany of the terms nue ruo'ltioos berolnafur set forth sei,hln rte cmc hereinaftar eprea is i, but nm out: rw;e such stock If anbecribd for sod Iraed to be pa d for by drll•ering to the t'Atupr•y Ih3 erten'urea &albonged by Ole llylaw. s. 11 .hall be Iswfulfor tbo l'orporation of Ih. said Township for the p•creoss al, raeald to tasu- debrutures of the mild munlolpall'y to this •u,00nt of 90,000 to gums of not k,. than 110th mob. p.l able 1n annuli los &Intent. rot ndtn* over a pitied of loaoty Teen from 1 hr dale when the debentures .re by this H mw authoriz 4 to be ieeue'. such date to be not laler tl an -the dist cloy of Jsay, A. U. Ito, the debenture, 'to bear Inters•, at the rate of four per cent per annum frost the date ticreof, peptide on ! he drat d.y of Jeouary In each )ear. coot tint lberefor to be attached to N'd debentures. \ 1, Math of the said debsatures and the -'\ coupon" thirst° attach d shall bo 0:goed by the li ee.eof 1h. said Township or by some ` - other person authorized by bylsw to ':on \some and by the treasurer of said Township. the clot k stall attach 1 hereto the oorpurate . es f the Bald towznhlp, upon the fuldlime.t b tL ' moony of the mild terms and -on- Mamie thin the nine hereiaaf.or .prrifld. amt a0cb Denture. when aeigsd .utt seal- • t the C m or to the r l Iver d o a and n e bs pe manner laerof fter.pe-iOrd In ooTmeot for the the laundry hares of the capital stook of the Company tat by the Corporation no der this bylaw, w h ooh stock hes boon sub- scribed for and han'reen duly aliott.4 and leaned to toe ToweohlpO.,orporatloe 4. here'hall Ise r.l•ed.p .notully by special rate o • •11 the ratable pto*lrty In the sai4 Township of A.4Oeld durid41 the term of 1we0t1 years from thea date w11en tb• mild debentures are hT this Hylaw su(1(orized to h. Wue4. the sum of 861{7859 for the ytarpae of pointe the *moon* duo In eaob of the mid lean for peiaslpal and Inbred l0 rmDct of the es11 debt 5, Tlhe vote'of the gg tiled eteotors of Ia mtoicip•lity .hall be takes on this H7iaw the Deputy !taturuog Omer• h.reinsher named on rnreday. the 8th d.r of July. A. D. 1900. c n monolog at the hour of nine o'clock In the morning` and °untionog un1c1 five c'elock In the afternoon, *1 I he under mentioned place'. Polling etuo-dlvi.lo0 No. 1. at Bamfo-Js Farber Shop. In the %':liege of Dungannon. In the said 'Towoshlp of Ash0eld, by Andrew I noway, I lepoty Iteturning llmoer. - Po'llog tub dnleion No. r, at vinla 's School Roue, 'n the mid Towneh.p of AshOeld. W. Mothers. D.oaty Iteturolor °Meer font' c nu editislon No. 3. er School )loam No. 5, 1n the said Town,hlp of Ashfl.ld, Kenneth McKenzie Deputy IteurnIng Of- ficer. Trailing S•b-dI.iton Nn 4, at yorr1e,tea 11.11, Port Albert,ln the ssal Tuwnshie of A.h- field, W llll*m B. Hawkins.. Deputy 1t"tUr.ot Oho. r. Pol log Rubdlrl..on No. .S, at School fnate No. T, In the mid Township of Ashfield, John ' tiler. Deputy Returning Officer. F'nll ng tub-iivbloe No. 6, at Iragb Mrtn• tooth'sdweirug hose. bite. Con I2, Western Vlvblon of the saki Towahip of A.hfeld. llugh rclo'oeh, Lrputy Returning Oiecer 1 allog teubdlvlton No. 7, at School Hone No. IY In the raid Township of Ashfield, Hob,. Namlltoo Deputy Iteturoing Oskar. r 0n l4alurdgy'. the alb day of July, A. D 110'2, the rteeve of the mid Township shall a( tend et the Tnwnehlp Hall In the Bald Town - eh. p at ten o'clock In the forenoon to appolnt permas to attend at the * arinits poltln i puce+ aforesaid and at the final summing up of •nen by the Townmhlp Clerk on behalf of the person' Interestd le *4e ppromoUe3 or op eosin! Lha s of this Bylto. i, Thr.' clerk of the ea d Townehlp of Ash- fied eba11 attend a the m J Township 11a11 tt ten o'ol-.ck In the forenoon of Thursday, the 10th nay of July A. D. 1972. ro •nm up the number of votes given for and against the Bylaw. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. lntorferesoe with the fsoms, ddolher or water-luurime. the pe under the said railway for the purpose of culverts. bridg1l1e* mad drainage, th , immoral of s tow and Ice, and dlepoe!uv of same en u sot to interfere with the publto blrhwar, the malnteoanee of the roadway aduoeot to the Company's track", the ero tion of pole, and wiring. the mtrenelheotng. ooae'ra'tti on nod rnalsteoa0oe of row culverts and bridtes, the 0900i01f of the roadway when oeoeuar, und,•r .nd • 1* 00 1 to the track bI the n'aolelpe I'y, by the property owner and by the Company shall be settled end •greet upon with the Mu0loipal Council or the said Corporation before the l'ump/soy shall do any of the sots. matre11 or things above meotlmed. 4. The said ('ompany also a[reaa that they will oarry nil such freight as *11y be offered 10 them and to construct and m.lntaiu trrlith' sidings at convenient polo'. to be agree (on with the as d Munloip•l Counoll fur loading such a'ook and trolghl as may be offerd or wblab they mar be uired la carry 1. During all such time as the I')rporaton may be holden or capital stook In the seed Oompacy. the Ioeor. of the said CorpanUuo for the time beu41, shall bee: °Mold.• diremor of the said Company, .: A The vote of ihu Township l'orporatloo upon their stook at any meetog of the "•are holden of the Company shall be cast bi the Reeve for or on behalf of toe Corporation, un- to.. some other per.on shall have been .9- polnted by bylaw or ro.olutlon of the Tows - ship Council toad and rote oo behalf of the Township l'orporadon at such meeting. and in rookontog the votes cut at nay •har.hold. ere meeting the seines shall be computed ao cordiog to the actual •ll,unt paid upon the *h.res voted on, and not on the number of each shares r 7. No at sok t• the sold Company Ghali be ubaorlbed for on behalf of rhe ea d 1')was hip Corporation un'll • b. Ito hos been passed try Council of the said Township and agreed to b the said Compaa, dedping the looatl.0 and rout. of the said rsllwty and the 1-rm..nd conditions on whtoh It "boll Da o,oerated .nd the portloas of the rod way upon which they shall run and such. o her matter■ retatleg to the railway as the Town.hlp Corporation mar to addition to the matter. herein set forth desire to regul.". e. No passenger r ars malt 1 e used by said Compaoy within the.Ald Towahip Befits un• lase thr are of modern type and approved of by the Township Caunsll. 9 11 t he Contp•,y .hall be absorbed by. or •ma'tuuved by ant other Cowpaur. or pose under the control plan. other Company with- out the c'.aaeet of the Towahip of Ashfield, °is. sold l'u:por.'wo shall bI en'lt led, a1 their option. t) be rep.!d b) the Company the aim of9)0.00 M14 for theo•pltal stork In the Campo... subscribed for br too Corporation and to Lave suck sock surrendered and an- eollel..od.heli here Ie that ergot• Int Ileo on all the •mint. an 1 p -apart: o the Compysny for the repayment o: the said sum of 9)9.0o ant interest thereon from the um, that de mond of repayment eha I be made. 1'' le case the said towndblp a diartbded from time to time with the rate chtrgd for hooch', pass anter rats. or In 1h I o•rrylug out of aoy of the conditions hereinbefore set doth, l: i. agreed between the said Curpara- 140n..4 the(' Impart, this, each Of the said partlss .hall appoints° arbitrator for the pur- pose of settlingq any of the said t oestlees ad 0 case the s.34 arbltrat,,r. fall to &ores the Judge of the Cou (y .f Huron shall 5940'01 • third aroltrator •i l the •war t of the .aid arbitrators. or any two o' them. shall he anal mid shall be ob.errd br the said partlm. "MOR°AN DALTON.' Reeve. "W. SrOTHERS.' Clerk. And tate notice tett the above le a troy sop) of the proposed Ifylaw whloh has Deep eaten into consideration ant wh'ch hell oe final y pawed b►the Iionooll of the Muoiclp- alley of Ashael 1 tin the event of the assent of ae *lectors being ont0,11 thereto). alter one month from the fir.t pnhllctta'n In the "Harem Slgnd" newisp taer, the date of wh'0h first publieanon woe toe IJth day of Juse. A. U.. 4102,so1 the:• pelt will bt held and eha votes of the electors of the said maniolpal1ty will be taken thereon on the day and the boort and places fixed In the Bylaw above written. "W. Sr,THER.S.' Clerk. t lllttlatlOIIs Vacant GGL ed, strset, The following are the Lerma and oondit Ions agreed on between this Corporation and the mid Hero., Renee and Ony Electric It Hiway Company, and I h. taking of *took in the said 1 'nmpany by the Corporation of the Township of Aehf.ld under this, Hylaw t• hereto d lard to be tuhyoct 1Dcret•,nnd the amount or 8 0,100 to he pa d for soots coot when 1110 -"rIhe4 for and Iened le to be p.yahle t . the salt lailwa Comeeey only In 11'c m11nne and al the tune set forth therein. and not ntberwl •e. and no part th*roof shall Ire paid to the paid ('omy any exempt In accordance with and upon fulfillment of sunh term. awl conditions. I. Non* of the dobonturo, mentioned In t e forogoini nylaw -hall he leaned until the sale rallwsy ha beet roily oomplote4 for., least 0°. mile 1 to the sail Township •t each of th •. foolowltg points : The man lits of sold rallway M.Ih be hnllt from the To en of Ooderich to Dunlop. o L`e Towothlp of Col- borne, and shall from then run a line to Kin aii. In 1014 Towr.e`rlp of Al"0.,l 1. and from Dnnlnp t0 Du .anon along the rod when R reaohto the, Nll^, which 41, 4*; the Town W&w00 Air elll4othos . I ors e to bra tie. 40et srrrntly. When ono mile In sae'+ of 9.111 direct Ioner hoIs hien hilly rompls'ed the eel' five hnndr,w share* of Mnnt shall be e0h- esrlbed 4*- sod 111,tto4 to told Township, whomimeo saki dahontare, -hall be 'petal and 11'.0fn thereto fort soh of said mile. at all him handed over to the mid (,out pa ay. and a rank additional ml's thereof In etch of mid directions b comoleted an addit!o.al $3,, JO of the tali debentures'h.!I bo handed over to 9..d r`omp*ny. and when the mold It,tlwnr Is folly '-..,ple . rind In running order from OnAer,rh to Klntnl and from Oadorlch to Dungannon, with the dally enrolee hereinafter pro, Piedf r. thw helium, nr the .std Anil tn. torero Mh.11 he hanld over to the meld Rail- way 1 oh p ny ). Th, min (7omp•ny *hall nommnnee tin build the mid Ra'Iway not later than th. Ortt 417 ofJoly, A. 11 19frt. and *hall hewn the. lame folly completed and In operation on or before the Ont day of July. A. D.. 19.11, with reels ar 10rolee for pasmn3ers an4 freight of not Ina than four mare or train eaoh way per day for the whole db'.nne from teorlerleh to Kloall and from (lderinh to Dnnnnn non. The varlouI hnnrs .t whlot gnat can or train. Mall he run to b. settled ant agreed neon bwtwena the Township Connell and the Company. Tim* to be th, eoesnee of tan rtm4 t ee. t bin sold ('ompan f.rthmr stormee that Its !rank shall nen rim, p4... mil on the 349.61 or travelled portion of the nod tart (aetpt vehc rt nonam&ry foe srotel•g. ant through •1IIage , and tba1101A frank. polo*, switches lied *tree sha11 be oo plmod ss o Inte•f.re 1• 1111... postinio with this arae en th , high wet. norm pr aloe* whleb 131 railway mat him nnn0rnntett anal that th. Ie,5Hon of Ih* traeks es soy highway to M' nod. the pl.M.g of tw oohs.. or tere.na, the laying er timet* ...r'oot Meront, th, oh,truotlos of M. read e ming 05.se,me4., er 1• mshie. repels. ProvMing privw erwmfas, 99 11$ •nn GENERAL SERveNr %VANr• 1y M MiSS EOU/VIC, West 111TANTKD - GIKL FOR l4ENKRAL TT housework. Iy te SIRS. J06. 30100. MISS COLBORNE, Teacher of Fletcher music marke.dd, w111 re- cavr. pupils at her studio, above Mr. feel's Ineurmooe o'Sce, Hamllt ,o street. For 1 or mat ion Apply either al studio or at fc eldeoetl. 1 1. Patrick • "trent. COUNTY COURT. Sedge .yl. Beer. Two Cases -Ito Celesta al Baldness. Camity Curt opened .0 Tu*day, Jose 10.h. Hu Honor Judy" U.yle on the bloc`s. Toe graod jury was.. follows : Simon J. B.dour, Hay ; Jo!,n A Uoz, G.xl•rlub township ; C, C'alvil, Morris ; D. W. lyue bur, l:rey ; Hugh (aloe., 'Puokeremltb ; Oso. A. Knox, Hallett ; 'W'm. La0000, Aah geld ; Thomas Looe. Stephen ; Alex. Mont- gomery, How.ok; Robt. Tennant, Wm' ham ; Fred Willer,, Hay ; Jobn U Wood, Tocketsmlth ; Wm. Wellwood, West Wa• waeosb. Mr. 1)oobu war chosen as fore 0110. 1'he only oriminsl oa01 en the dockst,th•l in oo0oeatioo with tae theft of some Asber• men's leads, was transferred to the Deoem• ser sittings of the Court. 0a Welemidsy morning MoN.11 vs. Q amtltoo et •1, wits t.keo 09. This wits an aotioo for au alleged 111.41.1 dts1reea Ph'Iap Holt. K. C., for plff ; W. Proudfoo0, K.C., nod .1. A. J•ckeus (H yth) for delis Afar Marton a sumbar of witnesses His Honor took tea case from the jury and dam sled the &Moon with cotta, on the ground that the good• •Ilege4 to have beoo 111ega117 Glazed wore ylrtu.Ry not the property et the plaintiff at the limo of the seizure baylogbMoo previoudy mz.1 by chettd mortgagee. frooeedin s were stayed for tl* rLy days to order to give the plaintiff time to move for • new trial. Toe Uaurt (ben adj.urn.d t. Tbor.d.y morntog, when MoN.il rt, Comes e; al. war t.ks° up 1'he plaintiff was the Goo of the plaintiff to the former action. the poetise Ly ng In lilylh or ricks' t,. The plao4ff bought from hi. tether • oolt whiott was covered 5v a blanket 01111111 mortgage held by 1he defers'ant, but 11 was custsod.d that Ibe sale by McNmll, sr , war agreed N by the defendant. A't,rwerds detentes' had the o)It seized soder the mortgage a.1 the action resultol, Tee nine counsel were ss gaged a in the previous Butt. 111a ow 000up'ed all 4,y l'oursday ao l most cif Frl• day. the j try retired •t 2 o'clock ors Fri d.y •ftenooa attl returned at 4 i olock, ten of them ksving agred op n • verdtot for plaintiff for 490.' H•. Honer dt,.c l (bet judgment be motored for Mitt emouat with full County Court coat. Tho other two •attoas o• the dooke, K.dehff. v.. Toro of Gadori.b, and Mc• DroalJ ye. Town of Godniob, were post• pooed. 1I la understood th.t an auempt 1. [i T. OLENIN CAMPBELL, (frgganlet aid mustard director of North street Methodist obureb. teaeher of piano. pine or• Ran and theor Pupils prepared for all stn amloaliona of the Toronto (:oneervatory of Mndc. Will be pleaa•d to receive •polkaa- llons from 111 those renelrInS such Intrrno• tion at his new atudio over Thomson's music store, Use of plane for practice may be sr rangd for. 671f Notloe to Creditors. NOT1Ct TU CREDITORS. !e the Aintree of 14r Rotate of Grorprmosse arm, Id:rof the Vihapsof Batil•1d,(31* y of Horne, Prrtglerfaw ,ffi.fder, rlrrrnKd. Notice ie hereb given pitman? to 'The Revised Su rites of Ooartu I897, chap er IIB. tha' all creditors and 0:hen having ciaima agsInit the rotate or the said Gonr``e Jamle- eon, who died on or •hoot the It•h der of rnbrnary. 1; A are required on or before the 11.h day of Jet , IWO lotn,' by post prepaid or d •elver to Me.er'. Ingersoll t Koretone. St. ('atharines, unto rollcltonfor Wm. Jamli • a ... admin) drror o! he mat3 of the said dee 'a..1, their Christian and enflames, d- droe.ea and deariptlon.. the fell particnlan of their Maim., the .t•tom,nt of their ae. count...id the nate°. of the aecoeitles, 1f any. held by them. And further rake nntl"e that eter eieb lams memlonnd date rte said dntinistrator will pror aed to distribute fhe smote of the said de- ceased among the partins entitird $hereto, having regard only to'he rlalms of *hloll he shall then have no Ice and the said •dminie- 110103 will not be Liable for eha said moots or any part these tf to any person or person. of whose claims notice shall not have beep received by lila et the time of such d.e'rlbu clan. 1 K7I tit ttth day of J,m, tat,. INOE M3,Li, t KINH'TONK. Y4 Ontar oat. Yt Catharine., (hon eolloiton for neor4e Jtml,son, arlm•.nlat'a ter of the estate of (Hmre ismlesen deceaed. 87-1 •. Notloe 1 being made at a setilemeot 1a those catty, The prntntmesl ut lbs greed Jary.atet tb.1 the jurors had .•mtsed t0• ja 1 awl fouod the rooms ole.0 an t 1° goad ender. 'L'nere were throe portions a iofised one • tramp •ad two Insane wareuue who hod not yen been seut to the asylum. 'Pae jurors .lso went to C Totes and inspected the house of refu,to, Asdlog seventy -sates tomato& thereto, forty-seven mtle& and IMrty females. The present moor •dde4: "Mr. and Mrs. Frenoh are well adepts 1 to the work, and •o uomplmtnta are made against them." CAKD OF THANKS. - TO THE ELECTORS Or WAST HURON : OENTLkaCD, -1 deem It my duty to retorts thank" to the friends, of both.hade. of poY- u wk ear rt m I •ll In the recent es O DVO ed n ee Oy y 000 ,11 In WNt Iluron. I feel deeply gratified at the result. rod hop.. by earnest attention to my duties as representative of the oonetltueoof. to merit the confidence which the elector" have re- posed (. me. 1 have the honor to bra, gentl•ven, Yours e(ooerale. M. 0. CAMKRON. Oodericb. June 2. 1808. It Yub110 Notice AFIRST CLAMS LAUNDRESS wanted, Vs hig3h wares paid. Inquire of D. ' . H AMLIN K. M•sses'sag Park. t1'IARNING.-ANY PERSON BA1 R• 1TV ing from the islands using the ferry without permlesioo, shooting. or otherwise trespaaetn upon any par. of the property velli be arrested and prosecuted. E: C. ATTRILL, Ridgewood Pari. NOPICK TO ('REDIi'ORS. !n toe Matter of l4r R'.dale of !t".g' RulArr- ford, fate of far 7n,onelf of A.Atrrl4l. in I r Colwell of Huron, DerMNri. Notion 1, hereby Riven, emr.nent to the Ito voted Statutes of Onarin *577, Chapter 1 3, that alt creditors end 013.rs havinsc claims against the amts of the said Hook R.sther- ford 4ec.'sm,, who diol on or ahn0t the 11th day of Mar 1913. are required on or before the Sth day of 1n1 , 1912, to *end by porn preteld or dellrer to M,sr& i iokbason t Usrrow, of the Town of Oodsri h, In the Ceua17 of Horan, sellcltaro fo. the meentore o' the said 1330sa,a4. then (7hrlMlan eel earnamss, ad- dressee and delserlptlon.,the fall particulars of their claim'. thi'lalem•s* of thsir accounts sed the valo. of the menrltle*, If 107, held by them. And farther tate endo, that after inch last 138,11 ,nee date the said 51000(er. *111 pro- need te 41.lrinn(1 the &meta of the danma•ed among the peril." entit:d thereto, having re pro only to ton el•Ima of whloh they ,ball darn Fare sot tie, and that the said e1eento e will not I.. table for th* raid ea.N. Kay part there of to any e0r.on er pensee of whom elalm. nnUne ,hail not hav* bees re- relred by them a the (Imo d moch marlh.- 11pa Dated *halmm day of M• IMt DICKINSON t (rAlt11W, Selinta to for Mllllan Irwin *ad llattha seems. Exeentees K 3(ogt Rnth 'fard,de- oor ed. PRos. Id. L TAUBK Agt7ACTURrwO OPrICIAD ADD kvk aP[CIAW.R. All kinds of Spectacles anl Kyegl•asea made toorder. Special attention given to fitting the eye Orden by mall promptly attended to. Ito. ware of parties using my name. as I etttploy no invelltnr agents what'. er. Satiefacrton uaranteed. Reabbithe41673. :St RICHMOND STREET W., TORONTO Rooms to Let. RKNT.-ROOMS ON HAMILTON streets, present occupied by E. N. Lows se late offices: w111 change Into .mall store If necesaY Or roo'ne over Mise Cameron's stoW19, \ Int and roar entranoa K. N. Bala. AROUND TOWN. A 141141.1a NO*.AL tl000OL Trtl.-At the olodov exercises of the Toronto Normal Yobool last week Principal 1oott aaooueoed that Hon. Richard Huaourl, Moils' , of K la lation, bad decided to lengthen the term at the' la miiation from hv• months to nine months. Tb. ohesge *111 probably go oto effect &t the begl0nleg of the academia year in September, 1903. Mr. Soolt o hie address to the a:udents said that lbs prompt term war too short to pormlt of the beet work being done. P,1t.l.[r'e Nkw 'Her, -While we haven't ►hs sleotria railway as yet,1 notab'e Imp - meot bar been meds io the mean. et trims- port.tion with the lotrolucttonof A.M.PoI- ley'a new 'bus. It w.s turned out last week from J. A. Wtker'e o.rrlag• works, •sd docs It bas been to oommtmlon has boon the ailmtratioa of all ob . the p.-nting sod deoor.tor and upholstering •re •11 in the most h•m:Nome •tyle, mid a great im- provement is mode over the ordinary em.ihu, by having the driver's seat oo the 1.,.1, iuetead of away up 0o top, thea moving the drn•er • heart breaking climb every time he takes the sear Mr. I'.rlley h od this 'bus balls epmlally for the ,urnnl.r bore' trade, and it boars the ergo of the Notal ubdsroh. 11 b eerainly • handaom. o1neeyanee. Coio[ATtox DAY Pu • n - Elaborate o roparalons are being made for the big pe- nia to be h• 11 oo Coronation D.y (L'bun• d.v, Juoe 26) at Rio.ford'. grevo Ths pro3: mm Inoluaa • cricket matub, at 10 A. tt., hetween two (loderich teams. a bnehtll match. •t 3 P M., between the Shortie■ and the hos Dokes, toot r•oer,.bo' putting ted other athletic op.rte, far whoh 1'teral prizes will be oOerd. A Ara-clare oroheslr• ala b. on the grounds .11 day. R. Holmes, M. P., Mayor Comoros, M P. P., Robert McLean and Jam.* Mitchell are expeotsd to •tread and deliver diu m**. D.00er and tea will be served at 25,. sash, • ad refre.bmeaW may be had at soy time through the day. A epeoi.l train for Strat- ford and all ioteryeoioa point* will loam• the 'rove 10 7.40 r m. No pales w111 be •pared to give everybody • good 1101•. 4 A. OTtt[11 GIITI.[T TROY TIIR STATIOK Nxsu m ,.-The proposal ,e made to extend St. D.vtd's street through to the l;. T. R. station, °pontos • road through the two vmoaot lots which Ire b.tweer the presant end of the ro*d and the siation. AI pies est Etat street furnishes the only direct mean* of 100111 te the Motion from the busbies" portion of the town. and the opeo- i041 of St. David's street would be oo small eeayenb :00. tt ben the new &tattoo Is built at lets bead of East street there will hardly be room for the traffic, and the npemies el another road will he imperativs. Sr. D tvld'. street would lead directly to the freight shed•, and the male street could be (sherd o' • groat de.1 of heavy te•mov. '1'h• matter was brought to the atmolioo of THE SIGNAL by • membor of • well-known business Arm, who •troogly advocates the elan above p.00eaed. A Ihaaol.vtt ; tvw.-The Squats looked as pretty se • picture last Saturday evening. It was bright sad warm, an ideal ■ummer evening, and the town .samd soddenly to bays put o0 gala attire and great pert of It to have oswmhled •t the Square. The hr.>.d sidewalk was bustllog with people, some shopping, some out for • stroll or • "let k," and roma just taking l0 the "crowd.` Over in rho park the fresh green of the lawns made • pretty 00a1ras1 to the d•:o'y eummnr dresses of the 1 , and 1'.e lights in the core windows threw a *hmmer of y•ried shades over the whole scene. It way • tight worth oemits, a long way to sae -everything so dainty and froth mad happy sod free, ro full of Isle and gaitty -but then began to fall the dally rain, and the sane dissolved to lees time than we have taken to describe It. But never mind, we .hall have th,..me picture a pool many times yet this summer, and is won't always be .polled by rain, FOR SALE, OR TO REN1'. - MRS. Strachan offers for aisle or to rent the property at. preeeo1 encu 1 by her, on the oor0er of Victoria and Hen streets. Then is a large concrete building oibtatoln( dwell- ing haute and tore, with all col.yonienone 1n connectlo0. There la also • sorpyan4-ahalf frame dwelling situated on the Mme 1ot. Terms reamoeble, Appply to Mita. OTRACIIA 74, oa the premier.. OLD PAPERY FOR YALE, FOR PCT. flag under carpets. etc. Aptly at Tim StoN A I. 0mo., AT PRIVATE. SALE That big stone house with 7-roomel brio, addition. situated on Plo:on .crest. Th. honee le dr and warm. beingg lined throaghont with 2 -bosh plank. It 1. m >114 and eu bstantial. It was built by the late Rhetlff (ribbons when In hie prime Not for • day bat for all t me. The fonndallons aro about S feet thtok and will end ere as long a. the Pyramids of Egypt, A home m,eker or levator who realizes rhe potent'titiee of fresh paint and paper. which are Inexpensive, and of silage, wh on le pane. fo117 nhesp, by a little planning and Jndicions etpenAltre ren malnrTirs It Into an u.oto- dote mansion. l assert moot strenuously and Comically that a big return will ancrue to the widcawake investor for the boot of eft rea- sons that he has a broad and solid foundation all ready to his hands. The tame cannot he Bald of a .hell or veneer. l.ot thole who are ea 4hsleek0N fee • sett Amoy newest -44m, 1a- reetl3.ta invr.-Igo e. ORets a'dres.3A to THE°. J. MOURHGlJ,K, Hayfield I'. 0.. wit. a otive '>r mita attention, May 7th, Ips!. 8111 Ineuranoe, eto. (VIAS. E. SHAW, GE'iER'L IN`IUH. lJ ANCK and reel e.ate .govt. 06203, toe door east of P.O., Oderloh. Arent for the looting mutasl firm I,inrnn:o oom ranter and I0Ateg Moot eompanl01. M•raantiot and manufacturing riike t *west 1.301. Ca11 at oMoe, (LT. R. ROBh:RTMUN. 1'i AeoIontent rind Insomnia Ascent. Hooke and anno0nte mode ap, Huilding' rented and rents oolleMd, FIre Insurance in Britl.h and Canadian Compasloe. Omen -!s Prondfont R. Rays o1Rns North treat 0.Barloh. It tf FJ. T. NAFTK:L, OI'.NERA!. its• • VRANCI ant Ileal K.ai, asst. Firs, LI te, Aenldent and Piot. Diss Insurance effegoles mutual er ea.h plan at lowest .aa ;omlMe. Ret l Kngltoh ant Condl.. nompaele. rap res .A. OIII al next d.nr o Darrow t Gamow, Bar- ts or H*a Utes street. Medleal. DR W. F. (lA1,Lt1W, PRYMICIAN and Mur.400o. 3gso, In Hank of (bm- m93 . Milldlag, wool oda of Raoats Night ealte at rmldebes Sala m- W. 1 oem N, Port Albert ; Mr. and Mt.. Beta, of Brs,- mile ; Mre. J. A. Y•eee and ob'ldns, of Chloago ; Mr. and N tlli•m F. 1'•N•, of Toronto; Mr. sod Mre. J. K. Nelson, of Rldgetowo , Mr, •01 /Ir". II H.ydu and throe 01111dno, of Pure Albert. Tilt LARr4RST YsT.-Last week the mould• tog shop at the Goder.eb Kogtoe Works turned out the largest neaten;{ sbat has yet Dean mods at these works. It b • low pressure cylinder for • fore and 8341 marine engine, wttb • 26 to. stroke •ud 32 in. bon. The weight se over tw. tons. Toe oylloder t* • part of the c ngina whiub the Comptoy le m•aufaoturing for the steamer now under sooetruorion at Marlton's ship yards. The l'ompasy is doing • 'acceeofal basins.. o the tl&tlog out of Mosm oral& ors the upper lakes. Tux URIyHOIIND,ExccWnON -The •x our.wo trip of the steamer Oteybuuud, of the W him bear Ica., was • very • emo.Oat one The steamer •011•.4 from Detroit 1 asedhy evening •t •bout 6.30 o'alook with 350 people on board, and •bout Iwo hears later left tram bullar with the Masu•I Smioty'e 01cu'5 oo for • thres hours' trip on the lake. 1t was • lire cn000ligb3 50.0 leg, the band played sweetly, and every- body hada rood lima. Ir was the largest . xenrelon the Musical Suot.,ty has yet ha4, 12E9.tiokste bev,so bolo .,*1.f. V..terday mot nag, sharply •tier 9 u'uluok, the Grey hound left with the Deteul1 exourelos tarty. ountberiov about 1000. Tte 000tbgen a from town a'14 ocanoy were aupp'em.otr t oy 400 p.npla who e.me op from Berlin oro mterm.dlsts plot, by spool.' frets 1e the morning, the Stratford and Berle bands be ng •moat( tb. Datty. The L'eybouad will return from Detroit the 1300(33 The H a ner b • very •tardoos and boads.me .me, beautifully bu.d up, and o every way • uredo to tete White Sc.r line, MAYOR (!AY[RoN'e A,-ro1DTM[NT -Mayor C.msroo, K. C , M.P P , ho bmn appoint• d • member of the comm1n400 to rev;'e and eons.3 d.t. the Dominion statutes. 1'11:. i. •e Important work, and uo. f •f .h (h 1dr.3',m.:o16'4 a'.taloment.501:0ently .lu.lay h:w. A d.apeltb from ()taw. elates that the oomn.ieeluD te ru,1, 6111 ooueelota . i l:e Damh,ioo statutes. eo far oe appeti .% is fol eyed to Ir. os i.11ows:- Cta rmaq, Sir H cry Strong ; secretaries, Me . Cues. Murphy, Ottawa, and Horace S'. Lout., Montreal; members, Mews..,M, O. (.mero., K.C., M.P.P., Oed.rlob; H Robertson, K C , Collmgwood ; E L N.w- oomhe, Augustus Power ind F: R. Comoros, 0ttaw• ; lY K Roscoe, Kentville, N S The M'Motor o1 Ju.tlos and the SoDoitor General •re members ex ofbolo The oom miaa:o0 w.il probsb:y not meet until the latter put of the summer, °wing to Sir Henry 14 rorg havi.g to not a admiDis• Iratorlo the.biraea.f theGoveroor•G neral. It le expected, however. that when Lord Mint* recur .r ear trop will real o nsd H 3 r g B ier m the Supreme Court 104 0000.ue the oommlestoo, The last revision and mo0mo- lidatio0 of the statutes luted from •boat 1833 to 1886. to Ie skouvht the prwnt oommisslon will occupy about two years. HPROD STIIDINTe AT 0. A. 0 -The sta- dent. from this county .t the 03arim Agri• cultural Co'bege h.ve done well. R. J. Dsaohman, of Cords, paned the Seat year examination, taking flrst•clas. honor• o agriculture and Add experimeste, botany •04 zoology. bortlooltare, arithmetic and •n..lid, •01 .enr,od clue honors In dalryioa, veter nary anatomy sod malaria medlo6, Inorgonl0 chemistry, geology, grammar, nemposttion and bter•turo, boot -keeping end drawing• A P K•tchen, el Stwnby. mud the third year az•moatlon, si•odtnr fiR In the lit, and taking fir.1.01aa. henore In idw.rg.sio and organlo ohemistry, eology, R phyelo)r. English, Frenoh and Oerman, and mcoed ems honors to botany, fungi and entomology o01 mthemattm A Atkin ern, of Taekeremlih, elao partied the third ?nor exeminstioo, and took first-class honors In botany, physlce and English, and rumen I,clas honors . in geology, botany, fume and entomology, but malhematlos. 9RA1, RTtI4 Thu DAy: The Se•fo th papers annoonoe that the peoperallons for t.b• reoeprino of the Huron 0 d Boys on ,July 5 h are we11 drann",l Oe the wrrlyal of the "etc ei train from Toronto • prec sales. will be formed and the guests ..meted N \',rel 'rip Pork, where e.l'lr.e,ee of w.lo-,3*. will be g,.wlt Adj ,urnmc at ..7l thou hey me is for Inncheoe, ane 1n 1119.fterneen IT,g han-Is of the 48 h H',hlsnder. sed the 3.5-4 regiment will lead the way to tin recreating g•mindr, where a splendid aftern .nil's sport le Ming providd for. This will looter" 5 1.orn... matoh, 93 5larye vs. Mmfor'ath, • foothall motoh. Meafnrth Heron ye. rtrae sale, and • tog.0! war between sterol trams from the aurroind'ng township, There will al.o h. • relay race for sohasl hey. open tea 1 puhlln schonle Its the many. Four boy. from any echnnl mot, eater 1, the Aveoing • ooaoert will M given .t the re,rmtlnn'rnonds by the ramMned htttds of the 48th 11 gb .niers and the 33rd. A .1,1011111 ,11'Da'*0 IDDlNn.-On Wed0•t• d.y even n3, ,lase 11th, the home of M'. Stephen V' .tee, Hreck .4set, was tho eceee of th, wedding of Mr, Yater.' leonnd 4.nght•r,Mtae M.rgaret, to J.hn Wi1e., °I I'ort AIMrt. Rey, Ur. Daolel, peter of North street Mothnllre oherat, performed the ceremony, which was wltneaead only by rotative" *f 1410 (oa(omting patio". The holds wore a liond.nmo dra.e of grmy papl 11, with ohiffen trimmings Th• hrldaemeid, Mtge Ella lb 1'r, of Bratef, was gowoea I• *hl'r nreandla. Th• 3re0meman was 1heels W Ile., Mother rel Ib* groom. Af'er the wdding repe.e and a pitm am hoer apmoo In mnde end tonl.l onnvorsa Mr sed Mr• (Vile. left for Daft horn, near Part All„rt. Toe bride woe th. footpten, rel many token. of gendwlll In th. shape of handeeme wdding situ. Among the rata• Ryes prwat were Mr. end Mies Wiles. et D,WwNsi, 1N THM. HARBOR - A sed drowning •oddest °mond at the harbor eo Sunday, Abraham Oasl.y, text, two', Year' of age, losing bfe-4t(t---lir.- (7aaley lived la • boom oo the h.rbor bland, and It war hu ouetom to row from the Island to toe m.iol•od and climb ap the breakwater by msec' of • ladder he had bu tt on the face of tae struotore. Sunday morning he left home about 10 o'clock to attend the Yalvallon Army service, leavlog bra daugh- ter, thirteen or fourteen years of age, •t bone. It b probable that he fell In try tog to get Irom the boat to the ledder, but as ors one sew him the 11500 clrouma•noe' 0.00.1 be known. In the atter0000 two boys saw • nap floating on rho wet r and oohed It out, but, thinktnv moth ng of 1t, they threw it •vide In the evening, her lather not having re'erod, eha Itttlo girl went ap'Wwo to boot for him. He laud not boon •t the Army barr.ckr, and In the morning a ,oaroh wag inti.atad. The o.p fouod the previous at'arnoo° by the boys wits prduoed and was ides0tled by the daughter ea the one which her father wore when be left home Grappling irons were precard and early In the afternoon the body was found not tar Irom the font of the Idder. 15 was taken to charge by de. omad'a oomr'de' of the Army, and the fonoraltook place ye.tetd•y afternoon from the barrack.. Reside. the dough*. r who lived with Lim, the deceased had tan other daughter. wbo are work,ng io town, and • son living l0 AsbOeld. AT TOR LAKE FAODT.-The sohr. Koltage arrived on Saarday, light. Irom Chatham, loaded floor from the big mill, and left the same day for Joho.ton's Harbor Th. s1r, Myles arrived Monday with 42,000 timittH of wheat, 10,000 bushel" for the big mill ant the balance for the elevator. The 1dv1ea ofeared Monday olvht for the north The.nhr. Wtllle Loutlt •reload Sun• day with 300 eon. of coal for the .levator .Th.•te.mer King leeward, of the Algona Central S eamtbip Lino. mei• its first call here Sunday evening The K ng Edward I, • oapamoa. and speedy sidr•wheeler, 200 feet io length and 66 trot beam. It I' nimly fitted and II ss sleeping .coomn,datio, for 180 people. (%apt• 1' X. 1.. Franoe it is command, with •los, Mason .s Art °(Teter, .las. Wonlner as se mond elli'er, A. Carrs purger, 8. Beattie chief esgme.r, John Myler second engineer, and S. 1) Frzprald toward. This was • .peolal ex :melon trip, nod the King Ed word's time table will not be doflolt.ly eettled until the oonolusio0 of fhe tr p A 'rear many of the townspeople In.peoted the King Edward during Its stoy In port. f1tra Eloise A. Skimin3■ pro mated Cape. La France with • hsnd•nm• bongnal, wish. tog him and th, Ring 0 ;ward a snctaeefn' rasaon The tar Mateto.h Mendsy morning hrrught o the barge Ariel, leded with sale( tier, the pumping machinery a the barge hortme Rot out of order. Th• 'hal .ad It* tow lett the next day on their ,..y to 01 indoor The tr. Gnyhonnd arri•ile from Detroit on Tumidity on the 1 .nnna' eleur.ion cnnduet.A by the White Y er los awl left yesterday mnrotng with 1000 petiole hem this port for • two days' trip to Detroit year. Mr. M•rtoo took honors in ohemta• try. W • aro pleased to Isere that Mae Jwt• l.. Millar hits graduated with b000rs •t the Woodstock bwplal. Benson KoutIodge, who was with F. M, Dunham hers, hoe Nkon • position to 11. B Combe'" dror store at Clinton. W. ('. Hrough hoe been •opolated engin ser in oharpe of the harbor works •0 Depot Harbor and w. 11 remora to that pleas shot( ly. Asuit•ble wedding promos u•o be had at • reeaon•ble prlo• 3t )m M,'K KO/1n d H0,1ILL They keep the best ellyerwaro oo the market, The dtstrtol meetog of the Royal Temp• l., of Temperance will be held as Wing ham oo Tuesday, Juoe 24th, oomm5aolog at10.30A.r. There wilt be no oelebr•tioo •8 Wlovb•m oa Dominion Day, but instead the o4eb•11 dub will have • big demoestraluu oa Lobor Dsy, Sept lea Ont, Paton, U. U. C., London. w111 be o fawn today .nd will Inspect the G. C. 1 aid*'ts •t the agricultural grounds at 1 o'olock this afternoon George Hodgen., who wee is Hodgsos Bra.' nor. bare caul reeently', has goon int9 the moouf.oturing bueio.a. la Toronto, having bouaht out the Uso10uo Wringer Co. 1'he boor 1 of management of the general and markt* boepttel nes to thank Mrs, Jos Thom, of Montreal, for tit. g'L• o1 110.nd Gore C•v.rbill, of Ih. same airy, fur a check for 125. NinnanChurch, of t;.derloh township, wbo hoe be.o •11.n41ng the ('entral Bu.1. Bess College, Stratford, was successful o the oomm.rotal ex ,mloatlons of the Hue noes E laceion Aaooutioo of C&oad•, heli) lot moot h. Ths King'* Daunhlers will hold • lowo soo'•I oo Mrs. Smeetb's grounds on the eteo- tog of Jou 27,h. The hand will to in attesdmoos and strawb.rrlea will be served lurcog the evening. A treasloo 10 mots. Everybody come. Tho Stratford li0000 is authority fur the en.a0oe of a rumor 10 railway otrclee that Oo,erloh may be made the termtnn. of the Buffalo line loused of S.ratlord. This would mean this removal of a Dumber of trainmen to I;.dertch. W6 omitted to mention that to the primary examinations •s Trinity Medtoal School, Toronto, Georg, A Durum, of Duu- ranlon, • ✓termer student •t llod.rlch Collegiate lo.titute, •u000edel fn taking • e.l•er medal Snore one mon for the G. (7. 1. Mr. and SMrs W. Lesb•m kit oh Sunday, per steamer King Edward, on a trip to Manitob. and 1)ako1.. Besides two sons, Mr. Lasbam ha • brother and slater 1n the West, whom is will yeit, Mr. and Mre. Laebam expect to 1» away •bout two month.. Hon. J. I. T.rt, Minister of Publlo Works, Melted St. Joseph last oak, for th. purpose. of making • personal Inspection of that plain, to c000eottoo with th, pro pos►1 to moats um harbor works teen. Mr Tarte war •000mpanled by h a chief Ong( neer, Mr. L.tl+ur, Mlu Ball h.s retired from the ge- mo0t of the C P. R ticket and lit lsgraph utho* sod le su000edd by Bordon Heoder- moo, M ea Rail's uur'esy and o•pabllity le the management of the ofho* were reoos. n zed Ly those wbo h.d basins.. ween her, and s.rmed the general goodwill of the pub Ile TOR M1OyAI. wet to error last wok to reporting the contributor of the handsomer black metol osodleatt,k whtoh was one of the prizes •t the progressive eoohre porty reoeoNy held at tba rink, This prize was the glft of Mre D Macdonald, regent of Abmeek Chapter of Daughters of the Empire. the Greyhound to spend a few weeks hi Detroit. Geo. F. Kmmmon, of London, was h town for • few days the, week. He report• ed busines Rood. Frank Smith was la Stratford on Mos. day s(teoding the funeral of hie •out, the Isle Mre. Alex. Smith. tO111 Black, of Detroit, Dame op on the Greyhound oo Tuesday to v1001 his puna, Mr. anti Mn. Robb. Blask. A. Saunders Idt 'Tuesday morntog on • trip to Cowman Bey points Io search of lumber for the I;od•rlob Organ (.70. Robe. H. Mo t'ayleh, of Huron bowashlp, spent • •bort time I aro week with bb t mob and aunt, Mr. mid Mrs R. H•ad.reo.. Miss Blanabe J•okell, of Negaesee, Mean., spent • few day. t• town this week on the way to vats her home near KION/. Rev. M. Turnbull Is is Lood.,a fhb week attending • meeting of the Synod of Huron diocese. He i. •000mp•in.d by Mn. Tern• ball. Mn. Thomson nod Mies Hattie'l'homson, of 3:lgi■ •venue, •re •way oe • drlvlsg tour to Seafotth and other points o the county. 1 rook Martin, ocoomp•oled by Mrs. Mar• tin, returned this week from Hamlltos, when be bad been working for some months. Henry H. Humber, of Vancouver, B. C., 1e at eoding • short boild.y under she parootal roof. HIs many friend■ here are plwed to meet him &gala. John Williams, of A(moote, arrived In town, on Moody for • 000pl• of weeks' holiday.. H• war one of the excursionists to Detroit on the Greyhound. Miss Ethel Rhyne.. havingcomplet.d her term •t the Ontario Normal (7011. e, Ham - too, .`•am 3006 to Yorkton, N. W. T., where .he h.s tecurd • good position Im the pub- IIc achool. Mr. and Mn. Jae. McTaveo, of Horns township, returned home last Wedoeday atter spending • plw•ot time In town with thele brother in l.w and sister, Mr. nod Mn, R Heoder.00. 1), Stoddart. Ir., and family ha•• retuned to •own from Mantloba •nl will remain I■ Ontario. Mr. Stoddart hu nothing against the Prairie l'rovlou•, bus h• say• that many Item of business are overcrowded there. W. A Harrison has gone to Westfl.ld, and will divbde his time h•0oeforth be- tween that place and Luckeow, haying a daughter reeldieg as sash place. We are sorry to lo,s eo good • ottizen u Mr. Harrison from our midst. Mr.. (l)r ) MoL•od and Mtn MoL.ss•n were oalled to Uetrolt teoently to attni the funeral of their brotber•In law, Jobe Edwin LoAewyok, who died •t his home on Coo res. ser E ee and was Da B rad from S S Peter and Paal'e oharob. The local examination, In mune theory In 000nsotiou with the Conmrvatory of Mu,'°, Tornoto, oommenoed yesterday at rhe Temperance Hell and will be 000tloued today. There are twelve candidates writing, t -o of whom are pupils of W. Glenn Camp' e'l. The practtoal examioatioos will be held o0 the 9th of .111'y at Mr.Campbdl's studio, Years ego (:oderlch hod a first rate c-ic. kat olub, but •fear It was dshau4ed Inter. eat In the game seemed to have vanished completely. However th:. year twn junior clubs are In existence, and heron long we may have as strong • team as the on, of fifteen yearn ago. The two o'•b, •re to h.ve a match at the plonlo on (:orooatloe D.y, .od as it will be the fleet orioket game played in Gedrrioh for,0 long a time 11 w111 preb.bly be one of the b'g events of the dayy. Friends of the hospital will he plea.ed to learn that over $75 was cleared after .11 ex• pongee paid at the progressive euchre party held two weeks ago In the •katlog rink At a mooting of the ladies Interested on Mond .y afternoon Iota resolutions were paned toodering thanks to the lollee end gentlemen who ganernoty donated the prze., also to D.R. Grant sod his atstante, and to Meters. Kidd, MaVloar and Wilmer Smith for valuable help given by them to• ward. making the evening • 1000111, CHURCH NOTES. A coronation *ervioe will b. held Io Knott oharob on Thursday, the 26th Inst., •t 11 A, M. Rsm. Dr Uwiel, pastor of North street Methodist oh.roh, war appointed by the London conference a • delegem to the goo ors( nonfer,nce to Le held •1 Winnipeg In 8 ,prem bar. Th. Epworth Lo•eues of the Norh Creel and Victoria street Mei MAINE ohuronee will hold a joint meeting next 1'iosd.y evening at Norte erre.$, and *lfl be .44rened by W A. Giff ard, of Clinton, nn the Forward Movameot tor Mission,. 'There should be • large •tt.od.n0. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF, TDI" it tM weather wL you want a natty Ilgh' wale.* snit made to yyo ur order by • fir.(-el•s, tailor. (1.11 en Fr J. I'r1Ah.m for tbo best matief•ctlon, Orahsm Robinson la Iearn's( the drug baeiam, with 1V, 1; Onod, The Ingots( meriting al fhe town 1Aeno11 will be held tomorrow (Friday) evening. W'ogh.m fell fair w 11 him held oa Thor.- i day and Friday, Y.ptemher 26 11 And 26.h The rate Interfered with (he band's 000- osr4 rim the Mg0.r, last Thursday ovenlsg. Tho band eneeart *111 hs it..n nn Friday erelong this weak Iseted of oo Thurday. The (l. T, R. b dvertitn3 rdooyd rams for ('nrnnotion lly and inr Dominion D.y. Mae Vera Mural, ck. of H.aall, has mane 'o O, detoh to molly mmol. with W. Oleos Camphell. Ther Iron Dnkoe played haseh•II at ('lie ton on '3 'mrday, 4.3..' ing the (711mt0• team 70, to 22 A .1 I) ekaoe war aunne••fel In Ma third year examinatlens in madlelee at Me(111 U•Iverelty, sad J, (:. Martis i• ria see.ed HOIST THE AWNINGS. Dear Mr. PtosAt.. Home of the •wsloge around the Spoors are nothlog like myna fmt •rove the walk u required by santelpal bylaw. It lest conduoive 30 . Christian mpirlt be h.•e your hat knookel off, er • at03 made In it, when yon forget to stoop u you pose soder the rod R011dea, n s hard on the hat, and the gent.' furnishers ark money for has nowadays. Some of ae ars perhaps too long for practical purposes -end for comfort ; baa w• Dan's help 1t Nn one yet, no tar as 1 know, bas Inventd . n •pphanoe of the telescope varlety 1kat o►a b. adapted to the human form, so as fa 1st a man disappear 'mid. hlmelf like ens of thn.e ap-so date A.hog rods. The osly way I am to pet omit (or ander) ohs dlt6• oulty i. to have the awnoes raised, and as there b a bylaw, duly passed by our .0gas1 municipal counoll, oommanding that •11 awoings .ball be feet above the walk 1 want to know why th. .ald bylaw le sot obeyed. Al.. why, not being obeyed, It I. n ot informal. How would It do for ('oanotllor Murney to take • burl around the Square and plok out the del ogoma, and then .ond them down to b. dealt with as they deaarve by Osler Gritfo ! 1f thea two ors'11 look af• ter the low•down fellows, 1 don't knew wbo can, Oh, by the way, I believe we have as offiolal who Is .11090 ed to lr.k •ft , all these thing.. 11 he osn .par• • half•hov or sn from hl. other arduous duties p01 - haps he 000ld do th. job. We should not like to aye oar notable Phabn his duly Is thl. roepeot. How 1. It, anyway ! Yours truly, No SAworr, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hollywood paint gives - reaalts that are pot obtainable by usog other geode, Bold only by McKiizig k Howat.l. Twenty days' cheap sale of biotite and 'bom new (8103 en at the Gderloh barilla store. Singer senior msohoe for sale a% halt price. J. W. HRoucRici, MCKoyzrg A How•i1,1• remi.d • ear of fresh Peomeplar Dement. Penln.nl•r ce- ment ie ,o popular and gool they were de- layed In getting It for moms Nine. It pays to get Ibe beet. Eape 14o. W' boy for cash or trade, wool, egg' and but Wr. A 121/000 'took of drygoode, grooerles, ready.mad• oloIhlog, oarpete, hoots and shoes to "Moot from. Ofto. E. Ktoo, Wingbam. Th. heat quality of Ice cream. also the 3reat011 variety of tins fruit jsloes ter mods*, are sowed at the Victoria restaurant, West ,t. Uonfnotle cry, trail, el3ere and toilsoeoe. ('HAI. 1LACKgTOD1, preprbMr, T.lepbe to 70, I,laTnwEO. RAr!g3 -The' tletowel .Mil=...... tong meetog clays. among the best In (tntario. Seven nom are glen of $300 and 11400 pones mob en Jun. 25 and 26, and .II the lo,t horses In the onuntry w113 be there. Th' truck equipment Is aosxeslld end the management 1e strlotly first- ola.. Ming(. fare on all rallwa►.. The R.,. C. J. 1)un'.p, of Clinton. ts an 1 n 0000ed to presoh moot Sunday at the Bap• 61st services, In the hall on East 'treat, an •xnhanin havlol been a ge4 with the alodtot pastor. 1lonna the week following, the members will organ're Into a rerular H.plbt church. The daa .t the ergentr,. tion will pro►.bly be ,1ane 2514*. COMING AND GOING Rey. i. 11. W•Ilwm, of Seefnrth, w.s In town on Monday. Arthur Nadel, , f Ten stn, le .peediog holidays In town. Mese A. .lohnston, of Barrie, le yleil ng her ►Natives her.. Allem, 1)Ick.nn, of Stratford, 1. spending two weak. holiday. at home. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Cat, of Chicago, aro •ponding • 010.tlon le tows. Miss N. Willie, d Halifse, le vldllne' her Meter, Mre. A. F. tr. N.ItI. Miss Edna (inert, wad hem* over Monday from her reboot near Rrodeols. Th. Mime* Holmes, el Clinton, were the gama this week of Ms. Nel!1e Harris. Albert (:grey, of T IM rM a rel► td No parents. Mr. •ad Mre, O. F. C'fey. Mise M.md Sharman lett yesterday es Pref. Themion, ('anada's most famous phenolo,let, oharaoter ane mind-reader, w111 pity • .Its rim (ln4erfeh and will be found at th. British Exoh.ng. hotel on the evening of Monday, the 23rd, to the 26th of.1.... Any porton. wishing to know themselves should avtl then.eelvoe of the opportunity. Theo will he (h, most profitable and best. spent moo.y of your life Prof. Thom.s ha been established Io Toronto for twenty rearm and daring that Ilme nes been ooe- inl'ed by thnnsand• of Canda's hest po.ple, meth a dnotors, lawyer,, prs10here and bodness men. Thera are hundred' of msen and women that ore new mating lite • sio- noes be taking and fnllowlne hie Mmes .0 dication. Mr. Thomson ba the tree f•oolty of setting down and Nlting to yea on your imeinees affairs withont kenwl•. anything rat them •t.11 or vee making gene business known to him. If you ham, any Idea that Tort aro not •s r,reepo nos le life. at yon should he ynu shnnll not fai1 N eon m01t Atm Howe your hnya and girl* Asa an► th,lr ten* slaea 1e Ila a It le a drayJ you nw. them. Life le toe .hort N Mile with, And oat how to mak• the hest of It. Yon will fled that my prle.e 11* whhln the nal•h of all ('omrlati.a 11.00. R.10w- her thio le my first ad lett visit be Oeth- r1sh. '3.Mefoetlee g.seaste.s ve oe •boars will be takes.