HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-12, Page 8e z,d ,loo a e €4v Q, =cf- . 0-7L46 4,•••*•••,,,st•cti.t..stst•si,••*+•,, - - • i4A=RL,sHE DAUGHTER t46-46-464•4644,46.464.464644.46496,164,464,4,46* ssT So the letter ended. She stood with It In her handl, blinking -shak- ing like an aspen -leaf -feeling an though she should fall upon the ground, and yet too prowl to cry, even though site was alone. But an hour later she war still standing there -Mill gazing at the letter in ! her heed -dill slowly reading It over and over again, and trying to cone prebend all the consequences that It involved ; to extract all the sup- posed insult that it contained. and to fortify her pride by the conviction that it had been penned with the hope of making her suffer in return for the suffering she had entailed upon him -of giving him back Indif- ference for indifference, scorn for scorn, and slight for slight. And it was this self-deception that fur awhet• sustained her. Woman -like - because the man had felt so keenly in the construction of those nen- j;enoes that lie had not dared to trod himself to use one affectionate expremion -elie Judged that t,•• y had emanated from 1t spirit heartlessly cold and severe. She had no power to Interpret' Clue wood, despairing tone which breathed IN every ward --which for hid his making any fresh appeals to a love which he did not believe ex- torted for him -which betrayed (lint although mortally wounded by her cruelty, be was resolved to/ die and make no sign. She duly neerched eagerly from one Meet to another for the familiar forms In which he hail been wont to tell her he adored her, and, deep pointed at falling to find them, as- sumed. Or chose to pretend she an 'tune, that her husbfiod had never really cared for her. "No more' than I have cared for him,' she exclaimed, as ashly pale trba started from her reverie. and, tearing the paper Into a dozen pieces scattered them upon the (Icor "Se much for year letter, Colonel Bainbridge. You hope, perhaps, that I shall not enj ty my life so lunch without the protection of your pre Pence. You will live to find yourself wonderfully mistaken." And she was about to quit the room. Rut as she stood upon the thresh old she turned her head and two weary eyes reeled lingeringly upon the morsels of paper cast upon the greet no. Was it winnable to leave them there, for any eervxnt who was curl - no., to pence together in their ori gine! position And pares.'? Thr e•ro.11t of her tame. was involved In Filch an ar(•ident.. So. slowly re- told/1g her anew - Leidy Ethel gathered up the fluttering frag- neente anti conveyed them to her room. And when Leake had left her to herself, she drew out needle and thread, and carefully stitched them all together again. It would be well, she thought, to preserve a written record of the man's barbarity. Could she have read a hurried scrawl from him, which about the same time reached the hands of Margaret Henderson, Lathy Ethel would rarely have altered, If not her whole opinion, at lees. that final hub- st a,nt l ve. "i writ.• you on the eve of my de- parture," It commenced, "and In great dieters', of mind , s. pray for- give all hut the intention with which these words are written. Mag- gie, at this moment, when there Is no possibility of changing. I am haunted by a miserable doubt whe- ther, in deciding to leave England, I have acteti either wisely or well. To live again with her ander pee - sent eirrOmetaneea appear. impos- sible to me ; but perhaps I ought to have sacrificed my own feelings in order to afford her the protec- tion of the love elle has trampled under foot. She In ser ) oung, e0 beautiful. and so admired! If any harm comes ti her, 1 shall talker forgive mysself. Dear Mag- gie -- my sister more than my orxsin-i entreat you, by tine memory of the ri(feotion of nor child- hood, to befriend my darling; shoul.l it ever be In your power to do so. Me appeared to like yet. I think you are the only peewee In our fnrnily she was ever Intimate with ; and, through it worms Improbable, a dread improver. me that the day may dawn when eh' will look around for a woman -friend enol find •none_ Should abe be sick or In treble (though I •dray fiord to pro Vett her from every III), and express the tenet desire for your presence, i .leped on you to go to her. This in my Inst charge, Meggle' ; rind should) It, his Tho hat I ever stake. I shall he a hrapyinr man thin I am now. Cheer no my mother by every meads its your power, and be, no you have AI- wnys been. the good angel of our h.atrstoh1 I have no sweeter mem- ory to carry Into exile than that of tee nffeetinueste selleltude whir+ in your person la mandated with every Incident of my life, end every tridl- vMurtl of my family." "R. tt 0." KBBYiGY, SRAIIIIN 1909 " Tornnto•Montreal " Line. On mutt after Tutte :ay, .Ruhr ar,l. the rtranir Toronto will leave To- ronto Tuesday.. Thurslaye and flat- unln ye until June 14th. on and after June 14th. the steamer Toronto will leave Toronto Mondays, Welneedny. and i•'ridays, and the rammer Kink - Mon will terve Tneedsys, Thurslnyn noel entllnicye at 4 p. m. Thdwrs wleamere nre the flnos't on Inland w'ntera. going direct to Charlotte Wort of Rochlealref. 1,(10ti lalnod*, Rapid" of the Mt. Lawrence to Mont- rose!. making connection for 'Wirier. %furrny Bey, Saguenay River,', and Intermallnte porta "iiamilton-Toronto-Montreal" Line, etenmere will iest-c Hamilton at I p. m. nod Toronto mime evening at 7210, Teasley* and Friday.. on and titter Temple), .Ione Delo, They ell whH Tni'slnys. Thnradaye and Rninr- ator. for BAT of (potato( Port*. 1,(K0 islands, to Montreal and Intermedi- ate porta This letter, ioribbleI during lb- lust hour that Colonel Bainbridge spent in Engirtnd, we/ marked "private"; but Maggie 11101 no alorete from Aunt 1Mtty. "Whet dot y,m think of It ?" in- quired Mimi LP.yd, as rho returned the epistle to her niece. "it le much more them I deserve," anti M.ggle, with glistening eyes. "We won't argue about that, my dear, and it war not what I meant. What flu you thunk of the prospect of new work carved oat for you? Ah, Maggie! and you were afraid that you would be ow idle Ir' "it is scarcely a prospect', auntie." "My dear."; said Miss Lloyd, seri- (Neely, "It is more than enough for prayer to turf. into a certainty, end teomething tell, me it will come to pass. Lady Ethel is very willful. Maggie, but rhe is not utterly htesrt- I.sse it will be an grand thing to bring threw. two together again!" "Oh, if one but could I" exclaimed the girl, clasping her hands; " It would uutko him so nappy I" "And half repay you for the past. nix child." "Half, Aunt betty ! It would be full measure-pne.sed down and run- ning user," replied Maggio 'lendler- BOn. CHAPTER XLI. When Lady Ethel rose frons her b:.yl upon the following morning, she was quite convinced that she had b much ill-treated by her hew- baudl, and resolved to let the world gree his absence cad no power to af- fect her happiness; to which intent, it bring the day on which she usually rtcehvel trieues, she attired herself wIt11 the greatest care the she knew a woman'. drugs is taken us an Index of her mind), and was la her drawing - room. lovely, ianguld, and °omple- oe nt-looting as ever, ready to re- ceire the first visit.** wbusltduld ar- rive. The first was Lady ('levedoo, who, road -hoot from the receipt of Colonel Bainbridge's letter, appeared full thirty minute" before the hour of re- ception. My .tear Etre I '" hate exclaimed, ' I lave come early on .polrp.lse. that I might speak to you alone. What 1s thie extraordinary freak on the part of your heehaw] ? is het mad, or hare tial qunrrelet with inch other ? We Moill have all London ringlnpyWith the scandal before the da)' is over." "What scandal ?" demanded Lady Ethel "My deer, you know wtiatl I mean ns well as I der. Why, Colonel Bain- bridge running away from you in this manner before you 'have been mar- ries) four months. What on earth is the reason of it ?" "1 understood Colonel Bainbridge to spy that he had informed you, Ger- trude." "He wrote me a few linen to nay he was ordered at once up in foreign ser- vice, but I wont to know why he went. He ties money enough to buy up has the r•gtments In England. Why .lid he not well ,ant of the army who',, you first married him?" "i should think that was his own b ooteess. A malt may wooly he al- lowed to judge for himself In such a matter." "Bat to leave you here alone *o soon after 'marriage, and In the (height of the Beason I 7 think It Is perfectly improper; and if your poor demi father had been alive, Colonel Itatubrldgo would not have dared to treat you In so nonchalant a man- ner." Lady Ethel flashed. "Dared, Gertrude! what daring is there in the matter? One world imagine he had gone without con- senting me." "Yon Mould not have let hint go; you should have persuaded him to *ray at boe," said Lady Clevedon, Ently ; for (Aho was by en mean. pleased to see the way paved so com- pletely for the attentions of the Mare Fils de 7sacarras. "That is a subject for argument," replied her etep elateghter, aA she played with a fan. ed), was gall to her. At any risk, the s•asxlul must to prevented; sad the rapid advance in propriety aad morals which the thought occasluned in the countess' rubel was almost as wonderful to behold as. the Indian juggler's mango -tree, welch grows as you gest upon it. "Did he tell you Iso ?" demanded Lady Ethel. "No; how showed lie be aware of the costume which obtains in our where of life? Rut modesty, and decorum, and n womanly sense of what Is right to be done. Ethel, no lege than a knowledge of the world (our worth, warn nae that you aro contemplating nn act which will be nuinoir.to your character, both for propriety and attachment to your husbaitl." "Ii.ar me! i had no idea it was (ret much av all that I" said Lady Ethel, with provoking coolness' "Rut if the world knew that Colonel Bain- ' bridge had especially desired me to remain in Cursooa street. per- haps It would alter its opinion anditer me Instead some credit fur conjugal ohiellenoe." "It Is not possible lie can have done so t" "It Is more than possible ; It I. trawl" There is no escaping the germs of consump- tion; kill them with health. Health Is your only means of killing them. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil will give you that health, if any- thing will. e..• see ran.. ..e. •a. ..r seen s seeds r r s ec. and MM.55, all dtnaVala Damson as a feel. The following verse, composed by Lord Curzon, lone been engraved un the braise memorial tablet erected by him in the cailhelrvil at Calcut• to In honor of members of the in• alien t'oluuteer contingent who died In South Africa : These sons of Britain in the mast Fought not for prelim or Bole; They diet for England, and the least Made greater her great name. You eau save mosey If you buy "Thr b i 1.." Menthol Plaster Iry the yard roll. Thi. "Well . I could nut have conoely- wonderful nt. for Inn,bhltre:ta run t rh(ag )orae names lu a 11ttahl ole bur. ed he had so little sense!" replied i.ouk for trade mark " The u. L 1.." Lady Clet•eduq who was trembling with vexation, and you must for- give me ?i I cannot uphold his de- cision. I confers that I have been reared to see things In a different light, aad. I should not think I was folluwlug the wishes of your dear loot father if 1 countenaced his !laughter in a sleep which I am cer- tain he would have dlwipproved. When your husband wan with )oa. Ethel. I was always glad to see you at my house, as you well knots'; but, without This protection, 1 should not consider I was doing my duty In making you there. Balls and parties ere no fit scenes for it young wife separate) from her husband ; and ii you cannot see Oat for yourself, I ant the proper person to point it out to yon" "How rztremely obliged I am to ;our ladyship for the tender solici- tude you show for my good Dame'! replied Lady Ethel, ear astieally. "To be excluded from your reunions will be a terrible trial to me ; but t will try to bear it with all the for- titude of which I am mistress, soon- er than car the slightest slur upon your hitherto spotless character." "Ah, you may laugh I" exclaimed the countess, who_bwl risen to her feet ; "but what I tell you is the truth. You have chosen to make a thorough meealliance-to lower yoer- seif to the level of a tradesman'■ daughter -hi -law -and it behooves you in consequence. to be mere particu- lar than others what `o1 do or say, beet the world shoold think that you have lost the power ed rising above your surroundings." At this bitter taunt Lady Ethel, who had risen to 'her feet also, turn- ed deadly pale. She could cast a sneer herself at the family of tier adoption, but it was not in human nature to take It gnietly from stran- ger lips, and those the lips of her stepmother. She flew at Lady Cleve- don levo-ton with her own weapons. uweallian,e ? And if I have, who did all in her power to hasten its ful- filment ? Who urged me on to it, by goad and taunt ? who tried to take my lover from me. There are no se- crets between us, Lady Clevedon, though we neat' not have had the opportunity to give them vent." "Tried? What are you talking u(?" "I am talking of you and the Mar- quis de Lacarras, who will never be ?More to you than he is now, for all the trouble you have taken to en- snare him r "i spall not stay here to be insult- ed !" exclaimed Lady ('havedoau, as she invest toward, the door. "i hove no whet that you should stay at all. There has been war be- tween us long enough. Let it be open from this time henoefrward," "i believe that you nee maul !" re- plied her stepmother, too angry to know what to any. "I dare au tm'nit I am." said Lady E thel. "Four mouths' Come compan- irmehip with a tranesman's son must his cause .uffielent, in your eye,, to turn the strongest brain. And, there- fore, perhaps.' you will more readily exons: the eccentricity of my avowal taut I have little desire to see you h ere again, though I conclude that the custom. which obtain In your sphere (I have quitted it myself, phew td. remember), woos. prevent y'.ur visiting the tradesman's daugh- ter -In-law, whom n stern Renee of duty prevents your inviting to your house In return." e And, with a sweeping oourte.y, Lady Ethel Bainbridge bowed her In- dignant stepmother out of the room. Who 0011141 have guessed, that saw her half an hoer afterward sipping cho ecente with her numerous clsttors, :out dispensing small talk on every elle, that she had jest freight so .h'irp n battle In her husband's cause? Victor de Lacarras was among the number of her guests; Indy Clevedon had passed him in the hall. and, to her great annoyance, been quite unable to persuade him In turn Nark aril drive In the park with her 'Instead. Here lie was, lounging, in his rrsry, half -Indolent fashion, over the sofa of her steer laughter, by look and manner dar- ing any one, to take hula place. RegnMing him ae the proximate, though unconscious, agent 1n her penitent trouble, Ind Ethel wewttol have felt most disinclined to make ''lm welcome, had It not been for the Intnrvleo thnugh whir( she hndl just peeped Erich glance or word from Monsieur de lmcnrrns, recall- ing. its they did, the anger and the roldnr'ee of her $n.lvtnd. wee. her feel unmmfrtable but Leidy Cleve• .Len's insolent truths were ringing In her ears, and she could not afford to give the marquis lila rnge just yet. (To be Continued.) "No one will believe hut that there in something wrong between y'dvl." "In that the case whenever it mar- ried officer has to join his regiment? it meet cause a good deal of awk- wardnews," was the !Kermie reply. "Don't talk nennense, Ethel Yon know how fifthly Colonel Rnlnbrklge's clreunwKnncee differ from those of newt people. Ife has no need to re main in the army at all." "Not from a mercenary point or %ih'w, perhaps, but lie ellsllkes a country life, hates an Idle one, and is fond of his profession. I should think that was reason sufficient for his doing as lie phoebes." "People wilt My lie nittnTRB••be folder of lam wife," remarked the countess, in a tone of wince. "People always say so much more there Is any occasion to do. They might leave that qunatlon to i.e set- tled by Ills wife." "Rut how do you like the pros- pect yourself. Ethel ? Yon will have to keep very quiet during Colonel Batnbridge'm atoearsce, you know." "Yes? In what way" ? "Why. you can hardly go about to theatres ani halls as you have been doing. surely !" "My heat:inn lone laid no restric- tion on me." "Ret I suppose you will go Into the country -to Cranatinws or to his mother, will you not ? Yom would never' think of staying in Corson street alone." 'Atli ?Abel opened her blies eve. "And why not,? Is there any charms of my being devouradl by the na times 'r 'Colonel fsinbridge could never de Mea yen to reside In town and mix In the gayetlns of the season with- out the enfe.rtward of his presence r exrintmed toady ('levied 1. with vIr- tnos Indignatlwt 'The ilea ..f her etepolnegltt.'r reigning there In soli- tary. enprotelotud bennty, and throw Ing wkM her dors alike to simple aid noble (Victor de Laoarras heeled - the Wounds ut is Yrteed. The small boy who wrote the fol kowiilg 144711F -Wife' an eARer-"7{T•'FR promo lila gratitude, says the Yo tier Companion. that lie did not notice lest what hie letter seems to Include tinier benefit■ received: 'Ley' Ifileie Thiel.' he wrote, "i re (mired the knife vont sent me it IA jusrt Iwantlfnt. i rut WNW with it flue times, elnive i toot tit. I thank you ever end erre so mach for the knife. Your affectionate nephew. Ted." Our Dollar Special dibeon Waist rrh,• 1„I1.el .1, Ie. hrnn,l sh"uIler effe't, elle 0,1,11 hnn.lsutnrcrenulon e111te Ivan .1111 fork.. trimmed it llh Inrrtlon 1101.1 , nh"' oil $1 '.'i "use alwelwl lwler $1 vend 1111.1 md'nnnn• nrm111t,l h.xty Honer arm.. length of Meese. owler arm• nail m.•nemm11ent aero.. hock Iwo ween .lw,lnd,•r .•nn.e 11. toast% St lower elt a e•., Weateenl, Qne. • Putting the Beat on. "ID, gave me a meewage to deliver to brother George,' she explained deed murcly. -nits it lineman" to kiss you In or - .lee to do that ?" demanded the mu- the•rr, "Yee,' aloe answered; "it was a realm! message." --Chicago Port. IHDard's Liaim,SL Carol Dandruff• 1►Isqulel Ilog Possibility. "My dear," said Mr. Braggs to hute etre, "wuppdoss we hove beef.•tenk or tittered with ()dions for dinner Co- it tight .' "If I find that bad is re. tower. wiwm I go to Mark, t," repllvi Mrs. Staaggs, "you may lawn to put up witt1 beefless, txikrua" Slops the Cough and Works oQ the Cold. Laxative Broom mania. Tablets curs wrote fo mss day. No ran, Nu ply. Prov 25 cents. MATRIMONiAL OLD SAWS. t"elklere of the Past Itlrh lu Proverbs Retailing to ilk- Mer tied State. In all agar moor nuiny lone been re- garded as the chief epoch in the liver of both men awl women. and the literature of the paint Is replete with uphorlsms reletlts to it. All the April Nilo, may look for - weed to unalloyed bllw•, for - Marry In April when you can, Joy (or maiden and for man - says the oil couplet. ' Happy the Nide the mom shines on," rune &noth'r motion, hut shoul,l rain fall on the wedding day the bride may foal asnred that all her weeping will be door! before mar stage. Orange Momoes signify a prosper- ous life, hence their use in the weed• ding toilet. So many brides go through the or• dear with the pallor of %mite mer Ni' that it Is atre"u, (o recall the ndeption of the bruin I lull tea a shirt( for the bride', hl11ah1e11 indoor that It was a piece of (loth hell v 1 I (over the, asepsis• duh n g the erre gaud as M.dlelee. There is a man In Brighton, named reghee, who thuds sand is the only mohok►e lu the world for stomach troubles, says Tit -Bits. "I war stoutly dead," he rays, "frons dyspepsia .O years ago, aryl had lost all faith in mediates, I was will- ing to tjgke dues of anything. I be- gan by' walluwIna a teaspauful of dry Tun gulag to bedI t blot- snot. I 1 null cel that I slept ba - ter 11 fur years, though my a,p- p Site not increase for a few vi rrkr. i kept. on swallowing the wind regularly until 1 wise Stell I torte used it off mel on, however, ever eh.. ,•, and I carry a 'bottle def day trind about with me as a tonic." Lever's Y • Z (W is. Beed) ilionfelctant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the ester at the Pains time that it disiufe"ts. ,a Would Cleve Woke Him l'p. A goal story Is told in the Rt. James' Ciatette of au Irishman, more patriotic than clever, who etillste.l In one of the mart caval- ry regiments. The fencing instruc- tor had experienced rather a diffi- cult jolt in the nuttier of explain - to him the various ways of us- Irtg the sword. "%ow," he wild, "how wood you use the sword If your op - portent fe'Inted?" "Bedud," said Pat, with gleaming eyes, "I'd just tickle him with the print to see if he was stemming." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take I.axall.r Sroso Quinine Tablet.. All druggist. rotund the money if It fails to cure. B. W. Grove's .ignnture loon earn bus. 2.1.'. Trained Ants. Trained ante are the latest nov- elty in Berlin. There is it little cir- cles in which these performer,' appear daily. They dance, turn ,e.mereaulls, draw miniature wagons, fight wham battles, anti perform other wonders. Mlnerd's Liniment Cures Duros, etc. A Clock Slade .vf Bread. Milan has a curitialty in a clock which is made entirely of bread. The maker is a native of India, and has devoted three yearns of his life to the u,onstructiou of thin curiosity. The clock Is of good sine and goer well. $t. Martin. Que., May 1(1, 151)5. C. C. RI('IIAlllAAt A CO.. Gentlemen, - Last November my child muck a nail41kitls knee causing inflammation no severe that I wan advised to take him to M.ntreal and have the Ilmb amputated to rave his life. A neighbor advised un to try MIN- AFtTra LINIMENT, whieh we di -h. and within three days my child was all right, and i was eo grateful that I send you this testimonial, that me experience may be of benefit to others. LOUIS (iAGNIER. As Odd Conceit. On Aprit 1Vth every year an "in memoriam" notice appears after the ranee' of G,nl Byron in the advertis- ing txolumne of the London Times. This year it read: 'Poorge Gordon Noel. Lord Byron. Died nobly for Greece at Mineoloughl. tpril 19th. When Love. who sent, forgot to Ma TO The young, the beautiful. the mony. ( benne." Prior to the circulation of money I rings worn es [demos if n tau urs Make It very plata to your dealer that Wealth, 11eWee the lestowe I of the ., 1. n..44 then. is no snLatitnte for I'err• ring symbolized the preteentation of I l,.,0,, Painkiller for eztrrenl ,m from all the bridegroom's -worldly goo Is,' 1 nrnruglla to a m.n.q mhtu bite and Iatersaity It wan placed upon the third finger h,r all e.wmI dlaord der.. became the ancients believed a nerve ran directly from that fin ger to the. heart Nol Nol Nol Nol This word Is used tour times by Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, In reporting the result of his analyses of Sunlight Soap. "No unsaponlfed tat ", that means no waste. "No free alkali", that means no damage to clothes or hands. "No loading mixture". that mean every atom Is pure soap. "No adulteration whatever "; that means pure Ingredients. Try Sunlight Heap -.Octagon Bar - and you will see Prof. Ellis Is right He should know. 103 Sharp I' sough far That. Roman Irides were pelted with\on yr had some acquaintance with rice and corn in order to Insure their M,. Withers; 1s she really en dull as and good Tiring. The hetet people seem t" think her? prosperity flingiorf odd shote After the mar- "[lull:' Shred. I numb! say nut. She lief pair Is symbolical if shaking the tune me every time we chasm.) to duet of the old life front one's feet. newt.-Richm<mtd Ulaim tch. • The honeymoon is named for the eee♦ee•♦e♦••e•♦•eeeeeet•♦N. NEGRO PREACHES• jt IN HIS SLEP. • • A somewhat remarkable story canoe from Saluda county a short time ago about a negro who preached Ire ltls sleep. The Saul a name Star Major Perry. The ahoy war brought out of Saluda by au eteutgelleal preacher, who was then on his way out of the State. An effort was made to get cutltruwtion of this unusual rase, and finally it was ascertained that Dr. D. M. Casson, of Leesvilhe, keen- Major Perry. Dr. t'rotsm was written to for l: fortaatlou. Ile was iu attendance upon the sewtour u( 1110 &xith ('e-luuiul Medical Conven- tion, hut a. soon as he returned 'sent the following reply to th ' State ; It be a very'Tn".restl.ug story of a re- Iaarkeblu care. I). ar S:r,-ltteil ing to your request that I write what I know about Major Perry, the "tlee'plag negro preacher," will say that I have khown Ree. Major Perry for 11 lung time nod have been her fain ly physician for eight years. H' is reiiFy a mien - title wooder. He has twee !weasell- ing every night, except o'ca.Itnal y on Friday !Ischia for about fifteen years. When he retires at night and goes to sleep he wl;l read out his text -tell exactly where It can be found, verse and chapter, give it ver- leLt'm-and will then hrgla lila moonset. He confiner himself closely to hie text, and akvayr menthes a good sermon. This is tlor(e wh'le lie is in this trance, and lit can't 'b.' waked up natll he lint fir.IaliM hit sermon. Nearly every tinge he premium lie has a oOnvtlltl•ta find his wife lets to rub him a.nd work with bile, as it looks is If he would dle. lie stops erpeek.ng while laboring u.aler thus uervoue writhing, hut will begin due dhet'our.e just where he left off when the attack wears off ant will go uCi and finish hit seruton. He , sei)tne to b • rumewhnt excited went lie fblahevl loin seruten anI wake* up end Is unrouseucie of anything that has trtutsp,rod. The strung" port of It is that e can neither read nor coNsumpT write,. set you *ser lie mull not pre- p ire his tin nurses b'for, This is no fake, as he las been watched often ellen alone and he always preacher I have, together with a number of other phyail'uuis, trial to woke loin up when In one of hes trainees an l white pregrhmg, and alt can't be door. A man can easily etpeDd some of his It.owlydge of mental philosophy in the study of this ease. 'chi• is not hypttutism, but It rotors of lilrme burp'rnllnu. While in this trainer or deep F. 1,1.11 he i* wt'onsclous of. any - thug rise treintpirmg groan I !amend his !Witte ocind la totally uswonsel- uuw of wluht line transplreol, but it Is wait a nail he does his prenehing WWII' in 11+1, sub-runeeluhus state, het shy hl, su11.•d*ueions mind, active upon 'sermonising" alone, is a sleep my eters. - "Rev. Major Perry,' as he Is called. is a mulatto of mnblum site and about Mr years old, loam a wife and is the father of sheet fifteen ehlliree. Bis clubfeet are all industrious and he I* about the average of his race for krluetry. He Is quiet sal has the respect of his w•liole community for integrity and lienor. He says he does not know anything about hie preaching amt can't Pt - plain anything ah out It when awake H+• says : "I frll called to preach when young, but i resisted the In- clination or call. If what people tell me !e true Rbo ut my plea•hing, 11 !nun be of Divine power that I preach, because I retarded Chi call to the Master'. work." D. II. ('rumen, honey wenn In the frown.Minaret, Liniment for sale every - raving glove« to .ttrn.lante long where. ago anomie from the rluvtom of pre senting gloves to one who 'tlel a nor vire of len personal a nature that netted payment was out of the gnat - Ito:, "KELPION pp••ea.m wonowyo E ad.n.d by hest English es.dleal) Is. H►ell.d to Selfish wldl.rs I. South £1,155. ter all Throat and eland Troubles, Lump*. Ab . Old teres vle.rs, 'Moots. Skis D I tc»dna Pimples, tug Joints, Ilhe..natlsn., L.a .ga. t riles. souls.., Riles, Gets. Sere Poet, plurl■ Sold by Druggists, oo. Try I't enc.. 1 he DIRr, .•nre. "I sr by tom Trotter. that Foot- llghte is travelling 'Iri'lr•r Illi, wife's innnagement." "Sir do most maul -deft trey don't aelveyrtlye it." PEACE PROCLAMATION. The liners seemed Mut n feeble people when the war started, yet they root a great empire meth trou- ble to toetrome them. The 1m'rim In a woman's IIf' omitted div r avp Adulteration may seem scarcely worth taking Into account; het the women who hove overcome than by the ,use tot Pounllght Fkonp know now hone real the lora; were. Try Wtnllght Soap, Octagon Bar, and ytxn will realise a relief fent rlore- dom like that experienced by the na- tion on the announcement of peace. What He Really Said. )fro. Isoffers-The teller at that hank says you are )use the iMennest, at i nglest - Mr._IhtLfsrs- Great Scott ! Whe- wIMS iw that _?-He says -- Mrs. Buffers -Weil, he didn't say It In ern mntry words, but thsat I.' what he mallet of camrae. MT lurfierw--Spew here! What did the fellow say ? Mrs Buffers -He msket Inc to in- dorse tb a eheeque ; and when I told him I hadn't the ghost of an idea of what his meant, he said he pre- empted I iwvdn't had much experience getting rhequee cashed-s,o there! - New York Weekly. New York Central and Hudson River Railroad. The ahoy* name Ie a lemeehold word anal the emps'rlor eveellence of this road should 1 t sufficient to at tract most people. but now that the rate Is the same to New York and point. east as by other lines no (nether reromme•nobetlon should be weight. Everybody will tell you it Is the ISM. Indio pen..hle. Aanom -i Moises I wan ulrprl.ed to beer of your inn (rage, thought von was a nortflrmel told bachelor. Oldheehe--Rat I'm In lmuulnean for myaadf 11+1ew. &saes. -Well? OIdteiehe Well. 1 had to hate a wites In who.w. name I roil l pot mu property. CHIQUITA'S LIFE INSURED. 7'h• Smallest Woman In the World 'rakes Out a Big Polley. - Tiny ('hlqutte, the smallest woman le the worl d, has Met Insured her life (or IlL50,tiOO. l'llqulta 1n ilia snail -known mid- get. She in .6 im'ler high and weighs .7 I le. Her lu.urasre, therefore, n at the rate of ki',_59.25 pelted, and likewise in at the rate of *1),61:i.J8 per etch. She Is literally worth her weight In gold. Mite was lammed here in Ruston. It is strange, but (rule that the most searching examinations that three of liostoii s leading examin- ing physicians could Atte C'hiquitu fallen to find even the slightest im- perfection in her physical condition Her heart treat was streetuf nal reg- ular rued registered 72, which le w anal. Her respiration was also toornal and the lung. and all the organa were in perfect condition Her bust. measured 19 mehen and her erect 16 arches. She Is physically a perfect women, her only peculiar- ity' being her small rise. I'hiqulta, though only a miniature of the 'inmost race, le now enjoying utnnunlly gods) health. in nil her life she fns never been sack and bee never requital mental treat m. tot S;," Is 111 unusually grxxl spirits this year Mid sings and dam'e's with great of verity. She says that she has every hutention of living to be 80 or even more. -Ralston Itlube. $100 REWARD, $100. The reader. of t hl• pa I.•r will b, levee t In learn that there loaf boot onedrailedldisenan that (lents 1111. lawn $bl.• 111 euro In nil Its stages and that I. I at+,rr lu h1a11'., d'ntarrh 1;.04. N the oWy pusiUre rum new known to the medical fro ternity o'al:arrh, toeing a con- all.tlonnl nurse, r,•, ulre. it ron.titntlonnl treatment. Ila II'. n atarrh I' um is taken In Venally, acting Alr.rtly neon the blood and memos ,,darn M the system, thee( by dreg, tris)tag th. foundation of the dleraw, and giving the patient strength by banning np The eonatlbut.lton and aaeh.t Ing nature In dole`` Its wort. Thr proprietors have someeh fall in Its eurattrs powers that they offer One II unfired Dollars tar any rase that It Nils to can. Mend for Iles of teulimoninta. Addres. F'. .t. I'll EN KY & CO., Toledo. U gessttol, Ly druggists. 75e. , SSUE NO. 24, 1902e t"RUIT FARM FOR SALE OHS Or Tee finest In Os N era Nutmeats N beta., to noise rail- way..frose two rail- way.. 1 alu alp a1 d Y ro la tll. moult' ,,,,,,,,,e,..,W I be sae Parcel w Melded into luau! tow 1ss b molt cur ,t!larawl ohne,. This la a .a Address Juuatlue OerpsoHr, P. MI lea. Winans Ontario NO -DIRTY HANDS. ('lean (mer •ui,Pr- wnor, gold, bras.. etc with ELFGTRIG POL15t1114O FIBRE Cheap Labor. in Sp'tln a man who works on a farm rerelves about twenty five rent. n Any. In the vineyards wages range from fourteen cents a day for women nn1 boys to twenty one cents for anak.11M men and to forty two or fifty sic Denbo for those npon whose .kill the whole responsibility of the retain crop rests. ors vet rem lw.kPIIeS rhs.ointmentis mi and a ahrnlnte emu for hard and every form at 114.1nr. Mewling met mere' lag pll.w, Slow man.AMen.w Mee gaarantaed It. Renta. $Mmdmlala In the dally row , mod wok yes, math - lir. what they think re I' Arm M as. R arra get your It be , mono bath 11 nM t. awe .senss all 4eaers or Per•meow,N•ernek irk. Da: Chase's Ol nti tint No powderr ollah to uv, )net 6(1.1, rut,. llu. with Thrnpor- w1 cloth. Polish.. like roadie. frier 7.25c nal A rngglata or by mall Iron MONARCH Niro. 00., rh. /'wlh.rinr., Ont. Trial samples [reed trade supplied. PETROTEX a�p rrpparatlou n,adr Ines crud.• IIF;AI ii, iNT '1'F.' Amo 1111.. direnteat mrdlrul Ila,,,,,•n' ni recent year.. A .user nod elendycure 1„r nil throat. bronrlilnl +111,1 lung III s•s. cou- snmptlun In 11. artier .tagre• nuA rh.•umn. tl5m. I.srge Iroltle prepelA 1 nay uddr.w„•n receipt tol nes dnllur. Addrrn.. 111':AI'N11Ni' 11 Y.1Nd'A 1. t "N 1'A ♦t altos 560, Beaumont. Triad. , e.A. Morse llealth is one of the most important things for every fanner t., consider. Dick's Blood Purifier will build up a run down horse. It tones up the system, rid. stomach of bots, worms and other parasites which uncle! mine an animal's health. So cts. a package. LEEMINO MILES A CO. AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. Writs ler beaks .n ►teras salad Gator. IT Is PREY Mineral'. Liniment Reli"yrs Neer- Preventedand Cured. Four marvelous free remedies for e M levers reading this paper. New are for T uber'culoals,Coasamp- ties, Week Lange, Catarrh, and a rundown system. FREE. Ito you cough 1)o your lungs pain you 7 In your throat sore and untamed? Do you spit up phlegm ? Does your bead ache? { Is your al.petite bad? ((( Are your lungs delicate? - Are you losing flesh ? Are you pals and thin? Do you lack stamina? These symptoms are proof that y". . have in your body the seeds of the ma.' dangerous malady that has suer dev•. (*ted the earth -consumption. Yo. ase. incisal 10 b w.1..t this sal M ( . you. ,t you are .rk, by nhag foe a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the l's.. rm. rnp.rstidwe TI he forwarded you at mere, wok nioe.pieto d,ret.,, for .w. Th. Slocum System is apIoos...;n sere fee C or (ids,, that most insitLeam i.esus and for all Luer TDrovirtbiwTrow a+and Difted.ra mpri.-.Ird ti Is.. a F1. s. Coughs, l atarrh, Ash.... Broociitie as Snrply ..;. 10 the T. A. Shrew Chinned Company Limited lig King Steam Woe,. Toronto. ',mg pod offing and rumens address, and tM has teed,oa.ltM Mom.. Cure) win he prnmptly .mm. Pwao' in Canada ...imp Slocum • Imo offer ., Annie.• parer. wig rises and for sample a Sorest... Mannon ter papr. HAMILTONalgla TORONTO - MONTREAL - Wilson's Fly Pad PO� Will clear your house of flies Mn., Winslow • Soothing M reapp aimedalways he used for Children Teething. It soothes the rMld. Rotten.. theorem., carm wind cools and N the loess remade for I$arrhrea. et en mere lea ye Ifnnil!tott I I. m . Tot -ante 7 all p m . Tuawleye endo F'rstave . don and after June Int Ii Terwlays and Therslnye nodi Rat Indiuym for Itnv of 1.4,0 it •. tI le Thou, •t, I Wand.. Rapider, se. Lawrence, I" Montreal and intermediate porter Ye y Low Beira of Mutate and Helton -rickets. TURONiO-MONTREAL LINF. tin and after June Rrd 'tanners lease Toronto Tuesdays and There toys and Ratunlay. at 4 p. m : from June 18th daily, exempt Runday. for Charlotte, Part of Rochester. One Trionsrenl lilted', Rapids, Rt. Law - ernes. Montreal, Quebec. Enemy Ras-, Tadc,n rt., Magu:may River and Intermediate port., H. ('furter Chaffee. Western Pee enerer .Agent. Toronto : Tidos. Henry, Traffic Manager, Montreal. A DIP OF GOOD PAINT ie worth half a dozen dope of poor studf. When you paint get a repot with a reputation. Ort the hent paint you can Don't, pa exorle tent pekoe. but do pay a Fair proe. Buy RAMSAY'S PAINTS nrrl yet only put a fair prier for the ,oldest and beet known paints In ('ensile, the mart durable, the lest ground. the most eeenomtrnl, made from purest materials. made right. Drop nos n pael and ask for BOOKLET NO. 11 FREE sh mint how some homes arep I t'd Established 1842. A. BAMSAY & SON IIIIf)NTRFA'., Feint Makers USE ER. EDDY'S "Head Light," gee "eagle.," too A See "Victoria." "Little Ces,et.'• „PARLOR MATCHES Trio PW4 BST IN Tate w111Ru• sour title fee all 1s. ~gel wawa.