The Signal, 1902-6-12, Page 6V! 4 Tioseo.r, June 19, 1909. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Greet Unload • ing Sale .. . Sale starts Fri- day and lasts two weeks ... Profits wt considered. * • + • + WINO to the unseasonable weather we are overstocked and must unload our Children's Clothing. Summer will soon be here and we need the room for summer goods. We will slash the knife into the prices, and the mothers of Ooderich can get • nice suit for their boys at primes far be- low actual value. Our prices will range all the way from $1.10 to $1.00, but worth very much more than we are asking for thew. t'ersoss going ou the exoursloa to Detroit will want to be dressed la style Yea would Dot went to go down there looking as it you Dame from away beak. Come to us ead let as BI you out. We have the most up to dale Use's t urolehtog Iloode, and it you ate dressed with goods front our store you will be to the hetsht of fashion. Shirts, Collars, Ties, Belts, Hats, sic. We have the very n ewest. See the new hag Pong Tie. W. C. PRI DRAM Mn.'. Clothier, Farnisbsr and Hatter. 91.: ea• u's 1Slock Perfect Fitting Clothing Donee. xgt, u everlsaaD Electors,'. Lou. Kribs' „Standard, MIRY THURSDAY MORNING nor "The Eye -Opener," could make a ai D. sreslslt UCiaa>r patch upon the tissue of falsehood SODISRICH, THURSDAY. JUNE tat lee. and vituperation with which The Lib- erator was filled weekly during the campaign. At first it seems strange that when the supposedly goody -good element goes into political or other reform they out -Herod everything in their et - forte to be radical. Bub CARIns NA- TION is only an ordinarily good woman gone mad on a fed. The Thirty Years War and the butcheries of the centuries on alleged religious grounds were only the outpourings of the pent- up venom of pious people in that day and generation And the same thing would occur tomorrow amongst the self-styled social Reformers if the gos- pel of common sense were not trium- phant. The recent election in West Huron indicated how far some professedly pions men were willing to go in de- faming and bearing false witness against their neighbors, and the lying was not confined to the brethren who sit in the back pews. What is needed now is a thorough awakening that will abolish the eye - for an eye doctrine of the propagan- dists and put in its stead the gospel of peace once delivered to the saints, that have been turned out in the last twenty years The i tberator was easily first, Neither " Facts for the Irish THE AFTERMATH. THE Mail and The World and the lesser lights of the Tory party seem to have a firm belief in the quotation, "What fools these mortals be," if we are to jutige by the aubulum which they dish up daily to their subscribers. They had so overwrought their nerves and had become so convinced of the idea that the Province was theirs for the saying so, that the hard, cold fact that WI11resv has been de- feated does not enter into their cal- culation, and they still sing the old song, as if the battle had not been lost by them and their party There is such a thing as hoping against hope, and that u the stage that the Tory press and the Tory workers have now reached. When they realize that four years more of cold comfort in the shade of opposition is their portion their feelings may be still acute, but they will be more nearly sane than at present. What is first needed by them is to realize that the battle at the polls has been fought and that, according to Hie constitution, their figures are on e wrong side of the ledger. The recounts on both sides are now pro ceeding, which is also in accord with the constitution, and thus far there seems to be no sign of a change from the decisions made by the returning officers. After the recounts the pro- tests, of which it is possible the crop will be fairly large on both sides, will come to court, and after that a certain number of bye -elections will probably be held. It were useless to anticipate the result of the bye -elections, but it stands to reason that the party in power will obtain its full share, and if that be so the story is ended, and the Opposition will have to preserve its soul in patience until the next oppor- tunity. That is all there is to the matter, and the sooner the Conservative news- papers and politicians cease their hys- teria the sooner will everybody get down to business, and the work of building up Ontario be proceeded Mb.. The performance is over, the canvass has been taken down, and the political circus has passed on to the next station. rHE UNKINDEST CUT OF ALL ADDRESSING the Hamilton Meth- odist Conference the other day, Rev. Dr. CAhrAN referred to the recent elections in Ontario and said, " None of us came out with much credit dur- ing the last election. I do not really know that we put up one straight Prohibitionist that went forward un- der that line," What an unkind thing for Dr QAKMAN to say ! Has he not heard of JAMES MITCHELL i Is it possible that he does not know of the noble fight which Mr. MIT- CHELL made for the cause, dena-uncing his erstwhile leader, Mr. WHITNEY, for his stand on the question, cutting himself loose from his anti prohibition friends in the Conservative party, making the liquor men quake in their boots by his stern arraignment of their traffic, printing the prohibition pledge in large type in every issue of bis paper, and soliciting votes only upon the ground of his support of prohibition i Has not Ur. CARMAN heard of theme things? Mr. Tonn ought to set his partner right with the Doctor. WHINE IM THE •LIBERATOR"7 Is The Liberator still in existence? Since the election we have not aeon or beard anything of it., and are rather inclined to believe that it has gone where the woodbine twineth Of .11 the saarngy oampaign sheets SNAP SHOTS. —ST. Jolts went the whole hog in West York. —Four years more of Liberal government in Ontario. Dr. iistrris Neserrr is looming up large iii the public eye. —The Star last week evidently hail that sore spot all over it. — There is a terrible sameness about the rwulta of the recounts. — And the merry "Ha, Ha!" of the victor is hear! in the land. —That skirt dance through the constit uency didn't make votes. --We haven't heard anything about that "Soak and Sponge" libel suit recently. —The troek•coat campaign wun't a bowl- ine euccen in West Huron, to any great ex tent. —J. P. WHITNEY'S letters may continue to be addressed to the leader of the Opposi. tion. -- — This ie coup -herb, aa the mad said when he fount himself in the tureen on election night. — Of all sal words of tongue or pen The saldeet are thews, "It Might Have Been " —Our esteemed local contemporary has got its second wind and has began to ' holler" once more. — Kind words will never die, 'tic said. That's why the editor of the Signal is hay. ing such a liye time. --Now, good people, get ready to follow these -prohibition candidate and his partner in the referendum tight. — The editor has received a letter from Toronto, addressed to the "he. C. T. O., Orwlerteh." Thai frnm, eke; --Prayers are good. but Providence neurally sides with the big hattahons,if the big battalions do good work. —A lot of Literal temperance men got their eyes opened on election night and Mont be caught trapping again. —If Hon O. W. Rome cannot retain office with a majority at his hack how may WHITS sr gain Aire hacked by a minority! —A prominent prohibitionist remark e, "We should have done better if bliss Lama WIGGINS halt not peen in our midst." —South Huron has slijephd another cog, but there is no reason why it should not be in the Liberal columns before the House facets. --lion li. W. Rona will mil on Saturday for Europe to attend the coronation caro mony—that is if The Mail and The World will allow him to go. —Now that it is getting nearer to Demes bar 4, nnr temporaries, friends appear to hems slowed up in their efforts to banish the beer wagon. Weke up, Brother Mt Nai ; put on your watpatut, leathers and warhoop. The way the Stets• prohibitionist is loading the referendum cohorts to victory reminds us of the beautiful lines from `•[fold the tort:" ' See the mighty host advancing, SATAN leading on." WHA r 01 HERS ARE SAYING. q A 1'1111• "r THE OLD BLOCK. Klegatee Freeman: Mr. Si. O. Camtros, who was 'looted to West Huron, has proven himself a chip of the old block In su elec•' Goa contest. He won agaiuet hot opposi- tion. w DIDN'T KNOW TDs Its is A10. Illy th Saasaerd : A gestteman from lludertob bad r mooned et • btu models •• 0 a d ti It b of a p et le cotT oe h. 01 m U to u le pt Si w R 9, M la et. al th so as tat all Is ly sy an sot th. Lr so Ce $1 awl hot 1st of tw Mr. Ho ✓ od el' see vas ter per In Gy. eon flue eta Cat loot phs (NM and ter WI' Dior the blot lbs sew multi cuss W6 Bed, The beat the brat Eons CO., lH1 V HAVE you seen - our stock of SPRING qND SU['1ClER SHOES - y It yen do not live ma town write and we will he ;Amend to send yin vataingnee of nor vn vie, or to call on you E GEO. W. THOMSON & SO N, WEST SIDE OF SQUARE - - OODEI 1CU UIlul 1111 11141UM I'hose 8. J. H. COLB ORNEJca$r oke Dress Muslin.. Bleck, Colered. Black and Whits and W hue la prices, 8o, 9i, 103, 120, 141, 151, 17.,, 2 y01, ne. 26., 301. 351 and 50u Tb. largest range of Drys Hestia' over same In Uoderich. Lase Curtains. 600, 75o, 85e, 90.1, $1 00, $1 25, $1.50, $1,75, $2.00, $2.25. $2 50. $2.75.13 00. Paraisola. D'recl from the makers, and at Bed took Prices : boo. 754. $1 00, $1.26, $1 50, 11.75. $1 90 $2 OU. $2 25, 12.75, $300 and $4.00, and Tatum right. hart Wabta, Is Black Satanua,$1,15, $1.25, $1.50, $1 75, $2 00 sal 3460. Whlie WadsM ant white floe Mashes, 851, $1.0U, $1.25, $1.75, $200 acid 11225 Gingham. ♦ big reale aid all sew. 80, lou, 121o, 15e add 203. Prin ta. 8000 yards, 6u, So, 10, and 1d0. All new this epilog, White Skirts, White Wallas, WhIte Drawers, Wats. nom. ii 1,4 1 1 W. P. WESTOBY, Agent, HAMILTON !WREST.OODSR IC H. 11 itylVTTTTTTTTTT �1T10TTToOT TTTTTT