HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-12, Page 5I makers, Prices ; 11.25, t $2 00, 00 sad el right. &,$1,15, 5, $2 00 Weigle Mesita, TUNS: Cash or ?Mae oinghams. A lug all ew 8o,100,12{.,d 15eand20.1_ Prints. 8000 fords, ho, 8o, 10, and 121o. All new ihl. spring, W kit Skirt*, Welt* Waists, Willie Drawers, Whim Gouts. Black Qa ttMere Hoe. 20a to 650. Oottoo Hoes 10.3 to 400, e above tinea as there ii no better for 25e. and BLACK COTTON HOSE at 5o, BORNE email Stofe•pipe Parrish ('oat rte p mu before putting them away to prevent res*. Fine for bug - Oa and all exeosed Iron -work, PRICE - 25c. ax Furniture Polish hl.k.. ill thing* look iirw. kage Seeds, Dlelnteotants• Patent Medicines, 1st, a• BEDFORD BLOCK.., respite We de Ike work as It ekeeld Can Pick a k Here That 't Be Picked en on Your r. Sorts of Prices. he care with which they r used. Put one on and GVIE, . Goderich, Ont. t Hammocks this season ranges $5,00, We handle the famous known for their durability and ry k warp pillow, triage . 4.50 $1 50 2.00 3 00 II Mallet, $1.25. ti Mallet, $1.50. 4 belle \ $1.00 Ila 2.50 2.50 STORE 1�fIb1WIWI�t11f1�fr, b Ik IN ib F 4,41'N ►Ne•ee µHww.e Their Bread will No hotter can he to know where to con yinosw. HA MILTON ATRKRT. GOIJ IR U're THE SIGNAIJ : GODERICH ONTARIO.' W. Acheson & Son AN IMPORTANT SALE OF HOSIERY and -CARPETS POR - Saturday and Monday MR. SAUNDER•S' TRIP. • Impressions From a Brie f fits Journ In the Old Land Ratter. an Slew, bat raaclW tea Megan -A■ Imamate Marga for lanadiaa Predates-1emo Mats te Skleorrs Canada le Appt•ecyle•L A. Saunders, man&per of the Goderiob Organ Compeoy, who recently epos{ a few smite in the old Country ea badness for km firm, has kindly layered Tag Sio'Ai. with a abort article on his trip, He es fellows : le reply to your raiment for a hew regarding my rant trip eo Englao.., esy thea mins was • purely badness aid in 000,n1u4Ma I did not give invoices to sight -swing, and yet on am pay •eea a paesiag visit to the old without rostra. mm• measure of macs from the tourist'. esandpol.t. 6nt thing that Impressed me was the b sl the tnab coast, touching u we did as dlovdie, on the welt ooaet of the rte. 1 will never again blame an Iris lot laying his natl,e mimicry, for Ii oer ly Is 4 meet beautilel land. All it was bone gocernmeut medlar to oar own Ms Pinole, up 01 the mines and m eateries to make it an Ideal ministry to s, With :he °oadutons of lit. amoot mall taxmen, with porridge and milk xeak(us, potatoes and milk her dinner porridge again for .upper by way aatte, It a nut eurpruag that aha no at her sone and daughters emigrate deems. The oondltluas In Soonaod Farad are somewhat bettor, but I embers of Britato'. sone aad dough weld hod hoe".. in our own fair ('ane ad I did net fail ween opportunity off r mist oat the advantages of climate fres home. to theme I came la 000tact tri From • business standpoint 1 was I *premed with t".., .lowness with wh soy did everything. The street can, m, al they are ailed, move slowly ; ,tore, or lift., may. slowly ; the she •• ,tout 33 to 9 o'clock, aad holtd r with ti. greatest regularity. B nom meth', standpoint ter, gas. T :os rasa -trictly on rim• ; meal. are ,s reedy as a glen time, and when tram. *aka an appointment he is the tee mantis, and •rpeou you to be ale res may sot meet him at .Il. i sed sot Mien l0 the country many da mil ea. impressed with the irnm.nsi are held for Canada's product*, perm lea le foodstuff., and on further aqui, Mink 1 learned et one essential want. W.ppototmert of a good bona. ,g r from bare to be on the spot to _ 'tomcat., watch the market, and look sue d.•p.al of the roods. f'uob a I would sant hie salary ten tas•e. over Ye "mit would be eatelsttery and ds,b(e to the 000elgoor. I came in me wKk ea ors to amity all iinee,l,oth forair sham..• r ler hydranlitra. N ••eososamptton and for export to ether Gartehor.Thomson Pt • •o' e, aid the poeibilltiee of trade ate pipe for waterworks. D Co.. H). ng. odea. It (1.aadlu matufacturan yin, hardware, $13 10;1'Hs 9 74 ,SON. t. Hong. alive to their own Interests they will lag and adv.rtime Sweat., pais{, ors the boo . share of this trade. Can- relief, g, t(2 ohn Form , G. neral, and Canadians stand well la the Mother. electric wire, 1180 35. Formic. Montreal, and • warm *Moms Ie aocorded the A petition signed 6 about thirty-five I 'tlesuiy eaie.man who has the right persons asked that the omen' *root an ad- lint. boar . t• sell, ditional water -tank tis cemetery and al. cu R. The principal articles outside of my awn so pot in an additbkal ram. Toa was re- R. for which i mew • market, and for which leered to the cemetery committee, b th A have taken orders, were all kinds of Another petition was se follows : •' W. Panb bel., lawn mowers,clothee wringer's, tie hath (motor of wooden ware, furniture, both t sod hie quality, excelsior. tow, wood mqe, dowels, all kinds of tool handler, -rd handle., fork handles, cheese, better, •, floor, omitted good., it first ole... All she aho•e I had enquiries for. One ml.- ehepmer of foodstuff, haye made is thinking ►hit anything is good snout the ()Id Country marker. No gra be could be made. Qpallty is menial, then proper peak' •r. Th. prion will follow. 'acme fira certain bread t, for all time. are are many thing. in �kack 0e as pecalla whioh 1 can• samerate here 1 m v only add that me trip we" .aro it and the voyage ways, after the ret few days, very hie. I was ed, howe••r, to gel to our 0 town, which is the art spot la green earth, 11, Ashfield and Colborne, &skins for a oh •age 1a Me boundaries of the eeet'ua, w at promoted and referred te the education ammitlee. 1'111 musty property oommiuea reported tial they bad •ieited tk• pail and found t1 e Jailer's sport oorr of The pane wee oleos sad is good order, end the work done by the Inmate" to repatuttog added to the g 1 sppmraaa of Lbs plea, The ems. antes reoommanded that an ertra 100 let of bee be purchased, w r,ga.eted by the jailer. The oommittee had melted the registry Oboe and found everytbiag mine feature : and a similar report was eiRde eon. analog the oourt house end ground.. it was recommended that the ttsatarsee office be papered. The report was adopted. 'lbs following were appuated nom natlog 'Aare tot the o ,unty cumuli alactlu&s to •uueeU. Ti. praat V S. be paid when the fiat is ..poo ler trate, Oo motion of Maar. (30snolly so 1 Sued/moo, R. C. Have, Iwrieter, so• at• p• wad euuuiy sollultor, to tuie.e.1e4 to Ju 'n• tiarrow. J, ef. Field, id. A„ was appmoted to ti. ',meetly on the board of oouo,y *Tau tow. After passing the ueue.eaiy bylaws tt• sou soil aJjourn.d to mat on the 6r.t Tues- day of Daamter. Imre Care fee .lei at.ewark. Such maladies as num", sick stomach, cramps and alio, yield instantly to Pel...'s Nei mho., asd 11 you suffer perlolloelly from any of them oomplaiet• Just keep tier. valine handy and take • few drops in waste, for qutok relief. A large 25o bottle of N.. - 'ilia. is a comfort end a safe guard to any upp1cmcnf to "Zile ignal." GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA, JUNE 12TH, 1902. THE TOWN COUNCIL• fetntar reals& Meld es Irldey iveala( • trier Sessles. N bee the hew° oouooll met on Friday last With Mayor Cameron la the uba r, soused len Knox, Elliott, MaKtm and Renate were prompt. Mr. Thompson and Mr Mersey came to later The mating was brief one, lastiny less this three quarters o os hour. The trasursr'e statementfor she month of May was es follows Batons from April .............$ 905 01 sat eiPTs. • • Taxes $742 65 Water rates 194 46 Eleewio Ilgbs naso.,..,451.77 Lloeno.e . 404 68 wrlles I /detailed mastery 4,00 Sewers 17.00 Overdraft. items I may trip much •nos• land entey• The esaey' firs t re,. Oman tae• lits is , and maintetneo.. 653 81 ann. Electric ribs malntenann 124.95 Ivy " " apical 11.50 the Pabllo schools .. 392 93 for Mieoellaneo&s 315 06 sod l -- of a bleat to and arge tern da, •red and the. rot lob or the ops aye art he al • rs o, es try to n Il f that ('m int it PLMOITUat.. Salaries 191,64 Printing and ad•ertiaing23,85 1 45.58 Fire department 8.00 Public work. maw Charity 93 17 inter, ooepone 1 625 00 interest I I)..... 250 Waterworks capital ...... 11 50 977.63 we"m ie" portant h qe" in the canon favorable for the palatial/ of Ileo but She eoetra.tor aa' sed that be able to oommenes ti. lob the Ti. muesli hen adjearsed. THE SYNOD OF HUR gauss aad aeeeestIena et late area&kt rerward, Tb. Synod of the Dlooese of summoned to meet In Bishop (iron Loudon, on 'Tuesday. Jane 17th. oven with divine eervioa in the oa 10.30 A. a followed by holy comm There will be a roaf,r.00e on m Wednesday evening in lieu of mtesiosary servos., whin papers or a will begtyea by N. W. Hoyle., Torouta, and K.,., Canon Rio Craig and A. A. Blue, of Ibis dioaa, The insomnia of the admbuoa of women to rote in veetriee wilt be considered, as also oman's eakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and coutiuuleus sym- pathy with her kidneys. The dieorderin tMM kidneys brings about a corresponding disease is the reproductive us' n,.A,1'. ,(,1.... pts. C o an on patronage, by whioh it la proposed that ebiedplpe., Mary Oaks@ sestalsd, her same taken off might be aeuesment roll,' and Joe. H. Oak.. messed et week. for said property ; appeal against Henry Beacom was euesalned and his name Nikes) of roll. The following appeals were di. - ON. missed against the tollowiag persona : N m. H. Eason being of ags, K. Murphey, Aon rest mite Jane Barr, Alberta Tbompeoo, Wnale) Teompsoo, Gertrude Thompson and Ida Hutoe is Fulton, ,los. A. and Wm. H Johnston, en Sial, Jennie Rudd, Minato Rudd, Fenny Ramble, cod will Wm, Lowery, 011ie ti. Neablit, Sarah h. tbedralat Neeblte. Elir.b.tb Richardeoo, Dayid onion. Churchill, Henry Perdue, Goorge Leith - wee... oo wad., '1'uza Baker, appeal of tt'm. Mo• the usual L. oil not granted, a.eaemeot roll was read, addr ,. revised and peeved. Minute, of lea moot- ing C., n( log of council wen read and passed. Ti,. on, W. following a000net• were maid : Time. Print - log Co., Soots : F. J. Andrews, tile, $15 23 ; Lae & Sheppard, rep. stamp, 60ota ; aeeee.- or's salary, $60; aeeaasor'e $netade. $1. The clerk was instructed so' notify all parties 000arned that lot 15, an. 5, be taken from school seotloo No, 2 and added to No. 6 anhool section. Coupon adjourned to meet on she 30th day of Jove at 1 o'clock. Nrxoy STrHor, clerk. 2792.08 �— in Dase of a pariah or mission receivingid $3,697.09 33.697.09 A communfatloo from W. L. Horton, town treasurer, notify'sg the council that he had reomyed from the Godert°h Elevator Company a obetlue for $52 500, being the amount of elevator debentures end &cursed Enteral, and asking to be advised in the matter, was referred to the finance commit- tee. A oomma0latioo from McKenzie and Howell, asking permieaioa to place an ad yams/mint on the Bide of the new street i waterlog are, in oonuderatlo0 of which they would keep the cart palm/oil was read and w w A regaes, rem Vjj; Willlem Shier, sok- 22 ing for remission of tares charged her late man harbatd on personal property in his barber 1 •bop, and also dog tar, was lent to court of w revision. A requisition for supplies for the Ire brit- 111* gads we• met to the fire °emmittes, with power to sat. The following a000ana were referred to oot me • beano" committee : Ch... J. Harper, and sad pips, etc., $50.22 ; Packard Eleoma Fin Co • St. Catharses, supplies, 1'd and $1.20 ; en Porter, otos supplies. Siepherd, for laying seem on Brook'etreeLee � Rev 1.30 ; Le" R Shephard, work and *appeal, ROD $74 73 ; Moarotpal World, ret. Thomas, Rev blank wosemeot roll, $1.70; Garten.Danale or t Compere,, Keokuk, la,, electric supplies, Wm $8 47 : The Star, printing and ad..,tisio4, O $14.05 ; Rama t C' „ Shoar Y.. Fans.hoar gag ,1 bury the char trom See mission fund the appointurent"ball rat with the Bishop, without 000tcrenoe with soak oongregarion. and providing that such appolotmsnt.hall be only for • limited period of not more then three year. ; aver. Miles" the incumbent may be rrappoioted, A aaoea will be proposed for. raoiproolty Io beneloiary fuoos, by motets a clergyman from another diocese, if 'mob diooe•e ere tends equal reciprocal terms to the carry of this dowse., .hall be admitted to all the b•oefite of the superannuation of widows and orplaoe' fund in this di•eeee without any eatrana fee, and the years of arch in sob reciprocating diene". shall oouot as If Serval in this diocese and on similar con- dition.. A motion will he iatrodured to memorial. are the General Synod to prepare and 00111 - mists • third or alternate seryia of a simple character for the order of morning and evening prayer wader certain 000ditions. A mn'ion will also be 'Omitted to pro mete the formation of young people's a . sociatleas oa a common basis (or common end,. ME rHODIST DISTRICT MEETING. The meeting for the I;odertoh district of e Methodist churob was bald in Myth on adneeday and Thursday, May 21st and ad, the Rev. Geo. Daniel, Pb. D., char. of tee dieartct, presiding. the Rev. Jae. Huger, 1:. 1) , Ph. B., elected eeoretay, and the Rev. M. J. Henn, B A., statistical aeoratary. All the ministers ware forted btaeneless in , eon variation and doctrine, be Ker, 1. A Steadman war recom• nded to the aiming conference to be re vett into toll oonneetlon and be ordained N • A. Gifford and Wellington A. dlay mere rmommend.d to be coaioned probation aad to attend college. The . Jars Greene eked to be permanently •nnou•ted, which request war granted. . Hear* D. Newoombe was continued he superannuation list and the Rev. Mills on the supernumerary list. a the eseoid day most of the laymen toted by the various quarterly t thrust de of the dietriet were present and a - ad heartily in all the die/ominous. mous. he quarterly board of the old Hatton - street ohuroh made request to Imam old name changed, and h•ye their new oh called "Wesley COuroh." Also a mitten was appointed to confer with the aborts and 'took 'ram tth quarterly de with a view of changing them cur- ' boundaries Gorham and A. Gifford were elected e stationing committee ; the Rev. Mr. all and W. N. Manning to the Sab. school ; the Rev, Jona Kennedy, B. rd Wm. Moon to the F.owortb League ; W. Andrew. and H. Milord to the tattoo fund ; K W. McKenzie, of the and d once trade is rest Britain IlLIEVALk. I'rsittAr, Jane 3 nglessie Robertson. trl.eds here this week roxeenr, was Lottie Cod., of Trowbridge, •isltad ter, Mn, K. Jackson, this week. Sat(, teacher, of Brussels, Aerie Mmilli., to Morris visited We west. itaRR Mb, Duf'f`t ararmon to St. ('aha- Ih's Malt here. Mary Thoraton, of Wbncher's.Is her frandmother, Mn. Jobe Gar. hare. a Sumner of the people la Rloeyale ectopy attended J. J. !Seaman.' bera- te Friday, erase from the Methodist Sabbath atte°dd the Sondey school eooyee• is ers•a1s last Friday. es 14 ss Herbert rb bad the mfefo nae Ie r sed Mee day last week by e 14. metered be paella, bark at the Mi. Malcom of Teertrater, prmehd Wryk eervine hat Friday In the on minuted ratepayers of the town of a Goderich, being desirous tbat the D . a Brum sad Grey Ei.ctrio Rellws Horeo. Rec. J T Com •oaten patty y sboold build a line of rad to h. . eaid ,town, mitts branch.. extending In varlets directions, do hereby ,petltto' this non to tak. stook in said railway cm. ny to the amount of $50,000, and that a bylaw be submitted to the ratepayer. to that effect " This petition, which had some eighty signature., was referred to thew special committee. The water and light eommittee reported that they bad ordered one 15 K. W typo Halms H transformer from the Canadian General The Electric Company ; that they had aeoemedpe I pointed the offer of the Gartshere.Tbomeos Pips and Co. for 650 feet of 4 in, iron piat $35 per church Mn I. o. b. Hamilton and 3e. per lb. tot Van epeeists f. o. b. Goderioh ; that they had in, ref awarded the enntraot for the •roavamg of crane° the drain on Britennta road for the Minute on tho of the 4 In, iron pipes e, and also aisting In deduct laying It. at a depth of five feet, to W m. bare Anetey, at 7o. per foot ; that. they had per• remove chased4,500 feet of No. 4 w. p. wire from John Forman, of Montreal ; that they had perform .ill made a water rats for the use of K. McLean 8,5 at she Agriouitnral Park of $2.50 per month, and 365 f fi dating trout the 15th of July, 1901 ; tbat $4 they bad awarded the contract to M. A. g2868,w 24 Hanna & Co , Cleveland, for from 500 to posse. 60(1 tone of Maseilion demean° lump oral to retied; be delivered to Joao at $2 75 per see, f.s b. rained •.soot at Goderich ; and that they had par- For m oilseed the 1 le . led nip. from (;has. Her and the per, his teadsr at $4.53 per cwt. being the 945,49. lowest. '1 he ropers was adapted. The parks oommlttee was authorized t• es flowers needed for the Square In addition a lima proelded by the meaty aeocll. The matter of providing ream at the town hall for the aatremet,hs of N.. 1 ournow that the regleteehi armory le riven ■p, war referred b Oke speeW Wee. nubile works oommlateo was Mistreat - bay. tie corporation road mealtime red fee • while en West street, Dahlia works oeutmittae was ankher• eorohaes plank required fee repair. Agrloolteral Park. ply to CeaaWilor towber, Me. Mar. ted eras the weather bad net bees •extorter, was appointed to the ooafereno missionary committee. The following, lay• men were *looted to attend the London oonfemetic,, which will meet in Sarnia tee Brat Wadseeday is lose ; R. W. McKee- , le, J. H. Millar, W. N.Manning, laoob Taylor, W. D. Bright, . Elford, N. H. Tiffin, Jeeee Gray, John ,fiin, Geo. Ache- son, H..1. Wightman, Wm. Pollard, Wm. Moon, Peter H. Wm. Rothwell. Robe. ., M. P., and Harrison Wien bnanotal dletriot meeting war ape to be held in Holmemille next fall, he next May meeting itsOotarfo-,t, , Clinton. 00s re elotlone were passed re tbeam- erendam,the general rale" aedthe eup- ation fund. There are 3992 members dement.. with an increase of 24 after log 142 foe deaths and these who reamed to be members; 195 also hays d by letter, though some of them I fn the district. 130 baptisms were d during the year, 82 marriages,et burial• were smeared. There are oial members on the district. There 2.79 raised for connetional funds, of this being for mieeromary per - For cereals purposes $19945,90 were Walter church, Clinton, ha•i0g $7375 and Oat•rio et. church, $2847. Inutarial support $11247 was raised, grand total of all fonds war 135, - Rae. JAMst Hnssaa, Secy. of District. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Po Y. Wang ' mud The ed m .mph. The ere►. e load s sed th art's 9 taarasssl of at the yew was dbpsased ea Sea- In re tssy sea ennumcc, 7owN4NnT. Connell mat today, May 26th, as oonrt of - revision and for general business, (;oenolllors look the nutmeaty oath as members of said mart. The following ehangse were made In roll : E. J. Elliott, assessed for lot 18, ma. let, as unser ( Bernie Miami, assessed far lot 11, een.3rd, as Meant ; J. (Joleman's arseemen/ was Waited 1600 ; Mn. Jea. lwlthwaftm's appeal sssbiaod and name biker of saeesmst nil I Wm. H. Cobb, aaeered fee lei 47, Maitland ces.,as comet Thee. Glen's appeal sastalned and he set to be aemeeed for dog; appeal &galas, Mrs. weart longer than anything else. McKENZ1E & HOWELL TER PLACE TO BUY ALL HARDWARE CHRAP. EAST SIDt ',QUARK. GODERICH. TO ADVERTISERS. Notfoe of ccanges must be left at this Office not later than Saturtfal noon. The Copy for changes must be left not irter than Mn... — -> Music. must MISS COLBORNE, Wanted, WANTED.—AT THE KENSINGTON Furniture Co . Uoderiob,elm, lash or basswood. green or dry. p eubllo Notice WARNING.—ANi' PERSON BA1H- ing from the sande using the terry without pet mission, shouting, or otherwise tramming upon any part of the property wW he arrested .:aid prosecuted. Y l•. A7"rlt1LL, Ridgewood Para. N. L. TAUB*: A14t'i•AiTCaiN0 OPTICIAN Awn DYE OPNCiALWT. All triads of 8 es to order. Special and Ryegtaes made eye pecial attention given to retitle the Orden by mall promptly attended to Be- ware of parties using my name, as I employ no travelling agents whatever Satafaotlon `uarenteed. Established 1873. 134 RICHMOND STREET W., TORONTO- _ Rooms to Let. • frit) RENT.—ROOMY ON HAMILTON 1/ street at present occupied by K. N. Lewes as law offices; will change Into small store if Dstore front and r• eam entrances. E. N. LEW1s, 71 day noon. Canal Advertisements accepted no to no. o Wednesday of each week. i Huron and Bruce w GLENN CAMPBELL, !Teacher of Fletcher music method, will re- as0noce omce nautili un street. For infer- maion apply either at studio or at re SWUM. I tat Patriot's street. !poise pupas at her studio, above Mr. ?Wrote Loan and Investment CO. Methodist oh°rnh'�t hereto p aoo `p sfrmt GODERICH, - Iran and theory Pupils �De °C- ONT. prepared for all ea - Music. ione of the Toronto Ced to onservatory of tonal from Will all those requiring nD m . SoLtcrroa—PHILIP HOLT, K.C. tion at his new studio over Thomson'sh rmusic Beveeits—THE CANADIAN BANK OF i ra d for. 'tege" of pans for practice may be are COMMERCE, Dsntlstry. to W, Y. HAYDEN, D. 1). S., L. 1). S ih Dental Surgeon, su.•oe.°or to Dr. J. roe I doD ms is of mode•rn r dentatry.ted Ins in all 7. Including and Porcelain inlay operet'mna, and crown and bridge work both is gold and in porosaln, et' Spatial attention pall to preservation of re natural teeth. In ottloe formerly occupied by may I Dr. Turotwll. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are prepared to receive Depot from Trustees, Parente or Children, sums of from Fifty Ceuta to Th " nand Dollar,, and allow compo. interest, added every six month, given as agreed upon Cheques a draw upon these radeposso itts at they time 3, 311 arid 4 per tent. interest allowed on Deposita according to amount and time left. N,It —Purim/int to a late Act of Parliament married women and miner° have the right to depoelt and draw out money in their own name. I)epoeite can be sent by mail at the risk of sender. Remove from your houses temptation to burglars and food for the flames. As the Company makes loans only on fint,cla.s farm property, depositors have the strongest security for their in- vestmdnts. TO BORROWERS. This Company is prepares) to loan on the shortest notice any euro upon first elate .ecurrty. Terme are matte to esti borrowers. Straight bane and simpl interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASE;D—Nor further partieular,i call at the Company's office, corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. W. I.. HORTON, F. JORDAN, Manage,, President. Was, PROUDII'OOT, Vice. President, DIRECTORS: LORD STRATHCONA, 1. M. ROBERTS. FRANCIS JORDAN. H. Dexter. Wa• Pnooproor. HRNRY HORTON. D. J, NArrtf_ Patuv Hoop, K, NOTICE .—WE,THE UNUERSI(;NED Dentists. will sloes oar offices at 1 o'clock p ret, Wedne..]a; a from May to Oc- tober, inclwlwe, 1'3.goedl M, Nicttoteos, Ooderlob, May 6th, 1902, K YjYHAYnsh, •IneUranoa Sb . (IRAs. R. SHAW, GENERAL INSUR- ANCE and real state agent. Onloe. one dleadieast g mutfed fire iueuranoe °omotnle,r and leading stock Oomtanies. Mercantile and manufacturing risks t owewt rates. Call at omoe. ijur R. ROBERTSON. Hooks Accountant ount, andmadIn,orane up.ce Age" Buildings rented and rents oolleoted re Comtenlea rano. in British and Canadian Umoe-!n l'romdfoot A Hays' office. North treet 0oderioh. 42-tf J. T. NAP'TIfL, GENERAL IN- Flre, Life, Accidesand PlS Glass Insurenand eal Renate re 'treated on mutual or cash plan at lowest ate cosi hie. Be , English and Canadian companies rep- ro. - d. (M1 a. next door to (Jarrow & Garrow, Bar. Is or Hamilton ntreet Medical. DR. W. F. CALLOW, PHYSICIAN roma surgeon. (fee la Rank of Corn - roma building, west side of *mare. Night ' °Wait reefdenoe. Elgin et. W. Phone M. mmmnnnmmnm►nnnmmrtnnnnnnttnm►mim. HAVE YOU HEARD of the great snaps that_. LICE I SHEPIARD ;ire offering in BICYCLES A $45.00 Wheel for $25.00, "Goderich" tt $55.00 " " $30.00, "Common Sense" These Wheels are fitted with Dunlop Tires, are up-to-date in every respect and guar- anteed for one year. We have a complete line of Re4dy.miaed Paints, White Load, Oils, Varnishes, Screen Doors and Windows, Refrigerators, etc. EE Fc SJ-IEPHARD I') bENtrkiAl: Ef r C IN), BUY THE GENUINE—MAN'F'D BY rriNIA JT5YiM'01 `O 1nr'C�` wt'�eatfi N tW vow fret 4`n ee v.* FOS jell LvAU ;;rt)(dF;,Tj f'IPf,( frUr$fTLS $l5,1S0 per ren OWE iT A PRI ►1.. Wm. O,ampbell, Osi.rtoh, Marais 1016 1902 i CHEAP. THOtteDte June 12, 1902. 5 Jordan Mc K I M'S Ooderich, Block' Ont. 5�ninch 50c. Homes un at p los black and grey. Elegant for Shirts or Suits to make up without lining. Those gootie are worth at least one-half more money, but here they are - 56 Inch wide Homespun, black aid grey, at per yard .. ... . ...... 60•e 5o an re ter abut 50 lbs. of Berlin Wool, stogie, 4 told and 8 fold. Before our new heuristics' of wools arrive w. want to clear out all we have in stock and will do it at 5o an os. Now is your time to put los a stock. We have most of the coolers but they won't last long at 5y. When the new stook Duma it will go back to the old prim. COLORED SHIRTS AT 43a, OR TWO FOR 85.. Ws hays 5 doses of these left, all this spring '• sleek and all is es one pries, 43n Those are new, olne, fresh, up iodate &.ripe shirts and will be cleaned at 430 Men's and Hoy' White Shirts, Hem fronts and beads, 2 few The BOYS' SUITS. _You want a Salt for that boy If you wants °heap one we bay. it, or if you wast a good one at the prioe of • cheap one we have Ir, too. Of °nurse we oaeoot r.00mm.ao the very cheap ones to give you the some sattstection ea a higher priced nos, but ours at $4 25 and $5 00 we will gearante. give satisfaction. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. Every Cyclist Deserves Dunlop Tires Do you want the best tires —Dunlop Tires? Or do you want to pay just as much for the second but ? IDinlop Time for Carriages and Autom -*end rubber and pion. Matic. DUNLOP TIRO CO., MITKO, TORONTO. 1 BROPHEY & SON — THE 1.IAniN0 — Y.\.\ltru\. D'.r(tecors tart. IuO UAI tkuut' Ig iS11U Siding, Dairy Tinware, Iron Pipe and Fittinge . Orde``s rarerslly aet,Ned le al all kiwrs, stake or day, time bee atreel. WOOL I am or. pared to hey this st asoe4 clip of Wool, as urual, at th.-- BENMILLER WOOLLEN MILLS for highest cash prie., or in sin• obanke for manufactured articles I •hell bay a large aseorttntat of Homespun Cloth for (Adios' Dream during the amen. The encores 1 h,d last year induces me to go extensively into the menu. Teeters of this ankle of clothing. JESSE GLEDHILL. WOOL Ikkillop ilutrall Fire lasuruce Ce, FARM AND ISOLATED TOW1 PROP- ERTY INSURED. I 'Vii,,, of Property Ir•urel up to January, la0l 1113,111 1.171.08 O/MICrtte AND DIRECTOR.. .1, R. McLean, pros ; T. Fraservloe-gree. ; Jia Connolly, G. Dale, W. U. IIroatlfott, J. Wait, Jas. Evans, J. G. (Move, J. Hennewele, directors; W. (I, Hroadfort, deafo-th. inspec- tor of looses ; T. E. Hays, aoatorh, eeoretary. treasoner. AOIINT, J. W. Yeo, Holmeevitle • Jamas ('ummfn•t Egmondvllle; It. MitMili an, 8eaforth : l: Smith, Harlook. Polio, -holders can pay ae eesme°fe and get their oardn rereipted at Mr. Coate' Clinton, or at Mclean Hnoe.' Potreo Clothing Ettore. God. rloh e Mill Wood FOR SALE The Ai ove M ant into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at rlaidence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. (I..lorich, Novesnher 21st, 1899: 53.3& 'The (IODBRICH LUMBBR COe HAS Flt SALE One Million x, xx, xxx Cedar Shingles. ALSO Pine, Hemlock, Cedar and hardwood Lumber, Cedar Posts, etc., ctc., at their mill here, - The Gode-rich dumber Co., 1.1 MITEII May 23rd, 1912. tt ieoe ems— 1908 LISTOrf L la movi1. ng forward. Winter term begins Jen. Msand thui,rough and pmre ol al Mend fornable. MIT octane' ear Journal and see what we teach. 8tudm4 may enter at any time. Two mamas of study. Comments! and 8bortba0 C. A. SLEMING, , A. L. McINTYRE, Pres, aoo. Owen Boone. i lasowet. TAILORING.,. 1 hay* received my New Stooa of Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. It you are gating • sew opting cult, • light overceat, or anything a my Ilse. I can please you in good., Si sad prise, edremeey node I Milking la Steak. a DUNLOP, T«E,*, HELLO THE OLD' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Scrallthigialid Coal IN THR MARKET Al Coal weighed on the Market !males where con get MOO lbs. tot • ton. V1/111. LEE. ord.. kr, at LICE & SEEPEARIYS Store promptly attended kn. A Great Snap.„. Is our Ginter Snap, al fmr. pouts& of which ere sell a barrel a week. This isn't our only snap, se we wart •sorylhIna that oan be found in an tot- to•date grocery store, and our prioee are right. The lumen know that they au elevate get from ea a snap for theft produoe. W• draw the line at sue ',writ/tate trad• — everything toes Glassware or potatoee, garden stuff or Osman table China. We deo) In ell of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., WANT A STEPLADDER ? Wo give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased from us. 50c a lb. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, but a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a Telephone No. 9 1. OTT,T1WM" az CO. THE GEOCEEE. { (