HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-6-12, Page 1THREE a aA S r r
AV'TS Awe:
-- -
FIFTY -FI H YEAR. •'288 -
1evmtTT Ketern'o U!ltetr. % AN fKD -A OIKL r transportation, e'c. Me. fleatco, of 'Cor°. YAKrtr. - N1ciarosu
Pu fiDg dub div(slnn No. at rialey's %h'wl y ho°Nwork. Apply t0 RN.(JOB. K Ull. w, tmtrodmcod h rr. )letloD is rAe o•m• of glitch took lice - A happy event
;toot,,. the meld taraIn . of Aehdald. W Ibis Uoderbk Board of Trade "kint the "hi or Yk lso yes rd y wag the ugh
Bt141110 (toped lgrhl Utdol. - _,-
Pollimq cu6b dlrb:on Nu 'at tlohopl Finan Folle Bwo. Unmi°iea Goyerament te pace sm'idsolVrsoy ver of Mr. amd Mn. Jobp
No. 5, la the said Towuahlpp of AshIll4d, Igw. fhs neotuc,Ca w" C. Yolatoth, to
KoLoeth KOKSnrb, ueputy Kettirulgq Ot- - owed cello an F[amll. Mrrtf., •former Uoderich ngy wbe
torr FOR BALK OR TO REh7• _ •as t&tu@. propea*d by lbs lViaotp.g h.• been for some Nmo • teaident of M&nl-
g 1, At Iforr"ter g JL Btmban oQare for Sale or to rSmiRthe folia. The oeramesy w'ay owlehnte l a 9
Pullin Bub-dlvislov Nn dobggte.. i
flstl. 7'ottAlbsrtJa the surf Town•h1i of Ash. DropertY at Present Decants, 1 by e'. oe rhe Ar THx LAKY, yRnNT.-Toa err, N Ise o Clcek iD to marnia •t
fief ,
U B H'awkl „orae
Ilam os. IN , r or V
u mtorl
D Hetur • eel
) OLA xr
t ace
mfr"a. 1 v
Than rr.•ad 9Atmrde cell► 42,000 basholg of 9t, Mater's ahurob, ,
Ua•ol r. halve. cover rote beiwith SR conv nie ceell• v R v. F.ihar West .tri oi•tiov. Tns bride ',
Po! ,in Nobaid,sown No. S, a t{chral Hdb•e race bon ,e Md oloro, wit0 ail co. renfenoes le wheat from Fo•t Wdllam. Bobs dlNhargad looked fbhrmtdR fn a castam• •! ca,tor
SC I) the Said T rnIo.c v pf Aoh field, Joha connection Thereto &,so & stnry•&ai a -half 10,000 bwhsb at the 8or mill and the bel. abode cloth and white milk mi el. She wars I
i'de•, ueputy Ketuntra U r>.a, name dwefllgq s(toated om the Mms Int. fomes &t toe big •hv'ata, and cb0rd on •black Dlorore hat rod oarrIsd • booaA of
1'„II ng Nub-dlvieion No. e, at finish M, 10- roan I rOlUonablo. Appy to MRS. ,
fah Idwelling house. Lot{. Con 11 Wehe,m STRACHAN, on the preen see. 9aoAay for tb north ....,The O.edrags cream romse. Sha bridesmaid was Miss
111rwon of the Said Towm,A to o/ AshneW, - mado her regular Nlb......The dredge b rher"S Moloweb, of Scranton, ile , sbter
Nyygth YCI uligli info,, o. 7. atleg Ofil'wr OLU PePh'KY FUK YALP:, FUR PUL'• dlgg &g out toe sssterA prt of the hwtbnr ^f the bride. folie w" prerttly attlre4 Ip e h
9Pcllug sahsli•Islon No.p f Bcbodl lRobl. AI, °°drr a Island, or ''►oda, mo " to provlA& more dre"fl wktta or°aod.e will, lees trimmloes
Ro. 11 iv tpw Mid TowpSDlp o/ A*hfield. Robe O L111. Ound 'Det•, *to. Aptly at T»w
-0 1"'inm, DeDaty Returning Utecer. ream for venelh wintriag hire. Tns work end hal to mr;oh, Ye at•o bars atom t
f Us 'fuurda ,the Stn d o of hip A. D. A T PRIVATh SALK hu are.gait.ted ►h• Beijing down of C•pc Dees, 1'n• groom wm■'asel0gd by
k d. the Bser• of rhe pId Townwlp .Dell at- A H, c st is hoot hooses• which will be oreaced dtewart •
toed m! the Township Stall in Ills sant Town Steelton, of O)baw0. At the oonclueion of ,
abip at ten O'clock In the forenoon to appoint That bias atone booms with ,-roomel brick f0rtoer to AAs west. , , . Toe tel( C-'pt&ip the re: fmoay the harpy edup)a 00d the t:
Persoeat°°tteni atthe arloespollinc Dlaaog addition, situated on Pio on Street. Thehonee Jim• bull, by W, Yarlpm Iver en* of the guests wredritem to AAs residence nl rhe o
Horessid and ar th& bDai sammlggg veli of la dr) ad warm, bang final tbrougeut with Dnoohes a( Aha DImin10m Feb Co,, leev" bridi s pALCDtst where so exaction& wfdd qg
to•to o Me Towoshlp Core oa WAuf of IA& 1 -Inch ilt by It Is 4,IId &,u! ni bfadtlai. U fhb weak tar SeDls nl Yana. creak blit wa. "rued mad o"
s nm I 2 I 11
taro o r t n bo t b t
&*Med 1 M lit''
o to
r ,
pp to. or oD tlhO lt? dlbboss when to hie prim° IVHAT AaorT FARI.Y Ct,,sts. •_Ths . Martin 1.4s •1
►onus the l►o'Ie•ge of thIs Eiflgw. wen tendered, Al r. •tad Nn. Ma,tla 1,{C m
TM clerk of the osid Township or Ash Not for 0 Aa1 bat for ail t m•. summer Nuo. hes fairly oommeoosti, .tad on the 2:30 train for Toronto, y
flitimmil attend at the at d Tow"hip Hall TM f0andst(oas are •Dont 3 feet thick and wills • p where {Rhe &:
ta ten ddor{t Ice tae forenoon o('I'hursdr, rAe will CoAun• .a IOng „tae 1'framlAe of Karp', w• hope Chat our merchant* will maks • D Ad • few days before rocee,hd le M
IOfh cay of duly ♦, 1). I0 4, to •nm up the A home seeker or Investor who real i,oe the move for arty cloaoR. 11 will be • MpeSt their now home in Winnipeg. The bride, h,
.omburor►otos gin" for end sgmleei ere ptenttSlitleooffreshPaintand paper, Which tosmploysn sd employees bath to hhvs who in highly 0114 jusety esteemed bya
Blew. an IneiDn, by a, and of gIs", wh vee 1. pane- thslt evenioge free and to have, m• host of frl.ads in GoJ.nch, w
-- (uiy coeur, ry & Imck elanDlnq ant rndoionn t. n half. as the re- ht
.gpe0dlturs taus malaroi,.h It Into an un to- h°I,dny every week, Aad the purohanigg olpbat of a Inet meet btatitdai vi(ro,
TKRMdANU CUN11[r1UNd• dare mansion, Iassert most strenuaoely &fid public wilt mot make any oompl4lnt )f detl• JUPOWZNT tee ADerfFcAr.rr $RIS -fpl 1V
/Mrlpwla that a big reform wiN ucorae IR the tied of the uh*nRO 10 rho rune of elseiov Riven St Torenge los we k b gn
The followtewAn Aha tern. anA osndilloos wide-awake t A big tur the pact of all r he moot wan
Wood on between thlS Corporation and the sone that he hu. brat &nA 214 found %non VV* have s lovely country at this season of Sludge MoDau all, Situm I f
and Itnror. R, ace and Ont Electric [railway all ready to h'a heals. The sante coo" be rAe yesr, bat of what •rail ars SII Lb• R g a AimleAlty It1
Csmtany, y I t ho rp log of tbak In rhe esld said of a shell or vemoor, Let the" who are beauties o! nature i( the •vraxed merchant (gsurt, to Aha coif of Ake OwrRun HAT Na•- no
('gDrpanf ny the ('orporarlon of the Tow"hip on the lookout tw a •oft eo.p IAvtMtlpte, io• 1 tion Company, ownerm of flim steamer th
Af Aee Arid aDA•r fhb xyIsw Is feroh• A,. vestig,re, loop" 1¢ve. .Orf Cha fired .lurk .scoot qct Sw•y (rem C4rmoe'a. .l(aldnt Capt, Dmvldwe, owner of rel
Cured ro beanNJect the»to.aed the amoun' of URars & tdr-0 to business for a few hours to take them In ? the atearnharR• Shenandoah, rind her town mi
Co., (I to be Paid for 0uoIs stook when nob- THKO,1. M%Btf;) ,'8E• By all meant lot us take a decided ate in
oerlbed far and Issued is to b. D,yable to the p Aha ('rete add (:.&Del•, lm Juno, 1899, we
bid Ifnitwr y Reynold P. O., She dir"tlnn of shorter hours, ro4 e,'eryoa• oaf (OKI() '"Ornrov th ,he Ht, Clair chars fol,
y Cnmpsnf and In tar mtome• wit. y 7kh.e nrumpt alleRllg&. cel l be the better for It, the `Shenandoah Crashed into the (7&r
Sou st fhe time e.t forth eof ala. &bA sot M0y 7th, lSl)L #1 M
taAerw!•e, god no part thereof .hail be paid Mems, ('q
b the AaiA Comnd.y eiesDt I. a^.00rdaace ---- Botnrt Ntf T11v. 1'.11.7 FAhw _l%:6 are *tad 1DjureA her belly. Thera waf a titer rq
'Nth oven upon fu'dllmant of such terms And NOt1e6 to arigidt a. D.eaed to learn that the Huron, Gr*y A Do's aha to wen wu to AIR vee, a^d (aha
g 1 "Oo" Bruns E tetrfo Railwa American resists did not touch as U,a% hof
t Vim.. of tM deice,.`ares mantlontA la y Campeny, hgral( Y - l(e,
t sfn.r cin be NOr1CM TO (,REDITUR3. Pur^soli I the Pd!n'. Farm, wkf endeavor to 'tiall pointe tar a long time because of the
,r R ByIsw .hall M'Ujo until at 1 i make It mnr. promimm{ than over " a feu of A•Ing bbnllyd for darnaKM. Finstl ov
Bald ragwsy hes t)- fully emn and u rot he y, nor
t•s&l one milt IaW tbes•IA Toweehl ar. e&^A M the Matter o/ f"Ae BslOte o/ 1174 Rafsfr• summer recon, It will be ooaduored Aurlml( • Yt►r Aq"• the Crete wee sir►oded to (:ae-
tNIs•folloWlnR palms : The main file of lord, lsVe oe fflAf 7oiPRehiyp a/ASA•Frfrt, to eee"o e3w opeeioq amdr Cha mane • •'Iran wmprs, "d cull wan •otereA. Te the
am railway shall b• bollt from the To •a of in Inc County I/ //arnx, R ,In
Joh toe Ihrrosed. meat of .1 T (fol4thorp, whn will have &'I svld.noe allowed that then wee w cor.timt o!
alYlpp a ve un a li le of C.+l- ru'. The Csdsdian rola Mr
^• u.d shat from tbero rem a Ilne rn Kin - 05e ►dnntaram th It egerRy ani caprtd' o,q Provide that in bo.
AHI•topaid Towoshlp et Amhfielld, and from Not(op In hereby given, Dor,nant to the Ra onmmand. Ths ba Idiots %;A being repaired mart+w 0h son.tv,rmmetwmlm Fair#'Tha gtat.
"got' hto Donegan... .Inner the road when ,ieed gin, 'ut Be Onann I*#7, Chapter l:p, Sud the ground• ttnprov.1, to that wnar bard side, ilial I• keep M rAe rlvht. The wii
MM MtAe Nh•, whlob Adivldus the 'Faw0 that alt rred,ror. and others having rlslms Arg wlwayg b•rO ane of ln• f.annl^ r"cru Amer(•.n roles simply say shat d*eeeodibg of
•OdtAYWo,lA from the TOweehlp of Wnt 4041"t rhe hmats of the Wd.Hutch Rutbec- ,1
Wswano6h Both of Std Ifmes are to to built ford. d^eneeed, who died ester about the IRIh Ice R'estafft 17&rM Watt th•s era lee bA ,h vassla shall hava lbs. tittke a1 .UrNv
rem urrently. Whom one mile In ts'aoh of arid def of Mgr•t9 ^t, Rre requiret on er before the better COL41tio° than ever. The rvsof6 a .al roe (!,rm^na wr d, accadaR, in A•
411",lon, h" b•An full completed the tai I .fro def a July, ISG4, .o send by post p,opnld Mloq ex Lomn.wly &drerClN i, •mea nn. • loowl rule wan ser u R m'•
fit*kit r.,_ .liar$ ■ •took nhah I)n rob• or Mliver to MrSerc. Dickinson t Darrow, of g the I' D pr•q•11n rhe we,
whrlol foe 0nu ailottaA the Town of O=dmrl It. In the ('onnt) of mediums coed betel( tit* Ht. Louis ad I 'IO land yogis'• Should take the slub,,,A
slid $3 non to sofa' Towoshlp, flit ran,. so11,110 f for the eleeut3ro o' fns MIA fro({ err, rod It a es toteA that lbs n- •' tAOr, plot, gs h61d thrf. Mu CLl
NIA Aebnetnr" Aall Aha Ionn:A p D p D Itu1 the Jud
sae {1 Sri Mor o thr "Ill of Bop m11es (, all dro oo a d dis ('hHerIs. .nA narrticulh. 4d- null will be ons of the masa pr,,epertion Mt. *"A Dot aha wall Rind. a N the regular tab 4 el
c6 h addit over to the SaIA Com pant, wnd a• trees.. ams demur taloniest hill herr lc courage mai
tick ■ddtrlonol Both their claim.. the he "O t: rf if an . held y „ns fo Chs history of rAe PUIgt F•rm, ^( AAs toad, sod fnun4 for rhe (',armo tai Re.
or thtmnn a thereof Is each of 0. I gd rho volas of the •Nur;tfeo, lf'an held D ,"dna rho dam• •o M.
k completed ace elAltlOnai p3.b I f, ► v ntalost the 4hoosmrloa4
he o'In uinsly n d •ANI be handel nrr them• Trti Naar I;Rn Hnrsn --hhe naw Nes[ end her Lows ht p2,1M3 a&A net to, ser'
MNM' nreDwey, anA when the nald et,llwar And further rake notion that after much lost steamer Greyhound, wh ,'t is to take he (1p,
& Ili oompl.fe 4.d In running order from menr[,n,•4 dote the Mid esenutori will oro- , t ,urolon f , Potrnit next week, to, In v `at PKrx:'""" Is 1•:r•rn Ra PARTY 1 he Pro. pa„
harsh to Klmul anA from BoA.rinh to a fOLhe trinere tiro Aa{ta el lh* dsoea.od df farohh.nis, one et rhe moot .ball gresely anuhra poly wt to rlmk 1es4 There. fib
irmid.A r• with tAe Aafly merman eMlnaftet t Part(M eMlt:eA IAerotO, nava` re oa the i,ke.. All the wlDdowa ere d6) ov.0ior, In aid of the hospital fond,
twb shall b.' h• Woo— of the cud 4.1, m. gard Pelf to the ebima of which they shall provrdM &° reale . os'e mast Iver r 1st
••r non, , have ted over to to R,1,1 IaII Nen Aa+e font re, &vee t ,a, tAo uul e:rfn o s of heavy Plat• plan, The apeO1►les K 1 Y rile a
1. I nnp, wUl Sol be liable for the sold &*will cr any ors I° on antique design of late ,mportatlne, large number of Indies god gent Oman.
TAe.Aia UCmp4Op shall oommenes to Part rhsro of to mff person or persona of Tw&ety ..vrn ah'n ware to o■., •sd there
ha11A `h^ meld its 1 way set 1at.r tn&n rhe nr.r whowe rlalms notlM shall not have &nen rc Tn• Idi"' sMsrvONen rddm anA &e noble were brhi IM mot a tow who AIA Ace qk•
W s J t; A u IAD, and shall have the el•M Ay them •t flit rime of gnrh di,triba stn a droom of luxury moil magmfiosnes- I1
1100. Ths ten private parlor ■r& rgnippod with Par%!n the playing Te lad e,' first prito far.
Re fn ly completeA aoA lm openNan on or
Is, the first A• y, Doted /e31ol As> (><MaI larJ. *,e woo by Mn. Dudley Holmo•, and car
Aub est for f of Jnl A. D IDI&, whA Q %hit let$$% farnishings A osw teat re is the filet
Mom rrlmfor Palo"eers and freight Di KiMtlON t OARRUW, w haaderms carvrd woolen Ir. the Work
Sold, "n rAa0 icer e0ra or train each way Rollclt is for William Irwin sled Martha dm vel( room In the Cable. Urinklng valor And gift of Mto. Sita oy
art tth" whole 41■tAnne tram iJo d^i7a dam•• Rx"Glre wf Hugh Rothrford,de. Ifo coaled by calls and d )hag not coma In con. gay M "' '^'lI tib' P .worn
u Nut eA .tom Oafrrle t ow d. Wit hard wow Las IgduA' Nailed primo, & bs aDti•
The trrlono boon at A d Unnsannon cot with tea, a ddnhl6 uamSaee of purity, eoet
IMIA, shag Which anek ear or Pasteurized milk •eA .teem ars need. Th• (al oantr•p:eos of belting cloth, embrof
Aha ran to he settled sod Alread -T- -- .bolo. a Ntu,l t* that of Ant -oleo he he dergA by Mn Hutchison. Th• third prate, R
414 ktfwegn Me Township I'strooll end ted NOU00 0 black mural t,tndloetirk e6dtriberad by cant
swMny. Tine to Memo. of thlm
awA,gon. M the - --- or reeamrar.te. NMb a I• cert• er bile M I
a Tb. yl ((• ARD UU THANKS. special. Not • ofeglo detail hs■ boon omit. Nr. hldA, wee w ,n by Nine rosiness Bothnia
It, trsr46Cmp,w fnr.hw agree. lhst l'Aa gontbmen'& tint pries wont p C. A, Moe•
rn•,nwl hs" Q4n1 ,as IseeA nn rAe p•vAl er rd ,he MRMDLRR god ORRfCRRH of tori SAat wdt adA en ufgnv .oA cemfors, if Nedra, and Was a tOlrOeno jir vlree Ly lir, !q 1
w4,^r, ne..epor,r on o! the road AeA low Nq&,.t Rn p D*trol A, tns'e !ad p qo vee 1'orar. A1'rm Anssbreok, WAa Cask • Nih
(aa --pr twple hear Lo1ge, pie. l7, A O. lit. Sf the "a°cn11 ht •aeardo&" Iwo h ►h•
►II Ihat ai esnuel n*A through Q.NT1.aMRR, lies behalf of m self and R R y
!!A1 !a^ 4nd Sa;A rra0 o genllemado par•, woe rhe second pr!r4, A It
e6'r^• sA►II M k, pole, swlte nes Mmlly 1 bog to AcknowloAga rraaipp• of choq,lw fled•rinh esdd, n° the tveehtg of Tonality,
4s _"Pie,'Art"to IntarfsM aha for Two'rh.mesnd t)allar., th6lnl, A,n nig e( .lune 17 h, a1 8 o'clo ts. ^^Dy n) annul me rLlAsrr pielu,M fu crayon, "or,
a8. np,^ orn.1 'lA le tnt}IA pn Ili t AIRh vein^nrI&rf n.•rlfi wt. In,n wl w a1Y IAte ho, framed, the w^rk end glle of A)1 a (Jarnw. Roel
kb,,net.A_ • ,) a -hfeh Its airway mal h^ btoil. James Thiturl t fart vrry grArahil Mr ,il,'AT. "x'laty. -Th* annual meeting 1'. A. Mslnom+nn, of I,e.k now, Wns le LM
w ow's,he,^ hfghwey to he n•eA1 the pheing hm r nkenr R,A rFlai ammposmf.nA f rr AAA of OA• IJo,d6Nnh MOIinal Nnobly wee AdA 1s ton Nem.n'S Mlnl pr,•+, • hand sem6 Anrol prey
road. Ioera, M. ,eying of tree*. promptnem with which rho claim was to tows oaonnll .ember we MonAav .rye leather pbao-o Pouch given by one vel the cad
ad•w the rAe oMtnmtlon of the road I wish tM A. U, U, W, Arery So, raw PSfA. leg. Am novel, the •ramdrnrs of .iR.Rres Daeyhtsrs of the, Rmpirs. After eke plhT aiu!
4y1rIR staArnntloe es 1A makleR rehaln ppaMr
tkNMtM Drlvaa e,owAftM, Presses ora raol,rhelsMayf;,INS, MARY a T[ 1VWW`. NDN Of 'hellnitru i cls Shia c'ar* lei t&• *64 66*u Id°Iq•drIn fora shortftl"O. Me Axis,
ed me Marine baud lunlshine the at 410. All who cheo•o by Bishop Mc19eay to Succeed the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -JUNE. 11
va0 wars Drehgt sesm°J w b•vs s thoroughly I.te Father Tnber os rector of St. Mary'.I
r. Chat she o time, end the gbh w" eiPreseed parish, London, Father McK*oa hes don• Lard of Tbasks-Napls Iw•f l,od tea
iRer, ib o Che agar would ba ►epohld, or Bomb• mon or lass work la SI. Wry'S p,rLb ufce . °• •h°'
lbs a mnattily event. no wag cation -4 lm London, Suit Is ver A O, U, W. . I
a.d L1NU"AY-Joos"Ton.-Um Wedn•sdhv, y Kead ihb Advsrtl.em•nt-1V.
pputar with the flank. tothi P• Wes•
tY Jane J h, Miss M*rtle I Johmwo and Toe second addr,m' oo What Riposte 4
Bred J Lind■ey ware unit+d a los bonds Stand l'br' was delivered Sunday evening Hammo„ks--Kldd's Boats Stesa......„ 4
ger* of matncauu at the boars of rho brides
vera y ,n the Baptista, Hall, K"t street. Ths hail bylaw tso 7 -Township of ASadeld..,,, I
rhe uao:s. George Barry, 61stS •venae, The wee well tilled. The disaoures was upon ALt.a&len-}': DJWSIn
for eeremooy took place At I •'.look sal wan "Immersion and the Ordm.noe,," cad Ibo Homes un 3A R .... " . 8
r" Psrlormad by Rev. J. W. R,biaso°, standpoiat taken wait that of the Uhriebtan's P A. t1eK'm ........... , 5
the Pastor of Victorl. street M&t►odiet church, duty to obey the tiommoadmeote e( Chrin USlomdint ,,4.;r__W- U. Prldhafo........ 4
The br,do,wbo Wu viva° •way by her ODORS, ht forth 'a the Now T•gamsug The ileal
Umn Utine f:xounioa-q kip year Lies, 8
was salted tc her l(oing •way gowo, wa,.d day a. .t rho serf" -111 bs Rlvan part Sum AsoouaoeRights Ju. A Stra.hae
rhe wee of cola mhaAg, wlrh blSaalt-colored day •vsafnt, JuDo 15th. The topica are the l:ot toA Va.u-Hodq•.s Rtes• ..., I
nv talk waist and has to match. She bar* a lodivJdaallly of members, Imdsphodracs of • 8
tog boayuot Lt bndal roes., TD• brldesmnid .&etcher, llherty o! oonastea00 sad tads- Aonon°osmant -_
rel was Miss Liu s Thoropeon, who won a Io• 0 ade.ce of church f state. S°alb cad Fest Hato*
Lha Lam• of ore.m silk, with black cture hat, Farmers' Institute, ,. I
tits an 1 oarrted oink rose., Th• bride wares K omtoommhltee kNdtre•soYrlte a IToroemok Tb• Pu'Vou1 for Sal• -F. Barlow Holesea 6
tto so ,ae.,e l(eld w m Rod tbo om.*amhiJ tt waf decided w chaugo the (form of The °s FArm--Huron, $raft A Uny
tO ace opal -oil all:" ut the groom. Mr. Chrl.ttan Guardl►n. In I&e new form the KI"%rl0 Railway Us , Llmlted, , I
°t Ada»o., of l,,odoa, wee beet mea Atter Guoirdlau will bs m thirty two lnsL*•d of a Servant W grie ..... 1
'n' cite ceremony the weddin y, mored -YIN Roo
A anmpoosd of nL.tives Sad rtfew ,.elaa•S s,uesq pace. paper,"at pnsegr, the pave• AnDaunc*a.Rt-Listowel Bangs_...,
be friend. of the courseti being half cbs i r. of the present I"uh, Agooggoemo°t-Ladles of Vlolona Suety I
0• te aS sractions repass, • drtMr and Yrs %ILS q n,oeseiaRse wsoat pbroe • la Aha ('hutch.... .
°O L'odsoy felt on the 3.15 r M, train for th. it fn.dhsaloai rt)olpmsac, woha a belay • • • - •. •. -' - 1
id borne in Lnodod, whr* leer, 1,'ad.d woo
f' was form•lIV • Uoderich township hr. has pall. willrbe out to Itoo clew tire" nom• Um• HArrboq, of town ; end Mn, UrdoA, of
.n reAlduf for some lima. Am^til( the oamer- d.nuq Aha Bummer, Aston the (:aaeral (los, LO/keaW, Mrs. Harries° was • Wthfol
os nus g ttr raosl►fd by the bride was &"silver forgoes assembler 1D Sopternbar. meaner of hlreh strht Ye,hedbl .caro&,
'r salver from the choir god 8:ble 01408 of end oo the SO it Y evening following her
x Vweoru street Methodist church, of wbloA A dellni tftn of Bsptl.LS• eight in °amber, death • inomon.1 Ser►Ice case ooadroted b
e ab was , membr. The yoOOg oo°pis .r drove to IY,..he. o° J uo. 3rd Lo bland the church to the at7100 a a lugs d n -
'a tallo•eJ to their caw home wltb Aha bot the W,Ikertoo Haptbt Aasociatlon meetlD s, 'to st'on, rhe sermon wee by Lb• pastor,
V wish" of many frlsatll to Goderiob. Tne r* R Re,. Ur. Daniel,'Led appropriate music wos
y port • oordiai rmohptioD and that rend&nd by rAe .holt.
their advent was an event of the Convention. _ _
If LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. They learned that nae only ibe church" of _ --
d the local asoocictlon but of U4t&rfo re much ANNOUNCEMENT&
a S GOnrgo'. Guild will hold ire •uoutl Interested to the program at Gorterich. The ladle. u1 1'rotorls". o►arch will
w Q4rde° party on Tbureday, Ju'y 17,h. The lsdi" of the W'agham ohuroh haat "t hold h
H- C. Dunlop hem taken o5&rge of the ad all the deloe'a%" both days of rhel000 Joo* 25:hro4 t eagrounds atoA, havb°a
I drug sten lately under the ventieq a the Suedsr wbool room. Tits (lorm&rly Mrs. K. B. Salto'•.)
I of F. N1. huohrnI. DruprletonbiD meeting. were Bort 4uccee•ful ,Dd'DograOt-
Jae A Y ncl.at ekpe,tr to h'ar• Aha cow lag. Het C. ff. Bm&non, of Mount yet. Ao excursloo under the ageploce of the
sprtcklsr tar this tow& aomPitted •boat ►h• hal. ill" bo orator. Jtile -t t nu" were (colli Huron cad Ke.s Hero■ Farmors' Is.
mPtdle o' this mu iib. y •Litotes will aka Plane *a Jags 20sh es the
R aundeo : Model Farm •t Ooeiob. For !res aad
C. 1. Uh eroo, Toronto : A. J. Haamdon,
'1'n• Kmv's U•aghter$ cel❑ hal t a lawn Lfotowel ; A J. Dirrooit, Kenilworth ; }1, time table nee
woi41 Y, Porten.
U the evealne of Frid• Jeb* rib, MrQuarr!e, Ttvertoo ; J. J Patterson, I"iff)e 140. We any (for wo or trade,
•t the reeldeaa0 °(y Smogth. Wrogb.m : I) . 1 H Fermat, McMaster wool. *gge and butpr. A =21;.000 stook of
Stuart L,qe wan satics"fal is the tint U°ivere11y ; Mies Priest, India ; And Mut drfReods, grooarim, read
rear "AmIcA•16ns of the Law School at A, L Copeland, B,Iivla. The carpets. huote and show Mto #oleo# from.
(hvoode Hall, taking h*aon. very . Gen. E. KrNu, Win from.
tuned p U&tbrlCb t4• (sllowlDg evonlov, qh►m.
The Daugbpn et &b• Mmpira will have a Tha Losdoo ooafersece of Aha M*tbodbl The best
meatless o° Monday afternoon asst, &n• uburoA h" beta la ee"lom dtr a Ike put goallty of IN oreaa, .Ise tb• '
16th tusk, i° the law library at to .cert gy"L"t variety of true frail fate** ter
week at Seen,&, In the election fur proal• sod"* ore Served aha Aha Vloprf. resaaraet,
inure, at 4:30 r M, dons of the eonf.reece the euote.t wr be• West at. Confectionary. tr.i►, of
Tit* Hotel (iodwl•b i° new open for ba,l. %WOOD Rev. A. L, Rq"ell, Kev. F: N tobaccos. ('HAY, tSLu'KvroNx, gar° Md
a&". The water and slsatrio light Done Rak&r Sod key. Japer W loon, Rev. N Telephone 70, propstopr.
:loam bey• cos yet; Dan oompliteJ, Ru"e11 bsiDq •!toted Upon tA* third ballot. Lf"I've,.gl. RAO'&•', -Th, I.10towel trot•
ever}•tblgl( will be i° working ordr In • lot► In the Enc Anh OI the statloaiog commit. trot mating at&"e. among the best to
days, tee the only changes md• In Uoderlgh tile. Ontario. `Seven rata are given of $3W
Kvd Aha •uppbma&t wttb ,h'n of of care at tallows : Rev. H. M. Neo And $400 parses 0%oh o0 Joos 25 cad 26.
loos o! a.l(, traaabrrad frog the 'Toronto CCD and •11 Lha fait horses in the gunnery will
THx SJ :PAI, It 000a`m •renal of the
ow° soaeoil me&',Ag, an Article 6r Mr. fersuce, goes 10 Wesley church, Clinton ; be there, The (rack g,,ulpmeos Is unexcelled
`livader■ oa bis recent trip Lo fila Old ,,, John Holmes goes from Brustele to a0d the man&**msat b sttlotly flnl•
Country, and other matter. BIYth ; Ray. 'rhomag B. (`oapl&nd gess olw. Singls fan ea all . stri,
(1. H. Oreea's new sign is one of Aha Kau ado (rod or.' s fou Lomd"bey. J&°d
ittsactioa• of t!►miltoq street. The word• Key. H. 6. Carrie from F;chel to taros. COMINp AND GOINp
"Ye U•Je Cdnovtty YDwp" r• formed lvi K. W. MOKeoti&, 01 UodrnsA, hod ltobt. Ylse Barth• OAdeo, of Toromto b vloltlal(
utpts oomp,re•d of a'oos Ink ba!ties paints. Heisw, M. P., of Cllgson, ars •moon the
d t° elamteam shade. It makes • Ot.nk- lei delegates P.. of to ses, ar Lha be the At the Dareanage, North street,
agstem 1',)o(erenoe at Winni at Yo0111 1,li, nity,aYomAI clothes term
TAe mtmben o(H . 1' -Wt's church re D&il m Sapp, righ
Tee LCDduo comtenoo. cell; most Sex{ year Mr. and Mrs. W, J. PAIRtev and Mbe
Bore sg l(r)at pnpueNnc. for . prcaic Lo at YI IngbOm.
aha hall to Rtnsfor4's beautiful Paisley. of Cli&toa, wr* In town ve.torday, -
Goderi°h• os'Ihuroda vrov&, - F --- Yn. Jas. A. Seraahao Sod f&mil
$ion D. Y, •lane 25 0, C„tuna- NOTES OF SPJfl 1.
y Th• best of music will be (are WleolPeg, Man,, arrived in town oo Thurs.
nuked &ad then will as game. ono sp.rte W• Jackson, secretary of She Cll°ton day lase•
of •Il k,ode, m■* bowl, olub, will offer a silver g Thee Barrows is at Owon Hotrod flit& y -- -`
poster. for pAnles 1:;q eR op t• hs
A Dicolo under the so,plo" of the Rnmgs eemP*ted lot to rdog)on by momn.re of the west aetsodlo■ the matlsR of the C. O. 1'.
Catholic church, SO, Augustine, will be held Kmcrrdiae, W tagham, ItruseSlq I,IeCowei, HIDA torr,
S tVwIIAm", Ill on the backs o1 ,be Stratford, H40 larlh, Mitoheil, Goderlob and Mr. and Mrs, 9heoce, of RraotfO
NaitlaOd, hlooday, June 23rd. 'fnen will CllatOa •labs. Th• •foals WlSaen lO /he hashed ort rd, \ '
ne music, a Owt,rus, mal■ ad r. froth d'B.rn,t olaba writ plAy off for the trophy the tire% vaesalofrthel*woo xO°der.bsl°g
nems of all kinds. 7 he !.!ionto at Chelan
■en are requested to aPeak : Mr ga drmq Th• Ssa(orth Turf Aseouutioq will held Q.R. Holm . U. 1%, was 1. eta dllaR
'fr. Cameron, MA Mitaboll, Mai )r Book, IM most on Tuesday Sod Wedoo wyil .home rhe 1,)adou .just retu •e Hhrma
dr. Rab%. MCL,w a.Of Mr. Mc(i,lhouldy, 17 &ad 18 The sum of p1,f;ao a oQired e
3 moil enjoyable aisle Is proaar,l. Dnrne. (or the fullow,oR .vena ; a. gee J' rl. Hawkins hem arrived home from the
Ther• w" quite av&ther;vel( at the G. q, or trot; 2:27 PALO* or 2:23 trot ; 223 Dome $ales, where vee hag bSee tnveillnq, and
3. et&tloo om MuBlair morning b rs the r 2.19 trot ; 2.19 pace or 2:15 trot ; 2.14 wUl remain komso Tha Aha auamer.
;o.)erich prty e8 on their I•ng trip to the Dace or trot ; fr" for &I i, three Ser olA A. So*z+l, who nmo,ed r*ceatly frog.
ukua district. Mn. Sod Me, Jaole h4lf alb ha,a. •yscrshry Broderick sap Sirarhttd, hu been p)lmAd by his wile a
b•tnon will Jon Mro Hhoovong two tbo Association Is .soured of the r family, and the mo
Vel was, D wince of r hen• ak
ter a gr .o a
t m h
' • Y
Le i v art
r • o eau
s •
tt o
• ha I s
m m
d w' Y Des a ,e
'I tr o•
! m ceho ►re
a r •
k a nes 1.
tnelr and It la oo In Ur&dm, t
stag there for woe t me, F', sl. Dunham oad at is helm. Se0111s tb.,it Previous race n4GommanderSchetk
'ill ecgege fm brain•" life lm DAWN,, O,ty, 1. of len (Jolted gales
1• wish for them • The latest organization In opartiel( circles r' and Mrs, add Yf" Hoetky, O(
plan &L and sofa rn gowo b ADS (iodwloh Juvenlls I,eaga., Pnilsrlslphlo, Pa. are the Rnsse. n( Yr. and
wrney, ad prneDenLy lm &hair IS fact Mn J. L. Altkea. They an .poodr. a •
oma. ounalgtln,t of fear teams, the Maple Isafa, couple of mnnthn 1° (iod.rioA, I
1Vhils egRaa,d Id the loalb.11 match hs the Irish Nme, the Coronations ad the Judge Garrow,
neem Blyta and %Vioghsm rn Friday 'Colton's. rho 'rams ars all composed of 'Mrs, Sod Min Recitr,oa
junior players. A soh. lm!. of nags hof Iisrrow have returned to town (of the auto•
r*glcl( last, me. .Thomas 1Vatsoa had the l( east, although .Judge (Jarrow'. wort will
itdortuee to have hu aol'or boos Lr„kso, he.S ernhl(&d, of which four have alre,dy
r. Lia talky at the broken boos and It to POOR played, rhe lrrgoais having beaten Aha t'*ossgl Hi Ihsratuiae g to tb• fly lora ..__ -
its doing aha well as Dao be exte3►*A, It tem•. D a*ed a ra oily ' la
Maple Leat.• by 8 w 7, the Irish Nin* haw. Toronto• and we emdont•nd that to Aha fall
ill be • mouth beton Mr. wetson will b. f°g. woe from the Coroon'lon,, 11 to 10, the fare,, will mike lhnd ham• le tail
ds to do any work cad on Tuseda 'he Coronations wlnoaq from rhe IrcgYols, Illy•
q he WOO& to Uoderich to r&awpera;efa 11 to 10 aced Aha Irish Nine f
&1 tom tae
eh I
.m o A..I
• 1 h N. M o
titer IO to P L h4 b th a woo e! A
s meds ex ert
rhr.hop is being run by tan ekpart
The raaLainder f the. .Mors of he
Rsmes will he Ned
In home from Porto R(.o, Jwhke)re rheRweef
Aron.-BiY'h 9aoA•rd.
rhreeyearsmooSO • Ualad vtete. soldier,
R. R. Sallows, photognphar. h "
Jne* 10- p1
Coropatiooe ve. M4 ♦ LeA6,
14einq 'attacked with typhoid bv.r, b• '- or
cit to his old stand at the corner of Mont-
reaI these, He found That
12 -Iroquois Va. Irish hide.
" 17-Iregabie ve. Y,ple huh.
two megehe Ili h"plat, cad la sew
tsoupratlnR In the bract. ••mnepborm,
at tae pleas s°
e.t •tngl whl oh hs e .ori !
Dal (era taw
'• 1 _
9 llorogat(n w va. Ire hN' Os
of ,oderion R -_
Ha loan -
ds on rat nor o Porto
uyhe he war shat off too mach from the
ht and darin a
24-Irl,h Nine ve Yapl. Les(e,
2b -Iroquois vn Coro.atloos.
where he considers the pros De.te for
tee futon •re good.
pork A of the day ooutA
:carry oA his work atisl•oto'tly. He
July 1 -Irish Nm• vs I,Ogoots.
- -- -- -
lrelor resolved upon returning ro the
Th• 3 -Maple 1,0af■ TO. Coronations,
n.^ wh(cn he prAviou ly oeou led t
Feder, where Is to 000tlDbo
Rome" Bore Played st the old cricket
dads. "6116 Pled• Mr. faawerae'■ YA )trot,
rk hU
rk under tavonbls 000dHioom
le diti
for whichathe various clubs are MrhryinR PA7
A reoo°nt of the bellow
er)b MOaler. of the LAks ,Share
..` -_ -
Moron *'motion wad held bar.,.
bores, h" i lot Pommeesd from 1'hemas
R rl the
eeq o t
Judge Doyle, commenoa4 ,SatbrH
pureArad rrRotend *hors
a bull, "Hero" , 42588
li'u+atxa -_The death of Kri L W, !
and oomtlnninI thrnuRD that ASm&ad
Monday. Te d
- Th., 1. .
d, lblok, haAvy.Aoeed youoq bull, brad
occurred on Sunda )use let, •t the home .1
hie brobh.r, Janet Wrestles,
net revolt wan that y
declared 23,
H. WISO, n( OIf, OR. cad pro
deed by mast mor,I judges to be
Weee he. The
dmo^daed we In hleelrty-a-, year, fte wad
A fns rsCoro nvA(fi•.rrtoon as
Yr Mltoell 2l
one of
be...henhe ArongA► to Chia vl-
!or a
in Now York Heats, c,Me t, (I erwa
le 1.Y55 and hued here for r,wanty
rAe tolbw,cs cub dise tons• Nn 4in "'Is of
.y m
somber of yarn post.
Y"ior now has two short
pit to
ver•. He thou moved to (;4ekb°•n Viand,
when he resided
. No.3. c, tows : No. 2, N ,W•w.
posh ; Nu 3, West Wawanosh,
t1 hullo that CCt a Prsdrf {O k;m &ad
ilio defib: bCh Brom to
until a year apo last toll,
wh4o Ae nruroed to Ooduleo to dprdd {ba
Mr. CsMoron Rs!°sd oma •et6 ice No. 2,
•o«^' °d
bt fomgtry Che/ an in. Dare
remainder of his d4 n 1
b 1 H s hetlth had
foe lD No. 1, Ctlasew-
in ooh ballet rtj"t 0,f
he m•ahan et Cuert Ooderloh. lin, 32,
I of
hen samk vada Ilyrto theesort to he I , dnd
The (unral
by lbs
,tad e, nturelmq of6ner wan allowed by the
t . itdtf dikiae e•rviM n. Honday
'Rist AI Bot. George's church. Theg
reek plane on Taead4y afternoon last we,k
to Maitland e.merer y, Rev. Jse. A Aa
The result f rAe noenol nhewn tba/ the
deputy raoroing
D 11 vt0ltlnv hntAren Tram
ton, Ha►tleld A°d 1 ort Albert,
deriten wa the orb latiner clrtvmao, and
Cho pallbearer@
effioen iliac s'
datbs very (afrly iced Imnrtl•II IW their
rang representation of s6vsnty er mots
-ere friend. of iaoearaAL
Earlier dS m
1 le Goearl f ri nds a RgaAadds'
y. and that
Ae •lsotorr, So fr " the marking vel She
7'bo rtator o1 St O"rl(e's. Ret
Tmrnbull, preschsl as
(-'SP1, Baxter, .l.m" 1'ral lo, IV, , '
R 9k ming.,
'yell 16olrer
we. concerned, did
allln d• lm • their part no
D R f n 1-tellll(ea►,
,on a DDrnpnate
him lollto msmhen of the order
amd D. C. McKay.
member. baolneeshh.
e nturoivl( to their hall, the Court
0d & vete of thank* to Mr. Turnbull
HARRIAOW, Te death of Nn. Harrbne,
w.te vel W,
lisconrRe •veal to the choir of the church
h•Jt ray 0osgpahls
carred early) Thursday Moro ,ria os
Nsr 2')th,
gt the home of hat can In
Oar College of learnt [ r"DAY' an 10,
day pions, eo
mudod sefrlos.
-14w,' Dv i N.
Bordon, Lmckoow, ghats ahs wee
ben -
of toot w"k bar . ton d., holiday
9he had ho*e la I
e1 a peer ha01th Iver o.m, time,
DDSarSA ro 1>d
e1 the and"!" ewiadwat the aroIONS.
T&• Coltwrn* pwnshl
Aha •bsewM vel Rat Dt. 1)ulsl at c,o
galoiel( In etrsagth D&trl
foal result. with
igTh rnensNa D rebn of A. D.
War oFa'nmbr Wham, Ydae6.
res, the pulVir, vel North ssrNt Yeteo
ohuroh wu 1
ThoedrOmains nrn_'
(Joderlah en4 the luerral took
Al ist- Tof Aetrlll, of R.11Wars I
At,% ibe a, of Rlmues
e• hoad&y ovNioll
Art. on] lie who bl ""t7d a
that it m
plae6 vee the
following m4torda si erauen to Me,tlamd
oomoter kat. )r.
; Wm nil el
k , n*d Jo .igjot of ARetonl•
lues, caro 0 , trip
at w" much • r
rt+getlee. DD &bi&td by tb•
1• ')here! ..decub the
hr•IeAe, Sed the bear.,•
)etslag IoM el repSln
where re o ted
q I d vee Aha row"hlp
"" ,i, 1V, R,hlnlon bolne Ali@
pall were Nenrga
Acheson, W. K. Rnbertsen, R,
18t. Hol"sl,
part feuds ,rhe
ydfa*d at ►he P:f gmR. epl. 'alar
)renoi, the Pulpit of Vle"fir, stross
inlet church
Wm, Gas. A yarrow and C
A. Humber. Mn, Hrrnmod
HMohOn{Awe •dt nertAward to 1,66ern SaA
DP 1riA.y •t feet
wan ooedpied oe Sunday
by Raba. Vewol(, sod &1 the
ergo bre le
/As ..only of hurbsm. Unterto, ,Nis Revlon
wsek. Nr.
h. mat
RIA mo w" en" • rsaiAoat al IbIs barn aeA
cer *von.
.nIM d ward hon h
R y Noun•
Loo. Her marriage to Nr. Harriman
and Meir rewtovol to tiodo,leh
netts • wol"m• from Old friend.
sn ond 1Voo11Se.
Mak plane la
11359, Allot IfTleq Ie Oodnrtoh
• _
• it kart C. Mog.t, 1),I) , at 7breett,
arymf the UPMrt;•ead• Trust
Nme oll(h►-
"A years they nmoved to West Wawa
Oosh,tied wore Senegal In
BORN. - --
Aue 61f• w" h )re In ' he it. *rest@ of
York vee Htaday. to the
f our year@ Ago, when tet retired marl again I
MaA. thesir r•efdonos
OARItQW..-infloA eMoh. oa IrrrA•
fe Nr. Red Mro (,hsrlo@Qarrow' Jv&esM.
mnreloq Ae
shed In North etrwam ktethnLs/ MOroh
le (:aArieh. tyro
H►rrleen waw keewn an11 r04pooted
d AAsgA
MARTIN. At H.milton,
e Aha beadle(( In Kne: ehrcA, In the
nate hedA'.rm.A Ohs Sabbath
A h
wtA. rltels vel frlSda ie town and coun► y,
among -hem hr death
par., egg IAe tt1
of 00drlebl, of a den. 11
M&Hfn neelUspf
t talker NeKeee, lermwl
wtiee, WNt tip y Of H1,
will be mush r
. She league to mean era eyret-
&Mbated, awe Alae hese t e(dM An
--_ ___
11 as., bag be" cam. am R • Sed one 4eo-Mn. GOOD ORLABRAL ORRVART w&xT.
pbN1, of Wasulaw ; Joh A. k* O' A+jlp M IgM IAOt .Viii, wms