HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-29, Page 9WANTED IT GOOD. 1
TraitiP-LaRY4 I'm hungry enough to alit a bowie
Kind Lady-Wlutt knit'?
All the mato am 'the electron,were
filled with a brilliantly attired
, crowd, among whom were represen-
tatives Of nearly nil the noble itlid
uristocratic (emitter of Spain. Down
the brunet avenue paused a long line
Si Woman Gets ,Advances ..veral huntiri.41 prltfusely be-
ul $12,000,000.
Mat' i.e.-What: the news-
peeiee te latras and the when+ wort,'
liat.• ',unbelted exhaurtive details of
the extraordinary myetification of
the Humbert case. by which a clever
1,1 0111.111 aoseured loans auti adlittleed or
ab..111 el...!,000,1100 with practically
he ...verity. very little attentien
beeu given to the fact tient a
large emu was secured i Loudon.
I am in a postilion to state that
Mae Humbert towered one loan of
LJdinel frow fieancial inert itu
limo and individuals in Gar city.
ehe also raised 1400000 oa a [tor-
tes of leer pave's. mod a well-known
!true of pawnbrokers advanced elaa,
0110 011 otlie•r jewels&
$he ...enrol. benklee a large SUIll
bout • group of underwritere
sho were too convinced that tier
P eery ear true, tlint they &chanced
her money to pay a number of her
deets, receiving inotes hearing a high
rate of intermit In -"Plum
The etory of the now notoriom
Crawford millions came be brn.fly this:
Most twenty years ago there died
at Nice n Mr. Hobert Henn Robert
lace foal who left to ft lady, Ther-
eto. .1'.1sratereitta hie entire fortune,
ati.1 to amount to about 1F-'0,000,
Mo. She bad nursed lion during a
law illness, nii,1 lie had knew., iteti
w itely in A nterien and to P11 eon
tracte.1 W11011.1 olaign Gone to a
certain M 41.Aurignac, her until.. :411..
D iarried a M. Fretierie Humbert. a
former deputy and son of a allele
ter 44 Juathce 1,1 Freyeinet
.fahisret- of 10042.
Uti..1 anent to enter into her en-
etriee.1011 tWo Americana
111.-iiKt' and Hobert Crawford, pro-
daued. a will under which Me. Craw -
feel hoormenthal leto Torten, tee them
eat to Mum. ifiemberre elei 4.r. on
ronntion of their paying. to Muli.
itinehert nn annuity. '111.. 1.1311.•tiiti
ihoeited in the e.ttirt o.aii. 1 eeeneal
&eine' never to end. each side
Mee iend lowing alternately. A pro -
144.14.•1 tlI3titery enveloped the per-
oen.41it.v tit the brother's Crewford,
mul. nu triage -004-141 Ile fennel -le
York if their domicile there. Then
Me, Humbert declare,' that nhe had
Lino/0,000 incurItien sealed in a
aI. which nhe cools' not. toneh
feeding the decision of the courte.
tin these securities oleo borrowed
several millions at heavy raten, tier
11.11•1111(.011 obtained from bank', and
Militiaman In France alone amount-
ing 1.. $10.000,000. One creditor,
leoaercommitted inlieldP, and the
Prime IBMs:ter. M. W &deck - 1(04111.
nit who wan hin liquidator. In
pleeting described the affair no a
ammeter nwinalle, all) gh one of the
treamain ordered the+ ea rp to 41(11.11 -
cd. tient Ito content.' 'night be veri-
fied The result wax that hnrilly
seething of WAS folind ill it.
awl Mine. Bendier 811.1 her inoilinied
wi•r4• MI/covered te hate vaninteed
ale.. reportn 'laying that they hail
left Prance for Amerlea or for Lon-
liousevelt Breaks an Old Pres-
idential Custom.
flowered carriages and f101atW. Among
the latter wore 'teen quite a number
of original and ertistic thalami. They
Included it huge 41111{111.1R, it but terfly,
a gondola, no ancient vies., ft tett
cup, a Japarusee hn, and the royal
is of pain. nil c maruetal uf the
brigbteet flowere, nd filled with
bellow, of pretty gerbil, drowse' Mete-
oric learnefielting with thp floral de-
caw:attune. Th.. royel et 'el had been
erected at erne end of the central
platform. Illid around It he floral
procession filed. King Alfo'tu.o, the
Qiivien Mother, and all tIb royal
family. who wt•re accompanied' by the
fereign Princea, witnetawd and parti-
cipated in the fete. King Alfons) wore
the undrate uniform of it Captain-
New' York, May 6 - A deopateh
Irem Wanhington says: l'renident
kasevelt has created a flutter 10
the tharkenatic Corp., by Cl/11111g at
the Jlrlti.h Embassy aiol remaining
ka them; quarters of an hour with
ImaLl'auncefute aud members of
the liamily. %then the Pnienien.t call-
ed at thot nerman EmbaNey and paid
151. remplyts to Prince Henry, and
eelsequently lunched with the litt-
ler on beard the liohensollion, he
broke it custom which forbade the
e hief executive of the nation, to net
foot In foreign embassy or legit -
411 on board a foreign in40e-.4-
e11 leenuee of the extra territor-
ial character of theme plat -es.
14 Coating the British emliassy,
Is has inaugurated the practice of
amee, eativaseaderes Bs will,
It ie dine on Friday night
et the French lembasaly.
In calling upon Lool Pauncefole,
wort/miry 11i, diplomat, sty
that the Preeitient hen done it grace -
fie thing, and 'appreciate it an a
anoplowirt to the entire corps. The
Preasimit 1141N mrst the 'several am-
haosaaorn here, fan.' it It. expected
Oat tt he Mtn broken the ice, lee
lite vie upon all of thern.
A iteinieni Scene In
1130ed. Mny 26 The Wattle of
floe -ere in the Been Retire Garden*
tide cfleattoon wan a brilliant Rite-
ra'ne, hotwithettnniling the cleaner,
frehi the ninety weather of the peel
Irv( dilyn t n tamely oky find cool
brra'u'a The firing of en nnonfat it
quarter pant 6 fetlock tomounced the
beenine ot the battle, and the enn-
bon were fired nernin at it o eonelu Rhin
at 7 la The Woad eemt eel 'teener, of
letalena wits rearrest for the
fonetion, nnd on either nide of this
ateime :nand* liar the necommoda-
11011 of the epectatore Were erected.
the Naiad
A Fn -English Demonstration
is Forbidden.
Mity 26. --The tiOliertuttent
liise forbiailesu a demonstration .if
the pro -English Spaniards, which
war planne I in honor of Bee 'Duke
connanglit, the mirecial reptenen-
taitive of Great Beano" al the ow-
anation of king Alfonso. au n pro-
tean tegainet 8 Franearatipaninie al -
llama.: These pro-Elie:1*h Kpailiar.16
hit. thie.1 go have a lemon; to ex-
press their aeutiments. Tee Cabinet
forbade it. 'au it Willi fiat that the
demonstratitne would be construal
1114 811 Instil to the Freriell Govern-
'King Miamian attended 11. resat
hull light to-dely, at which 15,000
fepeetn Lora including the 11114.eini 111-
oys, memberw of the diplomatic
mete, and great numbers of Wiley
were. preeertt. •
The vast timpleithentre where the
fight wax hell was t•rowded
15,000 spectator*. More than 200, -
ORO 1• "le li:141 made application kla
estate to wanes.' toelay's ewenr-
rence. Ale intereeting lecture of
the bull fight war .the revival "4
the old inedieval custom under
which the 'clouds ot testae froutilea
fought Gets belle with „lances (ruin
horeeback. Three bulls were killed
In this menner. while bit others
were despatched In the regular
way with ',words'. The most re-
nowned bull fighters in Spain took
port In (4)4187 11 fight.
Loubet 'Received l'opular Gentian
I+ rent 5 he Crowds.
1 arts -filo Bu‘sie, le ay The
OLIO% IfireellIen1 1,11.• 3./A.41111
awl 1110 IkliWziger raa rlisit attended it
great review 0( trOtyini Lei
Majeet y o.t hormelatck, and M. Lutibet,
the tandem, (h.; D..witger ezarina and
the Grand Duchess S.ag.ue isi a car-
rtagr• peened dotvel the front of the
(romps attended by brilliant suite*.
The Imperial .teni Presidential cortege
saelted tut ovations from the lareo,
eraseds of people whack assemble.' to
wit, eau the military
At the inuthecan after the review
the Caw co:feral a toast, in the couree
of whkat Iss. nnbi 'Tite lively 11o18-
pathle4 tilt Iv th.. Rueelan army for
the eplemild arm; of lerante are well
le own to you. They constitute it rehl
brotherhood -of -arms, which we can
laTaard weth aft the greeter sattefac-
lion hecatuse theme innenting tercet
nee rot 118/41iityl 40 eneport nee 1111-
01 her magi -praise 1,-; bet, it con-
trite:, to strengthen th • nuaintenance
of general pence." .
hie rail! ',resident Ifonbet meld:
-Thin Imposing force inenaceo no one;
hill it hen fttrillolial81.1.44:1nnef
Frame. lerth guaranteit for the ex-
ert lee 01. 1 8.1 r right s, and 1111 ,nettie
111-11Pc whir* thee ran- le all trawl
Ity ndlow the fruitful laiserm Whieti
ere retuterIng the two national more
prewperrine and nuirment hig t Mar
power 111111
Inhabitants of Fort de France
Wild With Terror.
A•ites and Stouts Upon th• Streets -
Itesideute try to Escaps-Cruhiers
Take Refugees on Rua rd - et nes
of Lev* Pouring lute the bea--
More Peopl• killed.
Fort de France, Martinique, May
26.-a little after five o'clock this
moruing the heavens were black as
coal aud the utmorphere wan inkling.
There war a great cloud in the vity
Inane direction of Mont Pelee, from
which increment flasher of lightning
wire elisoneargeti. Artier and attonee
rained heaval,v. The people were wild
with fear, auticipattling the fate of
the reeidento of et. Pierre. They de-
eerted their hones and with rensied
erica remised into the aareette making
their wuy with all speed to the
tauter front to get notate to take
them auy where into the opeu era
10 eitatape the isupetadueg danger.
Muny of them curried hutoshold ef-
fecte ill their armee %vitae others ran
about wriugiug their ihautis and cry --
tug. Tome were many veraels in the
norbor, but they wouki nut rend
borate tuhyure. 'dr. Ay me, the con-
sul to Uwelaloupe, be/treed the crut-
oer Cincinnati. A lauucu from the
>turmoil war at the duck waitiag to
talc: Americana aboard of tier. At.
eta Woke* Lou artier and stuum.
At about. MASA 0'011/elt ties evening
tile ashe.si were tailing lightly 11,11111
tee ototele were nut au heavy, the
Awoke uppers:Way diseithating. tinder
Giese coMitteuue tue people became
canner, e.114 Rase wt the warstape
buteret, Lencitinati and Indefatigable
returued to taie shore.
aratealeta %views IUtia. Wormer this.
At half -wort tam oc.uck the. Potia-
luso went to St. Pierre to wake ou-
eervatious. litre:one of lave were
puuriug two tee mut, tidut along the
W11011. lleaett could kw heard the 411..-
1115 lite lltuttell matter au
0, wit the wettar. Tne crepthee tooday
WA* WOrbi. thlit Oi nay Of the
few Isaoltege. that. were lett lamellae
to to. lacer*. nearly all are Iltr.V
WW1), 111111 great tweetero ttre 04183.-
te:P.1 ai.out everywhere. -Deep charts
au the mountain naive ttiatappeared,
lope die indre aepect of the tannery
.3. lugl.Letkia an•I luwhtiull tiny
Tee I•olonvic took on board it 'tuna
her of people who had retdrined
their heave tie Carbet sod 1441011-
lihnkteA tabout live miles from
et. Pierre. They were hungry anti
frightened. an I they crowded danger-
ously into litu small bottle that were
mielst tat take liken1 off. LieUt.
itupplead than with food. A few
airretio-to-the millorti. when the erup-
Loa eubsided, but nbuut --tiO were
ha..eMat to Fort tie Fralice. Lieut.
aiet ortuiek ordered tent coffee ;Ind
beetles be thistributed among those
who melded to reaudn.
The rt fugees say that the lightning
and timelier and the khower of *1144
nIkt itiOnCil Were the 111011t, terrible
they hatt faced. They believe that liv-
ing in the villages in the vkanity of
lite num:Aran will henceforth be itn-
Jeasible, and that they must be en-
tirely deserted.
More litliie+1 land Wourided.
Several pertemai were hurt to -day
by titmice welshing through the roof,
of their houmen. All the water has
been polluted by the lava.
tieveral .of the %integers are re -
'welts' to have been killed or drew n•
mi. Among the refUgeem are 'several
cripples+. A 'welter with to baby three
any.' ohl maw tile P.A011111111 and ran
from her village to another with a
buolle on her head and the baby
in her Rime to get aboard.
Mr. Itieliani. of Victoria Park, Mart
chatter, England, wlita is here now,
maw the disanter thin morning. He
left all Inn poseensions nt his hotel,
and duelled Into the nett. He in
goo.I 'swimmer and made him way to
the Indefatigable, where he was
taken on tenant
The American collier Sterling Lae
nailed hence for San Juan, Porto
The Dutch warehip Koningen Re
genin haa dinctiarged tier 630 tone
of previsione that were purchased by
'Hollanders In Curacao for the bene-
fit of eufferers.
letlette C11,0111,
deal by a Fleecy Whlie Cap,
Itioembline l'ellohed
Si. Thomas, D. W. f MAY -26.-
aims froeet laquenica Etre to__the
effect that na Istoll pant five o'clock
thin morning at eurionn fiery cloud,
floating in the southweetern sky,
wax Neon from that inland. It wan
inirromeied hy a fleecy white eap.
resembling highly polished 'diver. The
phenomenon greatly alarmed the
populace, especially as it Wee fol-
lowed be vivid finely -meat lightaint.
A deepatch front Guadeloupe
ratites thnt detonation,' manlier to
those heard on May 7t11, the slay
preceding the aerarnetive eruption
between 5 and 6 o'cloek this morn-
ing. Antigua report/1 that 1011:1 de -
tuna Gann were heard to the feint-
l'ilt-RT'fir -Ittlitint tredny.
Reporte from elk. Kitts, ;date that
Met night and this interning noises
eaten ler to (Mew hen 'e) On Mny 7th
were dlattinetly audible there. They
wt•re necompanteill hy ntrong eon -
emotions of the earth, wlewh ethook
The crater of Mount Mierry re-
runinit quirt. -*
lauded to obtala the bodies of the
Prentie fauktiy, whiuh were found in
the ruler of the Cousulate a few
days ago. Ennio Miller, of the Aln-
ecloadi cruiser Cinciunati, aud Lieut.
Motairmick, Colitinatoling the POtO-
U1,1A0, were 111111t111141 thttoe who laud-
ed. Tho latter rentarked upon the
tbreateniug appearance of the
V01(.11110, auti between 11.30 and 12
u'clock it begun to throw off 'deem
smoke antl nr11011, wisilo lightning
played la the murky -clouds about it.
The inlerreen in the party reviled
down the bill, leaviug Mailed the Maly
of afr. Proatet, wtiLli laul beeu placed
in a cateket, but the American sail-
ors bravely lifted the remains aud
carried t hem to lbe beach.
&feet:awhile the Brattish oriaser Inde-
fatigable, which had come from Fort
41e France. had run out five miler to
rex_ The Potomac kept blowing her
whited° as a danger eignal to hurry
the landing peaty to the beach. The
ettuation wae momentarily becoming
more dangeroueland orders were
Kiveu to leave the casket on the
beech, while the party hurriedly took
ter their boats and made for the
The American °relater Cincinnati
wa.to In the roadstead. and her oom-
mender ordered the Potomac to
cruise along the ehore and look out
for refugees, which wiur done.
Dente; masues of Week smoke were
towering for weveral miler aliove the
volcano, while Pareaine of lava were
pouring into the eel, tweeting steam
to rise in great volunteer, until tbe
atmosphere looked au though a heavy
fog was prevailing. The outbreak
'forted for memo time, but gradually
abated In violence. Then the Potomac
returned and secured the remains of
Me. Prentls, which were transferred
tor the Cincinnati, which brought
them. to Fort de. France.
I8 le not known whether 'he Intle-
(Litigable returned to SC Pierre to
freciare the remains of the British
Plenty of Provisiono. •
Paris', May 26.-M. L'Hilere0. ant -
Ing Oovernor of Martinique, informs
Colonial Minister Decrate that he has
sufficient provisions to hula two
months. He adds that sanitary eon-
ditions are frightful. The overflowing
river 'eyelet have renderea the hemmed
uniehabitable by the accumulations
of mud. Two thousand bodies have
been cremated or covered with wales
to prevent the stench.
Another Violent Erupion of
La Soufriere
ger Ilse chosen a Bad Time for 111.
Loottion, 20....-7111 I telt
trent St. l'etereburg. the. eorreiesirel-
m44-41-1..naliallo, Mall .as Hutt l're.a.„
fiblent Ifotibet could hardly have
etereen ))))) unfavornh)le moment
for hie %lett "Apart from the labor
and e
etarett rervott" tame -the rare
reepoodent, "there Is the trouble
*1111111 eirome Miring the reeent
in ***vow hqdWrell Frenchman niel
the. pollee, which led energetie In-
terferenee hy the Fre•nell Antimeart-
dor. with the Terrell Dint pomitione
of Gram! Duke Marge, the Gover-
nor of Motorow, n.nr1 M. Trrpoff, the
Chief of Police, are Neel to far men-
Shortly attar (hie trouble blot
urrind rhike VIntIlmfr declined to et -
tend the pore., darrlinged In honor
Preeldent Loillwl. ony ing lir WAR
non, to be ordered about by "hole
corner lnwyer." (arena Doke
VInillmir aecorilingly traneferral the
ehlef command to flenerel keratin ler.
The ("ler than interfered /awl
mental Grand Duke Niehoinn to
Oiler CoMnin nil.
Word eri
eches Vilnineeig (lint Mime
Mierrny nnil Mien Vounglitleba
IAEA nitrate riling Indiefi whet Gann
teeral for teaching. nervier In Seidl'
Africa,. have beet -wee entEngral on the
voyAge fi crown the A t lent ie n rid
both will retnrn to England to he
rosin brkinti after completing n fery /after pnrty from the
year, Service in Rooth Africa. American nary tag Potomac hill
Pullem, the dentlet, ought to make
a good poker player.
Ile ilrlaws n.nd (Hie so well.
Story Told Under Oath by a
U. S Corporal,
44'ahhingt011. May 26. - Specific
hargret of indecent belt:teen., revolt-
ing cruelties and unnecessary slaying
by officers of the United States army
In the Philippines were made yester-
day before the Smote Committee on
the Philippilies by ex -Corp. Richard
O'Brien, of Company hf, 26134 Volun-
LAVA l'01,111K110111 ro S1CA.
Body of American Consul Wei, Bow-
r•er, Drestatht Away.
Fort de Hance, Key - The ex-
pedition whirl' tient to At. Pierre
yeeterday to recover the rent:tine
of Mr. Profilist, the AMertenn Oen-
mil, find hie family, and the Britieh
Orem& end hie testily was. It 101 be -
tiered, only naval from an appall
ng (Dieter by the, fact that n
flirong Reedit wind was hloWing.
Which enrrial the notions vapors,
emelt', need watts from Mont Pelee
to the northwerd, away from the
%movie cow eying the expedition.
A• told in deerntehem of yesterday,
the lolOn110 broke ant with renew -
At Several Illissine Stations All lave.
Have Bees Lost-laiva Thready'.
Obleteratloa-let. 1 'erre Cuvered
87 of Toes ot Ashes.
let. Lucia, B. W. I., May 26.- Name
received here from at. Viutamit is
to the effect that ou the night of
May 18th there was a further erup-
tion of La lioufriere. Enormous'
quantities.' of rocas and maws fell
within tax utiles Kingetown, the
capitati of the island. At the point
referred to, the ashes and rocks
(hovered the ground to a depth of
two feet. There war also it flow of
lava. Ou the next .day Oast Mon-
day) the volcano was very :agate,
electing ittreams tif ill%11. anti 'thew -
eta a duet. Cha.teau Delete isi de -
'meted, . anti la ingetown i ere% ded
with refugees. it jet feared to uew
°rater has opened in the Ittonaimet
Valley, which is nearer to Kinn-
town than La Soufriere. The valley
io covered with emoke, which looks
as if it were canning from the Bon-
husume Mountain.
A great part ot - tire aitand lo
threatened with complete oblitera-
tion by the flow, of hittL. At oeveral
itebeilietedidon stations every holy per -
It it. reported that the local au-
Utoritiee have loin their heads.
There have been over two Hummed
deaths so far, and many of the in-
itabitauto are etill uneccountedfor.
Freuzied With Sear.
Kinginown, Daum' of St. Vincent,
B. W. 1., May 26. - Another
great. eruption el the Soufriere vol-
cano occurred last eight. Through-
out, to -day the adjoining dietricts
tretubled, and route of the shocke
were felt, here. Smoke batted from
the craters and fissures 41 the moun-
tain, and the attnonpliere through-
out the Inland of St. Vinceut was ex-
ceedingly hot. While in the bright
moonlight, the worshipperia were re-
turning from etuurch at 8.30 p.m.,
1141 alicrecingluminour cloud suddenly
uhreended thirty to forty miles high.
In the north of the island, and
drifted sluggishly to the northeast.
Incemant lightning fell on the moun-
tain. and one severe flash seemed to
strike about three miles from Kings-
The thuoderinto rumblings in thee
craters tweed for two hours, and
then diminiehing until they became
mere muruturtagn. The renutinder of
the night war clear. Antes fell from
1.0 o'clock until midnight. The inhab-
itantit were frennad with fear at
the atm» of the outbreak, dreading
a repetition of the catastrophe which
caused much terrible loss ta Life on
this island. They ran from the
streets into, the open country cry-
ing and praying for preservation
from another terrible calamity.
Reportit received here front the die-
triete itt the vicinity of the v,olcano
'ay that the rumblings of the craters
*ere appalling, ami that ntreams of
lava flowed down the mountain
"'e villagere who had fled to
Chateau Beller and Georgetown for
trafety are now pouring into Kings-
town, this being the furthest town
from La Soufriere. The novel mall
'Reamer Wear to bringing refugee.'
here from Clutteau Beloit% King..
town le now eidlgelited, and the de-
mand* on the tiovi•rnment aro W-
ere:ruling rapidly, all 1110119 anti more
maple are obliged to leave titeir
Peu.vontinuouN agitation of the ,01-
can°and the abeence of rain, Itas
caturel the vicinity of the ni1Ie:G.4
villager to look like portione of the
Sahara Desert.
A thick, innoky cloud overepreails
the island. All busineest is suspended
here, lhe streets are empty, arid
every -one 114 terror-strieken.
The feeling of suepenhe is painful
People pane their time gazing al the
northern Poky, where the thunder
cloud" gather, and tins roaring of
the volcano It heerd.
Ashes and pulite.° are fhlTlhg slow-
ly ita the outediatriets.
Toeiny there IN an alarming re-
port, from a credible t101IrCe, Mitt
Unham efountaln, near the Merritt -
Valley, Eut old anti apparently
extinct critter, leo showing edges of
activity. leas volcano le only about
Nix mita!' from Kingstown.
teens. Mr. O'Brien named the officers
who had been guilty of ooaree vul-
garity as Capt. McDonald, Lieut.
leammer and Major Cook.
.Witness O'Brien snid that he liad
been present at agletran when the
tenter cure was administered to the
preffidente of that town, and (11311male it cluirge of it serious nature
egahret the ArneriCett offirern there.
'There was," he said, " a Spaniali
n.omaii In tile town -a Woman of ettu-
cation-who wee*iolated by the
AttuVican officers."
Senators !towline and l'atteroom
objected to the teethisony as mere
heresay and urged that it eliould not
go Into the record. The s
he willie, was
then asked if he could- not give fur-
ther proof or the correctitente of life
In reeponne he relate(' another in -
et n.ncei of dieorderly conduct which,
he meld, hall come under las obreava-
thin. Thin occurred at elan Joaquin.
Among thole, present, theee
mai, were Captain McDonald, thee
Galen( planner. of Company M, end
tbajoe t'ook. The agleam nald thene
officer,/ !weenie intealeated aril While
1(1 thnt coalition threw off an tbelr
clothe,' except their undernhirtn and
their trousers A nil, catching the
tuairwomenwaitzia hotanat lac, Lar11 n Lietento. .inutuchmInt loon
this dinegal (4 (8*' women. --
O'ftrien then related the particular!'
Of the eepture of the town of Lo Noma
tit dm Prowl/one of Pitney, by so
techment from ft eninpittly of which
het en. member. An thr• troop, np-
proncleal the town they saw at
in tier, a native bay on a carnhoo, and
one of tile men fired a, almn
a t iihn
bre AN Ilk bullet failed Gil tilt Its Ole
jtrt others Fano fired, Mutinied in -
'This shooting," lie proceeded,
"brought the people to their ,Ionra
rim) among thorns who emanate vett wits
1411 01.1 man, who warn nhot in the Ab-
domen And afterwnst died. lister,
la tole 311,' firing wait III progrenn,
other film
l en between thr aspire( 50
and 70. I d 'ay, cam I met tOward
nt.) 711, 1.hon Id nay, reran on toward
lei hand in nnd henring whit.
fing. Ttoth were ohot down, and the
eergraint reported in rftrrinin Men011-
11111 atilt he k13.41 wo more 'nig-
ger X.'
"AnOlher (*(*8110W.wiln 111,10 of wom-
en and two Rinsill one In her
:arm% who It.ere Wiled find then =tre-
nt lip in thelr home," .
Tfie deptitntian from the Isnalon
Chamber of Commeree whieh in going
to the l'idied itifiteil in NOTP1111,0r ling
been trotted to •irrit Cement The
invitation will probably be asceepted.
Sullivan -White's ye tioln' now. Pat,?
Pat -Kure sad Ol have tie contract to tear down an A. P. A. 'hall,
and the joke ay 11 begorra, 01' in gittin' pithI Net.
1.011 Contingent Will Sher•
Benefits Also.
Ottawa, May -At a meeting of
the Executive Committee of the Can-
adian Patriotic Fund Association It
Imo been alechied that the membere
of the four reglinento ounetituting
the Hard contlogent of [mounted
rifles will he included in the We
loots of that Assonietitan on the same
conditions ' as those of the Second
Moirantoti kLfies. These include the
participation 1.. its benefltei of the
widows and orphaea anti other de-
pendents of officers &lid men who
may low their livee la, or in con-
nectiun with, the war operations In
:imam Africa, and of the soldiers
themselves tf defabled by wounds,
ricknerr, etc.. but does not include
any proataton for aependents rep-
arated learnt those serving ita tiouth
Af Hee.
N. C. officers and mentaking their'
disoharge from any of these con-
tingents, and enlisting In local corps
will not be included in tlie benefits
(af the Anima:dent, and the latter
will only continue Ito connection
with there contingents during the
twrkel of their present engagement.
Rehm are Now Heitet1.
Wil-Froaule, Island M- Martini;
(31159, tiny 26.- Yeetenlay'n erupt lOti Ilt
Mont Pelee Watt ten teuee violeat
as that which destroyed St. Pierre,
rol-hot 1)0111111W11, many feet in di-
ameter being buried on the ruined
eity, The whole population of
Fort de France was thrown into a
The ruin. or St. Pierre If ft attending
/after the first eruption were nearly
razed, find Milli/Inv of t1111/4 of :emirs
110W 4.01fer the billet/11K city of ellenee
Mel death.
Lieut. ftenjamiti Merorinich, C0411-
nuander of them
e "delanueh
li of te
United Statee emitter Pottimne, at
great dewier to litiontelf nun crew,
took to the ernimer 1.4 refugees, the
tel4leet of whom waft %Para, and
the ;mongrel three flays.
Niagara Falls alau Iteetdved a Shock
of 110,000 Volts and Recovered.
New York, May 26 -George L.
Drown, an electrician, In the employ
of the, Niagara Valle Power COM
11Y Oil Sunday received a 'Cock of
60.000 volt,. Tang to believed by
electricianes to be the etrotigent cur-
rent ever taken by a man without
fatal eremite Brown took his 60,
1100 volte at a low periodiclty which
Make.. tbe performance unprece-
ftrown wan leaning over a table
to gOt 90 t001 when hie hand came
within half it foot of the new. trams-
mbanion lineover which a current
at 60,0(5) voltn witm relellIK. The
merrent jutuped throngla the inter-
mediate imathe and ertruek Ileown on
the ham!. Ile was hurled backward
a tolently and threovn upon thi•
ground. The 60,000 volt*, or a
very large part, parsed throegh his
body. At the caul of fifteen minutes
he recovered coneciounnefir. Ills
handle were blistered, and the cur-
rent had emerged through the toes
al- him /rheas, 1)11r/1111g Iti itn primate'.
al email hole in each oboe. Ile woe
taken home and to -day feels ecarcely
any result tit Ian experience.
- -
NI.keR Thirty Illipo sin Hour l'hirly
roomette After Sleeted-.
Lomion, May 26 -The 'Pines
eribe• a new loannotive, Intended
for onburban traffic, lovented by Jan
Holden, of Die Great Eantero
Railway. It twos ten mewled 'Giving
wheels and powwows PirtritordlnitrY
traettte piaster. There are two innide
ern anone ()Weide cylinder,
each Di 1-2 Meilen In tilaineter, and
with 24 Locher' itroke.
The engine will make thirty 11111P11
an hour within thirty oeconds after
le is Martel. The total heatinel sur-
face of the Dana:lir boUer anal firebox
is 2,769 square feet, whieh is more
titan 1,(100 feet In P101111111 of that pit:i-
nfested hy P11%011(41 Wilieli draw the
Flying Scot wean.
The writer In tile Tintell thinks this
ensOne ouperior to th• newest big
loeomotiveoof the New York Central
Progress of 'Relief Work lu St.
London, May 26. -The Governor of
the Windward Islands, Sir Rolx•rt
Liewelyn, cable -it from St. Vincent to
the Colonial Office as follows:
"All Immediate wants now supplied.
Have' ordered timber for the construc-
tion of hOtillet4 thrtnlitil 11111StaJelltl'il
.1/1111111111111410r at WIttltilligt011 /Lila the
tiovernor-tieneral ef Canada, at a
tenet of 15,000 Please inntruct tilos;
officers 1 o co-op rate and arrange for
tee payment.
•"Fhe question -of the re -settlement
of the people lo under connideration.
One of 1/11, new townithips is already
nettled. In my (estimation 150,000 win
enable we to support all the mutterers'
for six mouthy; stud rehouee, them in
IleW 1001111tittit.
"The Itufferingn of 1111. wounded
from burns nre very terrible. Sixty
deaths have occurred In the hospital."
Surgeon Falls Threatened
Witn Disaster.
Hurled the Wrong Man.
Halifax, M•iy of
Fleury Murray recently arrived here
from Nevada. They were supposed ton
be the raiment, of Henry Murray,
brother a Professor Murray, of Dale
h _
otline. The interment took place *
Truro, in the family lot. It waL
learned Ito -day that profeseor Mur -
ray's brother le alive, and so the re-
ntable, will he tuken, front the Mur-
ray tot. They were brought here
frNernlin for burial at the ex-
pense of Professor Afurray.
sturgeuet Falls de8pat...8: Between
12 and 1 teciock to day Sturgeon
Fulls waif %felted by it otniflagration
which threatened to devartate large
arellil aitd eciatruely delay • the ex-
tensive ootearuction operations -lam
being emitted on the pulp mills. The
fire wee thocovered by the work-
men on returning frutu dinner in
the large wooden structure built
told operettel for two years ao a
pulp will. Owing to litigation over
the property Galt will was shut
down and haw nut boon, operated for
seine time. The fere epeeist' with
lightning rnpeety. and grave dan-
ger ar060 from the timber al prox •
nutty to the mill catching fire and
eatrrytag burning brands to ether
Wanting.5 meal us ntorehoures, freight
eluelet, ete. Hundreds -or men were
soon bury with the buckete, and the
oontracturo" teame drew water in
barrette from the river, and Parma;
effort was put forth to rave the sur•
rounding building's f rout destruc-
tion, The powder housenear the
burning mill, contained a large
amount of dynamite, and Contrac-
tor Lynn emit a force of men to bury
the exploitive. The residents were
greatly alarmed at the proximity of
the dynamite to tho fire, trui an ex
phenol' week' have wrecked the
town. Prompt action. bowever, pre-
vented thin (-eternity.
The meow when the fire wan at
itm height %Ali a tuemoraine one. The
mill was n blazing marts and the fire
was making Its way into the hush,
where gang.' of Men were fighting
it back. The roofs of the large otore.
house,' were lined with men, envel-
oped in it dem, canopy of amoke,
pouring water on the blistering
truerdn of the structures. Contrac-
ture' tramwnyet were burning, and
men Were rieking their liven to nave
the porperty. By dint of hard work
much 41 the etentractore plant wan
saved end collet ruet ion will pro-
ceed with very little delay. The
dramatic incident ce the fire wan
tile PX0111111 of 100 Italianu camped
on the property. Wbea the Tire broke
out they picked up their bedding.
(lathing anal 'cooking utenfille, and
took the neater= trail for nafety,
never stoppIng until two miles from
$7.0,000, which iiielude buildInge, mattes are esternated at
(gallery and timber. eovered by In-
eurance. Thet titutgeon Valle Pulp
Company are heavlext haters. Peter
Lyall & Sone, contrnetorn, lose con•
11fit'ThOliais 112-1Witi"1317iiiTor
Flotation, Ne Ono t01,141 Du It.
A uzzle es
in figur. Wit it dieplityea
Net week in -the Nip nit Ili
SClielsectittly' mereletril, end 1111.11,
%women 111141 children fteight for Hoye..
15' '13) wh.ch the) could etO
tly it.
'The 11111011. Wail of figures
on a hags: cast, aird 'Mize of*:
waft 4...Herod to the person eh.; /Mould
firet succeed in addlng any of the
fig -urea in the eirlionn to get a. 30181
(A 21. Zittast-itia-ghtl
1 1
3 3 3
7 7 7 - •
1) 11
Itraina. were cudgeled and workei
overtime in the effort to get the re-
quired total end tile $2. Heftily one
wild-eyed lean le the crowd ;pave a.
gawp and ko.l 1161 way 111(1)
et ore,
-Iiimme the e2 :'' be cried. "I've vet
lie seised a etteet laniver 'talk
erritthiert drown tint following ento-
(Ion :
1 1
; 8
Gas Explosion Works Havoc
in lennessee.
(.0(0! (.11...14. T4•11111., May 26. -The
eorfa disaster tn theta/story of Ten-
eeetlee tnining occurred at 7.80 o'clock
thie morning, when between 175 and
22.1 men anti boysi met instant death
al the Fraterville coal mine, two
nclee weed of title town, an it remelt
of it gas exploskni. Out of the large
humber of men fuel boys who went
to work this MernIng, deeelolaments
-40 04 lock to -night ehow that 118l7 --
011e lel Wife, and he ire No badly injured
Hutt he cannot live. Ile le an aged
Fi.gliediman, who waN a road man in
titit Minem, and nein blown out of the
mamma° by the force of the explo-
sk.RI. eosin ILA possible two rescuing
plualts ware started le, 0454' at lite
main entrnftee, the other through
Thee's. mine, whiett adjoin", and
which no men were at work.
Thirty -heir liodifte lufve been 110 far
r fe-overed.
The number of minerft clieckal In
for work title morning by the mine
boa wan 175. In rohlithei to them,
Isere bort who acted an helpers &lid
driver's, rouelmen, mot otheellt"-**, tier'
timber of perhapia 50.
The mine wan not 015 fire except In
remote portionsi, and all bottler per-
linpe bay be reached before day -
Lida. •
the Cord Creek Coal Company, of
which Maier .T. Camp Is praddefit.
IL. Wag Cincinnati, and is now
hurrying to the weep of the difmater,
Itt leel, nfter In:meeting Freterville
mine, State Commiseloner of Labor R.
A. 141110,1 reported that the ventlia-
tkrn wn* not up to the requirement'',
thnt the fernnee was Inadequate to
erd 'Into the mine, and that the :dr -
ways were eholted in pineal.
'Tlieret'n your Kix figural, land the
t1.11111 149 214' lie cried, triumphantly'.
The merchant adulate' tient thin
*elation wile eitorw, hid that the
figures mesa be towel .singly. The i,,t,ri
with the solution went seway entrap -
..hyA ainaly"illter'smlih'inkt."1186:b,arreiSII:1;m4Zeumlnint1111;e1
ig- The next Papal onnaletory will he
%Mist rind get nn old roseate by fettling heti on June 9. No oardinall Will be
them tether -New York Sent created.
WIndoor Moulder Knocks a Mimeo
SelimPle801•11.111 Nearly Deed.
II rubor, May 26. -.Mors Pareltly, 11
moulder, struck Arthur Watkins, col-
ore,l. over the right temple with it
lout vy beer of iron at the Malleable
Iron Werke, Wnikervilie, this morn-
ing Wetting' fell aineonevione, ftitti
l'eireley flee Waikato. at. taken into
that office of the workn and Dr. Haney
I summoned. The doctor Nueeeeded in
reliving the pritient. It In thonght he
Iwilt enamor. Chief of Pollee Griffith
Inc ited Bartley, who le employed at
the Kerr F.ngine Work., nhout 11
o'cloek, on one of the beck tetrad