HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-29, Page 7TIIE SIGNAL: GODERIOH ONTARIO.
TuoswAT, May 29, 1902. t5
W. Acheson &Son
$1.50 Lace Curtains
We place on special sale this week nearly 200 pain of Nottingham
whim lace Curtains of our own iwiort, 4$ to 54 inches wide and 3I
yards long, in handsome floral and Swine designs, all this season's.
- Regular $ 1.50 line. Special, per pair, $1.06.
nglish Tapestry Carpets
40o yards 27 inches wide, ea ads of from 5 to 200 yards, being this stoma's
best selling lines and best patters*, regular priced goods, 60J, 750 .ed 60n, 35c
clearing for this week et, for the epode, per yard
Rugs and Linoleums
A ray special lot of heavy union cul all pure wool art Rugs, perfsotly
reversible and In hand,ome streets and beet colors and suitable tor any
room They Pomo lu the following yard doss : 313, 3s34, 3x4 at per
/quer* vord 50c, 65c, 75c
Scotch Linoleums, 2. 3 and 4 yards wide, floral and We pattern',
a7ere+ _- well painted and thoroughly ed, at per
Neat yard
371c, 50c
Buttenok's Petteullis 411 la stook. June styles lost r.uelved sod Jun' sheets free.
W. Acheson & Son
Ieemler Sees Explains the Attitude et
the Government ea rrehiblliea.
At meeting in London last week Premier
Roes made the following deliverance its
mood to the quiet ons of prohlbtloa
The queatioa ot the relereodum was •
try nursling question nod gave ms a
rest deal of savoy. My position was a
t ry peculiar one. I hal been a prob bl
oelet all my life, met am still, The quell
Ion came op le suob a form as to make Is
• y drtfi ;tilt tar me to see my wsy through.
get a solution for 11 and at the same
'me satiety myself that, no matter bow
nes to I had Dome to Ise oo.olutioc, the
o oluelen most be 000dd.red honest by
her pseple. We prohibit ouicts had
reined the anuotry to biller• It woe a l root
soessity, un 1 so hal worked ourselves up
the "pluton that no t;eeernmene that
old not pass • probib t try law had soy
,ht to live. Ws took very *truer around
rtmsmber the speech Lord Selebury
ads the other say, in whioh het wuosd
• 1, Joie of Orem Britain against going
ons feet, sod urged them to go slowly and
tare that every step they Look was wise,
r in the .00lrt:ua of *veno alone could be
tail the solution of d,lliault problem,. 1
a• coutrooted with the g0eotton In Male
.t The Manitoba Government had nearly all his fol'oems voted with ebe
ken certain ground, and their law had Government. (('beers) W take the
•o su.t,msd by the Privy Council. Pro• ground that in the light of past experience
Ma law would not be effective online there
le • l.rre *pinto, in favor of It. There Is no
• predecessors bad promised prohnb.bons. dissimulation an no dlehooesty about it
m rrhy hangs the tele. (l.eughter 1 1be will till yon, and I tell you feeling the
:1 of I'.ruament le that uolets Naha- ti•ponaiblhty of what I say, that • probibl.
tory law that could not be enforced is not
se good all •'eense law that le reasonably
will enforced. (Cheers ) And If you g.►s
wain ma Ip Canada, said prohibition
oould not be effective witbout a three-fifths
majority ; Prlooipal Caveo,Rev. Dr,Werden
and Rev. Dr. Potts also favored Jorge major
Wee. lion. Geo. E Foster fevered • pre-
pooderauoo m•ieruy. Tneo the Dominion
Alliance Itself favored the referendum. Our
first impulse was to aoolde tae question op
the majority of the votes en the let, but
that would be ditftuott, as the het soatatoed
the names of so many dud and absentees.
Then we thcught we would require • mel r-
Ity of those voting in • general •leas"", as
• majority will maks either Mr. Whitney or
myself Premier. That to • la r test. Mr
Whitney declared h midi opposed to pro-
hibition and to the bill, but cm certain vutre
00 mutations moved by Mr. Metier, Mr.
Whitney and ail his followers, with two or
three caceptlooe, voted with the (Immo.
meat on the terms of the jjefereodam. So
that it has pram wally tllf unanimous ap-
proval of the House. (Applause.) then
we bad to fie • day for vollog. You have
• separate day for Dominion and Protein
WM elections, for "Moo' tenet». for Mayor
and Aldermen and for money by :awe.
Should not pro.tlbttioo, • lar bigger ques-
tion than any of these, have • separate day!
We heel upon the 4•h of Deoember, and
on Mr. M.rter's moving 10.1 it be made
maatolpsl eleotloo day, Mr. tt bitoey and
0,uts name forward, as they had .
Bot to do. and said the Government and
sot is •l.c •d with • mandate for •
rge (ovation they c.anot do. 1 with
Iberia was no general tItattoo
.11 upon the goes'loo vel prohib tion : we, • prohiht'nry law beton 1t le Jop.we of be,
ad oo mandate from the people. Pat:log rag enforced, It will be repealed and io the
e r abide for the moment, i• bad to satisfy meantime the temperance canoe will be put
urtelves whether prohibition pawed by as book twenty ea- thirty years. (Applause.)
• of Parliament to (bat way could be I am willing to tie fudged fairly, but I will
Elective. Mr. Whitney says the reforeo• &"tallow any man to try that to dealing
um is a oowardl• thing. It so the peopie with this question 1 assumed • hesitating
are been oow.rdi for • long time. We moors. I telt the ground firmly odder me
of 4 a r first probibi•ety measure In the at every step. I hell the whole of the
rokt) sot, which provldrt for a re ereeote Legislature with me at •very s'ep. eroepi
the people. The Soott act In 1876 pro. bar members. II pronibltloe o•o be get
tied ID- • reference to the people, so did oa thus terms. we will see that it Is made
e local option to• nt 1883. lotroduoed by Se effective as It can l..'
Alton MoCerthy in Sir John M.I),nald'. --- -- - --
me. Every tet dealing with the tubl.ot, WHAT THEONfARIOGOVERNMFNT
tether in the Dominion or 1'eovtnmal HAS DONE FOR AGRICULTURE.
arltemats. and also in the United State", '
•odvee the referendum prinolple. S m'.• it created • Departmeot of Agriculture,
dy In Rogland we find Sir William Hu- administered In turn by euooesdul farmers.
art and Sir Hoary Campbell Baooerman it ezpended {264 000 0o Agriculture In
omelet; hill. to M referred to the people. 1901.
et -o 1 find also that Sir William Meredith,
bile leader et the Opposition, apek'og at It has expended $5,142,226 on Agrtcultore
"odors oo May 1, 1994. said be thought it eine• 1872.
Jd be decidedly In the Interests of the 1 It has handed over {1 132 725 to 479 As -
O 1,0001000.517 (bit &nv or Ar -
h• le Gemmel:01y that any ore o000. maO &s rioultore, •lid Horticoliare Mo 1.0455 •ioos
at, before it brooms law, should again be 1872
belated to the poople, eo that they mlgbt I It has assisted the Fruit Growers'. Dalry
e ve the opportunity of pronouncing lea mint., Horse. Sittig,' and Swine Breeden',
. nay upon It. Thar* was no choice thio Poultry, Hukeepeii and Entomologloal As.
ext to tate the enures we did on the refer- I sootatlons, sad the Oatarlo Kaperlmental
alum iApplause) iI we h••8.500.4 we Union, to the extent of 1512,204 during
the some period.
1, has oarried oo the most suooess-
1.1 Arrioaltarsl College in America, with
an attendant's of 509 during the Pollee.
Corm September 1901, to April, 1902.
Seventy per cent of lex grad0atee,
so far •• traced, are engaged in agriculture.
The college has oarried on an catenates
tattoo bsoaoos 1 did not bring le ■ problbi series of field and fo ding experiments.
levy law. i -no must remember that the Tr•velllog dalrt,e wore asst through the
Wetmore is not d.allog with a little rias, Province for several years.
tiro ; It i• one that •Roots • large emo0ot Three dairy schools have since been se
et roper' ] and the labor of • larva number tahli.hed, attended that far by 1,616
et men. _Zea mast be an • po•Itino when
you have passed the law, M eotoros it
property-- 'W• had to consider the ex
leniency of the p colons dote. The Dunkin
wt was adop'ed in 100 or bre cases. and
repealed In every one of t ham Thr Soott
Set had been adopted in 26 0000tiee and
repealed in .55 ; the local option a 'opted
in many muntclpa'Ities and repealed In all!
local option adopted States of the ITnion
Med repealed In eleven of /bent. Here were
di1T•plNes io the way of enforcing the law
trh'eh were very dl.00uraglog. Ws said
we would give prohibition If It was warrant-
ed by pull o opinion, alter we hal taken
steps to .."sawn what publio op'nion war.
Ws had the opinions of many lesdlog men.
Sir Leooard Tilley, one of the ablest tire -
eve sinned to Illustrious company, in Intla•
mud company. If we were dishoneet, thea
hem mea,
Sir John Macdonald, Sir tVilllsm
Meredith and l)'Alton MoCartby, were dtr
bci,eet. (Cheers.)
A LA Wit yr'c T10,1
..otme people 5.7 they •r, very emery
with me, sod that they will vote ('onser-
00 813,000,000. •a4 of amount batter
II b1y aesuuoq fe. ebe Improvement of tall
lairs by provldlog funds for expert jot'g•e
II has assisted to develupluu • pr,.hLable
trade with other pruvloues In pure-bred
I1 bas est apart {250,000 le • 4 the sugar
boa industry.
It started the mote ■uoouaful femme'
fair la Allan kWh -the Iia stook show at
Ootarlo won a large share of the Wel
prizes to lige stook, horticulture. baton)
log and poultry •t the 1'ao-Amerl000 Er -
No lees than 46 Import out Ails, eGott( g
agriculture arid kindred interests. have bees
Placed on the statute busks dace 1889
Mr. Whitney and h's party hay• opposed
moor of the important steps proposed by
the Agricultural D.p•rtmao for the Im-
provement of our Ootarlo agriculture.
John Hoek's. K. O., L. 1... D., p'•sI .bt
of the Toronto O 1 Trate Corporation ;
Byron E. Walker, general manager C•n•-
diso Hank of Commeroe, and Aogue Kirk
load, manatee, of the Toronto branch of the
Hook of Montreal, were appointed • num
mts.ton to investigate Ontario's finances
They fouod ooh on hand Deoember 31st.
1900, {1,468,492.99, and a surplus of mats
over liabilities of {2 268.494 44.
Ou page 2 of their report they also said :
-••1b• methodsof booskeeptog are excel
lent, and exhibit in as full detail as to any
ordinary financial institution all the flaunt
Mal transactions of the Provinoe."
Oa page 5 the report also toys :-"The
methods of the department and Its Busoolai
mania are .zo.11ent and have been 'o lex:
may year'."
lo the foe of such tants, It Is no wonder
that the people agree with what The Toren.
to Mall once add, that the management of
Oot.no'o fiaanoee is iodations, thrifty and
Oa Seth .idea or Leery Peblsr Question. -
Senile of 1111. I.wadele.ele.,
At Chatham Hon. G. W. to.. Palled at.
teatime to the agility which Mr. Whitney
displays to adopting the verged optotoos
whioh he Bode to party circles, Modems
de 8:as1 dimwitted Talleyraod as "a man
who possesses the moot happy flexibility
e nd most agile capacity for transition." Mr.
Whitney hu played Talleyraod, •ed olsy
ed him well. At his meaftlog to Toronto
last August he anaouno.d what he declared
was his policy. eni what the party tows
papers paraded as the very thing the cumin'
needed to order that its particuler redeem
tion might be a,00mphahed At Pon Hope,
a few we. ks ago, he declared the Opposition
had nothing to otter ezoept good Intuitions
The Clergie grant of land he declared "a
phenomail steal," when he was to
the Hesse, of Douse. A steal Implied a
thief, the inlet In this nue being Mr.
C *rpe ; now he says Mr. Ulereue deserved
the terror, and also the credit for the mor
vellooe development which Mr. Whitney
saw. At Owes Sound he declared he eras
always In favor of deveioptog New Ontario.
At the•'Soo" be admitted that he woe not
able to see farther then hie nose, with re
* pest to the Government's schemes of de
y.lopment. At New Hamburg be was opt
peter n n.
F.fteen Fruit Experlmatrba Slatlow ere
being m•in'a oed.
Prmtioal Instruction i Trw11'praying hu
been widely given.
Valusb'n bulletins have been published;
twelve different reports issued annually.
It collects sod publishes vslo•blei Matic.
/los, agricultural and moo-oipal.
131 000 ltteoded 730 meet•ogs, 1900 1 of
98 Farmers' and 52 Wemee'e IeNltutes.
it provided cheap money fug MM drainage
by farmer - - - It es'ablished • Pa Farm it Rainy
River District, whioh has been • great sae
it hes (cetera] the dairy Industry 50th
the value of cheese prodaoed In 1900 Naga -
posed to toting teorporatloo., and declared
he would repeal the eupplementery reweave-. "All is not gold that
bill Demoting this tae if he got into power,
At Uxbridge and other planes he declared , glitters."
that the statement flat be favored the (S-
pool of the orr,oratton tax was an absolute Shot finish covers up
t.lsebwd. He is to favor of • Mlouter for Shoe value, and throws
New Ontario std be opposed s Minister of
o:lomtioa sod a Minister of Arrleulture. you back upon shoe
He favors half • doom agricultural eolfeges,
and ba opposed the dairy school for wet
tern ()Aiello and some of ttte ordinary et The Makers' price on
ptnditur+e to u000eotlon with agriculture,
and has supported measures whioh would the sole, seals his res-
Iturfete whb the monies of the only agr! - ponsibility for what is
cultural oollegs we have. He epe.k. from
Lb' same platform with Mr. Foy at varlout under the finish in -
public meetings, and then speaks In supperI _.
of Mr. 1'. D. Mcl'•Ilum, who struck the f►
heaviest blow at Separate Soboole ever a.t- ,. • 'The Slater Shoe-.--
umpted lo the legislature. Ile declares
11 you maks • shame, to whom would
you chimme? "Loeb bolero you leap."
Whitney will rails" on the 29 b that
hie oat pup'lae, Maud or otherwise.
Whitney's oompalgo miriade us of
Sydoey Smith's remark to tie p,olaoe sorb
MY lord," he said, "1.t us ouuuder every
body damned and then duouw the question
on Its merits."
Quebec has • debt of over 122.000,000 ;
Nov Sheds a debt of {2.713,302; New
Bruce% let • debt of $2,761 086, and lsr5Mleh
Columbia a debt of about {8.000.000. Oa1-
•rlo, with a larger populatiou than any vee
them, has • surplus of over {2 500,000 Ie
11 time fur a oblongs ?
Dr, Dewart, one of the •b'est ministers
of the Methodist church. give" It as bis
opinion that it would be • oal•mity to Oa
talo were Mr. Wbttoey to duplaoe lir.
Ito 0, fur it would prove • "tremendous
blow to the welfare and prosurrity of the
oouotey were the Mange made." 1t was
ridi.ulu,a ler Mr. Whitney to pate as •
purifier of politics, for he had no diepo.thico
to do right all round.
Aesumter that you, intelligent realer.
hon an old servant -Poe who had Lotto In
your employ for many yeas, spa bad always
proved true to your interests - what would
you think 11 some one Dame •loeg and said :
Why don't you discharge that m.n?
You would naturally ark
Why! Coo you till bit place to better ad-
vantage 0
Oh, no.
Has he tot proved faithful to me!
Has he rubbed me In any wsy ?
1s he not worthy of my ooufidente now
Oh, yes.
Weir,pray, wby should 1 discharge him?
0h, .'s heart with you (unto • while -
and "It's time for • ob•nge."
Cramps are Like diratere --
They 00010 unexpectedly and when least
wsduoms. H* armed with • one moot*
ours in a bottle et NervtIi0e, which relieves
cramp and stomach pains In Eve minutes.
In oollo, summer compl• at, dierrho., .et .
digestion and nausea, N.ryIline is a remedy
of remarkable poteooy, and "oto promptly
and eat.sfeotol lly at all oma. Tn. composi-
tion of Preteen's NervJme expressos the
highest med.cel progress of the apo, whioh
moments for Its superior merit. Prim 25u.
Ham:ltoe's PJB are good pills.
-Tho Conservative workers in this
riding are laughing in their sleeve at
the Grits whom they have deluded in-
to support of the Tory candidate un-
der the pretence that he is going to do
great thing. for prohibition. If they
believed it themselves they wouldn't
be working for him.
Large Arrivals of Spring Goods t
Rave Been Placed in
Mattel( opposed to corruption, vet he die
with William Smith, of South Ontario, on
the same platforms. He supports Calder,
whose "est was bought for him by Bally
Smith and others. He supports Mealier -
mid In West Klgin. who was elected by
pereoo..tioo ; Brower in Eat Elgin, who
was nn•ested for oorrapt practices, and
Lackosr In North Waterho. He condemns
Lamperioo with ball .t boas*, and vet sup
ported the Conservative party to their in-
famous gerrymander ot halt the 1'rovinos of
Ooterlo. He opposite prohibition, and yet
he speaks for oaodulates who ere pledged eo
favor of prohibltioo.
1.0 ,mod Nees sad Threat
And mob dismiss of the respiratory organs
as bronchitis, weak longs, oold in the head
and nasal oatarrh, are treated with mar-
velloa samurai on strictly salenGOo prim
o plea by Cotanhozm•. The medicated
vapor of Calarrbozone quickly t
every fir passage possible io Ifs reached by
any treatment. All .oreDees, pato, song's -
Don and lofl.mmstlon are at once dispelled,
and by meats of the boohoo powers of
Cat settle z toe the saluted tissues ars quick•
ly reetwred. Where ('atarrhozane a .red
ooldo last only ten minutes, coughs hall an
hour, and catarrh, consumption, asthma and
bronohii is flee as from fire. A trial will
convince •nyooe tet the startling merit of
Cetarrhorone. Caste $10, email • zs 250
At Animists, or Polson & Co., Kiogatoo,
Dr. Hamiltone i'.11s mire conslipatioo.
Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent.
Our safe of Fencing and Fencing Material this year is unprecolenteel.
Barb Wire with us Still $2.85.
We have the wry beat of No. 9 Coiled Steel Wire. We got ours direct
from the wire mile in Cleveland. Perhaps you didn't know of a difference.
A new Woven Feuoe made upright and lateral wins, all No. 9 steel wire
has come, and is, as the name implies„ an ideal Fence. Come and see it.
We can give you almost any kind of (enoe you want, and all good. AMERI-
CAN, IDEAL, FROST and GEM, four complete fences.
HOES and RAKES. HOUSE PAINT, inside and out. The lest of them
111, the lfollyrood make, more lasting, better finish and guaranteed to give
ELEPHANT PURE WHiTE LEAD and the beet of Linseed Oil.
We can please you on your 111,rtlwarn requirements.
West -Ft. Bakery.
is a symptom o( Kidney
Disease. A well -knows
doctor has said, ' I Wever
yet mad e a poet -moraines
am(nat Ion to • caw el death
from Heart Dieewte wile -
out finding the kidneys
werealfault." The Kidney
medicine which was drat on
the market, most sweeoeo-
ful (or heart Disease and
an Kidney Troubles, lead
most widely Imitated Is
McKillop Mntnal; Fire insanace Co.
Value of Property Insure I up to Januar r.
1901__ $3,0414,973.011
J. B. McLean, pros ; T. Fraser. vtae•proe.
Jas, Connolly, O. Dole. W. U. [Dweltoct. J.
Watt. Jae. Bran, J. (1. Greve. J. Ilennewe!s,
directors; W. (1. Brosdfoyt, Sealorth, inspec-
tor of losses ; T. E. Hay'*, Soeforth, secretary -
4. W. Yeo, Holmesvllle ; James Cumming
Kamondvtlle; It. McMillan, Se•forth ; R
Smith, Ilorlook.
Policy-bolders can W7 aeeneementl and get
their Tarda reccioted at Mr. Coati. Clinton, or
at Molwan Woe.' Tales Clotbiog Store, bode
I have bought out D. CAN-
TELON'S Baking business, and
will keep on hand bread made from
the beet Manitoba flour that can be
I am introducing all kinds of bread
Vienna Bread
Whole Wheat Bread
Graham Bread
Malt Bread
Currant Bread
Steam and Cream Loaves
and will make a specialty of
Pure Home-made Bread
This bread is made from hop. and
malt yeast, which is pronounced by
the medical health officers of Paris
and OW London, Eng, as the most
wholesome bread, and they condemn
the forced -raising -yeast process that is
used by bakers in factories a. being
unwholesome and indigestible.
v It( '„(el ni,e rt`Nt ve''
roe SAIL BY Au 0*U(,6ISTS ('RK1 jot PtR 5011,1,
Steel Shingles
either (L.h an t J Or Painted
Are Always TheY are n"""
eco nomiealty
R e l i a b l e durable and
quicker to
apply than any other.. fitting amt.
atcly-and therefore most early laid.
They have been thoroughly tested
in all kinds of climatal. Invariably
provin ~Ares L( htnines
g. Rt
aired Wo.staer'Proof.
If you're bui W;ng, make awed' satin
faction by ordrrimg EASTLAK, foe the
res(-(ulk.t information if you write.
Metallic Roofing Co., limited,
keeps constantly on hand and
sells at the lowest prices
Hard and Soft Coal,
Cannel Coal,
Blacksmith Coal,
Charcoal, Wood,
St. Mary's Lime.
The beat brand. of
Portland Cement,
Sewer Pipe,
Firebrick, Fireclay.
It will pay you to inspect his
.tock and get prices before purchasing.
Office and Yards at the head of Nelson Street.
of all
Jortak Mc K I M' S
Ribbon Batgain.
About 500 ends of Ribbon to clear at about half price, some a1
less. There are all kinds, all colors, all lengths, all widths; some only
long enough for fancy work, others for hair or neck ribbons, and come
longer. This is a big lot of all kinds of Ribbons and at half price
and less.
MILLINERY. We have yet a lot of
Millinery which must be sold. The
season has been cold and we have • lot
of warm weather Hats and trimmings
which must be cleared. We will not
carry any over. Now is your oppor-
tunity to get • Trimmed Hat at less
than cost of material, or to get the
material at •bout half pr if you
want to do your own trintnq
BLACK SKIRTS. -Stoll more of
thatti.00 kind for $1.25.
WHITE GOODS,- Perhaps you
have not seen our big stock of Skirt+,
Night Robes, Drawers, Corset Covers
and Aprons. Prices are 15, to $5.00,
which is less than the material usually
costs, and you run no chances of hav-'a
ing them spoiled in the making.
CORSET8.-Special 39c. We had
220 pairs; there are less than 60 pain
left, size. 1H to 25, big values at 60c,
all at 38C
Some people will keep on going to a clothing store
and pay clothing store prices for their clothes. We
clothing at Dior Goods profits!, which will be a bjg saving on your
clothing bill. BOYS' SUITS. -We make a specialty of these because
the boy's mother usually buys his suit, and she knows where to go for
Boys' Suit Bargains. MEN'S SUITS. -$3.00 to $10.00. 12 pair black
Trousers to clear at $l.00 ; fthey were $1.50 but did not sell because we
could not say all wool.
Every Cyclist Deserves
Do you want the best tires
-Dunlop Tires? Or do
you want to pay just aa
much for the second bat ?
Dunlop Tlreo for Carriages and
Autos - solid rubber and puou-
Coal! Coal!
.1179T ItkCN:IVN.I)
1 Car Massillon Washed
Nut Coal.
Tble (cal is good for attempt
.ad grates --,a Molly lighted
.11$iOT0e..! $ 1h Brest heat.
1 Gar West Virginia;Lump
2 Car Scranton Hard Coal.
Malllnn st oohed Not 30 Pts.
far 100 Ihe, sit
f$a.t'So pet ton.
(JIVE iT A Thiel
- WARM -
-Vv►nera\ Dkrtecorg..o.,o. t
IsA'MO oXraer tb .
*edema foreteller esteaded le ae all
bene", Wight er day.
Qaebee Street.
Notioe of cnanges most be left at %him
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
most be left not le ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted no to nos n Wednesday of
each week.
1 am prep erect to buy this season's
ohp of Wool, se usual, at the--
1 have rece'ved my New Stook of
Suiting., Trouserings,
etc., for Spring and
Bummer Wear.
If you •r0 getting • new sprites call,
a light overcast, or anything to my line,
1 Pan please von In goods, tit and price.
4fUeaer•Iliade 5lathing in Blurb.
w E a T
for highest Dash price, or in ez•
change for manufactured articles
I shall have a large assortment of
Homespun Cloth
for Ladies' Dresses during the 'mason.
The mucosas 1 had last year Induces
me to an extensively Into the mann.
Imture of this •rt.ols of olotblog.
The al ove la cut into stove wood
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orden received by telephone or
left at . residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
G„ Jeri -h, November 214. 1890. 53.3m
Wm. Campbell.
Uolerloh, Marsh 10th 1902.
between good and Indifferent
Drugs and Medlotnee
Is strongly defined here. The indif-
ferent kind are never order.td and
never permitted to form part of oar
stook. Only gnod" of undoubted
poetry are ofrered m aoatesiers
()or stook of
Proprietary Medlolnes
1s very large. Prices ore low.
The Kensington
Furniture Co._'
THE firer
Scriitou Bard Coal
Al ('0.1 weighed on the Market Scales
when you'get X00 Ibe. for • ton.
Orden lade •b jail at B8mPBLH.D'0
Hare promptly attended to.
retail agent" for their line of Furniture
to Uoi•rleh.
Thlsoelebr.ted, up-tmclate lloo of
Hareem Suites has aka the toads
of 1(1oada by storm. The demand
for goods from ono end of the
"""airy to the other is eh* best
Proof of the qualify of the •rtlole.
The KeneingtonR e tall Stores
Is on the !square.
Eavestrou ping, _
Metal Roofing and
Dairy Tinware,
Iron Pipe and
Fittings . 1
A Great Snap..
11 our (lover Soap, at So. •
pound• of whioh we sale • barrel a week.
This Isn't our only soap. u we Darty
everything that ono be found to an acs
to -data grooery store, and our prloen
are right. The farmers know that they
osn always get from us • map for their
prodooe. We draw the lino at ns
Ieattimate trade -- everything goes
(il.esw•re or potatoes, garden Muff or
oholo..t table China. We deal in all
of them.
Bollard plonk, (iadsrtoh
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Flaking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, hut a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy 'your Garden Seeds. We have a
full tiest.rtment.
Telephone No. 91.