HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-29, Page 64 ThuaUDAT, May 29, 1902. • THE ,SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO BEST $2.00 SHOES, TOO 1 WE have said a great deal lately about our two moat fatuous lines /1 Shoes, the WALK -OVER for Men, and the QUEEN QUALITY for Women. But we do not wish you to overlook the fact that we also carry the belt $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 lines that money can buy Below we give you borne idea of cur sterling values : Men's I)oosel& tad Box Calf Bus, medium we the Noir, eateaelos edgr,MeKay sewn or rly•ted, all sizes, at per liar Mea'. Box Call Rale. extra heavy exttst'so tele, aeweet.,atee, fancy punch vamp, per pair, only Mee's I)onsola or Box Calf Bole, Uotdyear well, heavy extension sole, rola .titch, latest.syles,.oy eau, at now he is yelping for prohibition and the license policy at the same time. 'That's the sort of jumping jack he is. of —The majority - against the Two- faced wofaced Candidate in West Huron promises to be the largest ever given againstt•anv Opposition candidate since 1866. 52.00 52.50 52.75 and 53.00 In Men's Heavy Boots we have all grades from $1.00 up. We have a splendid range of Women's Wear, from $1.25 up to our famous Queen Quality at $3.75. Repairing promptly and well done. E. DOWNING. RSD FRONT SHOE STORE. Next J. Wilton's Drug Store Ike ,WignaI, u rparASSED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Di O. aleallailerntlf OODRRIOH. THURSDAY, MAY ig. MI —MtrcesLL new his finish. —"A CAMERON never will yield." , — Join the much of the CAMeaox wen. —We have met the enemy and he is ours. — rive o'clock this evening will tall the tale. —Ficin 'Both•Wayt MITCHELL finds it hasty travelling on the political pike. — Somebody has said that our goody- goody friends should be called the Cao (cobs —MARGARET 1., SULI.1'ARD Is not in poli- tica this campaive, but CHARLOTTE, WIG. GINS Is. — Keep up West Huron's good record by sending • man of recognized ability to the Legislature. —Commutes address at Dungannon will take first place in the line of nomination speeches in West Huron. —Many electors by voting fox C.uritos will express their lack of confidence art Mr. WHITNEY 111D1 his following. —CAMERox'ti name is at the top in she ballot paper, and CAMERON'. rote will be at the head of the heap on election night —A gentleman wno heard JAMBE MIT - until. at Benntiller Thursday evening say. his remarks were "rampageous"—whatever stat means. — That BenmiUer public meeting seems to have been more than enough for June MrrcHELL He hu gone back to the hole in the wall methods. —Mr. Mtrriiin. doesn't like to have his -pilgrimage through the riding with Mr. Jos Bak characterized u the"Whiskey. and -Water Alliance." —Mayor CAMERoN;in his municipal office hu shown himself a fearless defender of the t public isterests. Why should he not do jest as well in the higher sphere at Toronto! — 11 you yote for CAMERON you will at leant know what you are doing. II mu Iwo not taken ,the trouble to explain him- eelf to the electors, and does not deserve their support. �—W hat's the matter with Prohibitionist TODD, Prohibitiooist "DICK" BLACK, Pro. hibifionist N ILLUM CAMrSIILL, and Prohi- bitionist .?AME. MITCHELL! Why don't they host their prohibition flag on the editorial page of The Start —The relative eastlila ef- Oarftletr-and MIT -HELL stood out In strong contrast at Dungannon on Thursday last. The former was bold, honest, self•reliant and with the ring of truth in every utterance ; the latter was narrow, insincere, wobbling and cant - parading in every statement. —The still.hunt cuopsign is the right kind of campaign for a mut who trine to be on both tides of the fence at once. An honest condi 'ate ns willing to express his views on the pudic platform in every part of the tiding. Vote for (:AMcK,Y and ex press your admiration of honest campaign methods. —The greatest fiction of the present cam paige ie Miss CHARIarrs Wiooivs' ghost story that the licensed yictuallers Paid Hoa. 0. A. !toss $5,000 to bring in the referendum legislation, and then that they paid Col .1 P. WHITER,/ 910,000 to take his stand against prohibition If Miss N rn nitro finds any one fool enough to believe that story she will be able to say that she should not be the only candidate for a lunatic asylum if the leader. of the two great parties of this Province are the .ort of men that Miss Winotxe endeavors to make them out to be they should be behind penitentiary bars ; if on the other hand they are innocent—and who would dare td doubt their inno once --Min. CHARLOTTE WIGGINS *honk' he ender lock and key either in an asylum or in jail. THEY ARE GATHERING HOME. BEFORE Mr. CAMERON began his aeooeuful Mur of the constituency of gent Huron, and before he became personally known to the people, • prober of false and malicious state emote were put in circulation by his ,portents with the intention of dis- eredibing him. 1a the weak. that have intervened we are pleased to say that the gbo.t at which was called up by these false statements has been laid, and we are in a position to state that now little or no objection exists among the tem- perance Liberals of the riding. Of course there aro one or two kickers here and there, but these, like the poor, are always with us at election times. They are usually a clau.of men who claim more knowledge and more influence than they possess, and they are always sure to find this fact out on the evening of election day. As we said before, the Liberal boys who have been dissident are gathering back home—home to the grand old party which is always willing to re calve them. A strong illustration of this was given on Friday evening at Mr. CAMERON'S meeting at Martin's schoolhouse, when an influential farm- er named ROBERT TtHORSON rose at the conclusion of the cans i Itte'e ad- dress and stated that although he had been a dissentient previously he was now so satisfied with the ability and integrity of the candidate that he was prepared to work from now on to tri- umphantly elect Mr. CAMERON on the 29th of May. At the close of the meeting the remaining dim entien;, of the polling sub -division informed Mr. CAMERON that his doubts had been cleared away, and that his vote and influence would go for the Liberal candidate and the Liberal party. And so it goes all along tato line. ANAP SHOTS- -Remember Rose. — It's all over but the shouts. —Roes, CAMERON and Ontario, —The steam is all out of "Truthful J AKIO." —Stick to the work until 5 o'clock on the 29th. --See CAMEhoNb majority roll up on election day. — Now, be honest, MITenILL,whicb is it—Whiskey or Water? —"There will be a hot time in the old town" on election night. — The "Barebones candidate will get his bumps on Thursday evening. —hese MITCHELL'/ following is tike the tag end of a hit -and miss car- pet. —The best kind of prayer for suc- cess in an election is honest, hard work. —There is agaod. decal of whiskey behind Mrreseit 'S prohibition cam paign. • If James MITCHELL is one of the salt of the earth, he ie one of the kind that has lost its savor. —When is Brother MITcnau going to fling to the breeze his flag in the battle for Prohibition? —The Star most have taken a retching powder last week to get all the bile off its crapulent stomach. —This Scotch business is great, and It doesn't make much difference whether it is butter-enotch or hot - scotch. — MITCHELL. and his alleged hu mility and goodness remind us foroibly of 1?RIAH IIRAP, who was "so very 'umble." —11 the temperance Liberals will only take stock of the men who are yelling for Mircnau. and Prohibition, it will suffice. --Mrrenett prating in favor of temperance and morals, when con- trasted with his past record, reminds one of Metall preaching righteousness. --.IAMRl1 Mrretwatt.. shouted and wrote for the "Equal Rights" agitation in 1890 ; he voted for the Patron can- didate in 1894, he was back on the Conservative platform in 1898, and —Did The Star ties in V that mal ands of 'I —CAM honesty, moat. lk crooked 1 ernments —JAM ination 6 M. G. C4 Scots. l MR. CAM — "Sb cept who to ride direction then he' —Wb o8 the evening, portunit outfit to tonight Matt. two mar the one will holt other. mammo — Pre CHILL f circulat the me other i make y. —J A speech CUDDY at the not une single t —J A attitud remind on the his tail of the but 0 dog wa he didi to belt, 11 J A MPJ to apps as a Tc has bee lr vati • It rich ll Exh And t that hi tutiont\ absolul —H 1)unga MITCH consult in litt of Des) womar OP— OP— OP— r- ft- f So— ea✓ f r eatater r r r Se— in the Piano and Organ Business we are no - .,.10,-.11.. to yonflaw. on, ,twooour Dominion Pianos and Organs, the Wormwith Pianos and Goderich Organs. Even if you do nottnten.l to buy plat. now rill on it. and we will Ln pinavwl to plum you what we hate business to chow you the superior points of our instruments Wo ha, e a few gond second hand Organs. HAVE you seen- — - our stock of SPRING AND ua I.fuse tie J. He COLBORNE1c.11M,1 Dress Mullins Black. Colored. Black and Whit* and W nits la prices, 8o, 9o, 10.. 121u, IA. ,G. 17. 911. alis, Parasols. Hiroo from the makers, Nd as Hod HAM Cetcs. : 50o, 7S.. 111 00. 111.86. $560. e1.7e (3lnchasms. A hig range sod all new. 8,, 10o, 120, 15e sad 140.• • ir E E EE novices. eat mel1e •• • hvalue made ie Gayworth Hortur also o It is oar a a In Sewing Machines we still sell the White (rotary And vibrator), New Williams. Standard. and a Queen. All supplied with the latest attac:hmenta ao l guarantee I tor len veer GEO. W. THOMSON & SON. 1 WEST SIDE OF SQUARE 0ODERICH 3 We carry • hill line of (loiters, Mandolins, Violin., Accorden nc, Harmonicas, Str rags, Sheet Music, Mule !took., rte. 1f you do not live in town write and we will he pleural to send you catalognne of our vegan, or to call on von BAKED IN BREAD VYr ^Kara YVe.B. --- erg develop every bit of nutriment that the flour contains. Have our wagon call, and be -convinced. . P. WESTOBY C AGENT. HAMILTON AT. 0ODERIOH.