HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-29, Page 44 Tau..nair, May '29, 1102. -41 THE e1SIGNAL : GODERIUlI ONTARIO BEST $2.00 SHOES, TOO ! W 13 have said a great deal lately about our two most famous liuea of /1 Sherr, the WALK -OVER for Meng and the QUEEN QUALITY for Women. Hut we do not wish you to overlook the fact that we also carry the best $2.00, 2.;.0, $2 75 and $3.00 lines that woney can buy. Below we give you some idea of cur sterling value. : Moo's Mineola and Bon ('alt Bale. medium we th' sots, extension edge,McKay 2,00 sewn or riveted, all size*, at per talr • 5p Men's Box Calf Rai.. extra heavy extnei'oo sole, ooweet toe, fancy punch 12.50 vamp, per pair, only . ... ................ ..... •V Mese Doneola or Box ('all Bab, Uocdlasr eels, heavy exteoslon sole, rote stttoh, latest etylee,any Cal, at.... .... .... ......... ... . $2.75 and $3.00 In Men's Heavy Boots we have all grades from $1.00 up. We have a splendid rauge of Women's Wear, from $1.H25 up to famous Queen Quality at e3.75. Repalriug promptly and well done. our E.powN1NG. RED FRONT 811ORE. Next J. Wilton. Drug Store Ihte »i nnx, 1. PtralJOUap EVERY THURSDAY MORNING MY e, aleasLYe5 T OODERIOII, THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1901 - MITCULL.ees hie finish, -"A CAMS:RON never will yield." -Join the mach of the CAMERON man. -We have met the enemy and he is ours. - Five o'clock this evening will tell the tale. -Facing.Both-Ways MrrteatL finds it heaty travelliag on the political pike. -Somebody has said that our goody. goody friends should be called the Goo Gone. - MAw:Aacr L. tial srrAZD r net its pull• tics this (ainpairs, but C.Aatorrs Wu:• ants is. -Keep up West Huron's good record by sending s man of recognized ability to the Legislature. -CAMELON's address at Dungannon will take first place in the line of Domination speeches in West Huron. -Many electors by voting roe CAMERON will express their lack of eoohdeuce in Mr, W stuuuT and nit following. -CAMERON'S name is at the top in the ballot paper, and CAMssote's rote will he at the head of the heap on election night -A gentleman wno l. heard-tasearlbe. unaLL at Benmiller Thursday evening says his remarks were "rampageous" -whatever Um means. - That BenmiUer public meeting seems to have been more than enough for .ioaas MrroinW... He hu gone Irak to the hole In the wall methods. -Mr. MITCHELL doesn't like to have his `r pilgrimage through the riding with Mr. Jon BEcx cha mete ized as the "Whiskey• and•Water Alliance." -Mayor Casinos: n his municipal office hu shown himself a (aeries. defender of the public interests. Why should he not de jest as well in the hasher sphere at Toronto' -If you Tote for Carlson you will at least knew what you ere doing. Um e assts has not taken ,the trouble to explain him- self to the electors, and doe. not deserve their rapport. - W hat's the matter with Prohibitionist TODD, Prohibitionist "DicK" BLACK, Pro. hibitionist N ILLIAM CAMI'BILL, and Prohi. bituoniet Jamie Mrroem,L' Why don't they hoist their prohibition flag on the Editorial page of The -Mee - The relative merit* of CAMIHN•N and MeremiLL 'toad out In strong contrast at Dungannon on Thurolay last. The former was bold, honest, self•reliant and with the ring of truth in every utterance; the latter MSS narrow, insincere, wobbling and cant. parading in every statement. -The still -tient eampaigu is the right kiwi of campaign for a man who tries to be on hoth sides of the fence at nnee, An honest candi'ate is willing to express his views on the public platform in every part of the tiding. Vote for CAMEK"N and ex press your admiration of honest campaign methods. `.- -The greatest fiction of the present cam paign is Mill CHARLOTTE Wtoclha' ghost ■ aor.L that the licensed yictaliers maid_ Hon. o.. ogee X6,000 to ging in the referendum legislation, and then that they paid Col J P. W Rireey 810,000 to take his stand against prohibition if Mir N to nu.. finds any one fool enough to believe that story .he will he able to say that ehe should not be the only candidate for e lunatic asylum If the leaders of the two great parties of this Province are.the aort of teen that Miss Wtotr: ase endeavors to maks them out to be they should be behind penitentiary hare ; if en the other tend they are innoeent-seri who would dare to dnubt their innocence -Mir C,iosimT. Wto"tes should he under lock and key either in an asylum or in a jail. THEY ARE GATHERING HOME. BEFORE Mr. CAMERON began his ..00euful blur of the constituency of West Huron, and before he became personally known to the people, a somber of false and malicious state g ent& were put in circulation by his opponents with the intention of di.. crediting him. In the weeks that hove intervened we are pleased to say that the ghost which was called up by these false statements has been laid, and we are in a position to state that now little or no objection exists among the tem- perance Liberals of the riding. Of course there aro one or two kickers here and there, but these, like the poor, are always with us at election times. They are usually a class of men who claim more knowledge and more influence than they possess, and they are always sure to find this fact out on the evening of election day. As we said before, the Liberal boys who have been dissident are gathering back home -home to the grand old party which is always willing to re ceive them. A strong illustration of this was,given on Friday evening at Mr. CAMERON'S meeting at Martin's schoolhouse, when an influential term- er named Rouser TtoreoN rose at the conclusion of the candidates ad- dress and stated that although lie had been a dissentient previously he was now so satisfied with the ability and integrity of the candidate that he was preparod to work from now on to tri- umphantly elect Mr. CAMERON on the 29th of May. At the close of the meeting the remaining die entient of the polling sub -division informed Mr. CAMERON that ilia doubts had been cleared away, and that his vote and -influence would go for the Liberal candidate and the Liberal peril: - And so it goes all along the line. SNAP SHOTS. - Remember Roes. -It's all over but the shouts. - Ross, CanseoI and Ontario. -The Steam is all out of "Truthful J AMR." -Stick to the work until 5 o'clock on the 29th. - -See CAMnhoie'e majority roll up on election day. �lo:,ba-Loosatt J1lrcast.t,wbicb is it -Whiskey or Water? -"There will be a hot time in the old town" on election night. -The ' Barebones" candidate will get his bumps on Thursday evening. - JAMES MITCHELL'S following is like the fag iced st. a hit -and mise car- pet. -The best kind of prayer for sue Cess in an election is honest, hard work. -There is s good deal of whi.key behind MITCHELL'S prohibition calm paign. If James MITrHEt.t. a one of the salt of the earth, he is one of the kind that has lost its savor. now he 1s yelping for prohibition and the license policy at the same time. That's tete sort of juwpingjack he is. -The majority against the Two- faced Candidate in West Huron promises to be the largest ever given egainsteany Oppositiou candidate since 1886. - Did any one ever see a line iu The Star condemuing the Tory rescali• Om in Wast Huron in 1892 or, for that matter, any other of the thous• ands of Tory rascalities 1 - CAMERON stands for truthfulness, honesty, ability and good govern stent. MITCHELL represents duplicity, crooked politics, mediocrity, and gov- ernmental impossibility. • -JAM Ks MrrcaIILL said at the nom- ination that after the election he and M. G. CAMKKUN would still be Brother Scots. If so, why doesn't ho call oft Mo. CAMaRON'e traducers? -When is Brother M1tcssl.L going to fling to the breeze hie flag in the battle for Prohibition? --The Star mut have taken a retching powder last week to get all the bile ofl its crapulent stomach. - This Scotch business is great, and it doesn't make much difference whether it is butter -scotch or hot - scotch. -Mttcnuut and his alleged hu mility and goodness' remind 11 forcibly of TTuaa$oa., oho wan "so very 'umhle." - "Six days shalt thou labor" -ex- cept w hen a truly good man is trying to ride two horses going in different directions at an election contest, and then he must take in the whole seven. - Wheu JAMU Macau'. is wiped oft the political arena on Thursday evening, there will be an elegant op- portunity for the alleged Prohibition outfit to sing, "Oh where is my boy tonight?" Matt, VI --24- 'No man can serve two masters ; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." - Prohibitionist candidate MIT- CHELL reserve. to himself the right to circulate his election cards through the medium of hotels and through other sources.. Certainly, oid man make your friends work for you. -J�I1tt MITCIIILL doesn't like the speech that was made by D. McGILLI- CUDDY at the prohibition meetipg held at the Temperance Hall, but he did not undertake to say that there was a single misstatement of fact is it. - hues lIlIrCasLL's fore and aft attitude on Toryism and Prohibition reminds us of the man who met a dog on the road that growled and wagged his tail at the same time. The owner of the dog said, "Don't mind him," but the chap who didn't know the dog wasn't so sure about that and said didn't know which end of the dog to believe. - -In the biographical sketch which JAMES MITCHELL ssvde to The Mail, to appear aide by side with his picture as A Tory candidate, he claims that he has been 18 years secretary of the Conser- vative Association in West Huron. 18 years secretary of the (lode - rich hoard of Trade, and 10 years secretary of the G.N.W. Exhibition, And everyone in Goderich knows that he hag brought each of these insti- tutions almost to death's door by his absolute incompetence. -How the Goderich people at the Dungannon nomination laughed when MITCHELL" claimed that he was the consulting actuary of M. G. CAMERON in lifting the town out of the Slough of Despond. Why, there isn't a man, woman or child that would ask MIT - - If the temperance Liberals will only take stock of the men who are yelli.g for MITCHELL and Prohibition, it will suffice. - MtTCHIIL, prating in favor o temperance and morals, when con treated with his past record, reminds one of Ratan preaching righteousness. -J AMR MITCN*LL shouted and w rote far the "Equal Rights" agitation in 11490 ; he voted for the Patron can- didate in 1894, he was back on the Conservative platform in 1898, and HAVE you seen --- - - - our stock of - SPRING AND SUr1rlER SHOES We carry every Zine of seasonable Footwear at reasonable prices. We quote a few special lines just here and invite you to come at any time to in- spect our stock. W.SHARMAN EVERY BUYER PLEASED WITH OUR SHOES. CHELL'S advice about the beet way to dry a wet hen And the foolish fel• low thinks that he is a whole advisory board. Well, that is rich. -Why doesn't JAW MITCHELL say • word or two in favor of the can- didacy of his brother prohibitionist, GEORGE F. MARTEN, in North Toronto? Strain the Air AND KEEP OUT Flies, Bugs and Mosquitos. WE HAVE Screen Doors and Windows made up -hi Standard Sizes. Others adjustable to any desired size. \ TOUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. N. D. ROUGVIE, 1 'Pose SO J. H.f'COLBORNE Cash or Predacti Dress Musllns Bleak, Colored. Bleak aad Willie and Weise la priow, Bo, 90, 100, 124110 14c, Ib), 170, 20 , 25e, 300, 35o and 500. The largest raogeof Drew Muslim ever seen la Uoderiob. Laoe Curtains. , 50e, 76o, 85e, 903. 11 00. 81 25,81.50.81,75, $2.00, $2 25, $2 50. $2.75,$3 00, $3 25, 83 60 sod $4.60. White and colored Car - tale Muslim', frilled. Frilled Curtain Brussels Net aid Art Mnallaa Parasols. Dirges from the maker., .ad et Bed Kook Prices : 50o. 750, $1 00, $1 25, $1.60, $1.75. $1.90,82 00, $2 25, 112.75. $3.00 aad $4.00, and values rlabt. hurt Walat#, 1e Black Sattuaa,$1,1b. 61.25, 81.60, 81.75, 82.00 a.1$250. White Wallis as white floe Mashed, 854 $1,10. 11.25, $1.75, 8200 and 12.26. Blaok Bataan. Skirts. $1.00, $1.60 81.76, $2.00. Oing;hams. A bis nage aad sU sew. 83, 10o, 124o, 15e and 200• Prints. 8000 wade, 6o, 8o, 100 aad 124o. All sew this spring, W bile Skl.1 , Wait. Wart*, White Drawees, Bisok Cashmere Hose. 20.1 t. 651. Oottes Mess 100 to 400. We wish to call special attention to the above lines as there is value to be found anywhere. Fashion Sheet. tor Msy and Julie ready. The latest up to date Pattern. for sale, Ibo. 2 !or 253. no better J. H. COLBORNE Have you put away your FURS yet??? The new way Is to um Moth -proof Bags. They are made in various .tzar. We have them. The omit is small. Beatentall Stovepipe Varnish Coat tee p. pee before putting them away to psavant rust. Fina for bag - Mr and all exposed now work. PRIOE - 20c. Clidal Furniture Polish ?disk es old things look new. Package Seeds, Disinfectants, Patent Medicine*. . C. GOODS, Chemist, BEDFORD BLOCK.., Lel as Pat ■g year rreerrlpll..s aid ,.-111 Merripla. We d. Ike work as 11 .beuld be dame. WALL PAPER RUSH...... Many of our best lines of Wall Paper are running out -the lovely.l'ictures we gave away did it. All our 7 cent papers re- duced - to 5 cenour gilt 1 2c. and 15c. paps reduced to 10c. Ingrains," all shade with ceiling and border to atch. If you want to get in on our best bargains, best selectio lose no time. The Cash hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. .gooDs--- DIMARTILINT. Belts, latest shapes, 50c. to 75c. Chatelaines -w riot, belt, hand -from 25c. to #5.00. OUR SPRING STOCK ready for inspection, both in trimmed and untrimmed hat.. Trimmed Hats from $1.25 up. Ready-to-wear Hats from $1.00 up. Sailors from 1.5c -up. . \ - Our stock is complete in every line. Call and inspect. MISS CAMERON, HAMILTON STREET, . . -41 • �`" r!` E have been in tho Bicycle Business ever since a Bicycle was a Bicycle, and never be- ss- fore e-fore have we had such a variety to make a choice from, nor has the value ever been Bo _g STEARNS BRANTFORD RACYCLE MITCHELL ow- d.� CEO. W. THOMSON & SON CRESCENT WORLD HYSLOP ADLAKE CROWN Etc. Also a number of used Wheels, some almost as good as new, at surprisingly low prices. If you need anything in Bicycle Repair. we carry a hill line, and our repair dep,rtment is supplied with a l the E equipment necessary to turn out good work, and is in ehagc of a firstvisas repair mot ten thirty years of ex• in the Piano and Organ Business we are no novices, wiener' to worth inn. • '-- iderahle to you. 1i&ve von .ren "air Dominion Pianos and Organs, the host value male in Canada, also our Wormwith Pianos and Goderich Organs. E burin... to 'how you the superior pointe el our instrument* We have a few gnat .m -end hand Organs. l(ven if t•ou do not intend to buy plat now call nn 0• and we will lie 0040t0 In *how you what we hate it is our EIn Sewing Machines 1 a a a a a 1 .e *1111 sell he White (rotary and vihr*tor), New Williatfts. Standard. and Queen. All .applied with the latest attachments aro? guarantee 1 tor ten years a E We eery a full line of t:n,tor,, Mandoline, Violin., Aecordeone, Hamonuca., Str nge, Mint Music, Music Book., etc. 1f yam de not Ise in kiwi, write and we will he pleased to .end you nealognes of our enrol., or to call on yon E GEO. W. THOMSON di SON, a a • WEST SIDE OF SQUARE: - - OODERICH 711U1�111 111 1U 1�11�1U UL Pocket Books -W a 1 r u s, real seal, allegator-from 50c. to $5.00. Our bargains in $1.00 pocket books sell every time. ?UN ONLY. 1908 -•-- t908 L/STO EL le moving forward. Winter tetra beyrloe Jan. a. 11111. Our raters are reasonable, our dowser or study thorough andryreotical. Send for oar Journal and see what we leach. Students may enter at any time. Two courser of study. Commercial ard shorthand C. A. VLEMIN0, A. L. MCINTYRM, Pres , Eno„ Owen Hours-' Llstewel. STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP -AT THE (ILI) STAND - Victoria gtreet, Godorich JAS. A. STRACHAN hag taken over the plant sod business conducted sucoeeefally fcr eo ueay veers by hes father, tee late D. K. Straches, and Intends ',titling the .bop to ilia most up to dee sea.• ser possible. Ile will make a erecialty of all kinds of repairing., such as Threshers and Engines, Binders, Mowers, and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements. Mill Machinery, Marine, Sta- tionary and Portable Engines thoroughly overhauled and re- paired. Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machine and Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the specialties manufactur- ed by the late D K. Strachan will still be made on the prem- ises. Call or write for particulars. If you want a good Pipe, 50c..Pipes for 25c. An anti call and see what we can dol �Jas. aafor you. 3c. Pipes • for 25c., a LLi septic pipe -cleaner with every MAC'HHINIST. $1.00 Pipe. - - - Enquire for the • Popular, Book Store and you will be, directed to • KIDD'S BOOK STORE, Goderich. Rf1YNAS&CORNELL UNDERTAERS 1MBALMERS, Etc., West side of Nrleare, t RICH, - ONT. Night calls promptly answered. ea THE BEST THAT'S BAKED IN BREAD PARNELL a DEAN'S EUREKA BREAD-- Reaches the highest per- fection possible in Bread - making. Purity, nutrition, deli- ciousness are exemplified in the finest product of the modern bakery. Our patent dough -mix- ers develop every bit of nutriment that the flour contains. Have our wagon call, and be convinced. . P. WESTOBY t� AGENT. HAMILTON ST. OODSRIOH. t. rd. tit IS! :0*., sae et M