HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-29, Page 1s! AL POINTkK.`i. t.mtieran. Liberal was dap age by • Conserva- wioe pony...ates sa..d. is are golor 10 vote for the date this Uwe, ' said tee vote for the man who Mil Moo," woo the reply. • probibltloatst like you iflookell, tba prohibition THREE a'A'El" A V'TS Ant - AorlvE AG -4IT8 WHIN r(.AOPtt 1111 - THE SIGNAL r • Zhe FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR. --2881 4 THE LEADING NEW813APE11, OP HT -IRON 00'L71WTY. LOOK AT YOU LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR (] /� . . . 1902 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : MAY 29,, 1902. or Holmes 11 y bo wen DoT FORCAflI3RON,ar the rejoindr. ROSS ad • moue■, be," e Literal, "I • p.. w Itohell , but 1 Woad to D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. AND ONTARIO'S Situations Vaefaut. i uv AGE 16 WOULD LIKE ASf'1'UA• n a ( tloa. Box IA, Ooderlob. �I d (� �j C I�"r��v�+� 1� UWU$TUUt'BOY WANTED -TO AM kern the mach'ss and blacesmithine trade. Apply to JAS. A. NTRAI'IIAN, ma- chinist ano blaikandik, Victoria street, EST ST, Wanted. l rooms,--- on the / \ONVEYANCES WANTED. of West attest, 1. n from J a.m. to ery day except Jo1 persons who w mh to aupp'f ooare) mom for its. ou election day la the Intern, of oho Liberal oaodldate aro ragu.l.d to levy e n desiring infer- formation at the Liberal bsadquartem, W.t bee to glue infor- street. .1. C. MARTIN, the campaign is President Liberal Aeaocfuloa. cited to visit the WANTED. -AT THE KENSINGTON 11 Furniture Co , Oodertob. elm, ash or basswood, grass or dry• it DS WELCOME I **unite Notloe. T2. 11 of NOTICE 1y BERIIBY GIVEN THAT after the exolrone's of two weeks from the dots( hereof an appllomttoa to transfer the brogue held by Wm, Cralg to sell twozlcstine liquors In (50 hotel on Kingston strbbsethither to known as Crata'o hotel, to H. Keo{, of the town of (toderieb. will bs o,ntlderad by the Itoard of Lasa. Oomtseelooere fur the basoes dlstrtct of Watt Harm. Dated at Uoder:eh Mlle Silt day of May, A. D. 1701. W. J I'AIALKY, License Inspector, West Huron. jj 11hthe Legislative ELECTION OO.mblMEMBER TO Notice is hereby given Chet under the pro visions of tbo Ontario kl.tion Aot 8am1, Sloane, J. P., of the town o: Ooderich has - been appointed the laanoial agent of M. O. (imeroo, Req., • oozed Mote fog the L seal sal re As.mbly. WM. ROBEITTS )N, Returalu, *moor. West Harm. WI tgaam, Mar Mb. IeDt. MEETINU OF THE HURON COUN I Y aousal+. Tb. soutane •0•.100 of the Coaooil of 150 County of Huron will he 5064 1n the council chamber of the 'town of OOdcrioh, oom- .sct aext.o'elock 1•. M. on 15e not To..day - - baled at liod.tiah this list aa ' of May 1901 T .AWN MOWERS SHARPENED, BI L ,tele r.psired,eto. Bring your lawn mowsoand bicycle to Atr•cbaa'. M•ch1n. and Blacksmith Shop- Victoria street. We ga•na tee a good )oo at • r.soeable price. Lice mowers orad for sod d.lv.red. All tads of repair,wcrk done on short notice. • ra11miItoitd, JAB. A. STRAUHA,N. i. WARNINO.-ANY PERSON BA1H- lag from tet Ioland.using the ferry without permission. ehootlar, or otherwise trespassing opo() 507 part of the property wilt 5. arrested end proewtutod LC. ATTRILL Ridgewood Pars. [)ROT. S. L. ?AUBK 11 •Itrrst'Tt Rtxe orrtrtAO £Nn 006 .r,LCI•UOT Alt klode.f 8psptaWes and fy.gisas. mode Worrier 89.06.1 atteaUon elven to fitting the eye. Orden by mall promptly attended to Be. ware of parties .Ing my name. as I employ no tnvrllinv agents whatever testlef•otlon guaranteed. IbLoDllsbed lt;.(. y„ RICHMOND STRUT W.. TORONTO. Malo. MITIS COLBORNE. Teacher of Fletcher music method, will re ,Svc pupils at heir sted.o. afro,. Mr. Natters bear$aoe ono.. HamUtso street. For lofor- motion apply either at audio or at reddest., 8t Parries's etr.1. W, GLENN CAMPBELL, Organist ad musical director of North street Methodist ohurch, teacher of piano, ptoe (w- ean and theory Potpie prepared for all ea- , o amtnrtlons of (be Toronto Ooseerv5tory of Mnelc. WI71 be pleated to receive appllca- 1 anon from all those roin(rina such Matron. (ion at his new studio over Thomson's music idate in Macdonald, ,,rand !� d plena for 71,1 floe may hs ar linton and now, we he reached the con- Dentistry. ioyd was seized of aw Y. HAYDEN, D. D. i , L. 1) 8 , for the bona fides of 11 . Mutat Sorrow', enroe»or to Dr. J. a a first-class moa in M. Tornbu11. Meet approval methods In all raced ID COQ a - departments of modern dentistry, including mirk and _. pororlato Inlay Operetlons, 504 itroww and bridge week both in gold and Ili porcelain. -- Opental 5ttentIwn pall to preaervatlon of - -`- "-` turd Neth. In onto. formerly oocu pled by Dr. Tomball. favi - - ATOTiCK-WK.THE IINitERSIONRD l� INretl.t. will 0100• our om fes at 1 . -.. troika p m, 4Ved0esda7s from May to Oc• teke&mot.lve. GK.90.41 M, Ntrnot.s914, L. M. M•nke, . . -_-- (loderloh, May Ott. 1902. W. Y. Bayousv. For Bale. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE, TOR PUT- Ong under carpets. etc. Apply at Till Hums! Moe. FOR BALE -THE EAST HALF OF the west half of lot t5, oon. 7, West W1- .- .. wan.5,nomprl0s/50acres. Avid) toHEN• RT TOWT.lt'B, Doegtmwow, or to P1tine Belt. Barrister- Ooderlob. Abend candidate in t ) RENT.-R(X)k1S ON HAMILTON never gob into the 1 strati at present ill0 omoupin by R. N. Lewis or Boyd substituted necessary. teen Or will e0v. Into small .tore if Or rooms over MIB Cameron', tare with front one rear e,tranoe. IC N. t.RW1A, 72 POR BALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118. 119 1' sad lib In Hetohloon's survey, all in --., Oo4erioh. Por portentous l toup�'r -111' r, ,IIad:rTrx. March 11th, 1900, fedi Rooms so Let. C.71 Insurance, oto. (\HAN. E. !SHAW, GENERAI, INSUR- ) ANON and real *Mate agent, Oates, tee o� met of P. 0., Oaderleb. Agent for the loaloading mat toil are Inatranoe tom pante. an4 ni Mercantil* gmlap*mile Ifaottirin9 risks t owe.t rates. WI at oioe. - IJR . RORERTRON. Aonoentatt nd Inenrano, Agent, Hooke and amounts Holdin mato rape nts oolle.ated. Fire Insurance In and tish and comedian Composite*. IMI.- In Pro,4feot Sr ,Rale' °shoo, North trope O°Amite. 12 tf 1 ii\ • J. T. NAFTEL, GENERAL 1N• JU Fire,1 f8IJ�RANO* not Rad R.teite sleet, E during the Mac- J ,old el Plate Mass t see d for the ren •ft'ted en matttal or care plan •t lowest g nine •ate del Me. iia it will he men rat ' English end Canadian nom Nae. hop - ret tel, e initiels of Free- 001 •, Item done to gamy R Darrow, Rsr b er, nominate Ntrset. 1 _ Nod1NL DR W. T. O Al(Qa� gpf, eePpHeY.S i C1 A N ntw e.yea 71. 'Pana• W. HURON NOMINATIONS A Large Attendance and an Enthusiastic Meeting As CI.g.eat Fresamttes of the Qetvrle.e a1 lace by 11,. 05s"e,.e-11r. 16,1,5,11 es tee wehsr•-Tae l'alalr *1111.4, et Caatr.i.s Loeb earl. The holding of the nominations for West Huron ou Thursday last was a red Jotter day for the villa/4e of Luogs,hoo. Before noon vehicles began to arrive and by 1 o'clock the large hail war filled with electors and others desirous of hoaxing the @p.ches of the c.ndidates Within the hour oailig for nominations the following nam. were submitted : M. l; C.wsew., barrister. Mayor of the Sown of 0odertob, proposed by 'rho. Ander• eon, farmer, of the towoebtp of Alit:A.1d, seconded by Peter MoCaon, tanner, of the townshtp of West Wawahe5. JAwa. Morettet.i., publisher, of the town of God.rlob, oropoeed by .John Mo6,s•n, former, of Dungannon, •.00ad.d by George Acheson. of Ooderich. Mr. Cameron appointed S. Sloane, of Coderioh, as his ho•eolsl agent, and Mr. Iditoheli named W. C Goode, of Godenob, to represent him. After the ret0raleg off%ter had del•r.d that • poll had been demanded, and hod re tired, Messrs Beck end Clegg moved asd Found. LIOUND-ON WATERLOO STREET, aL neer Salvation Army barracks, a baeoh ark.y[s. Owser may have them by paying for advertlsment. Mortdlt'age Sale. RAORTOAGE SALE OF VALUABLE 1.811 property. Coder and by virtue of the power of sale contained It • eert•io mortgage bearing data the 229th day of Ileoember, 19.0. and two a*• •lwornente thereof bcsrine dote respectively the 22nd day of November, 1901. and the 11th day of March, 1972. whioh will be producer at the time of sale, there will he sold by yobbo auctloc at Buxton', hotel in the town of OOderioh. In the eonate of Har3n, on SA1'URDAT. the31st DAY of MAY. A. D. 1902, at 12 o'clock noon: M le Jobproo Ktinox, estunaetfoeeer,mely 15, foltowl.g vain - Parcel 1 'nu, east half of the west Yds of lot number 15, in the 7th •onceaon of the township tf Wawanosh. In the county of Hume 1'hls property 1. situated about 3 mil. from Du•iranoon. There le a frame house 20180, with kitchen 15.32, wcodsbed ant brick milk house ; two frame @Lobes and other buildi.gt all in fairly good condition. There are two wells and a living spring creek on the farm and about 5 sorsa of orchard. The soil is god. l'aroel : Lot number 107 In the village of Dangan000, being part of 101 13 i0 the 5th ooaoesetoh of Wawano.h. Upon title property there is • new frame Sou. 18x21 with frame kitchen 10.12. Terme of Sala -Ton per oent. of this pur- chase money at tee time of sole and the hot - once within one month thereafter without interest. For further particular. apply to the anotion- ger Or 10 the vendors solicitor. Ilatod the 1115 day of May. Ion: .108N KNOX. PHILIP HOLT. Auctioneer; 'deader. Solicitor. Notion to Creditors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.-t$I THE estate of Richard Rowdes, late of the township of Colborne. Ie the County of Huron. yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re gleed Statutes of Ontario 1097. Chapter 129, that 111 creditors and others having claim, agatn•t the estate of the said Richard Bow- den. who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1042, a. required .00 or bettor° fns 12th dor of June. 1902, to send by pont prepaid or delle, 12 the un- dersigned solicitor for the ereoator•, their Christian and surnames, addres.es and de- sortptlots, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their 5cooaet1 and the na- ture of t e security Of any) held by them. And further take Dotioe that after such last mentioned date the said executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties titled thereto, having rea.rd only to the claims of which they .hall then have notice. sod the said erecuton will not he liable for the raid assets or any pert thereof, to any persm or persons of whose elatm motto* shall not have Kean male b7 them at the date of ouch dt.trlbutiot. Dated this 1105 day of May, A. D.. 19)2. PHILIP HILT, Solicitor for Mary Itowden and Georg. Rlliou, executors of the said deoeaed. 'k Huron and Bruce Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. Sostcno.a-PHILIP HOLT, K.O. BA,KLas-THE CANADIAN 'BANK OF COMMERCE. ee000ded that Mr, Lookh•rt be ohalrman, to wbiob Mr, C.meron acquhawed. Th. Moorman stated ebst be would eo• dilator to act tmpartlally, and old the order of the meeting would be that Mr, Ctmsr.m wool2 open with as hour's speech, that Mr. Mltohell should lam an hour in reply, and teat Mr. Common would gluts the meeting in a quarter of to hour's reply to Mr. Mat obeli. Mr. Cameron on owning forward was enthusi.•1105tly received. He was glad t5' sampal(h was nearly tbrourb, and woe happy to see to large so attend•ooe of lade. and 9eotlemeo present. He bad been pretty nearly through the riding, and had ✓ soeiyed • cordial reception lverywb.rs. Continuing he said: Altbou9h Mr, Mitohsll bee not met me on the plstfurm he is Wklog advantage of • Dumber of paid speakers who are tray•l tog through the riding on lits behalf 'tuition all kinds of statements. One of the. is • woman oam•d Wtpgior, who hae been bolding meeting. in oburobee and pract) oally turning th. pulpits tato hutting". O» Sunday evening re.otl7 she epos* in • oburoh to Uod•rloh to favor of Machell, and after a m got through the pa.t,r also spoke to •dyouaoy of M,toh.11's o•odidaoy, Mr. Mitchell we nut presto( durum the sermon or bsraogu•, or whatever It wit, but he was soon afterwards dodging into the bseemeut, for what wpm. let bit, say. Mr. Mitchell -y.., 1 was theta. Mr. Cameron -And to was Miss Minim. Mr. Mitchell ('{reetlyGlottal) -"Cunard! to speak about • woman." Mr. Comer05-Well, this person hu, 1 rim informed, boon maklog • statement st publlo meetings and b ter sa0yss time ahs liquor Inters--ta gave $5 Opo to the Hoo. 0, W. Kole to take hit present stand on the rete remota m end • h• also kayo tha t Mr. Whimsy received $10,000 trout the tame source for t•klog hu stand against eke .:wesdum. Now, I know Mr. Whitney, and although I am opposed to him polttt- belly 1 believe 51m to be u henorable man, and 1 5..e yet to learn that any Liberal would •.ort that his honor could l put 55051 in the way stated by this woman, 'et Jam. M.(he61 who, professes to be a ollower of Mr. Whitney, has allowed hie bled to be Mondavi without stylus a weed minim the foul tinder, (Cheers.) L there maa present •xceut Mr. M,teinsll who Mimes that either of thew prominent man cold bit bought for a price? (No, No. 1 All have to say i5 that If what the woman aye be true Hon. G. W. Roes ant Mr. J. . Whitney should hs belllod the bars of be peOlteotiary, and !f t5• story be out lie then the woman abould be locarcen lid In 'all or placed to one of the asylum. hash • p•teroal government bae instituted r the oars of la.atloe. (Loud and pre. cosi Appl*n's. ) Thea ie the most uoigae and.ztrkordin•ry ampalgn In my somewhat lengthy ex• *risco& Neter yet bate I gone through a e:ectloo .meet where our polltleal op- ooents have dsolloed to meet as on the Istform. Even in the case of Mr. J..pb eck, who war 15e oandtd•te of the ('oo. rv.Gve party la this rldtog on throe paras 000aloos, although, u you knew, is no public speaker and Is nn - ,'e to express hloelf with any gree of Ausocy on the publlo stlorm -sten • man of Mr. Seek cepa. ty In that repeat was emu e.00ph to; me out and state this position he took. Ito gentleman who Is opposing m•, for me raison of other bud knows le h1m11?, &e not ap Ie skis period of time, a1►b•ogb • have vivo him a most •oort .u. bolt• on, •ppes .1 on the platform and stated • parties, be le assuming in thie .o50st. It bemuse he le ashamed, nr why ? I am "nominee of the great Ltberal party el le hiutorlo riding of West Hurou and 1 ant 11,1.1 to resolve, and 1 believe, Mr, Chair - an. 1 .5.11 rsosl►e, uoles them. t. 1•ms od reason for not rseslylog, the anaelmous pport of the Liberal party, sod It these 5a, and nome of them ere Sere to nlrbo, ho bap fought for Ltberal principles be- e 1 wm horn, and these young men who ye lately eons into the political arena, t do their duty to the wrest Liberal party oh 1 . foobty repre.eat In this contest, ere is no fear of the result, I have spoken In nearly every woehip in this tido'', and In 1 place. in the did.r..8 towel. fps, and 1 bring this Dews to yeti, and I 1 happy to hs able to toy the neless all as fail 1 tba'.I be your repr.eotatiya en • 29.h of May by a very consbBrable iority. (Load and enthusiast's ►p• apes). It mould ins a matter of pride to berate In the Ptoviooe of Ontario that the •dmislslratlno el its 'Reis, under the leadership of the Hon. G. W. Res, is oarrled on eo •eetgetlo•lly .ad so well. That administration Is carred on far eke pablio Mash, and 1 sesame, be,vaw mar politioal opponents are 0.wtllin9 to discus. political questions bore er ebwbere In the riding, that there i5 no real fault found with that ■dmlol.tr•tlon, but It Is necessary, and It is what they say is their osmium, that tome other element should be brought Into the oampalga to obtain a suflioient number o1 tamp .ra.ee Liberals la order to a0- oompll,h, not my defeat, but the defeat of ibis L Neral (ioyernmeo0 that edmleblerd the, affairs of this PM - Moe so wily mod so well for more than • quarter of • oe0lnry. As Mr. Heck and Mr. Mitchell have stated time and Isms aisle In their anotia. through this tidies, 1 • i tr w to to • •D e p 6 se se he • i de Di of co BOT tib w th Is ah lh ea ile au m w for h• bu wh tin w •h en sig th pins L11 OUR SAVINGS SANK.; has Ws are prepared to receive Deposita (min Trustees, Parente or Children, in .rams of from Fifty Cents to Three .-. zbwja ,.,1 I tollork and aupy CQ111119111141 interest, *tided every nix months at rates ss agreed upon. Cherwell are given Iktpo.itors, so that they may draw upon these deposits at any time 3, 3t and 4 per cent. interest allowwl Deposita eposita according to amount and time left. N,B.-Par.uant to a lata Art of Parliament married women and minors have the right to dopo'tt sail draw out money in their own name. Deposits can be .ent (ry matt at the rink of tender. Remove from your hou.es temptation to hurglare and food for the flames. As the Company motto loans only on filet cites farm property, depo.itero have the .trongeet .ernrity for their in. vestments, lied •his--fa-MM./km Mots that haya.haan-ahle. to briar In • foreign element which gives them the m ightest hope of dishing th• Grits. As f have slated, i hays calmest for a guar - tar of • restart. bean apo' the publlo plat. form 1, detente of Ltberal prtootples and Ham has y•1 to onms when • .1091e harsh ion has ever left my lips of a po1111.1 opponent, and i had Indulged the hope'hati dorins *his campaign, when i •m Inr the first time 1e my Ids, not rhe agent, for I have been the agent e1 many gentle men, bu'. the.odid.le, them would be oo e'andernos statements tootle respeeting me, bol it appears that is not to be ; and, sir, 1 am o0mp.led in self defaore,1 am coma poll. d lemma. It Is my duty to the Mewl. who belong to the L beret party, to speak upon We mat Prot, a •obis.• whioh I op. prnech with nonsldsr•bls dlffl fence. the meson that this hl• hos to •I►r ,• •xteoe be mime. eampal1'1 of dander 1s that there has boon inu-minted Into It this imitation of prehlhitlne, this position that elm. a Frost moral env, and it is home of the• that so attempt, • despleahl., mean attempt, is Ming mads to deer.dh m• In the oyes ef • oma el me Delitlo•l trl.edo Iowans, they hays no information, hat they will know helor, I rs.em• my seat apes this ooeselee that the .tatemaate mad• against me • e abeel.taly and .ngcellfledly false 1 has o.apid every position of trust In my own native town, t5. town In whloh 1 Was horn and In skio5 1 have lord, with • .hrrl Interim, all my Isle And re .stly, whoa the affairs of the town wire sOpposd to be In • erlNsal oettAlllon, 1 was reviefwd, not only by my Liber. al friends, trot by my (7ens.yatlye blende ss well, to benisno rib. obits useeletraW of Mal Sews. and 1 ars glad be icy, neral sly TO BORROWERS. This Company it preparers to loan on the shortest, notion any Rum upon first .'la. security. Terms' aro made to mut borrowers. Straight loans and .imp) interest. MORTGAGiCS PURCHASED -For further particulars call at the (ompany'R (Arc, corner of Market `ketone and North Street, Godorieh. W. L HORTON, F. JORDAN. Manager. President, Wu. PROUDFOOT, Vice -President. I/IREGWIN/RA LORD RTA ATWO rrA, J. M. Romaine. F.Aw.- m .in.1A■. H. Di:mu r Ws, Parmnroor. Huse Holmes. D. J. Nines. Pxiur Hour, K. thle .16 b. an .ower to my ('on•ermativ• ftleads It (boy have ever heard arty state• moot dieparagtogly of me, that I was nom tasted to time position by the gentiemu who b now my politics' opponent in this prier/tat eleolaoo. Charges have tees made •9.1.01 me whioh 1 true would bar me from tate soolety of rupe,•table people. 1 detritus to discuss my private °harwter before auy audlesw In this or any other plan', but 1 make this offer: If aoyboly *stelae, ha may uorr.s- poad with Rsr. Dr. L're or Rer. Mr. Ao- 1 bay, not spoken to either of them psotlemsn is reference to the nutter, but I .,res to .baud or fall upon their res ply. All my lite 1 have eodsvorel to sot honorably sod boosetly towards every moo and woman, and I shall 001 change my course of station now. Owing to the tsnsiou and strong tooling that exits not only in ebb rtdlog, but tnrouthont the whole Novice. of Oo'srio, respecting the great to at000 of prohibition, as attempt has boon made to blookeo my ohuuctor and to discredit the came I so feebly represent. 1 .m •pemking to my (mend. who permits have fait that they were not warranted In givIug me that man - port which they had hitherto aiwmingly gives to the mom of L beralbm, 1 am ap poling to them to Ibtea carefully to my •ttltuds upon this question and 1 believet they aril conclude that they bays not a0• d•rotood It. Tile is the sad of a busy week for me mil my thoughts are not as collected as they might bin. out I want to rater to me tbiog, namely, to a report this upon a Der• fain day, In the teem of Ood.rich, so Frl• day, ohm 18es of April last, 1 war In so fO- IOIIOated • oondit%on that I we ueablo to met the Temper.noe Alllaoe. The l• absolutely sod entirely false, without the I el hest g endow ot Inur tdatlo o. I was, forteoattly,'poo 15.1 oocssla, oompelled to •ttond • council meeting and on my way to that meeting I met • gentle,,.,, A. B. Carr, of W.tfl.6d, a teotl.mao who fought me tooth and sail at the 000veadoo, se goy of you here present who were (here very well know, pod who Is, moreover, a member of the West K dreg Allem.. 1 met that PROSPERITY PROVINCIAL ELECTION mor .lar our tomlssnoos fronds, a party that is dots, more for the temperaoes oaoee than te biting done by the party that it hold- ing tee rete, of foto ,moot In Wes Prey. loos! hs. 1 woull be photo/ in power the Cas.r,a.rve party. • p.rny whose policy of opp.lttua would be carted bio 'Moot to smash tJ• rebreodum at the Tory first opportunity that promoted Itself. Would my temperance Liberal friends, for I am dealing with them Dow, be .ioI.4ed with that course of action, and put 1■ Mr. Whitney, whose pohoy Is agalo,t problbl- Nun and to kill the refer'eadum' Would that pleaseyou ? But Mr. Mlteadl swal- lowed the pledge, "hook, Igoe sod seeker," a some one has .td, and MI would hart swaliowed the pole, bo, if it vers necessary to .ours his ideation. Joe* think of the poeltton la whioh this 9.atleman has planed himsslf. tie Is ahamd te mmear on the publlo platform, and no wonder. Heacoepla on a certain day the oomtnattoo of the Tory party at thole 00o75ution held s► booth's Hill, by the ooastmoos vote of that comm. floc, and In so •o.pting pledgee him.lt t5 support Mr. Whitogy and the C lye poticy, and but • few day" raps. when 5' .0.pta the nomination of another patty which opposes the Coos rvatlye party •a this gu.tlos. How can that man be true to both ? He must bo false to either one or the other. If he le true to ►b. Torr party he will be Ilse to the Pro bltloo party, and It he is true to I5. Prohibition psrty be intuit of oeoesity be false to theTory party H. a on the horns o1 the dlb.mma ad on ohs or other of these borne he must h. loo poled. (Chen and •ppl•uee ) What do the temp.rsaoo pimple imp.at to gala by sending Mr. mltobell te P.rhameot' If they soot fifty Mitehelle to th. Legisla- ture they could not sff101 more tum lir, Kaes D already plowed m the statute book. Vo you know that the Lifland party has pi.u.d upon the statisto book the high. est form of prohIbldoo that can lee obtained in this Provisos -tee very Whom torn of proh.httion that can be given, my course of sotto. 1 Would 1 be putting the prohibition party i010 power, would 1 be plsamg la poser • party that would do MOW TO VOTE. 1 CtA'.11 EIWN, Maleoln Grimm) Cameron, of the Town of (.oderich, Barrister. MITCHELL. Ianr i Mitchell;' oT Eki lewir yf ficeie ,cIi Publisme. • A vote for Cameron mean. a vote for honest and progressive a vote for Mitchell mean. a vote for -nobody knows what. government gentleman os y lay ts 1♦s .ue011 obam• ter that ,Timing .ad I had • oo0ysn►tIon with him; he therefore would know whittler I war In the *.edition aliened or not. I war naturally anxious that he should pts as goiok and prompt a denial ar It was possible f,•r mg to have from him a soon as I heard of it. I therefor* wrote to k:m and reoelyed • letter in reply whioh gave an nnqualitied denial to the base .00rtloo. Now 10,.50.4 that if these temperanse people are to receive any consideration whatever to the way of prohlhtt.ry 6.9106.. Mon they will relys it only, so far . we Dan judge th. falur. from the peat, from the party that I represent. My .tlilude, and the stand 1 took at the convention -and that wee the largest convention, 1 am told, that war ever held In the Went Riding of Harps -w.0 that 1 was willing to an a far a that great temporancs man the Hon. U•.r • W. Ross, that le, to grant to this Proviso., ft tht people so desire, to Me lull ozlene of the powers of the Province u adjudged by the decision of the Privy Commit, That 1. what I agreed I would de. I would ge that far and I would go no farther, and I submit that I should M asked to go no farther, by the Liberal party of the. radio'. Bat that was not enough, I was asked to go .till farther, I wa &eked to elan • pi.d9., but it hie not been explained to you what the nature Itod character of tbis p:edee are to whioh i war asked to ebbmrrtt' my name, Now, what oar it? I wa asked to sign a pledge In these words: ''1 promo. Oaf should I be elected as a member of the Ontario Provincial 1'erlle moot la the fortboomb9 election oo the gne.tlon ot prohibition I will •4,001te, vote for sod on my Influence to bring in any measure and the greatest measure wIthto M. juriedtetioa . f the Previa. foe the Prohibition of the I moor traffic 4o fan that was unobjectionable to me,t5at should he uhohj.otmashie team Liberal run- ning a any co.tltoency to the Province of Ontario, for that Is Ms poltoy of the Liberal party In this I'royllnoe, I would be willlug to subscribe to that pled'', that Is almost verbatim w I5. pl+dge that w. submitted by the Dominion AlIlnos. '15. Dominic. Atelier, thong51 that suet a pled's was enough, and 1 war senile/ to eubeorib. t• that phos,. I had read that pledge, at 1 sew it in Tho Globe nesrpaper, but to order to be positive as to the wording of the -Ua ialonAllannat.ralat:,p_y of , .soraL..'to.A..Mr- in ar,ua and be lits seat me a espy of the( Wedge that lesi .ubm'tted by thorn and with whioh ,key wets sstsfied If • 000didate runtime in any oonitltuenov sign d snob • pledpe le that, tad this Is whet It Is; "If elected a member of the Ontario 1.•9lelatnr. I will do all that i eta to moors the emotmen( and enforcement of • law prohib;Nog I he frith t 1n lotoxioatine My• •rapee to abs event of the ascertained power of the Proyinoe," That I 000ld hate hoo.Ny sulearib,4 to end war one. willing to do, tint the pen hib)1inn nresnieatlon In the riding was •nt satisfied with trot sad I w. liked to do eome'hing mgrs, and I5.re was there'ors (51. •Idl►lon to the pled,' of the dominion A lh icor. "That on thla , 1M to I s Is D I will I tot mos rr oeetty. of •11 party olalms, a n,155,, Con- te oar Liberal. but prnhrhtloni)t ; and if that's shnold be in the Hones n in- dep.ndset prehiletionist 1 twill u., my vote with he, irr.peotive of pert e, u a btlano Mg power for prohibition." T56s portion e1 the pledge I ,leolle•d to e)95 In the moot smphetlo terms 1 ennld use, and 1 ,sell deelma to sign thee, M..' If 1 dfd sign It 1 would not b. a Literal. A hat 4005 it mea.! 11 meant this, that If M' Liberal party be reiterated en the 29th of ihl. month !should be .mpsll.A, la can • prohibitionist ora mam5r of the (' Mire party brought in any temporanoe reeln ties --whether • Mgee or an helmet re.sl0 Mon It nation eat- -le leis filth that poet is sepporting It, orbit* would men that I would be terslag m7 owe party mut of power. ♦ what weld he the rhea .f s000rding to th. Privy Uonaeil 1 A. you are swore, the Local Legislature has be power wbstsver to pass a law for the total prohiblttoo of the liquor trafbe• All the Province of Ontario can do is to pass such ao dot as was passed by the Legislature of Manitoba, and tbat they did at the let session of I'.rhamsat, and they have gone to the outside 11m11 of thstr power. What, Om, can Mr. Mitchell do If be poen down to Parliament alter ,tile election ? 11s can aid you in no way whatever, eveo it h. carries out the obligation he hos imposed upon himself. But did Mr. Mltobell under take this obligation bowies of the great principle ioyolve,l in It ? 1) d he afgo this pledge to • man who hollered In the Frost principle of prohibition, that he felt bound 10 do no ? 13e haggled over It, he thought over rt for tee days and the, he would not 9Ign It uotii a bargain had been mads with the Temperaece Alliance that hs should get °attain Totee if he Melted bust pledge. He said, it not In words, a meaolog, I c.boot be slowed boles, I get a (sertala number of Liberal votre, and if 1 sign this pledge 1 wast you to pledge yourselves that I will reoslve these vote and shat you w111 de all in your power to std me. And the Alliance gaye the pledge, but I submit, gentle - moo, they are not able to deliver the goods. ( Laughter end 05,.;.) Look• fag at the partied by whom be ,s aided In this matter In his minims during the oamp.lgu make It perfectly clear that it u no•hbg hot • subterfuge, a base and despicable attempt to ioduoe our trmper- an. Liberal fri.nde to desert the muse. H5 °intead, Ott he will lose a number of the liquor men. Tins liquor vote is almost •ettrely with the Tory party, and Mr. Mlt• chell evidently thinks so still, hematite here ie one of his oords (aztsallog***of Mitchell's election card,) And at the menet moment there are to Hogg,' Hotel hundred, of (0.e cards for distribution. (Chuen) Thsn la mo prohrbtttoo oobdidate o0 that card. He to ranDlog. the Conservative candidate, flrsr, l.( and all the time 11 hon M. sem. result to him that It would have in my nue if 5e goes down to I'sllameot and Mr. Whitney I. sleeted by a narrow 0154 • .$6.y, d• the (1.e..remiem of NO. Ndire believe that he would keep that pledge 7 Are they working for him an though they thneght for • ,Ingle mem5ot he would ever keep rt ? They do net, believe 5. would torn lila ow0 .rayy o n ors oppor a0 y -TUT prsseoi-i itself, or elm, if they did to believe, Mr, MUohell would be beaten out of He boots i• this coming *lotion. They don't bete,. it, if he would Imperil the Intermits ot his party then what ,ort of a man do they tro- lley. him to tie Fiera le an In tomtit), of how hs i, oarryl.g on title campaign. Did Mr. Mitchell begin his oampa,9a a. • pro hlbltlonl.t? The very first day that he he• g10 his oampal1a hs started out Into the country from Goderioh In oompoy with an .nt1-probibitionhy • man who has given up he life for th, cane, a man who h. work sot *Rh ee,r,ty and dstermt,attee for many, I was on their Mr. track the following week tsad I w111 tell yob how It woe does. Mr. Mit chell wnnld make au •idres to • ohareh and he would declare upon aha platform toot it he did not keep that pledge As would never appear on the publlo platform admin. Mr Reck would repair to the so- lace, gather in ohm mon from th, hIFh ways and that with them over the very Donor that Mr. M,tohall had been deolanleg It war he desire to oz1•rminata from the country, Mr. Bek would explain how It was Chit Mr. Mitchell took this p'044., Mr. Mitchell had to take that pledge he oasis he eeo)d not hi slentd nuees hs hnt it. dose not moan anything, no harm will name to yen 1.5st it the mama they here Men p sttoin9 and that la the ,Dorsa they bays to perm., as they have t , wtplaln M them own old friend, hew It i• that he took a pledge that .o honorable man ahoold dpn. That it the poeltlne la whloh w. Need .o far . We maine Is .a0ered, 1 hep' 1 Ms ode aveolf deer apes Slits question. 1 ask my OeseerpaMrs Wok km. Wei they have hoard wogs I have netted, if they .. are very proud of 15gentleman Slr, would prefer to Mt defeated by S00 ma- jority to the eleeuoa, I would rather he burled In political uohvton forever, than to adopt aoob a dishonorable conte, u I sub- mit every right thinking mon will oonolude this ventlemao hoe taken to thio oomp5lyo. 1 mike my appeal to Liberals, mod hottest Cooaervative.. I have no tour of the result of my election -not the •li/b►.t (Cheers If you will work as you have worked l the peat, If you take as deep sod thereon an Interest In fhb eleottoo 5s you bare al ways done before there la no doubt (hat o the evening of May 29th 1 'boll represe0 thea prsnd old hutorto rtdlog of Wes Hurou. Mr. Lrmeroo then mode t taw brie reformatted to the policy of Om Rosa adman titration to New Ontar.o, tad drew bb r mark' to a Owls by asking ill. Liberals t staid shoulder 50 shoulder, and meths/ tea If they did to 'Yb• victory oa the 29,0 wL not be mice, 10 will be your riotory; uponel you oho rpoomtbllity testa, upon you 1 now out l0, and if you but work together with the determination you time shown In the put 1 ban no anx1.17 wbateyer at to the Anal result" Mr. Mitchell opened him address by attrob• ming to Mr. Cameron 0101510 st•t0modts that the !attar had never mad., and said it was wrong to do to In n. the precis** of lads.. He contended that 5e had • right to oonduol he own oamp5690 to hie own way. H. de abed that Mr. Reek Dad told the keepers that Mitchell would do thorn n harm. He nett undertook to explain 51 "lump, Jim Crow," 600 In aooeptlo9 the temprancepaooe plodg., after he had lima browns out .0 • straight party candidate, • job • whioh b.jlabor.d Mayfly. to the amawmen of the large 0046. o., He thou got tangled up on ths ''subterfuge" p ph la Mr. Center00's address, and evidently did not understand what hs wanted to say oo t0r subject, nor could he make oho soden. understand, He next claimed that Whit- ney war hto leader. and he would follow him ohm rethe 29th of May, a. 5a hid done to the past. After m10d.rbg along In • helple. s t and Mullett fashion for the balanus of his time the speaker brought one of the dreariest and dullest operable' that haat' ever teen de livered in Dengannon to • clone. The reply of Mr. Comecon w. • bot proposition and laid ban the double dealing and ahlo*nery of his opponent. TO. mooting wag brought to a close by cheers for the King and 15.candidates, as cording to the arrant/eater sot forth by the chairman. Alter the nomination epseahu bed dosed (Lrtrge Acheson askd that Woe Wiggins be allowed to speak. The Liberals ob1.Nd, on the ground that she had not asked let time whoa the original arrang.s,l 4. i made and that they hod hired the 5511, At this point chairman Lockhart .bewod bee cloven foot. Ile got tip and said that Miss 1Vlggios should bet heard, unless Mr Cam- eron decided not. Then there war a hot time for a while, the ohairm•n Irothino at 15s month and • n umber of whiskey Torios yslllog ser M1e Wiggins and Prohibition. Oyer the din could be beard an .nim•t.4 discussion te- %•reen obairman Lockhart and D. Mo0llll• ouddy. Said Mr. Lockhart -Mee Wiggins should be heard. She should be heard. Mr. ldc(iilliouddy.-Why don's you bold to the srraogemnt ? Mr. Lockhart -hover nand the strange - m eo t. Mr. McGillicuddy-','ou ore the most unfair chairman I ever met. Mr. Lockhart -You dare not repeat that. Mr. M0G111caddy-1'e, I will repeat 65. You area dlvgnee to tb5 position, outeMridLockhart-You dare not rat that e. Mr, McGillicuddy -1 dare tell It to you anywhere, you oontemptlble sneak, Mr. Lockhart theu got lent is the shuttle and the episode ole - Fast ammo lvemisalles.. Thursday afternoon a large number of electors amembied to the town hall, Brut. eels,!, ao0neotlon with the ethos' aomina• Lion of modulate. for the Provineel Legh• 'store for the riding of Etat Huron, Sheriff Reynolds, of t)utlerlob, preeld.d, and nomination, were made of Arch. Hlelop, to Liberal. by W. H. Kerr and W. M. Itobl.on, and Anson 7potton, Comorvs- t.ve, by Jae. Irwin and Jar. -Bowman 1p1eobmakisg followed. Nerslsattese I, Paula K- aren, T held War w. Joh Che hall. Mr. M. Y. MoLean, Liberal oandldad., was aomh 'ted by F. He., .r„ of Zurich, and •ecnadod by Altz. Mustard, of ,Stanley. Mr. Henry Either, the Co sor,.kive saodldats, was nominated by Ur. Rollins, cf Exeter, 0.ondod by John Middle ton, of Goierloh township. After the Elie lot tseily159 b6minattofi had termin•50d, an adjour■ms•t wa made to the.katlno rink, the torment bulld- Ing 111 the village, and this w. filled. Mr. Ember was assisted by Mr• Csrruthere, of T0000te. _-and.-L:,.,.Jdallosald 1l. t o1 Mecham, assisted Mr. MoLvo. Th• questions at Issue In the •I.tlon wore very thoroughly disowned. Toe speakers were all glve, a good hearing, and molt osndldate was snthuela.tlo•Ily received by his trend,, and, judging from app aananrev, the •odienoe maimed to be pretty evenly dtvldd pnlltloally. Tse publlo m.e0ing was pre sided over by Mr. ,John imports, eh• re• turning officer. The voting 1.5e place on Thursday ,ext, and If the meeting le any iodiestlo, the remit w111 be a olsse ons, and • Immo vote w111 be polled. Roth stdes are working hard and aro @enddoe% of •0ooess. A (!RANG RALLY FOR CAMERON. A Great evetl■. Is raw Opera Nemo la i • er of law Liberal r'a e ■ IA aM, • he nomination for South Hnroa was at Hensall o0 'Thursday. Timidity was m and fine, and as a oo.egaenoe there au Immense crowd of temple. Mr. n Laporte, returning officer, orsiblocl. formal proceedlo9e were held L 4111er. One of the largo and most enthoslutf,. meatless ever held in the town of G orlorlch was that whioh took place 11 the Opera Heats on Monday .ening In the Interests ot Mr. ('amon"n Th. M. Elliott was the ohalrman, and at the °psalsr of the meting/ he sxrwndad an invitation to Rev. T R. McNair, of Don Rb5 O, who was present la the Intersdstof Dpoeltlnn naedldate, to ',trines t5a meanie, for half an hour after two of Mr. (Sneren'e supporter. had spoken. Thee. term, were moots fairer than were ettendd to Mr. Moe;lllic,idy as the T•mperaeoe flail moot's', where, hs had to .peak atter a Spoon mleots attars. from Mr. Nicholls Mr. MoNalr, here., declined te tempt the offer. Mr. Nllleti, after mime remarks en Ibe amiall Prohibition "i*k* show/elks. the Oen emu wens,, M tfluaen at ..tin. For Premier of Ontario 1902 HON. 6. W. ROSS For West Huron N. 6. CAMON Election Thursday, May 29th Remember Ross, and Vote for Cameron and Good Government. temperaooe voter, lotreduod to the asd. lanai fifties Morgan Deleon of Aabfleld, who held the atteutt ve hearths of the mlet- the as be spot• upon a nnmbor of the gam - Hone b.fere toe eleotore. Mr. Dalton wan hooray applauded as he expressed the beUef that a oandtdate for Parllamest ehueld not sign away his freedom ot judgment on She question. whioh would Dome before Wet, slid agsta as be paid to eloquent tribute to the worth of Mr. Cameron sad expressed oonfidenoe to his 51.011on es the 29th of May. &Ir. MoUIIllouddy followed, and to • vie. croon address showed up the gross Inwm- ela50nel. of Mr, Mitchell's publlo record. He also referred to and uplsmed to the fall satlsfaotloo of the sadism the tpleode at Dungannon regarding Mies Wiggles, la ewe. pectic* with whioh the Opp.lttoa eaodids . hos boon trying to make * o5arge of slander against Mr. Cameron. Mr. Cameron himself was the hex* .p.sk• or, and he was reclined to • way whioh Indi- cated (b. the !.ling of obs meeting was entbuelatloally b his livor. Ha rave • magnIA.ot address, setting forth *Molotov/ of the Llberal Government for fresh oa- dorssmeao •t the polls, deflator his attitude on the prohibition gowtlon, sad pointing oat the humiliating position Ie *Mott his opponent bad placed himself by his attempt to secure the rotes of temperaaes Liberals and .1111 tomtit the support of bloom' party. The Literals were doltghtied with Mr. Com - arse'. address, and he owned the audience with him from hemostat to rad. R. Holm., M. P., was warmly weloomed, and bis .ddrese sea0 mostly followed as he went over the record of the Literal Govern• moot of this Province during the last thirty yen and omph•eixed the facto of its honest and el8olent admtoetratlos of the affairs of the Pruv,n.- In regard to t5• problbt- tloo (position, he believed that In support- ing the Hoe. flee W. Ito., he war supporting ono of the great.. t.mpanaoe men la the Provenoe and one who wad worthy of oho support of every hopes prohibitionist, The mretto9 oloeed with vigorous cheers for the King, for Premier Roes, Mr. (,age won and Mr. Holm., MR ACHESONREMEMBERS. At the Opera Hoses mooting on M.adaT evonlag Mr. HoOff.Lf.'oony repeated She statement that he had mode at the Tamper. 50. Hall -that durlog the put ewe ft roan Mr. klIYt;HaLL 5u beep on Mut wewg aide of every question of temparanee months that hes come up in this tows. M• tilted the oast' of the Solite Bomldary taw olo, the 'Stomp► to ware the appetpte.ept of a folio. Magistrate who would put • atop to Ibe pollution, and the aaadld'Sare Mr. (%soar,, ArllasoN for the mayoralty M the Interests of morality, efforo *blob M� M iro 1118.61 opD.ed 1d eery poelhh. way. Mr. Actia.otr war eltrlog to the fresh. .eat and 'xol.imed, „Correct 1 carrion" se Me. Mt'Gu.LJec10y brought tame Wage tie the reoolleation of the ao,l,mce, and Mr. A1VIRION I. the man who "wooded MIT. '75(4'5 nomination at Luaga.a0O, Or, ■1tehe11 b not Nvslght. To the R41tor or Ton Swx*t, Gun SIR, -181111 that The Star last week was very wrathy over the .5slo11.t, whioh It oredlte to me, that Mr. Mitchell had signed the pledge of the liquordealera, Why did he not do me oho justice of matinee where 1 rot my loformatloa ? Tho .tory wow told in our house by the write of • menthe, of his own party, Mrs. A. Johnston, of Car• low, on Saturday, the 171b lost 1 bed Mr Mitchell this, but he tries to put the responsibility upon me. Mr. Mllahsl6 dfd not give me a straight denial of the state - moot ; 00, b•s be done •o le The 4t•r. He 1.101 to be dodring the iInestloo, and under the olroamstenoes 1 claim the right to draw my own ooe0luslo.0 u to 150 truth or .15or- wise, --The Montreal Star, a leading Conser7ative paper, stye : "rf the Province of Quebec had 'aa icood a Government as that of Ontario, its people won lot be too happy to dream of a change. The trouble with cer- tain section. in the sister Province arises from the fact that they don't know when they are well off." Lihcral I1eadqurtess ON WEST ST. 1 ! The Liberal rooms, on the north mrle of West street, will he open from 9 A.M. to 10 9.ir. every day except Sunday. Any person Bearing infor mouton or able to Rive infor motion au to the campaign is cordially invited bo visit the