HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-22, Page 7TI I E SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. TIMM/DAY, May 22, 1902. 7 SUMMER Goons OF EVERY KIND Can be found here -all the new things for sum- mer, 1902. Our prices are right on the bottom. The best values we have ever shown. NEW MIISLINB. Handsome black fancy muslin/, fast color, rich silk effects, .. 20o, 25o, 35c New linen colored Muslins, in spots and fancy patterns.- , , 15o, 20o, 25c, 35c White embroidered Organdie Muslin, in new pattern, at... 35c Satin stripe Organdie Muslins,in black, pink and blue, special at 252, 35c NEW WHIT$ WAISTS. 13uttoned down the back, stylish embroidered fronts $1.00, $1.25, 91.50, $2.00 Special white Waist, trimmed with embroidery and tucking regular $1.00, for 750 MILLINERY. Trimmed Hata. Sailor Hata Ready-to-wear Hats. Children's Millinery. HOSIERY and GLOVER. Latest polka dot red cotton Hos- iery for children 20c, 25c Black and white polka dot Hose, new wool sole, cotton hose, for ladies, the most comfortable stocking on the market, at . , 2bc NEW LACES and VEILINGS. Handsome blank, cream and white Applique Lao's. New wide Insertions, in black and white, New Embroideries. MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING. Summer shades, new shapes, beat values. Come and oom• pare our prices and styles. New Shirts. New Underwear, New Hata. New Ties. Coupons on all Cash Purchases 1 CABil OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's Sc. Co. G• C. 1. ANNUAL GAMES Fair Walther end a aaeeegtaltl Carried eat e'renram-arealels • Ratertatam..l. A perfect day, • large turnout of 'penal. err, and. on the whole, k•eoly anointed "yenta made the aaaaal bald day of the Collegiate last Friday one of the mot suo- ewfsl In Its Metery. 1t bad been the mut- tons in the put to hold the sports to she tall, bat the difficulty le srcoring good weather at that seaeen, together with other ooaalderatlou, led to their postponement from last fall to this spinal, mod the malt amply inanities the obange. althea/a there were three oo01 .t. on the program open to the other Collegiate. la the oeu•Iy, students of owa Inetltute were Cu only oontestants. Tb• following list giros the names of thaw who stood highest 1a each ant it •Medial broad jump (smolor)-Wes. Ed. wards. 9 feel 5 lo. ; P. Klaly, 8 fat Bt Cleo. Webster, 8 ft 8 In. •Raaux broad jump (junior) -Owes Me. GIIllouddy. 14 fe 6 In ; Harold Taylor, 13 f1 6 to ; A. MoLe•a, 13 ft 14 In. •Runnlso bred jump (senior) -Wes. Ed. wards, 17 ft : U.•, Webster, 15 ft 2 in ; C. Rhymes, 14 ft 114 In. •Rasnl•g bop step ()actorl-A. Moly&., 33 f1 3f In ; Harald Taylor, 33 f1 1i in ; 0. Met;lllioaddy, 32 A 9 In. *Running hop -sop (aol.r)-Wo. Ed- ward., 39 ft 4 1. ; M. Colborne. 37 f1 i to ; F. Edwards, 35 ft 6 In. 'Vitale w11b pole (jeator)-A. Bayer, 6 f1 6 la ; H. Taylor, L. Kimbell. • Rguing high jump (..rater) -Wes. Ed• ward., 4 ft 11 In ; F. Edwards. W. Taylor. Fifty yards Tao. (girl.)-gssele Brtml- mmbe. Maggie Leigh. Lilian McDonald. 'Rosales high jump (jaoior)-A. Mo Lean, 4 f1 5 In ; Fred Sturdy, H. Taylor. ' Vault with pole (,calor) -Key handle, 7 ft 4 ls ; O. Rhvsas, W. Taylor. 'Pelting 16 -Ib. shot (.,.io,)-O. Wight - man, BO ft 3 In ; Wes. Edwards, 79 ft ; I). Allison, 77 It 7 la. ' Polling 8db shot (tunfor)-8. Murrey, 32 t1 2 In ; J. Lawream, 30 fe ; H. Taylor. desk ria. -LI. Kota, C. Rbynu, 0. Me- Ullllcoddy, •100 yards raos(ssoler)-Wes. Edwards, Lin Knox, Geo. Webet.r. Boys' bicycle ruse, cam mils --Stuart Mur- ray, Geo. Weimar, Koh. Miller. Tbreal.gged r•o•-L. Knew and F. Ed- ward, W. Taylor and U. Webster, Marian and C. Agalth. bloyol• ram, quarter mile-LIIIa• Motionald, Rita Judea, B.... Brlmlambe. '220 yard* rete (sea/.,) -L, Knox, P. Tye, A Walker: Fattens race -Lin Hee: sad F. Edwards, O. Webster and W. Taylor, Miller and A. Walker, •100 yards nee (jaalori-0. MoGIIII oaddy, J. L.wr..oe. Cheater Bles•tl. ' Quarter -stile rase (.color) -M. Colborn,, C A.goitb, C Rhyne*. Relay rens--Third Form -M. 0 anoro., W. Taylor. D. Allison. L. Kat ; Fourth Fer m Y ti.,webater. F,dv mrd Ohstele rmo.--F, Edward, L. Knox, W. Traylor. Half -saki Id. Colborne, F. Edward, H. rayler. (7eaeol•tloa r* -Q, Bisset', T, 0•Lesi►• He, 0. Graham. Ar usual there were prise offered ler the janitor and senior championships, first place la the abamplosehlp events ooaatiog throe pointe, sound, two, and third, one. The senior shampiooship was..etly woo by Wee Edwards with dye Brew and one ascend o his oredit, but In the contest for juolor obamploo there were three very nearly equsl, Harold 'Taylor, Owen McGillicuddy and Arthur MoLe.n, the first -named win- ning by one point over the other two, A floe Dopy of Webeter'o dioIionary was the Ironby the champions earned off The 000tsete marked with an seartek to the above list are thou That oounled In ,echos• tag the championships. The distribution of prizes was the feature of the entertainment in the evening In the Assembly Hall. Every available seat In the auditorium was 000upied, and the mealiest. •tloo of appreciation of the efforts mad• by the .Iron of the afternoon was very marked as ens by nae the prizes were handed out by Headmaster Strang 4 1 seiotiora of vocal and instrumental music and enure recitations were .Its given. Misses 1•:doa Stratton and Lura Rrydges wet• the re. oilers ad their seleatioee were moon appro. elated, the letter reoelying • recall. Piano solos were very .00ptabl rendered by Mies 1'. Esus and Mles (.Dyke. A Tout solo, "Annie Laurie", by .loho Carrie. re 'Mad loud applause, and two goarteetee, one by J. Carrie, (' U•y, A. Brown and E. Keleher, and tb• ether by Dec. 1.011111, E Barber, Jos. Kook sad Gordo° W 4tumao, were moth appreeia3d. Mr. Day aeon - pasted Mr. (Carrie and lbs firm quartette and Mr. 14e.more the second. 'The Maple Leaf for Ever" and "God Save the King" brought the pr000edloge Is a olote. DUNGANNON. Nortek. The local ague, in Dungannon for Tug 1tMaaI. is at the oMoe of J. 0. Ward, J. P. oOcve7acer. to., who w113 receive orders for subscription, advertising and iob work. and le authorised to give receipt. for •mou0u paid for the game. Tokanit, May 2019. Da Rias 3. wearing many smiles -a young daughter arrived during lett week. On Saturday night we were favored with tapioca *bowers which have oestim ed up to Um• of writing. The commit of West Waw&...h will bold a court of revision of the .eeenreat roll in the township 8.11 on Tuesday, the 2716, oommeaciog at 10 a. a. Division Court war held bore in pureaaoe of adjournment on Monday, the 19th., there being tour suits In the docket. The legal fraternity was represented by Mesta Proodlae and Ostrow, of t,oden,h, ant Maloom.ou and Morrison of l,uoknow. LOYAL ALTeauar, May 1718. .1. Clark purposes ralalog his bare for a e000t ata foundation Mrs. J. Clark Tlslted her too, Mt. Clark G.d.rloh, lamb week, William Jones, 9., bar retired from the machine bucasee ad is farming again. A Dumber of our people attended the Na oral of the I►te Mr.. Wm. Ndb.rgall last weak In Goderloh. The Jpol, t.osloo of the Huron county eonneil will easements on Tuesday 3rd pre:. Wall Ptper.nd Window Shade Sale. During the month of May we intend closing out our stook of Window `haring. Mao many lines of Wall Paper 600 Rolls Wall Paper regular 6c, sale price 4o per roll 600 Rolla Wall Paper regular 6c, 7c and 8c, sale price be and 6c per roll. We have still several hundred voile of American Gilt and Plain VV -al Paper, regular 10c and 1 2c, special gale price 6e and 7c per roll ; borders to match 2c and 2,ic per yard. 1 Another shipment of Art Wall Papers ranging in prices from 12c per roll to 50c per roll. The swellesb line shown in America for the money. Really 25 per oenb. less than city prices. Window Shades. Plain water-eolored Shade., complete with mood spring rollers, 25c. Plain Oil Shades, complete with good spring rollers, 35c ; and the same *Thule (complete) with lace, 40c. PORTER'S BOOK AND WALL PAPER STORE Telephone No. 100 B. Court House Square, (lotleneli. MITCHELL SHOWN UP, Some Facts In HI. Publlo Cal -oar Recalled. A Dt"eemetea t'Osllned a 7temperaace sad Neral Questions, In Regard to Which 1aadld.0. iurh.lr 1e skew. te Nave • sad ne.erd 4 mettle' was held la the 1'.mperace Hall on Tbaredy, May 15, by Mr. John A. Nicholls, the organizer of the 1)umlolaa Allton, la the lasereet of Mr. James MU- oholl, who was designated ley Mr. Niobolle es "the Prohibition oaadldat.." 4n m- elted.), ter dttoassloo was ,*tended and Ma Invitation was manta by Mr. 1). Mo• 0301ouddy, who appeared oo behalf of the Liberal oandldate. Contrary to the otu•l rules of debate Mr. Molitllleuddy was de barred from discussing the pollutes of the two parties or from Iouchlog epos an7 Oak In IDs platform al tether party. and the dis.useion was narrowed to the question of temperate aoo morals. It was eagyesled by Mr. MoGilll.uddy to Lha •iteration that Mr. Nicholls ebeuld speak for •• hour, that Mr. MoUlllieaddy should be alleged ase hour and that Mr. Nicholls should reply at any leagth that matted him. To this Mr. Nloholle obleated, and said he would run his meeting to snit ►Imull, that he would be the only 'pester on his side, that he would oleo Ina ten minute epe.ob, that Mr. Mo- Gillieuddy would be allowed thro*-quartere of an hear, and that he would thee make his own "meth and elms the meeting. Ott these terms the dissuasion took plea.. At - ter Mr. Meistlllooddy had spoken Mr. K W. McKenzie, the ohalrmau, took to tiles - W I the rlgbt aspeak, a put his putties Wore the people -a pr....dtag that was n ot oo.templ•ted la the original agrome•I -and Mr. Mo011iloaddy raised oo .9 *Won. Following le • snsmary of Mr. tldilllladdy's epuub, and although it was made in the town of ()edition where Mr. Mlt.Dell resides, and was delivered a1 a mating aompe,ed largely of Mr. Mitchell's trade, the facts ettted were so tnduput able 18.3 a0 attempt was made by either of the Mltohall speakers to rent , them Mr, MaGllllouddy on opining forward on the platform was loudly applauded. H. stated that this was one of the most peculiar Oenteets he had ever been engaged In. The 0311e sailing the cattalo 10,11.4 pablle die. mission, bot •IIDoagh to all intent.ad put• posse this was a ga►heriog for pol111oal per po..a, he bad been told that be muse sol discuss the poltoleal situation or deal with the polities of the Liberal and Co Iva pulled, la addition to that be had 10 'peak before the prohibitionist speaker, who had taken oar* to his preliminary address of ten minutes to say 0038301 that any speaker nod reply to. However, he would en dearer to meet the haudlap and would ooeda• himself to the moral and temper aloe situation. He claimed 1011 the alleged temneruo aodidate was not a t•mper1.00. .odldete, be that be bad not teen brought out by a temperance oonventIoo, but that he was a dyed-ln•th.-wool Tory of over Twenty years' "Lodine, who bad reselv.d cls nomisetioa at the hands of • Conserve• ti•. convention. (Hear, hear.) That ase• volution had asked for no pledge from the candidate, for tt was perfectly ..tlsfied that tee ceeded oo pledge to keep him straight on party ilea, (Applause.) The oadid.te reoelved the temperas** pledge on the day the oonveotion met, but was net honest enough to &ceept It as a mu of principle should have done, and It was not until alae day. after that he '!good the doou- mut, and then only when hs had made the matter one of bargalo and eels and had haggled for temperaaw vola and side- stepped and huckstered like al.kir ata fair. (Applause ) 1':v.. William Campbell, 3De pralde.t of the loom! Tory association, bad protested .[•lost the eendid.a taking the pledge, end It wasn't until afar Campbell bad been requested to retire that Mitt/hell signed the document. The sane* lasted for nearly three hours and the oandldate looked Tory tired when the meeting olosed. 11 was not a matter of prino pile with Mr. Mitoa•II-It was a matter of •ht•". It was useless for Me Tory oadldat• 30 olelm that he would be against Mr. Whitney It elected. A bigger man tau Mr. Miscall had tried to be 1. eonsalee11ous prohibitionist In Ib. Tory ranks and that man, (3. F. Merter, had found the position an Impossible one. Mr. M had suooseded Wiliam R.391 Meredith 1■ the lory leader.hlp, and alter wards made a epoch l0 i.oadoo In which be made prohibition • plank to his platform. The result w.. that his party revolted and he wee turned dowo from the leadership to make room for James Pliny Whitney, an •otl-prohlbitlenbl. That was not all. Mr. !darter bad eta Os to take.. ledepen- dent view of New Osterlo, and the remit was that he bad cow been thrown over- board by the party of w3l.312 he •see war leader. What a big ma like Mr. Mart•, ouid not do, would be an Impe"nbil(ty to • man of the mediocre calibre of Mr. Mitchell. (Applause.) Mr. Whitney was the bead of the Tory party and Mr. Mltohell,if elated, would be rho Mil-weald the dog wag the ail or would the ail wag the dog(laugh- ter.) Mr. Mitchell dared not run oebnt., to the with*" of the patty. For over twenty years het had been a partisan editor of a party newspaper, ad be •spared to eootlnue in the basins.. alter the election. He dared not torn his paper or direct hie effrrs amanita the polloy of the 'Tory party, for 11 0.434 to the party would put him oar of bodnese sad he would be a statesman out of a job, (Hear, Earl if. said Mr. Mo Ohlleaddy, I were the Liberal.omisae and war. foolish enough a my on • pledge as Mr. Mitchell has done, Is there a Tory ter wane* man here who would believe that 1 000ld or would oarry out that pledge! A •otos-Mr. Mitchell lea truthful man. Mr. Mo(lllllcnddy-H• may 5e, but 1 have my doubts. 1 profess to be folly Ie truthful es be, and at any rata I have esus, had • oobviation against me in court for e lender(nr a fellowman, and that Is more than Mitchell can nay. (0heers 1 ('on Mooing the speaker said that Mr. Mitobell sen denl.ylmg to the temperance people a letter from a clergyman endorsing Ills an didature from a temperanoe standpoint, and for the straight party men he had • letter from A W. Wright, the secretary of the Coneeryatly. Alienation, giving a party sedoreatlo,. A. W. Wright." letter she acted as an endorsement from the Housed vlot0alisrs, as for years Mr. Wright had been the atsoclate of E. King Dodd. In ohampteming the I'quor Intermits in Canada. Mr. klltehell was steering north by math sad everybody knew It. (Hear, hear.) This was not the that time that a Tory had tried the role of an lndspstdene andidate Is Welt Horan. in 1894 James Connolly quit tie party, ae he said for good and all, and ran as a Patron. Co t.Iferm he de. cowed the old parties, and this speaker bad told Mr. Connolly that the lodepe14. • woe ails would last not longer thea noldl elation day. and that after that time he (l:annolly) would r.earn like the dor to hie vomit and the ow that wee washed to its wallowing In the mire. Mr. Genially wag galtter on Independence ea dation night and wee now hank togging In the old Tory Wass as an nfSner of the riding as000la. flee, and Mr. Mitchell's Independency also would not last longer than the •venl•g of *tootles d.7. (Applanee,l The leopard a.• not ethanol big spate or tM Ethloplaa bit skin. (Renewed laughter.) Mr. td !tonsil ha been wrong on any patella question of temp.»nry ad morale that has ams rap In tnl0 town In the past lweoty years. True, he voted ler the Soott Ant, bat alter 13 beams law M 14created ufnrsemenb by the M °Oar. thy Ant, whl.h was afterwards declared ultra vlrss, and the McCarthy Ae► sea the masts' of dieerediting the Some* Aol In title comity to mash as ezteol that 13 the and of three yearn It was revoked. Thea some years axe a seemlier of women of *11 repute eeablt•hed teemeelves to Ws Lowe sad Mr llttobell opposed every effort that was made to ubtato • polio* magistrate woo was w111. leg to cope with ti a evil and rid the thou of It. to spite of Mr. M11ube11'e opposition a polios max vireo" was appointed a.d inside of thirty days tae tows was cleared of the pollution. Mr. Ntohelk-1 ohjeot to these personal matter* being dlsou.a.d .t this meetag. Mr. M.l.11llouddy--You mid that politice were to be debarred, and that only temper thee and public morals should be diseased. BO rood snoop► to sit down. Let the gelled jade wino*. (Applause) A voloe-What about Mr. Mltohell's pri- vate Mot Mr. MoUillleuddy-1 have aro► one word So ..y about Mr. Mltohsll'a private life. 13 le • matter belereen himself and his UOd, but his .Miens on pebllo qus.tloa. have • right to LO dlscuined. And w 1 will re- sume . When Mr AuDmoa, who to present here ►oaigbI, ecru years aye rase as the morel sod tesperanue oandldate for mayor of tale town, what was the attitude of Mr. Mitobell and Dm newspaper ` In •vary way possible Mr, Auhasua was ridiculed end sneered .t by Mr. Mitchell sed opposed by •olce, pen and vote, and now tb• latter uomee forward and claims the franohls* e1 1h• electors on amyer.00s and moral ground.. Well. I oer►d.ly commend his nerve. (Loud applause) Cum nailing, Mr. Mo Gllhouddy dale with the relereadum, and showed that Obtaining 38 per oeot. of the vu►e on the net was not only possible, but that the vote of suooeseful oandid.0es in the a0e113u•ool.s frequently wont over 40 per sent. As the request of a gentleman In the audleoa the speaker showed where the se. 0.•117 for the referendum vets came lo, end Mooed by ceiling upon the electors not to be led away by the specious plea that Mr. Mitchell was • temperance moo woe had no party string on him. Ha did not de- w he 'tory von beams be Dad tried to make belief that he was not a party mu, • nd he deserved no sympathy from the Liberal temper.noe men new that they could see that h. was only masquerading a. • pIDDIIItloolst. The *puke, felt confident that on IDs evening of election day West Huron would prove that It was ono. more true to Lib•rallem and the prloolplee of gad govsr.ment, (Chew s.I BENMILLER hdoeaAY, May 19. The village store and postoffiee Is the place te hear the polittoal questions of the day diseuseed, for 13 is the meeting plan of all the embryo polltiotens of .11 shades of polloloal faith, who Dome there at loess one* • week to get their mall matter from the postmaster. A day or two ago 13 ee happened that we were proems and had lots of Nun Ilsteoing to the boys airing their cows upon the miming elution. they •ppar.d to he there from all ever and the e ters was pretty well filled with farmers who are pow about tbroagh with their seed tag and apparently were .13 ogler to knew how the Matto, wets sp,,og on. Every avulaele biscuit hoz nal 0.11 keg was Io requisition for • use, and the fan opened by '1om, the Ilme•bttrner, bro•ohioa the (inflation sheet the proh:bl. tion fellows and what ihtty were doing. Aceording to Tom's Ideas there wee "setne- thiog rodloally wrong" 1a the way the ;reacher" were working up the quest/en. "111 had my own way," he said, "1 would hays 11 that the preaobers •Land to their preaohtng and not maks the amperanee qu..tioo a political inane from their pulpits for this ele.tloo. Nobody Lutheran,. with IM,r preaching and they ouobe to hare the gond net to 'Carter" with other poop's's holiness." -13 nazi •a me to undersand hew the te.nperanee ohapa an't ase through this 1h log," Weird in "Joe from 5leadowlude, w ith his deep bus vote". "Why : If they ant Whitney fa power they w1U t back the temper -ease oanse for years, for n" has as rood u told tam the% h• le bidding for the liquor vole. W. are ail good temperaase people over here and Ras is the little man who will give us what ere want. Inst as roe CO animas', but put Rusin power, ad whoa the time comp tar voting on the referendum on the 4th s1 Deoember• we will all objm• In and .om to a man for what w. want. Yoe fellows Delo us In our "lotion sod we will help you wltb years when the time tomes." "That's not a had idea," said "Jen" from the woollen mill ; "and le looks to me as befog only a (air deal on both eidoe ; for how scold they *spat you to support them In their election If they do •11 they 0.n against you In this proal *outset' That (Ma h.d civet streak me before sod the more 1 think of It 1 ase 13 is only fair on both sides, especially as N hltney tsars the lInuor men.' "Well ! this Is the queerest elution 1 flyer naw," said Jim, from the pretty little holies op the hill. "There Ian'► a darned alt of politics 10 title eleotlon ; 31'e all tem. peraooe alk, and the ••unary seam go to the diok.ns If 1► like. 'this temperance 1e all vary good, but what more temperaha do they want to give us 1n Beumiller We h m not bad a ltoense to all whiskey for years and oar boy% have rot quite out of the hang of drinking It. I do honestly be. llsy. thrill If you gave sono of '.m a bottle of whiskey they would not know but it might be eom.thlog to rob on their boots te make them waterproof, or sire 10 might be • 119014 to be used to polish up their her- nia. la It the tempera," men that ars going to run the ooanky. or to 11 the Pell tic.as !" Aft., the laugh that followed 383. little speech • jolly old ohap from the Maitland oonae•.ton stood op and In his etroog Oe - man cunt said: --" 1 -"/hand ep, shen•le men, for spook on what those Wm'prano bople would do it they gets on /he floor In barljamenr. 'they that oome here sheet for to catch your votes for Jam.. Mltehell, and If you is foolish c000gh to vote for him you vote for the Tory mane all the time, and that'■ shoot what's the matter n• oome here as ampp race mu, but he's Tory all Ih• same. H:* arty raw there was no thanes for Abe Beek .r any Tory mato to gee there and they went to all the weol oyer year eyes and they cry ono t•mp'raa o shall to gel their man 1n. No ! no ! my Mons, shut vote for Cameron end you w111 rend the heat man of the two to she honer In harl.ament," When the old chap had finished the boy* g ave him • hearty and ea by or)ing •' I h.3'a so'" "Bully for roe, old man," ere., and then the man from IIo.asblre name nest with hie l3tt', nay. 1fte commented prated* h3. .udidat• as held & v.07 An. gentleman and told the boys that if once W hl' nay got into power they would gel • wonderful lot of thanes. In this Ontario el ears which the (trite had not been .tile to carry out during the long time they had boa la power. "that'd right," said Melt from the Mg orchard. (Oor Dick knows more about polities than any other arae Is the allege "duet see obs mea they have node of the pu'pwood °once..ion and of this New O its- rio they blow so much about. Look at the Injastlos that the Ras Government ha@ done about taking the corporalinns; tetra when mould you vee mere downright robbery th.., the way they hays held up the prise et school ie. aka! 1 mould go en talking for boars to pore that they are the most In eompaeol leeernment that we have ever had 3. Canada." "I'm ' One tae see what troll►lee yon fellow.. You're heglenlag to feel risk about your th.,...," rem.rked Charlie tress up around Oke'. farm ; "end yon want as fellow. to espor►.)lm MItoh.11, but you've Wesel It 333. time. O•tarlo is the hest. gevrned ..0etry on earth, and we know It os well to throat away ear party fur the make of • let of renews we know sotking about.. Re are geed Camaro. mon •ed we w111 send him (here with 300 majority over IDs riding." it (e elear a ma how the vats Is going to he In tats ,silage, for all appear to favor ID. Reform candidate, lithe, by the way, is • poral favorite with ems people. Little'millions whish are balm weal e ases Itko the above are almost of dally eo- seas ladwlrlee there. eorreeme at the p..temee and village add you w1.8 to bear the wlltlue of the day threshed eke by Our village pehtl.laae we levies you Io pay Beusill•r • Celt, .ad promise yes IW of fes. Report" from the varloas portions of oouney Indlsete that Hares w111 send it Liberals to Tomato nest week. Mr. Matter Malmo' 0'49 11 was the gluing of the first pulpwood oouoowloo In 1896 w htob settled the Ulerquee Is Sault Ste. Mule aid roe Qatarlo the beads of the In the Fart• QODERIOH TOWNSHIP MohDay. May 19th. Bite Day. -Tb. Uoder3OD owashlp rifle aes..latloa ma al /he Orange Hall ea Tbunday attains to make lull gs- mento for the pleslo os V iotorle Day, bats,. day, May 24th, Spooled acacia will be given to orate •a interest ithenig the young moo of the oeu.t7 in marksmanship. 'The morals, w113 be seated to target praolloo. The attendee w111 be a general good time ; the program will atam.o.. a1 2 O'olook end will Ga tele3 el addr..,.e trees onion, of 3. 33rd ,.limed, 'oath deaths. eingtwl..1.. LI. Cul. Pecan la expand te be ptee.ur. There will b. • game el football between teams from the God.rlob .rens farriery sad 1.rsltare b.t.ty. A large platform will be ereet.d for /he plea's» of ID. young people Tho natural .o.wry at Ulla part of els :tag "Bellevlew," le worth .sola", and • sled ujo7.ale Mm. 3..ap.oted. Tlt. literal .sed oons.rvallye candidate are .kpeeted M oe mimes, A .pedal ls.itatl.a la salad. ed to a11, De soil lupioar baskets. hat for 3..r yon do • lasoklsg beth will b. pro- Tided. owFitted, oo NIS Ne. to HODO ENS BROS. tad DNa WNW •p ■A1a1LTaa-IT. 25c Stockings for 15c FOR Friday and next week we have a Stocking bargain that beats anything we have ever offered. They are brand new goods, Just In last week. The only reason for the low price is that the jobber had but two sizes left, and we cleared out all he had at a very low figure. Better lay in a good supply at this price. You save exactly 10c per pair. 240 pairs ribbed Cotton Home, suitable for boy sed girls. Anemias make, hard twisted yarns, doable knee, apIleed heel, feat tailors, and will "and any atheist of hard wear, slam 84 al 9 oily. Regale pries 25o ad good alas at iSC that. Clearing .t per pair A Big Stock and Big Values In our Nouse Furnishing Department. Values in our House Furnishing Department are , assortments and large ('nougll to give you a wide variety of choice. o hire hereabouts find the equal of the big stock you can see hero : and if you have any Carpet tain buying to do you ought to see it before you buy. Hemp Carpets. Hemp Carpels In woyen stripe and floral designs, clams, honest qualities .0d good patterns 124u, 204 sad 25e Union Carpets. Union Carpets, full yard wide, reversible patterns, Galore guaranteed net to run, a big 1 new design" in all Mae popular colorings, per yard 25e, 370, 500 Wool Carpets. Wool Carpets, guaranteed artery thread pare woo!, thor- oughly sooared and cleaned, rioters fast, • large esort went of the newest pattens In all fashionable shalom, will stud any amount of bard wear 75o and 85o Tapestry Carpets. hagfish Tapestry ('.rpete, predoote of the beat tapestry oarp.3 maker ler Eagiasd, guaranteed to stand bard war and keep their ..ler, a great rani* of the newest patterns and oelortera, at per yard 374o, 500, 60. ad 76a Brussels Carpets. Roily Brussels Carpel, 4 and 5 frame, the beet .&rusts to wear you ova gat, made le Salad In patterns of IDB m041 popular alorl0ga, suitable for any ram. per yard 81.00, 81 10, 41 25 Floor Oilcloths. English and Canadian floor Moloch, end Sootoh Lloo• loam., floral or block patterns, gond quality, per square yard 25o, 50o and 60o Japanese Mattings. The.. Memo," come to ns direst from 381..i.eo la Japan, sod we skew a big nipple of patterns and MiM- leg*, DM yard- 124o. 16a. 202 and 262 The White wear We remind you again of our special May sale of white muslin underwear. No suck assortment or no such values . have ever been shown in town, and you cannot slake the garment yourself for the price we are selling them at. Qualities are all good and the workmanship first class. Gowns, 50c to $3.00. Skirts, 35c to $5.00. Drawers, 25c to $1.50. Corset Covers, 15c to $1.50. Aprons, 25c, 35o and 50c. Black Muslin Corset Covers, 65c. generous will you or Cur - Curtain Poles and Blinds Wo have a brand new stock of Blinds and Curtain Poles, and can give you a big assortment to select from. Certain Yokes with weal or bre.. mounting 25e, 45., 500 Blinds mounted on good spring roller. 30o, 45o, 60.,76a The Curtains These Curtains come to us direct from the maker in Nottingham, and there is only one profit -ours, which is not large -be- tween you and him. The patterns are new, qualities good and values nght. Nottinpbam Loa Curtain*, 24 yards leeg, deo laeey yob - aro, per p.lr 2b. Nottlov6•m Laos Umtata, good du, taped eagle, • good •.ersme,l of patterns, per pair • 60e A lino • little boater and fernier, per pale 760 An extra good Ilse for • dollar 8111, 3,1 yards _ .dies, • big r•ag• of sew patterns, pot par $1.00 Lam Curtain'. 66 to 60 loakes wide, 34 yards long, new 'easy designs, suitable for any room, special, mt per pe. 81.60 Floe Lace Curtains, • big a.ortene,l of handsome eat - terse, the newest oboes, best agog, per palr.....$2, $2.60, 01er. ger Leon Uaralu, beautiful laoey effect is the fin• let of sets, the vary newest ad mast loablosable d edge, per pair $3.60. 84.60 Black and White Muslins It is a toss-up which is the most fash- ionable in the American cities, black and white or linen shades, in dress muslins. Both are much in demand with stylish dressers. Last week we opened up some pretty new patterns in American Muslins, black on white and white on black grounds. If you want a stylish dress come and see them. Amertoan Dimity' and Dress Muslins, ban gestin.., now• est deigns, bleak on white. er while en blank grounds, 'err stylish and popular, per yard..... 200 .ad'25. I May and June 1)E- TERNS and PAT- TERNS now in. HODGENS BROS. GODERICH. Mttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tittt?MtttttttttttttttttttttMttttM CEO. W. THOMSON & SON I p'Y rlv,r Y ' - r E have been in the Bicycle Business ever 53 since a Bicycle was a Bicycle, and never be- 53 had such a variety to make a choice from, nor has the value ever been a a a a a a a a 53 23 .4 fore have we so good. STEARNS BRANTFORD RACYCLE IUTCHELL CRESCENT WORLD HYSLOP ADLAKE CROWN Etc. Also a number of used Wheels, some almost as good low prices. If you need anything in Riegel° Repair* we carry • full line, and our repair department ie supplied with all the .qu;pm.nt necessary to turn out good work, and to to , hrrgn of • f)r.t.clam repair -man. as new, at surprisingly In the Plano and Organ Business we are no novices. (htr 161,1*. y.ara of .: • eiderahht to you Have you seen our p.rienne is warth seen Y Y minion Pianos and Organs. the ,toot value made in Canaria, also our Wormwith Pianos and Goderloh Organs. Even if you do not Inbnd to buy )uet now call on inland wo will he pleased to allow you what we have. It is our tontine,* to "hove you the superior pointe of our instrutb.ntel We have a few gond second hand Organs. In Sewing Machines ',satin *ell the White (rotary and vibrator), New Williams. Standard. and a Queen. All supplied with the latest *ttachment.a and guaranteed tar ten yarn. a We carry full line of Ouitere, Mandolins, Violins, Acoordeon., Harmonhtaa, Str;nga, Shot Music, Mutie Book., oto. It you do not five a town writs and we will be pleased to send you catainguee of our and., or to call on yogi. GEO. W. THOMSON & SON. WEST SIDE OF SQUARE - , - OODERICH