HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-22, Page 6MONSO Nu other Imr,rseasaa the a qulslte flavor of the gel:n'a. MONSOON C.ytuu Black Tea. Jc*+'P+$...**Qv..+!t°t+ 't'il'l 4***$ TIIE EARL'S DAUGHTER it +464,4464,46+++++++ ++++++++4 ++T+TTT The fleet stage of nervous suffer- ing was past fur Maggie ileotlerruu. Elio had prayed so much that she might bo euatned W regard her cousin ate aomethtrig altogether bt•yuu 1 her reach, and she had 'ditto!' no • hurl to uutaln the blended which she con- fidently expected to receive, that It had come to her ate etxrner or Eater, It does come to all who trust and pray. The fever ads' pawkon of her grief were over; and though surh wcak- ntM remained much derponicacy, awl, at limo', even wunt of faith, yet she was out of danger end on the toad to convalescence -thanks to the PLyetcluu Who never fails to beat! And even now the first token of ken reward was appearing, In the hope that she might be 11n• means ml comforting her cousin In hl+ secret distress.. But low to Introduce the topic otter ns. had et violently din eh.lmed It. Maggie knew tet ,et etre watched patiently. hoping teat all °ppm -tacit, might trcur. Wk a it did, it was himself who broached It The funeral was over . the will, by whitb with the exception of it e.uiplr of thousand a yea); to hie mutual. fur her lifetime, and tri( Ing nu- nultiee to Mire Lloyd and Mag gee Henderson, Colonel Bain- bridge wits rendered role pors.•s.or of hie late fatbcr ■ fortune and ea - tater, had been read, and, the cam tie bi lug cleared of lawyer./ 01. eke. and undertakers' men, the Wind • were drawn up to admit the cheerful ennrldne, the windows thrown open, the rooms. set In order, and the family r.aseemble-1 to look eti•1i ot.,e. In' tin. face and it what they wer. to do next. "1 suppose.' my dear Thomas," re• marked Mew. B*Inbrldge. "that y0l, will net take puwee.toa of (;ran t41awe before the rummer 1d over or r:,ull you move Into It at onee''1 Either plan will be equally erenveu lint to me. yet know. Awl, with -v aappeecd to the hour, on Cur's.en etre'-t aka11 you retain that as It ha? 1 em *frill you will fled nu room for th furniture* here for your deur faller divined aothing so much us n half fnrtlehed room. But i suppose you w111 require to be In London until you have 'Settled something wlt!u re. gavel to reilagning your pretension?' Sect gaertlons Calomel Balobrlelge hardly- kn -w how to parry "11y dear gioth,pr" he would re- ply. "the yory lu+.t thing 1 Wend wide yon t. • do would b • to hurry "it of ('ranebnwr. Make It your home ter :t.4 long am von like; Altogether, If It pl<•eetes yogi W do eft." • "But Gay altar Tllommae, that weak, he quite toren-dentate. both di your • part and mine. Yews here Ledo Ethel to eons. tet la Vitae matters. remember : beetles, deer as you are to me, I should never (eel e.Imfortable wb'le living In e.no,hn'r per ons Ender•, NRI have long made op my mind, If I should be se unfortunate as to eur- elye your tatner. to go en•t nettle near my own friends at Blrminglenm. it war there he met m'. my dear, and marrl el me' (with n little ,vobl. "nod I would rather die there than anywhere else -only y. n 11 ;donde., when !hit linpp •u, to bring me back, Thomas, and lay me by his side la Mbdon churchyard." It was alter some such converen- tlon ad the above that Colonel Bain - called hie cOu.ln abruptly to lilt side. "Oasis here, Maggie; i want' --i0 tell yon aomothipg." It Wag a bright, heauttful morning, Uho day after the funeral, and they wire senaltertngon the terrace wbaeh not ronod -the a astle. " Welh ood.,ln, 1 nm all attentloa." " My mother seeing to Imagine (you heard what ..lin wtid rut break - fest just now) that 1 ani nlw:ut tc throw 1:p the army at mire, awl 'settle .bwn at ('ranshnws N •w 1 am not rang to dr, any marl' thing. and you mart break it to her." Mrlgg,e • lace L .1 Abe guetlud hie re+olua..n had roun'th!i g to .b with Lady Eitel. and knew how great a disappointment It would prove to Mrs. Raintrr4!ge. "Bot, Cousin Thomas, 1f you don't lire Imre. and Aunt Llano goer away to Birmingham, who I. to look after nae place r - 'i don't knew ; ; tilt bailiff. I wp- pet.:. he can manage It much better then I meal. I em totally Ignorant of farming matters." "But the (louse, the gftelen," Raid Maggie, as the tears rose to her eyes, "nil the little Impsovementi which dear uncle took ouch pride and plens- ur.e In. beecome. they were for you - era they to go to rack and ruin for want of nae and naperTlakon. cousin? "If they mutt, they must,' he anis. veered, moodily, "for i am quite re- solved not to live here nt present." "It le only Lady Ether's wishes Utastau are coneklertng," eon Y?i18e�$ 4gle, tlmTdlY; ''r ori not" think she °oukl object to ('rnnehewe an a summer residence. it Ie very pretty In the summer. you know. Cousin Thome., and you veil nlwny. want to shoot over the preserv... And rrelding here for half the year would be better than not nt "it 1s my profession that ',tends In the way,' he replied, evading the qutedk+n, as they turned Into the shrubbery together "I have n' wleh to leave the army. and while 1 wedeln in It T meet work. It le not improbable that i may have to go amt to India again." in her natrwdehm"nt ?Angelo, with elesped benne. stepped ■harrt before him In the path. "fa It pomade! soh', yowl ennnot be in earned ! What retinal 80411.1 there be fee you, under present Omele- t/tenors', to return to tent horrid e11- mnte T Who would do so, excepting of neeem.tty ?" "W6E. I would," he answered wit a Mort laugh. "Any pinoe nppeserw NOpreferable to Englaad, to my eyes. now." ' But lady Ethel," urg d lila ameba. •'watld site nocompatly 7••u' or con d sato bear to be lett all alone? and 10 star.rtly niter marriage. tool TOO mtmt oottslder bar." I • 0 •. t tkl..k she would prove amen- able to reu.io," rep.led Colonel Bain - bra g, , Altai an afl,ot:AO et u( indif- ference. Bat Maggie war not to be o thmeted '.Cousin Thomas !" sbt exclaimed. er:gtwty, as she Lal l Per hand upon hie arm. "1 gm sure that something drnndful fins h•,pp"ned between you anal Ludy Ethel! Oh. what le It ? Do tell me the worst ! It la terrible to set. you suffer thea" Hern a n ankle s nes tb • her earnest manner and (hit path* in her tone wallah the French call broom au vole, touched the over- strained o!wrd Ill the man's heart, nal •tapped it. hectd.ag tr. her, he threw himself upon a bench culled round n tree hard be, and covered k a ince with his bands: and In another moment the girl who stood beside !.int wore 11110eRed to see the tsars tri. kle through his fingers. "Ob. Fourth! cousin!" she plaad- ed. In it volae which trembled with e uotlon ; "what have 1 maid, what have I done, to cause Oils? Pruy, pray, forgive mu: but 1 cannot uD- Jeretand how anything ..bort of her death or her daarrtion should m Ike you feel like this." "It W worse than death. linggle." "Worse than death?" Maggie coulJ 01117 repeat hie wordy and attend their explanation. "Yea at thousani times wore! Slit. doexn't love me. Maggie she n..t.'r lov.td we! and 1 have barn 1M1 an a tool in her beads!" "Awl she dared to tell yon so 1" 1 h0 Iol.guatlon of the heart which cou1.1 have loved him .r, truly and faithfully, had it fallen to Ito lut to do ho, w.ts too great to cbeek aha exclamation. "She would dare everything! she ii::* no w ire fear of me than 1110 Il:te of breuking my heart. Aud, Mag- gie. 1 loved her „o. (1od1 1. my wit - noes how 1 loved her." ".And how you love her still." re- plied the, girl, with tr.mbling lips. "Coude 1lromas, this le i but a quarrel; you will make it up by and by. Al' will be right emelt' between yet." -Never, Mnggle ; It is kind of you to a.y au, bat It Is quite Imp.,erlble. I have made un my mind we rkall never Ilse together again." "Never Ilve together." .be echoed. 111 tier Ounat. 1'U .11•,11 ; "but else 1. your wife, anode -think of wk:a( you n ro say Ing." I nate t1, night of It,' he replied, "bitterly and often enough, Heaven knows. Wool] you tome me• go book to. the drums of a woman who has tnl.t me to my face that she never Garai for tar ; that she lowered her- self, by marrying n trndtosm en's son, let. rtocomp11a11 her own revengeful harp nes ; and that she d.addwer mo no Dos fee my to'ly and sort -eight. °di ens than f.w my' birth:" 'Sae could not have intended It," a ll l Mnggle, earnestly ; "she amid never be • . cr lei; rhe 1s sorry for ker wer as now. d••pemd up in it." '(lorry •" his repeated, with a. gen tars of niarelullty ; "you have not ae.•n her oil i have., or you would IN,t nay so. Aod I have not told you isle worst yet, Unggie, though that Mutll remain looked In my own brown," the .lid not know what comfort to give film then ; It ese,mee.I too dark and terrible a grief to be meddled with, even by kindle as loving em ber own. Bo she remained silent. "the long and effort of it is," ex- claimed Colonel Bainbridge, niter a moment's pause, ILO be humped np from the bench and stretehel him- self. "tlint I hateful to serve Her ilaj.wty for some little time longer yet, under whlefl clre Intvtngces If my mother declines to live at Vren- shnws, the dear old place Inuit eon - sent to be shot up for n while and look after Itself. And what i want you to do for me. Maggie, ts to bring my mother gradually round to the idea. As noon its 1 am gorse 1 return to town to -marrow -Mt Iter know positively i have. no In- tention of sinning out of the army at provost; and when i have left F:tagland, you may tell her the roe - eon why. It will reconcile her to nay nbsenne moro than anything else would do." "But when you have left England. 'emend 1 Surely that 1. only it con - ti y„ it le more thou that, Maggie," be replied, in n low voice. " I have nlrewdy effected *n exchange with ono. of my brother offlcerw, and 1 Mart to jolty his better: next wiadL Mho anewend nothing. bat her tears fell fait upon her somber mautla "11 could not be 0tlie rwiee, Ay deer; It would he Initwuaalhlo for nun to May Is England stow. I should out my throat if 1 r11d 1 mud burr chance than t rry. my deer girl, perhnp' we shall trend 1 bit oil paths together yet, when wn are both gray -healed - who knows?'' "With your grandchildren running on before as," site aneweret, with sweet, wet eyes, that tried to smile at him. "My grnrNlehlldren No -never, or et Dost, 1 hope so. The fewer children that miter the world the better. Maggie; for there Iso nethlag but silvery on ell ables for them to In ileTlt.' "With a great holo• to brighten It. dear eoneln. and make it bearable " (To ba Ccntlemewt., Page Woven Wire Tenth 1a the only reliable fate. few holding ;leek owing to the onethi,soee colt ret wrest epring. N "Poe" wire will •1lblard a swathe( 1.01* ordinary Na 7 wire .111 wady eland a strain of 1,100 pnnn.L flnmeton wire edam rolled or Mat will•trwrgMwn not w ith the and etreln •,m r.1naln at Paga fora-* .r. now.wry16ep ■,d . m know they hare always home Um 1.. i'.s fenewe are *awl by all Osnadian railways. A "Paw" UM& Ihe ►aalthfsleeme_te , 4a11N.. 1 tel I 1 INNO ORIGINALITY IN MUSIC NOW. "leuneoae has thuugiat that 'Mauro' wets taut all lay owe," real 1'aderew- stki recently to as Interviewer Soule of that learned 'Owes la America who had limed euggemt.uur, rrm.ul.00uoer, rte? 1.keme emw u loaner utarteri to ha wink had wuuu4ed Mat. "Tory hat. steal Were were rue/net/0mA from Wagner." ' slut tins'. be no such thing as eteal- Ing a thou. W meat'. he cuutinuottf lin wale' tow aligru.ravel.* deleur.re. "1■ Malin abso.uatt urtgluullty doer not tenon, It le We temperament of but work. Diu t .t muiw Oi^,,OWr i lu miaow clue 0.11.ut htlp but follow tbale who Lure guile tonere. When at u g ravt goatee ;.1,u 1lasumr latae uer a mull/AM that wee sive butter ex- prur.a,n to ..0 Idea, it le not uuly not ..w, w luuiuwl .t, but (1 Is a out), to fid.ow it. an tesikilu,> Lag wub a uietbud it caudO r1Y out ru muoL Akio plena tar .td .re.tmaut .11 u wu.lC.ai wry." tet. l'adrrewadl, war e.t.ently eleep,y in earue.f. 'A p.n. (4 made meet Wet 1041 lake u h..u.a or a chureu," he west sea "lea wou1J taut .U01••• ug ur•ell.l.ot Of wing r eoi,ylat L be put er.as/owr W a bone.. wtaal yWI 1 Alit' yet her merely uutjt w`.( °therm Wttl done. Lkowrre, when you read MUSCULAR SOkt:NLSS A8 the result of over-exertion and ,expruret to deal and told or (rum whatever casae., may be treated suoceerfully by the timely appllcatlot of ",t. Juwibr 04. A thorough rubbing 1• necessary. Th o(1 Mtoukl be applied vigorously, fu# at Ivan twenty ulluuter. two or three time. dully. when all pain, serener■ and 'Whines will be re - wove,' In twenty four hours. it will ale, strengthen land burden the tour ales. Football player., cyclists, gYtuuaate, and all athletes will find eft. Jacobs Oil auperlor to ally other remedy for outwned applloa- tlon, for the rennin that Its notion Is more rapid and its effect perman- ent. Thousands' of people all over d eoom d St. thew Id use au r m en Or J.at'obe 011 for muscular soreneer. A bottle it quite enffielent to prove its efficacy. le cases whore muwu lar madonna is complicated with any dimwits which requires an nl- torntive, Vogater'r Chiral lye Com- p,und should be taken. New York ('sutral and Iludsee River (tanroad. The above name L • house -bold word, anti the superior excellence of the road should be sufficient to at- tract most people, but now that the rate 1. the seine to New York and pants east as by other lines no fur- ther recommendation should be ell ht. Everybody will tell you it Is the beet. lit. wu•k. w .be groat pate. you would not u00uri nruwu.ag ur Lud5- o` tc�low W pl..grrean if they urru the h awe reale us y.r.e .aa ruw.uue eta? Tu..r abouguts you lout/ ouneioer, and 1101 eu'aeon .h,,lr tue.hW,'' ' 4tl..o,' ave eau, tet Whereat from poetry. It rppe.ilr W DSO aur.. .t ta.J eat, or a o..mo.urtluu of rouud• In a work that only 1W,. W du with the mellaw, m.•y eta ltJ ore O( MOW. caber worm, add the whole la set - weave tar not ur.gtu..l, lora us look at the prelims to .b I eb.ru not in 'Mau- ru. t .eta sura entailed. . 'There 1• 11k.a tem run, a 1 tale run, ,hat, faminaW ono to 'ane W..k,re, t node, tt. i trlcu .o usual It, IND 001110 uoa, inhere beard .t ..tad =ley t tat the .Igagtrttou .row 'Dao Wa.kurie' tet tee alr.t teemo la not the rxwr. 'rue mama teener it true the nee, sue orchestruti,u let out the me. 1 defy anyone to rtww that • yauing riuept urn one Litho run la uurr,weal let for win detail of m lea toe prelude Is tvudemued." Paderew.kl wall betosalug rio- t 1u weak,* of Mr work. "11 1 to woke an aurlyels 1 meal a 'Moues In method among eatest of tompomere. For la look •t Sobaaaaeu'r concerto nor. Toe flrettlielae it taken bully IJ method from Mete Ano Wavier, In lar lied even weir Moo the sec- , 1• not euarely original. ally fled toe iniluea.e eat tuen of Meyerbeer. wee not tree from the tiler mngteere, for. In his works, we o ea fl:d the •ugge.tton of Mozart. A • . wl.nesr ale) tee first eoiic rto of C r111 le It not rug g • 1.0 very a ugly of Hummel? Atari Carmen. 'an we not fin 1 here an enormous 1 uenc@ exerted by Oouood? Adt It , . only reminds you of (luunc+d. but ro•.es of the themes, t; rung. are taken teeny from Span- r,.a music. The Ha aro is not even taint ., but In all t.. scores that are published 1s alto n to be taken from a °mutterer who am ally.. when the opera was wrltt ." $1O-Bes4ee Lseurs on -1110. elle wer n aw the sou. la A a laud del►aNln. perlod. a unit per Oil,+ may Weber and "Bent hove Inllue•ee d • Friday. May 23rd, a po. • lar excur- ao.t by regelar trader 11 be run b.. the Weal Shore Ralirou. the fare the or urn ton be Flee r- he tut only ten dollar* ,a 0 or roL.1 tiles from Su,prn....lon agege I.0 falo, a•1 ticket. good (u ret until and Ineludin:awe s g Jane n it rest gramma popularity with tour - • bite, and no b, tter reason sou w '1 oted to v11. thio hl,to Io tl.y. West Bbow ag air for further in n atio i. 'following Instruction. The world has so long been at war with the hapless printer that It will Is+ int. ree.lns to k..ow that at 1. ant one oompoegtor her been capable of following lastruetlona. Ones upon a time a printer brought to Booth for Inspection proof of a new poster, white, after the manner of its kind, announced the actor as "the east newt tragedian, Edwin BUuth." Mr. tooth did nob fully Approve of It. I veleh you'd leave out that 'emi- nent tragedian' hudle.. I'd much rather have It simple Fdwl. Booth,' • he said. "Very good. sir." The seat week the actor saw the Mod of ld. news. WI.s Is position 111. request Knit been carried Oat to the letter. The pewter aoeouneed ibe Coming engagement of '•$hepta Ed- win awin Booth."-Loodos TlbBlts. I believe 11/Wt Rn'8 LINIMENT will Mare every rase of Diphtheria MRA PE1. REN RAKER. i believe Y!YAkfre 1,i1i11ENT will produce growth of hair VMS CRAB A MD'EIt ION. Stanley. P G 1 i believe MIN.%RD'S LINIMENT Is the beet household remedy me earth. IMtT'ITAR FOLBY, RherdaJe. Oil City Oat. A Queer 0tate of 1 binge. It may be interesting to many Imo pie who think that 1n this country we suffer fro= as exaggerated form of trades waren tyranny, to learn that a few weak. ago some peletere who were reeleroratdrg the Interior of a church lin a Midland town canoed -weal bemw.e wiwern were emple,yed to clear) the droppbogu of paint nn the pews, add the employers had to finish the job tbew.elv.s and that Tofte recently In a seaside town there www a strike of teamster■ because their employer reflood to discharge a driver who had rondo a journey to a neighboring town threw bourn qulrk.r than they themselves had been aecuslomeel to take Consul of Liverpool. votrnhea for the truth a this almost incredible story. -Bos too Comm Prete' Flu Ilet ln ROYAL MUSKOKA HOTEL Tide new. mindere. *p to -•late hotel was rlpenn1 for the reception of guests In 1001 11 la ,Ifu:.te+l in the centre of the flnewt mummer report region In .America, known no Ihe Mi.ko+ka Lnkc■ within rney reach of (he pprl'Npnl point. in (Amulet and the Ua1ta1 Rtates The Interior of the Iwrtel to planned to the beet advert - Lege for comfort and ronvenenc, e prolnl Alentl,m (wing given to ven- tilation and wintery serener -me -nee. 11..p 01:1. Gaal .e with handsome h.thr..nms *lteche 1. n r" .apt niftily loinptea: In either large or holt II ram- I;lea (Chane ■nd servM. ere the beet. ttpen for gneelr .tune 13111, Per fur- ther parttenlnre, d, aerlpt1 ve matter and all Iwforeent'mI welt. .f 8 �t- Donald, l)kti'IM Pe agent*** Ageata (AmMM 1)Iffloulty. IWi.hi.g1on-ear) Ott, the life of n atatnatnan'e t per - Waring 'Tie soutethtng pee -utterly rant , M be talks he will wish that he bad n•t It be doeam't he'll wish that tie had. ata s the Cough D R ■ed N'urk. On the fold. l.axative Drone, Quinine t'nbletr rare ea rule 16 o1. day. 1510 edea, No pay- !'rice 115 rent*. Ju.raallent la laasaa.. WIo'Jta's damnable negro sheet refcrr to the ,..1 or of this p iper and u mo of bid (rleeide les humbm," says a T.,pek.a. Kan., Journal put llebeei by oulorel people. -We want Ude fool to urdets en I fiat It taker men ed more intelligent a ilibre to handle our o,uro+ thou h m As we ride upon a railroad peen we don't have to be oohed a bomb by a jealous negro ...hoot that walk,•." Flew We. Drat lat give me what 1 ask for -the one Painkiller, I•err Uwvle', 1 know 1t la the beet thing oil earth for summer tom - 'donne. No du you. Thank you : there 1e your money. Kvolutlou of l videses. Olio mate Journal.' "Have the letter. been duly ex• &mined by the handwriting expert?" ".Yes, your honor." "Very well, Let the handwriting expert now be examined by the In- sanity expert." Mimed'. Liniment Cures Colds, etc. A Queer Suicide Ill Alaska. The startling *Weide of John Daly, of Cowley, near Bennett, on the line of the White Paw lea -1 Yukon Rail- road, was the talk of `kagnay when the 1.0 phis departed south lilst Sun- day night. The men took a wreand effective metho I of shuffling of this mortal coil. He nut a hole to the ice of the creek j,lal small enough to pats througlt. equeeset Itim4rlf dont' In the aperture Into the ley cold waters, en.1 shove I amid? along under the Ice for several feet before he became unconecioua. The Ivan made oertnia of hid d .nth. He eat the hole so email that there wall not one chance in a thourrand of ever get- ting back through. Then, very del berately, lie took off hts hat and fore:ed h m bo.ly down beueath the thick toe, anti j o close was the fit that he s'nr.fted the flesh on his shoul- ders. -Seattle Daily Times. 80 H HOW'S THIS? • offer On Hundred Donne' Reward for ease of l'aterrh that cannot ire cured by '• Catarrh Cure. F. J. ell EN FA( a c0., Toledo, 0. We, Chem mt mining obligati Wm • ado, 0. Druggists, the undersigned, have known F. J. ler (1. Mat 15 year, and believe hies honorable la nn bu.lneer tram - ed atiserinllr r.Lle to carry not nay mad, M tt. Ir firm. Tatar, Ween - id, nruggiete, To- nsea" • 11,1,1',, wholesale Toledo, 0 Har'e tag dlrwtly u !wool tie eye Pries -711e per Haute Family l C.r. le twine Isowaally,eet b the 1,11,1 and mur.,ne.01, Teets' moidel• went free. (ale. N 1,1 Lr all drugglata. 111m an toe beet. SPOOLS Jereny Pealor-Dr KILI. RATS. ren0 The Rev. R. J. Bet People'', Baptist ('hu ha. ell*roverevl n bran, of destroying rats. The patent on it, either . .An ktttermin.t let Tries Brand With bucces. pastor of the i, of Bayonne, new method P isn't any body may adopt It. Mr. Betts la not only et pastor but • druggist as well In the basement of hie drug store there al peered a me timc ago a email 'army if rate. The deminle-dru :gleet ('Ou&Jn't understand what attracts) them, but there the rats were, and a war of extermina- tion was begun ngalnet them. One day beet week it big ball shap- ed rat, with which agility seemed to be a lost accomplishment, was (wrnernd and killed. An autopsy was performed on the body and It dis- closed what was the attraction in the haerrm.nt for the rate. They were sponge eaters. This particular rat had swallowed a big piece of sponge and It had swollen no much in.Lie him that he e43111.1 only move with dlffi_cnl�t.jyr.r. That gave. The rtlinf!?iffr Ter Tell Frith(' otos. Every night now nice little meale of appose sad cheese. with bastes of water to quench their thirst earl to help remelt along, are left for the rats. }:very morning there was a yield of dead rats, tilt soon the pastor was praetloally rid of the prof. -N. Y. Run. Noota to ray. There are tMemel better thnn mien.) its thle life, but it tnkt'e money to buy them If yam attempt to kill n woman, atm generally eine her face agalnet K. If 7041 "mere the pump, roti molt the type. Like a kitten'e tea, heppine m 1. hard ba, catch, but there h dots of fun sharing 1t Mwmr•re mnke a man glad to sap mother-hn-hate If the tall -yr takern yawl', measure, pro will prrdonbly barn to pay 1n advance. Troth may be at the hart tors of • wit h.t4 tilers ware very few gee diver*. T(1 ('1elfh: A ('01,0 IN OWN DAY Take t,...th. Promo Quints. Tablets. All d glass n•hrne th. memo If It (*11. to corp F. W. l i rn.-i. alg,wlnn lane each box. 25e re e+++4s.++++++++4++4•114+4!1+ WHAT DOCTOR SAID WENT. +4'4.4.4.N++/++• 4t ++ 4N111 At tike kat annual meeting sof the Avouch'of Military liurgeour of the D .1 States Major John Van It Huff, M •al Department, U S. A. In the oonree of hie ',peach accept lug the Presidency of the association told the folluwletg ',tory : "A lady wee panning through the ward,' a au overcrowded military hoepltal when she suddenly iue.uu treed two men rimiest and hammer lug on some boards She looked at them In mune surprise. and wonder- ingly onderingly asked: 'What are you doing there, my went "They looked up at her, and one of them said: ""What are we dolug? Why, we are making a dofllo, that's what we any dully( "'A .t'olfln t' .ise *11,+11 'For whom are you making a coffin?' "'For that fellow over there In that bed. Don't you tree him?' "The lady Imhof In the direction Indicated, an I saw a man apparently In good condition and watching the operation with great Interest. "'Why, that moo le not (Wad. and, indeed. he doer not look as If he was going to (11e. l':tn't you postpone this work?' "'No, the men wait. 'we can't post- pone It. The doctor toki uv to make the coffin, and hi. know• what lie gave him "'-New York Army and Navy Journal. Llfebuo, Soap-diainfeetant-is strongly recommended by the medieal prolamine ea a awleguard apnea iaateaus dweasee A Haaglag Metter. Tenderfoot ton Alberta ranch) -I Nand.' ill 1 k f n tat would be it lot of trouble for a tnnn to pick out her OWI' cattle frutu amaag leo many. Cowboy --011! that's an easy mat- ter. The trouble begins when he Mete out some other man', cattle. :tee t Vrkgraat, warslag .tad wefurtlog, "the D. a 1_" bleulhul Planer 1. rhe moat oleo -- .1.4, remedy for .I rulu.-d, .110, painful mile. cies, as tt ie the wort .•tfcawlotte w'car It coonnneaely for a time If you have lumbago tar arlatka. The Poor 51.,.'1 M1.. Weary tt'lllie-What make. you look 110' worried? Meapdering MJte-t net told n man t was sick. and he w:d he'd COMB back, In at treitute and treat me; now 1 don't know whether he'e a bartender or a doctor. Mlnard'e Liniment Cures ()argot la cow,. The Mame, But Changed. Lady -Aren't yoo the mea to whom I gave a piece of ,sake reeeatly T Tramp-Xes, ma'am. • " Have you bees worlds( . Mase ?" " No, ma'am; 1 �gltr.b.ee-1i the !nominal ever slnoe. KELPION". t.dersed el best 1.51110 e+.dl.al j Is. Supplied to arlttsh .eldler. la teeth 'hies. Foe ell Theo.t sed 01end TreuNea, Limps, gess sss•s, Old inns, Ulcers, rNeea, Sons D. 1er..,e Pimples, still Jsl•tn, • Ao.m.tlam, Lumbag., 3 esles, Itemises. Pees. Oita, ger. neo P1wrie ION b este, *0.. Ire It .nee. Hr.djuelmeat Asked. 'Things never seem properly at1- Jestead in th.w world,' said the care- less young man. "For Instance?" "1 have observed time and agree that the people with the moat ex penelve tastes moot invariably have the leant money to meet them.' Mibard'. Liniment Cures Diphtheria 1111.. Lowy/ Draw■ Out. "1 am afraid that young Feath- erly, who catty on you oo often. Is rather a fat young man," said a father to hie daughter, "Oh. no, he tenet, father," replied the little brother. who was pre. ✓