HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-22, Page 5v E Cash or i
TEtIS tel l
A big rang. and all new.
8 ,, 10i, 12e r, 15, and
8000 yard•, 5s, So, 10,
and 1241. All new able
White Skirt',
W bite Waists,
White Drawers,
Wales Oases.
Mask Cashmere
901 to 650.
101 ie 401.
Cotton Hou
nes a' there is no better
ve pipe Vanish
rDes before Lputtloe them
'event rust. Fee tor bag•
I exposed iron work
f1OE - r21fo.
are Polish
things look new.
eede, Disinfectants,
nt Medicines.
e de tbe warp a. It +k.ald
+ 1808
• VeKJ+1(,l < i �/
ird. Winter term heeled Jae.
-S aro re..onable, our courses
b and pent loge send for oar
whet we teach. tot Lithium! may
rue. Two counts of study,
A. t.. UcINTYRK,
uu4. �LIstowel.
Street, Doderich
the plant and tustasel
saooesefolly tor a many
e father, the tate 1) K.
ad Intends refitting the
moot up to date moo -
mike • .peolalty of all
minor, much as
ind Engines, Binders,
ad all kinds of Farm -
hinery, Marine, Sta•
1 Portable Engines
g es
overhauled and re -
Steam Fitting.
nd Blacksmith Work
done to order.
:cialties manufpctur-
ate D K. Strachan
made on the prem -
rite for particular..
iLMERN, Etc.,
side of Square,
'ICH, - ONT.
1 promptly answered.
he high elai per.
ssible in Bread.
nutrition, dell..
are exemplified
st product of the
:nt dough-rnix-
,p every bit of
that the flour
Jr wagon call,
TRORsuAr, 1[.y 12, 1902. 5
W. Acheson &Son
$1.50 Lace Curtains
for $1.00.
We place on special sale thio week nearly 200 pairs of Nottingham
white lace Curtains of our own imFort, 48 to 51 lichee wide and 3i
yards Zoog, in haudaome floral and Swiss designs, all this season's.
Regular $1.50 line. Special, per pair, $1.00.
English Tapestry Carpets
400 0 yerrrd. 27 invitee wide, (meads of from 5 to 20 yids, Meas this I. asots'o
Not .11log Muse and best pentane, regular priced goods, 60o, 76o aid e0e,
clearing for this week at, for the sods, per yard
Rugs and Linoleums
very speolal Int of heavy uotoe and alt pure wool art Rugs, perfectly
revertible bed in ba deems effects and beet oolure and suitable tor any
room They oome lo the following yard Yr.s : 313, 3'31. 3 4 et per
65c, 75c
iguere void
Scotch Linoleums, 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, floral and tole patterns,
well mooted and thoroughly seasoned, at per
.lane yard ...... . ..... ... .. ... 371c, 50c
Batteno►'e Petters' all innate. Juno styles just rsoelved and Jae* sheet. free.
W. Acheton & Son.
TOWN COUNCIL. I &Shepherd's •000aot for work o0 contrite'.
1$198.86. wt* ordered to be paid open ear
liesdllal et* --0 be ■ 1e luaus Pressued— (48001. from the engineer. The same firm's
account for extra digging on Britannia' road,
The regular meeting of the town council $81, was referred to (0e pukka works oom-
was held en Friday evening. lo the mitt..,
y.yar'e Merinos Mr. Tbomwou ocoupled Toe .penial committee reported In regard
the doer All the other memt ere were
pressor erupt Mr. Eton
A oommuoloaion from J. Newcombe,
memo of Maitland cemetery. called ettea-
neo to the need of more power for .upply•
log water le the oeweWry, the hydraulics
ria now In um not being enff oleot to
supply the demand. Mr. Newoombe tog•
rested that then be two lame lueteed of
sae, there Wog ample water te drive two.
The ooe now there le considerably out of mended that the Collegiate Institute bs
repair sod no water can So sent op to tbe obarged the regaled water rate for the water
cemetery antll repairs ere made. The mat- need he the Ii.tltum at present from the
to Lb. AoapiLal alto, recommendleg that the
town purobate one acre of Iaod Io the a,rtb
west ooroer cf Mr. Naltel'e property situ•
•ted oo South aver, wbiob he hu offered
for (he sum of $100 The report was
lbs report of the finance committee. re
oommeod:ag peymeut of • cumber art ao
oounte, was paved.
the weer sod light committee term•
tea was referred to the cemetery committee*.
A cemmeaseuos from Cbau. Garrow,
reporting that the appeal of the town to
tb• Supreme Court to the Holmes coal nue
5.1 bete eaooeesful, was'eoelvel and tiled.
A sots from tb. Londeo F.ogee Supple@
Compels, in regard W an account of t•4 55
ease sent to the licence commune.
Dr. Holme.. medical Meath oth,,er, wrote
meeting • letter he bad received complain
oat of the will at the southeast owner of
Neiman street and Cambria road, the
water from wbloh wascbarged wtth bringing
es two oases of typho:d lever. Dr. holme
also sedated hie reply W the complainant,
1e which he seated that the board of beat la
led himself had fee years been of tbe
Edelen that the well water of loo tows is,
morally epsskl.u, unfit for drinkiog per -
mem The board of health, said the 1)o0 -
ter, bed taken certain measoree to remedy
We, •ad on ooe swamies oleo he was al-
temptleg to carry nut the orders of the
board he was thwarted by the then Mayor
sod . inciter of the tows. 1 he mater was
referred back to the medical be.ltb oiler
✓ od the board of health.
1,, N . Dote'. •pplioatloa for electric light
-ecrotlon eau referred W the water aetl
light oommlttee.
The following oommonIoatloo wee rM
meed from Meson. recklosoo & Uarrow
w 1 was mot W the special committee:
"Mr. R'llllamaoo, the auditor ot the
peso Boucle, has pieced 10 our bends*
ituemeot 000t•iotor ao eltimate of the
per ousts made cut of the geoar.I funds of `1 Ilne to the summer hotel. The request wes
t5e corporation upon the eapltel.00001t for ! gr•sted, the work to be done under the
waterworks and electrfo light purposes supervision ot the engineer and street la
let of Jeoo•ry, 1902. 1be clerk had bees
tn.truoted to request the Lake Huron and
Nanitobe Milling Co. to base • water meter
put In for the company a1 ono.. It was
recommenced that the petl1(oo of E. Cam-
pion and others for an electric Tight on
Church street be granted. Toe clerk nee
been instructed to writs for pewee of 51as•
flloo and Virriola out. run of mine sod
three quarters lump Dual. Prices of lead
pipe had been obtained from local men, and
the committee recommended Thal C J. Her
per's tender, at $4.53 Per ewe , be eooepted.
The report was adopted.
'the public works committee recommended
that the tender of J. A. Strsehan for he
turntable( of • street waterlog -wagon be
secepted, the t row W be 1128 ; that J. J.
Wright be permit'ed le hate the Poplar
trM oppmite the Pork House cat down, the
work to be done ander the tupuvl.Ioo of
tee street Inspector; and that Wm HcI
land's request for sewer ooeneration on
Trafalgar street be granted upon his
log to pay hall the cost. The report was
The met'cr of poroha•iog the 4 In. water•
male for extenuoo to tho aammer hotel,
also supplies for same and els _trio Tight,
was referred to the water and light commlt-
tee with power to not.
The game oommlttee also was anther:zed
to patellae* • treodurmer for the rammer
Mr. Porter, iced misnomer for the Bell
Telephone Co , asked the permission of the
council for the axteoefon of the 1 crl,paay'e
lace .Inly, 189',), •moaeting to $9.319.75,
welch he says now maetllalse part of the
fleeing debt due W the Bank of Montr.al.
Ya Rllhamwo adds that including ex
meditate. mode In li9Eand the early peat
0'99 tblw amount might fairly be 'estimated
at $10 000, sed he sufgeit$ that debentures
of the town be netted for that am,001 and
the Hosting liability relieved to that extent,
Lod he asks no to advise you whether this
wane .•u be adopted without obtaining Le
met of the IwiLl•tur• author., ag 11.
We see no neo•eelty for any Leglsl.tive
enation. The council undoubtedly hes
seniority to use a bylaw for the Imuo of
Mbeetures for any purpose ',Belo the
j.nedaotlee e1 the &mewtl, though u the
debt pro owed to be created hole would ex -
toed over • term of veers the bylaw would,
e1 coarse, have to be mbmltted to and .p•
proved by t5e ratepayers. The plumes
bur• le quite within the jartedlotlon of the
bh it 1s
o Use Beit wh
mull, sync though
belt/Dee to pay may have beim Irruulerly
et tll.yelly so°erred, as to which, of course,
es give no ooinloo. The somewhat recent
ere of Fitzgerald ve. Yoleone Bank lays It
down distinctly that • municipality may
with the concent of the r•tepeyere raise
eotey by debentures t0 repay money uo.
lawfully borrowed whets the original expen-
dl'nre, although not Included to the este
mates, ere for purports w Ithle the jorbdie-
Wet oI the corporation, u this oeriatnly
Ina We would, therefore, advise tb•t the
ousel] can use the bylaw proposed 11 tbe
ratepayers approv..
"We .nolo.. Mr. W Ill I•m.00'u sta.s eat,
"Yours truly.
"1)Y'KINoole eft Oattttow."
A further oommeotoatlo. from Ie N.
Luis to regard be the .eweroonoeetion
shish he desires was sent to the Public
woke cemmities.
The r000aot of the Paok•rd Electric Co ,
fie. Catharines, 1126, for two transformers.
was referred M the finance oommotee e. Leo
A ears ars the t;eastlNllee.
Some remealee our* this distressing oom •
Idol to • day, some 1n a month. hot Nu-
trient' Dever little to ours 10 • few mitotic
Just no drops of Nervtline to sweetened
water—tl.t'-'. enough and away goes the
dysentery, cured W Stay cured. Nwvdlne
also owes cramps. oolia,paln to the stomach,
and sick headache. It hes five times the
strength and curative properties of ordinary
remedies, and should be In .yery bonseholo.
(letter boy • 253. bottle cad try 1t. Nor
is •11 right.
Hamilton's Pills for the liter.
MONDAY, May 52'-5.
Mts. Urn Weston hasparoba•ed a wheel,
Hen. Elliott, of Clinton, spent Sooday at
The little eon of Wm. '1'lohhorns got b s
arm broken last week.
Mise Nell McDougall. of Kgmondvele, i.
vett ng et Wm. Elliott's.
Joe. Shaw hes commennd dressing stone
for Henry Young's tow biro.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morpby, of Clinton,
home o Jns. .r
spent, Monday at the r
Son. Thompson, n1 the Bayfield Iio.,
spent Sunday as ills Rout e1 hie friend,
Joo Beacom.
Manhood .nflrau voters owe their rish
le vote to the Liberal Government. Mao
boo] suffrage in this province was carried
by the Liberals in the Noe of t►e stronger,
from the Conservatives. Th
yowler men should keep e f.ot In min
when they oast their votes. All the pro
grass that has teen made In leglelature 1
recent years stones to the credit o1 th
Liberal Uoveremeet.
Wloghem: Nr. and Mrs. Allem Wilson,
moved to Chatham last week.
W aut
ghem : Ceadustor t, rk moved lest
week lie hs rsldom& be reoeatly purchased
'rum V 11. Sperling.
Wlo`ham: Mr. Malvin and fatally left
oa hrlday art lase week fur Detroit, where
they Intend to reside.
W logk.w Y
: ettlaed Mo1)uuald left for
Portage 1a Prairie, where he has.o.epted •
sltuaeioa a. operator.
Hallett : Geo. Farquhar, of the '5 5 tone,
hes bought the well kuowa Binge lam from
Sir. Atohlbeld, of Se•fortb-
)ell: Joee5b Armen is taking inform
ed bo:vl•ys, caused by Ws lose lel • finger
nal, while playing base ball.
Han►•H: kers. (Dr.) Stewart, of Battle
('reek, MIMI., is visiting reletivee and
friends io H.oeall end violent,.
Gll•too : The old Rattaobury street
March a now being used by D. McCue vie
tor maeulacturtog 5'. fenumg mills.
Brunel: Earl, Thursday morning of lot
week, James F:. Thompsou died at the mai-
dens, of Aaron Lindsey, to this plane.
Seefortb: Thos. Levy hem purubusd a
handsome pair of matohs-1 grey■ from Cose
per Wolper, of Zoriob, ter which he paid
Exeter : Then dist to t'eboros township,
near Easter, on Friday, Noy 9th, Albert
E. Johnston, aged teety seven years and
six month/.
Meadow, MGT ld'b, In the 66:0 year of her
age. ►1re. Catlin' is • oe:the c1 toe (lily
el YO'*. Ragland, and came to C.nada
many.years ago, emelt • resident of CI a w.
sums tbirey•two year..
Cholera : Stow the ret.rem.ot sl W. N.
Maoo'.g at titmice's common .t the fir•
tory we uuder.,aod that W. Knee, who
has been tee 'Matsui bookkeeper, has to
Weed th• appotutmeot and W. Seee001.0
has oleo been premiered is his dotles. Jae.
Doherty bete j deed the office staff Tee
employs o0 1 vote decided tb.t t eetoaleg
tee lit of June Saturday afteroom will be
taken as a holiday until the last of Ausast.
li.yfielu . Uu S.turday, April 26, at the
home of Ml. daurheer, Nr* Kll'ott, wife of
Key. Joe F% hint, of Naris, there paced
away qu fitly one of b.yfielet'e oldest ren-
deots, in the person of Juba Ewa. at
eighty-one yeare of age. About two year*
ago the plass to wbluh he tlually .ueuamb-
.d made its appearance, which seemed to be
an.a.0tIoo of the cony' voters of the
Malt. His loud name very quietly. being
battened by • stroke of paralyses. Of good
business 5.511., he was for many years •
promtout figure In business and municipal
1t1e. Fur • number of year, ha was clerk
of Stanley, 100 later were of Bayfield, and
in polities was me ardent Liberal.
Seaforth : Samuel Dlcksoa has pureha,ed
the vaoent let on Mato t, between the
p..ieff fie block and the old creamery, (tom
K. C. Celem.o.
'1uskeremlth : Thos. Sblllingl•w met
whb • patoful aoideot one night lesently ;
b•vlog stepped on • fruty board he fell,
breakoog 5(5 arm. 1
Exeter : Wee Mary Clark arrived en
Tuesday of lase week from Sin Francisco,
and will spend some time with her sister,
Mr*. M. J. White.
Godericb towacbip : Rich. Baker has sold
hie farm, lot 24, ono. 15,Goderloh township,
contain:mg 100 acne, for the sum of about
15.000 to Roland Jeoklne.
Grey : 'thee. Learmool, who hu been
•w.y from G lar the poi twenty-seven
years, has arriv book from California and
la yas.lins 00 Ise 4:5 con,
W Ir lam : Ise or Pel.} paid an ole
g sY
ficial visit to 55 night= the other day, the
result bring that s'o'y hotel keeper on that
town was fined 1120 and coats
T'uokersmith : After • protracted Illness,
oaneed by oancer, Wm. Ludlow, ooe of the
pioneers of the toworblp, peered swap o0
Monday morning of last week.
Seaforth : The bazaar held by the Ladles'
timid of St. Thomas church, on Wednesday
of last week, was a goof suooeus, nearly 170
beloq rased for the sale of work.
li.ytield : Muter Wittier Erwin bed the
onsfortuoe to hove his leg broken above the
knee, on Monday evening of last week,
while ployiog with some more boys.
1 Brussels: somebody, with no small
amount of eerie, gained an entrance into
the American Hoist, ung Dight I..t week
and the till was rifled of about 15 00.
Sealortb • Wm D,II's little boy had the
mleforluoe to bunt hie arm the other day.
this is the second accident of the kind the
little fellow has Lal wuthla a few weeks,
Hayfield : H. D•rrat, who so otsco.alully
ran the Queen's Hotel the past veer is try -
log to hay the Commercial from R. Batley,
and take out six months license for the gum
('eotoo : 1)r. i}elden's eldest goo, a grand-
son of Mayor Jeekeoo, had the mesh rine'
while playing with 515 little brother at
their home In Toronto, to la'I sod break his
arm In two plane..
Moms: The 100 acre farm of Robl
Tboell, lot 18, 6.h ler. has bun bought by
Joseph Smith jr., at 13500. The tareh•
aver will get possusion after Mr. Tbuell
hutment We year's crop.
Clinton: Wee Ends Downer, of town,
who 1s attending the Cornwall Geoersl
Hospital, has not ouly„p.se.d her ex.mina
(ion there, but has also woo the Dr. Hamtl
too Medal fu; general proficiency.
Bruce6eld : O. Wednesday evooine the
14th loot„ a very bappy event took place,
when Mies Ella, eldest daughter o, Mr.
Hugh McGregor, was united In marriage W
• the br.d1's res
John Mcl:owan t ,
n Stanley.
Gorse : Reuben Russel and bride are
spendlog (.5dr.hoceymoon in town with his
tether, Wm Russell, For some years Mr
Kassel has bun a station agent on the male
hoe or the C. 1' R., and recently was sin
tvo0e4 In British Columbia.
Brussels L hush Williams, a well known
resident of Hr,seele, celebrated his seventy•
seventh birthday last week. He is enj y -
Ing a goodly measure of health and is en.
gaged drivlog the stage 5o Seaforth almost
*Tory day with len Majesty's mall.
Blyth : J. I;. Mover took a walk up town
Monday afternoon last week for the first
time store 5t* accident about • mantis ago
hs injured shoulder and Obis ate mending
Slowly and merely It will be several
weeks yet before he will be at le to do any
Smforth : A handsome memorial window
1n memory of the late T. O. Kemp, was an
veiled 10 St. Thomas' *burob on Sunday
at the monitor axvloe. The fonts for the
window were ridged by the Suodsy ,ohool
children and by Mr. Kemp's old employees
at the mill.
Morrie : We are sorry to record I he de-
cease of Mme Minnie, daughter of (lee.
Kelly, 8:11 lino, whloh sad ,cant occurred
on Tbored•y morning, 8:5 inst. Deoaaued
had been III for some menthe, the ailment
being pernicious anaemia. She was about
twenty year of ate.
Seaforth : D. U. Wilson le still unable to
return home from Toronto, bet it Is expect
ed that In the cream of a few days he will
have reooversd .afholently W .01111 him to
make the journey. Mrs. D. D. Wilms
want to Toronto oe Tue.day of last week to
welt en Mr. Wilson.
Large Arrivals of Spring Goods
Have Been Placed in
bir ealn of Fencing and Fending Material this year is unprecedented.
Barb Wire with us Still $2.85.
IVa have tho very boat of No. 9 Coiled Steel Wire. We got ours direct
from 'he wire mils in Cleveland. Perhaps you didn't know of a difference.
A new Woven Fence made upright and lateral wires, all No. 9 steel wire
162 come, and is, u the name implies, an ideal Fence. Come and see it.
Y'san;ovo you almost any kind of fence you want, and all good. AMER!.
CAN, IDEAL, FROST and OEM, four complete fences.
Hfigh .rid RA K EN. HOUSE PAINT, inside and out. The best of them
111, the Ilollyrnod snake, more luting, better finish and guaranteed to give
i;LEPHANT PURE WRITE LEAD and the lest of Linseed Ofl.
µe can please you on your Hardware requirements.
♦ureal Beetles et (kes Dederick elstriet
W. M. *. at,seaf•rtk.
The twelfth annual 000yention of the
Wornene Mtulonary Society of the Gode-
rtob district of We Meitbodlet church, am
ssmb'ed in she Seeforth 51.15,4:.; church,
ere Tumday 13.5 toss„ with Mrs. Le•eh,
decrial orgu test, preatding. Atter de-
votional exsreeses, the tre,auree'1 report,
'Wish showed an expeoditllre of 58 20 from
May 31. 1901, and • balance oo baud of
52.83 was read and adopted. Words of
'relearns were heartily given by Mrs. Wall -
win, Soafurlb, and • Imitable reply mad• by
Mrs. Waleson, of Varna. To the roll sell
of auxiliaries and band, 9 .urtliartee re-
ported, there using, bowerer. no report
from Auburn and Bruuefi•Id. These re-
pute were all very encouraging. Nearly
all the sometime followed tee suggested pto
gram in their aleettsgs, and find it a great
help. S 1 et Lb. .00111101 Doted an in -
moue la membership. The !;aster offerings
were all very liberal. A goodly cumber of
Outlooks are Moog t.kan. The M aeon
Baud reports were fro.n Oederich. Sealorth
and Holmesyille and were alto very en
couragmg, Segtorih Ming the b•nuer band
with 132 members. Rev. Mr. Hussar, the
the only gentleman present, gave • tow
words before the close of the moraing see -
. loo.
The promise mutton was the first order
on the afternoon meeting, which 0041 both
help'ul and in.piring. Mrs. Hussar o00
ducted a B We reading, to which she repro
sen'e1 the Bible as a mirror which always
tells us the whole truth, Thos en•bl fig us
to see oursolve@ as we really arr.
The 000secrat.on service was led Sy Mrs
Hatt, who apothem. • few Terme found In 2
Lor. 6 ; ooe u mairl tbouihe b. lug that ate
more koowledge of chyme (hinge that we
learn on mirth, the greater d.ffereme It
wJl make to us In heaven.
Mrs Toeog, of llivtb, gave an excellent
addrer■ oo work to J•p.o...
Mr. l;,ffotd gar• • very eppreclative
5ap'r on Woebt of the Kseter thank offer•
tog. She emphae zed 15e fact that we most
not considerler thank-t.ff.nng es • part of
cur tenth nicety, but it mutt Le • free will
offeringynus aside from that11 tto Rift
is grudgingly given the receiver may be
blessed. but not so the giver. The amount
of the s:.oter offering raised lest year was
Toe suhject "Reflex left recce of Missiun
•ry Work" was to have been given an •
paper L.y Mrs. MoG,bfcuddy, of Godertob,
but having mislaid her manuaorpt Ilse Rees
• abort addreel fennel. The next Item
was the Promoted Member.. Mrs. Mo
Utlhcu ldy spoke feelingly nt the departed
Godartoh ustsr,Nrs Codord and Mrs. Tot-
'urter, the former Tieing .n 14,11 president.
In the person of Mrs. Elford, of Holmes
Title, we hate lost a valuable helper and
energetic worker. Her zeal for the mission.
any cause was very great. The quarterly tea
and sewing olrole had been •rraoged for to
meet .t her home on the very day on which
the muter eammoned her home. She bas
left • vacant pace in all kinds of Christian
work'wbloh Ib seems inspos•ible to611. Two
other promoted men.b,rs wer• spoken of,
Mn. Reid and Mrs. Hammond, both ot,
whom were Interested in thin great work.
Mug Mdlough gave • most interesting
and instructive addrees oo lem000ese work,
explalciioe marry pointe of Interest.
We. Leech was unanimously eluted as
d t'rlet orgoole •r.
1 be evening meeting was presided over
by Rev. Mr. Wallet's. Mrs. McMechan, of
London, took ohauge of the question drawer.
and •ftetwsrds gave the address of tbe
eyenlog. She nod tli.t sincere and .onset
workers are In great demand ler missionary
work In foreign fields ; tb• needs are gnat,
bet the wbrkers few. 'rh• meeting closed
es eh the benediction. The oolleotlon•
amouaWd to $5.04.
Nonce.--Tbe lout agenoy In Dungannon
for Tile BtoOAI. Is at the office of J. O. Ward,
.1. P., oonv.yancer. Le.. who will reoelve
orders for subecrip'Ione, advertising and lob
work. and U authorized to give receipts for
amounts paid for the same.
-- TUESDAY, Sky 13 h
PRR90;IAL.—Oa Sitnrd•y tbe 10th lose.,
Mester Wm. Crawford, .on of onr esteemed
and popular general mercb.ot, 1}. J. Craw
ford, left tor Toronto, where he has anooael-
sd lO obtaining a good position in the whole.
gale dry goods establishment of 15. R.
B:ock and Co. Av he is olevrr and etude.
"A11 is not gold that
Shoe finish covers up
shoe value, and throws
Meafor b : Rev Walter Remit, B. A r°
T cic upon n shoe
d. Po
The Nlalters' price on
the sole, *rats his res-
ponsibility for what is
under the finish in - -
"The Slater Shoe"
event/Mist, rt
will beret an .4.51 online
of }Bible teeohew, at ieefortb, on "The
work of the Holy Spirit le the heart and life
of the Christian " 1. will be "a lout el fat
alum,a lout of wine oe the 1eee}. o1 fat
Wogs full of marrow, of wines on tbileee
well refined."
lliawls : On tbe eve of his departore for
Routh Africa, Georges McCullough, • wets
keown Londoner, and • former resident el
Hides.., Mlnr a eon of Mrs. W. M. Mo-
Co'lnogh, wet the recipient of • neatly
worded •edema sod • well filled puree.
siren by his fellow employees of the elo
('try elfg. Co.
McKillop : The many (Heeds to this
celgbborltood will eympath'es with M11011
McMillan, formerly of MrKdlnp, but now
of Gagetown. Mlohlgan, In the death of Me
sen, i.,nshlho. Thesad event took plane •
Rt. Mary's horpl(sl, at Khlnlander, N Icon
sin, on Tuesday, the 16'h lost Thn cense
of death was an a.;5t• •ttaok of Irfl.mwa-
tory rheumatism.
Exeter : The many friends of Mn. Jack
eon, wee of the Rey. George Jackson, for
merely of ,Lmemst. Mett'odtet ohorch here,
will regret to barn that shots ctillSnffertog
from • broken ankle sustained teat 1a11
She has bun reoeetly moving Keened on
metchere bat we are Intermed that symp
toms of bleed-pi.nelor 5100 developed and
that bad oeasrquanoee may follow.
elision' The name of Mrs. Cortina le gen
orally known In (Alston. She bad been a
great sufferer for many years, and aver eine.
tho death of her hr*+Med, the (.te Gimlet
Guiles, .boat two years ago, she hail lived
with frt.nde, her lett residence being et aha
Mimes Whltely',s Heron Menet. For tome
Nee lately elm suB.reA Intensely, hnt bore
her sf1l'etlne with Christina rselp•tlne and
paned poaclfslly sway oa her birthday,
10 Uric Acid In the blood.
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acid being
there. If the kldneyeaeted
aa they should the would
strain the Uric they
of the eystenn and rheuma-
tism wouldn't occur. Rheu-
matism is • Kidney Die-
men. Dodd's Kidney Nis
Imre inside a great pan e(
their reputation cu
Rheumatism. Sts get at
the Geese of those fearful
shooting pains and stiff,
aching joints. There hs
but one ours way—
we have no doubt of his wooese. He will
be mann mewed 1e the family and by the
youcg people, with whom he w
fayonte as • Vela
Mrs. l5Rcme'1 mother, Mrt
?tato, of Tweed, who ►u been on a •lett to
her sister, Mn, Abyah Reid, and tamp►.
A.bfield, for some 'lime returned with her
d•urbter and sow, ln•Iaw, Mn. aou Mr.
Ritchie, to Wlogham on her way home to
INTLL'MLNT.-00 Monday, 12th inst., the
remains of the late Robert Htaoox, who
died at hie residences, io'l'ewwater on last
Friday atter a few dry. illness from disease
o1 the kidneys, were Interred in the family
plot to Dungannoo semstery, be ne...totted
15115.r by • large cortege of nl•t'ye. 1001
friend., from T.„ew•ter, Luoksow and
Daingsanuu, Rev. Mr, Kat:, of Tuawatsr,
wleted by lie►. T. McNair, oo0duoted the
solemn °becautes. The pall Dearer. were
flue sous Harty, Bert and Jeremiah, two
e ons -:n taw. Mr. fowler, of Teaswater, and
Wm. Sproule, oI Duogancon, and 5t* grand
ono, Hen Fowler.. The deoeae 0, who had
teaohed the age ot eighty-two years, wee
h ighly reopened and esteemed as a rood
and amiable cit:.mm by all who knew hes.
and Walla coneletent and zealous member ot
the Methodist ohorch for • greet many
years. The bereaved relatives have the sip
care sympathy of their acquaintances In the
beresymeot. Mr. [Duos was a residant
et Donean000 frr many year. preders to
locating with hM family In Teeswater, and
a large number of the cit.zens of Dungannon
and tic n ly were included to the cortege..
Inettyrar Welted"
Nin. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agest.
Jordan Mc K I M' S
A Corset Event.
W • mound 220 pain of a manufacturer's fob of hew Corset*. They u• shore Boob, fedi
Maw, made of good teen, with fauoy .ateea strapping, filled with ribs
and aide staple, nicely trimmed with laou, good value you would soy at 39c,
60o, we got • bergaln no that we will ses11 them at.
Coronation Corsets.
VoU oao't weer tie new style of skirt I Nes hay° now some short road. of ►rlmsaleg
without. • palr 01 tame. 'There's a demand whlob we make up lets No nurses style of
for these, and they won made to most le. Rat* at • 5alf of their regular prise, if
Straight front, abort watt, with lung hip. poi want te erten your own has we k*vs
i12 00 Blank Mklrt• for St 26. leathern, dowers, oto., a1 • very low prise.
Cls /, J You 0101 a Sat and you want nae for that boy, and you caws
othing iflg depend•bla up -to d.0 good., loll you 400 0 0101 to pay t•o mach
fog them. W. have the article you aro looking for, and at • lose
price (ban you expect to pay.
MHN'S PURE WORSTED SUITS —Good farmer's sable fining and mohair sleeve.
well made, good fitters, and the pries is not 1110.00 but 197.00
BUYS' SUITS.— W• have some speolel vales .t 52.00, and othere op to 1600, sed
all at • clews saving of from 50o each up W $2 00.
Solid Rubber and Pneumatic
Tires for Cycks. Autos and
Let to tell you how Iittte it
costs to get the best — by
letter and catalogue.
'Fv►nera\ 1)Vree0l.OY xa&
IV.uroa\mer a .
enders earereity attended ee ae all
eller% alike or day.
tseetbee *tenet.
and nervousness are often the
result of hurried meals.
stimulates and tones the digest-
ive organa enabling the stomach
to digest perfectly.
Those who suffer will find
Abbeys Salt a perfect corrective
of 511 stomach disorders. Dys-
pepsia cannot be cured by doe -
toting the effect. Abbeys Salt
removes the causeslir*
by enabling
the stomach to do its work pro-
perly.—A mild laxative.
At all druggists.
THR 111t41T
Scranton Hard Coal
Al Cool weighed on the Market Scales
when you get M00 IM. for • ton.
Orders left at /XS A 88EPILLRD'B
Store promptly attended te.
How Each $100 Was Spent in 1901.
Ont of every 2100 of revenue the Province spent :—
About 1119 96 of it was spent for Education.
" 20 62 " Maintenance Public Institutions.
6 32 14
I'ublic Works and Buildings.
" 10 30 11 Administration of Justice.
" 4 93 1. Railway Aid and Annuities.
" 5 20 " Agriculture.
" 4 76 " Hospitals and Charities.
" 6 96 11
Civil Government.
11 3 32 0 Legislation.
" 3 43 0 Colonization Reads.
4 43 Charges Crown Lands.
2 27 11 Repairs to Pul,iic Buildings.
14 0 12 immigration.
11 6 30 Miscellaneous Expenditure.
1 Oh II Drainage Debentures, ete.
West -St. Bakery.
Notioe of changes must be left at this
OtHoe not Liter than Saturday
noon. The Copy for chimpss
moat be left not le ter than Mon.
day noon. Casual Advertisements
accepted no to not n Wednesday of
eaob week.
I Bought h vo
D. C
a out AN-
TELON'S Baking business, and
will keep on hand bread made from
the best Manitoba flour that can be
I am introducing all kinds of bread
Vienna Bread
Whole Wheat Bread
Graham Bread
Malt Bread
Currant Bread
Steam and Cream Loaves
and will make a specialty of
Pure Home-made Bread
This bread is made from hops and
malt yeast, which is pronounced, by
the medical health officers of Paris
and Old London, Eng., as the most
wholesome hreacl, and they condemn
the forced -raising -yeast process that is
used by bakers in factories aa being
unwholesome and indigestible.
The Kensington
Furniture Co.—
1 hay. rece.ved my New Stool of
Suitings, Trouserings,
etc., for Spring and
Summer Wear.
1f you are getting a new spring esti,
a light overcoat, or anything in my Ilea,
1 oan please you in goods, tit and price.
tOieady•Nade t't.tkaag In sleek.
H. DUNLOP, ;.«
Mck71ep Nrtsal; Fire Irnlrvoe Ce.
1 iV
luc Of Property lasure 1 op (0 J&c. r ,
urn cxnd AND DIItzur01 e.
J H. McLean, peas : T. rraeer sloe -
w tes. t
Jas. Connolly, D. Dale. W. O. Bmamdftet, J.
Watt, Jas. Evens, J. el. Grieve, J. Iteea•wela,
directors, W. re Bnadfo et, Oootorth. In•tseo-
tor of loses ; T. E. Hays, Beatorth, s.oreary•
J W. Yeo. Holmesville; James Cumml
ICgniondvllle , R. McMillen, Se•forth; R
Srulth, Ilarlook.
Policy holders can pay asaeeem.nts and get
their o•rde rea•Ipted at Mr. coati. Clinton. or
•t McLean Brum' Palace Clothing Store, Gods
Mail agents for th.ir 1h,. of Foroiture
for Goderlah.
This oelebrated, up-to-date Hee of
Bedroom Naltee has taken the trade
of Gto•da (y storm. The demand
for goods from ooe end of the
°wintry to the other Is the hint
Proof of the quality of the article.
The Ken•InggtonR • tall Store
1e on the elquare.
keep' constantly on hand and
sell' at 1110 lowest prices
Hard and Soft Coal,
Cannel Coal,
Blacksmith Coal
Charcoal, Wood,
St. Mary's Lime.
The beet brands of
Portland Gement,
Sewer Pipe
Firebrick, Fireclay.
It will pay you to inspect his
stock and get prices before purchasing.
Omou cad Yards at the h*da of Nelson Street.
of all
Eavestrou hing,
Metal Roofing and
Dairy Tinware,
Iron Pipe and
Fittings , g
A Great Snap.
is our Ulnen Soap, at 6o, a
peeved, at which waled' • barrel • week.
Thre Isn't our only snap, as we carry
• verythlog that oan be found In an un
to date grooery sure, and our pylons
are right. The farmers know that they
oan always get from us • snap for thele
produce. We draw the line at no
legitimate trade -- everything go.. i
(11 tinware or potatoes, garden stuff or
oholoset able China. We deal to all
of them.
Bedford bleak. Gd+rlob
We give one away with each pound of Pure ('.ream Baking
Powder purchased from ria 50e a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea—not a medicine, hut a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. i)olicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have $
full_al4t. rtment.
Telephone No. 91.
ST 7 'Y ' cos
THE (,IROOs1<8.