The Signal, 1902-5-15, Page 108 Torresnar, May 15, 11101. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO. SUMMER. GOODS OF EVERY KIND Can be found here -all the new things for sum- mer, 1902. Our prices are right on the bottom. The best values we have ever shown. NEW MUSLINS. Ilalidaoute black fancy muslin, fast oolor, rich silk effects... 20c, 25c, 3oc New linen colored Muslin, in spots and fancy patterns.... 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c White embroidered Organdie Muslin, in new pattern, at... 35c Satin atripeOrgandie Mus! ins,in black, pink and blue, special at _'5c, 35c NEW WHITE WAISTS. Buttoned down the back, stylish embroidered fronts $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 Special white Waist, trimmed with embroidery and tucking, regular $1.00, for 75c MILLINERY. Trimmed Hata. Ready-to-wear Hats, Sailor lists Children's Millinery. HOSIERY and GLOVES. Latest polka dot red cotton Hos- iery for children 20c, 25c Black and white polka dot lions, new wool sole, cotton hose, for lather, the most comfortable stocking on the market, at , , 25c NEW LACES and VEILINGIS. Handsome black, cream and white Applique Laces. New wide Insertions, in black and white, Raw Embroideries. MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING. Summer shades, 1.1. at shapes, best values. Come and com- pare our prices and styles. New Shirts. New Underwear, New lists. New Ties. Coupons on all Cash Purchases ! CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. BISHOP MCEVAY'S VISIT. COMING AND GOING Large t..grtgatls.e al el Peter's Church en • The coogrega tun of Ste Peter'• ohurob bad Ibe Pleasure os Sunday of • vale from His lordship Bu►op McI vy, of London. Hach interest was manifested In the mer- Yin" rvines of the day, cad the large ooagrer•- eess Included may from the other dens tattoos of the town. The church looked very pretty, the &hare being decorated with a prelaato* of handsome plaate. The firs. e.tyloe was at 8 o'oleek, when saes was celebrated by His Lordship. The singing was by the oohhrmatlon elan of aye and Iirls. Al 10 o'ulook bleb mass was celebrated ler Rey. Father West, .ad the Bishop ad s:oleterd the rite of cootrmatlon to • oboe of thirteen boy pod seven glrle, first addressing teem and pointing out the sig• D ilater" of the sacred me. The Orli w.re.11 d•Iatlly attired la white drama, with white •etla and wreaths on their heads. His Honor Judge Moyle was .poo• esrfor the boys, sod Mrs. Royle for the gale. Alter the aeronomy to else. was & talo.ddreseed by the Bishop, who asked them to make certain r•solultes regarding their Is hese. The ant Was, tint • tt tb• y would sot drink •o Ir e y bloxle�tmg 1 too! until they had resoled the age of ewesty• one years. Thee resolution they took is wadi repeated after the Bebop. H. also warned than especially against aw.armr sod blaspheming and teillog untruths. H• then addressed the parents and elder mem- bers of the oeogr.gatle, Impressing upon than their duty to the children and to the abash. In to &flerneon the Bishop visited the Separate Sohool ono add:saed the children Many o1 the parrots also were present. At vesper, Bishop MoK►y g•v• an ad doses upon his trip to flee Hely Las&, Is was an Interesting oarr&tive, told In a elm p1., direct style. whl.b carried his hearers with him through the j to the plates of .acrd memory to tbe land of Palestine. He spoke of many places of histone Interest w►tnh he had •bind, of many sacred cellos wblob he had seen, dw•Iliog upon their Bible history, with the names of sainted persoos and with the lite of Our Lord Him self. He considered 11 • reproach 10 Christendom the the tomb of Our Lerd should be under the control of the Mobs.• module : and aid that we should lei In Del that we live In such s happy land as Caserta, wase everyone ea practise his "wn rellgloo without interference. Rev. Father McCormick, of Cambridge, eeeduoted beloodlotloo. Roth at high mass acd In the evening the choir Rave an elaborate mus'eal service In se •oeeplabI. manner. Rl.bop M. Easy left for London oo the •trly info Woodsy morning. NILE. Trganar, May. 13th. The snot al tea messing will be he d May 23rd at Nile, tea from 6 to 8 r. w. Anita' ltd pro.rem h In oars. of preparatior. Invited .1 eskers are Rev. J. Ham Bolms.vllle; the Rey. Mr. Whaley, of 8t Helene, sod Rev. Mr, Whiting, o1 Mitchell K mations by noted eloeatlopI•te, mato by orchestra, choir and others. Let sone OMB/ the trot. Admission 2.5 Dents. C. B. Hale, of Clinton, was in town on Friday. Frank Hovey, of Clinton, was 1s tows a Tuesday. Mrs. (leo. Andrews Is visiting relatives a1 Brampton Dudley Holmes was home from Wiogbam over Sunday. Jos. Doyle• of Nlnvham, spent Sunday at the pirate' bone. Little Mies Lena Holme•, of ('Itnlor, U visiting Miss N•:I:e Harrle, W,ll. Test edt. left on Saturday for Pres- ton, where h. has • situation. Fr•ok Mclean, of Stratford, spent • few days a1 the old hom.c last week. Ccs.. McGregor spent lost week In Olio - ton vlrttiog h • sister, Mrs. Wilson. Mr and Mrs, W. A. Harrison are eleitirg their daughter, him lllr.) Gordon, at Look• now. Peter Mutat has returned home from Manitoba and will be to tow.) for • few weeks. Herb Dandson left Thursday morning. SKALED TENDRILS ADDRS98ID TO the nodereignd, and endorsed "Tender for ftupplytag C,oal for the Dominion Build- ings.' will he received at this oMee until Tuesday, and June. 11101, loelualvely. for the simply of Cool for the Publio Buildings throughout the Dominion. Combined epeolecnt.on and form of tender o•n be obtained oo application at this "lire Persons tendering are notlld that tendon will not be con.inered alas made un the Drirted form supplied, and signed with their actual signatures. Lich tender moat be a000mpaeld by an accepted cheque on • ohatered bank, merle ppasy)able to the order of the H000ursbla the Minister of Public Work., equal to ten ppecr. cent or amount of tender. whl:h will be for fend if the party decline to enter tato • 000 trot wne.o called upon to do so. or if ns tail to complete the work contracted for. 1f the tender be not accepted the cheque will be re- turned. The Impartment does not bind itself to se- cept the lowest or en) tender. By Order. FRIED OILINAB. Secretary. Depart tbentof Public Werke. Ottawa, rod Ma), llt2 Newspapers inserting this advertisement without authority trot. the Department will not be paid for It. RNYNASI>;CORNELL UNDERTA ERSI EMBALMERS, Etans_ West side of &iMre, OODERICH, - ONT. Night rails promptly answered. Wall Paper per sir. Oesl(rage, to take • position Is Detroit. R. logits, of the Bulk ut Mootr.al, bas been translated to Toronto and left ler the elty lass week. Mr.. kits. Jessie 8banoo• left o. 8at- urday to spend • week or two with treads at Woodstock. Chas. W. Boll has returned home from Ctlato' ad In thinking about trying his fortune la the West. Rev. ter. MoLed, of Ripley, and Ree. Mr. biota/into, of l.ucknow, paid • abort •lit to Dr. J, M. McLeod last week. Mrs. P. '1. Hells sod moo, Keats, a000m paled by Mas. Janie Halls, left yesterday afternoon for Exeter. 11 le probable Mrs. Halle will make Master her future home. It Holmes, M 1'., was la town this weak. He is through with 1h• work of the ammo at Ottawa and is 000 *station to the Llberd oempaign for the Legalist ore. D. Holmes, of Lsemlogtoo, .pane • few days with his daughter, Lite. Jame. Robin eon, the past week Scree r. ittug from h's poeitlon as oo0duotor ou the G. T. R , Mr. Holmes bas engaged to fruit farming sod Sods the patina most congenial. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. VP Tale Dar -Don't forges the drat anal shoot a.d memo of the Ooderich Township R 11e Assocat.00 on May 24 A splendid program I. being assorted for the afternoon, to commence .bout 2 o'clock and a really good time 1s aottoipated. Col. Peters, Irom Londuo, and 1 officers of the 33rd Regiment, will deliver addressee. Everybody bong well filled baskets. Teets for ins seretog of eatables will be treated oo the gtouod. Target shooltos from 9 5.5t till noon. FAREWELL BANQUET. I v. J. N. Turnbull neared by ate grenade ea Friday Oahe. U• Friday wooing Dr. J. M. Turnbull was t hs guest of honor at • capper held by the yoaog men at Blackstone s par - lore. About thirty file of the l),otor's fr ends were pressor, and afore the evening wea over he was made the recipient of a handsome gold °halo and locket in token of their regard for him. The chair was occupied by W. C.' Goode, pod •t hie right hand was the guest of the e yening, in his L'eutanant'e uniform, L' Col. Vara' end Capt. B. D. Grant also were In uniform. J. D. U'Conooll uooapied the vine-ohatr. After due attentioo bad b..s paid to the excellent spread prodded by thts host, the chairman roes sod ve.io.d th• feelings of regret which po d the whole r°mpaoy m view o1 Dr. Turobuli's Intended depire- urs from town. Still, they hkad the spot to wbtob he was venturing forth upon new 11.Id., pod they oo. and ail wished him the but of fortune :a his future life. The obatrman then took up the tout list and proposed '-The Kite." . which was re• w inded to by the staging of "God Save the K.np." The tout of "Oar (.nest" was nut hon- ored, and the ohdrmao called upon W. W. Macvlcar and R. J. Acheson, who reso.ct• testy read the following address and made tb• prse.otatloo to Dr. Turnbull : Gd.rlob, Oat , May 90b, 1902. Mr, J M. Turnbull. Dgaa Docroo -Wo have :.coed with much that you intend leaving cur town to .eek a fresh field in the wild, woolly and wealthy West. Sumo you came among ue stout .even ye.r. ago we hat• been much asaoo:ated with ycu in bo.tn,re and to social .ff.iro, sod, without soy de - are to lay on th• taffy too thick, ws are able to .ay that in all things you Lave merited our confidence, respect .ad Irwd- . alp. We have learned to inti yes M • man and • trtend, and the p1... you are about to leave mane in our o!tole will not easily bs filled. t1. trust that when far away your many Mende In Go0erich will .till have • place i0 your memory, as you w,ll certainly have la thein r Forget no: that fair matches, weep, and more than one Tomtit treads • baiter path for your trek towards the told of the western sun. Is everything you dselt• we wish yon Keep Your Feet � 1 1 alarm . it Night A Plot Water Bottle--• WILL DG,rr. We Have Them KROH THIi TO i11APINT TIM MIT. F. N. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGI.S r. Corner of West et. and the Square. pro, pally, and we ehn.'d be plead to iota you soon rotors 'o our tows -don't oon e en toot. 11 look's &Retest you sell your ye is and buy a ticket. and 11, at we expect, yeti become the Cecil Rhodes of the C•nad..t West. oome to all your glory, with a assent trios and • braes brad -oyes thea you'll be weloome. Finally, brother, • word or two of adv'ore Ever remember thee is the enterprising oo• g lop towards whish you hate ret your Nee, opiatessare often .xpres.d with • met alibi Isei.t.noe to which this Province Is • sass. g er. It anything goon wrong with 'hi STRACHAN'S MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP -AT THE OLD STAND- Vic'oria Street, Goderich JAS. A. STRACHAN has taken over the plant and boldness awl s,00s..fully for so many year* by hie loth«, the late I) K. '('Rohan, and 'steads refitting the shop In the most up.to date man. nor possible. He will make a sp.olalty of all kende of repair100, Saab e. Threshersand Engines, Binders, Mowers. and all kinds of Farm- ers' Implements. Mill Machinery, Marine, Sta- tionary and Portable Engines thoroughly overhauled and re- paired. Pipe and Steam Fitting. Machjneand Blacksmith Work of all kinds done to order. All the specialties manufactur- es+ by the late D. K. Strachan will stilt be mads --ren -the prem. ises. Call or writ• for partlesl•ts. as. A. Sitadhan MACHINIST AND BLACKSMITH BEST $2.00 SHOES, TOO ! 0' rate ').J F. have said a groat deal lately about our two most famous lines of 1/ Shoes, the WALK -OVER for Men, and the QUEEN QUALITY for Women. But we do not wish you to overlook the fact that we also. rile best $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 lines that money can buy. Below we give you some idea of our sterling values : Moo's Dpi iNf lfez Calf Rale, medivat wofybt sole, extension edgs,MoKay sews or $2.00 rlyated, all elz a, et per pair $ 00 Yeo'• Kix Cell Bale, extra heavy extension sole, same tee, ferny punch �A vamp, per pair, only . $2.50 Men'. D.-nrola nr Box ('elf Bale, Goodyear well, belay astasias solo, rope stllob, latest style.,any else, at....r=:-.7_-:::1 $2.75 and $3.00 In Men's Heavy Boots we have all grades from $1.00 up. We have a splendid range of Women's Wear, from $1.25 up to our francium Queen Quality at ..3.75. lir Eptyeess A ru t+aC v rt;"**,,Rramti Itepairing promptly and well done. . vaet• :sin ta,. ;. ffiieM L� • 11f J l! ♦ ♦ A \ i A \ \j • FRONT SHOE STORE. Next J. Wilton's' Drug Store indoW-Shade Sale. Daring the mouth of May we intend closing out our stook of Window Shades. Also many lines of W.111 Paper 600 Rolls Wall Paper regular 6c, Bale price 4c per roll. 600 Rolls Wall Paper regular 6c, 7c and 8c, sale price 6c and 8c per roll. We have still several hucdrrd rolls of American Gilt and Plain W01 Paper, regular l0c and 12o, special sale price (lc end 7c per roll ; herders to match 2c and 2110 per yard. 1 Another shipment of Art Wall Papers ranging in prices from I2' per roll to 50c per roll. The swellest line shown in America for the motley. Really 25 per cent. less than city prices. Window Shades. Plain water -colored Shades, complete with good spring rollers, 25e. Plain Oil Shades, complete with good spring rollers, 35c ; and the same Shade (complete) with Iaoe, 40e. PORTER'S BOOK AND WALL PAPER STORE Court Ronna Square, Uoerich. elephone No. 100 B. Iv,fivalititrA ,r.w That is made in Parnell -Dean's Bakery Is baked In ovens' made by the most expert oven makers. It Is baked by men who understand their business, and who have had long experience in bread making. The Best No. 1 turd Wheat ,I1_ pa b' w+ayc+:^9P Manitoba Flours a 'e used, `1:11"12°.11"" Aad everything that goes into the making of our Breads .73104 is the best that money can procure. So in buying Parnell - t t64Dean's breads you buy bread that yon can eat, and Woad 1 that in always the Name. W. P. WESTOBYP AGENT. Hamilton Street, Ooderich. Mill Products, Bread Stuffs, Break fat Foods, goods. Me. Beat brands of Flour, including Lske Hares. and Manitoba Milling Oa's and the Star Mtl1 products. Breakfast Foods a Specialty. Seeds for Field and ()&edea. game, drew yalo►ly, keep to mind the western motto "Wks shoots fiat, saute bust, ' &a l the all may be well. As a visible mask of the friendship we hal for you sod ae • email memento of this 000saion we ask you to sooept this chain and Iuok.). Its lactate •slue Is small, but we assure you the aggregation of esteem sod good wishes back of 10 u some- thing Moans.. Toth. address wore appended the sig- natures of all those present. Dr. 'Turnbull In brief but fitting tams taacked the o.mpaoy for the h000r they had shown him. H• wee veru sorry to lave Uuderlob, but le hoped some day wham In ten or fifteen years, Lo oome back sad a with stem again. "lie's • Jolly Good F.l!ow" was en tbuala.tloally sang, end was followed by • amber of burl spwuhw. Tb. taasl Ilse was then continued and provided themes for •ddreues from mese of Ilona present. "Ti. Ladles," "The Army sun Navy," --with • diene two (or "Tho Heroes Who Sleep" -"The Lured Pro. fusions," "Our (.tmmerol•1 Literate," "The Press" and "1'i.• Hoot" wars honored In tarn. The speaker* all nooks 1n high terms of the guest of the •vealo , whoa departure they tele was • distinct los.. not only to hu own Immotiate frleods. but to tbe oommunity. The "Demur" was assured that the Rood wishes of all present would follow btm to his home 1■ the West, sod that there would Minty. be • •pant oak reedy for tb• time when hs might return. Tee ep•a-h,. was Interspersed with sosgi by J. F. Tbomsn, C. H. Da mad Harold Blackstone and 'ideation by the Blaok.0oo. °foliates. At the ole.. all joked Is "Auld Leas dye.", which was loilowed by "His • Jolly Good Fellow,' and three rinsing aware pod a low for the "Doctor." The loalet which accompanied the calla presented to Dr. Tertibull 1• tattered N one side 0,11 the Doctor's initials and os the other with tb. words, "Flom the Boys of (I"derioh,•' end the date. Witbm t looker, are two pretty views of (joderlob, one if the court house and the other of the harbor. Dr, Turobull leaves In • tow days for his old home at Milton, and week atter next will 111,5 Owen Sound by heat en route to Prince Albert, N, W. T, TtLPP$ONE 10. I. H O DG ENS BROS. *.,t,.ILIILTt as •• How UNDEJ? WEJ4 1? is Made t?*-2s='"st a'ttik,t, '7 :u IF you could step into the factory where the whitewear we are selling is made, and see the bright, clean, airy rooms, the rapidity and accuracy with which the operators work, the ease with which they manufacture the garments, and the quantity turned out in an hour, it would be a revelation to you. Concentration of effort, a perfect system and machines that almost seem to think, so marvellous are their performances, are leading factors in bringing about the low prices at which white underwear can today be bought. Take for instance the lightning -like rapidity with which the operator can make a set of button holes for a corset cover, with a machine which at the same instant cuts and works the button hole, five being worked on an average in a good deal Tess than a minute. Then there are the button machines with which the only duty the operator hastis to place the button right side up in the proper spot, then the machine does the rest ; or the tucking machine that by simply increasing the number of needles will make a dozen tucks as quickly as one. Then there is a special ma- chine that runs lace on other trimming ; lac and muslin ruffles are done by an- other, and hemstitching made on still another kind, made specially for this pur- pose. When you consider that all these machines are driven at lightning speed by electricity, and' each operator is an expert, you can 'perhaps form some idea of the quantity of work turned out in a day. This perfect system, speed in turning out the work, and buying the raw materials in enormous quantities, is the secret of the remarkable values we are giving in whitewear this month. here are a few items. Take them as samples of dozens of others just as good. Covers at 25c. Corset Caere made of Hoe English ootto0, Ilea buttons, equute cot neck trimmoI with 1 snob floe cum. brio embroidery oc torches lace, sank... Corset Carers at 35c. Const Coven made of fine Eeatish oottco, linen button,• low neck. sleeves and shoulders felmm d with li a ch oambrlo embroidery, each. . Gnat Covers at 51c. Oonst coos a ma le of fine Eogltsb ootton, cambric, finish, fiy front. pearl buttons, neck trimmed wi h tine cambrio enb•oi 1• try or torehon Ices, *soh .. . Cheeps Corset, Coven s low as 153. Bitter oose to $150, and none that would pay you Io try an mak• yourself. a i3with Drawers at 3711c Drawers made of fins Ensl'ih cottoo,e.►me double sewn-- o'n ten of narrow tuck, and 21 Inch oambri3 em- broidery around bot- tom, per pair 374e Drawers at 50c. Drawers mads of good English cottoo,seams doub'e sewn, 3 rows of narrow tuck. and 4 inch frill of oambrie embrotdsry, per peer 503 Drawers at 85c. Drawers male of lite }Coolish coL1no,sesmt doable nano, .hoped Clowns at 50c. Gowns of rood quality Wagllets Potton, yoke k &wtu ra of 6.. tucks. baso button,. -Skirts at i skirts made of E ig ile tattoo, . memos 3 yew esll.r and toffs trim• and web floe tam- brio fr !ling, stele... 503 Gowns at $1.00. Gowns made of good ryu+lt'v E•rghah cot. too, V shaped at lar, collar, yoke and call. trimmed with 2 inch Roe embre i lacy, hem F i'ched yoke with wide open-work 10• eeruoo, ugh. . .11 00 Gowns at $1.50. Gowns male of fine Engm.eh co't-n, yrke of narrow striped e'D, n work tmnrrton, double arras shoal dere, Teak and cuffs of 21j inch fine em• brnifety, pearl kat- tine, o•rrow sneer, tine asoand yoke. eacn i1,50 arrow of 6iethamend braider y, soder of oattan, task Skirts at $ Skirts mads of English 001(00,1 double sewn, d frill 21 loobes , inner of ootto0 4 Inch trill, 001 muslin with 3 tors oft narrow lrob snob . Skirts at $ Skirts made of s En Iish cotton, g strings, seems den awn, 13 Itch d frill, inner of o with 4 Inch r eater o1 maeltn Sl Lok ops.• b band., gloaters of narrow take and 0 10oh fall of handsome embroidery, .er pair 853 e P it d Other fines at r, 753, $1 00 awl $1 50, that you could not possibly .it down and make up for yourself for the same nt'airy. I they f Man et N soy price yon west to pay, from 753 to $3 00, end at each price batter ;Armenia then you amid possibly make panel( for stn tom, money. embroidery, eao May other li 353 to $5 00, m and handsome I betesr valve by you 010 maks op Sc. good draw e of?. frill sem frill 760 1.25. geed Mme cable fR with of.r of alas• aka ham. hem. .51.25 1.50. troan draw bee 6, cable ottos utile, with work-�- 1...$1.50 e es from relatable larmee te, far then , aareslf. Window Shades. If you are going to buy new Blinds this season come and get our prices beforou buy. We have a brand new stock, not an old one in the lot, and will make it worth your while to purchafte here. Alert c'At nand Chicago.Rocklerd shipmment, and Hosiery Company by Saturday we Kenosha, Wee. will have our third. It is the same way over in the States. In Ken- osha, Wis., more people are busy making Black Cat Stock- ings than work in the factories in Goderich and Clinton put together. They must be good ler they would not sell like that where they are best known. 2Sc and 35c per pair. Black Cat Stockings. Our sale- of Black Cat Stock- ings has been phenomenal. Al- ready we have had our second Lace Curtains Direct From the Maker. It IBI )1,xW rant at yoaP rot HP eras tTii 'Jia At DIRK 110. !TAIL Sts TI 5 1101 :80 i ;Kb o o'cl t M L ape Cc ,it fk _Y. ,lata Sat to -Prole 10 Mon -Inc her ran m it -Wb1 an d -II Wo\buy our Cur- tains direct frol one of Nottinghi>e n's leading makers, whose goods have a wor -wide reputation for their beauty of design ansterling wearing qualities. Our e to hand list week, and we a range of new Lace Cur- ial value there is not the- ints. spring order ca are now showin talus -for style equal of in this section. ust a few Nottleol ant Lees Curtsies, 8#-y - ata Jassy pat > n, per pair ,._-. illi Nnttinghs per pa • , e A 1 sea little botler.gsality sad larger, pewttlitlsae, per parr.. du ala el 10 m _P Ib As extra aro 1 ',inn 'o- a dollar bill, 34 y.rds Ioeg-.streag sdlfee, • h ramie i( new pi twos, ret pate Leas 1' irteioe, 56 to 60 aches wits, 4 yards Iasi, *Si lastly dealgns, tillable fee 'any r•' m, sre_i•1, •1 per pale $1.00 51.60 Pis. LIN. Corte 11'. a big ,aiartment of headsewsr \ etrie. the newest ewe, heat edv..,per Pair p0, M. eat 1*0 Extra fins Lace 17nrtsins, beautiful holey effect In fel SuetPP(/Ne, theveer tat and most la.hinnehl• design, per OAT w"^l Curtain Poles.tiiit if you are buying curtains you need Poles, and we would remind you that WI are showing a big assortment at popular prices. Cut tele Poles in G.k and Mahogany finish nr fluted whits enamel with bras or erroot mrnnl'ro,, .soh . 2So, 4So, 75e and ftOo IMay and .lune DV, I SD1NER and PAT. TERNS now in. HODGENS BROS. G-ODERICH. A r'T ti arts P •y t,,