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The Signal, 1902-5-15, Page 9
SSUE NO. 210. Igo.) It Blood. We live by our blood, and on We thrive or starve, as ur blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live n or by. /hen strength is full and pirits high, we are being le- reehed, bone muscle and brain, i body and mind, with cull. inual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weal:, in low spirits, o cheer, no spring, when rest i not rest and sleep is nut leep, we are starved; our blood I poor; there is little nutri. lent in it. Back of the blood, is f -id, )keep the blood rich. When fails, take Scott's Emulsion f Cod Liver Oil. It sett tht: (hole body going again—Inan 'oman and child. II aur ba.e wt trial it. read der lora rale,., , bxrwble trate w,u suryrw ytla SCOTT a DOWNK, Cknduess Toronto. tsa said jc.o•; all drrcitlsa lira wlualow'a Soothing hiimv .boy,, ways be used for Chllelres T"•ml"g• N oth•s the.butt, softerna they,uq., cotes Aug:... f lie sed N Liteh•.t tvm•dv for tllser. --- QueerAdvertisements. rhlr udvertivemont appears ht a 1atcal paper: tnrral Werth nt -No Inqulrtr•s . ,11 work no cups or sprung; ,t,•ry evening out; cialtors pPrwitlett- hiryrle : Koed we", . U., of .. , of this tontine. r,lte prt.blrw of "what Xhall a.• ,L, Ilh (our Kllla?' clews to be a,1. tj Flom the Blatta News: anted -A servant to cook an,l dreas chlldreu. )r. CarsonisTonic tomach and Constipation Bittets, Vbdr Ir.,u, Ihr f�,ru,ul„ „I.0 rmlu,:., ,'woadI to ph),Irl.u. whe hes. ural II,.. l,nrrlp(,..0 In fila prw-tkv ler u,.,e, yeard with nn I aatleta-t„n ro,wi. Purely Vegetable, Tonic and Bleed urltkr. price .qu cents per Bottle. I .unllr r„u'L'l,l, .:1.1.11, 11'.. 1. 1, . . "., �,f your w;drugxi.t. but It - ,e,u..t ubt.le It In , nr r ahf„ h.,...1, w•• w III -A -n lir u1.,rr I.. tit.•.un r 11,1 ,,f orb. ,S".- Leer 1- - tlr,:. retake p..pntd. I'Seephl.1 brut FHFF. un applirul.r 1l: GARbOfi' MBDIGIME oolfir Ry TORONTO Ilopelr•s Crap. illgg.-S:t;, thud rag of yourekwep+ e Await • nights with lllr 1", r'g Ittegs-S r. I have not, dog. I. Most my dau;rluer'n ringn.K th.lt unuo�,.+ Ki. Wings --Oh, that's to hold. i 01111,` -n you can't very well get std .,rv, NI ? ' RUPTURE' hedoR[ I-,nd,'fwboa e --pltb.•aa pr•rWb.J In Pa. sl.Ipa or eels. LNrn bow /••u .n nom p- ly rolalal,rr roar hbblth 41 noire •t•nnw nal I•w+trap •deice whk-h Drr••oa must h.l {{,arta not Ironartad with tba rat•t ur} at all. 'V - Lear M,w r ha.• alMr a1 I— prartlr.. —1-1 this mu, b ,ulwutantuo.l ru+`ttdre M�hnru by any ea. taordlarr,tloea. Learn how tb•br11•m of dour hl ec, nnlDrd, alae. only . boar a Acmes bold by my Autourid, Pad Learn -bat t b• esu h el nnpt are r.blly 1. ..d Dow I treat •Dela••. fully wd lwaxl+•adewy Sir MAIL. w'rit.!ormr int[ OOK eowandlaare, Lha.hulatrutl, about uOunbud lis Care. It HAS. CLCTHr, ve Feat 14th 8L, New 1-ork City. I Dareao •clot. Hl aw.foaa aslurd ' only br aprlrlec ,lrnotly to me. :ban its Weakest Link Inger tkas its U No one should expect a fence to hold up of itself between the posts. The i rout upright wires are large and strong. The Y Frost Lock holds there • in piece and each support ,Irl" its own •hare of the weight. Light tie wires 'ice no support. Bending to tie irakens them and they are apt to rrak when the strain ;s severe. troet Fence never breaks. wp"o Ire Cwldis- 1. s MIT[D, - W[LLAND. ONT, 1'! fin It well 1%1111 the mol re"nrna- al And beat for wear paints in Can - rt rtemulitt yowl hong" Inside and 't %with HNS91's P w'ri W tMiTfT rTe% -.•lint right, ibnt to Off Ionteat the trcerilty for re.- IntluR, an i t"Tio your I!cni&e clean .. t)rALL-t1LrQnRhaaat the life of res paint an no other paint ever did r(w•P, Mull At the. right prlep. liner us it ciarit and auk for noXf,cm NO. ]1 FRET owfns how "me. homing are pnlnted. Atablished 18&2. I RAMSAY & SOH MfINTRE.1L. Paint Multcorg. 9S "•Head l-Ight." Sea "•Esgl.." Ise and 2e. " V iclerls. " "Lklle Comet." BATCHES., ; IN THE WORLD. wro. Lark nuked, tla4r clelhing apparent - f lurlug twrood from their bullied I ke eo much tinder, while they them- 41vee were ro uptod to death. la tho I I AWL m:alurlty of lurtuucrw firer) recut u have been title u e auto o•tro of death. Irest numbers of budfeS )nave boon or at arnndor by tote turrlble hetet, ,lid Ile disocull owell,d Ill rq.uy In- tauoas the fades or Ill, it, tlty+ are ults alts. as thuu9b I h,' wen trlraeu down Instantly wh, they AlOod willwut a mumuut r warning, r with hardly time to appreciate ur al Instant the deadly Iwrll they core hr. Others have stn mla•d on heir faces an expression' Uf led,- crhtsabte terror. Tim entire city and the nelghbur- IutM1 all ateuut it r"k9 with. her Able Oiler of itururd Vie.la. n one Incitation, as entire facility Cot due yaralrllr wore fUUULI, %ll Li itly look I to .all othory Arttr' aUd tile 59T. VINCENT MAY BE DESTROYED. 11 Entire Northern End of Island Laid Waste. 11 1.hour. Near y r x rqus res . The lnl,.bitants Perished ----Only Une Vessel Escaped ---tier Crew nearly cThe olter! fulLrwiti csi urni was C loin- ut" Irluud of Grak&LOA war per- bullied In a luarribie state Lf dreum- \ I fiend .-Vessels Lost Trying to Save Others --Quebec Vesse ciOlfte trim Uu til uur t FCultio iLl loaueuLly sulruvrglid under 1•S0(ath- p,sdtou. Craters Bursting Evert where --Fully Loo Lives have Been Lost- -The ared---Volcanic Eruption* ui flount Pelea; the=iLeheli'mudgrun, u[ Barb"Lies: umr u[ water, while two new it Alizinke pr the first thing t Tuna war to I tpludeJ any UIsaDDi p '• The Soufriere volcano uu et. Ylp- brood thrust up weir hcvadr. pyaku yreparstlursr aur the crnaulluA Soufriere Itaialit htunes,Lava and Dust --Sixty Killed by Lightning Fears'that St. Vincent "as Also Suffered. Cent. B. o 1., erupted tolantl. Via- Loudon. May 10.-Tidrty duulhrare of Oto tit". Fatigue portion or call- - I;auso-- retlurted to have uor•arre•d at the diem built enormous pyres ul wood -Vivid Ueacriptiun of the Eruption—The Peupl. f leeing In Teres Corday. Iwaad repurta, resembling I.lund of St. %lucent according to r And branehwn Lt trona, upon which 9• -It les ldtarneol Wst trlrgm, NuA and Fire. Artilleryfire, were heard at Barb► - un, 11ay targram received at the l;ulunLal they hooped the d,+ad txdlod by at. Lualn, B. W. 1•. May 11. -Thr It it ImpmslClu to a,7 Just now tow 1 '1 rfi,C41y about a thou- Warbiagtos, Mat 9. -Tho follow- toot) aL 8 O'cluck oil the afternoon. At Office WIN morning trout Uu%eruor mored owl burned thorn esu+ rapidly entire, northern olid of the British m my pe.nllo )nave peelahCxl, but the ylere were Pr S o'cluck there came darkneds anti cumber %it, probably run into the w1 willt.d III tit. ►Terre, Including nix gt�lhera State been thunder, arcumlutu:cd by a strong Llewrllyu, forwarded fn,m St. Lucia al, Ixrwiblr. To facilitate till. Irluud of Ht. Vincent has been laid i,uudlreds. t sr dkown lura utght. The (l,overnor adds: tion s.ud to destroy an far a+ porn Tho bout bolt Klslgston at B o'clock ha d„son yngiidhmr:u. It Is also ,•laoutt o )rite., MuY U. lf)0=. Irwr OT duet, Which coutluued H a •'luformatIon lna,mpl^te. h:rnptlun tYt/h+ the awful drier orf burning; ilcrh wort. by ••lure&c .ruyt un. d that Cho steamer 1{uddaw .•Secretary of etute, Wa.hiltgLorl: art) nigh). Barbaducd Ir covered mey- continues, 1 am eud,w%erlug le, gat which .amu front thew the ion- Tho British Ileutetiaut le, ciargr In the I>rb,tilt with elai orders to tow learn. oral Inciter der, wlL11 duct this Ilwrtr a relief bunt firm Belair to Owls, tit, IAAlig with her with- -At 7 o'cluck u. in. wL thu 8th in- I back to St. Vluceut." promptu erumatcirLw were lunvlly Of the garrlr0u beta reports that CaLrlb. A qua.rtor pant off Barroulle arrive) at Log. Rave t egraptud Sir Robert B. sakdxl wtRlI added tar and petrufnttm. urs gout., she hating only escaped by stout u diodes u[ rtnum. mud, and both large craters oil St. Vlnoeot we received a me atrage from rttore fity auctlopCd the ally sod cow- Uewell)u, %eru(w of the %%Ludward A 'lbrriWe Experience cutting iter eabkw ural attaining wuutty. )hut mtare than twenty Wands, Offer Ig film All AXrhtuant.,r•,' Steele, j`ring • Co., of )tail city, Coral Hrad, au,000• are emitting eswormour rulumer of by boats that five ge Loose le ir„m at. 1•Lorro at full rDC.•ad. peraould eatiuprol with their, lives. Durulunvo, Itepurtr. owners of the BrltWt steaagr ltod- Tile total nualbor of deed to uu%c awoke, 1Java and but a"hed, ulk o rho. yage.laalera,*Druceeded i sway war her ewlapt! that her LlghtewL vcdrelr were burnel and Another oa4legraut received from dam, whfi:h escaped from k. Plerrr dwtlauaterl at fully �, 191. tlalaa� Thu northern end of the Island IX uu clue voyage. I W purruw u) St. Lpcht, received the first news ter itself tools place wltbio thirty Itlters of Lava. trtp4u'laid and running gear ware baulk with all on boari. including four Ungiii atratur'bell, of the t"lattl of t of ties Ittxldam Auteracaa vowels nod u steamer ltlalLiulota, it ar follows: "A terrible from tttelr agents ut 8l. Lucio til. rueoticlr, and in t11at half minuton out off from Lha southern cud b7 un When Opposite Belalr there waw s l,urw-4 Titr a1PUAll frau Quebect namold horaiwa. Tile eruption loan uocurr"al of s volcano morning. It wax ail follows: "Terri- Lim vast mal,rity Of all thowe pro- enormous atrealn of IurA, which Ir grand •Few of Uie west side of tin Arg %, y deriurwly injured. rod it U. b. C'Iwbul un•1 tuwdy cru' reported at atarilulyue. Great distress pre- Wu vulcaute eruption at Martinique. pie were killed. It is sup"ed, ihr deslroy.wg everything Lit Its Put ureter. ureter. Rivers Of lava were coming Cul at tit. Ludes. All among the ,aAhgub. A war ve.+set valla Ulere. 1 am sending pruvlslona Rolduw returned; one anchor um, Cherie lid oubotly flying, apparently, Small craters Agro bursting every down the mOuD.taaftl vides In every di - now in le, lirr,pl Badu tripped. Tarpaulins and run- to tell the exact facts, teat there d tli�i vfl ors ctrl ouglnoars are dead had tome to Utladeloupd for pro- nnu►idia.tely. All rale at Dortdnicu:' PP Pa diction, null flown►g Into lb" res. Tis evtr n•etabor Cr[ rlaloar, and will leave ut rive to- wing gear burned ; machinery Intact ; wona suddenly ahast dawn from the where- huge crater was e,rvenod with on Oke, Ilelp M'tmu t.urdrtoupe. roach the north w di .6 '.,arty 7 mOrtow. 1'atlr, May lU.-A telegram from cupt:ue in hospital; two mater, chief muunitaitl a grc t sheet nt IInmP, NO ♦rare) can app oud there was an incessant eruptLup— "cannot W tl n b10 l eK U l.QO iter were territ le island u uCi es e a lrlu t tLatKitles lend. 13upercargu (imp (13ngavol) "Ayme, Consul.' ee.glseer and right v[ crew dead ; ten ace,nmping.1 s by Ili eat *bora OI tile Ureu q ale crew Vg the (,unlrl:Or of the laluwlu[ uttwfe- In tial. 6a_oupd and tiled ung)- whlrlwlad, said flasher a( Ilghtnlog, p oud Lep Ltf Alto crew let the laud: The nkat. llepartuuut llfaa 1Xra re.- Irntp,• eorrtatnr the tatest neuro( the of tie --- ---e haat and the rteaaw le, firm --- aid warn f► -Ills taws Ye el% ye, llurtnnquc uutaclysm norlved at racer aid �amp'h, suprscargo, precWety much no ere reported .r ------------------- -- tate see. - Jam Juwp`d uvertknArd at tit. I Jerre 4thig 4 New Yurkront&tahrrhLLt � which Ir dwwiug crow r1Tr7des. the Culwnitl Office. Ater ived t dead, Communication lielwten here phy'Wg abtwt tli0 rummlt of the vol- A new land was observed running I a,al wcru Feat. house he watt at onus to Mur- theing ltwt Cho French cruiser noun- and Barbadoes Interrupted." attic, of La Soufriere, on the Island It is ebuwatod t.ow that fully ::U•) tut toward the am for half a mile. {I ord,tig to u duXyetali received warship ua to niton) rt o Thu natter �rvPA 1•rrt of t'rcar. ,1f St. Vincent. lived haio botch Lust uu the Island It was probably lata which had boon I luul fiddly survivors on busrd, the 6t Tuwn,td tlw cumwander of i" under consideration. 0overuor of Gwidelou a seye " New York. May 10. -The agont of Ten latest le entire q received of et. I tallod . e fes i%ed i that o,ulcxl ih Oto run water, !t fuss of a tom'' •ncli eruider tinohut roprrtr r'tauadlrns W,•rr I'll U)r Itur,rlatr. ••Everything tenting W tit" hellef tho Quebec SteamblLile Compuuy holt hero !r that the entire quarters of when drttallr are *bid mac Lha torr. bnrwidai aeliiN. It our Impounlblu to Cho Ira the fort niul of Carbet ore coo ct[ IUe t.Ncl price to bid much htaafcr. get clove to the town. that at ulle u'ukrcY an' ThureslaY the Halifax. N. H., uay 'J. -Tho llualwo tivat the Uovti nor of the culopy, M. received s telegram from the cum pletely leveled to the ground, form- Kiugatown, the capital of tie Ir• The mia was uttered with trees -- s,d+r M' 14erre w 11te:Cwghtp L'amyaaaay'a--rla..a r kf.wrttwt-and LoL Ut:rbault. and ItAny'r .gent at_ -"-I tel' "Aying Ing nothing but ted, W co,vurod with ashes. and is 1d Other wreckswo. H'e attempted u, rl„tu,lr. Ile eodeavvred brats atotn, mPnt roto ar nowt wrth nit theFr wlvark prrirked with the popaln- that lite msrTro�s+ dL tia..yramahl{) to.Lug lxwlivaJCw1 With rtuuor Iruw w � to at. Lucia through tin lied ""I llvrty' personally. tgtoro or ter' oil boanl, was commanded by Capt. tion of illi. Pierre, Ruiralma, which was In the Martin- Heap 1'pue Hr.p ur Kolas Lite wlwWu craters. D burned, Ir,•m taw t'ee"uw in the tor- Ueo, flu ah, of due A despatch "I have criertd the prompt des- Iquo disaster, are on board the covered thlekly over with ashe". Itilnc t vr, but taunt !t y it. ale. b gg: I#Y• y. p P It mount sulfucatiuu to try it. N n . IL, uiftcerr Ncu, uaYrrrn )° small (roan Oydney rays that a tel(graw patch cat provisions -from Pointe a rteamehip Kenna. 'I -he following are ;In•ler", and masses of mud and lava •t°"`'' ` 't''rcu fulct }►ilea out au ries k'r reeklag tope aurvivurs, but war received there Trues Outer. I'Ietre and Bamayterro. The Sachet reftorted no anved: Tie quartermnr Tho ter (neon of Lino eruption returned and entered the batt .gala 1a"t�' iri e k Cu., the, Now Yurk agents will,# for NArtJnique the Livening. All ter, the stewardess, agd Seamen Mor- oommnlgled. _,What horrible revels, puler out at sae, but flora war the wcru uwibie t.o yuuelYrte Oltn tow u. dg ul Wit. \ u:asut way Ion Ulurtruled by rumu result. eau. ,acwpa of holdlor upun tilt of lin etenmer Ituraiwa, slattug 'd the people and the ruppliew of ley, Thompson, Macro, Erau", Ben- Alone of the havoc wrought to human 11.14. tuadeut. A+her le, great yuan TUey uur%d•, ;mud It les lec;icrad tl.at 0.rt . t:wtdeluu tree at your d 1 for eve, Ma er, Leadyc Hell there other, lits which those grim Ouulxha arc yet alt telt OU the dyer, u[ the 8rntiri Uu the Iturtson tier. was nothing that tin rte+awer esu■ nut dna nt p" Ile, 3 Y to be teen but fuUtpg tleheur and tu•gl" p, f ice rdrAdvpt in at. Pierre St. Plerro uutA u tiny or two after relief." named unknown. The first officer an•f to reveal can hardly be Imagined. glcawalllp Uoyu. Capt. Etou, wlwu ue rhe war tWU uttied UWOY (tutu the an o snuck, ws,I funs piled a belt at ua ua,w.ui uI the oaladtrdp Lite vWcuuh dirturbuuce. Captuip An unending ptTicesslpo alt tagslr- aesitltant npreen are In the hospital Int these+ two quarters of the city an etlurmvu. wall. )salon the belt d, Muggalt Into bee In ruwmaud of etas who lave frkmds apo rsiative+r at Fort du Franca not a trace o[ the streets that ex Maud. all was dark. T,ou `,vertaar Of the colony' ALAI Lia Hurriwu fur Liu past, liras �r CnWo ocomwuu4catiup between the 1 and esti. aura In tit. pend@, lwvlug ,previously cummnnJ- - - .- - - -- -- - -' --- - Lifted there call be seen. They are Isl ods strati of St. Lucia Ir Inter- e I pet tktct and steamed amend Lit, Stull arluao rWlnad. 1'ht burl. ue completely out ut Bight .•pled, but t 1 lila froom tin crater ttve Lriltd to lies windward. Opposite )were, cad pr.dwuly Va wit the Kroner Orinoou, of the Ling- 11►►�, Geerrgc•towu we encountered a gale extent ,rf tea cutarttgnto C&DROt be bac StoulnXhip/�nraiNLtly. Capluiu as wero those of Pumpeti. O[ hluallt Bulrhre, l.luud Of til. I0 In- of wind earry'lug smulte and debris. laurgnL,ol. Ilu"ItIL w•aa(\ijOrn In �duey 44 PRINCIPAL GRANT IS DEAD Ali tile small hills around Le ('or- tout, can tic seen flow here, twenty- Tic the [forth the eAalrn territory of 1, Is .uppooed that most of the yeurti ugto, uncccciiii ►r wnrr:ed to u • bet, anti in the township of Le Pre- wan m.lw uway. In (UCL Llla flamer the disturbed district wvs clearly _ Ii413L1rnncs of 8l, pkihru lucre killed. datightcr of ,Thi•la,hilnr Kir"nee, of uheut are crowded with tugltlrea aro vn"aWa fur to ty cited. visible. Besides the large crater uum- ttut ,i„ 1.e1g1,hurlag 1Xarisu.•r Noun: furl Murlun, t'. B. Thu chAf officer They number about 5,000. They are 'ha I (.u, nod tlwt iia d""N v" rN of the Iter, Cr. war Robert Mur- 11 \ being brought away gradually, and alrrwrr r I r14 u Lha Ia1ruA• crown small croturr were In erupt". 13AIII,- I%ohi,keuu., of Si. Pierre r Ion uaVil44 ley, n Htanfux buy. Ilia wetter r- mrauwhlle piovii,lune are being sent The loltowtug it 11 .ocount writ- Many ricers Of lava were ilowing int ft i, Or rfulter. leder herr. fluRbo Went Loth pier to them. leu by A CUl•t'e.pundk,IlL 'w'fiU Weill seaward, cue cit thiel holt a mile •ri,,. amu, ice S,r:lm flip t''wtlpnlly r chs ntr furnil rT7 dill u corir.ue�ubte f Few of the victims will ever be re• out iron herU %1 u i�I o. deawcil : wide. j YU 6D' I haNa iflu wJw deep le, ral.hxle ,,ad prournie, buri.nr•"s with cablefar. /�frI \ cognized so grout is the mutilation Tha liov'eriumil eh+N•tehd tie The refugees at Georgetown ! apo rod dlnrppear. ,,adtuvc, frequently' wan with ship. moi// :tit,] distortion. Searching parties steamer Wcar W gu utor and ro- Ilalalr are le, C1 --- esu.• L'rltie4 Ruynl mitt Xieamen nrutti of (iXh null produce, W lir A found 8,000 charrlx corpses on the bort. Sic last hero ale"J o'clock I nil LYill t:.l: P �I) rite of the cathedral. All appear to Mt the evening All MaaY' 8,'lurt urger A VIVID Dk;8CUIPTION. 1 trea,l .I, irtand atnt -t , 4iaedolospw:=bvcoXidig have been asphyxiated before they Lia ►Lwamer liwduw h:u1 rct__Ll ,- fsur..•I•;:. r.,purts hating P• ,c1 return cargove of sugar, ruin and �r Ytert- last r,lt;laL. 'fit,! rtc.am#r avub ,nolusses. bow(- to,i years ago the %,+ _ 1 were turned. The bodies or some [row st. Pierre, M.rto dud', wlti Feared That bks Lop of Life HN t otera.l Lv tib Aalnva protretivr tarp Pnucterl by the i \ IePrsons were touftet as they Bled, In the uewr ur Liu terrlifn ►cgs o[ life )tern Very Heavy. tl.,rel;n\6:,P Nur alt" miieal distant 1'reuch Governweat destroyed lin* 4'11 Cho act . performingsoul their darty there. erKin ton, Ihland of St. Vincent, B. f � \ coeAtlurle. Not a soul carts found 'LerrlbW flanges wero rlrlhla doting ge � frown ,ire town, wbicU war 4e, Igo- trade, And llallfaz now has on I alive In the whole town. Unless tie tutlre Journey. AL m,duf„ht it vkas W, I , hLLay 11. -After uumerour earth- W..r,rat,le darkutra. " A [Brat, tvae tr:udo rPlntlour with Martinique., I I a wholesalo cremation, as inteDded, fe beau that u vdlcupu war tu. arttplloR• quaked during alae preceding fort- .rni In an near as Itosrtble Lo flu --- i �•i carried out, there will be an epi upplorently a•Ieput, tour miles uway.. .Aght, Accompanied by the rubter- 0r,L but t,UL a Ilion ruul our Seen 1 ilh: FAI F.1► l'll'1'. I decile. There are Phu Near ran lntu htuvy showers r, u n nuggets In the direction or the ratrrre, u..ly rlam,ii. - • Z ) r i 11 f — _-_ Many Survivors le, the 11111• of grey bahtw .ud Lin people on sic r -r-} friers ,volcano 1n j1L uorthwert KI: g..1 Jam•aicu, rUllttr llu►t Atter t a. tirnrllrull -IUartrd rt lir Mulla cinders are s Falling a err y►etf wall NO ? etine tc�--fit a ,u pot�11e le ap . a TOn�rom 'b� ucmogpheru vicar esu dCla.e lint ono i ricin occurred un Monday lnrt from a •hart pt•r,ua ut aotiaily, Nlllch gave hoot of ,neat 1•c4•e. \ \(, `I \�� I .. ;� Fort do France, which city Is now eo,all oto UQLII.ng. Tile dLt puL tho crater. The water le, tie crater l.0 aXr.ul-grusn'l for suspicion of n So, Plerrr wax ,he I:trgemt to wit ,, ` �' rnetically- ander mnrtdal law. Lab miout alto eLeauted to thu youth furl fano abceuded In n stupendous cloud ; { ��\ t dka■t�r, Wink 1'llrr, tilt' vulalnu ht ,and Cho n,rnmrreliti centro 't Ill. �' I ` tO o ere from the auntry are flocking two )tours before rho war olear of' of steam and ezpleded heavily. Tin )fart, Lice, "udd"nl' b"letw d tori 1'rer,ch hinny u[ Marupiuue. 1l NaX thither for foal. The authorities are thu showers Of &bill;#" I rotser grew louder and ouaLinually f "Jilt. luau Agu 1 arher on tho murn- •11 r �(,�i \ At a ocludt ill tie morning die i till Wednesday morning, when the , /:g of Iia 8ih 'i lie at.Amer Roddam the largest town le, the Fr,woh �u'e.t �\ their almost to relieve the PILL book toward the Ibl+turl and en- uld crater, three miles la cirrumfer- AI ---aa -1 It alln_Tttd ..•1 ,Lot __y.oud our well INttIL anti pea► .filet a There fuss an eruption Ip counteract morn abhor and nue again ,else, and the now crater termed by I —__ _ W $t. Pierre, Mud .beat", les Sum- peeing. IC had a pvyulation of ata,ut Off, tyke arrived at t the last ern ttola belched mmoke And ` lug oh+ lit todi speed and runuln/t the C5,4ud. the a -seven mita west of 5t. l�ntpeILOW . pet p Lucia that was Ilk. a waterepout. hutgatOwna the capital of at. Yln- i stones, forcing do resldettts of {1 gstt:,•11t1 of a shower of lava, wh.-it 1. was dhided Idto two 1>rlrtr, , , uML, at spout 5 o'ciouk in the morn- I ib'altlbou and Itlettmond Valley, be- YUrf rA%cuteen of her an+w. It Ir t„uwp ar tin upytr and tin luwur / Along the water front are a few � neath the soleano, to flcu to Cha- 1 ' otatol th,tt Pierre faanother1',tmi"It, .uway. 11to lower town w.,• cum walls m-tty ng, Aad the ruins of the teso Belalr for refuge. 1 dcl, with u:,r,+uw strreta usil un- it. 1 Customs -h se were toned. Curious- 1(naRstuwu louvered tit Uh Alae•. Thn thuntierour uobcs, coullnmlpy ke,,,g arvl d with adhere its duyl. 1 , 1 A dowllsle'h from point Itra wyr Iitwl,by. Tito upper wNa wowcluuu r, yy i4l cluck enough, hero face and hands of leo It our ■eau then c upu Cho ,I there I:g Islands were icor) it neighbor- ,' that the ntikxt tlulout eruption of nlcal,hter •a,.•I i,alaiy,m/ l,, 1AM Out. Y� i cluck on the heypfur were not rt- esus it cosetunt cruptrou . there i nig Islands two Imntfral miles away. i' Mo.,t P,lee lasted three m;uutra, llao:,t Pd1'••, line ilrgert of the gruuf, stroyed, and they furnish an import. ictus A tremeulour roar. Forked I At mil -day the crater" eJ••cte.l en- eosl;d^tely deatL4ynIC St. Pierre +eel Of vulcalah: muttntalna, Is about 4,4(NI /� '! ant record In the history or till@ ter- Iilthtdng play.d l ,ce,wanlly ober the ormutl” columns o[ irtedmy vapor, ale- th. dl-trictr 1tl)In a tsar -mil.• i%>s't ttgh it ural inept tpen iurtctlte -------' a+ r1We enLsatrOph9 "The hands of the disturbed ►auUora Till flashes In ma tleAlly el ht miles hl h, ratio+. TLP erui►rrr saved fight kit us n taolciuno, although in August; cluck had stopped ,at precisely ten averaged Prow hi to IOU n'mwut..'anal expuresdlnlr Into wonderful Xhupes, , tin Ituraiw.t'r CtCW- 18.x1. It had a akllrnL entption. it ! ,1 minuLes to eight, showing that It Khigbtown, vetch V twelve miler row mbling enormous cauliflowerr,gi. A d1--jouttln from Pari" DAY": M. b ill the rwrrthwr'Xliell end (,l the //t war aL that moment that the city frons the volctutu, wad covered with gnntic whePle, still tion twautlful ue,•ut tem uavurr of n Xu nes tilreo fw:hrs of .icier nrot rhuw.r• of b0uq g iela.id, and near the fdtuL of its west- / wits Overwhelmed nm�all those thou- flower forms, till streakr,f up and pinutntk,n in Alarti!AtAur, red lief a or., !I .1w, frontlag ih•• I,n St. 1'i.•rrr "andw of role wlthi It, and faille Monde on Thurru.y. Tho bo•d of the down anti eros"wlee wltti vi%1lflnah- WI;j I•L,.It, (int„ Itay 10-PrinrlpAl Grant dlyd at 11.15 o'clock P old volcano• wait then u lake three telegram tldn 1„ur„tog ftum 1 -ort de y built. B environs were destroy res of pressing, awlog the beholder Fra:er•, ti:tying that tic manager of The ConiniN rer4lnnt at St. 1'lerre thla morning. HI@ Pnd %vs.” calm. He was onsclous to within tut miles across. and Impressing Chu mind with feel. hie pngar works had ucdea%ored to were, for tit" United States, T. T. (acetest hl.artrrs of Hlum h.ru upt Started or, �IuuAay• Tho mountain lton IIL1 , old laterItself i go to Rt. I'leere, tart the, coast w:i•. Prently; Great Britain, J. Jiy+p; Derr i1Oa of his dud, sono Mrs. those bi fila gide. These were W. Field, v Fu,uprii and Iicrcula cum de- The eruption wvar first observal oil CA n nines of Oolten haa•a, which deter cocerpi with aeb'•s stud the town mark, M. its. Mcyer•0,uly, 1'. i 1:0.0.1- Grant, )[ A., Ida eon ; lir". Field, iia Xixter-III-laic, and Mites Field• tftruyiA by eruption of M at Veen- Vrlowod - -irt3 •M --i, rwd be otpti not 1a114L - lillnu ; Mrxtcv/ K. fetlple-,-Sivede0 acrd - hla -*tee . and iib medical Own. Death one dne to oedema of the vius; A. D. 79; more th. n 2,000 yiosa and uugu vulumer u( water riot hLio o over 1n tit streams, down the - - -. up, and t11c V(wPle to that district eUle d the vulcarw, nrW the greater k .\ Harnlau'K firm hag raxeived n de- Norway, GAXtAnre Borde. lungs. Tho funeral is fixed. for Tuesday, May iSUL toot. (fell There has been A 000tinuoua ,:oimea following uulted In one great spite), [awn l'nrracas rtatinK that Irbere were roar txtriks in the city- Earthquake In COnrtap ' Ople, cane aver site.. eontlnuou" mar all evening and fifte•rn veti«rls and All crews were ,he Banque d,-, I l Mar0nique, Bint due thousands killed; 5:,7. Tho n(,rthcru district, from Chnteaan through Iho night to Thursday morn• bvdrwbelwed at 8t. Pierre. Trariaathtntlque, Oulo iLil Bunk Of _______.-___ __- - _- - . -_ . -_ _. _- _-- --- Catania, Rielly, 15,000 persons Belalr le, Georgetown, hu" been cOm- Ing• accompronifxl with black rnin, Loan a d the Credit. Fuutier Cul- -_ • •,__� - ---ie i tllhxl by tvtrttnqunko; 1187. plf•tcly destroyed. It b Imporelclu to failing dnxt. attended with midnight ( M. o.•fal. -- toR.- Ioudon, X10_-A--.aAle_ssa� �r}ai0-0,004 .kDled by 137MewY hrjVnrt-tttnl �rtnt. wt tw- darkness all_- Wednesday-- creating The UolmInl Office here has re There were ]h cu.nml•alan wer nt jrMinistry of the Co4anfas, :chich ; pany received a prxre6go farm Mar- L158. eNre,t n tle•pntch fioO t les Robert pOuut of tlu/ rtvnrb of lova. A hug" forlingw of Leer and apsluus suspense. IJew • I n l' ttch r of the ober e.haiam, 12 dry dpw,do stores, __ pro- Ing," t°Py raphed the every powii'ble tinlquo tcrdny saying the volcanic C'n.clA, '0,000 killed---bk--anti * hill wits ubw-rvetl whore previously On the morning of Friday there tit y esu %1: inn dea4•rs,': rum manufacturers, neuro. 'fur Information. i eruption there continued, and that quake; 1268. 1 r ward Islands, dated Kingston. St Palermo, earthquakes, 0,000 lest; here [sol heron n valley. The wing. war a fresh eruption. and ejections Vlwf,nt. yestr•ntay. The UOvernpn 11 euloniLl Irra:ut•,+ merchants, 4 A few prlvthe talegrnmw received ' slops ere afraid to approach the hr 1 lint pert of the lslundt d@ "muting, of fiery matter, more duet covering my« that the wwfrlore vulcuuu. In brokers anti ' tatrdwar,! dealcra. herr renew the ogre that some tr(! Intx1. 17x10. its Hua[riere was dill In full crop_ Cho Irtapol. In some pinooe two feet SAY northwestern tale r•A rt ul the t . In Tito IeLiud tN \Inrtinl.luP ins the t1w Inimbitante. coil at. Pierre eg- l Tile Br4ttoh Admiralty Is o01trit l- Canton. China, 300,000 lost by lin ralnin,t DCbLl,'P. iaLca, Stopes And deep. ilei i mandorfn� i fila t le, the cum er fes "tiff active as t e Sent -esti Rf The orat - tint u ere tR Nur R1 until tutu o' funk d q r P• Nov. f10 1T fun up 1 O C gas .nrth int 'In w rr1. Th hop dtlat fyn Kingstown it cn q Ad oI St._ Vnticrlut, Br1p fah Went Intal+•«, w+ime genr•rnl ohuraclerisil,-e us p , fl mnunue,l In retie)) Furth "hcx4to liP.lizri , riptgoitiics w•►eh 11001" Preu- n sable message farm Fort Ih w Lite British4wi focal station, apo a KuchAo. Korth Persia, 40,000 lost. Thur y nftcit Go( Largo stoped dnepettch Ir went, aril) great lora of y' liarlLic" nit Ile own. Its Oxtr.•w( Franc:•, frrrivarded it S.:Yi pm•• Yee war cc�srll will be rlrieeted t0 go tv narlhqunke; 1755. were idling in (;aoeRolowp at that 18n Ion believed to have occurred. The had a:turred for n week past, bol Lltitwn, riR rulnPtl h Pnrthqunke, not actually 1n Kingston. Oa 1V. 1 le:tgttl in ttixwtl 4.5 mll,o from north-• trrdny, nnncurNinR Ube +.fety d Mnrti•ltlgne. y y time. T u trlephonlo cowwunfonLl„n lave hnR rleetroyrlt ..•reel districts t y K C vvpwt to southeast, .441141 Lha main Pastor King, of St. Pierre, wtho ee lit la apparent /arm the cable deb- '5,000 killed; Novembt•r. Mill. with their live etoelt. People are aca;a� a big e!oad of lit, am hung (,ter t re- patohee recuived that the eruptkyu tel. opal has out yet Iweo costo:- f►i tin k P e inhafiltant”, part of it la In the tibipo of an oval eloped the onnater, atld urttgtl Air n, destroyed b earthquake, cp1. The IOuA aannopndisl; off the drPiaR to thlR town, streams are 11 mifrt .re, alai the Nllh Tough ,,IgCyl, Its grrottr•st R Wth ntgo at yhmro Rouge. It t@ loped 1 of the vutaulo on Mont I'dce Rill thcntNr elle tII1Pdy 1d1_�. ole, were re. greatly alarmed, were t Uu lower end of that othr•ra fled there. 1 le t do match damaige, to the sugar mounLai1, i Aa audible at Grcoudu and at and i many platen s food i ikictiuR to Chateau Relnir. There twilyA I.. miles. A C;CI,tOn, earthquake, 0,000 )ort; null Barbed At hnlr-past tour ntxf venter fnmlao to threatened. The S Rtl�rrir&tri this Outfit part, the (,1.1 Fort Royal Onbin in,n W s Irsve been rseely- clop, which Is chlcdly conflnrxl to tilt• yon "7, 18:10 wesinesrlay a Prnoon darkness like (;overnment Is feeding numbers of weer M+int; fed by the autitontleti, i!--" nit '' Rt+vohttte0 -Pal--b;---iJt4-aCieatlaertl. route. All the southern art of the Leland, and the r� loaf, ltu•4-ef�tid aper - sufferers. allhd fort de Fanuc ISny--cute ut northern orales are interrupted. er ng wiftCir-li- no'w two resat ,hp"icil chrt have ftten . t dl•«fuatch from Kingston. .Ino ae 18x7• d,xl11, and nit ih same tlmP n gsan- { rtKPw Siva, Xraya: It fes m Kingst n. nm xo deep lie to outfit, abate mix miles At iebrl fitly families of Bu'rdeaux I thirds over. Iionvrver, the wiping out Panmm�; 40,000 c ale burled cull- tit of grltt do begnn falling. Plnee In the neighborhood of 8D7• siva leo approach Maronible, and for 'g mutlnR the Inlets of Lo Robert era bereaved. Most of the business .1 the popeyed pope tion of the ion den) 1797. p Y 7' frloore. thin rrnl11on full details of the din an'I Ln Fra[aais nn the other side. of St. Pierre was transacttxl through land, contred at Bt. fierce, 1" beoon Grunt shocks, with awful bee of ,sixty Killed ?ay LlRhtnlnR. Several districts have not let to produce the most serious commer- life, a C'o ockil, no lo, Holland, to, hu• 81st] persons are reported to have been henrd from, and the scene of 41 Il"t1 r are plow In renahlpR the other Trice n hole arcA of the iXlnnd, near IkrrdPanz. oMsL ef(txt. Not cute at lite hoop... p twee til td by Illtlitnl wide getting 4p) w wtlr- m les, Is mOuntatnous. Be- t M center a s.r. trousers in Lcxidnn hue heard Nord plow, thin Asoros, the Mississippi Val i t g the eruption is nnappronchabin. 1 klan•1�. Two aenPh have been tort t with all on boon) [e PsdracorlpR to slot hiOut feeler, there are further OwitR to the total dPeerletlon of I from its wlltients to Martinique. ley, Curacao, In,lfa, Ueuat, Aleppo awry'• i•:crry hour brings .roller vows. The with all it Pierre. Mocha peri n ,w)uth and nh)0at mid%cay of the ovall ell the Llnnd but meager ad;counte hnvo c:hilP, Cipain. Chinn, Martinique and On Tornday nod WPdnPadny the nurses and doctors ern overworked. p U,P three crexte ,d Coutbet, n Ft. PferrP was de- l;undnloppe; 1800 1612. IP61nd wail slcmvered with shed. It in irupoaelhle to giro full details (oat In felt regatrUas the (ata .v[ Ht. P begin rorived and the best picture of The Pity of Ntvtr Brhair the nnhee were three feet tit present. An a re+etdt of the dia. 1 1i Ilit, nir,rW thr-Rr'Pat ridge, Ara the -black the occul' ICA May be found In the Ftroyod in Ire* than thirty OPOPa&. Cities In Ecuador destroyed; aur -_- lou, tit. .loin Mllnr, the eminent reel raRRnl onneyt of old colcAnOe"• deXlppcUgt of the )aired of KrAkn- nn tial Xliorl prrwd the hnrrMt of 000 killed and property loss 4300• nom• artrr on kite tMnrM nil tmsfnves hese r "tone n C.Mlliatl- Pr •1 til r ( , On . bar L rP w rn ler) ten• three days. The torn T y been esu 7 or IX. 000 • 7H08. n t er v 000, n onto 1 •� cath n Itu,l o v o reaped. ,n f n hem b t was r r Tit(- m LO f t death es d and i water. T Punk 1 of int ern 1 1:: p w Shower �, In .1171 unsettled fmr. let, pays fin fa xftit{vr tai, wh It Oil ff o ubltC mics 1 r tint r,o ePnrUnynnke find occurred In anti Knahrd with reeler) earthquak'r Phu, yen ill 188:1 killing 86,x80 De'rPlc• The total Its) o[ victim@ will aJF IPlarxl n( Krnkrtton, volcap i rapt P - tl nncals, arm! there ares perperr ' roximata tall,• UO,O00. 1:vcrythlnR nn the IXllisd waw ruined) It1R fnrthrr diwester. Mart.nigne. Thil-fteetrurtitm wan tin, ph Krnkaton la 188:1 WAR the volrank tion. A8880 livor lost; cnrta, air I Cleft" and gorf+''"• Ot DIl lel"pd ai that name In D But ORP man out of th0 total IB&7, by tin Adler. Among the dr+aths are whole fano- arbjMy-.ler R ee+drwic PPwtHI'•+a- Jisa-41Qlli l.i. ._ �,-tr,r_.�„r, roll«' M an'emiP observatory line hl ick hole" Ti]1 „ tho Sunda group• i'Ite iidintld RAM Oe- ulnllai or foie L'Obt1 id"tT1a ic••••+ r mwya Jyylgg n[fhlrM., Ji�esa_ Palos© corpse+ ars in sever -Ill shown no Rlgn of an earthlinnkr socift torr•nt@ dashing over Pepe)- twePrt Javra and Sumatra. No one � I, Inst; 18!13. Many prrwmn worn brought In pinelieu', a nt ly(O I "U- . i►a etc. ThniTThe wlth7 n week. No celomic dhtlrt/ PbPm and fnitlnR Into caverns -Ina ll%Li,l oil the Island. the peak was A oahlo steamer has reached Fort FAmptlon of Mnuna Lon, Hawail, Notts from Kingnlown. Hone of the RIII fin intrrrol In trenches. The rl va¢ory of I. aTlc.IThem the Went ireldrn finite been wiper!, tiff -w" but :T.TM tut htwtr aref-4--�sw- ttw . SYL11n tli_ neat trvt:tl tlrnth Ilan will trach r a 11001) mince April 19, when there wan v"Ittnnie scrnrry, but the whole cot- b Pierre. with 4:,0 ntrvlvors, picked up Cluirleston, H. C., Parthquall 41 were dying nt thirst. Hoon o les. r w lilt--Zri+IIlAisF--iIItfeffr= T` orad with the rich verdure d the mortal nes tut roti•e volcano by "tit aloxlR the store. IR w Ion hid then :!{ hatrX wlthost m lignbin is on her way to St. Vin• (' a marked rPeOrd from Ouwtem•#In. hive. Still lo -day Krakalon IR re- Ihar Inst ; August 710, 1886. p - "i) Whet ham lvbahiy en ened In that 1 trfptca. ` ilnird an the most dangerous Icl- Morno Rouge, a fashionable Pubarb Bnt.datmnn, volcanic eruption, L. d1'(rp or water. All the cattle were pent with rdtorPs for the relief of Mont Pe1Pe ban blown ilia hra,f off, The total population of thel Island R dfuul tomalign of the lack of water. the infferers. la rleknnrel at 175,040, of whom 10 - .rete (ceaw on the surfnco of the of St, Pierre, estlin qu The o that 000 tidal ; ,Tony• 18SA. its the hrad of it cyilnder blown ort I enrth--clue rolely to the manner 1n Uovernor of Martingne fled to that Iakatxt of IIondo, Japan. enrlh- whnn tho strum presanrP fa tax, o00 are widtOR 1S,00)o (if A"Intla ori- plate ant] wait saved. (junk(-. 10,000 kith d; Oetober, 1891. -'--"--` —==!T=----- ----- - --- ---- great." Kin, nndl l:, jolt ht oct elf ell III ten nn l su&rnlyfrw her revealeh that he stood ii 1, *bon • to IIRet lf- ill nil Fourteen of the rtrnmrr iiornima'« VPnPrnrin, snrthcluskP, 8,000 kill. t'snndl,an Crew N@w City Deolrovr 1 y at the biters ce,tlon of two great lines crew were among the thirty navel rd; April 24, 1894. tit! Thomas, D. W. I., May 9. -The Of volcanic energy• by the French craftier Sachet Fina •Onatemala, Parthqunkf% lossoflife PEACE BELIEVED TO BE CERTAIN BMtim11 wcluoonPr Orenn Traveler, o[ I Paris, MAY Id. -Thr Minlatrr of Up to 1883 Krakatoa find bem vi- token to Ounudaloupe. not yet nocertainal ; April, 1903. • It. John, N. B., arrival at tine island ; Agarine has received the follow Ing tcit for �00 y('ft R. On the morning -- at. Irtrrrr, Mnrtir)Igne, Mwy, 1903; Of I)Omine!n, 1). W. i., wt 8 o'clock ; arKlatrd despatch from Pointe a of May 'O, 189:1, she Rave forth n A 1."adfnR Kireeted. loss of life, 40.000. - - ----.— \ this afternoon. She half been ob- pletre. Ilan. -t cof.(hlad,h,pe, frim the roar that wait bend 100 miles away. Lori ds France, Martinique, \lay Notes. �� ligpll to flee from the IPllartd Of 8t. `commander of the French er"Ild" Hn On knR• 26 the great PIpinw7on 11 Spm -t landing hall at Inst I,Prn i4wyrr Qnrntirr haw ldrrlved at Vlrleent, B. W. 1., Mny 7, owing to chat: ' 1 hnvo 0ht,llnedl the (ol'Inw cnmp. A dpecription given of what mn,1e at St. Pierre, and tilt- work of Fort do Frnniw, having rearned four I,t.finn, Jlwl 10.--A Aespatrh rreelvPA beep teo1R UPlrgoa fluty. a heavy fell cd rmrttl from i Vol- I chpIng Information:11II of the eventR of yerd hnpprncrl In: Pzldoring thm ruins or the annlhlhttrtl hundred Alit fifty pprsrona lrm-t Ht Pnrlapt,lsr F..Plt. Africa, says that peace In South Africa is certain I P '-for the flrrdt few honra the fireR e.lt hard begun. whIlt It will be many Pierre. She has returned Immediate to resulf from the epnferenee of the Ilorr leaders tube hold at Ver - ran. which was erepting there. She terda.y: of tho, rvtrih made abort work nit Y tli/vt to reach the I"Ind of Ht. Lu- I "Abrwtt 8 Licl(ti,k the volcano threw slays before the full m'ignitdde Of the ly to the icnne of the dinneter to renlging, 1'r.nse.nl, Nley 11-l. It 1• Plaid, the despatch continues, ala, n, W. I but n,lveran\eurrentrd up a tomddernhir mrl.m of smut,, and tije Pen, orlvinq It heck In splendid havoc wronAt ern be ascertained, *Perch for farther aurvtvnrn. tial lienee will be officially proclernned May on). 1•rf,prswllose are Drvcrnlal hP� from dt''nR no. The Perth. A vvhtrlwltal sof fire immrdlnte- rtplOpdonR that cmm� every tan or mKivigh to nlrPaAy rpvpnled to hrdl- Tho Intent meaaai[re Lrxllcstp that wh'gmPr arrived nppoolte 8t. PIPrrP. I ly folhtwP,l. Instantly the N•hote town twelve minutPrd. Each PxpinrdlOn hent onto that thoa very t►oret enticlp - tin nnmM+r sof dPnths will bP Fiftttll "t"pt for general rPJulclnRrd. �- Martinique, Mwy 8 While nb)ut a I of Ht. Plerro arta H flnmra, null the lip Mark roi,lmnw, mllem In hright, I lions are mnrn thin rOAlls,xl. forty th„unand. merest of the smnWr After h#Lv7theto rdtenm unit "rn(An nml rah Find pit- ,nwwvw who have come bnet herr llttanda near Martinlquo having aIle aR mss tin 1lorKhrrrd h1 fieri ween and eet at V e- mlh• .f( pier. Lhn vOlct►no of Mnnt ! ships In tflP hnrinr Nrrr dlbmnmt'''i them dna British tprmv, the Fore Irs,lPra warn to meet at Vere - ,r Pxplo,ted, and fire from it � and burned. Tito ahower of res%kR miter, ell t.hn Imam and drlirlR nal thR from the dirt rnlxtrt tint the atrtpPt� saffPterl. "AltinR anti reach a final dar•I«fort on the subject or praoP. tiew t tin whole town Of Bt. Pierre, 11►wtrl A ("IF a an hour. i nr rdarfneP of the motion lakp and drove anti nil tin hplghtxrrllrood around Private dewpatches retnived late roylnq the town and the phi inR I rlyd] at et. Plerrr at S c;rlock In hock thin nen In great waves. Action what a few Arlyn agra wall the this attPrilrvcn from the Wept indlPPl A dlP.prhat frau Lon,lon demi Mac " said n was offlr.latly therp, IrxllndinR the amble whip (pm the altprnwxln, ending n few tier. Clip dnrknean of night mettload Over Iwrgeet nn(I moat proaperOtls city In asp the, eruption at MartinignP 1p asserted that afire te'•Ir conference. at VereeMRtng, the Boer Plt•r, Wt rh wits rnRnged In repniri R gone from tin ships 1 "aw m, IIvInR ener re it would pplion In re Pratorin.to ami a is leri.n to Lord Kfteh- thr cable near the Ouprin factory. I ernaturn In Ht. Plrrre, to whirl It Java, And wtmntrw, fund twee v m PL heAlia lq ni art• now rn umlxboot bootlegs to ,iPcldPdly waren. MPr Lipid dePldon 1n regard to tin pewoa tvnns they were pas Thn endo to Ton rsnlllnR In thctwP wstwrw. From w herpes n(xtn hPnprr of dead bcodlcts le Tho [J. M. SwnetP herd paRwPA a hill red to accept. U'ron Traveler, while on her was Impow r r1rntP. There ddat:anoe tri fort] miter Krakatoa all cllr-re•tlasAIL for $100,00b for the reelef of suffer. D waY to ibminlPa, PoroentPred s I wars nsmerotse corpses near the looked like mia lmmsaw wall. with All the dead tbae fill• .sen were era � V tuallty Of wreckage, gasy" i, . .. a 0 - Probably BU,UW) Deed. I burwbe of forted llghtulug darting r thatLucia. B. f m crow into uawr , a,'rho g aver IA" • Louakea, Ilt.y . I.-lduydsa ao I at , playing It and Wralag srrprnlr 1sit that fully tlon[Irmr Liu Cllrrrlar at I 'Cie 1►r+Jcat.w axploviuu destroyed hit. Pierre. He rays he eawot ulcer- ,all the tvwud and vldages uu the o LrL1u the as go" ul the vessels which Silures Air Jrra and euwaLr. ueardat. � Gln brava lust, Out lttsy tuvlwln So the rotwwu. All lrurtr .ad carr I u/w ltrllau txaryuu Aad two r/eaw wile uu the wean thorn were dedlruY err, 0", prububly being the UruV ad, and 86,880 Inver were Iwo, lh. r Later. the cable slip belouglug toI tidal nava which fuliowad war 50 lila West India awl Panama Tele• foto in height when It *truck tba biraph UOmpauy. The total tows of I shires of Jurr and Suwabrr. At life is ert,Aautvd at SuMulu. , LJoydr' agent at St. Thomas, U. W. ' amu ' feet, t.hn Jrra noun, lhlr war a [, cabled unit St. Ylerrn bur beau I)IOfle, height. A uanrra,f-war f IOLally dartiuyed by fire and tlwt lylug off tluwuLra carr) war oar- I all 'star lultubitants perished. road a ode and t'lotle t, in r le,- 1 All the vessel* le, the hsrbxor were lead, up a •alloy sod left, to a fur- , hest. Theme ,uelude the GraL)plur. Tits onto thirty (ort ries,•. sea local. dteumer Itura,wa, beluuglAg LU the This Lldal ware ostatded to Colorrt- I (,Iuetrae Sleamalilp (:u., look fire "' i bu, 1.760 Antilles diet -Lit; to lombay, I port load b,•wma a total tow. All 2.TW .it. dlrWulL ; to Cape horn. oil bowel Ulu Ruralma perlahtd. 5.OW fuller dnstoant Thin wave ire,- Airport Filing itrrbrdoe.. Ned al, the rate W A) roller per 1 1 re wllsr ul �_- ^ - PIERRE'S DOOM, DELUOED WITH IRE ' Town Was Wra ed the Enure pp in Flames. . __ ! - Lark nuked, tla4r clelhing apparent - f lurlug twrood from their bullied I ke eo much tinder, while they them- 41vee were ro uptod to death. la tho I I AWL m:alurlty of lurtuucrw firer) recut u have been title u e auto o•tro of death. Irest numbers of budfeS )nave boon or at arnndor by tote turrlble hetet, ,lid Ile disocull owell,d Ill rq.uy In- tauoas the fades or Ill, it, tlty+ are ults alts. as thuu9b I h,' wen trlraeu down Instantly wh, they AlOod willwut a mumuut r warning, r with hardly time to appreciate ur al Instant the deadly Iwrll they core hr. Others have stn mla•d on heir faces an expression' Uf led,- crhtsabte terror. Tim entire city and the nelghbur- IutM1 all ateuut it r"k9 with. her Able Oiler of itururd Vie.la. n one Incitation, as entire facility Cot due yaralrllr wore fUUULI, %ll Li itly look I to .all othory Arttr' aUd tile 59T. VINCENT MAY BE DESTROYED. 11 Entire Northern End of Island Laid Waste. 11 1.hour. Near y r x rqus res . The lnl,.bitants Perished ----Only Une Vessel Escaped ---tier Crew nearly cThe olter! fulLrwiti csi urni was C loin- ut" Irluud of Grak&LOA war per- bullied In a luarribie state Lf dreum- \ I fiend .-Vessels Lost Trying to Save Others --Quebec Vesse ciOlfte trim Uu til uur t FCultio iLl loaueuLly sulruvrglid under 1•S0(ath- p,sdtou. Craters Bursting Evert where --Fully Loo Lives have Been Lost- -The ared---Volcanic Eruption* ui flount Pelea; the=iLeheli'mudgrun, u[ Barb"Lies: umr u[ water, while two new it Alizinke pr the first thing t Tuna war to I tpludeJ any UIsaDDi p '• The Soufriere volcano uu et. Ylp- brood thrust up weir hcvadr. pyaku yreparstlursr aur the crnaulluA Soufriere Itaialit htunes,Lava and Dust --Sixty Killed by Lightning Fears'that St. Vincent "as Also Suffered. Cent. B. o 1., erupted tolantl. Via- Loudon. May 10.-Tidrty duulhrare of Oto tit". Fatigue portion or call- - I;auso-- retlurted to have uor•arre•d at the diem built enormous pyres ul wood -Vivid Ueacriptiun of the Eruption—The Peupl. f leeing In Teres Corday. Iwaad repurta, resembling I.lund of St. %lucent according to r And branehwn Lt trona, upon which 9• -It les ldtarneol Wst trlrgm, NuA and Fire. Artilleryfire, were heard at Barb► - un, 11ay targram received at the l;ulunLal they hooped the d,+ad txdlod by at. Lualn, B. W. 1•. May 11. -Thr It it ImpmslClu to a,7 Just now tow 1 '1 rfi,C41y about a thou- Warbiagtos, Mat 9. -Tho follow- toot) aL 8 O'cluck oil the afternoon. At Office WIN morning trout Uu%eruor mored owl burned thorn esu+ rapidly entire, northern olid of the British m my pe.nllo )nave peelahCxl, but the ylere were Pr S o'cluck there came darkneds anti cumber %it, probably run into the w1 willt.d III tit. ►Terre, Including nix gt�lhera State been thunder, arcumlutu:cd by a strong Llewrllyu, forwarded fn,m St. Lucia al, Ixrwiblr. To facilitate till. Irluud of Ht. Vincent has been laid i,uudlreds. t sr dkown lura utght. The (l,overnor adds: tion s.ud to destroy an far a+ porn Tho bout bolt Klslgston at B o'clock ha d„son yngiidhmr:u. It Is also ,•laoutt o )rite., MuY U. lf)0=. Irwr OT duet, Which coutluued H a •'luformatIon lna,mpl^te. h:rnptlun tYt/h+ the awful drier orf burning; ilcrh wort. by ••lure&c .ruyt un. d that Cho steamer 1{uddaw .•Secretary of etute, Wa.hiltgLorl: art) nigh). Barbaducd Ir covered mey- continues, 1 am eud,w%erlug le, gat which .amu front thew the ion- Tho British Ileutetiaut le, ciargr In the I>rb,tilt with elai orders to tow learn. oral Inciter der, wlL11 duct this Ilwrtr a relief bunt firm Belair to Owls, tit, IAAlig with her with- -At 7 o'cluck u. in. wL thu 8th in- I back to St. Vluceut." promptu erumatcirLw were lunvlly Of the garrlr0u beta reports that CaLrlb. A qua.rtor pant off Barroulle arrive) at Log. Rave t egraptud Sir Robert B. sakdxl wtRlI added tar and petrufnttm. urs gout., she hating only escaped by stout u diodes u[ rtnum. mud, and both large craters oil St. Vlnoeot we received a me atrage from rttore fity auctlopCd the ally sod cow- Uewell)u, %eru(w of the %%Ludward A 'lbrriWe Experience cutting iter eabkw ural attaining wuutty. )hut mtare than twenty Wands, Offer Ig film All AXrhtuant.,r•,' Steele, j`ring • Co., of )tail city, Coral Hrad, au,000• are emitting eswormour rulumer of by boats that five ge Loose le ir„m at. 1•Lorro at full rDC.•ad. peraould eatiuprol with their, lives. Durulunvo, Itepurtr. owners of the BrltWt steaagr ltod- Tile total nualbor of deed to uu%c awoke, 1Java and but a"hed, ulk o rho. yage.laalera,*Druceeded i sway war her ewlapt! that her LlghtewL vcdrelr were burnel and Another oa4legraut received from dam, whfi:h escaped from k. Plerrr dwtlauaterl at fully �, 191. tlalaa� Thu northern end of the Island IX uu clue voyage. I W purruw u) St. Lpcht, received the first news ter itself tools place wltbio thirty Itlters of Lava. trtp4u'laid and running gear ware baulk with all on boari. including four Ungiii atratur'bell, of the t"lattl of t of ties Ittxldam Auteracaa vowels nod u steamer ltlalLiulota, it ar follows: "A terrible from tttelr agents ut 8l. Lucio til. rueoticlr, and in t11at half minuton out off from Lha southern cud b7 un When Opposite Belalr there waw s l,urw-4 Titr a1PUAll frau Quebect namold horaiwa. Tile eruption loan uocurr"al of s volcano morning. It wax ail follows: "Terri- Lim vast mal,rity Of all thowe pro- enormous atrealn of IurA, which Ir grand •Few of Uie west side of tin Arg %, y deriurwly injured. rod it U. b. C'Iwbul un•1 tuwdy cru' reported at atarilulyue. Great distress pre- Wu vulcaute eruption at Martinique. pie were killed. It is sup"ed, ihr deslroy.wg everything Lit Its Put ureter. ureter. Rivers Of lava were coming Cul at tit. Ludes. All among the ,aAhgub. A war ve.+set valla Ulere. 1 am sending pruvlslona Rolduw returned; one anchor um, Cherie lid oubotly flying, apparently, Small craters Agro bursting every down the mOuD.taaftl vides In every di - now in le, lirr,pl Badu tripped. Tarpaulins and run- to tell the exact facts, teat there d tli�i vfl ors ctrl ouglnoars are dead had tome to Utladeloupd for pro- nnu►idia.tely. All rale at Dortdnicu:' PP Pa diction, null flown►g Into lb" res. Tis evtr n•etabor Cr[ rlaloar, and will leave ut rive to- wing gear burned ; machinery Intact ; wona suddenly ahast dawn from the where- huge crater was e,rvenod with on Oke, Ilelp M'tmu t.urdrtoupe. roach the north w di .6 '.,arty 7 mOrtow. 1'atlr, May lU.-A telegram from cupt:ue in hospital; two mater, chief muunitaitl a grc t sheet nt IInmP, NO ♦rare) can app oud there was an incessant eruptLup— "cannot W tl n b10 l eK U l.QO iter were territ le island u uCi es e a lrlu t tLatKitles lend. 13upercargu (imp (13ngavol) "Ayme, Consul.' ee.glseer and right v[ crew dead ; ten ace,nmping.1 s by Ili eat *bora OI tile Ureu q ale crew Vg the (,unlrl:Or of the laluwlu[ uttwfe- In tial. 6a_oupd and tiled ung)- whlrlwlad, said flasher a( Ilghtnlog, p oud Lep Ltf Alto crew let the laud: The nkat. llepartuuut llfaa 1Xra re.- Irntp,• eorrtatnr the tatest neuro( the of tie --- ---e haat and the rteaaw le, firm --- aid warn f► -Ills taws Ye el% ye, llurtnnquc uutaclysm norlved at racer aid �amp'h, suprscargo, precWety much no ere reported .r ------------------- -- tate see. - Jam Juwp`d uvertknArd at tit. I Jerre 4thig 4 New Yurkront&tahrrhLLt � which Ir dwwiug crow r1Tr7des. the Culwnitl Office. Ater ived t dead, Communication lielwten here phy'Wg abtwt tli0 rummlt of the vol- A new land was observed running I a,al wcru Feat. house he watt at onus to Mur- theing ltwt Cho French cruiser noun- and Barbadoes Interrupted." attic, of La Soufriere, on the Island It is ebuwatod t.ow that fully ::U•) tut toward the am for half a mile. {I ord,tig to u duXyetali received warship ua to niton) rt o Thu natter �rvPA 1•rrt of t'rcar. ,1f St. Vincent. lived haio botch Lust uu the Island It was probably lata which had boon I luul fiddly survivors on busrd, the 6t Tuwn,td tlw cumwander of i" under consideration. 0overuor of Gwidelou a seye " New York. May 10. -The agont of Ten latest le entire q received of et. I tallod . e fes i%ed i that o,ulcxl ih Oto run water, !t fuss of a tom'' •ncli eruider tinohut roprrtr r'tauadlrns W,•rr I'll U)r Itur,rlatr. ••Everything tenting W tit" hellef tho Quebec SteamblLile Compuuy holt hero !r that the entire quarters of when drttallr are *bid mac Lha torr. bnrwidai aeliiN. It our Impounlblu to Cho Ira the fort niul of Carbet ore coo ct[ IUe t.Ncl price to bid much htaafcr. get clove to the town. that at ulle u'ukrcY an' ThureslaY the Halifax. N. H., uay 'J. -Tho llualwo tivat the Uovti nor of the culopy, M. received s telegram from the cum pletely leveled to the ground, form- Kiugatown, the capital of tie Ir• The mia was uttered with trees -- s,d+r M' 14erre w 11te:Cwghtp L'amyaaaay'a--rla..a r kf.wrttwt-and LoL Ut:rbault. and ItAny'r .gent at_ -"-I tel' "Aying Ing nothing but ted, W co,vurod with ashes. and is 1d Other wreckswo. H'e attempted u, rl„tu,lr. Ile eodeavvred brats atotn, mPnt roto ar nowt wrth nit theFr wlvark prrirked with the popaln- that lite msrTro�s+ dL tia..yramahl{) to.Lug lxwlivaJCw1 With rtuuor Iruw w � to at. Lucia through tin lied ""I llvrty' personally. tgtoro or ter' oil boanl, was commanded by Capt. tion of illi. Pierre, Ruiralma, which was In the Martin- Heap 1'pue Hr.p ur Kolas Lite wlwWu craters. D burned, Ir,•m taw t'ee"uw in the tor- Ueo, flu ah, of due A despatch "I have criertd the prompt des- Iquo disaster, are on board the covered thlekly over with ashe". Itilnc t vr, but taunt !t y it. ale. b gg: I#Y• y. p P It mount sulfucatiuu to try it. N n . IL, uiftcerr Ncu, uaYrrrn )° small (roan Oydney rays that a tel(graw patch cat provisions -from Pointe a rteamehip Kenna. 'I -he following are ;In•ler", and masses of mud and lava •t°"`'' ` 't''rcu fulct }►ilea out au ries k'r reeklag tope aurvivurs, but war received there Trues Outer. I'Ietre and Bamayterro. The Sachet reftorted no anved: Tie quartermnr Tho ter (neon of Lino eruption returned and entered the batt .gala 1a"t�' iri e k Cu., the, Now Yurk agents will,# for NArtJnique the Livening. All ter, the stewardess, agd Seamen Mor- oommnlgled. _,What horrible revels, puler out at sae, but flora war the wcru uwibie t.o yuuelYrte Oltn tow u. dg ul Wit. \ u:asut way Ion Ulurtruled by rumu result. eau. ,acwpa of holdlor upun tilt of lin etenmer Ituraiwa, slattug 'd the people and the ruppliew of ley, Thompson, Macro, Erau", Ben- Alone of the havoc wrought to human 11.14. tuadeut. A+her le, great yuan TUey uur%d•, ;mud It les lec;icrad tl.at 0.rt . t:wtdeluu tree at your d 1 for eve, Ma er, Leadyc Hell there other, lits which those grim Ouulxha arc yet alt telt OU the dyer, u[ the 8rntiri Uu the Iturtson tier. was nothing that tin rte+awer esu■ nut dna nt p" Ile, 3 Y to be teen but fuUtpg tleheur and tu•gl" p, f ice rdrAdvpt in at. Pierre St. Plerro uutA u tiny or two after relief." named unknown. The first officer an•f to reveal can hardly be Imagined. glcawalllp Uoyu. Capt. Etou, wlwu ue rhe war tWU uttied UWOY (tutu the an o snuck, ws,I funs piled a belt at ua ua,w.ui uI the oaladtrdp Lite vWcuuh dirturbuuce. Captuip An unending ptTicesslpo alt tagslr- aesitltant npreen are In the hospital Int these+ two quarters of the city an etlurmvu. wall. )salon the belt d, Muggalt Into bee In ruwmaud of etas who lave frkmds apo rsiative+r at Fort du Franca not a trace o[ the streets that ex Maud. all was dark. T,ou `,vertaar Of the colony' ALAI Lia Hurriwu fur Liu past, liras �r CnWo ocomwuu4catiup between the 1 and esti. aura In tit. pend@, lwvlug ,previously cummnnJ- - - .- - - -- -- - -' --- - Lifted there call be seen. They are Isl ods strati of St. Lucia Ir Inter- e I pet tktct and steamed amend Lit, Stull arluao rWlnad. 1'ht burl. ue completely out ut Bight .•pled, but t 1 lila froom tin crater ttve Lriltd to lies windward. Opposite )were, cad pr.dwuly Va wit the Kroner Orinoou, of the Ling- 11►►�, Geerrgc•towu we encountered a gale extent ,rf tea cutarttgnto C&DROt be bac StoulnXhip/�nraiNLtly. Capluiu as wero those of Pumpeti. O[ hluallt Bulrhre, l.luud Of til. I0 In- of wind earry'lug smulte and debris. laurgnL,ol. Ilu"ItIL w•aa(\ijOrn In �duey 44 PRINCIPAL GRANT IS DEAD Ali tile small hills around Le ('or- tout, can tic seen flow here, twenty- Tic the [forth the eAalrn territory of 1, Is .uppooed that most of the yeurti ugto, uncccciiii ►r wnrr:ed to u • bet, anti in the township of Le Pre- wan m.lw uway. In (UCL Llla flamer the disturbed district wvs clearly _ Ii413L1rnncs of 8l, pkihru lucre killed. datightcr of ,Thi•la,hilnr Kir"nee, of uheut are crowded with tugltlrea aro vn"aWa fur to ty cited. visible. Besides the large crater uum- ttut ,i„ 1.e1g1,hurlag 1Xarisu.•r Noun: furl Murlun, t'. B. Thu chAf officer They number about 5,000. They are 'ha I (.u, nod tlwt iia d""N v" rN of the Iter, Cr. war Robert Mur- 11 \ being brought away gradually, and alrrwrr r I r14 u Lha Ia1ruA• crown small croturr were In erupt". 13AIII,- I%ohi,keuu., of Si. Pierre r Ion uaVil44 ley, n Htanfux buy. Ilia wetter r- mrauwhlle piovii,lune are being sent The loltowtug it 11 .ocount writ- Many ricers Of lava were ilowing int ft i, Or rfulter. leder herr. fluRbo Went Loth pier to them. leu by A CUl•t'e.pundk,IlL 'w'fiU Weill seaward, cue cit thiel holt a mile •ri,,. amu, ice S,r:lm flip t''wtlpnlly r chs ntr furnil rT7 dill u corir.ue�ubte f Few of the victims will ever be re• out iron herU %1 u i�I o. deawcil : wide. j YU 6D' I haNa iflu wJw deep le, ral.hxle ,,ad prournie, buri.nr•"s with cablefar. /�frI \ cognized so grout is the mutilation Tha liov'eriumil eh+N•tehd tie The refugees at Georgetown ! apo rod dlnrppear. ,,adtuvc, frequently' wan with ship. moi// :tit,] distortion. Searching parties steamer Wcar W gu utor and ro- Ilalalr are le, C1 --- esu.• L'rltie4 Ruynl mitt Xieamen nrutti of (iXh null produce, W lir A found 8,000 charrlx corpses on the bort. Sic last hero ale"J o'clock I nil LYill t:.l: P �I) rite of the cathedral. All appear to Mt the evening All MaaY' 8,'lurt urger A VIVID Dk;8CUIPTION. 1 trea,l .I, irtand atnt -t , 4iaedolospw:=bvcoXidig have been asphyxiated before they Lia ►Lwamer liwduw h:u1 rct__Ll ,- fsur..•I•;:. r.,purts hating P• ,c1 return cargove of sugar, ruin and �r Ytert- last r,lt;laL. 'fit,! rtc.am#r avub ,nolusses. bow(- to,i years ago the %,+ _ 1 were turned. The bodies or some [row st. Pierre, M.rto dud', wlti Feared That bks Lop of Life HN t otera.l Lv tib Aalnva protretivr tarp Pnucterl by the i \ IePrsons were touftet as they Bled, In the uewr ur Liu terrlifn ►cgs o[ life )tern Very Heavy. tl.,rel;n\6:,P Nur alt" miieal distant 1'reuch Governweat destroyed lin* 4'11 Cho act . performingsoul their darty there. erKin ton, Ihland of St. Vincent, B. f � \ coeAtlurle. Not a soul carts found 'LerrlbW flanges wero rlrlhla doting ge � frown ,ire town, wbicU war 4e, Igo- trade, And llallfaz now has on I alive In the whole town. Unless tie tutlre Journey. AL m,duf„ht it vkas W, I , hLLay 11. -After uumerour earth- W..r,rat,le darkutra. " A [Brat, tvae tr:udo rPlntlour with Martinique., I I a wholesalo cremation, as inteDded, fe beau that u vdlcupu war tu. arttplloR• quaked during alae preceding fort- .rni In an near as Itosrtble Lo flu --- i �•i carried out, there will be an epi upplorently a•Ieput, tour miles uway.. .Aght, Accompanied by the rubter- 0r,L but t,UL a Ilion ruul our Seen 1 ilh: FAI F.1► l'll'1'. I decile. There are Phu Near ran lntu htuvy showers r, u n nuggets In the direction or the ratrrre, u..ly rlam,ii. - • Z ) r i 11 f — _-_ Many Survivors le, the 11111• of grey bahtw .ud Lin people on sic r -r-} friers ,volcano 1n j1L uorthwert KI: g..1 Jam•aicu, rUllttr llu►t Atter t a. tirnrllrull -IUartrd rt lir Mulla cinders are s Falling a err y►etf wall NO ? etine tc�--fit a ,u pot�11e le ap . a TOn�rom 'b� ucmogpheru vicar esu dCla.e lint ono i ricin occurred un Monday lnrt from a •hart pt•r,ua ut aotiaily, Nlllch gave hoot of ,neat 1•c4•e. \ \(, `I \�� I .. ;� Fort do France, which city Is now eo,all oto UQLII.ng. Tile dLt puL tho crater. The water le, tie crater l.0 aXr.ul-grusn'l for suspicion of n So, Plerrr wax ,he I:trgemt to wit ,, ` �' rnetically- ander mnrtdal law. Lab miout alto eLeauted to thu youth furl fano abceuded In n stupendous cloud ; { ��\ t dka■t�r, Wink 1'llrr, tilt' vulalnu ht ,and Cho n,rnmrreliti centro 't Ill. �' I ` tO o ere from the auntry are flocking two )tours before rho war olear of' of steam and ezpleded heavily. Tin )fart, Lice, "udd"nl' b"letw d tori 1'rer,ch hinny u[ Marupiuue. 1l NaX thither for foal. The authorities are thu showers Of &bill;#" I rotser grew louder and ouaLinually f "Jilt. luau Agu 1 arher on tho murn- •11 r �(,�i \ At a ocludt ill tie morning die i till Wednesday morning, when the , /:g of Iia 8ih 'i lie at.Amer Roddam the largest town le, the Fr,woh �u'e.t �\ their almost to relieve the PILL book toward the Ibl+turl and en- uld crater, three miles la cirrumfer- AI ---aa -1 It alln_Tttd ..•1 ,Lot __y.oud our well INttIL anti pea► .filet a There fuss an eruption Ip counteract morn abhor and nue again ,else, and the now crater termed by I —__ _ W $t. Pierre, Mud .beat", les Sum- peeing. IC had a pvyulation of ata,ut Off, tyke arrived at t the last ern ttola belched mmoke And ` lug oh+ lit todi speed and runuln/t the C5,4ud. the a -seven mita west of 5t. l�ntpeILOW . pet p Lucia that was Ilk. a waterepout. hutgatOwna the capital of at. Yln- i stones, forcing do resldettts of {1 gstt:,•11t1 of a shower of lava, wh.-it 1. was dhided Idto two 1>rlrtr, , , uML, at spout 5 o'ciouk in the morn- I ib'altlbou and Itlettmond Valley, be- YUrf rA%cuteen of her an+w. It Ir t„uwp ar tin upytr and tin luwur / Along the water front are a few � neath the soleano, to flcu to Cha- 1 ' otatol th,tt Pierre faanother1',tmi"It, .uway. 11to lower town w.,• cum walls m-tty ng, Aad the ruins of the teso Belalr for refuge. 1 dcl, with u:,r,+uw strreta usil un- it. 1 Customs -h se were toned. Curious- 1(naRstuwu louvered tit Uh Alae•. Thn thuntierour uobcs, coullnmlpy ke,,,g arvl d with adhere its duyl. 1 , 1 A dowllsle'h from point Itra wyr Iitwl,by. Tito upper wNa wowcluuu r, yy i4l cluck enough, hero face and hands of leo It our ■eau then c upu Cho ,I there I:g Islands were icor) it neighbor- ,' that the ntikxt tlulout eruption of nlcal,hter •a,.•I i,alaiy,m/ l,, 1AM Out. Y� i cluck on the heypfur were not rt- esus it cosetunt cruptrou . there i nig Islands two Imntfral miles away. i' Mo.,t P,lee lasted three m;uutra, llao:,t Pd1'••, line ilrgert of the gruuf, stroyed, and they furnish an import. ictus A tremeulour roar. Forked I At mil -day the crater" eJ••cte.l en- eosl;d^tely deatL4ynIC St. Pierre +eel Of vulcalah: muttntalna, Is about 4,4(NI /� '! ant record In the history or till@ ter- Iilthtdng play.d l ,ce,wanlly ober the ormutl” columns o[ irtedmy vapor, ale- th. dl-trictr 1tl)In a tsar -mil.• i%>s't ttgh it ural inept tpen iurtctlte -------' a+ r1We enLsatrOph9 "The hands of the disturbed ►auUora Till flashes In ma tleAlly el ht miles hl h, ratio+. TLP erui►rrr saved fight kit us n taolciuno, although in August; cluck had stopped ,at precisely ten averaged Prow hi to IOU n'mwut..'anal expuresdlnlr Into wonderful Xhupes, , tin Ituraiw.t'r CtCW- 18.x1. It had a akllrnL entption. it ! ,1 minuLes to eight, showing that It Khigbtown, vetch V twelve miler row mbling enormous cauliflowerr,gi. A d1--jouttln from Pari" DAY": M. b ill the rwrrthwr'Xliell end (,l the //t war aL that moment that the city frons the volctutu, wad covered with gnntic whePle, still tion twautlful ue,•ut tem uavurr of n Xu nes tilreo fw:hrs of .icier nrot rhuw.r• of b0uq g iela.id, and near the fdtuL of its west- / wits Overwhelmed nm�all those thou- flower forms, till streakr,f up and pinutntk,n in Alarti!AtAur, red lief a or., !I .1w, frontlag ih•• I,n St. 1'i.•rrr "andw of role wlthi It, and faille Monde on Thurru.y. Tho bo•d of the down anti eros"wlee wltti vi%1lflnah- WI;j I•L,.It, (int„ Itay 10-PrinrlpAl Grant dlyd at 11.15 o'clock P old volcano• wait then u lake three telegram tldn 1„ur„tog ftum 1 -ort de y built. B environs were destroy res of pressing, awlog the beholder Fra:er•, ti:tying that tic manager of The ConiniN rer4lnnt at St. 1'lerre thla morning. HI@ Pnd %vs.” calm. He was onsclous to within tut miles across. and Impressing Chu mind with feel. hie pngar works had ucdea%ored to were, for tit" United States, T. T. (acetest hl.artrrs of Hlum h.ru upt Started or, �IuuAay• Tho mountain lton IIL1 , old laterItself i go to Rt. I'leere, tart the, coast w:i•. Prently; Great Britain, J. Jiy+p; Derr i1Oa of his dud, sono Mrs. those bi fila gide. These were W. Field, v Fu,uprii and Iicrcula cum de- The eruption wvar first observal oil CA n nines of Oolten haa•a, which deter cocerpi with aeb'•s stud the town mark, M. its. Mcyer•0,uly, 1'. i 1:0.0.1- Grant, )[ A., Ida eon ; lir". Field, iia Xixter-III-laic, and Mites Field• tftruyiA by eruption of M at Veen- Vrlowod - -irt3 •M --i, rwd be otpti not 1a114L - lillnu ; Mrxtcv/ K. fetlple-,-Sivede0 acrd - hla -*tee . and iib medical Own. Death one dne to oedema of the vius; A. D. 79; more th. n 2,000 yiosa and uugu vulumer u( water riot hLio o over 1n tit streams, down the - - -. up, and t11c V(wPle to that district eUle d the vulcarw, nrW the greater k .\ Harnlau'K firm hag raxeived n de- Norway, GAXtAnre Borde. lungs. Tho funeral is fixed. for Tuesday, May iSUL toot. (fell There has been A 000tinuoua ,:oimea following uulted In one great spite), [awn l'nrracas rtatinK that Irbere were roar txtriks in the city- Earthquake In COnrtap ' Ople, cane aver site.. eontlnuou" mar all evening and fifte•rn veti«rls and All crews were ,he Banque d,-, I l Mar0nique, Bint due thousands killed; 5:,7. Tho n(,rthcru district, from Chnteaan through Iho night to Thursday morn• bvdrwbelwed at 8t. Pierre. Trariaathtntlque, Oulo iLil Bunk Of _______.-___ __- - _- - . -_ . -_ _. _- _-- --- Catania, Rielly, 15,000 persons Belalr le, Georgetown, hu" been cOm- Ing• accompronifxl with black rnin, Loan a d the Credit. Fuutier Cul- -_ • •,__� - ---ie i tllhxl by tvtrttnqunko; 1187. plf•tcly destroyed. It b Imporelclu to failing dnxt. attended with midnight ( M. o.•fal. -- toR.- Ioudon, X10_-A--.aAle_ssa� �r}ai0-0,004 .kDled by 137MewY hrjVnrt-tttnl �rtnt. wt tw- darkness all_- Wednesday-- creating The UolmInl Office here has re There were ]h cu.nml•alan wer nt jrMinistry of the Co4anfas, :chich ; pany received a prxre6go farm Mar- L158. eNre,t n tle•pntch fioO t les Robert pOuut of tlu/ rtvnrb of lova. A hug" forlingw of Leer and apsluus suspense. IJew • I n l' ttch r of the ober e.haiam, 12 dry dpw,do stores, __ pro- Ing," t°Py raphed the every powii'ble tinlquo tcrdny saying the volcanic C'n.clA, '0,000 killed---bk--anti * hill wits ubw-rvetl whore previously On the morning of Friday there tit y esu %1: inn dea4•rs,': rum manufacturers, neuro. 'fur Information. i eruption there continued, and that quake; 1268. 1 r ward Islands, dated Kingston. St Palermo, earthquakes, 0,000 lest; here [sol heron n valley. The wing. war a fresh eruption. and ejections Vlwf,nt. yestr•ntay. The UOvernpn 11 euloniLl Irra:ut•,+ merchants, 4 A few prlvthe talegrnmw received ' slops ere afraid to approach the hr 1 lint pert of the lslundt d@ "muting, of fiery matter, more duet covering my« that the wwfrlore vulcuuu. In brokers anti ' tatrdwar,! dealcra. herr renew the ogre that some tr(! Intx1. 17x10. its Hua[riere was dill In full crop_ Cho Irtapol. In some pinooe two feet SAY northwestern tale r•A rt ul the t . In Tito IeLiud tN \Inrtinl.luP ins the t1w Inimbitante. coil at. Pierre eg- l Tile Br4ttoh Admiralty Is o01trit l- Canton. China, 300,000 lost by lin ralnin,t DCbLl,'P. iaLca, Stopes And deep. ilei i mandorfn� i fila t le, the cum er fes "tiff active as t e Sent -esti Rf The orat - tint u ere tR Nur R1 until tutu o' funk d q r P• Nov. f10 1T fun up 1 O C gas .nrth int 'In w rr1. Th hop dtlat fyn Kingstown it cn q Ad oI St._ Vnticrlut, Br1p fah Went Intal+•«, w+ime genr•rnl ohuraclerisil,-e us p , fl mnunue,l In retie)) Furth "hcx4to liP.lizri , riptgoitiics w•►eh 11001" Preu- n sable message farm Fort Ih w Lite British4wi focal station, apo a KuchAo. Korth Persia, 40,000 lost. Thur y nftcit Go( Largo stoped dnepettch Ir went, aril) great lora of y' liarlLic" nit Ile own. Its Oxtr.•w( Franc:•, frrrivarded it S.:Yi pm•• Yee war cc�srll will be rlrieeted t0 go tv narlhqunke; 1755. were idling in (;aoeRolowp at that 18n Ion believed to have occurred. The had a:turred for n week past, bol Lltitwn, riR rulnPtl h Pnrthqunke, not actually 1n Kingston. Oa 1V. 1 le:tgttl in ttixwtl 4.5 mll,o from north-• trrdny, nnncurNinR Ube +.fety d Mnrti•ltlgne. y y time. T u trlephonlo cowwunfonLl„n lave hnR rleetroyrlt ..•reel districts t y K C vvpwt to southeast, .441141 Lha main Pastor King, of St. Pierre, wtho ee lit la apparent /arm the cable deb- '5,000 killed; Novembt•r. Mill. with their live etoelt. People are aca;a� a big e!oad of lit, am hung (,ter t re- patohee recuived that the eruptkyu tel. opal has out yet Iweo costo:- f►i tin k P e inhafiltant”, part of it la In the tibipo of an oval eloped the onnater, atld urttgtl Air n, destroyed b earthquake, cp1. The IOuA aannopndisl; off the drPiaR to thlR town, streams are 11 mifrt .re, alai the Nllh Tough ,,IgCyl, Its grrottr•st R Wth ntgo at yhmro Rouge. It t@ loped 1 of the vutaulo on Mont I'dce Rill thcntNr elle tII1Pdy 1d1_�. ole, were re. greatly alarmed, were t Uu lower end of that othr•ra fled there. 1 le t do match damaige, to the sugar mounLai1, i Aa audible at Grcoudu and at and i many platen s food i ikictiuR to Chateau Relnir. There twilyA I.. miles. A C;CI,tOn, earthquake, 0,000 )ort; null Barbed At hnlr-past tour ntxf venter fnmlao to threatened. The S Rtl�rrir&tri this Outfit part, the (,1.1 Fort Royal Onbin in,n W s Irsve been rseely- clop, which Is chlcdly conflnrxl to tilt• yon "7, 18:10 wesinesrlay a Prnoon darkness like (;overnment Is feeding numbers of weer M+int; fed by the autitontleti, i!--" nit '' Rt+vohttte0 -Pal--b;---iJt4-aCieatlaertl. route. All the southern art of the Leland, and the r� loaf, ltu•4-ef�tid aper - sufferers. allhd fort de Fanuc ISny--cute ut northern orales are interrupted. er ng wiftCir-li- no'w two resat ,hp"icil chrt have ftten . t dl•«fuatch from Kingston. .Ino ae 18x7• d,xl11, and nit ih same tlmP n gsan- { rtKPw Siva, Xraya: It fes m Kingst n. nm xo deep lie to outfit, abate mix miles At iebrl fitly families of Bu'rdeaux I thirds over. Iionvrver, the wiping out Panmm�; 40,000 c ale burled cull- tit of grltt do begnn falling. Plnee In the neighborhood of 8D7• siva leo approach Maronible, and for 'g mutlnR the Inlets of Lo Robert era bereaved. Most of the business .1 the popeyed pope tion of the ion den) 1797. p Y 7' frloore. thin rrnl11on full details of the din an'I Ln Fra[aais nn the other side. of St. Pierre was transacttxl through land, contred at Bt. fierce, 1" beoon Grunt shocks, with awful bee of ,sixty Killed ?ay LlRhtnlnR. Several districts have not let to produce the most serious commer- life, a C'o ockil, no lo, Holland, to, hu• 81st] persons are reported to have been henrd from, and the scene of 41 Il"t1 r are plow In renahlpR the other Trice n hole arcA of the iXlnnd, near IkrrdPanz. oMsL ef(txt. Not cute at lite hoop... p twee til td by Illtlitnl wide getting 4p) w wtlr- m les, Is mOuntatnous. Be- t M center a s.r. trousers in Lcxidnn hue heard Nord plow, thin Asoros, the Mississippi Val i t g the eruption is nnappronchabin. 1 klan•1�. Two aenPh have been tort t with all on boon) [e PsdracorlpR to slot hiOut feeler, there are further OwitR to the total dPeerletlon of I from its wlltients to Martinique. ley, Curacao, In,lfa, Ueuat, Aleppo awry'• i•:crry hour brings .roller vows. The with all it Pierre. Mocha peri n ,w)uth and nh)0at mid%cay of the ovall ell the Llnnd but meager ad;counte hnvo c:hilP, Cipain. Chinn, Martinique and On Tornday nod WPdnPadny the nurses and doctors ern overworked. p U,P three crexte ,d Coutbet, n Ft. PferrP was de- l;undnloppe; 1800 1612. IP61nd wail slcmvered with shed. It in irupoaelhle to giro full details (oat In felt regatrUas the (ata .v[ Ht. P begin rorived and the best picture of The Pity of Ntvtr Brhair the nnhee were three feet tit present. An a re+etdt of the dia. 1 1i Ilit, nir,rW thr-Rr'Pat ridge, Ara the -black the occul' ICA May be found In the Ftroyod in Ire* than thirty OPOPa&. Cities In Ecuador destroyed; aur -_- lou, tit. .loin Mllnr, the eminent reel raRRnl onneyt of old colcAnOe"• deXlppcUgt of the )aired of KrAkn- nn tial Xliorl prrwd the hnrrMt of 000 killed and property loss 4300• nom• artrr on kite tMnrM nil tmsfnves hese r "tone n C.Mlliatl- Pr •1 til r ( , On . bar L rP w rn ler) ten• three days. The torn T y been esu 7 or IX. 000 • 7H08. n t er v 000, n onto 1 •� cath n Itu,l o v o reaped. ,n f n hem b t was r r Tit(- m LO f t death es d and i water. T Punk 1 of int ern 1 1:: p w Shower �, In .1171 unsettled fmr. let, pays fin fa xftit{vr tai, wh It Oil ff o ubltC mics 1 r tint r,o ePnrUnynnke find occurred In anti Knahrd with reeler) earthquak'r Phu, yen ill 188:1 killing 86,x80 De'rPlc• The total Its) o[ victim@ will aJF IPlarxl n( Krnkrtton, volcap i rapt P - tl nncals, arm! there ares perperr ' roximata tall,• UO,O00. 1:vcrythlnR nn the IXllisd waw ruined) It1R fnrthrr diwester. Mart.nigne. Thil-fteetrurtitm wan tin, ph Krnkaton la 188:1 WAR the volrank tion. A8880 livor lost; cnrta, air I Cleft" and gorf+''"• Ot DIl lel"pd ai that name In D But ORP man out of th0 total IB&7, by tin Adler. Among the dr+aths are whole fano- arbjMy-.ler R ee+drwic PPwtHI'•+a- Jisa-41Qlli l.i. ._ �,-tr,r_.�„r, roll«' M an'emiP observatory line hl ick hole" Ti]1 „ tho Sunda group• i'Ite iidintld RAM Oe- ulnllai or foie L'Obt1 id"tT1a ic••••+ r mwya Jyylgg n[fhlrM., Ji�esa_ Palos© corpse+ ars in sever -Ill shown no Rlgn of an earthlinnkr socift torr•nt@ dashing over Pepe)- twePrt Javra and Sumatra. No one � I, Inst; 18!13. Many prrwmn worn brought In pinelieu', a nt ly(O I "U- . i►a etc. ThniTThe wlth7 n week. No celomic dhtlrt/ PbPm and fnitlnR Into caverns -Ina ll%Li,l oil the Island. the peak was A oahlo steamer has reached Fort FAmptlon of Mnuna Lon, Hawail, Notts from Kingnlown. Hone of the RIII fin intrrrol In trenches. The rl va¢ory of I. aTlc.IThem the Went ireldrn finite been wiper!, tiff -w" but :T.TM tut htwtr aref-4--�sw- ttw . SYL11n tli_ neat trvt:tl tlrnth Ilan will trach r a 11001) mince April 19, when there wan v"Ittnnie scrnrry, but the whole cot- b Pierre. with 4:,0 ntrvlvors, picked up Cluirleston, H. C., Parthquall 41 were dying nt thirst. Hoon o les. r w lilt--Zri+IIlAisF--iIItfeffr= T` orad with the rich verdure d the mortal nes tut roti•e volcano by "tit aloxlR the store. IR w Ion hid then :!{ hatrX wlthost m lignbin is on her way to St. Vin• (' a marked rPeOrd from Ouwtem•#In. hive. Still lo -day Krakalon IR re- Ihar Inst ; August 710, 1886. p - "i) Whet ham lvbahiy en ened In that 1 trfptca. ` ilnird an the most dangerous Icl- Morno Rouge, a fashionable Pubarb Bnt.datmnn, volcanic eruption, L. d1'(rp or water. All the cattle were pent with rdtorPs for the relief of Mont Pe1Pe ban blown ilia hra,f off, The total population of thel Island R dfuul tomalign of the lack of water. the infferers. la rleknnrel at 175,040, of whom 10 - .rete (ceaw on the surfnco of the of St, Pierre, estlin qu The o that 000 tidal ; ,Tony• 18SA. its the hrad of it cyilnder blown ort I enrth--clue rolely to the manner 1n Uovernor of Martingne fled to that Iakatxt of IIondo, Japan. enrlh- whnn tho strum presanrP fa tax, o00 are widtOR 1S,00)o (if A"Intla ori- plate ant] wait saved. (junk(-. 10,000 kith d; Oetober, 1891. -'--"--` —==!T=----- ----- - --- ---- great." Kin, nndl l:, jolt ht oct elf ell III ten nn l su&rnlyfrw her revealeh that he stood ii 1, *bon • to IIRet lf- ill nil Fourteen of the rtrnmrr iiornima'« VPnPrnrin, snrthcluskP, 8,000 kill. t'snndl,an Crew N@w City Deolrovr 1 y at the biters ce,tlon of two great lines crew were among the thirty navel rd; April 24, 1894. tit! Thomas, D. W. I., May 9. -The Of volcanic energy• by the French craftier Sachet Fina •Onatemala, Parthqunkf% lossoflife PEACE BELIEVED TO BE CERTAIN BMtim11 wcluoonPr Orenn Traveler, o[ I Paris, MAY Id. -Thr Minlatrr of Up to 1883 Krakatoa find bem vi- token to Ounudaloupe. not yet nocertainal ; April, 1903. • It. John, N. B., arrival at tine island ; Agarine has received the follow Ing tcit for �00 y('ft R. On the morning -- at. Irtrrrr, Mnrtir)Igne, Mwy, 1903; Of I)Omine!n, 1). W. i., wt 8 o'clock ; arKlatrd despatch from Pointe a of May 'O, 189:1, she Rave forth n A 1."adfnR Kireeted. loss of life, 40.000. - - ----.— \ this afternoon. She half been ob- pletre. Ilan. -t cof.(hlad,h,pe, frim the roar that wait bend 100 miles away. Lori ds France, Martinique, \lay Notes. �� ligpll to flee from the IPllartd Of 8t. `commander of the French er"Ild" Hn On knR• 26 the great PIpinw7on 11 Spm -t landing hall at Inst I,Prn i4wyrr Qnrntirr haw ldrrlved at Vlrleent, B. W. 1., Mny 7, owing to chat: ' 1 hnvo 0ht,llnedl the (ol'Inw cnmp. A dpecription given of what mn,1e at St. Pierre, and tilt- work of Fort do Frnniw, having rearned four I,t.finn, Jlwl 10.--A Aespatrh rreelvPA beep teo1R UPlrgoa fluty. a heavy fell cd rmrttl from i Vol- I chpIng Information:11II of the eventR of yerd hnpprncrl In: Pzldoring thm ruins or the annlhlhttrtl hundred Alit fifty pprsrona lrm-t Ht Pnrlapt,lsr F..Plt. Africa, says that peace In South Africa is certain I P '-for the flrrdt few honra the fireR e.lt hard begun. whIlt It will be many Pierre. She has returned Immediate to resulf from the epnferenee of the Ilorr leaders tube hold at Ver - ran. which was erepting there. She terda.y: of tho, rvtrih made abort work nit Y tli/vt to reach the I"Ind of Ht. Lu- I "Abrwtt 8 Licl(ti,k the volcano threw slays before the full m'ignitdde Of the ly to the icnne of the dinneter to renlging, 1'r.nse.nl, Nley 11-l. It 1• Plaid, the despatch continues, ala, n, W. I but n,lveran\eurrentrd up a tomddernhir mrl.m of smut,, and tije Pen, orlvinq It heck In splendid havoc wronAt ern be ascertained, *Perch for farther aurvtvnrn. tial lienee will be officially proclernned May on). 1•rf,prswllose are Drvcrnlal hP� from dt''nR no. The Perth. A vvhtrlwltal sof fire immrdlnte- rtplOpdonR that cmm� every tan or mKivigh to nlrPaAy rpvpnled to hrdl- Tho Intent meaaai[re Lrxllcstp that wh'gmPr arrived nppoolte 8t. PIPrrP. I ly folhtwP,l. Instantly the N•hote town twelve minutPrd. Each PxpinrdlOn hent onto that thoa very t►oret enticlp - tin nnmM+r sof dPnths will bP Fiftttll "t"pt for general rPJulclnRrd. �- Martinique, Mwy 8 While nb)ut a I of Ht. Plerro arta H flnmra, null the lip Mark roi,lmnw, mllem In hright, I lions are mnrn thin rOAlls,xl. forty th„unand. merest of the smnWr After h#Lv7theto rdtenm unit "rn(An nml rah Find pit- ,nwwvw who have come bnet herr llttanda near Martinlquo having aIle aR mss tin 1lorKhrrrd h1 fieri ween and eet at V e- mlh• .f( pier. Lhn vOlct►no of Mnnt ! ships In tflP hnrinr Nrrr dlbmnmt'''i them dna British tprmv, the Fore Irs,lPra warn to meet at Vere - ,r Pxplo,ted, and fire from it � and burned. Tito ahower of res%kR miter, ell t.hn Imam and drlirlR nal thR from the dirt rnlxtrt tint the atrtpPt� saffPterl. "AltinR anti reach a final dar•I«fort on the subject or praoP. tiew t tin whole town Of Bt. Pierre, 11►wtrl A ("IF a an hour. i nr rdarfneP of the motion lakp and drove anti nil tin hplghtxrrllrood around Private dewpatches retnived late roylnq the town and the phi inR I rlyd] at et. Plerrr at S c;rlock In hock thin nen In great waves. Action what a few Arlyn agra wall the this attPrilrvcn from the Wept indlPPl A dlP.prhat frau Lon,lon demi Mac " said n was offlr.latly therp, IrxllndinR the amble whip (pm the altprnwxln, ending n few tier. Clip dnrknean of night mettload Over Iwrgeet nn(I moat proaperOtls city In asp the, eruption at MartinignP 1p asserted that afire te'•Ir conference. at VereeMRtng, the Boer Plt•r, Wt rh wits rnRnged In repniri R gone from tin ships 1 "aw m, IIvInR ener re it would pplion In re Pratorin.to ami a is leri.n to Lord Kfteh- thr cable near the Ouprin factory. I ernaturn In Ht. Plrrre, to whirl It Java, And wtmntrw, fund twee v m PL heAlia lq ni art• now rn umlxboot bootlegs to ,iPcldPdly waren. MPr Lipid dePldon 1n regard to tin pewoa tvnns they were pas Thn endo to Ton rsnlllnR In thctwP wstwrw. From w herpes n(xtn hPnprr of dead bcodlcts le Tho [J. M. SwnetP herd paRwPA a hill red to accept. U'ron Traveler, while on her was Impow r r1rntP. There ddat:anoe tri fort] miter Krakatoa all cllr-re•tlasAIL for $100,00b for the reelef of suffer. D waY to ibminlPa, PoroentPred s I wars nsmerotse corpses near the looked like mia lmmsaw wall. with All the dead tbae fill• .sen were era � V tuallty Of wreckage, gasy" i, . .. a 0