The Signal, 1902-5-15, Page 8BUSINKIlt3 CHAINING*. CASH FOR Iii LL pfldTATE OR SUSI nee. no mailer a hen it is. Send deeuri 1, Zsad cask prat-., amt met nit, plan for And est' buyers. Patent aa, hang* and 1r. I - wt Conaway, Torat:to. C..o.d. PA 1'KNTR. allATKNTS, eA V (CATS, 't RAD11 MARK l eta Roam se Portage procured wad el - plotted. Booklet on potent. free. Tke Patent J arbaage and Investment I'uaysar, Pylhlaa Raddled. Toronto. Ont tANTEIo- LAMES, eAL SO MEN -TO ropy lettere, addreea .nvelopee at brae, anywhere. day or eveeilug.; •trlrtly 112Mweatdoymeut. AddtwExcelsior Meu- g io., elation B. t'lereasud, O. YOt'NO WOMAN-AOED 71 -WORTH •lfi,mu-washes to eurreemed witb beams, Inlringent mau. who would appnel- ateagoud wife Hun 2,588, Turo.to, Out. rIRCIT .ARM FOR sALZ- )NC Or MIR finest la We Mtwara Nemesia. at nonn, 10 miles from Hamlltea oa two ratl- weee, 1711 acre. In all, to ofhk•h r In trulI. macaw acaw Wel w .old In one pure) ee d▪ erided into lot,. of 0 to fu sores to eat par Mama Teaa le a Melded ►areatadas. re JarltJaao Canonise. P. u baa MIWI.oaa °Marie RaLaseaLle WANTED (towers We want et oboe trustworthy men and wo• men In l,cellte local or intoning, to is traduce . new discovery sad Keep our show card. And sdverti.ii18 matter tacked up Inc... • pleueur places throughout the town and country. 1,tea4)' employment year round eew..oi•doe or seledy, {base p.m meat, and e:peneeo, not to ese.x•d 112.50 per day. Write fur particulars. Poetomoe bon 3)7. INTERNATIONAL MEDICINE CO.. London, Ont. 1 Horses Wanted by the British Government Dick's Blood Purifier for Horses. The great tonic medicine of the age. It tones up the sys- tem, rids the stomach of bots, warms and other parasites. 5o cents a package. Write for Book on Cattle and Horses. /t re. free. LEEMING MILES & CO., AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. HAMILTON- TORONTO - MONTREAL LINE... Steamer/ loner Hamilton 1 p. m. and Toronto 7.10 p. In. Tneuehays and F'ridayn dur.ag May. and on aril after June :int Tuesdays, Thur'. days and Iiaterdaae. Hamilton to Montreal TornntotoMontreal V:.1.1:::.17.30 Meati and loathe included. The above cheap rates to Mont- real are in effect for May only. Only lino running rapids. - Write for R. t O. 1Tote1 Book of Lower Ht. Lawrence and folders. H. roster CIi..R,e, Western Passenger Agent,' King stave% East. Tareate, Oat. CONSUMPTION Prevented and Cured. Pour marvelous free remedlu for all stuff reading this paper. New cure for Tubercuk)els,Coasamp. tion, Weak lungs, Catarrh, and a rundowu system. FREE. De you cough ? Do your lung. pain yeti ? 1s your throat sore and inllansdi Do you spit up phlegm t Doesthed ea our head ache? 1s your appetite bad? Are yourFungi; delicate? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do you lack stamina l These gymptoma are proof that yoe have in your body the seeds of the moss dangerous malady that has ever deem. tested the earth -consumption. Y... .re invited to test what u» elutes. .In So foe yew If you are rick• by wnung foe a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT ai l the Few Pre. Prepnrw. .ill be forwarded you at e.w.. entb .let• d.nerti.ae 1„r see. Tine Mecum System M a pew.ties roes for Cnnwmp. rh.that onset in.diou• di.0... and for all Lunaroubles and Dau.dere, urn.pl aid se d .. by la Cogh., C.t.rrk, (taloa ltd .ort Troubieo Simply write to tee T. A. !teem Chemical faneesy. L644.6..leemCi-ErerrTTr,Tons, g+n.( pate red press addr.....red t6. fes Med.,.. (the %lacuna Core) wifi he ►.ore r rat. Americas in�Canada swiss Slon bee neer L* ilenato. p Mathew wrs�esaa samples at NO DIRTY HANDS. Clean your elver - ware. god, braes, -.-_-..lM.. wit! EL EGTRM immune fMERL No powder I •r pp'.I lab to us., not brook rah. `bhPthr .rrynr- magic Pelee tar nt druggists or by mnll IEOAARCN MTG. On., ■r. OatharlsM Oat. Triol wimple. free Trade supplied. It would Pay We11 to Buy . London Fence Machine n. 1rne.• n no erre form r n•it 1f It mats four Ono* Its vete,. It make* n t otter acnes at nne.hnlf the rnet 01 nay ready woven knee 'ro art Ihrbeet fen.. you Meet build It nn the ground, and the 1.0141. DOM 10 the tsatr•t nal moot lmprov.d •aeblue on the mnrkrt for building It. Write for preree and rntnlogne showing eat of 1 2 ■trice of few, LONDON Fatten MACSIN0 CO., Lteslt.e tamales. (Maeda 41 teify ena/i -/Le/P _&>K1471, 4,b4/ 1- • TIE EARL'S DAUGHTER z,yyy y - - 'L y yeat� "You mewl bring her ladyship here :tgitlu rue soon as the season le over. Nothing like Srotelt air for Netting to. up. No prr,peot of a family yet, a,looeI, eh ?" Hut Isere the colonel, who had been an thorns for the last too minutes, :ted looking round wildly for some interne of escape, opportunely heard the voice ,of Mrs. Bainbridge oo the atifreaae. My mother I" he said, quickly; "I must go to her;" and In another mo- rdent be was folded 1a her arms. CHAPTER =XVI. It was so sweet, so good, to have Inc. there, and to have him there alone, that, though he came in an hour of deep diatrerr, Mrs. Bain- b;like felt aa thauge half her grief were lifted off her sdroulders as she Easel Into her face. "My sou I my dear, dear goo 1 my owvu Tawara.!" site repeated over and over agadn, clinging to him ma the w,•aker cling,+ to the stronger, and ,,,mrfng the story of Ler sorrow into his ■ympnthistng earn. "Oki if Son had but been here, my date! Ile asked So often for you. lite only word he uttered, upon be- ing seised, was yc-'.t• name; and, af- terward. I am mire the door never opened but what her poor eyes turn- ed In that direction, hopin'f It was you." - "Oh, don't r mother, don't'" he urged. imploringly. ''I cannot bear it ! I wish to God I had come noon- er." And then he pineal her In a chair. and gut down by her side, while -Mlle sobbed for a few minutes In her Itandkerchlef. "You see, my deur," rale continued, presently, through her tears, "It Is boort that Jon sbould hear all the.. It may be painful now, but It will 1. ' a comfort to think of hereafter. tour father Iove.1 you very dearly, Thoma,, he wait a good father to on, and a gou.1 husband to Ine. We helve eurtalald a great lore In him,' "Hee von know, wo have:" her mon repair.. "But we need noc make It worse by unnecessary self-reproach. nag - h• 11.m told me all you said to ber Ode morning on the subject, atal of coarse your absence could not leave Liw•n helped. It wear as uCchdent, anal nothing more." "But did he think It so? That is Om doubt that will haunt my Itle- tlmn " "We must hope he did, my dear' At all events. NO knew your cir- cumstances and how much engaged yon are; and doubtless made al- lowances for the delay. He could ower have thought you would re- fund to come to hlln." h0 "1dkL" hope not. He little knew melt `01t, no! He hn.1 perfect faith In roar affection. Eden of late -luring the last few months -since your marring., that le to say (you kuow, my deur, without my telIng you, that Ito was Just a little disap- tn•,ltd at your choice), he has al- ways expressed himself as oomp!etely satisfied with all you .111, or were '.rely to do after his decease, i think now that bo must sumetlmes 11010 had a kind of inkling be wax trot long for title world. Oh. Teeniest what • ir* we to do wlth- oet him?" - And Mrs. Bnlnbrldgr. relapsed Into a natural but very d!etressing ex- hlbtilon of feeling, which made her eon thankful for an excuse to quit her presence, for the purpose of pro- curing the refreshment of a bath :iiel change of linen after has night's ;..ruey. It was a melancholy medi- tation that he indulged In as soon e.14 h0 found himself alone. There he wan, master of Cranrhaws And the bilk of hie father's prodigious for- tuu.•-then richest mean, perhaps, In th.' army -an rich at man, certainly, ins Is, ordinarily speaking, to be found there; yet the poorest, he felt, shud- dering, the poorest wretch that tra- versed title wide earth ; In compact - win with whom a b.ggar clothed In rage, bet wanted by love, lived In affluence. ndy Lthe1 t what a -TRIM yen hare created here! He threw has thought.' back to that time hurt year, when he had first earn and become enamored of her; nod remembered, with set teeth, how that man -the one whose name she hint mentioned to him -had been al- ways, hovering about her, and he had fo It }onions of him wen then. Rut her treatment of himself at Tem- ple (]range; her altered manner, warm. careening glance, end prefer - ince epealy oonteassed to -had it all b et, n Tals.•h.uo.l,n delegate. maddening dreier, from whkeh hes Mel but jnwt awakened to find that, in order to nvenge herself, mite had cruelly made eldpwreck of his Koper T Yee, tt ttvtrt been n dream; Ott had wnkroenl from It. ile recalled her flaming looke upon the morn- ing that they pa rt..l-her tatenling leeched en.l InmiltIng worde- r.nd felt that wag what she meld then W,.N the truth; the woman he steered hml nicer 1ov041 him. Oh, It was hard to bear; harder than any other trial could have been to him , for hie pride was great fie hie love, end lints were sorely woumleil Hg hail wasted all the etrength of his pan - Monate nature on this woman, :and .he hail turned rind mocked lalm for Na folly, He had given up every- tlring be powwowed to her -nam., and wealth, and hepptnew, alnoet the effr.etton of hl, fem.ly-aril .he had thrown them hack into hie facie telling him openly that ghe had aged troth him and them no tools - mere Instruments wherewith to carve nut her revenge Tho deed wee an wicked, and far more cruel, then that of savages, wMi sacrifice n Ilfo to nemeses. the n:ppoteel anger of their gods ; and 1x• al not feel the torture lees be - canoe, It WAS .tdmini.tnrsel by (sir, wet handl, the( teemn.l ton delicate to Prune it dloart, and feet too light to trample on It. He was crusted as he eat there - unmistakably crushed, body, soul, and merit, amt he dal DOL Dare to deny It, even to him- self. He acknowledged freely that the world, or what constituted In lata eyes the world, was over for ham. And It wan for this woman, thlr false, forsworn, and evLl nature, who could marry while tete dedplred him, and. after receiving all he had to glee her. cast In has teeth, as so- cusatlon. what war no fault of leis, that he had refused to listen to the advice au affectionately tendered by the father who now lay Melees In the room next to 11e own ; had brought her home to be a cauee of mtrery and strife In the house which had never been the seen of anything hut domestic happiness 1111 then . and finally, by her chicanery, had mimed the farewell blooming. without which he law felt es though he never more rhuuld know the name of peace. Would he subject hlmeelf to be the occaeloi of her Insolence again ? Would he bring his wife to Oraii- .biawe to wander through the apart- ments which had been her parents', and abuse their memory at every turn ? place her In hie father'. caul:, at the head of her mother's table, only to encounter the bitter truth, whenever her jeering lIpe chose to deliver 1t, that she had lowered herself by marrying n tradesman's sou, In order to excite the jealousy of an arirtoeratlo and more tutored lover? No! tie would perish flea.; and Cransltnwa might go to rack and ruin before be would busted' Lady Ethel ave mistress there. On one point has mina was made up -he and .tie would never live In the same house again! Yet -"bow to take leave of all he loved!" Olt! Ute golden hair, the 'wtldering, blue eyes. and marble Ain ! Even In that hour of dark despair, before he had looked upon the corpse of hie father. or realis- ed that he was iudeod gene from them forever. such trlvialtlee com- menced to haunt and vex him like a swarm of goats about a wound- ed man. The force of a great blow :tune us Into silence, but it s theeo +mail, extraneous memories which goad the brain_ to madness. Yet, as an hour later. Colonel Bainbridge stood by hie dead father's ride, Bating. through tears which he was not aabamod to brush away, upon the closed oyes that would never again Moet her own, the sealed lips that never more could bleat him, and the. folded hands) that had re- sponded for the last time to bee pr•sorure, he felt that had Lady Ethel been twice as beautiful, and had he loved her twice ave much, it woukl still have been the same, end he could not have forgiven her for wantouly depriving him of the con- solation of being preeeet et his father's tenth -beta. Ile was u tradesman, It wan true (and here the sou, regarding the figure stretched upon the bed, in- voluntarily drew himself up,) but he had given him life, and no one who despised ham or his honorable calling nlould fatten on the produce of his labor. From that moment Colonel Bain - bridge's reeoiutlou was fully taken. CHAPTER XXXVII. The next few days passed much as such days usually do. Every min - (IOW of the castle war closed atn'1 blinded, and chance vlwttoru to Cransliaws, glancing up linit-fearfully at that of which the mash was raised a couple of Inches, whispered t0 each other, that the corpse lay there. (Mosul Bainbridge pawed most of title time In hie own room. There wan plenty of badness to be tran- sacted with lawyers, bailiffs and un- dertakers, which all devolved upon ham, and therefore hen seclusion ap- peared neither a nmecensary nor :strange. At stated periods the family as- sembled for meals, at which the convermatlon, it __Indeed It could be called atoll, wan stilted and unnatural, and 'widow turned upon any but the moat Indif- ferent topica. Consequently, he hal trot no nweclt to ,irdure from th.. mention of Lady Ethel'* name, or him future Intentions with respect to her, as lie had anticipated. Indeed the subject of his domestic life waw wham alluded to at all. Hie mother, when her first emotion at meeting him son* meta, had wiut kdn of has wife, and asked for a few particulars concerning her ; but Colonel Bainbridge nnswr'rod curtly, and the theme, not being one on which they had touch aym- patl.y, was eu00 discarded. Nu one, therefore. except 'Waggle, ha.l a suspicion that has trident de- pression was due to any enter' but their general affliction ; and only noticed It to praise Inc filial duty. has _ _Lha fair teL1taaku fig paid it man As WO father was be - !ore Ilam. 1 But Meesgfe knew better. Maggie, remembering the look nett gesture with which, on the morning of lin arrival, he had commanded her to evold the tn1.111lon of hie wife to ham. felt there woo adeep'r shadow than the Nnatow of death resting on hie Noel; and her own yenrool W nelminleter the sisterly comfort which sero almost felt competent to do. For 011e had so far .h-hool,A herenlf that her couein s presence was 00 longer an active pain to her. To hear hie voice, and meet glance, and watch hie muve- refntst knowing meanwhile that No to hear, rend meet, and watch, 'reel nil the pert Me .'Tremor. ceull iear In his exstenoe, made her heart feel henv- ler, perhaps, but had no power to quicken It. (To be (:ootlaned.) "This." anld Mine Rllehenold, "le n portrait of me ;minted when i we• n little girl." "My I" axelnlmeil Ills. Kontlga. "and were you palated even then 1" GETTING MARRIED AS A BUSINESS. T., be murrlyd bit timer durlug the haneyu,, son la an CI pericueu that sumer to Tow. Four years ago au .11 - lege youth and b). 'sweetheart read a furulture dealer'e adverti.emoet, offering a drawing -room suite to uuy couple that Dimwitted to be married Publicly In hie shop. They neared the state. Going oil their wedding trip to an Olalo town they noticed a similar advertisement there, and repeated the performance. Thea the klea struck the husband tkat he might arrange thaw matters Min- uet', and In two week., he had per- suaded rix dealers it, various towns to emulate the other& Nominally the temple won a 'Teethed Luise at each place, but they really received a cash ooadderntton arra ng ed b for hand So It lour gone on ever •ince. Thel couple nave claim to have b k u warded 500 t Imes. Setter t0M Internal m.dleatto• for tier. Vous *ekes read auw•ulnr twItehing• le "the 1) a L." Menthol Floater, bereave It Is ap- plied right to the sore spot. It le pprompt null rertalu. Substitute may be oaerrd. May Nu Feer if Ilurnlars. "I am so glad true boys of your regiment gave you that haudsonte r, rub. er," salt the mania captaila's wife. -We need have no fear now of the burglar'. who have been infest- ing our nelghborhoot." "That's ,o, my steer,' be replied. "I've looked It up 1, the office rate, where they can't get at lt."-Phila- delphia Praia. )board's Liniment Cures Distemper. O1teK1:eat-IONS. A good baaband 1s but the evolution of r good von. Tim talent of reservation le little cultivated. 'Ib reserve a little either tit ootafkdenoe or wuaey works, ex. oaten -Hy well. There never wan a man witom an artful woman cnida not persuade taut he was uuapp.rc.ated, u,..r r Valli woman, who r v,•r 1. 't that clic was quite uodervtwl. it's all right for .Lurlty to. begin at home, but We very wrong to have It end there. Second-hutud wive,,, are often very bail bargahue, but wtivn.l-fund htue- baud* Invariably are. The wvusve who goes oraty over a bee affair wan foraduomed. Lore only furM.bed tut opportuulty. A* won as wo are quite content with ourselves others begin to 00 - tion markt, of degeneratiuet Meirt: a! txrSleatmeta consists In the &betty of the coucerned parties t.. respect the NxllvlduaUty of each other. The estops deptonetrate how often faded watao0 bay 11aw.ng colon In the Valu le.,pe thalt they will restore to diem a remblaike til youth.; The woman wlie through sheer, ninety drawe a mate way from dile cure -faded wife le a f nil Incarnate. It to a telly treenail judges a mato by what ire *are, nr; woman by what she leaves utesid. The faultlo.w woman le tiresome, but the v r.aue woman le baneful. Mean women volunteer to collect tire fund.' in eletritable enterprises le order to avoid being asked to ton- trIbute.-Phil alelphia ltecuyd. Marr)I,ig fur Muul�. In England a man who marries for money le regarob.4 as having handy done the dignified thlnst, but as hav- ing tome the only thing passible, being poor and n gentleman. In Franoe and Ocrmany he its upon as a dee:dented smart fellow to have been able to do it. 'flare U no nonsense about the hunt fur a doh wife WI the co,itluent. Tke thing Is to catch her. I had a friend once who wan falrli well off, and who spent some year.' In Germany. Her time was infant! dccupl.'.1 In chiding barons, mental and iTflcers who had matrimonial lateiltlous. and who, when they cele.1 have 'speech of her In no other way, used to pro- pose between floors In the hotel e1e- vators.-Argonaut, San Francisco. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for tiny tame of egtorrh that rennet be cured by Mall* Catarrh Cure. F. J. t'HENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the Treat 15 years and bellere kla pertecUy honorable fu all business trans- actions and ennnrlall rattle to entry out any Elongation mode by their firm. R'nsr a TIcax, Whuleeale Druggists, To- ledo, O. TI'*Cohn. IkIaNA! Wholesale Uraggfste, ToWto, 0. Halle Catarrh Cure Is taken lnternelly,net. Ing directly upon the Monet ani mnom. aor- tae. of the system. Teathnuulal.. mat tree. Pelee --76c per brittle. Bold by all druggists. Hall's Family fats ads *0. beat. (Ivprheard tit a Ladles' Club. Mabel -Sybil doesn't know a thing about whist. Why, the other (lay .lie was my partner at a tournament, and she trumped my ace." Chore-H-rw mean I Mabel -Yee, but I pall her hack. She lett an ace next round, and I trumped it. L1m other earls train pa nail dlnrrh.rn come suddenly. Promptly give a deer of Perry parts' Painkiller and the Paine will gen Im- mediately. A bottle rt band will on re hour. of '.uttering -b, prepared. Cheering. Among the people who revel In the lugubrious' things of tyle world, nue mourn with exceeding pleasure, tnay wifely be mounted fere. Hankey, a character hu -The Ferrhlgibns." .lira. Hnnkey is telling abut the re- cent wed Ing of her aloe., Sts.1n, and prophesying the probable and of the bridegroom with oonelderable tine - tern "How le your Meter herself ?" In- quired Mra Bratr'eou, "I expert she's n bit noes& Masa that the fuse is all uvsr, and whe hasn't n daughter INft to bless herself with." Mra. Genery efghr.1 eheerfnlly. "Well, Nle did seem rather low *plr- Itcd when n11 the m'•vv isms cleared up, and Aswan had styme off to her own home; but I singe to her, 'Never mind. Sarah, and don't you worry )ourself. Now that the w't.lingu. are over, the funernts will noon begin.' Ton are, you meet rawer folks tip n bit Mr*. ibttr'...m. When they're feel- ing out of worts." --Philadelphia lama gala Minard'm Liniment Cores Diphtheria A Wsele of Mosey. M hleagn Ceronlelc.1 ,!natter Wildnm L Putnam, of the United Rtateo Circuit Court of Ap- peals in Portlnn1. Ore., recently fell Into convrrmntl in with a young man of the nouveaux riche.' who .Xpresmed astonishment that the Judge _could get along on him eatery of $A,O00 n year. "Why," salt the ;vowprowl ynuith. It rally mute me twice that amount to live it year." The Judge atnewrred *rarely: "it don't worth It. George; It Islet worth It." One cent wise One dollar foolish To use any but the best OAP r �..trt.trtdbe.rtetnr wt.rtrtolkstlear~vassal ISSUE SHIILEY DARE ON KEEPINI ONE'S LOOKS Hae no one ever asked himself, "What business here women tp look e.. plain and haggard as soon ni they /LEDUC/LS turn their quarter century ; or what necessity le attructiveness at the age whim they begin to be worth LZPIENSE knowing ?" The chatter of youth Liao tit rosebud girl* I. insipid. They Ask 4r lbs octagon Ear eel are itwkwir.I it, giving weaver fir a novese in oarvlug a chicken. It is lnstructivo to note the rislug Idea that the (Inert young men of the day are prtwi7 to merry women older than tbemeeltea for want of luteus grime in glrle usurer to their own appropriate age. The marriage lista Dull fru expiatuatlon of the disparity between ager, and a young matt had thse reoummetalatloa should p>• wrlttru an article somewhere d1e- ▪ bt. Ever sixty wall tellyou It I mussing the reasons w•hy melt of to a beet.7 'strong latellect and warm feeling New York Central sad Hodsea Raver Railroad. The e.bovo name 1. a home -bold word, and the superior excellence of tb. road atwuld be sufficient to at- tract moat people, but now that the rate le the same to New York and potato east as by other lines no fur- • full In lore oath alder woweu ashen they bite A chance. The attachment, Knew the Source of Ills Support. is eto strong, the bon's se proudly' iNeshvillr maser.) worn In there cased that the query t-tpeaktrg or teampalgn deceptions, 1r: Why 'Peet women oftener give we art' r'emindhl LC no easottou mold melt tbn oh ince to adore them, when len a Uon(alesa,te oonaeluy during they are must worth tutoring, amt the Clete Weir. .t racier egotist/, why do they make then experiment de !dirt to ran ter it Lieoten- sr hazardous to repeat ? The wan uucy, nvvlion wan secant. 'Phe mom- never gives it surer proof of lir at- (Jer, whom ive wl'1 coil Dick, went tractlou then when he Ignores the to ale ta1twtu ate. tutilom we wit' cull dlffrreno7 01 age, and a womaa Juek. w..1 „kid (.10 hest., lit tap el.:• should rower.' touch tribute by re- test'. Jack %steamed to work tar ht. rervlug Iwug her rulbmer bloom len trivial. mei uv. u-rei hon slut ho ootttd gree( and chagrin again we repeat : e el 1euteJ why, tale brhoris were Khat business have women to fall counted iacik (axial tibial iie had ma off In charm wb i brain eat 1 mornle lteral only One vote, tem opponent roe:Atari/ all the miler votes. India. rie 1st over mach a .i,fesa •Dkk ap- pruu'heti Jack aid exclaimed: 1 tluuught you Were my :beret It Ml yon promised to tletrtioaeer for me." i.tneswerea *Pat* '•I am are at their prime ?"-Shirley Dare. "KELPION .a_eee Indorend 6y b•nt English na.dloal) o0rlsla. e.yNi•dto er)ti.t iord..rtIn South Sikh's. an our Pinel d d I did m veil beet For ail Throes os, stand Trembles, Lumps, )' y Absc•ss•s, Old Ser•s, ulo•rs, Felon•, 01). W elan you, belt tee bays. who pro DI Co.. ., ►unaN•., Sole J.lees, miee.l me 'hot teat would vote for you .went book ou 1,heir promisee. L however, tW MU my (ixvt and put In cue itfte fur you." Thin made Eaek madder than ever "You're it tar," he orad ; "l put to tacit rote etyma/ ' • SPRAINED KNEE for 3i YEARS. Itoitootl spa, luta .g., Sprains, 0.,l•ea, Piles. Cuts, Sere Feet Pleurisy Sold by Druggists, MMM. Try It Nee. 111 Mlcht Hae liven Warr. 1St. Jeae: Oat&Ie.1 Good etortev are always pleutiful abort gob tat tiles. ti. t t. Andreae tad t1l•+ wow heated '1.1dtoile tlur'am. Itlla ►ni„r:a'tAe reustrk eater a poor helot ey tale person be wag Nerving, "It mach Inc been 'Vann" war meant to I; ROM among the numerous 11060- Ore 001160i1,4ory mutt etreo.trtg.ug. belted te,ttmoulals which have writer, a clrwMyntan, Was weal led been receive,! In praise of 8t. Jacob with Mai Well weaning flattery. tte- 011 we shot that of Mr. Arthur Har- cot -tangly. to taake Imre that he radon, of RTIUord C'reeeenl Fast, Not- would igtwaieh the remark for owe, thlaham, Who suffered from a sprained tie -told the toddle he had a terrible Lee for Sa years, foal being devoted dream the nlglrt before. to the manly sport of football he "b'•.uaule, my than. 1 alrpmt that I felt it a great deprivation that he wan tui Vie pkaae where the waken we.-+ tenable to jo n In it game for are punbehal. 1 naw the wrt'tebi.wl that prrlod. He triad many remedies ono. Picture they were wwienutirig nithout woce.., until ono clay a w :t lake (1, bolting pitch, and .onkl ftiesd pervaded him to try tet. Jacobs cot gee kendeel ear reel hot t.trti- Oil-The Weedy/tut Ott, he call. 1t forks terrine in their lice' by .lr.- -whea he etperl0Doed immediate re- I mans. He (marl u minu4te, writ. lobs lief from paha, followed by a per- 1 tongue to ode tobeck, when. In per- manent cure. Ile rays: "I had been flit enoteeele the twdttill. att►wered: buffering from a very badsprained ; '%.rye, weir. taint 'seas a find .bream, Jurt lace for lei years through playing awful : bet tt tnaert i.ae been water." football. I had been under the doe- W'siuT, you Cool? Hovw eould that tor'. caro twice, and had used art-' ?" "1t a 104c...(is kale le tit oils, embrocation,, 'cold Water bindagea, ere., when I was Mlnard'i Liniment Cures °argot In recommended to try your valuable cows. 011. I ha.I been suffering so much that It w1m impossible for me to kk'k a Fall, but after trying leo small bottlesI am teemed to .as my knee is Cow as perfect and strung as ever. i should have written you before, Why Ile Was Dismissed. Au awistaut make up on n Cally n ewspaper rerentle war much con- fused It, his wo.k. The time had uear• led come when the forme meat g0 to bat wanted to g'iIdve it a thot'ieigh. ao�teh tk. uatu. L►ae tit trial, earl gin grid to Inform you folk, wilt' are uiRayr bate Iwl that *intro aping tet. Jacobs Olt I have never felt nnothrr twinge of pain," apology, of course) in beluga' A11 , F}Iglidimen who delight In ash- news, appeare;t *1 this time wl tette iexerclecn will rejolee to read , end tt nt100 a ae iocte ab rc ardh g ne of th reliable preparation which art item referFlDa to a ostitis cares a ay with the ill effects of ac- well as that of 11,.. funeral. Ae will cldeats which cannot always bepre-sumer tuppeu, through the anon. plaiutd carelesenetsu of the printer. the addition was inverted ret the end of the wedding note. and the paper RUM rushed through the press. The chagrin of a hoot of jubilant friends way be Imagined when the following appearetl. The right names are nut g iven, Se the partlee are well known Mr. Arohlbald Jone. and Mtie F,.eitl. Madison were married Tuesday even Monkey Brand Soapcleans kitchen uteri- lug at the residence or the bride'" Y parrot■ by Rei. Wm. Ehdrldge. Her ads, steel, iron and tinware, knives and funeral will occur on Friday at her forks, and all kinds of cutlery. eO late homy ret J p. m.. 'Rei. James .i n drr,uu officiating. with Interment at Itoselawn Cemetery. We brave read .4 tnauy mix ups, but tblstather mall. the Ilet. going as it does le quirk time from the altar to the tomb, -J. F. B. NO. 20. 190 .1 Blood, We live by our blood, and on it. We thrive or starve, as our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being re- freshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and mind, with con. tinual flow of rich blood. This is health. When weak, in low spirits, no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutri- ment in it. Back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. It sets the whole body going again -man woman and child. It you bare vel tried it, rad fee fres sample. W agreeable taste will a.rprw yue. SCOTT a !OMSK Ckemesa Toronto. See dud pee; all druAtwa Mrs. Winslow'.. Soothing tf)'rup ehuuld always he used for Children Teething. It soothes the .6111, *atone engem. cur w,,,1 colic sad til the hes remedy for Queer' Advertisements, This advertisement appears L, a Bristol paper: General Servant. -No inquiries r•o work: no rape or aprons; "very evening out . visitors permitted; bicycle; good wages. O.. oft..e of this paper. Tile pnabh'.0 of "What ahall with our Killer' manse to be Poked From the 811211a New.: Wanted -A servant to cook and drew ohildr,u. Dr. Carson's Tonic Stomach and Constipation Bitters Made ?rum the I',nnuh, t,1 an rmiu, p. phy.kvlao, who hoe urea 11.0 prv-.rrlp sou In hie prartke for mai) years with mot .arl.faetary n•. u! . A Merely Vegetable, Tonk and Blood Parlfler. Price go cents per Bottle. Usually you MS ,blah, u,r pupas., Moil of your Iona deuggiet, but if ., eama..t obtain It 1n ....or heel, we wl11 rad one or more 1.. IMM on receipt vipers , S,h• yrs 1.. • *led carriage prpate. ra poLt seat Mae on applleei i.,N Tits GARSON• ■EDIGINB GOMi'ti Y TORONTO floppies Case. Dlgge-S:ty, that dog of your. k•"•w inc awnk • nightie with Ills IN1w11 g Jtlgge-Sr. I anise no dog. I. Mast Le my dau;;luer'M ringthg that annoy. you. Diggs --Oh, that', too Ind. i sal. pose you can't very well get std of 'her, eh 7 th HItTIIR[ Bitter. "I never was so happy;' said the new benetlict. "I tell you, marriage No doubt, like the billed leg of mutton at the green grocer'., they would be. appropr1utelv Reeved 'with trlmming.."-Lon.lon Globe. HE WAS WROTH. Congressman Made a - IAIo-tong h;n- rmy of Mr. Nealtb. Mr: 13mlth, eoperlotendent of the botoukral gardeur at Warhiugtou, is a native of "the laud o' caked' and one of the great,wt expert• In the country on Robert Burns, the vari- ous edliion■ of his works sad every- thing relating to the Scotch poet. III'. Herne' library is said to be the (inert of its kind it, the world. Representatives in congress who are thrifty have a habit of borrow - Ing patine nasi ferns mel much things from Rmlth when their wives give receptions. A, new member from the far wort wanted n few rubber Idante for hie parlor*, and he wont to nee Superintendent Smith about It. He had been warned that the *tweet way to get Into the goo.t graces of Health wet* to praise Buena. The new member walkecl Into Kmith'. library. -supertatmaedr."t-pat-04--b 1. desk poring 01,01' a Burne "find." "Ali," mrd the new member, "I *ee you are reruling Berne. Wh.tt a poet old Jimmie Burnie was, to be sure, and such a collection of the works of Jimmie you have here 1 Do you know, Mr. Smith, I think Jimmie Borne watt the greatemt poet of hila-" "Jimmie Bunte I" he roared, "Tommy Wnmhington 1 Charlie Lincoln! Sam- mie Napoleon i Oet off the grounder" bLhNARD'S LINIMEN'Il le tht-Dllly Liniment asked for at my store and they only one we keep fort sale. All the people use it, MARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Ray, C. R. Proper Self -Respect. HnMrn-N,nuenge: You don't mean to anima that nal (lettermen are Ilnre. leacher -No. i wouldn't go as fax an that : but I don't me how any fisherman with tarty rempect for hlm- . elf an n sportsman can tall the truth about hie fishing nc!ilevrments. PIles to web that Pia t'sar's a et l:aatrfDa and amain(' rare for each and .very form of Itehlne. hles.tlnaand Rat ending piles, ' 0.. nseaeMt em. Irv. e.arentemd 1t- Rpm tae Mclala 1n rho dally ares. and ask marc neighwhat. they Mlak •f 1' Von .fie omit nab "tepee mea bark It se" rand. gena bur. all drives nrfulmar a: or,narCo-Tavmem ml Dr: Chaim'* Olntmont :vor,I.,,,Iniopr.:a.rn.....ibown.v.ernbowido 0.07wltbthertttlmti*l1 e¢In,trrirtug .a, t 41 nurture,ithvik. ,,i it t•. $1 fieor sonoLn 10.7..,.reMdmp•rulot.r{your b•.! ,b7Int'rinnMM.firlenitr.p.w1k 6pr.omussarte not rn.o.rt.l11.. rapt ur�.t A1.Cerrt bow I h Wtived yl ir.rtlr., •rel.«IIt e u, -imp, tyles after ,l•trddwn brrealpraho.tluoe. ,1 ( jahawe..us of erlur, aided , 4,00. A) 0. bolA i by my Aetom.t t• P.,I V itrwlearn wlat t h. e u n of tltIlPyi w. netted 1. ave naw I tart .ons.., 11aly.a4l eeapeaYvely Er MAIL. Wn holermy FRag 000 oow.ndle.m the .Kine truth .bout Ru pt urr.a4I u Co re. t MAS. CLCTRT, to KAM 11111 SL, New lurk Clly, I lar• ,eaMy wvbes oelynn by.p.alyft.ng 411.0(.17 to t1N•.emaed . A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link and a Wire Fence ooStr Stronger than itsUprights. The Frost Strongest THE FROST WIRE No one should expect a fen, a to hold up of itselG b.-Iween the poets. the Frost upright wires are large and strong. The '1' Frost Lock holds theta in place ant each support its own %hare of the weight. I.ight tie wires give no support. Bending to tie weakens them and tbey are apt to Freak when the strain is severe. Frost Fence never breaks. W.M.. I,e-C...tel..r. . - CO., LIMITIO. W ELLAND. O/rv, Lock Made. FENDS PAiNT YOUR HOUSE Am! do It well with the met reononu- !e 0 and beet for wear paints In Can- ada Beautify Mont home In.kle afd tett with RAMSAY'S PAINTS tom right Pettit/ to Tiainrftelirlist puts aaf longeet the Drcessity for re- p:lintlug, an 1 teapot your linos,. clean anti bt1g11t._'Ltr+onghoat the Ufa 01-- pure paint an no other paint ever did and at the right prk.e. Itr.rp us n card and reek for ROOKLF;T NO. 11 FREk, showing how 'Name homes are. pilnted. F:atabllshed 1811. A. BAMSAY do SON MONTREAL. -Paint Maker,. USENest IIght." en Eagle." deo andgZee EDDY'S "Vbct.rl*." "Little Commet.• ..PARLOR MATCHES.. THP? PIVr'1T MATCiiPS IN THS WORLD. Per Salo by all 110 prlaelpsl 'rimers. Bitter. "I never was so happy;' said the new benetlict. "I tell you, marriage No doubt, like the billed leg of mutton at the green grocer'., they would be. appropr1utelv Reeved 'with trlmming.."-Lon.lon Globe. HE WAS WROTH. Congressman Made a - IAIo-tong h;n- rmy of Mr. Nealtb. Mr: 13mlth, eoperlotendent of the botoukral gardeur at Warhiugtou, is a native of "the laud o' caked' and one of the great,wt expert• In the country on Robert Burns, the vari- ous edliion■ of his works sad every- thing relating to the Scotch poet. III'. Herne' library is said to be the (inert of its kind it, the world. Representatives in congress who are thrifty have a habit of borrow - Ing patine nasi ferns mel much things from Rmlth when their wives give receptions. A, new member from the far wort wanted n few rubber Idante for hie parlor*, and he wont to nee Superintendent Smith about It. He had been warned that the *tweet way to get Into the goo.t graces of Health wet* to praise Buena. The new member walkecl Into Kmith'. library. -supertatmaedr."t-pat-04--b 1. desk poring 01,01' a Burne "find." "Ali," mrd the new member, "I *ee you are reruling Berne. Wh.tt a poet old Jimmie Burnie was, to be sure, and such a collection of the works of Jimmie you have here 1 Do you know, Mr. Smith, I think Jimmie Borne watt the greatemt poet of hila-" "Jimmie Bunte I" he roared, "Tommy Wnmhington 1 Charlie Lincoln! Sam- mie Napoleon i Oet off the grounder" bLhNARD'S LINIMEN'Il le tht-Dllly Liniment asked for at my store and they only one we keep fort sale. All the people use it, MARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Ray, C. R. Proper Self -Respect. HnMrn-N,nuenge: You don't mean to anima that nal (lettermen are Ilnre. leacher -No. i wouldn't go as fax an that : but I don't me how any fisherman with tarty rempect for hlm- . elf an n sportsman can tall the truth about hie fishing nc!ilevrments. PIles to web that Pia t'sar's a et l:aatrfDa and amain(' rare for each and .very form of Itehlne. hles.tlnaand Rat ending piles, ' 0.. nseaeMt em. Irv. e.arentemd 1t- Rpm tae Mclala 1n rho dally ares. and ask marc neighwhat. they Mlak •f 1' Von .fie omit nab "tepee mea bark It se" rand. gena bur. all drives nrfulmar a: or,narCo-Tavmem ml Dr: Chaim'* Olntmont :vor,I.,,,Iniopr.:a.rn.....ibown.v.ernbowido 0.07wltbthertttlmti*l1 e¢In,trrirtug .a, t 41 nurture,ithvik. ,,i it t•. $1 fieor sonoLn 10.7..,.reMdmp•rulot.r{your b•.! ,b7Int'rinnMM.firlenitr.p.w1k 6pr.omussarte not rn.o.rt.l11.. rapt ur�.t A1.Cerrt bow I h Wtived yl ir.rtlr., •rel.«IIt e u, -imp, tyles after ,l•trddwn brrealpraho.tluoe. ,1 ( jahawe..us of erlur, aided , 4,00. A) 0. bolA i by my Aetom.t t• P.,I V itrwlearn wlat t h. e u n of tltIlPyi w. netted 1. ave naw I tart .ons.., 11aly.a4l eeapeaYvely Er MAIL. Wn holermy FRag 000 oow.ndle.m the .Kine truth .bout Ru pt urr.a4I u Co re. t MAS. CLCTRT, to KAM 11111 SL, New lurk Clly, I lar• ,eaMy wvbes oelynn by.p.alyft.ng 411.0(.17 to t1N•.emaed . A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link and a Wire Fence ooStr Stronger than itsUprights. The Frost Strongest THE FROST WIRE No one should expect a fen, a to hold up of itselG b.-Iween the poets. the Frost upright wires are large and strong. The '1' Frost Lock holds theta in place ant each support its own %hare of the weight. I.ight tie wires give no support. Bending to tie weakens them and tbey are apt to Freak when the strain is severe. Frost Fence never breaks. W.M.. I,e-C...tel..r. . - CO., LIMITIO. W ELLAND. O/rv, Lock Made. FENDS PAiNT YOUR HOUSE Am! do It well with the met reononu- !e 0 and beet for wear paints In Can- ada Beautify Mont home In.kle afd tett with RAMSAY'S PAINTS tom right Pettit/ to Tiainrftelirlist puts aaf longeet the Drcessity for re- p:lintlug, an 1 teapot your linos,. clean anti bt1g11t._'Ltr+onghoat the Ufa 01-- pure paint an no other paint ever did and at the right prk.e. Itr.rp us n card and reek for ROOKLF;T NO. 11 FREk, showing how 'Name homes are. pilnted. F:atabllshed 1811. A. BAMSAY do SON MONTREAL. -Paint Maker,. USENest IIght." en Eagle." deo andgZee EDDY'S "Vbct.rl*." "Little Commet.• ..PARLOR MATCHES.. THP? PIVr'1T MATCiiPS IN THS WORLD. Per Salo by all 110 prlaelpsl 'rimers.