HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-15, Page 7BORNECask ofPredict
the melon',
R.ok Prate :
11 00. ft 85,
5, $3 00 .sl
ys'aq dill►,.
Iota `•
A hag reega dad all saw,
81. 10,, 1'11, 15
80). , .ad
as!I9ia 'A1 rwWi
how ynit what we have. IN Is ear
trend hovel Organs.
New Williams. Standard..nd
ts and guarantee I for ten years.
KR. Sheet Music, Music Rooks, stn.
it triode, or to call on you.
di SON. 1
TMUtaoAY, May 15, 1902. 5
W. Acheson &Son
Curtains and
With some very special prices for this week and next.
E never had such an exhibit of Carpets and Curtains as
we are now showing on our entire second floor. No
other store in the county carries nearly so large a
stock. Our prices are equal to the best and closest in
Canada, as the greater part of our stock is bought di-
rect from the manufacturers at first price, which our
position now enables us to do.
Best English Body Brussels Carpet.
A magnificent assorted range of new designs in floral, scroll and on,
ental effects, with colorings of green, blue, crimson, terra, fawn, ecru,
suitable for parlor, hall or stairs, regular $1 10 to $1.25 carpets,
special per yard
English Tapestry Carpet.
1200 yards ot extra heavy and well covered Tapestry Carpet, in ef-
fects and patterns which have never been produced until this season,
in a dozen different colors and effect, suitable for parlor, sitting- 50c
sitting -
room or hall, very special at, per yard
China and Japan Matting.
bales of China and Japan Mattings, sr'. inches wide, all goof re-
versible patterns and colors and heavy cotton warp, special. per yard
12yc, 20c, 25c
$2.50 Nottingham Curtains, $1 75.
pain fine duality Nottingham Ince Curtains, 54 to GO inches wide,
3i yards long, In white, beautiful new patterns, a regular >E2.50 and
$3.00 curtain, special sale 1.75
Damask Curtains.
Entirely new effects in 50 inches wide Damask, 31 yards long, Cur-
tains, with heavy fringe scroll and oriental patterns and in ltagdat
stripes, in ct lora, blurs, reds, fawns and greens, a really magnificent
drapery, special at, per pair 3.00
Scotch Linoleum'.
2nO square yards extra quality, heavy Scotch Linoleum, 2, 3 and 4
yards wide, in light and medium colorings, suitable for dining rooms,
kitchens, halls or office., our regular price, 60c saguaro yard, special, 50cper yard
Butterick's Patterns tor Way all in stack.
The Delineator for sale at 15c a e,py or 51.00 a year. Subeeriptious reomver.
Fashion Sheeta free.
W. Acheson & Son.
Trgwway, May 6. 1902.
Nle Nleeie Sahli left It r Si. Msrv'e tie
\t'edeeday Isar.
P, harem sed hie sister, of Lo.de•boro',
are at the Royal Hotel.
Mir C.mptell, of Goderioh, hes started
Mr summer mule 3Iaee.
Mr Tom, 1. P. S., twit an official visit to
the school here last week.
Adam Sibs,ff,r, who was hen on • .1"11
le relative', left for %%besets on Wedom-
Prof. Greet rave • ooeoert here on
S,terdsy evening, which was enjoyed by a
lair udiesn.
TCanDAT, May 6.
Miss Annie Swan reiterated last week
tem Forges.
Jodi Dieresl's onditloa 1. not Improylsg,
we are sorry to my.
Mule Mabel Smell visited relative. le
Almaden this week.
Th.11loenle batter Isetory ormmeneed
operation. ea Meaday.
Henry M.H.rdy went to Coderloh Iasi
Friday, when be bas a position
Mr. ad Mrs. Christopher Thoroton, s.1
Wlethal*, UM .a at Jobs Oardiser'. IhY
week, - -.
Percy Pabslasa left last week for Mllesr•
tee, when he w111 work dorlag the summer
Mr MoD.rmot, of Brussel', moved his
heu.ehold e8.ote lase week into the hoose
lately Teamed by Alexander McEwee.
Misses Maggie Mcl.. as aad Minnie Hig•
des, of Windham, .cited the former',
sect, Mn John Johnston, th1s week.
rarma.Ml Care ter IMa.
Frperlenced sufferers stale that no
remedy rel evils neuralgia se quickly as •
hot application of Pulsoo'e Nereinoe, t6•
Itrong..t liniment mads Ner•,liee Is
certainly •sty penetrating and has • power-
owerfol leafiest°. over nearaltto pales, wbloh it
dsstreys almost at oda Nervllioe is high•
recomme.ded for rbeumarbm, lumbago,
sciatica and tooth.oh•. Better try • 251.
bottie, it's all right.
No p111e Irk. De. Hamilton's.
t aT1 RDAY, May 10.h.
F W. Motloo.gh bas commenoed hie new
bouts on toe oorger of South and Young
.freers. Duchesses A Lsw"oo, of (ioderieb,
have the contract.
Oa Thursday Rey. Dr. Daniel, of Godes
r.oh,will glee his leotars,"Swing of thet..
t.ry" 1. the Presbyterian church, in aid of
the Sunday school. All are Invited .ad •
g ood time i. expected.
The Presbyterian coogrerat:ons of Mao
theater and Smith's Hill have wooded a
oe•dmeue o.11 to Rev, Sir. Smell, it. A.
formerly of Keewatin. Tb. Presbytery will
mess 1s Goderloh to consider this call n
the 20th last , when Gordon Young and
Ala Venn/ will attuned ea representatives
. f the Carlow owg tion.
It's working like a charm.
The preachers anal the prohibitionists are
hohliug meetiuge all over the Riding,
urging good people W
Vote for Michell, the Prohibition ('audi•
data -
That's me !-
While I take ow of my party friends and
we proceed to organize the faithful au the
interests of the Party Candidate -
That's me. too!
Pis tit most sublime expedient of the age ;
"Pis tine greatest scheme yet discovered.
Beats the Russ Bib'e Rumpus,
The P. P. A. Agitation,
The Episode of the Consumptive (:elf,
The Humber Piggery Horror,
And all those other great issues upon which
we have sought the suffrages of the oleo.
bon in the put,
And is even mere profitable than discussing
Scandals and the Price of School Books.
My majority must be 600 now.
This very murn I eat told 1'd have at bast
that many.
The Major laughed just then,
him say .umethiug about
"Pulling his leg."
I wonder what he could have meant.
When I go to Toronto next session
111 tell the boys
How We Worked It in West Huron,
And conclude the thrilling story by crack•
Ing a joke about there Leung
Nothing like a "jimmy" fur breaking into
That little juke will be sufficient to estab-
lish guy popularity with
Hy Conservative Fellow -Members.
The Mail and Empire and The World will
have my picture -
In their Temperance Column, of course -
And underneath in bold letters
Oh 1 what glory 'wattle me;
But meantime I roust pursue the inglorious
still hunt,
While ruy prohibition friends hold the
m "tinge.
I yearn tor the public 11 atforw, where
Expand my lungs,
(.Ire vent to my met.11eas eloquence,
And show to las constituents
The prize package they have secured
N e must have •
(.rami Italy for the Coming Member.
The baud will be engaged,
And as 1 enter the hall the horns
drums and things will crash out,
'See the Conquering Hero Coulee
On the stage • chorus of little girls will
stand, singing in their pretty chil'tish
"11 a don't know why we love him,
But we do 0o 00
I am a first believer in the power of song
t1 Iwo I went to that temperance conven-
tiou on North street
!did not intend to accept their pledge -
I told them so, indeed I did -
But wheu they began to sing
"Sign our pledge, oh sign, now sign,"
I Mel to cave in.
1 kept my heal just enough to get them to
promise to use their vote and influence in
my behalf,
Jim Mitchell knows a thing or two.
But about the Grand Rally.
In the way of mottoes we must have some
thing fresh, something original "It to
time fur a change" -that it very ap
propriate. you seebut instead we'd Wye
"Thirty Year* Is Long Enough to Keep •
Party in Cull Storage."
Another will be
'Don't Remember Ross."
In the middle of the hill well have one
'•Vote for Mitchell and Prohibition"
on one stile, and ori the other
' Vote for Whitney and the Other Thing"
If anybody doesn't like the side he'. look
ing at. he can look at the other.
Just opposite the stage we'll have Mr.
is honey s inspire,! sentence :
"We Offer You Nothing but Good Inten-
And just over the stage will hang the big
gest motto ot all. bearing the inscrip
How the eminence will cheer.
1 m the Coming Man, 1 tell you.
Now I must think up my speech for the
(;rent Occasion.
and 1 heard
Montreal Star (Coe) : We feel grateful
to Mr. John ODarltoo for lotroduoing his
re•ol0tloo offering untimely adylce to the
Imperial floveroment nn the eobjsot of
peace negotiations wlob tee Been. Not
only beoao.• It 8.d the effete of showlog
that the Parliament of Canada Is pr•otloal
ly unaolmoue In doe confided. In the ability
of the British Government to deal with
tbte question, Out baoaose It ea•e tier Wil
(rid Laurier an opportunity to deliver 000
of the most elonuent, patriotic and .tates-
m•.iik• speeobes ever made In the Do
mloloa House of Commooe.
C•ndiao Hapsiet • W. dye crlelo'rd the
G meat tor 18e oor.dotlone It attached
to the refereodom. Neither hays we
changed in the least our •Lewa of their an
jute oharioter. But, however muoh we
8.ve reason to be dleeppolet•d with the
Government, we have abeolately ooth;et
to aspect Iron the Oppotliion. Mr Whl'-
ney has epokea eat plainly attained prohll:i.
tion, and the ge.11eman of all others in the
House who .toed true to trohihitloe
principles and rgoltable oondittoOI for the
refereodom - Sir. Mortar -bee hems read
oat of the Con eeeeetlye party The Gov.
eroment Is also pledged to the .ofor.mlel
el the prohibition ret, If muted : while the
Oppoeing wont 1 not be boned, and might
seek to •anld It, •crept as they leased to
risk ripped, ion the overwhelming rentimest
Otis proved to be in its favor.
Large Arrivals of Spring Goods
Have Been Placed in
Tit. LAT. Kay. Y.E. NueahT -A prom-
Ioeut monitor of the M.thedtd oeurob,
Ker Fre•c • le Nevelt. died on Savu-day,
April 26, al Plaltetille, where he ha., bean
' tattooed slow Juoe lot At nue time Rev.
Mr. Nugent was pastor of the old Bruck
street uharob, nod-rioh H. was au ea
president of the H.mdtuu ouuf.reoue and
,.d (bled some Important charge. He
leaves a widow. one son, In New York, .ud
ow daughter, at home Hs was burled .t
M1u,he)1, where the .malas ail his two eld-
est daughters also are
MR, CL.atives RAILWAY 9„HWa.-
Speaking at Tiverton re.peutlog Itoe pou-
f eotd railway from W iertoo to ()eddied),
Mr. Bowman, say. The Watchman, touched
upon the important points of our proposed
railroad. Iu epeaklog pvttoaally to the
ohi.f engineer of the Manitoulin has. the
latter •noted him that his report would be
d•oid.dly in favor cf the %Vuitton and Gods•
deb oxtendoo being made, nit es a braoob
but the mato line, to uunoeat finally to a
g rand tr•muntloental route from sea to
see, rivalling the C P K , and that was Mr.
Clare'.', adoption and thee everything
was being worked upon We Zine.
dottier of the Atwood A.sco atlon of Tor .oto
Ualyersity this year prumtses to surpass
.o atceodanoe and eothuc.sm those glumly
held. The past few years bade hewn mark
ed by many added:et in the Uuov,r.i y,
and in .ddulon to the new building* now in
ooares of erection there is muoh to awaken
the interest which .ysry graduate should
feel to hie slam mater. The committee an
charge of the dinner is sparing 0.3 pains to
ensure a large attendance, and prepare an
unusually •ttraotive program. Oradu•
• tee It every district are asked to remember
the date -Friday, June 13,8 -and to make
this the occasion of • did. to forest*. sad
I u eld•Ume re solum
An sathuelutio op.n'og orgao!zitioo
meeting was held la the cnuccil dumber at
Contort on Wednesday night el last week.
Tnere was a goodly rumina of Ultimate
present to hear the normo' member for
Wert Huron and others. 8 9. Cooper was
moved to the ohalr and presided to his
asoal j,vnl manner C. Sewer was .,filled
upon sod gave a vigorous address showing
the reasons why Mr. (7ameron should be the
representative of West Huron. Ever
sine, he and Mr. Came•on had been to
the rldmg the signs were of ykt.ey. His
address wee very i.teresting• Mr. Cam-
eron Wei reosived with an ovation. la its
s1 tress he made plain his stand en the'
many issues in the •,ming campaign He
related the claims Lid oddest him ant
proved Clem tale•. His stand with
regard to prohibition he stated oleerly
whiob I. In sword with Liberalism. From
now notil sle•llos day he was In his friends'
heed' and with their asrle'snote he hal no
doubt vtoto•y would perch on the 1. b teal
banner le West Huron. 8 Townsend sod
others rave brief addr . The meeting
cloud with dodoes for Si. O. Cameros, the
Liberal ondldate• Hon. G. W. Res. and
the King. Th. Ciioten Liberals have open
e'4 eemorttee rooms -Mt th•_Jtora_ sue to
tlov.y's drug store, Io the Smith bl ok.
r sale of Fencing and Fencing Material this year is unprecodented.
Barb Wire with us Still $2.85.
\\-e have the -very hest of Na 9 Coiled Steel Wire. We got ours direct
from Ibn wire mi'l. in Cleveland. Perhaps you didn't know of a difference.
A new Woven Fence made upright and lateral wins, all No. 9 steel wire
hat come, and is, as the name implies, an ideal Fence. Come rand see it.
W, can give yon almost any kind of fence you want, and all good. AMERI-
CAN, IDEAL, FROST and OEM, four complete fences.
HOES and RAKES. HOUSE PAiNI', inside and out. The hest of them
all, the Hollylood make, more lasting, better finish and guaranteed to give
ELEPHANT PURE WHiTE LEAD and the best of Linseed (Id.
Wn can pleawe yen on your H'►nlwart requirements.
Eger 811,g •QUARL
Dodd's afe th. e>�7
medicine that
will curs Dia-
betes. Like
Bright's Dis-
ease tide die -
ease was ki-
p Ills D°dal s til
Kltafoey P111.
cured 1L Doctors
themselves coolest
that without Dodd's
Kidney Palls they are
powerless against Dia-
betes, Dodd's Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations- box, name and
pill, are advertised to do fro,
but the medicine that dews
Is Dodd'" Kidney Pule.
Dodd'" Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a box .t all
Liberal Headquarters
D.ATH or THUMAll D. MAK. -Thomas D
Ryas, brother -In law of Jmeuh Kidd, town,
did ea ,,April 17.6 at ON home in Ano
Atbor, Miohtoan, Mr. Kjaa was born 10
Inland In 1847, end came to til. ooa0tre
when • young boy He obtained his early
'duo•tioo 1n Leaden. and In 1+167 sowed
into the grocer, bummers In 9..forlh le
partearehlp with his bruther-io 1.w, the
late John Killoran. After leaving Seeforth
he wont to Saginaw and then to Aoo Arbor,
and was gogased as • grocery trayeller for
• large New York firm. His wife is •
dao titer of the late Joseph Kidd, o1,Dubao.
8,1 obildrso also survive film. One daugh
ter, Mies Sadie }ly.o, was drowned two
years ago, sad Mr. Ryan gri•vad yerymuch
sv.r her sad death, and this probably haat.
°nod his own end.
MARatao AT CLINTON.-04 Wednesday,
April 30, at the home of William Fluker,
Clinton. his eldest ea'ebter, Mand, became
the bride of E. McLaughlan, of Uod+rioh.
Ti.. esremooy was performed by Rey. Dr.
Stewart to tb• pres.ore of but the Imni•dl
ate ethicists'. Tee bride wore • haud.ome
dress of white orgs-.dle trimmed wtth to
section loterlaoed with white baby ribbon.
Her t-•vdiog gown was of blue ladle.' ol.►h
w ith hat to match. Her sister, Miss Ap•
ole Fluker, was also attired la whits or.
tootles trimmed with Insertion and Inter•
laced with pink ball ribbon. The grooms -
two was George Taylor. A'tor the oom•
pally toed perakeo of the wedding lutoheoo,
Mr. and Mrs MoLsugblaa lett by the ooe
o'oloak train for Uoderloh, where they w.lt
reside. There were many p p:eewN
for tut bride, antltylog to the ninon to
erbiob she 1. bold.
Gainey, ooatractor, of Stratford. who had
been in Renfrew for the past two years
budding maoadam roadways and conor.ls
walks for the tows, and lately the dam sod
worts of the Renfrew Power bompany, esu
killed Tounday May L1 by the break
tat of a cable of ow of the derricks whloh
was b,iog removed jut es his 000tract was
stoat completed. Otis of the large umbers
fell across hlm,snetteriog his rah, and Injur.
tog Ile large. He was removed to the low
pool. where he died from his lojorles In an
hour's time. The news of Mr. Cawsy's
death was received with muoh regret ie
Uederlob, where be was well known. He
built 9',. Pewt'e obaron and afterwards was
associated wl h C. A. Hombar in sewer Oen-
e'ruct oo work. He wee regarded as a
thorough workman and personally was held
In high *deem, The f 1 took place at
l'duTIe" Is Bc'UILLsa.-The old •n d
true prol.rbs that "(Aiming events cut
their 'bedews helots," and that "Straw'
show which way the wind blows.' were
never better exemplified than .t the preoral
elms In our Tillage. We are decidedly a
tempera.o-lovdng people here, mod oo
doubt the sentiment of the electorate le 1•
favor of • prohibitory liquor law, sol 11 •
straight tampered" oaodldate had been put
to the field there Is not the least doubt that
party spirit would have been out aide sod
the temperance candidate would have hal •
majority of the votes. But the Whitney
people made the thing too thin, and it was
easily neo that their objoot In nominating •
rabid 'Tory prohibltlon candidate wan .'m
p'7 to ode ure the temperanoe vote for
their party, not to help the pause of probi•
blelon. 'l'bey thought that by putting Mr.
Michell -a straight Tory and • well•
known prohibitionist -in the (ell they
would ride both hones and win an easy vlo
trr7. We may 81 does at some things,
but the wo,l is not to be pulls 1 onr our
eyes, and now that this little game is sewn
through there nae been quite • laird/don of
feeling, with the result that M.U. Cameron
will get the u,u.l mai irity from fhb polling
(;ONR TO TORONTO -M let M. Robertson,
The Wingham Times ssy.: Reay. Jolin
1'. Currie, of Emit Wmwaeosh, esu one of
the speakers at the orgami Olen mistier
held by the Liberals here on Wednesday
*senior of last week. Mr. Currie esti he
would not Mem* Mr. Cameron for not sign
peg the pledge a. presented by the 'temper
an. Allotted". H• said he bad been • loin
parent» man all h e No and was a oendld•t•
for nomination •1 Dungannon, and bed be
received the nomination he could rot have
'toned the pledge. He °paid not nes haw
arty party demise* meld elan the pledge.
Hs was por1.n'ly mitl.hel with Mr. (;am -
•r n se • e.ndldve and would atdst in
every way reseller to secure the election of
Me. Commit as the repess..1at-le for Weal
aevelstle■ Ian lrrwleendl••d.
Elnos the introdoction into Newfoundland
of the new inhaler remedy, "Catgut ozone,"
the treatmtutwof metered' diseases has Koen
entirely revotetlopiz-d. The old time
snuff end Internal medicine has been out
old• and everyone is tohannr Gated holed :
I1 clears the head and throat In two
minutes, and le very agreeable and pleated
to as.. Uatarrh°znlm Is a wonderful onre
for 000rbe, midi, catarrh, asthma. btoo
chide, long troubles and detainees. It re
bee.. gnfnkl, and !urea permanently. We
adviso nut readers to try Catarrhrzono
Prime 11 00, trial site 25o. Dragtlsta, or
I'"Lnn A tee., Klnestoe, Ont.
Dr, Hamilton's Maadraks and Ratbrnut
P 11..
Ames C. Powlees, a Meneey iodide, has
just revolved notroe thea to won the gold
medal In • threshing ,nmpetiNen held •1
Gnelph last fell, wh(oh •ntltlee him M style
himself the champion threshing mashies
feeder .1 Camila. Mr. Powleee leaves nese
week for h:eglasd, to give an exhibition of
his prowess, ender the n.ptces el o big
Ameriese Implement .eipeey. R• will
return by Aognet 20 to enter a eompeeltle•
se W•ehlnsnn, O. 1'., In whish be will be
maeebal against the.bampine threshers e/
the U•it.d S•.t.e.
The Liberal rooms, on the
north side of West street,
will be open from 9 A.M. to
10 r.u. every day except
Any person desiring infor-
mation or able to give infor-
mation as to the campaign is
cordially invited to visit the
of Darlow, who had been on the staff of the
Wingham publo reboot for a number of
years, hu gone to Toronto. The Times
male to this connection : ••Mbs M Robert•
e on leave. this week for Toronto. Much
regret Is expressed at her roaaaatooe from
the public school staff, Miss Robertson has
high qualifications es • teacher. Her eight
year"' work in \Vingham is a splendid re-
cord. W e bade not been able to obtain the
results for 1895. Ws v.ve, howevar, the
figures of the following years of those who
wrote and passed the eotranm examloatloas.
The 1 et spews for Itself and proves be.
e8l.;eecy as a towhee : 1896 29 wrote, 2.5
passed ; 1897 36 wrote, 33 passed ; 1898 28
orate 21 caved ; 1899 23,wrote, 20 pawed ;
1900 25 wrote,23 paee.d ; 1901 29.w ret.,a.el
.b passed. Mie. Roberteoo has ade many
warm friends in te io,bam. She was an
active worker In the Preebyteran ehnrob,
where beg lerylol In the 9aboeth 'wool
and Young People's Soolety were much ap
predated and will be greatly mined. Wo
hope that her sterling qualities will roalvs
both the reoogDitioo sod reward they so
justly merit," Before leaving Miss Robert-
e on
obertson was presented with two very fine potties
ot hand painted odes by her pupils. a
beautiful pearl oresueot from the members
of the teachtug staff and • leathar travelling
oast from her young ladles' b ble olw.
dense elite eeeee es M,.d.rke..
Po..00s •ocumul.te to the blood and
spread every ru meat to all parte of the
body. The brain beoomes conjeeted,
Irritated, and the result le that awful head•
Ferrozooe is natures own remedy for heed -
ashes ; it is • blood ■trenutbeoer and
purifier of uncommon merit, a lasting
potent tonic, end the greatest badgered
and health maker known. Headaches
bother people that take Ferrcz ne
after each meet. Buy a hex from your
druggist for 50a By mail from Polson a.
Co., Kingatoo, Out.
Dr. H•mtltoo'e Pills ear.. I.ver come
Coost•ble Phaleo has been warning bi•
oycliiu to keep off the sidewalk'. He
doesn't want to be too 'even at the start,
bat it the violation of the law Is continued
be will hay• to see what a 'memos to the
Police Court will do.
y� �f
OiSPELGCI.D110' 0 EvfP5i
at f
1bnSVrtr ,i w14''Krt.. « 'let
ay f cel. n "v
Pr of'al(tly glUJIUSIISTS. MC( 50( Pt MTTLf11
"Experience without
reason is like a ship with-
out a rudder."
The oldest Retailer
in a City may be lust
Not the Factory, nor
the Retailer, but what
they have iointly to offer.
Five years of Makers'
price and direct respon-
sibility to the Wearer,
behind --
"The Slater Shoe"
ck.Mc K I M' S
A Corset Event.
W • "soured 220 pain of • manufacturer's job of New Corsets. They ora short front, feat
alasp, made of good lean, with fanny sateen "trapping, filled with ribs
analside steels, doily trimmed with lane, good value you woald say at 39c
600, w" got a bargain so that we w111 sell them at
Coronation Corsets.
You o.o't wear the new style of skirl
without • pair of twee. 'Ther.'. • demand
for these, hod they were mads to meed 11.
Straight front, short waist, with loot high
In 00 Blank Skirts for $125.
W • hays now some short read" of lrlmmlog
whlob we make up into the newest styli" of
Hats .1 • half of th,11 regular prim, 1f
you want to trim your own has we have
feathers, (ower*, oto., a1 • ysry low prlo..
• \'oar want a Soit •od you was/ ooe for 18.1 boy, sod you weal
Clothing depandmble up'io date rood., and you df
want 10 pay too moob
for them. W. have the •relol• you ars lookdoa for, and at • lees
price than you °speol to pay.
MEN'S I'URE WORSTED SU! IS -flood farmer's satin Helot and mohair eI..ve,
well made, good fitters, and thy priori is not 510.00 but $'7 00
BOYS' SUITS. -We bay* some special value at 52 00, sod others up to 15,00, mod
all at a ol.an sonar of from 60. nth 00 to 12 00,
Ural the lot of June we
will give
With Every $5.00
Purchase of
Wall Paper
One of our Beautiful Pic-
tures 12 x 14. These pic-
tures are mounted on grey
mat, nicely framed, and
the favorite subjects of
the day :
Baby Stuart,
Countess Potocka,
Golf Girl.
%omey?er Welted" 2
Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent.
With every $2.00 pur-
chase one of our 8 x 10
Framed Pictures, with a
number of pictures to
choose from.
Remember, the number
of these pictures is limited.
West -Ft. Bakery.
Did You See
• The beautiful Gilt Em-
bossed Papers in our win-
dow this week. 25c and
30c a roll, reduced to 3c.
1• moving forward. Winter term berlos Jan.
S. Hut. Our nice are reasonable, our manes
0t study thorough and pram tool. Send for oar
Journal sod nes what we teach. Students may
enter .t any time. Two coarses of study.
Comm.roW and ehortba.d
Pres., 5.o„
Own Waal. Lletow.l.
i have bought out D. CAN-
TELON'S Baking business, and
wilt keep on hand broad lrrgrta trent
the Bost Manitoba flour that can be
I am introducing all kinds of bread
Vienna Bread
Whole Wheat Bread
Graham Bread
Malt Bread
Currant Bread
Steam and Cream Loaves
and will make a specialty of
Pure Home-made Bread
This bread is made from hops and
Malt yeast, which is pronounced by
the medical health oftioen of Paris
and Old London, Eng., as the most
wholesome bread, and they condemn
the forced -raising -yeast p that is
used by bakers is faaa being
unwholesome and ilndigletibla
The Kensington
Furniture Co. -
1 bay• received my New swat of
Suitings, Tronserings,
etc., for Spring and
Summer Wear.
1f you are getting • new sprlag Mitt,
a light overcoat, or anything a my 11..,
1 can plows you la good., fit and prim.
rd heady -Made l Williams la 'Mork.
Mcf lkp Mit ull Fire Idsrosce Co.
X901 lee of Property Iasure1 07 tea J.& r.
J. B. McLean, pros : T. Fraser, vtoe-area
JaConnolly. O, Dale, W. O. f3roedtoot, J,
Jae, ll
Watt, Jalvatu, J. O. Grieve, .1. Beaaeweb,
directors; W. B. Broadloat, 8eaforth, Mimeo -
tor of losses ; T. 6, Hays, Seaforth, secretary,
J. W. Yeo, Ifolmeeville•; James cummly
6groodvills ; It. MoMlllw, Seaforth ; R
Smith, Harlook.
Polloy-holden can pay •sesestnsots sad glut
their o•rds receleted at Mr. Coate . Cllntea.
at Mobean Bros.' Palace Clothing Store, fiaaa
ratan age•G for their this of Feroitote
for Onierloh.
This oelehnted, ap•to.dalo line of
Bedroom Suites has taken the trade
of Canada by storm The c'emand
for goods from one end of the
cnantry to the ether Is the best
prod of the quality of the article.
keeps constantly on hand and
sells at the lowest prices
Hard and Soft Coal,
Cannel Coal,
Blacksmith Coal,
Charcoal, Wood,
Bt. Mary's Lime.
The best brands of
Portland Cement,
Sewer Pipe,
Firebrick, Fireclay.
The Kensington Retail store
Is on the tiquare
of all
It will pay you to inspect his
stock and got prices before purchasing.
Omm and Yards al the head of Nolan Street,
Metal Roofing and
Dairy Tinware,
Iron Pipe and
Fittings , t
k Great Snap_...
Notioe of onanges must be left at this
Office nW Tater than - 5Mnrd y
noon. The Copy for changes
most be left not Ir ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisoment
accepted an to nor n Wednesday of
saoh week.
la oar Clinger Snap. at fie. •
04, of which we sell • barrel • week.
Ma's oar only swap, ae we o•rry
everything that oan be found in an on-
to -dare grooery sure, and our prlo..
ere right. The farmers know that they
can always gist from es • soap ter taetr
prodcne. We draw the Ilse at se
legitimate trail• - everything gees 1
(11,.ware or potato.., garden Stuff or
°helmet table China. We d.•1 1. all
of them.
T. G. TIPLING & 00•,
Bsdferd hlook. ()Yderloh
We give one away watt each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds, We have a
full:asci. rtment.
Telephone No. 91.
ST7..TRn2" cZ co.